Annual Report 2022
Prepared by Daniel Randell, Chief Executive Officer University of South Australia Student Association Inc.
Page 2 University of South Australia Student Association 2022 Annual Report USASA ............................................................................................... 3 Welcome ............................................................................................................... 4 About USASA .................................................................................... 6 2018 - 2021 Strategic Plan 7 1.0 Student Leadership .................................................................... 8 1.1 The USASA Board 9 1.1 2022 Student Board Activities.............................................................. 10 1.1 USASA Board Induction & Development ......................................... 11 1.2 Elections and Governance ................................................................... 12 1.3 Student Voice 13 2.0 Student Support ........................................................................ 14 2.1 Academic Advocacy Services 14 2.1.1 Statistics of Service ................................................................................ 15 2.1.2 Contribution in University Policy ......................................................17 2.1.3 Advocacy Internship Program ......................................................... 18 2.2 Financial Wellbeing Program 19 3.0 Student Community ................................................................... 21 3.1 USASA Clubs ................................................................................ 21 Clubs List 2022 .................................................................................................. 22 USASA Club Grants Program...................................................................... 23 Club Executive Training Conference ...................................................... 23 Club Awards Night 24 3.2 USASA Events 2022 .................................................................... 25 Trivia Night Online 25 Amazing Race Online .................................................................................... 25 Orientation SP2 ................................................................................................. 26 Online Orientation Activities....................................................................... 26 Live Student Sessions .................................................................................... 26 Campus Fair SP2 27 Campus 27 Stallholder Numbers 27 Other ...................................................................................................................... 27 Speed Friending ............................................................................................... 28 UniRave ................................................................................................................. 28 Working On Wellness SP2 29 Pride Month ......................................................................................................... 29 ClubsFest SP5 .................................................................................................... 30 Outer Space Crawl (Pub Crawl) ............................................................... 30 Working On Wellness SP5 31 End Of Year Party 31 3.3 Art on Campus ........................................................................... 32 3.4 Verse Magazine ......................................................................... 33 3.5 USASA Student Spaces ............................................................. 34 USASA Shop ........................................................................................................ 35 3.6 Connecting with Students ......................................................... 36 USASA Website 36 Social Media 37 Newsletter 37 3.7 Affiliations and Membership
USASA Clubs gained 6,164 club members
Hosted Art on Campus which showcased
38 student artworks
USASA supported 44 individual social events across all campuses
University of South Australia Student Association
82 Cultural, Social Justice, Academic & Special Interest clubs supported
Gave out
7,440 orientation bags & student diaries
Gave out
Distributed >$66k across 113 applicants in club grant money
27 election nominations & elected 14 candidates for the 2022 board
>1100 academic advocacy enquiries supported
$3,049 in prize money & >80 free movie tickets
Distributed +$25k in emergency financial assistance to students
USASA Student Board Reps sat on 89 formal enquiry panels
Verse Magazine printed 12,000 copies
USASA Spaces had >4,000 face to face student interactions
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The following pages outline the activities of the University of South Australia Student Association (USASA) in 2021.
2022 saw a staged return to campus with restrictions easing but many students and staff still working from home at the start of the year. Last minute changes to the Orientation program that allowed for on-campus activity were leaped on by USASA staff and we were pleased to provide our first full face-to-face campus fair for 3 years. Students embraced the return with strong engagement across all events and over 7000 orientation bags distributed. With students returning to campus we put a big focus on student connectivity in our events program including a new Rave party, Outer Space pub crawl, first ever Pride Month and expansion of the popular Unitopia event to be a month long working on wellness program delivered twice a year.
Despite the return to campus we continued to deliver an extensive online program for students including orientation events, networking and social events. We continued to develop our understanding of the online student engagement space with over half of attendees at online events being oncampus students.
USASA Clubs saw strong engagement in 2022 with the highest memberships in the history of the program, breaking the 6000 student barrier for the first time. This, despite lower actual club numbers, showed the continuing importance of belonging and community in the student space. To support the program USASA embarked on a major IT project in 2022, launching a new website interface and backend for student run clubs in September through Membership Solutions Limited (MSL). We are grateful to the support of staff within the University IT department for getting this project across the line and I would particularly like to acknowledge all USASA staff who were involved in what was a very time consuming and at times stressful project.
USASA Student Support programs provide critical services to UniSA students with the Advocacy program seeing over 1100 new student cases in 2022, the largest in any given year. Whilst the Financial Counselling program saw a decrease in numbers from the peak of the pandemic we continued to see high numbers of severe cases particularly from international students effected by inflationary pressures, natural disasters and military conflict in their home countries.
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Daniel Randell Chief Executive Officer Isaac Solomon 2022 President
The USASA Board provides a key voice for students within University decision making as well as being the trustees for USASA itself. It is a continuing challenge to be able to celebrate the work that our reps do ‘behind the scenes’ to the level they deserve. Whether through participation on Academic Board and University Council, lobbying and advocacy at the highest levels of the Institution, or the launching of the USASA Reconciliation Strategy in 2022, our reps are influencing policy and making genuine change to improve the lives of our students every day. With the launch of the new Student Voice resources and service in September we are now taking that same principal of student empowerment University wide with a program to support and enable academic and professional staff to authentically engage students in decision making and governance processes.
Financially 2022 was a solid year for our operations with all SSAF monies expended in line with our Funding Agreement and an increase in nonSSAF income from advertising and sponsorships. In the second year of our brand licensing agreement with the University we were able to begin development of new merchandise line whilst increasing sales on existing lines by 30% on the prior year. The USASA Finance Committee continues to work on gaining the best from our investment portfolio and whilst significant market changes, in particular interest rates, led to a significant on-paper loss of the capital value of our investments we are confident that these will be more than offset by increases to our investment returns in 2023 as we implement changes to our Investment strategies.
As we enter the ‘post-pandemic’ era we are able to look back on the last two years with a sense of great pride in all that we have been able to achieve for our students during the most trying of times. I am grateful to all USASA staff and student representatives for their passion and dedication in putting students at the center of all we do.
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The University of South Australia Student Association (USASA) Inc is a nonprofit student-owned organisation that strives to provide a diverse and exciting university experience for the students of UniSA.
Under the USASA Constitution the objects of the University of South Australia Student Association are:
a. to promote and defend the interests and welfare of Students at the University, and ensure the provision of adequate support services for Students;
b. to promote the growth and development of the Students of the University with particular emphasis on the quality of the teaching and learning environment and the development of academic excellence;
c. to encourage participation in University decision making, including nominating Students, as required, to serve on appropriate Universitywide councils or committees which have provision for Student membership;
d. to promote an awareness of the common interests of Students and to provide a common meeting ground, social centres and such other facilities as may be necessary to secure the further objects of the University of South Australia Student Association;
e. to promote and encourage equity and access at all levels for all Students within the University;
f. to promote diverse Student interests, discussion and action towards relevant issues and to publish or otherwise disseminate information and opinions on matters of interest to Students;
g. to provide, conduct or manage such educational, cultural, recreational, social, sporting or commercial facilities or activities as its Members require and the Board determines are for the benefit of Students;
h. to promote and encourage the implementation of sound environmental practices among Students and staff of the University;
i. to represent all Students for the purposes of the above objects and for the purposes of student representation and advocacy in compliance with the requirements of the National Student Representation Protocols set out in Chapter 3 of the Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy Guidelines made under Section 238.10 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (“Act”) and any amendments to the said protocols and the Act; and
j. to do all things incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the University
The association delivers programs to support student engagement and activation across all 6 metropolitan and regional campuses; including management of social and academic clubs, student support resources (student spaces), student leadership program, student magazine, a professional advocacy service and on and off campus events and activities.
