Verse Magazine - Edition 59

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It was and always will be Aboriginal land.

Verse Magazine acknowledges the Kaurna, Boandik and Barngarla First Nations People as the traditional custodians of the unceded lands that are now home to the Univeristy of South Australia’s campuses in Adelaide, Mount Gambier and Whyalla. Verse Magazine respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging. Verse Magazine also acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia.


Welcome to Edition #59 and the most inviting indoor season to explore creative works from the UniSA student community.

This edition is teeming with artistic designs and written works embracing the theme Broken

Breaking the realms of the arduous summer and delightful autumn months, the theme Broken was chosen to provide opportunities for students to creatively explore and share perspectives of the word, the action, and its intrinsic meaning with others who enjoy this student-led publication.

From my perspective, broken or ‘breaking the chain’ from old habits to form new ones is an essential part of life’s journey, as it invites opportunities to reflect and delve into personal treasure troves of experiences to become better. As a writer and creative person, having opportunities for reflexivity is crucial to support creative processes. Such as Scarleth Molina Arias’s fanart design, inspired by the Chinese novel “Heart Pierced By a Hundred Swords; Savage Ghost Takes Form.”

Victoria Ng’s design takes charge of the cover, a perfect choice to ‘warm the cockles of one’s heart’… and toes in this winter edition!

Scout Gold invites audiences to view life through a surrealist lens on page ten, with the wondrous painting celebrating the artist’s “dream-like” inspirations.

We also welcome this year’s first composition of jokes and a humorous short story provoked by Verse’s writing prompt. You will find numerous poetic pieces, photographic works, and artworks that have an impact.

Verse Magazine also teamed up for this edition with USASA for the “Design a Pin” competition and prize. We congratulate the pin extraordinaire and share this year’s enamel pin design.

For the next edition, the team introduces the theme Blossom as we excitedly prepare for spring and its brilliant flourish of colour.

We thank those who dared to share their work in this edition and truly hope you enjoy it as much as we have when putting Edition 59 together.




Butterfly Net (feat. Weyes Blood) by Caroline Polachek

Pretty Impossible by Caroline Polachek

Cello Suite No. 1 by Johan Sebastian Bach

Swan Lake Op. 20, Act 2 by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Debussy Claire De Lune

West Coast

Lana Del Ray

Not Like Us

Kendrick Lamar


Billie Eilish


Dove Cameron

There's still time


Vampire in the Sun



Toti Cisneros

My Once Broken Dream

I had a dream I worked on hard, But life stepped in and caught me off guard. A new chapter began, with love so deep, A wife and mother, promises to keep.

Focused on family, I did my best, And building a career, no time to rest.

Climbing the ladder, giving my all, But something was missing, I felt small.

I had to stop and think it through, What was missing when success was true?

That dream I had, kept haunting me, Now in pieces, how to let it flee?

“It’s time,” I said, “to mend that broken dream,” “At forty, life’s anew, a gleaming beam.” Tomorrow’s unknown, but I won’t fear, Here I am, my path is clear.


Artist Scout Gold says, “I am always drawn to surrealist works. I want this painting to be completely up for subjective interpretation. My inspirations and themes are quite dream-like and my goal was to entirely fill the canvas.”


Love is like fire, It can burn and keep the soul warm. But I see many who cannot decipher these differences.

Many a weary soul who has spent too long travelling in the cold noon has stood too close, craving a warmth they could not make themselves, and splay their hearts upon the coals.

And it is their greed that scorns their bones in brittle waves.

Fire can take, take and take until a forest is left in disrepair. It can also take ill light to a wood — not right to burn. It can wither and decay as the night simpers closer, as all the chairs descend away from its glow.

And sometimes the glow is not enough to warm. And the oxygen is shut out by the lid of a candle as it snuffs to smoke.

Many light a flame for the pretty smell it can make, only to snuff it dead with a lick of a thumb

as it’s time burns thin. There is always another alluring scent.

