Verb Issue s188 (May 4-10, 2012)

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May 4–10, 2012 • Pass it on


$200M Sought For Stadium

Regina Asks Province For Funding P2


Play Explores French, English Relations P12

The Avengers

Action-Packed Blockbuster Amazing P15

Toilet Speed Record



Canadian Races ‘Throne’ At 75 Km/h P7

Rapper Rich Terfry Breaks It Down For Us P11 Photo: courtesy of Ryan Couldrey

Section Local Page 2

May 4–10, ‘12

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City Seeks $200M For Stadium Funding Regina Asks Province For Money To Replace Mosaic, Will Kick In $88M Itself Alex J MacPherson

“I’ve written a letter back to the mayor today, asking for more inforsaskatoon, SK — The Sas- mation in several different areas,” katchewan Roughriders are one says Saskatchewan Party Minister step closer to a new home after Ken Cheveldayoff, who is in charge plans to replace the aging Mosaic of the file. “For example, have they Stadium took shape this week. had discussions with the RoughridThe City of Regina has released ers? And some information regarddetails of a funding request submit- ing the funding model and how ted to the provincial government they propose to pay for it going in late April for the forward.” $1 billion, 15-year “I’ve written a letter back According to Regina Revital- to the mayor … asking Cheveldayoff, the ization Initiative, for more information in premier and the which includes a cabinet will meet new football sta- several different areas.” to discuss the pro-Ken Cheveldayoff posal and various dium. The total cost of the stadium is financing options. expected to be about $280 million, This current proposal stems from of which the province is being asked a March 2011 announcement that to contribute $200 million, explains federal money would not be availBrent Sjoberg, deputy city manager able for a new stadium. and chief financial officer. A joint study between the fed“I can’t confirm what we’re pro- eral government, the province, the posing yet, in terms of the stadium city and the Roughriders examined concept,” he says, adding that the the idea of building a domed faprovince has been asked to respond cility with a retractable roof, but to the request by May 31st. the federal government refused

to participate in the $430 million project. “We asked the city of Regina to come back and take another look at things and come back with another proposal, and they have,” says Cheveldayoff of the Regina Revitalization Initiative, which was introduced April 19th, 2011. Under the proposal, $348 million worth of public funding is needed to complete the Initiative, which also includes an overhaul of the current CP rail yards and the construction of a mixed-use neighbourhood in the area surrounding Mosaic Stadium. Of the $348 million, the province is being asked to furnish $230 million: $200 million for the stadium and $30 million for land development. The city has asked the federal government, which previously declined to pay for a stadium, to contribute $30 million toward land development. The city itself will provide $88 million, most of which will go

Photo: courtesy of Brettede

toward the stadium project. Warren McCall, opposition critic on the project, says the financial details provoke more questions. “For a project of this magnitude, if people are going to get the assurance and confidence in the information that they should expect when hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ dollars are involved, this government has to get a lot more ready with the information,” declares McCall. Pointing to the New Democratic Government’s support for the

struggling Roughriders in the ‘90s, McCall says the opposition is not ideologically opposed to the idea. But, he continues, “the fact that this kind of proposal was nowhere in the budget — we think the government has got some explaining to do on that front,” he says. Last February, the province provided the city with a $6.2 million loan to help cover $14 million worth of upgrades to Mosaic Stadium needed for the 2013 Grey Cup game. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 4–10, ‘12

Rental Units In Sask Receive Tax Break

New Initiative Expected To Create 10,000 More Spaces In Next Five Years Alex J MacPherson

underway. The ten percent income tax break, which drops the corpoSaskatoon, SK — Saskatch- rate income tax rate down to the ewan’s strained rental housing 2 percent small business rate, will market could get some relief be applied to income earned from from a new tax break that prom- rental properties. It is expected to ises to add thoucost the governsands of new “We’ve heard a lot of ment $34 million units in the next positive feedback from in the first five five years. years, but could [various] organizations.” The provincial result in the cre-Tim Gross ation of 10,000 government has introduced the Corporate Income new rental units by the end of 2016. Tax Rebate, which is designed to “During our consultations with encourage developers to get new stakeholders last year, we heard residential construction projects that corporate income tax was one

of the biggest barriers to development,” Social Services Minister June Draude told the Standing Committee on Human Services. “Our government listened, and with this budget we introduced the corporate income tax rebate on new rental housing.” Tim Gross, executive director, Housing Development, says, “it is intended to encourage developers or investors in rental to develop rental housing in the province.” According to Gross, there are currently about 90,000 rental units in Saskatchewan, meaning the initiative could increase the supply by 11 percent. Gross emphasizes that the initiative is not a conventional corporate tax break, and is available to any organization, either for- or nonprofit, or private individual building units that meet the criteria. To qualify, projects must contain at least eight units, meaning apartment blocks, townhouses, and newly-converted commercial properties can qualify. Gross says the initiative is a response to the concerns of organizations working in the construction and development fields. “We’ve heard a lot of positive feedback from [various] organizations,” he says. “It’s something that people considering rental development have talked about, that there is unfair treatment in the tax system. This is one way to respond to that.” Draude added, “the initiative is

Photo: courtesy of Jordon Cooper

widely acclaimed across the province. The mayor of Saskatoon called it wonderful. Moose Jaw mayor, Glenn Hagel, celebrated the initiative as removing the biggest deterrent to building new rental units.” Bill Madder, CEO of the Association of Saskatchewan Realtors, agrees. “I think it’s a great initiative from the government,” he says. “We see it as a real positive to get rental construction back rolling again. We definitely need the supply in the marketplace, and this should help offset some of the reasons why people weren’t putting new apartments up.” Although he admits that “a large part” of the income tax system is federally regulated, Madder thinks the initiative will offset some of the barriers to development. “It’s a pretty significant benefit,” he admits. “Ten percent is not a bad number.”

“I don’t see any restrictions or anything that would turn anybody away,” he adds. “It actually is an opportunity. I think it’s a pretty bold step by the government, because this type of thing doesn’t exist in any other province.” NDP MLA David Forbes, who is the opposition housing critic, says. “I don’t disagree with the tax [break], but I do see some issues … I just think there are some loose ends here that could have major implications down the road,” Forbes notes. Forbes is concerned that there is no provision for affordable housing in the plan, and that new developments might be out of reach for low- and moderate-income citizens. He also worries that there is nothing to prevent developers from building expensive condominiums instead of apartments which, he says, “wasn’t what they were meant to be.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 4–10, ‘12

Bilingualism Enhances Memory Adam Hawboldt

researchers monitored the brains of 48 Northwestern University stuchicago, il — It’s no secret that dents. being bilingual has its benefits. Twenty-three of students spoke But along with the obvious com- English and Spanish, while 25 of munication advantages, recent them were English-only speakers. research suggests that speaking The students were subjected to two languages also enhances your two environments: the first was a memory and imquiet laboratory, proves your abil- “[Bilingual speaks have] while the second ity to pay atten- an auditory system that is was a noisy room tion. filled with chatter. highly efficient…” “The bilinIn the first lab, all -Nina Kraus students’ minds gual’s enhanced experience with sound results in responded similarly. In the second, an auditory system that is highly however, the bilingual students efficient, flexible and focused in proved better at processing sounds. its automatic sound processing, They were also more adept in especially in challenging or novel tuning into important information listening conditions,” explains au- by blocking out other distracting ditory neuroscientist Nina Kraus. noises. Kraus and her team of Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Sleep More, Lose Weight Nine Hours A Night Offsets Obesity Genetics Adam Hawboldt

