Simply Bowie December Publication

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December 2020

Mayor Tim Adams

Reflects on His First Year As Mayor


Bowie Native Tamara Jade Shares Her Joy & Musical Journey

Check Out Our Classic Gift Guide & Favorite Holiday Traditions



Publisher’s Corner For Auld Lang Syne

Simply Entertainment The Voice Contestant & Bowie Native Tamara Jade chats with Simply Bowie

5 Letter from the Editor Looking Towards The Future


Mayor Tim Adams Reflects On His First Year In Office

16 Peacock Proud Design Handmade One of A Kind Accessories

20 Classic Gift Guide


Buchi C. Offodile Explains His Trademarked Sell By MondayTM system

2 | December 2020


What Are Some of Your Favorite Holiday Traditions?

29 Donny Ankri Architects For Your Next Home Renovation Project


Decorate On A Budget 5 Ways to Bring The Holiday Spirit To Your House

34 Simply Happening

7 12

34 16

Publisher & President

Veronica Fountain Editor In Chief

Alyson Turner Contributing Writers

Alyson Turner Alexis Murray



23 32

Contributing Photographers

Ro Moreno Andrea Garland Tyler Golden/NBC Trea Patton/NBC Layout & Ad Design

Natthaphon Foithong Advertising Director

Veronica Fountain


On The Cover The Mayor Of Bowie Tim Adams Photography By Ro Moreno

3 | December 2020

Publisher’s Corner FOR AULD LANG SYNE

AS THE SAYING GOES, TIME FLIES WHEN YOU’RE HAVING FUN. And time sure has flown by this year as we can’t believe we’ve put together the final issue of Simply Bowie Magazine in 2020! It seems like yesterday we were sitting down to write our first letter to all of you. There’s a unique perspective that working in publishing brings. While we certainly don’t want to wish our lives away, we’re always looking toward the future. Whether it’s planning our next issue or developing story ideas for the next year, we’re often already fast forwarded to future months before the current month has even begun. The fast-paced lifestyle this industry calls for can often make it difficult to really settle down and absorb what’s going on around us and, before we know it, the year is over and it’s time to move forward again. So this December, we hope you take time to slow down a little bit. With the holiday season upon us, we hope you make the time to take it all in. Enjoy your time with family and friends, bask in the magic of the winter season, reflect on past memories you hold closely in your hearts and keep the new ones you create in the present for as long as you can. Our team can’t wait to see you next year!

Veronica Fountain 4 | December 2020



When we started 2020 we certainly had no idea what the year would bring. This time last year, Veronica (Our Publisher) and I were hard at work on the re-branding and re-launch of our magazine, Simply Bowie, into the gorgeous publication that you hold in your hands today. Throughout the obstacles that we have all faced this year as a community and as a nation, one thing has remained constant and that is the support, kindness and love from the Bowie community. I have said it before, but from the bottom of my heart, we here at Simply Magazines would not be here today without every single one of you. Those who have advertised with us, those who have interviewed with us, those who have read each issue and shared their favorite stories with family and friends. We have been able to thrive in the darkness with your support. For our last issue of the year, we have featured some holiday traditions, happenings around the community, a featured interview with Mayor Tim Adams on his one-year anniversary in office, and a special spotlight on The Voice Contestant and Bowie Native Tamara Jade. We hope that you have enjoyed every issue of Simply Bowie this year. We are looking forward to being with you all going into a better and brighter New Year in 2021. Thank you all. Light & Joy,

Alyson Turner Editor In Chief

5 | December 2020

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Celebrates his first year as Mayor of the City of Bowie with gratitude and joy Article By Alyson Turner 7 |


Photography By Ro Moreno

December 2020

Congratulations on one year as the Mayor. What are your thoughts as you come to the end of your first year?

Over the past year I am extremely proud of the progress we have made as a city. I am extremely proud and appreciative of our City Staff, the City Council and residents of Bowie for coming together and working through this year. We are ensuring that the voices of our citizens are heard. The Citizens Review Board has been established with the Bowie Police Department. This year, the Bowie Police Department received the prestigious award from CALEA® (The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc) for exemplary agencies. The department underwent a very thorough Investigative process [to ensure that the department was in compliance with the rigorous standards set by CALEA®]. I am very proud of this accomplishment. We are working with Bowie State University on a Memorandum of Understanding for the use of the Bowie Race Track. A few weeks ago, I was able to give my first State of the City address as Mayor. We usually do it in the Spring and it is sponsored by the Greater Bowie City Chamber of Commerce but because of the pandemic we put it off until now. I didn’t want to go this whole year without doing that and it gives me the chance to speak directly to the citizens. I have been sponsoring Covid-19 town halls to remind people how real this [virus] is and how we have to keep each other safe. We have used a variety of ways to inform and protect the citizens of Bowie, and while one of those ways have been through town halls, we also declared a State of Emergency. We as a council have worked hard to make sure that we are protecting the health and safety of our residents, by also creating a Public Health Officer position. The appointed City Public Health Officer will give the council wise counsel and direction on implementing specific initiatives to help combat the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, this year the City Council moved forward in recognizing Juneteenth—which celebrates the emancipation of those who had been enslaved in the United States—as an official holiday.

What are some of your goals for the City of Bowie moving forward?

