Verb Issue R31 (June 8-14, 2012)

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Jun 8–14, 2012 • Pass it on

Verb The

Schomberg Fair These Gritty Rockers Reveal How They Keep It Interesting P9

SK Climbers Return Home

Kate Reid

Pride Fest Is Coming

Madagascar 3

Treacherous Conditions Hampered Bid For Summit P3

Let’s Celebrate Our LGBTQ Community P6

This Singer And Activist Has Got Something To Say P10 Laughs Abound In Fast-Paced Flick P15 Photo: courtesy of Anton Votek

Section Local Page 2

Jun 8–14, ‘12

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Sask. To Reshuffle Child Welfare System

Move Sparks Debate, As Opposition Says The Alternatives Are Underfunded Alex J MacPherson

regina, SK — The provincial government has revamped its child welfare strategy, a move that will result in the closure of five government-run group homes across Saskatchewan. The system currently has more than 900 spaces spread across 100 group homes run by communitybased organizations (CBOs). The government operates just 43 spaces, all of which will be shifted to CBOs in the coming months. The shift is designed to forge deeper connections between children in care and their communities,

according to the Social Services homes will be placed in ones run Minister. by CBOs. “This is about children, this is Red Willow Centre in Saskatoon about making sure kids can grow up and Dales House in Regina, which to reach their own currently house potential in what- “It’s not the space that’s 31 youth, will reever way that is, the problem; it’s the main open until and supporting service and support that sufficient space them and their elsewhere is crefamilies to help comes with the space.” ated. -Danielle Chartier them reach that Citing the bengoal,” says Social Services Minister efits of groups like Street Culture June Draude. Kidz in Regina and EGADZ in SasSaskatoon Treatment Group katoon, Draude says consolidating Home, Prince Albert Adolescent all child welfare residential spaces Group Home, and Eden House in is a sensible decision. Regina will close within 60 days. “Community-based organizaThe 12 children living in these tions [have] board members that are living right in the community and understand the needs in that specific area,” she explains. “They can help them grow in a society where they understand the home life.” Danielle Chartier, opposition critic for Social Services, says the shift is an attempt to “offload services.” “It’s not the space that’s the problem; it’s the service and support that comes with the space,” she explains. “I know places like Red Willow in Saskatoon, the services they offer have been 13 years in the making and are fairly unique. If it’s not broke, why fix it?” Chartier is concerned that the move threatens to undermine established services and the “structure, stability and consistency” that

children in care need. “CBOs do fabulous work, there’s

no doubt about that, but the reality is that CBOs are currently underfunded and not properly resourced, which leads to recruitment and retention issues,” she continues. “The kids at places like Red Willow … have been dealt probably the most difficult hand in life: you want to make sure they have the adequate supports in place to be successful.” Chartier says she is also concerned that the necessary CBO spaces have not yet been created. The government, which spends about $48 million on CBOs each year, has indicated that money from its own institutions will be redirected to CBOs. Bob Bymoen, SGEU president, said in a news release: “Our members, who have dedicated their careers and their lives to helping vulnerable children, believe that government needs to rethink its plan to cut these services.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Local Page 3

Jun 8–14, ‘12

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Photo: courtesy of Steve Whittington

The team working across the Manitoba Col toward the final ridge line.

SK Climbers Return After Bid For Summit

Treacherous Conditions Forced Team To Turn Back Within 800 Feet Of Top Alex J MacPherson

regina, SK — Unstable snow conditions, crevasse falls, avalanches, and poor weather kept a team of Saskatchewan mountaineers from summiting one of the country’s last unclimbed peaks. On May 18 th, Steve Whittington, Jeff Dmytrowich, Wren Rabut and Sam Unger set out to conquer Mount Saskatchewan, a windswept pyramid of rock and ice in Yukon’s Kluane National Park. The mountain’s steep flanks and foul weather have rebuffed climbers for fifty years. This year proved no different: after thirteen days and two summit attempts, the team admitted defeat.

“I wouldn’t say that things nec- crevasses … in my whole mounessarily went wrong,” says Whit- taineering career, as I have on this tington, who led the team, “but trip,” Whittington says. we tried to prepare for the worst When it became clear that penand hope for the etrating the icefall best — my advice “[O]ur objective changed was impossible, to anybody going from trying to summit the team was would be to pre- the mountain to getting forced to climb a pare for the worst “very, very steep that can happen down safely.” avalanche slope.” -Steve Whittington and expect it to “A crevasse fall be worse than that. That sums up you can deal with,” muses Whittingthe conditions we faced.” ton. “You can get seriously hurt, you After establishing a camp at can die, but if you travel properly, 7,500 feet, the team began a series which we do, most crevasse falls of reconnaissance and load-ferrying aren’t that serious. An avalanche? trips. On one of these, Dmytrowich That’s a game-ender.” plummeted into a crevasse. It was To minimize the risk of a big the first of many such falls. slide, the team climbed at night, “I’ve never fallen in as many before the sun made the slope

unstable, eventually establishing a high camp at 8,500 feet. The team’s summit bids ended when Unger and Dmytrowich were unable to establish safe anchors high on the mountain. They exhausted two routes in a matter of hours. The group closed to within 800 vertical feet of the summit but could go no higher. Whittington decided to turn around. On the way down, the team was trapped at about 9,700 feet. Whittington chose to dig in. “A number of factors were influencing our decision-making,” he continues. “If we stay, we lose our trail. If we stay, the avalanche slope gets more risky. If we stay, we have [greater] risk of frostbite. If we

go too early, we get swept away by our avalanche, but if we wait, we can’t find our way back to camp.” They set out in the early evening, reaching their high camp safely. But the storm persisted. Eventually, he says, “our objective changed from trying to summit the mountain to getting down safely.” Although it was a long, hard slog through waist-deep snow, Whittington, Dmytrowich, Rabut, and Unger reached their helicopter rendezvous without further incident. Asked if he would try again, Whittington replies, “it can be climbed if the snow conditions are right.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Global

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Jun 8–14,PH ‘12PH–PH, ‘PH

Uneasy Girls’ Brains Work Harder Adam Hawboldt

wearing electrode caps that monitored their brain activity. AfterEast Lansing, MI — Anxious wards the participants were asked women work their brains harder to fill out a questionnaire about than their male counterparts, ac- how much they worried. cording to new research. Females who identified themBut as the Michigan State Uni- selves as “worriers” recorded higher versity scientists brain activity than who conducted “This may help predict the all other subjects the study point development of anxiety if they made misout, that’s not issues…” takes as the test necessarily a got harder. -Jason Moser good thing: when “This may help your brain works harder you’re predict the development of anxiety more prone to making mistakes issues (like obsessive compulsive and likelier to burn out. disorder) later in life for girls,” exThe researchers had 79 female plains lead researcher Jason Moser. and 70 male students identify the “It’s one more piece of the puzzle middle letter in a series of five-letter for us.” groups on a computer screen while Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance nuts for hearts — Eating tree nuts (cashews, walnuts, pistachios) may actually help fight heart disease and diabetes. In a study conducted at Louisiana State University, researchers found that

people who ate tree nuts were slimmer and had lower BMIs than people who didn’t. What’s more, tree nut eaters also had higher levels of good cholesterol. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Your Workspace Is Germy Offices Are Rife With Bacteria, Especially Men’s Adam Hawboldt

san diego, ca — Your office desk is crawling with bacteria, so think about that the next time you pause in your work day to eat your lunch. Moreover, men’s workspaces

“Men are known to wash their hands and brush their teeth less…”

