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April/May 2015
Inside: Activity & Events Guide
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Local Business News–Activities & Events
Speedvale Ave. Ave. W W., ., GUELPH Gordon Gor don St., GUELPH Stone Road Mall, GUELPH Alma St., ROCKWOOD
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J.O.E., which stands for jobs, opportunities, and enterprise, is an organization providing employment opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities. J.O.E. partners with the Guelph Public Library and Planet Bean, to run a coffee kiosk at the main branch of the library. Pictured left to right are Danielle, Steven Kraft, CEO for the Guelph Public Library, and David. More details on J.O.E. on page 4. (supplied photo)
The Guelph Public Library–A valuable asset At the end of March, City Council approved a $207 million operating budget and a $52 million capital budget for 2015, representing a 3.55 per cent tax increase over 2014. Among the projects approved–$250,000 to construct a splash pad at the South End community park and $2.7 million to move forward on an Eastview community park. Not approved in the budget was the Baker Street redevelopment and relocation of the main branch of the Guelph Public Library (GPL); and while the City will continue to explore partnerships to fund the proposed redevelopment, the budget has not been allocated for this project in 2015.
With the election of a new council and mayor last fall, once again the development seems to be a hot topic. Opinions on the need for a new library are very divided with a strong core of supporters contrasting those who feel borrowed books are the way of the past. It is difficult though to argue with the numbers. Overall the entire Guelph library system sees 831,009 visitors per year, with 900 per day or 325,112 per year at just the main branch alone, making it the most used city facility in Guelph. In 2014 the library circulated 2,183,119 items system wide, of which 647,268 were from the downtown location. The year prior, the
by Heather Grummett
library had 39,269 people attend the 1675 offered programs, which is impressive considering the programming room at the Main Library only allows for 150 people to attend any event and room capacity at the other branches is less. In any community the library is one of the few places left that anyone, of any age, can attend for free. A facility that is often taken for granted, the library offers instruction to those learning the English language, introduces the joy of reading to young children, and provides free resources for those looking for work. It is a safe gathering place for seniors and is a welcoming environment no matter what your income level.
A library is no longer just a place to borrow printed books; GPL offers eBooks and eAudiobooks to access on your own devices or to loan on Kobo and Sony eReaders. Members can also access eResources on topics ranging from business and careers, crafts and hobbies, to government and law, science, travel, and information geared to children and teens. Plus a variety of Apps can be downloaded for an easy way to access many of the GPL's eResources. Services include exam proctoring, assisting new Canadians with finding work, plus access to free information in over eleven lan guages. Members have the use of computers for Internet search, – cont’d on page 3
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