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Holidays in quarantine
‘Tis the season

HOUSES ADORNED WITH which means she will be studying more than vibrant lights, coffee shops per- celebrating on the last day. Her family still meated with peppermint scents, plans to light candles, say blessings and eat grocery stores filled with hol- traditional foods but will keep the bigger celiday music — these are the wintery scenes ebrations for the eighth day. familiar to many as the year comes to a close. The holiday season is traditionally a time when families gather from all corners of “We try to see as much family as we can ... because celebrating with a Junior Rohini Bharat celebrates Diwali, and her celebration normally includes spending time with family, the world to celebrate lot more people is a lot going to parties various festivities. This year, the usually hectic more fun.” and lighting candles and sparklers season filled with bustling shopping centers, —ARIELLE BLUMENFELD, sophomore together. Instead of instuffy airplane rides and viting extended clingy cousins will be family and friends exchanged for sitting in front of a comput- over this year, Bharat celebrated by lighter, waiting for a turn to talk with grandma ing candles with her immediate family and through a little box on the screen. Despite celebrating with sparklers. Even with these these changes, there are unique circumstances, Bharat still felt the many ways that Palo Diwali spirit but still missed going to big Alto High School parties at her relatives homes. students are keeping “The main thing that’s super exciting is the holiday spirit alive really interacting with people … I think it within the limitations would be cool if we did that [waved at relof the pandemic. atives with sparklers at a distance],” Bharat Adapting tradition Many other families will also be conChristmas, Hanuk- necting with relatives virtually through video kah and Diwali are just a call platforms such as Zoom or Facetime in few of the winter holidays lieu of seeing them in person. that will look different this said. year. Holiday travel Sophomore Arielle Blu- While many students are staying home menfeld normally sees as much this holiday season, some are still planning to family as possible during Hanuk- escape somewhere a bit closer to home. kah. She is fond of the annual family According to an opt-in Verde survey gathering, eating delicious food, singing of 136 students conducted in November, songs and telling stories. 74.3% of students said they normally trav-
“We try to see as much family as we can el during the holidays. This year, however, … because celebrating with a lot of people is 78.7% plan on staying home. a lot more fun,” Blumenfled said. Junior Cate Barrett normally visits her
For Blumenfeld, her Hanukkah plans grandparents and cousins in Australia every are continually changing due to the holiday year for Christmas and New Years, where the being held during different days each year. holidays look a bit different. This year Hanukkah falls during finals week “We always have the ‘Santa-in-shorts’
in quarantine
Christmas,” Barrett said. “In Australia, all the depictions of Santa and the reindeers … are all like Santa rides a surfboard.”
Instead of visiting Australia, Barrett and her immediate family will be renting an Airbnb in Lake Tahoe to keep the holiday spirit alive while staying safe and celebrate Christmas by going sledding. They are still taking many precautions against COVID-19 by wearing masks, maintaining their distance from non-family members and avoiding the crowded areas where transmission occurs.
Some students, such as junior Kylee Vi, had big plans for this holiday season prior to COVID-19. Her family had arranged a two-week trip to Thailand, but unfortunately, that and their latest plans to celebrate in Santa Cruz were cancelled due to the pandemic.
Despite the unexpected changes in plans and a lost opportunity to see relatives, Vi maintains a positive attitude towards this holiday season. Her family almost always travels for Christmas, so she is excited to spend it at home. While holiday celebrations will look much different and smaller this year, students and families will do their best to maintain the spirit.
“I think mostly just the experience of being together with family … sitting around and just talking … that’s probably just what’s consistent every year,” Bharat said. “I don’t think that will change.” v