Photo by Allan Oman
Development Pressures
Hydroelectric dams “Ring of Fire” – Mining & Forestry Residential & Agriculture
Climate Change
4. 5. 6. 7.
WWTF Overdevelopment along our shorelines
Extreme Drought & Rain Events Extreme Temperatures Low Water Levels and Low Flow
Toxic Algae Inadequate Storm Water Management, & Road Salt Cumulative Effects Green Energy Rush Gutting of environmental & SARS protection laws by Federal & Provincial governments
This will be given away to a private developer!
Run-of-river with “Modified Peaking” Installed Capacity of 11.8 MW
Will actually produce closer to 5 or 6 MW
Cascade & McPherson Falls Vale Public Water Intake is downstream Feeds over 13,000 residents their drinking water in Walden, Lively, Copper Cliff & Whitefish Source Water Protection Risk Assessment Zone 1 NDCA has authority under Section 28(1) of the Conservation Authorities Act “cannot restrict, regulate or interfere with the use of drinking water”
At Soo Crossing Centennial Park with a public beach Surrounding land owned by the City 8 km of holding ponds
Wabagishik Rapids
Lake Sturgeon may be present Vale has hired a consultant
Walleye Spawning Area Loss of an abundant ecosystem Negative Impacts out to Spanish
Article: Ontario Nature magazine
Green Energy Act & FIT Program motivates developers to
Maximize energy output at expense of river ecosystem & public Hold flow back for up to 48 hours Release water during peak demand hours to reap a 50% bonus Paid whether power generated is used or not
FIT Contract is awarded without public or FN consultation 5 Year window to completion Applicant skips or glosses over important steps Agency staff are pressured to assist in fast tracking applications Policy, Rules & Process not being adhered to
Uncertainty of economic viability over next 40 years No provisions are made for decommissioning Green-washing – a lack of integrity to Green Energy label Loss of municipal & stakeholder’s right to say “no” Dams will be peaked several times a day when flows permit
Water held back to peak as often as possible Turbines will increase flow from as little as .5 CMS to as much as 70 CMS within minutes, several times a day
Health Canada reports - hydropower that holds water back for peaking operations:
Run-of-River Hydroelectric
Turbines kill fish Dams block fish migration & spawning areas
Lowers dissolved oxygen levels Increases water temperature Thermal stratification Increases phosphorus & other nutrients Increases erosion & sedimentation Creates turbidity & suspends sediment Methylation of mercury
Places significant pressure on fish species survival
Decreases water quantity & water quality Low flow & warm water combined with a high nutrient content is a recipe for toxic algae
Modified peaking on these smaller rivers is very new, without relevant studies or a track record Different from larger dams on big rivers Lower volumes of water & flows to buffer negative impacts Shallower holding ponds – warming of water More fragile riverine ecosystems
Climate change is causing flows to go even lower Cumulative effects Developers & Agency staff are unsure of impacts
Methylmercury production & uptake into fish tissue On fish spawning, aquatic life & habitat Erosion, ice scouring & sedimentation Public Safety Ice stability for winter ice activities
This will be given away to a private developer!
At Soo Crossing
And replaced with
Chain Link Fence & Sirens Concrete wall Several kilometers of head ponds
Resulting in decreased:
Water quality & water quantity Public health & safety risk
Developed by Ontario Waterpower Association
To advance Corporate interests
Places the Fox in charge of the chicken coop Developer decides what public should know Important documentation is withheld until ER is submitted – we then have 30 days to respond Environmental Reports have been extremely lacking:
Field studies not complete Open ended to give developer flexibility of options Little to no consideration for the environment, cumulative effects, climate change, decommissioning of dams, or SARS
No motivation to listen or cooperate with the public, or even MNR staff
ORA has made 3 Part II Order requests MOE sent Xeneca back to do more planning on one Xeneca has withdrawn one & awaiting confirmation on other
Private for-profit industry Primary motivation - profits – not the environment Proponent led process leaves huge leeway for Fox to conduct their EA & public consultation as they see fit No motivation to share information lack of transparency, openness and cooperation lack of trust and confidence
Agency staff are experiencing the same challenges as ORA ~~ Government is presently handing over in excess of $10 Billion worth of waterfalls to the Fox
Blue Green Algae (BGA) Can be highly toxic to humans and animals 32 lakes across Ontario were infected this year 9 in the District of Sudbury alone Holding water back is a recipe for more algae
Add to that mix - 9 WWTF releasing effluent
Limiting factor for BGA is phosphorus Threats to our Source Water
Vermilion River was infected for month of October in 2011
River is relied upon by many First Nations and local stakeholders for their drinking water, food source, and daily household needs
Threats to public health & safety Methyl mercury production BGA
Waterpower is not a reliable source of base load power on these smaller rivers In the summer when energy consumption is highest these smaller rivers have very low flow So still need back-up power Environmental, ecological & social costs must be figured into these proposals Cost benefit analysis using an Ecosystem Assessment approach as endorsed by the United Nations Valuing the broad range of benefits we and future generations would derive from these resources
Let your Councillors & local MPP know Ecological, environmental & social costs of these dams is unacceptable Request Mayor & Councillors’ publicly reject these dams Send letters to Minister of Energy to request hydroelectric with peaking & cycling be removed from the FIT Program Federal & Provincial governments to let them know we want Environmental & Endangered Species protection strengthened – not weakened Get involved - we need your help!