There are numerous genes that have been linked to obesity; seattle, wa — If you like to however, this is the first study that snooze, you’re going to love this. examines how sleep affects those New research out of the Uni- genes. versity of Washington has found Watson’s team examined 1,088 that sleeping nine pairs of twins. The hours a night can “[E]xtended sleep is researchers found counteract genet- protective by suppressing that those pairs ic predispositions expression of obesity sleeping less than to obesity. seven hours, geLed by Dr. Na- genes.” netic influences -Nathaniel Watson made up 70 perthaniel Watson, the team of researchers also found cent of the difference in BMI. that sleeping less than seven hours Common environment aca night was associated with both counted for four percent and higher body weight and an increased susceptibility to the genetic factors that influence a person’s body mass index (BMI).

Global At A Glance New Cancer test — Scientists at Impe-

rial College London have developed a blood test that can detect breast cancer decades before it develops. Researchers have identified a “genetic switch” — carried by one in five women — that doubles their risk of developing breast cancer. Scientists estimate the test will be available in about five years. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

unique environment coming in at 26 percent. Conversely, in twins who slept for more than nine hours, genetic factors accounted for only 32 percent of weight variations. “The results suggest that shorter sleep provides a more permissive environment for the expression of obesity related genes,” says Dr. Watson in a statement. “Or it may be that extended sleep is protective by suppressing expression of obesity genes,” he adds. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 4–10, ‘12

Obesity Breakthrough: Fat Can Be ‘Turned Off’ Adam Hawboldt

dallas,TX — It might be possible to “turn off” obesity, according to researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern. “We discovered a protein that’s expressed in the heart … called

MED 13, and it turns out that this protein regulates metabolism in the whole body,” Dr. Eric Olson of UT Southwestern explains to Researchers fed mice a highfat diet, then activated the MED 13 protein. And despite their

extremely high caloric intake, the mice stayed lean — as long the protein remained on. Furthermore, the researchers also found they could treat other aspects of abnormal metabolisms, like high cholesterol with the protein. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Wired To Be Lazy

Brains May Make You Slothful Adam Hawboldt

nashville, tn — For all you slackers out there, don’t worry: it’s not your fault. Researchers from Vanderbilt University suggest that lazy people have brains that are hard-wired for underachievement. After scanning the brains of “gogetters” and “slackers,” scientists identified neural pathways in the

“Scientists identified neural pathways … that influence how willing an individual is to work.”

-Adam Hawboldt human brain that influence how willing an individual is to work hard. More specifically, more motivated people had higher levels of dopamine in the striatum and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, areas of the brain that play a key role in the feeling of reward when something is achieved. Slackers, on the other hand, had increased dopamine levels in the anterior insula — the part of the brain involved in emotions and risk perception.

Twenty-five healthy volunteers, aged 18 to 29, took part in the research. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance bee family matters — Apparently bees aren’t too keen on their extended family. Polish scientists studied postswarm bee colonies and found that worker bees rebel when faced with the

task of raising their nieces and nephews. The scientists say this isn’t a behavioral thing; rather, it’s a fundamental change in the worker bees’ biology. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 4–10, ‘12

Two-Year Erection Generates BMW Lawsuit Adam Hawboldt

sacramento, ca — A California man is suing BMW North America, alleging that a four-hour ride on his motorcycle gave him an erection that’s lasted for two years. The afflicted man, Henry Wolf, claims the ridged seat on his 1993 BMW motorcycle, which he put on his bike to make the ride more comfortable, caused the unfortunate

situation. for lost wages, medical expenses, What’s more, because of his emotional distress and what he “persistent, lasting erection,” Wolf calls “general damage.” claims that he is However, unable to engage “He is seeking some doctors disin any sexual ac- compensation for … pute Wolf’s claim, tivity. and one urologist ‘general damage.’” Wolf is suing to l d D e t ro i t ’s -Adam Hawboldt WWJ radio station BMW America and the maker of the seat, Corbin- the seat is unlikely to have caused Pacific. the victim’s continuous erection. He is seeking compensation Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Man Dials 911 To Report Theft Of Weed Stash

Nudist Vacation

Inn Goes Naked To Save Business Adam Hawboldt

one. First Hodge had to convince his wife it was a good idea, and Cocoa Beach, fl — Some- now he has to deal with irritated times nudity is the only answer. neighbours who believe his new Or at least it was the answer for venture will expose tourists and one cash-strapped motel in Florida. local kids to unwanted sights. Located in But for Hodge, Cocoa Beach, the “Paul Hodge hit on the this nude-motel Fawlt y Towers idea to relaunch as a hotel plan is all about Motel had expe- for nudists.” the bottom line. rienced years of “It’s sort of a -Adam Hawboldt make - or-break declining business and increased competition situation,” explains Hodge. “We from larger chain hotels. Things can’t pay ourselves in winter. We had gotten pretty bad, but then had to scrap health insurance.” owner Paul Hodge hit on the idea So far, Hodge’s new strategy to relaunch as a hotel for nudists. seems to be working. “It’s just a niche in the market,” “I’ve been swamped all morning Hodge told Florida Today. and we’re looking for it to pick up,” The decision to transform his says Chiquita Ward, who works the business into a clothing-optional front desk. motel was by no means an easy Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Offbeat At A Glance toilet racing — Jolene Van Vugt has

made it into the Guinness World Records book for setting a new land speed record for the fastest motorized toilet. She steered the contraption through

some wobbles before clocking in at 75 kilometres an hour in Sydney, Australia. The previous record was set by Edd China in 2011. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Adam Hawboldt

college park, MD — Things you should do after a home invasion: call 911. Things you shouldn’t do after a home invasion: call 911 and tell the operator the intruder took your marijuana. “I woke up to one of them walking in my room and asking where my money and drugs were,” the unnamed Maryland man tells a 911

operator. “He took my weed and took my rent money.” Needless to say, this wasn’t a standard, everyday kind of call. “We don’t usually get those kind of reports,” admits Prince George County police spokesperson, Sergeant Sonya Rorls. There were three current and two former University of Maryland students living in the residence that was robbed.