If left unchecked, it may burn your house down.

“The illustration is a fanart piece. It was inspired by a fragment from a Chinese novel called “Heaven Official's Blessing” (tian guan ci fu). The chapter is called "Heart Pierced By a Hundred Swords; Savage Ghost Takes Form" which is the 190th chapter of the novel”

Mending Hearts

He was the funny, extroverted guy, She was the quiet, introverted girl. But they clicked in unexpected ways, Dreaming of a family, they made their plans.

They fought and mended, as couples do, Their love was deep, their bond was true. They thought it would be easy but found it hard, They clashed so much; it left them scarred.

“It’s broken,” she whispered in despair. “We can fix it,” he said, showing he cared. For a while, they lived in separate worlds, She cried alone, asking, “Can we mend it?”

Then she realised, with wisdom’s grace, Once broken, some things can’t be replaced. But forgiveness can spark something new, A story reborn, unbreakable and true.


trust issues

trusting involves, tons of heavy tears.

“why?” you may ask.

two reasons. what if further damage, is destined?

what if existing damage, is discovered?

two quiet questions. two traumatising fears.

by Tinara Dona ILLUSTRATION by Jimmy Ngo

are you okay?

hiding behind a smile, hiding behind an almost believable “yeah,” whenever this question is asked. maybe it’s most believable, since people seem to keep believing it.

i just can’t always be truthful, sometimes it’s easier to hide, because how many times are you really willing, to listen? to hear the honest truth?

to hear the hurt in my fragile voice, when i repeat for the seventh time this week, “i am not okay!”… “i feel really shitty!”

it’s supposed to be my pain, you don’t need to feel it too.

so please ask me about my day, you don’t need to hear if i’m doing okay.

WORDS by Tinara Dona ILLUSTRATION by Mia Nguyen


by Victoria Ng


As I stand there in front of him, I am finally free of all doubts and worries. It is happening. All the muscles in my body relax as all the tension simply melts away. I can sense the blood reaching every part of my body with every rhythmic beat of my heart. My ears, my hands, my feet. I felt simultaneously grounded and weightless, like I’m watching the world behind my eyes.

I am a movie character on a TV screen, and so are everyone around me. All the precious time and energy that I spent in anticipation was all for nothing. His words continue to rain down on me, and I am fine. If I’m not the one who’s standing here, then someone else would be. Someone has got to do it, am I right? It truly was never about me, but rather everything about him. I am here now, and I am utterly free to think and do whatever I want and nothing would have mattered at the end of it all.

“ Just because you feel like you’re losing, it doesn’t mean that you have

Dear 18-year-old me,

Just because you feel like you’re losing, it doesn’t mean that you have lost. Yes, I am borrowing words from Coldplay, but hear me out.

Right now you’re feeling isolated, afraid and pretty much a failure, and that sucks. It feels like you are never going to get past this. It feels like the odds are stacked against you - lack of finance, living regionally, mental health issues, and ongoing family expectations. It feels like you have to take care of all these impacting issues before you can go and be the great educator you wish to be. Here’s some advice, these things will take care of themselves as long as you do what is true to you.

That doesn’t mean that the above doesn’t matter. Of course, it does. You must honour your values of independence, experiencing new places, cultivating wellness and family and community contributions. Know that you can do this AND follow your dreams. It is possible and you’ve got what it takes.

Your next step will be, to enrol in foundation studies. You can do this in your home town; don’t worry your boss will let you and support you. And it’s totally free. What have you got to lose? You’ll meet an awesome friend, Heather, who is just as scared as you are, and you’ll become lifelong friends. That’s something to look forward to right? Heather is going to totally have your back when the fear creeps in, and you will bounce off each other finding strength in your mutual challenges.

