Toward Full Stature Magazine - Virginia Episcopal School - Fall 2017

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OUR MISSION Virginia Episcopal School is an engaging community that guides students to strive toward full stature in their academic, ethical, spiritual and personal growth.




VICE CHAIR, BOARD Jacksonville, FL

Raleigh, NC


Spartanburg, SC





HEADMASTER G. Thomas Battle, Jr. ’83 DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Catherine Hunter Varner DESIGNER Esther Elmore Underwood PHOTOGRAPHERS Mark Thompson Adam Underwood Esther Underwood Catherine Varner










Virginia Episcopal School, founded in 1916 in Lynchburg, Va., is an independent, coeducational college preparatory boarding and day school for students in grades 9-12.

Virginia Episcopal School 400 VES Road, Lynchburg, VA VES.ORG


CHAIR, BOARD Jacksonville, NC



MATTHEW L. BRANDON ’88 Lynchburg, VA

ROBERT D. COOK ’79 P ’18, ’20 Lynchburg, VA

KATHY K. CRAFT P ’13, ’19 Greensboro, NC

SARAH P. DU BOSE P ’13, ’18 Charlottesville, VA


W. DOUGLAS HARTOG Charlottesville, VA

G. WILSON MARTIN, JR. ’73 Winston-Salem, NC

WILLIAM L. PANNILL ’73 Martinsville, VA


LEIGH-ANN W. SPROCK P ’18, ’20 Charlotte, NC



Cover Art: Watercolor of Langhorne Memorial Chapel (2000), by former art faculty member, Basil “Pete” C. Burke III. From the collection of Mary Williamson Feagans.


4 Commencement 2017 Legacy Marshals Commencement Remarks & Valedictory Address Senior Master Doug Smith Retires; Receives Honorary VES Diploma Class of 2017 College Selections Faculty Awards

18 2016-17 Academic & Athletic Champions


Reunion 2017 Cool Days & Hot Nights A Special Reunion Tribute to Doug Smith William King Society Inductees Celebrating Our Reunion Classes

28 Stay Involved with VES Your Bishop Network Is Always Here for You Join VES Connect

30 Meet Our New Faculty & Staff Mark Your Calendar for Special Campus Events


Evolving VES’ Visual Identity

38 Class Notes

The 2017-18 School Year



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49 In Memorium

Dear Friends,


always expect summer to offer a slower pace—time

more about the educational vision and value of VES.

to escape for long weekends with family and friends,

This trip offered insights into the global view of our work

read favorite authors, work out regularly, and even

and strengthened alliances with these families whose

take a nap or two. I hope that describes your summer

students and graduates contribute so meaningfully to

months. At VES, we found some quality down time

the VES community.

while working on events that will bring our community together, enhancing and expanding programming

Funding Our Mission

for students and faculty, and designing our next

To all who participated in the VES Annual Fund, you

strategic plan that will lead the school forward.

delivered another stellar year—alumni participation

Here are a few highlights:

reached 27%, a strong increase over the prior year, and you gave at another record-breaking level: $1.4 million.


Your gifts are essential for enhancing the programs

We brought last school year to a close with

of this school we love so much. “Thank you” barely

Commencement, honoring the Class of 2017.

scratches the surface of our heartfelt appreciation for

Reunion weekend followed with a record crowd of

your support to benefit our talented faculty and students.

alumni and friends, who joined in a special toast to Doug Smith as he retired after 37 years of extraordinary

Board Leadership

contributions to our VES community. Thanks to all who

The Board of Trustees elected Mike Alford ’82 to serve

attended for making VES events like these so special.

as Board Chair to fill the big shoes of Spencer Morten ’72

Another celebration: we opened the school year with

who retired from board service after seven dedicated

259 students­—our largest, strongest class in a decade.

years. Read the 2017-18 Board listing in this magazine. I look forward to working with this exceptionally strong

Global Travel

group of leaders committed to helping position VES as

In June, I visited with current families, students, alumni

the “best small school in the Mid-Atlantic.”