Overall, our goal is to make the City of Bowie the greatest city in the country. We work with our city staff to make the city more accessible for our disabled community, our elderly community, so that everyone is able to participate in the community. I also want to make this the most equitable city in the world; to bring and maintain fiscal responsibility to the City of Bowie and to stop the overdevelopment. I am very supportive of education and we are motivated to make Bowie the premier city for education, particularly for universal pre-kindergarten. Education is the great equalizer and we want to make sure that our children start off on an equal footing. We have worked with Reid Temple Christian Academy to increase available spaces for income-based pre-k. With our assistance, they have received a grant that allowed them to increase the income eligibility by 300% in order to allow children from all over Prince George’s County to attend. We are especially glad to see families from Bowie attending. We want to make sure that all kids are given an equal opportunity. I also believe that we shouldn’t be dividing our kids based on income all of our kids really learn from each other. Kids are kids. I don’t think that there should be any threshold which is why I am a supporter of universal Pre-K and hope to make it happen here. Children all learn together and learn to grow up together. They should

8 | December 2020

not in any way, shape or form be stigmatized because of economic conditions. I would love to get universal Pre-k for everyone. When Reid Temple was going for the grant, I wanted to work with them because they are so close to Bowie and [giving more children the opportunity to attend] is the first step in getting closer to universal Pre-k. We would also like to expand workforce housing, not just affordable housing, but to make sure that people like our teachers, firefighters, police, that they have housing that is affordable within the city. We want our professionals here in Bowie. The real thing is making sure we maintain fiscal responsibility and to stop overdevelopment and to maintain the quality of services within the City. We are very proud of that.

2020 has been an extremely challenging year. How has your first year as Mayor been impacted by the Black Lives Matter movement, the COVID-19 pandemic and the presidential election?

I think that the Black Lives Matter movement has enhanced my reach and has given me an opportunity to talk about these concerns more frequently. Systemic racism has always been around and this year has forced us to have the conversation about the dehumanization of black people. Topics of race make people uncomfortable but they are necessary. We were able to pass a Black Lives Matter resolution that will defend black lives and the lives of people of color. The resolution also talks about our deep gratitude to our police department. Our police department has been held as a national model of how it should be done and the demographic of our officers match the demographic of Bowie. I talk to the Chief of Police [John Nesky] often and we want to continue to make sure that our residents feel safe. That is the key no matter what their background or ethnicity. I never thought that I would navigate my first year as Mayor through a pandemic, but it was possible with the great support of the City of Bowie, the Grants department to provide support to the citizens. The city itself has provided $200,000 to the Bowie Business Innovation Center (Bowie BIC) and the Greater Bowie Chamber of Commerce while working to ensure that our residents have a variety of resources to navigate this difficult season. Our neighbors-to-neighbors program has helped by giving rides, the Grants department provides food distribution and we were able to assist with rental payments and eviction notices. I have to say thank you so much to our Emergency Management Department to keep the city moving and working efficiently through all of this. I give a special note of appreciation to our Public Works. The entire city staff and personnel have done an excellent job to ensure we have been able to maintain effective and efficient services through it all. Many of them risking their health to be on the front line and for this we say thank you. The reason that we sponsor these COVID-19 town halls is because we need to get the information out as soon as possible. I know this year is tough, especially at the holidays, but we have to stay safe. We have to wear our masks and take to heart that this may be a virtual holiday. Hopefully by next year we will all come together, but we need to follow the guidelines. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and keep on social distancing. This keeps not only yourself safe, but your family and neighbors as well. As far as the election, I am so proud of our country for making sure that our voices were heard. We had record breaking turn out this year. We have worked very hard as a City to come together. We don’t have any direct role in the election this year, but as a city we did support the County Board of Elections so that all of our

9 | December 2020

residents were able to cast their votes and minimize difficulties. We are in the process of letting democracy take hold and we all put our personal bias aside. This is democracy at work. No matter the final outcome we want to make sure that we continue, not just for now, but for history to have a model of what democracy looks like. Your vote matters and your voice matters.

How does it feel to be the recipient of University of New Orleans Homer Hitt Distinguished Alumni Award?

It is an honor and it is humbling. Knowing of all the distinguished alumni across the nation and across the world it is not an award that I ever would have thought to have received. I was previously recognized as a distinguished alumnus of the College of Business and to be the distinguished alumnus of the entire university is humbling. Education is such a great equalizer. Long ago someone told me that people can take all the material things from you, but they can never take away your faith and your knowledge, your education. It always stuck with me. The University of New Orleans played a crucial role in my development as a businessman and a leader. I never would have thought that I would receive this award and I am incredibly thankful and honored to have been a recipient in 2020.

What words of encouragement do you have for our community as we end this year?

Even in the darkest of times there is always something to be grateful for. I know that this year has been destructive for so many, but we need to hold on to gratitude and hope. Without these things the heart grows weary and it becomes harder and harder to embrace joy. My eldest daughter, Tiara [Adams], passed away this year and I understand the pain of not being able to properly grieve at this time. I say to all those who have lost someone that we still have the joy of having them in our lives. We must try to reach back to that joy and happiness. Our faith community has played an integral role in helping me, and the citizens of Bowie continue to focus on gratitude and joy, even in the midst of a pandemic. We have many places of worship within the city, and I know that many of our residents, including myself, are thankful for their leadership during such a challenging time. Earlier this month I worked with Union United Methodist Church and spoke at their Men’s Day event, and it truly was a blessing to be surrounded by such positive and encouraging individuals. We will get through this and we will be a stronger nation and stronger individuals. If you are having challenges please reach out to someone and don’t shy away from that. Especially during the holiday season make sure you reach out (virtually) to friends and strangers. Showing love and compassion to our fellow man is the greatest gift we can give to each other and let’s make sure we get through this together. I was so blessed to have my daughter in my life and I was blessed to have been able to share with her the love and all of the good times we had. I believe that God gives us our children for a little while, but they are God’s children and they return home to him. I knew how much she loved me and she knew how much I loved her. I know that things are getting better because I tend to smile before I cry and the smiles keep coming. A part of that gratitude goes to my family, friends and the City of Bowie. When I see how everyone comes together in times of trouble it warms my heart and it lifts my spirits. I am truly blessed to have the love of my wife, Sheila, my twins Timothy Junior and Kayla, and my dear grandson, Tiara’s son, Nehemiyah. I love them all very much and am so grateful for the blessings in my life.

