Verb Issue s190 (May 18-24, 2012)

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May 18–24, 2012 • Pass it on

Verb Del Barber

New SK Scholarship

The Dictator

Fist Pump Record

Winnipeg Musician On Coming Home P13 Baron Cohen Rules In Political Satire P15

Up To $2,000 For University Students P4 Man Grooves For 16 Hours P7


Hamilton Rockers Talk Junos And Heading South P11 Photo: courtesy of Matt Barnes

Section Local Page 2

May 18–24, ‘12

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Evergreen ‘Green Bridge’ First In The City

$2.7M Landscaped Overpass Will Link Neighbourhood On Saskatoon’s East Side Alex J MacPherson

that went right through essentially the middle of the neighbourhood.” SASKATOON, SK — Saskatoon Forty metres long and ten meis getting its first “green bridge,” tres wide, the overpass will cross after council approved a $2.7 McOrmond Drive, the artery linking million landscaped overpass for Evergereen with Attridge Drive and the Evergreen neighbourhood. Highway 5. Council has approved a Born from the city’s desire to $330,000 contract with engineering avoid another utilitarian con- firm Hatch Mott MacDonald to decrete and chainsign and oversee link overpass, “[T]here has to be a the project, which the landscaped happy medium between is expected to be bridge will link to- sustainable development finished in 2013. gether two parks “We wanted to — and two sides and green [initiatives].” come up with an -Bev Dubois innovative way to of the neighbourhood — as seamlessly as possible. connect both sides of those neigh“When we set out to design the bourhoods so that it seemed like Evergreen Neighbourhood, we one whole neighbourhood,” Long made a commitment to make it adds. “We wanted to enhance the one of the most sustainable neigh- pedestrian experience.” bourhoods the city has seen to Ward 10 councillor Bev Dubois, date,” says Frank Long, land bank whose ward encompasses Evermanager at the City of Saskatoon green, agrees. Land Branch. “Evergreen is the first so-called “One of the challenges we had green neighbourhood in Saskain designing the neighbourhood toon,” she explains. “We’re trying is that we had an arterial roadway to make it very user-friendly for

walking, for cycling, for taking transit and not using vehicles.” “It’s the first time we’ve done this in Saskatoon,” she continues. “It’s very green, it’s very new. I’m very excited and I’m just happy about the green neighbourhood, because there has to be a happy medium between sustainable development and green [initiatives]. I think it’s a really good start.” Evergreen, which is expected to hold between 12,000 and 16,000 people, will use McOrmond Drive as a primary access point. The intersection at Lowe Road and Nelson Road, a similar entry point, already handles 7,500 vehicles per day. Those numbers will only rise, Dubois says. The green bridge, which is modeled after landscaped and sodded wildlife crossings in Banff, will also serve as a template for future expansions. “I think you’ll probably see this type of thing used in other new developments as well,” says Long.

Photo: courtesy of the City of Saskatoon - Urban Design

Artist’s rendering of what the pedestrian bridge might look like. “This is our first crack at it so I imag- green bridge is comparable in price ine we’ll learn a little bit on this to a concrete overpass linking the one.” Shaw Centre with Pacific Heights. Dubois agrees. “If you look at the ones we’ve “There are a number of new done in the past, they’re concrete things that we are trying in that and they’ve got cages over them,” neighbourhood,” continues Dubois. he says. “If all goes well, if they prove to be “They’re not really a very pleasthe right thing to do, then we will ant experience, and I don’t think definitely be using it as a template they get used as much because in other neighbourhoods.” they don’t really give you a very Long says that while mainte- good feeling of safety.” nance costs will be higher, the Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 18–24, ‘12

New Scholarship For Students Revealed

High School Graduates Heading To University Are Eligible For Up To $2,000 Alex J MacPherson

available to anyone enrolling in an institution recognized by Canadasaskatoon, SK — High Saskatchewan Student Loans. school graduates headed for “It’s another investment in the province’s universities and young people in Saskatchewan,” trade schools will soon get a says Minister of Advanced Educabreak from the government — a tion, Employment and Immigration break to the tune Rob Norris. of $500 per year. “It’s another investment “What we B e g i n n i n g in young people in know today is t h i s s u m m e r Saskatchewan.” there are more t h e S as k atc h than 11,000 jobs -Rob Norris open and availewan Advantage Scholarship will provide high able in the province. We know that school graduates bound for post- that’s going to increase by tens of secondary institutions with $500 thousands, but we also know too per year, up to a lifetime maximum that increasingly more skills training of $2,000. The scholarship will be and more education are … required

for students.” “We’re trying to send a really clear message to our students,” he continues. “We’re going to help make sure that post-secondary education and skills training is more affordable and more accessible for those that are leaving high school, graduating, and then moving onto the postsecondary sector.” The scholarship is expected to distribute $4.5 million to about 8,500 graduates, Norris explains, adding that the program will be evaluated regularly to ensure the money is being well-spent. The scholarship fits into a suite of measures aimed at post-secondary students, including the Innovation and Opportunities Scholarship, and the Graduate Retention Program. Norris says the investment was prompted by the fact that jobs require higher levels of education and training than ever before. “This is among the most comprehensive and progressive benefit packages for students of any Canadian province,” he adds. Cam Broten, opposition critic for Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration, thinks the government should adopt a twopronged approach to making postsecondary education accessible. “It ties into the larger question of affordability, but also what support is being given to post-secondary institutions and what implications

Photo: courtesy of the University of Saskatchewan

there are for students,” Broten says. “Support for students and support for families through such scholarships, that’s something people support and people appreciate, but it’s important to look at the other side of the equation as well.” According to Statistics Canada, the average undergraduate tuition rate increased by four percent between 2010 and 2011, from $4,942 to $5,138. Tuition fees in Saskatchewan jumped five percent in the same period, from $5,173 to $5,431. “It’s important to keep that broader perspective,” Broten continues, “to see whether or not

funding provided through such scholarships or bursaries will simply be eaten up by higher tuition.” Norris states that the government believes it’s providing a balanced approach. “We know there’s always more to do, but with record investments in post-secondary education in our first five budgets — $3.5 billion in post-secondary education — we think this is making and having a real and desired effect: affordability and accessibility for students and ensuring that the institutions have the resources they need to continue to operate,” he says. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 18–24, ‘12

Global At A Glance bionic eye invented — Stanford

University researchers have created a bionic eye that will allow blind people — at least those with age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa — to once again see shapes and colours. Current eye implants are

Pill Helps You Stay Sober Tablet Weans Heavy Drinkers Off Of Booze Adam Hawboldt

effects booze has on your brain, thus, allowing you to stay sober new haven, ct — It seems for longer. like there’s a pill for everything Scientists hope it could help these days: pills wean heav y for depression, “Alcohol is abused drinkers off the pills for weight commonly but there is bottle. loss, pills for no remedy for alcohol “A medication erections and that has the pohair loss and intoxication.” tential to block -Deepak D’Souza alcohol actions in anxiety. And pretty soon there may be the central nervous system could a pill on the market that can stop act as a unique medication in the you from getting drunk. treatment of alcohol intoxication Created by Yale University re- and alcoholism,” Yale researcher searchers, iomazenil, taken before Deepak D’Souza told the Daily drinking alcohol, will weaken the Telegraph.

