Verb Issue S200 (July 27-Aug 2, 2012)

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Jul 27–Aug 2, 2012 • Pass it on

Stadium Approved

Critics Voice Concern As Regina, Province Push On P2

Tanya Tucker

Country Icon Talks New Challenges P13

Fringe Festival

Celebrate The Diversity Of The Arts P10

The Watch

Funny Cast Overcomes Uneven Plot P15

Issue #200!


Montreal DJ On The Right Place At The Right Time P11 Photo: courtesy of the artist

Section Local Page 2

Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

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Regina, Province Push On With Stadium Critics Voice Concern As The Parties Involved Begin The Next Necessary Steps Alex J MacPherson

deputy Regina city manager and chief financial officer. saskatoon, SK — The con“It’s noted as non-binding,” he troversial new football stadium says of the MOU. “Basically, it lays is one step closer to completion out the funding framework. From after Regina city council voted there, we’ll turn it into specific unanimously in favour of the agreements.” project despite jeers from the Sjoberg says the city is adoptcapacity crowd. ing an “aggresAt one of the “The next step is … legal sive” timeline, busiest meetings agreements to finalize the and could have in years, coun- MOU, conceptual design specific financial cil approved a agreements bem e m o r a n d u m and procurement.” fore council in -Alex J MacPherson August. of understanding (MOU) between the provincial The $278 million needed to build government, the Saskatchewan the stadium is divided among the Roughriders, and the city that will three sponsoring entities. The provdrive the stadium project. The next ince will provide an $80 million step is the completion of three con- grant and a $100 million loan, to current processes: legal agreements be repaid using a $12 facility fee to finalize the MOU, conceptual added to tickets — an increase of design and procurement. $4 from the current fee. The city “The next step on that piece of it, of Regina will provide $73 million, the funding side, is that we will work including $3 million worth of land back with the province and Riders at Evraz Place. The Roughriders will and turn that [MOU] into specific contribute $25 million. agreements,” says Brent Sjoberg, The 30-year cost of the stadium

is expected to be $675 million, which includes the cost of building and maintaining the facility, as well as interest on the loans. Concurrent processes are also getting underway, Sjoberg continues. The first is conceptual design; Sjoberg expects the plans to be available this fall. The final step is procurement. Sjoberg says the city is not certain whether it will adopt a one- or two-stage process. In the first case, a request for proposal would be issued immediately; in the second, a request for qualification to determine the suitability of interested parties would govern who could submit a proposal. Procurement, which will take a “guaranteed maximum price” approach, will be the subject of a recommendation to council in the fall, Sjoberg says, adding that construction could be underway as early as late 2013. Although the stadium is now all but inevitable, that hasn’t deterred

Photo: courtesy of Martin Memmel

its many critics, many of whom took the opportunity at the meeting to share their views. Jennifer Dow, a sales professional, addressed the council meeting before the MOU was approved. “I’ve lived in Saskatchewan for 30 years … and I don’t think I’ve ever taken a stand on anything before, but this is just…ridiculous,” she says. “Spending this amount of money on a stadium that’s going to benefit 33,000 people and is situated in a city of 200,000 … it just doesn’t make sense.” Dow is also concerned about the

short time between the announcement and approval of the MOU, and the lack of public consultation. “The problem is the people of Regina particularly haven’t had time to actually really understand what the full details of this project are,” she says. And although Dow is interested in a plebiscite, she says the deadline for citizens to force a referendum on the ballot in October has passed. “One of the few avenues that’s available,” she says, is to elect a different city council in the fall. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

SK Electoral Map Facing Possible Changes

Population Main Factor Influencing Elimination, Creation, Resizing Of Ridings Alex J MacPherson

new ones created, and many more changed in size and shape. Saskatoon, sk — Proposed “We tried to, as an underlychanges to the province’s elec- ing principle, not cause change if toral map will be most evident in change is not required, with respect Saskatchewan’s two major cities, to the existing boundaries,” says a new report states. Stuart Pollon, commission member Following the and spokesperg o v e r n m e n t ’s “We tried to … not cause son, explaining decision to add change if change is not that the map is three MLAs — required…” drawn based on two in Saskatoon population data -Stuart Pollon with considerand one in Regina — the interim report of the Sas- ation given to a number of other katchewan Boundaries Commission factors. recommends changes to a numPopulation is the main factor inber of ridings, which will see some fluencing the process, with boundconstituencies eliminated, several aries drawn to include a roughly

equal number of people in each riding. This population quotient — the number of people over 18 in the southern part of the province divided by the number of constituencies — is 13,059. The actual number of constituencies is a legislative decision, Pollon continues, and outside the scope of the commission. So too is the decision, made this year, to calculate based on the number of people over 18. “You end up with the constituency population quotient, and if there’s been significant changes in population, you’re going to see change [in the boundaries],” Pollon says. “Then you’re dealing with a matter of how significant is the change? How isolated is the change? How pervasive is the change?” Beyond population, the commission considered growth projections, municipal boundaries, geographic features, and simple practicality, especially the convenience of polling stations. “We looked at the whole concept of communities of interest,” Pollon adds. “Where do people work? Where do people live? We also tried, to the extent possible, to respect municipal boundaries.” One significant change is the reduced number of rural-urban ridings on the new map. Previously, Saskatoon and Regina each had two. Now, each major city will have

Photo: courtesy of Aaron Sarauer

only one. Also under the new map, Saskatoon and Regina will both get new ridings, some of which will replace older electoral districts. Saskatoon will lose Saskatoon Greystone, Saskatoon Northwest, Saskatoon Silver Springs, and Saskatoon Sutherland while adding Saskatoon Churchill-Wildwood, Saskatoon Silverspring-Sutherland, Saskatoon Spadina, Saskatoon

Stonebridge-Dakota, Saskatoon University, and Saskatoon Willowgrove. In Regina, Regina Qu’Appelle and Regina Dewdney will be struck from the list, to be replaced by Regina Rochdale, Regina Pasqua, and Regina Gardiner Park. Constituencies are periodically redrawn to avoid gerrymandering, a political tactic involving the manipulation of electoral boundaries to favour a certain candidate. To avoid this, the commission is bipartisan. The 2012 commission is chaired by Neil Gabrielson, a Queen’s Bench justice. Pollon, an accountant, is the government’s appointee, and Harry Van Mulligen, a former cabinet minister, the official opposition’s. Although the decision to add three MLAs was a legislative one, independent of the commission, the Official Opposition has expressed concerns about the cost of more elected representatives. The NDP has also criticized the decision to include only those people over 18 in the calculations, arguing that the legislative choice hampers the commission’s ability to develop constituency boundaries and may not properly represent all citizens, regardless of age. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Feeling Awed Can Give You More Time: Study Adam Hawboldt

Cheese Benefits

Tasty Treat Cuts Diabetes Risk Adam Hawboldt

Although the international research team, which was comLondon, england — Cheese prised of scientists from the UK, — it can be added to pretty much Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, anything to make it taste better, noticed this inverse correlation, and now researchers have discov- they were unsure exactly why it ered that it might help reduce the happened. However, the Telegraph risk of type 2 diabetes as well. reports that the researchers suspect In one of the largest ever stud- it has something to do with the ies to examine how diet impacts fermentation process. health, scientists And while discovered that “[T]wo slices of cheese per this news is welincorporating as day could reduce the risk comed by many, little as two slices … by 12 percent.” it’s important to of cheese per day remember that -Adam Hawboldt cheese can concould reduce the risk of contracting the disease by tain a high amount of saturated 12 percent. fat, which can cause weight gain. “Intake of total dairy products And, as obesity is one of the was not associated with diabetes,” major contributing factors to dereads the abstract for the article. “Of veloping type 2 diabetes, not going the dairy subtypes, cheese intake overboard on the Gouda might be tended to have an inverse associa- a good idea. tion with diabetes.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance Post-sex snooze — French govern-

ment researchers have found that men’s brains are programmed to shut down following sex. Using brain scans, the scientists discovered that following

orgasm, the cingulate cortex and the amygdala told the rest of the brain to remove sexual desire, by flooding it with sleep-inducing chemicals. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

stanford, ca — Taking time to feel awed by things around you is the best way to feel less rushed, according to new research. “We kind of run around with these very hectic day-to-day lives,”

