Eco mag (type project for school)

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eco design, furniture & lifestyle magazine

eco theme picks:

Let There Be Light featured designer:

Daniel Goers cause for greater:


“The first law of ecology is that everything is related to everything else.� - Barry Commoner

eco theme picks:


featured designer:


cause for greater:


Let There Be Light Daniel Goers PangeaSeed

Let There Be L Daniel Goers

LET THERE LIGHT BE This LED chandelier by

Yoon Bahk is made from recycled wine and champagne bottles. Rescued bottles were hand washed and polished. A unit

Souda, a new NYC-based

from single bottle can be hung

product design company,

by itself. Yoon Bahk believes that

created a stunning chandelier

green design should be an idea

from post-consumer PET bottles.

and not a look.

The bottles were collected by homeless individuals in an effort to raise money for the non-profit SURE WE CAN, which runs the only homeless-friendly can redemption center in the NYC area. After collection, the bottles were brought to Souda’s studio to be cleaned, cut and riveted together

Jewelry for a woman is what a chandelier is to a room. Who said projects made out of found matterials had to look like kiddy craft projects? Here are a few of our new favorite room-bling made from upcycled everyday materials.

to create a dome-like lighting fixture using a little over sixty upcycled bottles. With their gracious forms and the option of vibrant colors, these OMI pendant lamps prove that elegant design and sustainability can go hand-in-hand. Working with surplus material from the fashion industry (mostly mercerized cotton and silk), British textile and product designer


Paul has created a stunning

collection of pendant lamps that convey a sense of both luxury and environmental awareness.


Carolina Fontoura Alzaga, a Mexican multidisciplinary artist, takes old bike parts and turns them into shimmering chandeliers. Her series of Victorian-era chandelier sculptures is called “Connect,” and they exemplify how mundane objects What a great idea introduced

can be transformed into


magnificent masterpieces!

Stuart Haygarth

to make a luxe chandelier from

Of the message behind the

unwanted objects: thousands

sculptures, Fontoura Alzaga

of used unwanted prescription

says “Bourgeois commod-

The Milk Bottle Lamp Chandelier

spectacles. The result displaying

ity verses the bike as self

designed by

a giant bubble chandelier made

propelled movement - it’s a

Droog Design. It is a classic in the

from crystal like spectacles – bril-

metaphor for potentiality.”

history of modern lighting. The Milk

liant! The spectacle burst out a

Regardless of the possible

Bottle Lamp is featured in numer-

very nice spectrum of light to its

parallels, one thing is abso-

ous museum collections including


lutely certain: the pieces are

the MoMa New York City and the

beautiful and enlightening

San Francisco Museum of Modern

works of eco art.

Art. The individual parts of the Milk

Tejo Remy for

Bottle Lamp are completely plain but the combination makes of them an opulent chandelier.



RECLAIM & UPCYCLE : Scrap Ecology, Autumn Workshop, Q & A 4

“I’m a designer/maker experimenting in the

es were built from recycled materials and

means art, furniture, and other products built

Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn. I offer

installed in Fort Greene.

with reclaimed, found, or scrap material.

design consulting, engineering, and fabri-

Scrap Ecology aims to rearrange the raw

cation services for stand-alone and built-in

materials of our urban and natural environ-

furniture projects. I also have a passion for

ments into objects with new meaning and

farming, and urban gardening projects.”

Their products are occasionally for sale on Etsy and in stores. Many of Autumn Workshop’s projects

purpose. These materials include abandoned

deal with integrating ecological/botanical

Daniel Goers is a local Brooklyn designer,

shipping pallets from Red Hook, wood cutoffs

components into home furnishings. This focus

architect and artist who has a show right now

from carpentry projects, recycled packaging,

stems from an interest in biophilia ( a natu-

called Scrap Ecology at Brooklyn coffee shop

discarded architectural samples, donated

ral bond between humans and other living

K-Dog in Lefferts Gardens.

plant stems and foraged specimens from

systems ) and how this idea can promote

Prospect Park and the mountains of Harriman

positive energy and healthy living in our built

State Park.