and business people in China interested in learning VIRGINIA EPISCOPAL SCHOOL



our Portrait of a VES Graduate—defining the knowledge,

School Leadership Following the retirement of Associate Head of School Sarah Cuccio, I am very pleased to have Chris Button step into this role. If you’ve met Chris, you know that he embraces his work with tremendous energy and great passion for the education of our students and support of our faculty. I invite you to read about Chris and other leadership team moves, plus meet our impressive new faculty and staff, beginning on page 30.

skills, character and mindset that we are committed to endowing in our students. We are organizing our Strategic Vision for VES’ future around specific Strategic Choices. Currently, cross-disciplinary teams of faculty and staff are determining priority initiatives and implementation strategies that support each choice, and we will engage the board in a review of this work this fall. I want to thank all of our constituents for their passionate engagement with our school. As I listen to input about

Strategic Vision Over the past year, we have shared with our constituents the transformational changes occurring in the work environment and the subsequent impacts on educational delivery. We’ve asked hard questions about what our children must learn and experience to position them for success in college, the workplace and the world. While we

what makes VES special, the primary theme is the strong connections among teachers, coaches, advisors and dorm parents and their students. These bonds form the core of a great school and a superior educational experience. We are grateful to our highly engaged faculty and students for sustaining this legacy for VES.

can’t know all that our students will encounter, we can structure how we teach and what they learn so they are prepared and agile as they step into the future. That is the foundation guiding the strategic choices we will make. G. Thomas Battle, Jr. ’83 Your voices have weighed in as we affirmed our Toward


Full Stature mission, refined our Core Values and crafted



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COMMENCEMENT 2017 On May 27, students, families and friends gathered on the front lawn under a beautiful blue sky to celebrate the school’s 101st graduating class. Virginia Episcopal School diplomas were given to 59 seniors and a certificate of completion was bestowed on our English-Speaking Union (ESU) student from Edinburgh, Scotland, for her completion of the Secondary School Exchange program. Congratulations, Class of 2017!



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Bell Tower Ceremony

Senior Movie Night



International Family Reception










2 01 7 L E G ACY

MARSHALS ›› These lega cy fa milies included : Seven young men and women in the Class of 2017 represent VES legacy families. We are pleased to continue the long-standing VES tradition in which legacy parents—our alumni—serve as the marshals for Commencement ceremonies, leading the procession of the graduating seniors. We also thank The Honorable John Cook ’75 for delivering a thoughtful Baccalaureate message to our seniors and their families.

1. J OHN COOK ’75




3. F ORD MAYS ’77


Mary Matt

Taylor Timper


Joel T.



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Caroline Brooks


The journey Toward Full Stature is not an easy quest. Your bodies and competitive spirit have been challenged on the playing field. Your brains and intellectual curiosity have been challenged in the classroom. Your personalities and social skills have been challenged in a 24/7 teenage ecosystem. You made it, and your name will soon be called, announcing to the world you are all VES alumni! After you hear your name and grab your diploma, I’ll be waiting there to shake your hand and remind you: Once a Bishop, Always a Bishop! – Spencer Morten ’72, Chairman, VES Board of Trustees




We are counting on you to engage in solving real-world problems in your communities and beyond. Remain curious, innovative and collaborative as you continue to nurture your growth Toward Full Stature. – Tommy Battle ’83, Headmaster


Zach is much more than a laundry list

All aspects of his day are chances to engage in a

of accomplishments. Perhaps the most

new way with the community around him, in the

impressive thing about Zach—beyond the

knowledge that each day is a piece of the puzzle

accolades, the titles, the grades and scores—is that

in his pursuit of life’s truths. As he wrote in one

he still sees so much room for self-improvement…

of his college essays: ‘Through collaborating on

not because of perfectionist tendencies, but in a

math, I’ve learned that the truth often lies in seeing

humble, wide-eyed, awe-for-all-there-is-to-learn

things differently—and the best way to see things

sort of way. He must get worn out by all that he

differently is to engage different people. Whether it’s

does, but we never see that come through in his

debating moral philosophy with friends and teachers

demeanor. I imagine this is because Zach sees each

during dorm duty or singing songs dressed as an

activity, leadership position and expectation he is

elephant on the Seussical: The Musical set, looking

asked to live into as an opportunity to learn more.

beyond myself has made the inner quest for reason even more fruitful.’”




