Verb Issue S182 (March 23-29, 2012)

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Mar 23–29, 2012 • Pass it on

Verb City Eyes New Bridge Structures To Ease Congestion P2

Cat Empire

Australian Rockers Talk Starting Out P13

The Hunger Games Lawrence Superb In Sci-Fi Thriller P15

Panda Poo Tea Indie Five-Piece Redefine Their Sound P11

Beverage Costs $210 Per Cup P7 Photo: courtesy of Justin Broadbent

Section Local Page 2

Mar 23–29, ‘12

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City Eyes Bridges To Ease Traffic Congestion New Structures Are Being Considered As Saskatoon Braces For More Drivers Alex J MacPherson

growth rates at about two and a half percent in Saskatoon, which Saskatoon, SK — City plan- I think are not overly optimistic ners have conceptualized the [but] not totally cautious, either,” future of traffic in the city in the he continues. form of two new bridges north “We just finished approving the of the city. east sector plan for 75,000 more Planners expect that two new people, an additional 40,000 people bridges will be needed to lighten minimum in the north-east secthe traffic load on Circle Drive and tor of the city,” Atchison explains. reduce jams as “ T hat ’s ove r more and more “[I]f [people] are traveling 100,000 people, people flood into east to west to go to work and if a good porthe city’s north … how will we get [them] tion are traveling end. A “commuter east to west to bridge” has been across the river?” go to work in the -Don Atchison north end … how proposed, as well as a separate perimeter highway will we get all these people across bridge further north. the river?” Mayor Don Atchison emphasizes Alan Wallace, the city planning that these plans are conceptual, and and development manager, says estimated costs are a long way off. the bridge is part of a new growth But, he explains, “I truly believe, plan to accommodate 500,000 and I hope the citizens do too, the people, but admits a north bridge need to start putting together long will probably be needed “well berange plans.” fore then.” “Right now we’re anticipating The commuter bridge would

Circle Drive commuter bridge in Saskatoon’s north end have two immediate benefits: it “We’ll eventually tell the other would ease the commute for peo- side of the story, which is to balance ple living in the northeast who work and try and get people out of cars in the northwest, and free up capac- and try to make our transit system ity on Circle Drive. run a little more efficiently,” he says. And while the plans are con“That’s the nice thing about ceptual and virtually no technical this,” Wallace continues. “The seplanning has taken place, possible quence, it’s in the right order: plan bridge locations have been dis- first. Funding will come. We don’t cussed. Wallace says extending ei- need it right away, but we’ll start ther McOrmond Drive or Central looking for it and start to forecast Avenue to connect with Marquis that to our province and our federal Drive on the west side of the river government.” is “a good place to start.” Further down the road is the According to Wallace, there are perimeter highway, which Wallace separate plans in place to address describes as a “provincial megaissues related to traffic overcrowd- project,” similar in scope to the ing and the importance of public original Circle Drive build, which transit. strung dozens of kilometres of road through the city and relocated the

Photo: courtesy of Wendy Cooper

CN yards from downtown. The perimeter highway bridge “would be huge from a commercial and industrial standpoint,” says Keith Moen, executive director of the North Saskatoon Business Association (NSBA). Moen thinks a perimeter highway bridge will not only expedite the trips of vehicles bound for the city’s north end as well as those heading further north, but also ease the burden on the city’s already congested inner roads. Noting that the project is purely conceptual, Moen says the NSBA “is seeing what can be done in terms of innovative thinking [and] trying to be creative.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 23–29, ‘12

Saskatoon Drops In 'Best Place' Listing

City Of Bridges Slips In National Ranking, Though Councillors Voice Skepticism Alex J MacPherson

Burlington, Kingston, Halifax and Regina rounded out the top five. Saskatoon, SK — Saskatoon New Glasgow, Nova Scotia was has fallen fifteen places in Mon- deemed the worst place in Canada eySense magazine’s ranking of to live. the best places to live in Canada, In 2011, Saskatoon was named but a pair of city the fifteenth best councillors are “The best information is place to live in approaching the what I get from [people] Canada; this year figures with cau- that live [here]…” the City of Bridgtion. es fell to number -Myles Heidt thirty. Each year MoneySense ranks Canadian cit“Most notably, western cities like ies in twenty-two categories, with Regina and Red Deer pole-vaulted Ottawa-Gatineau topping the list up the list, fuelled by economic for the second year running, while growth—a trend that impacted Saskatchewan and Alberta cities generally,” MoneySense reports.

Councillor Darren Hill says he didn’t put too much stock into the ratings last year and he’s not putting too much into it this year. “They’ve created their metrics to determine how they’re going to evaluate each city without actually looking at some of the surveys that have been generated within those municipalities directly from … the citizens,” he says. “That’s where the true measure is: what comes from the citizens.” “If they were using the same metrics as they used in previous years, I don’t think that we really can question the evaluation and the rating that they gave us, because …

Photo: courtesy of GM_PentaxFan

we didn’t question the rating last year at fifteenth," Hill continues. "If these were the exact same metrics, why do we question them now?” City councillor Myles Heidt agrees. “I don’t put anything into it," he states. "The best information is what I get from [people] that live in the community, and when I hear from people that move here from other parts of the country and the world that this is the best place they’d ever lived … those are the things that I [believe].” MoneySense assembles its ranking by dealing out points in 22 datadriven categories. One hundred and five points are up for grabs, with each category weighted based on its relative importance. Employment statistics, for example, are worth a maximum of ten points, crime and transit five each, and sales taxes a single point. Other categories include population growth (10 points), housing (15 points), weather (18 points split between precipitation, number of wet days, and days below 0°), and

unemployment (10 points). Five bonus points are handed out based on the number of people employed in the arts, sport, culture and recreation. “[T]he top-rated cities aren’t perfect or even close to it in any category,” MoneySense reports. “They are, however, above average in most categories, resulting in an overall high standard of living.” One point of contention has been MoneySense’s growth statistic. According to the magazine, “in the category of population growth, an annual rate of 7.9 percent was considered ideal. Anything below or above that rate loses points, and cities with a population loss got zero.” Saskatoon grew by 11.4 percent between 2006 and 2011, which dropped the city to 75th overall in the population category. Heidt says this approach “defies logic.” “Every city has its strengths and weaknesses,” he continues. “Cities are made up of people, and that’s what I look at.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 23–29, ‘12

Daydreamers Mentally Manage More Information Adam Hawboldt

MADISON, WI — Absent-minded kids are more able to mentally manipulate a lot of information at a single given time, new research has revealed. University of Wisconsin-Madison

scientists found that easily distracted people have more “working memory,” and thus sharper brains. “What this … suggest[s] is that … people who have additional working memory resources deploy them to think about things other than what they’re doing,” says Dr

Jonathan Smallwood, of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science. Volunteers had their brain activity measured while performing a simple task, after which they were tested on their recall ability. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Facebook Vanity

More ‘Friends’ Ups Narcissism Adam Hawboldt

Macomb, Il — The number of Facebook friends a person has is directly linked to how narcissistic he or she may be, according to new research. “If Facebook is to be a place where people go to repair their damaged ego and seek social support, it is vitally important to discover the potentially negative communication one might find on Facebook and the kinds of people likely to engage in them,” lead researcher Christopher J. Carpenter says in his study. Researchers at Western Illinois likely to take offence to derogatory University surcomments made veyed 294 stu- “[T]he ‘dark side’ of about them. dents between Facebook requires more “In general, the the ages 18–65 research…” ‘dark side’ of Facewho were acbook requires -Christopher Carpenter more research in tive in this form of social media, and found that order to … understand Facebook’s those who were most narcissistic socially beneficial and harmful astagged themselves in pictures and pects,” says Carpenter. posts more often and were most Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Bears’ Power May Heal Humans Adam Hawboldt

