Minutes Vermilion River Stewardship Tuesday June 7, 2011 7:00 – 9:00 pm Beaver Lake Sports and Cultural Club Present:
Sheri Purdon, John Purdon, Ron Basso, Allan Basso, Ken Makela, Michael Ross, John Reid, and Linda Heron
1. Presentation by Nickel District Conservation Authority Judy Sewell – Drinking Water Source Protection Co-ordinator Slide Presentation - Attached 2. Adoptions a. Adoption of Agenda
Moved by Ron Basso Seconded by John Purdon Adopted
b. Adoption of previous minutes: April 19, 2011 Moved by Allan Basso Seconded by John Purdon Adopted c. Adoption of Constitution Meeting Minutes Moved by Ron Basso Seconded by Allan Basso Adopted 3. Reports a. Executive Report - Attached Wanapitei River Proposed Dam o Xeneca held a public meeting in a forum format o Slide show with Q&A, about 200 people in attendance o Xeneca has been displaying the Ecologo at public meetings, but it was confirmed that Xeneca has not been awarded the Ecologo o Claims of financial gains by communities was challenged as the Ministry of Finance confirmed by letter that no Gross Revenue Charge has been shared with Municipalities since 2002 b. Correspondence Application for Not For Profit status submitted – awaiting response Requested Spanish-Vermilion Water Management Plan from MNR but they would not provide a copy until it has been finally approved – should be available by end of June Requested MNR Site Information package – awaiting approval
Filed Freedom of Information Application to gain access to vital documents – would have cost $1,200 for paper copies, $750 for digital, but since we had no budget for this we agreed to $40 for 3 documents - awaiting approval and clearance Request for Minutes from Xeneca and MNR meetings Declaration of Intent was submitted by Xeneca for Wabagishik – there is now a 180 day waiting period – expiring on September 27th, at which time MNR will make a decision on whether to issue site release Whitefish Lake First Nation (WLFN) are registered Stakeholders o WLFN’s lawyer sent a letter to Xeneca to stop progress o France Gelinas hand delivered a letter to Linda Jeffrey requesting the documents be released to VRS o Eco Logo – letter questioning Xeneca’s right to use the Ecologo o Sent letter to Marianne Matichuk, Mayor of Greater City of Sudbury to request a meeting with VRS c) Finance o Application for Silt sampling with the Lake Advisory Panel Funding o Application for $550 made with the expectation of $450 being awarded o Reduces the number of sampling sites from two to three o Request for Scuba divers to perform testing from the Sudbury Dive Club– Ron will look into this o Approach MNR on silt core sampling equipment d) Website – as per ER 4. Business Arising from Previous Meeting Dam Proposals update – upper three Vermilion River dam proposals have not progressed o Xeneca partnership with Xstrata, NDCA and Domtar Wabegishik dam – species at risk o Walleye, Bass, Pike spawning beds must all be mitigated o Box turtle, blanding turtle sightings – all SARS need to be reported to stewardship Application for Not for Profit – as per report Application for Lakes Advisory Panel funding – as per report Membership dues - $20 for single $25 for family 5. New Business Quadra FNX – Victoria Mine o Message requesting information on whether a decision has been made regarding where effluent would be discharged – into Vermilion or Spanish River Watershed - has been made and no response has been received to date o Will try to arrange to have a representative attend our meeting in Sept. 2011
Sudbury Waste Water Treatment o Bypasses – spill reports indicating recent spills from heavy rains were circulated to the members o Heavy rain events overwhelm the Wastewater Treatment Facilities and the City sometimes has to bypass sewage to prevent sewage backing up into Sudbury basements – o Eves trough downspouts hooked up to the sewer system are a major cause for bypasses and is being addressed by a new Sudbury by-law o We must keep the City accountable to the bypasses o Vale treatment should also be held accountable o Tertiary Treatment for the new proposed plants must be pursued, and a public forum held to discuss this issue o A meeting with Vale and Sudbury WWT should be called to initiate a partnership - to help reduce bypasses and decrease phosphorus loading into the Vermilion River, (Simon Lake Stewardship should be invited as well) for Sept. 2011 Biodiversity Committee o John Purdon will head the Committee o Ron Basso & Ken Makela will work with John o Investigation of Archaeological sites at proposed dam sites should be initiated Freedom of Information Application o Financial cost is considerable as mentioned in the Executive Report. o Will purchase digital copies of Minutes of Ministry meetings and Draft Flow Report documents – at $40 o Awaiting processing 6. Adjourned – 9:30 pm 7. Next meeting: Sept. 2011- date to be determined. Everyone enjoy the river this summer!
