Verb Issue s189 (May 11-17, 2012)

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Free weekly

May 11–17, 2012 • Pass it on

Verb $1.9M To Fight Crime

The F-Holes

Dark Shadows

Trilingual Vacuum

Program Will Track Violent Criminals P4 Depp Stellar In Burton Remake P15

Winnipeg Rockers Talk Letting Loose P12 Super Robot Cleans, Chats P7

Royal Canoe Indie Six-Piece On Pushing The Envelope P11

Photo: courtesy of Suzanne Pringle

Section Local Page 2

May 11–17, ‘12

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Climbers Set Sights On Undefeated Peak SK Foursome Aims To Be First Ever To Conquer Mount Saskatchewan In Yukon Alex J MacPherson

summit a significant challenge. The peak has stubbornly resisted saskatoon, SK — Four Sas- climbers for almost fifty years: three katchewan mountain climbers previous expeditions have tried are preparing for the expedition and failed, their efforts thwarted of a lifetime: an by the mountain attempt to con- “We’re planning for the and the weather. quer one of the worst and hoping for the Now, Steve Whitlast unclimbed best.” tington, Jef f peaks in Canada. Dmytrowich, Sam -Steve Whittington Unger and Wren Jutting upward from the spine of the Centennial Rabut — all of whom are based Range in Yukon’s Kluane National in Saskatchewan — are planning Park, Mount Saskatchewan rises to climb it. 11,483 feet above sea level. Snow“The reason for climbing it?” capped and windswept, its flanks muses Whittington. “It’s something are sheathed in near-vertical rock that’s unsummited. That’s a lure for and ice, making any assault on the sure. There’s also the fact that it’s

the last mountain the Centennial Range that is unclimbed. I live in Saskatchewan but I’m not much of a football fan: this is something we can do for Saskatchewan.” Whittington grew up in northern Manitoba, where he spent plenty of time in the wilderness. Ten years ago he was invited to climb Crowsnest Mountain in southwest Alberta, a hulking 9,137-foot pyramid of snowcapped limestone. The trip was a success and he was hooked. Since then Whittington has climbed four of the seven summits — the highest mountain on each of the seven continents — and is scheduled to lead an expedition to Everest next spring. “Adventure,” he says, “is part of my heritage.” What Whittington is proposing now, however, is extraordinarily difficult, even for a team of experienced alpinists. The group will be dropped off 177 kilometres from Haines Junction. To reach the base of the mountain, they must cross a glacier riddled with 300-foot deep crevasses. Closer to the mountain, avalanches and rockfalls will become a hazard. “We’re alone,” says Whittington. “There’s an isolation factor you get sometimes in the Rockies, but sometimes you still see the reassuring snakelike bend of a highway in the distance. We’ll have none of that.” Mark Gunlogson, an experienced climber and president of

Photo: courtesy of Steve Whittington

The team on a training climb they made in the Alberta Rockies. Mountain Madness, a Seattle-based establish a high camp about 1,500 mountaineering and trekking com- feet below the peak and after a brief pany, agrees. nap they will set out for the top. “If they get in trouble … it could “It’s going to be more of an albe a week before a helicopter can pine strike, meaning that it’s going fly in,” he says. “They’re way out to be technical,” he says. “We don’t there on a limb.” have any clear [information] on the Too big to climb in a single day mountain [but] we feel like we’re yet too small to justify the siege going to be facing a mixed climb: tactics used on Everest, Mount Sas- rock and ice.” katchewan will be a difficult nut Whittington will be in good to crack. Whittington is planning company on the heights. His team a hybrid approach: his team will has a wide range of experience, from big mountain ascents to extremely difficult rock pitches. He expects that the final 1,000 feet of technical rock and ice will take between 12 and 14 hours to ascend and descend. If the challenges of a first ascent are notable, the rewards are greater, too. A first ascent is mountaineering’s ultimate coup, and Gunlogson says the honour is significant. “It’s definitely a respected achievement, particularly if it’s the first ascent of a mountain,” he notes. “That other people have tried it and failed, that’s a great part of the story for sure.” Whittington and his team will begin their odyssey May 18th, and while he acknowledges the risks, he is nonchalant about it. “We’re planning for the worst and hoping for the best,” he says. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 11–17, ‘12

Gov’t Invests $1.9M To Fight Violent Crime

Program Will Track, Monitor Criminals, Promises To Keep Them From Reoffending Alex J MacPherson

joint venture between the Ministry of Corrections, Public Safety saskatoon, SK — Violent and Policing, and the Ministry of criminals will soon have to con- Justice and Attorney General, the tend with greater scrutiny and Serious Violent Offender Response more police officers and prosecu- promises to keep criminals from tors, the Justice reoffending, and Minister says. “The violent, habitual ensure those who The Saskatch- criminals — those are do are prosecuted ewan Party is in- the ones that we want to properly. vesting $1.9 mil“The violent, lion in a program target.” habitual crimi-Don Morgan nals — those are targeting habitually violent criminals. the ones that we want to target. The money will be spent on These are the people that are putpolice and prosecutorial services ting our society at risk,” says Minisfor tracking, monitoring and han- ter of Justice and Attorney General dling repeat violent offenders. A Don Morgan.

“It’s targeting the extra work and time that a high risk offender would take, and usually those are people who have very serious, very lengthy violent criminal records,” he explains. “They take more work and more attention.” Corrections, Public Safety and Policing is contributing $1.23 million for four new police officers, six probation officers, two support workers, and one clinical director. Justice and Attorney General is investing $700,00 for five additional prosecutors and five support staff. The program will work on two fronts. Police officers will track violent criminals after they are released from jail, enforce release conditions and intervene before they commit another offence. Prosecutors will make sure violent offenders are charged appropriately and if necessary deemed dangerous offenders. According to Morgan the program fulfills an election promise and is based on feedback from people working in justice and corrections: “When you talk to police officers and prosecutors, they say, ‘we know who the people are who are likely to cause problems and we know that if we committed some extra resources to those types of individuals, we think we would be able to get them to fall into line or get them prosecuted and get them off the street,’” he says. Morgan also emphasizes that the

new program is limited to dealing with habitually violent criminals, but adds that the government “has and will continue to have a strong focus on rehabilitation.” NDP MLA Warren McCall, opposition justice critic, thinks targeted crime reduction is a good idea, although he is concerned about the broader implications of the program.

“We see it as part of the solution, but one part of the solution,: he says. “We think that targeted crime reduction has had a good track record in the province: not just being tough on crime, but being smart on crime.” McCall is worried that putting more criminals in jail will increase the strain on an already-taxed correctional system. “We have concerns about the way that the corrections part of the occasion, already under pretty severe stress, and with the implementation of [federal crime omnibus bill] C-10, what is an overcrowding crisis in the correctional system promises to get that much worse,” he adds. “The corrections facilities that we have in the province are running at or above capacity right now,” agrees Morgan. “We don’t know the impact of Bill C-10 [but] there’s no doubt it’s going to … increase some of the people who are there…We know that we’re going to have to increase our facilities over the next few years.” The program is part of a $3 million, four-year commitment. Morgan expects the remaining funds will be used to keep the program running later this year or in 2013. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 11–17, ‘12

Self-Disclosure As Satisfying As Sex: New Study Adam Hawboldt

cambridge, ma — Talking about yourself on Facebook is as satisfying as sex, according to new research. Headed by scientist Diana Tamier, the team examined nearly