Minneapolis, MN — Black bears are amazingly able to heal serious wounds while hibernating, researchers have found, which could have exciting implications for human medicine. U.S. medical researchers found that when black bears hibernate, their wounds heal with almost no scarring or infection whatsoever, despite their hibernation-induced lowered heart rates. xThe team released their findings after chasing

and monitoring 1,000 black bears in Minnesota for 25 years. “It seems so surprising to us that their wounds would heal so well and so completely when they’re hibernating and their metabolism is slowed down,” researcher David Garshelis, of the University of Minnesota, tells BBC Nature. The scientists hope that their findings could help improve human medicine, particularly around care for slow-healing and infectionprone wounds. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance robo-jellyfish — The world’s first robot jellyfish is being developed by U.S. Navy-backed research, which mimics the actions of real jellyfish and uses the limitless energy of sea water to power

its movements. “To our knowledge this is the first successful powering of an underwater robot,” says Yonas Tadesse, a Virginia Tech mechanical engineer. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 23–29, ‘12

Offbeat At A Glance anti-jogging cat — 19-year-old

Panda Poo Tea Unveiled Beverage Fetches Steep Price At $210 Per Cup Adam Hawboldt

Sichuan, china — A Chinese entrepreneur has created the most expensive tea in the world — made partially with panda poop. An Yanshi is the mastermind behind this new concoction. The tea leaves, which are grown in the

mountains of Ya’an in the Sichuan province, are fertilized with tons of panda dung, and the beverage costs about $210 per cup. “[The pandas] are like a machine that is churning out organic fertilizer,” says Yanshi. “They keep eating and they keep producing feces,” Yanshi continues. The first 50-gram lots of this

panda poo tea hit the market at around $3,500. A portion of the profits will to an environmental fund and Yansi has assured Reuters that the price will drop. “I thank heaven and earth for blessing us with this environmental panda tea,” he muses. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

101-Year-Old Paraglides, Lands ‘Oldest’ Record Adam Hawboldt

Salt Lake City, UT — You’re never too old to try something new — just ask Mary Hardison. The 101-year-old Utah woman celebrated her birthday with a tandem paraglide ride. And, by doing so, entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the “Oldest Female to Paraglide

Tandem.” And while the instructor even went so far as including a few tricks in the flight, Hardison was never afraid. After it was over, when asked by Guinness if she was nervous about the adventure, Hardison told them not at all, a lot of other people have done gone paragliding before her. “If it’s safe for them, then it’s safe

for me,” she tells KSDK. When it comes to daring feats, for Hardison fear rarely enters the equation. To celebrate her 90 th birthday, she went to Disneyland and rode all the adult rides — hoops and loops and vertical drops be damned. “My desire is for the elderly to keep on going,” she says. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Rejected Male Flies Drink Booze To Cope: Study Adam Hawboldt

San Fransisco, CA — As it turns out, people aren’t the only ones who crave booze in times of trouble and rejection. University of California, San Francisco researches have suggested

“[S]exually frustrated male fruit flies tend to drink more alcohol…”

-Adam Hawboldt that sexually frustrated male fruit flies tend to drink more alcohol than those who have mated. Male flies were placed with five virgin females that were open to their sexual advances; in another box, males were locked in with females who had already mated and rejected their advances. Afterwards the male flies were offered their normal food or a version infused with 15 percent alcohol. The result? The mated males avoided the alcohol-laced food; the rejected ones went on a bender . According

to researchers, alcohol stimulates flies’ brains as a reward similar to that from from sexual conquest. “It is thought that reward

systems evolved to reinforce behaviours that are important,” Dr Shohat-Ophir told BBC News. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Seth Franco has been ticketed after he brought his cat to a popular jogging trail at Waneka Lake Park to take it for a run. Naturally, the darn thing refused. Witnesses remarked that the feline couldn’t — or wouldn’t — keep

up, so Franco simply strapped the cat’s leash to a rock and proceeded to finish his jog, according to the Boulder Daily Camera. The animal was uninjured, and has since been released back to its owner, who should realize cats aren’t dogs. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 23–29, ‘12

Tasty and nutritious, cod is a healthy addition to any diet.

Cod produce a form of ■natural anti-freeze that allows them to cruise the icy northern oceans

Cod are omnivores: they ■swim with their mouths open and eat anything that fits, including young cod, molluscs, crabs, worms and squid

Cod have been around for ■about 120 million years Cod that manage to live ■longer than a year have no

real predators — other than humans

A 180g fillet of Atlantic cod ■contains less than 200 calories

Winston’s: Charming English Pub

Photos: Courtesy of Adam Hawboldt

21st Street Eatery Offers Classic Fare, Great Beer, Cozy Ambience Adam Hawboldt

It’s just after lunch time and the crowd at Winston’ English Pub has thinned out following a bustling midday rush. This cozy little pub is rustic and classic and looks exactly how a good English pub should look, down to the quintessential red phone booth. The décor includes wooden wainscoting running along the walls, wooden tables and wooden chairs — even the beer signs are made of

wood. And with all this warmth and and I do have work this afternoon, comfortableness, Winston’s is great so my guest and I settle in to try for an intimate evening for two or a some of the food. crowd of friends getting together Taking a seat, we’re greeted by for a fun night. an affable waitI’ve been to “Crispy on the outside, ress who tells Winston’s before moist on the inside … the us not to worry, — okay, I’ve put fish was excellent…” that the manager in my fair share of has taken care of -Adam Hawboldt everything and time here — and one thing I love about the place, our food is on the way. This, may along with the atmosphere, is the I add, is one of the perks of writextensive imported beer selection ing about the restaurants we have the offer. But this isn’t a social call in and around Saskatoon: having

surprise meals planned for you. I started off with the Newcastle Battered Fish and Chips. Fish and chips are a staple at many a pub over the pond, and these — Alaskan cod battered in Winston’s signature Newcastle beer batter — instantly transported me to jolly ol’ England. Crispy on the outside, moist on the inside, and pretty damn good all the way through, the fish was excellent — not too battered or heavy, but a warm and hearty meal perfect for a cold day. Served with a side of piping hot sea-salted fries, this was definitely a hit. After the fish we sank our teeth into the Oxford Burger — served on a rustic bun, this dense and delectable burger was piled high with tomato, bacon, aged cheddar and a house spread. Simple and to the point, you can’t go wrong with this burger. Next up was the Trafalgar Turkey Sandwich, which had an exquisitely smoky taste thanks to the heaping honey black forest ham and bacon. This was complimented by the peppercorn aioli, which added just the right amount of zip. Finally, we tackled — or at least tried to tackle — the Appetizer Platter for Four. Served with chicken wings, short ribs, nachos and sweet potato fries, this dish was herculean in both size and taste. This platter was excellent; with the varied items it offered a little something for everyone, and the portion sizes ensure you won’t leave hungry. Whether you’re after a meal, a quick drink or some combo of the two, Winston’s offers you the classic pub experience in a relaxed atmosphere. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Winston’s Pub