Vermilion River Stewardship EXECUTIVE REPORT 7 June 2011 Report from Chair:
Application for Not-for-Profit has been submitted Attended Ontario Rivers Alliance meeting on 14 May 2011 o 30 membership organizations and 15 rivers o Drafting questions to all political parties – answers will be published in newspapers o Applying for Not-for-Profit status o Several letters to Ministers regarding mitigation measures for existing dams coming up for renewal of agreements o Commented to Minister of Environment, re: review of Environmental Bill of Rights o Commented to MNR, re: Site Release Policy France Gelinas sent a letter on behalf of Vermilion River Stewardship’s (VRS) to The Honourable Linda Jeffrey, Minister of Natural Resources to request our application under the Freedom of Information Act, be granted Prepared and submitted Application for Funding to Lake Stewardship Grant Program Met with Bruce Richard, Information Supervisor, MNR, to discuss access to documentation requested in Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Application (FIPPA) o VRS must pay $1123 for paper copies; or $750 for digital version o Will purchase digital copies of Minutes of Ministry meetings and Draft Flow Report documents - $40 o MNR cannot freely share any documentation originating from Proponent o Bruce Richard made a request to head office to see if the MNR Information Package can be shared with VRS – should hear very soon o Went to MNR office in Sudbury to view the Spanish – Vermilion Water Management Plan – it is a new plan that will be available to us by end of June Attended the Wanapitei Public Meeting on 25 May, in Alban o Questioned Mark Holmes Why not share information to provide an open and transparent process Why is an EcoLogo being displayed on presentation when this label has not been earned Drafted a letter to EcoLogo to request this label not be granted for these proposed dams
Opening VRS bank account at Bank of Montreal
o Appt. 8 June 2011 o Submitted letter of instruction to Claudio Falvo, BOM o Will have a Community Account until the Incorporation has been approved o Ron Basso & Linda Heron will have signing authority – either/or Membership Application Form Money order in the amount of $155.00 submitted with our Not-for-Profit Incorporation Application Received $70 in membership fees to date Balance $165
Still in the process of building the website A member placed a video of the 23 March 2011 Policy Committee presentation by Mark Holmes, Xeneca; and Linda Heron on YouTube. The video is linked on our website at http://vermilionriverstewards.ca/events/32-2/city-of-sudbury-policy-committee/ Still have to create a links page and Social Network links We have lots of pictures available now – just have to get them up on our website now
2011, May 6: Application to Lake Water Quality Program – Request for Funding 2011 2011, May 6: Application for Incorporation to Ministry of Government Services 2011, May 8: Request for Information to Mark Holmes – No Response 2011, May 13: Letter from Laura Lee May, Information and Privacy Coordinator, MNR 2011, June 1: Letter from VRS to The EcoLogo Program 2011, June 1: Letter from VRS to Claudio Falvo, BOM
379 Ronka Rd. Worthington, ON P0M 3H0 (705) 866‐1677 Info@VermilionRiverStewards.ca VermilionRiverStewards.ca
7 June 2011 Mayor Marianne Matichuk City of Greater Sudbury PO Box 5000, STN ´A´, 200 Brady St. Sudbury, ON Canada P3A 5P3 E: mayor@greatersudbury.ca Dear Mayor Matichuk: Re: Vermilion River Hydroelectric Dam Proposals McPherson Falls, Cascade Falls, At Soo Crossing & Wabagishik Rapids The Vermilion River Stewardship was recently formed to address the 4 proposed hydroelectric dams slated for modified peaking at McPherson Falls, Cascade Falls, At Soo Crossing and Wabagishik Rapids, as well as a few other challenges currently facing the Vermilion River. On 23 March 2011, Mark Holmes, Vice President of Corporate Affairs of Xeneca Power Development Ltd., gave a presentation to the City Policy Committee with regard to these proposals, and I was fortunate to have been allowed to make a presentation right after him at that meeting. Unfortunately you were not present at that meeting, so I felt it was important to share with you some of the challenges and issues stemming from these proposals. I am attaching that slide presentation as it is a very good overview of our numerous concerns with these proposals. Since this meeting I have become aware of a few additional facts that might give you a broader understanding of the facts: 1. McPherson, Cascade and At Soo Crossing fall within the District of Greater Sudbury, however, Wabagishik Rapids does not, but is contained in an unorganized township. 1
