Verb Issue R32 (June 15-21, 2012)

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Jun 15–21, 2012 • Pass it on

SK Strikes New Green Deal

Province Partners With Ottawa To Curb Emissions P3

Proud Animal Vancouver Duo Talks World Domination P10

Tucker Green

Downtown Concert Series

Local Acts To Perform In Free Summer Shows P6

That’s My Boy

Sandler Fails To Bring The Laughs P14

Telling Stories With This Talented Country Singer P9 Photo: courtesy of the artist

Section Local Page 2

Jun 15–21, ‘12

Page PH


Labour Review ‘Not Meaningful’: Unions

Gov’t Says All Were Welcome, As Controversy Over Who Is Participating Emerges Alex J MacPherson

amend your opinions based on that dialogue,” he continues. Regina, SK — As unions and “And when it’s done, everybody the government begin their la- can see where they had input into bour legislation review process, the process.” controversy over who was invited On May 2nd the government isto participate sued a consultahas emerged. “[Meaningful consultation tion paper outlin“ This is not occurs] where you ing its approach meaningful con- share ideas, you share to a forthcoming sultation,” says labour legislation B o b B y m o e n , opinions…” review. -Bob Bymoen president of The paper enSaskatchewan Government and courages feedback which “will play General Employees’ Union (SGEU). a key role in the development of “[Meaningful consultation occurs] modern, effective labour legislawhere you share ideas, you share tion.” opinions, you have dialogue, you Bymoen is concerned that of

the more than 650 invitations to consult sent out, just 40 went to trade unions. Individual union locals were not invited, he says. “If I was skeptical, which I have every reason to be, as a bit of a devil’s advocate,” he says, “I would say what this is really about, once the legislation comes out, is…scope under trade union act, union accountability, certification and decertification of unions, and those types of items that are a direct run at unions.” However, Minister of Labour Don Morgan says the ministry “expressly asked [SGEU] to participate,” and that he would rather the union have avoided putting out a press release. “I think we’re more productive by focusing on what things we have that are common,” he says. The labour minister says his ministry sent out hundreds of invitations to employers, government agencies, unions, and umbrella unions. “Every trade union that operates in the province got an invitation to participate,” he explains, noting that the review will also use an advisory committee that includes Saskatchewan Federation of Labour President Larry Hubich and Bob Bymoen. “The goal is to try and get as much input from people across the province as we can,” he says. Bymoen says the government, which he characterizes as “definitely pro-business,” does not have a track record of talking to the unions. “They’re listening more to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business and to the Chamber of Commerce,” Bymoen says. “What [those organizations] are promoting is really draconian labour legislation, and that’s

Photo: courtesy of Verb

SGEU workers walk the picket line at SIAST last year worrisome.” that found the government’s esCiting a recent court decision sential services legislation unconstitutional, Bymoen suggests that “a big reason [the government] got into that trouble was the lack of consultation with the stakeholders, more specifically the unions.” Morgan, who is a former Minister of Justice, says this consultation process is in part a response to criticism handed down by the court but should be seen as a means of gathering information, not making decisions. “My ask would be that people go online, download the paper, and give us their comments on it,” he says. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Local Page 3

Jun 15–21, ‘12

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Sask. Strikes New Greenhouse Gas Deal

Province Partners With Ottawa In Ambitious Agreement To Curb Emissions alex J MacPherson

regina, SK — Saskatchewan has gone from laggard to leader overnight, becoming the second province to partner with Ottawa on an ambitious agreement to curb emissions caused by coalfired electricity. “We’re making sure the environmental concerns are paramount, but at the same time making sure we continue to have the fastestgrowing economy in the country,” states Minister of Environment Ken Cheveldayoff.

Both governments say they wish press secretary to federal Environto avoid duplication of efforts to ment Minister Peter Kent, adding control emissions, and are working that the agreement allows provtogether to make inces to achieve sure the industry “[T]he agreement allows the same goal — is not bamboo- provinces to [curb curbing emissions zled by two sets emissions] in the way that — in the way that of regulations. works best for The equivalency works best for them.” them. -Alex J MacPherson agreement makes Cheveldayprovincial standards the ones to off says one of the main benefits use, as long as they are equivalent of the agreement is recognition or better than federal regulations. of “unique circumstances” in the It means we’re not “pushing province, meaning “leading edge” down a one-size-fits-all approach carbon capture efforts at Boundary on the provinces,” says Adam Sweet, Dam 3, near Estevan.

“This agreement would allow us to look at the entire fleet of generators in Saskatchewan,” he says. “We’re looking at the mix here in Saskatchewan and trying to be as environmentally conscious as possible but at the same time we want to have a system where SaskPower can be as price competitive as possible for residents.” This announcement comes on the heels of a report by Corporate Knights, a Toronto-based magazine focused on “clean capitalism.” The magazine’s Provincial Report Card ranked Saskatchewan last among

the provinces, and indicated that the province has “the lowest energy productivity, the second-highest residential energy use per capita, and an electricity system heavily dependent on coal.” Buckley Belanger, opposition environment critic, was not available for comment. Saskatchewan is the second province to conclude an equivalency agreement with the federal government; Nova Scotia made a similar arrangement earlier this spring. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Global

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Jun 15–21, PH‘12 PH–PH, ‘PH

Dogs Feel For Crying People Adam Hawboldt

where either their owner or a stranger would cry, hum or talk London, England — Chalk up casually. another reason why dogs are great. So what happened? Fifteen of Not only are they loyal, not only the 18 dogs approached the cryare they smart and cute, but ap- ing stranger or owner, with most parently dogs are of them directalso empathetic “[I]t doesn’t matter if it’s ing “significantly to your feelings. [the dog’s] owner crying more person-oriAccording to a or a complete stranger.” ented behaviours recent study out toward the per-Adam Hawboldt son crying than of the University of London, dogs respond to human the silent companion,” according to tears and emotions. And the catch the study. But is this really empathy? is: it doesn’t matter if it’s their owner It may very well be, as the recrying or a complete stranger. searchers suggest “it seemed that To figure this out, researchers crying carried greater emotional used a sample of 18 dogs of differ- valence for the dogs and provoked ent ages and breeds. The dogs were a stronger overall response.” subjected to different conditions Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance birthday death — People are likelier to die on their birthday than any other day of the year. On average, those over the age of 60 are 14 percent more likely to die on the anniversary of the day

they were born, according to a study that involved 2.4 million people. The Swiss researchers suggest one cause may be stress surrounding the big day. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Morning People Happier Rising Early Increases Contentment: Study Adam Hawboldt

toronto, on — It’s long been held that the early bird gets the worm.

