The Voice of Veritas (Q1) - Volume 1, Issue 1

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The Voice of Veritas

Eighth Grade Journalism

Volume 1, Issue 1

Quarter One - November 7, 2019

Carolina Creek Recap by Luke Johnson

This final point isn’t really a rule that needs to be changed so much as a rule to address. Many people are annoyed that they can only wear socks that are black, white, or navy, and people have gotten detentions for not having proper colored socks. To write this article, I looked at the student handbook, and you only need to have solid color black, white, or navy socks if the socks go above your calves. Now, this rule probably will be adjusted as there are no restrictions on the color of shorter socks, and having tye-dye socks allowed isn’t very good. Teachers may still give detentions, but you can politely ask them to check the handbook. I know that you may not be able to change everything mentioned here, but thank you for reading.

Soul Friends Evident Love for Jesus

Tips and Tricks for Staying Organized During the School Year by Audrey Finch

It’s hard to stay organized when school gets going, and assignments start to pile up. Sometimes it even feels like life is going faster than you can keep up with. But, with a few simple organization tips and the discretion to make wise decisions, you can overcome the mess and madness of a hectic school year.

One of the easiest ways to stay organized is to keep a planner. Writing down your homework and upcoming assignments may seem overrated, but it seriously helps you remember tests and quizzes you need to study for. If you find yourself getting cluttered, make it a point every week to set aside time to go through the papers that have accumulated. Along those same lines, an accordion folder can help categorize

Ashlin: Zipline

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Ava: It was really fun trying new things, like the Giants

school in gold hoops that weigh a ton and drag on the floor, but no dangling earrings? There has to be a middle ground of a proper length below your ear that lets people wear dangling earrings. Also, and I know some people are angry about this, our bangs can’t be below our eyebrows. Ok, ok, it distracts you while reading, yes, but if it isn’t past your eyes, then it isn’t distracting, right?

Ryan: 9 square

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advice should always point you towards God, not away from God. Having a good soul friend can change your life for the better. The best way to find a soul friend is to be a soul friend.

Ellen: Canoes


Next, we’re only allowed to paint our nails with pastel colors because it’s distracting. I don’t know about you, but the posters in classrooms seem just as bright. Those are really nice, and would not be removed. And we can’t wear dangling earrings. I get it, you don’t want someone to come to

Matthew: I liked throwing the tomahawks, and I really liked the giant swing. I also liked the

Reid: Bus ride


Firstly, we can’t wear our own jackets or coats. Ok, I understand that wearing the Veritas uniform is important, but even the “heavy” jackets aren’t always enough when temperatures are extremely low. Surely there’s some low temperature where we can be allowed to wear our own jackets, right? Our dress code specifies that girls can wear leggings under their skirts on days when temperatures drop below 55 degrees, and that could work perfectly for jackets as well. Also, people shouldn’t have to pay $40 for a jacket you’ll wear for one week of the school year when they already have a heavy coat of their own.

Garrison: Sleeping

Caroline Finch: The blob


You probably already know this, but there are issues with the Dress Code. There are many rules that don’t seem to be practical.

Carter Droog: freetime

We asked several students about their favorite part of our time at Carolina Creek. Here’s what they had to say:

Dress Code Letter to Student Council from Brooke Kern & Editorial Staff Dear Student Council,

Ellie: I liked the keynote in the morning because I thought it was a good way to start the day. For activities, my favorite was the zipline because doing it with Virginia was really fun.

Carter Nguyen: Wakeboarding


This year the theme of Carolina Creek was Unite. Each activity had a superpower theme that we can use in our everyday life. Some of these superpowers include hope, perseverance, community, and many others. This year we also learned about the importance of having soul friends. A soul friend should have a positive presence, be open and honest, and have an evident love for

new cabins and the acting.

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Veritas Middle School students spent 3 days at Carolina Creek Christian Camp in September. During the week we learned new truths, made new friends, had new experiences, and spent time with Jesus.

