NJ Laws Email E273 May 8, 2008 Kenneth Vercammen, Attorney at Law 732-572-0500 In this issue: Recent cases: 1. Certain tenants can be evicted when household member charged with drug crime Long Branch Housing Authority vs. Villano 396 NJ Super. 185 (App. Div. 2007) A tenant in public housing that is under the control of a public housing agency may be removed from the leased premises pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.1e(2) when the tenant substantially violates a covenant or agreement pertaining to illegal uses of controlled dangerous substances, provided the covenant or agreement conforms to applicable federal guidelines. Moreover, federal law permits a tenant to be evicted from public housing when a member of the household or guest engages in drug- related criminal activity in the leased premises, regardless of whether the tenant knew or should have known of the illegal activity. 2 Even closed museum considered public building under 500 feet drug law State v. Chambers 396 NJ Super. 259 (App. Div. 2007) Under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-7.1, the crime of possession of a CDS with the intent to distribute is elevated from a third-degree crime to a second-degree crime if the offense is committed within 500 feet of a public building. In this opinion, the court concluded that a museum qualifies as a public building even if it does not maintain regular hours and is only open to the public upon request.
3 Noise ordinance not preempted by state law State v Krause ___ NJ Super. ___ (App. Div. decided 12-17-07) A-3737-06T5 Based on defendant's failure to meet his burden of proving facts that would establish that the Hackettstown noise ordinance was preempted by the Noise Control Act of 1971, N.J.S.A. 13:1G-1 to -23, the ordinance was held valid and the conviction affirmed. However, the opinion noted that local noise ordinances may require DEP approval to be enforceable at least with respect to certain facilities, such as commercial and industrial sites. Note- Lexis reports this opinion was withdrawn from at request of Court.
4. NJSBA Annual Meeting and Convention Annual Meeting and Convention 2008 Trump
Taj Mahal Casino Resort in
Atlantic City May 21 - 23 The NJ State Bar Association will hold its 2008 Annual Meeting and Convention at the Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort, right on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. A favorite location for the NJSBA's annual conference, the boardwalk offers the Atlantic City seaside right outside the doors of the resort. Attend from May 21 - 22 for education, top speakers and networking with the top legal professionals in the state and your fellow NJSBA members.
Hot Topics in Municipal Court Practice Municipal Court Practice Section NJ Institute for Continuing Legal Education (Municipal Court Practice Track) Thursday, May 228 - 9:30 a.m. Trial Attorney Certification: 1.5 criminal credits pending NY CLE (Transitional & Nontransitional): 1.5 professional practice credits PA CLE: 1.5 substantive credits pending ($8 fee payable to ICLE)
An overview of the top 25 municipal court cases of the year and interactive discussion of the most current topics in municipal court. Speakers: Paris P. Eliades, Esq.Daggett Kraemer Eliades Kovach & Ursin, Sparta Kenneth A. Vercammen, Esq. Kenneth Vercammen & Associates, Edison http://www.njsba.com/calendar_events/index.cfm?fuseaction=annual_mtg#207
Alcotest Update - State v. Chun Municipal Court Practice Section NJ Institute for Continuing Legal Education (Municipal Court Practice Track) Thursday, May 221 - 2:30 p.m. Trial Attorney Certification: 1.5 criminal credits pending NY CLE (Non-transitional): 1.5 professional practice credits PA CLE: 1.5 substantive credits pending ($8 fee payable to ICLE)
An analysis of the recent Chun discussion and the documentation required in order to admit the Alcotest 7110 into evidence. Speaker: Jeffrey E. Gold, Esq. Vice Chair, Municipal Court Practice Section Gold & Farrow, PC, Cherry Hill
5. May 17 Commotion By The Ocean Rumson Hash- Seaside & Toms River , NJ Run & fun
includes great hash, multiple beer checks, lunch,
music. Saturday 8 to 11 register at the Windjammer Motor Inn located in Seaside Park, NJ. 11 AM : Gather for Hash run at The Windjammer. Bus takes runners to Cattus Island Park 11:30 AM Start The CoMotion! Hash run!
Continuous flow of assorted premium draft beer throughout the weekend, featuring Shipyard Ale, Linnekugel, Anchor Steam, Long Trail Ale, Hacker Pschorr, Paulaner, Warsteiner. Bag vehicle
provided. Bring dry shoes and a change of clothes.
http://groups.msn.com/RumsonHash/upcomingevents.msnw http://flash9124.googlepages.com/home Ken V plans to run the 11:30 event, then return back to Middlesex County. Call Ken V to car pool. Ken pays up to $40.00 for gas. Call Ken V 732-572-0500
Friday, May 23 Join Ken V and friends the Memorial Day Friday for "Legends of Belmar” night, with stops at John C’s beach house, happy hour at D’Jays, then Bar A & Columns The Official start of summer! May 24 Spring Lake 5 mile 5M, 8:30 Spring Lake Spring Lake NJ followed by volleyball at Bar A
6. New articles on website www.njlaws.com
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Nuts & Bolts of Elder Law - April 22, 2008- Book & CD available Books and CD's Available co-written by Kenneth Vercammen Municipal Court Law: Update 2008 Criminal Arrest Defense Contested Probate Interview Form Inheritance Estate Interview Form Will Contest Interview Form NJLaws.Com LINKS Main Website with 500 + articles and 1,000 + links (732) 572-0500 Thank you for reading our newsletter! God Bless America USA #1 We have decided to try to double our subscriber list in the month of April. Our hope is that every one of our current subscribers will sign up at least one friend as a new subscriber to the NJ Laws Newsletter. If you know someone who would also like to receive this email newsletter, please have them email us at newsletter@njlaws.com, or log on to: http://visitor.constantcontact.com/optin.jsp? v=001Jzhx8uVKgrNReKXBwbjJVqrFeOQhpqxW
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"Celebrating more than 21 years of providing excellent service to clients 19852007" Former Prosecutor
Free T- shirts and soda can holders available for all current and past clients. Please come into office. Editor's Note and Disclaimer: All materials Copyright 2008. You may pass along the information on the NJ Laws Newsletter and website, provided the name and address of the Law Office is included. KENNETH VERCAMMEN & ASSOCIATES, PC ATTORNEY AT LAW 2053 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817 (Phone) 732-572-0500 (Fax) 732-572-0030 website: www.njlaws.com Admitted to practice law in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, US Supreme Court and Federal District Court