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SIMPLY ENTERTAINMENT The Voice Contestant and Bowie Native Tamara Jade shares her journey & her joy Article by Alyson Turner

Check out these amazing vacation destinations, Andrea Garland where Tyler Goldenyou & Trea can Patton -set NBC up your home office, with a view. Photography by

12 | December 2020

Photo By Trea Patton/NBC

Why Work From Home When You Can Work From A Vacation Home?

Tamara Jade, 31, has embraced a love of music from a very young age. She is a shining light in an otherwise dark year and is proudly pursuing her dreams on the stage. Simply Bowie was able to chat with Tamara, hear about her time on the show and what she has planned for the future.

You have such a strong, joyful and energetic personality. You are truly incredible to watch out on the stage. How do you remain true to yourself and your roots even now being a competitor on The Voice (on NBC)? I got some advice when I was a child and someone told me to, “Stay connected to your constant.” At the time, as a child, I didn’t know what that meant, but now that I am older, I know that my constant is my family and Prince George’s County. My constant is music and my constant is me. Staying true to meto that joy and that light that I carry. It is high stakes. I fight for my joy and I fight for my light because I am aware of how infectious and how effective it is. You are most effective when you push yourself into whatever you are doing and I realize how high stakes of being a carrier of light and joy is. It is a compliment to say that someone lights up a room, but it is also a responsibility. The person that I am now is exactly who I have always been. I keep the things that helped me and grew me close to my heart. I was living in New York for the last four years, but I was always coming home. I could always come home to regroup and I was welcomed with open arms. Where I come from is a beautiful place. I see people who look like me doing amazing things. I stay connected to the constant things in my life that keep me grounded. That doesn’t mean we only do things that make us happy. Self-care is sometimes dealing with the things that you don’t love about yourself. It is work. It really is just doing the work to remember who I am and to fight for who I am. I am grateful to God that he has made me one of those happy people who make others happy, but a lot of that work is done alone. [Through] journaling, praying, talking to myself and talking through problems as well as going to therapy, a licensed professional. Yes, talk to Jesus, perhaps talk to your pastor, but a licensed clinical therapist is something everyone could benefit from.

How long have you been singing? Did you always want to pursue music as a child and as a young adult? I would say that professionally I have been singing for 20 years. I am 31 now so since I was 12 years old. I got my start in church. My mom was in a singing trio. One of which is my godmother and the other is my brother’s godmother. I was born into that musical family. When I was six years old, I sang a solo in church and I said afterwards, “Daddy why were the people crying when I sang? I thought it was a happy song. And he said, “Sweetheart they were touched. And I was like what? I didn’t touch them.” I realized that I loved that I could reach other people. I knew pretty early on that this is what I wanted to do. I definitely took some detours and I do have other interests, but nothing gives me the same level of passion and purpose as being on the stage and putting light into the world through music. I literally pray before I get on the stage and say, “God you take over, they will see me, but you take over and people will feel you. Use me to make people feel.” I guess you have to be careful what you ask for because every time I Photo By Andrea Garland

13 | December 2020

Photos By Tyler Golden/NBC

come off that stage I think “What just happened?” It’s as if my soul leaves my body.

What inspired you to audition for The Voice? I wanted to go to the next phase of my career and moving to New York did that for me. Stepping out as an artist and doing higher level professional work. I spent those four years polishing who I am, what I want to say and how I want to say it. I have a highlevel singing background and when this opportunity came up it seemed liked the next level step to me. I got to learn while in New York that being a professional background singer is so beautiful. To have that experience was not a fall back plan. Singing background is one of the hardest professions there is in music. Their prowess is what gives the ability to shift and change their voice to support the lead singer. I learned that, I lived in that and I loved it. I knew that ultimately, I wanted to be the person out front. I have some things that I want to say. I have toured and done high-level gigs where I am supporting, but now I am ready to lead. I would have been on tour this summer, but I wasn’t because of the pandemic and I had the chance to audition. I have auditioned three times for this show. This is the product of work and manifestation. Seeing it, working for it and with the guidance of God. I don’t do anything without that. It was time. I am grateful that I have taken the time to develop who I am. There is so much more than meets the eye when it comes to these experiences, and when they present themselves you are either ready for them or you have to get ready.

What were you feeling during that blind audition? How amazing was it when all four judges turned around? You’ve got to yield to the moment. There is so much energy in that room when that happens. I will be honest I was just happy. This is what we came here to do. I was really excited and any time at that intersection of manifestation and hard work there

is a feeling that I don’t think I will ever get tired of feeling. My family said, “We want four chairs. We want all four of them. We want John, but we want all four of them.” All four artists are really unique and all four of them saw something special in me. It was very validating and exciting.

What is your favorite thing about living in and growing up in Prince George’s County? My favorite thing is something that I didn’t realize until I left. That to me is the spectrum of blackness. I have looked for places that are like Prince George’s County and there is not place on earth like that. I forgot what it was like to be in a place where you consistently see people that look like you doing a variety of things. I had black doctors growing up. I see people at the car dealership and Starbucks. [People who look like me] who are teachers and professionals. I guess I never realized how much representation meant until I felt invisible. I have traveled a lot for work and there is no other place that has ever made me feel so seen. My parents are naturalized citizens and so living in Bowie was the ultimate come up. For our family, for what they were able to do with nothing when they came here and created this beautiful life. [In Bowie] people have that opportunity. That diversity of people of color doing great things, high-level things, and I am very grateful for that. I love Bowie Town Center. It is one of the most consistent shopping centers and its thriving. It is one of my constants.