But did you know that early birds reported greater positive emoare happier too? tion than younger adults, and According to a recent study older adults were more likely to conducted at the University of be morning-type people than Toronto, people who rise earlier younger adults,” Renée Biss, a grad in the day are happier and more student at the UofT, tells LiveScience. satisfied with life “The ‘morningin general than “[M]orning people ness’ was associthose who wake reported feeling healthier ated with greater up later. happiness emothan night owls.” T h e s t u d y, tions in both age -Adam Hawboldt groups.” which aimed to examine the correlation between What’s more, morning people lifespan, morning habits and out- reported feeling healthier than look, involved two distinct groups night owls. — a group of 435 young adults And while researchers aren’t aged 17–38, and a group of 297 100 percent sure as to why, they older adults aged 59–79. theorize it’s partly because those What researchers determined who rise early are getting better was that amongst younger adults, sleep. Instead of fighting to stay only about seven percent of them awake at night, natural morning were early birds. However, this people listen to their body. This switches as people age, and by 60 could not only make them more most people describe themselves alert than night owls, but it could as morning types. also have a positive impact on their The best part about this switch? immune system. “We found that older adults Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Fear Of Dark Triggers Insomnia Adam Hawboldt

Toronto, ON — Insomniacs may simply be afraid of the dark, according to a new study. “We assume that poor sleepers become tense when the lights go out because they associate the bed with being unable to sleep,” says lead author Taryn Moss. “Now we’re wondering how many people actually have an … untreated phobia.” The study involved 93 undergraduates, both “good” and “poor” sleepers. They were asked if they were afraid of the dark, with nearly half of the “poor sleepers”

admitting to some fear. The participants were subjected to short, unexpected bursts of white noise, both in the dark and in light, after which their “startle response” was monitored. Overall, the “poor” sleepers were more startled in the dark, and their anxiety levels were dramatically magnified. This, researchers believe, could contribute to insomnia. Colleen Carney, a scientist from Ryerson University involved in the study, says the findings indicate new treatments for insomnia need to account for this fear. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jun 15–21, ‘12

Summer Concert Series Free Fun For All

This Annual Event Is Back Again, With Tons Of Local Acts For Downtown Shows Sebastien Dangerfield

Regina, SK — When you hear the sound of music wafting through the air downtown, you’ll know that the Downtown Concert Series is back once again. Taking place on the Casino Regina Summer Stage at the F.W. Hill Mall will be a series of free shows, part of an initiative that aims to add some pep and zip to the downtown core. “We want downtown to be an active and revitalized neighborhood,” says Leasa Gibbons, manager of marketing and communications with Regina Downtown BID.

“We want it to be a place where The week after that it’ll be The people come because there is Lonesome Weekends. That show something to see and do.” will be followed, in order, by Belle Beginning on June 28 th and Plaine, The Fortunate Isles, Alex continuing every Runions, Fur Eel, week until August “Every year, we try to put The Hard Ram30th, there will be together a diverse mix of blers, Fly Points, lots to see and music.” Roots N’ Herbs do and even hear and, finally, The -Leasa Gibbons Criminal Kid will downtown — especially if you’re there at noon, wrap things up on August 30th. which is when all the concerts in Featuring a ton of excellent, local the series take place. musicians offering up a vast array To kick things off on the 28th of music, from urban country to is Black Drink Crier, a local roots- energetic indie to outlaw bluegrass country outfit that has received and jazz, the concert series will be national radio play from coast to able to provide for everyone’s musicoast. cal tastes. “Every year, we try to put together a diverse mix of music,” explains Gibbons. “We have established and emerging artists. We try to have something for everyone.” And with the series being free of charge, it really is an egalitarian sort of event for everyone. The sort of event that has proved popular in the past. “Last year we had about 3,000 people out,” says Gibbons. “Some folks come out, bring their lunches, eat and move on. Others come specifically for the concert. They hang out, sit on the planters (we do provide seats, though) and stay for the entire time. For example, if you’re a fan of Belle Plaine, you’ll probably come and watch her entire show.” The concerts are an hour long and, according to Gibbons, are intended for both the serious and casual fan. “Not everybody goes out to

Photo: courtesy of the artist and Michael Bell

Belle Plaine and Lonesome Weekends (top) will play this year. clubs,” she explains. exposure.” “So this is a good way for people For specific dates and/or more in Regina to get to know some local information about the Regina talent. An event like this, which is Downtown Concert Series, visit held outside during the day, pulls these musicians out of their nor- events/concert-series. mal venues and gives them more Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jun 15–21, ‘12

New Jug Texts When Milk Sours Adam Hawboldt

Town Levies Swear Fine

$20 Ticket For Any F-Bombs Dropped In Public Adam Hawboldt

fines for swearing in public. Officials responsible for the middleborough, ma — If mandate say it isn’t meant to cenyou ever find yourself in Mid- sor private conversations, but to dleborough, crack down on Massachusetts, “I’m sure there’s going loud, profanitywhatever you to be some fallout, but laden language do — don’t drop I think what we did was used by young any f-bombs. people in the That’s because necessary.” city’s downtown -Mimi Duphily area and public the town, located about an hour south of Boston, re- parks. cently voted in favour of a proposal “I’m sure there’s going to be that would allow police to levy $20 some fallout, but I think what we

did was necessary,” Mimi Duphily, a store owner, said after the vote. However, not everyone is happy. Matthew Segal, the legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, says fining someone for profanity raises First Amendment questions. “Police officers … might be tempted to issue these fines, and people might end up getting fined for constitutionally protected speech,” he says. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

glass jug — will send you a text message telling you your milk is bad fairfield, CT — Have you ever and that it’s time to go shopping. gone to the fridge, grabbed the It will also text you if your supply milk carton and slugged back a of milk is running low. mouthful of curdled, sour milk? This helpful jug can determine No longer — all this because t h e M i l k m a i d “It will also text you if the quart of milk “smart jug” tries your supply of milk is it holds rests on a to solve that prob- running low.” metal base that’s lem by changing full of pH, weight -Adam Hawboldt and temperature the colour of its LED lights from green to orange sensors that periodically check for to indicate that the milk is no longer freshness and quantity. good to drink. The Milkmaid is currently at the Not only that, but The Milkmaid prototype stage. — which looks like a stylish, tapered Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Offbeat At A Glance Clothes from wine — University of Western Australia researchers have created clothes made from red wine. They added bacteria to the vino, which created a cotton-like substance that the

scientists then moulded into dresses, T-shirts and swimwear. Currently, the garments must be kept damp when worn so they don’t tear. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jun 15–21, ‘12

time on the Billboard Hot 100 50th Anniversary Charts. 8pm, Brandt Centre. Tickets $32.50–108.50, available at Death by Stereo, Cricket, Empire Choir, Soiled Doves — Come and support these local and touring punk rock bands. You won’t regret it. 8pm, The Distrikt. Tickets $15 at the door, $10 in advance available from the bands. Photo: courtesy of the artist

beil (vocals/guitar), Spencer Larocque (bass), Jared Mills (guitar) and David Slater (drums), this local indie band takes strong melodies, combines them with solid pop-rock rhythms and adds some sweet lyrics to create a sound

you’ll certainly dig. After a recent recording session at SoulSound Studio, this quartet has pumped out a new six-track EP called The Weekend. Come check out their CD release show at the Artesian on June 23rd. Tickets TBD. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Langenburg, Saskatchewan, this young woman is big on talent and stage presence. With edgy vocals and a stunning voice, Moskaluke has won fans from here to Nashville with her brand of country/pop music. Her original songs