-Scott Kelley tend to be dirtier than their female peers. In a recent study, scientists examined the bacteria levels on chairs, phones, desktops, computer mice and keyboards in 90 randomly selected offices in New York City, San Francisco and Tucson. Using swab tests, the researchers,

led by Scott Kelley, identified 549 different kinds of bacteria in these offices — most of which originated from human skin, noses, mouths, ears or intestinal cavities. Others stemmed from the environment, and were brought in on shoes and clothes. So why do researchers believe men are covered with more bacteria than women? Well, according to them, the answer is simple. “While the differences among cities do not seem interpretable, the differences between contamination in offices may be explained by differences in hygiene,” explains

Kelley, a microbiologist from San Diego State University. “Men are known to wash their hands and brush their teeth less frequently, and are commonly perceived to have a more slovenly nature.” What’s more, the average man tends to be larger than the average woman, and thus has more skin surface area on which bacteria can grow. All of this, in turn, means they are prone to shed more bacteria in their surroundings, leading to more contaminated offices. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Global

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Jun 8–14,PH ‘12PH–PH, ‘PH

Therapy Heals Paralysis In Rats Adam Hawboldt

Exercise Can Hurt Hearts

Vigorous Activity Causes Undue Stress: Study Adam Hawboldt

heart that it simply isn’t designed to take. rochester, mn — It’s comThus, taking part in high-endurmon knowledge that exercise is ance events of this ilk can negatively good for you. alter the structure of the heart and But, as with most things in life, seriously affect the larger arteries. too much of a good thing is not What’s more, after people hit advisable. their mid-40’s, In fact, a new “[L]ong and extensive long and extenstudy published exercise can actually sive exercise can in the Mayo Clinic cause scarring and actually cause Proceedings has scarring and suggested that fibrosis of the heart.” fibrosis of the -Adam Hawboldt heart. excessive endurance exercise can cause serious And while O’Keefe states that damage to your heart. the benefits of exercise are imporThe three most common activi- tant, he does caution moderation. ties that can put undue stress on “When people come to me as a your heart include running mara- cardiologist and say they want to thons, competing in a triathlon and run a marathon I say, ‘OK, do one long-distance cycling. and cross it off your bucket list and Lead author Dr. James O’Keefe then let’s focus on an exercise patand his team declare that, based tern that’s more ideal to producing on both animal and human data, long-term health benefits and imvigorous aerobic exercise can put proving your longevity,’” O’Keefe, huge amounts of stress on your a clinician at St. Luke’s Hospital in

Kansas City, tells CBC News. These beneficial exercise patterns usually consist of no more than 60 minutes of vigorous activity a day. Exercise of this nature provides you with lower rates of disability and a life expectancy that is, on average, seven years longer than a couch potato. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance 9,000-year-old trap — The oldest fish

traps in the world have been discovered in Sweden. At the bottom of an ancient river valley, marine archaeologists from Stockholm’s Södertörn University found finger-thick hazel rods that are thought to be remnants of stationary basket traps; using carbon dating, the archaeologists estimated the traps to be somewhere in the neighbourhood of 9,000 years old. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

healthy. Then the scientists put a piece Lausanne, switzerland of chocolate in front of the rats as — Former welterweight boxing an incentive to try to walk. champ Paul Williams was recently The result? told he’d never walk again after a All the attempts made towards motorcycle accident left him para- the chocolate forced the rats’ lyzed. brains to grow Now he, along “This … offers great hope new nerve conwith ever yone for the future of restoring nections to their else who is para- function to spinal injured legs and, in less lyzed, have been than three weeks, given new hope. patients.” they were able to -Elizabeth Bradbury walk on their hind That’s because researchers at Ecole Polytechnique legs while still strapped into the Fédérale de Lausanne have helped harness. rats with severe spinal injuries reFive weeks after that, the hargain the ability to walk, run and nessed rats had improved dramatieven climb stairs thanks to the new, cally, and could run and even climb groundbreaking treatment they stairs. were administered. “This is ground-breaking rePrevious experiments had prov- search and offers great hope for en that chemicals and electrodes the future of restoring function to implanted in a rat’s spine could spinal injured patients,” says Dr. simulate the role of the brain, and Elizabeth Bradbury, an expert in make the rat’s legs move involun- spinal injuries at King’s College tarily. London. The new research built on that Researchers admitted they were by placing the injured animals in pleased with the results and hoped a special harness that held them it could be applied to humans with upright and tricked their brains into similar injuries. thinking their spines were perfectly Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jun 8–14, ‘12

‘Ask. Tell.’ At Queen City’s Pride Festival

Celebrate Regina’s LGBTQ Community With Parade, Parties, BBQs And More Sebastien Dangerfield

Regina, SK — When was the last time you did something for the first time? For Jesse Ireland, the answer to that question is a simple one: earlier this year, when he joined the board

“It’s about embracing who you are [and] accepting yourself…”

-Jesse Ireland of directors for the Queen City Pride week. And he wasn’t alone. In fact, nearly everybody on the 2012 Pride board is wading through relatively uncharted waters. “This year we have a brand new committee,” explains Ireland, the secretary of the group. “With the exception of maybe one other member, no one else has ever put

Revellers celebrate at previous Pride festivities in Regina on a pride celebration before.” evident from the get-go. And while the facelift the board “It’s been really interesting and of directors received came with dynamic,” admits Ireland. a few wrinkles, the advantages “We have a lot of fresh minds, of such a full-scale change were fresh ideas. And what we’ve done

Photo: courtesy of Regina Pride Inc.

is, we’ve kept things that have been successful in the past, revamped some things and added a few other things.” One of the biggest, snazziest events they’ve added this year is the post-parade party. Following the annual Pride Parade, which begins at noon on June 23rd, people will make their way to the new City Square next to Victoria Park for a bash that includes acoustic music, hip-hop acts, DJs, a beer tent, even a children’s area. And the best part? “It’s free for all ages and people of all sexual orientation,” says Ireland. “Except, of course, the beer garden. You’re going to need ID to get in there.” You don’t, however, need identification to join the parade. All you need to be is supportive of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer) community in Regina. Oh, and you should also be open to the new ethos of this year’s parade. “In the past, the parade was more of a march, more of a rally or demonstration to say ‘hey, you have to accept us. We’re here, we’re not going anywhere,’” explains Ireland. “But this year we’re moving away

from that and moving towards the idea of celebration, more positivity. We want it to be inclusive and invite people to come out and show they’re proud.” That, in a nutshell, is why the motto for this year’s Pride week is “Ask. Tell.” The organizers want Queen City’s LGBTQ community and its supporters to stand up and take pride in who they are and what they believe in. “The idea behind the ‘Ask. Tell.’ slogan is not being afraid of prejudices and negativity that’s out there,” says Ireland. “It’s about embracing who you are, accepting yourself and showing yourself to the world, instead of wearing a mask and being what others want you to be.” The Queen City Pride week runs from June 18th until the 24th. Along with the parade and its after-party there will also be the ever-popular White Party on the 22nd, the revamped Community Support Night (formerly the Coming Out Party) on the 21st, a masquerade ball on the 23rd, and much, much more. For all the events, their times and whereabouts, visit Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jun 8–14, ‘12

Sidewalk Sitting Ban Eyed In CA Adam Hawboldt

Mars Colony Proposed

Company To Pay For Trip With Reality TV Show

— for the rest of their lives. Naturally, such an undertaking A mst e r d am , n e th e r - requires huge financial backing, but lands— In 1969, NASA put a Mars One says in its promotional man on the moon. video that “creating the biggest By 2023, a Dutch startup com- media event ever” will contribute pany vows to not the cash. And aconly put a person “[E]very two years … the cording to the on Mars, but to company will send a new Daily Mail, this begin colonizing team to the planet…” media event is gothe red planet. ing to be similar to -Adam Hawboldt a reality show. The company, which goes by the name of Mars But those four people aren’t the One, says the first four-person crew only ones heading to Mars. Accordwill embark on the seven-month ing to Mars One, every two years trip in 2022. Once landing on Mars, after that the company will send a they will set up shop and live there new team to the planet so that by Adam Hawboldt

