» 耐摩擦性 參閱上文。
• Abrasiveness
• A sizes
* See Abrasion resistance.
Series of finished trimmed sizes in ISO (International Standardisation Organisation) ranges.
» 耐摩擦度 參閱上文。
* See Paper size.
• Absolute address
Pattern of charaters that identifies a unique store location in a computer. Also called Machine address, Specific address.
已裁切的 ISO ( 國際標准組織 ) 紙張系列。參見紙度。
» 絕對地址 字母數字的模式。用以辨認電腦內某一特別儲記部的 位置。亦稱機器地址、具體地址。
• AA An abbreviation for author's alteration. It is commonly used in America to identify any alteration in text or illustrative matter which is not a printer's error as author's alteration usually charged as extra. Similar English term is Author's correction.
• Absorbency That property of a material, such as paper and board, which causes it to take up liquids or vapours (e. g. moisture) with which it is in contact.
» 著者修改 AA 是美國印刷業常用的縮寫,表示著作者對內文及 插圖的修改,以別於承印商的錯誤。因著者修改需另 付費用。
» 吸收性 某類物料所具的性質。例如紙張和板紙,它們在接觸 液體或蒸氣 ( 例如濕氣 ) 時,就會把它吸收。
• Aberration
• Absorbent paper
General term for various optical errors in photographic lenses which prevent the lens from giving good definition.
General term representing a class of bulky papers, spongy and bibulous in character, such as blotting, filter and towelling paper.
* See Astigmatism, Chromatic aberration, Curvature of field, Distortion, Spherical aberration, Coma.
» 吸水紙 一般厚身、海綿狀和具吸收性的紙張的通稱。例如吸 墨紙,濾紙和毛巾紙。
» 像差 是照相用鏡頭各種光學缺點的通稱,這些缺點使影像 失實。參閱縱橫像差、色差、像面彎曲、畸變、球面 像差、彗星差。
• Absorption (1) Optical term for the partial suppression of light in passage through a transparent or translucent medium or material. (2) Capillarity action of porous materials such as paper and board to to liquids.
• Abrasion resistance Ability of a surface, such as a printed surface, or a coated surface to withstand rubbing and scuffing. Also called Abrasive resistance, Scuff resistance, Rub resistance, Abrasiveness.
» 吸收 (1) 光學名詞。表示光線穿過一透明或半透明體或物 料時所受的局部抑制。 (2) 具有微細孔的物料,如紙張或紙板等對液體所引 起的毛細管現象。
» 耐摩擦度 物質表面,如印刷面、塗膜面所能夠抵受摩擦及輕刮 的性能。
• Abrasion test
• Absorption tester
Test designed to determine the ability to withstand the effects of rubbing and scuffing of printing ink.
Instrument for determining the mean pore radius of a paper. When a strip of paper is hanged in a liquid, the level of the absorbed liquid, the level of the absorbed can be seen. The rate of absorption can be timed. In this way an average pore radius can be calculated.
» 耐摩擦試驗 鑒別油墨對摩擦及輕刮的持久性的試驗方法。
• Abrasion paper
» 吸收試驗器 是測定紙張細孔的半徑平均值的儀器。當一紙條懸垂 於一液體上,紙張即吸收液體。觀察及記錄液體吸收 至某一水平所需的時間。這樣,細孔的半徑平均值便 可計算出來。
Good grade of manila or other strong paper, coated with glue and an abrasive material, such as sand, emery or carborundum. Also called Emery paper, Sand paper.
» 砂紙 在結實的紙張或優質馬尼拉紙上塗上膠及一些磨料如 砂、剛砂或金剛砂而成。
• Accents Marks which are placed above or below English characters to indicate their pronunciation, especially in many nonEnglish languages. Accent may be incorporated in the alphabet to form accented letters and included in a fount as pi characters. Other method uses floating accent which
• Abrasive resistance * See Abrasion resistance. 001