Friday 15

Saturday 16

Monday 18


Ozark Jubilee presents: Legends of Country Music — Performing music from greats like George Jones, Merle Haggard, Hank Williams and Conway Twitty, the all-star cast of the Ozark Jubilee along with the always funny fiddler, Doofus Doolittle, will have you stomping your feet and rolling in the aisles. 8pm, Casino Regina. Tickets $20–25, available at the Show Lounge box office, online at or by calling 565-3000. DJ Pat & DJ Kim — Local DJs spin top 40 hits every Friday night that are sure to get you on the dance floor. 9pm, Habano’s Martini & Cocktail Club. $5 at the door. Alain Lalonde — Come check out this dope local DJ/producer as he does his thing and spins the kind of sound that’ll make you wanna dance. 7pm, The Hookah Lounge. No cover. Method2Madness — If it’s a rockin’ good time you’re after, look no further. This experienced local band has honed its sound on numerous stages since 1990. 10pm, McNally’s Tavern. Cover $5. Albert — Appearing every Friday night, come listen to Albert as he does his spinning thing. 10pm, Pure Ultra Lounge. Cover $5. Kal Hourd — This award-winning country singer-songwriter brings his talents to Regina. Hourd recently won a trio of Saskatchewan Country Music Awards, taking home awards for 2010 SCMA Album of the Year — Haven’t Even Met Yet and 2010 Single of the Year — “Beautiful Sound.” 8pm, Whiskey Saloon. Cover $10.

Bry Webb — Former lead singer of the Constantines, this singer/ songwriter from Ontario has gone solo and with fantastic results. His sound is still indie, but much slower and more intimate. Other acts at this show include Snailhouse and Zachary Lucky. 8pm, Artful Dodger. Tickets $15 at the door or $12 in advance, available at the Artful Dodger or online at http://tinyurl. com/c9vxykh S&P Latin Project — Come out and enjoy great Latin jazz from this talented local trio. 2pm, Bushwakker Brewpub. No cover. DJ Noor — Born in Kuwait and exposed to the international club scene at a young age, this talented DJ knows how to rock a crowd. 7pm, The Hookah Lounge. Cover $5. Method2Madness — If it’s a rockin’ good time you’re after, look no further. This experienced local band has honed its sound on numerous stages since 1990. 10pm, McNally’s Tavern. Cover $5. Drewski — Doing what he does best, every Saturday night. Come on down and dance the night away with this local DJ. Pure Ultra Lounge. Cover $5. Kal Hourd — This award-winning country singer-songwriter brings his talents to Regina. Hourd recently won a trio of Saskatchewan Country Music Awards, taking home awards for 2010 SCMA Album of the Year — Haven’t Even Met Yet and 2010 Single of the Year — “Beautiful Sound.” 8pm, Whiskey Saloon. Cover $10.


Monday Night Jazz — Featuring ‘round Midnight, a popular jazz and adult contemporary act featuring vocalist Bev Zizzy. 8pm, Bushwakker Brewpub. No cover.

Tuesday 19

Mike Plumb Band w/ guests — This singer/songwriter, formerly of Bonnyville, fronts a roots-based band that carries his namesake and puts on a show like the roadhardened pro he is. 8pm, Artful Dodger. Tickets TBD. Larry and His Flask w/ The Schomberg Fair — Get ready for a night of boot-stomping, head-bobbing music. Both Oregon-based Larry and His Flask and Ontario’s The Schomberg Fair play an infectious blend of punk/country/blues. Come check them out. 8pm, The Exchange. Tickets $13, available at Vintage Vinyl, Madame Yes or online at

Photo: courtesy of the artist

immediately reminds one of the country, radio-friendly sound of a young Carrie Underwood, and Moskaluke has all the makings of a rising star. She’ll be playing Whiskey Saloon from June 28th-30th. Tickets on the 28th and 29th are $5; $10 on the 30th. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

when he makes a pit stop in Regina. 8pm, Casino Regina. Tickets $45–50, available at the Show Lounge box office, online at www.casinoregina. com or by calling 565-3000. Hooded Fang, Parlovr, Goose Hunt — An indie-rock extravaganza, this show features hot bands from across the country. Don’t miss it. 8pm, The Exchange. Tickets $10, available in advance at Vintage Vinyl, Madame Yes or online at

Thursday 21

Bryan Adams — Still going strong after all these years, this rocker from Kingston is nothing short of a Canadian musical icon. With almost 20 Juno awards, a Grammy, and spots on both the Hollywood and Canadian Walks of Fame, Adams’ success has been wild and long, so much so that he was ranked 38th best artist of all

PS Fresh — DJ Ageless started spinning in Montreal, DJ Drewski started in Saskatoon. They both landed in Regina and have come together to sling some bomb beats. 7pm, The Hookah Lounge. No cover. Random Groove — No strangers to the Regina music scene, this smooth sounding quartet know their way around a stage. Consisting of Greg Mildenberger, Roland Schulz, Jon Nicholls and Trent Leggott, Random Groove play a smooth and slick brand of rockin’ blues. 10pm, McNally’s Tavern. Cover $5. Marc Labossiere — This musician from Winnipeg put his own unique twist on all your rock favourites and country hits. When Marc hits the stage, things get crazy good. The Pump Roadhouse. Tickets TBD. Tim Romanson — This multiinstrument performer is a singer/ songwriter from central Saskatchewan who plays a brand of outlaw country-rock that’s often accompanied by a damn dynamic fiddle show . 8pm, Whiskey Saloon. Cover $5. Want your show listed? Email!

Karaoke Tuesday — Famous live music venue offers its patrons a chance to share the stage. 8pm, McNally’s Tavern. No cover.