Address: 243 21 Street East Hours: Monday-Saturday: 10:00 AM —

2:00 AM, Sunday: noon — 1:00 AM Reservations: (306) 244-6141


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Mar 23–29, ‘12

Canada Should Cut Its Ties To The Queen We Believe Having A Canadian Serve As Head Of Our Country Just Makes Sense The Editors of Verb

paying $1.32 per capita, it seems a bit suspect. But added together, Saskatoon, SK — This sum- maintaining our ties to the Queen mer, Queen Elizabeth II will cele- comes with a price tag of around brate her Diamond Jubilee, mark- $40 to $50 million per year, which ing 60 years on the throne. And is a heck of a lot more. we think that, when the Queen And while the Queen is costing has finished fulfilling her royal us in actual dollars and cents, she is duty, it’s high time for Canada also costing us in our quest to move to cut our ties to the monarchy. forward and become an indepenThe monarchy is an outdated dent country. While Elizabeth II may relic of days gone by, a sentimental be meaningful to many Canadians, glimmer of our past that we feel has they are primarily an older segment no place in Canof the population ada’s present or “[T]he majority of us have who associate the future, if Canada little to no interest in the royal with an age is to come into her Queen…” that has already own as a country. -Verb’s Editors passed by. Technically, the So do we even Queen is Canada’s head of state, not want the Queen around? For the Stephen Harper or any other Prime most part, polls reflecting CanaMinister, and her representative in dians’ attitudes towards the monCanada is our governor general. archy reveal that the majority of Now the Queen of course is not us have little to no interest in the a tyrant, but she is the head of an Queen and what she represents. undemocratic institution, one that Any strong opinions about the relies on, and is supported heav- monarchy, either for or against, are ily by, enormous sums of public money. According to the Toronto Star and QMI Agency, in 2010 Canadians shelled out an additional $1.1 million dollars for Ottawa’s Canada Day party to mark the Queen’s visit to the capital. The entire tour cost Canadian taxpayers $2.8 million. But aside from special occasions, maintaining our ties to the Queen and her royal entourage still costs us. According to Maclean’s, in 2009 Canadians shelled out $1.53 per capita each year, which goes towards supporting the Queen in the performance of her duties when in Canada or when she is acting as Queen of Canada abroad, or towards the costs associated with the governor general and ten lieutenant governors, including travel, security, residences and ceremonies. Now, $1.53 might not sound like much, though when you consider that Brits themselves were only

in the minority. However, a 2010 Angus Reid poll found that 69 percent of Canadians would like to cut ties to the monarchy, and see a Canadian serving as Canada’s head of state, rather than the Queen. The same poll discovered that three in ten Canadians believed that after Queen Elizabeth II dies, we should sever our ties to the monarchy. Of course, dissolving our royal relationship will not be an easy process, and would require a serious constitutional amendment. Canadians could either choose a popularly elected official, or else leave the decision up to Parliament. Or, if we’re not ready to fully break up with the Queen, we could elect our governor general, declare that person our head of state, and stay in the Commonwealth without utterly severing our ties to the

monarchy. Perhaps the Irish model is one most worth examining: they elect their presidents, who serve almost directly the same function as our governor generals, but with popular support because they have been chosen by the people. It is worth noting that there has never been a struggle between the offices of president and prime minister. Growing pains can by difficult,

but continuing our relationship with the Queen doesn’t make sense. And while we understand that, given the Constitutional roadblock it’s likely not to happen, we still should consider moving on. It’s not you, Elizabeth, it’s us. And we believe that having an actual Canadian serve as the head of our country — rather than the Queen — just makes sense. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 23–29, ‘12

Draggins Car Show Celebrates 52 Years Annual Event Offers Vast Array Of Tuned Up, Tricked Out, Customized Autos Alex J macPherson

blowing through the crankcase and destroying the engine. Saskatoon, SK — Almost evTime has not diminished the erybody knows what a hot rod quest for power: modern cars may is; few people know where the be safe and reliable, but a passion term itself comes from. for customizing older vehicles conThe term refers to a modified V8 tinues to fuel one of the biggest auengine, the heart tomotive shows of American car “[A] lot of people … see — the Draggins manufacturing. this as their particular art Rod and Custom Car enthusiasts form.” Car Show — in began modifySaskatchewan. -Bruno Konecsni ing these as soon “People do it as they became available, trying for myriad reasons,” says Bruno to squeeze every last horsepower Konecsni, president of the Dragfrom the big steel blocks. Eventu- gins Rod and Custom Car Club. ally, the engines became so pow“In my experience I meet a lot erful that the rods started to fail, of people who see this as their

particular art form. Others like it because it is something they can do with their hands — take an assortment of pieces of steel and glass and rubber and turn it into a vehicle that moves on its own.” There is no question that the passion car enthusiasts have for their vehicles has inspired, and will continue to inspire, builders across the continent. “In 1957 seven car enthusiasts decided they would travel to Edmonton to see a car show,” Konecsni explains. “When they got back they decided to do something like that locally to promote the sport, and in particular doing it safely, to improve the image of people who enjoy working on cars, and have in the community a good or maybe even unique opportunity for families to have fun.” The Draggins Rod and Custom Car Show was founded in 1961; thirty-eight cars were entered.

Photo: courtesy of Jordon Cooper

Fifty years later the show has grown to include more than 250 vehicles, all of them distinct individuals. “What is a custom car?” muses Konecsni. “In the eyes of the judges it is a vehicle that has been finished to a level of detail that would suggest this is not just an everyday driver. It is a splendid example of that particular vehicle as a restoration, a

custom or as a hot rod.” These are the three main categories of custom cars: any vintage vehicle that has been restored to new (or better than new) condition is a restoration, and hot rods are cars made before 1948 that have been restored and modified for show and speed. Anything newer is a custom. It seems arbitrary, but “1948 is an established social convention,” Konecsni laughs. “It’s not necessarily the most unique or the most rare vehicle that captures the imagination of a lot of builders,” he explains, adding that the most sought after vehicles come from one of three golden periods in American car manufacturing — the ‘30s, the ‘50s and the late 1960s. This is why Model T Fords and 1957 Ford Thunderbirds are still in demand — and probably will be for decades to come. Konecsni expects that about 250 car owners from across Canada and the United States will bring their vehicles to the show. Muscle cars from the ‘60s and early 1970s are heavily represented, but the show will feature some vehicles almost a century old. And, says Konecsni, “colour, shape, and design — you don’t have to know much about cars to appreciate [the show.]” “The public gets to see wonderful creations they can identify with; we get a chance to use our hobby and our interests to support a worthwhile community activity,” says Konecsni. The Show, which since its inception has raised more than $1.5 million for the Saskatchewan Abilities Council and Camp Easter Seal, runs April 6 and 7 at Prairieland Park. See php?page=2012-car-show for more information. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Arts One

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Mar 23–29, ‘12

The Wooden Sky On Pushing Boundaries Photos: courtesy of Kim.Jay Photography, Forget The Box and the artist