Then you’ll be gutsy and move to the city. You’ll have a look at flat mates and go to view a few properties with your dad. He’ll hate them all and wonder why you don’t just get your own place and work fulltime, but don’t worry about that. You know that university is for you. You’ll meet an awesome girl named Jess and move into her place and you will have so much fun. She moved to the city from the regions too and she’s never looked back. She’ll support you when you’re feeling overwhelmed and be a wealth of knowledge on how to survive in the city.

When you start orientation week, you’re going to meet heaps of people starting out and not sure what they’re doing and how to get there. Fear is not for the select few, it hits us all, but do you know what? You’re going to have a brilliant idea and start a study group. It’s easy, you can just communicate via Facebook, and everyone will find it a great resource to talk out their insecurities and learn from each other while navigating the content and trying to stay afloat.

During your studies, things are going to get hard. You’re going to have disappointments and setbacks and maybe fail an assignment along the way (just double-check the feedback on that one). Living expenses are going to get tough, but don’t worry! You are innovative and resourceful, and it’s ok to ask for an extension when things get tough. And just think, once you get through all this heartache, you are going to be in an awesome position to reach out and help other people who are in the same boat as you. Keep hold of that vision, because it’s the motivation that will get you through the tough times.

I think that’s enough to leave you on for now. You’ve got so much potential to go forward and live out your dreams. And to revive my opening quote with a customised twist - just because you’re feeling lost right now, doesn’t mean you are broken.

Love, Future You

“These are photos that I took under the microscope 1. Colon mucosa (H&E)2. Brown algae3. Colon mucosa and submucosa (Eosin stained only)”

#blog126 TAKE IT EASY

Unfortunately, nowadays people either take life too seriously or don’t take it seriously at all. There is no in-between.

Life is a beautiful gift from God. We all need to learn to be grateful for it. Yes, it is tough no doubt. But I have always believed that human beings are tougher. Sometimes we don’t realise how strong we can be. And, unfortunately, some of us feel that we don’t have any option left and quit.

As I grow older, I realise that we shouldn’t take life too seriously but at the same be grateful for it. We tend to worry about little things too much. This worry then turns into anxiety in no time. And that’s how things start to worsen.

No matter how hard things get; I always tell myself that it’s not the end of the world. And that I got this. This helps me calm down & take charge of the situation. My mantra for life is no matter how hard life gets, I won’t ever give up or stress. Because when we stress, things fall apart too easily & we are unable to fix the mess. Hence, it is extremely important to be calm no matter what the situation is.

Whenever I start to worry about my problems, I remember poor people and how my life is 100 times better than theirs. Not only them, but I remember all the people whose problems are much bigger than mine. In one corner of the world, someone lost their beloved and we worry about failing an exam or subject. I understand that everyone’s problems are different. However, we should always remember that there are so many out there whose life problems are much bigger than ours. Not only does this make us grateful but mentally helps a lot too.

To conclude, always remember that life is not a race or a competition. It is a beautiful journey. Take it one day at a time and live every moment of it.


Brand Project for Third Year Studio, San Lorenzo Spirits”

IMAGE by Heleina Garcia

The Graduation Glimpse, The Power of Destiny in Today’s



Disclaimer: This is a fictional story

I live in a magical world. Full of mystery and rituals. A very important ritual that we follow here is the Graduation cap throwing ceremony. We are required to throw our caps up into the air and as they sour back down, they’ll morph into an occupation. It may be an army hat or a baseball cap or even a helmet for a space suit.

Because of it, people never really took their future seriously and just relied on the cap for future determination. I had mixed feelings about this. I felt that our future and our career is the one thing of utmost priority. People should be certain about it and must have some planned goals and fixed aspirations in order to be truly successful.

But no one really cared. So, I followed my own advice. I had my future planned. My priorities fixed and standards set. But nonetheless, the mystery behind the ritual always appealed to me and I looked forward to my graduation day.

The graduation was less than 12 hours away, when the anxiety hit me. What if the morphed cap did not match with my plans ? What would I do then?! Would my society allow me to neglect the ritual’s future telling and follow my own path?