“Alcohol is abused commonly but there is no remedy for alcohol intoxication.” Designed to allow you to tolerate booze better, researchers posit that iomazeril would take the pleasure out of drinking, thus quelling the urge to drink in the first place. That being said, it is unlikely the drug would protect organs like your liver and your kidneys from any damage. Currently, the research being conducted at Yale is looking at iomazeril and its effects on intoxication and driving. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

What You Read Influences Your Behaviour: Study Adam Hawboldt

hanover, NH — Have you ever read Jack Kerouac’s On The Road and felt the urge to drive cross country? Did Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas make you want to take a wild, morally

“[W]hen we read, we … experience the emotions … of the characters…”

-Adam Hawboldt ambiguous drug trip in search of the American Dream? If so, you’re not alone. According to new research, readers have a way of losing themselves in fiction to the point where their behaviour and thoughts can morph to match those of their favourite characters. Geoff Kaufman, a post-doctoral researcher at Dartmouth College, and his co-author Lisa Libby suspect that when we read, we vicariously experience the emotions, thoughts and beliefs of the characters, in a process they’ve dubbed

“experience-taking.” However, Kaufman claims that this effect occurs only with written works. “When we watch a movie, by

the very essence of it, we’re positioned as spectators,” he explains. “So it’s hard to imagine yourself as the character.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

battery powered, but this new version uses infrared glasses to power the solar panel-like contraption. A retinal implant is surgically placed on the back of the eye, and the glasses do the work from there. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 18–24, ‘12

Temperature Impacts Our Taste Adam Hawboldt

st. catharines, on — The temperature of food can have a significant impact on how we think it tastes, new research has revealed. A team of scientists at Brock University in Ontario have proven that changes in temperature of food and drink affect how sour, bitter and astringent something tastes, though it doesn’t impact sweetness. “For some individuals, temperature alone can elicit taste sensations,” the researchers concluded. “These individuals seem to be more sensitive to tastes in general. What our work shows is that, in addition to these sensitive individuals, the temperature of a specific taste can affect how intense it tastes.” The scientists recruited 74 participants. Over the course of three sessions, the subjects tasted sweet, sour, bitter and astringent (think cranberry juice) solutions at 5° Celsius and 35° Celsius, and were then asked to rate the intensity of taste.

For all of the testers, temperature influenced everything but sweetness. Astringency was more extreme when the solution was warm; what’s more, the power of its flavour lasted longer with the warm solution than the cold one. The same held true with sourness. As for bitterness, it was more intense when cold, and the intensity declined faster in the cold solution than the warm one. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Genes Shape Character

Nature Impacts Personality More Than Nurture Adam Hawboldt

edinburgh, scotland — Nature has landed another flush blow in its never-ending bout against nurture. Edinburgh University researchers have discovered that genes play a much greater role than our

“Previously, the role of family … dominated people’s ideas about what affected … wellbeing.”

-Timothy Bates upbringing when it comes to key personality traits like social skills and learning capacity. Timothy Bates, who led the study, and his team arrived at this conclusion after examining 800 sets of identical and non-identical

twins. Twins of both kinds were used because, for the most part, they share the same home environment, yet it’s only identical twins who also share the same genetics. The participants were asked a series of question about how they perceived themselves and others, and their answers were then applied to a well-established psychological scale. Bates and his colleagues found that identical twins were twice as likely to share the same personality traits, which suggests that DNA has a much greater impact in determining who we are. The finding flies in

the face of an existing belief among psychologists that where and how we grow up plays the most important role in determining personality. “Previously, the role of family and the environment around the home often dominated people’s ideas about what affected psychological wellbeing,” explains Bates. “However, this work highlights a much more powerful influence from genetics … If you think of things that people are born with you think of social status or virtuoso talent, but this is looking at what we do with what we’ve got.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance needle pain — Looking away as a nee-

dle punctures your skin makes it hurt less, according to new research from Germany. Study participants received painful and non-painful stimuli to one of their hands while watching either

a video of a hand being pinched by a needle, a hand being touched by a Qtip or a hand with nothing touching it. Those who watched the needle video reported more intense pain. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 18–24, ‘12

‘Poo-Machine’ Exhibit Mimics Human Digestion Adam Hawboldt

tasmania, australia — You’ll be hard-pressed to find an exhibited piece of artwork quite like the “Cloaca Professional, 2010.” Created by Belgian artist Wim

Fist Pump First

Man Grooves For World Record Adam Hawboldt

impressive record, Peterson — an unemployed electrician — didn’t akron, oh — Some people take any chances. will do just about anything to set “My fist is super-glued together a Guinness World Record. to ensure I maintain perfect fist Take James Peterson, for ex- formation,” he added. ample. A seasoned veteran, Peterson Peterson was recently at Man- says he likes the Jersey-style fist ny’s Pub in Akron, pump (where you Ohio, when he “My fist is super-glued use your elbow to started pumping together to ensure I roll your fist) bethis fist in the air. maintain perfect fist ter than simply He didn’t stop for thrusting his fist the next 17 hours. formation.” in the air. -James Peterson Peterson, 34, And this is not said it was his goal to create his the first time he tried setting a new own world record for the longest record. continuous fist pump. “I did this on St. Patrick’s Day,” “I have set the qualifications for he explained, “but it was not docuthis record,” said Peterson while fist mented.” pumping around the University of This time around, though, his Akron campus. deed was recorded on two cameras “And every minute that I do this Peterson will now send footage is a new record.” of his effort to Guinness. And to ensure he set a long and Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Man Runs Race In Hot Air Balloon Adam Hawboldt

ride to celebrate their anniversary. “While I was up there I had the canberra, australia — Most ‘ah-ha’ moment that maybe a treadpeople run marathons on land, but mill might fit in here, and I could not Rob Ginnivan. run a marathon,” The 47-year- “I had the ‘ah-ha’ moment he explains. old Australian, that maybe a treadmill Now that his who has been in might fit in here…” mid-air run is 18 marathons on over, Ginnivan -Rob Ginnivan has completed his six different continents, recently finished a half land, air and sea campaign to raise marathon on a treadmill — while money for the Heart Foundation. floating in a hot air balloon. Gin- Last year he ran a land marathon in nivan first thought of running in a Morocco and ran an ultra-marathon mid-air marathon when he and his aboard a ship. wife Kristen took a hot air balloon Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Offbeat At A Glance oldest yogi — Tao Porchon-Lynch

is the world’s oldest yoga instructor. Not only is the 93-year-old, who lives in New York, now a Guinness World Records recipient, she’s also a dance

competitor, and has no plans of stopping any time soon. “I’m going to teach yoga until I can’t breathe anymore,” she tells the Telegraph. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Delvoye and housed in the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) in Tasmania, the “Cloaca Professional, 2010” — dubbed the “poo machine” — was designed to mimic the human digestive system. The “Cloaca” consists of a series

of glass receptacles that hang in a row. The machine is fed twice a day on one end, the food is ground up naturally (the way it is in the human body) and is expelled at 2pm daily on the other end. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 18–24, ‘12

Dim sum is a style of Chinese food prepared in small, bitesized or individual portions, traditionally served in small steam baskets or on small plates

Tea is the beverage tradi■tionally paired with dim sum Dim sum, as a culinary art, ■is thought to have originated with the Cantonese in southern China