Zach combined his wit with the gravitas of this high school graduation milestone to address the value and importance of continuity as our graduates take the next big step in their lives.

Thinking about this moment in the context of

In non-math-geek terms, you must take a look at

a whole life, it seems that nothing—except for

who you are—what you’re interested in, what you

maybe a surprise chicken nugget day—could

want to be, your passions and personality—and who

be less continuous than graduating. Packing up and

you’ve been working to become—where you spend

heading out to someplace new, with few or no friends,

your time, and what you spend your time doing—

could be the emotional equivalent of falling off the

and see if your identity and your actions match.

top of the Grand Canyon and landing on the ground, starfish-style.

If you love soccer, do you spend time passing the ball with friends, practicing when you can, perfecting

But there’s another way to think about this time in our

your shot to the corner? If you dream of getting

lives. Despite the harsh reality of starting what seems

good at Super Smash Bros., do you train, play and

like a new life in three months, at some different level

research your favorite characters? It’s this kind of

there is hope for each one of us to stay on course, to

self-examination that shows us where we’re living

have a trampoline or a foam pit waiting for us at the

authentically and where we’re being drained. Being

end of our Arizona free fall. … If we are sad about the

able to answer “Yes” to these questions isn’t about

sudden disturbance graduation brings about, then if

attaining some status or title. It’s about absorbing

we had some continuity, some smoother transitions, it

yourself in what you’re doing—what psychologists

might not be so bad.

call “flow”—to integrate your experience into a

We only need four things for this continuity, this hope, to be in place.

coherent whole. This is where the hope of continuity comes in—if you

1. We need a point. Right now is as good a point in time as any. 2. We need a value at the point. Try yourself, your identity right now. 3. We need the limit—who or what you have been becoming until now. 4. And most difficult, we need the value and the limit to be equal.

follow your flow, if you line up your values and your limits, then you’ll see the next step as more than a new situation. Instead, you’ll see it as one change along the river run of life, carrying the you you know so well to a place where you can build on the lessons you’ve learned and the friendships you’ve built. And if “river run of life” sounds too much like an online meditation video, just remember that the Grand Canyon’s a lot more friendly with a foam pit at the bottom.”

Hear Zach’s speech in full at TOWARD FULL STATURE MAGAZINE


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Senior Master Doug Smith Retires GRANTED HONORARY VES DIPLOMA


istinguished Anne McKimmon Winston Chair

to uphold our VES code of honor and integrity.

Emeritus of History, teacher of AP European

For many years, Doug also served as a national grader

History, VES Senior Master, mentor, friend.

for The College Board’s AP European History exam,

After 37 years during which he crafted a distinguished

bringing his expertise to a national platform.

career at VES, Doug and his wife, Peggy, have retired During the graduation ceremony, Headmaster Tommy

to Rhode Island.

Battle thanked Doug for his extraordinary dedication Doug and Peggy called The Old 160 home all these

and remarkable gifts shared with the VES community:

years. VES is where they raised their children, Matthew ’97 and Rebecca ’99, and welcomed advisees into their home for meals and engaging conversation. Doug successfully guided hundreds of students through the study of history, developing their critical thinking skills and opening their minds to the world. All the while, he nurtured many young faculty members, who in turn have enjoyed long and successful teaching careers. He served as a student advisor, advisor to the Cum Laude Society, and as a member of the Faculty Advisory Committee, helping

Doug has been a very effective partner to me, ensuring that the faculty voice is reflected in our strategic and daily operations. He always reminds

me when I or other administrators move too quickly into new territory, yet he also is the first to praise a job done well. Doug, you are a model of our Toward Full Stature mission and our Core Values of humility, engagement, honor and integrity, and excellence. I am honored to stand here today to bestow upon you this honorary diploma from Virginia Episcopal School.”




