Fall 2007 Loquitur—The Alumni Magazine for Vermont Law School

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This is the story of wolves, vernacular greening, a brother’s memory, Chinese law, and one bell tower....

Vermont Law School’s transformative Making a Difference campaign has succeeded beyond our dreams. See what it’s already set in motion.

rose mcnulty

Letter from Dean Jeff Shields


riends, we did it! We exceeded our $8 million campaign goal with great style, coming in at $11.2 million. This special issue of Loquitur is dedicated to telling you the heartening story of our campaign and the amazing people who made it happen. This was a terrific team effort, and I thank each of our 3,232 contributors. Everyone listed in this report is responsible—for greatly enhancing the campus, for providing funds that allow us to support and attract extraordinary students, and for adding verve and excitement to the intellectual and practical programs of the law school. I would like to give special thanks to David Thelander ’87, who served as chair of the development committee, and Perez Ehrich, who served as chair of the campaign steering committee; Scott Cameron ’80, who served as the chair of the board throughout the campaign; Dean Kinvin Wroth, who shepherded much of the quiet phase of the campaign; Dee Robinson, Michael Healy, Harry Ash, and Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs, who guided Institutional Advancement; Fran Yates, whose ingenious ideas and great generosity led to a matching initiative that stimulated giving; Rick Shafer ’77, whose inspiration and leadership led to the successful formation of the Leaders’ Circle; and current and former members of the board of trustees, who each made a special contribution to our campaign efforts. I also want to thank the many friends of the school who reached out to others to spread the word about the value of Vermont Law School and the importance of supporting our students and our mission. This campaign establishes a wonderful base from which we can move forward at VLS to continue to lead in the areas of public service, the environment, and individual legal education. Thank you for making a difference in this campaign, in your school, and in the educational opportunities you’ve extended to many Vermont Law School students. You have helped underwrite a legacy that will last for years. Sincerely,

Geoffrey B. Shields President, Dean, and Professor of Law

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Contents Letter from Dean Jeff Shields.


. . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Discovery From the bell tower and new learning spaces to student scholarships, you are changing the future. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

president and dean

Geoffrey B. Shields vice president for institutional advancement

Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs director of alumni relations

Anne Janeway

The Difference A campaign for the community and the world. . . . . . . . . . . 8

The Defining Issue VLS initiatives on energy and the environment address the defining issue of our time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Evening the Odds The ENRLC is fighting—and winning—against the big guns . . . 22

It Looks Good in Green Our Victorian grande dame goes environmentally sound. . . . . . 25

Those Who Made a Difference Letter from Chair of the Board Scott Cameron ’80 and a list of campaign donors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Campaign’s End Is New Beginning Letter from Campaign Committee Chair Perez Ehrich and Development Committee Chair David Thelander ’87. . . . . . 49

contributing editors

Jennie Clarke Anita Warren Carol Westberg special thanks to

Milo Cutler Jennifer Hayslett Helen McCarthy art direction

Scuola Group Printing

Queen City Printers, Inc. Vermont Law School was founded in 1972. With an emphasis in environmental and public interest law, VLS offers traditional legal training and a series of experiential programs. An independent institution, VLS enrolls 600 students in programs leading to the MSEL (Master of Studies in Environmental Law), the JD (Juris Doctor), and the LLM (Master of Laws in Environmental Law and the Master of American Legal Studies) degrees. Loquitur is owned and published by Vermont Law School and is produced in cooperation with the Vermont Law School Alumni Association. This publication is guided by Vermont Law School’s principle of freedom of expression and accepted standards of good taste. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the contributors or the editors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the school. Published for VLS alumni and others interested in the law school, Loquitur is printed with soybased inks on recycled paper. ©2007 Vermont Law School

jim westphalen

Discovery Case Closed


The Bell Tower


hen Charles E. “Rick” Shafer ’77 came to VLS, he was barely scraping by. His brother, Robert M. “Mike” Shafer ’79, still in college, offered to help. “Mike said, ’I can send you $5 a week.’ He was probably making $15 a week slinging pizzas,” Rick Shafer remembers. “Every week, the $5 rolled in with a note of moral support, like, ’Here’s the five that keeps you alive.’ I didn’t grasp the magnitude of what he’d done until I got older.” The brothers spent an overlapping year at VLS and later established a thriving upstate New York law practice, from which Rick branched out into financial services. He and Mike share strong feelings for VLS and for the Debevoise family’s dedication to the school in those early years. The brothers have served as trustees and established a scholarship fund, but Rick still wanted to thank Mike for his long-ago generosity. Rick and his wife, Judy, chose Debevoise Hall’s bell tower. “It’s the signature of the law school. It is VLS,” he says. They also secured the naming rights: a plaque will note their grateful gift in honor of Mike Shafer, and the landmark feature will always remain simply “the bell tower.” ■

Passing It On


arlene Rivera ’07 bore a heavier burden than the average student at VLS. Her mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and combining first-year pressures with trips home to Maryland was taking an academic toll. Rivera considered dropping out, but her mother wouldn’t hear of it. “She always said, ’Don’t ever give up,’” Rivera remembers. “She believed in education.” Rivera had already pursued successful careers in business and medicine, so her difficulty with law studies caught her by surprise. A professor suggested she visit the Academic Success Program, where tests revealed a language-learning disability. Rivera had moved to the U.S. from Puerto Rico at a time when immigrant students had few language-learning alternatives to “sink or swim.” She was now experiencing the delayed effects of

john douglas/flying squirrel graphics

n October 1995, Jim May, director of the South Royalton Legal Clinic (SRLC) and professor of law, interviewed a young mother who sought to divorce her abusive husband. During the divorce proceeding, which lasted 10 days in 1997, the judge described the husband’s behavior as “malevolent and psychologically terrifying.” The man continued to assault his two boys even after the divorce, and the court suspended his visits. His wife fled with the children to New York. Over the next nine years, the husband directed his ire at the SRLC, making harassing phone calls and directing death threats at the staff. The Supreme Court rejected his final appeal in May 2007, and today, the woman and her children are alive and well thanks to the hundreds of motions and unwavering devotion of the clinic. This is one example of the difference the South Royalton Legal Clinic makes. While not all cases last a decade, since its founding in 1979, the SRLC has worked on 2,038 cases, providing high-quality legal services to lowincome people while helping law students hone their skills. ■

Earlene Rivera ’07

having had to teach herself English. With study help from Academic Success and several class accommodations, she got back on track. Rivera has helped other VLS students who might need oftenexpensive tests, tutoring, or technology to perform up to their abilities and pass the bar. She established the Dolores F. Rivera Fund in her mother’s memory. The fund will give those students the help they need to keep going. ■

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Laura decapua

Ed chapin

Property Rites



he legacy of the class of 2006 is being written in stone. The class that brought the law school an espresso bar (and that cut a wide academic swath) wanted VLS to have a classroom down by the river. That classroom will be finished this fall—a graceful 24-foot diameter amphitheatre designed by Vermont artists Elizabeth Billings and Andrea Wasserman. The low stone walls built into the bank between campus and the White River will seat up to 40 students and incorporate stone benches given in memory of Kim Colburn ’05 and Lauren Salb ’03. The tranquil location is also perfect for solo sojourns—an ideal place for kicking back and watching the water flow by. ■

Bestseller The fourth edition of Professor of Law Stephen Dycus’s casebook, National Security Law, published in 2006, is selling briskly. More than 30 law schools and universities have adopted the book.




Lasting Legacy


john douglas/flying squirrel graphics

A River Flows by It

prawl is perhaps the signature symptom of poor land-use planning, consuming a million acres of parks, farms, and open land every year and destroying 100,000 acres of wetlands. The VLS Land Use Institute was founded through capital campaign funds in 2005 to address issues such as sprawl, emphasizing the relationship of land-use regulation and planning to environmental protection. Under Kinvin Wroth the direction of Professor and former VLS President and Dean Kinvin Wroth, the institute is building a land-use curriculum for VLS while it develops planning and legal models and provides direct support for governments and communities throughout Vermont and the nation. To help encourage sustainable communities, the institute has conducted conferences, brought in noted speakers, drafted proposed planning legislation for Vermont, and worked with public and private planning agencies on specific projects. Dwight Merriam, past president of the American Institute of Certified Planners and a teacher of Land Use Law during VLS’s summer session, notes that the institute is “exactly what our country needs to bring order and direction to public policy.” ■

erry Ehrich, former publisher and editor of Hemmings Motor News, dedicated years of his time and resources to good causes. Among many other activities, he served on the VLS board from 1995 until his death in 2002; founded the First Day Foundation, dedicated to promoting parental involvement in education; and served on the Vermont Natural Resources Council A portrait of Terry Ehrich now hangs in the law center dedicated in his board and the Vermont honor. Shown at the dedication ceremony are (L-R) portrait artist Stella Environmental Board. Ehrich (no relation) and members of Terry Ehrich’s family: grandson Cameron Sloan, daughter Shannon Ehrich Warren, and brother Perez Just as VLS was Ehrich. (Missing from photo is Terry Ehrich’s daughter Gillian Ehrich.) important to Terry, he was important to the school. Last fall, VLS renamed its new law center the Terry Ehrich Environmental Law Center, a lasting reminder of Terry’s devotion to Vermont Law School, to education, and to the environment. Additionally, a new endowed LRAP—The Terry Ehrich Loan Repayment Assistance Program—will assist graduates entering public service in paying off their debt. The law center and LRAP were made possible by generous gifts from Terry’s daughters, Gillian and Shannon; his brother, Perez; and his sister, Jessie-Lea; and from a bequest from Terry himself. ■




Words of Wisdom


ecently, Chris Middleton ’06 emailed Associate Professor of Law Jennifer Sargent to thank her for what he’d learned in criminal law class. “Motions, hearings, client counseling—I apply it every day.” Middleton, a public defender in Georgia’s Eastern Judicial Circuit, wakes up eager to go to work. “It’s so satisfying when you can talk and build trust with a client who can’t afford a private attorney,” he says. “Maybe they’re facing serious charges, and you sit down and go through a strategy step-by-step. Once you reach a positive conclusion and they thank you—that’s worth more than gold.” Middleton came to VLS from Savannah, Ga., thanks to a Debevoise Family Scholarship. He recalls that “the VLS community felt like a family, and every professor helped make me the person I am today.” Fortunately, the LRAP allows him to pursue indigent defense without applying one particular lesson he learned at VLS: “When [financial aid director] Dino Koff taught us to budget, he’d remind us that Ramen noodles were four for $1.” ■

Protecting Consumers


he American Bar Association has named VLS student Siobhan McCloskey ’08 a Steiger Fellow, one of only 21 individuals chosen this year from a field of 300. Named after Janet D. Steiger, a former Federal Trade Commission chair known for her commitment to consumer protection, this consumer protection outreach initiative introduces law students to the rewards of legal careers in public service. Fellows serve as interns, providing tangible, meaningful assistance to states and territories that are in substantial need of additional resources to fulfill their consumer protection mission. ■

Crossroads of History


he late Judge Sterry Waterman had a lasting influence on Vermont Law School, serving as president of its board of trustees from 1974 to 1983. During those pivotal years, his leadership saw the law school through its American Bar Association accreditation and first graduation and helped establish VLS’s grounding in public service and environmental law. During his long tenure as senior judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, he made a significant contribution to American jurisprudence. In 2006, VLS’s Whitcomb House was renovated and rededicated in Judge Waterman’s honor. Much of the financial support came from his former clerks in a fund-raising effort led by VLS Trustee Bob Rachlin. The original 1869 structure and 1980 addition of Waterman Hall were restored and updated and now house pleasant faculty offices, common areas, the Academic Success Program, and a conference room donated by Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC, a firm founded by Judge Waterman in 1930. Appropriately, portraits of Sterry Waterman and Tom Debevoise share a wall in Waterman Hall; the two men shared VLS leadership as president of the board and dean for eight years. The airy hallway opens to Oakes Hall, the classroom building whose namesake succeeded Judge Waterman on the Court of Appeals. Waterman Hall creates an academic crossroads honoring three remarkable men. ■

Equal-Opportunity Justice


lorence Cornish ’08 is passionate about defending the poor. “I’m seeing public defenders during my third-year practice in Atlanta who overlook their indigent clients,” she says. “I want to change that mind-set. We’re all sworn to the same Constitution, and our clients deserve the best representation we can give them.” Born in South Carolina and raised in Florida, Cornish came to VLS after studying education at Savannah State University. “I love Vermont’s sense of peace,” she says, “and the community atmosphere was a perfect fit.” Cornish has started her third year in the General Practice Program, emphasizing criminal and family law. Scholarship assistance has allowed her to focus on helping others rather than fret about mounting debt. “I love being able to give to people in my work, and this scholarship was a real gift to me. I’m very thankful.” ■

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Visitors Welcome


umerous scholars attend VLS programs each summer, and campaign gifts will now enable some to make extended visits. The Environmental Law Center has established a new, semester-long visiting professorship in honor of Douglas M. Costle, who served as VLS dean from 1987 to 1991. Costle has had a remarkable career in public service and environmental law. An architect of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, he served as its administrator during the Carter administration. He founded and is president emeritus of the Institute for Sustainable Communities, which works with grassroots organizations worldwide. ELC Director and Associate Professor of Law Marc Mihaly calls the visiting position “a match made in heaven.... We discovered when we advertised for our Summer Scholar Program that a lot of prominent people who have commitments elsewhere would love to teach at VLS,” he says. “Now they can spend a semester here.” The fund will allow for a visiting professor every fourth semester, with additional gifts enabling greater frequency. Mihaly notes that VLS’s reputation in environmental law will attract professors, practitioners, and regulators who can develop valuable ongoing connections to the law school and its students. “There are many exciting possibilities,” he says. ■

Family Ties


he Yates Common Room is a relaxed, colorful space in Debevoise Hall, where students can hit the books or socialize on the clusters of red sofas and upholstered chairs. This cheerful room remembers an intelligent and principled man, VLS trustee Charles Yates ’94, who died in a private plane accident in 2000. Charles’s sister, VLS trustee Dr. Frances Yates, donated this room in his honor. “My brother always said about VLS, ‘I came out a better person.’ I already thought he was tops, so I knew this must be a special school.” Charles Yates had already been a successful businessman, a New Jersey state representative and senator, and an MIT instructor when he arrived at VLS. “He called VLS ‘a school with a soul,’” says Dr. Yates. “Our family grew many ties to the school: my brother met his wife (the late Anya Kwiatkowski Yates ’94) there, and our niece went to VLS. When I joined the trustees in 2004, they welcomed me so warmly,” she recalls. “I’m thrilled to honor my brother with this gift.” ■


avid Brown ’04 had degrees in biology and ecology when he came to VLS from his native Louisiana. “I realized no matter how much I knew about wetlands ecology, without the right political decisions, everything I loved would be gone,” he recalls. Once here, he dived into the environmental law classes, found mentors in Professors of Law Bruce Duthu and Patrick Parenteau and others, and helped to found the ENRLC. After graduation, duty called him back to the Delta. “Louisiana has a brain drain,” he says, referring to

educated young people who leave the state, “and there’s so much work to be done.” Brown works as legislative liaison for Louisiana Environmental Action Network. He’s currently working on energy cases and on shutting down a private water and sewer business that is selling dirty water to poor, rural people of color. The Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) makes the difference. “I couldn’t have this job if it weren’t for the LRAP,” he claims. “It’s still hard, but I’m able to play a vital role.” He hopes to expand that role in November by winning a seat in Louisiana’s House of Representatives. ■

john douglas/flying squirrel graphics

Righting Wrongs

Douglas M. Costle






Eyeing the Horizon


hen Judge James L. Oakes retired after 36 years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, his former clerks sought a way to express their fondness and respect. Conversations with the judge’s wife, Mara, revealed a fitting, living gift. Judge Oakes had shown leadership and great generosity James L. Oakes toward Vermont Law School since its beginnings. His 18 years on the VLS board, followed by active years as an emeritus board member, were invaluable in establishing the law school’s prominence in public service and environmental law. Recognizing that many of the most worthwhile legal service positions are among the lowest paid, his clerks and many friends decided to establish a public service payment endowment in his honor. The Oakes LRAP will enable VLS graduates to serve the people and environment of Vermont while forgiving a portion of their loan debt. Former Oakes clerk, Professor of Law, and former Dean of Stanford Law School Kathleen Sullivan recalls, “The judge calls his clerks the ’children of his intellect.’ We were able to establish a gift that could provide for his ’children in public service.’” ■


ill Reymore ’05 recently became the first Saranac Waterkeeper for the Upper Saranac Lake watershed in the Adirondacks. Although she works alone, her ties with the Waterkeeper Alliance give her access to colleagues and information worldwide. “It’s a great organization that I’m proud to represent,” she says. Reymore earned a joint JD/ MSEL degree at VLS, building on her environmental science and forestry background. Her VLS training equipped her for the wide scope of Waterkeeper duties, which include working with homeowners in this resort area; sampling water quality; monitoring compliance with local, state, and federal laws; and motivating officials to enforce those regulations. In the summer, she can be seen in the Waterkeeper boat, “an extra set of eyes and ears on the lake.” “This has the potential to be a dream job for me,” Reymore says. But she couldn’t do it without the Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP). Her husband and two children still live in Vermont, and she commutes on weekends. “I have huge school loan payments and expenses for two households,” she says. “The LRAP really makes a difference.” ■

Jill Reymore ’05

Jason Henske

Seeding the Future

Joint Venture


achel Goldwasser ’07 and Chris Aslin ’07 became VLS’s first students to complete the joint program with Yale University School of Forestry, earning the JD from VLS and a master of environmental management from Yale. The program enabled them to complete their degrees in four years instead of five, but as Aslin says, “We couldn’t have come here at all without scholarships.” Several VLS faculty became active mentors, including Professor of Law Michael Dworkin, with whom they worked in the Institute for Energy and the Environment. Studying at Yale required an adjustment, but a welcome one. “It was fascinating to look at environmental problems from different perspectives, instead of taking a law- or rule-based approach,” says Aslin. “We’re now both excited to think as lawyers.” Goldwasser will clerk for a district court in Maine while Aslin works for a firm there. She notes, “Scholarships have allowed us to think more flexibly about our futures.” ■

Staying Focused


“ ’ve always been interested in a lot of

different fields,” says Jill Pfenning ’07. She taught English for a year in Korea, where she was born, and has taught high school math. She came to VLS feeling she wanted the greater agency of legal training. Becoming a student again was a pleasure. “I took a wide variety of classes and had some amazing professors,” she says. Her independent research on immigration law with Associate Professor of Law Jackie Gardina led to an article that appears in the summer 2007 Vermont Law Review, and a judicial externship at the Vermont Supreme Court with Justice John Dooley had special appeal. “I live in Vermont and intend to practice here,” she says, “so seeing how practitioners argue and how chambers work was invaluable.” Pfenning earned a VLS Dean’s Scholarship, which helped her concentrate on her studies instead of on mounting loans. “As I look at my debt load, I’m very grateful,” she notes. First in her class and a recipient of the Learned Hand Award, she’s considering the practice of immigration or land-use law after a clerkship. ■

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Difference I

t’s about the South Royalton Legal Clinic, our national wetlands, and south China. It’s about preserving historic buildings while making them more energy

efficient. It’s about educating people who are passionate about making a difference in their world. Vermont Law School’s Making a Difference campaign was aptly named.

Our five-year campaign wrapped up on June 30, 2007,

with a total of $11.2 million, more than the successful Oakes Hall and Cornell Library campaigns combined. These funds will support students and faculty, renew and refresh the campus, and energize the Vermont Law School community’s educational mission. Such generosity has already made a difference across the campus and well beyond Vermont’s borders.

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Supporting Our Students

Transforming Our Campus

The campaign raised a record-breaking $3.5 million-plus

We not only renovated Debevoise Hall, we reenergized

for student support through both annual giving and

it, preserving the best of this historic building while

endowed giving.

improving its environmental footprint. We’ve renovated

Whitcomb House and renamed it Waterman Hall in honor

The dramatic increase in scholarship funds allows

Vermont Law School to attract students with exceptional

of Judge Sterry Waterman. There’s a new cottage, Kirsch

records and higher LSAT scores, moving toward our

House, for visiting faculty and an outdoor classroom

strategic goal of increasing the intellectual capabilities of the

nearing completion that will help us take advantage of our

student body. Our need-based scholarships enable us to

wonderful setting on the banks of the White River. Over

enroll deserving students who would not otherwise be able

$2.5 million was raised for these significant campus

to attend. And merit-based scholarships help encourage top

projects, which have transformed our campus.

students to choose VLS over other schools.

these projects, has changed the old classroom building

An impressive 40 percent of Vermont Law School

The renovation of Debevoise Hall, the largest of

graduates go on to work in public service. This is not by

into a spectacular classroom, administrative, and faculty

mere chance. Because many public-service jobs pay very

office building. In the process, Debevoise obtained a new

little, we provide scholarship assistance to permit our

structural steel skeleton, a substantial extension on the

students to take those jobs. We are pleased that over

back of the building, and the most up-to-date energy-

$1 million has been raised to supplement the endowment

efficient insulation, heating, and air-conditioning

for our Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP).

systems. At the same time, great care was taken to maintain the building’s exterior and interior, including

jim westphalen

old floors, blackboards, interior wainscoting, and even the squeak in the stairs, staying true to the historic character of this campus centerpiece.