Innovative Canadian Indie Rockers Open Up About Redefining Their Sound Meagen Thomas

as it is ageless. Helping them push the envelope further and further is Saskatoon, SK — On a most their two-time producer Howard travel days, Gavin Gardiner, lead Bilerman, who has also produced singer of Toronto-based rock Arcade Fire. band The Wooden Sky, reads The group’s commitment to conto kill time. What Gardiner was sistent reexamination and reinterreading on February 29th, 2012 as pretation started with their 2009 the five-piece band crossed the Bilerman-produced breakthrough Confederation Bridge bound for second LP, If I Don’t Come Home a pair of gigs in Charlottetown, You’ll Know I’m Gone. had the entire “Howard calls group smiling. “By constantly working himself a musi“The mood is and creating, we get cal midwife; it’s very good. It’s in- better and better.” our baby and he teresting to read brings it to the -Gavin Gardiner world but he’s aland reflect on someone else’s opinion of some- ways there when we need a push or thing you’ve poured yourself into,” a critical ear,” Gardiner says. “Every says Gardiner. time we go through the process we What they’d poured themselves learn more. By constantly working into was their third LP, Every Child a and creating, we get better and Daughter, Every Moon a Sun, which better.” had been released the day before, They’re also innovators when it a testament to how these Canadian comes to promoting and supportindie rockers had grown — both ing their music. physically and figuratively. Two years ago, they released A Spanning three records, several Documentary In Pieces, a 10-part EPs, countless well-received tours video series featuring live perforand dozens of collaborators, the mances of songs from If I Don’t group’s development over the past Come Home You’ll Know I’m Gone. decade can be used as a measuring To complement the release of stick in the Southern Ontario music Every Child a Daughter, Every Moon scene they’ve helped to curate and a Sun the band is once again taking sustain. an idea and turning it on its head. Tireless innovators, The Wooden Although the five-part series Sky have consistently found new is linked together with a narrative wrinkles within a genre as broad thread, they flipped the script,

dramatically changing their cinematic approach. The live performances are the centerpiece while the narrative is the backdrop, rather than the other way around. ‘We wanted to make the promotional material in a creative way and we wanted to recreate the live experience,” explains Gardiner. “And we had access, through Simon’s dad, to this beautiful church too.”

Wrangling the location and namesake of the series, Grace on The Hill Church in Forest Hills, proved the easiest part of the production. “It wasn’t without its hiccups. We got there at 7 PM, started the smoke machine at 8, and shortly were visited by the fire department because we’d set off the smoke alarms,” recalls Gardiner. “Later, a neighbor complained about the

noise. We were there until 7 AM the next day; it was an intensely long day but that played into the narrative.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info

Wooden Sky

Where: Amigos Cantina When: Mar 30, 10pm Cost: $12.00 (

ArtsSect &C

Satirical Play Champ De Mars Examines Our Battles With War Meagen Thomas

wounded in her own way. In the company of Rachel and Saskatoon, SK — Eric, a young others who are waging their own Canadian soldier who has just re- emotionally fraught personal turned from serbattles, Eric is vice in Afghani- “I loved that [this play] surrounded but stan, is suffering was … done with so much very much alone. post-traumatic humour…” Tr a n s l a t e d stress syndrome. from Quebec -Paula Wing p l a y w r i g h t Unable to adjust to normal life, he turns towards Pierre-Michel Tremblay’s criticallyRachel, a psychiatrist who is also acclaimed Au Champ de Mars by

award-winning dramaturge and playwright Paula Wing, Champ de Mars: A Story of War is a compelling journey of four people whose lives were forever altered by the war in Afghanistan. “I have the impression that, when we talk about war, right away we say ‘we are for/we are against,’ then we don’t take it any further,” the playwright said prior to the play’s opening at Montreal’s Imago Théâtre. “When a 22-year-old comes back from war and his life is broken by this, I think that we need to have a humanist point of view on war. So I told myself that I have enough emotion, feeling and questions to begin a piece that would talk about war.” Wing has written/adapted more than thirty plays for theatres across Canada and in the United States, for both young and more seasoned audiences. “I loved that [this play] was about Afghanistan and soldiers and the difficulty of returning to Canada but the fact that it’s done with so much humour, you’re laughing all through the play,” Wing said prior to the Imago premier. “I couldn’t wait to translate that.” Champ de Mars is a satirical comedy about personal battles, survival and the search for meaning in a

Photo: courtesy of Tristan Brand & Imago Théâtre

confused and confusing world. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info

Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers Where: Lydia’s Pub When: Mar 31 Cost: $5 at the door

Champ du Mars: A Story of War Where: Remai Arts Centre When: Now ‘til Apr 1 Cost: $20+ (384-7727)

Cat Empire

Where: Louis Pub When: Apr 5 Cost: $29.25 (Ticketmaster)

Want some coverage for your upcoming event? Email ASAP!

Five Qs W

Winnipeg Six-Pie Alex J MacPherson

Winnipeg’s Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers’ latest record, Hans my Lion, is an adventurous album filled with a healthy dose of oddball instruments (beer bottles and trash cans). Verb caught up with Lindsey Collins and Jesse Krause to chat about whimsy and why music from Winnipeg is so good. Alex J MacPherson: Where does the whimsy in your sound come from? Lindsey Collins: I think that is definitely a pretty heavy influence from Jesse in terms of his creative spirit. I “Self obsessio always feel a childlike end up with s sense of wonder to it. that sounds … Whimsical may not be the right word, though; he’s really interested in things like nature documentaries, and is all about experimentation and invention. Jesse described … making children’s music for adults … I think that’s what resonates with some people — the feeling that they’re seeing something new. AJM: Jesse, tell me a little bit about your creative process. Jesse Krause: I remain pretty secluded from the outside world, live the life of a recluse and a hermit. Self obsession is how we end up with something that sounds as unique as it does [laughs]. It fluctuates all over the place. It takes me a really long time to write a song. I’ve never been the type of writer who can just sit down and finish a song in an afternoon. I’ll

Culture tion Pages PH, PH PH PH–PH, ‘PH

Pages 12, 13 Pages 10, Mar 23–29, ‘1211

Meagen Thomas

With Flying Fox

Photo: courtesy of the artist

ece On Whimsy, Feeling Like A Kid

take it to the point that it’s ready to start working on with the band, and that’s a whole other level of letting go, surrendering this thing that I’ve been stressing over so much. Once they take ownership of it and play the songs as a band … it’s definitely very gratifying. AJM: Tell me about arranging these songs. LC: [Jesse] has written the majority of our stuff. The keyboard player has written one song, but [Jesse] is the main creative force. He writes, has the chord progression and maybe some on is how we melodic ideas for the horn players. We sit something and arrange … unique…” down things as a group … -Jesse Krause We’ve got to make sure we’re not stepping on each other — lots of paying attention to what gets in the way, it’s definitely something we’re always working on. AJM: Would you say your music rewards the listener over many plays? LC: I feel like the layers and complexity take a little longer to get into but you can have more of a journey with one song over the course of twenty or thirty listens. With some of my favourite bands I’ll listen to an album thirty times and love it every time. But with six people the amount of stuff that’s going on — we’re definitely careful and had to simplify things in some spots. AJM: Where did the band name come