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2018 - 2021 Strategic Plan
Our Mission:
To empower students to shape their own University journey.
Our Vision for the UniSA Student:
Someone who is empowered with the skills and capacity for living and leading.
Focus Areas:
Area 1. Student Representation
Area 2. Student Support
Area 3: Student Community
Area 1. Student Leadership
Empowered students with the skills & capacity for living & leading
• A willingness to take risks
• Initiative & self awareness
• A commitment to service & team work
• A sense of social responsibility
• Leadership
• Academic Capacity
Facilitating students as partners in decision making
Embedding the student voice at everylevel of the University
Providing transformative opportunites for students’ personal & professional growth
Area 2. Student Support
Area 3. Student Community
Building students’ capacity to learn & achieve their acadamic goals
Supporting students to drive campus culture
Providing critical support services to enhance academic progress & wellbeing
Fostering a sense of belonging in learning communities at the University beyond
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FOCUS AREA 1 Student Leadership
27 768 15
election nominations students voted in the election USASA Student Reps elected as the voice for all UniSA Students
1.1 The USASA Board
The USASA Board is the peak decision-making committee of the Association, consisting of fifteen Student Representatives elected annually in October.
The Board’s function is to act in student’s best interests and make decisions regarding the delivery of student targeted activities and services. It also has overarching responsibility to manage the conduct of USASA’s business and affairs, including the management and control of funds and property.
The Board consists of the following Officers:
a. President;
b. One Representative for each of Campus of the University situated in Australia;
c. One additional Representative being an Undergraduate Representative for each of the metropolitan Adelaide Campuses;
d. One Postgraduate Student Representative;
e. One International Student Representative;
f. One Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Student Representative;
g. One Online Student Representative;
h. General Manager ex officio;
i. Advisers ex officio:
(a) a practising solicitor; and
(b) a practising accountant (chartered or CPA)
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The USASA Staff and Student Representatives have been actively involved with several issues and processes affecting students. USASA Student Board
2022 USASA Board
Advisors: Arthur Siow (Legal Advisor), Kaveeta Magandram (Accounting Advisor)
Observer: Richard Irons (Director Student Academic Service UniSA), Brendan Hughes (Director Student Engagement Unit)
Ex officio: Daniel Randell (Chief Executive Officer USASA)
2022 Student Board Activities
USASA provides Student Representation on University committees and boards including the University governing Council. In 2022 USASA represented students at:
• University of South Australia Governing Council
• UniSA Council Governance and Nominations Committee
• Academic Board
• Student Appeals Committee
• Formal Inquiries
• Preclusion Appeals
• UniSA Sexual Assault and Harassment (Policy) Steering group
• Student and Academic Policy Advisory Group (SAPAG)
• Safety and Wellbeing Committee
• Academic Enterprise Oversight Committee (AEOC)
• Authentic Assessment Steering Group
• Orientation Advisory Group
• Indigenous Student Success Program Governance Group
• Reconciliation Week Planning Group
• Naidoc Week Planning Group
• Ally Network Steering Group
• University Staff Hiring panels
USASA Student Representatives have been active across 2022 participating in university working groups and committees, attending key events and working with the University leadership to ensure that student voices contribute to decision-making.
The USASA Board has a number of committees established to undertake work on behalf of, and make recommendations to, the Board. The 2022 established committees were:
• Governance Committee
• Finance Committee
• Education Committee
• Clubs Committee
• Diversity, Equity and Access Committee
The USASA Staff and Student Representatives have been actively involved with several issues and processes affecting students. In 2022 this included:
• Lobbying for a University wide strategy to end deadnaming across UniSA.
• Launching USASA’s inaugural Reconciliation Plan
• Opening the Clubhouse by transforming the old Westbar into a functional club’s space
• Consultation on the use of RPNow software and the online learning environment
• Lobbying for the permanent continuation of the Student Hardship Fund established at the onset of the pandemic
• Working with the nursing school to get more affordable, better quality and easily accessible nursing uniforms
• Pushing for the launch and full funding of the UniSA Ally Network
• Designing and launching a student-led Academic Integrity education campaign with the University
• Consulting students on equipment and activities within the student spaces to increase use and improve amenity
• Supporting clubs by assisting in the running of AGMs, meeting with club executives and promoting club events
• Joining the campaign to end to deadnaming on campuses across Australia and engaging UniSA management to work towards ending deadnaming at UniSA
• Successfully advocating for commitments of proper engagement and consultation before any decision on university amalgamation
• Shaping Academic Integrity policies and procedures through involvement in working groups, workshops and university committees
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USASA Board Induction and Development
USASA delivers a comprehensive professional development program for all Student Representatives. This commences in January with the Board Retreat, is closely followed by the Staff/Board Symposium and is supported by a training plan and coaching throughout their terms. In 2022 the Symposium was held online due to COVID restrictions.
Board Retreat
Held at the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre, Hahndorf, from 18th – 19th January, the Board Retreat is a combination of personal development, team-building and upskilling activities designed to best position each Student Representative for their role on the Board.
Topics of sessions include:
• Introduction to USASA
• Individual strengths, styles and personalities: high performing teams
• Governance operations and committees
• Finance for Board members
• Board etiquette and development of a Board charter
• Team building activities
• Constitutional navigation and interpretation
• Board code of conduct and expectations of behaviours
• Personal goals and objectives
• Developing leadership skills
• Advocacy processes
• Strategic planning
Staff/Board Symposium
The Board symposium is a full day event designed to complement the Board Retreat with a focus on gaining a greater understanding of both USASA and University programs and services. Presentations were delivered by USASA services staff and key University personnel with topics including:
• USASA Advocacy and Financial Counselling
• USASA Student Voice
• USASA Events
• USASA Clubs and Societies
• USASA Marketing and Communications
• USASA Student Spaces
• Facilities Management Unit
• Student Engagement Unit
• Student and Academic Services
• Office of the Provost
Ongoing Training and Support
The USASA Board Representatives are also supported by a planned suite of professional development throughout their terms. These areas are selected to enhance their leadership capacity while Representatives but are also intended to enhance their wider career practice and development overall. This training was delivered by a variety of in-house and external trainers.
• Media Training
• Aboriginal and Respect Cultural Safety
• Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment
In addition to these formal training sessions, the CEO, Coordinator Governance and Student Leadership and Board Advisers provide ongoing mentoring and support throughout the year to the student representatives.
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Elections and Governance 1.2
The USASA Student Board is the peak decision-making body of the Association. USASA holds annual elections so that our members – the students – can choose who will lead the organisation on their behalf. In addition to USASA’s governance, Board Representatives also provide input to a range of governance committees and processes throughout the wider University.
