AGENDA Vermilion River Stewardship Tuesday, 19 April 2011 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Beaver Lake Sports and Cultural Club
1. Agenda Additions Adoption 2. Adoption of Previous Minutes – 8 March 2011 3. Reports Executive Finance Website Correspondence o Xeneca o NDCA 4. Business Arising from Previous Meeting Not-for-Profit – Constitution o Membership Fee o Executive Positions – 3 years Phosphorus Testing – Bob Little o NDCA/GSSP – Judy Sewell will do a presentation on 7 June - re: Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network Program for 2009 and 2010 Stakeholders’ Advisory Panel 5. New Business Wabagishik Rapids o Applicant of Record & Site Release o Reports o First Nations Contact – Duty to Consult o Affected Property Owners Not Contacted o Mitigation Measures Website – Pictures of Vermilion River Ontario Rivers Alliance o Attendance at next ORA Meeting, 14 May, North Bay Silt Core Sampling at base of Cascade Falls 6. Next Meeting – Tuesday, 7 June 2011 – 7 to 9:00 pm 7. Adjournment
Minutes of Meeting Vermilion River Stewardship Tuesday March 8, 2011 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Beaver Lake Sports and Cultural Club Chair: Linda Heron Vice Chair: John Reid Secretary: Sheri Johnson Purdon Attendance: 22 Community Members 1.
Presentation by Carolyn Hunt, Environment Group, Vale
Agenda Additions – No additions
Moved by Mike Ross Adopted
Adoption of Previous Minutes
Reports 1. Executive a) Xeneca Power Damns Environmental Assessment still needs to be completed No site release as of yet for the damns No project description available Notice of commencement was July 2010 reposted by MOE in Nov. 2010 Still trying to obtain access to the minutes with the Greater City of Sudbury meeting – Mark Simeoni Process is slow due to mine claims at the proposed sites Bob Robinson and Erik Cobb from the MNR state that the damns cannot be stopped at this point. 2. Finance a) Finance Volunteer – Brenda Salo – to be discussed at the next meeting b) City of Sudbury Funding – Steven Monet o Funding available once Lakes Advisory Panel is in place o Ideas or Plans for the use of this money should be forwarded to Linda 3. Website a) Domain name and website in the works at 4. Correspondence Walden-CAN – Linda presented to the group and was well received Jacques Barbeau – very busy and stated that he supports the health of the city’s lakes and rivers and will meet with Linda in the future. Business Arising from Previous Meeting 1. Wabagishik Rapids Letters to Snowmobile Clubs Dennis Lendrum responded - Lloyd Myllynen, Governor Response received on Friday March 4, 2011 Xeneca wants to meet Dennis prior to the Public Information session on March 22, 2011 Holmes says there will be no impact on the bridge
Moved by Betsy Little Seconded by Aaron Basso Adopted
There was no answer to the other questions related to the road Ontario Rivers Alliance Linda is the intern chair Next meeting April 2, 2011 in North Bay Press Release previously circulated Interview on CBC Morning North Phosphorus Testing Link sent to Linda MOE performs the testing o challenge is accessing the reports o Bob Little to call o Leslie Flowers to forward information on volunteer sampling to Bob City has reports for testing on Grassy Lake and Kusk Lake 2006. Vale intake - contact Nick Benkovich about what testing they perform Spanish-Vermilion Water Management Plan Steve Cobb provided a draft of the Water Management plan. It contains information about the water flows in the city, which is very helpful. Leslie Flowers, Simon Lake Community Stewardship Group explained the letter that was originally to come from both Stewardships was sent only by their group to: request MOE and City pay for a phosphorus study to determine source of pollution