Police say the three masked men entered the house through an open door. They also confirmed the robbery was drug-related. “They stole laptops, cell phones, money [and] marijuana,” says Corporal Mike Rodriguez. As for the guy who called 911, the police can’t charge him with possession of marijuana because, technically, he wasn’t in possession of any marijuana when they arrived. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 4–10, ‘12

A staple in eateries the world over, wings are a tasty and versatile snack. widely believed the ■firstIt’sBuffalo wing came from

the kitchen of the Anchor Bar and Grill in Buffalo, NY, back in 1964

America, it’s estimated ■thatInmore than 13.5 billion

chicken wings will be sold this year

According to the 2012 ■National Chicken Council wing report, somewhere in the neighbourbood of 1.25 billion chicken wings were eaten on Super Bowl weekend

On February 3, 2012, ■competitive eater Takeru Ko-

bayashi set a world record at Wing Bowl XX in Philadelphia by eating 337 wings

Wing World’s Got What You Need Photos: Courtesy of Adam Hawboldt

With An Enormous Menu To Choose From, You Won’t Go Hungry Adam Hawboldt

Bright hues of green and orange and purple explode from the walls like a Nickelodeon dream. Crazy cartoon chickens in various positions cluck and pluck in circles all around me. The

smell of delicious deep fry drifts was nothing short of terrific. All lazily from the kitchen. the wings were pretty huge, moist Where I am is Wing World on and cooked to perfection. As for Central Avenue, and what I’m do- the flavour, well, let’s start with the ing is standing at the counter in a Sweet & Spicy Thai. mild state of exAnd holy heck, citement — and “[T]he Sweet & Spicy Thai do these wings confusion. live up to their wings emit a delectable I ’m e xci te d heat…” name. Sweet to eat what I’ve and gooey, the -Adam Hawboldt Sweet & Spicy heard are some of the best wings in the city; I’m Thai wings emit a delectable heat confused because with catego- that lingers long after they’re gone. ries ranging from Cluckin’ Hot to If I were allowed — in a non-copyCockadoodle Goo, and with nearly right-filled world, of course — to call 60 flavours to choose from along them “finger-lickin’ good,” I would with a host of side dishes, I have certainly do so. absolutely no idea what to order. Next up we sank our teeth into Eventually, my lady dining com- the California Ranch, which were a panion told me to hurry the heck whole heap of zippy, creamy goodup, so I placed a haphazard order. ness. You know how people dip What I ended up with, though, their hot wings in ranch sauce? Well,

Wing World took that step out for you, and the result is incredible. After California Ranch came the Hot & Hunny, one of my personal faves that I order pretty much every time I have wings. With oodles of thick sauce covering these guys, they were easily the spiciest kind we ate, though the honey garlic tempered the heat a bit with its delicate sweetness. To finish up, we opted for the Nings wings. Strange name? Maybe. Big taste? You bet. Covered in a sweet, yellow sauce that I suspect was a honey mustard, honey garlic combo, these tender morsels were absolutely fascinating. And because Wing World serves more than wings, we also sampled a few of their side dishes. The poutine, with their crisp fries, cheese came in curds and light and savoury gravy, was fantastic. And Wing World has you covered for dessert, too: we tasted the deep-fried Mars bar, which was a soft, sticky treat, and definitely worth a try. Wing World does what it does well, and with tons of flavours to choose from, not to mention some of the best-sized wings I’ve seen, they’re definitely worth checking out. And with two locations as well as delivery options, you can get them no matter where you are. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Wing World

Address: 706B Central Avenue,

3322A Fairlight Drive Hours: Sunday-Monday — 10:30ammidnight; Thursday-Saturday — 10:30am-3am Reservations: 653-WING


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May 4–10, ‘12

We Think Civic Events Should Be Secular It’s Time For Us To Evolve: Saying A Prayer At A Municipal Gathering Is Exclusionary The Editors of verb

Saskatoon, SK — “This is not a Christian country or a Christian city. It is a secular multicultural country and secular multicultural city with people from numerous religions as well as spiritual people, agnostics and atheists.” Ashu Solo, a member of Saskatoon’s cultural diversity and race relations committee, said that a few weeks ago after he attended a civic banquet that was preceded by a Christian prayer. He was advocating for the secularization of civic events, that is keeping religion out of our politics and public institutions, and we here at Verb agree with him. To be perfectly clear, we support people’s ability to pursue religion, if they so choose. And we disagree with recent suggestions that the Christian prayer recited by Saskatoon councillor Randy Donauer constituted bigotry, or that he or anyone else involved should apologize. What we do believe, however, is that much like technology our society has evolved by leaps and too far to either side respect tends bounds and we need to keep pace to get tossed out the window. with the changes. If some people On the one hand, you have want to pray, they can by all means people declaring that a prayer at pray. But they can do that in their a civic dinner warrants complaints heads. They can do it at home. to the Saskatchewan Human Rights They can do it in Commission. church. “[People who pray] just On the othT h e y j u s t shouldn’t force it upon er hand, you shouldn’t force others.” have those who it upon others. smashed Jacob -Verb’s editors Nantau’s car winThat’s not what religion is about. To paraphrase dow and removed the lug nuts from Ralph Waldo Emerson, religion is his tires after the Middle Lake high to love, to serve, to think, to be school senior attempted to have humble, and to respect others. grace removed from his graduaAnd therein lies the crux of this tion dinner. whole issue: respect. It’s something So while we will advocate for an that’s often missing when people individual’s right to pursue their talk about religion. When you stray own religious beliefs, saying a

Christian prayer, or any prayer, at a public, civic event is exclusionary. Including appropriate prayers to acknowledge every religion out there

is a nice idea, but seems impractical. It’s time for Saskatchewan to adapt, and keeping civic life secular is the way to go.

Ultimately, freedom without respect is kind of like knowledge without wisdom: pointless. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 4–10, ‘12

Sask Fashion Week Celebrates Local Style

Emerging, Established Designers Will Showcase Thriving Industry, Talent Sebastien Dangerfield

successfully and stylishly blend the classic with the cool, but they’re also Saskato o n , SK — Fun, quite versatile to boot. quirky, funky, badass. Take her latest spring collecThose are just a few of the many tion for instance — the one she’ll adjectives you could use to describe be showing during Saskatchewan the kind of clothes Fashion Week Melissa Squire “It’s always a big deal (SFW), scheduled creates. for May 10th–12th to do an official fashion “I do a lot of week event like this.” at City Square rockabilly stuff,” plaza in Regina. -Melissa Squire says the local “A lot of the fashion designer. “I like to pull from stuff I made [for the SFW] you can silhouettes of pin-up styles from the wear in different ways,” explains ‘50s, but with an edgier sort of look Squire. to it. You know, add studs, make it “Some of the dresses are reversa little rough around the edges.” ible. There’s one you can wear 10 Not only do Squire’s clothes different ways, so I’ll show a couple

of those on the runway … Overall, it’s a fairly eclectic collection of interesting and brightly patterned garments.” For Squire, this will be her first time displaying her clothes at SFW. In fact, it’ll be the first time for every designer involved, because this is the SFW’s inaugural year. Created by SFW directors Candyce Bakke, Chelsea O’Connell and Chris Pritchard, the festival was conceived as a way to celebrate the thriving Saskatchewan fashion industry and to give 30 provincial designers — both emerging and established — a platform on which to display their wealth of talents. “There is a ton of talent in this province and not many people realize it,” says Squire, who helps promote said talent at her clothing store, Alchemy. “This fashion week is really an amazing way to showcase that. It’s a great opportunity.” And Squire knows what she’s