These questions bothered me all night, and I couldn’t sleep well. It was finally graduation day. ‘Time for the cap throwing ritual,’ my teacher announced with enthusiasm. I hesitantly took my graduation hat into my hands and got into position.

‘3..2..1 THROW!’

I threw it as high as I could and watched it go higher and higher, like all the others.

Time for the morph! Close your eyes students.

We all followed our last instruction. I could hear the sound of magic sparkling and cracking. I was awestruck and it was scary at the same time.

‘Open and spread your hands out,’ we got the instructions.

As I followed, I looked at my buddy James and saw him hold a McDonald’s employee hat. He was clearly upset. He saw me looking and gave me an accepting nod.

I see my friend Lily next to him, I noticed she held a pilot cap. She was overjoyed. I was happy for her. She had always been fascinated by the sky, and now she could actually glide it herself.

I looked around me and saw that everyone held a cap, except for me. Why did my cap not come back? Was it a punishment for not believing in the ritual?

I stared at my hand wondering what was supposed to happen now. Lily ran over to me, taking leaps and spewing out an apology half-heartedly. She enthusiastically shows me her hat before putting it on her head with a smirk. I laugh and congratulate her.


IMAGE by Justin Leung

When I see a biographical film, I wonder if it’s everything that a person has been through. And then I wonder if a film was made on me, what would be included and what would be excluded? Because everything we go through shapes us who we become. Every battle and every problem we face may seem small, but it isn’t small when we look at what it does inside us. But that’s the problem, we can’t see the inner transformation, the inner journey of a person. And only tend to judge them on a surface level based on what we see or what they show us.

Every single thing builds inside us & over time becomes ingrained in us & comes in various forms.

Environment plays a major role in shaping a person’s mindset. And sometimes certain situations also play a role. This can be in both negative and positive ways.

How we face all those problems, situations and battles is something most people don’t get to see.

They say there is a whole universe inside us. Yes, and this whole universe meets the universe called life. Life is what happens to us and how we react to that life with our mind, heart and soul. All these elements of being is what essentially shape our lives.

There is this whole universe of how we face the battles vs how we achieve worldly requirements. The world sees someone who meets certain requirements to be recognisable and valued. Some of these include having a good degree, a good job or getting married. However, these materialistic things/achievements don’t determine our worth. Of course, they are also important, but they are not our whole identity. I so wish that we stop praising people based on these requirements set by the world society. The world is changing but not so much. These things continue to exist. But what we can do on an individual level for ourselves is to set ourselves free from these requirements or at least STOP determining our worth with these requirements. When we recognise our inner journeys, then we start becoming soft with ourselves. Because essentially, our inner journey is what matters in the end.

Dumb In Love

So the sunset seems beautiful, But my eyes feel broken, Broken like the moon that is about to come, Broken and doomed in these ways of love.

Whenever I let my heart feel things, It makes me feel like I shouldn’t have one. Whenever I try to be human, I can feel them killing me and making me numb.

Nowadays, happiness is becoming more of a rare event, I still live each day like I could fall in love. Many will call me brave and many will call me dumb, But I would be the happiest to be dumb in love

IMAGE by Anadi Sharma

WORDS by Archie Arora ILLUSTRATION by Mia Nguyen

Never ending views

I want a church on every street, welcoming people in multiple times a week.

I want small art stores with areas to create and make art of our own.

I want people of every colour and background to blend into one.

I want people who can’t understand change or growing a community into more.

I want restaurants that open and close the next year, to just be replaced by something new again.

I want the same sidewalks, and views, and people to never end.

“Do you know what's long and has two balls?