We not only renovated Debevoise Hall, we reenergized it, preserving the best of this historic building while improving its environmental footprint.

The new Waterman Hall has

been beautifully transformed into a modern, efficient faculty office building, counseling center, and meeting space while maintaining its small-town, New England exterior and adding energyefficient components in keeping with our devotion to green building.






Uses of Gifts

Sources of Gifts Foundations 22%

Businesses & Law Firms 2%

Facilities 24% Government Grants 16% Faculty & Programs 45%

LRAP 10% Friends, Family, & Others 11% Trustees & Former Trustees 32%

Alumni 14%

Faculty & Staff 3%

Scholarships 21%

The remodeled Kirsch House has become a wonderful

cottage on the river that helps attract world-class visiting scholars to Vermont Law School and enables them to easily participate in activities on campus.

A gift to the law school by the class of 2006, the new

Our need-based scholarships enable

outdoor classroom is a work of art designed by the

us to enroll deserving students who

award-winning team of Elizabeth Billings and Andrea

would not otherwise be able to attend.

Wasserman. It is nestled in a corner of the campus, looking out over the White River, providing an inspirational

And merit-based scholarships help

space for small outdoor classes, quiet contemplation, and

encourage top students to choose VLS

easy access to the water.

over other schools.

These projects have brought comment after

comment from prospective students, current students, and visitors about the beauty of our campus. As a whole, these subtle and dramatic changes not only set a wonderful tone for education and life at Vermont Law School but also help us recruit new students and faculty.

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rose mcnulty

Expanding Faculty and Programs Vermont Law School spends significantly more to educate its students than it raises in tuition, a gap that can only be filled through gifts, grants, and endowment income.

The campaign has allowed the school to increase all of

its doctrinal classes from two to three sections, and property and torts from two to six sections. While most law schools give short shrift to first-year classes, VLS is able to emphasize the importance of first-year teaching thanks to money raised in this campaign. We have been able to attract a number of exceptional new faculty members to the core curriculum, adding courses and strengthening our capability in business, land use, public policy, property and real estate, and other crucial areas of instruction.

Professor Marc Mihaly

The campaign raised over $5 million for intellectual and

programmatic support at VLS. These gifts have helped fund: ■ t he Land Use Institute, which has launched programs to

help rural New England communities deal effectively with rapidly changing economic, business, and population pressures and to act as a coordinator of land-use efforts

While most law schools give short shrift to first-year classes, VLS is able to emphasize the importance of first-year teaching thanks to money raised in this campaign.

■ a new partnership with Sun Yat-sen University in

Guangdong Province that is furthering student and faculty exchange with VLS and helping to strengthen China’s rule of law in environmental protection ■ j oint programs with law schools in France and Spain as

well as other international programs, as VLS moves quickly to better train its students to deal with the internationalization of legal work






rose mcnulty

■ t he Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEE)

Building for a Better Future

conferences, outreach, analyses, and courses, which have

Time after time, the positive transformative power of this

permitted VLS to assume a leading role in bridging the

small school has moved people to support VLS. The

discussion between energy and the environment

Climate Legacy Initiative, for example, was funded

■ t he DMC

Visiting Professorship in honor of Douglas

M. Costle, former VLS dean and administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency ■ C hildren First! Legal Advocacy and Vermont Immigration

Assistance at the South Royalton Legal Clinic ■ t he

Environmental and Natural Resources Law

Clinic (ENRLC), which won a case preserving the

through the efforts of Professor David Orr of Oberlin College, who came to VLS to give a speech. He left believing that VLS is a place that can make cutting-edge intellectual contributions to solve global climate change.

Without question, the Making a Difference campaign

has placed building blocks that will mean a brighter future for years to come. Thanks to the generosity of many, Vermont Law School is on the move.

interpretation of the Endangered Species Act and the lives it protects ■ a n endowment supporting the Vermont Law Review ■ t he Climate Legacy Initiative (CLI), which is clarifying

the legal rights of future generations to a healthy environment

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Joe sohm


Defining Issue






Climate change. It is the defining issue of our time.

Scientific evidence has cleared away naysayers’ static, leaving the stark truth that humans have changed the earth’s climate and perhaps even the feedback mechanisms that regulate it. Given the scale of consequences, we must act now.

In the past few years, Vermont Law School has

strengthened its acknowledged leadership in facing this challenge. An unparalleled environmental law curriculum, a sustainably built campus, talented and committed students, and faculty known for pioneering environmental law have created a natural nexus for significant new programs on climate change. These programs address climate change locally, regionally, and globally. The Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEE) researches the environment/energy interface and trains students and working professionals to act from that broader understanding. The Partnership for Environmental Law in China works with Sun Yat-sen University to train lawyers in forging legal and regulatory systems that can mitigate the environmental impact of China’s burgeoning economy. The Climate Legacy Initiative (CLI) explores the legal basis for intergenerational accountability for climate change’s impact on future generations’ human rights.

In each of these new VLS initiatives, faculty and

students collaborate with each other, with other programs at the law school, and with leading experts working in the field worldwide.

IEE Fuels Strong Energy Push Partnership for Environmental Law in China CLI Protects Tomorrow

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Todd arbini

IEE Fuels Strong Energy Push


hen it comes to climate change, think vehicles.

Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, the New England

Think power plants. That’s how Director of the

Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners, and the

Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEE) and

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’

Professor of Law Michael Dworkin thinks. “Three

Committee on Energy Resources and the Environment.

quarters of human-caused carbon is from electricity or

driving,” he says. “Production of electricity accounts for

graduate institutions in the U.S. with a dedicated

40 percent of that carbon; gasoline and diesel for vehicles

program to teach an interdisciplinary approach to energy

create another 30 or 35 percent. The most effective way to

and environmental law and policy, says Dworkin, and yet

reduce carbon from power plants is to reduce demand—

his experience shows how critical it is. “Substantively,” he

better lighting, better insulation, better chillers—so you

says, “if you want to teach environmental law and policy,

don’t have to turn on the power. For vehicles, we need

you need a strong energy focus.”

more efficient technology, tires, and traffic patterns.”

and outside the classroom. Dworkin notes five ways he

We also need professionals who understand how

Vermont Law School is one of a small handful of

The IEE highlights the energy issue year-round, in

energy, regulatory law, and environmental issues interrelate,

and his students are rapidly establishing the institute as

says Dworkin, which is why, when his term as chair of the

a regional, national, and world resource on energy law

Vermont Public Service Board ended in 2005, he accepted

and policy:

VLS’s invitation to found and direct the institute. Dworkin

■ A cademics. Each fall and spring, Dworkin and his

brings broad and deep experience to VLS. He’s been an

Environmental Law Center (ELC) colleagues offer three

environmental litigator and a small businessman in

progressively advanced (and popular) courses, among

addition to his leadership positions with the American

them Energy Regulation, Markets, and the Environment.






■ E nergy

Summers. The IEE offers a coordinated cluster

of six courses in which students and professionals can

to move this issue ahead,” he says. “VLS and, in particular,

immerse themselves for one or several weeks, such as

the ELC are almost the perfect base for doing this. We’ve

An Energy Policy for America, Energy Development

got talented people who care about these issues. At

and Project Finance, and Climate Change Litigation.

another school, I wouldn’t get 45 students to attend

■ C onferences.

Three conferences a year—in fall, spring,

an institute open house and 20 to apply for four or

and summer—gather participants with wide-ranging

five positions—and they wouldn’t have this range of

interests and expertise. One recent conference included


physicist Amory Lovins, founder of the Rocky Mountain

Institute and a spokesman for alternative energy, and

has prepared students for internships at the Nuclear

Steven Percy, the former chair and retired CEO of BP

Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection

America from the traditional energy side.

Agency, and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s

Research. Each year, Dworkin selects research students

International Trade Administration. Graduates are in

to work with him over a two-year period. He and his

demand, designing efficiency programs for Pacific Gas and

team of 7 to 10 students, dubbed “the Energizers,”

Electric, working for the FERC, clerking for federal district

produce commissioned research on such topics as

court judges, and working for firms with large energy and

biofuels and small-farm energy generation. This paid

regulatory practices. Fortunately for everyone who cares

research has also brought the IEE to financial self-

about the future, each of these VLS graduates has worked

sufficiency in 18 months.

with an energy mentor who believes the U.S. can increase

■ O utreach.

After only a year and a half in operation, the institute

its efficiency and security at the same time it lowers its

The Energizers take their energy-and-

environment message to schools, utility commissions,

carbon output. And each is equipped with Dworkin’s rule of

state legislatures, and municipalities. Dworkin himself

thumb: “If you care about the environment, energy policy is

is a tireless speaker on energy efficiency, integrating

the single most important influence. If you care about

renewable energy into the grid, promoting healthy

energy, environmental limits are the single most important

wholesale electricity markets, and stemming climate


beltrami studios

engineering. They are “people who can work together


While it appears Dworkin has his own

hidden energy source, he emphasizes that “what makes it possible for me to sleep at night is this great team.” Dworkin chooses the Energizers—who are JD, LLM, and MSEL candidates—for their complementary

“ energy policy is the single most important influence. If you care about the environment,

— Michael Dworkin IEE Director and Professor of Law

skills in such areas as finance, biology, and

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Partnership for Environmental Law in China


ccording to a recent Dutch report, China has now

school’s largest gift ever, to support a partnership for

overtaken the U.S. in total carbon emissions—years

environmental law in China with Sun Yat-sen University

earlier than recently predicted. Two-thirds of China’s

(SYSU). SYSU, which includes one of China’s eight law

energy derives from coal, and rising industrialization has

schools, has its primary campus in Guangzhou, capital of

the country mining and burning more than ever, as well as

the southeastern Guangdong Province.

shopping for other countries’ oil and gas.

and SYSU seeks to lead its country in this increasingly

“China’s a sophisticated country, but it’s facing a huge

Environmental law is in its embryonic stages in China,

challenge: moving a fifth of humanity from poverty to

critical specialty. VLS Professor Bruce Duthu, who directed

middle class. They’re going anywhere they need to, to get

the program’s initial stage, notes that “China approaches

the resources to do that,” notes Michael Dworkin, who,

parity with the U.S. in the economic sphere, but it lags far

with the IEE, commits 25 percent of his efforts to the China

behind in the legal structures and mechanisms that

program. Given other developing nations’ growing energy

underpin U.S. environmental law and policy.”

appetites (and many developed nations’ entrenched

gluttony), a sober Dworkin axiom bears noting: “Nations

SYSU to advance China’s environmental laws and policy.

tend to resolve energy disputes with either lawyers or

Collaborations have already developed with SYSU faculty

soldiers. I prefer lawyers.”

and staff and with other Chinese legal educators, attorneys,

lawmakers, utility analysts, and regulators in analyzing

Lawyers it is. In October 2006, the U.S. Agency for

International Development granted VLS $1.8 million, the






VLS is taking an educational approach in helping

how China can best improve its environmental law,

“ lawyers or soldiers. I prefer lawyers.

Nations tend to resolve energy disputes with either

especially its energy law. VLS professors are also trying to furnish a fuller understanding of the legal systems and institutions needed to support legal application and

— Michael Dworkin IEE Director and Professor of Law

Chen Kaichun, SYSU

enforcement. Dworkin sees great potential. “Sun Yat-sen wants to establish leadership in environmental and energy law, and VLS has the opportunity to train their legal and policy leaders.”

The program’s new director, VLS Professor Tseming

Yang, is especially excited about the opportunity for the partnership to create an environmental bar in southern China. Attorneys trained in environmental law are scarce

Clockwise from bottom left: Bruce Duthu, VLS professor; Tseming Yang, VLS professor; Huang Bin, SYSU School of Law administrative office director; Liu Heng, dean of SYSU School of Law; and Li Zhiping, SYSU professor of law and director of SYSU’s Environmental Resource and Energy Law Research Center.

in China, and VLS will work with SYSU to build an environmental law curriculum, including clinical

People’s Congress. A number of officials from China’s

experience, for SYSU’s juris master (JM) program. (The

judicial and regulatory bodies have attended workshops on

JM degree, a recent development, is modeled after the JD

the VLS campus since then.

degree in the U.S.)

Training judges in environmental law is another

this program. This fall, five VLS students will work with

crucial step. As Yang explains, “Most judges in China lack

their SYSU counterparts on comparative environmental

formal legal training. Judicial positions are oftentimes filled

law issues and will visit Guangzhou in December for

with People’s Liberation Army officers who have lost their

in-person work and presentations. Yang, who has directed

military jobs.”

U.S.-China student projects for several years, says,

“I am told all the time how these programs transform

High-level Chinese officials are taking note of this legal

Students from VLS and SYSU play active roles in

partnership and are eager to participate, says Yang. When

participants’ understanding and interest in China and

Yang, Duthu, Dworkin, and other VLS faculty traveled to the

international environmental issues.” Addressing climate

partnership’s first major conference in China last May, more

change will be the work of their generation. The China

than 200 representatives of government, education,

program is finding effective ways for people of two

nongovernmental organizations, and business met to

powerful nations to do that work together.

discuss issues raised by the draft laws on energy efficiency

and circular economy pending before China’s National


For more information on the China program, visit

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Caroline Woodham

CLI Protects Tomorrow


n March 2007, VLS announced the Climate Legacy

Internationally known for his work in human rights, Weston

Initiative (CLI), a two-phase undertaking that will

is also the Bessie Dutton Murray Distinguished Professor of

address the intergenerational justice dimension of climate

Law Emeritus at the University of Iowa, where he is senior

change and seek ways to act on it. First, the CLI will clarify

scholar at Iowa’s Center for Human Rights. Professor Tracy

the ethical and legal rights of future generations to a healthy

Bach is the institute’s associate director and senior research

environment. Subsequent action includes precedent-setting

fellow. The multilingual Bach specializes in legal research,

litigation, legislation, and administrative regulation to

analysis, and writing; health-care law; and international

advocate and secure those rights. The theater of action for

human rights and has held visiting professorships in France,

this second phase could span municipal regulations to

Rwanda, and Russia.

international treaties.

climate change exists already in threatening ways and that

The CLI was established by an anonymous gift and is

Says Weston of the CLI’s task, “We take as a given that

being led by two VLS professors. Burns H. Weston, visiting

lawyers have a vital role to play in minimizing its harms.”

distinguished professor of international law and policy at

VLS, serves as project director and senior researcher.

searching for the legal bases for action, including whether






During the initial research phase, he and Bach are

“ national park of the atmosphere?

Could we, in the interest of a stable climate, create a

current laws already hold us accountable to future

climate law that would

generations and whether our descendants have a right to

have to be worked out.

have climate change’s harms prevented or at least

“How can we legally


bind current generations

to do, or not do, some-

Societies have looked beyond their current needs, says

— Tracy Bach Professor of Law

ed chapin

Bach, pointing to the establishment of the U.S. national

thing? We currently have

parks as one example. “We took huge expanses of land and

all kinds of regulations

had the foresight to say, ’If we don’t preserve this now, it’ll

on land, water, and air, in

be gone,’” she says. “Could we, in the interest of a stable

part because we implic-

climate, create a national park of the atmosphere?”

itly recognize that pollution causes overall environmental

degradation that affects our children and their children.

In Australia last year, a judge for the Land and

Burns H. Weston

Environment Court of New South Wales ruled that a coal

But the difference here,” she notes, “is that the Climate

producer’s environmental assessment must include

Legacy Initiative is taking it one step further to show

climate impacts of a proposed mine—down to the

how explicit recognition of this longstanding principle of

emissions created by burning the coal years later.

environmental ethics is required to impede a disaster 43

“Australia, the second highest per capita CO2 emitter

years from now, using the Intergovernmental Panel on

after us, has taken a serious look at its environmental

Climate Change target date of 2050.”

and land-use laws and decided that intergenerational

justice is actionable,” Bach notes.

which was emitted by the U.S.—can be expected to

linger for a century. Meanwhile, Arctic peoples are losing

A new generation of lawyers is taking part in this

Carbon already in the atmosphere—27 percent of

exploration thanks to funding for CLI research assistants—

their ancestral hunting grounds and homelands as the

four each at VLS and Iowa. Weston’s fall course on this

permafrost melts, and South Pacific islanders are forced

climate topic involves additional VLS students through

to migrate as the seas envelop their homes—and the

their coursework.

Atlantic hurricane season is well under way.

There’s plenty of work to go around. Bach outlines

some of the possible objections to future-oriented

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Len Tillim

Evening theOdds







hold an ancient place in North

That’s when a cadre of environmental groups—the

America, predating humans here

National Wildlife Federation, Vermont Natural Resources

by hundreds of thousands of years. From their position near

Council, Maine Wolf Coalition, Environmental Advocates

the top of the food chain, they exerted a unique pressure

of New York, and Maine Audubon—called on VLS. They

that helped shape and regulate the continent’s ecosystems.

knew they’d find in Parenteau a veteran of high-stakes

Once Europeans arrived and unpacked their wolf myths,

environmental battles intent on teaching the next

their herding and farming ambitions, and their guns, traps,

generation of lawyers how to win. Then Assistant Professor

and poisons, the majestic canid began a downward spiral

and clinic Assistant Director Julia Huff LLM ’03 was also an

toward extinction. Only after the gray wolf was listed as

experienced litigator. And there were the first six of many

endangered in the lower 48 states by the 1966 statute that

subsequent students eager for action.

anticipated the 1973 Endangered Species Act (ESA) did the

wolf population in the United States begin to recover.

students worked the case with their mentors. Finally,

on August 16, 2005, Judge J. Garvan Murtha, sitting in the

When the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Fish and

Semesters and summers, changing constellations of

Wildlife Service tried to reclassify the gray wolf, ultimately

U.S. District Court for Vermont, found that the Department

delisting it as an endangered species, Vermont Law School’s

of the Interior had violated federal law in 2003 when it

Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic (ENRLC)

issued the rule saying wolves needed no further restoration.

stepped into the picture. The Henry Luce Foundation

Murtha wrote that the Fish and Wildlife Service “simply

granted initial funding for the long-awaited clinic, and cases

cannot downlist or delist an area that it previously

rushed in as soon as its doors opened in 2003. “We don’t

determined warrants an endangered listing because it

have to advertise. They find us,” says ENRLC Senior

‘lumps together’ a core population with a low to nonexis-

Counsel and Professor of Law Patrick Parenteau about the

tent population outside the core area.”

source of clients. Among the new cases was a chance to

challenge the federal reclassification of the gray wolf from

the species listed. “The rulings changed the way the law is

endangered to threatened. More than mere semantics, this

interpreted,” Parenteau says. “Key statutory terms were at

change meant that the wolf was no longer fully protected

issue—endangered, threatened, and range—and Judge

from being shot, trapped, or otherwise “taken.”

Murtha used our interpretation.”

While under that protection, wolf populations had

This was a major victory—not just for wolves, but for all

Peggy Struhsacker, wolf project leader at the National

Wildlife Federation, notes, “The feds haven’t tried to delist

downgrading the status of the wolf under the ESA, the

another species like that since the wolf case. They know

Bush administration in 2003 sought to create a new,

they can get slammed now that there’s precedent from that

21-state region of those upper Midwest states and much of

ruling and a few others.”

the Northeast, which has seen sightings

ed chapin

rebounded in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. After

but no “established” wolf populations. The government would then declare “mission accomplished” for wolves throughout that new region and abandon any further restoration or protection efforts.

“ They find us.

We don’t have to advertise.

— Patrick Parenteau ENRLC Senior Counsel and Professor of Law

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jason henske

contact—lots of back and forth with documents and discussions.”

Derek Campbell ’06 feels the clinic put him leagues

ahead, not just because his amicus brief helped the National Wildlife Federation prevail in a Clean Water Act jurisdiction case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. “Pat and David really empower students to practice what they’ve studied,” he says. “You’re working with a mentor, but you’re a primary person on the project.” Campbell credits that experience with securing a satisfying position in the general counsel’s office for international law at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, where he ENRLC’s legal team at the Newfane Courthouse, July 2007. Front row L-R: Nathan Jenkins (ENLRC summer intern), Pat Parenteau (ENRLC senior counsel, lead attorney), David Deen (river steward, Connecticut River Watershed Council), Julia Horrocks (ENLRC summer intern). Back row L-R: David Mears (ENRLC interim director), Conor Brockett (ENLRC summer intern), Justin Kolber (co-counsel), James Garrett (ENRLC summer intern), and Monica Litzelman (ENRLC paralegal)

handles fisheries and trade issues.

A case’s educational value is one of three criteria

Parenteau and Mears examine before signing on. They also ask, would the clients be able to bring the case without pro bono assistance, and is there an opportunity to make good

New Growth, Student Growth

law? The clinic already has challenged Vermont Yankee

Shortly after the wolf victory, VLS alumnus David Mears ’91

nuclear power plant’s heated water discharges into the

returned from the environmental law trenches in the state

Connecticut River, where shad and Atlantic salmon migrate,

of Washington, following stints in Texas and Washington,

and is arguing to save a piece of land on Maine’s pristine

D.C., to join the faculty and ENRLC. Now interim director,

Passamaquoddy Bay, sacred to the Passamaquoddy people,

he sees the clinic as evidence of a distinctive VLS ethic.

from the environmental, historical, and cultural impacts of a

“One of the most exciting things about this school is the

liquefied natural gas terminal.

student body’s engagement,” he says.