New Business 1. RBC Funding Blue Water Project has funding available, we will have to wait until next year. Application date has passed. They do have separate resources available that we may apply for that is for a smaller amount $5000, available anytime during the year. Requires a not for profit status to qualify. 2. Environmental Study of Vermilion River & Wanapitei River Watersheds With the damns going forward it is important for us to monitor the state of the rivers. We need to start our own study so we have a baseline to monitor any changes in water quality after dams are built. 3. Not for Profit Designation Committee set up with Sheri Johnson Purdon as Chair and Mike and Lloyd as committee members. 4. Biodiversity Committee Helps identify the different species in the watershed that may be affected by the dams. Have a volunteer to help but cannot chair the committee. There were no volunteers at this time. 5. Xeneca’s Stakeholders’ Advisory Committee Linda has again been invited to sit on this committee. She has asked for a Terms of Reference prior to giving her response. Linda will forward to the membership once it is received
Next Meeting: Tuesday April 12, 2011, 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Beaver Lake Sports and Cultural Club
EXECUTIVE REPORT 8 MARCH 2011 Talked to Mark Holmes, Xeneca – Thursday, 3 March at 9:00 am: 1. He will send me water control structure map by mail – 19 control structures 2. Hasn’t answered any of our questions yet 3. Holmes told me that their funding comes from OPSEU 4. Asked me who I would like to see as Chair on a Stakeholders’ Committee – I told him Dr. John Gunn or Dr. Ramcharan 5. He asked me if I would sit on this Stakeholder’s Committee and I said yes, but only if I didn’t have to sign a “Confidentiality Agreement” & could report back to my Stewardship and Community 6. He said I would have to sign a Confidentiality Agreement – now changed to Terms of Reference 7. I asked him for a copy of the Agreement and told him I would take it before our Stewardship Members for their decision 8. In hindsight I wrote a message to Dr. Gunn and Dr. Ramcharan to request they not accept the position as I believe Xeneca will use their appointment on the Stakeholders’ Committee as something I suggested and consider me as agreeing to this EA Process 9. Dr. Ramcharan said he would not sign any Confidentiality Agreement either – wants to talk to me MNR Contact 1. “With all due respect, you are not going to stop these dams through the EA process.” 2. “How can we stop them then?” He said, “It’s a free world. Conditions aren’t there for them to be stopped. You need a very good reason for it not to proceed.” 3. EA process is designed to find mitigation. 4. Xeneca has not provided an Applicant of Record for any of their projects in the north, so there is no site release for any of our 4 proposed projects. 5. 2 other applications in the site release process right now – 1 on the Wanapitei and one on Birch Creek, near Webwood 6. MNR is not driving the process, the MOE is 7. Xeneca will have to mitigate concerns about water levels, flow, etc. 8. Use the window of opportunity when the EA process is complete and the Notice of Completion is issued to bump up to an Individual Class EA – but need a good reason 9. When the Environmental Assessment Act came into effect it became an EA enabling process 10. Process is as follows: a. Application of Record – Xeneca has not submitted on any of our projects or Wanapitei b. Site Release c. Project Description d. EA Process – Xeneca has chosen to proceed with the EA without an Application of Record – a technical question for MOE i. EA process is there to address environmental concerns in a broad sense ii. Concerns are to be properly documented and then provide a suggested approach – concerns are to be mitigated e. Notice of Commencement – July 2010 f. MOE told them to repost our NofC in November 2010 i. MOE won’t intervene in the Class EA process 11. Will try to get a copy of the minutes of the EA meeting when they’re ready – can’t promise anything 12. He didn’t even know about the Vale Public Drinking Water intake at the base of Cascade Falls. 13. Said 3 upper Vermilion sites are a little behind in the site release process – waiting for ownership details to be sorted out ‐ patented land, Vale & City – it could have something to do with Vale having to release interests on the Vermilion River Water Management Plan