Australian Rockers Cat Empire On Starting Out

from? JK: It’s an arbitrarily chosen name. We did not keep meaning to hang on to it for so long. When we were first starting out we changed band names for every gig, I guess. Then Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers is what we were calling ourselves at our first big public show. It has defined us for a little bit. Flying Fox is a pretty flamboyant idea, bit it’s also pretty nerdy. I’ve only ever thought of it as the bat … but that’s not usually what comes to mind for people in the first place. They think of something that looks like Star Fox from the Nintendo series … I like that. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

vision and a little bit of luck can go a long way. Saskatoon, SK — Like any pre“I remember being 18 and livcocious 10-year-old, all Cat Empire ing above a pub playing whatever wants to go is go outside and play. shows I could get as a contract muDubbed Australia’s hardest sician, and a year later we played 18 working band, Cat Empire are nights straights at the Edinburgh undertaking a world and North Festival, then for the next 6 years American tour we were either to celebrate the “We feel incredibly touring or recordmilestone. grateful to the fans who ing,” Reibl recalls. “We feel in- supported us…” “I love being on credibly grateful stage because I’m -Felix Riebl chasing this moto the fans who supported us in the early days, and ment where you can be yourself have continued to support us as our in a room full of people on a stage career gained momentum,” states full of chaotic musicians. That’s singer Felix Riebl. pretty much the pinnacle; being A household name in Australia, surrounded by chaos and having Cat Empire’s funky mix of genres a moment of peace.” including reggae, jazz, pop, hip While the band is fairly mahop and rock physically preceded ture by industry standards, the their first Canadian tour by a few months, thanks to a few keen fans with a penchant for bootlegged downloads and CDs. “I believe that someone at our show in Adelaide brought a copy of the CD to Montreal and, a year later, we played a concert there [and] everyone knew the words to every song,” Reibl laughs. The band’s 10 year anniversary is a rare success story, which shows that a combination of hard work, great songs, a good vibe, a genuine

Photo: courtesy of the artist

membership of the six-piece ensemble are relatively young; not one of them is over 30. “Yeah, I did sort of lose my twenties to band life,” Riebl admits. “Being in a band warps who you are … but it also gives you something quite special so I’ll take what I’ve got, thanks.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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MarPH 23–29, PH–PH, ‘12‘PH

Dramatic Film Albert Nobbs Compelling Character Nuances Portrayed Perfectly In Touching Look At Identity, Love Albert Nobbs

Runtime: 113 Minutes Rated: PG Adam Hawboldt Drama film Albert Nobbs is being screened at Roxy Theatre Glenn Close has spent quite some time trying to get a film version of Albert Nobbs, which is based on a novella by Irish novelist George Moore, made for the big screen. Way back in 1982, about a half a

decade before Close’s star-making understand what you’re getting roles in Fatal Attraction or Danger- into with this flick. ous Liaisons, the esteemed actress See, if you like movies with, say, won an Obie for her role in the intriguing and coherent plots, then stage version of the story. Since you might want to skip this one. then, she’s had a But, on the other lingering urge to “Close is luminous in the hand, if you really break Nobbs into role, bringing a certain dig movies that Hollywood. are deep characsweet and vulnerable Earlier this ter studies, then year, Close finally fragility to Albert.” this is a film you’d -Adam Hawboldt love, b e cause got her wish. Too bad the finished product isn’t ex- from top to bottom, Albert Nobbs actly worth the 30-year wait. is nothing if not a fascinating look Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that at a complex, perplexed and interAlbert Nobbs is a bad film, because esting character. it’s not. It’s just that you have to Set in 19th-century Ireland, the movie tells the story of Nobbs (Close), a sad little fellow who really isn’t a fellow at all. Nope, Albert is actually a woman who is forced to conceal her gender and identity in order to avoid prostitution, exploitation and, ultimately, the poor house. But conceal it Albert does, and in the process manages to hold on to his (a pronoun I’ll employ to keep things more straightforward) job as a butler at a fancy hotel in Dublin. Part of his ability to hold down

Photo: courtesy of Roadside Attractions

this gig lays in the fact that Albert has perfected the art of seeming invisible.

Unlike a lot of other, more boisterous employees at the hotel, Albert never draws attention to himself (partly because it’s his job, partly to keep himself safe) and seems to blend into the place like a piece of furniture. But then Albert meets Hubert Page (Janet McTeer), a house painter who is also a woman dressed as a man. Not only is he a she, Hubert also has a wife and owns his own business. With this fateful revelation, the closeness and carefully scripted nature of Albert’s world explodes with possibilities. Close is luminous in the role, bringing a certain sweet and vulnerable fragility to Albert. She plays the character perfectly, and was certainly deserving of her Oscar nomination. With Close driving the picture, the film manages to be touching but not maudlin, smart but not pretentious. And through the entire thing, Close let’s Albert’s little surprises about life’s possibilities be both tragic and comic all at once. There are certain plot points that don’t appear overly natural, and some questions about the delicacy of posing as a man go unanswered, but nevertheless Albert Nobbs is a thoroughly engrossing film, and Close, in the lead role, hovers very near to acting perfection. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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MarPH 23–29, PH–PH, ‘12‘PH

Hunger Games Leaves You Wanting More

Photo: courtesy of Lionsgate

Jennifer Lawrence Superb In Fast-Paced Adaptation Of Sci-Fi Action Thriller The Hunger Games

Runtime: 142 Minutes Rated: PG Adam Hawboldt If you think the sci-fi action flick The Hunger Games is the second coming of Twilight, think again. Sure, both are based on bestselling teen novels, and sure, both cast incredibly attractive young thespians as leads. And sure, both involve teenage heroines journeying deep into forests at dusk. But that’s where the similarities end. See, whereas Twilight has Bella Swan wandering around, brooding, flanked by hunky werewolves and to-die-for vampires, Hunger Games has Katniss Everdeen — kicking ass and taking names.

Played by the sultry, Oscar-nomAnd that’s where the lovely, inated starlet Jennifer Lawrence blood-smeared Katniss comes back (Winter’s Bone), Katniss is everything into the fray. a sci-fi, epic heroine should be — On the day of the Reaping (when capable, emotional, human and contestants are selected to parharder than a coffin nail. ticipate in the Games), Katniss — a Based on Suhunter from Diszanne Collins’ “[W]hen Katniss is on the trict 12 — hears novel of the same screen you [can’t] take her younger sisname, The Hunger your eyes off of her.” ter Prim’s name Games is set in a called. Katniss -Adam Haawboldt ain’t having it. futuristic dystopia called Panem. Located in what is She steps forward and demands currently North America, Panem is to fight in her sister’s place. Kata nation fractured into two distinct niss is granted her wish and, well, groups: the wealthy (who live in if you’ve read the book you know The Capitol) and the poor (who are what happens. If you haven’t, I don’t spread out into 12 districts.) want to spoil anything for you. But Every year the good folk of The I will tell you this: when Katniss is Capitol look deep into their hearts, on the screen you won’t be able locate a speck of decency and to take your eyes off of her. It’s as goodness, and then use it to force simple as that. children from the 12 Districts, who I can also tell you that the rest are chosen by lottery, to compete in of the cast — which includes the The Hunger Games — a no-holds- likes of Stanley Tucci, Wes Bentley, barred battle to the death that Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks serves as a yearly reminder to the and Liam Hemworth — is excellent. Districts of the Capitol’s authority. Oh, and speaking of excellent,

that’s exactly what this movie is — the cinematography is mostly superb, the narrative is pulsing and unstoppable, carrying you along effortlessly as Katniss preps for the Games. Directed by Gary Ross (Big, Pleasantville), The Hunger Games is a rare creature: a big, eff-off Hollywood action blockbuster that is intelligent and streamlined. Is it perfect … no. At times the shaky-cam sequences can be a little

disorienting, and the ending, hindered by the imminent demands of franchise film production, leaves a lot to be desired, rather than a cliffhanger that still presents the audience with a sense of closure. But still, any way you want to slice the teen-novel-turned-film pie, The Hunger Games is better than Twilight. Miles better. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 23–29, ‘12