Listen to Doug’s stirring remarks to the Class of 2017 and hear Doug’s final class at




hours in the classroom

faculty meetings



VAIS accreditation

essays graded

self-study assessments



nights on a duty team

soccer games



weekends of duty

years of wisdom and wit



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Class of 2017

COLLEGE SELECTIONS ATHLETIC COMMITMENTS Clayton Jones | Lynchburg College Noah Bedwell | Lynchburg College Garrett Frascati | U.S. Coast Guard Academy Justin Featherston | Virginia Wesleyan College





Doug Thom | Methodist University Doug Hogan | Hampden-Sydney College Adnan Arslanagic | Chowan University Admir Besovic | University of Montana

Here are a few of the great schools our students are attending this fall! See the complete list at

College of Charleston College of William & Mary (5) Emory University Georgia Tech James Madison University New York University (2) Rochester Institute of Technology U.S. Coast Guard Academy University of California, Santa Cruz University of Georgia (2) University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign University of Mississippi (2) University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill University of South Carolina University of Virginia (4) University of Wisconsin-Madison Virginia Tech (2) Wofford College (3)




PAUL FULTON, JR. ’53 MASTER TEACHER AWARD Established in 1980 by the Board of Trustees to honor Paul Fulton’s unique and dedicated service to VES, this award recognizes that teacher on the VES faculty who, in the opinion of his for her fellow faculty members, most nearly represents the ideal of the “Master Teacher.”

CHARLES WATSON The recipient of this year’s Fulton Master Teacher Award

• Charles has a brain so sharp that he processes as

is Charles Watson, who is celebrating his 30 year at

logically as any computer, and a heart so tender that

VES. A member of the math faculty and Director of

he instinctively reaches out to children and animals

Studies, Mr. Watson is a study in contradiction.

that others may have given up on.


•E ven on the coldest winter days, you’ll likely find

• He is a traditionalist who has led our faculty in

Charles sporting a pair of hiking shorts—with a tie,

adopting some of the most innovative principles

of course.

from Most Likely to Succeed. “I hate reading books like that,” he began. “Except for that book. I love the

•W hen Charles first arrived on campus in 1987 fresh

ideas of ‘doing’ math, not just ‘learning’ math. I’m

out of Johns Hopkins, he was our resident tech

going to change everything about the way I teach

wizard. Today, he prefers a chalkboard when teaching

Calculus.” Now that is humility!

his classes, and paper and pencil when mapping out the academic schedule—and getting all of those

Charles is the proud father of two VES alumni, Tad ’03,

absolutely essential scheduling variables to align

and Tom ’06, and is husband to Kaye, who taught in

is a daunting logistical task even with the latest

the Learning Resources department for many years.


And if you want to see his face light up, just ask Charles about his grandchildren. TOWARD FULL STATURE MAGAZINE


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SMITH FAMILY AWARD The Smith Family Award is made possible through contributions to VES by Jean Smith and Gordon Smith, Jr., parents of Gordon Smith III ’62 and Clark Smith ’65. It recognizes excellence in teaching and the making of meaningful connections with young men and women, and is given to faculty who are chosen by their peers as representatives of this important VES value.



After graduating as valedictorian of her VES Class of 2007

Though it was four years ago, it seems only

and attaining her degree from Yale University, we

yesterday that we welcomed a young scientist

are so fortunate that Tatum returned to VES in 2013 to

from Mercersburg Academy via Kenyon

teach English and serve in many capacities. Tatum always

College. Like most first-year teachers, she

seeks to improve the student and faculty experience.

had to learn about lesson plans, assessments

In her classroom, she strives to uphold an atmosphere

and classroom management—lessons that

of respect and scholarly discussion. Her love of literature

she has learned well; just ask her students or

inspires her students to think deeply and apply the

her colleagues. But from the moment that

themes and questions they encounter to their own lives.

she stepped on campus, she has been a rock

Tatum introduces activities and projects to help students

star at engaging her students. No matter the

empathize with one another, highlighting the importance

venue—her advisory, on dorm, her Biology

of each individual’s story. In the co-curricular realm, her

and Chemistry classrooms, or as she coaches

professional, compassionate approach supports her athletic

the swim team and girls volleyball, she listens

teams, advisees, dorm residents and faculty colleagues,

well, imparts wisdom beyond her years, and

making each of those groups stronger for her efforts.

gives generously of her time.