Melanie Rudd, a graduate student at Stanford University, told LiveScience. “To find something out there that actually gives us a feeling of more time — it seems like such a rare event.” Rudd and her team conducted a series of experiments designed to

elicit feelings of happiness or awe in participants; those that felt awe reported feeling that time was more plentiful. And while Rudd isn’t sure how long this “awe effect” lasts, she suggests the feeling might force one to simply focus on the moment. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Memories, Event Same To Brain Adam Hawboldt

memory involves a ‘repeat’ of the whole pattern of brain activity that London, england — Vivid is evoked during [the] initial percepmemories of an event are almost tion of the experience. This helps to the same as the original experience, explain why vivid [memories] can at least according feel so real.” to our brains. “[Complex memories] 20 participants Scientists, led involve … a ‘repeat’ of the aged 18-36 were by res earch er whole pattern of brain scanned while Brad Buchsbaum, they watched 12 used Magnetic activity…” short video clips, -Adam Hawboldt 27 times each. Resonance Imaging scanners (MRI) to determine The volunteers were then scanned that recalling an event activates again as they mentally replayed 91% of the same brain circuits used each of the video clips. in the original experience. According to Buchsbaum’s team, “When we mentally replay an the areas of the brain that exhibited episode we’ve experienced, it can the greatest similarities were in the feel like we are transported back sensory and motor areas of the in time,” Buchsbaum explains to cerebral cortex, which plays a key the Daily Mail. “Our study has con- role in memory. firmed that complex, multi-featured Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Shoes New Way Of IDing

Chip In Sole Reveals People’s Unique Stride Adam Hawboldt

Pittsburgh, Pa — Fingerprints and eye scans have frequently been used as a way to identify individuals, but did you know your feet and the way you walk are just as unique? According to Todd Gray, the chairman and president of Autonomous ID, because a person’s gait is specific to each individual, simply taking a couple steps in shoes that have been outfitted with high-tech soles could one day serve as our [the ID] is,” Gray tells’s means of identification, from com- John Roach. puter passwords to key cards. Autonomous ID has partnered Gray explains with Carnegie that using an algo- “[Researchers] will also Mellon Univerrithm that fuses the examine potential health sity to further information on the benefits from having an develop the shape of our feet, as technology. well as our stride, a ID chip in your shoes…” The research -Adam Hawboldt team will also tiny ID chip could be created, which would then be examine potential health beneinserted in the sole of a shoe. fits from having an ID chip in your “Not even the user knows what shoes, including ways of detecting

the early warning signs of diseases such as dementia and Parkinson’s — illnesses that affect the way we walk. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance POSSIBLE BLINDNESS CURE — US scientists have found that an injection of the chemical AAQ into the eyes of congenitally blind mice restored some degree of light sensitivity to the animals. Following the injection, the mice’s pupils contracted in bright light; study co-author Russell Van Gelder called it a “major advance.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

City Eyes Intoxicating Pigeons, Deporting Them Adam Hawboldt

‘Pong’ Glasses

Eye Movement Controls Game ADAM HAWBOLDT

London, england — Imagine being able to play video games or browsing the Web by simply moving your eyes? Okay, now stop imagining because it has become a reality. According to a report published in the Journal of Neural Engineering, researchers at the Imperial College London have created a pair of “eye-tracking glasses” out of two PlayStation Eye Cameras, cheap reading glasses frames, and an elastic headband. And while patients have used the contraption to control a game of Pong simply by moving their eyes, playing video games isn’t exactly

the end point for researchers. What they hope to do is continue developing their device to the point where people with multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s and spinal cord injuries can do things like browse the Internet and type on a visual keyboard using only the motion of their eyes. “Crucially, we have achieved two things,” researcher Dr. Aldo Faisal told Phys.Org. “We have built a 3-D eye tracking system hundreds of times cheaper than commercial systems and used it to build a realtime brain machine interface that allows patients to interact more smoothly and more quickly than existing invasive technologies.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

‘Vampire’ Skeleton Discovered Adam Hawboldt

to believe the villagers of Sozopol were trying to prevent the desozopol, bulgaria — The dis- ceased from turning into a vampire. covery of a 700-year-old skeleton “In graves thousands of years in Bulgaria, reputedly of a vampire, old, skeletons have been found illustrates that the staked, tied up, fear of the crea- “In graves thousands of buried facedown, tures originated years old, skeletons have decapitated … before Bram Stok- been found staked…” all well-attested er’s Dracula. ways of preempt-Mark Collins Jenkins ing the [attacks] The “vampire” skeleton was located amongst of wandering corpses,” writes forchurch ruins in the Black Sea town mer National Geographic historian of Sozopol. It had been stabbed in Mark Collins Jenkins in his book, the chest with an iron rod and had Vampire Forensics. its teeth pulled, leading scholars Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

next day,” explains Alexei Movchan, who heads the city branch of the sumy, ukraine — Often re- ruling Party of Regions, was referred to as “rats with wings,” ported as saying. pigeons are notorious for being Russian International News poop-dropping pests in towns and Agency Ria Novosti says that the cities the world radical measure over. “Let’s give them winewas proposed to But now one soaked bread and then protect a monuUkrainian city has deport them…” ment to poet had enough. Taras Shevchenko -Alexei Movchan from being covOf f icials in Sumy are considering a plan to ered in bird droppings. tackle the local pigeon problem As for Movchan, he dismissed by getting the winged creatures all concerns over animal cruelty plastered on wine — then deport- by claiming that the deportation ing them. of birds is humane because it is a “Let’s give them wine-soaked practice used by the Holy Dormibread and then deport them some- tion Pochayiv Lavra, an Orthodox where where they’ll wake up the Christian monastery in the country.

It remains unclear as to whether or not the city of Sumy will adopt the proposed plan. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Offbeat At A Glance travel by lawn chair —What’s one

the worst things that could happen when you’re floating in a helium-balloon-suspended lawn chair high over Oregon? A thunderstorm, of course. And that’s exactly what happened to a pair of lawn-chair floating gentlemen last week when a storm swept in, causing balloons to pop and chairs to fall. But no need to worry, the pair made it out of the storm frightened, but unharmed. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Known also as chevon or mutton, goat meat is a staple in many types of cooking.