Traditional dim sum in■cludes steamed buns, dump-

lings, egg tarts for dessert, and more

Dim sum can be steamed, ■pan-fried or deep-fried, among other methods

In North America, dim sum is usually served during the traditional brunch hour

Yip Hong’s Dim Sum Delightful

Photos: Courtesy of Adam Hawboldt

A Myriad Of Fresh Food Brought To Your Table At 8th St. Eatery Adam Hawboldt

For the past few months I’ve been searching the city for some great dim sum. Enter Yip Hong’s: I recently went in there for the first time since

moving to Saskatoon, but after servers wander up and down aisles checking them out and grabbing with metal carts full of food, passing a bite to eat, it won’t be long before plates and bamboo steamers from I’m back again. cart to table. Everything that lands Nestled in the Cumberland is simply delicious. Square Shopping Centre on 8 th Trust me on this one. I’ve had dim Street East, Yip sum from SaskaHong’s is an un- “The steamed BBQ bun toon to Seoul, assuming place was … unexpectedly from Shanghai to from the outside, sweet…” Hong Kong, and just a white sign Yip Hong’s Dim -Adam Hawboldt Sum Restaurant with orange letters hanging over an entrance in stands toe-to-toe with any of them, what some might consider a strip any day of the week. mall. Except Tuesday, of course. Yip But who cares about exteriors Hong’s is closed on Tuesdays. when your food and service are this As for the food at this gem of a good? And trust me, the food and restaurant, well, let’s start at the bethe service at Yip Hong’s are both ginning and work our way through. fantastic. During the dim sum hours The first dish I tried was the (11 AM-1:30 PM), attentive, alert chicken feet. Cooked in a sweet,

thick, ginger-tinted sauce, these extremities were moist, succulent, and meatier than my previous experience with this item. Next, I turned my attention to the variety of dumplings on the table. The scallop and shrimp dumpling was tender, with a subtle seafood flavour, while the shumai (pork dumpling) was a heartier option, and melt-in-your-mouth delicious. And if you’re a fan of deepfried anything, then the deep-fried shrimp dumpling is for you. After the dumplings came a whole host of other dishes. The steamed BBQ bun was lush and unexpectedly sweet, while the lo mai gai (sticky rice in lotus leaves) was savoury, a great complement to diversity of everything else on the menu. The spring rolls, crisp with a hint of pepper, were excellent, and the shrimp rice rolls, which came drenched in a zippy, soy-like sauce, were completely tasty. This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the items available at Yip Hong’s, so head on down and give them a try. Oh, and did I mention that all of this is made in-house? No frozen, pre-made fare for Yip Hong’s. Instead, their chefs come in at 7 AM to prepare for the 11 AM go-time. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Yip Hong’s Dim Sum Restaurant

Address: 1501 8th St. E Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 11am10pm; Sunday 11am-9pm, Monday 11am-10pm Reservations: 956-3375


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May 18–24, ‘12

Safe Injection Sites Should Be In All Cities

Promoting A Safe And Healthy Place To Inject Drugs Will Benefit Everyone the Editors of Verb

injection site in North America. Located in Vancouver’s Downtown This is part two of a three-part series Eastside, Insite provides a safe and examining the ineffectiveness and pos- healthy location for addicts to inject sible solutions to Canada’s war on drugs. drugs, primarily heroin, cocaine SASKATOON, SK — This week and morphine, although the orgawe are looking at the prelimi- nization itself doesn’t supply any nary steps we can take to begin drugs. Insite has medical staff on revamping Canada’s drug policy. location to provide treatment for Last week we addiction, mental discussed how “Insite has [helped] health issues and Canada’s current addicts access and enroll first aid, among approach to the in detoxification … other things. war on drugs isn’t Since openworking, but now programs.” ing its doors in -Verb’s Editors 2003, Insite has it’s time to focus on what we can do to fix it. improved public order (there are We realize that there are many less stray needles laying around, things to consider before overhaul- and fewer people shooting up in ing how we as a country approach public), while helping countless drugs. We must approach this prag- addicts access and enroll in detoximatically, and consider how our fication and addiction treatment actions will be received not only programs. by Canadians, but, because they What’s more, if you crunch the are such a huge trading partner numbers, services like Insite make of ours, also by Americans. Shar- monetary sense. With an annual ing a continent and a border with operating cost in the neighbourthe U.S. means we run the risk of hood of $3 million in 2007, Insite straining our relationship with our may seem like it costs a lot. But neighbours to the south, who cur- when you dig beyond the surface, rently toe a much harder line when you’ll see its benefits far outweigh it comes to drug policy. any expenses. So instead of completely rebuildAccording to the Canadian Mediing the system, we suggest intro- cal Association Journal, “Insite was ducing some positive, incremental found to decrease needle sharing changes. These include introducing which alone saves $14 million and supervised injection sites in every 920 life years over 10 years.” In major city across the country, as the same article, the CMAJ also well as adopting a similar approach reported that by simply increasto Portugal’s when it comes to is- ing knowledge of safe injection sues of personal possession. practices, Insite lessens the burden Although supervised injection on our health-care system by $18 sites have received their share of million per decade. criticism — Federal Health MinisOn top of all that, conservative ter Tony Clement told reporters in estimates say that Insite prevents, 2008 that Insite, Vancouver’s safe on average, 35 new cases of HIV and injection site, was an “abomination” three deaths every year. And ac— the fact is, they work. cording to Health Canada, after you Insite is the only legal supervised take program costs into account,

Insite generates “a societal benefit in excess of $6 million per year and is an effective and efficient use of public health-care resources.” Given the current state of our health care, positive initiatives of this ilk are necessary, and we believe implementing supervised injection sites in Canada’s major cities is the logical thing to do . And while we’re at it, let’s get rid of prison sentences for personal drug possession. That’s what they did in Portugal, and, as we demonstrated in last week’s article, it has been effective. Using the rationale that prison stigmatizes people and that incarceration is more expensive than treatment, the Portuguese government now sends people found guilty of possessing personal amounts of drugs to treatment. At the moment, nearly 40,000 people in Portugal are being treated for drug abuse. Not only is this a cheaper way to deal with users, it’s also more practical and humane. Rather than locking up thousands of “criminals” every year, they’re working to cure patients, help them reintegrate into society and, as a byproduct, are fine-tuning new areas of drug treatment.

Photo: courtesy of Stephen Dyrgas

Insite’s safe injection clinic located in downtown Vancouver An initiative such as this would but fundamental, steps towards work wonders in a place like Sas- effectively dealing with the drug katchewan, where jails have nearly issue here in Canada. twice as many inmates as they were It’s about time we stop thinking designed to hold, and even mores of this as a war with casualties, and with Bill C-10 set to increase sen- start treating the people involved tences for drug offences. like human beings. So by setting up injection sites in Next week we will look at how major centres and doing away with we envision Canada’s revamped jail terms for personal possession, drug policy will look like. we could take those first few fragile, Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 18–24, ‘12

SlutWalk, ConsentFest Back In Saskatoon

Second Annual Event Now Three Days, Features Rally, Music, Film And More Sebastien Dangerfield

order not to be victimized.” The problem is, Campbell sees Saskatoon, SK — Sometimes SlutWalk as having a tad too narprotesting for a good cause sim- row focus. ply isn’t enough. “Slutwalk, as a movement, is necJust ask Becca Campbell. essary, but there were some really As the lead facilitator for the legitimate criticism of it in the early 2012 ConsentFest stages,” explains & SlutWalk in Sas- “It’s just going to be a Campbell. katoon, Campbell bunch of fun to make the “It failed to supports the ba- message accessible.” address the intersic premise besection of a lot of -Becca Campbell issues … it’s basihind the protests, which rapidly spread around the cally middle-class, educated white globe last year after a Toronto po- women who have the freedom to lice officer told a group at Osgoode be worried about whether their Hall Law School that “women short skirt is going to be a problem.” should avoid dressing like sluts in So when the movement came

to Saskatoon 2011, organizers decided to tweak it to better suit our community. “We added ConsentFest to address bigger issues,” explains Campbell. “Our goal with ConsentFest is to approach the idea of sexual violence from a sex-positive standpoint … We’re not focusing on male perpetrator/female victim sexual violence, because that kind of assault takes place across all demographic groups, all genders and sexual orientations,” she continues. “We’re trying to be more inclusive and positive.” But to do this — and do it effectively — changes were implemented for this year’s event. “Last year it was a one-day format and that didn’t leave enough time or opportunity to reach a broad enough demographic or touch on specific issues the way people need to hear about them,” says Campbell. To solve this, organizers expanded this year’s proceedings to last for three days. The event will kick off on Thursday, May 24th with a rally between 5:30 and 6pm on the playground/ greenspace near the Farmer’s Market, and the SlutWalk march will commence shortly after. Later in the evening, starting at around 9 PM, there will be a special screening at Broadway Theatre of the film Love, Honour and Disobey. Directed by Saeeda Khanum, Love, Honour and Disobey examines the issues behind sexual assault and domestic violence. And to make sure everyone can make it, admission is free. Then on Friday, members of the Saskatoon Police Service along with other speakers will be on hand at the Frances Morrison Library as part of a day-long discussion panel, where topics will range from establishing good consent to what it means to the workings of the justice system. To wrap things up, Saturday the 26th will see ConsentFest day in the park. Speakers, music, activities and more will take place at the River Landing Amphitheatre, beginning at 11 AM. “It’s just going to be a bunch of fun to make the message accessible,” explains Campbell. And for those of you 19 years and older, there will be a ConsentFest