My name is Avneet and you can also call me Daisy. I love to create handcrafted beaded jewellery and charms. I started this as a hobby but now it’s my small business

WORDS by Avneet Hunjan


IMAGE by Anadi Sharma

Impressions & Emotions

IMAGES by Avneet Hunjan

Turning Academic Frustrations into Comedy Gold; Level 9, City Views

Turning Academic Frustrations into Comedy Gold; Level 9, city views, and a lingering smell of stale popcorn—this was the South Australia Students Comedy Club's new headquarters. At the helm of this quirky crew was Jeffrey, the club’s president and a biology major who couldn’t decide if he loved dissecting frogs or jokes more.

Jeffrey had a plan to combine their two greatest struggles: comedy and university studies. “Tonight,” he declared with a dramatic flair that would make Shakespeare proud, “we’re going to turn our academic frustrations into comedy gold.”

Krutika, an engineering student who saw comedy as her only respite from calculus, raised an eyebrow. “You mean like stand-up therapy?”

“Exactly,” Jeffrey beamed. “But with a twist. We’re going to do it through improv sketches based on our study struggles.”

Shreyas, a philosophy major with a knack for dark humour, grinned. “Mate, like, existential dread, but funny?”

Prajwal, the club’s treasurer and a business student who was always looking for the punchline in profit margins, nodded. Charlotte, a literature major whose wit was as sharp as her prose, smirked. “Let’s show them how literary analysis can be hilarious.”

They divided into two teams with an hour to prepare. Jeffrey and Krutika brainstormed a sketch about the horrors of group projects. They imagined a scenario where each team member is more useless than the last.

“And then,” Jeffrey suggested, “we reveal that the project is about assembling Ikea furniture.”

Meanwhile, Shreyas, Prajwal, and Charlotte concocted a scene set in a mystical library where every book is a portal to a different academic nightmare. “We’ll start with a pop quiz on quantum mechanics,” Shreyas said, “and end up with ten assignments due on the same day.”

The hour flew by, and soon it was showtime. Jeffrey and Krutika depicted a group project from hell. Jeffrey played the overachiever who ends



Genre: Comedy

up doing all the work, while Krutika portrayed a character who only contributed by bringing snacks. The twist came when they opened the Ikea box to find it filled with philosophy textbooks, leading to a frantic and hilarious attempt to philosophise their way to a decent grade.

Next up, Shreyas, Prajwal, and Charlotte transported everyone to their mystical library. Shreyas played a befuddled student sucked into a book on quantum mechanics, only to find Prajwal as an unhelpful librarian spouting business jargon. Charlotte, was channelling her inner Kafka, and guided them through a maze of red tape and absurdity, culminating in a surprise musical number about massive student loans.

Both sketches had perfectly captured the absurdity of university life. The evening ended with a group photo, everyone making silly faces and pretending to juggle invisible textbooks.

“Maybe the true lesson here is that laughter really is the best way to cope with our study struggles.”

Short Story Writing Challenge

“Or maybe, it’s just finding a way to make our academic pain more bearable.”

They all laughed, their voices echoing through the empty halls of Level 9, city views, and the faint scent of stale popcorn.

An Entertaining View Of Life Through A Student-led Comedy Club – Hell Yeah!

Interviewer Melissa Raymond

Interviewee Jeffrey Tam

Reaching for my iPhone to catch up on the latest social feeds, I recently searched @sascomedyclub or the South Australia Students Comedy Club after hearing about the range of impressive comedians. It didn’t take long for the platform to gain my attention and a belly-full of laughs to follow once viewing the page reels among its social media following of over 800 fans. Officially located on Facebook and Instagram, this talented community of UniSA students, is without doubt, destined for success.

Speaking with Jeffrey Tam, one of the club’s executives, I soon grasped the student-led agenda, ‘be entertained and have a laugh with fellow students in a positive social environment.’

Jeffrey says, “Within six months of the comedy club’s initiation, we had more than 150 members, and our first standup comedy event, co-organised with USASA’s club, UniSA Business Society, attracted close to 100 registrations.”