Florence, Vt., who sued the primary local employer, mining

Four years in, paralegal Monica Litzelman joined the

Recently, the clinic represented residents of tiny

clinic, and funding from the Educational Foundation of

concern Omya, Inc. Residents say the company disposed of

America allowed the clinic to hire a legal fellow, Ben Rajotte,

waste into unlined pits and the chemical seepage, including

to succeed the first clinic fellow, Justin Kolber. Thanks to the

arsenic, threatened their groundwater. “No one else offered

Tamarind Foundation, Inc. a new staff attorney, Laura

legal help,” says one Florence resident, adding that without

Murphy, will supervise cases related to the environmental

the clinic, “we would have been trounced and dismissed by

impacts of factory farms.

this behemoth multinational corporation.”

Competition remains fierce for each semester’s eight

The ENRLC has changed the odds for humans, wolves,

student slots (up from six), but Parenteau feels small is

fish, and habitat. Meanwhile, something more than sheer

good, not least because he and Mears also teach classes.

legal learning takes hold in the students themselves. As

“I can’t imagine us having more students,” Parenteau says.

Mears observes, “They meet the client, they go to court, and

“These kinds of complex, challenging cases require close

it changes them. They’re engaged; you can see it. We have to

mentoring in small teams of two or three.You need daily

send them home, or they would work all night.”






GBH Studios

Debevoise Hall, its ornate schoolhouse bell tower visible for miles, has been an architectural and educational landmark since 1893. Following its 2005 overhaul, Debevoise won a new kind of landmark status: this elegant Queen Anne Victorian is now one of Vermont’s most resource-efficient buildings of any era. Winner of Efficiency Vermont’s 2006 annual design competition, Debevoise is Silver LEED® certified and was only the third building in the state to meet the strict standards set by the U.S. Green Building Council.


Looks Good in Green

Teaching “law for the community and the world” in classroom buildings that conserve and protect our shared air, water, and energy is another way VLS puts its money where its motto is.

Four generations of South Royalton children were schooled in

the Old Classroom Building, which stood empty once a new school rose in 1964. Bought for Royalton College in 1965, the Victorian grande dame opened her doors once more in 1972 to welcome the newly founded Vermont Law School’s inaugural class.

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preservation and adaptive reuse projects, but Debevoise stands out. “None of the buildings that I have seen or know of does what Debevoise is doing in meeting modern environmental standards. None.”

Extreme Makeover How do you transform a four-story, 27,775-square-ft. antique into a 21st-century environmental showplace? Workers kept the building’s original frame, ornate shingles, and trim—and then got serious. “We did open-heart surgery,” says Stephen Rooney, Truex Cullins & Partners project manager.

Workers built a tight envelope, then covered the

building with siding that is immune to moisture-driven

Time and weather had not been kind to the structure,

expansion and contraction and can go twice as long without

and tearing it down and building a new campus centerpiece

repainting. Modern mechanical systems too hefty for a

would have been the easiest remedy. However, then Dean

Victorian structure required that Debevoise’s floors be

L. Kinvin Wroth and the VLS trustees believed the school-

reshored with steel beams and columns. Key among those

house deserved yet a fourth educational incarnation.

behind-the-walls features is an ingenious system for

Properly restored and inventively retrofitted, this building

heating, ventilating, and cooling, which maintains a

could teach students, faculty, the village, architects, owners

pleasant indoor humidity year-round while recovering 80

of historic homes—anyone willing to learn—about new

percent of heat in the exhaust air and transferring it to

ways old buildings could save resources.

incoming fresh air. Photo-sensitive lights turn off when

people leave an area, and energy-efficient lighting illumi-

The law school reenlisted the team that had success-

fully built the “green” Oakes Hall: Truex Cullins & Partners

nates the building’s exterior.

Architects of Burlington, Vt.; award-winning environmental

consultant Marc Rosenbaum of Meriden, N.H.; historic

designers let nature take its course. First- and second-

preservation consultant Lyssa Papazian of Putney, Vt.; and

floor restrooms were converted from conventional

construction manager H.P. Cummings Construction

plumbing to composting systems that transform waste

Company of Woodsville, N.H.

into odorless potential fertilizer, while third-floor

restrooms utilize foam-flush toilets.

The challenge, recalls Rosenbaum, was “trying to bring

When building the restrooms, the Debevoise

a historic building into 21st-century performance, both in

energy use and environmental comfort—health, visual, and

have long since gone on to other lives thanks to an impres-

acoustic quality, and fresh air. We tried to do a job in this old

sive 80 percent recycling rate. Intact decorative materials,

building that would be creditable in a new one, recognizing

such as wainscoting and doors, were refreshed, and the old

the value of historic buildings in telling the story of a place.”

plaster blackboard from schoolhouse days stands protected

under Plexiglass. For furniture, VLS called on area artisans

Vermont Law School was determined to meet the

challenge. Rosenbaum says he has seen many historic






The old building’s unsalvageable original materials

to craft tables, desks, and chairs from sustainably harvested

woods certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

The overhaul was extensive, and although the initial

cost was $6.5 million, many of the features will pay for themselves before long. Campus records show that even though Debevoise’s square footage grew by 35 percent, oil usage has plummeted 65 percent from prerenovation days, and the building’s water bills are down 35 percent.

Renovating Debevoise also gave the law school the

opportunity to honor many of its own. The Yates Common Room, named after late VLS trustee Charles Yates, is considered “the law school’s living room.” The bell tower again holds a bell and offers its priceless view from comfortable benches, in honor of alumnus Mike Shafer ’79.

Of course, Debevoise Hall itself honors Thomas M.

Debevoise, dean of Vermont Law School from 1974 to 1982. Until his death in 1995, Tom Debevoise served in many prominent legal positions, including assistant U.S. attorney and Vermont attorney general. With his guidance, Vermont Law School achieved much of its early growth and academic strength. His wife, Ann, a trustee from 1996 to 2005 and VLS’s historian, says, “I’m proud to be a part of VLS’s continuing stewardship of its treasured historic buildings,” especially this “deeply dedicated seat of learning.”

The building that bears Tom Debevoise’s name reflects

his pioneer environmentalism and his influence in establishing VLS’s international reputation in environmental law. The Environmental Law Center and the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic are both housed in this sustainability showpiece.

Giving Debevoise Hall another chance has honored

village memories, too. John Dumville, historic sites operations chief for Vermont’s Division for Historic Preservation, was among the South Royalton selectmen who toured their old-turned-new classrooms. “I’m so glad

[T]hough Debevoise’s square footage grew by

they saved this building,” says Dumville.

35 percent, oil usage has plummeted 65 percent

“Nobody else would have.”

from prerenovation days.

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Laura decapua

Those Who Made a Difference


ore than six years ago, the board and administration began planning Vermont Law School’s capital campaign. With a great deal of trepidation, we set the goal: $8 million. We didn’t know where all the money would come from, but we had faith—in our leadership, faculty, graduates, students, and friends, and in ourselves as your board of trustees. That faith has been rewarded. The campaign raised $11.2 million. On behalf of the board, I want to thank everyone who shared the vision of what VLS is and aspires to be, and who supported our school by investing time, money, talent, and friendship. I must first thank my fellow board members, past and present, who contributed in excess of $3 million. Special thanks go to Perez Ehrich, who served as chair of the committee for the last three years, and to David Thelander ’87, who preceded him. Our loyal alumni stepped up and contributed over $1.7 million. What a statement of support and gratitude! I am proud to be a member of this special group. Faculty and staff contributed almost $360,000, inspiring people who worked on the campaign more than they will ever know. I must acknowledge efforts by the Office for Institutional Advancement, including former Vice Presidents Dee Robinson and Harry Ash and Interim Vice President Michael Healy, who began the campaign, and Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs, who finished it with the help of her amazing staff. Finally, I am pleased to acknowledge the contributions of our leadership. The campaign’s planning and quiet phase began during the presidency of Kinvin Wroth and provided the platform from which President and Dean Jeff Shields launched the public phase in September 2005. Jeff worked tirelessly throughout and has the results to prove it. Well done! Our vision is that VLS will be recognized as one of the nation’s preeminent centers of law and policy. The resources achieved through the campaign have moved us forward substantially. We will achieve our goals with your continued involvement and support. From the bottom of my heart, I thank every one of you for your commitment to and support of Vermont Law School.

Scott Cameron ’80 Chair, VLS Board of Trustees






†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus

The Making a Difference Campaign Donor List The following list includes all donors and donations made to Vermont Law School during the Making a Difference campaign (May 2002–June 2007), including all annual fund donations made within fiscal year 2007. Total giving for individuals, corporations, and foundations is listed within VLS giving societies. More than 3,000 donors made gifts to the Making a Difference campaign. We are sincerely grateful for the significant generosity of all donors listed below who supported the most successful campaign in Vermont Law School history.

Principal Giving Society The Ehrich Family† U.S. Agency for International Development Dr. Frances Yates†

Robert D.† and Catharine B. Rachlin Mr. and Ms. Steve Ramsey Norman† and Evelyn Redlich Jeff† and Genie Shields The Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation Deborah and Kinvin Wroth


White River Society

$1 million and above

$300,000 – $999,999

$10,000 – $49,999

Anonymous The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. Charles E. Shafer ’77† and Judith W. Shafer Sun Hill Foundation

Anonymous ’89 Al Arpad ’02 Richard Ayres Esq.† Joe and Jenny Ballway Glenn J. Berger Esq. ’78† Michelle V. Bryan† Mrs. Susan M. Campbell Canadian Consulate General Caryn J. Clayman ’83

Green Mountain Society $100,000 – $299,999 Anonymous (2) Anonymous ’87 The Byrne Foundation, Inc. The Canaday Family Charitable Trust Edwin I. Colodny† The Educational Foundation of America Gladys Brooks Foundation James Ernest E. Hanson II ’83† High Meadows Fund The Honorable Philip H. Hoff The Honorable James M. Jeffords Mr. Dan Lufkin The Norman Williams Jr. Charitable Remainder Unitrust The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation The Estate of Laurance S. Rockefeller Tamarind Foundation Inc. United States Department of State Vermont Bar Foundation Bill T. Walker Esq. ’76 The Estate of Jeanne Williams

Catamount Club $50,000 – $99,999 J. Scott ’80† and Cathleen Cameron The Clowes Fund, Inc. Ann T. Debevoise GE Foundation Professor John W. Hennessey† and The Honorable Madeleine Kunin Heather Campbell Henry J. Michael McGarry III Esq.† Alice and George† McKann

David ’86 and Nancy Cole Colleen H. Connor ’85† and Brian P. Kelahan Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Debevoise Defenders of Wildlife Diamond & Robinson, P.C. Jerry † and Candy Diamond Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC Prof. Stephen Dycus and Elizabeth R. Dycus Anthony M. Feeherry Esq. Representative and Mrs. Robert A. Foose Janice A. Forgays Esq. ’85† Green Mountain Power Corporation Zoe ’06 and Spencer ’04 Hanes Mr. John D. Howard Mr. Lawrence S. Huntington Barbara C. (Mulligan) Huppe ’88 The Johnson Family Foundation Gerard E. Jones and Emily G. Jones

VLS Trustees During the Making a Difference Campaign Lori A. Alvord MD Richard Ayres Esq. Glenn J. Berger Esq. ’78 Michelle V. Bryan Esq. J. Scott Cameron ’80 Vaughn Carney Esq. Peter H. Carter Esq. ’78 Edwin I. Colodny Colleen H. Connor Esq. ’85 Elizabeth Courtney Ann T. Debevoise Clancy I. DeSmet ’06 Henry L. Diamond Esq. M. Jerome Diamond Esq. Christopher L. Dutton Perez C. Ehrich Esq. Susan Boyle Ford Esq. ’84 Janice A. Forgays Esq. ’85 William B. Hamilton Jr. Geoffrey H. Hand ’03 Spencer G. Hanes Jr. ’04 James Ernest E. Hanson II ’83 John W. Hennessey Jr. Professor Randy Hertz Anthony N.L. Iarrapino Esq. ’03 Thomas C. Jorling Esq.

John W. Kessler ’88 William J. Mackinnon Esq. ’93 Timon J. Malloy Amy Manzelli ’05 Allen Martin Esq. Christopher P. Mathias ’07 Edward C. Mattes Jr. ’83 V. Louise McCarren Esq. J. Michael McGarry III Esq. George C. McKann Esq. Keniston P. Merrill R. Allan Paul Esq. Korrin S. Petersen Esq. ’02 Ryan Petersen ’08 Robert D. Rachlin Esq. Norman Redlich Esq. Robert L. Sand Esq. ’87 Charles E. Shafer ’77 Geoffrey B. Shields David J. Thelander Esq. ’87 Dr. Lydia Thomas Carole J. Wacey Esq. ’92 Willie J. White ’04 Mary G. Wilson Esq. Frances Yates PhD

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus W W W . V E R M O N T L A W . E D U



†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus

Leaders’ Circle The Leaders’ Circle recognizes the notable group of VLS alumni, parents, and friends whose commitment to VLS and consistent financial support at the leadership level enable the ongoing growth and development of Vermont Law School. Leaders’ Circle members understand the importance of offering competitive scholarships to first-rate applicants, retaining outstanding professors, and supporting operations. Through their leadership support of the annual fund, Leaders’ Circle members raise Vermont Law School to even higher levels of distinction. In fiscal year 2007, the first year of its launch, more than 130 alumni, friends, and family joined the Leaders’ Circle in support of Vermont Law School. Thank you to our special inaugural members listed below. Lori A. Alvord MD† Samara D. Anderson ’03 Bradford ’90✧ and Lorraine Atwood Richard Ayres Esq.† Glenn J. Berger Esq. ’78† Elizabeth Manuel Braudis ’91 Bradley B. Brownlow ’01✧ Robert R. Brunelli ’90 Michelle V. Bryan Esq.† Ingrid Busson ’99 ✧ J. Scott ’80† and Cathleen Cameron Bret A. Campbell ’94✧ Andrew M. Carter ’99 and Jennifer L. Carter ’00 Wick R. Chambers ’78 Joseph Chazan James E. Clemons ’91✧ and Joni R. Clemons ’91 Alexa A. Cole ’98✧ David ’86✧ and Nancy Cole Edwin I. Colodny† Colleen H. Connor Esq. ’85† and Brian P. Kelahan Robert C. Costello ’92 Carolina T. Curbelo ’05 and José E. Díaz Ann T. Debevoise Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Debevoise William A. Despo ’76✧ Jerry† and Candy Diamond Brian Dunkiel ’96 Christopher L. Dutton† Douglas W. Ebeling ’97 The Ehrich Family† Robin E. Eiseman ’02✧ Robert A. Fasanella ’86 Joel T. ’94 and Carolyn Faxon Janice A. Forgays Esq. ’85✧† Michael J. Franco ’85 and Mary G. Franco Peter ’99 and Victoire Gardner Clara Gimenez ’03✧ Jerry and Jeannette Goldstone Sheppard and Joan Guryan Mickey Haggerty ’77 Geoffrey H. Hand ’03✧ James Ernest E. Hanson II ’83† Mark R. Harbaugh ’99✧ James P. Harris ’87 Paul M. Harris ’76✧

William S. Hatfield ’93✧ and Kathryn van Deusen Hatfield ’93 William G. “Sandy” Hauserman ’94 Lou Helmuth ’84✧ and Lisa Steindler Larry D. Henin ’78 Professor John W. Hennessey Jr.† and The Honorable Madeleine Kunin Professor Randy Hertz† Michael O. Hill ’84 Jerry Howe ’83 MSEL Barbara C. (Mulligan) Huppe ’88 Jason B. Hutt ’98✧ Joseph D. Jean ’97 Jeffrey P. Johnson ’82 Scott R. Johnson ’79 Gerard E. Jones and Emily G. Jones Joanne Loercher Jordan ’90✧ James E. Joyce Jr. ’77 James Kalashian ’83✧ and Patricia DeLuca ’84 Byron S. Kalogerou ’86✧ Howard M. Kanner ’01 Edward T. Keable ’86 Mark L. Keene ’94 Max and Paige Kempner J. Patrick Kennedy ’93✧ Patrick ’03 and Cara Kenney Michael Kessler ’80✧ and Lorraine Magee Mary Ann and Richard D. Keyser ’80 John F. Lanahan ’87 David Lashway ’96✧ and Katherine Silverthorne ’96 E. William Leckerling III Esq. ’82✧ Carl Lisman Esq. Les ’78 and Sharon Loffman Timon† and Lori Malloy Margaret A. Mangan ’86 Scott Michael Mapes ’87 and Stephanie J. Mapes ’88 Edward C. Mattes Jr. ’83† Matthew J. Matule ’94✧ Robert W. Maxwell Esq. ’86 Karen McAndrew Esq. Kathleen M. McCarthy ’81✧ William L. McCoy Esq. ’96✧ Alice and George† McKann M. Andrew McLain ’05✧ Greg ’99 and Kirstin (Rohrer) ’99 McPolin

William H. Meub III ’78 Sharon D. Meyers ’79✧ Bruce C. Morrissey ’76 Doug ’83✧ and Jennifer Mulvaney Daniel G. Murphy ’81✦ Stefan M. Nathanson ’91 Anne Debevoise Ostby ’89 R. Allan Paul Esq. and Elsie E. Paul Christopher T. Perry ’92✧ and Martha C. Koulas-Perry Alex S. Polonsky ’98✧ E. Miles Prentice III Esq. Robert D.† and Catharine B. Rachlin Charles S. “Tuck” Rainwater ’03 and Erin K.M. Rainwater ’03 Mark L. Randall ’87 Bruce M. Read ’83 Norman† and Evelyn Redlich Beverlee J. Roper ’81✧ Alan D. Rose Jr. ’94 Jay A. Scherline Esq. ’76 Charles E. Shafer ’77✧† and Judith W. Shafer Robert M. Shafer ’79 Gregory D. Shelton ’97✧ and Jeanmarie Harrison Lynda L. Sherman ’05 Jeff † and Genie Shields Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shields Alexander ’95 and Tracy ’95 Shriver Brooks ’96✧ and Jennifer Smith Charles C. Soltan ’87 Kemp ’87 and Edith Stickney Nathan A. Stokes ’04✧ Richard K. Teitell ’77✧ David J. Thelander Esq. ’87† M. Jeanne Trott ’86 Mark B. Ward ’91✧ Lucy McVitty Weber ’85✧ Robert F. Weisberg ’01 LaJuana S. Wilcher David “Max” Williamson ’97✧ Karen M. Willis ’95✧ Mary G. Wilson Esq.✧† Ned ’89✧ and Mary Witte and Sons Deborah and Kinvin Wroth Dr. Frances Yates† Peter Zamore ’79✧

It is with great appreciation that VLS recognizes the members of the Dean’s Leadership Committee (DLC) during the campaign. DLC members act as an advisory group to the dean and have made a special commitment to support VLS with leadership gifts and encourage other alumni and friends to join them in making these vital contributions.