Wednesday 20

Wednesday Night Folk — Featuring Becky and the Jets, classic folk songs sung by wonderful voices. 9pm, Bushwakker Brewpub. No cover. Uncle Kracker — With hits like “Follow Me,” “Smile” and “Drift Away,” this rocker from Detroit has come a long way since his days as a DJ in Kid Rock’s Twisted Brown Trucker band. Come check him out


are visceral and honest, and his melodies — crafted from guitars (slide and pick), banjos and dobros — are rollicking and infectious. Yesirree, this singer/songwriter plays a gritty brand of slick, raucous country you won’t

Photo: courtesy of the artist

want to miss. Accompanied by Ken Hermanson, Aiden Tentree and Patrick Hamilton, this musician from the Yukon has honed his down-home, up-north sound on stages across the world. He’ll be playing Creative City Centre on August 7th. Tickets TBD. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Arts One

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Jun 15–21, ‘12

Singer Tucker Green Tells Us His Stories

Photo: courtesy of Rachel Pick and the artist

From His Latest Album To Moving Across Country, Green Is Growing Up Alex J MacPherson

Regina, SK — “Someday you’ll see my face in the magazines,” Tucker Green sings on the first track from his album, Halfway to Daylight. Halfway to Daylight, a dusty mix of rock, country and pop, was released in 2010, when Green was just 25. But the record is far more mature and sophisticated than most debuts. The album is brimming with honest, earnest songs that push adolescent dreams into adulthood. When pressed to describe his sound, Green defaults to “Americana,” which he sees as the marriage of simple, universal stories and compelling melodies. “Great Americana is great storytelling,” he muses. “They’re almost synonymous with me. That’s why I love Springsteen. I love the way he crafts his stories and crafts his images. A lot of

them are really straightforward and dreams took its toll, and one day down-to-earth. You can gravitate he decided to quit. to his lyrics. That’s what Americana “I started doing music full time. is to me.” All of a sudden I was feeling the But if Springsteen focuses on pinch of being a full-time musician blue collar America, the tragedies without any real preparation for it and triumphs of — the pinch of fian invisible class, “It was a coming-ofnances, the pinch Green turns the age record for me, a of scheduling, spotlight on him- realization of where I was touring, business. self. Halfway to So there’s comDaylight is about in life…” ing to terms with -Tucker Green being a workthe gulf between where he was and where he wanted ing musician: it’s not necessarily to be. In other words, dreams. a glamorous thing to do, and it’s “It was a coming-of-age record not necessarily an easy thing to do.” for me,” he says, “a realization of “But,” he adds, “the intrinsic rewhere I was in life — caught be- wards of it are so fulfilling.” tween knowing where I want to One of those rewards was a go and knowing what I wanted to cross-country trip, the genesis of do, and knowing where I was. That which is outlined on “Senior Year.” record was a huge step forward.” Seven months ago Green packed When Green wrote Halfway his bag, grabbed his guitar and left to Daylight he was working as a Vancouver for Toronto. custom carpenter, building cabi“There’s a lot more opportunets. But writing about unfulfilled nity in Toronto than Vancouver,”

he admits. “I think Vancouver’s got a great music scene, but when you get to Toronto you realize how many more people there are here, how many more opportunities there are to play, and also just how the music world is a little bigger here.” Unlike many songwriters who spend years toiling in dingy basements and tiny clubs, Green works hard to make his work available. He sees songwriting as an intensely personal activity, but that hasn’t stopped him from working with and writing for other musicians. “I’m pretty passionate about it,” he laughs. “I love the connection with people. As an artist, when [I] release a record and it goes out to the world, people listen and they buy it. You don’t necessarily get the return when someone heard my song and really connected with it. When you’re writing with someone you get that sense of seeing a song come to life that wasn’t there

before.” Indulging his penchant for country, Green admits he would be thrilled to write a song with Taylor Swift or the Dixie Chicks. “I’m a semi-closeted Taylor Swift fan,” he laughs. “Semi-closeted because I’m not afraid to admit it.” Infer what you will from the Swift and the Springsteen, but it’s obvious that Green has grown up a lot since Halfway to Daylight hit the street. The record is still a terrific listen, but it’s out of date. Green is now a professional musician, trading gigs and records for money. Two years ago, this was just a dream. Now, he’s living it. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info

Tucker Green

Where: Artful Dodger When: June 22 Cost: $5 (advance)/$10 (at the door)

Frame Of Presence Exhibit Explores Boundaries

ArtsSect &C

Alex J MacPherson

Regina, SK — Good art, like good literature and good music, produces a vaguely uncomfortable feeling, the sort of experience that requires time and energy to understand. At the other end of the spectrum, kitsch can be parsed without thinking at all. But what happens when art produces no tangible experience whatsoever? Frame of Presence, a new exhibition by Dennis Evans, does just that. At first glance, the show seems cluttered, even chaotic, but after a few minutes clarity begins to emerge — provided, of course, the viewer is prepared to weave his or her own stories into Evans’ art. “Hopefully,” Evans muses, “it allows people to have their own dialogue and story with it, and it might be totally different than mine, which I kind of hope it is.” “[Viewers] seem genuinely surprised that there’s so little in terms every material on the planet, I think. of force-feeding what I’m thinking Except titanium: I don’t think I’ve about,” he continues. “They have used that yet.” to rely on whatever response they Evans is not exaggerating: the may or may not have.” show uses everything from fabric Frame of Presence is at its core to wooden posts. But the anchor is an exploration a 14-foot “geodeof the limits and “I want people to be sic airolite” canoe. boundaries of engaged on the level Made from heatform. But unlike they’re familiar with…” shrink Dacron, a many artists who fabric most often -Dennis Evans used to make sailspend decades perfecting a form, Evans wonders cloth, the canoe is inscribed with what can be done with it, not what a quote: “Form, colour, name, decan be done within it. sign — even these are things of “It’s always an experiment, I this fleeting world and should be guess,” he laughs, “and that’s what abandoned.” keeps it exciting. I’ve been doing This idea is central to the show, it for a long time, and I’ve used which also includes a number of pieces of Dacron stretched like

Photo: courtesy of the artist

canvases for painting. Put another way, Frame of Presence is an elaborate experiment, an attempt to divorce intention and project experience. To describe the stretched Dacron pieces as blank slates would be reductive, but the effect is similar. “I want people to be engaged on the level they’re familiar with and comfortable with,” muses Evans. “I was almost reluctant to put a statement out there because I really believe that the experience is for a person to stand in front of it…” “Statements and even titles sometimes get in the way,” he says. “That quote to me pretty much says it all.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Five Questions W