Viewing over 80 USASA clubs on offer, no other entertaining club can compare and depending on which one, two, or three cultural or social clubs students choose to be members of, the key to its success is facilitating live stand-up events following training and workshops with experienced professionals so members can improve their comedic skills and confidence.

“We believe live comedy events will have the best atmosphere, similar to watching movies at the cinema. Usually, comedians will interact with the audience” for further “funny and engaging” experiences.

For me, unable to attend the latest live June event, I personally enjoyed listening to many of the social narratives on Instagram which showcased political debates with humour. Such as, Tom Ballard’s futuristic explanation to his “little grandson, Timmy,” and the role he played in off-setting carbon during today’s climate war.

“A quick laugh can do wonders for our mental recharge,” Jeffrey says.

The club’s approach to creatively confronting hard-core issues through the genre of comedy not only makes serious topics more approachable but also helps to reduce stress through a fun activity.

“Humorous content on social media is one way to spread joy across the campus” and explains why the comedy group has a “monthly, 50% growth rate” on its social media platform.

Student support is vital for the comedy club, not only for comedians to experience life on stage with real audiences but also to attract professionals who help develop next generation comedians for the industry to prosper.

With a minimum of four professional performers from diverse backgrounds and numerous open-mic opportunities, free membership for UniSA students

to attend events is just the beginning of how the South Australia Students Comedy Club can support artists in beginning a journey to success. But, for those simply seeking relaxation, attending a comedy show and having a laugh is a viable FUN activity that will reduce stress.

“ We believe live comedy events will have the best atmosphere, similiar to watching movies at the cinema.

Level 9, City Views

This hospital is my graveyard; I feel death creeping the halls. I hear the silencing of breath and panic to find it again. The ticking of the clock and the inevitably of time. How many deaths has it seen? Does it know how much people fear it, fear its hands and how it never stops. Each thought a second lost, each cry a missed opportunity to be happy; each day in here, my life slips away. Each day here kills me more, kills who I am. I’m scared I’ll lose it completely and die devoid of memories and what they meant. The body that they’ll declare dead won’t be mine anymore. I’m forgetting who I was. All I know is who I wanted to be. They say my death will be peaceful, but how do you find peace when death is forced on you?

I’ll die before spring, I’ll die before my dreams, I’ll die before I’m ready.

And like that, the sun set, the day was over, and death stood beside my bed. Sorrow in his eyes and a gentle smile on his face. A warm touch onto my cheek, an embrace upon my forehead. He spoke with a softness one only finds from pain and told me of life after death.

“There are no more lifetimes, there is no reincarnation, no more universes for you to live, this is it; you will rest an eternity without end. The wind will forget your lungs, the sea will forget your breath. I’m sorry, but when I take you, there is no going back.”

The word stung, “forget.”

“I don’t want to be forgotten.” He took my hands, stared past my eyes and into my soul.

“The wind and sea are fickle things, passing by without much thought of others. But the people will remember you; they will cry that you are gone and be happy that you were here. I’ve seen many times the despair that death brings. But always, someone remembers. They may not know it, but you are there in their minds. Your smile, your laugh, a single act of kindness, a moment of embarrassment. Fragments of your life live scattered through others. And when they all die, the earth remembers. It will hug your body an eternity, introducing you to

the trees and plants that will embrace you as a new friend. You will become a memory, but rest assured, you will not be forgotten.”

I held onto his hands for awhile and he did not move until I shuffled up onto the edge of the bed.

“I’m ready. Would you hold my hand on the way?”

“Of course” he helped me up, held my hand and let me guide the way. I was scared. I didn’t want to go, but I walked. I only hope that if I am to become a memory, that I will become a happy one.

Short Story Writing Challenge


3. Left untouched I could be one piece

5. Forever gone and rhymes with polish

7. I can be used in one word but ending with the letter S can be viewed as 8. Damage to a teacup or tooth



1. Nothing can repair to how it once was

2. Now a piece, a bit of something beginning with F 4. Two or more disconnected pieces 6. Once broken a variety of objects appear as

Short Story Writing Challenge

Simply follow the writing prompt announced on @Versemagazine social pages and via each magazine edition.