Though goat meat has a ■reputation for having a strong, gamey flavour, it can be quite delicate and tender, depending on how the animal was raised

■ Goats are great swimmers In Asia, goats were domes■ticated around 8-9,000 years ago

male and female goats ■haveBothbeards Goats are very curious and ■intelligent

Kabab King Offers Authentic Eats

Photos: Courtesy of Adam Hawboldt

Indian/Pakistani Cuisine Served Up In Sutherland Restaurant Adam Hawboldt

Walking through the front door of the Kabab King restaurant there was only one thing on

my mind: “It’s time to attack the buffet and show it who is boss.” See, on more than one occasion, from more than one person, I’d heard Kabab King served some of the finest Pakistani/Indian cuisine in town. Toss a $14.99 all-you-caneat lunch buffet on top of that and, well, this review became a foregone conclusion. Right. So there I am. Walking into Kabab King one afternoon with an empty stomach (I hadn’t eaten since the day before) and a desire to eat until the top button on my pants popped . The stage was set, the gauntlet thrown down. And with my first plate I went with some appetizers — a samosa, a couple of

aloo tikki (potato pancakes), and a had to stop myself. My belly was vegetable pakora. All were mighty begging to bloat and I still had a good (especially the aloo tikki … whole heap of food left to try. smooth and creamy on the inside, So up I stood, loosed my belt crisp and crunchy on the out.) a notch, and headed back to the With the next buffet for a round plate, I went with “Both the goat and beef of carnivorous vegetarian fare. [curries] were savoury, goodness. The The Daal Makhni spicy and excellent.” first thing I went was to die for (not for was the tan-Adam Hawboldt doori chicken. literally, but it was pretty darn good!), the mixed veg- Fall-off-the-bone moist, this staetables were hearty and full of big ple of Indian/Pakistani cuisine was taste. Oh, and the chana masala? cooked in a clay oven (hence the Toss that on a small bed of rice name “tandoori”) and was nothing and you have yourself a dish you if not delectable. After that I turned won’t want to stop eating. In fact, to the curries. Both the goat and I considered going back for second beef versions were savoury, spicy helpings of the chana masala, but and excellent. Finally, came the butter chicken. And let me say this: the butter chicken at Kabab King is so good I honestly considered sticking a straw into the buffet tray and drinking the sauce. For dessert, I managed to toss back a handful of gulab jamun. Sweet and soft, these donut-hole like contraptions were an excellent way to end the meal. And when they were safely in my stomach, I wiped my mouth, loosened my belt one more notch, and waddled out of the restaurant — determined to return to the Kabab King to try something else on their more-than-100-item menu. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Kabab King

Address: 1A-705 Central Avenue Hours: 11:00am - 2:30pm, 5:00pm -

9:00pm (buffet); 11am-10pm (eat-in)

Reservations: 979-6865


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Change High School, Solve Labour Issue Giving Teens More Options Earlier In The Education Game Is A Good Idea the Editors of Verb saskatoon, SK — One of the big topics in the news lately has been the labour shortage here in Saskatchewan. How bad is it? Well, let’s just say that more than 80 percent of Saskatchewan’s non-union contractors believe the shortage is “the worst in the province’s history.” So yeah, it’s pretty bad. That’s not to say that the powers that be aren’t trying to address the problem. In fact, the government is now offering $1,000 scholarships for high school students to enter the trades. What’s more, according to Don Morgan, the minister of advanced education, labour relations and workplace safety, the govern- a proper education.” ment is “aggressively seeking peoThing is though, by the age of 16 ple from other parts of Canada and or 17 you pretty much know wheth… trying to do everything (they) er or not academia is for you. And can to educate people in the prov- if it’s not, why go to university just ince through apprenticeship and because your guidance counsellor SIAST programs.” says so? Forcing Which is all “Forcing a post-secondary a post-secondary fine and dandy, education on kids education on kids but if this skilled whose talents clearly lie whose talents labour shortage clearly lie elseis really as bad as elsewhere is absurd…” where is absurd, -Verb’s editors and not doing people are making out, and if Saskatchewan’s la- anyone any favours. bour market is going to continue to A much better solution would be grow as has been forecasted, then to follow the New Zealand model perhaps the government needs to and provide these students with do more. And we believe that some- the option of attending a trade thing involves either restructuring academy. That way, they’ll graduate the education system or adding as skilled workers, with real-world new programs, like New Zealand’s Youth Guarantee program. Basically, what this initiative does is acknowledge the well-known fact that academia simply isn’t for everyone. Some kids dig school, are good at it, and long to go to university, others — well, not so much. So for students in that “other” category, the Youth Guarantee program allows them, at the age of 16 or 17, to opt out of a traditional high school and join a trade academy. There, students will develop job skills by taking trades and technology courses. Heck, depending on their interests, some students may not even have to attend the actual academy at all. Instead, they’ll learn their trade and gain their credits in the workplace or at a polytechnic. Now we know what some of you may be thinking: “Cripes, these kids are only 16 years old. They don’t know any better, they need

work experience, ready to step in and help quell our labour shortage the moment they graduate. It’s good for them, good for us, and good for Saskatchewan. Or perhaps we could take a page from Germany’s book, and develop a multi-pronged high school system — one prong for students who wish to attend university, the other a prong of vocational high schools for students who want to learn a trade that will make them highly employable after graduation. And we’re not suggesting that going the university route isn’t going to make a student highly employable, simply that students should have more options open to them, earlier in the education game.

Which way Saskatchewan should go with this isn’t exactly clear. What is clear, however, is that we are in the midst of a skilled labour shortage that is bad and threatening to become worse as our economy

continues to grow. It’s time we open the floor and initiate the debate. The sooner we start looking at options like these, the better off we’ll all be. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Celebrate The Arts At The Fringe Festival Plays, Street Performers, Tasty Eats And More At This Saskatoon Summer Staple Sebastien Dangerfield

Saskatoon, sk — Kevin Kinsella was an amateur boxer from Newfoundland. Kevin Kinsella was a rum-runner, an unofficial French citizen, AND a merchant marine who fathered more than 21 children. And when you see him at the Saskatoon Fringe Festival, you’ll be

“[A]t this year’s Fringe Festival [Kinsella will] be brought back to life by a petite blond actress…”

-Sebastien Dangerfield surprised to find out that Kinsella is actually a girl. Well, not in real life. In real life, Kinsella died decades ago due to complications from working in a fluorspar mine. But at this year’s Fringe Festival he’ll be brought back to life by a petite blond actress named Mikaela Dyke.

Photo: courtesy of Dahlia Katz , seventwentysk, kaspercarissa, and of the Saskatoon Theatre Fringe Festival

Dkye’s one-woman show, Dying Hard, portrays the life of Kinsella, along with five other real-life

people affected by the fluorspar mines in the small town of St. Lawrence, on Newfoundland’s Burin Peninsula. From 1933 to 1978, many men in St. Lawrence worked in these nearby fluorspar mines which, because of poor and hazardous working conditions, left the community devastated by silicosis and lung cancer. The genesis of the characters in Dyke’s play came from Elliott Leyton’s book, Dying Hard: Industrial Carnage in St. Lawrence. “Their stories are all just so amazing,” says Dyke, while stepping off

a bus in downtown Toronto. “When I read [Leyton’s] book, I wanted to meet these people. For me that was the emphasis, that was the driving force, to put it on stage. I wanted other people to hear these stories in person.” The stories, which are recreated verbatim from interviews in Leyton’s book, are at once heartbreaking and hilarious. Add to that Dyke’s ability to hypnotically transform from one character to another by simply picking up a costume piece or a prop, and you have the recipe for success. In fact, Dyke’s Dying Hard has been so well received that

Dyke won the Best Performance award at the London Fringe Festival in 2010, the Best in Fest award at the 2010 Halifax Fringe Festival, the Outstanding Solo Performance award at the Ottawa Fringe Festival in 2011, and the Best Female Performance award at the 2011 Winnipeg Fringe Festival. Yet for all the success and accolades, Dyke — who is from Newfoundland, but now lives in Toronto — knows none of it would’ve been possible without her director Dahlia Katz. “She’s just an amazing director,” explains Dyke. “Dahlia has a background in puppeteering, so after we finished working through the script for what was there in the language, we started building the physical characteristics … [and] the work we’ve done, I think, allows people to forget that they’re in a theatre and to experience the stories as though they were hearing them from the actual people.” Dying Hard is one of many terrific 60–70 minute shows at the 2012 Fringe Festival. As usual, Broadway will be shut down for the festival. Along with the plays, the Fringe will also include a host of street vendors, an international outdoor market, food and a bevy of street performers. The Potash Corp Fringe Theatre festival runs from August 2nd until the 11th. For more information about shows or festival times, visit Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Arts One