What artists have influenced your singing journey? My favorite singer is Karen Clark Sheard from The Clark Sisters. She really helped me find my voice. She was the first voice where I said, “yes that is what I hear myself as.” Kelly Price’s voice really helped me on my journey. Aretha Franklin, I discovered in my later years. One of my regrets is that I didn’t get to sing for her. I hope to be one of those artists that they call to sing a tribute one day.

14 | December 2020

Photos By Tyler Golden/NBC

Bob Marley is my favorite artist. I find that his lyrics are timeless and I aspire to create timeless content and lyrics. I want to do TV, films, musicals and I aspire to the timelessness of his music and the fact that his music had messages. You can still be happy even if you have nothing. I think this is so powerful.

next biggest goal is to be on TV and in film. I would really love to delve into acting. I have acted in music and musical theater. I would love to be on a primetime comedy or a dramatic comedy. I would love to be on a This is Us or Insecure and I really love black television. I would love to be in movies.

Of course, John Legend and his music, Janelle Monáe, Queen Latifah, and Jenifer Hudson. If ever I get the opportunity to work with her it would be such a blessing. For my career journey [I would like it] to emulate a few people, John Legend would be first. I am a very big fan.

Continuing to make music. I have an EP that is out and available everywhere. I will continue to make music and release it. Collaborate with artists and producers.

What advice do you have for people especially young girls who see you on tv and aspire to be like you? Representation is so important. “One piece of advice would be to, “Master knowing who you are and who you want to be. Who you will be is who you already are, but you have to do work to get there.” Two would be, “Stay ready so you ain’t gotta get ready.” For me when this opportunity arose, I didn’t have to get ready. Being polished, being skilled and being able to go if your dream opportunity was on the other end of the phone call right now. Do you have all the tools? Do you have the resources? Do you have all the infrastructure? When I was a working musician, I had someone tell me, “Don’t do jobs that don’t enhance your craft. I worked as a wedding singer to earn money and enhance my craft. I spent two years singing in wedding bands. When it comes to being on [The Voice] singing all covers I have done it and I am confident. For young girls, especially you have to be ready. It’s not enough to look cute and sound cute, you have to do the work. Don’t expect people to hand stuff to you because you are good.

What is up next for you and for your music? Thank you for asking that because [what people don’t realize is that] this show is a small blip in time. My

I am saying this and putting it into the world. I am manifesting it to you, I would love to sing at Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ inauguration. I would be so proud of this. Something I could tell my grandkids. I am going to keep putting it out into the universe until God answers me. I actually would like to learn more about local politics. I am learning about the importance of local elections and local officials. If anyone in Bowie wants to collaborate to use my platform and mobilize my generation. I am happy to be doing that. I want to always be in a position to get involved in what is going on in my hometown and be engaged in the community.

If you had to pick one song to encapsulate 2020 what would it be? Honestly, I would pick my song, “Better.” I actually wrote it at the beginning of quarantine and the hook is “We Gon’ We Gon’ Be alright. Keep your head up it’s going to get better.” This really embodies how I feel. I wrote it based on 2020. I believe God is coming through on the fourth quarter of this year. I am hoping and praying that we will go out on a good note and the same note that we started the year off. 2020 has kind of been a trash fire, and some people felt trapped, but for me, it was a blessing and a protection. It wasn’t ideal, but I was at my home and I had everything that I needed and I survived. So many people didn’t live through the year and many people look at it as a loss, but I look at is a lesson.

See Tamara Jade on The Voice on NBC Monday and Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. EST. You can also visit her website, to learn more, stream her debut 15 | December 2020 album, “Self Aware” and purchase merchandise.

Peacock Proud Design A showcase of colorful, handmade accessories that a woman and her home can wear with pride! Article By Alyson Turner Photography Courtesy of Susan Davenport

16 | December 2020

Oftentimes it can be a challenge to express yourself to the world while exuding confidence and remaining authentic and true to self. Susan Davenport, owner and vision behind Peacock Proud Design, wants women to be able to be themselves in a way that brings happiness and joy. She creates pieces that are one of a kind, full of color and life. “I create both jewelry and pieces for the home for people who want to give a good impression and have a good look. It is about the design and the feeling of the pieces. It is my hope to reach people and help them feel good about themselves,” Susan says, “I love color and want to give options that allow people’s personalities to shine through.” Susan has always had an eye for color and the creative. She is a collector and a lover of art and music from all over the world. Her mother influenced her love of art, music, color, and global culture. “When we were little, my sister and I would watch the Jon Gnagy show with my mother, both of us following along, learning to draw in charcoal. My sister and I would paint-by number, assemble and paint models, make other things, and our mother taught us how to sew & embroider,” Susan tells us, “Through the years, if there was something in my head

that I wanted but couldn’t find, I would make it myself. In high school I made myself a Revolutionary War gown and joined a re-enactor group. I am of Polish descent and was with a folk-dance group for many years, I even embroidered bits of my own outfits.” Susan enrolled at the Maryland Institute College of Art for a summer Drawing and Painting course. Then, took the Famous Artists School’s Commercial Art & Design Course, and a Graphic Arts & Design Course at Catonsville Community College. When Susan’s position at a paper company was eliminated, she found herself needing to replace that income. She had been collecting colorful beads and began looking at different ways to create things from them. Her foray into décor started with a sign for her own home. “When we moved to this house in Bowie, around 18 years ago, you couldn’t see the numbers very well from the street, so I made a better, visible sign, something more welcoming and inviting when coming home from work. I started the magnets for people who might want a small piece of expressive décor.” A well-loved, broken necklace piqued Susan’s interest in jewelry making. In an attempt to repair a piece of costume jewelry, she became fascinated with the glass beads she had seen and started