Commute Killers

Driving To Work Bad For Health Adam Hawboldt

who drive more than 25 kilometr to earn a paycheque are nine percent St. Louis, mo — Have you more likely to be overweight, and ever heard someone say “Uggh that for every 16-km increase in … this commute is killing me?” the drive, your body mass index Well, turns out, they were right. increases by .17 units. According to a new study, What’s more, not only does compeople who drive long distances muting affect your weight, it can on their journey also have a negato work are more “Our study is the first to tive influence on likely to be over- show that long commutes other aspects of weight than their are associated with higher your health. non-commuting “Previous studweight…” counterparts. ies have pointed -Christine Hoehner to daily exposure “It could just be a function of having less dis- to traffic, particularly the unpredictcretionary time to be physically ac- ability of traffic, as being a source tive,” lead author Christine Hoehner of chronic stress,” says Hoehner, explains to ABC News. describing how frustration can send “Or it could be related to people blood pressure through the roof. burning fewer calories because “Our study is the first to show they’re sitting longer.” that long commutes are associated To figure out the health effects with higher weight, lower fitness of the daily haul, Hoehner and her levels and higher blood pressure, team examined the medical re- all of which are strong predictors of cords of nearly 4,300 commuters in heart disease, diabetes and some Dallas-Fort Worth and Austin, Texas. cancers.” What they found was that people Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance world’s oldest art — The debate is over: after hashing out for years if the drawings in the Chauvet Cave in France were indeed the oldest cave drawings in the world, researchers

have concluded they are. The drawings of bears, rhinos and horses are likely between 30,000-32,000 years old, according to recent radiocarbon dating. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

300 people, asking them about their personal opinions or having them perform behavioural tasks for money while scanning their brains. The results were intriguing: people are willing to go without 17 to 25 percent of potential earnings if it meant they could disclose

something about themselves. Furthermore, the areas of the brain that are associated with rewards like sex or food responded strongly when people were self sharing compared to when they were not. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 11–17, ‘12

Yawning Contagious For Dogs Adam Hawboldt

What’s more, the dogs were five times more likely to yawn when porto, portugal — You know they heard their owners’ yawns how they say yawning is conta- played to them. gious? Well, apparently that doesn’t “The dogs yawned more when apply only to humans. they heard humans they knew Researchers at the University of yawning, like their owners, as opPorto in Portugal have found that posed to people they didn’t know, dogs yawn if they and the possibilihear their owners “The dogs yawned more ty that dogs could do the same. when they heard humans have some empaThe scientists they knew yawning, like thy with humans selected 29 dogs c a m e a b o u t ,” to observe, all of their owners…” Joana Bessa, from -Joana Bessa Oporto Universiwhom had lived with their owners for at least six ty, tells Lusa News Agency. months. An earlier study, conducted at Researchers first recorded the the University of London’s Birkbeck yawn of the owner and played it College, suggested that dogs mimic to the pet. yawning nearly 75 percent of the They then played a recording of time if they saw a human do it. a stranger yawning. The dogs sat Along with people and dogs, for two session, held a week apart. the phenomenon of contagious The result? yawning has also been observed Nearly half of all the dogs in gelada baboons, stump-tailed yawned when they heard a record- macaques and chimpanzees. ing of a person yawning. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


Facebook Addiction Test Women Have Highest Dependency: Study Adam Hawboldt

bergen, norway — Are you a Facebook addict? Researchers from Norway have created a test to answer that ques-

“[T]his type of dependency … manifests itself in the young…”

-Adam Hawboldt tion for anyone unsure if their use of the popular social media website is verging on obsession. Lead researcher Dr. Cecilie Schou Andreassen from the University of Bergen in Norway explains that an obsession with social media — and with that, a dependency on Facebook — is a new type of Internet addiction that has recently emerged. Andreassen also notes this type

of dependency often manifests itself in the young, anxious or socially insecure. To examine the phenomenon, the scientists created a questionnaire, which they then administered to 423 students — 227 female and 196 male. The participants were asked to answer the questions using a 1-5 scale; (1) was very rarely, while (5) was very often. The six questions are “you spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook,” “You feel an urge to use Facebook more and more,” “You

use Facebook in order to forget about personal problems,” “You have tried to cut down on the use of Facebook without success,” “You become restless or troubled if you are prohibited from using Facebook” and “You use Facebook so much that it has a negative impact on your job/studies.” Andreassen notes that if you answered (4) or (5) to at least four of these questions, you are addicted to Facebook. Interestingly, women were more addicted to Facebook than men. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance Possible alzheimer’s cure — Leicester University scientists may have found a precursor for the cure for Alzheimer’s. The English researchers discovered that injecting the brains

of mice suffering from prion disease, an illness that leads to brain deterioration, with a protein they could stop the rodents’ bodies from killing brain cells. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 11–17, ‘12

Flint Offbeat At A Glance t-rex man — A Tyrannosaurus Rex is

Bike-Powered Television Green-Friendly Boob Tube At Eco-Chic Lodge Adam Hawboldt

owner, took things a few steps farther and had a bicycle-powered brockenhurst, england television installed. — One bed and breakfast in “I focused on three things when England is taking the concept constructing the room: reducing of eco-chic to a waste, minimizing new level. “I … wanted to show that pollution and usFor the owner being green can also be ing resources with of the Cottage exciting and fun…” the lowest impact Lodge — located possible,” Simons -Christina Simons tells the Telegraph. in the village of Brockenhurst — having beds made And to that extent, Simons defiout of sustainable materials or lo- nitely succeeded. Constructed from cally felled beech wasn’t enough. local Douglas Fir, the room also So Christina Simons, the lodge’s features low-energy lighting, a

wood-burning stove, solar panels, a bamboo floor and a water-reducing shower. Still, the bicycle-powered television is, for many, the funky star of the room. “I … wanted to show that being green can also be exciting and fun, and guests love cycling on the bike,” explains Simons. The Cottage Lodge is a five-star B&B that has won numerous awards for its extensive eco-friendly initiatives. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Super Robot Vacuum Trilingual, Chats With You Adam Hawboldt

tokyo, japan — Welcome to the next stage of the vacuum evolution. Created by Sharp Corp., this new circular roaming vacuum is called the Cocorobo (a play on the word “heart” or “kokoro” in Japanese), and can vacuum, speaks 36 common phrases including “long time, no see” and “hello,” and is trilingual. That’s right: your vacuum can greet you in English, Japanese, and

the Kansai dialect of southwestern that is a vacuum cleaner, but I think Japan, which is seen as being fun- there is a need for automated prodnier than standard Japanese. ucts beyond vacuums,” Jitsuo SakaWhat’s more, moto, a division the dinner-plate- “[T]he dinner-plate-sized manager at Sharp, sized robot also robot also … has a built-in told reporters in purifies the air camera that can send Tokyo. while vacuumThe Cocorobo, ing, has a built-in pictures to your cell…” which will sell for -Adam Hawboldt about $1,600 in camera that can send pictures to your cell phone, Japan, connects to a Wi-Fi network and can help owners find loose and can be controlled using a mochange or other missing items. bile phone app. “We’ve developed a product Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

‘Super Cool Bra’ Boasts Ice-Packs, Wind Chimes Adam Hawboldt

tokyo, japan — Ladies can now stay cool — literally and figuratively — with the stylish “Super Cool Bra.” Created by international lingerie maker Triumph, the bra features

built-in ice packs, but aims to produce a cooling feeling for all the senses. The creators achieve this by placing a mini-fan along the supporting side of the bra, designing the cups to look like miniature fish tanks,

and hanging wind chimes and mint leaves between the breasts. Triumph created the bra to help reduce energy consumption during the hot Japanese summers, where temperatures near 30° C. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

on the loose in Nebraska. Well, sort of. Recently, 23-year-old Tyler Gold walked into the York County court room and officially walked out as Tyrannosaurus Rex, according to the New York Times. When asked why he wanted to change

his name, he said it was “because the [T-Rex moniker] is cooler,” according to an official filing he made with the court. Judge Alan Gless asked if Gold was hiding from law enforcement or creditors, but Gold said no. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 11–17, ‘12

Cucumbers originated in India, where they’ve been grown for more than 3,000 years, but these tasty little guys are staples in kitchens the world over. There are two main kinds of ■cucumbers: slicers and pick-

lers. The slicers are the ones you find on veggie trays and in salad; the picklers are, of course, the ones that are made into pickles

Cucumbers have a water ■content of over 90%, which makes them an excellent antioxidant

Like melons, squash and ■pumpkins, cucumbers are a

member of the gourd family

The juice from cucumbers ■is great for improving the

complexion and health of your skin

Summer Palace: Chinese Delights

Photos: Courtesy of Adam Hawboldt

Authentic, North American-Style Dishes At Taylor Street Eatery Adam Hawboldt

The first thing you’ll notice about the Summer Palace is the menu.