14. Lake Sturgeon – very little information about them in the Lower Wabagishik 15. Xeneca holding a public information meeting on 22 March, Espanola, for Wabagishik 16. I just found 2 more possible Vermilion River sites in the Hatch Acres Report – at Island Rapids & CPR bridge Spanish‐Vermilion River Water Management Plan 1. There is an existing Spanish‐Vermilion Water Management Plan, and apparently Xeneca will have to apply for an amendment to this plan – this will take time – Vale and possibly Domtar would have to allow 2. Eric Cobb, Sudbury MNR was working on this WMP – 705 564‐7857 – left message 3. Bob Robinson – left message 4. Carolyn Hunt, Vale, said there is an in-place Water Management Plan from 1993-2012 which covers the Spanish River main branch structures only. The updated plan, which incorporates structures in the Vermilion River branch, is currently being finalized (comments from MNR are being addressed) and will be available for public distribution after it is approved by the MNR. 5. Picked up the 2006 Draft Water Management Plan – an updated one is in the works
OFSC Dennis Lendrum, Espanola OFSC contacted me on follow‐up from letter o Very concerned about their snowmobile bridge which they constructed very close to where the dam is proposed o Gave me the name of the District 12 OFSC, Lloyd Myllynen o Contacted Lloyd and they are very concerned o I sent them an information package o Dennis Lendrum talked to Mark Holmes and found out Espanola Public Meeting would be held on 22 March – location to be determined Lloyd Myllynen – Governor of Regional OFSC o Is concerned and gave me contact information for head office o I followed up by contacting head office of our concerns RBC Blue Water 1. Funding available – very interested in helping us – need water project in this area 2. Deadline was 4 March – not enough time to apply this year 3. Recommended we go for a general grant – no deadline –from $1,000 to $5,000 4. Must have Not‐for‐Profit status in order to apply, or partner with someone who does 5. Need to start the NforP process 6. Spoke to an Brad Bowman, Environmental Scientist/Consultant about o what type of study we should undertake o suggested gathering information from the numerous sources that have already been testing over the years o create a database of information that would be useful to everyone o Phase I ‐ $5,000 for the first year to create an outline of what is available and where o Phase II – 2012 ‐ we would then have our NforP status and could go ahead o This would give us a benchmark and help pinpoint sources of pollution Walden‐CAN 7 March – Invited by Neeltje Van‐Roon to give a presentation to their members Re: Vermilion River proposed dams and other challenges we are addressing Full house – my slide presentation is posted on the Walden‐CAN website Jacques Barbeau Jacques sent me a message and said he will meet with me within the next few weeks. He has been just swamped. I am relieved he has answered my plea!
VERMILION RIVER STEWARDSHIP 379 Ronka Rd. Worthington, ON P0M 3H0 (705) 866-1677 1 March 2011
Please be aware that Xeneca Power Development Inc., have filed a Notice of Commencement for 4 Run-of-River hydroelectric dams with “Modified Peaking” on the Vermilion River as follows: o MCPHERSON FALLS – 100m HEAD POND o CASCADE FALLS – 3.5km HEAD POND o SOO CROSSING – 4.5km HEAD POND o WABAGISHIK RAPIDS – 600m HEAD POND The Vermilion River Stewardship (VRS) is very concerned about all 4 of these dams, and the proposed Wabagishik Dam would be very close to the bridge constructed across the Wabagishik Rapids for snowmobilers. The impact to the trails is unknown but the VRS is confident that the clubs will only be notified at the last possible moment with little time to effectively respond. For example, the Espanola club has likely not been contacted by Xeneca regarding the new power transmission grid planned to run along the existing snowmobile trail. If you also have concerns about any or all of these dams please contact me, or come to our next meeting on Tuesday, 8 March 2011, at the Beaver Lake Sports and Cultural Club, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Sincerely,
Linda Heron, Chair Vermilion River Stewardship
Addendum 4 - Vermilion River Stewardship – Request Document
These are in the making and are not yet available. Once complete, they will be posted on Xeneca’s website and stakeholders, including the Vermilion River Stewardship, will be notified. Steph Hodsoll sent to Linda Heron via email.
Project Descriptions for McPherson Falls, Cascade Falls & Soo Crossing. List of dates and newspapers in which all Notices were published. th Answers to questions contained in VRS December 8 , 2010 email message. Date when Public Consultation Meetings will be held.