This Week: Mandatory Sentencing

Last week we asked what you thought about getting rid of mandatory minimum sentencing, and here’s what you had to say. Next week’s topic: see page 9 — do you think we should abolish

On Topic Criminal must be punished & innocent must not get harrashed. MMS don’t reduce crime,Delayed justice is considered to be no justice. People with criminal mind hard to change. Law & order is always first. -Hem Raj MMS good intentioned but doesn’t really make sense the justice system needs to start advocating more for the victims. Compassion is important to include when dealing with all segments of the population. Mandatory sentences keep judges from

our ties to the Queen and the monarchy? Text FEEDBACK and your thoughts about the topic (or anything else) to 306–881-VERB (8372) and you could see your text printed in next week’s issue! locking people up forever for minor crimes, while at the same time ensuring 25 year sentences without parole for murdering monsters. Mandatory Sentences worked to lock away for life the monster who murdered my grandparent - society is safer as a result… so all you would-be murderers take note! 25 years! Why would you get rid of MMS if someone commits a crime then they should know the’re going to get punished! Punishing criminals with a blanket punishment without considering the

various details of every case is stupid. I understand why they might want to but if it doesn’t stop crime or slow down criminals then why keep it around? Yeah, the US most definately doesn’t have a prison system we want to be emulating. It’s overcrowded, and the story of Smickle really shows why MMS is stupid. Punitive prison never rehabilitates people. It only hardens them indoctrinates them into the criminal life. All of course costing more to the public purse! I’m pretty sure U.S. jails are crowded because of their easy access to guns not Mandatory sentencing. Lol smickle just wanted a cool FB profile pic and this happens :D Re: Canada should end MMS. The reason that US prisons are full is because guns are more plentiful there. I don’t know much about mandetory sentences but Wild Cuisine caters prison release parties!!!

Off Topic Re: “LSD Could Cure Alcoholics,” Global page, March 16th issue

If LSD Could Cure Alcoholics then what’s going to cure them after when they are addicted to LSD? My brother was addicted to these hallucinogenic drugs and he isn’t himself now a days and I wouldn’t want to recommend this option to anyone! Re: “LSD Could Cure Alcoholics,” Global page, March 16th issue

Using acid to cure alcoholism im not sure but i believe the reason im an alcoholic is because of some of the things i saw whilst trippin Re: “Yukon Blonde Hits All The Right Notes,” Arts One, March 16th issue

YUKON BLONDE!!! Come on out and support your local music scene while hearing great tunes! Re: “Lingerie Football Coming To Saskatoon,” Local page, March 2nd issue

I think it’s sad that women have to dress in their underwear to get attention or recognition as athletes. One player from Florida has an interesting interview/ perspective on cbc interview can find it on line. Check it out Re: “Saskatoon’s Adult Services Face Regulation,” Local page, March 9th issue

I’m a little worried that regulating the sex trade, while the intent is kind, might push those girls who are younger further and further away from any

social programs or support systems that might be able to help them. Just a thought... I can’t believe that former hockey coach Graham James only got 2 years in jail for sexually assaulting 2 former players! That’s basically a slap on the wrist considering he’s a repeat offender. It’s way too lenient and isn’t gonna deter other sex predators from doing it. Saskatoon city need to post more speed limit sign on road. Its been confusing & hardly visible those existing post. City needs to look on bumpy road too. Most of the place don’t hv signs. Street & road names signs must be displayed in big boards b4 merging it- Hem Raj Pandey you’re not allowed to pass a school bus when its RED lamps are flashing. you CAN when the yellow 4 ways are on! gawd people most of u drive like maniacs but then you wont read the signs and you slow down traffic for no reason! So I was going to the washroom and sneezed while I while I was on the toilet. Then I noticed I sneezed into my underwear. why are mal’e strippers allowed with females and booze but not female strippers Upon beginning university, a student is faced with many challenges. One of those challenges is learning to look both ways before crossing

Texts the street. Failure to do so could lead to a dead end. If you ever “accidentally” “camped out” for the night in an urban setting thats DOWNtown! You know you’re DOWNtown when the fixed income elders clean out all the stuff on sale long before you get to it! Some of you other readers must get the DOWNtown thing by now. Please feel free to add your own! Get DOWNtown mofos! Thats DOWNtown! When you’re alone and drugs are making you crazy you can always get DOWNtown! Yeah you kinda had to expect the Nancy Sinatra somewhere along the way. :) You guys need a classified section . Possibly for artists / musicians at least . That’s my opinion :)) When it comes to animals herbivores generally taste better than omnivores or carnivores. I bet Vegans taste better than the rest of us! Mmm Tasty little Vegans! What is worse ipod in car while driving getting blown byh hooker or txting olr talking while operating a car Shrodinger’s Cat knows String Theory! Meow! I think it should have

Page 17

Mar 23–29, ‘12

been Shroedinger’s Cat sorry for the typo.

and heading into the playoffs strong!

Try this for fun: go to a parking lot and put sticky notes on people’s cars saying “sorry for the damage.” watching them is

Happy Saint Patty’s! Eat drink or smoke something green until you turn green!

Someone should throw Queen Lizzie a bloody good Royal Jubilee shagging for dedicated service. A hearty “Thanks Mum!” The honour and duty falls to David Cameron

James only gets two years is an insult to every person who ever suffered abuse at the hands of someone they trusted. Actually, it’s an insult, period. People should be standing up to this and saying it’s not okay!

Happy Anniversary to my HB. You are an amazing woman and I love you <3

Apparently the occupy movement is awakening from their winter hibernation. STay tuned.....

My mom suffered from a rare burn reaction called sjs she was in the burn unit for a month to find out more go to www.sjsupport. com Www.sjsupport. org

Birth control abortion its all about viewing and using your sexuality as a source of power. I can’t say this is right or wrong. I just see it for what it is.

We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams. Let’s GO moose jaw warriors!!!! 1st in the eastern conf

People should stop buying into consumerism so much and start making and growing their own food clothes etc. Its good for the invironment and it’s good for you too. Give it a try and

see how you feel about yourself. I guarantee it’s better.

and what we can offer the world.

How many days will it be for they have a inquiry once they get taxers most already are probly making alist of whoo they will gazer first i say 5 days and they will have a incident after all most cops are in anger management

Algae and simple organisms don’t taste very good. Delicious is an evolutionary theme. Imagine how tasty things will be a billion years from now!

People who texted in hatin on Mendel sound ignorant. Having a worldclass art gallery in the city will do wonders for Saskatoon

People need to slow down on 20th there are drivers zooming around. Kids are walking to school! The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily Verb’s.


