E318 October 26, 2009

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NJ Laws Email Newsletter E318 October 26, 2009 Kenneth Vercammen, Attorney at Law Happy Halloween week 1 Kenneth Vercammen, Edison Attorney was selected a 2009 NJ Super Lawyer in the Criminal Law- DWI section for the second year in a row. Of over 79,00 attorneys in New Jersey, only three were selected as Super Lawyers in the Criminal Law- DWI category. HOW SUPER LAWYERS ARE SELECTED Law & Politics performs the polling, research and selection of Super Lawyers in a process designed to identify lawyers who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. Super Lawyers is a comprehensive and diverse listing of outstanding attorneys, representing a wide range of practice areas, firm sizes and geographic locations. Only 5 percent of the lawyers in each state or region are named Super Lawyers. http://www.njlaws.com/superlawyer.htm 2 Recent cases: New Trial Where Attorney Did Not Advise Defendant of Mandatory Deportation. State v. Nunez-Valdez 200 NJ 129 (2009) There was sufficient credible evidence for the trial court to conclude that defendant was misinformed by counsel and that he would not have pled guilty if he had received accurate information that his plea would result in deportation. 3. Police Can Arrest Juvenile if Curfew Violation and No ID. State in the Interest of R.M. 408 NJ Super. 304 (App. Div. 2009) A juvenile who is found on the streets in violation of a municipal curfew ordinance and is unable to produce any identification may be arrested and detained until identification can be produced and the juvenile released to the custody of his or her parents. A juvenile who is arrested for a curfew violation may be searched incident to that arrest before being transported to police headquarters.

4. Connect with us on Facebook Social Networking websites for people and businesses Kenneth Vercammen was a speaker for the American Bar Association at the Defending Internet Related Crimes Seminar at the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago July 31 and with Jay Foonberg of Beverly Hills for Estate Planning & Probate on August 1

A newer way to connect with friends and other business owners is become active in online social networking websites. At the American Bar Association Annual meeting the ABA Elder Law Committee of the GP Solo Division included details in this program which also looks at online social networking Visit some of the below Social networking site for ideas. These are examples of Ken Vercammen’s profiles. : 1. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kenneth.vercammen?ref=name 2. Linkedin.com: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kennethvercammen 3. Myspace: www.myspace.com/kennethvercammen 4. Twitter: http://twitter.com/kenvercammen 5. Meet the Elite: http://www.MeetTheElite.net/vercammen 6. Google: http://www.google.com/profiles/kenvercammen 7. Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kenvercammen 8. Justia Lawyer Directory: http://lawyers.justia.com/lawyer/mr-kenneth-albert-vercammen-esq-1171249/ 9. Yahoo http://profiles.yahoo.com/u/6YPJGM66VRJ5DJ2JFG5N6YEV3Q 10. JD Supra: www.jdsupra.com/profile/KennethVercammen 11. Avvo Legal rating: http://www.avvo.com/attorneys/08817-nj-kenneth-vercammen-571594.html? edit=true 12 Athlinks: Running Race Results http://www.athlinks.com/racer.aspx?rid=23481836

13 Lawlink http://www.lawlink.com/profile.aspx?networkProfileId=3841 14 Delicious http://delicious.com/kenvercammen 15 ActiveRain http://activerain.com/vercammen 16. Spoke http://www.spoke.com/info/pDOdPTg/KennethVercammen?preview 17. Eons NJLaws Newsletters & Legal Seminar Photos http://www.eons.com/members/profile/743858 18. Legally Minded- ABA http://be.legallyminded.com/profile_view.aspx?CustomerID=vercammen 19 Friendfeed.com: http://friendfeed.com/vercammen Kenneth Vercammen Video sites: V1. YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kvercammen V5 Metacafe: http://www.metacafe.com/channels/vercammen/ V6. Revver: http://revver.com/u/vercammen/ V8. Windows Live Space: http://cid-211094b4d8396ee6.spaces.live.com/?lc=1033 V10. Bebo: http://www.bebo.com/kennethvercammen V11 Digg http://digg.com/users/kenavercammen V12 Hi5: http://hi5.com/friend/p164548434--Kenneth_Vercammen--html V13


http://www.orkut.com/Main#Profile?uid=17513593040289518671 V14 Mixx: http://www.mixx.com/users/vercammen V15 Veoh: http://www.veoh.com/users/vercammen V16 Virb.com: http://virb.com/kenvercammen V17 Gather: http://vercammen.gather.com/ V19 Plaxo: http://KennethVercammen.myplaxo.com/ V19 Motionbox: Others cannot view profile unless they have an account themselves. V20 BlipTv: http://kennethvercammen.blip.tv/ V21 MyYearBook: http://www.myyearbook.com/vercammen V23 StumbleUpon: http://vercammen.stumbleupon.com/ V24 Crackle: http://crackle.com/Members/2473603 TubeMogul: Others cannot view profile unless they have account themselves.

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