All his designs are made from reclaimed materials except some lighting components. Daniel has been collecting scrap materials

In 2011 he founded Autumn Workshop, a

and remaking them into beautiful designs

design and experimentation studio based in

and sculptures for some time now. His other

Brooklyn. It is a collaboration of artists and

great project is in collaboration with artist

designers sharing ideas to create things out

Jennifer Wong called Birdtown. Fifty birdhous-

of readily available materials. Right now this

In this we’ll take a look at some of Autumn

were a small amount of piano hinge,

Workshop and Goers’ Exquisite creations,

Masonite for the drawers, and a pin to hold

Ranging from crates which have been

the lid of the back storage in place.

upcycled into multifuntional furniture to minimalis yet stunning test tube shelves. Goers recently completed a set of 4 chairs and a bench with an ottoman, made entirely from re-purposed hologram storage crates. This new set of furniture really morphs crates into an entirely new and interesting form. The design uses the printed graphics to inform the user how to interact with the storage components of the furniture. Each chair has a drawer in its base, and a compartment in its back. Plenty of room to keep those books, magazines, cat toys… Whatever you need… No extra wood was used in the fabrication of these chairs. The original crates were cut down, and the cut-offs were recycled back into the structure. The only new components


“What was once a shipping pallet can become a hundred new things, so why cut down another tree?”

Why reclaimed materials?

“New York is a great place to find raw materials to build with. Every day the streets are filled with “trash” that can be so much more. But maybe the best reason is that material is free. The reclaimed material also tends to have more character.”

Above: Autumn Workshop’s prototype for a hanging garden lamp design. Made out of reclaimed teak and blackened steel, the planter is suspended with a strip of LED’s placed in the top. A great pendant lamp design that is scalable for larger rooms or planting purposes and can be viewed in the round.

Centre: A prototype aquarium designed for Tetras. A submersible filter, submersible heater, and LED lighting and all the components are enclosed and can be controlled by two switches on the side.

Bottom: a sideboard table which was made by wrapping a steel letterbox cabinet with wooden scraps of various hardwoods. Tapered oak legs bring the cabinet up to a comfortable height. The wood is treated with several coats of tung oil, causing the various grains and colors of the wood to glow.

“ sculptures do hint at the desire to be closer to nature.” Far Right: The terrarium floor lamp emerged from experimentation touch dimming lamps and terrarium lamps. The goal was to merge the two in a unique way that would provide a larger upright lamp with the pleasant functionality of adjusting the brightness with a touch of the finger. You need only tap the steel bar to select one of four brightness levels, which is an elegant and ergonomic solution to the floor lamp switch.



The Topo bench made

entirely out of the workshop’s growing pile of ipe wood scrap. Strips, chunks, board ends emerged to form an landscape across the bench surface. The seat surface begins as low lying flatlands which rise up into vegetated mountain peaks.

Below: Version 2 of the hanging garden lamp, At 42” (double of ver. 1) the idea was to show how the design could expand for new applications. Also, the proportions are improved and more soil area is provided for the plants.

Do you enjoy living in New York? Would you if you had an opportunity move somewhere where there are more trees and less garbage?



“Of course, New York is a great place to be a designer but my sculptures do hint at the desire to be closer to nature. I would love to live in a barn in the mountains but in the meantime I will work to bring nature to people’s homes here.”


The Scraps Dining Table, made entirely of walnut and cherry scraps. The entire piece


Birch Log Lamps, made from raw birch log, steel bar stock, and an edison bulb. These

includes 72 rows of pieces carefully composed into a ‘random’ pattern that emphasizes the

little guys are hand crafted, carefully milled to accept the bulb socket, a dimming trans-

natural beauty and glow of walnut and cherry placed together. The table is finished with a

former, and a blackened steel bar. The bar is wired up to act as the switching mechanism for

hand rubbed tung oil finish.

the dimmer. Touch the metal bar and you cycle through 4 levels of brightness for the bulb above. They create a gorgeous ambient light at low levels, and bright enough for reading at the highest setting.


Autumn Workshop has devised a new approach to their earlier versions of the test tube shelves. This time, without the steel element, which was a drain on labor, in turn raising the prices which wasn’t the gaol. They wanted to make the shelves affordable. The solution, an all wood design, using 3 different profiles which can be cut at varying lengths for varying arrangments. The design allows you to insert rimless test tubed between strips of felt, which pinch the tubes and hold them in place. This allows you to switch the tubes out or rearrange them based on the flowers you are using. Each shelf comes with small and large test tubes. And of course, you can rest ob-


jects on the shelves as well!

: A closer look at the simple idea of using thick felt as a

way t secure the test tubes in place.

All the wood used is scrap material which was lying around the shop. This included walnut, pine, maple, oak, cherry, and mahogany. The shelves are finished with tung oil. And the bright blue, 1/4″ felt is purchased from an artist off of etsy.

Why do you think using reclaimed materials is popular today? “It’s just marketing for many people. I like to believe that myself and many other designers simply see some intrinsic value and potential in the waste around us. What was once a shipping pallet can become a hundred new things, so why cut down another tree? More people come to this realization and the ‘green’ movement will become less about marketing & more a part of the collective conscience.”