It’s seriously extensive: we’re talking 160 dishes long, 84 of which are “traditional” Chinese, the other 76 are what you’d call North American Chinese. Admittedly, the menu takes a few minutes to absorb, but the problem of choosing which food to sample isn’t one I mind having. After a few minutes of hemming and hawing, I picked out a good sample of dishes and dinner was underway. First out of the kitchen came sliced pork and bean sprouts in garlic sauce. The pork, cut in bacon-like strips, then wrapped around a stick of cucumber and topped with a garlic

sauce, was tender, and the sauce green peppers, carrots, mushwas garlicky and surprisingly spicy. rooms, noodles and, of course, The cucumber gave the dish pork, this dish had a good solid a perfectly delectable balance, a heat and a sweetness that kicked fresh counterpart to the flavour of in after the first bite. the pork. This reTo finish the ally was delicious, “The cucumber gave meal off, I went and a good-sized the dish … a fresh with one of my plate that would counterpart to the flavour favorite Szechuan be perfect as an dishes — sliced of the pork.” appy to share. beef in hot chili -Adam Hawboldt oil. Next up: egg rolls! A well-known staple, these Having eaten this dish at more guys came crispy on the outside, than a couple of restaurants, I had tasty and savoury on the inside, an idea of how hot it can be, so to and highly recommended. offset the imminent kick I ordered For the next course, I went with a side of cucumber in garlic sauce. the house special: shredded pork Alone, both of these were excelin hot and sour sauce. Made with lent. Put them together, though, and they make the perfect pair — the ying to the other’s yang. The beef was melt-in-yourmouth succulent, the cilantro garnish really made the dish pop, the chili oil was spicy enough to make me sneeze (a bunch of times). And when things got a bit too hot, I’d sink my teeth into a piece of cool, garlicky, refreshing cucumber. All in all, the food at Summer Palace was fantastic. So if you’re the mood for some darn good Chinese food, I recommend swinging by. Or, like the dozen or so people I saw go in and out during my meal, give them a call and order your food to go. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Summer Palace

Address: 3A 3602 Taylor St. E Hours: Monday 3:30-9pm

Tuesday-Sunday 11:30am-9pm

Reservations: 343-0012


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May 11–17, ‘12

We Need To Rethink Our War On Drugs PM Harper Admits: A Heavy-Handed Approach Isn’t Working For Anyone The Editors of Verb

marijuana use in people over 15 years old fell to 10 percent — the This is part one of a three-part series lowest in the EU. Lifetime heroin use examining the ineffectiveness and pos- among 16–18-year-olds dropped sible solutions to Canada’s war on drugs. by 28 percent, new HIV infections This week we are looking at alternatives in drug users fell by 17 percent in to the hard-line our government’s been the span of three years, and the use towing in its crackdown on drugs. of drugs among seventh through SASKATOON, SK — At the Sum- ninth graders fell by 25 percent. mit of the Americas in Cartagena, And the falling rates of drug Columbia, Prime Minister Ste- abuse aren’t the only positive phen Harper openly admitted outcome. According to a paper the war on drugs released by the isn’t working, “[T]oo often the war on Cato Institute, the and we agree. drugs doesn’t concern number of people T h e h e av y - itself with the human face in Portugal seekhanded, harding treatment for line, throw-the- of the issue.” addiction more -Verb’s Editors than doubled. druggies-in-jail approach simply does not work, Decriminalizing drug possesand leads to overcrowded prisons, sion and implementing treatment where locating drugs isn’t exactly programs worked so well that the difficult. Global Commission on Drug Policy But alternatives do exist. All one — whose members include past has to do is shift their gaze east, presidents, a former UN Secrepast our national borders, over the tary General and a Nobel laureAtlantic and onto the small country ate — recently called Portugal “an of Portugal to find an example of how to effectively tackle the drug issue. Back near the turn of the century, the country had some of the highest levels of drug use and abuse in the whole of Europe, so the powers that be decided to, in 2011, enact laws that allowed Portugal to become the first European country to officially abolish all criminal penalties for personal possession of drugs. Marijuana, cocaine, heroin, you name it — instead of giving people jail time, they offered people found with small amounts of drugs the option of treatment and therapy. Drug trafficking, however, is still prosecuted as a criminal offence. Naturally, in a conservative, traditionally Catholic country like Portugal, these new laws were initially criticized. And as in other countries that had toyed with the notion of easing drug laws, people said the new regulations would exacerbate the drug problem, and would turn Portugal into a haven for drug tourists. The problem with people who criticize the liberalization of drug policies, however, is that more often than not their arguments are based more on speculation and fear mongering than they are on empirical evidence. In fact, following decriminalization, the country’s lifetime rate of

international model for drug policy reform.” And we believe it’s a model that Canada should eventually follow. Not only is it a pragmatic endeavour, but it also humane. Far too often the war on drugs doesn’t concern itself with the human face of the issue. The knee-jerk reaction is, if a person has drugs throw them in jail, but this type of reflexive, reactive thinking harms the public health. Instead of treating addicts and helping them re-integrate into society, we lock them up in overcrowded prisons — where drugs are easy to get your hands on. So maybe it’s time to put people before policy. But don’t get us wrong: we’re not saying decriminalizing will be a cure-all, but walking the same line as Portugal would simply create a framework in our country for implementing policy that will reduce the societal and personal harm created

by drug abuse. Next week: what are the preliminary steps we should implement

to begin revamping Canada’s drug policy. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 11–17, ‘12

Top Of The Hops: Food, Spirits, Beer Fest

Come And Enjoy 219 Different Types of Alcohol At Three-Day Annual Event Sebastien dangerfield

Saskatoon, SK — Robert Bateman doesn’t want to be the bad guy. He doesn’t want to upset anyone. That’s why the organizer for the 2012 Top of the Hops Grapes and

Grains Festival has some advice for people interested in attending this year’s event. “What happened last year is that we sold out and we had to start turning people away at the door,” says Bateman. “I don’t want to make people mad or anything, so if you’re

wanting tickets, it’s probably best to get them in advance.” With 219 different types of alcohol and 97 booths at this year’s event, Top of the Hops stands as one of Saskatoon’s largest beer, wine and spirit expos. But it wasn’t always this size. “We started out eight years ago and at first we were a lot smaller. We were strictly a beer festival,” explains Bateman. Back then, to hear Bateman tell it, things were far from smooth. “In the past, we were always waiting for contracts, waiting for

“[I]f you like drinking in crowds … then it’s simple — you come Friday and Saturday.”

-Sebastien Dangerfield everyone to get their stuff in,” he says. “It was trying to get vendors in, trying to do this, trying to do that.” But not anymore. Organizers have ironed the wrinkles out to the point where Bateman, who is one of the expo’s many volunteers, had everything set up and ready to go about a month and a half ahead of schedule. What’s more, on some days it seems like the expo is almost taking care of itself. “When we started out, our vendors were a little bit of everything,” Batemen explains. “But now we’re attracting higher-end places like Willows and Saboroso. The chefs want to come in and show off their dishes. Places like Saboroso, for example, they did their investigating and contacted us, so that makes things a bit easier.”