03-162011 02-16-11
Date Xeneca’s Public Communications Plan was published. Full unedited slide presentation made to Sudbury City Council in September of 2010 made available on your website for download. Date when the Notice of Completion will be published.
See below. The Wabagishik Rapids PIC will be on March 22 in Espanola. Stakeholders will be notified when other PIC dates are set. (The Project Description needs to be finalized and issued before a PIC can be held.) Xeneca received a draft Public Consultation Plan from one of our consultants in February 2011. It is still under review. Mark Holmes sent to Linda Heron. This presentation is not public domain and will not be posted to Xeneca’s website.
03-032011 02-11-11
Details on how you will protect the Inco Public Drinking Water Intake from the sediment and heavy metals churned up daily from the tail race. Details of how you plan to protect the public at the Centennial Park swim area, located very close to the proposed Soo Crossing Dam. Details of how you will protect the passage of fish, spawning grounds, aquatic life, the ecosystem, and natural habitat. Details of how you will protect our endangered species and species at risk. Details of how you plan to generate power throughout several summer months of very low water levels & flow?
This question will be addressed in Xeneca’s Waterpower Class EA. We will study the area in conjunction with the municipality and assess safety issues during the EA process.
This question will be addressed in Xeneca’s Waterpower Class EA. We will interface with agencies and engage our biological consultants to study this issue.
Answers to all questions and answers generated at the Wanapitei public meeting.
This question will be addressed in Xeneca’s Waterpower Class EA. We will interface with agencies and engage our biological consultants to study this issue. This question will be addressed in Xeneca’s Waterpower Class EA. The Operating Plans for these projects are now in development and will be presented to regulators for review during the EA process. Question from Xeneca’s Public Information Centres will be addressed in each project’s Waterpower Class EA.
1 2
PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Will McPherson Falls, Cascade Falls and Soo Crossing all be treated as one System in the EA? What will the minimum committed residual flows over the dams be? What will the full power turbine flow be at each dam?
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7 8
11 12
3 4
3 4
03-012011 03-012011 03-012011
This will be done once the Agencies have determined that Xeneca’s Waterpower Class EA is complete. This question will be addressed in Xeneca’s Waterpower Class EA. We will interface with INCO and the municipality during the EA process to study this issue.
Yes. McPherson Falls, Cascade Falls and Soo Crossing all fall under one Waterpower Class EA. Wabagishik Rapids will have its own EA. This will be determined by the MNR and DFO. (Xeneca will propose operating plans for the site as part of the Class EA; these calculations will be done over the next two months.) The proposed generating capacity for Wabagishik is 3.4 MW. The proposed generating capacities for McPherson Falls, Cascade Falls and Soo Crossing will be available once the Project Description is complete.
Addendum 4 - Vermilion River Stewardship – Request Document
How many times each day will water be held back and then released with modified peaking?
There will always be compensatory flow. It is Xeneca’s intention to operate the project as a ‘modified run of river.’ The details will be in the operating plan, which is currently being developed.
