E256 September 26, 2007

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NJ Laws Email Newsletter E256 September 26, 2007 Kenneth Vercammen, Attorney at Law In This Issue 1 Police immune in high speed chase. Scott v. Harris US Supreme Court 05­1631

2 Carnegie Center 5K for The Parkinson Alliance Saturday September 29

3.Wills & Elder Law Seminar Middlesex County College, Professional & Community Programs Monday, October 15, 2007 7 ­ 9 P.M.

1 Police immune in high speed chase. Scott v. Harris US Supreme Court 05­ 1631

Deputy Timothy Scott, petitioner here, terminated a high-speed pursuit of respondent’s car by applying his push bumper to the rear of the vehicle, causing it to leave the road and crash. Respondent was rendered quadriplegic. He filed suit under 42 U.S.C. 1983 alleging, inter alia, the use of excessive force resulting in an unreasonable seizure under the Fourth Amendment. The District Court denied Scott’s summary judgment motion, which was based on qualified immunity. The Eleventh Circuit affirmed on interlocutory appeal, concluding, that Scott’s actions could constitute “deadly force” under Tennessee v. Garner; that the use of such force in this context would violate respondent’s constitutional right to be free from excessive force during a seizure; and that a reasonable jury could so find. The Court held that because the car chase respondent initiated posed a substantial and immediate risk of serious physical injury to others, Scott’s attempt to terminate the chase by forcing respondent off the road was reasonable, and Scott is entitled to summary judgment. Upcoming events:

2 Carnegie Center 5K for The Parkinson Alliance Saturday September 29 101 Carnegie Center Parking Lot West Windsor, New Jersey Join us for the Carnegie Center 5K and one­mile fun run. Walkers and families are welcome. Food and refreshments will be served, and t­shirts will be given away (while supplies last). Awards to age­category and group team winners: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. There are water stops along the relatively flat course. Baldasari and Leestma timers; USATF Certified Course, Sanction Race; USATF­NJ Grand Prix Event: 500 points. 5K Registration: 7:30am­9:15am Start Time: 9:30 We are putting together a team for this event. When you register, for the team section, write in RVRR­ Vercammen. Speed not important, just finish a 3.1 mile race. http://www.parkinsonalliance.org/events.php?ID=4

3.Wills & Elder Law Seminar WHERE: Middlesex County College, Professional & Community Programs WHEN: Monday, October 15, 2007 7 ­ 9 P.M. SPEAKER: Kenneth Vercammen, Esq. of Edison (Co­Author­ NJ Elder Law & Probate) ­ So you don't have a Will. You won't live forever and you can't take it with you. What should you do? Main Topics: 1. Wills and the 2006 changes to the NJ Probate Law 2. Power of Attorney

3. Living Will 4. Administering the Estate/ Probate/Surrogate 5. Estate Planning 6. Revocable Trusts/ Irrevocable Trusts 7. Federal HIPAA Regulations on release of medical info 8. Federal Estate Tax 9. Question and Answer

COMPLIMENTARY MATERIAL: Brochures on Wills, "Probate and Administration of an Estate", Power of Attorney, Living Wills, Real Estate Sales for Seniors, and Trusts. Here is your opportunity to listen to an experienced attorney who will answer questions how to distribute your property and avoid many rigid provisions of state law. For more information on Elder law, visit the Website www.njlaws.com. You can also subscribe to the free email Elder Law newsletter by visiting the website, or sending an email to Kenv@njlaws.com. Call for information 732­906­2556 to register by phone $15 registration fee payable to Professional & Community Programs

About the Speaker: Kenneth Vercammen is an Elder Law and Litigation Attorney in Edison, NJ. He often lectures for the American Bar Association and New Jersey State Bar Association on Elder Law, personal injury, and criminal / municipal court matters. He has published 125 articles in national and New Jersey publications on legal topics. He speaks as a volunteer on Wills and Elder law to Adult Community Schools and non profit groups including Edison, Metuchen, Woodbridge, East Brunswick, North Brunswick, South Brunswick, Piscataway, Sayreville, Old Bridge, Spotswood and Perth Amboy Seniors. He has established New Jersey's most popular Elder law website on the Internet to provide information on Probate, Elder Law and Traffic matters located at www.njlaws.com

Other great events: Oct. 6 Metuchen Fair- 10-4 Oct. 29

Biz Mania 1:30 -4

Thank you for reading our newsletter! God Bless America USA #1 Our new law blogs: NJLaws' Newsletter Blog­http://njlaws1.blogspot.com/ NJ Criminal Law Blog ­ http://njcriminallaw.blogspot.com/ NJ Traffic Law & Municipal Court Blog ­ http://traffic­law.blogspot.com/

NJ Personal Injury & Civil Law Blog­ http://njlawspersonalinjury.blogspot.com/ NJ Elder Law Blog ­http://elder­law.blogspot.com/ NJ Drug Law Blog ­ http://drugarrest.blogspot.com/ We appreciate continued referrals. We want to take the time to extend to our friends and clients our sincere gratitude because it is good friends and clients that make our business grow. Client recommendation is a very important source of new clients to us. We are grateful for the recommendation of new clients. We will do our best to give all clients excellent care. We shall do our best to justify all recommendations. "Celebrating more than 21 years of providing excellent service to clients 1985­ 2007" Former Prosecutor This newsletter is produced to be sent electronically. If you know someone who would also like to receive this email newsletter, please have them email us at newsletter@njlaws.com. Free T­ shirts and soda can holders available for all current and past clients. Please come into office. Editor's Note and Disclaimer: All materials Copyright 2007. You may pass along the information on the NJ Laws Newsletter and website, provided the name and address of the Law Office is included. KENNETH VERCAMMEN & ASSOCIATES, PC ATTORNEY AT LAW 2053 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817 (Phone) 732­572­0500 (Fax) 732­572­0030

website: www.njlaws.com

Admitted to practice law in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, US Supreme Court and Federal District Court

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