ABA GP Solo ELDER LAW COMMITTEE update May 2010 ABA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division Chairs Kenneth Vercammen, Edison, NJ and Jay Foonberg, Beverly Hills, CA In this issue: We share with members recent report to General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division’s Council
Elder Law Committee Spring Report American Bar Association General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division Council Agenda Book Report Form
Division Name and Number: Practice Specialty Division 3
Division Director Name: Elio Martinez emartinez@cfclaw.com Reporting Entity, Board or Committee: Elder Law Committee Completed By: Kenneth Vercammen CoChair 1Please list your entity's activities and programs since last report. (I.e. conference calls, meetings, publications, use of list serves, etc.) Additional Email communications with Charlie Sabatino, Director ABA Commission on Law and Aging and committee members 1.
Charlie Sabatino, Director ABA Commission on Law and Aging is suggesting an Elder Law list serve for the ABA. I have shared our emails with members of the Elder Law committee. The suggestion by Charles Sabatino is a great idea. i have worked with Charles on GP programs on Elder law in Hawaii and New York. This would help the GP solo's Elder Law committee. One of the ideas that arose in recent discussions of our Commission on Law and Aging is to find a way to link together the elder law related committees of the sections and divisions, so that the disparate members who have an interest in elder law at least know a little about what others are doing in the ABA related to the subject. One way to do this could be to set up an email list among the