Week 6 journal

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Constructing Journal Week 6

This week’s studio is an extension of last week. In analysing a drawing set, there is lots of information which we can get. Primary structure and secondary structure are introduced during the studio. It is important to identify the two structures since it can provide us the understanding of the load paths of the building. Primary structure is the major support of the building, it bears all the loads of a building and transfer to the ground. It is about the framework of the building, usually made of timber, steel, reinforced concrete, brickwork, masonry or tube. It consists of columns and beams. Secondary structure is about the non load bearing elements. It does not carry any dead loads of the building other than its own dead load. The dead load is transferred to the main structure of the building through the connections to the floor or joints. Example can be lintel. Some of the abbreviation used for the drawing in constructing: PFC – parallel flange channel UB – universal beam e.g. (dimension)200 UB 22(thickness) UC – universal column CHS – circular hollow section CRS – centre rafters section

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