2033, the colony will consist of at least 20 people. This may sound like a whole lot of cosmic dreaming, but according to the Mars One website, the company will begin selecting astronauts next year, after which those selected will undergo a decade of training. In 2018, a rover will be sent to the red planet to figure out the best place for a settlement. But is a venture of this magnitude possible? “It is technically feasible,” says Mars Society president, Dr. Robert Zubrin. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Odd Ice Cream Flavours Include Cactus, Shrimp Adam Hawboldt

Berkeley, CA — Chances are you’ve tasted the traditional ice cream flavours — strawberry, vanilla, chocolate. But have you ever sunk your teeth into a scoop of squid ink ice cream? How about a bowl of charcoal ice cream? As strange as those may sound, they’re real and, as a number of Japanese companies are now producing cutting-edge flavours, their

numbers are growing. Odd flavours Forte is looking to transform ice of the treat include cuttlefish, chick- cream into a gourmet dessert. en wing, crab, cactus, shrimp and Take her lemon-basil-eucalypwasabi. tus ice cream for High-end ice “[Chef] Forte is looking to example, which cream-makers in transform ice cream into a was inspired by America are also gourmet dessert.” a roasted guinea catching onto the hen recipe. -Adam Hawboldt trend, and creatSome of ing some pretty outlandish flavours Forte’s other flavours include themselves. One of those people Fruit Loops, pink peppercorn and is California pastry chef Danyelle a blood-orange-rose-geranium Forte. sherbet. Just in time for summer. With a fine-dining background, Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Berkeley, CA — The mayor of Berkeley, California is eyeing a ban that would prohibit sitting on sidewalks. After seeing conflicts emerge between merchants and young people lounging around Telegraph Avenue, Mayor Tom Bates is putting his foot down. “Sometimes, there are so many people sitting on the sidewalks, you can’t even use the sidewalk

or go down the sidewalk,” CBS San Francisco reports Bates saying. “It varies from time to time but it’s a problem. It’s risen to the level of people not feeling comfortable to come to Telegraph or some parts of downtown and that’s not acceptable.” “It’s just not civil,” Bates continues. “I walk home every day and back and forth to the office and people have stopped me and said, ‘Can’t you do something?’” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Offbeat At A Glance base jumping record — A new world

record for base jumping has been set in the Indian Himalayas by Russian Valery Rozov. Rozov leapt from the top of Shiving — a 6,543-metre mountain,

and within minutes hit speeds of 125 mph before safely landing on a glacier. It took the other members of his team three days to reach him. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jun 8–14, ‘12 like “New America” and “Poster Child of Wasted Youth.” They will be joined by Cricket, Tomorrow Starts Today, The Recover and 908. 8pm, The Exchange. Tickets $10 at the door. DJ Noor — Born in Kuwait and exposed to the international club scene at a young age, this talented DJ knows how to rock a crowd. 7pm, The Hookah Lounge. Cover $5.

(Next Week) Whosarmy @ The exchange — If you’re a watcher of CBC,

then maybe you’ve seen the reality music show Cover Me Canada. If so, then you certainly know this four-piece from Toronto. After winning Season 1 of the show, Whosarmy got down to work and released their first single

Friday 8

Fly Points w/Great Rooms — Featuring Danny Goertz (vocals/ guitar), Billy Vancise (guitar), Graeme Watson (bass), Julien Johnson (keyboards/vocals) and Robby Vancise (drums/vocals), this local five-piece plays an infectious brand of indie rock. They’ll be joined by the everenjoyable Great Rooms. 8pm, The Distrikt Nightclub. Tickets $10, available at events/310166005724642/ Alain LaLonde, Rubiks and SKillaboo — Come check out these local talents as they get things popping for the Kroma Clothing Summer Launch Party. 10pm, The Exchange. Tickets TBD.

Photo: courtesy of the artist

“Alive” — which they wrote with Chantal Kreviazuk. Consisting Travis Wood, Cory Williams, Max Trefler and Greg Markham, Whosarmy plays a catchy brand of modern alternative rock. They’ll be rocking The Exchange on June 15th. Tickets TBD.-Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Pink Slips — Come check out this local band as they strut their stuff and do their music thang. 9pm, The Sip. No cover if in attendance by 6pm. Alex Runions — This Reginabased urban country rocker’s star is on the rise. In 2009 he released his self-titled debut album and since then things have been certainly been looking up. In fact, Runions has been nominated for three Saskatchewan Country Music Awards and was a finalist in the 2011 Canadian RadioStar competition. Come check out his heartfelt, melody driven version of urban country music. 8pm, Whiskey Saloon. Cover $10.

Saturday 9

DJ Pat & DJ Kim — Local DJs spin top 40 hits every Friday night that are sure to get you on the dance floor. 9pm, Habano’s Martini & Cocktail Club. $5 at the door.

Hoax, FPG, Bermuda Love, Whistlin Jeff M — Come on down for a night of hardcore, thrash and even a little country folk music. 7pm, The Club. Tickets $10 at the door.

Alain Lalonde — Come check out this dope local DJ/producer as he does his thing and spins the kind of sound that’ll make you wanna dance. 7pm, The Hookah Lounge. No cover.

Sin City Dueling Pianos — Featuring Tiff Hall, Thea Neumann and Mark Zielke, this will be a trifecta of awesomeness. You’ll be amazed and dazzled by this musical circus extraordinaire. Doors open 6:30pm, dinner at 7:30pm, followed by the show at Conexus Arts Centre. Tickets $65, avaible at

Wonderland — Come join this local tribute band in a visually stimulating and energetic show as they play “one-hit wonders” from the ‘60s to the present. 10pm, McNally’s Tavern. $5 at the door. Third Degree Birnz — Together since 1992, this versatile band has a knack for taking classic songs and putting their own spin on them. They’ve recently opened for bands like The Roadhammers, Emerson Drive and Nazareth. 9pm, The Pump Roadhouse. Tickets TBD.

Fur Eel — This local four-piece plays music full of bumping bass and rhythmic funky jazz guitar licks that will make you want to bust a move or two. Come join them for their Perhaps Another Time CD release party. Also appearing will be Indigo Joseph. 9pm, The Distrikt Nightclub. Tickets TBD.

Albert — Appearing every Friday night, come listen to Albert as he does his spinning thing. 10pm, Pure Ultra Lounge. Cover $5.

Soiled Doves — With a sound that fuses post punk with punk and grunge, this local act puts on a solid show. Be on the lookout for songs

Wonderland — Come join this local tribute band in a visually stimulating and energetic show as they play “one-hit wonders” from the ‘60s to the present. 10pm, McNally’s Tavern. $5 at the door. Third Degree Birnz — Together since 1992, this versatile band has a knack for taking classic songs and putting their own spin on them. They’ve recently opened for bands like The Roadhammers, Emerson Drive and Nazareth. 9pm, The Pump Roadhouse. Tickets TBD. Drewski — Doing what he does best, every Saturday night. Come on down and dance the night away with this local DJ. Pure Ultra Lounge. Cover $5. Pink Slips — Come check out this local band as they strut their stuff and do their music thang. 9pm, The Sip. No cover if in attendance by 6pm. Alex Runions — This Reginabased urban country rocker’s star is on the rise. In 2009 he released his self-titled debut album and since then things have been certainly been looking up. In fact, Runions has been nominated for three Saskatchewan Country Music Awards and was a finalist in the 2011 Canadian RadioStar competition. Come check out his heartfelt, melody driven version of urban country music. 8pm, Whiskey Saloon. Cover $10.