ELINOR BASS HOPKINS MEMORIAL AWARD This award was established in 2016 by Emmy Ellison ’96 and John Ellison ’65 to honor the late wife of retired long-time Senior Master James W. Hopkins—Elinor Bass Hopkins—who devoted her life to better her community. A deserving faculty member, member of the staff, or spouse of a staff or faculty member is recognized with this award for his or her dedication to the VES community and for making an outstanding contribution to the school and its students.

ESTHER JOHNSON Each year as we recruit new teachers to our

as well as her enthusiastic welcome of students into

community, we carefully consider the many ways

her home whatever the activity—making dumplings,

that each candidate will contribute to our school,

playing board games, or just hanging out in a non-

supporting both our students, our colleagues and

dorm setting. Fortunately, Esther accepted our

our programs. In some instances, however, we

offer to serve as the Director of Student Activities

receive an unanticipated blessing. Such is the case

and International Student Coordinator, performing

with Esther Johnson, wife of Chinese Language

her numerous and varied duties with the sort of

teacher Matt Johnson, and mom to their adorable

grace, efficiency and goodwill that are distinctly

young daughter, Naomi. We eventually became

reminiscent of Elinor Hopkins.

aware of Esther’s exceptional organizational skills



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Exceptional Teamwork, Leadership and Champions VES Fields Four National Championship-Bound Teams


ES is the 2017 State Champion in both the

Zach Baugher ’17, Emily Foster ’17, Louise Zhuang

11 /12 grade division and the 9 /10 grade

’18, Hannah Bonyak ’17, Vicky Li ’18, Josh Barnard ’17,

division of the TEAMS—Test of Engineering Aptitude,

Emma Smiley ’17 and Tim Li ’18. Our second 9th/10th

Math and Science—an engineering competition—

grade team finished in 4th place in the state.

the first time in VES history that our teams have

That team included Jason Yu ’19, Sallie Sorenson

secured the top spot in both divisions! In addition,

’19, Helen Ma ’19, Max Weiboldt ’20, Scott Hong ’19,

all four VES teams earned a spot at the National

Thomas Cook ’20 and Spencer Miles ’20.





Championship competition—another VES first. Representing VES at Nationals among 50 9th/10th The 11th/12th grade state championship team included

grade teams were rising sophomores Thomas Cook,

Sydney Courville ’17, William Liang ’17, Caroline

William Hu, Spencer Miles, Hannah Morris and Max

Dabney ’17, Jason Cheung ’18, Benjamin Khoury ’18,

Weiboldt and rising juniors May Liu and Michelle Wu.

John Cook ’18, Susie Li ’18 and Chan Jang ’18. The

They did not bring home the prize but learned a lot

9th/10th grade state championship team included

through the experience and are looking forward to

Carson Shepherd ’19, May Liu ’19, Daniel O’Brien ’20,

the 2018 competition season.

Briony Zhao ’20, Hannah Morris ’20, Michelle Wu ’19, Nate Baugher ’20 and William Hu ’20.

Congratulations to these teams and their faculty sponsor, Dr. Larissa Knebel!

Our second VES 11 /12 grade team finished as the th


2nd place team in the state. The team consisted of

Quiz Bowl Team Ranks #6 in Nation in Small School Division


fter earning their place as one of only 32

Among the top individuals in the nation are

teams across the U.S. to qualify for the NAQT

John Cook ’18, ranked #11, and Zach Baugher ’17,

National Championship Tournament in the small

ranked #16. Congratulations to the entire team,

school division, our Virginia Episcopal School​Quiz

including Sydney Courville ’17, Paul Skorcz ’18 and

Bowl team took 6th place at the NAQT​Small School

Nate Baugher ’20, coached by faculty member

Nationals in Chicago!

Dr. Larissa Knebel!





Daniel O’Brien ’20

Quiz Bowl

Boys Varsity Lacrosse Team Repeats as State Champs


ongratulations to our boys varsity lacrosse team

The icing on the cake

for bringing home the state championship for

of a fantastic season

the second year in a row! Sam Spencer ‘18 had 2

was Clayton Jones ’17

goals and 2 assists, Clayton Jones ’17 had 2 goals

being named a 2017 U.S.

and 1 assist, Sam Albright ’17 scored 2 goals, James

Lacrosse All American.