Photo: courtesy of ConsentFest & Slutwalk Saskatoon

afterparty at Diva’s Private Club. For more information, visit Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Arts One

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May 18–24, ‘12

The Arkells Talk Junos And Going South Photo: courtesy of Brody White and the artist

Hamilton Rockers Discuss Their Meteoric Rise, And What They’re Doing Next Alex J Macpherson

to not-quite-seasoned veterans. “When the label asks if there’s a parSASKATOON, SK — At the 2012 ticular song we feel strongly about Juno Awards, held last month in going to radio, we just shrug our Ottawa, a rock band from Hamil- shoulders and tell them they can ton was named group of the year. do whatever they like: we believe For those familiar with the in all the material.” Arkells, this was probably not a Michigan Left is a more mature surprise: the band and sophisticated has spent years “We prefer to just always album. It’s not a cultivating a rabid keep the next record in drastic change, fan base, and they mind.” but it is a signifiroutinely sell out cant one: Michi-Max Kerman gan Left sounds clubs across the country. But it shocked the hell out like a band finding its way. of the band. “I don’t think we wanted to make “We definitely did not see it com- another Jackson Square,” Kerman ing,” says Max Kerman, the band’s says. “Jackson Square was a very lead vocalist and rhythm guitar rough around the edges, rock & roll player. “Jian Ghomeshi was the host record … I think on this record we of the night, and he announced the wanted to make something that award; when he opened the enve- was maybe a little cleaner.” lope he had a little smirk on his face Before going into the studio to because I don’t think anyone was record Michigan Left, Kerman and expecting our name to be called.” his bandmates excavated their reThe Arkells were catapulted into cord collections for great studio the spotlight after releasing their albums, and found inspiration on debut album, Jackson Square, in records by Spoon, Phoenix and es2008. Brimming with gritty gui- pecially Fleetwood Mac. tars and infectious hooks, Jackson “Those are all bands that depend Square had it all. But if the record’s on good musicianship … but those unapologetic exuberance captured bands also make beautiful studio the essence of garage rock, the records, and on Michigan Left that band’s sophomore effort, Michigan was the direction we wanted to Left, is a bit more complicated. go,” Kerman explains. “We definitely pride ourselves on Since their formation, the Arkells writing a record we believe in, front have also demonstrated a singleto back,” Kerman says of the band’s minded commitment to touring. evolution from brash newcomers They have spent the better part

of the past six months on the road, and have been working to break into the American market. Kerman thinks this is great, both as the logical thing to do for the band and as an opportunity to eat plenty of great food. “We’ve seen a lot of Canada, toured the country so many times, that it’s nice to experience

something different,” he says. “There’s a lot of culture down here, a lot of interesting places to eat.” And while the Juno win may seem like the cue to relax a bit, the Arkells haven’t slowed the pace a bit. “We’re always hacking away at songs,” says Kerman, “and we have a handful of tunes in the early stages.

We prefer to just always keep the next record in mind.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info


Where: Louis’ Pub When: May 27 Cost: $26 @ Ticketmaster

Artist Chabot Makes The Ordinary Extraordinary Alex J MacPherson

my sense of wonder,” Chabot explains. “I want to have a sense of Saskatoon, Sk — Stéphanie childlike wonder, but at the same Chabot revels in turning ordinary time also push my sense of criticism activities into novel experiences. and reflection.” Her latest exhibition, Me, My Hat The most intriguing object in and My Blue Hand, casts banalities the show is a vanity. Illuminated and routines in a new light, offering by a naked bulb dangling creepvisitors a chance ily overhead, the t o r e e x a m i n e “I approach my art in a table is jarring to themselves and way that I want to push look at: the sink their world. is a swimming my sense of wonder.” Me, My Hat, pool — deep end, -Stéphanie Chabot shallow end, ladand My Blue Hand, Chabot’s first exhibit in Saskatoon, der — and a comb is perched on includes a troika of related videos end, shooting up from the surface. and two major sculptural elements, Because it is both familiar and forall of which serve to unbalance the eign, it raises questions about how viewer’s perception of everyday we see familiar objects, or whether experience. we see them at all. “I can say that, for me, I approach “You have a distance towards my art in a way that I want to push your own life, and it comes down

to, for me, fundamental things,” Chabot explains. “There is the presence of the object but I think in my work the absent object, too. I think it’s that tension between presence and absence, and that has a lot to do with really fundamental questions of ourselves — the human condition.” Ultimately, Me, My Hat and My Blue Hand highlights Chabot’s understanding of how we operate as humans and raises questions about how we see ourselves in the world — and what we might be missing. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info

CBC’s The Debaters Where: The Broadway Theatre When: May 29 Cost: $35 @ Broadway box office

Stéphanie Chabot: Me, My Hat and My Blue Hand Where: Paved Arts When: Now ‘til June 16 Cost: Free!

Del Barber

Where: Christ Church Anglican When: May 31 Cost: TBD Want some coverage for your upcoming event? Email ASAP!

ArtsSect &C

Graham Clark and Charles Demers on stage for The Debaters show at the Mart

Five Qs: CBC’s The D

Comic Charles Demers Talks Arg Alex J MacPherson

In just under six years, CBC’s The Debaters has become one of the best-loved radio programs in Canada. Hosted by funny man Steve Patterson, and featuring some of the best comics in the country, The Debaters offers a clever mix of formal debate and casual humour. The comics face off over topical material, and while the structure is formal, the result is anything but. Verb caught up with veteran debater Charles Demers to chat about his upcoming bout with Al

Rae, why debate can be funny, and a couple of trade secrets. Alex J MacPherson: Why do you think The Debaters has such a great following? Charles Demers: One of the great things about The Debaters, as has been said before, is that almost every recording is like a mini comedy festival. It’s a group of comedians bigger than you would get if someone was coming through town on their own — you get six or seven “It’s an ingen or eight or nine of the for a comedy very best comedians funny people in Canada. AJM: I understand you have some real debate experience. CD: I was an avid high school debater, and the team captain for the Canadian high school debate team for the World Schools Debating Championship in 1998. I did grow up debating — The Debaters has been a really sweet fit for me because I’m probably one of the few people in the country with an extensive background in comedy and debate. AJM: In practice, debate seems kind of stuffy. How do you make it so funny? CD: Comedy often comes from irony and incongruity. Debate is a form that naturally features these two things because of the incongruity between the

Culture tion Pages PH, PH PH PH–PH, ‘PH

Pages 12, 13 Pages 10,‘1211 May 18–24,

Winnipeg Musician Del Barber On Place, And Coming Home Alex J MacPherson

Photo: courtesy of The Debaters

tha Cohen Theatre Calgary, March 2012


guing And Al Rae

two positions being put forward. It’s an ingenious premise for a comedy show: get funny people to argue against each other. It’s that kernel of conflict or incongruity that is at the root of so much comedy. AJM: What’s it like going toe-totoe with a guy like Al Rae? CD: Al is a tremendous debate partner. I debated Al in Kelowna last fall. I’m really relishing the opportunity. By working nious premise with someone better than you, you get show: get If you want to e to argue…” better. get good at tennis, -Charles Demers you play tennis with people who are better than you. Working with a consummate writer and performer like Al can only be good for you. AJM: So, I have to ask: how much planning goes into an episode, or is most of it improv? CD: A lot of it is people being funny off the cuff, but one thing that’s important to keep in mind is though we’re opponents onstage for the sake of the show, each of us thinks of our debating opponent as a partner in that performance. Technically, we’re presented adversarially, but it’s actually a collaboration. One of the really fun things about the show [is] getting to do two-person comedy. Feedback? Text it to 306-8818372.