Mark Holmes, on behalf of Xeneca, made the claim that the City of Sudbury would earn upwards of $59,000,000 from Gross Revenue Charges over the forty year term of the contract. It has come to our attention that there has not been Gross Revenue Charges paid, with regard to hydroelectric dams, to any municipalities since 2001. Mark Holmes stated he was aware of this fact at the most recent Wanapitei Public Meeting, but not before claiming that their municipality would receive proceeds from the Wanapitei Dam. At that, Morgan Pitfield, the Mayor of Killarney, read a letter from the Ministry Of Finance, stating the municipality receives no portion of the GRC. It was only then that Holmes admitted he knew the revenue was no longer available, however, he said he would protest this fact with the Ministry of Finance. At the City of Sudbury Policy Committee Meeting, and the Wanapitei and Big Eddy Public Meetings, Mark Holmes displayed the EcoLogo on his slide presentation. Upon checking with Deborah Van Waard, Client Service Coordinator, EcoLogo Program, she informed me that Xeneca was not a client. Below is a sign displayed at the Big Eddy Public Meeting which gives the illusion they have received EcoLogo Certification on this proposal, when in fact they have not:
VRS has formally requested copies of documentation concerning the Vermilion dam proposals from Mark Holmes of Xeneca, with no response. The Ministry of Natural Resources tells me it is up to the proponent to share this documentation and the Proponent tells me it is up to the Ministry. Our 2
Stewardship applied through the Freedom of Information Act for several specific documents; however, the cost was prohibitive at $750, so we still have no access. No site release has yet been obtained on any of these proposed dams, and still no Project Description is available for McPherson, Cascade and At Soo Crossing.
I am requesting a meeting with you to discuss the dam proposals in the hopes you will Support the VRS in ensuring any waterpower projects are in the best interests of the Vermilion River’s ecosystem, and of the affected Stakeholders; Assist VRS in obtaining pertinent documentation, such as Minutes of Ministry meetings, engineered drawings of dam proposals, flow reports, site strategy reports, etc., and Form a City led Stakeholder’s Advisory Committee to ensure Stakeholders’ interests are fully represented, and allow participation without the requirement of signing a confidentiality agreement. I am leaving for a month’s vacation this Friday, and will be returning on 8 July 2011, so perhaps we could arrange a meeting shortly after my return. I will be checking my emails while away, so please contact me at the email address above to arrange a mutually agreeable meeting date. I look forward to your reply! Respectfully, Linda Heron Chair, Vermilion River Stewardship Chair, Ontario Rivers Alliance Attachments (1) Cc: Jacques Barbeau, Ward 2 Councillor Joe Cimino, Ward 6 Councillor Jim Rook, Chair, French River Delta Association France Gelinas, MPP, NDP
Vermilion River Stewardship 379 Ronka Rd. Worthington, ON P0M 3H0 (705) 866‐1677 Info@VermilionRiverStewards.ca VermilionRiverStewards.ca
6 June 2011 The EcoLogo Program c/o TerraChoice Environmental Marketing 171 Nepean Street, Suite 400 Ottawa, ON K2P 0B4 E: dvanwaard@terrachoice.com Attention: Ms. Debra VanWaard Dear Ms. VanWaard: Re: EcoLogo Certification Application Xeneca Power Development Inc. Canadian Renewable Energy Corporation
I am writing on behalf of the Vermilion River Stewardship (VRS), which is a registered stakeholder for the Xeneca Power Development Inc.’s proposals to build 4 hydroelectric dams on the Vermilion River, in the District of Sudbury, Ontario; and on the Allen & Struthers dam proposal on the Wanapitei River – see attached Project Overviews. On Wednesday, 25 May 2011, I attended a public information meeting held in Alban, Ontario, regarding the Allan Struthers dam proposal, in which Mark Holmes, ED of Xeneca, gave a PowerPoint presentation and displayed your EcoLogo very prominently on one of their slides. I asked the question of whether Xeneca had earned that label and was told, no, but they are seeking it. I made the point at that time that Xeneca should not be displaying the EcoLogo on any of their material unless they have officially been awarded that certification. I also witnessed this EcoLogo displayed in Xeneca’s PowerPoint presentation made to City of Sudbury Councillors, in a Policy Committee, on 23 March 2011. This company, under a previous incarnation, Canadian Renewable Energy Corporation, has built only one other hydroelectric dam, at that was on the Misema River, near Englehart. The picture below shows the aftermath of this dam on a long reach of the Misema River, and it was touted by the proponent as a good example of their work.
