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379 Ronka Rd. Worthington, ON P0M 3H0 (705) 866-1677 Info@VermilionRiverStewards.ca VermilionRiverStewards.ca

9 August 2012

Mark Holmes VP Corporate Affairs Xeneca Power Development Inc. 6255 Yonge Street, Suite 1200 North York, ON M2N 6P4 MHolmes@xeneca.com Dear Mark: Re:

Formal Request for Silt & Sediment Testing on Wabagishik Lake

Vermilion River Stewardship (VRS) is concerned over what is contained in the silt and sediment in the bottom of Wabagishik Lake, and what will be stirred up with the constant pulsing action resulting from your modified run-of-river operations. I remind you of the conversation that took place at the May 22, 2012 Vermilion Stakeholders Advisory Committee meeting when Laurentian University scientists, Graham Spiers and Charles Ramcharan, remarked that with the long history of over 100 years of mining along the Vermilion River Watershed, and keeping in mind the findings of the Sudbury Soils Study, there is a great likelihood that there will be highly toxic chemicals and heavy metals contained in the silt and sediment of the Vermilion River and its connecting lakes. It is of extreme importance to know what could be stirred up and deposited into fish tissue and local drinking water, as public health and safety is a top concern. I have spoken to you on a few occasions about doing this silt/sediment testing on the Vermilion River, so I am following up with this formal request for Xeneca to do a full metals and chemical testing of the sediment in the bottom of Wabagishik Lake, as well as just downstream of the discharge area. VRS requests that you hire an independent consultant that is not associated with the Vermilion Stakeholders Advisory Committee. Thanks you. VRS looks forward to your response.

August 9, 2012 Sincerely,

Linda Heron Chair, Vermilion River Stewardship Cc: Glenn Thibeau, NDP MP - glenn.thibeault@parl.gc.ca France Gelinas, NDP MPP – FGelinas-co@ndp.on.ca Jacques Barbeau, City Councillor - Jacques.Barbeau@greatersudbury.ca Carolyn Hunt, Environmental Group – Water Management, Vale - Carolyn.Hunt@vale.com Chief Steven Miller, Atikameksheng Anishnawbek - Chief@wlfn.com Christian Naponse, Atikameksheng Anishnawbek - CNaponse@wlfn.com Chief Ted Roque, Wahnapitae First Nation - Ted.Roque@wahnapitaefn.com Peter Recollet, Wahnapitae First Nation - Peter.Recollet@Wahnapitaefn.com Chief Shining Turtle, Franklin Paibomsai, WRFN - Chief@whitefishriver.ca Art Jacko, Economic Development Officer, UCCMM - AJacko@uccm.ca Laurier Falldien, Mayor, Nairn Hyman Township - LaurierFalldien@nairncentre.ca Kelly Eggers, DFO - Kelly.Eggers@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Ellen Cramn, MOE - Ellen.Cramn@Ontario.ca Wayne Selinger, Espanola MNR – Wayne.Selinger@Ontario.ca Bob Robinson, Sudbury MNR – Bob.Robinson@Ontario.ca Bruce Richards, Sudbury MNR – Bruce.Richards@Ontario.ca

“Community Supporting a Natural, Healthy & Sustainable River Ecosystem”


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