Jesus. A soul friend should not force you into making bad decisions. They should push you to do your best every day. You should have an open and honest friendship. This means that you should know how your friend is doing in their school life and family life. You should be open to sharing your hopes, dreams, failures, ambitions and heartbreaks. A soul friend should love Jesus more than anything else. Their

Ladder and Zipline. I always love the time just hanging with friends.

your homework by subject. If you should decide to keep one of these folders, you must deliberately file it to replace older papers with new papers and homework assignments. While middle school gives you new freedoms, it also gives you new responsibilities. One of these responsibilities is lockers. Some of the ways to organize your locker are to separate your textbooks and binders from smaller notebooks using shelves. That way, things won’t get lost in the bustle between classes. If you find yourself stuffing extraneous papers into your locker and leaving them there, consider finding a folder to hold those loose papers, placing a mini trash can in your locker, or even just taking the time to put those papers away. Another responsibility you have as a middle schooler is getting to class on time. One of the easiest ways to keep track of your classes is to tape a schedule on the door of your locker or make a list of materials you need for every class. That way, you set yourself

up to be prepared and on time for every class. Lastly, and most importantly, you must stay on top of your personal schedule and how many activities you say yes to. Saying no is an important skill. Some helpful questions you can ask to help you determine whether something is worth spending your time on are:

What will I be saying NO to if I say YES to this? Do I have any other commitments during this time? Which commitment will be more beneficial to me in the long run? Sometimes we get caught up in trying to please everyone, but you have to know that trying to make everyone happy will just make you more stressed in the end. If you find yourself struggling with what to say yes to, try to look at the bigger picture. Once you set these standards for your own personal life, Continued on page 3 ▶

SPORTS The Voice of Veritas


Veritas on a Volleyball Rampage by Kara Thomas and Jennifer Mays

Varsity player Mikayla Villafuerte’s father, Mr. Villafuerte, has given the varsity volleyball team some advice and pointers to help the team with future games. Eighth graders, Kara Thomas and Jennifer Mays asked Mr. V. if there was any guidance he would like to give to the volleyball team since he goes to all the games. He said, “Y’all already know what I say because I be yelling, but you guys need to communicate more, so that some plays won’t just be left there on the court. And also play your game and don’t let the other team dictate on how you play because sometimes you guys play down to the other teams level when y’all should be beating them 25 to 3.” We also asked him what he thought are the most important things to know about being part of a team. He said, “You need to know the ability to learn teamwork, resilience, and y’all also need to have the ability to work through mistakes and keep

going so that it won’t affect the rest of the game.”

Then Kara Thomas and Jennifer Mays asked Mrs. Tillman three questions about the topic of volleyball. The first question we asked her was what does volleyball mean to her and she said. “Volleyball is my favorite sport. I started playing when I was in fifth grade, and ever since then I’ve just loved it and been obsessed with it. In my life, I guess it gave me a lot of friendships, it taught me like a lot of valuable life lessons, and I just think it’s fun so..” The next question we asked her was if she was excited for the rest of the volleyball season and why, and she said. “I am excited about the rest of the season because the team, you guys, have been doing so well. I am excited to see how much you improve and just the success that we have.”

Football Interview with

Garrison Smith and Luke Johnson Luke: When was the first time you played football? Garrison: Professionally or playfully? Luke: League Garrison: The first time I played football for a league was when I was 6, I played for a league called SFL (South Football League) Luke: What is your favorite position to play? And why?

that the team has done so far? Garrison: I feel like the team has played very well so far Luke: What was your favorite play in the first game against Calvary? Garrison: Definitely when Luke was pushed down and still caught the ball Luke: What’s your favorite football memory? Garrison: When the Texans drafted Deshaun Watson because we needed a Quarterback Luke: What’s your favorite Garrison: That’s a hard NFL and College football one… Quarterback because team and why? I get to decide what happens Garrison: Texans and because I have control of the the Oregon Ducks. For ball and can decide how the the Texans I just grew up play goes. watching them my entire Luke: How do you think life and the ducks because I

And the last question we asked was what inspired her to become a volleyball coach and she responded… “So actually I just kinda got roped into it . HAHAHAHA. I played volleyball all growing up and when I was starting to look for a job, my friend um.. So I went to graduate school and she started working right out of college. And she got a job as a volleyball coach and an English teacher at a highschool near the one that we went to, and so she was like ‘hey I know that you’re looking for a teaching job, would you be interested in coaching

like their style of play. Luke: What is your favorite play that our team has? Garrison: Either when Daniel does a slant and Luke does a slant then cuts out, or when Luke throws the ball to me. Luke: What was the most memorable part of the game against Briarwood? Garrison: The crazy amount of rain, thunder, and wind. The game almost got canceled. Luke: If you could pick a different mascot for Veritas, what would it be and why? Garrison: The Ducks because it has a nice ring to it ‘Veritas Ducks’ Luke: What do you admire about Coach Ted and Coach Berger? Garrison: Coach Ted is playful but also has really good plays and tips. Coach Berger is straightforward and is also playful. They are