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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Vilify: The Right Place At The Right Time

Photo: courtesy of the artist and Coco Eve Photograph

DJ Jenny Carmichael On Her Growing Popularity, And Why She Loves Dubstep Alex J MacPherson

Bull 3Style, a DJ competition. She was also voted the number two sask atoon, SK — Jenny club DJ in the now-defunct MonCarmichael certainly could have treal Mirror’s best of 2011 list. And been a classical musician. She guess what? Carmichael is just 26 has the pedigree — her father years old. is an opera singer, her mother a “I just feel really lucky,” she said, violinist — and the experience. laughing. “In terms of my night Carmichael grew blowing up and up steeped in “I just remember being … all the success I’ve music, from her fifteen [and] watching one had in [Montreal], parents’ classi- of the DJs and being like, I really just feel cal repertoire to like it’s so much alt-rock and be- ‘I want to do this.’” about being in -Jenny Carmichael the right place at yond; she sang in the Toronto Children’s Chorus the right time.” and studied piano. Hers was a By right place and right time, coffee house to concert hall kind Carmichael is referring to dubstep. of story. And then she discovered Perhaps no other genre of electronnightclubs. ic dance music has risen as quickly “I grew up in Toronto with an or burned as brightly as dubstep. amazing drum and bass scene,” With an elite group of producers in Carmichael, who spins under the the van, dubstep has crossed over name Vilify, told me. “I had a fake into the mainstream, and can be ID and was going out on multiple heard in clubs around the world. nights of the week from about fourQuite frankly, I’m not qualified teen on. I just remember being at a to write about dubstep. I know, of night when I was fifteen or so, and course, that dubstep emerged in watching one of the DJs and being the late 1990s, and is characterlike, ‘I want to do this.’” ized by towering bass lines, short, That, as they say, was that. clipped samples, and occasional Carmichael started saving mon- vocals. I also know that the genre ey, eventually splurging on a pair of comprises multiple subgenres, each turntables and a stack of vinyl. Start- with a distinct tenor and texture. ing with drum and bass, an offshoot What I don’t understand, however, of the English rave phenomenon, are the reasons underlying dubCarmichael honed her skills while step’s meteoric rise. To compensate studying in Halifax. for my shocking ignorance, I asked “I got my first gig through the Carmichael for a crash course. BreakBeat Elite Crew out there,” she “I think there are remixes and said, at a loss to explain her growing influences of every other genre popularity. “I mean, I’ve definitely within dubstep,” shes said, after worked hard to get where I am, but pausing for a moment to think. “I I just can’t explain how natural the think that compared to drum and progression was. Everything just happened for me.” Now, Carmichael is the resident DJ at Le Belmont, a prominent Vilify Montreal club, where she hosts Where: Connect Fest Bass Drive Wednesdays. In 2011, When: August 6 she placed third in Montreal’s Red Cost: $65-$140 @

Event Info

bass, the BPM and the rhythm make it more accessible and more relatable to other things people listen to. But it’s hard to really pinpoint, because I’ve never seen any other genre grow and take over in the way that dubstep has.” Shooting stars burn bright, but

they always fade in the end. Dubstep’s sensational rise raises uncomfortable questions about its staying power. Carmichael, however, doesn’t appear to be concerned. She knows the music industry is fragile, but she also knows that spinning dubstep is more fun than

she could imagine, which is why she has no plans to change. “I know how lucky I am,” she continues. “I’m just going to keep doing it as long as it lasts, and I know in my heart it’s what I want to be doing.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Brand New Reveals The Weirdness Of Success

strains of hardcore and punk — which is not surprising, considering Saskatoon, SK — Jesse Lacey Lacey’s post-hardcore pedigree. didn’t realize that he was going “Every other record, we always to be a musician until he was one. started off in a more traditional “I never even really thought way: getting a producer, going into about playing music until I was old- a studio,” Lacey said, referring to er,” he told Spin. Daisy, the band’s “It was more like “[W]e think about how most recent rea natural thing, this whole thing is so cord. (A new alwhere suddenly, strange.” bum is expected after six or seven late this year or -Jesse Lacey early in 2013.) “But years of playing music, I realized that it’s what I did.” we always ended up leaving that Before forming his rock band, situation and recording the record Brand New, Lacey spent his forma- on our own for the most part. For tive years absorbing the best that this one, we just decided to do the rock & roll had to offer, including whole thing by ourselves.” the Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel. Daisy, which was released in late Formed in 2000 in Long Island, New 2009, holds a wide variety of mateYork, Brand New blends elements rial, from “At the Bottom” which is of conventional rock with the softer at times reminiscent of the Cure,

ArtsSect &C

Verb Staff

Photo: courtesy of the artist

to “Gasoline,” an off-kilter drumdriven number that showcases Lacey’s versatile voice. More than anything, Lacey seems pleased that he is still able to play the band’s earliest songs, many of which were written more than a decade ago. “When I listen back to all of that stuff,” he says, “I see mistakes I made, but also the sparks of something I was doing that was eventually going to be great. It’s all very strange. We talk about it a lot. When we’re just sitting around alone, the four of us — we think about how this whole thing is so strange, and it just never stops being completely weird. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Five Qs: Our Lad

Canadian Rock Group Talks Chan all away before starting again. Why? Steve Mazur: We started workOur Lady Peace is back. Al- ing on the record just the four of though it’s true that they never us, the way we had done the last really went away, internal difficul- record, and it was good … But ties and a series of tepidly-received then the guy who produced this albums threatre cord, Jason ened to silence “It’s not easy being a Lader, came on one of Canada’s band and being able to our radar. He was best rock & roll stay up…” hanging out with bands for good. Raine one night -Stave Mazur … he threw an Verb caught up with guitarist Steve Mazur to talk idea in Raine’s head, said “why don’t about the band’s new record, box- you guys make a record that you ing, and changing everything. would really want to sit down and Alex J MacPherson: You started listen to over and over.” We hadn’t this album and ended up throwing it done too much, four or five songs. We got inspired by the idea of just chucking those, starting over. AJM: A simple idea, right? SM: It sounds strange to say, but when you’re recording and writing sometimes you’re thinking, okay, we should make sure we have some stuff like this and some stuff like this. You’re afraid sometimes to just make something that you would completely listen to or find fascinating because you wonder if you would alienate certain fans. AJM: The album cover is a photograph of fighter George Chuvalo. Tell me about the boxing metaphor that pervades the record. SM: I think the boxing theme with this record is, just as a band, we’ve gone through a lot of battles, externally, internally. It’s not easy being a band and being able to stay up and Alex J MacPherson

Culture tion Pages PH, PH PH PH–PH, ‘PH

Pages 12, 13 Pages 10, 11 Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Tanya Tucker: Country Music Outlaw Takes On New Challenges Alex J MacPherson

dy Peace

Photo: courtesy of the artist

nging Things Up not get knocked down; a band can be a very difficult thing, and in some ways we’ve been incredibly lucky and in other ways we’ve had to really get up and dust ourselves off and keep fighting. AJM: You’ve been a part of this band for almost a decade now. What does that arc feel like? SM: First of all it’s a dream come true, if that’s not obvious. I was a fan of the band beforehand, and I think especially with this record I was a pretty big part of [it] and I felt more comfortable even than on Burn Burn. I can honestly say a lot of the things that went on in this record and a lot of the fulfillment I’ve felt and places I’ve gotten to as a musician — I don’t think I would have gotten to those places not being in this band. AJM: Our Lady Peace has always been known for performing live. What can audiences expect this time around? SM: I’m not one to try and hype things up a ton, but we’re trying to change up everything. We’ve definitely been aware for awhile that fans have wanted to hear deeper tracks from us … We’re busting out some deep tracks, we’re going to try and change the set up more, the songs from night to night. We may even be set up onstage a little differently … We’re trying to make it very different. Feedback? Text it to 306881-8372.