Monday 11

Photo: courtesy of the artist

(Next Week) Random Groove @ McNally’s tavern — No strangers to

the Regina music scene, this smooth sounding quartet knows their way around a stage. Consisting of Greg Mildenberger, Roland Schulz, Jon Nicholls and Trent Leggott, Random Groove play a smooth and slick brand of rockin’

blues. Singing such songs as “Dimples,” “13 Bar Blues” and “Things That I Used to Do,” these guys have honed their sound doing live shows around Queen City. They’ll be bringing their musical talents to McNally’s Tavern on June 21st. Cover is $5.-Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Wednesday Night Folk — Featuring Dr. Bird and the Blue Beat, playing rocksteady, reggae and ska. Some soulful beats for your dancing feet. 9pm, Bushwakker Brewpub. No cover.

— Presented by Redbeard, this is a night where Regina musicians play their favourite rock songs from (A) C-DC to (Z)appa. 8:30pm, The Exchange. $8 at the door, or $5 with a donation to the Food Bank.

The Bellamy Brothers — This pop country duo from Florida started playing together in the late ‘70s. Maybe you’ve heard of their crossover hit, “Let Your Love Flow,” which hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. 8pm, Pump Roadhouse. Tickets $25 (or $40 for show and VIP dinner, which starts at 6pm)

PS Fresh — DJ Ageless started spinning in Montreal, DJ Drewski started in Saskatoon. They both landed in Regina and have come together to sling some bomb beats. 7pm, The Hookah Lounge. No cover.

Thursday 14

Kal Hourd — Award-winning country singer-songwriter brings his talents to Regina. Hourd recently won a trio of Saskatchewan Country Music Awards, taking home awards for 2010 SCMA Album of the Year for Haven’t Even Met Yet and 2010 Single of the Year for “Beautiful Sound.” 8pm, Whiskey Saloon. Cover $5.

Roots N’ Herbs — As a part of the 2012 Regina Jazz Festival, this local eight-piece will be playing a tribute to Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers. 7pm, Bushwakker Brewpub. Tickets $10, available at Bushwakker Brewpub or Bach & Beyond. A lphab e t

R ock

S oup

Big Bad Storm — Come check out this talented local act. 8:30pm, McNally’s Tavern. Cover $5.

Want your show listed? Email!

Monday Night Jazz — Featuring Miss Quincy & the Showdown. 8pm, Bushwakker Brewpub. No cover.

Marduk — Coming at you all the way from Sweden, this black metal band rocks hard and heavy. They’ll be joined by 1349, Withered and Weapon. 8pm, The Exchange. Tickets $25, available at Vintage Vinyl, Madame Yes or online at

Tuesday 12

Karaoke Tuesday — Famous live music venue offers its patrons a chance to share the stage. 8pm, McNally’s Tavern. No cover.

Wednesday 13

(Coming Soon) 54.40 @ Casino Regina — Here’s something you might

not know about this multi-platinumwinning band from BC: their name comes from the phrase “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight,” which was coined after the unsuccessful expansionist agenda of US president James K. Polk. Formed

Photo: courtesy of the artist

in ‘81, they would go on to create such hits as “Baby, Have Some Faith,” “Music Man” and “Since When.” This epic Canadian band will be playing Casino Regina on September 27th. Tickets $30–$35, available at -Adam Hawboldt .Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Arts One

Page 9

Jun 8–14, ‘12

The Schomberg Fair Talk Roots, Writing Photo: courtesy of Anton Votek, Gene Schilling & Donna Hopper and the artist

This Gritty Ontario Three-Piece Reveals How They Keep Things Interesting Alex J MacPherson

could be talking to someone entrenched in jazz music: you know, Regina, SK — When Matt it’s not really jazz … Everyone tries Bahen was twenty-four, he ex- to put their own spin on it.” perienced every guitar player’s In this case, that spin takes place worst nightmare. A construction during the writing process. The accident severed the fingers from Schomberg Fair’s unorthodox his left hand. His fretting hand. sound is derived from an unorthDoctors were able to reattach odox approach to writing. Rather the digits, and than build on a Bahen slowly re- “Where else can this solid foundation, gained the abil- take us? Let’s not rely on Bahen and comity to use them. things that have worked pany rebuild and Eventually, he renovate each was able to play before.” song two or three -Matt Bahen times before the guitar again, his hand stiff and claw-like. Relearning tape starts rolling. the instrument was a slow process, “I’ll write the songs,” Bahen exbut it resulted in something re- plains, “and then Nathan … will bamarkable. sically do a cover of it in the stoner “I’m a much better guitar player metal punk thing he’s got. And then now than I was before,” he says. “I we’ll do a cover of that.” had to work so much harder, I was Every band works differently, really driven. If it had never hap- and The Schomberg Fair are no pened I would never have started exception. Their songwriting proa band.” cess evolved naturally, born from That band is The Schomberg Fair, the easy rapport between band a gritty rock outfit from Schomberg, members, and Bahen thinks it’s Ontario. Bahen describes the group, great because the results are never which includes bassist Nathan predictable. Sidon and drummer Peter Garth“When I go to shows [and] see side, as sounding like “a confluence bands play, despite of how good of different influences.” This is an they are, after three or four songs understatement: The Schomberg my ear gets bored,” he muses. “It’s Fair plays outlaw music for a new the same sound coming at you.” generation. Equal parts early Ameri“As members of the band we’re can folk, manic psychobilly and always trying to push harder,” he swampy gospel, the band revels in continues. “What else can we do? transforming familiar sounds into Where else can this take us? Let’s unfamiliar though no less compel- not rely on things that have worked ling songs. before. Trying new sounds. How, “We just say we play roots rock,” sonically, can we shape this so it laughs Bahen. “There seems to be a still flows nicely?” lot of different elements, and that’s But this is only one piece in the one of the hardest questions. You puzzle. Rock songs are a marriage

between music and lyrics, and Bahen weaves stories brimming with vivid imagery and downtrodden characters. He writes of despair and self-destruction, redemption and resurrection. But he doesn’t like to think about it too much. “I do street outreach with the homeless,” he says, sounding as if he’d like to talk about anything else. “It’s constant exposure to the more negative or darker aspects of what the world can offer, and it’s difficult not internalize that. If you do that for a little while it leaves an impression on you. Music is a really good way to deal with that and tell those stories.” “But,” he continues, “I certainly

try not to think of it as a therapeutic or cathartic thing. I really don’t like thinking about it very much, but I do think it’s important to tell those stories.” This seems like an odd thing to say, but Bahen has a point. Art is visceral and raw; too much thinking threatens to transform it into a didactic process, something that can be dissected in a classroom. He prefers to write the songs that affect him most profoundly, understanding that audiences are quick to pick up on superficiality and dishonesty. “The only audience you should ever worry about is yourself,” he says, cheerful again. “Either people

will dig it or they won’t. I’m just interested in doing things that I think sound awesome. That’s the most important thing.” The end result is that Bahen and company have carved out a niche for themselves in an untapped market: brutally honest rock & roll. Outlaw music has never done anything but tell the truth. That’s why they call it outlaw music. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info