Date 8-26 8-27 8-29 9-3 9-9 9-10 9-11 9-16 9-23 9-26 9-27 9-30 10-1 10-2 10-4 10-8

Opponent Westbury Logos Prep St. Thomas Episcopal British International Holy Spirit Episcopal Cornerstone Grace Westbury Cornerstone British International Logos Prep St. Thomas Episcopal Holy Spirit Episcopal Grace Calvary HYCA

VARSITY Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win N/A N/A

JV/5th Grade Win Loss Win Win Win (5th) Loss Loss Win Loss Loss Loss Win Loss (5th) Loss Loss (5th) Loss (5th)

volleyball because I know of a school that has this position open but you have to coach. I thought about it, and I was like ‘Huh I never really thought

about that before but ok sure’ and then I ended up really loving it so that how I became a coach.”

the best coaches I could ask for. Luke: Who is your favorite athlete (besides yourself) and why? Garrison: JJ Watt because of all the charity work he has done and he is a hall of famer defensive end. Luke: What was your favorite super bowl? Garrison: My favorite Super Bowl will be the one where Texans finally win. Luke: What is your favorite restaurant to celebrate at after a big win? Garrison: I love Nobu. It

has the best food I have ever eaten. The thing I like the most about it is definitely the hot rock wagyu beef because it just tastes so good. Luke: What advice would you give to someone at Veritas that wants to play football? Garrison: If you just join the team, learn the plays, don’t complain and be at practice, you will definitely have a lot of fun, a better understanding of the game, and possibly a starting position.

Opponent Calvary Episcopal Briarwood Cornerstone Texas Christian Divine Savior Southwest Playoff: Southwest

Win/Loss Win Win Loss Win Win Win Loss

Score 26-14 18-0 6-22 Forfeit 28-6 22-14 26-13

The Voice of Veritas

Advice & Recommendations


Continued from the Front Page

“Tips and Tricks for Staying Organized During the School Year” begin working them into your student life. Eliminate distractions during your study time. The more focused you are, the less time you will have to spend and the better you will understand what you are studying for. Phones present huge distractions with the continuous dinging of text messages. If you put aside your

phone and allow your mind to focus, you may be more pleased with how you perform academically in the long run. It may also be helpful to have a certain spot set aside for study time. That way, when you get

in that space, you know it is time to focus, and it becomes a routine.

Finally, if you feel overwhelmed with large assignments, break them down into smaller bits and set goals for yourself. Challenge yourself to spend five minutes each day organizing your school materials or locker. Eventually, it will become a habit that you don’t even have to think about.

Survival Guide to Middle School by Ava Farris and Ellie Veeningen

Everyone knows the entry to middle school is rough. It’s a far cry from elementary and can be very difficult to adjust. Suddenly you have ten quizzes, a mountain of homework, and crippling anxiety. We went around the school interviewing fifth and eighth graders on things they want to know or wish they knew when entering middle school. Below, we collected a set of tips and advice to make your experience as smooth as possible.

How do you manage school, homework, and sports? I think it’s important to do your homework as soon as you can to avoid having a ton the day before things are due. Of course, I don’t really follow this because I am a spectacular procrastinator. Homework and studying can be very stressful, so if you do it in advance then you remove some responsibilities. For sports, maybe try to cram in some homework before practice, on the ride to a game, or even during lunch. Staying up late to finish homework leads to a very irritable school day. Try to find a window where you are able to complete your assignments.

How do you form a healthy homework routine? Developing a healthy homework routine is very vital. Try to find a quiet, clean place where you won’t be disturbed. It’s very important to have a calm and quiet area so you won’t be distracted by anything or anyone. You might want to establish a time to sit down and knock out your homework. Making a habit of doing your homework at a certain time everyday is a great thing for the future.

Alright, now that you have a homework spot, you just need a snack. Brain food is a small snack that will keep you going while you do your homework. A couple examples of brain foods are dark chocolate, nuts, and fruit and vegetables like blueberries, strawberries, celery, or carrots. Hopefully these tips were helpful and remember it takes about 31 days to form a habit, so keep up with your new homework habits.