Photo: courtesy of Top of the Hops

Event-goers of the 2011 Top of the Hops The Top of the Hops Grapes and Winemaker Dinner, which pairs Grains expo runs from May 24th until wines with a bunch of different May 26th. As for when you stop by yummy eats. to sample the vast array of booze, This year’s feast will feature the well, that entirely depends on your wine of Germany’s Johannes Selpreferences. bach, whose Riesling QBA will come “Thursday night is usually our served with duck breast in a green light night,” explains Batemen. “So peppercorn sauce on flaky phyllo if you want to come in and see the pastry. If Saskatchewan French loin show, but don’t like crowds, Thurs- chops are more your style, try the day is a good night. But if you like Selbach-Oster Zeltinger Schlossdrinking in crowds, around a lot berg Riesling Auslese 2007, which of people, then it’s simple — you comes with the chops and is served come Friday and Saturday.” with a Saskatoon berry/red beet Also on Saturday is the annual relish, and accompanied by mushroom herb spaetzle. Tickets for the Winemaker dinner are $130 (tax deductible), and all proceeds go to Farmer in the Dell — a non-profit organization that provides residential and vocational opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities in a rural, farm-like setting. As for the proceeds from the actual expo, they go back into the community. “This event is for the POW City Kinsmen,” says Bateman. “So almost all the money that’s raised for this project and the club stays in the city.” For more information, please see: Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Arts One

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May 11–17, ‘12

Royal Canoe Talks Pushing The Envelope

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Winnipeg Indie Six-Piece On Reimagining Pop, And Their Fresh Extended Play Alex J MacPherson

to write something with a little bit less of a formulaic structure it’s a bit Saskatoon, SK — Sporting more difficult. Where to go? Where one of the most distinctively to go next?” Canadian names in rock & roll, Royal Canoe, he adds, “is about Royal Canoe have made it their acknowledging when things should mission to push the envelope of adhere to past formulas and also popular music. knowing when it’s a good idea to Drawn from a range of popular push the envelope a bit.” indie rock outfits, the six members Finding that balance, though, of Royal Canoe use a staggering is never easy. array of synthesizers and effects “We’ve written a whole lot of units to create music that is once sh***y songs just to get the ones familiar and unorthodox. we like,” Peters laughs. “We start Lush arrangements and slick with the tone, start with a cool production are sound you find complemented “We’ve written a whole lot on a keyboard by heavily dis- of sh***y songs just to get running through torted vocals, the the ones we like.” an effects pedal towering sound [and] use that to -Matt Peters springboard off of of two drummers, and a firm commitment to experi- and try and write a song around.” mentation. An expansive sonic playground “Our goal is to do something that might seem appealing, but the pois on one hand familiar or catchy tential for disagreement is comand has a pop sensibility to it, and mensurately larger when a band on the other hand trying to push moves beyond basic chord prosome boundaries and being as gressions. inventive as we can be,” explains Peters agrees that there are dissinger Matt Peters, who also plays agreements, but adds that, “we’re in the Waking Eyes. not really the band that has shoutMaking experimental music is ing matches and throws chairs. We far more complicated than simply all have a pretty clear idea of what recording noise and calling it music. it is we like. When six people with Pop songs are built on a sturdy different styles and tastes can all foundation; any deviation from it agree on something, you know threatens to alienate audiences that it’s good.” have been groomed to expect cerIf the band’s latest effort, an EP tain sounds and structures. confusingly titled Extended Play, But, Peters admits, there are is any indication, Peters is right. good reasons why pop music has Released in February, the four-track remained more or less unchanged record burns bright and leaves a for sixty years. pleasing glow. “When you’re writing a really Familiar enough to listen to, and straight-up conventional pop song fresh enough to listen to again and you know when it’s done — now again, Extended Play highlights the it has a verse, now it has a chorus, band’s ability to balance their music got the bridge,” he explains. “Not to against convention. say all pop structures are necessarAnd it is an excellent teaser for ily that simple but there are things the full-length record Peters says you can draw from. If you’re trying is in the works.

Now on tour in support of Extended Play, Peters says reconstructing the songs for the stage has created plenty of headaches. “We’re trying to be as true to the recordings as we can be while still trying to please people,” he says. “There’s obviously going to be some compromise; we’re just trying

to determine the best place to compromise. We’re not a laptop band … [w]e try to perform as much of it as possible.” Ultimately, he says, the result is worth the headaches. “We have so many different sounds and options at our fingertips. Anything you hear in your head

you can find a way to voice it.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info

Royal Canoe

Where: Amigos Cantina When: May 19 Cost: Tickets available at the door

ArtsSect &C

Hardcore Hamilton Rockers Counterparts Play What They Want Alex J MacPherson

Saskatoon, SK — “We don’t care about anything except playing music that we can stand behind and support,” muses Brendan Murphy, who fronts the Hamilton hardcore band Counterparts. “We don’t care about getting big or making money. Who cares about going on big tours? We wrote these songs that we really like, and we want to play

them.” success pollute their ultimate goal This statement, more than any- — making honest, entertaining thing else, explains the meteoric music. rise of Murphy’s “That’s been band. Founded “We’re just going to play the basis of the on the idealistic music we can go onstage band since day notion that mu- and … stand behind.” one,” he explains. sic is and always “I don’t care -Brendan Murphy what’s popular, I should be its own reward, Murphy and the rest of don’t care what’s going to get us Counterparts have never let the on a tour bus on the Warped Tour, promise of critical and commercial I just don’t care. We’re just going to play music we can go onstage and actually stand behind.” Counterparts are ostensibly a hardcore band, meaning they play beefed-up punk rock, but this description is fundamentally inadequate. Their music is brimming with the rage and bite of classic punk, of course, but it also displays the sort of sophistication absent from most guitar rock. “I refer to us as a hardcore band, but when I go online, when I go to different forums, there’s always an argument: it’s not hardcore, it’s metal-core,” laughs Murphy. “Who cares about that? We’re just going to take the cool ideas from the bands we like and run with it. And so we did.” Their latest record, The Current Will Carry Us, was released last year on Victory Records, a prominent Chicago label that focuses on hardcore and post-hardcore acts. Murphy, who spent the bulk of his adolescence plumbing the Victory catalogue, was thrilled to sign with his favourite label. Compared to Prophets, which was released in 2010, The Current Will Carry Us is ambitious and

Photo: courtesy of Mark Luciani

adventurous. Because Murphy and his bandmates were uninterested in making money, they felt free to take chances. And it paid off. “With Prophets we were too scared to break away and do our own thing, whereas with the new one we thought, who cares?” he explains. “Like, let’s have a melodic part go right into blackbeats. That’s one of my favourite parts about being in this band: you have hardcore aspects, but we can turn around and have nice ambient post-rock parts.” This fun, go-with-it attitude bleeds through everything the band does, even mind-numbing stints in the touring van. “I love it,” says Murphy of the road. “When I’m at home I don’t do anything. When we go out on tour, it’s just fun…kind of an escape from boring home life.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Five Qs W

Winnipeg Five-P Alex J MacPherson

Combining the best parts of an old-time string band, a Dixieland jazz outfit, and a straight-ahead country rock ensemble, the F-Holes make music that reeks of nostalgia without sounding dated. Layering swampy cornet lines over a thumping upright bass and lush guitar chords, the band is a force to be reckoned “Maybe [the s with. Their current al- little bit more bum, Angel in the Cor- live.” ner, was released last year; since then, the F-Holes have been touring relentlessly. Verb caught up with singer and bassist Patrick Alexandre to chat about Winnipeg, recording and facial hair. Alex J MacPherson: You guys are from Winnipeg — why does so much good music come from there? Patrick Alexandre: Low rent. That’s how we get our imports, people who move here. I don’t know: if you don’t play hockey there isn’t much to do in the winter. Except play music, I guess. For the older ones like us, it’s the community of musicians. AJM: Tell me a little bit about your band’s sound. There are a lot of influences in play, I think. PA: Well, it is taking a lot of different styles — I ’d

Culture tion Pages PH, PH PH PH–PH, ‘PH

Pages 12, 13 Pages 10, May 11–17, ‘1211

Alex J MacPherson

With The F-Holes

Photo: courtesy of Gabrielle Touchette

Piece On Letting Loose Onstage

go so far as to say Dixieland to grunge for us — and melding them together in our own characters. Everybody in the band really has a strong musical character, different than each other. Probably one the reasons we still don’t have a radio in the van, I don’t think we could agree what to listen to! AJM: What’s your creative process like? songs] are a PA: It’ll start with e ridiculous somebody writing something. Most of the time, it’s either -Patrick Alexandre me or Eric [Lemoine] writing the music. So far it’s been just me writing the lyrics. To take my songs, for instance, it might be as simple as a country song. I’ll bring it in the room with the guys, they’ll probably be bored with something so simple, so we don’t leave the room until we’re happy. AJM: Angel in the Corner came out a year ago, more or less. What have you been up to since then? PA: This last year’s been interesting. We’ve been on the road a lot, and for the last three months we’ve been recording an album: we decided to do just the covers that we’ve been doing in our live show. There are ten songs, and probably eight of them we’ve been playing for four