In 2022 USASA held two election processes, being a by-election to fill vacant positions in SP2 and the annual election for Board Representatives of the following year. The by-election was for the positions of Magill Student Representative, Mt. Gambier Student Representative, and Whyalla Student Representative.
Held in October annually under rules outlined in the USASA Constitution, the elections provide every student with an opportunity to nominate for various positions. Successful candidates take up their position on the 1st of January of the following year, and can hold office until the 31st of December of that year.
In accordance with the USASA Constitution, the USASA Board passed a motion on 19th of July 2022 to set the timeline for the election and to appoint a Returning Officer. The Board set the timeline as set out below and appointed Debra Arnold to Returning Officer (RO) and Bridget Laffy to Assistant Returning Officer (ARO).
Due to Bridget Laffy resigning from her role with USASA and leaving the country during the voting period, Cristine Dagnoni was also appointed Assistant Returning Officer (ARO) on the 13th of September 2022. They were both ARO throughout the election period.
At the close of nominations, there were 27 candidates (the same amount as 2021) and by the time voting opened, this number had dropped to 24 candidates. This figure shows the attrition of 3 candidates, which is an improvement from 2021 (8 candidates). The attrition was caused by either explicitly withdrawing, non-attendance of compulsory candidate briefing workshops, or being found otherwise ineligible for the positions that they had been nominated for. Although there were 24 candidates, only 12 were active candidates running for the 6 contested positions.
At least one nomination was received for every position, except for Mt Gambier which had no nominations despite the promotional efforts from the USASA team. There were significant uncontested positions in this election, including: President, Postgraduate Student Rep, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Rep, City East Student Rep, Magill Student Rep, Magill Undergraduate Student Rep, UniSA Online Student Rep and Whyalla Student Rep. These positions did not go to a poll.
USASA adopted a new online voting system in 2022. The decision to acquire MSL as the new system had varying factors such as the ability to run more engaging and accessible elections in house, and a substantial cost saving feature.
Nominations Open:
Provisional Results Announced: 5 pm, 21 October
The results of the election became final at 5 pm, 28 October 2021.
At the close of voting, 2.07% of eligible votes had been cast, which is 768 out of 37,000 eligible voters (2020 figures). By comparison, 4% voted in 2021 which was 1404 out of 35,266. This was the lowest voter turnout in the past 6 years at USASA. However, only 16 candidates were actively running for 6 positions, with some campuses not truly holding any campaigns. 2022 was a slow year for student participation and interest in leadership and representation within USASA. In comparison to other Universities, research shows that this is a nationwide current issue.
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5 September RR 5.1-2
Notice of Election: 9 am,
9 am, 5
– 4
R 7.2
R11.1; C5.4.1
Voting Open: 9 am, 17 October – 4 pm, 21 October
Student Voice
Student Voice launched in August 2022. Its promotional strategy was to engage with stakeholders with an organic approach, sending out 44 student voice resources to staff members across UniSA. This approach demonstrated its’ success when Executive Officers of 3 of the 7 Academic Units requested presentations from the Student Voice team in 2022. The success of these presentations triggered the interest of the remaining Academic Units to engage with the team for 2023.
The success of engaging with the staff has sparked discussions within various academic units around the best-practice of student representation and engagement. Some of the major topics discussed in the presentations to staff are:
• Actively training and engaging students in decision-making forums
• Actively providing a safe space for students to discuss their opinions and empower their voices and stories
• Recognising power imbalances
• Ensuring there is diverse representation through the payment of student representatives
• Treatment of students as peers in such decision-making forums
The student voice team has also been actively engaging with students to promote and offer various opportunities to engage with the University. In 2022, there were three (3) engaged Student Voice Delegates, these delegates are trained to represent students in Formal Inquiry Panels, participating in a total of seven meetings in 2022. The Student Voice team is also actively reaching out and engaging with students in a proactive way, by promoting the service and growing its mailing list to communicate with interested students directly about the upcoming opportunities available across UniSA.
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USASA Student Voice
Find your voice.
This service aims to promote and support a best practice engagement of student representatives in university decision-making across all levels of UniSA.
FOCUS AREA 2 Student Support
Supported Students with
• Preclusions
• Academic Misconduct
• Academic Review
• Placements
• Reassessments
• Complaints
• Special Consideration
• PhD Supervisory Difficulties
+ Other Academic Issues
Academic Advocacy
6 Interns 14 Week Internship
2.1 Academic Advocacy Services
The Advocacy Officers of USASA are responsible for providing University of South Australia students with a wide range of information, advice and services to manage processes relating to their academic performance and progress. USASA Advocacy Officers are experts on the APPM (Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual) and are trained in case management and mediation.
In 2022 USASA Advocacy Officers supported students with matters concerning preclusions (Notification 3), academic misconduct, academic review, placements, reassessments, complaints, special consideration, PhD supervisory difficulties and other academic issues. Assistance included preparation and presentation of documentation and attending relevant hearings with academic staff members or panels within the University. In 2022 the USASA Advoacacy Services gained an additional staff member, extending the service to 3.6FTE staff.
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“Advocacy Service is very helpful and supportive I would recommend any students to go there.’’
Statistics of the Service
Page 15
Total of New Cases 2021 1138 Interactions: Face to Face 47% Other (zoom) 27% Phone 17% Email 9% Study Level Interactions Undergraduate 60% Postgraduate 21% UniSA College 9% Unknown 11% The following numbers covers the period of January 2022 and December 2022 2.1.1 ?
Page 16 Academic Units Allied Health & Human Performance 8% Justice & Society 10% Education Futures 7% Creative Industries 4% STEM 31% Business 22% Clinical & Health Sciences 18% Campus Whyalla 1% UniSA Online 10% Mt Gambier 1% City West 29% Mawson Lakes 27% City East 22% Magill 10%
The following numbers covers the period of January 2022 and December 2022 2.1.1 Placement Issues 6% Assessment Issues 8% Complaint Course/Program 4% Others 1% Complaint against Staff 3% Credit Transfers 1% Deferred / Supplementary Assessment 1% Academic Integrity /Misconduct 30% Preclusion 21% Amendment to Enrolment 13% Appeal of Final Grades 12%
Statistics of the Service
‘I would recommend the Advocacy Service to any student who is having difficulties in their studies. Not only they are knowledgeable, but they are responsive and caring. I could not be more pleased with the service and support. ’
Student Feedback
• 97% of Students rated ‘Excellent’ the communications response time from the Advocacy Officers from USASA
• 96% of Students rated ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’ to how clear was the advice of your options and possible outcomes including the clarification of university policies and procedures given by the Advocacy Officers from USASA
• 96% of Students rated ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’ the general advice and help given by the Advocacy Officers from USASA
‘My Advocacy Officer was friendly, helpful and patient. She appeared at the time when I was hopeless and confused. She clarified the preparation that I need to do. The important meeting with her attendance let me stay calm and have more confidence. I really appreciate we have the Advocacy Service in the university. Thank you all. ’
USASA contributation/ participation in University policy/process review
• Manager Student Support and Retention plus 1 x Student Representatives as members of SAPAG (Student Academic Policy Advisory Group)
• Manager Student Support and Retention and Student President members of JRG (Job Ready Graduate) and Student Success working group
• Manager Student Support and Retention part of the APPM working group
• Manager Student Support and Retention member of the Student Hardship Fund Steering Group.