Page 18

Mar 23–29, ‘12

Saturday @ Winston’s Venue

Winston’s English Pub & Grill on Saturday, March 17th


243 21st Street East

Playing on Arrival

“The Last Saskatchewan Pirate” by Captain Tractor

Photos courtesy of Patrick Carley (

Music Vibe

Varies all the time

Feature Deal

Green beer for $5.75

Popular Drink

Guinness green beer

Food of Choice

Deli sandwiches — your choice of turkey, roast beef or salami, served with fries, soup or salad

Wing Notes

$5 a pound on Tuesdays; of the 20 available flavours, lemon pepper and honey garlic are the favourites

Something New

Rooftop patio will be opening May 20th

Check out all of Verb’s past nightlife photos on our facebook page


Page 19

Mar 23–29, ‘12

Saturday @ 302 Lounge Venue

302 Lounge & Discothèque on Saturday, March 17th


302 Pacific Avenue

Playing on Arrival

“Bang Bang” remix by White Noise

Music Vibe

Club, top 40, rock, retro and pop


Regular Gigs

Aaron Paetsch, DJ Bobby Tables, DJ Modus, and Wednesdays with DJ Chris Knorr

Popular Drink

Highballs of various elixers

Food of Choice

Menage a trois: mixed platter with fries, onion rings and yam fries — made with fresh ingredients, this is perfect for sharing

Wing Notes

$8 a pound every day; of the three flavours available, Greek is the most popular

Something New

Neon ‘90s party on April 13th, and Studs and Suds Foam Party on April 27th

Photos courtesy of Barrett Russell (


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Mar 23–29, ‘12

Friday 23

House DJs — Funk, soul & lounge DJs liven up the atmosphere at 6Twelve. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover. Yukon Blonde — This indie-rock band from Kelowna — consisting of Jeff Innes, Brandon Scott, Graham Jones and John Jeffrey — have been receiving critical

acclaim and rocking audiences from coast to coast, and now it’s Saskatoon’s turn. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets $13 ( Piano Fridays: Ross Nykiforuk — Feel like taking in some smooth jazz stylings? Come check out this talented musician tickle the ivories of the Kinsman Yamaha S6 grand piano. 4:30pm, The Bassment. No cover.

Straight from the Fridge feat/ Ellen Kolenick — Kolenick’s voice is seductive, Straight from the Fridge’s music is intelligent and quirky and accessible. Put them together and you get a show you can’t resist. 9pm, The Bassment. Ticket $10 — $13. Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Calgary’s Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. DJ CTRL opens. 11pm, béily’s ultralounge. $5 cover. Men Without Shame — A local fourpiece whose covers range from CCR to Led Zeppelin and John Mellencamp. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. Cover $6.

(Next Week) AWOLNATION @ LOUIS’ pub — Formed and fronted by Aaron

Bruno, formerly of Under the Influence of Giants and Hometown Hero, this American electronic rock band’s first single “Sail” — from their album Megalithic Symphony — was a bona fide hit. Bruno, along with bandmates

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Christopher Thorn, Kenny Carkeet, David Amezcua and Hayden Scott seamlessly blend soul, electronica, rock and hip hop. They’ll be in town to play Louis’ on April 2nd; the show starts at 7 PM and tickets are $28 (Ticketmaster). -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

DJ Eclectic — Local turntable whiz DJ Eclectic pumps snappy electronic beats. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ J-Mats — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. Absofunkinlutely — This local fourpiece brings a unique blend of stubblefunk, prairie-disco, reggae-rock and northern soul to the stage. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. Cover $5. DJ Big Ayyy — This Saskatoon DJ is the resident country rock turntabilist at Outlaws. Outlaws: your party place to be! 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. Alex Vissia — This talented singer/ songwriter from Alberta recently released her first solo album, A Lot Less Gold. Come check her out. 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover. Mykal Gambull — This local singer/ songwriter/guitarist plays aboriginal, roots, blues, pop, soul and R&B music, and puts on a show not to be missed. 9pm, Somewhere Else Pub. No cover. On Rotation DJ Series: DJ Fink– Come out and enjoy this gifted DJ as he spins the night away. 10pm, Spadina Freehouse. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter. Carol Welsman — With a voice that sounds a little like Peggy Lee and a little like Ella Fitzgerald, this internationally acclaimed jazz singer and pianist from Toronto puts on a show you don’t want to miss. 7:30pm, Third Avenue United Church. Tickets are $30 for adults, $20 for students and seniors, available at (If you keep your stubs from the concert you can use them to get into the Bassment free this weekend to see their shows.) Pirate Fridays: Indigo Joseph and Alissa Arnason — Joseph, a musician from Regina, brings a savvy blend of blues-rock meets folk-funk to the stage. Arnason is a local songstress with a gift for storytelling and a folky prairie sound. 10pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

Saturday 24


House DJs — Resident DJs spin deep and soulful tunes all night. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover.

B.A. Johnston — If you haven’t heard this Hamilton musician, you better brace yourself for a serious dose of hilarity. And with his latest album, Hi Dudes!, this alternative acoustic musician has amped up the awesome and funny. Whether he’s singing about a fist fight between Ernie and Bert on Sesame Street or how a McDonald’s coupon day is the “Best Day Ever,” Johnston never fails to entertain. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets TBD. The Karl Schwonik Quintet w/ Mike Murley — Schonwik, an awardwinning drummer, has assembled a veritable all-star team of musicians. With Juno-winner Mike Murley on sax, James Davis on trumpet, Kodi Hutchinson on bass and Chris Andrew on piano, these guys put on a show that leaves audiences in awe. 9pm, The Bassment. Tickets $14/18. Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Calgary’s Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. DJ CTRL opens. 11pm, béily’s ultralounge. $5 cover. Men Without Shame — A local fourpiece whose covers range from CCR to Led Zeppelin and John Mellencamp. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. Cover $6. Where’s My Mullet — This local band, made up of cats by the names of Rocco Roller, Duncan Disorderly, Phil McLassup, Ed Banger, Electric Sam, Anita Jinx and Ben Token, plays a funky brand of 80‘s rock. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. Tickets $7. Fountains of Youth — This local four piece, featuring Paul Kuzbik, Finn Day-Wiggins, Roger Mercier, and Jesse Dawson, is a rocking blues band with soul. Come give ‘em a listen, you won’t be disappointed. 8:30pm, Gillian Snider House Concert Series. Tickets $15 at the door, $10 in advance. For advance tickets visit Starry Night Musicians — Come on out for a night of classical chamber music, everything from Mozart to Borodin. Local musicians James Legge, Scott McKnight, Joan Savage, Sara Spigott and Nova Wong will be performing for your listening pleasure. 7:30pm, Grace Westminster United Church. Cover $10. Absofunkinlutely — This local fourpiece bring a unique blend of stubblefunk, prairie-disco,reggae-rock and northern soul to the stage. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. Cover $5. DJ Kade — Saskatoon’s own DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ J-Mats & DJ Sugar Daddy — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. DJ Big Ayyy — This Saskatoon DJ is the resident country rock turntabilist at Outlaws. Outlaws: your party place to be! 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. F.E.R.N. — Come check out this wonderful acoustic guitar show. 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover.

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Mar 23–29, ‘12

Mykal Gambull — This local singer/ songwriter/guitarist plays aboriginal, roots, blues, pop, soul and R&B music, and puts on a show not to be missed. 9pm, Somewhere Else Pub. No cover. On Rotation DJ Series: Conky Showpony — Come out and enjoy this talented local DJ as he spins the night away. 10pm, Spadina Freehouse. No cover.

Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes an- audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga.10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter. Stilleto Saturday — DJ Dislexid and DJ Albert will be rocking the DJ booth at this stylish, sexy party. 8pm, Tequila Nightclub. Cover $5 (free for ladies until 11pm). O ctoberman w/ Young B en jamins — This indie-rock group from Vancouver is fronted by singer/songwriter Marc Morrissette, has Tavo Diez de Bonilla on bass, Marshall Bureau on drums and a whole host of contributing musicians who play everything from the violin to lap steel guitars. Local folk rock band the Young Benjamins will also be playing. 10pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

Sunday 25

DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. 11pm, béily’s ultralounge. No cover for industry

staff, $4 otherwise. SUNDAY FUNDAY — Local talent Manny Thomson, Jason Hattie and Chad Reynolds will be spinning some quality dance hits every Sunday. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. $5 cover at the door. DJ KADE — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. SUNDAY JAM — The Vangeli’s Sunday Jam is an institution, offering great tunes from blues to rock and beyond. 7:30pm, Vangelis Tavern. No cover.