Australia, Tucker doesn’t sound cowed by the shifting sands of Saskatoon, SK — Tanya Tucker the music industry. But the truth has been recording and perform- is, changes in the way albums are ing for four decades — 40 years in made, marketed, and sold have afthe studio and on the road. In that fected generations of artists. Tucker, time, she has been forced to adapt however, refuses to see this as any— to changes in the business and thing but a challenge, a hurdle to to changes in the music itself. But overcome. Tucker knows that no matter what “I think now that I’m getting happens one thing will always be older, wanting to slow down on the same. the road, I think “I’m an enter- “I want a new challenge making records tainer,” she said in now, to make a new and creating mua telephone inter- record…” sic now is even view. “Entertainmore challeng-Tanya Tucker ing to me than ers always make it through, whether they have record ever,” she says, noting that radio sales or not.” is no longer the only focus of the Tucker’s first album, Delta Dawn, industry. “I want a new challenge came out in 1972, when she was just now, to make a new record and see 13. Since then she has released a what happens.” slew of studio records, a pair of live Part of what has allowed Tucker albums, and several compilations. to remain relevant for 40 years is Her latest project, My Turn, collects her image as one of the last true a dozen covers of country music outlaws of country music. Alstandards — songs she has always though she started young, Tucker wanted to sing. My Turn is part of Tucker’s plan to accomplish as much as she possibly can between now and the day she hangs up her hat. Tanya Tucker “It might be that I’m the small- Where: Dakota Dunes Casino est little big city in the world,” she When: August 3 laughs. “People know my name, Cost: Sold out! but I really haven’t been to a lot Brand New of places. I haven’t been around Where: The Odeon the world. There’s a lot of places When: August 8 I haven’t been, a lot of places my Cost: $40 @ Ticketmaster music hasn’t been sold. You kind of Our Lady Peace want to check those out, and music Where: Saskatoon Exhibition is my ticket there.” When: August 9 Explaining that she has a lot Cost: Free with Ex admission of firsts left to accomplish, from Want some coverage for your upcoming a Christmas album to a tour of event? Email ASAP!

Event Info

soon developed a style that fused country and rock together — an expansion of Gram Parsons’s cosmic American music. Tucker could have taken her career in a different direction, but she couldn’t live with that: part of being an outlaw is being honest, and Tucker knows that audiences appreciate it. “You never know from an entertainer if what they’re saying is real or not,” she laughs, “but the older

Photo: courtesy of the artist

I get the more I just let it go.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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Jul PH 27–Aug PH–PH, 2, ‘12 ‘PH

Sound Of My Voice Captivating Indie Sci-Fi Thriller Draws You In, Leaves You Wanting More

how to write and made her own damn movies. The first one, Another Earth, which she wrote and starred in, was critically acclaimed and took home the Alfred P. Sloan Feature Runtime: 87 Minutes Film prize at the 2011 Sundance Rated: PG Film Festival. And Marling’s follow up effort, Adam Hawboldt Sound of My Voice, is also garnering a lot of praise and attention on the How can you not like Brit Mar- indie film circuit. ling? The movie opens with a couThis is a girl with gumption ple of twenty-somethings, Peter and verve. A girl who graduated and Lorna (played by Christopher from Georgetown Denham and NiUniversity with a “[Sound of My Voice] cole Vicius) blindmajor in Econom- does an excellent job at folded, bound ics, then moved creating a world that feels and stuffed into to Los Angeles to the back of a van. pursue a career in unique.” They’re driven to -Adam Hawboldt a house in the Los acting. A girl who — after exploring the movie indus- Angeles suburbs where, once they try for a few years and only being arrive, they’re told to immediately offered “the cute blonde in horror shower and put on white hospital movies” roles — said to hell with gowns. The atmosphere is tense, on the industry norms, taught herself edge. They are eventually placed in

Sound of My Voice

Photo: courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures

a circle with other people in hospital gowns. Enter Maggie (Marling), a beautiful blond waif in flowing white fabric, who is hooked up to an oxygen tank. Little by little, sitting crosslegged in the circle, Maggie tells these people (these new recruits) her story. She tells them she’s from the year 2054 and has been sent back to save the chosen few. Later, as Peter and Lorna are taken home, we learn they’re trying to make a secret documentary that will expose and take down Maggie’s cult. Problem is, the more they attend the sessions, the more Maggie’s charisma sucks them in. Which is completely understandable once you see how Marling transforms herself on the silver screen. She is ice-cool, hypnotic — ethereal, even. The entire premise of Sound of My Voice hinges on the possibility that her character is telling the truth, that Maggie really is from the future. And Marling pulls it off with

grace and intrigue. Directed and co-written by Zal Batmanglij, this indie sci-fi flick does an excellent job at creating a world that feels unique. The story unfolds slowly. It pulls the audience in, deeper and deeper, into a disturbing reality that’s unfamiliar. And then the pulling ends. Just like that. And the movie is over. No “i’s” are dotted, no “t’s” crossed. Questions are left hanging and the audience is left in the dark with sketchy details and a shady backstory. So if you’re the type of moviegoer who enjoys leaving the theatre slightly confused, with more questions than answers, you’ll dig this film. Because other than the loose ends it leaves, Sound of My Voice is a darn good indie sci-fi thriller. If you like your movies wrapped up with a bow around them, however, you might not want to waste your time with this one. Sound of My Voice is now being screened at Roxy Theatre. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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Jul PH 27–Aug PH–PH, 2, ‘12 ‘PH

Fairly Funny The Watch Offers Easy Laughs

Photo: courtesy of 20th Century Fox

Film Loses Steam With Rather Outlandish Plot, But Ensemble Cast Still Delights

whatever. An in-form Vince Vaughn is always a pleasure to watch. So too is the performance by Ayoade. But more on him in a moRuntime: 102 Minutes ment. For now, let’s take a look at Rated: 18A the plot of The Watch. The movies centres around a Adam Hawboldt control freak named Evan (Ben Stiller), the manager of a Costco in My friend has a category of the whitewashed town of Glenview. movies he calls “Sunday Movies.” One terrible night, an employee To fit into this category of film, of Evan’s is murdered at the store, a movie must be funny enough so he decides to form a Neighbourto make you laugh out loud a few hood Watch group. times (but not too much), and feaThe misfits he attracts are a rathture at least two er motley crew of familiar thespi- “The Watch is definitely gentlemen: Bob ans. an amusing time-filler to (Vaughn), who A S u n d a y watch on an under-thejoins the group Movie must also to chug beer and avoid being seri- weather Sunday.” hang out, Franklin -Adam Hawboldt (Jonah Hill), a reous at all costs, contain some action sequences, cent reject of the police academy, and — perhaps most importantly and Jamarcus (Ayoade), a foreigner — have a screenplay that is simple who sees the group as an opporenough to be understood by a tunity to meet friends and score slow-moving, hungover mind. with women. Movies like Beverly Hills Ninja, The guys patrol the neighbourRush Hour and Hot Tub Time Machine hood, trying to keep it safe. Howare all Sunday Movies. ever, as things progress, they evenSo too is The Watch. tually figure out that what they’re Directed by Akiva Schaffer, The dealing with is an alien invasion. Watch stars Vince Vaughn, Ben StillAnd being the heroes of the film, er, Jonah Hill and British newcomer Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd). But before we get too much into plot summary or reviewing the merits of this flick or anything of that nature, let me first say this: after bombs such as The Dilemma, Couples Retreat and Fred Claus, it’s so good to see Vince Vaughn back in fine form. Back, once again, to his breathless, riffing, manic old self. Now, that’s not to say he’s at 100 percent “Vaughn” in The Watch. He doesn’t hit the all-out hilarious heights of, say, a Wedding Crasher’s Jeremy or Beanie from Old School, but