17 | December 2020

collecting them. In 2013, she began creating handmade, colorful, one of a kind jewelry along with hand-painted magnets, custom address signs, notecards, stencil patterns, and jewelry roll patterns. “Some of the pieces of jewelry are more contemporary, some more old-fashioned. I use complimentary, analogous, and triadic color schemes, usually incorporating iridescence and different textures and shapes. Many people think that you have to match your clothing color, but you don’t. You can dress up your outfit with a complimentary color to make other colors pop. Wearing a blue top, doesn’t mean your jewelry has to be blue. In the past, I have also created pins made of quilling strips using different widths of paper. You can make animals, flowers, etc., then glue them to pins or tie tacks. It is amazing what jewelry can do for a piece of clothing and yourself. It provides alternatives that can lighten your attitude and heighten your confidence, make your heart soar, and help you to feel even more beautiful.” The happiness in creating beautiful things has kept Susan on this journey for the last seven years. “The joy and the elation of pursing the artsy thing is amazing. When starting a piece, I gather all the beads that should work well together, and sometimes surprises emerge and can work beautifully. I have created some pieces that seem similar but are much different when you look at them,” Susan tells us. Susan’s heritage was the inspiration for the name, Peacock Proud Design. “The most recognizable national folk dress of Poland includes the men’s hats donning one or more peacock feathers. I have many peacock [decorations] & feathers around my house because I love their colors. [I hope that people] feel as proud as a peacock wearing a creation of mine, or displaying things you like on your home.” She also tries to ensure that there are different pieces available to meet everyone’s needs. “A couple of necklaces allow a place to hang your glasses, or clip on your badge, a magnetic, quick release clasp at the back. I don’t have pierced ears, but I make pierced earrings to match some necklaces. I can change the hook to a screw-clip, which adjusts, if you don’t have pierced ears. I try to work with everybody. Some people can’t wear metal so I can wrap the metal clasps in ribbon, so it doesn’t touch their skin, leaving the ends to tie, which is still adjustable. I usually add an extension chain to make the length adjustable for different necklines and looks. For jewelry, I work through my vision. Handmade pieces take a lot of time, but I want them to be more affordable. To me, it is the esthetic that’s important.” Susan wants to create inspirational and unique pieces that speak to the individual. “I don’t follow the trends. When I am putting them together as a composition, if, something doesn’t feel quite right, I won’t consider a piece finished, until I feel at peace. I won’t send something out until it speaks to me and makes my heart smile.” To purchase your own one-of-a kind piece of jewelry, hand-painted magnet, notecards, custom address-number sign, or a garden statue needs painting/minor repairs, visit or call 301-249-6659. You may also view Susan’s work on Etsy, Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram.

If you love what you see, please leave a review on Etsy or Google. 18 | December 2020

Peacock Proud Design • Handcrafted beaded jewelry • Custom, hand-painted, address-number signs • Vintage/original stencil patterns • Hand-painted magnets • Note Cards • Jewelry roll pattern • Garden statue repainting/ minor repairs


19 | December 2020

A showcase of colorful, one of a kind, handmade accessories for a woman & her home to wear with pride!


Abstract Art from Local Bowie Artist Shop Local & give the gift of Art by Miel of Miel Concepts

What Gifts Are You Giving This Year? The old saying goes, “It is always better to give than to receive” (Although who says no to a thoughtful gift?). The year 2020 seems like it has lasted forever, but now it’s time to celebrate and spread that holiday cheer with these amazing gifts that everyone will love.

3 in 1 Apple Recipe Cutting Charging Stand Board This gadget will charge your Iphone, Apple Watch & Airpods at the same time.

MorningJoyCo creates a personalized cutting board for your favorite family recipe.

20 | December 2020

Soothe Gift Box Bespoke Post has created the perfect gift set for the at home spa night.

Dolce & Gabbana’s “The Only One”EAU DE PARFUM Dolce&Gabanna’s The Only One captures the essence of sophisticated and hypnotizing femininity.

ALL THE VICES MADDUX CUSTOM GIFT SET FOR MEN WITH BUCKMAN GLASSES This personalized set includes an engraved 30 caliber military surplus ammunition can, two matching engraved whiskey glasses, a flip-top lighter, and a professional cigar cutter.

Gorgeous Chenille Chunky Knit Blanket by Abound Lifestyle Everyone loves the ultimate comfort item a soft, cozy blanket

21 | December 2020

Buchi C. Offodile Licensed in Maryland, DC & Virginia

Sell Your Home For Full Market Value By Monday The traditional home selling process is broken. It is antiquated, overrated, expensive, and ineffective because it is designed to sell homes over a long period of time. Unfortunately, when homes sit on the market using this system, they end up selling for significantly less than they should (if they ever sell at all) because time is acid to the sales price of your home. On the other hand, the SellByMondaySM System is specifically designed to net you more money for your home in less time. It does this by leveraging state-of-the-art research in behavioral psychology to positively influence the way buyers make decisions about your home. When this happens, you win. So call us or visit our website today to learn more about how you can maximize your precious equity and get thousands more for your home in just one weekend. Call us or visit our website today to learn how you can sell your home for full market value by Monday.