The Schomberg Fair Where: The Exchange When: June 19 Cost: $13 @

Singer, Activist Kate Reid Has Something To Say

“Once you’ve done personal healing work and stuff, it allows Regina, SK — Kate Reid has a you to be a little more lighthearted postcard in her kitchen that reads: about some of the funny things.” “It’s not homophobia — everyone Talking to Reid on the telephone hates you.” is like talking to an old friend. She’s This might seem offensive, but open and approachable, warm and it captures how Reid, who knows funny. But her penchant for dry all about being ostracized and ex- humour shouldn’t detract from cluded, sees the what she does world. She rolls “I want to make music for a living. with the punches, that … catches people’s Reid makes laughing at the souls…” m us i c w i t h a worst of them. message. Her lat-Kate Reid est record, Doing She refuses to let anything dampen her enthusiasm it for the Chicks, is a tightly-wound for living, loving and making music. country romp, overflowing with hot Her wry sense of humour is her licks, personal anecdotes, offbeat armour, and it’s stronger than ever. jokes and an earnest desire to make “I’ve done a lot of therapy,” she the world a better place. Fueled laughs, letting it ring out before by her personal experience as a shifting to a more serious tone. queer woman, Doing it for the Chicks

ArtsSect &C

Alex J MacPherson

Photo: courtesy of Charlene Cowling

is entertaining without seeming contrived. The record addresses a number of serious topics. Gender identity. Sexuality. Violence. Rape. But Reid never lectures. She makes her point and punctuates it with a shot of humour. Music is her way of talking about — and coping with — issues “that wig some people out.” “I want to make music that matters to people, that catches people’s souls and speaks to people,” she explains. “The people who get it are people who get that it’s not just about being queer,” she muses. “It’s about being different.” “Everybody, regardless of race, gender, class, ability level, whatever, has issues with that.” This is the message, and it comes through clearly. Reid doesn’t expect the world to change overnight, but she’s encouraged by the progress she sees. Reid may be an activist, but she is also an expert songwriter and musician. Crackling with energy, songs like “Captain Cupcake and the Cambie Hotel” pull you along on an epic journey. Her more serious songs are provocative, evocative, perfect. Reid can turn a phrase, and she spins a compelling tale. So Reid will carry on writing charming country tunes that are equally at home on a big festival stage or in a tiny club — rollicking, looping story songs and quirky ballads packed with sideways commentary and pointed jokes. And if this hasn’t got you convinced, have a look at the cover of Doing it for the Chicks. Reid stands in a crowd of beautiful women, her red and black hair sculpted into a rakish faux-hawk and a gold chain shaped like a dollar sign around her neck. It’s a play on rap culture, a condemnation of objectification. And yes, it’s pretty funny. She may be the only dyke at the open mic — a nod to one of her popular songs — but Kate Reid definitely has something to say. It’s worth hearing. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

5 Questions With

Montreal Three-Piece Chats Ab Alex J MacPherson

The best rock & roll albums are born from unbearable tension. The Libertines’ Up the Bracket, for example, is great because it captures the fractious relationship between Peter Doherty and Carl Barât. Wilco’s Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is an example of how a bunch of musicians from Chicago took on their record label and won. And then there’s Parlovr. Thrashing out frantic, feverish, operatic rock on an array of cheap instruments, Alex Cooper, Louis Jackson and Jeremy MacCuish play every song as if it were their last. Parlovr’s latest album, Kook Soul, which was released last month, was born from months of vicious infighting, personal tragedy and the band’s looming implosion. It also happens to contain the best, most vital music of their career. Verb caught up with MacCuish, who plays drums in the band, to chat about breaking up, ramshackle records and the story of Kook Soul’s cover image. Alex J MacPherson: Can you tell

me a bit about making Kook Soul? Jeremy MacCuish: We recorded…our first record a few years ago on a tiny budget. We promoted ourselves and it eventually got rereleased and we had to do another run of promotion for it. It felt to us like quite awhile between writing and recording that first record and being able to really get creative again. The songwriters, Alex and Louis, “I think we ju went through some gravitate tow pretty bad personal of a stranger, experiences with girlfriends and fiancées. shambolic sou When it came time to finally write and record another record, there was plenty of hurtful material available. AJM: So the tension was born from your lack of a creative outlet? JM: That pretty much nails it. At this point, I think, we’re actually looking forward to touring. We spent quite a bit of time recording the record, and so right now what feels good is playing live. But I think any band would thrive on a balance of playing live and writing

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Bob Parker

Regina, SK — Matthew Shafer had a record deal when he was fifteen. At seventeen, he was onstage with his friend Robert Ritchie, whom you probably know as Kid Rock. Shafer is thirty-seven now, but two decades of fast living hasn’t blunted his love of music or the joy he feels onstage. Shafer, who performs as Uncle Kracker, hasn’t always been a coun-

“Country music was one of the types of music I grew up with…”

h Rockers Parlovr

Photo: courtesy of Chris Becker

bout Breaking Up And Kook Soul

and recording. If you go too long without doing any one of these you really start to miss it, and resenting a bit the other aspect. AJM: How did that sense of acrimony affect Kook Soul or the group, if at all? JM: I don’t know, it’s hard to separate that from any other factor. But I think that good art or good music can come from ust limited resources, so maybe the same wards a bit can be said emotion, rougher, ally: that some good und.” work can come from -Jeremy MacCuish desperate situations. AJM: When I think about Kook Soul, the word that springs to mind is shambolic. Would you agree with that? JM: I think that’s accurate. I guess it’s about the way we think about music naturally. After the fact we can say, ‘Oh yeah it’s pretty ramshackle compared to most of what would be called indie rock these days.’ Which is to my ears really radio, mainstream-sounding. I think we just gravitate towards a

Musician Uncle Kracker Talks Going Country

bit of a stranger, rougher, shambolic sound. That’s just what we like, so it’s instinctively what we do. I’m sure Phoenix are good songwriters but I’m not sure we’d want to make something that sounds that streamlined. AJM: Kook Soul is a great record, right down to the cover art. Can you tell me a bit about the painting you guys chose, “Tête D’Amour” by Emile Wauters? JM: Louis saw it in a junk shop saw a copy of it, loved it, and thought it was a perfect representation of some of the themes of the record. He told us about it and we all thought it was appropriate, but we wanted to see it. We went back and it was sold. So we ended up tracking it down in a museum and Alex went on a quest and eventually tracked it down to a museum in Belgium. After some emails back and forth they finally gave us permission to use it and sent us a super high resolution photo. It took a little bit of doing, but I think it’s a pretty striking image. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

-Matthew Shafer try musician. He spent years immersing himself in rap and hip hop, fueled in part by his alliance with Kid Rock and the Twisted Brown Trucker Band. “I always wanted to be a rapper,” he told Kamloops This Week. “I don’t know why it happened. It’s just, getting older, well, the older I get, the less interested I am in some things and the more interested I am in other things.” One of those things is country, which Shafer started dabbling in about ten years ago. “I’ve always had a genuine passion for country,” he says. Everything changed after he released Double Wide in 2001. That summer, pretty much everyone was singing along to “Follow Me,” which seemed to be playing from just about every radio in North America. Since then, Shafer has been building on his success, casting himself into the world of popular country. “Country music was one of the types of music I grew up with, so elements of it naturally come out in my songwriting,” he says. “Listening to a lot of my songs — all the way back to ‘Follow Me’ — I feel like I’ve been making country music for years.” Shafer’s latest record, ‘09’s Happy

Event Info


Where: The Exchange When: June 20 Cost: $10 @ Vintage Vinyl, Madame Yes

Kate Reid

Where: The Club @ the Exchange When: June 22 Cost: $12 @ the door

Uncle Kracker

Where: Casino Regina When: June 20 Cost: $49.65 + (

Want some coverage for your upcoming event? Email ASAP!