Play Like Parting Water Pairs Optimist, Pessimist

years or more. I think we have found our own character, and we’re able to explore it. AJM: You have a reputation for enthusiasm onstage. Do the beards help with that? PA: Maybe [the songs] are a little bit more ridiculous live. I can only speak or myself, but I suppose on the albums I’m trying to put out the right notes and the right inflections and stuff. Generally live we let ourselves loose a little bit more — a little more expressive. As for the beards? [We can play better] if it’s cold outside. Even though it’s a cliché, Winnipeg is pretty cold at times. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

of optimism and pessimism,” says Francis. Saskatoon, SK — What hap“I was interested in exploring the pens when a cheerfully upbeat relationship between the two, how optimist and a doomsaying pes- one can come out of the other.” simist find themselves trapped on Because the play is built on a an island? simple foundation, Francis felt free The answer lies in Like Parting to incorporate ideas drawn from Water, a play by Jaron Francis. Born the wider world of drama, music, from Francis’s priand literature. vate musings on “I wanted it to be fun and Citing absurdist depression, the challenging and a good dramas like play evolved into time.” Eugène Ionesco’s an exploration of Rhinocéros and -Jaron Francis Samuel Beckett’s how human beings react to different situations. Waiting for Godot — “two guys The two characters, Garth and standing around waiting to see Gilroy, are polar opposites, but what happens” — mystery stories when differing views jeopardize and musicals, Francis says that the their survival, they must work to- various situations into which Garth gether, groping forward in search and Gilroy are cast form the heart of common ground. of the play. “It just made me think about “The nature of the story lent itthe yin yang reciprocal relationship self well to throwing in anything I wanted,” he laughs. “The setting is just two dudes on an island … I wanted to take away the things that in real life people get The F-Holes distracted by, in terms of answering Where: Lydia’s Pub When: May 19 questions about positive versus Cost: $5 at the door

Event Info


Where: Le Relais Community Centre When: May 20 Cost: TBD

Like Parting Water Where: The Refinery When: May 24–27, May 31–Jun 3 Cost: $21 @

Want some coverage for your upcoming event? Email ASAP!

negative thinking. I wanted to take away all the superfluous details and leave them with the basics.” Stripping away the detritus of everyday life, Like Parting Water becomes a raw examination of human nature, a drama that bears startling resemblance to the major absurdist and existentialist works. Francis is certainly interested in mining the human condition, but he understands that above all audiences want to be entertained. Written with multiple entry points, Like Parting Water has the definitive characteristic of a great story. It can be read as an allegory, a deep meditation on the important questions, or as a playful, entertaining adventure. And after writing Filling Holes, which was performed by Live Five last March, Francis felt like writing a lighter play, something simple and entertaining, no matter who is watching it. “I wanted it to be fun and challenging and a good time,” he says. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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May PH11–17, PH–PH, ‘12 ‘PH

Keyhole Dark, Twisted, Thrilling

Director Maddin Reimagines Homer’s Odyssey As Film Noir Keyhole

Runtime: 94 Minutes Rated: 14 Adam Hawboldt The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an auteur as “an artist whose style and practice are distinctive.” And if you’ve ever seen a Guy Maddin film (Cowards Bend the Knee, Brand Upon the Brain!), you know damn well he’s an auteur of the highest order. Not only does the Winnipegbased filmmaker have a penchant

“[F]or all its delirious weirdness, Keyhole is still accessible…”

-Adam Hawboldt for making movies loaded with clichés, psychosexual drama and bizarre storylines, but they also tend to have the look and style of a silent-era film spliced with ‘20s Soviet agitprop and Weimar Republic German movies. If that sounds like a strange mix, well, that’s because Maddin’s movies are strange. They merge the self-conscious with the surreal along rather crazy narratives. And Maddin’s newest film Keyhole, which is currently being screened at the Roxy Theatre, is

Photo: courtesy of monterey media inc.

no different. The film starts on a dark and stormy night. An old, rickety house is surrounded by police: lights flash, sirens wail. Inside the house, 1940’s gangster Ulysses Pick (Jason Patric)

and his men take refuge. But this isn’t just any house. It’s Ulysses’ home, and he’s returned after a long journey. Oh, and did I mention the house is haunted? Sure is. Among these apparitions — who may not be ghosts at all — we have Ulysses’ wife, Hyacinth (Isabella Rosellini), who can unlock doors with her hair, and a stairwell apparition that screams “Double Yahtzee!” while masturbating. Also in the house is a strange handlebar moustached doctor (Udo Kier), a mobster (Kevin McDonald of Kids in the Hall fame) who has a thing for poltergeists, Ulysses’ son Manners (David Wontner) whom the hero somehow doesn’t recognize, and a whole host of other strange and bewildering characters. Sounds original, unique and trippy, right? Well, that’s because it is. What’s more, for all its delirious weirdness, Keyhole is still accessible to the average viewer, especially compared to most of Maddin’s other films. Keyhole has a) dialogue and b)

something that vaguely resembles a plot — Ulysses has to find his wife, or her ghost or whatever. However, all that being said, if you’re someone who is into straightforward linear narratives, you might want to skip this one. As an exercise into and an examination of memory, Keyhole is a freeassociation flick that moves in starts and stops, from past to present and new character to old character, as it weaves its way though a fevered, high-pitched dream. And personally, I loved it. With a firm grasp on voice and style, Maddin pulls off something spectacular. He somehow takes Homer’s The Odyssey, places it smack dab in the middle of the film noir genre, then rearranges that genre’s elements in an attempt to make sense of them while challenging the audience on deep, metaphysical levels. Strange things happen in Maddin movies, they always have and I suspect they always will. So buckle up, put on your thinking hats, and enjoy this odd adventure into the subconscious. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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May PH11–17, PH–PH, ‘12 ‘PH

Burton’s Dark Shadows A Mostly Fun Trip

Photo: courtesy of Warner Bros

Depp Is Excellent, As Always, In Adequate Adaptation Of Gothic Soap Opera Dark Shadows

Runtime: 113 Minutes Rated: PG Adam Hawboldt Is it just me, or does anyone else miss the old Tim Burton? You know who I’m talking about: the twisted, brilliant director who — during a stretch in the late-’80s and early-’90s — gave us classic films like Beetlejuice, Ed Wood, Batman and Edward Scissorhands. Yeah, that guy. I sure as heck wish he’d come out of hiding, because lately it seems like all Burton is doing is taking other people’s ideas and putting his own strange spin on them. First it was Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Then Daniel Wallace’s Big Fish and Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. In his latest movie, the esteemed director opts to Burtonize a cultfavourite gothic soap opera from the late-60’s called Dark Shadows. And, if you ask me, he did a pretty damn good job of it. But, like every film he’s made since 1995, Dark Shadows doesn’t

quite measure up to Burton’s origi- Heathcote) and he spurns all ensunal stuff. ing advances by Angelique. For that he will catch a lot of flak Turns out, Angelique is a witch, from critics. He’ll also be panned and an unhappy witch at that. for a couple of other shortcomFollowing the age-old adage ing in this film, that “hell hath but more on that “Sometimes serious, no fur y like a later. Right now, sometimes funny, the woman scorned,” let’s talk about screenplay seems to Angelique kills the nuts and bolts Barnabas’ parof Dark Shadows. meander…” ents, causes Jo-Adam Hawboldt sette to commit Plotwise, the story is about Barnabas Collins suicide and turns Barnabas into a (played by Johnny Depp), an 18th vampire — who is buried alive by century aristocrat/playboy who unruly villagers. hooks up with this girl named Leap forward to 1971. Barnabas Angelique (Eva Green), one of the emerges into a world he no longer maids at Collinwood, his parent’s recognizes, sups on the blood of a estate. Problem with this is, Barn- nearby workman and makes his way abas is in love with Josette (Bella to Collinwood. There he meets his

