Research/ Practice Portfolio II

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WATERLANDS Exhibitions / June 2016 Externally exhibited at the School of Architecture, 139 Vivian Street, Victoria University of Wellington. MBIE NIWA Deep South Science Challenge: Dr Huhana Smith, Professor Penny Allan, Professor Martin Manning, Martin Bryant, Derrylea Hardy, Jane Richardson, Professor Murray Patterson, Abdallah Richards, Kevin Cartwright. Studio Coordinators: Marc Aurel-Schnabel and Sam Kebbell


2017 Interstices Symposium | Universityof Auckland & AUT University, Aotearoa New Zealand | Friday May 26th toSunday May 28th


the Arts ofSpinoza + Spinoza

weaving interiority


research/ practice history

Central to this project is the idea of re-imagining the union of the water and land as an approach, a way of doing things, a way of how the question of identity in relation to the concepts of place and landscape could be interrogated, a way to develop the issue of indigenous upon the gestures, the visual, spatial and temporal processes, a way to engage the sensory experience and body movement with the memory that bound up with socio-cultural identity in between water and land.

weaving interiority

re-imagining the nteriority research/ practice history

In this context, re-imagining the interiority of waterlands leads a better understanding of the p i c t u r e o f h o w t h e d y n a m i c n a t u r e c o u l d b e i d e n t i fi e d b y t h e l o c a l p e o p l e . Th i s r e s e a r c h a r g u e s for, and to establish, a framework for the perception and aspiration of relationship between m a t e r i a l i t y a n d a ff e c t i v i t y .

weaving interiority

research/ practice history

weaving interiority


research/ practice history

weaving interiority

Framing Interiority:

Intensi cation through Interior Engagement with the Landscape

A Research Portfolio submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Interior Architecture

by Verarisa Anastasia Ujung Victoria University of Wellington School of Architecture 2018


framing interiority

animate earth


body research/ practice history

Returning to an event of vulnerability helps to contemplate what it might be like to inhabit this encounter of interiority within manmade properties and the natural theatre attest to this.

framing interiority

research/ practice history

framing interiority

research/ practice history

framing interiority

research/ practice history

framing interiority


traversing interiority

Ibu Puji as the main actor, delivered the massages to enhance the eagerness of her friends and at the same time reflecting to herself what she has experienced in the previous particular happiness event (local street market Cilosari: happiness event A).

The act of mapping enables different aspects to overlap at any point in terms of urban strategy. Some subjects as urban actors raised various experience in “plan” as well as “non-plan” or “non-designated” or “open-plan” to experience the collective happiness as a strategy in social practise of happiness. The formal and affective attributes of urban space become responding and evolving to the needs of happiness. The relation between context and the phenomenon of happy urban place can be expressed in a mapping method through experimental space as a "social practice of happiness" which is the part of the everyday process (Mc Donough, 2002).

iya bu... lumayan

waah habis beli apaan itu? dapat doorprize nggak buu?

Ibu Puji mau ngajakin yang lain goyang caesar

: tB

n ve se




ha A:




t ven ss e

local street market Cilosari

research/ practice history

traversing interiority

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