1 minute read
Bloom again
I often tell myself that I am growing as all flowers do and when the time is right I will bloom
Delicate, random and free like the wildflowers that sprawl across fields burst out of pavement cracks and thrive where no one looks for beauty
I am growing and then I will bloom. And sure, just like the wildflowers I will wilt
The rain will come and I’ll feel like I am drowning in it I won’t be able to breathe around it
But soon, the rain will ease and I will see it didn’t come to drown it came to nurture in a way that’s different to the sunshine I’m used to
It will fill my soul with nutrients and give me the opportunity to bloom again
Vibrant, bold and free like the wildflowers that sprout through the weeds break through the pavement cracks and thrive even in places most trampled
And sure, I will wilt once more most wildflowers die in the winter months but I’ll remember that my springs and summers will come again.
So, I don’t worry, when the sun dims and the rains come when my leaves go brown and the edges curl when my flower wilts and the petals fall
It is not an ending it is the next in an endless cycle of new beginnings.
Words Kate Newman Photography Jasmine Edwards