descendants: matriarch Elizabeth (Michelle Pfeiffer), her rebellious daughter Carolyn (Chloë Mortez), Elizabeth’s brother Roger (Jonny Lee Miller), his haunted son David (Gulliver McGrath) and the boy’s besotted shrink Dr. Hoffman (Helen Bonham Carter.) He also meets Angelique, who is still alive and still extraordinarily pissed at him. Horror hijinx ensue. Kind of. Remember those shortcomings I mentioned before? Well, one of the biggest of the bunch is the lack of narrative focus in this film. Sometimes serious, sometimes funny, the screenplay seems to meander without purpose without a tone ever truly being set. What’s more, sometimes the film

gets weighed down with too much dialogue. However, all that being said, I still really enjoyed this flick. Burton on his bad days is better than most on a lot of their best days, and Johnny Depp, well, let’s just say that yet again he puts in another bizarre, mannered and sublime performance. Looking quite at home in claws and heavy eye shadow, Depp plays Barnabas with an outof-water, blood-thirsty panache that is borderline perfect. Depp is so good, in fact, that it’s him and him alone that takes an otherwise pedestrian movie and turns it into something watchable. Heck, even something enjoyable. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-837


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May 11–17, ‘12

This Week: Religious Expression

Last week we asked what you thought about making civic events secular — here’s what you had to say. Enjoy the responses! Next week’s topic: see page 9 — what do you think about changing

On Topic Not being able to say a simple prayer without criticism is a joke. For everything people condemn christians for, they can’t even allow us to be gratefull for out food? Comeone It’s funny when your editors wrote”including

how Canada approaches its war on drugs? Text FEEDBACK and your thoughts about the topic (or anything else) to 306–881-VERB (8372) and you could see your text printed in next week’s issue! appropriate prayers to acknowledge every religion out there is a nice idea but impractical” when u guys want religion left out of everything. It’s like Obama condemning those burnings of the Holy Quran but has no problem burning Christian bibles. This WAS a Christian

country, now we slowly watch our rights being taken away, like many countries. Make up your mind Verb. Oh so verb doesn’t want us to have any sort of moral compass to guide our politics by. Take away religion and you take away what makes people do the right thing. Why would you ever want to do anything else? I agree respectfully secular is the way to go. Mike Nemeth is the verb neutral or a political platform? ‘we at the verb’ support abolishing prayer and advovate prostitution. pretty political stances Totally agree. Events that are for the members of the public, and are not private religious ceremonies, should be respectful of everyone in attendance. I’m christian, but wouldn’t dream of pushing my views on someone else. You want to hear grace? Come over for supper :) Absolutely our civic events should be secular, it makes logical sense and seems the easiest way to be respectful without being exclusionary. Kind of surprising this still happens. Check ur facts the kid in middle lake broke his own window. Ur as bad as the star Editors’ response

You’re right! We were working off older source material, before Nantau recanted his

statements. Thanks, and we apologize for the error. Fine make civic events secular but it seems like this whole thing is being blown incredibly out of proportion. It wasn’t intended to offend and I think everyone maybe should just move on and deal with it. Re: I agree completely I respect you for being a christain and you should respect Me for not being one. It makes people uncomfortable when People insist on praying out loud at events. Its 2012 and religion shouldn’t be pushed on anyone. I think the opinion piece was right: that guy doesn’t require an apology and going to the human rights commission seems like an overkill. However that doesn’t mean he didn’t have a point: why the heck are we praying at public events that are for taxpayers. This might have been a christiancountry at one point but it’s time to adapt. Srsly. If spiritual implications are banned from events then tupac’s hologram will be looking for new employment. Sometimes it seems like hardcore atheists are just as oppressive with their views as hardcore religious people. Why can’t you just let people do what they want, provided they’re not harming themselves or others, or promoting hate in some overt way?

Off Topic Re: “City Seeks $200M For Stadium Funding,” Local page, May 4th issue

Why in the hell is our government slashing the film tax credit but forking over millions for a stupid stadium get your f**king priorities straight wall. You guys need to go. Hey to whoever mentioned the fact that bicycles should be insured and registered. That isn’t right. We don’t have engines on there or a roof over our head. And honestly its not worth being on the road when most of the drivers are trying to run you off the road. Maybe you should wear a helmet while driving I studied fatal accidents for Highways. Sad stupid shit most of the time. Everybody’s a great driver until there’s an accident. Unfortunately its usually not the selfcentered idiot driver who pays the price for speeding. Anybody who bitches about slow traffic should be just shot dead for the sake of the children! Yes everyone has one we are entitled to our own. In the beginning they come from our Mom and if we don’t take care of them they can be full of crud. The new jacobin club is a very fun band. Go see them! F**k Facebook and all that other online masturbation social network crap. Get a life ya losers! Go out and meet interact with people face to face ya

Texts cowards!

RIP Adam ‘’MCA’’ Yauch. You will be forever missed Adam. No! MCA i grew up listening to you guys man, so sad though you were sick for a long time so maybe it’s for the best. peace bro Getting awful tired of all these 37 hrs a week people who bitch/ complain/brag about how hard they work. 37 hrs a week is daycare compared to real work! Here’s an appeal to readers. Texting is an extraordinary everyday tool for sharing literacy skills. Those of you who are good make an extra effort. It works! Thanks i try to be funny but i Dont b*tch about slow drivers they just need to learn that like to fast is bad to slow is worse May the fourth be with you, lol! Finaly starting to feel like summer again it’s patio season! Its been a long time comin but were ready to go right boys :D So Obama came out pro gay marriage guess he can kiss reelection goodbye. We actually do have the solutions to our environmental problems in hand. But people don’t like them because it means an end to the high energy high speed life! Goodbye Maurice! Thanks for The Wild Things!

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May 11–17, ‘12

If we raise the corporate income tax the corporations just pass it on to the consumer no? “Affordable” housing isn’t addressing the housing crisis. “Cheap” and “Low Cost” housing is whats needed with the current min wage and welfare rates! I love the warm sultry nights... About the pet slaves text: just because a person keeps their animals indoors doesn’t make them a “slave owner” Some animals have to be kept inside due to certain health issues, while other people may live in areas where it is unsuitable or irresponsible to let a creature roam free (i.e. apartments). It seems like everyone has been going back and forth a lot about speeding and school zones and bikes. Can’t we all just agree: saskatchewan drivers suuuck LOL! Moso fest comin soon to saskatoon but worth makin the trip up for three days of incredible music and art! Yeah avengers was as good as the hype check it out! I just wanted to say how much I enjoy the thoughtful responses of texters who take the time to articulate their responses in a coherent and respectful manner. Well done!

I hate it when websites play music when you enter them so annoying I watched an old man push a woman in a wheelchair across 20th on a crosswalk. Vehicles turning left barely gave them enough space to get out of their way before completing their turn. I couldn’t believe it! Please, be careful of pedestrians, and especially those who look like they might need a little more time to get across the street. A little compassion and patience can go a long way. You guys never print

my texts how come? Holy man people need to use their effin signal lights! When I go to a public bathroom and there is one guy peeing at a big bank of urinals, I always go stand right beside him. Honest question: what do you think about

parents who let their kids run all around restauarants? If they’re being quiet then I’m cool with it. Kids are squirmy and want to move. But when they’re screaming and causing a scene, no thanks. I want to eat in peace. Too harsh? Do you say something or just endure? LMK The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily Verb’s.