The amount of residual flow the Proponent allows to run freely through the dam is a negotiated amount, which is ultimately determined by the MNR, but the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act (LRIA) recommends a minimum of 2/3rd of normal flow. This certainly doesn’t look like 2/3rds of normal flow does it? Needless to say it was very disturbing to see that only a tiny fraction of residual flow was left for the aquatic life and ecosystem. They were granted an EcoLogo for this project. How can you justify granting an EcoLogo under these circumstances? Why is the EcoLogo Program not adhering to the LRIA recommendations? I also understand the EcoLogo for this dam is now up for renewal, and VRS is requesting it not be renewed on the grounds that this amount of residual flow left in any river is not acceptable. The Vermilion River is facing several challenges right now, however, by far the most serious and pressing are the 4 run‐of‐river hydroelectric dams proposed for McPherson Falls, Cascade Falls, At Soo Crossing (just upstream from Centennial Park), and Wabagishik Rapids, in the Vermilion River Watershed, in the District of Greater Sudbury. All these proposed dams are slated for “modified peaking” to take advantage of their FIT Contracts which offer bonus rates to generate power at these peak demand hours. For this reason, these proposed dams will have huge holding ponds, with a combined total of 8km of inundation between McPherson, Cascade and At Soo Crossing, and 1 km on the Wabagishik Rapids, so please do not think these types of dams are river friendly. Also, right in the middle of the 8 km of head ponds is the Vale 2
Public Water Intake, which feeds 13,000 people in Lively, Walden, Copper Cliff and Whitefish their drinking water. Sudbury has been a mining town for over 100 years, and the Vermilion River drains the Vermilion River Watershed. A Sudbury Soils Study has already indicated very high levels of heavy metals in our soils from the many years of pollution from the mining industry, so we can only imagine what the riverbed of the Vermilion River holds. Waterpower projects are being labeled as “Green Energy”, but they are not Green, in fact they are dirty energy, and there are a multitude of research papers and studies by MNR and Environment Canada to back this statement up. To most, Green Energy means “environmentally friendly”, but these studies indicate that dams which hold water flow back to generate power for peak demand results in decreased water quantity and flow, which impacts on water quality both upstream and downstream of the dams, creating a warming of water temperature, sediment retention and turbidity, higher nitrogen and phosphorus levels from nutrient loading, increase in methyl mercury, lower dissolved oxygen levels, resulting in harm to aquatic life, and degradation of habit. This also sounds like a recipe for algae doesn’t it? These dams also impede fish passage and spawning, which further endangers species at risk. The above conditions place the entire biota of the river ecosystem at risk. VRS is requesting that any application/s by Xeneca Power Development Inc. for an EcoLogo status on these 4 proposed dams on the Vermilion River, as well as the Allen Struthers proposal, on the Wanapitei River be denied. Please register VRS as stakeholders in this regard. Respectfully,
Linda Heron Chair, Vermilion River Stewardship Attachment
379 Ronka Rd. Worthington, ON P0M 3H0 (705) 866‐1677 Info@VermilionRiverStewards.ca VermilionRiverStewards.ca
6 May 2011 Lake Water Quality Program Environmental Planning Initiatives, 2nd Floor City of Greater Sudbury 200 Brady Street, PO Box 5000, Station A Sudbury, ON P3A 5P3 Dear Sirs: Re: Vermilion River Stewardship Request for Funding 2011 – Lake Stewardship Grant Program On behalf of the Vermilion River Stewardship, I am enclosing the following for your consideration: Signed and completed application for Request for Funding 2011, Lake Stewardship Grant Program; and Quote from Testmark Laboratories Ltd. Please let me know if you require further information! We look forward to your response. Sincerely, Linda Heron Chair, Vermilion River Stewardship Enclosures (2) 1
APPLICATION FORM Request for Funding 2011 Lake Stewardship Grant Program Please fill in all required fields. Applications must be received to the addresses below no later than Friday, May 13, 2011.