The Traditional Process ࡷ ࡷ ࡷ ࡷ ࡷ ࡷ ࡷ ࡷ

Long Commitment Low Buyer Urgency Fragmented Showings Scattered Marketing Months of Uncertainty Lower Offers Ignores Buyers' Psychology Old-Fashioned Approach Based on Outdated Philosophies

The SellByMondaySM System

࢟ ࢟ ࢟ ࢟ ࢟ ࢟ ࢟ ࢟

Short Commitment High Buyer Urgency Compressed Showings Focused Marketing Fast Resolution Higher Offers Positively Leverages Buyers’ Psychology Scientific Approach Based on Cutting Edge Research

Buchi Offodile

7500 Greenway Center Dr.


Suite 150 Greenbelt, 22 | December 2020 Maryland

True or False: You Can Sell Your Home For Full Price in One Weekend Realtor Buchi C. Offodile shares how his trademarked Sell By Monday™ system will get your home sold for full market value its first weekend on the market. Article By Alyson Turner Photography By Ro Moreno

I am in a Mastermind with some of the best agents across the country. We meet twice per year to talk about the real estate market, challenges in our respective markets, and how we can deliver better service to our clients,” Buchi Offodile, Realtor with Sold 100 Real Estate tells us. “Last year, the Sell By Monday™ system was birthed from one of these mastermind meetings.” Buchi is a motivated, experienced, and skilled realtor, licensed in DC, Maryland & Virginia, whose commitment is to deliver the best results to his clients. He does this by listening to his clients and learning what their goals are no matter if they are buying or selling. He then turns those goals into a reality by using the Sell By Monday™ system. Selling a home during its first two weeks on the market is the best way to get the best price for your home because stastics show that longer sales result in significantly lower sales prices. So I asked myself, “Can I consistently sell homes during the first weekend on the market while still netting my clients the most amount of money?” Buchi explains, “The answer was a resounding, “Yes,” because the traditonal real estate model has not really changed since the National Association of REALTORS was created in 1908. This is how the traditional system works: an agent takes a listng,

23 | December 2020

Using this system and this approach, Buchi has successfully been able to sell homes during their first weekend on the market for the last two years.“We really focus on creating a competitive environment around the house. We employ several different strategies to make this happen before the property even hits the market. This way, buyers are ready and waiting when the property does come to the market. When this happens, it results in higher offers the first weekend that the property is on the market,” he says. Buchi works with buyers as well. Using the strategies, he has learned over the years he is able to get more offers accepted. He tells us, “With our buyers we must be strategic in the way that we submit offers. We have to do certain things to make our buyers stand out and get their offers accepted. I start by finding out if my buyers are looking to move next week or next year? My focus is on their situation and what they want in the future. Do they have a lease? A job transfer? Have you already spoken to a mortgage broker? What type of home are they looking for? I have come to realize that most buyers know exactly what they want, but some of them just don’t know how to describe it. So I view my job as nterpreting clients’ wants and needs and then helping them navigate the best way to get them.”

releases it on the market, waits for the buyer or buyer’s agent to find it, the two of them negotiate the terms on behalf of their clients. Typically, a listing is for a six-month period. and the goal of the agent in the traditional system is to simply sell the property at some point before the agreement expires. If an agent has a marketing budget than they will spread their marketing budget evenly over six months. This way, if it sells faster than they save money. The problem is that no product is sold like that these days. For example, Apple would never sell a product like this. On the contrary, they always heavily market their iPhones before they ever hit the store so they can make sure that buyers are waiting in line on the day of the release to get one. When Apple does this, their customers aren’t worried about the cost of the iPhone. Their only concern is whether or not they will get one, “Buchi says, “This is a completely different approach to marketng products because it influences the customer’s psychology on a deep, emotional level and leverages the natural human urge to compete for scarce resources. The SellByMondayTM system simply applies these foundational principles to selling real estate. That is why this concept works.”

Whether buying or selling, Buchi says the first thing that he does is try to understand what a client’s current needs are and what step of process they are in right now. “If you are a seller are you still living in the property? Are you downsizing or upgrading? What is the reason for the move? How soon do you need to move? What is the best way I can help? From there I find out where we need to go. Then, I chart them a path from where they are to where they want to be,” Buchi says. Buchi has been a realtor for several years, but has been interested in real estate since he was in college. He has the knowledge and the drive to get your goals and dreams achieved. “I have been interested in real estate since I was a Sophomore in college learning how to invest in real estate, how to buy real estate. I was very interested in all of it. It really defined who I was as a person. My uncle is actually my broker [Sold 100 Real Estate] and has been an agent for over 15 years,” he says, “When he became a broker, I would visit him in the summers when I was home from school and tag along when he was selling homes to get a feel for what he was doing. When I graduated, I started working on Capitol Hill. Then, I reevaluated and I jumped right into real estate to really try my hand at the business. I have always loved real estate. I love helping people and I love seeing the homes. Through my uncle and my training, I learned how to master my craft and be there for my clients. I have honed my skills and really deliver for my clients. This is a service and it is a value to customers. I believe in this system and it is my job to tell people about Sell By Monday™ and our approach. We need to help more people get where they need to be.”

24 | December 2020

Call Buchi today at 330.554.7884 or visit to learn how you can buy your dream home or sell your current home for full market value by Monday.