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May 11–17, ‘12

Friday @ Rocksugar Venue

Rocksugar Restaurant & Karaoke Bar on Friday, May 4th


7–3110 8th Street East

Music Vibe

Varies, depending on what’s being performed for karaoke

Feature Deals

$3 gin and tonics, and $4 domestic beers

Popular Drink

Bubble tea — choose from one of their 36 different flavours

Food of Choice Photos courtesy of Patrick Carley (

Drooling chicken: it’s a half chicken grilled, then chilled, before being served in its own special sauce

Wing Notes

$10 a pound everyday, so come choose from any of their eight amazing flavours


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May 11–17, ‘12

Thursday @ Specklebelly’s Venue

Specklebelly’s Brew Pub on Thursday, May 3rd


900 Central Ave

Playing on Arrival NHL playoffs

Music Vibe

It changes, depending on what’s playing on the jukebox, but it’s the top 40 when DJ Twix is there

Regular Gigs

DJ Twix on Thursdays, Ladies’ Night (food and drink half price for the ladies) on Thursdays, and Slider Sundays ($2 each, or 10 for $15)

Feature Deal

Ladies’ Night, so all food and drink half price for the ladies

Popular Drink

Schooners of Rickard’s Red

Food of Choice Dry ribs

Wing Notes

$4 a pound on Wednesdays; of the 15 flavours available, Buffalo ranch is the favourite

Something New

Michelob Ultra Light Beer and Coor’s Light iced tea beer are now available, and stop by to watch the upcoming UFC fight on May 26th

Photos courtesy of Patrick Carley (


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May 11–17, ‘12

Friday 11

House DJs — Funk, soul & lounge DJs liven up the atmosphere at 6Twelve. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover.

Feral Children, Auld Beak, Caves, Stephen Cooley, Silver Discs — All these acts get together under one roof as CFCR presents the official release party for the Mammoth Cave Records compilation Bloodstains Across the Prairies. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets at the door.


— Last time we Canucks saw Sheek Louch (aka Sean Jacobs) was last winter, when he played sideman to Ghostface Killah on the Wu-Tang member’s Canadian tour, and now he’s back with his D-Block buddy Styles P (aka David

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Styles). Joining these New York rappers is Toronto’s Peter Jackson, who has performed alongside Snoop Dogg, D12 and Royce da 5’9”. These guys will be at the Odeon on May 23rd; tickets are $35 ($55 VIP), available at www.theodeon. ca -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Piano Fridays: Fred Ballantyne — Feel like taking in some smooth jazz stylings? Come check out this talented musician tickle the ivories of the Kinsman Yamaha S6 grand piano. 4:30pm, The Bassment. No cover. Roots Series: Jack Semple — Feel like seeing a guitar player who will knock your socks off? Look no further than Jack Semple. This Regina-based musician is a virtuoso who’s no stranger to a blistering solo or two. 9pm, The Bassment. Tickets $16 for members, $20 for non-members. Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Austen Roadz throws

down a high-energy top 40 dance party along with DJ Ash Money every Friday night. Happy Hour 4pm, Béily’s UltraLounge. $5 cover after 9pm. Saskatoon Fiddle Orchestra — Along with guests Karrnnel Sawitsky and Kim de Laforest, the SFO presents “Battle of the Fiddles.” The show will be full of everything from polkas to marches to jigs, so get ready to dance in aisles. 7:30pm, Broadway Theatre. Tickets $18 at the door, $15 in advance at the box office. Fear of Knowing — Bringing hardedged rock to the masses, this local five-piece plays the kind of pumping music that guarantees a good time 10pm, Buds on Broadway. $6 cover. ABBAmania and Night Fever — With an all-Canadian cast of 14 musicians, ABBAmania recreates the performances of the band that brought you songs like “Dancing Queen,” “Mama Mia,” and more. As for the the Bee Gees tribute band Night Fever, they will take you on a tour of the styles of one of the biggest bands in pop history. 8pm, Dakota Dunes Casino. Tickets $30. Herd of Wasters, Royal Red

Brigade, the Rhubarbs, Knifedogs — If you’re into hard rockin’ punk and garage music, you do not want to miss this record release party. 8pm, The Fez on Broadway. Cover $10. Kris Demeanor — With six CDs of original music, award-winning videos and a classic folky story-telling sound, this musician from Calgary is the perfect act for an intimate setting like this. 8pm, Gillian Snider’s House. Contact Gillian Snider at DJ Eclectic — Local turntable whiz DJ Eclectic pumps snappy electronic beats. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ J-Mats — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. Red Ram — Consisting of Mark Feduk (Edmonton) and Bill George (Wimbledon, UK), this duo performs a mix of organic rock, electronic rock, hillbilly, folk and grunge, all infused with hip hop beats and synthesizer. 10pm, Lydia’s Pub. $5 cover. DJ BIG AYYY & DJ HENCHMAN — Round up your friends ‘cause there’s no better country rock party around! 8pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover; ladies in free before 11pm. On Rotation DJ Series: Mitchy The Kid — Come out and move your feet as this local DJ does his thing. 10pm, Spadina Freehouse. No cover. Bear Jammers — Coming at you straight from Regina, this band plays a terrific brand of country rock. 9pm, Stan’s Place. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter. Ricky Rock, DJ Mern — Come check out two of Saskatoon’s finest as they spin the night away at the Pink Friday house party. 9pm, Tequila Nightclub. Tickets TBD. Doug Hoyer w/Foggy Notions and Jessica Jalbert — Hoyer is a singer/songwriter from Edmonton with a sound that’s a funky, bouncing blend of folk, Hawaiian and pop music. 10pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

Saturday 12

House DJs — Resident DJs spin deep and soulful tunes all night. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover.

Buck 65 — This MC/turntablist/experimental artist from Nova Scotia has a background in hip hip, but sure as heck isn’t afraid to jump into blues, country, rock or anything. If you haven’t seen him live, you might want to get on that. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets $23, available at


Jazz Diva Series: The Jaclyn Guillou Quintet — Vancouver vocalist Jaclyn Guillou won the CBC Galaxie Rising Star award at the 2009 Vancouver Jazz Festival. Since then she’s been setting venues on fire with her polished jazz songs. 9pm, The Bassment. Tickets $16 for members, $20 for non-members.

Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party along with DJ CTRL every Saturday night. Drinks & appies 4pm, Béily’s UltraLounge. $5 cover after 9pm. Fear of Knowing — Bringing hardedged rock to the masses, this local five-piece plays the kind of pumping music that guarantees a good time 10pm, Buds on Broadway. $6 cover. The New Jacobin Club — Full of energetic, heavy, hard hitting songs and theatrical panache, New Jacobin Club shows really make an impression. They’ll be joined by sideshow act, Angry Teeth, as well as the Belladonnas and Synapse. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. Tickets TBD. DJ Kade — Saskatoon’s own DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ J-Mats & DJ Sugar Daddy — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. Jacquie B and Jesse Dee — If you have a good ear for music, when you listen to this Edmonton-based act you’ll hear a lot of different sounds. A little jazz, a little folk, a little rock. And the thing is, they pull it off effortlessly. 10pm, Lydia’s Pub. $5 cover. DJ BIG AYYY & DJ HENCHMAN — Round up your friends ‘cause there’s no better country rock party around! 8pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. Saskatoon’s Most Wanted. $5 Cover. Bert Johnson — Come out this consummate pianist as he plays alongside vocalist Grace Hrabi. 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover. Pump and Hedspin — The former is from Calgary, the latter from Vancouver, but get these two DJs together and serious parties pop off. Spinning everything from hip hop and jazz to funk and electro, these guys are all kinds of inventive. Oh, and Hedspin, he’s the reigning world Thre3style champ. 10pm, Scratch. Cover TBD. Funktion Saturdays: cRiscole, Clyde and FACTOR — Come check out these happening DJs as they spins the kind of beats that’ll get you up outta your seat 10pm, The Spadina Freehouse. No cover. Bear Jammers — Coming at you straight from Regina, this band plays a terrific brand of country rock. 9pm, Stan’s Place. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out

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May 11–17, ‘12

classic tunes an- audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter. Funkagenda — If techno/house is your thing, you simply can’t miss this show. Remixing everyone from Fat Boy Slim to Moby, this DJ is something else. 8pm, Tequila Nightclub. Cover $10 in advance at Tequila or at ticketmaster

locations. Form w/ Booji Bomb and Zots — Stop by and check out this talent-rich show featuring these local musicians. 10pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

Sunday 13

Saskatoon’s Original Industry

(Next Week) GEORGE THOROGOOD AND THE DESTROYERS @ PRAIRIELAND PARK — Unless you’ve been living un-

der a rock for the past 30 years or so, you’ve probably heard Thorogood’s hit song “Bad to the Bone.” But what you might not realize is this guy is no onehit wonder. With two platinum albums,

Photo: courtesy of the artist

six gold albums and more than 15 million records sold, this American blues rock vocalist/guitarist has been going strong for decades. Thorogood and the Destroyers will be playing Prairieland on May 24th; tickets are $42.75, available at -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 11–17, ‘12 Night — Hosted by DJ Sugar Daddy, who’s able to rock any party. This crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. Drinks & appies 4pm, Béily’s UltraLounge. $4 cover after 9pm. No cover for industry staff. DJ KADE — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Heywood and Scott Turner — Come down and check out two wildly talented locals as they spin the night away. 10pm, Scratch.