Hill ’18 had 1 goal and 1 assist, Garrett Frascati ’17

Clayton also was named

scored 1 goal and Justin Featherston ’17 scored

player of the year for the

1 goal. Jose Romero ’19 fought hard in the goal

2017 Boys Lacrosse All

with 8 saves.

State selections.

Daniel O’Brien ’20 Wins Track and Field State Championship Title


fter a stellar season, freshman Daniel O’Brien

runner at track powerhouse Peninsula Catholic, and

won the individual 3200m State Champion

the first VES state champ title in Track and Field

title—upsetting the favorite, a top upperclassman

since Kori Penick ’09 won girls shot put in 2009.



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Cool Days and Hot Nights Reunion 2017 June’s Reunion weekend offered the perfect blend: a record 300 alumni enthusiastically connecting with friends and faculty, beautiful blue skies, lively music and sumptuous Southern fare. Representing a span of 89 years of alumni (1928 to 2016), we were thrilled to welcome our oldest alumnus, Dr. John Risher ’28, now 107 years old; 20 young men and women of the Class of 2012, celebrating their 5th Reunion, and graduates from the Classes of 2014, 2015 and 2016, embracing the intent for Reunion to be an inclusive event open to all VES graduates. Throughout the weekend, classmates were bantering as 17- and 18-year-olds again and pulling crazy stunts, including one fun Class of 2002 member who broke a tooth while dancing a bit too enthusiastically. And meaningful moments could be observed at every turn: George Yachan ’67 and BK Mundy ’67, roommates 50 years ago, embracing with sheer joy when they reconnected on campus; the entire Shanklin family together on campus to celebrate their love for VES and the memory of brother Scott for whom Shanklin Bell Tower stands; the Class of 1987 visiting a sugar maple tree recently planted overlooking Johnson Field to honor the memory of classmates who have passed away—a loving gesture spearheaded by Stu Freeman, Mike George and Tryg Brody; and Cliff Chang ’12 choosing to join his friends for their five-year reunion before heading back to Taiwan to fulfill his military service.

Enjoy this photo tribute to your Reunion 2017 weekend.




CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Keegan Frazier ’12, Tylden Mosby ’12, Arthur Zablotski ’12, Charlie Bynum ’12, Katherine McWane ’12, Amelia Poore ’12, Duke Capel ’12, Mackenzie Winston ’12 | TOP RIGHT: Cliff Chang ’12 and David Park ’12 | MIDDLE RIGHT: Scott Dole ’07, Ellen Flowers ’07, Angelina Pallasch ’07, Brant Pallasch ’07, Medford Sorrells ’07, Courtney Scruggs Sorrells ’07 | BOTTOM RIGHT: Jan and Tay Louden ’72 | BOTTOM MIDDLE: Ruthie Smythe and John Harmon ’72 | BOTTOM LEFT: Dick ’55 and Margie Shanklin | MIDDLE BOTTOM LEFT: Reunion Registration and Welcome MIDDLE TOP LEFT: Alexandra Bunting ’02, retired Senior Master Jim Hopkins, Will Anlyan ’02 See all Reunion photos at

LEFT PAGE: CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Alumni lacrosse game MIDDLE RIGHT: BK Mundy ’67, Bruce Cunningham ’67 and Ken Roach ’67 | BOTTOM RIGHT: Sharon and Frank Bynum ’55 | BOTTOM LEFT: Saturday night festivities | MIDDLE LEFT: Attendees painted Langhorne Chapel during a sold-out Paint & Sip event. THIS PAGE: CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Cliff Chang ’08, Bill Brewer ’08, Drew Norris ’08, Tommy Fontana ’08, Katie Farrey ’08, English teacher Jason Knebel, Morgan Oppenheimer ’08 TOP RIGHT: Ed Hotchkiss ’52 and Sandy McKenna ‘67 MIDDLE RIGHT: 1967 classmates enjoy Headmaster remarks. BOTTOM RIGHT: Dr. John Risher ’28 and Sally Hotchkiss BOTTOM LEFT: Alex Stone, Izzy Mill ’02, Stuart Ferrell ’02, Alexandra Bunting ’02, Mary Delia Gaines Poynter ’02 See all Reunion photos at

Dontay Riley ’99 hugs Doug Smith.