Addendum 4 - Vermilion River Stewardship – Request Document Vermilion River Stewardship Council – Questions
1. Why were there no public meetings before the dams were approved? Xeneca’s Vermilion River projects have not yet been approved, and we are planning to hold Public Information Centres in the surrounding community in the next months. The PIC for the proposed Wabagishik Rapids is set for March 22 in Espanola. Before any project approvals are granted under the Waterpower Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA), Xeneca must compile and address all stakeholder comment and present scientific research (carried out by environmental consultants) to comply with the rigorous demands of the regulatory agencies. The Class EA is approximately 12-18 months in duration, which provides ample time and opportunity for thorough public consultation, healthy discussion and sound decision making. Once the process is complete, the outcomes of the consultation process are released through the Class EA, which will be available to the public (at municipal buildings, library, through MOE and on Xeneca's website.) 2. What influence will 4 dams have on the river, its ecosystem and the local inhabitants!! -Public safety – if a dam fails, how will it affect those who live downstream? -Fish spawning -Erosion of habitat and river banks -Water levels – these recent dry summers have already had a negative impact on water levels, will these dams bring water levels even lower? Corporately, and as individuals, Xeneca takes very seriously our responsibility to respect the environment and the multiple users for whom the river is an integral part of the community, their livelihoods and their social well-being. The Vermilion River projects are still at a relatively early stage of development, and Xeneca is currently engaging professionals who are conducting environmental studies on the river to ascertain the fish communities and habitat present in the affected reaches of the river system. While projects such as ours can cause some changes, ensuring that impacts on aquatic habitat are avoided or minimized is a very significant part of the development process. All environmental aspects of the project will be scrutinized in great detail. Water levels are not expected to vary significantly from normal seasonal patterns, and river flow will never be stopped. At all times flow must be maintained at level to ensure ecological integrity. Additional flooding is confined to the areas adjacent to the existing river and floodplain. Safety of the project is of paramount concern and will be addressed in parallel with the EA process. Xeneca is hiring a qualified independent third party engineering firm to conduct a safety audit of its projects to ensure safety is paramount. Further, Xeneca will fully comply with all regulations applicable to operation of a waterpower facility. Again, the outcomes of the consultation process will be available once the Class EA is prepared and issued for public review.
Addendum 4 - Vermilion River Stewardship – Request Document
3. Has there been an Environmental Assessment study completed?
No, the EA is underway. We are currently in the information gathering stage of the Class EA process. Throughout the process, opportunity will be offered to express opinions, concerns, support or opposition. All stakeholder input, including First Nations, Town officials, federal and provincial government agencies, environmentalists, kayakers, anglers, hikers, bird watchers or simply interested local residents, become part of our decision making process. There are no permits or approvals associated with this Waterpower Class EA. The EA is a binding process; it is a contract with the community and the citizens of Ontario. Xeneca has every interest in making sure the project proposed honestly reflects what will be built. 4. How will these dams improve or benefit our local economy – will any share of the profits go back to the local Community? The return to the economy of Canada will be upwards of $5 million per megawatt over a 40-year period. In addition, royalties, taxes, fees and leasing revenues which are returned to the municipality. For the Wabagishik Rapids GS, this would equal $17 million over a 40-year operational period. First Nation Communities also stand to benefit significantly from renewable energy projects across Ontario. Several programs are in place through which Communities can participate and earn long-term revenue streams, jobs and skills development.
n ic
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Aprll 4,2011
Ms. Linda Heron, Chair Vermilion River Stewardship 379 Ronka Road Worthington, ON POM 3HO
Dear Ms. Heron: Re: Xeneca Power Development Inc.(Xeneca)-
Vermilion River Hydroelectric Generating Proposal Thank you very much for your letter dated February I ,2071 which was directed to the Nickel District Conservation Authority (NDCA) and Greater Sudbury Source Protection Authority (GSSPA.) Your letter and the contents were reviewed and discussed at the March 3I,20lI meeting of the NDCA General Board. The following comments are provided in response to your letter based on direction from the NDCA General Board. The NDCA is very interested in the proposal by Xeneca to develop three generating stations on the Vermilion River within our watershed area. The NDCA like many other regulatory agencies has a role to play in the review and consideration of this development proposal. The NDCA can only address the proposal based on our mandate as contained in the Conservation Authorities Act and the Clean Water Act, 2006 were applicable. The NDCA must have the opportunity to review detailed environmental and hydrological information and meet with Xeneca representatives along with other regulatory agencies before it will be able to make specific comments related to the proposal to develop the three generating stations. It is therefore premature for the NDCA to take action in response to any of the requests outlined in the letter from the stewardship group.
