January 13, 2011 By Linda Heron
October 2005 Natural Gravel Ford On the Vermilion
Vermilion River Stewardship Vision & Mission Acting as a voice for the Vermilion River and its Watershed
Work to build partnerships and strategic alliances with all
other interested parties, communities, stewardships, organizations and industry to ensure clean & healthy water quality a balanced and sustainable ecosystem & natural habitat.
Stewardship of the Vermilion River is a responsibility
shared by all those whose actions have an impact on its water quality.
Goals & Objectives Acting on behalf of the Vermilion River for a healthy, balanced and sustainable ecosystem and natural habitat, this Stewardship will actively work to: 1. Encourage and promote cooperative stewardship; 2. Ensure its interests are fully represented and protected; 3. Preserve and protect its water quality, ecosystem, and
natural habitat; and 4. Educate, promote and advocate for responsible and sustainable activities in the entire Vermilion Watershed.
Flood of 1967 – Vermilion at Korkiala’s Farm
Proposed Vermilion River Waterpower Development
Xeneca has been awarded 19 Feed-in-Tariff Contracts – 4 on the Vermilion River by Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
Proposed Project Phasing EA & Approvals: Design: Construction: In-service Date:
2010 - 2011 2011 - 2012 2013 - 2014 2015
Lower Vermilion
McPherson Falls Generating Station Concrete spillway dam, open approach channel &
powerhouse Transformer station Head pond inundation extending about 100m upstream of dam. Inundated lands are Crown land 4.4km of new access road to existing local road Run-of-River with modified peaking
Cascade Falls Generating Station Concrete Spillway dam, open approach channel &
Powerhouse Transformer station Head pond inundation extending about 3.5km upstream 500m of new road & upgrade of 4km of existing road Inundated lands – Crown and Private Land
Soo Crossing Generating Station Concrete & Earthen Spillway, Powerhouse & Penstock Head pond extending 4.5 km upstream Run of River with modified peaking Crown, Private & First Nations Land 700m of new access road to existing Hwy 55 Transmission Line In-service Date : 2015
Wabagishik Rapids Generating Station Concrete spillway, control dam, powerhouse & open
discharge channel Transformer station Head pond inundation extending about 600m upstream of proposed dam to Wabagishik Lake 400m of new access road & upgrade of 800m to existing road Run-of-Rivers with possible modified peaking subject to comfirmation
Questions for Xeneca: What will be the short & long term impact on water levels,
water quality, aquatic life, shorelines, fish spawning, erosion, etc.? What are the Spill Response & Emergency Response Plans
during construction & after completion? How will the Municipality & Property Owners be
compensated for costs associated with any emergency or resulting damage? What questions do you have for Xeneca??
McGuinty’s Green Energy Act The Green Energy Act (2009) -- objectives: to make Ontario a global leader in clean and renewable energy & conservation to create thousands of jobs in Ontario to achieve economic prosperity, energy security & climate protection The McGuinty government is offering very generous incentives with a
program called the Feed In Tariff program, and has made environmental and monetary exemptions in the act for projects that make a major economic & green contribution to the Province Although public consultation must take place, no rules have been set out
on how this must be done Public meetings in this instance are only a formality – the approvals have already been made Local municipalities and stakeholders have not been consulted Local MNR & MOE branches are not involved – they are told decisions will be made in Toronto
Considerations: Proposed Hydro Generation Dams in this area are: • Vermilion River – 4 Run-of-River Dams • Wanapitei River – 1 Run-of-River Dam • Kapuskasing River – 4 Run-of-River Dams • Serpent River – 2 Run-of-River Dams
The French River Delta Association has hired a lawyer/consultant & are just ahead of us in the process
Collaboration with other communities facing the same
challenges is very important
Xeneca has called a public meeting regarding the Wanapitei
Dams, for Monday, 17 January, 4-8:00 pm, at the French River Inn – who would like to attend with me?
What’s Next: Public information meeting hosted by Xeneca is not yet
scheduled, but is imminent – we need to be ready. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND!! This Stewardship must decide how to proceed. Options
are: Work to stop the Projects completely
1. o o o o
Write a letter to MOE to indicate our concerns, and request elevation of projects to Class EA-2 Circulate a petition Raise money to hire a lawyer and/or consultant Collaborate with others facing the same challenges
2. 3.
4. 5.
Work to reduce the number of dams Work to eliminate head ponds, & modify projects to strictly run-of-river Work with Xeneca to mitigate environmental & Community impacts & find a balanced solution Other options???