Mail or deliver to: E‐Mail to: Fax to: Telephone:
Lake Water Quality Program Environmental Planning Initiatives, 2nd Floor City of Greater Sudbury 200 Brady Street, PO Box 5000, Station A Sudbury, ON P3A 5P3
lakewaterquality@greatersudbury.ca 705‐673‐2200 705‐674‐4455, ext. 4604
Lake Stewardship Information Name of Organization:
Vermilion River Stewardship
Lead Contact Person:
Linda Heron
Role in the Organization:
Mailing Address:
379 Ronka Rd., Worthington, ON P0M 3H0
Telephone (Day):
(705) 866‐1677
Your Email Address:
Website Address (if applicable): www.VermilionRiverStewards.ca
Website Email Address: (if applicable) Info@VermilionRiverStewards.ca Alternate Contact Person:
Sheri Purdon
Alternate Telephone:
(705) 866‐6229
Alternate Email:
Page 1 of 9
Project Information Project Name: Project Location: Lake Name: Township(s):
Proposed Waterpower Sites ‐ Silt Sampling
Vermilion River – McPherson Falls, Cascade Falls & At Soo Crossing
Vermilion River
Walden Township
Watershed(s): Vermilion River Watershed Land Ownership: Private Crown Conservation Authority Municipal Other: Vale Anticipated Dates of your Project: Start Date: August 2011 End Date: October 2011 Need for Your Project: Identify the water quality and/or watershed issue(s) that your project will address. Describe how the lake and /or watershed will benefit. Explain why it this is an important issue or problem for your lake and / or watershed.
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There are currently 3 run-of-river dams, using modified peaking, proposed for McPherson Falls, Cascade Falls and At Soo Crossing, with total combined head ponds of 8km backing up into one another. Located very near to the base of Cascade Falls, is the Vale Public Water Intake feeding 13,000 people their drinking water in Naughton, Lively, Copper Cliff and Whitefish. This Intake is situated in about the middle of all three of these proposed dam sites and head ponds. Also, many stakeholders living along the banks of the Vermilion River take their drinking water directly from the Vermilion River and its aquifers. Since Sudbury has been a mining town since the mid 1800's; and this section of the Vermilion is downstream of 5 Waste Water Treatment Facilities, two sewage lagoons, and several lift stations; and the Vermilion River drains the Vermilion River Watershed, it stands to reason there could be very toxic silt and sediment in the riverbed bottom. The Vermilion River Stewardship is proposing to undertake silt sampling to determine what heavy metal, chemical and toxic substances contained in the riverbed sediment may be stirred up by the tail race and peaking activities of these dams. There are many studies which indicate the numerous negative impacts from dams which hold water back for peaking operations in head ponds, however, an excellent one is: Environment Canada. 2001-Threats to Sources of Drinking Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Health in Canada. National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario. NWRI Scientific Assessment Report Project Evaluation: Series No. 1. 72p. Page 69 – 15. Impacts of Dams/Diversions and Climate Change Explain how your lake stewardship group will measure the results of your project. Describe the T.D. Prowse,1 J.M. Buttle,2 P.J. Dillon, 2 M.C. English, 3 P. Marsh, 1 J.P. Smol4 and F.J. Wrona1 1Environment Canada, National Water Research Institute, Saskatoon, SK environmental benefits that will be realized through your project. 2Trent University, Peterborough, ON 3Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON 4Queen’s University, Kingston, ON Most of our current knowledge of the impacts of water quantity changes on water quality is based on studies of the effects of Canada’s more than 600 dams and 60 large interbasin diversions, which makes the nation the world leader in water diversion (Day and Quinn 1992). Most Canadian dams store water during peak flow periods and release flow to generate power during winter, low-flow periods. Such changes to water quantity also modify various water quality parameters within the reservoir and downstream, the effects decreasing with distance from the impoundment. Major examples include: • thermal stratification within the reservoir and modification of downstream water temperatures • eutrophication; • promotion of anoxic conditions in hypolimnetic water and related changes in metal concentrations in outflow; • increased methylation of mercury; • sediment retention; • associated changes in TDS, turbidity and nutrients in the reservoir and discharged water; • increased erosion/deposition of downstream sediments and associated contaminants. • For impoundments used for drinking water, intra-storage processes also have serious implications for the quality of drinking water. The Vermilion River Stewardship will attempt to demonstrate through scientific evidence, the toxic substances contained in the riverbed silt. Evidence of the presence of toxic substances would put our public drinking water at risk, and provide a strong argument to the NDCA, MOE and MNR to decline the approval of these proposed dams. Page 3 of 9
