Food Porn
A Sexy Mocha
Edition 40 | 2021
Words + Photos Nikki Sztolc
When thinking about what qualifies as a suitable recipe for our Sex Edition theme, the first thing that comes to mind is iced coffee. My friends and I have a running joke about how satisfying an iced coffee pour is, so much so I started posting almost daily coffee content to my Instagram story. Anyway, my point is: why can’t it be sexy too? When the coffee hits the cold milk it creates that bodacious marble effect (yes I googled “what are some sexy words” to find that). I absolutely froth over a good pour. Pun entirely intended.
You Will Need:
1. Get your 1 or 2 shots of coffee ready. The effect of this recipe works best if you use a clear glass. 2. Grab your milk straight from the fridge and cold froth it. Make sure it’s as fluffy as you can get it, and if you’re already using dairy milk, you can add a bit of cream for smoothness! 3. Pour the chocolate syrup into the bottom of your glass, then add the frothed milk.
Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup (bonus points for being dairy free) 1 or 2 Espresso Shots Your Milk of Choice (I use Oat!)
4. Pour the coffee into your cup slowly and watch it seep into the layer of milk beneath it.