Photo: courtesy of Chapman Baehler

Hour, is a lighthearted take on contemporary country. Shafer’s voice — smooth, earnest, charming — is the star of the show here. Happy Hour is sure to entertain. And that’s

what Shafer wants. “I think that audiences appreciate that, and that’s why they’re giving me a chance,” he says. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jun 8–14, ‘12

Herbs are great in both food and medicine, and thyme is one of the most widely used herbs of all. Whether fresh or dried, for flavour or medicinal purposes, thyme is delicious, useful and factual. Fresh thyme comes in ■sprigs, which is a single stem including leaves

Thyme is a vital ingredient ■in herbs de province, bouquet garni, and za’atar

■ The ancient Romans used thyme as incense, and thought it brought courage

of thyme contains a ■largeOilpercentage of thymol,

which is a powerful antiseptic often used in modern mouthwashes

Thyme is a good treatment for respiratory ailments

Le Macaron Delightfully Sweet Photos: Courtesy of Kendra Kuss

Bakery/Coffee Shop Brings The Taste Of Paris To The Prairies Jessica Bickford

There is something you need to know about desserts, and why yours never turn out quite

as tasty as the ones you find at places like le Macaron. Their secret? It’s simple really — butter, cream and Belgian chocolate. Saying they’re “bringing the sweet taste of Paris to the prairies,” le Macaron uses naturally rich ingredients like that aforementioned decadent list to make all of their treats divine. Walking into this bakery/coffee shop is like walking into a candy store for grown ups, complete with brightly lit display cases of visually stimulating, decadent cakes, cookies, pastries and, of course, macarons. I started off with a couple of the quintessential French confections in two intriguing flavours — lemon

thyme and olive oil vanilla. The cup of your favourite hot beverage. lemon thyme had a refreshing cit- The chocolate-hazelnut biscotti rus flavour that mingled delicately were perfectly crunchy and dense, with the herbaceous scent of thyme and the peanut butter cookie was from the creamy excellent: nutty filling. The olive “The olive oil vanilla and partially oil vanilla was the [macaron] was … crisp dipped in chocoperfect balance of and chewy…” late, which added crisp and chewy, a nice creamy ele-Jessica Bickford ment. The cashew with a sweet and fruity taste. Don’t worry if these chocolate diamond cookie was flavours seem a bit too adventurous perfect for any nut-lover, and the for you, though — they have more cherry walnut shortbread was very than 100 that rotate regularly, and rich and perfectly crumbly. include such classics as chocolate Next I had two variations of torte and hazelnut praline. — a prince noir and a trois chocoAfter the macarons I moved on late. Le Macaron sells out of their to some ice box style cookies and prince noir cakes — which have silky biscotti, which you can enjoy with a chocolate mousse and a crunchy layer of milk chocolate and butter wafers — almost every day, so get there early if you have a chocolate craving. The trois chocolate torte had one layer each of white, milk and dark chocolate mousse on a cake base — an airy, light and creamy confection. Le Macaron also does specialty cakes, like those ones you see on TV, along with catering (including savoury nibbles). Their beautiful cakes and cookies taste as good as they look, and if it is indulgence you are after, or just a little treat with your morning coffee, le Macaron has all of that and more. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

le Macaron

Address: 2705 Quance Street Hours: Sunday 10am – 6pm; Monday –

Thursday 7am – 10pm; Friday – Saturday 7am – 11pm Reservations: 779-2253


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Jun 8–14, ‘12

Fetus Bullying: An Exercise In Ignorance Canada Is Progressive When It Comes To Abortion. Wait, What Did That Guy Say? The Editors of Verb

Regina, SK — Absurd proposals are nothing new in politics. Case in point: former U.S. congressman Newt Gingrich once introduced a bill to colonize the moon. Or how about the time Oklahoma senator Constance Johnson, who submitted an amendment that would make ejaculating, except within the confines of a woman’s vagina, a criminal action against an unborn child. Ok, fine, Johnson’s proposal was a satirical stab, born

“Saskatchewan politician Maurice Vellacott has rolled out a rather insane proposal…”

-Verb’s editors of frustration (pardon the pun) from the never-ending debate over abortion in the United States. Sounds silly, doesn’t it. But who cares — that’s down in the States! We’re from Canada, where abortions are legal, and aren’t all of us up here just progressive as heck, and let’s just take a minute to congratulate ourselves on approaching a complex health issue with rationality. We, in Canada, are smarter than that. Well, except that Saskatchewan politician Maurice Vellacott has rolled out a rather insane proposal, going on record recently saying that he believes anti-bullying initiatives should extend to protect fetuses. Riiiiight. Now, we’re not going to get into the is-a-fetus-a-human debate. Nor do we intend to breech the ever spinning pro-life vs. pro-choice quarrel. Instead, let’s try something different. Let’s suspend reality for a moment and pretend Vellacott’s suggestion actually, you know, becomes law. Just imagine the cockamamy bills that could possibly follow: Bill C-666: The Ovary Bullying Act—Which hereby states that all birth control pills should be considered illegal on the grounds that they continuously punch a woman’s ovaries into unnatural submission. Bill C-777: The Post-Conception Intercourse Act — A bill that forbids pregnant couples from making the sweet love on the outside chance they may bully or sexually harass

their unborn child. Bill C-888: The Arizona Act — In accordance with the sensible laws of our southern friends, pregnancy will now legally begin two weeks before conception. And finally, Bill C-999: The Twins Act — Having nothing to do with the baseball team from Minnesota, this bill intendeds to protect an unborn twin from sibling abuse. Thus, should one unborn child kick

or punch the other whilst they are together in the womb, said child will be charged with assault at the exact moment of crowning. Okay, so obviously these bills are slightly out of touch with reality, but so too was Vellacott’s backdoor attempt to reopen the abortion debate on Parliament Hill — a debate that not even the Prime Minister wants to be a part of. And to turn serious for a

moment, consider the hypocrisy of Vellacott’s statement. Bullying has become a major policy issue for provinces, school boards and the federal government. And by latching onto a hot-button issue like this, spinning it on its head and using it to push his own agenda — his own beliefs — down others’ throats, well, isn’t Vellacott bullying us?

There are a lot people out there who think he is. So maybe one of the politicos on the Hill should stand up and propose an anti-bullying initiative that would protect Canadians from strong-handed political absurdity and draconian bills. Because really: what’s the point of protecting an unborn fetus is you’re just going to abuse it for the rest of its life? Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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Prometheus A Visually Thrilling Adventure

Director Ridley Scott’s Prequel To Alien Survives Despite Uneven Screenplay Prometheus

Runtime: 124 Minutes Rated: 14A Adam Hawboldt Quick, name five films directed by Ridley Scott. Finished? Good. For any self-respecting cinephile, this exercise is as easy as counting to, say, 40. Don’t believe me? Next time you’re hanging out with a serious movie fan, ask them to name a handful of Scott flicks. Regardless

of what five movies they come up his previous two efforts? with, I’m willing to wager a week’s Let’s put it this way: Prometheus salary they mention either Blade is a serious, ambitious, well-acted, Runner or Alien or both. wildly terrific film — that probably Why? won’t achieve the Because those “Prometheus … is so classic status of films are all-get- visually stunning … you’ll either Blade Runout-of-here awe- have to pick your jaw up ner or Alien. some benchmarks And the fact of the sci-fi genre. off the ground.” that Prometheus -Adam Hawboldt isn’t quite as Blade Runner gave moviemakers a new visual vocabu- good as his other two sci-fi joints, lary for describing the future, while isn’t entirely Scott’s fault. Alien is, was, and may forever be, The story begins, well, it begins the smartest and most metaphori- with a scene that is so damn cool cal monster movie ever produced. you have to see it to believe it. Soon So how does Scott’s third sci-fi we’re introduced to scientists Elizflick, Prometheus, stack up against abeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace, the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) and Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green), who discover a series of cave paintings that appear to be an interstellar map. Next thing you know, they’re boarding the spaceship Prometheus and setting off on a trillion dollar journey to a distant barren moon in search of something damn near biblical in scope — the truth behind humanity’s existence. They’re joined by a stellar cast, ahem, I mean crew in Captain Janek (Idris Elba), the brilliant android David (Michael Fassbender), and the cold-hearted rep of the corporation funding the trip, Meredith Vickers (Charlize Theron). Once they land on this barren moon, however, they quickly realize it isn’t so barren after all. The group is treated to a series of terrifying