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‘Fantastic service, please promote to all students!’
Advocacy Internship Program 2.1.3
The advocacy internship is a 14-week program which enables student to learn about UNISA’s Assessment Policies and Procedures while developing their personal and professional skills through the use of an internship manual. Each week they explore a key policy area and engage in a variety of tasks aimed at enhancing their skills delivered through weekly worksheets and workshops. Each week is wrapped up with a group discussion on the topics explored allowing for sharing of ideas and open communication.
During 2022, the advocacy team ran two rounds of Internships in SP 2 and in SP 5, with 3 interns participating in each round (6 in total). More than 75 students applied for the internship. The intern recruitment process was very successful as it attracted high quality candidates from different backgrounds and academic units.
The internship allowed all interns to sit in on advocacy appointments and meetings with permission from clients, where they maintained strict professional and confidentiality standards. During these meetings, they learnt what advocates do and applied the Assessment Policies and Procedures to real life student cases. With the help of USASA advocates interns managed to respond to students facing distressing situations and provided them with appropriate information to services such as counselling and the UNISA Ombudsman. This experience enabled all interns to develop their interpersonal skills and improve a range professional skills and etiquette, including interviewing, client servicing, case noting and debriefing. During weeks nine and ten interns co-hosted client meetings with the advocates support, where they received direct feedback on their skills, interactions, and areas of improvement. Weeks eleven to fifteen allowed interns to apply their learning by undertaking a small caseload supervised by the advocacy officers.
The SP 2, 2022 interns actively contributed to the Student Communications Project (an ongoing initiative) in consultation with the Student and Academic Services Team. The interns from SP 5, 2022 were involved in the new promotional campaign for USASA/ Advocacy Internship, which was included in the recently held Orientation program, a copy of this can be found on the USASA Website. Both projects were successful with mutually beneficial outcomes to students, and the Advocacy service. Moreover, both intern cohorts published articles in the VERSE magazine about their internship experience, with an aim to educate other students about this valuable experience.
In early 2022 the Internship Manual was updated with two new topics, Resilience, and Intercultural Competence, after months of consultation, research, and consideration. This was an outcome of the continuous improvement approach adopted by the USASA advocacy internship, which adds value to the internship and its success.
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61 emergency grants were approved for $25,700
Financial Wellbeing Program
The USASA Financial Wellbeing service has been supporting students in great need since the beginning of the pandemic and continuing in 2022. The Financial Wellbeing Support Officer provide support and assistance to students in areas including:
• Developing a budget to understand better their current Financial Situation
• Addressing cases of bad financial standing with the University and assist with the preparation of a payment agreement plan
• Accessing emergency food support
• Providing direction to access further financial support and assistance from community stakeholders
USASA has established relationships with Foodbank to provide referrals for students with emergency needs. Students are able to access vouchers for the purchasing of food items from Foodbank distribution centres with the cost being covered by USASA.
In total 140 Financial Wellbeing appointments were held with students in 2022, a decrease from 184 in 2021. 61 emergency grants were provided totalling $25,700. Approximately 95% of the grants were provided to international students.
140 appointments with the Financial Counsellor
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‘’... a significant increase in the severity of cases presenting...”
Financial Counselling
The five main key issues that we perceived during 2022 are:
• Decreased disposable income is one of the main reasons domestic students requested our service.
• For domestic students, their issues are always bigger than financial issues. Or rather, financial issues are side-effects of other their issues. Suicide, gender identity, domestic violence, smoke/alcohol abuse, mental disorders are the major reasons they are struggling financially and therefore seeking our financial support.
• For international students, increased tuition fees and worse economic conditions in their home countries are the main reasons they need our service.
• Final year international students tend to leave their BFS situation to the last minute. Some students requested our support only a couple weeks before graduation and would like their BFS lifted to graduate on time.
• International students from certain countries need more payment plan/extension services than those from other countries. These students are from Sri Lanka, Iran, and Kenya.
‘The Financial Wellbeing Officer is doing an outstanding job. She really assisted me in understanding my finances step by step. She was even able to tabulate an excel spreadsheet for me which helped see the numbers in real time and that has helped me to understand my expenditures and how to prioritize my finances. Also, the financial officer got to understand my situation so well. I also loved how she followed through on emails and calls. I am delighted to have been served by the Financial Wellbeing Officer’
We were also pleased to continue to support the university Emergency Hardship Fund in 2022 referring students as per the system created by the University.
Student Feedback
• 98% of Students rated ‘Excellent’ the communications response time from the Financial Wellbeing Officer from USASA
• 98% of Students rated ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’ to how was the guidance and support provided by the Financial Wellbeing Officer from USASA
• 96% of Students rated ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’ to the how would you rate, in general, the financial tools used by the Financial Wellbeing Officer from USASA
‘I would like to thank you very much for your kind support for the students who are experiencing financial difficulties in their life.’
‘The Financial Wellbeing Officer was so friendly and kind. She was so helpful, and I have learnt a lot in the sessions!’
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Surpassed 2021 with (the most in recorded history)
Cultural Social Justice
82 Clubs & Societies
USASA Clubs & Societies
members in 2022 grant money distributed to clubs tickets to the Club Awards Night sold
FOCUS AREA 3 Student Community
3.1 USASA Clubs
Academic Special Interest
Student-led clubs continue to play a pivotal role in building community and culture at the University of South Australia. Research has shown that a strong sense of belonging is a key factor in retention and success at University.
USASA Clubs experienced its highest club membership in recorded history in 2022, peaking at 6,164 members in September. This figure exceeds pre-COVID levels of engagement, which peaked at 6,022 members in December 2019.
This peak was immediately followed by the transition to the new USASA website, which required all members to manually re-join clubs on the new website. This impacted membership significantly and the year ended with 1,565 members.
The number of clubs decreased slightly from 84 in 2021 to 82 in 2022. This was impacted by the decision of 3 long-standing clubs to merge (UniSA City Evangelical Student, Evangelical Students Mawson Lakes and Evangelical Students Magill). Outside this, club numbers remained stable with 2021. Despite historically low number of clubs, pre-website transition membership levels indicate that participation in clubs is at an all-time high.