Vermilion River Watershed
Vermilion River Watershed Contains: Wastewater Facilities
Sewage Lagoons/Other
1. Sudbury WWTP
1. Inco Tailings Pond
2. Walden WWTP
2. Chelmsford Sewage Lagoon
3. Lively WWTP
3. Capreol Sewage Lagoon
4. Copper Cliff WWTP
4. Meatbird Transfer Station
5. Chelmsford WWTP 6. Azilda WWTP 7. Levack WWTP 8. Dowling WWTP 9. Valley East WWTP
History -- Eco Justice Report - 2009 Sudbury ranked 4th highest City in Ontario for dumping
untreated and undertreated sewage into the environment Simon Lake Community Stewardship Group held a public
forum in November of 2009 to come up with a strategy Letter writing campaign initiated to request the MOE
take action on sewage bypasses No bypasses reported for Walden or Lively plant in 2010
Biosolids Management Master Plan Odor abatement & the Kelly Lake WWTF “In response to pressures & concerns regarding odor, and disposal in the tailings ponds; and impending restrictions from the Ministry of the Environment” Considering making fertilizer out of the sludge
City of Greater Sudbury Schedule ‘C’ Class Environmental Assessment Lively/Walden Communal Wastewater Treatment System
Public Consultation Process: Consideration of 6 Options City recognized the existing wastewater system serving Lively, Naughton and Whitefish is nearing its rated capacity City initiated a planning process to review its options Consultant for this Project – J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, Mr. John Cannard, P. Eng., Project Manager Phase 1: 2008 - Public Meetings held in Lively & Copper Cliff Phase 2: 2010 – Public Meetings held in Lively & Copper Cliff Phase 3: Next
Preferred Solution: Option 3 Reduce Flows By-law enforcement, upgrades, camera inspection & sewage collection system
Option 6 Decommission Lively WWTP & Upgrade/Expand Walden WWTP to handle 8,00 m3/d Elimination of Lively WWTP & one lift station; & upgrade the Walden WWTP & parts of the collection system & lift stations.
Considerations: Challenges: 9 WWTP & 4 Lagoons create
massive pressure on this watershed Heavy rain events overwhelm
the current system & bypasses sometimes occur High phosphorus/low
dissolved oxygen levels feed algae
Opportunities: Get involved in the planning
process to ensure sewage treatment facilities are sufficient, efficient & environmentally responsible Monitor & gather water quality
& spill reports throughout the watershed
Victoria Mine Exploration
ď‚— FNX is about to enter an advanced phase of exploration o Found high grades of precious metals, nickel, copper & gold o Moving into the next phase of exploration ď‚— Public meeting held Dec. 2010 at Den Lou o Approx. 100 people in attendance o Concerns about roads, noise, pollution & the effect on wells and river environment o FNX assured minimal processing of ore before transport o Effluent from processing would be partially treated before release into environment
Considerations: Challenges:
Ore processing effluent will
be released into either the Vermilion or Spanish Watershed Uncertain as to how this
will influence water quality, aquatic life, plant life, ph levels, etc.
Increased property values Community development
What’s Next: FNX will hold another public meeting in June or July of 2011 An FNX representative offered to be present tonight – they
are very serious about good creating good community relations Must consider what is in the best interest of the River and
the Community & how to proceed
Let us know if you can add to this list
Algae High Phosphorus/Low Oxygen Levels Pollution Use of Phosphates in Fertilizers & Detergents Poorly maintained septic systems
Eurasian Milfoil & Other Invasive Species Boats not cleaned of weeds & debris before transporting Releasing baitfish into lakes & rivers Invasive Species signage available through OFCA to be posted at boat launches
• Other Problems????
Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance (GSWA) Currently made up of 14 Lake Stewardships which
creates one Big Voice -- we all have similar challenges https://sites.google.com/site/sudburywatershed/ Working Projects: Milfoil Abatement Program
Weevil Project Applying for funding from Council & Province
Phosphorus Reduction Program
Working towards Phosphorus Reduction By-law Phosphate Free Fertilizers -- 10-0-10 Phosphate Free soaps
How You Can Help:
Become a Working Stewardship Member Donations towards hiring a Lawyer/Consultant Join our Mailing List -- at door If you have knowledge of fish habitats, spawning, impacts on ecosystem, or have pertinent skills, please contact us Discuss these challenges with your local groups & associations to request their support Suggestions/Expertise/Manpower/etc… VermilionRiver@Rogers.com