Searching for a repair shop for husbands

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Searching for a repair shop for husbands... (wives, children and friends)

More tools for Inner Healing Photographic Meditations by Todd Vogel

A Very Simple Guide to some of the complexities of life. This is a series of photo meditations which are designed to help the reader come to grips with some of the insanity inducing issues in their lives. The basic theme is that you are the only one you can save. If you have slipped into the hole, these works try to show you where the ladder may be. The first rung is knowing you are not alone. Currently in search of a publisher and very much a work in progress more information can be found at


Over others

It’s a mighty big universe filled with things beyond your control. There is nothing new here. You know most of it.

Three notions

You can try.

You can even be right.

But in the end, all you can do...

These pictures are examples of things you can not control.

You can try I Your loved one be they your spouse, or sister or mother or child - whomever is - (fill in the blank) It’s very sad. If only you could help.

You can try II You are sure you could fix them - if only they would listen.

You can try III If it were just a matter of will power most of these would not be problems.

You can even be right I Being right can be very dangerous. It can tear you apart.

You can even be right II Being right does not mean they are able to see it your way.

You can even be right III At some point you come to realize the only person you can change is you.

Take a deep breath. Save yourself Turn the page.

All you can do I First, don’t let the situation drag you into the abyss. Start by understanding you are not alone. Don’t keep it a secret.

All you can do II Set boundaries, offer appropriate help, do not make excuses or enable.

All you can do III The other actors will respond differently when you alter your lines. Find your higher power pray they find theirs.

Oh no. Not this. You don’t understand...

Co-dependence Are you knocking on a locked door?

Maybe this doesn’t apply … Wont it be nice to confirm that...

As they say, “good intentions, usually end up with neither.” None of this is new. Much you already know.

Three cliffs to fall off of -

Avoiding reality

Hoping for miracles

It’s all about you

This section has lots of pictures. Words aren’t going to get you what you want.

Avoiding Reality I So, you don’t want to be alone. ok. So, you do whatever it takes not to be alone. Is that ok?

Avoiding reality II Showing that the universe has a sense of humor somehow we seem to pick partners incapable in so many ways.

Avoiding Reality III And the absolute insanity is that it becomes our fault.

Hoping for Miracles I “If only� is really not a good mantra

Hoping for Miracles II Waiting for a bus that doesn’t run today... well, maybe tomorrow.

Hoping for Miracles III Sometimes trying to help digs the hole deeper and gets you to the sub basement.

Take a deep breath. Get real. Turn the page.

It’s all about you I Sacrificing yourself is not getting your needs met. Finding the balance between self and selfish is the point when you can begin to grow.

It’s all about you II You don’t need anyone else to validate you.

To reinforce that last point

What others think about you Is none of your business

This one takes you back to your roots None of this is new. Much you already know.

Three pieces to this puzzle:

They can’t read your mind.

You can’t read theirs.

Develop a belief in yourself.

This book has lots of pictures. Look at them when you start to think.

Reading your mind I In some ways it would be easier because no one would misinterpret your words or acts. They would know how wonderful you are.

Reading your mind. II We all need praise. It is really nice to know others love you. But no one can know how much you crave it.

Reading your mind III Sometimes it feels like there is a dark hole deep inside which consumes everything which comes near. This is not new.

You can’t read their mind either. I In truth you have no idea what they have going on in their lives which prevents them from putting you first.

You can’t read theirs either II You can’t know how their own dark vacuum keeps their light trapped within.

You can’t read theirs either III Assumptions often come back to whack us upside the head.

Take a deep breath. Give yourself a compliment. Turn the page.

Belief in yourself I Start with knowing you are enough. When you remove the self-imposed limitations you can begin to fly.

Belief in yourself II Understanding the source of your feelings takes away some of their power over you.

Belief III Believe in yourself. You are a child of god whose potential is astounding. That others are too preoccupied to see it is none of your business.

Designed to help seekers and people in recovery a series of photographic meditations with limited text on Powerless over people, Co-Dependence, and What others think. Other titles, print versions videos, and more at text and photos copyright 2010 by Todd Vogel all rights reserved

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