Despite the obstacles that compete for your time, if you’re intentional, you can overcome

Middle School Book Recommendations by Matthew Fenz

How do you want to study? When given a notebook overflowing with information it can become daunting to know what exactly is going to be on a test. It is a horrible feeling to have studied for hours upon hours and to find out that the quiz only requires a quarter of that information. Save yourself some sleep and try to find out what exactly is going to be on your quiz. I recommend going to your teachers and talking to them. Building a strong relationship with your teachers is highly advisable. At Veritas, you are likely going to have these teachers for two to four years. It makes your school experience much, much more enjoyable if you are on a good standing with them. Avoid arguing with them at all cost.

As of September 26, 2019, in 5-8 grade I have read and taken AR tests on 75 books and earned over 700 points. By reading a broad range of books and book series, I think I have a better sense of creative writing, and it has strengthened my vocabulary. Some of my all time favorite books have been: Kid Lawyer, Kid Owner, Ender’s Game, Speaker of the Dead, and Blood in the Water. 5th grade Kid lawyer: Book level=5.2 A.R. points=8 The thrilling young mystery series from internationally

a ten minute break. Also, don’t become a nervous wreck if you get a bad grade. Try not to make a habit of it, but one poor grade isn’t going to kill you or really affect your future.

How do you manage mental health? School is stressful. Period. Although, there are certain steps you can take in order to make your education a little less so. We recommend sitting in the front in order to pay attention. If you hear information for the first time, you require less time to study. When you are studying, try to take breaks in between. Study for about fifteen to thirty minutes and then take

the clutter and chaos using these few simple steps.

Sleep is also very important as is drinking lots of water. Most teachers allow you to bring bottles into class. We find that remaining organized helps alleviate stress. Take some time to hang out with friends outside of school. Also make sure to relax and have alone time whenever you have a chance. It’s true that school can be hard but just try to enjoy middle school as much as possible. We hope this has helped give you some pointers for a happy and successful middle school experience!

bestselling author John Grisham! In the small city of Strattenburg, there are many lawyers, and though he’s only thirteen years old, Theo Boone thinks he’s one of them. Theo knows every judge, policeman, court clerk—and a lot about the law. He dreams of being a great trial lawyer, of a life in the courtroom. But Theo finds himself in court much sooner than expected. Because he knows so much—maybe too much— he is suddenly dragged into the middle of a sensational murder trial. A cold-blooded killer is about to go free, and only Theo knows the truth. The stakes are high, but Theo won’t stop until justice is served.

Matthew’s take: I enjoyed reading Kid Lawyer because the main character Theodore (Theo) is 13, so I can relate to him because I am 13. Also, this book is about adventure/ law, and I like reading about those topics. If you like these things, I would highly recommend this book.

Continued on page 4 ▶

4 Continued from page 3

Kid Owner: Book level=5 A.R. points=11 When Ryan’s estranged father unexpectedly dies, Ryan learns that he has inherited the Dallas Cowboys football team. With his new role as owner of this NFL team, Ryan has high hopes that he can be more than just a middle school misfit. Maybe he can even get off the bench and into the starting lineup of his own football team. With the help of his friends Jackson and Izzy, Ryan takes advantage of his newfound stardom. He convinces his coach to use a tricky passing

offense that plays to Ryan’s strengths. But just when things are looking up, Ryan’s nasty stepmother makes a legal play to make her own son the Cowboys’ kid owner. With drama heating up both on and off the field, Ryan quickly realizes he may lose much more than just the Dallas Cowboys.

The Voice of Veritas enemy seeking to destroy all human life. The only way to find out is to throw Ender into ever harsher training, to chip away and find the diamond inside, or destroy him utterly. Ender Wiggin is six years old when it begins. He will grow up fast.

Matthew’s take: I recommend Kid Owner because the character and storyline is relatable as a teenaged boy. Also, the story involves two things I love, sports and chess. If you like football, I would recommend this book 6th grade Ender’s Game: Book level= 5.5 A.R. points=16 Andrew “Ender” Wiggin thinks he is playing computer simulated war games; he is, in fact, engaged in something far more desperate. The result of genetic experimentation, Ender may be the military genius Earth desperately needs in a war against an alien

end up working together to shape the destiny of Earth-an Earth that has no future at all if their brother Ender fails. Matthew’s take: I like Ender’s game because it is about war, adventure, and action. Ender is also very intelligent and strategic. If you like any of these things, this would be a great book to check out.

Navy’s best hope when a US spy submarine is lost in enemy waters. With the help of Kaj’s bio-sonar, they should be able to locate the submarine before its secrets fall into the wrong hands. But the mission gets complicated when a team of Navy SEALs runs into trouble. Can Cory succeed where his heroes have failed . . . or is he in too deep?