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus James Kalashian ’83 and Patricia DeLuca ’84 Kern Family Foundation Mr. Jerome H. Kern Michael Kessler ’80 and Lorraine Magee The Kimball Foundation LexisNexis Lingnan Foundation Lintilhac Foundation Lisman, Webster & Leckerling, PC R. J. Lyman ’93 Timon† and Lori Malloy Mary W. Harriman Foundation Edward C. Mattes Jr. ’83† Maverick Lloyd Foundation The McIntosh Foundation Northfield Savings Bank/NSB Foundation Marjorie C. Northrop Friedman ’99 Nuveen Benevolent Trust Mr. Dwight D. Opperman The Orchard Foundation Paul Frank + Collins P.C. R. Allan Paul Esq. and Elsie E. Paul Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer P.C. Mr. Marcus T. Reynolds Earlene Rivera ’07 Mr. Thomas M. Rollins The Salmon Foundation, Inc. Jay A. Scherline Esq. ’76 Robert M. Shafer ’79 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shields Alexander ’95 and Tracy ’95 Shriver Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sidman Ms. Lisa Steele Kathleen M. Sullivan Frederick A. Terry Jr. Esq. David J. Thelander Esq. ’87† Mr. Russell E. Train Vermont Bar Association Young Lawyers Section The Windham Foundation, Inc. Wurster Family Foundation

President’s Society $5,000 – $9,999 Lori A. Alvord MD† Anonymous Anonymous ’83 Beveridge & Diamond, PC Frances E. Bivens Esq. Roberta S. Bren ’78 Joel R. Burcat ’80 Judson D. Burnham Esq. ’89 Michael J. Chazan ’85 James E. Clemons ’91 and Joni R. Clemons ’91 John D. Craven ’78 Mr. Henry L. Diamond Dinse, Knapp & McAndrew, P. C. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Downs Esq. Professor N. Bruce Duthu and Representative Hildegard Z. Ojibway Christopher L. Dutton† Douglas W. Ebeling ’97 Joel T. ’94 and Carolyn Faxon Professor Paul Ferber and Dr. Dorrie Rapp Susan B. Ford ’84 and James J. Ford

Michael J. Franco ’85 and Mary G. Franco Robert T. Gannett Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gingold Gloria and Barry H. Garfinkel Fund Jerry and Jeannette Goldstone Professor Bruce A. Green Grounds For Appeal William B. Hamilton Jr.† Geoffrey H. Hand ’03 Professor Cheryl Hanna and Mr. Paul Henninge William G. “Sandy” Hauserman ’94 William V. Healey ’78 Larry D. Henin ’78 Stephen T. Hesse ’89 Matthew H. Huntington ’97 Joseph D. Jean ’97 Associate Dean Shirley A. Jefferson ’86 Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, Inc. Jeffrey P. Johnson ’82 Tom† and Sandy Jorling Byron S. Kalogerou ’86 Howard M. Kanner ’01 Kelley Drye & Warren LLP Max and Paige Kempner Ms. Ann P. Kern Kinney Pike Insurance Inc. Mr. Douglas R. Korn E. William Leckerling III Esq. ’82 Annmarie Levins Esq. Carl Lisman Esq. The Estate of Dunbar Lockwood ’83 Les ’78 and Sharon Loffman David M. Martini ’78 Matthew J. Matule ’94 M. Andrew McLain ’05 Mike and Jane McLain Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation Doug ’83 and Jennifer Mulvaney National Life Group The Bernard and Toby Nussbaum Foundation The Honorable James L. Oakes†† and Ms. Mara Williams Oakes Peter J. DePaul Memorial Foundation Anne Peyton Mr. Robert Podesta and Ms. Lisa Michelle Podesta E. Miles Prentice III Esq. The Prentice Foundation, Inc. Rex Foundation Robert L. Sand Esq. ’87 Maxine Grad ’85 and Ronald Shems ’85 Gerald D. Siegel ’78 Larry L. Simms Esq. Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Smith Vermont Community Foundation Vermont Law School Chase Race Carole J. Wacey Esq. ’92 Ms. Patricia Weisberg Weithorn and Ehrmann Families Fund of the Tides Foundation Jeffrey T. White ’99 Vice Dean Stephanie Willbanks and Mr. Stephen Willbanks

Dean’s Society $2,500 – $4,999 Bradford ’90 and Lorraine Atwood Professor Tracy L. Bach Robert E. Bailey ’87 Preeta Bansal Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Bondy Jr. Michael W. Borkowski ’76 William P. Brady ’80 Elizabeth Manuel Braudis ’91 The Braxton Fund, Inc. Jaclyn A. Brilling ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Abraham J. Brook Professor and Mrs. Richard O. Brooks Ingrid Busson ’99 Peter H. Carter Esq. ’78 Wick R. Chambers ’78 Paul and Isabel Cohen Keith J. Cornell ’87 Margaret and Ronald Cresswell Ms. Cathleen Crowley Michael S. Davis Esq. Charles E. Di Leva ’78 Michael P. Doss Esq. Priscilla B. Dube ’80 Professor Arthur Edersheim and Ms. Susan Elder Ernst & Young Foundation Robert A. Fasanella ’86 Beverly F. Fiertz ’86 Mary E. Fletcher ’92 David L. Galgay Jr. ’87 Professor Jackie Gardina Peter ’99 and Victoire Gardner Paul W. Garrity ’94 Gifford Medical Center Sheppard and Joan Guryan Mickey Haggerty ’77 Paul M. Harris ’76 William S. Hatfield ’93 and Kathryn Van Deusen Hatfield ’93 Sarah and Michael Healy Lou Helmuth ’84 and Lisa Steindler The Huisking Foundation, Inc. Don C. Hunter ’78 Anthony N.L. Iarrapino ’03 and Joslyn L. Wilschek ’03 Scott R. Johnson ’79 Professor Martha L. Judy Edward T. Keable ’86 Kevin M. Kearney Esq. Richard A. Kessler ’78 Professor and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kreiling John F. Lanahan ’87 David Lashway ’96 and Katherine Silverthorne ’96 Joan Sarles Lee ’80 Christopher B. Leopold ’78 Ms. Geri Levine Loe Margaret A. Mangan ’86 Robert W. Maxwell Esq. ’86 Karen McAndrew Esq. V. Louise McCarren Esq. Jack and Mitzi McCrory Professor David K. Mears ’91 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Meketa

W W W . V E R M O N T L A W . E D U



†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus William H. Meub III ’78 Sharon D. Meyers ’79 Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Professor and Mrs. Marc B. Mihaly MMC Matching Gifts Program Daniel G. Murphy ’81 Frank Muzio ’90 Gail H. Nichols ’80 Ursula Yates Nisonoff ’94 Joseph J. O’Dea ’78 Thomas R. O’Donnell ’85 Christopher T. Perry ’92 and Martha C. Koulas-Perry Alex S. Polonsky ’98 J. Brian Potts ’81 Neil D. Pundit PhD Christopher M. Reid ’99 and Tara F. Reid ’98 Bill Reynolds ’87 Beverlee J. Roper ’81 Robert A. Schweitzer ’93 Christina Tangredi Seagroatt ’80 Thomas and Susan Senatori Associate Dean Karin Sheldon and Mr. James Thurber Gregory D. Shelton ’97 and Jeanmarie Harrison Professor Linda Smiddy ’79 and Mr. James Smiddy ’79 Paul M. Smith Esq. Charles C. Soltan ’87 Chester and Rita Stein Kemp ’87 and Edith Stickney Michael P. Sweeney ’80 SymQuest Richard K. Teitell ’77 Tom Truman ’79 Verizon Nina S. Pelletier Voltaggio ’87 Lucy McVitty Weber ’85 LaJuana S. Wilcher David M. (Max) Williamson ’97 Craig and Nancy Willis Karen M. Willis ’95 Christopher B. Wren ’99 Geoffrey G. Young ’80 Peter Zamore ’79

Tower Club $1,000 – $2,499 Aileen S. Andrew Foundation Sandra L. Allen ’88 Jeffrey S. Allmon ’07 American Express Gift Matching Program Lisa Byrne Anastasio-Potter ’94 Christopher ’94 and Marietta ’94 Anderson Samara D. Anderson ’03 Dr. and Mrs. David J. Angus Anonymous Anonymous ’82 Anonymous ’96 N. Abigail Armstrong ’84 Mr. Harry B. Ash AT&T Stephen Baker ’88 Professor Alexander Banks ’87 BAR/BRI Bar Review




Marilyn J. Bartlett ’91 James L. Beausoleil Jr. ’94 Diane R. Bech ’89 Trine C. Bech ’79 Suzi Black Beck ’94 and Jonathan E. Beck ’95 George K. Belcher ’77 Grace Bellotti MD Clark H. Bensen ’78 The Estate of Peggy Bernheim Andrea Berlowe ’93 and Jonathan Binder ’92 Jocelyn ’97 and Bob Bishop Timothy S. Bishop and Helene B. Greenwald Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont The Estate of Philip E. Bonz ’78 John D. Bosley ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Boyle Victoria E. Brennan ’97 Bradley S. Brewster ’78 Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Bradley B. Brownlow ’01 Robert R. Brunelli ’90 Bret A. Campbell ’94 Ms. Leslie A. Carothers Andrew M. Carter ’99 and Jennifer L. Carter ’00 Elizabeth J. Catlin Esq. Joseph Chazan Edward J. Chesnik ’76 Chittenden Bank Jeremy G. Clemans ’06 and Emma M. Sisti ’06 Christopher J. Cocoma ’93 Dr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Colalillo Alexa A. Cole ’98 Professor Liz Ryan Cole and Dr. Chuck Cole Warren T. Coleman ’99 Peter B. Colgrove ’84 Timothy E. Copeland ’98 Robert C. Costello ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Costle P. Christopher Cotronei ’77 Ms. Elizabeth Courtney David R. Cowles ’88 Dona M. Cullen ’78 Carolina T. Curbelo ’05 and José E. Díaz Adam ’98 and Andrea ’97 Daly Allen D. Decker ’00 Patricia Dederick ’83 Mr. and Mrs. John K. Delemarre John DeLosa ’82 William A. Despo ’76 Michael D. Donovan ’84 Doremus Associates Norman and Harriette Dorsen J. Anthony Downs Esq. Brian Dunkiel ’96 Holly K. Dustin ’84 Dwight Asset Management Company Mr. R. S. Einstein III Mr. Sheldon H. Elsen Mrs. William B. Emmons Emily E. Epperson ’01 Steven M. Feldman ’93 Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Fiduciary Trust Company Professor and Mrs. David B. Firestone Steven W. Firsichbaum ’76



Mrs. Elizabeth S. Fishman Fitz, Vogt & Associates, Ltd. Mr. John O. Flender Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fletcher Esq. Robert J. Fox ’83 Allison ’97 and Paul Freeman ’98 Thomas H. French ’93 Wyckliffe S. G. Furcron ’77 Professor and Mrs. Robert W. Gagnon Arthur C. Gallagher ’87 Gardner Insurance Services, Inc. Professor Gay Gellhorn Nicholas H. Gilbert ’91 Edward Gillis ’92 Linda Mandell Gillis ’94 Joseph L. Gillis ’90 Clara Gimenez ’03 Ms. Helen W. Gjessing Suzanne Fay Glynn ’78 Richard A. Goldberg ’78 David B. Goldstein Esq. Professor Oliver Goodenough and Representative Alison Clarkson Anthony V. Guardino ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P. Gutman Thomas J. Hall ’86 Susan L. Hamilton ’88 Tom S. Hanson ’95 Mark R. Harbaugh ’99 Christopher Harold ’77 James P. Harris ’87 Associate Dean Kathleen Hartman and Mr. Lew Hartman Don Hebert ’89 and Holly Fazzino Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs Susan Cooper Hermanson ’92 Randy Hertz† Mr. James S. Hill Michael O. Hill ’84 George A. Hisert Jr. Jerry Howe ’83 MSEL H.P. Cummings Construction Company The Hulbert Foundation Patricia M. Hynes and Roy L. Reardon Jennifer Feeley Hyzer ’02 The Innisfree Foundation Ms. Marta Jaworska Professor Gregory Johnson Eric D. Jones ’94 Joanne Loercher Jordan ’90 James E. Joyce Jr. ’77 Joseph J. and Monica K. Kalo Joy Kanwar ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Kaplan Mark L. Keene ’94 Patrick ’03 and Cara Kenney Mary Ann and Richard D. Keyser ’80 Jeffrey P. Kilgore ’78 Professor Kovacic-Fleischer James M. LaMonda ’06 Ms. Jane Lancaster Megen Karakelian LaVine ’96 Thomas F. Leary ’98 Jeffrey T. Leeds Esq. Christopher and Melissa Lind The Linkmeyer Family Lockheed Martin Corporation Edward J. Lopacki Jr. ’80

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Magee Office Plus Johan W. E. Maitland ’94 Ms. Martha Manheim Evelyn Marcus ’06 Daniel M. Margolis ’96 Jay and Donna Margolis Allen Martin Esq. Kirk F. Marty ’96 Katharine A. Marvin ’92 Mr. and Mrs. George L. Marx Mascoma Savings Bank Andrew T. Mason ’06 Christopher P. Mathias ’07† Jim Maxwell ’93 Professor James C. May and Natalia E. May ’09 Mr. James R. May and Dr. Kathleen A. Siren Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP Tavian M. Mayer ’78 Melissa C. Mazzeo ’95 Joe W. McCaleb ’95 Kathleen M. McCarthy ’81 William L. McCoy Esq. ’96 William and Marion McCullough Lawrence F. McGovern ’80 Timothy J. McGrath ’81 Greg ’99 and Kirstin (Rohrer) ’99 McPolin Bruce W. McShane ’77 Professor Lawrence Meier ’82 and Ms. Bonnie Christie ’80 Professor and Mrs. Michael A. Mello Alfred B. Mencuccini ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Keniston P. Merrill Meub Asssociates, Inc. Robert H. Miessau Jr. ’93 Michael J. Migliori ’78 and Karen L. Migliori ’80 Robert A. Miller Jr. ’85 Janet Milne and John Kuhns Mitretek Systems Mohegan Sun Thomas D. Moore ’92 Kevin P. Moriarty ’93 The Honorable James L. Morse Frederic S. Nathan Esq. Stefan M. Nathanson ’91 Professor and Mrs. Phillip J. Nexon Mr. Guy W. Nichols William R. Norful ’98 Professor Cathryn Nunlist ’90 and Dr. Mark Nunlist MD Keely J. O’Bryan ’99 Raymond J. Obuchowski Esq. ’80 Thomas H. O’Donnell ’96 and Shannon L. O’Donnell ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Orlowsky Mark G. Ouellette ’87 Steven W. Panagiotes ’87 Steven K. Parady ’81 Joseph R. Perella ’88 Pamela J. Pescosolido ’90 Richard Peyster ’78 and Felicia Graham ’78 Pfizer Global Research and Development Joseph ’80 and Patricia Pinto Joseph J. Pizonka ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Plevan Elliot Polebaum and Gilda Brancato

The Prudential Foundation Charles S. Tuck Rainwater ’03 and Erin K.M. Rainwater ’03 Mark L. Randall ’87 Randolph National Bank Professor Margaret Raymond and Professor Mark Sidel RBC Capital Markets Bruce M. Read ’83 Jerome J. Richards ’83 Professor Faith R. Rivers Sam and Helen Romm Alan D. Rose Jr. ’94 David ’01 and Tiffanie Ross Catherine Johnson Rothwell ’82 Alan M. Roughton ’07 Allan W. Ruggles ’83 Fidel R. Rul III ’06 Ryan Smith & Carbine, Ltd. Rusty Sachs ’78 Richard A. Sadlock ’86 Richard and Judy Salb The Honorable Thomas P. Salmon Stephen Salvo ’77 Todd Schlossberg ’90 and Chris Bullard Mark D. Schneider Esq. Sally Schofield Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schweitzer Carter P. Scott ’06 Mrs. Patricia Scribner Edward R. Seager ’78 C.J. and Gail Seitz Robert H. Sheil Esq. ’78 Lynda L. Sherman ’05 Henry J. Silberberg Esq. Robert V. Simpson Jr. ’78 Barry Skidelsky ’80 Sheilagh C. Smith Banks ’95 Brooks ’96 and Jennifer Smith Stephen C. Smith ’02 Martha M. Smyrski ’79 Mr. Christopher Soderstrom William D. Spain ’76 Phillip L. Spector Esq. Sprague Foundation, Inc. Professor Pamela Stephens and Rick Melberth PhD Mr. Potter Stewart and Ms. Robin Stern Nathan A. Stokes ’04 John P. Stonner ’89 Student Bar Association Sullivan & Cromwell LLP James L. Sullivan ’93 Tyler J. Sutton ’01 Richard and Christie Sykes Professor Peter R. Teachout and The Honorable Mary M. Teachout Dean and Professor William M. Treanor Dr. Lydia Thomas† Martha Tierney ’96 and Jonathan Kilburn ’96 Robert and Vivian Toan Mariya and Michael Treisman Paul D. Trimper ’78 Truex Cullins & Partners Architects Suzanne M. Tsintolas Esq. ’96 Mr. David W. Tundermann Bradley E. Tyler ’78

UnumProvident Corporation Michelle T. Delemarre ’91 and Ronald L. Vavruska ’91 Professor Joan Vogel The Estate of Keith G. Von Glahn ’77 Edward N. Wadsworth ’03 Kathryne Ward and Steven Smigay Mark B. Ward ’91 Mr. Jason S. Waterman Sara Waterman-Lopinski & Family Mr. Thomas C. Waterman Esq. Robert F. Weisberg ’01 Representative Peter F. Welch Esq. John E. Westerman ’82 Marian White ’99 Arthur O. Wilkonson Robert C. F. Willson ’86 Craig P. Wilson ’92 Mary G. Wilson† Bradley D. Wine ’95 Winston & Strawn Foundation Ned ’89 and Mary Witte and Sons Cathy Wyngarden Muir ’96 Professor Carl Yirka and Ms. Mary Jo Colbeck

Advocate’s Circle $500 – $999 Mr. and Ms. Anthony Adley Mrs. Lola P. Aiken Steve ’80 and Nancy Allenby Eric W. Alletzhauser ’92 Richard D. Allred ’79 Mr. Oliver F. Ames Stephen S. Ankuda ’79 Anonymous Anonymous ’95 Anonymous ’96 Anonymous ’07 Deborah A. Arnesen ’81 The Arthur & Alice Kramer Foundation Nancy E. Arnold ’93 Penny Huss Asherman ’99 Phyllis Skloot Bamberger and Michael Bamberger Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Barnard Electric Inc. Erin E. Barnes-Weaver ’99 M. Robin Barone ’85 Andrea F. Basso ’96 Kimberly Kearney ’94 and Eric Befeler ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Berg Berkshire Hathaway James L. Bickford ’78 Patrick L. Biggam ’79 The Honorable and Mrs. Franklin S. Billings Jr. Mrs. Ralph Bischoff Blood’s Seafood, Catering & Party Rentals, Inc. Arlene and Walter Blum Yvonne Bolton ’84 Paul M. Boots ’84 and Katryn A. Gabrielson ’84 David F. Bowen ’84 David ’93 and Anna Bridgers Claudia H. Bristow ’78 and Charles Bristow

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†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Elizabeth J. Byrne ’90 Leslie A. Cadwell ’94 Laurie S. Catron ’81 The Estate of David P. Chang Rebecca S. Charles ’93 J. Clancy PhD ’92 Clauson Atwood & Spaneas Scott D. Clausen ’03 Mary E. Colalillo ’76 Charles and Doreen Colburn Carl H. Coleman and Mark W. McVeigh Daniel E. Collins ’95 Francis J. Constantine Esq. ’81 Joe Cook ’97 Thomas N. Cooper ’81 and Susan H. Cooper ’81 Thomas A. Cors ’99 Paul V. Craco ’93 Stephen J. Craddock ’84 Michael S. Cullen ’82 Robin Curtiss ’86 John F. Danehey ’94 and Anna E. Danehey ’95 Jeff Davis ’00 Jane H. Davison ’86 Deloitte Foundation Ralph DeSena ’80 Clancy I. DeSmet ’06 William P. Dietrich ’01 Charles J. DiMare ’77 Mark J. DiStefano ’84 Thomas P. Donnellan ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dougherty Chip ’97 and Ashley (Brown) ’99 Duffie Robin E. Eiseman ’02 Engineering Ventures, Inc. Mr. Lamar Enzor Professor Howard M. Erichson Linda Fairstein and Justin Feldman T. Brendan Federle Esq. ’96 Robert B. Fiske III ’90 Mr. Peter E. Fleming Jr. Ignacy Fonberg and Mary Lou Ernst-Fonberg Sarah B. Foulke ’82 John L. Franco ’78 Frank and Brinna Sands Foundation Steven Freihofner Esq. ’80 Mr. C. John Friesman Anna B. Fry ’00 and John G. Wilson Professor William Funk Jamie T. Gallagher ’02 James Ganion ’96 and Laya Dogmetchi ’96 Susan J. Garcia ’91 Mollie B. Gaughan ’78 Robert P. Gerety Jr. ’80 The Honorable and Mrs. Ernest W. Gibson III Michael G. Glanzberg ’95 GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Gregory B. Godkin ’97 Paul D. Golian ’98 Greg Gotwald ’04 Mrs. Rosemary Graves Helen S. Greenlee Holly Ernst ’88 and J. Chris Groschner Ronald M. Gunzburger ’87 Miriam V. Hallbauer Esq.




Beverly J. Halliday ’94 Mr. Conrad K. Harper Cammie Hart David T. Hasbrook ’87 Elizabeth Hawkins Miller Esq. Justin and Camitle Healy Karen A. Heggen ’91 Kristen Heinzerling ’03 Donna G. Hempstead ’82 Peter and Jane Herbst Stuart P. Hersh ’83 D. Page Hetrick ’96 Shelley A. Hill ’81 Daniel S. Hirschman ’99 Jeremy Hoff ’07 Jefferson C. Hooper ’89 Matthew Houde and Robin L. Caissie Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Houseman Frederick W. Houston ’79 J. Cullen Howe ’99 Coleman and Cecilia Hoyt Nathaniel R. Huckel-Bauer ’06 Susan B. Hulme ’78 Michael D. Humphrey ’01 Jason B. Hutt ’98 Anthony and Martha Iarrapino Michael T. Jacobson ’77 W. Owen Jenkins ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Austin B. Johnson Jr. Dennis J. Johnson ’80 Mr. Stuart R. Johnson Gilbert P. Kaback ’89 Professor Laurie Kadoch Kaplan, Inc. Jeff Kash ’88 Julie E. Katzman Esq. J. Patrick Kennedy ’93 Linda Kennedy ’94 John W. Kessler ’88† Gail Killefer ’80 Mr. Gordon D. Koff Peter R. Kraft ’79 Dan P. Kravets ’98 Pamela C. Kraynak ’84 Robert J. Kruger ’79 Mr. John Kuhns Steven A. Kunzman ’81 Adam M. Kushner ’84 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kyle Professor Debra Leahy ’90 and Mr. Robert Vaillancourt Paul Lhevine ’94 Randall M. Livingston ’82 Professor Reed E. Loder John E. Lopis ’93 Lorillard Tobacco Company Mr. Donald Lurie Martha A. Lyons Esq. ’83 Mr. Louis Maguire and Ms. Laura McGettrick Erin Mahaney ’95 and Michael Lauffer ’95 Deborah S. Mallgrave ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Maloney Scott Michael Mapes ’87 and Stephanie J. Mapes ’88 Mrs. Gerda Marcus Peter W. Marshall ’88 Matte & Nenninger P.C.