This Vancouver Duo Talks Cow Alex J MacPherson

Barbara Adler and Gavin Youngash are bent on world domination. Their band, Proud Animal, emerged from their dream of playing square dances before morphing into an audacious and innovative indie rock songwriting project. Their first album captures the friction between Youngash’s thoughtful and sophisticated approach, and Adler’s gunslinging attitude. More importantly, Adler and Youngash haven’t let the business of being a band dampen their enthusiasm for writing, recording and performing: they are having fun and it shows. Although their dream of playing square dances died a hard death, the Proud Animal that rose from the ashes is an incisive, relevant, and entertaining rock band. I caught up with Adler and Youngash to chat about cowboy clothes, creative tension and world domination. Alex J MacPherson: I understand Proud Animal started as a square dance band. What’s that all about? Barbara Adler: Gavin and I live in the same house, we live in this big house where everyone’s a musician — I mean, separate suites though,

it’s not a commune or anything. We got into square dancing, and we went to see this awesome square dance, and had a great time, and there was a live band playing. We were so stoked on hanging out and the awesome time we were having square dancing, so we said we’re going to have a square dance band. We’re going to be a folk duo and from there take over the universe. It “[W]e didn’t c sort of turned out we this with any don’t know anything preconceptio about country shirts, so from that folk duo world domination plan it turned into a songwriting project. AJM: Hyperbole seems to be a central element of your friendship. Why? Gavin Youngash: That was the foundation of the friendship. We had a couple of dinner parties in the fall, that time of year where it’s easy to get dark and depressed about how it’s raining every day. We just started hanging out a lot and we both have that kind of sense of humour which is maybe hard to replicate over the phone right now. It’s the willful continuation of a joke and its expansion into uncharted territories of hyperbole.

Culture tion Pages PH, PH PH PH–PH, ‘PH

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Alex J MacPherson

With Proud Animal Photo: courtesy of Tony Hoare

wboy Shirts, World Domination

AJM: Let’s talk about the record. It covers a lot of ground for a relatively short EP. How do your different backgrounds play into that sound? BA: Probably the most obvious difference between us is that Gavin is a super trained musician. He’s gone to music school and he’s a really musical guy. He plays a whole bunch of instruments and knows music theory left and come into right. I’m a completekind of fixed ly self-taught musician and I’ve been ons…” performing for ten -Gavin Youngash years mainly as a spoken-word performer. I’m coming at it from a pretty untrained, just bright-eyed and not always very informed place. I think that ultimately that’s maybe a real strength. Sometimes you hear projects where everybody’s on exactly the same page, and you don’t get that tension. I think good sounds do come from a bit of rub, a bit of resistance. AJM: Speaking of that tension, it seems like your personalities come out on the record. Is that intentional? GY: We recorded it in two halves. In the sense that half the songs are pretty much written by Barbara and half were written by me. We

Rosie And The Riveters Reveal Their Inspiration

recorded them in batches of three. The first three, those ones were the first three that we wrote…when we were thinking of the folk angle. They’re a little sparser on percussion and maybe more acoustic instruments. You start to see the edge that has come out in the later three. We took a month off and then we came back and in that time reconciled that we were going to maybe be a different kind of band than a folk duo. AJM: One of the neat things, I think, about your band is that you seem to really enjoy working together and having fun together. GY: A big part of it is that we didn’t come into this with any kind of fixed preconceptions. It just wound up being who we are. Basing it on the fact that we enjoyed spending time together and that we could try something new creatively together based on that fact, that we could have a good time. No matter what kind of difficulty could pop up in the recording process or the touring process, we get along on a really fundamental, really personal level. And that we could be ourselves no matter what. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Regina, SK — Music is a powerful tool. It can entertain, but it can also unite and inspire. And four young women from Saskatoon have seized this potential, transforming gospel music, once a religious outlet, into a palliative for people exhausted by boilerplate radio hits. Named for the cultural icon who came to symbolize wartime solidarity and the vast potential of women in the workforce, Rosie and the Riveters offer a contemporary take on classics from the ‘40s. Anchored by the towering vocal harmonies of Farideh, Kiera Dall’Osto, Melissa Nygren and Alexis Normand, the group marries firstclass musicianship to a deep passion for entertaining. “I wanted to start a group that would do gospel music,” says Farideh, seated by the window in a local coffee shop. “It’s a traditional music that isn’t being heard because most people don’t go to church. It’s a really incredible kind of music.” “I think that kind of music always spoke to me,” agrees Dell’Osto, her voice crackling with enthusiasm. “I cry onstage, music is a religious experience for me. That’s why I do it. We all get that together onstage, and we can recreate that together. I think that once the audience has shared that with us too, we’re a lot closer to the audience.” The band has run afoul of skeptics before and will undoubtedly do so again, but it’s plain to see that they are interested in entertaining, not preaching. Their attraction to gospel is driven by a collective desire to sing upbeat songs with universal themes. “I think that in itself can be a spiritual experience,” Farideh muses. “We long to see people getting along, and when you see that and hear four voices blending together

Event Info

Proud Animal

Where: Creative City Centre When: June 25 Cost: $10 at the door

Rosie and the Riveters Where: Creative City Centre When: June 22 Cost: $15 at the door

Dennis Evans: Frame of Presence Where: Mysteria Gallery When: Now ‘til June 30 Cost: Free!

Want some coverage for your upcoming event? Email ASAP!

Photo: courtesy of Jocelyn Chillog

without someone being less important or more important — it’s a spiritual longing all hearts have.” Rose and the Riveters perform in period dresses, their hair and makeup done to match. But Farideh, Dell’Osto, Nygren and Normand are much more than entertainers; they push the boundaries of what women can achieve in the music industry. “Men get together, drink a

couple beers and jam it out,” Farideh says. “They can suck but it’s about the male bonding thing. I never had the experience where I jammed with my girlfriends. I could never grow as a musician.” Fortunately, the band has furnished them with plenty of opportunity to defy convention, become better musicians, and entertain their fans. Rosie would be proud. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


Page 12

Jun 15–21, ‘12

We all like a little spice in our lives, and the colourful kick of paprika can add a bit of decoration or a lot of heat to your food. Paprika also has some piquant facts. Paprika is the ground dried ■fruits of large bell or chilli The flavour of paprika ■ranges from mild to smoky to

Jack Keaton’s Offers BBQ Bliss

paprika is dried ■withSpanish smoke, giving it a very

Jessica Bickford


very hot

distinct, deep flavour

Hungary is home ■to Kalosca, a paprika museum Paprika mixed with henna is ■often used to naturally colour hair

Photos: Courtesy of Kendra Kuss

Amazing Food Made From Scratch In Regina’s North End When it comes to family friendly food in Regina, the majority of choices are big chain restaurants where the only thing you are guaranteed is a booth big enough for your brood. Worry not, though. Brett and