However please be assured that the NDCA/GSSPA are following this matter very closely. Further in order to ensure ongoing contact with you and the stewardship group, the NDCA would invite you to attend a General Board meeting if you wish. The monthly meeting dates for the NDCA General Board are posted on our website. Should you wish to appear before the General Board I would require a written or e-mailed notice seven days in advance of the meeting date.
A member of Conservation Ontario Membre de Conservation Ontario
Member Municipality: City of Greater Sudbury Municipalit6-membre: Vrlle du Grand Sudbury
Page 2
Aprrl4,2011 Ms. Linda Heron
Thank you very much for your letter. Please feel free to contact me at anytime to discuss this matter further. Should you want to meet with me at any'time at the NDCA office please contact me and I will immediately arrange a mutually convenient day and time to meet with you.
Yours truly,
Paul N. Sa.jatovic General Manager/S ecretary-Treasurer
cc. NDCA/GSSPA Chair Rogers and Members Mayor Matichuk and Councillors, City of Greater Sudbury.
Introduction Xeneca Power Development Inc. is proposing to develop a new waterpower generating station on the Vermilion River; the proposed project is known as Wabagishik Rapids. The purpose of this evening’s Open House is to: Th f thi i ’ O H i t •Introduce the project •Present preliminary design concepts •Provide you an understanding of the environmental assessment and approvals process approvals process •Provide an opportunity to discuss the project with Xeneca representatives
We value your comments and input. Please fill out a comment card and leave it with us or mail it to the address provided. : Copies of the panels from this Public Information Center as well as current project information can be found on the Xeneca website at:
W b i hik Rapids GS Concept Wabagishik R id GS C t
W b i hik Rapids Inundation Wabagishik R id I d ti
Wabagishik Rapids Proposed Access and Rapids Proposed Access and Transmission Lines:
Project Benefits: Project Benefits: Xeneca Power Development Inc, is proposing to develop four new waterpower generating station on the Vermilion River, including Wabagishik Rapids, which will have an installed capacity of approximately 3.4 MW. Waterpower creates jobs, generates revenue to the taxpayers of Ontario and W t t j b t t th t fO t i d is the longest lived and most reliable source of clean, renewable electricity.
Approximate economic activity (direct) to build in Ontario is $5 million Approximate economic activity (direct) to build in Ontario is $5 million per megawatt, about half of which is spent locally procuring everything from consulting and legal services to concrete, steel, trucking and other services such as hotels, restaurant and fuel.
Direct job creation (construction only) 10,000 person hours per MW. Indirect jobs multiply by 1 5 Indirect jobs multiply by 1.5.
Local/Regional economic boost of $2.5 million per MW – about $29.5 million.
First Nations and non aboriginal community participation incentives. For overview see Xeneca Website overview see Xeneca Website.
Significant return to the people of the City of Greater Sudbury with approximately $5 million per MW ($59 million over the 40 year lifespan of the project) paid through Gross Revenue Charges (GRC) and Provincial and Federal Income taxes.
May assist mining companies or local industry by providing more reliable power with some potential cost savings.
Waterpower lasts… Many power plants built in the early 1900s are still in operation and with regular maintenance and upgrades can last for generations to come In comparison the life span for other sources of generations to come. In comparison, the life span for other sources of clean power are: Nuclear 40 years, Wind 20 years, Solar 20 years.
Environmental and Engineering Investigations: Environmental and Engineering Investigations: •
LiDAR survey of river corridor
Terrestrial vegetation and wildlife habitat
Fish community and aquatic habitat (spawning and rearing areas, index netting, small fish collections, etc)
Mercury in fish flesh (to establish background levels)
Water quality sampling, including low level mercury
Benthos (bottom dwelling organisms)
Sediment (assess for particle size and organic content)
Water temperature monitoring
Archaeological investigations (Stage 1 and 2) Archaeological investigations (Stage 1 and 2)
Local geology/topography
Egg mat in place during spring spawning surveys
Constitution And Bylaws Of the “Vermilion River Stewardship” Adopted: ................./................./ 20..... .