Helen and Bryan McCarthy Ellen Young McClain ’81 Paul F. McDermott ’03 Brian P. McGarry ’76 McGreevy Williams, P.C. Andrew E. Meeks ’03 David M. Meezan ’97 and Erin M. Kelley ’97 Michael D. Mercer ’99 Timothy E. Mering ’81 Jeffrey A. Meyer Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Meyer Professor and Mrs. Philip N. Meyer ’80 William E. Meyer ’79 Gary R. Michael ’76 Todd ’00 and Sara Mikolop Mile High United Way E. David Millard ’79 Phoebe A. Mix ’79 Oscar J. Montemayor ’97 The Morrison & Foerster Foundation Francis E. Morrissey ’88 Janis M. Murcic Esq. ’82 Marna Murray ’89 Professors Lois G. and Joseph N. Muzio Michael J. Myers ’93 Donald P. Nagle ’88 and Janice D. Evans ’89 Sandra A. Nelson ’96 Betsey S. Neslin ’80 Anthony J. Nestico ’90 Arthur Newhouse III ’93 Lesley J. Nicholes ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Noonan Karis L. North ’95 Sarah S. North Esq. ’00 Ms. Amanda Oakes Ms. Betsy Oakes Donal and Katie O’Brien Yates Oppermann ’01 and Nicole Allard ’01 Susan E. Oram ’83 George H. Ostler ’83 Professor Patrick Parenteau and Ms. Marsha Fruin David W. Parento ’97 W. Bruce Pasfield ’84 Nadege ’02 and Kyle ’00 Paulson Paul J. Perkins Esq. ’98 Jake Pappy Perkinson ’95 Sarah A. Phillips ’80 Planet Hair Samuel and Anne Polk Barry T. Pontolillo ’83 Bruce N. Proctor ’82 John C. Putney ’81 Jeffrey Z. Qureshi ’98 Jamie Ranney ’99 Elizabeth K. Rattigan Esq. ’95 George W. Redder ’83 James L. Reese ’77 Susan Loyd Regan ’95 Caleb B. Rick ’88 Kolleen Kirk Rill ’99 RiverStone Resources LLC Thomas P. Rizzuto ’83 Neal Roberts Deborah J. Robinson Sharie A. Robinson ’07 Mr. David M. Roby

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Rochester Area Community Foundation Jesus and Aluba Rojas Margaret P. Roraback ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Rosa Jeffrey Rosenthal ’78 Susan Meyer Ross ’95 Charles and Karen Roughton Mr. and Mrs. David M. Royer ’94 Fidel Rul Professor Elizabeth Samuels Leonard B. Sand Mrs. Brinna B. Sands and Mr. Frank E. Sands Charles R. Schaller ’90 Jerome C. Schaub Jr. ’79 Andrew I. Schepard Esq. Ora Schwartzberg ’84 Frederick R. Sciulli ’81 and Marjorie A. Sciulli ’82 David Shanks ’06 David G. Shelton ’95 Thomas and Eunice Shoaff Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P. Peter D. Shore ’81 Deanna L. Siegel ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Seymour E. Siegel Paul D. Silvia ’83 David J. Singer ’04 SmithKline Beecham Foundation Mr. Donald Soderstrom Benna R. Solomon Esq. South Royalton Health Center Adam G. Sowatzka ’97 James F. Stapleton, trustee, Mary B. Radwick Charitable Trust Mark L. Stephen ’76 Steven F. Stitzel ’79 E. David Stoebling Esq. ’76 Kurt Terwilliger ’90 and Margaret Stolfa ’91 Charles F. Storrow ’82 Cristina Stummer ’01 Sandra S. Susse ’86 Allen ’77 and Andrea Susser Professor Ellen L. Swain ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Swartout Elizabeth M. Sziebert ’00 Andrew D. Taylor III ’04 Richard and Suzanne Teaberry David and Kathleen Thaxton Melissa Thaxton and James Thaxton ’01 Ms. Nina Thomas and Mr. Ronald Thomas Ann C. Toohey ’98 Sandra G. Torget ’99 Tree Frog Studio Mrs. Wilva Trent Benjamin K. Trogdon ’81 Thomas H. Trunzo Jr. ’80 Philip S. Tseng ’04 Lydia B. Turanchik ’98 Mrs. Barbara E. Tyler The Estate of Harold R. Tyler Mr. William Veen State of Vermont James ’82 and Paula Vicenzi Ryan D. Waddell ’99 Harry F. Waggoner ’00 Margaret I. Waldock ’92 Mark Washko ’97

Barry and Elsa Waxman Dr. Michael K. Welborn Amara Whitcher Morrison ’87 Dr. Loyd G. Whitley Martha A. Wieler ’91 Ms. Georgina M. Williamson The Winkle Electric Company, Inc. Glenn A. Wood ’84 and Denise J. Clinton Professor Tseming Yang and Ms. Tinling Choong Professor Elizabeth York ’99 and Mr. Ray Williams III Zalinger Cameron & Lambek, P.C. Professor Maryann Zavez ’86 Mr. Stanley D. Zemansky

South Royalton Society $250 – $499 David V. Abbott ’90 and Lynn C. Abbott ’88 Arnold and Ila Abelson Charles D. Ablard Esq. Christopher J. Adamo ’04 John and Connie Adamo Ed ’96 and Jen Adrian S. Craig Alexander Ms. Ayelet Amittay Ivy M. Anderson ’00 Mr. J. Eric Anderson Catherine Andrus Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas B. Angell Anonymous ’97 Anonymous ’04 Anonymous ’05 Professor Susan B. Apel Thomas D. Aristide ’81 Patricia and Richard N. Aslin Charles J. Assini ’85 and Jennifer Marindin Assini ’87 Jason C. Aufdermaur ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ault The Estate of Hadley W. Austin Jeffrey B. Axelrod ’85 Cheryl B. Ayer ’98 Sana S. Ayubi ’04 Mimi Baird Shannon M. Banaga ’03 Bank One Corporation Kalisa Barratt ’94 Leigh-Alistair Barzey ’97 Mrs. Bella Belcastro Stephanie A. Bellotti ’06 Patricia G. Benelli ’85 Joseph C. Benning ’83 Paul A. Benoit ’88 Kelly L. Berfield ’01 Eugene M. Bergman ’94 Rick Bieber ’77 Harry and Joanne Blalock Suzanne E. Blanchard ’89 Kay P. Blinn Robert Blue ’02 Veronica C. Boda ’78 Elizabeth A. Boepple ’97 John A. Boese ’88 Russell E. Booker III ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Boswell

Legacy Scholarship Partners Legacy Scholarship Partners commit to supporting one or more students during their three years at Vermont Law School. Through this program, the school receives support from partnering law firms and businesses as a means to engage and recruit deserving high-level students. Dinse, Knapp & McAndrew, P.C. Lisman, Webster & Leckerling, PC Paul Frank + Collins PC Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer PC

Rebecca E. Boucher ’03 Susan M. Boucher ’01 Renee J. Bouplon ’97 Richard K. Bowen ’85 Lauren Bowerman ’87 Heather S. Bowman ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boyajian Professor and Ms. Peter A. Bradford C. David Bragg Esq. Judith M. Brawer ’97 Patricia L. Brent ’97 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brilling Eric Broadway ’95 David Brody ’80 David P. Brook ’86 Stacy M. Brooks ’06 Andrea L. Brown ’04 Edward A. Brown ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Brubaker Peter C. Bullard ’82 Brett D. Burton ’96 Ms. Sandra Byrne Sally Caffery Melissa ’93 and Ed ’93 Callaway Joseph A. Campagna ’05 Charles and Martha Campbell Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Capstone Realty Advisors Deborah A. Carlson ’88 David G. Carpenter ’97 David A. Carson ’85 Ralph and Anne Carson Lauren E. Case ’94 Frank A. Cassiano Jr. ’88 Drs. Eugene and Jean Ceglowski Ms. Lorna M. Chang Post Michele R. Childs ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Alford Chin Nancy M. Clark ’04 Cleary Shahi & Aicher, P.C. Andrew J. Cloutier ’91

W W W . V E R M O N T L A W . E D U



†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus

In Honor Of and Memorial Gifts Fiscal Year 2007

In Memory of Joseph and Louise Bartlett

In Honor of James L. Oakes Many Gifts

Marilyn J. Bartlett ’91

In Memory of P.T. and M.D. Bronson Michael A. Zywicki ’03

In Honor of Professor Richard O. Brooks

In Honor of my parents, who made it possible for me to get through law school Stephanie A. Pessin ’05 In Memory of Dolores F. Rivera

Peter M. Lavigne ’85

In Honor of Alexa A. Cole ’98, for her leadership on the Alumni Association Anna B. Fry ’00 and John G. Wilson ’00

Earlene Rivera ’07

In Memory of David J. Rose MD Edith S. Rose

In Memory of Zander Rubin

In Honor of Douglas M. Costle

Joseph ’80 and Patricia Pinto

Many Gifts

In Memory of Lauren B. Salb ’03

In Honor of Ann T. Debevoise

Sarah E. Jackson ’03 Timothy I. Mahon ’05

Charles E. Shafer ’77 and Judith W. Shafer

In Honor of Avery Pierre Sevigny

In Honor of John Delemarre

M. Elizabeth Georg ’03

Many Gifts

In Honor of Associate Dean Karin Sheldon Michelle Brandt King ’03 and

In Memory of Albert Griffo Joseph T. Griffo ’07

In Honor of Leonard and Edith Harris

Jason E. King ’02

In Memory of Emma Taylor

Paul M. Harris ’76

Andrew D. Taylor III ’04

In Honor of James S. Hill

In Honor of Nina Thomas

Michael O. Hill ’84

In Memory of Rodney “Zakee” Jones ’04

Many Gifts

In Memory of Terry J. Trono ’77

R. David Brown ’04

George K. Belcher ’77

In Memory of Donald Karalash Professor Cheryl Hanna and Paul Henninge

In Honor of Ultimate Justice Luke T. Martone ’06

In Honor of Judge Sterry R. Waterman

In Memory of Oscar Maynard Pat Casey ’87 and Amy Walker-Casey

Many Gifts

In Memory of Hilton A. Wick

In Honor of Evan (LLM) and Liz (JD) Mulholland

Marcia K. Stone

Mr. and Mrs. David T. Mulholland

Richard M. DeLuca ’83 Jan Dembinski ’99 David E. D’Eramo ’03 Valerie L. Diden Moore ’04 Anthony D. Dokurno ’82 Abigail A. Doolittle Esq. ’05 Dana M. Drukker ’94 Anne S. Duncan Cooley Esq. ’89 Mr. and Mrs. J. Marvin Dunkiel Lucie Bourassa Dvorak ’95 Damian P. Dwyer ’93 Patrick M. Egan ’76 P. G. Eikenberry Esq. Peter L. Elliott ’82

James W. Coffrin ’80 Norman Cohen Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Monte S. Colbert Richard Colbert ’90 Carol L. Conragan ’95 Charles R. Conroy ’99 Ted Conwell ’94 Amy Hanks Cornelius ’02 Jesse M. Corum IV ’77 Andrea L. Courtney ’01 Kitley S. Covill ’82 Christine L. Davis ’92 Polly d. Davis ’91 Todd D. ’94 and Claire Deligan






William F. Ellis ’87 Carl J. Engleman ’98 Richard J. Ericsson ’81 Angela Essary Pitha ’98 Dr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Farber First American Title Insurance Company Kenneth R. Fisher ’77 Flemming Zulack Williamson Zauderer LLP Ann G. Flynn ’82 Mike ’77 and Laura Foley Susan L. Fowler ’80 Ms. Diane Frake and Mr. John Frake Gregory S. Friend ’01 Charles W. Gallagher ’86 Meredith Policinski Gammill ’02 James and Lisa Garbett Katie Brown Garrett ’95 Ms. Laura Gillen and Mr. Lee Leitch Clare Ginger ’83 Eric Girardi ’99 Priscilla B. Glucksman ’96 Garfield B. Goodrum ’96 and Lucille W. Goodrum ’96 Richards Gordon ’82 John Michael Goyke ’01 Brent J. Greenwell Robert and Cheryl Gresham Joseph T. Griffo ’07 Daniel F. Grossman ’80 Mark G. Gruber ’76 William A. Hahn ’81 Eleanor Hand Harcourt Brace Legal and Professional Publications John D. Harper ’81 Robert A. Harris ’83 Catherine E. Harwood Esq. ’83 Kathleen A. Hassey ’84 Meredith A. Hatfield ’99 Taylor E. C. Hawes ’97 Brian C. Hawryluk ’93 Jennifer and Thornton Hayslett Jennifer M. Heilman ’98 Dot Helling ’81 Ronald and Charlotte Hensler David K. Herlihy ’86 Mr. Robert F. Herrmann Lewis and Deborah Herro Peter and Pamela Herrup Hershenson, Carter, Scott, & McGee, PC Mark A. Hicks ’06 Mr. Garret A. Hobart Esq. Kevin M. Hogan ’91 Dr. and Mrs. H. Friedrich Holzapfel Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hopman Louis and Linda Huffman Raymond and Kathy Hurt Constantine Hutchins III ’89 Robert (Bob) Hyman ’83 Peter S. Hyndman ’89 IBM Corporation Matthew Iler ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Inselbuch Tom Irwin ’95 Andrew M. Jackson ’79 Lisa A. Jacobowitz ’82 Merrill H. Jacobson ’90

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Jessica E. Jay ’97 Richard A. Johnson Jr. ’97 Professor Vincent R. Johnson Genne Johnston Keith A. Johnston ’04 Elizabeth D. Jones Laurice E. Jones ’98 Lynde A. Jones-Schoelkopf ’00 Journal Press, Inc. Stephen H. ’80 and Paulette M. Judd Kenneth I. Juster Esq. Representative Michael R. Kainen ’92 Melissa Kalinen ’06 Karl A. Karg IV ’94 Diane DePoy Karst ’85 Allen S. Kaufman ’77 Eric B. Kaviar ’77 Mr. Scott Kenworthy Michelle R. Brandt King ’03 and Jason E. King ’02 John M. Kirk III ’91 Ryan V. Klee ’05 William C. Kuehn ’88 Ms. Marilyn Labadie and Mr. John Labadie Peter M. Lavigne ’85 Alexander P. Lee ’01 Albert J. Lepore Jr. ’90 Ms. Jenepher R. Lingelbach Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lisman Esq.†† Peter ’91 and Cathy Lobel Harvey Loeb ’79 J. M. Sowinski ’98 and Camille A. Lofaro ’99 Julia Londergan ’91 Terrence A. Low ’84 Benjamin L. Luna ’01 Tim ’01 and Tricia ’01 Lyle Christopher J. Lynch ’92 Elizabeth C. MacDonough ’98 Alan S. Madans Esq. Philip Maier ’81 Representative Steven B. Maier ’85 Rory O’Conor Malone ’03 Robert Manby ’79 Alex Manning ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Marshall Jeff Martin ’79 Kathleen E. Marx ’85 William W. Massey III ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Matule Jr. Edward W. McBride Jr. ’93 Sean P. McCabe ’88 Michael G. McCann ’94 Michael McConihe Daniel J. McGrath ’86 McGuireWoods LLP Ms. Constance McManus McNeil, Leddy and Sheahan, P.C. Ms. Catherine Mealey Dr. and Mrs. Elias Meezan David M. Melesky ’80 Elizabeth M. Mendeloff Dwight and Susan Merriam MetLife Foundation Michael Baker Corporation Virginia P. Mihalko ’81 Ruth M. Milkey Professor Alan S. Miller

David and Barbara Miller Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Miller ’04 Ms. Marsha Mitchell Gregory A. Molyneux ’80 Amanda J. Monchamp ’99 Terry Monroe ’90 Brian T. Moore ’99 Kathleen M. Moore ’82 William D. Moore ’84 W. Parker Moore ’04 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Murdoch, Hughes & Twarog Christine Murphy ’00 Thomas P. Murphy ’78 Brendan Murray ’84 Kathleen I. Myers ’00 Susan A. Nawrocki ’87 Mary Ann Neal ’79 Constance J. Neary ’89 Mr. Melvin B. Neisner Jr. Esq. Ms. Katharine F. Nelson Leslie A. Nielsen ’84 Mike and Sandy Niemiec Danielle D. Nkojo ’98 Alex E. Nuti-de Biasi Michael P. O’Connell ’91 Laurence H. Olive ’76 Raphael J. Omerza ’93 Sarah Orlov ’90 Clare L. O’Shaughnessy ’98 Paul H. Ostien III ’99 Palisades Medical Center Nicole G. Paquette ’98 Todd K. Parker ’06 Christopher L. Peck ’94 Shelby M. Perkins ’03 Virginie-Alvine Perrette ’94 Karen Sclufer Pessione ’98 Korrin ’02 and Brian Petersen John G. Power ’91 and Carol R. Power ’91 Michael C. Pratt ’87 Dana E. Prescott ’83 PricewaterhouseCoopers Catherine Rebholz ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Redder Kimberly S. Reid ’05 Christopher P. Rhodes ’90 Mr. George L. Richards II George L. Richards III ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Richmond Catherine Richmond ’02 Heather A. Rider Hammond ’01 Parker M. Riehle ’92 Jennifer A. Robbins ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Roper Mollie D. Roth ’96 Craig Royce Raymond H. Royce III ’79 Cheri J. Ruch ’87 David W. Rugh ’04 Jennifer Deck Samuelson ’96 and Matthew C. Samuelson ’96 Gail L. Sanderson ’87 Ms. Florence Sandow Professor Michael Santana Joseph B. Sappington ’98 and Georgette Sappington ’98

Harriet and Arthur Savage Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scangarella James M. Scaramozza ’87 Gary M. Schaff ’76 Donald G. Scheck ’77 Lawrence and Susan Schiller Jeffrey Schinnerer ’03 Adam Schneider Esq. ’81 Seth G. Schofield ’04 Lainey Schwartz ’93 Paul D. Schwartzberg ’87 The Estate of Nicholas Sclufer Ms. Karen E. Segal Carol and David Settino Robin Shapiro ’85 Allen B. Shayo ’79 Mary J. Sheehan ’87 Robert Sheftman ’78 and Elisabeth Sheftman ’85 Alan M. Shoer ’83 Stephanie Showalter ’01 Silver Lake Triathlon Morris L. Silver Esq. ’86 Richard A. Simon ’89 John P. Simpson ’96 Sirotkin & Necrason, PLC Mark and Jane Sisti Sleigh and Williams Marcia Slingerland ’84 and John H. Slingerland ’83 Boolie L. Sluka ’03 and Joseph J. Sluka ’05 Nanci Smith ’92 and Gregg Meyer ’92 Adrienne Soler ’87 and Peter Sigle Spaulding Press, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Z. Spicer James Spink Esq. ’80 Sheila M. Stebner ’96 Allan and Doreen Stokes Elizabeth B. Stone ’90 Alan W. Strasser ’93 Thaddeus W. Swank Jr. ’91 Swanson & Lange Steven ’83 and Cheryl Swartout Professor Laurel S. Terry Isabelle M. Thabault ’77 Mark M. Thayer ’84 Mike ’97 and Lillian ’98 Theodorou Claire Z. Thorp ’95 Susan M. Ceglowski ’93 and John C. Thrasher ’93 Martha E. Csala ’86 and Erick E. Titrud ’84 Katherine Toan ’08 Beverly S.K. Tom ’90 Carolyn Tonelli ’83 Victoria Leonhart Trefts ’82 M. Jeanne Trott ’86 Charles and Nancy Turner Tyco Matching Gifts Program United Technologies Matching Gifts Program Vermont Student Assistance Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland C. Vincent Ms. Sarah Vorder Bruegge Garland M. Walker ’90 David and Jean Walters Richard L. Walton Jr. ’78 Paul A. Ward Jr. ’81 Blair P. Warner Esq. ’78

W W W . V E R M O N T L A W . E D U



†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Alex and Erin Waterman Robert S. and Lynne M. Waterman Edward W. Wayland ’93 Henley R. Webb Jr. ’97 Stephen and Jennie Weiner Jo F. Weingarten Esq. Professor Emily W. Wetherell ’04 Gary R. Wieland Esq. ’82 Mrs. Nancy Wight and Mr. Roy Wight Fonda Wilcox ’09 and Amy Wilcox ’09 Eric R. Wilkinson ’96 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Williams C. Colon Willoughby Jr. ’79 Chet and Linda Wilson Mark and Beth Winter Professor David A. Wirth Christopher S. and Jacqueline M. B. Wren Mr. George B. Yankwitt Susanne R. Young ’81 and Peter F. Young Philip H. Zalinger Jr. ’77