Kristi Huber are taking it as a per- The brisket had dark bark, a smoky sonal challenge to provide an inde- taste, and was thick cut and tender. pendent, family-run place to eat, The mac and cheese was topped and they started by naming it after with cheddar and fresh green ontheir two boys. ion, and its slightly peppery sauce Jack Keaton’s is up in the north added a punch to this staple item. end, and they have transformed The potato salad was a claswhat was once sic with a couple an Arby’s into a “The ribs were … falling of twists: it had simple open res- off the bone, and had a the usual re d taurant where smoky/sweet aroma…” peppers, celery, you order at the green onion and -Jessica Bickford creamy dressing, counter, th en have a seat in the open dining room but upped the ante with pickles and to await your meal. They also have a hit of bright paprika that added a a cooler with ready-made favou- piquant and slightly smoky flavour rites, like pulled pork, brisket and that was quite tasty. hotlinks, that you can take home, I followed those with battered heat, and serve for a hassle-free haddock with cow chips and coleand tasty dinner. slaw. The coleslaw had green and I started off with some 12 hour red cabbage, carrots and a smooth smoked brisket with sides of maca- dressing with some vinegar bite and roni and cheese and potato salad. a hint of sweetness. The cow chips

were skin-on, handmade potato chips cooked nice and dark for a caramelized taste and good crunch — these were a perfect specimen of what chips can be. The fish was covered in a deep golden brown batter that kept the flaky haddock inside rich and moist. Applewood-smoked baby back ribs were up next, and I had them with a crisp Caesar salad. The ribs were tender and falling off the bone, and had a smoky/sweet aroma, as well as a sticky sauce. Very messy, but worth their weight in napkins! I finished off with a taste of the Jack Keaton’s prime burger with house fries. The fries were topnotch — skin-on, lightly salted and cooked to a golden brown, which is how I like them. The burger had a wonderfully rich and juicy patty, real cheddar cheese, an array of classic burger toppers, and a onetwo punch of bbq and a Louisianastyle remoulade sauce that took this burger from good to remarkable. This burger had the perfect balance of creamy, tangy and umami — I recommend you get it just as it comes. Jack Keaton’s offers catering and both walk-in and call ahead take out, and should have their bottled bbq sauce on sale soon. Brett says that he wants Jack Keaton’s to be a “family oriented restaurant that has slow food served fast,” and that’s exactly what they serve up. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Jack Keaton’s BBQ and Grill

Address: 5650 Rochdale Blvd. Hours: Sunday – Wednesday 11am –

9pm; Thursday – Saturday 11am – 10pm

Reservations: 522-7227


Page 13

Jun 15–21, ‘12

Put Warning Labels On All Things ‘Bad’ Cigarette Cartons Are Getting Larger Caution Markers, But Why Stop There? Editors of Verb

Regina, SK — If you’ve been on the Internet in oh, say, the last six months or so, you’ve probably stumbled across the meme that goes something like: “I’m not saying let’s kill all the stupid people … I’m just saying let’s remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.” Funny stuff, sure, but we are humanitarians. We care about people. And that’s why we think there is a simple solution that will help society move forward in the right direction — more warning labels. Think about it. After photographs of bloody urine, cancerous tongues and rotting teeth were plastered all over our cigarette packs, nearly everyone in Canada quit smoking, right? I mean, Canada’s warning labels used to cover a mere 50 percent of the box, and that worked perfectly. But lest any Canadians should slip back into the habit — excuse us, we mean freely make the choice, as adults, to do what they want — the warning labels have now expanded to cover 75 percent of the cigarette packet. Y’see, previously warning labels haven’t actually made that much of a difference — Marc Fortin, presi- beverage may create the delusion dent of the National Convenience that you are smarter, stronger, faster Store Distributors Association in and more beautiful than everyone Canada, tells Convenience Distri- else in a five-mile radius. It may also bution magazine, make you thay “[a]t first, these “[H]ow about Dane Cook’s shings like dith.” l a b e ls t u r n e d movies … they should all Or how about people off, but come with a sticker that Dan e Co o k ’s didn’t stop smokmovies? From his ers from smoking. reads: CAUTION…” stand-up com-Verb’s editors edy specials to People became accustomed to the visuals and his romcom bombs, they should eventually stopped noticing them.” all come with a sticker that reads: But that’s because they were so “CAUTION—Contents of this packteeny! And people probably think age, if viewed for longer than 20 cigarettes are good for them, so minutes at a time, can cause irreplet’s make those labels bigger! Big- arable damage to your intellect, ger equals better, of course, and integrity and good taste.” warning labels save lives, so blow But why stop at booze and bad those babies up and no one will movies? Instead of paper wrappers ever smoke again. and cardboard containers, why not And in fact, why stop with ciga- serve fast food wrapped in yellow rette boxes? Let’s slap enormous crime-scene tape with a label that warning labels on every harmful says, “Put down this cholesterol product, cautioning you of every sandwich and go for a walk. You potential disaster out there. are a heart-attack-in-waiting.” Take alcohol for instance. If we Sliding to the opposite side of had our way, every can of beer, that spectrum for a second, maybe bottle of wine and jug of whiskey all those photo-shopped pics of would come with a label that says celebrities you see in fashion maga“WARNING—Drinking this may zines should have a little caption

at the bottom that warns readers, “SORRY—You will never look like this. Heck, these models don’t even look like this. It’s all post-production computer work, friend.” And speaking of computers, as soon as the machines turn on, the 1981 Police lyrics “Too much information running through my brain/

Too much information driving me insane” should seep from the speakers as the following message — or something of its ilk — pops up in the middle of your screen: “WARNING—Sitting in front of this contraption for too long has been linked to bowel cancer, heart attack, blood clots in your legs, weight

gain, back and neck pain, vision problems, mood swings and social ineptitude. Use at your own risk.” And that’s just the tip of the warning-label iceberg, folks. Dangers and evils are everywhere. We must be ready for them. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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JunPH 15–21, PH–PH, ‘12 ‘PH

Raunchy That’s My Boy An Unfunny Flop Adam Sandler Fails To Draw Out The Laughs In Crude Wedding Comedy That’s My Boy

Runtime: 114 Minutes Rated: 14A Adam Hawboldt Dear Adam Sandler: Why? That’s my question, old sport. Why in the heck do you insist on making all these subpar movies? I mean, it’s not like you lack talent or anything. Take Happy Gilmore, for example. Remember that little gem?