The Watch

they do what all heroes do: they set out to fight the invaders and save the day. Which is entirely too bad because whenever the aliens are involved, The Watch falls flatter than piss on a plate. But I guess the plot — and the aliens, for that matter— are secondary here. More than anything, The Watch seems like an excuse to put these four characters together in a mini-van, drinking beer, and trying to one-up each other with one-liners. And when they’re doing that, the movie is actually pretty funny. That isn’t to say that the momentum built in these moments is enough to carry the film through, but they do provide the plot with a couple of flat-out hilarious moments. Most of these moments come courtesy of the aforementioned Ayoade, who steals more than his fair share of funny scenes. Still, for all the comedic star power here, The Watch is was it is — a Sunday Movie. It’s not the kind of film you’re going to rave to your friends about. It’s also not the kind of flick you’re going to rank in your top-10 funniest of

all-time. But The Watch is definitely an amusing time-filler to watch on

an under-the-weather Sunday. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

This Week: Canada’s Airport Fees Last week we asked what you thought about lowering the cost of flying in Canada - here’s what you had to say. Next week’s topic: see page 9 — what do you think about

On Topic I strongly agree that the airfare is really expensive. When I travel to India, it costs me nearly $1500 but when it comes to the matter of travelling through US I can get it for as cheap as $900…. Its time for a change CANADA!!!!! Read the opinion on flying in canada. I do fly a fewtimes a year and yes you pay more in taxes then the flight itself. This is why the government orders air canada back to work, they will lose revenue. Your “opinion” on high air travel costs: Europe is +800 million people in a very small area. Canada is 2nd largest in world-with less population than Tokyo city. Flying in Canada is

giving teens the option of entering a trade school before 18? Text FEEDBACK and your thoughts about the topic (or anything else) to 306– 881-VERB (8372) and you could see your text printed in next week’s issue! way to expensive. Costs more to fly back east than Mexico, or Vegas. Our country is huge and we should be making travel around it easier, not a barrier. Pretty sure theres way more people in Europe which is why they can be so cheep. More people flying is more money and they can afford to drop prices. We can’t Yes! Flying should be a cost-effective way to get around the country. Who doesn’t have friends or family that live elsewhere? And especially in the winter here - driving out of SK in a blizzard is crappy, but flying out is less stress and hassle. WestJet used to be a less expensive option but as costs jumped so did their ticket

prices. We need to be encouraging people to move around the country, not making it near impossible for them to do so. Even flying from here to Calgary costs a few hundred return. It’s a 50 min flight. But Ryan air (UK and Europe) is so much more affordable even after taxes. Money generated from people moving around country more is a nice idea, but good luck on ever getting the government to give up the cash flow they get from airport taxes. That amount of money speaks volumes to them, they’ll never let that cash cow go free.

Off Topic

Totally off topic but to the new and returning U of S students that will be living in the new student residences this fall please take better care of the units. I saw my hard work a year after and omg if your old enough to educate yourself then learn to clean up after yourself’s it took many long hours to make it look good not to go see it destroyed. Be grateful you got a decent place to live then paying high rent elsewhere thanks! Saskatoon drivers are so unforgiving!

If any Hell’s Angels read this welcome to our city have a safe ride. Idylwyld and 71st street is an intersection that should have traffic lights as it is a very busy and dangerous intersection. Another fatal intersection is highway 11 and Wanuskewin Road. How many people have to die in traffic fatalities before traffic lights are set up? Canada land of gov’t large has funny people. Its all good when its you scoring the grant subsidy bail out tax break etc. Its bitter resentment when its somebody else. Come on people we all benefit from this land The Treatys etc. Lets stop being so childish! Found an interesting item for all to see: 23-JULY-2012SASKATCHEWAN Altogether, the Saskparty’s fiscal mismanagement has ramped up spending faster than its predecessor , poorly forecast its revenues, run an effective deficit when resource revenues were found wanting, then covered it up by asset stripping the Crowns and dipping into the fiscal stabilization fund to claim they had actually run a healthy surplus.

They cut taxes, but these were arguably structured in a way that widens the gulf between those that pay taxes and those who benefit from them. SEE -> http://www.sdap. ca/sdap/content/truthabout-saskatchewanseconomy Holy Crap! There’s a bunch of landlords who don’t want anything to do with Social Services or clients. They’re telling me its not the clients, its the dept. They’re fed up with the dept bullshit and forms Bad enough finding a place now with the crappy housing allowances but we also have the burden of dept’s history of jerking around landlord’s! I was just reading the “text” section of verb, and I’m absolutely horrified by the general lack of spelling and grammar abilities of those sending messages in. This is seriously so sad.. I weep for my generation. I seen so many grammer and spelling mistakes in the feedback section. Their driving me crazy! Humans are the only species that hurt or kill their own. You know you live DOWNtown when a guy yelling the same unintelligible thing for half an hour wakes you up in the middle of the night! Just because you rent a house doesn’t mean you can’t keep the yard neat. It also doesn’t mean that you

Texts can’t show respect for your neighbours. Stop having allowing your kids and their friends to shortcut across the neighbours yard and teach them to have respect for other peoples property. Stop having parties till the wee hours. Your neighbours need to get some sleep even though you don’t. Have some respect! Y0 Adrian your lovely See U soon? HOPE S0 There’s no housing problems here for people with money. Lots of expensive apts available. The crisis is on the low end min wage and welfare. There’s just nothing available min wage and welfare peeps can afford. If Sask can piss away a for a stadium it can damn well raise min wage and welfare. Or generate some cheap low cost housing to meet the need. We really don’t need another stadium. We need the cheap housing. F**k off with that “affordable” BS! You stop people from texting and driving when you take the technology away. Really, we got along fine without texting. People wouldn’t be so caught up with their phones as they are now. Everyone is in their own little world. How are we connecting better with people? Re: text about AJM piece. Quality of article aside, this text misrepresents facts. StatsCan has stated clearly that there is minimal interprovincial movement and the wages here

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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

aren’t that low. Min wage is middle of the pack, and if your in construction etc you have many opportunities. However, you did hit the nail on the head with housing issues that we need to fix asap. I was so disappointed to see the Colorado gunman on the front page of the newspaper. He doesn’t deserve that attention. His face belongs at the bottom of the landfill. Why is it some drivers in front of me can only drive speed or faster when I decide to pass them? If you want to drive slow stay out of the left passing lane! To the person who texted take your head outta your ass put yours back in! Whats up with the comfy cozy secure middle class resent’in? They resent the rich. They resent the poor. You don’t see that class hat’in from rich or poor. Murhrooms are nature Lets Pray we Never SEE THEM IN THE SKY! Does it really matter if regina gets a new..... The goverments funding it WHAT THE HELL WHAT ABOUT OUR BRIGDES WE NEED SO BADLY!!! I love you Kelsi Curtis. It’s ok not to drink. There are too many vehicles on Saskatoon roads. It’s giving me a headache!