A previous version of the test

tube shelf which used blackened steel. Although it was beautiful, it was time consuming to put together ultimately making them more expensive. Goers wanted to make the shelves more affordable, which is why the current design has no steel parts.

Left & Right: Other versions of test tube and lab glassware shelves held by cutouts in blackened steel sheets.



Save the sharks,save the oceans,save ourselves. PangeaSeed is an international grassroots

vast ocean that existed about 250 million

organization founded in Tokyo Japan dedi-

years ago before the current continents were

cated to educating and raising international

separated into their now recognizable forms.

ronym meaning Special Education Ecology

awareness on the plight of sharks and the de-

Sharks balanced and controlled the oceans

and Design.

struction of their habitat. Through volunteer

then and they continue to now…but for how

activism, research and the various mediums

much longer?

of art, music, film, and photography, Pan-

and preserve the oceans. The “seed” in PangeaSeed is also an ac-

Special Education is a major goal. Providing people with the necessary information

PangeaSeed aims to unify and connect

and tools they need to work toward man-

geaSeed aims to create an open dialog with

individuals around the world,opening a

aging and solving the plight of sharks and

the global community to develop an under-

dialog to share ideas and develop a better

the oceans. Also, by actively conducting

standing of the need to preserve and protect

global understanding of our connection with

research, we aim to better inform ourselves

sharks and the oceans.

sharks and the oceans. Through educa-

and the general public of the realities and

tion, awareness and action we are working

status of the issue.

PangeaSeed is the first organization in Japan to raise public awareness regarding

together to solve this environmental crisis.

shark conservation and preservation. We

No matter where you are in the world, your

global awareness regarding our relationship

rely on the generosity of our supporters.

lifestyle and consumptions habits positively or

with the natural world and the direct effect

Established in 2008, PangeaSeed is a

negatively effect every animal (including hu-

we have on marine biodiversity and the

grassroots movement uniting and educating

mans), plant, and ecosystem on the planet.

ocean ecosystem.

individuals across the globe on the impor-

In short, like Pangea, we are all connected.

tance of protecting sharks and preserving the oceans.

Usually when someone thinks of the word

Ecology promotion raises much need

Design, art, film and photography we believe can transcend cultures and borders.

“seed”, it conjures up an image of growth.

Raising awareness and uniting people across

Pangea derives from ancient Greek

Through the PangeaSeed network, we strive

the globe regarding key issues such as the

meaning entire Earth. It’s the concept of

to grow together to develop a better global

plight of sharks.

the super continent surrounded by a single

understanding of the need to protect sharks


Why are sharks so important?

Why should we care?

Older than the dinosaurs, for over 400 million

in relative balance with the natural world

years sharks have shaped and balanced the

as simply another predator on the food

oceans. Just like on land, under the sea every

chain. However as global populations have

ing collapse within our lifetime. Unless we

living thing has a function. Sharks play a vital

expanded and technology has improved

change our ways, stand up

role in ways average fish do not since sharks

humans have become the “super predator.”

and take action.

are at the top of the food chain as an apex

Now we farm resources to yield the levels we

predator in virtually every part of the ocean.

desire without respecting or considering the

In that essential position, sharks keep fish


populations healthy and in proper balance.

For centuries humans have considered the

critically endangered levels. The ocean that was once considered limitless is now fac-

How can I help? Come visit to view a variety

Already in parts of the ocean where sharks

oceans an inexhaustible resource but in the

of options of how you can help save sharks

have been over fished we are seeing obvious

last 50 years we have proven that ideology to

and ultimately our world.

change for the worse. Imagine the conse-

be false. Scientists, conservationists and the

quences for the oceans – and the people

even the United Nations now predict that if

who depend on them for survival – once such

current trends continue the worlds fish stocks

an important animal is destroyed forever.

will be gone by 2048. The deadly combina-

Since the dawn of man, we humans have

tion of pollution, climate change and over-

relied on nature and its resources for survival.

fishing has already caused the extinction of

And for most of our existence we have lived

countless species, and pushed many more to

Opposite page:

“Fade” by

Roland Tomayo. One exquisite example of artowork that can be purchased from to help support efforts to prevent the extinction of sharks.


100 million sharks are killed

every year due to careless fishing methods or for their fins. Global shark populations are being decimated to satisfy demand for Asian cuisine such as shark fin soup. Shark fin soup is a symbol of wealth and is served at weddings, business dinners and important social engagements within Chinese communities worldwide. To put it into perspective, the fin trade is a multibillion-dollar industry rivaled in revenue by illegal drugs and guns. Though even if you don’t eat shark fin soup you may still be eating sharks.


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