Not only is it one of the funniAnd Bucky Larson: Born to Be a est movies of the ‘90s, it’s also one Star? I’m not even going to go there, of the funniest sports movies of son. It’s too infuriating. all time (right up there with CadSee Sandler, the thing is, people dyshack and Mawant to like you. jor League). Yep, “[Y]ou couldn’t find a way We w ant yo u it was that good. to make all the lowbrow to succeed. You So too was Billy humour funny.” seem like a good Madison. dude who likes -Adam Hawboldt sports and is easy Heck, even The Wedding Singer had its moments. to laugh. But then, some time during in You can also be all-get-out-ofthe late ‘90s, something happened. here funny. And, unlike most comeYou seem to have lost your funny. dians out there, you can act. Like, Little Nicky, Click, Bedtime Stories, land-the-right-role-and-maybeGrown Ups, Jack and Jill. What in just-maybe-you-could-win-an-Osthe good name of Jehoshaphat car act. were you thinking? You were so good in Funny People and Reign Over Me and PunchDrunk Love that I completely forgot you were the same guy who once beat up Bob Barker and made fun of a stuttering child. Yes, Sandler, you were that good once. Funny too. And you know what, you can get back to that level again. But first things first: you HAVE to stop making movies like your newest one, That’s My Boy. Honestly, you can do better. Much better. Don’t get me wrong here, it’s nowhere near as bad as, say, Just Go With It. But let’s be honest with each other: it wasn’t Billy Madison, either. In fact, the premise of That’s My Boy wasn’t half bad. I mean, how can a movie about a 14-year-old who knocks up his teacher, becomes a minor celebrity, is forced to raise his boy, then, years later, needs

Photo: courtesy of Columbia Pictures

to rekindle his relationship with his kid — who has since become

wealthy and successful — to avoid jail, be anything but jam-packed with lowbrow awesomeness? And lowbrow it was, ol’ sport. Only problem was, you couldn’t find a way to make all the lowbrow humour funny. Sure, in spots it was hilarious, but sometimes too much crudity and body fluid references wear thin on an audience. I like urine jokes as much as the next guy, but this was a bit too much. A bit too … what’s the word? Juvenile. Yep, that’s the one. But keep your head up, champ. Just because you put out a steaming pile of mediocrity this time around doesn’t mean things won’t get better. Probably not until you get Grown Ups 2 out of your system. But one of these days, mark my words, you’re going to find your funny and have us all rolling in the aisles again. Can’t wait. Your fan, Adam Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

Page Page 15PH

JunPH 15–21, PH–PH, ‘12 ‘PH

Rock Of Ages Just Doesn’t Rock Enough Photo: courtesy of Warner Bros.

Cruise Shines Despite Rest Of Cast’s Weak Performances, Paper-Thin Plot Rock of Ages

Runtime: 123 Minutes Rated: PG Adam Hawboldt You may disagree, but I still have to say this: Tom Cruise’s days as a leading seem to be numbered. Okay, maybe not. But they damn well should be. Look at what he’s done lately: Mission Impossible, Knight & Day, Valkyrie, Lions for Lambs, etc., etc., etc. My fingers cramp and face cringes just writing that list. Honestly — it pains me to think, let alone write, that gone are the good ol’ days of Top Gun and The Color of Money, of Rain Man, A Few Good Men and Born on the Fourth of July. However — and this is a big, honking “however” folks — while Cruise’s days as an all-out awesome leading man may have receded so far into his rearview that Cruise can’t find them with a pair of binoculars, the man is absolutely and uncategorically brilliant when he tackles supporting roles. Think T.J. Mackey in Magnolia. Think Les Grossman in Tropic

Thunder. And now you can add his supporting role in Rock of Ages to that list. In the film, Cruise plays Stacee Jaxx — a sex-mongering, boozefuelled, bare-chested, tattooed rockstar who has long since left the port of reality behind and now floats around on a sea of bats*** insanity in a boat that’s barely big enough for his ego and his trained pet monkey, Hey Man. And, simply put, Cruise plays this character with near perfection. He’s so good, in fact, that the only problem with Cruise in this film is that he’s not in it nearly enough.

Rock of Ages — which direc- story of a small town girl named tor Adam Shankman (Hairspray) Sherie (Julianne Hough) who sets adapted from the hit Broadway out for Hollywood in pursuit of her musical — would’ve been a way, musical dreams. She soon meets way better movie Drew (Diego Bohad they altered it “[M]ost of characters may neta), a waiter at to give Jaxx more as well have been cut out the famous rock screen time. venue, The Bourof cardboard.” But, as it bon Room, who -Adam Hawboldt also dreams of stands, Cruise and the music (from Def Leppard’s “Pour musical glory. Some Sugar On Me” to Twisted SisThe bar, located on the infamous ter’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” to Sunset Strip, is run by Dennis (Alec Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’”) Baldwin) and Lonny (Russell Brand) are the only good things about and has come under assault by the this movie. mayor’s conservative wife (CatheOtherwise, Rock of Ages is pretty rine Zeta-Jones). Somewhere along pedestrian. Set in 1987, it tells the the way Jaxx shows up and wild

things happen. And if it weren’t for Jaxx and his assless chaps, the movie would’ve been borderline unwatchable. The plot of the film is paper-thin, while most of characters may as well have been cut out of cardboard. Rock of Ages is the kind of movie that, afterwards, you’ll likely remember the characters’ awesome ‘80s hair better than their problems; the songs more than the stories. Basically, Rock of Ages is an overlong (2 hr. 3 min.), overproduced MTV video from the late-80s. Watch at your own risk. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


Page 16

Jun 15–21, ‘12

This Week: Bullying Fetuses Last week we asked what you thought about Maurice Vellacott’s “fetus bullying” proposal, and here’s what you had to say. Next week’s topic: see page 13 — what do you think about

On Topic Now I am a religious person and in some cases I don’t agree with abortion, however in the end, no matter the case I will always respect the choice made by the women because at the end of the day its her body, and her choice. And on this subject its important to note that parents and adults make hundreds if not thousands of concious and unconscious life altering decisions for children and youth from deciding their identity to making

cigarette packages’ new warning labels? Text FEEDBACK and your thoughts about the topic (or anything else) to 306–881-VERB (8372) and you could see your text printed in next week’s issue! them follow a certain faith or belief system. Yet we do not go berating and shaming the adults who do this, neither should we do the same in this case because its their rightful choice. If you aren’t killing an innocent victim, then what is it are you aborting exactly? Once an embryo is conceived, it is living human life and defenceless yet you want the chance to choose, or should i say murder? Imagine how much you value the life you have for yourself

(I hope you value your life). Now imagine how you could give a baby a chance at having the same joy in life you experience just by giving it the chance to live. Aren’t you glad someone gave you the right to live? Why is it do difficult to want to do the same for the unborn? If some women were not messing around in the first place, there would be no predicament whether to have an abortion or not. If you’re not ready to be a mom, then you shouldn’t subject yourself to becoming pregnant! I’m tired of women saying it is their body or their uterus. It is not. It was created FOR you to use not

abuse. PRO Life for the unborn. Absolutely women should have the choice. That doesn’t mean they’ll go for it but they should be allowed to determine for themselves.