Writing Prompt for Edition 60 is, “Last Spring”

Guidelines: The first line must open with the writing prompt and comprise of a 500-word short story—strictly, no more and no less! All genres, including music, will be considered for publication.

Lastly, title your story with the writing prompt; it can be part of the title, meaning it does not need to be the complete title. Include your name and genre (memoir, fiction, comedy and more).

Up to three submissions will be published.

Submission deadline: August 5th

Good luck!

“These are some of the original posters I designed for my cinematic project and chose a director named “Lokesh” from South India and am representing some of his characters with animal personalities from his past work”

What would be your graduation speech?

“I want to thank my arms for always being by my side, I also want to thank my legs for supporting me, My fingers because I can always count on them, and finally sidewalks for keeping me off the streets”

JOKES by Jimmy Tam
“One day, I asked my professor, are you concerned about the increase of artificial intelligence? He said no. He is concerned about the decrease in real intelligence”



Keep your eyes out, USASA stores will have the pin available soon!



Hello. My name is Oliver Shephard-Bayly, and I’m your Student President 2024.

As you’re getting to the end stages of your courses, having a break and beginning another, I wanted to reflect on change, growth and renewal.

Change is never an easy thing; it’s daunting, unsettling and scary.

However, change is everywhere, constant, and a massive part of the university sector’s work. In many ways, it’s at its core not only as students try to learn and build themselves into better people but also as the university strives to make changes that positively benefit society.

In some ways, change is at its core; many of us, however, will never again see a change like what we’re going through now.

The merging of two universities to create one is rightfully a bit scary and daunting.

However, with change comes opportunities, the chance to start from scratch and create something greater than the two parts put together.

Ultimately, we all need to play a part in what the new university will become. Our voices are transformative in guiding its creation, and it’s up to our voices to advocate and make noise for what we need and believe in.

Your opinions and thoughts are important in this process because, ultimately, what is a university without its students?

In this, your student board is by your side to amplify your Voice and make sure you are heard at every step of this process.

Good luck with the semester ahead. Embrace change and remember that USASA is also here to support You every step of the way.

Thanks, Oliver

The internship is designed in a holistic way, focusing on both, personal & professional development, building on the skills & capabilities we already possess to allow for self-reflection & learning. The variety of projects that I could work on, during this internship, has enabled me to expand my professional network, meet new people, exchange ideas & learn from them.

Apply for the USASA Advocacy Internshi 14 week program focusing on Personal and Professional Development and the University Policies and Procedures.

Successful applicants will receive mentoring from the USASA Advocacy team for each of the core learning areas and learn industry level skills to assist in employability.

Applications close late August

USASA is here to help you through the good times & the bad. We are a non-profit, student-owned organisation focused on providing services & a voice for all UniSA students.

USASA empowers you through:

Verse Magazine

Student Representation

Academic Advocacy

Clubs & Societies

Social Events

Student Voice


Akshay Ramkumar

Anadi Sharma


Archie Arora

Avneet Hunjan

Billy Poulopoulos

Erica Menzies

Heleina Garcia

Justin Leung

Jimmy Ngo

Jeffrey Tam

Mary Jane Panansar

Scarleth Molina Arias

Mia Nguyen

Melissa Raymond

Narelle Pignotti

Scout Gold

Tuba Chandio

Tinara Dona

Taybah Hamza

Victoria Ng

Yi Shin, Aw

@akshay_arts96 @lets.revive.humanity

@erica_kate303 @elead_ @just_tin

@sascomedyclub @mj_dawas_panansar @scar_cube @mia.nguyen284 @musebymelr


@scoutoliviagold @tblogs17

@aesthete21_ @_designbytay @vicky_isdesigning yi.shinn_

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