Photo: courtesy of Saskatchewan Fashion Week

talking about. Not only does she put on fashion shows herself, but

last year she also had the chance to showcase a collection at the 2011 Vancouver Fashion Week. “That was a pretty amazing experience, seeing how things are done on a bigger scale, with all the media attention,” admits Squire. “A lot came from that. I got a lot of orders … and since then, I’ve had a lot of offers to go to different shows and competitions around the world.” Before she ventures anywhere else, though, Squire will first be taking her talents to Regina. And she’s looking forward to it. “It’s always a big deal to do an official fashion week event like this,” she states. “And I think every year [SFW] should grow, get more popular … bring some recognition to a growing population of designers who want to stick around Saskatchewan and make a living at it.” That’s precisely what the directors of the event have in mind. “You have big visions and you want to see it all right now,” says director Candyce Bakke. “But realistically, you look at your idea and say, ‘that’s awesome … but we can’t do it yet. Let’s do it in a year or two.’ So that’s what we’re doing here. We need to set our foundation, get things established, get our designers prepared and then bring in buyers.” For more information about Saskatoon Fashion Week, please visit Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Arts One

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May 4–10, ‘12

Buck 65 Breaks Down His Take On Tunes Photo: courtesy of Emily Terfry, Matt Tobin & Francesca Tallone

Rapper Rich Terfry Opens Up About His Sound, And Hearing Hip Hop Everywhere Alex J MacPherson

therefore the audience, and doing something a little bit different just Saskatoon, SK — Richard about every time, is maybe what’s Terfry hears hip hop in all the had people come back checking wrong places — which is why his to see what I’m doing.” music is so fresh and infectious. Terfry’s sound is rooted in the Terfry, who performs as Buck belief that genre is unimportant. 65, has weathered twenty years in Drawing on influences from every the business without contracting point on the spectrum, from folk the world weary ambivalence that and blues to electronica and world infects so many veteran performers. music, Terfry’s body of work pushes Driven by his deep love of music, the envelope of contemporary muTerfry is a restless sic. innovator and a “For everybody who … “ Fo r eve r y fearless explorer. thought hip hop is this body who may H is cu r re nt … I always wanted to have ever thought record, 20 Odd hip hop is this, Years, is as vital explore it, go further…” and this is how it -Rich Terfry sounds, and this is and invigorating as his earliest basement tapes. All how it has to be, I always wanted artists find inspiration in their re- to explore it, go further afield with cord collections, but if most people it than maybe I had seen anybody think of music as history, all Terfry else doing,” he says. Not only that, can hear is possibility. Terfry spends hours working on his “I think I struggled with it at instrumental parts. first,” he says of his music listening “I’m as interested in rapping as habits, noting that he rarely liked the next guy, but I’ve also been the same music as his friends. “It really intrigued by hip hop music, made me feel like there was some- what has gone on instrumentally thing wrong with me … That was with it as well. So when I’ve heard hard for me because that wasn’t a elements, whether they be vocal place where I wanted to find myself. or instrumental, in music that may Eventually when I found that that exist anywhere, it somehow rings wasn’t happening, I just decided to familiar to me.” use this to my advantage.” Even on 20 Odd Years the effect Terfry makes hip hop music. is plain. “Zombie Delight” layers More importantly, he makes the distorted vocals over a crunchy sort of hip hop music that people blues guitar riff. “Stop,” on the other who don’t typically appreciate hip hand, a duet with Vancouver pop hop listen to — and they enjoy it wunderkind Hannah Georgas, is in droves. an airy confection of synthesizers “Maybe,” he muses, “the fact that and guitars. It is as close as Terfry I was always challenging myself and has ever come to writing a pop

song. The record also includes a stripped-down cover of Leonard Cohen’s “Who By Fire.” The album is held together by Terfry’s urgent vocal delivery and his flair for the dramatic — or at least the unusual. “I don’t know if it’s ever been exactly what anyone might have been able to predict,” he muses, “just because I’m always trying a different approach or applying a different philosophy.” And that philosophy, according to Terfry, is simple: “I think I’d be

hard pressed to choose anybody that I think I might be more talented than, but what might be the difference between me and some other people is maybe just the work ethic. It seems to me that I always go pretty much nonstop and in a pretty fearless kind of way.” Terfry once played 900-odd shows in three years, enough to permanently alter the sound of his voice. He doesn’t tour as much anymore, but he can’t stay away from the road. And people will keep

flocking to his shows to hear music because everything he touches reeks of possibility; this is hip hop for people who want something new. This is hip hop found in all the right places. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info

Buck 65

Where: Amigos Cantina When: May 12 Cost: $23 @

ArtsSect &C

Mendel Exhibition Forced Perspective Fuses Disparate Works Alex J MacPherson

Saskatoon, SK — Visitors to Forced Perspective, a new permanent collection show at the Mendel Art Gallery, will be greeted by a diverse group of works. They are so disparate, in fact, that connections between them seem tenuous, or even nonexistent. But deft

curatorial work and a series of rich themes salvage harmony from apparent chaos. “I’m trying to animate the exhibition by including a variety of approaches and aesthetics, taking things like self-taught folk art and abstract painting and more historical approaches like the English academic take on the landscape, as

well as more contemporary works,” says curator Troy Gronsdahl. Gronsdahl began with a few objects plucked from the Mendel’s collection, pieces for which he felt a particular affinity. Then he began mapping out ideas and themes centred on the twin notions of force and perspective. “Curators always have a particular position that they build into their exhibitions, but working with objects in the permanent collection offers perhaps a little more latitude for how you can shape an exhibition to explore a particular idea,” he explains. Seizing his curatorial freedom, Gronsdahl developed a framework that mines artistic interpretations of the title. “I really like the idea of forced perspective in terms of play of scale and vantage point,” he says. “And the word force has certain implications that I like — things can feel forced or awkward, things that don’t belong together.” Drawing on the idea of place — life and work in Saskatchewan — Gronsdahl gently directs the viewer to appreciate the diversity and vibrancy of our homegrown traditions. He captured the spirit of the whole using works that, to most

5 Questi Photo: courtesy of the Mendel Art Gallery

Douglas Walker, Untitled #21 people, have no business being in the same room. “I try to be fair to all of the artists as well, bringing together these works in perhaps an unorthodox kind of way, but trying to respect the original works,” he says. “It’s a bit of a balance. But I think there’s a certain amount of delight that results from bringing together seemingly disparate works.” Good art creates uncomfortable or difficult experiences that resolve into clarity. Good curating does the same, albeit on a grander scale. Forced Perspective succeeds because it offers viewers multiple entry points: many chances to force their own perspective into virgin territory — a place where individual expression of common experience breeds understanding. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info


Where: The Refinery When: May 11 & 12 Cost:$16 + @

Forced Perspective

Where: Mendel Art Gallery When: Now ‘til June 10 Cost: Free!


Where: Tequila Nightclub When: May 12 Cost: $10 @ Ticketmaster Want some coverage for your upcoming event? Email ASAP!