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100 95 90 85 80 75 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Number of Clubs Total Clubs by Year Year
USASA Clubs List 2022
(As of December 31 2022)
Cultural Clubs
Activate Student Ministry
Afghan Students UniSA
African Society
Bangladeshi Student Society UniSA
Chinese Students and Scholars Club of UniSA
Evangelical Students
Formosa International Student Society
Hong Kong Students Assembly
Indian Students Assembly of South Australia
Indonesian Student Society UniSA - PPIA UniSA
Islamic Society UniSA
Japanese Culture Club
Nepalese Society
OCF - Overseas Christian Fellowship UniSA
Refugee Student Club
RuShi Youth Club
Singapore Students Society
Vietnamese Student Society
Social Justice
Access Guild
Student Sustainability Collective
UniSA Women’s Collective
University of South Australia Rainbow Club
University of South Australia Student Association 2022 Annual
Architecture & Interior Architecture Club
ASO - Aviation Student Organisation
BOSS - Builders Organisation for Staff and Students
CHS Future Researchers Group
Clinical Exercise Physiology Society
Commerce Student Society
Health Management Society
Illustration and Animation Gradshow
Industrial Design Post Graduates
International Students Business Society - Hong Kong Chapter
International Students Business Society - Vietnam Chapter
Laboratory Medicine Student Society
MED RADical Club
Midwifery Student Society
Movement and Exercise Student Society
Nursing Student Society
Product Design Undergraduates
The Creative Industries Showcase
Tourism and Event Management Club
UniSA Communication Design Student’s Club
UniSA Contemporary Arts Club
UniSA Creative Arts (Honours) Club
UniSA Human Resource Management Club
UniSA Law Students Association (USALSA)
UniSA Marketing Club
UniSA Occupational Therapy Student Society
UniSA Physiotherapy Student Society
UniSA Psychology
UniSA Speech Pathology Society
USASOE - UniSA Society of Engineers
Women in Business
Women in STEM
Special Interest
Anime Student Society
Artists, Gamers, Programmers United CardBoard Games Club
DnD Club
Future Industries Institute Student Alliance
Greens Club
Hallyu Society
Internet of Things (IoT) Club
Media Mayhem Society
On The Record Social
Performing Artist’s Collective (PAC)
Redline Crew
The Crochet Club
The Enactus Group
UniCast Radio Club
UniSA Art Club
UniSA Ballet Club
UniSA Chinese Calligraphy Club
UniSA Labor Club
UniSA Outdoor Club
UniSA Space Club
UniSA Toastmasters Club
University of South Australia Liberal Club
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USASA Grants Program
In 2022 the USASA Club Grants Program and the USASA Leadership Grant Program merged to be the USASA Grant Program after the purpose of the USASA Leadership Grant Program was reconsidered.
The program merger allowed clubs to access increased funding thus reducing funding wastage due to low uptake of the leadership program, but also continued to allow non-club groups to access funds from the same pool.
The program continues to support initiatives that enhance the student experience at UniSA, by allowing students to develop the non-academic (or extra-curricular) initiatives aimed at creating a vibrant community and delivering original and engaging events. Student clubsand student led groups can apply for grants from the USASA Grants Program to run events and purchase equipment to support their activities.
The USASA Grant Program received a total of 104 applications in 2022, a decrease of 20 applications in total from the previous year. A total of $114,861 was requested through the program and $61,859 was distributed.
Club Executive Training Conference 2022
Date: April 12-13th 2022
Location: UniSA City West Campus, Adelaide
The USASA Clubs Executive Training Conference is designed to create an environment that encourages networking and relationship development between club executives and across USASA clubs whilst educating club executives on the key foundations and responsibilities associated with their leadership roles. Ticket sales for the 2022 conference with where just over half of that of 2021, at 21 tickets sold. Final attendance at the event was heavily impacted by COVID with 13 participants attending across the two days.
USASA Club Grants
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USASA Clubs Awards Night
Date: Friday 21 October 2022
Location: Adelaide Oval, Ian McLachlan Room
This gala event is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the achievements of USASA clubs and students over the past year. In 2022 the event was held at the Adelaide Oval with, for the first time, two students from the UniCast Radio Club acting as MC and DJ Matrimony, who was provided by Redbull.
Nearly 200 nominations were received for the awards, with 32 unique clubs nominated for individual awards. Despite a decrease in the overall number of nominations, there was an increase in the number of unique clubs nominated. The number of unique nominations was consistent with previous years, and anecdotally, the assessment panel reported an increase in the quality of nominations, which indicates the successful communication of the importance of quality nominations.
The event had it’s highest ever uptake with 156 tickets sold, and the event was also live-streamed for those unable to attend in person. We are grateful to the support of our sponsors for the event; Scooda Branded Merchandise Solutions (Major Partner), UniSA Business School, UniSA Student Life, Olympic Party Hire and Redbull.
Congratulations to the following award winners:
New Club of the Year UniSA Occupational Therapy Student Society
Club Executive of the Year
Club Event of the Year
Christian Thiry (BOSS - Builders Organisation for Staff and Students)
UniSA Occupational Therapy Student Society (2021 Occupational Therapy Ball)
Janet Henrie Golden Calculator
UniSA Occupational Therapy Student Society
Best Club Merchandise MED RADical Club (Crew Neck Jumpers)
Best Marketing Campaign
Illustration and Animation Gradshow (Movie Night - Spider-Man: Into the SpiderVerse)
People’s Choice ChatBox
Best Collaborative Initiative
Best Student Outcome Initiative
Commerce Student Society x Tourism and Event Management Club
x UniSA Human Resource Management Club (2021 Buisness Ball)
Women in STEM (2022 Industry Night)
Dux Award UniSA Psychology Society
Philanthropy Award Med RADical Club
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Gave out
7,440 orientation bags & student diaries
USASA supported over 30 individual social events across all campuses
Social Events
Hosted Art on Campus which showcased 38 student artworks
3.2 USASA Events
USASA delivers an annual program of events with a focus on supporting the orientation and transition to University, building communities and fostering student wellbeing. Students are involved in all on and off campus events from conception to delivery. With students returning to physical campuses from early 2022 for the first time in two years we made social connection the focus of our events program while continuing to support online engagement activities.
2022 Events Program
Trivia Night Online
Dates: Friday 7 January, 7 - 8 pm Location: via Zoom
Hosted by Applause, the Online Trivia Night was held during the UniSA Online Orientation Week. It was a fun and great way for students to connect and have fun before beginning their uni experience. 54 students registered for the event with 22 attending on the night. Of these 51% were External/Online Students with 49% Internal (on campus) Students
Amazing Race Online
Date: Tuesday 22 February, 6:00 – 7:30pm Location: via Zoom
Hosted by Great Race, The Amazing Race Online event was held during Orientation Week SP2, aiming to connect and engage students in the online space. Of the 46 that registered to attend, 3 were external, 38 were internal, 3 were online, and 2 were Other.
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Orientation SP2
Date: Monday 21 – Friday 25 February
Location: All UniSA Campuses
Orientation at UniSA is delivered in partnership with the Student Engagement Unit and Program areas of the University with the Student Life team providing overall project management. Due to COVID restrictions placed on the event by the University the activities that were planned for Orientation had to be significantly changed. USASA was involved with the campus tours, pop-ups and hosted a variety of external activities throughout the Orientation period (Week 0 -6) to ensure we were providing social engagement.
Key Event Objectives:
• To welcome students to UniSA
• To provide key program information and help students prepare for their first week of study
• To help students make connections with their peers and academic staff
• To help students transition into university and be respectful of their time
• To connect students with the services and extra-curricular opportunities available
USASA Objectives:
• Inform commencing students about who we are
• Create awareness of all USASA services available to students
• Provide and environment that makes students feel comfortable and encourages them to get involved
• Distribute core collateral such as student diary & wall planner
USASA distributed 7,440 orientation bags at the USASA Spaces and at pop-ups across the week.