(COMING UP) RUSH @ CREDIT UNION CENTRE — In Rush: Beyond the Lighted

Stage actor Jack Black said, “Rush is just one of those bands that has a deep reservoir of rocket sauce. A lot of bands … They use it up sometimes in one song. These guys were the real deal.” And he’s right: these rockers from Toronto have

Photo: courtesy of the artist

been making incredible music since ‘68, and have received eight Juno awards, seven Grammy nominations, and the love of fans and musicians around the world. These Canadian icons will be rocking CUC on September 28th. Tickets TBD. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Gene Watson — For more than 50 years, this country stylist from Texas has been thrilling audiences. With an extensive catalogue of hits like “Paper Rosie,” “Fourteen Carat Mind” and “Love in the Hot Afternoon,” Watson, at 68, still puts on one heckuva show. 7:30pm, TCU Place. Tickets $49.50, available at Blues Jam — You can’t go wrong with the blues, so come on down and check out this show. 8pm, Vangelis Tavern. No cover.

Monday 14

Brain and the Promises — Got the blues? Want the blues? Come on down and check out this talented local act. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. $6 cover. DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. Doors 9pm, Hudsons Canadian Tap House. No cover.

Tuesday 15

The Grip Slips — Comprised of Graham Dyck (vocals), Kyle Lishchynsky (guitar), Sean Rutherford (guitar), Evan Davis (bass) and Tom Peterson (drums), this local five-piece plays modern rock reminiscent of 90‘s super groups. 10pm,

Buds on Broadway. $6 cover. DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. 9:30pm, The Double Deuce. $4 cover. VERB PRESENTS OPEN STAGE — The open stage at Lydia’s has hosted many of Saskatoon’s finest performers, and is a chance for bands, solo artists and even comedians to showcase original material. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. Open Mic — Come out to show your talent. 7pm, The Somewhere Else Pub. No cover. BB King — Legendary: that’s the only way to describe this giant of the blues world. Rolling Stone magazine ranked him #6 on the all-time greatest guitarist and he was inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987. Not too shabby for a guy who was born in a cabin in the Mississippi woods in 1925. Do not miss this show! 8pm, TCU Place. Tickets $65+, available at

Wednesday 16

HUMP WEDNESDAYS — Resident DJ Chris Knorr will be spinning all of your favorite songs and requests, every Wednesday night! Doors at 7pm, DJ takes requests at 9pm, 302 Lounge & Discotheque. No cover until 10pm, $3 thereafter. West of Hell — This heavy metal trio was formed in New Zealand, but are currently based out of Vancouver, and have a fierce sound that is true to the roots of metal. Also appearing will be Agony Spawn. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets TBD. Latin Dance Night — Danza Morena Latin Dance Academy hosts Dance lessons and then a free-for-all Latin Dance Party to show your stuff! Lessons 8:30pm, Béily’s UltraLounge. $8 couples, $5 singles. The Grip Slips — Comprised of

Graham Dyck (vocals), Kyle Lishchynsky (guitar), Sean Rutherford (guitar), Evan Davis (bass) and Tom Peterson (drums), this local five-piece plays modern rock reminiscent of 90‘s super groups. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. $6 cover. The Avenue Recording Company presents Open Mic — Hosted by Chad Reynolds. Sign up and play at this weekly event. 10pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. Dr. J ‘Souled Out’ — Dr. J spins hot funk and soul every Wednesday night. Doors 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. WILD WEST WEDNESDAY — This is Saskatoon’s top industry night host by DJ Big Ayyy & DJ Henchman. 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. Saskatoon’s Most Wanted. $4 cover; no cover for industry staff. WHINE UP WEDNESDAYS — A night dedicated to promoting the best in reggae, roots, dancehall, African beats, Kwaito & hip hop. Hosted by Scott Turner & DJ Heywood. 10pm, Scratch. $5 cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover.

Thursday 17

Throwback Thursdays — Come experience the best in retro funk, soul, reggae and rock provided by Dr. J. 8pm, Earls. No cover Hip Hop Night — Hosted by Ease, this is a night of live performances, rap battles and DJs with $150 in prizes to be won. Don’t miss it. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ J-Mats — Local DJs J-Mats and Sugar Daddy will be rocking the turntables to get you dancing on the dance floor! Every Thursday night will be filled with passion parties, pole dancing, shadow dancers and much more! 8pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover, free cover with student ID before 11pm. Ryan McMahon, Cory Woodward, Christopher Arruda — Three tremendous singer/songwriters, one stage … what more can you ask for? Currently in the middle of the an 18-day, Western-Canadian acoustic tour, this trio of musicians puts on a show worth checking out. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. Cover $5. TRIPLE UP THURSDAY — Come start your weekend early at Triple Up Thursday! With these top 40 dance and electro resident DJs, you’ll be shaking it on the dance floor in no time. 8pm, Tequila Nightclub. $3 at the door.

Want your show listed? Email!

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When you speak, you want others to listen. But the thing is, dear Pisces, if we want others to listen, we also have to pay them the same respect. Not just hear them, but actively listen.

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Pisces (Feb 20–Mar 20)

You might want to keep your cards close to your chest this week, dear Virgo. If you reveal too much of yourself, certain people out there may take advantage of the situation.

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Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22)

This should be a very creative week for you, dear Aquarius. Don’t pass up any chances that present themselves to you — once you get going, inspiration will take hold.

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Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 19)

Don’t hold back when it comes to important discussions this week, dear Leo. And don’t worry about what others think: far too often our best ideas are the strangest ones.

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Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22)

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Do you often find yourself planning for the future? If so, this week would be a good time to give yourself a break, dear Capricorn. Sometimes the present slips past when we look too far ahead.

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Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19)

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This week it might be good to try a vacation from reality. Sure, living life to the max is great, but every now and then you need an escape. What better way than cracking into a good book?

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Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22)

The best way to make all your relationships harmonious, dear Sagittarius, is to first be in harmony with yourself. This can be achieved by exploring your motivations, and what you want out of life.

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Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it this week, dear Gemini. Yes, you’re strong and independent, but every now and then stuff comes up that might be a tad too big for you to handle.

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Sagittarius (Nov 23–Dec 21)

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Gemini (May 21–Jun 20)

You should really put some thought into things you do or say this week, dear Scorpio. That’s not to say you have to walk on eggshells, but try to take other people into consideration.

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Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22)

Taurus, if you’re the type of person who needs an explanation for everything, you might want to let go of that habit this week. Unpredictable, inexplicable things could be coming your way.

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Taurus (Apr 20–May 20)

This is not a good week to act like a sheep, dear Libra. Instead, have the courage to walk your own life path. If you find yourself joining the crowd this week, exit stage right — immediately.

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Libra (Sept 23–Oct 23)

This may prove to be an up and down week for you, dear Aries. Be careful not to get swept away in the waves of emotion, though. Remember all will balance out in the end.

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Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19)

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May 11–17, ‘12 2 3 8 1 6 9 4 7 5

Time Out

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Directions: Fill each box with a digit from 1-9, following these conditions: - Each row must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each column must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once.



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