Play Director Roy Alex J MacPherson

Marcel Dubé’s Zone is a FrenchCanadian classic. Born from a period of intense political turmoil and uncertainty, Dubé’s masterwork captures the spirit of all French Canadians in a play about a gang of young cigarette smugglers. At once a love story, a thriller and a philosophical meditation, Zone tells the story of our collective search for meaning and identity in a world that doesn’t make sense. For English-speaking audiences, the May “We were the 11 performance in- cheap labour cludes surtitles. Verb anglophones… caught up with direc-Je tor Jean Stéphane Roy in Ottawa to chat about his take on a classic Francophone history, and films from the ‘50s. Alex J MacPherson: Zone is very much about French-Canadian identity. Why? Jean Stéphane Roy: It was written in ’53, at a time when the francophones were called white n*****s of America. We were the cheap labour of the anglophones in the province of Quebec. In the ‘50s, the French were the majority but the English elite was the dominant master. This play, it’s like a cry for help. AJM: But people still remember those times, right? JSR: In Quebec, francophones gained their autonomy; in the rest of Canada,

Culture tion Pages PH, PH PH PH–PH, ‘PH

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Alex J MacPherson

ions About Zone

Photo: courtesy of Sylvain Sabatié

y Talks French, English Relations

francophones are [still] a minority. The play is still playing in Quebec because there’s a layer underneath that is really religious. You can recreate the story of the Christ through the character of Tarzan. In Quebec, people don’t go to church anymore, but the Catholic education is still there. AJM: But I understand you’ve made some significant changes to the structure for a new generation of audiences? JSR: It’s a big challenge. There are a lot of clichés e about the play because it’s old. It’s of the hard to make it new. …” Everybody knows ean Stéphane Roy this play so I said to myself, okay, I think I can play with the text. In ’53, a big inspiration for the play was the structure of cinema — when you read it you feel the cinema of the ‘50s. I said to myself, cinema has changed today. If I start with the same influence let’s do something with the structure. I changed the order of the scenes, the rhythm [to echo current] cinema. AJM: Did tinkering with the play frighten you? JSR: Maybe people are going to kill me! Really, it’s helped the play. I didn’t change the lines, only the scenes. There are six [police] interrogations in the play, two with the main character. The first interrogation is at the start of the play now — we

Funkagenda Slings Beat, Breaks Boundaries

enter in the action instead of waiting for the punch. It helped the play with rhythm, to give it jeunesse. AJM: Did you try and update the message, too? JSR: I didn’t do directing where there is this message. I really increased the story, it’s a beautiful love story, it’s a thriller, it’s a film noir. You can have a nice story without any politics. The goal wasn’t always a message; there is already a message in the play. It wasn’t a political gesture for me to do this play: we always see the play same way, and I thought it was time to go somewhere else with the play. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Saskatoon, SK — Funkagenda’s studio in Britain’s West Midlands is the ultimate skunkworks — a place where rhythm and bass and synthesizers and samples come together before blasting the roof off clubs across the world. Funkagenda, whose real name is Adam Walder, is an innovator. Rooted in the world of electronic dance music, he has collaborated with Basement Jaxx, Moby and FatFusing genres and crossing borboy Slim. But he also has one foot ders can pose a significant risk for firmly planted in any performer, the realm of ra- “I don’t want to be one of but Funkagenda dio-friendly pop. these guys that just plays can’t conceive of He has mixed hits all night.” doing anything and remixed with else. -Funkagenda some of the big“I feel that you gest names in the business, turning know it’s really important that to dozens of pop hits into thumping club tracks. “[Y]ou have to latch on to what you feel is the most credible part of the track,” he tells The Drop Media. “But my main thing with that… was what kind of groove can you emphasize or create with it, and what kind of vibe can I create with it? Where can I flip to that vocal, so I just try to keep it really progressive so that it will bang in the club, but still have the vocal deep down in the middle to keep people happy.”

Photo: courtesy of the artist

keep a wide audience interested in what you do, you can’t push them out and you know, just doing that same thing that DJ’s have been doing for the last 25 or 30 years,” he says. “I don’t want to be one of these guys that just plays hits all night.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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May PH4–10, PH–PH, ‘12 ‘PH

Bully Doc Important, Powerful

Film Follows Victims, But Misses Exploring Perpetrators’ Motives Bully

Runtime: 99 Minutes Rated: PG Adam Hawboldt Important, powerful, yet far from perfect. That’s that best way to describe director Lee Hirsch’s latest documentary, Bully. The film — which garnered a lot of pre-release buzz because of the MPAA’s preposterous decision to slap it with an Rrating — is filled with emotional,

heartbreaking and infuriating and 11-year-old Ty, whose respecscenes that will touch even the tive sets of parents mourn the bullyhardest of hearts. induced suicide of their sons. It also has to be commended Then there’s Ja’Maya, a 14-yearfor raising awareness and putting old Mississippi girl who was tossed a face on a very serious social prob- in a juvenile detention centre for lem. Yet for all it pulling a loaded does right, for all “[F]or a documentary hand gun on a of its potency, like this, it just feels like bus after incesBully is missing something is missing.” sant, relentless something. bullying. The film -Adam Hawboldt also follows Kelby, But more on that later; for the moment, let’s a 16-year-old from Oklahoma who look at the film itself. came out of the closet as a lesbian Shot during the 2009-10 school and was subsequently taunted by year, Bully tells the stories of five teachers and peers. kids who have been victimized by But of all the people Hirsch folbullies. You have 17-year-old Tyler lows, it’s the story of a 14-year-old boy named Alex that hits home the hardest. Born prematurely, this Iowa teen has oversized features and a gawky look. Alex also has zero friends. At school he is pushed around and poked with pencils by bullies, and his bus rides to and from school are absolute hell on the poor kid. And this is where the R-rating came from: using hidden cameras strategically placed on the bus, Hirsch shows Alex being subjected some of the foulest, mean-spirited, disgusting threats and name calling you can think of. Alex’s story is moving, touching and, yes, tear-inducing. But it’s not only Alex’s story that’s sad: they’re all depressing, they all tug at the heart strings and make you feel for the victims. And therein lies the main problem with Bully, the main reason it falls short of being a truly amazing documentary — it only focuses on victims. Yes, their stories will hold your attention and suck you into the movie, but for a documentary like this it just feels like something is missing. Not once does Hirsch highlight those who do the bullying. Yes, we get a glimpse of Alex’s bullies getting slaps on their wrists for their actions, but we don’t learn anything about them. The spotlight is never turned on them. We never find out what drives them to do what they do. There’s no attempt to explain their cruel behaviour or investigate its causes. And while what Hirsch does focus on is gripping, and giving voice to the victims is important, not examining what causes these poor kids to end up in their terrible

Photo: courtesy of The Weinstein Company

situations leaves the documentary feeling unbalanced. Hirsch really could’ve hit a homerun with this movie. Instead, by shying away from the bullies he ends up with a base-clearing double. Maybe even a triple. Which is still pretty darn good. Just not great. Bully is currently being screened at Roxy Theatre. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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May PH4–10, PH–PH, ‘12 ‘PH