The USASA pop up spaces also included a ‘design your own t-shirtactivation that proved extremely popular with 577 T-shirts given out throughout the week.
Over 2,000 students attended campus tours uni wide, according to campus tour online registrations. According to data collected at USASA Spaces during campus tours, there were over approx. 2,500 people that came through the USASA Spaces across the week!
Online Orientation Activities
Date: Ongoing
Location: Online
To ensure that all UniSA Students were able to be engaged with the University community, USASA organsied a couple of online events and activities. One of these was the Student Penpals service. This ongoing program is open to all UniSA Students and provides an opportunity for students to reach out and be paired up with another student, whether by email or if selected, by handwritten snail mail. The program soft launched on February 21st with over 70 students signing up to the program.
Live Student Sessions
Date: Ongoing
Location: Metro campuses
USASA supported student musicians in 2022 through a new program offering an opportunity to perform to their peers on-campus. On the first Wednesday of each month from March to October, for one hour, we were pleased to showcase a range of student talent at the metro campuses. Featuring acoustic musicians, a violin duo and more this paid performance opportunity both supported talented UniSA students while bringing liveliness and ‘vibe’ to our metro campuses.
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Campus Fair SP2
Date: Wednesday 9th March to Thursday 17th March
Location: Metro campuses
At Campus Fair students expand and enhance their university experience and explore (or re-explore) what campus life is all about. Full of information and freebies, the event aims to immerse students into university life, connecting them with extracurricular University services including USASA & UniSA Sport student clubs; other USASA services such as advocacy, Verse & Social Events and UniSA services relating to wellbeing, health, career and volunteer opportunities, leadership, and more.
Campus Fair 2022 was held in weeks 2 & 3 of Study Period 2, following Orientation Week, to allow key information on University offerings for 1st year students, rather than overwhelming them with information in their first week on campus. Further to this, the event also aims to reorientate 2nd & 3rd year students, who may be more open to exploring the extracurricular opportunities available to them at this point in their studies.
The main objectives:
• Create awareness and exposure of UniSA services and clubs
• Reorientate 2nd and 3rd year students to the extra-curricular activities and services
• Contribute to the campus life and student experience
• Drive membership of clubs – USASA and UniSA Sport
• Provide an environment that is safe and inclusive of all student cohorts
Dates, times and locations:
11:30am – 2:30pm
Wednesday 9 March - City West, Hindley Street
Thursday 10 March - Mawson Lakes, GP Courtyard & Outside F Building
Wednesday 16 March - Magill, Amy Wheaton Lawns
Thursday 17 March - City East, Basil Hetzel Plaza
The table below provides an overview of all activities, services, and engagement per campus.
Sausage sizzle
Icecream stand
Bupa Smoothie bike (CW&MLK)
4 x UniSA Services
Welcome to Country
Mawson Lakes
13 x UniSA Sport Clubs + UniSA Sport General
20 x USASA Clubs
Roving entertainers
UniCast live broadcast
SA Mesh
USASA info, Advocacy & Verse Magazine stall with basketball shooting game
Various sport activitesbubble soccer, giant soccer target, demos, vertical jump etc.
Campus Fair created a fun, festive and informative event across all 4 campuses. Approx. 2600 students attended across the events (CW 1000, MLK 700, MAG 300, CE 600). Campus Fair remains a positive opportunity to create brand awareness and exposure to the various services we offer alongside the student clubs. Providing a platform for USASA allows students to ask questions and find out more about USASA’s services, events, activities and student publications. Further to this, it also enables our student representatives to have face-to-face conversations with students on their campus, which is essential to build rapport and explore the student voice.
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x UniSA Services
UniSA Sport
Campus Stallholder Numbers Other City
21 x
Sport Clubs +
28 x USASA Clubs
Magill 4 x UniSA Services 8 x UniSA Sport Clubs + UniSA Sport General 13 x USASA Clubs City East 4 x UniSA Services 13 x
Sport Clubs +
Sport General 18 x
Speed Friending
Date: 22nd & 24th march
Location: Peter Rabbit & Online
The Speed Friending events were both held week 4, allowing students to settle into the beginning of the semester, attend other orientation events (including Campus Fair), and then start making friends. Students were given 4 minutes to chat to each person. They were given question examples to help prompt and keep the conversation flowing. After the time was up, if they wanted to keep chatting with that person, they wrote their name down on the Let’s Be Friends form we provided. At the end of the event, if they wanted, they gave their form back to us with people who the wanted to keep chatting it. If both people put each other’s names down, we shared their email addressed. We also encouraged them to share their contact details during the chat as well.
22 student out of 68 who registered attended the online event via Zoom which was held as a collaboration with Chatbox Club. 39 students attended the event in person at Peter Rabbit with an excellent atmosphere and a fantastic night had by all.
Date: Thursday 21st April
Location: The Light (63 Light Square)
The USASA Uni Rave was held to provide an opportunity for students to have a party, shake it on the dancefloor and connect with each other in a social setting. The event theme was an old school rave party and students were encouraged to dress up. Overall, the party was a great success with 260 tickets sold and both the dance floor as well as Beags bar vibing with students having fun. The venue offered something for everyone whether students wanted to dance or just chill out.
The Lab provided a unique experience for students which is where we had the DJ/Dance floor set up. The room boasts 360-degree video screens that offers a fully immersive experience. The Rave theme spiked a lot of interested and discussion around what an actual rave is and on the night most students came dressed up. We are grateful for the support of Red Bull who partnered with us for the event.
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Working On Wellness SP2
Date: 2 May – 29 May
Location: Various
The Working on Wellness (WOW) campaign supports the importance of student health and wellbeing. This multifaceted campaign, developed in October 2021, was improved and implemented in May 2022. Throughout the month of May, WOW brought a variety of on-campus and off-campus events, promotional collateral, and online content.
• To deliver the core health and wellbeing message through primarily peer to peer curated content
• To inform and educate students about the importance of looking after their health & wellbeing
• To present initiatives that enable two-way interaction with activations and content where possible
The activation included:
• 8 on-campus events
• 3 offsite/external events
• 1 online activity
• Regional activities (Mt Gambier and Whyalla)
• Weekly activities offered by various UniSA Services
• Total 26 activities
On campus activities that proved most popular included the travelling farm, massages, free food, goodie bags at USASA spaces and free exercise classes with UniSA Sport. Off campus activities included AFL Max and 2 x nature walks in the Botanic Gardens. The month also included virtual engagement activities such as a Virtual Pet Friending event held online, virtual gratitude wall and colouring competition. Over 300 ‘goodie bags’ were distributed throughout the events
Pride Month
Date: 1 June – 30 June
Location: Various (including online)
The Pride Month celebrations recognised and celebrated the UniSA Rainbow Community, including UniSA students and staff in the DGSS –Diverse Genders, Sexes and Sexualities community. Throughout June, USASA in collaboration with the UniSA Rainbow Club and Access Guild ran a variety of events and online content. The collaborative nature, internally amongst USASA staff and externally from USASA Clubs, UniSA Staff and LGBTQIA+ Organisations resulted in the success of Pride Month events.