Blood in the Water: Book level= 5.7 A.R. points=5

But Ender is not the only result of the experiment. The war with the Buggers has been raging for a hundred years, and the quest for the perfect general has been underway almost as long. Ender’s two older siblings, Peter and Valentine, are every bit as unusual as he is, but in very different ways. The siblings

Navy SEALs are some of the most elite warriors in the world. Trained to operate in sea, land, and air, they work under cover of night to carry out the US military’s most sensitive and difficult missions. Cory McNab wanted to be a Navy SEAL, but he washed out of the program. Now he is a member of the Navy’s Marine Mammals Program, where he is partnered with a search-and-recovery dolphin named Kaj.

Matthew’s take: I enjoyed reading Blood in the Water because I like reading about war, and I like animals. This book is action packed and is a quick and fun read!

Together, Cory and Kaj are the

Upcoming Events

Birthday Shoutouts August Payton Beers - 6 Dane Breitenwischer - 6 Daniel Breitenwischer - 6 Sofia Cardenas - 13 Maya Zakhem - 15 Virginia Fairfield - 18

September Audrey Finch - 1 Avery Ro - 2 Ellie Veeningen - 7 Helena Arnold - 18 Christian Ninan - 21

October David Tsang - 6 Pierre Bekhit - 9 Zion Beason - 14 Kate Mejia - 21 Carter Nguyen - 31

Stay tuned for the next issue to see your name next for Birthday Shoutouts!

The Voice of Veritas


Teacher Edition: Two Truths and a Fib We went out and asked all of the middle school teachers to give us two truths and a lie about when they were in middle school, and now it’s your job to guess which statement is true and which is a lie! DIRECTIONS: Circle the one you think is the lie for each teacher and bring your answers to Mrs. Marshall during recess. and The first 12 students to get the correct answers will get a donut from Mrs. Marshall.

Tiara Gordon and Clara Wildt

Mrs. Delgado • I ran track. • I played soccer. • I love peanut butter.

Mrs. El-issa • I accepted Jesus Christ. • I studied martial arts and got a green belt. • I got expelled from French class in 8th grade. Ms. Jones • I still have superpowers. • One of the truths is actually a lie. • I hated science.

Mrs. Arrazolo • One day my whole table moved away from me because I was eating tuna fish. • I never played any school sports because I was too scared to try out. • I made it to the district spelling bee and got out on the word “cordial.” Mr. Chace • I had a girl who sat behind me in class who told me how to dress. • I had a very grouchy math teacher named Mr. Manikousky. • I was a basketball star.

Ms. Naddaf • I was a star in the 6th grade musical. • My nickname for basketball was brick wall. • I won class president by one vote. Mrs. Olmos • I enjoyed school. • I was left out of a field trip because they forgot me. • I was a part of being mean to a friend, and we never made up.

Mrs. Marshall • I went to the same private school from pre-k through 8th grade. • I talked so much that my teacher would let me sleep just so I would be quiet. • I was regional champ for 8th-grade cross country. Mrs. Evans • I scored 3 points all season in basketball. • I was on the yearbook staff. • I switched school 3 times.

Crossword Scavenger Hunt Created by Carter2 - Carter Bernal and Carter Nguyen 2



Bring to Mrs. Marshall during homeroom to get answers checked. First 10 people will get a donut.











Down: 1. What is the name of Ms. Evans’ class pet? 2. Periodic Table #16.52.95. 3. What is displayed on camera 5? 5. Mr. Bones shook his pelvis. 6. How many pews are in the Chapel? (no hyphen) 8. The Veritas Way - Lead by ______________. 9. What is the bird’s nest on in Ms. Flores’ room? 10. Take that ________ to the bank - cha-ching! 12. Hoy es el dia para aprender algo _______________. 13. Who donated to the sidewalk going to the gym?

Across: 4. World War II, Page 187. 6. The twentieth digit of Mr. Chace’s favorite dessert. 7. What is the Chapel theme for May? 11. Who composed “The Minute Waltz”? (choir room) 13. A word that is written twice on the scoreboard.

The Voice of Veritas

Meet Your Newspaper Staff

Carter Bernal

Ava Farris

Matthew Fenz

Audrey Finch

Tiara Gordon

Luke Johnson

Brooke Kern

Jennifer Mays

Carter Nguyen

Garrison Smith

Kara Thomas

Ellie Veeningen

Clara Wildt

Mrs. Erin Marshall

Mr. Zachary Villafuerte

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