“There’s something really sad about searching endlessly,” he Saskatoon, SK — Del Barber muses. “I’m not looking for some spent the best part of a decade kind of end-of-the-rainbow gold on the road before becoming a bucket. It’s not about the winning professional musician. He worked as or the accomplishing; sometimes, a tree planter, a server, a mountain it’s more about this lifelong proguide, a janitor, cess.” a landscaper, a “It’s not about the Barber has refarmer, an ice- winning … sometimes, it’s cently released maker, a fisher- more about this lifelong H e a d wa te r s , a man, and the guy thought ful ruwho drove drug process.” mination on the -Del Barber concept of place. addicts to their court appearances. He has lived If there is an arc to Barber’s career, in eight provinces and 15 states. that idea is at the centre of it. “I was kind of obsessed with the “The literal meaning of headwaroad in my early twenties, and ob- ters is where watersheds start, and sessed with seeing new things,” Bar- those places are always interesting ber explains. “I hope it didn’t take to me,” he explains. “The metaphor leaving…I know so many sort of is: you can’t be a good fisherman sad stories about waxing poetic or unless you know what the waterromantic about somewhere else.” shed’s about, you can’t have any For Barber, somewhere else was sense of what bait to use unless a Chicago open mic night. He would you have this understanding that lug his guitar across town know- it’s coming from somewhere.” ing that fifteen minutes under the “How can you be in touch with lights was the salve for what ailed where you’re from? What does it him. Music became a passion, and mean to be from somewhere?” he fortified with the knowledge that continues. “What does it mean to the road, if not the destination, was lose your place? clear, he headed north and started “A lot of my friends growing up writing songs. Coming home made in rural places only ever wanted to him realize that his Kerouacian od- leave,” he says of his home. “There’s yssey would end where it began something about the evacuation of — southern Manitoba. the rural landscape that worries me

… I want to question it in a healthy sort of way.” Although he is a veteran road musician, accustomed to sleeping on a different sofa every night, Barber isn’t jaded nor weary. He treats every night like a second chance. “I guess I want to progress,” he says. “I think that’s where my hunger lies: how do I become great at this?” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Photo: courtesy of Mark Maryanovich

Section Movies

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May PH18–24, PH–PH, ‘12‘PH

This Battleship Should Be Sunk

Flick Offers Impressive Explosions, But Falls Flat On Dialogue Battleship

Runtime: 132 Minutes Rated: PG Adam Hawboldt Some movies are known for their dialogue. Think Richard Linklater’s Before Sunrise or Woody Allen’s Annie Hall. Films like these cut and bounce their way to classic status on the wit of their words and the tongues of the stars that deliver them. Rest assured, Battleship is not one of these movies. Nor was it intended to be. Directed by Peter Berg (Friday Night Lights, Hancock), this film (based on the popular Hasbro game) was meant to be one thing only — a summer blockbuster. A wannabe epic full of explosions and aliens and cool CGI razzle

Photo: courtesy of Universal Pictures

dazzle. If that sounds remarkably similar to Transformers, that’s because it is remarkably similar. Battleship begins with an international naval fleet competing in friendly war games off the coast of Hawaii. Next thing you know, three of

these ships are trapped inside a “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” force field put up by gigantic alien you can’t help but feel this film is spaceships. The extraterrestrials establishing a brand new low for have been called to Earth by a sig- blockbusters. nal sent into deep Don’t get me space. “[T]he dialogue is so silly wrong: this hot, And at f irst … it makes Transformers sticky mess is not these aliens are look like a well-written, Kitsch’s fault. He more curious than does okay with contentious, but witty film.” what he has to -Adam Hawboldt work with. a trigger-happy Navy soon engages and crap hits But what he has to work with, the clichéd fan. script-wise, is simply awful. This is when Alex Hopper (Taylor Written by Erich and Jon Hoeber Kitsch), a long-haired slacker turned (RED), the dialogue is so silly, so loose cannon lieutenant, is charged banal and so mind-numbingly terwith saving the world. rible that, in comparison, it makes And when Alex spews lines like Transformers look like a well-written, “You’re gonna die, I’m gonna die, witty film. we’re all gonna die — just not toI kid you not. day” or when, after a half hour of But Battleship isn’t without its uninterrupted alien attack he says, virtues. I mean, if you’re the kind of person who really digs bad movies because they are so monumentally bad, then you might like this one. Oh, and if you’re into mindless action, massive explosions and serious eye candy, you’re in luck. There more than enough to go around — especially in the eye candy department. For the girls you have the everchiseled Kitsch (John Carter), Alexander Skarsgård (True Blood, Melancholia) and for the older set, Liam Neeson (Rob Roy, Schindler’s List). For the guys, there’s Rhianna (yes, that Rhianna) and Brooklyn Decker (Just Go With It, cover of the 2010 Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.) So yeah, if it’s action and ass you’re looking for, by all means, check out Battleship. But if it’s dialogue you’re looking for, stay as far away from this movie as you can. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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May PH18–24, PH–PH, ‘12‘PH

The Dictator Rules As Funny, Witty Satire

Photo: courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Sacha Baron Cohen Is Unstoppable In Hilarious Send-Up Of American Culture The Dictator

Runtime: 83 Minutes Rated: 14A Adam Hawboldt Simply put: Sacha Baron Cohen is a bold and brilliant comedian. There are no sacred cows in his universe. No subject is off-limits, no envelope unpushable. As a satirist, the guy is nearly peerless and absolutely fearless. Take his latest film, The Dictator, for instance. In it, Baron Cohen (Borat) plays General Aladeen, a violently misogynistic, racist, megalomaniacal leader of the oil-rich (and fictitious) North African nation of Wadiya. After the West gets up in arms about his plans to build nuclear weapons, Aladeen (and his awesome beard) makes a trip to the UN to set the record straight. He’s joined on his adventure by his uncle Tamir (Ben Kingsley), who has his own agenda — one that includes a body double of his nephew. With all the time in the world on his hands, the real Aladeen ends up meeting a bleeding-heart liberal named Zoey (Anna Faris) and proceeds to fall in love with her. Does that plot sound kind of threadbare to you?

