How Job Quality Has Overtaken Mere Cost Considerations in Outsourcing?
Stephen Bevan of the Centre for Workforce Effectiveness, London, warned that the complacency that has set in with producing low-quality work is taking a toll on an employee’s mental well being which is worse than being unemployed.
Nowadays, changed business scenario and heightened market competition make sole focus on outsourcing as a cost-cutting measure unsustainable. Quality of finished products is increasingly gaining prominence.
Client expectations demand outsourcing contracts negotiated on the basis of quality service as a key performance area. They’ve realized that mere obsession with low costs can sometimes be counter productive performance-wise.
Virtual Employee As An Example VirtualEmployee in India is an example of a BPO service provider whose specialty is quality manpower outsourcing in any professional domain It assists SMEs hire competent candidates through a stringent headhunting process VE realizes early on that only costs can’t sustain an outsourcing relationship Clients want tangible results in terms of meeting deadlines and fresh ideas It makes quality results its main motivator while not overlooking the cost factor
New Outsourcing Identity Seamless workflow and consistent quality maintenance are the new identifier of any outsourcing business today These are also the legitimate demands of service buyers In addition to flexible approach to work, infrastructure, technical support and low hiring cost, job quality is the main determinant of an outsourcing success story This differentiates offshore service providers from freelancers For SMEs who’ve been sidelined in the outsourcing race, low-cost service offerings are meaningless if there’s compromise on quality
Cash-starved startups and one-person enterprises can get a chance of equal competition in outsourcing arena only when service quality remains intact. This can be achieved when you tie up with a service provider for whom operational excellence is the watchword and supply of quality manpower a norm.
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