Action-Packed The Avengers Amazing

Photo: courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures

Joss Whedon And His Super Cast Kick Off Blockbuster Season With A Bang The Avengers

Runtime: 143 Minutes Rated: PG Adam Hawboldt Ye gods! The Avengers was good. Like, astonishingly good. Like, one-of-the-best-superheromovies-of-all-time good. Seriously: this flick is right up there, running neck-and-neck, with The Dark Knight and Superman: The Movie. It’s that good. Directed by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly), The Avengers is every comic book geek’s dream. I mean, this film delivers on every level you can possibly imagine. First off, you get six superheroes plus a super villain for the price of one: Iron Man (Robert Downey, Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), the Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston). You also get a bunch of priceless performances. Johansson burns up the screen as the Black Widow, Hemsworth gets lots of laughs as the hammer-happy Nordic god, Hiddleston knocks the ball out of the evil park as Loki, and RDJ is typical RDJ — smarmy, hilarious and perfect. And then there’s Ruffalo as the Hulk. I can readily admit to you that when I first heard this I was leery. Sure Eric Bana was terrible as the Hulk and Ed Norton wasn’t much better, so Ruffalo didn’t have much

to live up to, but I still had a hard As for the plot, well, let’s just say time picturing him in the role. it’s serviceable. Thor’s brother Loki Now I can’t picture anyone else. controls the Tesseract — a pulsing Ruffalo — who may very well energy cube the opens a gateway be my new man crush — was born to the universe. He plans to open to play this part. that gateway and He brings to it a “Ruffalo — who may d es troy E ar th scruffy warmth very well be my new man with the help of and vulnerable crush — was born to play an army of reptilebadassery that’s this part.” like monster mab e e n m is s i n g -Adam Hawboldt chines. from the Hulk for A s head of so long. Oh! and, as Bruce Ban- S.H.I.E.L.D (Strategic Hazard Inner, Ruffalo’s witty repartee with tervention Espionage Logistics Downey is so spot on it hurts. Directorate), Nick Fury (Samuel L. Speaking of things that are spot Jackson) has only one option: to on, the action sequences in The bring together a team of egocenAvengers are epic. Mind-blowing, tric superheroes, with reputations even. There’s one 10, maybe 15, of not playing nice with others, to second sequence involving the save the planet. Hulk and Loki that made me want What ensues is simply marvelous to stand up, throw my hat in the air (pardon the pun!) Having all those and cheer like the Riders just won super egos in one place at one time the Grey Cup. requires a balancing act of titanic

proportions, and Whedon pulls it off without a hitch. He portrays the Avengers as a fun, barely functioning dysfunctional family: they argue, their egos collide, they fight, they team up to take on the bad guy. Nobody in the

film gets shortchanged, and every character gets his or her own story arc. It’s so impressive! The Avengers kicks off the blockbuster season with a whizz, wham and one helluva bang. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 4–10, ‘12

This Week: Political Charities

Last week we asked what you thought about charities that promote a political agenda, and here’s what you had to say. Next week’s topic: see page 9 — what do you think about making

On Topic The current Opinion column on government cracking down on charities and political activism missed the point entirely. In the realm of environmentalism and social policy, our society relies on non-profits for central, left or even just sober second thought. (Yese there are some right leaning non-profits too.) Those speaking on the other

all civic events free of religion? Text FEEDBACK and your thoughts about the topic (or anything else) to 306–881-VERB (8372) and you could see your text printed in next week’s issue! side of these topics are corporations who can be political and fundimentalist churches which while non-profit also have Human Rights protection of religion on their side. So I find it suspicious when a right leaning government goes after non-profits knowing that the core beliefs of that same government will not be primarily supported by nonprofits but by business and religious groups.

Talk about cutting out your opposition. Democracies need healthy and anarchic civil societies, especially advocacy groups. It is one thing to advocate for policy change, another to support a candidate or party. As long as that line is not crossed, groups should maintain their charitable status. And newspapers should be added to the list because they too are essential to democracy. Ensuring that charities don’t actively go out of their way to advance legislation is one thing, but I think some

political engagement isn’t terrible. Many of these groups act as advocates for those who cannot themselves, and essentially tying their hands isn’t doing anyone any good.

Off Topic

The cons are just trying to do whatever they can to disempower the environmentalists in this country and it’s despicable. Keep an eye on Harper this won’t be the last we see of him slowly tightening is grip on everything.

Re: “Drunk Driving Fatalities Highest In Sask,” Local page, April 27th

Re: Charities Crackdown: If we are to be ratcheting up the monitoring of charities political activity we should do the same for the political activity of corporations and nonprofit corporations. Not to mention preachers who tell their congregation how to vote from the pulpit. Charities should stop being politically active right after corporations do

Re: “Drunk Driving Fatalities Highest In Sask,” Local page, April 27th

Honestly for drunk driving it should be one strike and your out no questions asked. Drunk driving is 100% avoidable cabs exist

Re drunk driving article what about designated driving companies? Three in regina 1 in saskatoon Re: “G-Spot,” Global page, April 27th issue

Feedback so you figured out the g spots there...... Now how do you get to it?! Re: “Robot Mind Control,” Offbeat page, April 27th issue

Robot mind control thats awesome. I would need this when im Re: “Cheerful Hearts,” Global page, April 20th issue

I liked the article “CHEERFUL HEARTS” I believe it can work it out. Healthy lifestyle & positive attitude can lead a person living work-life balance. Good thought,good socializing &


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May 4–10, ‘12

reasonable outing can make a real difference on heart problems which helps to go away from depression as well strokes. PURNIMA NEUPANE

I think people need to see that everyone is someone to somebody and if you cant see that then Why fight about brothels to save women

Re: “Lickable Elevator A Tasty Treat,” Offbeat page, April 20th issue

Lol person who said they were a goalie and driver wins for hilarious comment, even though kinda sounds like s/he’s whineing about driving slow.

Re: Lickable Elevator A Tasty Treat, I have read this article several times and it barely makes sense. Come on, Verb. You can write better than this. If you want to impress the chicks when they ask your name say “Just call me DOWNtown Baby!” Anyone partying needs to know that 11pm is quiet time, not 3am or 4am. Some of us work the next day and need to get some sleep before the morning. Have some respect for your neighbors please! “Unless you’re an F1 driver or an NHL goalie you should be well below the speed limit.” That’s the stupidest f***ing thing I’ve ever heard!! I hate weddings. Old people would poke me saying “You’re next”. They stopped when I started going up to them at funerals and poked them saying, “you’re next “. Whoever is breaking into vehicles around the city you are scum! Get a job deadbeats! Did you know onions can be toxic after sitting out for a while? They suck in the toxins from the air... Hence why people get food poisoning.

if you’re goin 2 wave kids across the street u better know forsure that the oncoming traffic and the traffic beside u knows it! like really Re: STC 9 million is a lot cheaper then what Toon and Regina transit received! To you also suggest privatizing them as well? The Sask NDP are so thick I bet last fall’s historic ass whipping

has yet to sink in for most of them!

to be mean to them. Try it sometime

Tang tastes like real orange juice to the same degree as the picture on the box looks like a real orange. Close!