Events for the month included:
• Pride Fair on 30th June featuring food, drag bingo, music, dress ups and crafting
• Online Pride party on 28th June with a focus on education, culture and entertainment
Additionally USASA hosted Posting with Pride through the month, an online initiative to encourage students to acknowledge and share positive experiences through stories, poetry, artwork or photos that shows appreciation for their friends, family and community. Entries were combined from the virtual pride wall, posted with pride submissions, and shared on social media towards the end of June.
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ClubsFest SP5
Date: 19th July – 9th August
Location: Metro campuses
Clubs Fest is an informative and fun event, project managed by USASA, in collaboration with UniSA Sport. This event aims to immerse students into university life, connecting (or reconnecting) them with extracurricular University services including USASA & UniSA Sport student clubs.
• Increase student awareness of UniSA Sport and USASA Clubs;
• Offer UniSA Sport and USASA Clubs more exposure, to help them drive club membership;
• Contribute to a vibrant campus life and positive student experience;
• Provide an environment that is inclusive of all student cohorts.
With a two-year hiatus due to COVID, Clubs Fest SP5 2022 was the first event of its kind in this everchanging environment. It was great to bring it back and provide an opportunity for students to engage with Clubs. Because the event had only occurred pre-COVID, it was decided that this event would be a trial to understand engagement during this time of year. Two events were held during SP5 Orientation Week, and two were held during weeks 2 & 3. The various event dates and times below are reflective of the strategic planning and timing with Orientation activities and capitalising on engagement at the different campuses.
Dates, times and locations
• Tuesday 19 July (Magill Orientation Day) Magill Campus, Student Lounge 11am – 2pm
• Tuesday 2 August (Week 2, Business & Law Orientation Day) City West Campus, Pridham Hall 12 – 3pm
• Thursday 4 August (Week 2) Mawson Lakes Campus, GP Courtyard 10am – 1pm (collab with Brekky Bar)
• Tuesday 9 August (Week 3) City East, Basil Hetzel Plaza 10am – 1pm (collab with Brekky Bar)
ClubsFest created a fun and informative event across all 4 campuses. Approximately 850 students attended across the events (MAG 80, CW 400, MLK 150, CE 220) resulting in a 17% growth in USASA Club memberships and a 95% overall student satisfaction rate.
Outer Space Crawl (Pub Crawl)
Date: 16th September
Location: West Oak, Woolshed, Black Bull, Super Cali and Dog & Duck
The Outer Space Crawl was held for all UniSA students across various licensed venues in the city. It provided an opportunity for students to connect and have fun outside of the university environment. Strategically held on the Friday before the mid semester break of SP5 for students to connect with their peers and celebrate before going on break, the event proved to be extremely popular with all 500 tickets sold for the event. Particpants received a branded t-shirt, free entry to all venues, free BBQ at West Oak, drink specials and Zambrero and McDonalds food specials throughout the night.
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Working On Wellness SP5
Date: 4 October to 28 October
Location: Various
The Working on Wellness (WOW) campaign supports the importance of student health and wellbeing. Throughout the month of October, WOW brought a variety of on-campus and off-campus events and promotional collateral.
• To deliver the core health and wellbeing message through primarily peer to peer curated content
• To inform and educate students about the importance of looking after their health & wellbeing
• To present initiatives that enable two-way interaction with activations and content where possible
The months activities included:
• 6 on-campus activations
• 2 external events (Nature Walk and Halloween Movie Night)
• Regional activity (Whyalla)
• Weekly activities offered by various UniSA Sport
End Of Year Party
Date: 29th November
Location: Lion Arts Factory
The USASA End of Year Party was held to provide an opportunity for students to party and celebrate the end of the uni year with their peers. With live music, DJ’s, photo booth and glitter station the USASA End of Year Party provided an opportunity for students to let their hair down post exams and have a last fling before the break.
Ticket Included:
• Entry into Lion Arts Factory
• DJs all night
• Live acoustic entertainment (until 10pm)
• One drink voucher
• Staazi & Co Voucher - $8.00 to go towards the meal
• Ice cream & hot donuts (available for purchase)
Over 1500 students engaged across all activities through October. Activities that proved most popular – travelling farm, massages, free food, Rage Room (plate breaking) and goodie bags at USASA spaces.
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3.3 Art On Campus
Art on Campus allows UniSA students to express their creativity and be showcased on campus. The project unites aspiring artists, designers, and creatives from all disciplines across the university. Students do not need to be enrolled in a creative program to enter Art on Campus. The submitted entrant’s artwork is exhibited as a year-long outdoor mural on City West Campus, with the top two voted entrants receiving prizes.
The in-person mural is displayed year-long on City West Campus for the public to enjoy. The on-campus exhibition is complimented by an interactive virtual exhibition available through the USASA website with music to set the mood and instant interaction with artists’ portfolios.
In 2022 USASA received 38 artistic entries in the competition. All students and staff were invited to get involved and vote on the entries to determine the winners, with voting also open to the general public. With just under 5,000 votes cast, the winning entries were:
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The Golden Galah by Anadi Sharma - $500 Prize
Time to Step Out by Marilyn Michelle De Witt - $500 Prize
3.4 Verse Magazine
Content Filled Editions
+250 student contributors
Verse Magazine printed
+12,000 copies
Verse Magazine is UniSA’s student-run publication, created by students and for students and distributed both in print and online. Verse allows the broad UniSA student community to connect through the magazine’s content, engage and converse with one another, showcase work and assist in skill development. The magazine is entirely student-run, and the editorial team comprises a Head Editor, Editor, Comms & Digital Editor and Graphic Designer. The 2019 Verse Student Team consisted of:
• Shania Parker – Editor
• Matisse Chambers – Comms & Digital Editor
• Kyle Feirclough – Graphic Designer
• Isabel Raven – Graphic Designer
Each edition features the work of between 30-40 different UniSA students. The magazine, sees a wide range of contributions in poems, art, travel stories, music reviews, opinion pieces and more. This is on top of regular segments, including the ever-popular VOX pops, feature artists, graduate interviews and social pages.
20,000 annual online readership
Verse Magazine received over 250 student contributions from 127 students in 2022, with 12,000 printed copies distributed across six editions. For each edition, submission call-outs go to all schools and campuses to collect new perspectives for the magazine. Repeat and fresh contributors create an everchanging mix of opinions representing the six University of South Australia campuses. The magazine has dedicated sections to celebrate current and graduating students, curated Spotify playlists and tongue-in-cheek horoscopes. A student always creates cover art, often the feature artist’s work.
Verse Magazine is a particularly poignant platform at the University of South Australia because of its large art, architecture and design school, celebrated journalism school, and multi-campus format. Not only is the magazine influential for students in these creative fields to gain industry experience, but it’s also vital in providing a link for students to connect across metropolitan and rural campuses. Verse aims to reflect all students with a penchant for art, design and writing and has a yearly circulation of 12,000 physical copies and an annual online readership of over 20,000.