I just want to say that I found out that my dog has been having seizures, I don’t want to loose my dog because of that. I love my dog more than I could ever love a human, I don’t need to loose him this soon after loosing my mom. It will kill me. YB Roses are red bacon is red poems are hard bacon There’s too many people making too many problems and not much love to go round. I liked the text about us all being star stuff. Pieces of the universe, teeny little pieces and a part of us and our world so cool! Don’t you wish you were a glow worm? They never are glum. You’ld be happy too. If light came out your bum. Too whomever threw that glass of alcohol at me and my bike on 8th Street last week. Thanks alot have some respect! Jeeze! Has anyone noticed that there is a spelling mistake on the sign for the Staff Developement Centre for Saskatoon Fire and

Protective Services on Ave. W? They have development spelled as developement. I’m surprised nobody has noticed this. I ate strawberry shortcake ice cream for supper. Yeah living on ice cream in the summer is never all bad. Chik fil a is disgusting and reprehensible. Same goes for Boy scouts reaffirming their anti-gay stance. It’s shocking that in 2012 people can still hold such bigoted and old-fashioned, uneducated positions, and not only that but still defend them as though they’re in some way defensible. Morons. To the person who texted in about movie reviews being unfair cuz its only one’s opinion that’s the whole point just writing about what they think of it then its supposed to make a conversation as people agree or disagree :) Colorado shooting so sad to see. This was the act of one person, in one place and not a reflection of aurora I’m sure. A person who is clearly very ill. First

responders u do a job few would God bless! Where’s the downtown guy haven’t seen many texts about that. Funny stuff! Camping: pack up the rv drive to an electric camp spot, plug in TV n AC, kick back with a beer and watch the game before cooking dinner in the tiny kitchen, then a nice shower in the 3-piece bathroom before crashing into bed. Getting back to nature makes me feel SOOOOO RELAXED lolz :D I think Im drinking to much coffee but thing is it just tastes so good Only a few cups a day but its so tasty RODEOOOO WOO WOO stampede was best ever this year lol “grub tins” RN SH and Patty cant wait until next year!!!! XO To the dude who txt about CRJ shes totally hot and i’m a dude too. Cant wait to see her in a couple weeks just glad my gf also likes her total excuse 2 go Bacon: cure for vegans The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily Verb’s.


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Saturday @ The Odeon Venue

The Odeon Events Centre on Saturday, July 21st for Scratch Club tribute

Location Photos courtesy of Michelle Berg (

241 2nd Avenue South

Playing on Arrival

DJ Charly Hustle spinning “Car Wash”

Music Vibe

Electro, house, dance and live performances

Feature Deal

$5.50 highballs

Popular Drink Vodka highballs

Something New

Renovations to the upstairs are now complete


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Tuesday @ The Deuce Venue

The Double Deuce on Tuesday, July 17th


3510 8th Street East

Playing on Arrival Azealia Banks’ “212”

Music Vibe

Electro, hip hop and mash-ups

Regular Gig

DJ Sugar Daddy on Tuesdays

Feature Deals

$1 draft from 7–11 PM, $2.50 drinks and 29¢ wings

Popular Drink

Harvey Wallbanger shots

Food of Choice Wings

Wing Notes

29 ¢ on Tuesdays, and 9 ¢ on Wednesdays and Fridays; of the 10 available flavours, lemon pepper is the favourite

Something New

Music videos have been added to DJ Sugar Daddy’s Tuesdays mash-ups

Photos courtesy of Patrick Carley (

Music (next week) MARIANAS TRENCH @ PRAIRIELAND PARK — Since forming

in 2001, this Vancouver-based fourpiece has garnered critical acclaim and a rabid following for their pop/punk sensibilities and top-notch musicianship. Consisting of Josh Ramsay, Matt

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from catchy guitar hooks to powerful synthesizer parts, Foam Lake has it all. They’ll be playing with the Secrets. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets available at the door.

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Webb, Mike Ayley and Ian Casselman, Marianas Trench make well-crafted pop music that stands out. Marianas Trench will be playing Prairieland Park on August 8th; free with EX admission. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Friday 27

Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party along with DJ Ash Money every Friday night. Happy hour 4pm, Béily’s UltraLounge. $5 cover after 9pm. Fear of Knowing — These local hard rockers put on a show that captivates audiences. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. Cover $6.

House DJs — Funk, soul & lounge DJs liven up the atmosphere at 6Twelve. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover.

DJ Aaron Paetsch — This local DJ will get your head bobbing, your feet moving and your butt up on the dance floor. 9pm, Divas Club. Tickets TBD.

Foam Lake — Saskatoon post-pop rockers Foam Lake like to keep it in the family. Brothers Barrett, Kalen, Paul, and Tyler Ross play high-energy rock’n’roll that wants for nothing: from infectious lyrics to rich, luscious textures,

Disposable Heroez — Need a quick Metallica fix? Come and see the world’s #1 Metallica tribute band. It may not be the real thing, but these guys are pretty darn good. 8pm, The Fez on Broadway. Tickets $10 (in advance), $12

(at the door). DJ Eclectic — Local turntable whiz DJ Eclectic pumps snappy electronic beats. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ JMats — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover.

HENCHMAN — Round up your friends ‘cause there’s no better country rock party around! 8pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover; ladies in free before 11pm. James Steele Trio — A 21-year-old fiddle player with all kinds of talent, Steele specializes in old-time fiddling and country/western swing. He is joined by Lionel Gilbertson (piano) and Don Sawchuk (guitar). 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover.

The Living Deadbeats, Filthy Senoritas, Herd of Wasters, The Struggle — For excellent metal bands, one great price. Don’t miss it! 9pm, Lepps Metal Bar. Cover $10.

Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests,from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter.

Class Action w/ Misterfire — Playing a blend of third-wave ska with reggae and dub mixed in, Calgary’s Class Action put on a high energy show that’ll make you want to dance. They’ll be accompanied by local reggae/ rock/ska artists Misterfire. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. $5 cover.

Mac Demarco — This singer/songwriter who grew up in Edmonton, but now calls Montreal home, composes magical pop jangles, of which he’ll likely refer to as “jizz jazz.” Also appearing on the bill will be Zombifyus and Caves. 9pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

D J B ig Ay y y & D J

Saturday 28

House DJs — Resident DJs spin deep and soulful tunes all night. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover. Slim Cessna’s Auto Club — Take country music, blues, southern gospel, gothabilly and alt-country, toss it all together and what do you get? The unique and uncompromising sound of Denver’s Slim Cessna’s Auto Club. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets available at the door. Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party along with DJ CTRL every Saturday night. Drinks & appies 4pm, Béily’s UltraLounge. $5 cover after 9pm. Fear of Knowing — These local hard rockers put on a show that captivates


audiences. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. Cover $6.