Off Topic Pipeline spill in Alberta. Made me realize Alberta is a sensitive place for pipelines. Continental headwaters. Potential to contaminate huge water watershed. Lots of people texting in to complain about “panhandlers” downtown. They suggest banning them from downtown instead of increasing and supporting programs that work with people to get

them off the street. since some “pan handlers” don’t have cell phone access to text themselves I would like to humbly offer a big F*** YOU to those seeking to ban poor people from downtown. Thanks to all drivers who yield to buses and allow us to change lanes when we signal. You make our job a lot easier! Where r u? Its great that we are getting local artists to further the artistic community. Great job guys! Incorporation of all art forms will great for all audiences The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily Verb’s.


Page 18

Jun 15–21, ‘12

Saturday @ Crave Venue

Crave Kitchen and Wine Bar on Saturday, June 9th


1925 Victoria Avenue

Playing on Arrival Jazz tunes

Music Vibe

Top 40 during the day, and a mix of jazz and club music in the evenings

Regular Gigs

House DJs, and occasional live performances by musical groups

Feature Deal

Changes nightly

Popular Drink

Endless summer sangria, and any of the over 25 types of wine available by the glass

Food of Choice

New charcuterie slabs and cheese planks, designed to share

Something New Photos courtesy of Klein Photography (

Endless summer patio, featuring their new draught system

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Deceased hip-hop artist Tupac once rapped, “We can never go nowhere unless we share with each other. We gotta start making changes.” Changes: that’s the ticket, dear Pisces. Most of the time, people are too involved in their own lives to take a look around at the injustices of the world. If you fit this bill, maybe now is a good time to step outside of yourself and do some good for someone else. And who knows — perhaps the universe has some kind gesture in store for you.

8 3 4 5 6 7 1 9 2

Pisces (Feb 20–Mar 20)

Have people been questioning your opinions lately, dear Virgo? Have you, for some strange reason, been rubbing certain folks the wrong way? If so, don’t worry about it at all. What’s good for you isn’t necessarily good for someone else. As Sly and the Family Stone once sang: “Different strokes for different folks, and so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby.” You can’t please everybody all the time, so just go about your business. Life’s complicated enough.

7 4 3 6 5 1 2 8 9

Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22)

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our mind.” That pearl comes free-of-charge from none other than the original rude boy of reggae, Bob Marley. But you probably knew that already, dear Aquarius. What you may not know, however, is that in the upcoming week, you may find yourself thinking about things in a different way. If this happens, don’t dismiss it — the rewards could be much greater than you could ever imagine.

1 2 8 4 3 9 5 6 7

Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 19)

Feeling bent out of shape by society’s pliers, dear Leo? Are all the restraints and expectations weighing you down? If so, it’s time to take a stand. Throw off the shackles, and to hell with what others think. What do they know anyway? So if you feel like walking down the street singing at the top of your lungs, do it. If you’re in the mood to dress up like a clown, don’t hesitate. By simply being yourself, and doing what you want to do, you’ll find liberation.

6 5 9 2 7 8 3 1 4

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22)

Do you feel like a “lost soul swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,” dear Capricorn? If so, it’s time to try something new. It’s time to haul back, kick that bowl with all your might, smash the bloody thing, and set out on a quest to find yourself. If that seems a tad excessive, at least try something that will break up the monotony of life. Sometimes we get caught in a rut, and life and excitement passes us by while we’re busy going through the motions. Carpe diem, and all that stuff.

4 8 2 7 1 5 9 3 6

Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19)

Sometimes the greatest truths are right in front of our eyes. All we have to do is wake up and take notice. As Simon and Garfunkel once sang, “the words of prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls.” The point, dear Cancer, is that you can find wisdom anywhere and everywhere. For the most part, the great maxims of life aren’t highfalutin’ or pompous. They’re the sayings you read on bathroom walls. So keep your eyes peeled for the sagacity around you.


9 1 6 3 2 4 8 7 5

Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22)

Have things been coming at you from out of nowhere lately, and you feel like you’re constantly on the defensive, dear Sagittarius? If so, remember that “optimism is your best defense.” No matter how bad or strange things may seem, there’s always a silver lining. If you can do that, you’ll be able to smile when it hurts the most. As Jimmy Dean once quipped: “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”

3 7 5 8 9 6 4 2 1

Sagittarius (Nov 23–Dec 21)

To quote the late, great Bo Diddley, “Before you accuse me take a look at yourself.” Wise words to remember: when we judge others, dear Gemini, it’s always best to take a long hard look in the mirror and realize that no one is perfect. The only reason I bring this up is because later this week a situation may arise when you feel the urge to lambaste someone for a mistake. If this should happen, take a moment, and ask yourself if calling that person out will help.

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Gemini (May 21–Jun 20)


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In 1966, Paul Revere and the Raiders topped the Canadian charts with a song called “Kicks,” and one of the great lines from that classic goes something like: “No matter what you do, you’ll never run away from you.” Truer words have never been spoken (or sung), dear Scorpio. Deep down, you are who you are — no sense in running away from reality and the truth. So use this week to start accepting yourself, Scorpio, and any flaws you think you have. You’re pretty darn special.

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Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22)

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Have you ever listened to that old Beatles song, the one about love being all you need? Well, they were onto something, and this week your sole objective should be to love and be loved. And we’re not talking solely about romantic love here. Love can come in many shapes, forms and colours. Love of nature, love of friends, love of solitude or crowds. Love of self. Whatever suits you: love is all you need, Taurus. Spread yours around, and you may be surprised at what you receive.

In life there comes a time when, no matter how hard you try, “sorry seems to be the hardest word.” If that’s the case this week, dear Libra, if you find yourself having to apologize for something you don’t want to, reach deep within yourself and do the right thing. Even if you feel you’re in the right, there’s just as good a chance that you are, in one way or another, actually at fault here. Just because you can’t see or realize this, doesn’t mean it’s untrue.

2 1 9 4 5 8 6 7 3

Taurus (Apr 20–May 20)

Libra (Sept 23–Oct 23)

7 8 4 3 6 2 5 1 9

Every now and then we all get lost in the darkness, dear Aries. If that happens to you this week, don’t just let yourself drift aimlessly. Instead, take a cue from the dreamers of the world and learn to steer by the stars. All of this is a roundabout way of saying you should follow your dreams — dare to be great. Sure, there’ll be dark periods. To chase down your dreams you’re going to have to pass through a tunnel or two. But, in the long run, won’t it be worth it?

4 5 1 7 9 6 3 8 2

Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19)

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6 7 8 2 4 3 9 5 1


Jun 15–21, ‘12 3 9 2 5 8 1 4 6 7

Time Out

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Directions: Fill each box with a digit from 1-9, following these conditions: - Each row must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each column must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once.

2 9 7 5 1 7 4 1 3 4 9 3 1

8 4 9 4 6 5

2 3 6 7 6 8 1 9 7 5 6 2 8 2 3 8 5

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