Photo: courtesy of 20th Century Fox

events reminiscent of Alien and — if you’ve seen the trailer you’ll know this by now — what starts as

a quest for knowledge dissipates into a knock-em-down, drag-emout struggle for survival. For the most part, Prometheus (which, yes, is a prequel to Scott’s Alien) is an intense, excellent scifi flick that is so visually stunning there will be times you’ll have to pick your jaw up off the ground. But all Scott’s remarkable talents as a filmmaker are undercut by something out of his control — the script. Written by Jon Spaihts (The Darkest Hour) and Damon Lindelof (Lost), the script of Prometheus is rather uneven. On one hand, thankfully, it doesn’t spoon-feed you everything. But on the other, why-the-heck-didyou-do-that hand, it makes every major plot point either a) predictable or b) over-explained by one of the characters. Yet even with a borderline insulting script, Prometheus is the best sci-fi film I’ve seen since, oh, let’s say The Matrix. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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Laughs Abound In Witty Madagascar 3 Photo: courtesy of Paramount Pictures

The Usual Suspects Are Back Again In This Fast-Paced Flick That’s Fun For All Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted

Runtime: 85 Minutes Rated: G Adam Hawboldt There’s a reason the first Madagascar movie grossed over $530 million. There’s a reason the sequel grossed around $600 million. And there’s a reason the third installment of the franchise will, in all probability, pull in more than $500 million. The reason is this: all these flicks are all fun, funny and wildly entertaining — for kids and adults alike. C’mon, admit it. You know you liked the first two. And you’re probably going to like Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted too, because, well, it’s the funniest of the bunch. Not the best, but the funniest. As far as third installments in animation franchises go, it’s more Shrek the Third than, say, Toy Story 3. Which is to say that Madagascar 3 won’t be taking home any Oscars, but it sure as heck will make you chuckle.

The story begins where Mada- to stop in Monte Carlo to pick up gascar 2 left off. the penguins. A hilarious slapstick The penguins have made it to sequence in the casino ensues. Monte Carlo, where they’ve beThe gang also runs into trouble come high rollers who trash ho- in the form of animal control officer tel rooms and Captain Chantel engage in pillow “Madagascar 3: Europe’s DuBois (Oscar fights. As for Mar- Most Wanted is a hilarious winner Frances ty the zebra (Chris romp through Europe McDormand), a Rock), Alex the p oint y- nose d, lion (Ben Stiller), that is sure to be a hit…” cannon-breasted -Adam Hawboldt villain who a) will Gloria the hippo (Jada Pinkett Smith) and Melman not accept wild animals running the giraffe (David Schwimmer), lose in her city, and b) is thrilled at they’re still in Africa but long to the idea of mounting Alex’s lion get back to their original home — head on her wall. the New York City Zoo. Before we go any further though, They devise a plan and set off let me pause for a moment to say for home. two things. But along the way they decide First, the chase scene that takes

place across the rooftops of Monte Carlo is eye-popping. And second, DuBois, with her biting French accent and ability to follow a scent like a bloodhound, is an awesome new addition to the franchise. Right. Now back to the story. With DuBois in hot pursuit, the gang blows town on a traveling circus train. Here they meet a host of new animals. Among them there’s a sassy jaguar (Jessica Chastain), a vulnerable sea lion (Martin Short) and a Siberian tiger named Vitaly (Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston). Together they travel from Monte Carlo to Rome to London and eventually to New York, with Captain

DuBois in hot pursuit. Shot in 3D, Madagascar 3 is the creation of not one, not two, but, yes, three directors: Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath, who worked on the series’ first two installments, and Conrad Vernon (who directed Shrek 2 and Monsters vs. Aliens). As visually stunning as its predecessors, and with rapid-fire wit abounding, Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted is a hilarious romp through Europe that is sure to be a hit with every member of the audience. Madagascar 3 — which offers belly laughs by the bushel — is going to do big numbers at the box office. Mark my words. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jun 8–14, ‘12

This Week: Wall, Mulcair Feud

Last week we asked what you thought about the Brad Wall, Thomas Mulcair feud - here’s what you had to say. Next week’s topic: see page 13 — what do you think about

Maurice Vellacott’s “fetus bullying” proposal? Text FEEDBACK and your thoughts about the topic (or anything else) to 306–881-VERB (8372) and you could see your text printed in next week’s issue!

On Topic On the Brad Wall Mulclair feud: Brad Wall is a brainless USA puppet. All Saskparty/ BradWall PR is

handled by Spotlight Media out of Calgary. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Between 1988-1992 Brad Wall’s political party bankrupted Saskatchewan. The NDP are no better. You’re asking what people would rather eat - a bowl of worms or maggots … both are bad. I agree Wall might not be my personal preference when it comes to politicians here, but I think in this particular situation he’s coming off well. Trying to spark an east/west feud seems irresponsible and not in the best interests of the majority of Canadians. Wall might be popular now but thats because Saskatchewan is doing great and we have tons of money. Money makes people happy so of course they back him in this dont want to stop the flow of ca$h but perhaps Mulcair has something. Hes not wholly right of course, but we shouldnt right him off entirly.

Off Topic F***ing government get a student loan cant afford to live off the student loan cant work so you gotta quit school then when it comes down to it they want there money right now well when you need a helping hand do they give you the money right now no they dont even help us. Cell phone companies, credit card, student loans they make it so easy to get in debt but then a f**king b**ch to

try to get out of it ya i know i did it to myself but still its bullish*t if you ask me. Maybe if the government didnt take so much of my money im taxes i could afford to pay you fu**ers off. Shaming a woman into continuing through with a pregnancy is wrong! You have no knowledge of the circumstances of the pregnancy, or the financial or physical conditions of the pregnant woman. Women who face deadly consequences of a pregnancy deserve the CHOICE to LIVE. See the pregnancy through the eyes of the true mother, you’ll be glad you did. FYI terminating a pregnancy does not “kill an innocent victim.” You don’t have to agree but don’t push your archaeic values down my throat. For some women getting an abortion is a difficult decision, for others it’s not. But it’s a decision they make, not you. I cannot stand women who attack women who are pro-choice. It does not make you pro-abortion, it just means you support other womens right to decide what they do with their OWN uterus, not yours. To the person who texted in that abortion is always wrong: that’s the beauty of being part of the pro-choice movement. Anti-choice (not pro-lifers as they would like to dress themselves) would have everyone

Texts subscribe to their dogma, regardless of any extenuating circumstances that resulted in the pregnancy in the first place. Pro-choicers, on the other hand, respect, you know, CHOICE. So a women can make the selection that is best for her. You sound woefully misinformed on the facts surrounding abortion. I suggest you educate yourself and expand your mind to empathize with what a woman may be going through when she finds out she’s become pregnant. No you can’t forget all your troubles or forget all your cares because the people DOWNTOWN keep reminding me of them. After my mom passing away on May 24th, I am going through the healing prosess, getting rid of alot of stuff that I don’t need, except for the dog whom I am keeping cuz I love him, and the house I am keeping too. I am an orphan now and I miss both my parents very much. Every child should respect and appreciate their parents before they are gone cuz once they are gone you wish you had spent alot more time with them. YB So you think all Christians are racist now? That’s getting out of hand. So your saying all atheists in the world never discriminate and aren’t racist. I’m tired of people thinking Christians think they are perfect. We are the first to admit we are