WE ARE NOT POP — Come out and party with DJs Nick James, US Marshall and Quadrant Khan. 9pm, Divas Club. Cover TBD. Shape of a Fox — This swagger/alt rock quartet from Calgary will get your head bobbing. Come see what they’re all about. Also appearing on the bill will be Ghost of a Ghost and The Rotations. 10pm, The Fez on Broadway. Cover $5. DJ Kade — Saskatoon’s own DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ J-Mats & DJ Sugar Daddy — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. Flying Fox & the Hunter Gatherers — One of Canada’s must-see musical acts, this band from Winnipeg fuses

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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

jazz, folk and musical theatre into an energetic live show that is all-kinds of fantastic. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. Cover $5. DJ Big Ayyy & DJ Henchman — Round up your friends ‘cause there’s no better country rock party around! 8pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. Jon Bailey — This local musician plays folk-rock the way it’s meant to be played. 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter. Savs w/ The Hisses and The Forks — Three terrific bands for one great price, what else are you gonna do with your Saturday night? 9pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

Sunday 29

Saskatoon’s original industry night — Hosted

by DJ Sugar Daddy; this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. Drinks & appies 4pm, Béily’s UltraLounge. $4 cover after 9pm; no cover for industry staff. DJ KADE — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. Into Eternity, Autratic, Putrid Soul, Agony Spawn — Headlined by Regina’s Into Eternity, this is a metal show you won’t want to miss. 9pm, Lepps Metal Bar. Cover $15. SUNDAY JAM — The Vangelis Sunday Jam is an institution, offering great tunes from blues to rock and beyond. 7:30pm, Vangelis Tavern. No cover.

(next week) D’AOUST BROTHERS @ DAKOTA DUNES — Consisting of left-

shows, the brothers have also opened for the likes of The Kentucky Headhunters, Blackhawk, Doc Walker and Charlie Major. These guys know how to put on a show! They’ll be playing Dakota Dunes on August 8th. Tickets TBD. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Monday 30

everything from classic/progressive/psychedelic rock to groove/funk and metal. 9pm, Buds on Broadway. Cover $6.

handed fiddle whiz Ryan, his brother Clayton, Kevin Cockle, Vaughan Poyser and Tom Dutiaume, this band from Norway House is one of the top country/fiddle acts in Manitoba. Along with headlining a truckload of their own

The Seekers — Hailing from Watrous, this four-piece plays


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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12

Laika, Abhorupt, Putrid Soul — Two death metal bands from Winnipeg, one local band playing thrash-inspired death metal, what more could you ask for? 9pm, Lepps Metal Bar. Cover $5. Metal Mondays — If hard, heavy awesomeness is your thing, swing by, listen to some killer music and get in on some concert giveaways. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub.


pearing on Canadian Idol (where she finished third), this singer/songwriter from Mission, B.C., has experienced success after success. Her latest hit, “Call Me Maybe” has won three Much

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Music Video Awards, and cracked the Billboard and Canadian Hot 100. This up-and-coming singer will be opening for Justin Bieber at CUC on October 16th. Tickets $37.50+ (Ticketmaster). -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Tuesday 31

The Seekers — Hailing from Watrous, this four-piece plays everything from classic/progressive/psychedelic rock to groove/funk and metal. 9pm, Buds on Broadway. Cover $6. DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. 9:30pm, The Double Deuce. $4 cover. Anvil AfterParty — Featuring the talented, heavy and always entertaining Magnus Rising. This metal quartet from Vancouver will give you your money’s worth and more. Sometime after the Anvil concert, Lepps Metal Bar. Cover TBD.

VE RB PRESENTS OPEN STAGE — The open stage at Lydia’s has hosted many of Saskatoon’s finest performers, and is a chance for bands, solo artists and even comedians to showcase original material. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. Anvil — Hailing from Toronto, this trio — consisting of Steve “Lips” Kudlow (vocals/ guitar), Robb Reiner (drums) and Sal Italiano (bass) — has opened for the likes of AC/ DC, shared the stage with Slash and rocked festivals from SXSW to Bumbershoot. They’ve also appeared in the acclaimed documentary Anvil: The Story of Anvil. Don’t miss them when they rock Saskatoon. 6:30pm, The Odeon Events Centre. Tickets $20, available at Open Mic — Come out to show your talent. 7pm, The Somewhere Else Pub. No cover.

Wednesday 1

HUMP WEDNESDAYS — Resident DJ Chris Knorr will be spinning all of your favourite songs and requests, every Wednesday night! Doors at 7pm, DJ takes requests at 9pm, 302 Lounge & Discotheque. No cover until 10pm, $3 thereafter.

The Avenue Recording Company presents Open Mic — Hosted by Chad Reynolds. Sign up and play at this weekly event. 10pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. Dr. J ‘Souled Out’ — Dr. J spins hot funk and soul every Wednesday night. Doors 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. WILD WEST WEDNESDAY — This is Saskatoon’s top Industry Night, hosted by DJ Big Ayyy & DJ Henchman. 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $4 cover. No cover for industry staff.

Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover.

Thursday 2

Kay the Aquanaut — With clever lyrics, catchy choruses and a dope delivery, this local hip-hop artist continues to develop into one of the most innovative and intriguing sounds on the contemporary rap scene. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets available at the door. Throwback Thursdays — Come experience the best in retro funk, soul, reggae and rock provided by Dr. J. 8pm, Earls. No cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ JMats — Local DJs J-Mats and Sugar Daddy will be rocking the turntables to get you dancing on the dance floor! Every Thursday night will be filled with passion parties, pole dancing, shadow dancers and much more! 8pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover, free cover with student ID before 11pm. Snaggletooth — Come see Canada’s loudest and most dangerous Motörhead tribute band playing some of your favourites. Also playing will be Dead Past Due. 9pm, Lepps Metal Bar. Cover $10. Johnny Broadway Record Club — Bring your own records or pick some from the in-house selection, play three consecutive songs from either side. You be the DJ. 9pm, Vangelis. No cover. Want your show listed? Email!

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Remember: generally life doesn’t happen in absolutes. Instead most things that happen operate within a distinct shade of gray. Figuring out what lies beyond the grey is up to you.

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Pisces (Feb 20–Mar 20)

Life may toss some expected things your way, dear Virgo, but try to embrace them. Sure, they may not all be great, but some of them will be. So take the good with the bad this week.

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Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22)

Listen up, dear Aquarius: never take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time. Sounds like no-brainer, right? Well, it’s that kind of common sense that you’re going to have to keep in mind this week.

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Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 19)

If you learn only one thing this week, dear Leo, let it be this: “The future belongs to those willing to get their hands dirty.” You have to be willing to work hard. That, and a little luck, is the key to success.

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Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22)

Sometimes life has a way of making us feel small, dear Capricorn, but if you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed in a room with a mosquito. Sometimes all it takes is a little tenacity.

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Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19)

Do you worry much, dear Cancer? If so, you might want to stop. Not only is worrying bad for your health, it’s also utterly useless. All that wasted energy can be put to better use. It’s up to you.

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Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22)

Does it seem like no matter how hard you try, nothing works out? The thing about opportunity is sometimes it just doesn’t come around. Now is the time to make your own opportunities.

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Sagittarius (Nov 23–Dec 21)

Illegitimi non carborundum. Or, in English, “Never let the bastards grind you down.” Not this week, dear Gemini. And believe us, there will be some people out there who will try to hold you back.

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Gemini (May 21–Jun 20)


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Some days, Scorpio, you’re the pigeon. Other days you’re the statue. Whether you’re getting pooped on or soaring to new heights is entirely up to you this week.

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Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22)

This is the week to be pragmatic and think before you act. If you leap into action without stopping to consider the outcome, things may not work out in your favour.

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Taurus (Apr 20–May 20)

Libra, here’s what we want you to do. Instead of staying in, just head outside and see where life takes you. It’s time to smell the flowers and press palms and laugh and meet new people.

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Libra (Sept 23–Oct 23)

Here’s the best advice you’re going to receive all week, dear Aries: stay away from the people who complicate your life. Instead, surround yourself with people who make you laugh and smile and think.

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Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19)

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Jul 27–Aug 2, ‘12 2 4 3 5 1 6 8 9 7

Time Out

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Directions: Fill each box with a digit from 1-9, following these conditions: - Each row must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each column must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once.

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