Monday 26

DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. Doors 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. Winnipeg’s Most — A hip hop group made up of Jon-C (Billy Pierson), Charlie Fettah (Tyler Rogers) and Brooklyn (Jamie Prefontaine) have won numerous Aboriginal People’s Choice Music Awards and have received lots of air time on Much Music. 9pm, The Odeon Events Centre. Tickets $20 (

Tuesday 27

Sly Business — This local act plays a groovy blend of hip hop, funk, soul, and R&B. Their sound is smooth, their performances spot on, so why not come

(Next Week) THERESA SOKYRKA @ AMIGOS cantina — Since finishing

runner-up on the second season of Canadian Idol, this local singer/songwriter has been busy. Not only has she released a handful of albums (the most recent being a self-titled LP), but Sokyrka has also spent much of her time

Photo: courtesy of the artist

criss-crossing Canada — creating music and performing all along the way. The result has been a smoothly sharpened sound that is at once moody, folky and jazzy. Sokyrka will be taking the stage at Amigos on April 5th. Cover $7. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 23–29, ‘12 and see what you’ve been missing. 10pm, Buds On Broadway. Cover $6. DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. 9:30pm, The Double Deuce. $4 cover. VERB PRESENTS OPEN STAGE — The open stage at Lydia’s has hosted many of Saskatoon’s finest performers, and is a chance for bands, solo artists and even comedians to showcase original material. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover.

(COMING UP) THE ARKELLS @ LOUIS’ pub — Their first album Jackson Square

put this five-piece indie rock group on the map. Their second album, Michigan Left, proved that Max Kerman, Mike DeAngelis, Dan Griffin, Nick Dika and Tim Oxford are nothing if not rising stars on the Canadian music scene. With

Photo: courtesy of the artist

a penchant for pumping out workingman anthems and putting on live, footstomping, sing-along-inducing shows, this Juno-winning band from Hamilton is not to be missed. Come check them out Louis’ on May 27th; tickets are $26 (Ticketmaster). -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Open Mic — Come out to show your talent. 7pm, The Somewhere Else Pub. No cover.

DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. Dr. J ‘Souled Out’ — Dr. J spins hot funk and soul every Wednesday night. Doors 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. WHINE UP WEDNESDAYS — A night dedicated to promoting the best in reggae, roots, dancehall, African beats, Kwaito & hip hop. Hosted by Scott Turner & DJ Heywood. 10pm, Scratch. $5 cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover.

Wednesday 28 Thursday 29

HUMP WEDNESDAYS — Resident DJ Chris Knorr will be spinning all of your favourite songs and requests, every Wednesday night! Doors at 7pm, DJ takes requests at 9pm, 302 Lounge & Discotheque. No cover until 10pm, $3 thereafter. Sly Business — This local act plays a groovy blend of hip hop, funk, soul, and R&B. Their sound is smooth, their performances spot on, so why not come and see what you’ve been missing. 10pm, Buds On Broadway. Cover $6. The Avenue Recording Company presents Open Mic — Hosted by Chad Reynolds. Sign up and play at this weekly event. 10pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover.

Plants and Animals — And indierock trio based out of Montreal, Plants and Animals are a wildly awesome, Junonominated, flat-out kickass kind of band. Come check them out. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets $18 (

Mama B and Freight Train — This dynamic local blues duo draws extensively from music of the ‘20s through to the ‘90s. 8pm, Crackers. No cover. Throwback Thursdays — Come experience the best in retro funk, soul, reggae and rock provided by Dr. J. 8pm, Earls. No cover. The Autumn Portrait — Freddie Mojallal fronts this three-piece from B.C. that plays a style of energetic rock that has packed venues from Halifax

to Vancouver, and earned him critical acclaim. Also appearing will be Pandas In Japan. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. Cover $7. DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose &Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ J-Mats — Local DJs J-Mats and Sugar Daddy will be rocking the turntables to get you dancing on the dance floor! Every Thursday night will be filled with passion parties, pole dancing, shadow dancers and much more! 8pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover, free cover with student ID before 11pm. Rude City Riot — With intelligent lyrics, infectious melodies and a wild horn section, this power-ska eight-piece from Vancouver put on the kind of show that packs dance floors and gets a crowd in the mood to party. 8pm, Lydia’s Pub. Cover $5. DJ Big Ayyy — This Saskatoon DJ is the resident county rock turntabilist at Outlaws. Outlaws: your party place to be! 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. TRIPLE UP THURSDAY — Come start your weekend early at Triple Up Thursday! With these top 40 dance and electro resident DJs, you’ll be shaking it on the dance floor in no time. 8pm, Tequila Nightclub. $3 at the door.

Want your show listed? Email!

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There may be a few minor obstacles to avoid early this week, but once you get around them it’ll be smooth sailing. You’ll be in high demand — and for good reason.

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Pisces (Feb 20–Mar 20)

Have you been feeling like you’ve been in a rut as of late? If so, don’t fret. Things are going to pick up in a big way, dear Virgo, and soon, so be prepared for the unexpected.

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Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22)

You may be your own biggest enemy this week, dear Aquarius. If you get this feeling, it’s probably best to get out of your own way. Rebel against your instincts.

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Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 19)

You’ll have an important decision to make this week, dear Leo, so either play it safe or go all the way. There’s no right answer here, just a whole lot of personal preference.

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Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22)

Ever feel like you’re just beating your head against the wall? If you’re at that point, dear Capricorn, there is strength in knowing when to stop fighting. The choice is up to you.

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Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19)

Don’t turn down invitations this week, dear Cancer. Connections, friendships and partnerships are of the utmost importance over the next little while, so enjoy the ride.

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Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22)

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You won’t be lacking in confidence right now, dear Sagittarius. Don’t be afraid to follow your instincts — go after what you want with gusto, because now is your time.

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Sagittarius (Nov 23–Dec 21)

Have something you’ve been dying to get off your chest? Well, good news Gemini — this is the week you should do it, so be bold and positive forces will come to your aid.

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Gemini (May 21–Jun 20)

Sometimes you can get things done with little to no effort at all. And the best part (or perhaps the worst): there’s nothing you can do about it. So sit back and watch the world unfold around you.

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Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22)

You may feel like a whipping post this week, dear Taurus, so be sure to don your armour and brace yourself: the battle might get intense. Remember: “that which does not kill us makes us stronger.”

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Taurus (Apr 20–May 20)

If you need support, you’re going to get it this week. Enjoy it — when good things enter our lives we shouldn’t take them for granted. Appreciate the support you get and be sure to show your thanks.

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Libra (Sept 23–Oct 23)

Look forward to an up-and-down kind of week, dear Aries — for the most part, your energy might be coming in bursts. Take a seat and relax — the key to the next few days is to go with the flow.

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Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19)

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Mar 23–29, ‘12 1 9 6 4 5 2 8 7 3

Time Out

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Directions: Fill each box with a digit from 1-9, following these conditions: - Each row must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each column must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once.


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