Preamble WHEREAS the Vermilion River and its watershed is a body of water that provides water to communities, industries, and individuals for their personal use in the form of drinking water and enjoyment; and as a habitat to many wildlife creatures both endangered and otherwise.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a non political, not for profit organization be formed. And further that this organization to be known as the “Vermilion River Stewardship” will act as a voice for the Vermilion River and its Watershed, and will work to build partnerships and strategic alliances with all other interested parties, communities, stewardships, organizations and industry to ensure clean and healthy water quality; and a balanced and sustainable ecosystem and natural habitat.
CONSTITUTION Article 1 ‐ Name This Organization shall be known as the “Vermilion River Stewardship”. Any reference herein to VRS or the Stewardship shall mean the “Vermilion River Stewardship”.
Article 2 – Purpose & Goals Community Supporting a Healthy, Natural and Sustainable River System Acting on behalf of the Vermilion River for a healthy, balanced and sustainable ecosystem and natural habitat, this Stewardship will actively work to: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Encourage and promote cooperative stewardship; Ensure its interests are fully represented and protected; Preserve and protect its water quality, ecosystem, and natural habitat; and Educate, promote and advocate for responsible and sustainable activities in the entire Vermilion Watershed.
Article 3 – Address The address for mailings and the storage and keeping of all documents of the Stewardship shall be located at 379 Ronka Rd., Worthington, Ontario, P0M 3H0. The address may be changed as determined by the executive of the Stewardship.
ARTICLE 4 ‐ Membership Membership in the Vermilion River Stewardship shall be available to interested parties residing within the boundaries of the Vermilion River watershed. To become a member, applicants must complete an application for membership and remit the dues as defined below to the Secretary of the Stewardship. A member must refrain from any action or activities that conflicts with the purpose or obligations of the Stewardship as defined in the preamble and Article # 2 of this Constitution, or whose actions might prevent the Officers of the Stewardship and its members from carrying out its lawful duties and responsibilities. Any person whose purpose it is to undermine or in any way damage this Stewardship shall be denied membership and any membership held shall be revoked. Annual membership dues shall be $20.00 for an individual, or $25.00 for a family.
Article 5 – Officers The executive board shall be comprised of at least three Officers with a provision made herein allowing for a total of five if recommended by the executive board at its meeting and approved by the membership. The membership may at any time request that the Executive Board appoint two additional officers to act as Executive Board Members until the next regular election. Such request must be provided in writing and signed by at least 10 full members and presented to the Secretary no later than 30 days prior to the next membership meeting whereupon a vote will occur to determine approval or denial of such request. The Secretary shall immediately notify the Chair and Treasurer of the request and it shall be placed on the agenda of both meetings. Chair The Chair shall be the recognized head and spoke person of the Stewardship and shall preside as chairperson at all meetings of the Stewardship. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Chair to call such special meetings as may be determined by the executive board from time to time.
The Chair shall not be entitled to vote on any matter pertaining to the business of the Stewardship, but shall cast the deciding vote on such matters in cases of there being equal numbers of votes both for and against a motion. (Tie‐vote) The Chair together with the Secretary Treasurer shall sign all official documents of the Vermilion River Stewardship, and a signing officer at such banking institution where the VRS holds its banking accounts. The Chair shall be the chairman ex‐officio of all committees of the Stewardship. If the Chair is unable to attend a meeting or function of the Stewardship, then the remaining members shall appoint one from amongst themselves to conduct the duties of the Chair required at such meeting or function. Vice Chair The Vice Chair shall preside at meetings of the Stewardship where the Chair is absent. The Vice Chair may also be called upon to represent the Chair at functions if required as requested by the Chair. Secretary Treasurer The Secretary Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all financial transactions of the Stewardship and shall issue receipts for all monies receive by it. The Secretary Treasurer shall be a signing officer along with the Chair, on all official documents pertaining to banking requirements. The Secretary Treasurer shall prepare quarterly financial statements showing all receipts and disbursements which shall then be presented to the Executive Board and membership for approval at their next meetings. An annual audited financial statement shall be prepared by a Chartered Accountant. Such statement shall be presented to the annual meetings of the Executive Board and to the Membership for approval. The Secretary Treasurer shall record the minutes of all meetings of the Executive and the Membership. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary Treasurer to see to it that all such minutes be kept in a safe location.