Century Club $100 – $249 Abacus Financial Advisors Ms. Concetta Abbate Varn and Joan Abbott Jennifer A. Abdella ’07 Kevin E. Aberant ’94 Joshua F. Adams ’07 Tom and Martha Adkins Representative David Ainsworth Merlyn L. K. ’07 and Iyaz ’06 Akhtar Christopher Albert ’02 Brian G. Alexander ’05 William and Laura Alexander Michael J. Alfieri ’87 Ms. Ann Allen-Ryan Mitchell Evan Alter ’77 Peggy Ament ’04 William and Hale Ament L. Randolph Amis III ’80 Julia Anastasio Esq. ’96 Devorah Ancel ’08 Carl and Karen Anderson Dirk Anderson ’93 Michael ’04 and Heather Anderson George A. Andrusyshyn ’83 Irina Axelrod-Angres Anichini, Inc. Anonymous ’77 Anonymous ’82 Anonymous ’89 Anonymous ’90 Anonymous ’99 Anonymous ’02 Anonymous ’03 (2) Anonymous ’04 Anonymous ’06 Peter D. Anthony PhD ’88 Cynthia Corlett Argentine ’91 Mrs. Hamilton F. Armstrong Robin Arnell ’89 Eglantina A. Arnold ’07 Amy C. Ashworth ’07 Keith Aten ’93 Clarke D. Atwell ’96




Auditel, Inc. M. S. and Safia K. Ayubi Michael D. Baldwin ’06 Virginia Baldwin Robert Balten and Mary Balten Pamela S. Baptiste ’80 Tracy L. Barbagiovanni ’01 and Harold L. Miller ’99 Ms. Pauline Barnes and Mr. Ronald Barnes John C. E. Barrett ’02 and Anne Breckenridge Barrett ’02 Joseph W. Barry III ’92 Ian C. Bartrum ’03 and Maria Consoli Bartrum John R. Bashaw ’87 Kyle R. Bates ’07 Edna Y. Baugh ’83, Stephens & Baugh, LLC Brooks M. Beard Esq. ’95 Ms. Susan L. Beesley Esq. W. Neil Belden ’89 Dr. Francis J. Belinowiz Ms. Anne J. Bell Jesse A. Bell ’05 and Forest E. Bell ’05 Olaseni A. Bello Jr. ’06 Barbara/William Bennett Daniel W. Bennett ’99 Jackie Hughes ’81 and Rob Bent ’81 Robert Berendt and Leslie Buhler Nancy Goldwarg Berger ’78 Gerald A. Berlin Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berndt Lawrence A. Beyer ’83 Robert and Evelyn Biamonte Dr. and Mrs. Steven Blaustein Kirk D. Bloomer ’01 The Boeing Gift Matching Program Sandra L. Bograd ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Boillotat Heather M. Bonnett ’04 Books Are Fun, Ltd. Jeffrey R. Borak ’78 Irvin A. Borenstein ’80 Bruce H. Bornstein ’77 Risa Borowick ’04 Cara M. Bosco ’01 Dr. and Mrs. Freeman P. Botnick Barbara A. Bowden ’85 Rachel M. Boylan ’92 BP Amoco Foundation Robert J. Bradfield III ’89 Barry Bram ’84 & Mary McLain & Family Wendy N. Branch ’86 and Bartram C. Branch ’86 Susan Brande Price ’01 Evan B. Brandes Esq. ’03 Steven and Kathryn Brawer Sandra L. Breen Sheila A. Brennan Christopher L. Brigham ’92 Daniel E. Britton ’84 Elizabeth B. Brodeur ’95 David Brower Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Brown Eric N. Brown ’91 Luther Brown Michele Brown and John Mackinnon Professor Ronald Brown



Christopher M. Brubaker Esq. ’98 Clare A. Buckley ’92 Mr. Raymond Bullard Randy T. Burch ’90 Mr. John S. Burgess Mr. David Burggraff Lawrence E. Burke ’81 JaJu and Donald Burnham Mimi and Nelson Burstein Helene J. Busby ’07 Amanda G. Bush ’03 Jessica L. Bush ’04 Patrick H. Busse ’96 David M. Byer ’06 Cabot Creamery Cooperative, Inc. David B. Cabrera ’91 Holly ’02 and Besim Cafer Lee Knight Caffery ’05 Kelly E. Cahill ’06 Professor Celia Campbell-Mohn and Mr. Frederick Campbell-Mohn Mr. Roald Cann Paul R. Cantilina ’91 Elizabeth Carlson John F. and Myra Carpenter Professor Bernard Carrey Colin P. Carroll ’04 Andria L. Catalano ’96 Elizabeth Catlin ’08 Rebecca L. Cavanaugh ’07 Richard A. Cawley ’84 Susan B. Cay ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ceasar David J. Celone ’92 Paige E. Chabora Esq. Dwight and Joan Chadbourn Mr. and Mrs. Spencer N. Chaffee Ms. Michelle Chamley Pamela R. Champ ’04 Michael Jay Chernick ’91 Baldwin D. Chin ’92 Mason Chuang ’05 Ms. Kim Clark Peter M. Clark ’07 Timothy A. Clark ’93 and Kristen P. Swartwout ’93 Lauren A. Cleary ’95 Glenn A. Clouser ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Coffin Kathy and Mark Cohen Kevin E. Colangelo ’94 Timothy P. Cole ’98 Ms. Gretchen P. Collazo Timothy Collins ’85 Todd R. Collins ’98 Christian Colwell ’91 and Kathleen Bradley Colwell ’91 Charles S. Conerly ’96 Hannah M. Connor ’07 John Connor Mr. Michael A. Cooper Peter H. Cooper ’95 Ms. Sally Cooper and Mr. Murlan Cooper Jr. Tracy Coppola ’06 and Patrick Jacobi ’06 Megan B. Campbell ’07 and Henry D. Corbett IV ’07 Timothy E. Corso ’06

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Heather L. Cote ’98 Christine Corwin Cowdrey ’01 Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP Meredith S. Crandall Jeffrey C. Crawford ’87 and Shirley J. Hoeppner-Crawford ’87 Mr. Lawrin P. Crispe Esq. Ellen J. Crivella ’07 John Milton Cross Jr. ’79 Crossroads Bar and Grill James C. Crowley ’92 Christopher Curtis ’06 and Abby White Mr. Willis L. Curtis Stephen L. Cusick ’04 William E. Dakin Jr. Esq. Christopher E. Dalton ’97 Danko & The Rix Six James and Victoria David Sara E. Davies Coe ’04 James E. Davis ’99 Mateo Davis ’01 Mrs. Charles R. Debevoise Ines M. de Crombrugghe McGillion Esq. Jennifer F. DeHart ’06 Edward Demetriou ’04 Brad D. De Noble ’97 Ruth J. D’Eredita ’90 and Anthony M. D’Eredita ’89 Melissa B. Derwart ’01 Mary L. Desautels ’93 Jeffrey and Margene DeSmet Ms. Constance DeWitt Jessica A. Dexter ’06 David A. Diamond ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Diamond Paul J. Dias Esq. ’87 Adam R. Dilts ’07 Ruth DiMeglio ’81 and John F. DiMeglio ’81 Heather Dlhopolsky ’05 Patrice Dlhopolsky Mrs. Tamara Doe Kelleigh Domaingue ’04 Joanie Donahue ’95 Mr. William J. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. David A. Donath Jay T. DonFrancisco ’99 and Melanie A. Dillon ’99 Karen M. Donis ’97 Catherine M. Donnelly ’04 John R. Donnelly ’86 John and Sandra Dooley Gregory F. Dorrington ’07 Kathleen L. Doster ’98 Robert C. Downey ’93 Christopher and Nancy Dressel Anne C. Drost ’98 Vincent and Patricia Duarte Steven R. Ducham ’03 Joseph and Teresa Duggan Mr. John P. Dumville Ms. Clover Durfee Thomas S. Durkin ’85 Mr. Jeremy Dworkin Professor Michael Dworkin Kathleen M. Eddy ’05 Patricia A. Edgehille ’99 Mr. Jeremy D. Eggleton

’06 and ’07 Smash Participation Record Class of 2007—59% Class of 2006—58% The past two years have seen unprecedented class gift participation among graduating classes. The class of 2006 set the high bar, with 58 percent contributing to the Class of 2006 Outdoor Classroom. Their successors, the class of 2007, topped that record with 59 percent participation this fiscal year in support of the class’s Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) endowment. This LRAP supports VLS graduates in public-service positions with high debt-to-income ratios. Both classes broke earlier participation highs in the 30 percent range.

Dr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Eitches DDS Christopher D. Ekman ’82 and Ellen M. Coogan ’82 Thailia O. Elcock-Bowen ’92 Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Emens Jennifer Emens-Butler ’95 The Estate of Margaret D. Emmons Martin D. Eng ’06 Bradley K. Enterline ’84 Wendy Ernst Jennifer L. Esway ’96 Daniel W. Ewald ’81 Professor Diane Fahey Susan E. Farady ’94 Mr. James M. Farrell Paul C. Fassler ’80 John and Gay Feeley Mark H. Feigl ’96 Sherry and Charles Fenwick William Ferdinand Jr. ’92 James Ferguson ’07 William S. Fewell ’96 Fidelity Foundation Fred and Carol Fife Joy Dickstein Finkel ’84 Shera J. Finn ’04 Marianne Finnerty ’80 Ms. Antoinette M. Fiorito The Estate of Paul M. Fischer ’85 Mr. Rodney Fisk and Mrs. Mary Fisk Mrs. Barbara FitzPatrick Erik B. FitzPatrick ’94 Mr. Marlin Fitzwater Ms. Carol Flint and Mr. Jason Flint John P. Flynn ’95 Mrs. Shannon Flynn and Mr. Malachy G. Flynn David W. Foley ’92 Morris J. Fonte Jr. ’78 Olufunke and Chester Fontenot Megan Foote Monsky ’02 Kyle E. Foote ’91 Michael A. Foresta ’93 Warren E. Foster ’87 Richard and Amylee Fowles Albert and Christina Fox

Jessica L. Fox ’07 Jessica S. Fox ’07 Professor Priscilla Fox and Mr. Stephen Klein William and Joy Fox Julie A. Frame ’87 William L. Frattini ’78 Michelle R. Frechette ’89 and Roderick T. Frechette ’88 Caroline Fredrickson Esq. Ann M. Freeman ’04 and Josh R. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Friendly Jonathan M. Frishtick ’88 and Holly A. Glick Lesley A. Frohling ’07 Ellyn K. Fuchsteiner ’99 Gary A. Gabree ’84 Denyse C. Galda ’83 David A. Gallogly ’89 Mario F. Gallucci ’90 Matthew C. Garcia ’05 Cynthia Garland Barbara Gatski Matthew T. Einstein ’06 and Jenna L. Gatski ’06 Bradley S. Gavin ’95 M. Elizabeth Georg ’03 Linda D. George ’91 Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Gerety Costache and Olimpia Gheorghiu Valeria A. Gheorghiu ’06 Molly A. Gilbert ’04 Susan Gilfillan ’88 Mr. and Ms. Larry A. Gill Albert Glass Lee R. Glass ’05 Matthew W. Glavey ’81 Ms. Diane Glew Bruce W. Glover ’89 Kara Godfrey ’07 Brett M. Godush ’01 Christopher G. Aslin ’06 and Rachel A. Goldwasser ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Golian Mr. Jon Golub and Dr. Jamie Diament-Golub DMD Mark G. Goodenough ’94 Robert and Mary Ann Gordie

W W W . V E R M O N T L A W . E D U



Alumni Participation Making a Difference Participation by alumni grew to new heights during the Making a Difference campaign. Cumulative alumni participation over the full five years of the campaign totaled 39.5 percent. Congratulations to the class of 1979, which, at 55.6 percent, enjoyed the highest class participation over the course of the campaign. In fiscal year 2007, overall annual participation grew to 19 percent from 17 percent in fiscal year 2006. The class of 2005 was the winner in a competition among recent graduates (2000-2005), with increased participation from 13 percent to 28 percent. This trend of rising support among younger alumni is especially heartening. All Alumni ’05 ’04 ’03 ’02 ’01 ’00 ’99 ’98 ’97 ’96 ’95


’94 ’93 ’92 ’91 ’90 ’89 ’88 ’87 ’86 ’85 ’84 ’83 ’82 ’81 ’80 ’79 ’78 ’77 ’76









% Participation

Participation for Making a Difference Campaign (5/1/02–6/30/07)

Brian K. Gorman ’97 Christine Gardner Gould ’02 and Peter Gould ’02 Mr. and Ms. Albert C. Graham Alison C. Gravel ’87 Professor John Greabe Stan ’98 and Jennifer Green Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenfield Greenhurst Inn Mr. William Griffin Peter W. Griggs ’02 Betty J. Grizzle ’05 groSolar Mrs. June Gross Mr. and Mrs. Otis L. Guernsey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gugerty Tanya A. Gulesserian ’98 Joseph Guyer ’98 The Honorable Peter W. Hall William H. Hall ’99 Thomas J. Hamel ’88 Buckner and Catherine Hamilton Julie ’04 and Jason ’04 Hamilton Priscilla F. Hammond ’79 Professor Catherine Hancock Mr. Stephen L. Handley Seth H. Handy ’96 Carl D. Hanson ’89 Jeffrey T. Harlan ’97 Michael R. Harris ’92 Professor Philip J. Harter Esq. Mr. Charles D. Hassell Ms. Julie Hatfield William and Linda Haugland The Estate of Harold H. Healy Hed East Maureen F. Heffren ’89 Neil W. Heiger Esq. ’96 Sherry Heinzerling Diane M. Henkels ’97 Camille O. Hensler ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Heppell Peter ’05 and Kate ’05 Herbst Maria E. Hernandez-Torrales ’07 Brian A. Herro ’03 Sylvia B. Hesson Joshua Hicks ’04 Mrs. Cecilia A. Hill Laura J. Hill-Eubanks ’04 Karrin A. Hoesing ’07 Thomas and Mary Hogan Simone M. Bui ’00 and Matthew M. Hoidal ’00 Katrina C. Kamantauskas-Holder ’88 and Alfred D. Holder ’89 Daniel and Virginia Holder Caleb J. Holmes ’07 David R. and Antonia K. Holmes Charles G. Holoubek ’01 and MaKayla S. Holoubek ’01 Joe and Dianne Holowisky Dean Dennis R. Honabach Franklin J. Hoover ’93 Mr. John M. Hopkins Rachel H. Houseman ’93 Christopher H. Howe ’81 Margaret M. Howland ’86

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Lindsey M. Huddle ’79 Anna L. Huffman ’05 The Honorable Shirley Hufstedler John Hughes Hull Printing Elizabeth A. Hume-Reithinger ’95 Ms. Olivia H. Huntington Kristen M. Huysman ’04 Francine N. Hyman ’05 Melissa M. Ihnat ’03 Susan L. Irish ’99 Suzanne J. Iselt ’96 William H. Ivry ’83 J. Edwin Jackson ’94 Terry and Patti Jackson C. Evangeline James ’97 Shari M. Jankowski ’88 Heather N. Jarvis ’05 Brandon L. Jensen ’00 Jewish Family & Children’s Service of North Jersey Dr. David Jin DDS Brian E. Joffe ’03 and Diana M. Dascalu-Joffe ’03 Shephard S. Johnson Jr. ’86 Ms. Theresa Johnson and Mr. Jamy Johnson Anne M. Jones ’03 JustGive Debra A. Kaelin-Kirby ’83 and Jeffery H. Kirby ’83 Gregory R. Kalagian ’85 Katherine M. Kane ’95 Jan Kanyock Kirk C. Kardashian ’04 Laura B. Karvosky ’07 Dan S. Kearney Jr. ’07 Mrs. Glenna Keene Peter and Lynn Kelley Peter G. Kelly Jr. ’91 Yolanda L. Kelly ’06 Kenlan, Schwiebert, Facey & Goss, P.C. Heather Spurlock Kennealy ’02 Dianne L. Kenney ’91 John R. Keough III Esq. ’80 Susan A. Kidd ’83 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kidder Jamie Kidder Stephanie A. Kiefer ’95 Jean A. Kiewel ’79 Patricia A. Killigrew ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kimball Chris K. King ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. King Jennifer B. Kitchel Reining Esq. ’95 Kelley K. Kline ’97 Krista J. Kline ’98 Elizabeth C. Kline-Mullan ’84 William T. Koch Jr. ’79 Mark H. Kolter II ’84 Andrew Kossover ’77 Christine Kulis Professor Peter B. Kunin Michael W. Kwon ’97 Mr. Edward Labaton Susan G. Lacoste ’03 Emily M. Lamond ’04 Jeffrey W. Langholtz Esq. ’85

Lansing & Associates Jason T. LaRocco ’01 and Pamela D. Hans ’00 Mr. Jonathan Lash Professor Mark Latham Mrs. Elizabeth Leahey Esq. Adam R. Lee ’07 Jeffrey K. Lee ’92 Brian T. Leeds ’07 Marie T. Legrand ’05 Kevin O. Leske ’99 Jennifer B. Levenson Esq. ’97 Jordana M. Levine ’04 Paul and Janet M. Levine Sandra Levine Richard Levitt ’99 and Alexis Greenwold Levitt ’00 Dr. Robert S. Levy DMD Jeffrey D. Lewis ’02 Megan A. Lewis ’07 Philip D. Lewis ’92 Renee G. Lewis ’06 Rima E. Lewis ’00 Mr. William Lidgerwood Jeffrey J. Limjoco ’92 and Kathleen Garrigan Limjoco ’92 Penni Livingston ’89 Pamela R. Logsdon ’99 Long Trail Brewing Company Lori A. Lookliss ’03 Shana Loomar ’07 Carlos W. Lopez ’00 John E. Lovoy ’85 Elizabeth A. Lucente ’07 Randolph and Kathleen Lucente Pamela Lundquist ’07 Joshua ’06 and Stephanie ’06 Lurie H. John Lutz Cathryn B. Lynch ’96 Lawrence L. Lynch Jr. ’93 Emily A. Lyons ’98 James and Cynthia Mackay David C. MacMaster ’06 Glynis MacVeety ’93 Rossi F. Maddalena ’07 William G. Madsen ’90 Timothy I. Mahon ’05 Wendy A. Mallari ’05 Samuel R. Mandelbaum ’77 Mr. Joseph Manko Amy Manzelli ’05 Drs. Vincent and Sally Marchesi Dean R. Marcolongo ’84 Michele Maresca ’07 Amanda L. Margolies ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Margolin Hugh H. Marthinsen ’94 The Honorable Stephen B. Martin Edward G. Martoglio ’82 Leslie Dunn ’91 and Coddy Marx ’91 Raimundo J. Matos ’00 Catherine J. Mauldin ’05 Gregory V. Mauriello ’86 Simon J. Mayo ’04 Andrew Bruce McAmis ’04 Thomas J. McCabe Jr. ’77 Robert M. McCarron ’92 Andrew R. McClellan ’87

Mr. and Mrs. John McClintock Shaunna O. McCovey ’03 Kristine A. McDonald ’92 John McGowan ’07 Peter G. McGrath ’88 Ms. Susan E. McGuigan Joseph G. McHale ’90 Karen S. McInnis ’03 Jennifer ’01 and Paul ’01 McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. William E. McKay Deborah O. McKinnon ’77 Jeremy McLean ’93 Jim McLeod ’83 Brian P. and Alice Meenan Errol and Patricia Melander John M. Mercer ’85 The Merck Company Foundation Margaret L. Merrens ’94 Merrill Lynch Joseph and Aileen Messina J. David Meyer ’84 Jeffrey R. Meyer ’04 Peter D. Meyer ’91 George A. Michak ’87 Staten T. Middleton ’92 Andrew Mikell ’83 Stephen and Christina Mikolop Mr. and Mrs. Adair Miller Michael T. Miller ’07 Ms. Shirley Miller Michael A. Mills ’00 Phoebe L. Mills ’04 Thomas J. Minichiello Jr. ’90 Jon F. Minkoff ’98 Darren ’03 and Stacey ’03 Misenko Clayton R. Mitchell ’96 Richard R. Lewis ’84 and Lynne S. Mitchell ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Moeling IV Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mohr Edward Montoya Esq. ’92 Andrew H. Montroll ’89 Deborah ’01 and Aaron ’02 Moody Moonachie Corporation Ms. Katharine G. More Barbara A. Morgan ’07 Mildred Morgan Daphne Moritz Esq. ’90 William T. Mosenthal MD Charles L. Moulton ’91 Mr. and Mrs. David T. Mulholland Janet Murnane ’86 Justin M. Murphy ’04 William K. Murphy ’76 Amy C. Nardi ’00 Rachel Frank Navaro ’04 Adam R. Necrason ’96 Mr. and Ms. Louis Neron Grace G. Newcomer Anthony D. Nobile ’85 Christopher J. Nordle ’04 Norfolk Southern Foundation Todd L. Normane ’91 Northwestern Mutual Life Jeanne O’Brien ’86 Michael ’02, Jill, and Harper O’Brien Norman K. O’Connor ’82