That’s probably because it is. Munich Olympics, then you might But really, who cares? want to skip this one. When the movie opens by dediBut if you’ve enjoyed Baron Cocating itself “In loving memory of hen’s work before, and dig a good Kim Jong-Il,” it’s safe to say plot satire, then The Dictator is going takes a backseat to political satire. to make you cackle out loud and And what a maybe, just maysatire it is. “Good taste is tossed out be, even pee your W r i t t e n b y the window … [h]umour is pants a little. B a r o n C o h e n king here, and the edgier Baron Cohen’s with the help of send up of the hySeinfeld veterans the better.” pocrisies of Amer-Adam Hawboldt ican culture is the Alec Berg, David Mandel and Jeff Schaffer, the script stuff of side-splitting genius. It’s exudes a take-no-prisoners wit as also the kind of stuff that’ll leave it rakes everything from post-9/11 you with a little more insight by the paranoia to inflexible ideologies time you exit the theatre. over the coals of hilarity. Honestly. His speech to the UN, And jus how funny is The Dictator? Well, let’s just say it’s one of those movies where you’ll miss a lot of funny lines because you’ll be laughing so hard. But be warned — this movie is not for everyone. Good taste is tossed out the window, run over by a garbage truck, then kicked into the sewer, and political correctness be damned. Humour is king here, and the edgier the better. Without giving too much away, let’s just say that The Dictator wades into waters that are 100-percent guaranteed to outrage and offend a certain portion of the population. So if you think its in bad taste to laugh at terrorism, abortion, pedophilia, suicide or even the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972

the one in which he compares modern American capitalism to a dictatorship, is so funny and true it’s scary — definitely something George Carlin or Bill Hicks would be proud of.

So if you want to laugh, if you want to think, give The Dictator a chance. It’s not better than Borat, but it’s damn close. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


Page 16

May 18–24, ‘12

This Week: Our War On Drugs Last week we asked what you think about Canada changing its policy on the war on drugs, and here’s what you had to say. Next week’s topic: see page 9 — what do you think about our

On Topic On drug policy reform. People are using hard drugs to burn off a lot of what they used to with tobacco. Thats right! The hard drug epidemic rose in tandem with the antitobacco movement. So did obesity! If marijuana is a lesser evil so much so for tobacco. We can beat cancer! We ain’t got a hope in hell against

proposed first steps in altering our drug policies? Text FEEDBACK and your thoughts about the topic (or anything else) to 306–881-VERB (8372) and you could see your text printed in next week’s issue! the social mental and physical fallout from hard drugs! Marijuana should be legalized regulated and taxed no question. Great for the economy and justice system in so many ways. Yes Portugal has the right idea. Helping addicts rather than punishing them for their disease is far

more productive to society. Therapy vs jail time for personal possession just makes sense. Why put people in jail who don’t really deserve to be there? drugs shouldn’t be legalised cuz They’re already abused enough. And my mom is hotter than yours. Treatment over jail time is stupid who wouldn’t take that? Stay out of jail and you can still do whatevr drugs you want and then basicaly get of the hook for it? Sounds like a recipe for disaster try using a little common sence here.

Off Topic Re: “We Think Civic Events Should Be Secular,” Opinion page, May 4th issue

Feedback about the religious expression. Article, its amusing how christians are whining about people discriminating their views, so that should mean if I am a satanist and pray at a civic event as well they can keep their trap shut

Re: “We Think Civic Events Should Be Secular,” Opinion page, May 4th issue

When in rome do as the romans do. The canadian society has been shaped with christian values. Stop infringeing on my beliefs by forceing yours on me. I can be sure if I were to visit a country whose views are non christian little concesion would be affected for me or mine Re: “We Think Civic Events Should Be Secular,” Opinion page, May 4th issue

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? If I want prayer at a public event I should be allowed. After all I am a taxpayer too. Re: “We Think Civic Events Should Be Secular,” Opinion page, May 4th issue

I think those who texted in saying Canada was built on Christian values need to get with the times. While that may have been true in the past, clinging to something so hopelessly outdated simply because “that’s the way things were” is irrational. Canada prides itself on being an inclusive country; why we haven’t moved past exclusionary

religious civic events is beyond me. Re: “We Think Civic Events Should Be Secular,” Opinion page, May 4th issue

Wow some of the texts last week about making public events secular seemed a little out there. Comparing it to Obama having no problems about burning bibles? WTF is that all about? There’s nothing wrong with being religious, spiritual, atheist, whatever you think is best for you. But pushing it on others is utterly disrespectful. We should all strive to be as considerate and inclusive as possible. Re: “We Think Civic Events Should Be Secular,” Opinion page, May 4th issue

And as predicted, advocating against religion brought out some irrational/ unclear arguments from the religious camp. It’s those who can’t see beyond their own twisted beliefs to consider others’ feelings that give Christians a bad name. I’m religious, and I’m perfectly happy that public events should be secular. Was actually surprised to read that they aren’t. Re: “We Think Civic Events Should Be Secular,” Opinion page, May 4th issue

So Verb hates god how surprising ill pray for you oh wait you wouldnt accept the Good lords grace anyways. Re: “Super Robot Vacuum Trilingual, Chats With You,” Offbeat page, May 11th issue

That vacuum sounds smarter than my brother and better at making pleasantries :) I would just like to give a shout out and thanks

Texts to Saskatoon bus drivers without you don’t think I would be working or living here for that fact!! Thanks again

To the person who texted in about verb being neutral or political: i think they strive for neutral but on opinion obviously take a stance. IMHO tho dont know for sure My grandson has sensory issues. Occasionally the sounds/tones within the restaurants we go to overload his ability to sit NICE. One never knows what specifically is adverse to his perceptions....he may appear to be loose and undisciplined to on lookers. Reality is he is in overload.

Page 17

May 18–24, ‘12

community! And its not like we don’t have enough to go around here. It is my opinion lately brad wall seems to appear a lot like chairman stephan harper there seems to be a growing similiarity to dr evil and mini me. G. T. Ha people freaking out about sex museum in t dot or wherever ned to chill. The more information kids have about sex, pregnancy, abortions and diseases, the better. it’s not as though they’re totally innocent about sex but they are often uneducated.

About the kid in resteraunts text: im of the chill out opinion.

F**k me! Thank God this Rafferty Stafford trial is winding down! Its just f**king sick the way press dwells on every little detail of that sh*t!

THANK GOD! The U.N. Gets it! If developed countries can’t set the example by ending hunger within their borders then there isn’t a hope in hell poorer countries can. Among developed countries Canada is the worst for hunger within its borders! We’re very rapidly losing credibility and power in the global

Ok, people who rail against those who spend a lot of time on the internet/social media: I realize it can appear to bea waste of time, or that we’re all socially inept, but the reality is social media is to attuned to what’s happening in the world, it can disseminate information like nothing else. You want

breaking news? Get on Twitter. Hey drivers! Slow down when you drive & stop cutting people off, you’re getting as bad as Albertans!!!! hb sd we didn’t forget :) Nakedif I want a huge success if you missed it too bad a worthy event bringing attention to a ridiculous law. id just like to say that public transportation are idiotic drivers that constantly put others in danger cuz they cant drive worth a spit! Something deep and dark in the toilet seat gripe. Unfair sense of entitlement desire to be pampered in a feminist age maybe some abusive control issue??? Ideally men should put down the toilet for women after they’re done and women should lift it when they’re done. Sharing the tasks seems fair however its done. The toilet seat gripe I don’t get it? Somebody help me out! Women complain about having to put it down. Men have to lift it. Shouldn’t we complain about that?

Thanx 4 the tix MOSOFEST saskatoon get ur tickets! 3 days of blurton bonjay hot bands great conference and fun times all around.

This is an amazing opportunity happening in YOUR CITY so get on it. Let’s make this a yearly event The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily Verb’s.