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Jun 8–14, ‘12

sinners. So swallow your pride and hate and stop pretending your perfect. The they say-we say back and forth between Christians and atheists is getting outta control. What happened to respectfully disagreeing. You’re not going to see things my way and I’m not going to see things yours. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have meaningful dialogue and go about our business in our lives. Hello! Of course all other religions feel persecuted! We aren’t that dumb. Who do you think persecute them? Maybe someone that doesn’t believe in religion? Also I agree (like many Christians) that we aren’t a religion. It’s a faith. History shows all thats ever been needed for a good society where EVERYONE lives safe healthy enlightened lives is more smart people than stupid. I kinda think we’re a

couple sandwiches short of that picnic! Thanks to the person who agreed on my smoking comment it’s a fighting battle agianst Big Tobacco and taking away areas to smoke will help :-) Drivers of Dodge trucks are arrogant idiots! Loving the summer thunderstorms at night the sky looks freaking amazin Poverty = More Medicare Poverty = More Police Poverty = More Jails Poverty = More Drugs Poverty = Less Grads Poverty = Less Workers Poverty

= Loser Society In my mid 50s now. I’ve noticed something. Keep it all to yourself and you end up by yourself. If you don’t want to be alone in old age you need to share! Omg such beautiful tanning weather this finally friday...nice breeze hot sun couple of beer clouds floating by. I agree that places like bus stops should be smoke free not only will it clean the air but the sidewalk won’t be littered with butts. Slim chance in tight pants is what you are.

We really really really need smarter cops. Minimum requirements should be at least a B.A. of some kind and 30 yrs old. Thats the world we have now. Smoking should not only be banned at bus stops but all public areas if you want to smoke and kill yourself do it home! Sickos like Magnotta are an embarrassment to the human race! Chillin in the sun by the water is goooood times yall! The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily Verb’s.


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Jun 8–14, ‘12

Sunday @ The Freehouse Venue

Cathedral Freehouse on Sunday, June 3rd


2062 Albert Street

Playing on Arrival Simon & Garfunkel

Music Vibe

Eclectic — everything from ‘90s rock to hip hop and reggae

Feature Deals

$5 Freehouse Caesars (classic, dill or wasabi), or $22 for a bucket of Twisted Tea

Popular Drink

Freehouse Caesars

Food of Choice

Grilled chicken and capicola sandwich, with your choice of sides

Something New

The Freehouse is showcasing their new head chef Trevor LaValley, who will be introducing a new menu shortly

Photos courtesy of Klein Photography (

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This week will be a good one to get up and go, dear Pisces — no lounging around for you. Whether you realize it yet or not, you’ve got a lot on your plate in the next few days, so get moving and get to it! Watch the sun rise, have a coffee, listen to the birds chirp. It’s the little things in life that are important, the silent moments in which we can hear life and eternity echo within ourselves — that’s the ticket. Look for that this week, Pisces. Remember: “serenity NOW!”

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Pisces (Feb 20–Mar 20)

Dear Virgo: you may feel as though you have to do something important so people will respect you, but forget that noise. The best way to earn respect isn’t to go out and do something important, it’s to just be yourself. To paraphrase SNL character Stuart Smalley: You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people like you — for who you are. Don’t dare to be anything different. Just do what you normally do and respect will follow in droves.

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Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22)

Someone this week may say or do something to irk you to the point of freaking out. If you find yourself frothing over with anger or frustration in the next few days, dear Aquarius, the best thing you can do is NOT say what’s on your mind. Now might be the time when it’s best to keep your cards close to the vest and play the game wisely. Don’t let someone get to you. If you can maintain focus and keep your eye on the clichéd ball, you’ll do good things. Trust me.

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Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 19)

You may soon find yourself surrounded by naysayers, dear Leo. That’s just the kind of week it threatens to be. Everywhere you look or go people may be doubting you, telling you that you can’t do things. Do not listen to them. I repeat: Do. Not. Listen. To. Them. Your inherent faith in yourself and your abilities are justified, Leo. You know you’re destined to do what you want to do, say what you want to say, think what you want to think. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

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Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22)

“Sabotage? But I’m the one who does that to me.” Does this phrase touch a nerve, dear Capricorn? Do you find yourself, time and time again, getting in your own way? It happens to the best of us at the best of times. And if you find it happening to you this week, do yourself a favour — take one step back, two steps to the side, and examine your situation from a different angle. If you can do this, maybe you’ll be able to do something that will move you in the right direction.

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Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19)

You best brace yourself for some weirdness in the days ahead, dear Cancer. Now we’re not talking monkey-performing-heart-surgery or marsupials-falling-from-the-sky weird, but something strange and out of the norm could very well confront you sometime in the next couple of days. Sure, your first instinct may be to rebel against it, but disregard that feeling. Instead, heed the words of Hunter S. Thompson: “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”

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Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22)

Sometimes people get hung up on regrets, dear Sagittarius. They get stuck in the past and can’t see the future through the trees. And what’s more, sometimes those regrets are silly and don’t make a darn lick of sense. So this week, if you have something you wish you’d done differently, it’s time to sift through them and ask yourself: “Are these regrets holding me back?” If the answer is decidedly yes, the best thing you could do is throw them in the trash and keep moving.

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Sagittarius (Nov 23–Dec 21)

Gemini, has it felt like you’re going crazy lately? Like you should break the rainbow wig out of storage again? If so, don’t worry about a thing. Sometimes the stresses and oddities of life mount and mount and mount until it feels like everything is out of whack, but that’s just the way our crazy existence is. So instead of getting wound up or bent out of shape, breathe. Look at things through the right kind of eyes and roll with the freakin’ punches. Don’t get crazy, get certain.

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Gemini (May 21–Jun 20)

This week, dear Scorpio, you may hear some strange things, like the moon doesn’t exist, or something of the like. Strange times, indeed. But don’t be too quick to judge, dear Scorpio. Remember: beliefs and opinions are like bellybuttons — everybody has ‘em. So don’t be too quick to dismiss what you perceive to be someone else’s nonsense or crazy ideas. People put up with yours, don’t they? Why not reciprocate the favour by indulging them?

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Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22)

Whenever something big in your life happens, dear Taurus, it changes you. Sometimes it’s for the good, sometimes it skews towards the ill, but don’t be afraid of the change. Instead, embrace it — rearrangement is the essence of life and human existence. Keep this in mind if something big or unexpected happens over the next couple days. Things can’t always stay the same, but sometimes we just need a little push. So if something nudges you in a new direction, go with it.

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Taurus (Apr 20–May 20)



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Looks like it’s going to be one of those weeks, dear Libra. One marked with uncertainty and confusion — and minor troubles. At times challenging, at times fun but, for the most part, an exercise in frustration. That’ll be this week, Libra. So don’t blow things out of proportion. Times like these come along every now and then. Really, the only thing you can do is smile through clenched teeth and try to make the best of whatever comes your way.

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Libra (Sept 23–Oct 23)

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A strange but wise man once advised that we should “live every week like it’s Shark Week.” What that means, you’ll have to figure out for yourself. A good place to start, dear Aries, is in your approach to tasks — go in with the narrow focus and killer attitude of a shark. You may come across a force that could impede your success, but don’t let it hold you back: if you have something in your sights, go for it. Don’t let anyone or anything get in your way.

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Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19)

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Time Out

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Directions: Fill each box with a digit from 1-9, following these conditions: - Each row must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each column must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once.


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