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Verse Magazine
USASA Spaces had +4,500 face to face student interactions
USASA Student Spaces
USASA Spaces provide students with a place to connect, pick up freebies and information about our services and events. USASA spaces are available on every campus, with City West, City East, Magill and Mawson Lakes campus spaces staffed by friendly USASA student-staff.
USASA regional services include free tea and coffee and all the latest info for students.
USASA services
Gave out
+1,350 free notebooks, pens, condoms and sanitary items
• Key information about USASA services and events
• Club support and e-store
• Assistance with making Advocacy appointments
• Free sexual health and personal health items
Gave out
+8,000 orientation bags & student diaries
• $1.50 cup noodles
• Free study support items (diaries, pens and wall planners)
• Verse Magazines
• Suggestion boxes
• Friendly staff who are also UniSA students
• USASA-monitored notice boards
Student Spaces provided students with over 4,400 hours of paid work in 2022.
48% awareness of USASA Student Spaces
Student Spaces
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“I like the USASA space. I think they run great social events & are very accessible & welcoming.”
2022 Brand Awareness Response
Over 1,100 merchandise interactions Over 1,400 orders placed
In late 2020 USASA established a trademark licensing agreement with the University which allows USASA to produce and sell University branded merchandise. The goal of this project is to establish a genuine partnership where we are able to not only generate revenue from sales, but provide the opportunity to work with students and the University to expand and innovate into new retail product lines.
2022 was our first full year of trading under this agreement and saw a 28% sales increase from 2021. Best sellers included:
1. Men’s Varsity hoodie 2. Women’s polo top 3. Men’s polo top
Other highlights for 2022 included:
• Experimented with new products, such as notebooks, Limited edition Varsity hoodie & Limited edition Raglan tee
• Began working with Blue Gum on new product range for 2023 – Large order placed
$111,775 in sales revenue
• Set up Mawson Lakes Student Space in A1-30 to better suit our retail functions. Furniture purchased, admin desk set up as well.
Sold over
2,040 individual items
2021 2022
January Not open yet $2,273
February $1,578.77 $7,314
March $13,000.85 $22,975
April $6,363.99 $10,080
May $20,277.52 $11,247
June $5,722.97 $6,459
July $6,777.59 $6,959
August $11,409.29 $10,447
September $7,154.79 $10,111
October $6,550.18 $10,001
November $2,591.04 $10,874
December $2,714.28 $3,035
Total $84,131.28 $111,775
• Had first ever sale with 10% Off, in March. Was out best month yet for sales. UniSA Official Merchandise
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88,766 Total page reach on Instagram ↑ 100% compared to 2021
↑ 37% growth in Instagram Followers
13,906 Facebook Followers
3.6 Connecting With Students
An important part of USASA’s role at UniSA is keeping students informed of services, events, activities, and programs. USASA utilises a number of physical and web-based platforms to distribute key messages and information to students to stay connected with students and providing services in an online format.
USASA Website
The USASA Website is the hub of information and an important avenue for communicating with students. The website contains up to date and comprehensive content including USASA’s available services, location and contact information, all USASA Clubs and Societies, Student Support for booking appointments with Advocacy and Financial Counselling, Student Board profiles, volunteering sign up, club and social events and much more. Additionally, the website provides an opportunity for external advertisers to promote services to students.
From 416,614 unique pageviews in 2021, to 485,601 (↑ 17% in 2022). These numbers are testament to USASA’s dedication to delivering services and being accessible in the online environment.
USASA Website Quick Stats:
Website Pageviews ↑ 21% Unique Pageviews ↑ 17% compared to 2021
2021 Brand Awareness Response
• Pageviews, total number of pages viewed: 671,867 (↑ 21% in 2022)
• Unique Pageviews, the number of sessions during which the specified page was viewed at least once: 485,601 (↑ 17% in 2022)
In 2022, USASA identified issues with functionality on the current website platform, particularly for individual USASA Clubs utilizing backend systems, functionality with the integration of the USASA Shop and customer service issues. As such, 2022 welcomed the launch of a new website interface and backend to provide more opportunities for users.
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“So far I have been happy with their online format , it’s been easy to use.”
Social Media
In 2022 USASA continued to grow its social media audience, specifically Instagram and the newly established Discord server. Facebook’s number of engaged users has been declining over the past year; however, we continue to see growth in almost all areas.
Facebook Quick Stat:
• The total number of page likes on Facebook has had steady growth to 13,906 (↑ 8% from 2021)
Instagram Quick Stat:
• In 2022 the total number of followers grew to 5329 (↑37 % from 2021)
The USASA e-newsletter (known as the FYI) was sent to over 66,000 students in 2021. The email is generated through Mailchimp which enables, consistent template displaying content in clean, concise and user-friendly emails.
FYI Quick Stats:
• Subscriber list grew to 66,852 (↑ 32% from 2021)
• Number of e-newsletters sent: 27
Brand Awareness
Understanding the awareness of different aspects of the organization allows for improvement and enables a strong foundation for USASA services. The 2022 survey data from 734 students across all campuses. Significant data has been obtained consecutively since 2014 regarding the awareness of all aspects of USASA. The Brand Awareness Survey data is collected to better understand how the broader student body perceives USASA and where there is room for growth in future years. The survey assists in developing the organisations understanding of priority areas for student support in achieving success during their student life.
Surveys were collected from March 2022 – December 2022, through unbranded posters on campus.
Key Findings
• USASA was identified by 83.66% (↑ 3.66% from 2021) of students when prompted against other UniSA divisions.
• USASA, including all USASA related services, was identified by 55.47% (↓31% vs 2021) of students as first to mind, unprompted, as supporting and representing students.
• USASA was identified by 51.45% (↑ 25.45% from 2021) of students as first to mind, unprompted, as an organization they could contact if facing academic issues.
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All USASA services marketed
Launched updated campaigns for on-campus events & campaigns
Launched updated campaign for USASA Clubs instagram & social media
Supporting Students in 2022
February March
Live Student Sessions launched
Merch golden ticket competition
Online Amazing Race launched
Speed Friending launched
Campus Fair launched
National Music Competition campaign
Uni Rave launched
April June
Student Board Rep update
Working On Wellness launched
Meet your City East Reps event
Drag Bingo launched
Meet your Mawson Lakes Rep event
Design a pin competiton
National Reconciliation Week events promoted
Pride Fair launched
Clubs Fest launched
Art on Campus launched
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Supporting Students in 2022
July August
NAIDOC Week Actitvities –launched in collaboration with UniSA & the Aboriginal Student Club
Motivational Mondays launched
Club Awards opne for nominations
Outer Space Crawl launched
By-Election campaign lauched
Tax Help launched in collaboration with the ATO Sticker competition launched
New USASA website launched
Working on Wellness SP5 launched Art on Campus voting concludes and winner announced
November October
2022 Election results announced Club Awards Night commences
End Of Year Party launched Verse Magazine recruitment for 2023 team launched
Ask Isaac event launched USASA shop first major sale commences
‘USASA - A year in review’ facts campaign launched
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Affiliations and Memberships
USASA is an affiliated Association and/or has memberships with the following organisations to represent the needs of Uni SA students on a local and national scale:
National Union of Students (NUS)
Student Experience Network (SEN)
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