Page 18

May 18–24, ‘12

Thursday @ JT’s Venue

JT’s Bar & Grill on Thursday, May 10th


3929 8th Street East

Playing on Arrival Blue Jays

Music Vibe Top 40

Photos courtesy of Patrick Carley (

Feature Deals

Kokanee or spiced rum for $3.50, all domestic pints for $4 and ribs for $3

Popular Drink Spiced rum

Food of Choice Ribs

Wing Notes

9¢ on Wednesdays; of the 13 available flavours, Buffalo is the most popular

Something New

UFC May 26th, NHL gear giveaways during playoff games, and the Toronto Blue Jays fan club: come in Jays attire to watch a game and be entered to win a trip for 2 to see the Blue Jays, sponsored by JT’s and Verb


Page 19

May 18–24, ‘12

Wednesday @ Sports On Tap Venue

Sports on Tap on Wednesday, May 9th


2606 Lorne Avenue

Playing on Arrival NHL playoffs

Music Vibe Rock

Feature Deals

$3 a pound for wings, $5 for paralyzers and $5.50 for pints of Keith’s

Popular Drink

Pints of Alexander Keith’s

Food of Choice Wings

Wing Notes

$3 a pound on Wednesdays, with Buffalo ranch and lemon pepper the favourites of the 25 flavours

Photos courtesy of Patrick Carley (


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May 18–24, ‘12

Friday 18

House DJs — Funk, soul & lounge DJs liven up the atmosphere at 6Twelve. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover.

(COMING UP) CARRIE UNDERWOOD @ credit union centre — Since win-

ning American Idol in 2005, Underwood has rocketed to country music fame. Her first three albums (all of which are certified platinum) sold more than 12 million copies, and she has pumped out 11 songs that have hit #1 on the US

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Country charts. Underwood — or as some like to call her, Mrs. Mike Fisher — recently released her latest album, Blown Away. She’ll be playing the Credit Union Centre on October 1st; tickets are $58.75–78.25, available at Ticketmaster. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Foggy Notions, Young Benjamins, Dead-End Drive-In — Feel like getting out and listening to some damn fine local bands? Come on down and check out the Planet S Music Issue Showcase. Presented in conjunction with CFCR 90.5, this night features a ton of great music, and supports the local food bank to boot. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets $8, or $5 with a non-perishable donation to the Saskatoon Food Bank. P iano Auditions w/ D on Griffith — Know someone who can tickle the ivories? Play the piano yourself? Well, there are a few spots

open for next season’s Piano Friday’s schedule, and artistic director Don Griffith will host live auditions. You can reserve a spot by emailing or sign up when you arrive. 4:30–7:30pm, The Bassment. No cover. Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party. DJ Ash Money opens. Happy Hour 4pm, Beily’s UltraLounge. $5 cover after 9pm. Hung Jury — With all your hardrocking favorite covers — everything from ACDC to Skid Row to Mötley Crüe — this local four-piece will take you for a walk down rockin’ memory lane . 10pm, Buds on Broadway. $6 cover. Nickelback — Billboard ranked this band from Hanna, Alberta, as the top rock group of the 2000‘s while listing their hit song, “How You Remind Me,” as the top rock song of the same decade. 6pm, Credit Union Centre. Tickets $60.75–$116, available at DJ Eclectic — Local turntable whiz DJ Eclectic pumps snappy electronic beats. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ J-Mats — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. Rowdymen — Playing a mean blend of high-octane rockabilly and hard-rocking prairie twang, this band from Winnipeg is well worth the price of admission. For a honkin’ tonkin’ good time, come see what

they’re all about. 10pm, Lydia’s Pub. Cover $5. My Darkest Days, Riff Raff — Come down and enjoy the Nickelback afterparty with My Darkest Days, a Toronto-based rock band that was discovered and signed by Nickleback’s Chad Kroeger, and Riff Raff, Saskatoon’s classic hard-rock party band. 9pm, The Odeon Events Centre. Tickets $12, available at www. DJ BIG AYYY & DJ HENCHMAN — Round up your friends ‘cause there’s no better country rock party around! 8pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover, ladies in free before 11pm. May Long Cabaret — Featuring Black Rain, Nosedive, Leonard Adan & Sons, and the Rebels, this show is a heckuva way to kick off the long weekend. 8pm, The Pat Nightclub. Cover $10. Stone Mountain Music — Come out and see what this folk-rock trio is all about. 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover. Sly Business — Feel like listening to some music that will tickle your groove bone and get your feet moving? Look no farther. This local band plays a fresh blend of funk, soul, hip hop and jazz that is infectious. 10pm, Spadina Freehouse. No cover. Bear Jammers — Coming at you straight from Regina, this outfit plays a terrific brand of country rock. 9pm, Stan’s Place. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter. Nickleback Pre-and-After Party — With free burgers and a happy hour before, four free buses to, and DJs Mern, Mikey Dubz, Ricky Rock and Kidalgo after the big concert, how can you resist? 4pm, Tequila Nightclub. Tickets TBD. Factor — This local DJ and producer’s first Club Soda series was dope, so why not come and check out his Club Soda Series 2 release party? 10pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

Saturday 19

House DJs — Resident DJs spin deep and soulful tunes all night. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover. Royal Canoe — If you’re into falsettos, guitars, effects pedals, drums, basses, tambourines, shakers, fivekeyboard superweapons, and one awesome, poppy sound, come check out this six-piece from Winnipeg. Also appearing will be The Fight. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets TBD.


Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party. DJ CTRL opens. Drinks and appies from 4pm, Beily’s UltraLounge. $5 cover after 9pm. Hung Jury — With all your hardrocking favourite covers — everything from ACDC to Skid Row to Mötley Crüe — this local four-piece will take your for a walk down rockin’ memory lane . 10pm, Buds on Broadway. $6 cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon’s own DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover.

DJ J-Mats & DJ Sugar Daddy — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. Pandas in Japan, We Do What We Want, Dandelion and Forevergreene — There’s a little bit of something for everyone here. With music ranging from something called “psychedelic space pop” to good ol’ rock, this is a show of local talent worth seeing. 8pm, Le Relais. Tickets TBD. F-Holes — This talented five-piece from Winnipeg have a roots-type sound that combines rockabilly, country and Dixieland into pure awesome. Also playing will be Keepers of the Groove. 10pm, Lydia’s Pub. $5 cover. DJ BIG AYYY & DJ HENCHMAN — Round up your friends ‘cause there’s no better country rock party around! 8pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. Saskatoon’s most wanted. $5 cover. Wayne Bargen — Come out and listen to the slick, smooth, scintillating sounds this guy makes with his guitar. 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover. Slick Gizmo — Originally House Broken, this local duo reunited and formed Slick Gizmo, a live band that gives you a music/video experience with pep. 9pm, Somewhere Else Pub. No cover. cRiscole — Come check out this local DJ as he spins the kind of beats that’ll pull you out of your seat. 10pm, The Spadina Freehouse. No cover. Bear Jammers — Coming at you straight from Regina, this outfit plays a terrific brand of country rock. 9pm, Stan’s Place. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter.

Page 21

May 18–24, ‘12

May Long Weekend DJ Festival — Featuring DJs Albert, Kidalgo, Chan-L, Jaewoo, Mikey Dubz, Mern, Dislexik, Von Howard, Modus, Bobby Tables, Pete, Ricky Rock, Stikman and Fat Panda, this show threatens to be off the chain. 8pm, Tequila Nightclub. Cover $5.

Diablo — In the mood for some good, catchy tunes? Stop by and check out this local act. 10pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

Sunday 20

Saskatoon’s Original Industry Night — Hosted by DJ Sugar Daddy, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. Drinks and appies from 4pm, Beily’s UltraLounge. $4 cover after 9pm. No cover for industry staff. DJ KADE — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Heywood and Scott Turner — Come down and check out two wildly talented locals as they spin the night away. 10pm, Scratch. SUNDAY BLUES JAM — The Vangelis’ Sunday Jam is an institution,

offering great tunes from blues to rock and beyond. 8pm, Vangelis Tavern. No cover.