Project Evaluation: Explain how your lake stewardship group will measure the results of your project. Describe the environmental benefits that will be realized through your project. Dr. Charles Ramcharan recommended taking silt samples both upstream and downstream of the public water intake and proposed dams in question. So VRS are proposing silt samples be taken from the riverbed sediment in three locations, one upstream of Cascade Falls, near the base of McPherson Falls, one near the base of Cascade Falls where river water enters the open holding area, and one near the Vale public water intake. These samples will be taken to Testmark Laboratories Ltd., Garson, ON to be tested. These test results would alert our authorities to the contaminants which are contained in the riverbed sediment and which would be suspended in the water located at and near the Vale public water intake. The results of these tests have the potential to stop the construction of 3potentially environmental damaging projects; protect 13,000, plus, citizens from potentially damaging chemical and heavy metal pollutants; and allow for the continuation of a healthy, natural, and sustainable river ecosystem. Project Team: Who will work on your project (volunteers, residents, business, industry)? List the number of volunteers and other members. The Vermilion River Stewardship’s members will assist in taking the samples. Testmark Laboratories Ltd., 7 Margaret St., Garson, Ontario, will be commissioned to test the silt samples.
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Budget Previous Request for Assistance Year (s): N/A Amount(s): N/A Project Name(s): N/A Amount Requested for 2011: $ 553.11 Budget: Itemize the cost of your project as well as all additional sources of funding that will be used for your project. (Attach additional pages if required.) Budget Items
Total Costs
Funding Sources
Other Cash In‐kind
See attached Quote ‐
2 Silt/Soil Samples taken
$184.37 x 3
Total Budget Costs
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Other Relevant Information Attach any additional information you feel is important to your application (maps, photos, news articles, etc.) The Yellow Pins indicate locations of the proposed dams, as well as the Vale pumphouse.
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Organization Agreement On behalf and with authority of the lake stewardship group, we certify that we have read, understand and agree to abide by the terms of the City of Greater Sudbury’s Lake Stewardship Grant Program. We also confirm that the information provided in this application form is accurate and that we have the authority to sign on behalf of my organization. Application must be signed and dated by two members/representatives who will be responsible for the project. Linda Heron Name Title Chair Signature
6 May 2011
Contact Information Linda Heron, Chair, Vermilion River Stewardship (705) 866‐1677 linda.heron@rogers.com Name
Sheri Purdon
Vice Chair
6 May 2011
Contact Information Sheri Purdon, Vice Chair, Vermilion River Stewardship (705) 866‐6229 sblonrr@hotmail.com
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City of Greater Sudbury Lake Stewardship Grant Program Application and Funding Criteria What is the Lake Stewardship Grant Program? The Lake Stewardship Grant Program is a funding program by the Lake Water Quality Program of the City of Greater Sudbury that helps lake stewardship groups carry out action oriented projects that protect or improve the water quality and environment of their lakes and/or watersheds.
What are the program requirements? The Lake Stewardship Grant Program must benefit the water quality of a lake and/or its watershed. These benefits must be measurable. Projects should demonstrate support and involvement of lake stewardship members, other lake residents or community members.
Who can apply? Funding will be provided to organized lake stewardship groups and lake associations.
What projects can be funded? Funding is available for projects that assist lake stewardship groups to deal with the protection of the water quality and/or watershed of their lake.
What project will NOT be funded? Projects currently being carried out and/or funded by other agencies will not be funded. Projects benefiting one landowner will not be funded.
What amount of funding is available? Funding is available up to a maximum of $500 per lake stewardship group. Successful applicants will be required to execute an agreement prior to receiving the funding. Who decides how the funds are awarded? Successful applicants will be decided by Lakes Advisory Panel with approval from City Council by way of a staff report.
When is the application deadline? Page 8 of 9
Applications must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 13, 2011.
Year End Report The applicant organization, within the current fiscal year, must spend all of the grant money by year’s end and for the sole purpose for which it was awarded. A Post Grant Report will be circulated to the successful organization and must be submitted to the Lake Water Quality Program no later than December 31st of the grant year for review by the Lakes Advisory Panel. Disclaimer: The City of Greater Sudbury is NOT responsible for lost, misdirected or damaged applications.