25 | December 2020


Article By Alexis Murray

26 | December 2020


he holiday season has always been a time where people look forward to times with family, good times, laughter and true enjoyment. This upcoming holiday season, it will be one like never before. With the COVID-19 pandemic withstanding traditional holiday cheer amongst the world, people are still capable of celebrating in their own way. Although families will most likely be celebrating through virtual parties and FaceTime calls, holiday traditions can still continue despite the hapless circumstances. In past years, many people throughout the world have embarked on family traditions during the holiday seasons. Some people go door-to-door singing Christmas carols, many volunteers and give back to homeless shelters, many people travel and take vacations, and while others relax and roast chestnuts in their fireplaces. In the city of Bowie, the holidays are celebrated with an annual tree lighting ceremony and a holiday house decorating contest. The Bowie Fire Department and Rescue Squad also produce an annual Santa Run and Food Drive in partnership with Bowie Interfaith Food Pantry where Santa hands out candy canes for children and collects non-perishable items on a fire truck. While city officials have their own traditions, many Bowie citizens will hold traditions in their own homes. We spoke with with numerous Bowie residents about their holiday traditions and what they mean to them.

27 | December 2020

Resident, Veronica Leonard, states she has many traditions during the holidays that she has implemented for years—especially traditions with her children. “For years, my kids who are all grown now, get to open a gift every Christmas Eve. The gift is matching pajamas that they wear the night of Christmas Eve and can wake up on Christmas morning with them on.” She also spoke on her New Years’ Eve tradition and how it allows her a fresh start with herself and God. “Every New Year’s Eve I go to church. I go to Reid Temple and thank God for bringing me through the year. I’m just so blessed and I want to give the glory to God before entering a new year.” Kiersten Crawford, a resident of South Bowie, discussed how her immediate family has Secret Santa where gifts are exchanged and Family Game Night during the Christmas holiday. “I love my family traditions because it’s always fun and so much going on during the holidays. My family draws secret names during Thanksgiving and then we exchange gifts on Christmas…We also have a game night after dinner and I love it because we’re all so competitive!” Bowie local, Claire Portez says her family does not celebrate Christmas, but celebrates the African-American holiday, Kwanzaa. She states the holiday brings her family enrichment and prosperity before entering the New Year.

“My family doesn’t necessarily celebrate Christmas. Instead of opening gifts and cooking family dinner at home, we go to a fivestar restaurant to celebrate life and appreciate one another. The day after Christmas until New Year’s Day, we celebrate Kwanzaa where we light candles, give gifts and have meditation sessions every night to reminisce on blessings for the previous year and thank the Creator for many more to come.” Holly Sawyers and family take a vacation every year for Christmas and the New Year. She explains how this is the only time her large family can be together for multiple days and said they rather do that exploring the world together. “My family tradition during the holidays is very different. We haven’t been home for the holidays in years—we love to travel! My family and I have been to a different country every year since my oldest son was six—he’s 23 now.” But with COVID-19, this year is going to be very different for the Sawyers family. Holly explains how even though her family won’t be able to travel this year, she will still enjoy the holidays being home with the people she loves the most. “The pandemic has really slowed us down. Earlier in the year when it completely shut down, I was looking forward to everything getting better so we could travel for the holidays…even though that is not happening, I enjoy being with my family and I am happy that we are safe. All I need is my family safe, not sun tanning in Jamaica—it would be nice though.”

28 | December 2020

Donny Ankri, Principal of Donny Ankri Architects speaks on the importance of hiring the right architect for your next project

Donny Ankri Architects Design Firm Donny Ankri Architects 6803 Cherokee Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 443.929.2377

When it comes to creating new spaces, building new walls, or rearranging the shape of a space, you need a trustworthy, experienced architect to guide the way. Donny Ankri, Principal Architect, with Donny Ankri Architects offers different perspectives and a variety of options to create your dream home, renovation or addition. Donny says, “Any time a homeowner wants to build a new home, build new walls or rearrange existing walls, create new spaces and change the shape of existing spaces they should work with an architect because an architect is going to make the new design as beautiful, functional and creative as possible. Clients know that they want two bedrooms, a kitchen, and family room, but are uncertain of the room sizes, or the best place to put it. I will offer a lot of different options that clients have never thought of with lots of out of the box ideas that show them so many different possibilities.” Donny and his team work with residential homeowners as well as commercial clients. They are able to take on a variety of projects across Maryland. They want to help clients design their new construction, addition or renovation projects by taking the clients’ vision and turning it into reality.

29 | December 2020

To schedule your consultation today, call 443.929.2377 or visit “Our design team spends a significant amount of time meeting with the clients to understand the goals of their projects so that we can provide creative design solutions. We are a team of 3, myself and two designers on staff,” Donny says, “I have my Masters in Architecture from the University of Maryland College Park. About six years ago I started by own design practice [Donny Ankri Architects]. We are based in Baltimore, but do work throughout the state and surrounding areas. We do both residential work and commercial work such as retail, offices, healthcare, and religious projects.” Donny Ankri Architects stands out as a top firm with a commitment to collaboration with their clients, creativity and world class customer service. “I pride myself on listening and hearing clients’ ideas. There are a lot of architects who have their own agenda and their own vision. I like to hear my client’s thoughts and to include the clients in the design process,” Donny says,

“I have a very collaborative process where my clients meet with me and we approach the design together. They feel involved and feel that they are being listened too. The best projects are where the clients and I have worked together.” In addition to the collaborative approach, Donny prides himself and his firm on their creativity. “We’ll suggest a lot of very creative, out of the box ideas that other designers might not be able to come up with that make the project even better. There are different ways of designing each project. Some ideas that other people come up with are fine, but we want to make these projects as great as possible including layout of the rooms, the relationships and the sizes.” Donny Ankri Architects also continually provides excellent customer service. “I make myself very available to our clients. They can text me or call me

30 | December 2020

throughout the day or the evening. Clients appreciate that they have an architect to work with who is responsive and easy to get a hold of.” This year despite the pandemic, Donny Ankri Architects has seen an increase in clients looking for updates to their home and their space. “Alot of architects got hit hard with business reduction due to COVID, but thankfully we got busier. The main reasons for this are because a lot of people have taken advantage of low interest rates [in the housing market] and think this is a great opportunity to do a project. Since our pricing is affordable, it makes it attractive,” Donny tells us, “Residential work has jumped up significantly because people are spending more time in their homes and are adjusting their homes to accommodate their new lifestyle. Many more people are owning their homes, working from home, and kids are doing virtual school. People want to create offices, homework areas and study rooms.”