W W W . V E R M O N T L A W . E D U



†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Michael J. O’Grady ’96 Joshua S. O’Hara ’07 Rebecca J. Oleson ’07 O’Melveny & Myers LLP Nancye O’Neal ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Oppenheimer Charles and Hilary Oppermann Dan Orlowsky ’03 Mr. and Mrs. John Orso Osram Sylvania Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Ostien Jr. Christine L. Packard ’79 Jessica L. Papazian-Ross ’88 and Stefan Ross ’89 Lorin E. Parker ’03 Dominador and Margarita Pascual Professor Craig Pease and Dr. Linden Higgins D. Kent Penfield ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Jean R. Perrette Raven D. Perry ’07 Pamela A. Peterson Haddock ’94 Ms. Julie Peterson Richard F. Peterson Jr. ’81 Maureen E. Phelan ’77 Stephen R. Phillips ’87 Heather Pierce ’07 Mary and Ted Piland Pillsbury Winthrop LLP Sierra Pino ’05 Stephen C. Pisini ’85 Ronald and Marcia Pisoni Plexus Publishing, Inc. David M. Pocius ’03 Kenneth and Patricia Pocius LeeAnn Podruch DDS ’98 Thomas S. Polk ’05 David L. Polow ’79 Jose F. Portuondo and Maria Wilson Portuondo Sarah M. Powell ’90 Marjorie Power ’84 Ms. Ann Powers Jeffrey and Carol Press Eric L. Preston ’97 Judith Prividera Angela J. Prodan ’94 Thomas F. Puchner ’04 Mr. and Ms. H. Flint Ranney Wyndy J. Rausenberger ’92 Raytheon Company Christopher Recchia ’83 Professor and Mrs. Anthony Renzo Stephen A. Reynes ’79 Mr. Rowland Richards Jr. Rowland Richards III ’96 Alexa Richman-LaLonde ’94 Ms. Ada M. Rivera Michael D. Rizzuto ’80 William C. Robinson Jr. ’88 Renee A. Robinson-Harvey ’03 Robert and Laura Rodgers Sandra I. Rodriguez ’05 Curtis H. Roggi ’79 Roofing Unlimited Inc. The Estate of David J. Rose Mackenzie Victoria Royce ’04




Carole & Dick Royer Wilson Rugh and Theresa Winter Matthew D. Rush ’07 Mary ’01 and Greg Russ Jon C. Russell ’93 Gregory J. Ryan ’03 Joseph and Beverly Ryan Kevin G. Ryan ’87 Mr. I. W. Sadoo and Mrs. H. K. Sadoo David R. Saffold ’04 John P. Sahl Esq. ’79 Alan B. Salisbury PhD Rasheedah K. Salour-Taylor ’06 Professor Jennifer Sargent Frank E. Scangarella ’91 Mrs. Adelaide M. Schadt Mr. David Schaefer and Ms. Janet C. Hall Paul D. Schierer ’83 Christine Catterton ’97 and Peter Schmalz ’98 Leon I. Schneider ’76 Adam J. Schultz ’90 Philip L. Schwartz ’89 Susan G. Schwartz ’83 Susan M. Schwartzkopf ’04 Alyssa M. Schwenk Esq. ’98 Samuel M. Sciarrotta ’96 Nathaniel W. Sears ’06 Nathaniel K. Seeley ’02 Rowan Cusumano Seidel ’05 Jessica L. Seman ’04 Robert Sendziah Professor Kaveh Shahi Alison L. Share ’08 William L. Sharp ’82 Matthew I. Shaw ’05 David E. Sherman ’84 Kristen ’95 and Michael Sherman Drs. Paul and Virginia Sherr Ms. Caroline Shields and Mr. Richard Parry Nathaniel T. Shoaff ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Shostal The Estate of Denton Shriver John Shullenberger Esq. David J. Shulock ’94 Ms. Belinda B. Sifford Professor Kenneth W. Simons Jan E. Simonsen ’88 David ’05 and Kelly ’05 Singer Mr. Michael D. Sirotkin Esq. Susan K. Sively ’83 William E. Slade ’84 Shannon M. Slowey ’04 Janell T. Smith ’07 Kevin E. Smith Esq. Rebecca L. Smith ’03 Susan I. Smoot ’92 Richard and Mary Sodergren Jeffrey A. Sommer ’86 South Royalton House Mr. and Mrs. William D. Spain Mr. and Mrs. Eric Spar Ms. Marilyn L. Spaulding Mr. George E. Spear II Amy M. Spicer ’96 Philip J. Spingler ’79 Stephanie Young ’05 and Darren Springer ’05



Lisa A. St. Amand ’83 Ms. L. Harriet Standring Elizabeth R. Stanton ’88 State Farm Companies Foundation Leslie Staudinger Jonathan M. Stein ’05 Anne C. Stephens ’97 Mr. Rolf M. Sternberg Maria D. Stewart ’00 Paul P. Stewart ’82 Max Stier Esq. William and Jean Stinchcombe Mrs. Marcia K. Stone John K. Hamer ’94 and Anne-Marie L. Storey ’95 Mary-Shannon Storey ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Suits James and Mary Patricia Sullivan Summersweet Floral Ellen G. Sunshine-Bene ’86 Ms. Joan L. Swain Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swain Axel J. Swanson ’06 and Jana R. Scalzitti ’06 Mr. Lawrence E. Swanson Susan W. Sweetser ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Carter Tallman Dana L. Tangren ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Tarabocchia Esther Tardy-Wolfe ’85 Taurus Trading Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Taylor Jr. Lon C. Taylor ’85 William E. Taylor ’83 Jeremy R. Teaberry ’07 Johanna R. ’07 and Rory ’07 Thibault Charlotte E. Thomas ’84 Jennifer E. Thomas ’03 Ms. Linda S. Thomas Patricia Thomas Jeffrey Thomson ’07 Mr. and Ms. John Thorssin Howard and Judy Tocker Jack T. Tomarchio ’80 Jason S. Topman ’98 Toshiba/GovConnection Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trapasso Fred Tromberg ’77 Ms. Margaret Trombly Brian R. Turner ’06 Elizabeth A. Turner MD ’89 Chandler Tyson ’02 and Kristen Tyson United Technologies Corporation Upper Valley Community Foundation Carl R. Vahl ’84 A. Quincy Vale Esq. ’95 Andrew Van Buren ’91 Jason B. van Doren ’05 Professor Martha Van Oot Tammara M. Van Ryn-Lincoln ’90 Mr. and Mrs. J. Renier Van Tuyn Mr. and Ms. Leslie Vaughan Stephen E. Velyvis ’98 Jeremy T. Vermilyea ’96 Matthew D. Verson ’06 and Rei Matsushita ’05 William J. Vescera ’86 Richard and Harriet Virkstis

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Peter K. Vollers ’97 Dorisann Weber Wagner ’90 Michael and Sandra Walker Michelle B. Walker ’03 M. Scott Walker ’03 Robert A. Walker Jr. ’85 Pat ’87 and Amy Walker-Casey Angela J. and John M. Wannemuehler Jeff M. Wasserman ’94 Ms. Catherine C. Waterman Samantha R. Waterman ’98 James L. Watson ’76 John S. Monahan ’83 and Donna M. Watts ’83 Craig Weatherly ’79 John B. Webber Esq. Andrew F. Weber ’07 Greg ’88 and Allison Weimer ’90 Barry Weiner ’94 Jay and Marilyn Weinstein Christopher and Sara Weir Welch, Graham & Manby, LLP James P. Welles ’96 Megan ’00 and Michael Wenrich Dr. Carolyn West-Willette Michael B. Whipple ’98 Charles W. White ’07 Amy L. Whitehorne ’06 Heather Whitney ’06 Jessica Wickham ’06 Adam B. Wiens ’04 Anna J. Wildeman ’07 Grant and Dianne Williams Laura M. Wilson ’07 Christopher A. Winalski ’95 Windsor-Orange County Credit Union Jill Windwer ’85 Mandy S. Wingard ’07 Timothy R. Winslow ’06 Sarah A. Winter ’05 James B. Witkin Esq. Keilly Witman ’06 Professor Suellen M. Wolfe Woof & Hoof and Lil’Toot Persis H. Worrall ’89 Daniel W. Wright ’96 Elizabeth L. Wroblicka ’99 Eugene and Mimi Wuest Kenneth S. Yalowitz Barbara J. Yarington ’94 Leroy E. Yoder ’99 Mrs. Marjorie I. Yoder Andrew J. Yoon ’99 The Estate of Alice Zamore Jennifer C. Zegarelli ’03 Mary Zehnder ’87 Sondra R. Zemansky ’82 M. Patricia Zimmerman ’86 Michele R. Zinn ’91 Michael A. Zywicki ’03

Friends of VLS Up to $99 Shokry Abdelsayed ’07 Lorie Abolafia-Cartwright ’02 Ms. Dove Abramowitz Patricia A. Abt ’04

Vermont Law School Alumni Association The Vermont Law School Alumni Association (VLSAA), elected by the alumni body, is a dynamic group dedicated to addressing alumni needs. Special thanks are due to the following alumni for their active participation in support of alumni and VLS during fiscal year 2007. Alexa Cole ’98, President Geoff Hand ’03, Vice President Tameiko Allen ’02 Suzi Black Beck ’94 Kelly L. Berfield ’01 Andrew M. Carter ’99 Colleen H. Connor ’85 Esq. Alumni Trustee Carolina T. Curbelo ’05 Accents & Images Ms. Bonnie Acker Mr. and Ms. Martin L. Adams Amy K. Adelman ’85 Jonah P. Adley ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Charles Adrian Adventures in Paradise Aetna Foundation, Inc. Aetna Life & Casualty Foundation, Inc. Ms. Liz Ahl Dorothy M. Aicher ’81 James and Judith Aiken Mr. Steve Aikenhead AJ’s Restaurant & Lounge John S. Alexanderson ’92 Nicole Allison ’05 John M. Alsup ’09 Nicole A. Alt ’98 and Christopher A. Thompson ’98 Stephanie L. Altman ’07 Deirdre Alton ’95 American Lands The Honorable Jeffrey L. Amestoy Amidon Jewelers Orestes R. Anastasia ’95 Jansen P. Anderman-Hahn ’06 Emily B. Anderson ’06 Alisa Andrews ’05 and Stephen O’Dwyer Samuel H. Angell ’95 Anonymous ’83 Anonymous ’90 Anonymous ’95 Anonymous ’02 (2) Anonymous ’03 (2) Anonymous ’04 (6) Anonymous ’05 (2) Anonymous ’06 (2) Lori A. Anthony ’97 Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Melissa A. Armbrister ’03 Melissa Arnold ’05 Thia E. Artemis ’06 Chris G. Asanya ’06 Ms. Mary Aschenberg

Emily E. Epperson ’01 Jason B. Hutt ’98 Heather Spurlock Kennealy ’02 John W. Kessler ’88 Alumni Trustee Margaret A. Mangan ’86 Professor David K. Mears ’91 Karis L. North ’95 Mark Sciarrotta ’96 David “Max” Williamson ’97

William Askin ’93 Attorneys Liability Protection Society Aubergine John J. Aubin III ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ayen Janet L. Babcock ’99 The Bakers Studio Robin R. Ballina MD, JD ’97 Leslee K. Balten ’07 Sarah A. Bandomer ’05 Banknorth Vermont Cristi K. Barker ’00 Barnard Inn Restaurant Barrister’s Bookshop Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Barron Mr. Thomas Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bassin David H. Battle ’78 Garrett A. Baxter ’03 Maureen S. Bayer ’07 Mr. Michael Bazyler Ms. Debra Becker and Mr. Robert Becker Edwin and Sinikka Bell Penny L. Bellinger ’85 Adam Bellusci ’06 Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Holdings, Inc. Ben Franklin Brett W. Bennett ’04 Gale D. Berg ’76 Christine G. Berry ’00 James and Ann Berthiaume Mr. Albert G. Besser Esq. Laurie J. Beyranevand ’03 Jessica L. Biamonte ’07 Kimberly L. Biedermann ’06 Billings Farm & Museum Francis L. Billingsley ’87 Matthew Bishop ’98 Melanie S. Bishop ’04 and Scott D. Bishop ’05 Mr. Robert L. Blair Benjamin A. Blank ’07 Kerry M. Bleskan ’07 Ms. Pascal Bloch Douglas J. Blue ’91

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†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus

Douglas Meredith Legacy Society L. Douglas Meredith (1905–93) was a businessman, professor, civic leader, and VLS board member. His leadership and philanthropic vision, including a generous bequest to Vermont Law School, helped make VLS the strong institution it is today. The Douglas Meredith Legacy Society was founded to acknowledge other individuals who have made a planned gift or included Vermont Law School in their estate plans. We would like to thank the following society members: Anonymous (5) Caryn Clayman ’83 Thomas M.* and Ann T. Debevoise Terry Ehrich* Robert Fasanella ’86 Lillian and Ben Gingold Michel Haggerty ’77 Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs James and Sally* Hill The Honorable Philip and Joan Hoff Barbara Huppe ’88 R. Scott Johnston ’82 Roger and Frances Kennedy Michael Kessler ’80 J. Michael McGarry† L. Douglas Meredith*

Daniel Murphy ’81 Andrew Neisner ’84* Katherine Nunes* The Honorable James L. and Mara Williams Oakes Margaret Olnek ’92 J. Brian Potts ’81 Elizabeth Ross* Robert Shafer ’79 Denton Shriver* Harry F. Waggoner MSEL ’00 Burns Weston Hilton Wick* Norman and Jeanne Williams* Frances Yates† Jean and Jeffrey Young

* deceased If your name is not listed and you believe it should be, please contact Holly Dustin, P.O. Box 96, South Royalton, VT 05068, Tel: 802-763-1312, hdustin@vermontlaw.edu. We would like to include you in our Douglas Meredith Legacy Society. Of course, you may remain anonymous if you wish.

Blue Sky Restaurant Group Body Language Brent P. Bohan ’07 Ms. Charlene R. Bohl Binta N. Boly ’07 Mr. William Bonn Robert G. Boolukos ’77 Borders Books Charles P. Boswell ’88 Mrs. Elizabeth Bowden Sandra A. Bowman ’93 Gavin H. Boyles ’06 Cecelia Cunningham Bozetarnik ’83 Bracewell & Patterson, L.L.P. The Estate of R. J. Bradfield Brambles Sarah E. Branch ’06 Jessica A. Brandt ’06 Jefferson Braswell ’92 Breakfast on the Connecticut Ronald F. Brien Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Murray J. Brizell Ms. Jola Brock Charles J. Brown ’93 Jamar E. Brown ’05




Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown Zachary K. Brown ’05 The Honorable and Mrs. Alden T. Bryan Susan R. Buchanan ’93 Carolyn L. Buckingham ’06 Dawn M. Burke ’91 Ms. Susan Burns Kristy L. Bushon ’03 Ms. Connie Button Cachet Gift Boutique George Cacoulidis Esq. ’88 Café Buon Gustaio Brendan T. Cahill ’04 Caldwell Law California Western School of Law Chris Callahan ’96 Shari Calnero ’96 Marisa Camargo ’05 Derek B. Campbell ’06 Kristen Campbell ’06 Mechel A. Campbell ’97 Thomas and Thelma Campbell Nicole M. Candelora ’05 Joel and Renee Cantrick Mr. Nicholas Capron



William J. Cardamone ’90 Deanna R. Carlson ’05 Holly A. Carlson ’07 Carpenter & Main Inc. Lynne M. Carreiro ’00 James F. Carroll ’84 Stephen Carroll ’07 Ashley B. Carson ’06 Car-Tooner.com Mr. Norman S. Case Jr. Jorma ’05 and Eva Cavaleri Sara Cavin ’06 Chaffe Center for the Visual Arts Chambers Hotel Chandler Center for the Arts Charles Shackleton Furniture/ Miranda Thomas Pottery Katherine L. Charlton ’83 Chelsea Station Mr. Sergey N. Chernov Chicago Title Insurance Company Chili’s Grill & Bar David E. Choate ’07 Lori Choquette ’07 Chords in Wood Jennifer L. Ciarlo ’04 Mary B. Claassen ’01 Claire Murray Alicia A. Clark ’07 Jennie and Bob Clarke Ken Clarke ’81 ClearLake Furniture Edward S. Clement ’99 Clover Gift Shop Geoffrey M. Coan ’91 Viva F. Coaxum ’06 Jonathan G. Cohen ’07 Marne A. Coit ’04 Ms. Sendre Colbert Dana J. Cole-Levesque ’79 Mary E. Coleman ’05 Mrs. Ruth B. Colgrove Michael B. Collins ’80 Daronda K. Combs ’02 Geoffrey A. Commons ’86 Como Va Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Conklin Professor Kim Diana Connolly Contemporary Dance and Fitness Studio John and Diane Cooke Karen E. Cooper Esq. ’95 Robert W. Corbisier ’03 Corner Frame Shop & Gallery Rachel S. Cotrino ’07 John J. Cotter ’93 Cover to Cover Book Shop Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Cramton Jason R. Crance ’01 and Jessica E. Zaleski ’03 Jesse D. Crary ’06 Linda Creech Eli T. Crittenden ’06 Andrew C. Crow ’99 The Estate of Daniel J. Curtin Nanci-Ames Curtis Michael S. Cusick ’00 Ms. Milo Cutler and Ms. Kate Fellows Judith L. Cutler ’05

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Czech Patrick M. Dakin ’98 Dan and Whit’s Danforth Pewterers Dartmouth College - Morton Farm Ms. Laura Davidson Ms. Susan Davidson Meredith H. Davies ’99 Kahlil ’90 and Atiya Day Paula M. Dees ’01 Clifford and Marilyn DeHart Ms. Deborah Delmore Keith Dennis ’05 and Allison E. Bellins ’05 Mr. Joseph Denny Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation David A. Deyle ’98 Christopher J. L. Deziel ’86 Ruth M. Diaz Esq. ’78 Mr. John D. Dilts Joseph M. and L. Brooke ’94 Dingledine Dirt Cowboy Café Kenneth P. Dobson ’00 The Estate of L. K. Dodd Karen A. Domerski ’01 Kara J. Dowal ’06 Patrick F. Dowling ’03 Emilee G. Drobbin ’08 Colleen S. Duarte ’06 Timothy Duggan ’07 Mr. James A. Dumont Leigh Dunkelberger ’05 Mr. Jerry Dupont William L. Durrell ’92 Dr. Daniel Dutcher Ms. Robin Dutcher Marc D. Eagle ’82 and Shari J. Young ’87 Eastern Attorneys Services, Inc. Eastern Mountain Sports Eaton’s Sugarhouse Echo Lake Inn Jonathan M. Eck ’06 Edgewise Elite Ski Service Jerry Edwards Jr. ’05 Mr. Michael Edwards and Ms. Susan Brenner-Edwards Dogood Ekoh ’06 Mr. and Ms. Bruce Eld Matthew J. Ellis ’04 Melissa S. Elwell ’01 and Erik Anderson ’01 Joel T. Emlen ’05 Jordan M. Endler ’03 Sara Engelhardt ’04 Sara J. Erlbaum ’94 Carl W. Erler III ’95 Joanne M. Ertel ’92 Evergreen Unfinished Furniture Everything but Anchovies Gregory F. Farkas ’03 Barbara S. Farr ’91 Eleanor Trapasso Farrell ’93 Heather A. Fauth ’04 Vassily-Basil Fedorchenko ’07 Ms. Joan Feierabend Jacqueline E. Feldman ’82 and Richard J. Feldman ’82 Ms. Ellen L. Fellner David James Fennell ’00

Neal D. Ferenc ’89 Matthew A. Ferrigno ’06 Timothy J. Fetterly ’90 and Kathryn L. Fetterly ’91 Sabra Field PhD Ms. Virginia Fifield and Mr. Paul Saunders Professor Robert M. Filietrault Mr. and Mrs. James Finizio First Impressions Caroline A. Fisher Esq. ’04 5 Olde Tavern and Grille Mr. Peter Florey Flynn Center for the Performing Arts Jennifer L. Foley ’94 Gosia Fonberg ’00 Mr. George A. Ford Monique A. Fordham ’03 Foreign Accents Gifts Thomas A. Fosnocht ’83 Ms. Sarah P. Foss James W. Foster IV ’04 Mr. William F. Fox Jr. Stacey K. Francese ’07 Mrs. Gloria C. Franco Stephania P. A. Fregosi ’99 Freight House Woodworks The Estate of Richard I. Fricke Eric D. Friedman ’04 Jesse W. Friedman ’00 Allison Nassau Fulcher ’91 Rita I. Furlow ’97 Mr. Charles T. Gallagher Josh U. Galperin ’08 Kenneth M. Gammill ’95 Stephanie R. Garde ’96 Ms. Marge Garfield Rebecca R. Garland ’07 Mark Gatski Jeffrey N. Gaull ’00 Gabrielle J. Gautieri ’05 Mrs. Frank A. Gay Mr. Tim Gerk Evangelos C. Germeles ’04 Mr. Arthur Gibb Adam L. Gil ’03 Ms. Lilo Goldenberg Ms. Pamela Goldsborough Golf and Ski Warehouse Maria E. Gomez ’05 Richard T. Gomez ’03 Alexandra M. Goncalves ’06 Steven and Barbara Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Goodwin Laura P. Gordon ’07 Joshua P. Gorman ’06 Anthony G. Gorski ’90 David and Mary Gotwald Somer Goulet ’06 Grapevine Studio David G. Graves ’90 Sandy Grawe Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. Ms. Zelda Greenspun Lauren Greenwald ’94 Jeffrey K. Greenwell ’07 Grey Fox Inn Marissa A. Griswold ’06