I just would like to thank everybody at the Louise Congregational Church for making our wedding so wonderfull. May the Lord bless you all! (Michael D)

If you see someone trying to change lanes and has their signal light on, you don’t speed up. Cut them some slack and let them in. Let’s share the road please. OMFG i can’t wait for avengers this weekend! S stands for Saskatoon. S also stands for SELFISH which many drivers are when it comes to allowing others to change lanes. S also stands for SHARE and everyone will be better off if we all can share the road. It makes me feel far better to be kind to someone than

YB get the hell away from all those losers who put you down so they can feel better about their loser lives. You count are just as good and important as anyone! Funny how right wing Intelligent Design Christian Fundamentalists suddenly become Darwinists when confronted with the disparity in our society! i think bicycles need to pay insurance and registration like motor vehicles after all they use the roads too

Bikes! You can’t just zoom out across a crosswalk. You’re either in the flow of traffic like a car, or you dismount and cross, as a pedestrian. Some people have what could be called pet slaves. They keep pets confined to their home an unnatural n unhealthy life. Only to meet some need of the owner! The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily Verb’s.


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May 4–10, ‘12

Saturday @ The Freehouse Venue

The Spadina Freehouse on Saturday, April 28th


608 Spadina Crescent East

Music Vibe

A little bit of everything

Regular Gig

DJs on Friday and Saturday nights, and acoustic shows on Wednesdays

Feature Deals

Pints of Sleeman or Freehouse lemonade (vodka, lemonade and cranberry juice) for $4.50

Popular Drink

Shots of Van Gogh vodka

Food of Choice

Kashmiri chicken — a good-sized portion of an authentic curry with chicken, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, onion, cilantro and yogurt

Photos courtesy of Patrick Carley (


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May 4–10, ‘12

Saturday @ Rock Creek Venue

Rock Creek Tap & Grill on Saturday, April 28th


1820 McOrmond Drive

Playing on Arrival

Mariah Carey’s “Heartbreaker”

Music Vibe Top 40

Regular Gig

Live music featuring local artists every second Wednesday

Feature Deals

Double Caesars for $6.95 and Greek dry ribs for $8.95

Popular Drink Caesars

Wing Notes

$3 a pound on Wednesdays; of the five flavours available, Spicy Manhattan is the favourite

Something New

New Belgium beers: La Chouffe and Liefmans

Photos courtesy of Patrick Carley (


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May 4–10, ‘12

Friday 4

House DJs — Funk, soul & lounge DJs liven up the atmosphere at 6Twelve. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover.

(Next Week) NEW JACOBIN CLUB @ THE FEZ on Broadway — Shock rock en-

semble the New Jacobin Club features musicians The Horde, The Rage, Vitruvius, Poison Candi, The Luminous and Rat King. Joined on stage by The Angry Teeth — a group of sideshow performers that performs eye-popping stunts

Photo: courtesy of the artist

that include broken glass, machetes, flaming hula hoops and more — this local act puts on an energetic, hard hitting and theatrical performance. Come check out the New Jacobin Club at The Fez on May 12th. Tickets TBD. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Untimely Demise — With Matt Cuthbertson on lead guitar/vocals, Murray Cuthbertson on bass, and Scott Cross on drums, this local thrash/death metal band is here to rock you. Also appearing on the ticket will be Grand Master, Agony Spawn and Mares of Thrace. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets TBD. Piano Fridays: Neil Currie — Feel like taking in some smooth jazz stylings? Come check out this talented musician tickle the ivories of the Kinsman Yamaha S6 grand piano. 4:30pm, The Bassment. No cover. Jeffrey Straker — He’s a singer, he’s a songwriter, he’s a pianist. Saskatchewan’s Jeffrey Straker wears a lot of hats and, musically, all of them are fantastic. Come check out his show. 9pm, The Bassment. Tickets $16 for members, $20 for non-members. Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Calgary’s Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. DJ CTRL opens. 11pm, béily’s ultralounge. $5 cover. DJ Eclectic — Local turntable whiz DJ Eclectic pumps snappy electronic beats. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover.

DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ J-Mats — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. Pernell Reichert Band — Call it fast folk, alt-folk, alt-country, acid country, call it what you will. But make sure to check out this talented trio from Vancouver when they swing through Saskatoon. 10pm, Lydia’s Pub. Cover $5. Crystal Shawanda — Since the release of her debut album Dawn of a New Day in 2008, this country music artist from Ontario has certainly made a name for herself. CMT documented her rise to fame, she has toured with the Brad Paisley and Dierks Bentley, and also won a handful of awards. Come see what she’s all about. 7:30pm, The Odeon Events Centre. Tickets $20, available at www. DJ Big Ayyy — This Saskatoon DJ is the resident country rock turntablist at Outlaws. Outlaws: your party place to be! 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. Douglas Boomhower — Come check out the smooth jazz stylings of this local trio. 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover. Fast One — This local four-piece plays a little bit of everything: tributes, rock, country, blues. Be sure to drop by and see what they’re all about. 9pm, Stan’s Place. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry

Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter.

Saturday 5

House DJs — Resident DJs spin deep and soulful tunes all night. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover.

Leeroy Stagger — This altcountry musician from B.C. is all kinds of good. He’s toured with The Pixies, Modest Mouse and Evan Dando. Come check him out while he’s on tour promoting his latest album, Radiant Land. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets TBD. Roots Series: Jayme Stone — Ever hear of banjo jazz? If so, you know how infectious it is. If not, you might want to drop by and check out this Juno-winning, modern-day banjo wizard from Toronto. 9pm, The Bassment. Tickets $14 for members, $18 for non-members. Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Calgary’s Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. DJ CTRL opens. 11pm, béily’s ultralounge. $5 cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon’s own DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover DJ J-Mats & DJ Sugar Daddy — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always


been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. The Lonesome Weekends — Blending country, folk, rock and roots, The Lonesome Weekends have a straightforward, authentic sound that is bound to take them places. 10pm, Lydia’s Pub. $5 cover. Opeth, Mastadon — Prepare to have your world rocked! As part of the Heritage Hunter Tour, these two giants of metal are descending on Saskatoon to bring the noise. If you’re a fan of the heavy stuff, this is not a show you want to miss. Also appearing will be special guests Ghost. 7pm, The Odeon Events Centre. Tickets $46.25, available at www. DJ Big Ayyy — This Saskatoon DJ is the resident country rock turntablist at Outlaws. Outlaws: your party place to be! 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. Jon Bailey — Come out for a night of smooth jazz music. 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover.

Fast One — This local four-piece plays a little bit of everything: tributes, rock, country, blues. Be sure to drop by and see what they’re all about. 9pm, Stan’s Place. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter.