They have also implemented all virtual meetings rather than meeting at their Baltimore office in order to practice COVID-19 safety precautions. “We have some really cool programs; a virtual reality type software so that clients can stay in the comfort of their home and we can work together remotely to design their projects.” Donny hopes to continue to work with new clients in 2021, meeting both residential and commercial clients and expanding to new areas. “One thing that I enjoy is, even though I have designed hundreds of new homes and additions, every project we do is unique and customized to that client. Every time I meet a new client, I look forward to creating custom solutions for their family. Every family functions differently and that informs our ideas. I am looking forward to coming up with different way that projects can be designed.”

31 | December 2020

SIMPLY HOME 5 Ways To Decorate On A Budget With the holiday season upon us and Thanksgiving behind us, most people are ready to turn on the Christmas music and start decorating for the Season of Joy. While there are so many incredible ideas out there on how to create the perfectly decorated home, we would love to share a few ways that you can create that holiday magic while still sticking to your end of the year budget.

32 | December 2020

1. R e-use décor from previous years While it is always fun to splurge on a new purchase, it can be even more fun to pull out your old décor and repurpose it. While most of the time, we decorate the tree with Christmas bulbs, don’t forget all of the lovely ornaments you have collected over the years, but always forget to take out of the box. Pull out Grandpa’s train garden and set it up so your family can feel the same magic you did when you were a child. Set out all of the handmade and homemade pieces that are sure to remind you of the joy of the season. 2. P urchase a few accent pieces that will have your home feeling festive in no time The best thing about the holiday season is the feeling of enjoyment and wonder while taking some twinkly lights and enjoying a cup of hot cocoa. You can put yourself in the spirit, by picking up a few red and white throw pillow covers

and a snowflake throw blanket for the couch. You can find bargains online or stop by a quick sale at your favorite home décor store. You don’t have to break the bank when just a few pops of color will do. You can even pick up a gift for Secret Santa while you are out. 3. L et there be light Making your own holiday themed centerpieces is easy and budget friendly. A snowy candle or three placed on your table or on your mantle can turn your room into a winter wonderland. All you need is Epsom salt, glitter, some mason jars, and inexpensive white candles. Instead of buying yet another expensive candle, you can make your own with things you probably have at home. 4. W rap your picture frames and doors A perfectly wrapped present brings its own special sense of

satisfaction as does unwrapping when the time comes. When it comes to gift giving, there are always rolls and rolls of wrapping paper and ribbon around. (Although, the tape always seems to go missing when you need it most.) You can take some of that lovely wrapping paper and create instant decorations. Wrap the picture frames on the wall or even better, wrap your front door, you are giving yourself the gift of holiday cheer. 5. G rab some corn for popping Although it may be too early to “Let it Snow, Let it snow, Let it Snow”, we can still grab some popcorn and cranberries, not just for a snack, but as a throwback to an old tradition when Christmas trees used to be decorated with fruit. Families would take twine and thread a needle through popcorn and cranberries (because they are harvested through November) to create a sweet and pretty garland.

What are some of your thoughts on how to decorate on a budget? 33 | December 2020


Happening Prince George’s County Festival of Lights 2020 at Watkins Regional Park This year Prince George’s County Parks & Recreation will be hosting its’s biggest Festival of Lights ever. “Bring a little twinkle to your holidays at this spectacular drive-through event featuring dazzling displays with more than 2.5 million lights throughout the park! You won’t want to miss our giant, 54-foot LED musical tree! For your safety and the safety of our staff, please purchase tickets online in advance. Face coverings are required if interacting with personnel.” The price of admission is per vehicle and a listing of fees can be found on line at You can also make a difference for those facing food insecurity by bringing a canned food item for donation to local food banks.


Friday, November 27, 2020–Friday, January 1, 2021 Daily from 5 to 9:30 pm Price of Admission Per Car to Enter Purchase tickets online by visiting Festival-of-Lights Free Admission on November 30 & December 25

LOCATION Watkins Regional Park 301 Watkins Park Drive Upper Marlboro, Maryland Phone: 301-699-2456 TTY: 301-699-2544

Virtual Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony

Homestead Gardens Christmas Trees

For more than 50 years, the Bowie community has come together to sing holiday songs and to celebrate the lighting of a decorated tree. This year you can watch on television or online to see the City light up for the holidays on December 6 from 7 to 8 p.m. Check your local cable channels or the City of Bowie’s Youtube Channel.

Do you wish that you could take a walk through a magical forest of Christmas trees? To gain inspiration for your home or just to enjoy some beautiful dĂŠcor? Homestead Gardens decorates what seems like a neverending showroom of Christmas trees with different themes and they are gorgeous. There is a very nice train garden operating during the holiday season!

35 | December 2020

December 2020


Reflects on His First Year As Mayor


Jade Shares Her Joy & Musical Journey

Check Out Our Classic Gift Guide & Favorite Holiday Traditions

36 | December 2020

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