David R. Groff ’97 and Heidi S. Groff ’97 Meredith P. Gursky ’02 Samuel and Leen Hackler Matthew W. Haggman ’01 J. Reginald Hall III ’02 Nerissa A. Hamilton-vom Baur ’06 Hanover Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hanson Harpoon Brewery Marged Harris ’86 Mikisha L. Harrison ’04 Hartford Insurance Group Christian A. Hatfield ’94 Ms. Margaret M. Hatfield Ms. Claire W. Hayes Douglas P. Hayes ’07 Suzanne M. Hebeler ’95 Job C. Heintz ’95 Karen L. Henderson ’07 Henderson’s Skis and Snowboards Ms. Carol Hennick Jonathan C. Heppell ’99 Dawn M. Herb ’94 Laurie Herman ’92 Arturo A. Hernandez III ’07 Consuelo del Carmen Hernandez ’04 Sarah-Elizabeth Herrup ’07 Jo Ann B. Hertford MD ’07 Garth T. Hickle ’95 Professor Annette Higby Jennifer J. Hill ’06 Robert K. Hilton III ’93 Stephen F. Hinchman ’03 Britta Hinrichsen ’07 Lynn S. Hodgens ’06 Heidi K. Holland ’04 Laura J. Hollender (Hardester) ’06 Megan Hooker ’04 Jennifer E. Horning ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Horowitz Hotel Coolidge Howe Casual Mr. Ralph W. Howe III Patrick C. Howell ’95 and Stephanie A. Howell ’95 Richard J. Howrigan Jr. ’02 Christine A. Hoyt Esq. ’86 Jehmal T. Hudson ’06 Ms. Rachel Hudson Hans G. Huessy ’91 Mrs. Mariot G. Huessy Julia L. Huff ’03 Agnes S. Hughes ’86 John R. Hughes III ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hughes Scott W. ’02 and Katurah E. ’01 Hulbert Kathleen A. Hunter ’91 Mr. William A. Hunter Amy Huyffer ’00 IBM International Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William M. Iler Anne Isham ’04 Raed M. Issa ’07 Emily E. Jackson ’07 Sarah E. Jackson ’03 Jill B. Jacoby ’96 W. Joe Jacumin Jr. ’04

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†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Simi Jain Esq. ’04 Anne Janeway Tonya M. Jansen ’01 JE & S Video Dr. Carl W. Johnson Kristi Bleyer Johnson ’88 Candi Jones ’05 The Estate of Rodney K. Jones ’04 Junction Frame Shop Paul Kalchbrenner ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kalchbrenner K&L Color Graphics, Inc. Jeannine R. Kausch ’07 Susan A. Keane ’07 Kedron Valley Inn Caroline P. Keefe ’07 Susan I. Kegg ’02 Marlene K. Kelley ’04 Steven Kelton ’05 Marianne Kennedy Esq. ’86 Rodney J. Vieira ’99 and Patricia E. Kennedy-Vieira ’98 Michelle A. Kenny ’03 Mr. Stewart Ketcham Mr. Harold Kill Killington Resort Edward J. Kimball ’86 Mary N. Kimmey ’06 Ms. Lisa Kippen Byron W. Kirkpatrick ’06 Suzanne M. Klaus ’04 Theresa J. Kliczewski ’05 Hart ’06 and Stephanie Knight The Knitting Studio Jessica M. Kobb ’91 Stephanie Kodish ’02 and Robert Blitt Koto Japanese Steak House Eula Kozma ’08 Jason A. Kramer ’04 Jes S. Kraus ’03 Alissa E. Kretser ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krivit Elizabeth A. Kruska ’04 Cynthia M. Kukuvka ’83 Representative Michele F. Kupersmith ’82 and The Honorable Michael Kupersmith Amanda Lafferty Cloud ’99 John B. Lamson ’06 J. Justin Lancaster ’78 Kyle H. Landis-Marinello ’05 Langdon Street Café Mee Soon Langohr ’08 Gina L. LaRocco ’04 Peggy W. Larson ’88 Meredith E. Lathbury ’96 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lauffer Law Offices of Cereste & Caporrino Mr. George H. Lawrence Aaron S. Lax ’03 John T. Leddy Esq. Arthur and Margaret Leeds Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Leff Kelly A. Lehman ’06 Mr. and Mrs. David F. Lent Franziskus Lepionka ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lerner Ms. Sharon M. Levasseur




Mrs. Dorothy H. Levin Lewis S. Levin ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Z. Levine David A. Levitt Esq. Lori J. Lewis ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lewis Eric N. Lieberman Esq. Dr. and Mrs. Jay B. Lilien Ann F. Lindengren ’92 Paul A. Locke Lilia Londar ’07 Cristina Lopez ’05 Diana Lopez-Feliciano ’94 Mary Lou Lorenz Annette Lorraine ’94 Lost Nation Theater Flavia Loures ’05 Elaine C. Luckey ’86 Susan W. Lurvey ’88 and John W. Lurvey ’87 Natalie E. Lutz ’05 Lyme Angler Outfitters & Guide Services Mr. William J. Mackinnon Esq. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Maehrer Magic Hat Brewing Company Sara Jane Mahan ’01 Robert Manby Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Manice Dr. Leonard Mann Anne Mansfield Market & Tech Guides LLC Donald J. S. Maroney ’87 Ms. Mery Martinez Luke T. Martone ’06 Brandon C. Marx ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mashuda Kelly Massicotte ’06 Gary M. Mastry ’03 Christopher G. McAnany ’92 Christine A. McCann ’94 Daniel McCarthy Corey S. McCullough ’07 David M. McCullough ’07 Robert L. McCullough ’83 Nancy R. McDermott ’00 Mr. Michael McDonald Karen McDonough Coughlin ’80 C. John McKay ’94 David R. McLean ’00 Mr. and Mrs. John P. McLeod Kelly A. C. McMichael ’03 Scott D. McNamara ’91 Samantha A. Medlock ’08 and Timothy M. Riley ’08 Eliza Meeker ’07 Mr. Joseph Mehling Timothy S. Melchert ’02 Suzette M. Melendez ’07 Professor Margaret Mellon LeeAnn C. Melofchik ’87 Cielo Marie B. Mendoza ’02 MESA Home Factory Store Danielle E. Mettler ’06 Rebecca L. Meyers ’05 Michael Egan Blown Glass Middlebury College Snow Bowl Christopher K. Middleton Jr. ’06



Gayle E. Middleton ’90 and Jeffrey M. Silverstein ’90 Mrs. Sara U. Mikell Christopher D. Miller ’07 Karen L. Miller ’81 Michael S. Miller ’91 William C. Miller ’86 Amy B. Mills ’98 and Roger M. Fleming ’99 Molly M. Mimier ’05 Joseph M. Minadeo ’94 Josh M. Minges ’03 Julian B. Modesti ’94 Ericka L. Moerkerken ’98 Creigh Moffatt ’87 Monaco’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria Ms. Evelyn M. Monahan Montpelier Elks Country Club Montshire Museum of Science Kelly A. Mooij ’03 Megan K. Moore ’01 Mr. and Mrs. James Moreno Ted and Patti Morgan Elizabeth C. Morris ’02 The Honorable Walter M. Morris Jr. Andrew M. Morse ’84 Matthew J. ’00 and Tiffany N. ’01 Mortier Mr. Peter Moss Mountain Creamery L. Brooks Mountcastle ’94 Evan ’05 and Elizabeth ’07 Mulholland Richard E. Mullaly ’80 Richard W. Munch Jr. ’07 Jennifer Murphy ’07 Murphy’s on the Green Danielle E. Murray ’07 John J. Murray Jr. ’97 Dennis H. Myrick ’06 Ms. Barbara J. Nadelman The Estate of Bernice Nadelman Ms. Carrie Nadelman Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Nadelman Mr. Francis J. Nagle Philip and Dorothy Nedelman Shane D. Neldner ’07 Mr. Garet Nelson New England Culinary Institute Commons New England Video The New Jersey Historical Society Jessica R. Newhart ’06 Joshua K. Nicosia ’04 Kenneth L. Niemczyk ’88 Julie Nigro ’80 Cathy N. Norman ’96 North Star Canoe Rentals Norwich Inn Nugget Theaters Thomas C. Nuovo ’92 and Mary Beth Nuovo ’93 Ms. Rae Nutting Patricia A. O’Byrne ’90 Patricia Ochman ’05 Caitlin O’Connor ’07 Ms. Mary J. O’Connor Paul and Margaret-Ann O’Connor Wadner Oge ’06 Old Schoolhouse Books Jeremiah N. Ollennu ’06

†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus Olympia Sports Lisa M. Orrantia ’97 Mr. Lyman Orton Helen Kingan Ortt Jessica A. Oski ’92 Pamela M. Osten Young ’05 Peter G. Osyf ’03 Otter Creek Brewing Francis X. Ounan ’82 Allison L. Owen ’06 John E. Owen ’01 Michael C. Owens ’93 Dennis and Virginia Palmer Panera Bread Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Papirmeister Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Pardell Mr. James J. Parish Eric G. Parker Esq. ’81 The Parker House Inn and Restaurant Laurie Stone Parker ’82 Shelly and Timothy Parker Professor Ruth Parlin Sara Parsowith ’06 Mark J. Pasquariello ’89 and Julia G. Allan ’90 Peak Performance Ski Shop Laura L. Peck ’93 Mr. Bill Pedersen Christian H. Pedersen Esq. ’99 Frederick V. Peet ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Penar Kimberly D. Perdue ’06 C. Jason Perkey ’03 Richard D. Perra ’96 Mrs. Verna Perry David M. Peterson ’93 Jennifer S. Peterson ’07 Jill Pfenning ’07 Ms. Deborah Phillips Ms. Betty W. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pike Hugh Pilgrim ’97 Emily K. Plett-Miyake ’06 Ms. and Mr. Deborah H. Popkin Matthew C. Porterfield ’90 Ms. Angeline Poulin and Mr. Justin Poulin Mary Jo Poulson-Small ’03 F. Sheldon Prentice Esq. Mr. John Price and Ms. Jennifer Lind Ms. Susan Price and Mr. Howard Edgin Claire H. Prince ’92 Prints & Patches Lawrence S. Pugliese ’92 Nikhil D. Pundit ’07 Rebecca S. Purdom ’96 Quechee Gorge Mini Golf Courtney A. Queen ’06 Aaron T. Quinn ’07 Maureen Ragan Esq. ’92 Lalaina Rakotoson ’95 William S. Ramey ’03 Ramunto’s Brick n Brew Pizzeria, Hanover Ramunto’s Brick n Brew Pizzeria, Quechee Katherine R. Ready ’07 Ed and Jill Rebholz Ms. Joan Reese Andrew A. Reich Esq. ’91

Reiki in the Woods Susan A. Hackler ’05 and Jason D. Reimers ’05 Robert K. Reis ’81 Jill K. Reymore ’05 Pavel A. Reznikov ’05 Ms. Fran Rhynhart Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rich Richard Holmquist Furniture Maker Daniel P. Richardson ’03 Robert A. Riessen ’90 Ebony R. Riggins ’06 Jennifer L. Riggle ’99 Mr. Noah Ring James D. Ripley ’80 Ms. Carol L. Rittenhouse River Valley Club Marion J. Roach ’01 Daniel N. Roberts ’06 Miriam A. Rodriguez-Uyeda ’00 James Rogers ’02 Brianda A. Rojas ’06 Ms. Norma June Rolens Mrs. Laura H. Rollins Jonathan Rose ’06 Ms. Naomi Rosenfeld and Mr. Michael Rosenfeld The Estate of Helen Rosenzweig Laurie S. Rosenzweig ’96 Mike and Sue Rospert Jeffrey B. Ross ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rothstein Michael Routhier ’07 Maria C. Royle ’97 Phyllis E. Rubenstein Esq. Dr. Rosemarie Russo ’86 Ms. Christine Ryan and Mr. John Zimmer Robert Ryan Harvey C. Sacks ’77 Salaam Boutique Jason R. Salmi Klotz ’06 Michael C. Saltz ’90 Hope E. Sanders ’02 Jerimiah J. Sanders ’07 Ana Dos Santos ’06 Sarducci’s Restaurant Eliza H. Savage ’93 Savoy Theater Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Saxe Victoria A. Saxl ’95 Professor Anna Saxman ’85 and Mr. Robert Halpert ’83 Jodi M. Schlegel ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider Sam M. Schneider ’05 Michele Schroeder ’89 Mr. Alan O. Schubert Edward W. Schuller ’80 Barrett R. Schultz ’06 and Tanya R. Ringer ’06 Scott A. Schultz ’06 Kevin I. Schwartz ’90 Ms. Story Scott Scrapbooker’s Workshoppe Sabrina E. Seal ’96 Mark Seltzer ’08 Nancie G. Severs

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Sharlow Jennifer L. Shaver ’06 Christopher and Elizabeth Shays Shenanigan’s Sheraton Burlington Hotel Sherri’s Headquarters Ltd. Shiretown Books Sidewalk Florist Anna Sidorow Ms. Marie Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Harold Silverstein E. Sequoyah Simermeyer ’98 Jeremy A. Pratt ’04 and Ellen E. Simmons ’05 Brice C. Simon ’00 Jeana M. Simon ’00 Simon Pearce Charles and Alice Simons Skunk Hollow Tavern Laura Sliker ’06 Allison W. Smith ’07 Annelisa D. Smith ’05 Erin L. Smith ’96 Mr. Geoffrey R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith Snow Farm Vineyard So Ro’s Shari R. Sobel ’03 Dr. Orlando Sola-Gomez and Elizabeth Capifali Mr. William H. Sorrell South Royalton Market Theresa Y. Soutiere ’07 Maria L. Sozio ’92 Craig Sparks ’09 Spirit of Ethan Allen Martin and Rachelle Springer Mr. Randy Spydell Kerry K. Stacy ’05 Hayward and Mary Stafford Erin J. Stamerra ’03 Stephen Huneck Gallery David C. Stewart Esq. Mary F. Stewart ’93 Marjorie J. Stinchcombe ’02 Professor Natalie P. Stoianoff Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stone Stone Soup Restaurant Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa Stratton Mountain Resort Ms. Anne L. Strauss Mary E. Stringos ’84 Mr. Dean B. Suagee Sugarbush Farm Ms. Sara Sullivan Tim Sullivan ’05 and Dana Barile ’04 Edward D. Sutton ’85 Errol J. Tabacco ’99 Taishan Asian Cuisine Brenda K. Taite ’05 Ryan Talbott ’06 Hovig O. Tanajian ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tarpinian Ashley Weld Taylor ’02 Matthew D. Taylor ’93 Richard A. Taylor Esq. ’04 Robert and Sherrie Taylor Sara G. Terranova ’07

W W W . V E R M O N T L A W . E D U



†: Trustee during FY 2007 ††: Trustee Emeritus

Class Notes Returning in Spring Your class secretary will be in touch to gather news from you and your classmates for the spring Loquitur. You can post and view Class Notes online at www.vlsalumni.org at any time.

Daniel D. Tesini ’09 Ms. Diane Tessier and Mr. Gordon Tessier Jared A. Teutsch ’01 and Angela C. Trethaway ’01 Ashley Thomas ’07 Thompson’s Flour Shop Ms. Marta Thorne Hannah M. Thorssin-Bahri ’07 Three Stallion Inn Terence J. Tierney ’80 Mr. Monty Tilles Tip Top Pottery Tip Top Tire Kyle J. Tisdel ’05 Matthew Tjosvold ’09 Mrs. Lisa Todd Topnotch Resort and Spa David Torzillo ’99 Heather Toulmin ’95 Ronald C. Trabucco ’76 Trapp Family Lodge Michael K. Travers Jr. ’93 Kathleen J. Trinward ’07 Arati Tripathi ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Trottier Eric A. Trum ’07 Linda Tsang ’07 James M. Tucker ’00 Elaine Tung ’85 Jennifer L. Turnbull-Houde ’06 Oliver L. Twombly ’85 Umiak Outdoor Outfitters UNUM Charitable Foundation Upper Valley Fun & Games Alexander J. Urbelis ’05 Shannon L. Vallance Valley Acupuncture Health Clinic Valley News Valley Tire Company Daniel J. Van Orman ’07 Rhonda D. Varner ’05 Vermont Attorneys Title Corporation Vermont Computing, Inc. Vermont Department of Libraries

Vermont Golf Association Vermont Law School Alumni Association Vermont National Country Club Vermont Pure Natural Spring Water Vermont Right to Life Committee Alan and Paula Verson Village Pizza Margaret O’Rourke Vincent ’88 Mr. Ken Vinson Richard M. Virkstis ’04 A. Morgan Wade ’96 Karen Wade Cavanagh ’93 Mr. H G. Wadsworth and Ms. Y. Sherry Shange Steve Wainaina ’07 Hanne P. Walker ’07 T. Randolph Walker ’83 The Estate of Sienna P. Walton ’82 Sonia Waterman Wincott & Family Donald M. Watson ’86 and Paula Ramsbotham Watson ’86 Scott M. Watson ’06 Weathervane Seafood Restaurant John S. Webb Esq. ’92 John J. Weil ’06 Jason A. Weiner ’08 Michael K. Welborn Jr. ’03 Welch True Value Hardware John B. Weld ’90 Laurie E. Wheelock ’07 Mr. Matthew Whelpton The Whippletree White River Car Wash White River Co-op Jeffry W. White ’87 Kaylea M. White ’05 Lauren P. Whitley ’07 Steven M. Whitley ’07 Mr. Paul Whitney Antonio L. Whitt-Nunnally ’03 The Estate of Hilton A. Wick†† Matthew J. Wiese ’87 Ms. Regina Wiggins Ann M. Williams

Linda J. Williamson ’05 Jay Willis ’97 Katie Rowen ’05 and Jen Willis ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Wilson Katrin L. Wiltshire ’06 Judith and Ba Win Ms. Cathy C. Wirick Leslie L. Wisdom ’03 Beth E. Wissinger ’04 The Wobbly Barn Steakhouse Elizabeth R. Wohl ’05 Mr. Terrance R. Wolfe Meelynn Wong ’06 Katharine F. Woods ’07 Woodstock Artisans Woodstock Resort Corporation Julianne R. Woolard ’07 Abigail C. Wuest ’04 and Brian H. Potts ’04 Mrs. Marian Wypyski XL Insurance The Estate of John C. Yanzo ’00 Ms. Katie Yeatts Starla L. Yeh ’07 Kathleen P. Reardon ’87 and D. Scott Young ’86 Russell A. Young ’01 Angela N. Zaikowski ’03 and John S. Zaikowski ’02 Riaz Zaman ’04 Jack Zanerhaft ’81 Tami L. Norgard ’95 and John R. Zasada ’94 Ms. Susan Zeigfinger Ziemke Glassblowing Studio Yvonne Zimet ’95 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Zimmerman Jonathan C. Zisser ’00

Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy within this report. If you find an error, please accept our sincere apologies and notify the VLS Office for Institutional Advancement by emailing mcutler@vermontlaw.edu or by calling 802-831-1313. Thank you.






Campaign’s End Is New Beginning In 2002, the board of trustees, faculty, staff, and students developed a long-term strategic plan for VLS. We decided it would be best to keep VLS an institution that makes a large difference with a small footprint. Your support enables us to do that.

Here are some of the school’s characteristics we value so highly:

The mutually supportive nature of this diverse community exemplifies the

attributes of good citizenship. A broad range of legal training, together with the VLS experience, produces class after class of well-trained professionals. Among many other things, VLS is recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in forward-looking scholarship. The South Royalton Legal Clinic, staffed largely by students, provides pro bono advocacy in Vermont for those in need, especially children. That clinic, along with other programs, provides hands-on advocacy experience for VLS students. Continuing this uniquely effective paradigm is our dream for VLS.

We are especially proud of our “stakeholder” involvement—100 percent trustee

and faculty participation and significant staff contributions. A special thanks to Trustee Rick Shafer ’77, who has inspired more than 130 members to join the Leaders’ Circle with commitments to give at least $1,000 each year to our annual fund. We know that strong participation by an institution’s stakeholders is an important validation of our dream.

Through you, the Making a Difference campaign has made a big difference to VLS, as reported in this

special issue of Loquitur. We are deeply appreciative of the contributions each and every one of you has made and your belief in what VLS is doing. Having so many people join with us in so many ways inspires us to do even better.

If you’re in the neighborhood, please visit the campus, sit in on a class, have lunch with students, or

lounge in the outdoor classroom by the river. You’ll see the great things accomplished by your support. Thank you all! Sincerely,

Perez Ehrich Chair Making a Difference Campaign Steering Committee

David Thelander ’87 Chair Development Committee

Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage

PA I D P. O. Box 96, Chelsea Street South Royalton, VT 05068

Burlington, VT Permit No. 399

“ No person was ever honored

for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.

—C alvin Coolidge

Vermont native and 30th president of the United States

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