Monday 21

Yaadon Ki Baarat — Featuring Abhijeet Sawant, Shruti, Srikant Narayan and Deepali, this is a night of splendid Indian music. 6pm, Broadway Theatre. For tickets call 652-6556. DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. Doors 9pm, Hudsons Canadian Tap House. No cover.

Tuesday 22

Yamantaka, Sonic Titan — A seven-piece from Toronto, this band is an Asian diasporic psychedelic opera group that fuses metal with pop and more to produce a sound that almost defies categorization. Also appearing will be Feral Children. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets will be available at the door. DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple


— The sky is the limit for this singer/ songwriter from Edmonton. Her debut album, You Missed It All, is full of heartfelt songs that evoke both sadness and joy. Often starting soft before hitting a fevered crescendo, Kos’ songs are mesmerizing and catchy, while her voice is

Photo: courtesy of the artist

powerful, smooth and seductive. At times laid back, at times in your-face, Kos’ music will grab you. This is an upand-coming artist you should certainly keep an eye on. She’ll be bringing her sound to Lydia’s stage on May 25th; cover $5. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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May 18–24, ‘12 Else Pub. No cover.

Wednesday 23

HUMP WEDNESDAYS — Resident DJ Chris Knorr will be spinning all of your favourite songs and requests, every Wednesday night! Doors at 7pm, DJ takes requests at 9pm, 302 Lounge & Discotheque. No cover until 10pm, $3 thereafter.

(NEXT WEEK) JOM COMYN @ AMIGOS cantina — A talented singer/song-

writer from Edmonton, Comyn’s songs range from indie jingles to thoughtprovoking instrumentals to pareddown minimalist anthems. With a remarkable baritone voice, Comyn’s music is rich and haunting. His latest

Photo: courtesy of the artist

EP, Sunstroke, is full of gems, and on May 25th he’s hopping on a train and embarking on his inaugural No Friends Tour. On May 26th that train stops in Saskatoon and Comyn will be making his way to Amigos. Ticktets TBD. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

genres. 9:30pm, The Double Deuce. $4 cover. VERB PRESENTS OPEN STAGE — The open stage at Lydia’s has hosted many of Saskatoon’s finest performers, and is a chance for bands, solo artists and even comedians to showcase original material. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. Open Mic — Come out to show your talent. 7pm, The Somewhere

The Avenue Recording Company presents Open Mic — Hosted by Chad Reynolds. Sign up and play at this weekly event. 10pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. Dr. J ‘Souled Out’ — Dr. J spins hot funk and soul every Wednesday night. Doors 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. Style P and Sheek Louch — We last saw rapper Sheek Louch (aka Shawn Jacobs) last winter when he played sideman to Ghostface Killah on the Wu-Tang member’s Canadian tour. Now he’s back with his D-Block buddy Style P (aka David Styles) to get your heads bobbin’. 8pm, The Odeon Events Centre. Tickets $35 ($55 for VIP), available at www.

WILD WEST WEDNESDAY — This is Saskatoon’s top industry night, hosted by DJ Big Ayyy & DJ Henchman. 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. Saskatoon’s most wanted. $4 Cover. No cover for industry staff. WHINE UP WEDNESDAYS — A night dedicated to promoting the best in reggae, roots, dancehall, African beats, Kwaito & hip hop. Hosted by Scott Turner & DJ Heywood. 10pm, Scratch. $5 cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover.

Thursday 24

Dreams of Reason — These hard rockers from Calgary play a brand of music that’s heavy, catchy and always well-played. They just dropped their new album “Radically Poetic.” Come check out the show. 10pm, Bud’s On Broadway. Cover $6. Throwback Thursdays — Come experience the best in retro funk, soul, reggae and rock provided by Dr. J. 8pm, Earls. No cover

Hip Hop Night — Hosted by Ease, this is a night of live performances, rap battles and DJs, with $150 in prizes to be won. Don’t miss it. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose &Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ J-Mats

— Local DJs J-Mats and Sugar Daddy will be rocking the turntables to get you dancing on the dance floor! Every Thursday night will be filled with passion parties, pole dancing, shadow dancers and much more! 8pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover, free cover with student ID before 11pm. Skydiggers — A roots/rock band from Toronto, these guys have been making music together since the eighties and have released a dozen albums along the way. Talk about on-stage chemistry. Come down and see what they’re all about. 10pm, Lydia’s Pub. Cover $5. George Thorogood and the Destroyers — Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 30 years or so, you’ve probably heard Thorogood’s hit song “Bad to the Bone.” But what you might not realize is this guy is no one hit wonder: with two platinum albums, six gold albums and more than 15 million records sold, this American blues rock vocalist/guitarist has been going strong for decades. 8pm, Prairieland Park. Tickets $36.75, available at the box office or at www.ticketmaster. com TRIPLE UP THURSDAY — Come start your weekend early at Triple Up Thursday! With these top 40 dance and electro resident DJs, you’ll be shaking it on the dance floor in no time. 8pm, Tequila Nightclub. $3 at the door.

Want your show listed? Email!

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Pisces (Feb 20–Mar 20)

Sometimes our lives, unfortunately, become more talk than action. If this situation sounds familiar, maybe it’s time to shake it up. If you say you’ll do something, now is the time to follow through.

With the warm and welcoming energies exploding in your Third House of communication, dear Pisces, you’re going to do well this week. Feel like dazzling a crowd? Go out and dazzle.


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Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22)

Stability: that’s the watchword for this week, dear Aquarius. If you find yourself upset over something, try not to rock the boat and remain as neutral as possible. Right now, try to keep things even keel.

7 4 3 6 5 1 2 8 9

Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 19)

A lot of times people only see one side of you, dear Leo — the confident, bold, take-charge side. Maybe you should throw them a change-up this week. People will see you in a new light.

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Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22)

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6 4

When you get the chance, spend time with others this week, dear Capricorn. Whether it be in a social or professional setting, your life will be made richer by communicating with others.

4 8 2 7 1 5 9 3 6

Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19)

Here’s a challenge for you, dear Cancer. This week, do something out of the ordinary. If an opportunity doesn’t present itself, get out and create the moment for yourself. You won’t regret it.

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Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22)

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You may feel the urge to go for broke this week, dear Sagittarius. You might be tempted to use radical methods to get what you want, but brace yourself for the chance that it might not work.

3 6 5 7 4 9 2 1 8

Sagittarius (Nov 23–Dec 21)

This week may be difficult at times, dear Gemini. You, who can be easily influenced by others, may be pushed and pulled so much you won’t know what to do. Trust your instincts.

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Gemini (May 21–Jun 20)

Have you been feeling lost lately, dear Scorpio? If so, here’s some good news: everything will clear up in the next few days and you’ll be able to put things in their proper perspective.

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Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22)

You know that old adage about judging not lest you be judged? You might want to keep that in mind this week. Right now, the more understanding you are, the more success you will have.

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Taurus (Apr 20–May 20)

You should take this week to resolve some personal issues you’ve been putting off. If you’ve been on edge, take some time out for you. Stress, when it builds up, is unhealthy, so get rid of it. Now.

1 2 4 5 8 6 9 7 3

Libra (Sept 23–Oct 23)

You can’t do everything or be everywhere at once, dear Aries, so don’t feel pressured. Try to prioritize the list of things you need to do, and tackle them one at a time. Everything will get done.

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Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19)

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May 18–24, ‘12 6 7 2 3 5 1 8 9 4

Time Out

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Directions: Fill each box with a digit from 1-9, following these conditions: - Each row must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each column must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once.

4 1 9 5 1 2 6 4 2 4 8 5 3 6 8 9 7 8 3 4 6 7 3 5 3 9 1 5 2 9 6 7 1 2 7 8

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