Where required by law or otherwise, the Secretary Treasurer along with the Chair shall sign such documents as to conduct the business of the Stewardship in a proper and legal fashion. The Secretary Treasurer shall present the minutes of meetings to subsequent Executive Board and Membership meetings for discussion, amendment if any, and for final approval. Upon final approval of the minutes, the same shall be signed by the Secretary Treasurer attesting to the fact that such minutes are the true original minutes as approved, and dated. Executive Board Members Should the Executive Board comprising of the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary Treasurer, determine that the growth of the Vermilion River Stewardship requires additional Executive Board Members to share in the responsibilities of the Stewardship, then the Executive Board at its regular or special called meeting shall recommend to the membership that the Executive Board be increased to five full members, and that an election take place in the interim to elect 2 additional members. Their titles shall be “Executive Board Member”. The Executive Board Members so elected, shall have equal rights to voice and vote at all meetings of the VRS.
Article 6 ‐ Election of Officers The first election of Officers under this constitution shall take place at the same meeting adopting this constitution. Officers so elected shall take office immediately upon their election. Election of officers shall take place at a special meeting held every 36 months in the month of April. Voting shall take place by secret ballot and counted in the presence of the membership at such meeting. The term of office for elected Officers shall commence on the first day of the month following their election. Notice of the election meeting shall be forwarded to all eligible members not less than 30 and not more than 60 days prior to such meeting. The notice shall contain all matters of agenda to be dealt with including the positions available for election.
To run for office or hold any position within the Vermilion River Stewardship, a person must be a member in continued good standing within the Stewardship for a minimum of 12 months prior to such election or appointment. This rule shall not apply to candidates seeking office and election at the first meeting of the Vermilion River Stewardship conducted under this constitution. The officers elected above shall hold office for a minimum of 36 months from the effective date of such election.
Article 7 – Meetings There shall be an annual meeting held in the month of April of each year. Regular meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Board and approved by the membership. Conduct of the meetings shall be in accordance with generally accepted Roberts Rules of Order, or as established by the executive and approved by the membership. Article 8 – Funding & Use The Vermilion River Stewardship is to be funded through membership dues, donations, grants, social events, raffles, draws, or through funding that is available or may become available in the future for which the Stewardship is eligible , to enable the Stewardship to achieve its goals as set out herein. The funding will be used for studies, promotion, office, salaries if any of employees, travelling & lodging, audit and legal costs, affiliations, and miscellaneous general expenses. The Vermilion River Stewardship will not donate any monies to political, government or private agencies. The Vermilion River Stewardship will not engage in any form of industrial or commercial enterprise for which its purpose would be to compete with others and make a profit there from. Article 9 ‐ Constitutional Amendments
This constitution may be amended from time to time by vote of the membership at its annual meetings. A member wishing to make an amendment to this constitution shall present such proposed amendment in writing to the Secretary of the Stewardship not more than 60 days or less than 30 days prior to the annual meeting. No proposed amendment shall have for its purpose the destruction of this Stewardship, nor shall such proposed amendment hinder or prevent in any way the Stewardship or its Officers from carrying out its/their responsibilities, purpose or rights as defined herein. Article 10 ‐ General Should any article contained herein be found to be in conflict with any existing Provincial or Federal legislation governing the existence and operation of a Not For Profit Organization, then that applicable section of this Constitution shall be amended to conform with such laws without affecting the remaining parts. This Constitution and by‐laws of the Vermilion River Stewardship is hereby enacted on this ___________ day of __________________, 2011, by vote of its members. _______________________
Linda Heron (Chair)