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May 4–10, ‘12

EC Twins — Come celebrate Cinco de Mayo with this sensational British duo. These guys have opened for the likes of the Black Eyed Peas and Kaskade. Known for putting on incredibly infectious live shows, this is definitely a night you don’t want to miss. DJ’s Mikey Dubz and Mr. Mern will get things warmed up. 5pm, Tequila Nightclub. Cover $5.

Tavern. No cover.

Sunday 6

Tuesday 8

Sleepy Sun — If you dig psychedelic rock, you’re gonna love these guys. Coming at you all the way from San Francisco, this talented five-piece are on tour promoting their latest album, Spine Hits, and delivering killer sets — night after night. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets $13, available at DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. 11pm, béily’s ultralounge. No cover for industry staff, $4 otherwise. DJ KADE — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Heywood and Scott Turner — Come down and check out two wildly talented locals as they spin the night away. 10pm, Scratch. SUNDAY JAM — The Vangelis Sunday Jam is an institution, offering great tunes from blues to rock and beyond. 7:30pm, Vangelis

Monday 7

DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. Doors 9pm, Hudsons Canadian Tap House. No cover.

DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. 9:30pm, The Double Deuce. $4 cover.

VERB PRESENTS OPEN STAGE — The open stage at Lydia’s has

(Next Week) JESSE DEE AND JACQUIE B @ LYDIA’S pub — This Edmonton-based

act offers a great mix of hot tunes that features a little jazz, a little folk and a little rock, and they pull it off effortlessly. Consisting of Jesse Dee (vocals, electric guitar) and Jacquie B (vocals, accordion, tambourine), this duo not only has an eclectic and engaging sound, but they

Photo: courtesy of the artist

put on one helluva show. Playing over 100 shows a year since 2008, Jesse Dee and Jacquie B have honed their skills in front of audiences across the country. They’ll play Lydia’s on May 12th. Cover $5. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 4–10, ‘12

hosted many of Saskatoon’s finest performers, and is a chance for bands, solo artists and even comedians to showcase original material. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. Open Mic — Come out to show your talent. 7pm, The Somewhere Else Pub. No cover.

Wednesday 9

(COMING UP) BUCKCHERRY @ THE ODEON events centre — This hard-

rocking band from L.A. formed in ‘95, dissolved in ‘02, then was recreated in ‘05 by original members Josh Todd and Keith Nelson. Since then, the band has released hits like “Crazy Bitch,” “Sorry” and “Lit Up.” Most recently this

Photo: courtesy of the artist

bitchin’ five-piece has been hard at work in the studio creating their sixth album. They’ll be rocking The Odeon Events Centre on July 4th. Tickets are $44.50 (general admission) or $64.50 (VIP), available at -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

HUMP WEDNESDAYS — Resident DJ Chris Knorr will be spinning all of your favourite songs and requests, every Wednesday night! Doors at 7pm, DJ takes requests at 9pm, 302 Lounge & Discotheque. No cover until 10pm, $3 thereafter. Scythia — Playing a powerful brand of medieval folk power metal, this four-piece from Vancouver puts on quite the performance. Come check them out. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets TBD. The Avenue Recording Company presents Open Mic — Hosted by Chad Reynolds. Sign up and play at this weekly event. 10pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover.

DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. Dr. J ‘Souled Out’ — Dr. J spins hot funk and soul every Wednesday night. Doors 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. Mt. Eden — Coming at you straight out of Auckland, New Zealand, the duo of Jesse Cooper and Harley Rayner are unbelievable. With more than 80 million YouTube plays, world tours and an album on the horizon, these electro mavericks are blowing up. Be sure to catch the show. 8pm, The Odeon Events Centre. For ticket information call 1–866-973-9614. WHINE UP WEDNESDAYS — A night dedicated to promoting the best in Reggae, Roots, Dancehall, African Beats, Kwaito & Hip Hop. Hosted by Scott Turner & DJ Heywood. 10pm, Scratch. $5 cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover.

Thursday 10

Throwback Thursdays — Come experience the best in retro funk, soul, reggae and rock provided by Dr. J. 8pm, Earls. No cover Hip Hop Night — Hosted by Ease, this is a night of live performances, rap battles and DJs with $150 in prizes to be won. Don’t miss it. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ JMats — Local DJs J-Mats and Sugar Daddy will be rocking the turntables to get you dancing on the dance floor! Every Thursday night will be filled with passion parties, pole dancing, shadow dancers and much more! 8pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover, free cover with student ID before 11pm. DJ Big Ayyy — This Saskatoon DJ is the resident county rock turntablist at Outlaws. Outlaws: your party place to be! 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. TRIPLE UP THURSDAY — Come start your weekend early at Triple Up Thursday! With these top 40 dance and electro resident DJs, you’ll be shaking it on the dance floor in no time. 8pm, Tequila Nightclub. $3 at the door. Want your show listed? Email!

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Keep it simple. That’s the motto for this week, dear Pisces. In everything you do, from work to home to your inner life, simplicity is the key. Sometimes the best solutions are uncomplicated.

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Pisces (Feb 20–Mar 20)

If you want people to follow your lead it’s important to be nice to them, dear Virgo. If you do this, you’ll increase the harmonic, universal energy in your life and in the lives of those around you.

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Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22)

Some good things could be in store for you this week, dear Aquarius. If you’re looking to start a new project, get on it. Basically, you can do no wrong right now, if you set your mind to it.

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Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 19)

Feeling adventurous, dear Leo? If so, get outside and have fun — who knows where the next few days will lead you. You’re a social creature, Leo, so go socialize. Now is time for fun!

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Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22)

If you feel like others are slighting you this week, you may not be wrong, dear Capricorn. Sure, sometimes our insecurities get the better of us, but at other times it’s best to trust your intuition.

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Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19)

This would be a good week to show how sympathetic you are, dear Cancer. Someone you know may need a shoulder to lean on, an ear to talk to, or a hand to help them up.

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Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22)

Dear Sagittarius … have you been feeling more energetic lately? Smashing routine in favour of being spontaneous can be fun, just be careful you’re not disregarding anything too essential.

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Sagittarius (Nov 23–Dec 21)

You know that song “Shiny Happy People” by R.E.M? Well, that could very well describe your state of mind for the next week or so. Your personality and individuality will be shining bright.

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Gemini (May 21–Jun 20)


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You might meet a mysterious stranger this week, dear Scorpio. We come across a lot of people in our lives, but only a few might really pique our interest, so when you find one, try to get to know them.

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Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22)

You may find it hard staying focused this week, dear Taurus. You may seem distracted or perhaps feel out of sorts. If this is the state of mind you find yourself in, don’t worry — it’s nothing serious.

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Taurus (Apr 20–May 20)

Finding it hard to make up your mind lately, dear Libra? If that’s the case, never fear: this week you’ll be able to take charge and make decisions with certainty, aplomb and elan.

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Libra (Sept 23–Oct 23)

It’s all about people power this week, dear Aries. If you want to feel your best, just get out and about over the next couple days. You’ll be surprised at what you might stumble upon.

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Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19)

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May 4–10, ‘12 4 6 1 8 9 3 2 7 5

Time Out

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Directions: Fill each box with a digit from 1-9, following these conditions: - Each row must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each column must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once.



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