Steve Culbertson

A Special Reunion Tribute to Doug Smith Saturday evening’s event at Reunion honored Doug’s life and work at VES. Alumni, faculty and friends enjoyed a meaningful tribute with passionate remarks by former faculty member Steve Culbertson and alumnus Dontay Riley ’99. Following are highlights from Dontay:

If you ever had the privilege of being taught by

I enjoyed seeing Doug at last year’s Centennial

Doug, then you know what a great storyteller

Celebration. I told him then that, if I ever made it as

he is. From his classroom in Pendleton, you

a contestant on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” he

could almost smell the blood in the streets as he

would be my phone friend...because Doug knows

lectured on the technology of the guillotine. You felt


compassion for the Native Americans who suffered at Andrew Jackson’s hand on the trail of tears. And who

As time goes on and my visits to the Old 160

could forget the time you were imbedded with a tribe

seemingly increase in frequency, I meet alums who

of Native Americans, and wrestled, killed and ate a bear

speak so highly of the masters from the old days,

with your bare hands for your graduate thesis.

and I’m finally starting to get it. I’m getting old, so that means Doug’s gotta be really old. And like most

I wasn’t quite an A student, so one of my proudest

old things, there is a story and a lesson:

moments at VES was my third trimester of senior year, when I realized that I had maintained a high

Do what is right. Be humble. Be forgiving. Doug

enough average that I didn’t have to take Doug’s

Smith, while all of 5 feet, is a giant example of whom

final. And thank God because, had I not been

we all strive to be: loving what you do and sharing

exempt, I might have been addressing you today

it with others. Doug’s 37 service to our precious

as a member of the classes of 1999 and 2000.

Virginia Episcopal School will be felt for generations.




BACK ROW L-R: Charlie Burton, Bruce Cunningham, Bill Shoffner, Bill Farley, Cliff Leath, Eames Powers, Sandy McKenna, Montie Smith, Mason Williams, Ed Liipfert, George Yachan and Dillon Rose | FRONT ROW L-R: Linwood Bolles, Ken Roach, Tom Mitchell and BK Mundy

New Inductees Welcomed into William King Society Congratulations to our alums from the Class of 1967

who was a charter member of the VES Board of

celebrating their 50 Reunion, who are also our

Trustees and served on the board from 1916 to

newest members to be inducted into the William

1943. His tireless devotion to VES and longevity of

King Society, formerly known as the “Old Guard.”

volunteer service is unmatched in school history.


The society is named after Col. William King, Jr.,

Strong Philanthropic Support from Reunion Classes Sustains the VES Mission This year’s reunion class chairs presented Headmaster Tommy Battle ’83 with a check for the amount of $1,062,397. Tommy noted, “This check represents every dollar contributed to VES— including capital, endowment and annual giving— from members of these 2 and 7 reunion classes. Thank you for your generous support to the school!”



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Celebrating Our






Class of 1972

Class of 1977

Class of 1982

Back Row Gary Haley Tay Louden David Smythe Bill Bowles

Back Row Crash Craddock Jim McGuffin Dawson Rascoe

Not Pictured

Front Row Rob Roberts John Harman Keeb Watson

Front Row Larry Lynde Rob Pearson Billy Fix

Class of 1987 Back Row Stu Freemon Winn Maddrey Mike George Robert Workman

Note: All rows are listed left to right.




Front Row Ben Cannon Jared Dawson Matt Joyner

Class of 1992 Mandy Ison Runyan Helen Smith Atkins





Class of 1997

Class of 2002

Class of 2007

Class of 2012

Back Row Stephen Grover Jay Smith Peter Sloop Adrian Maught

Back Row Kent Burris Stuart Ferrell Alexandra Bunting Mary Delia Gaines Poynter

Back Row Medford Sorrells John Lyon Brant Pallasch John Hunter Leggett David Cameron Hunter Rascoe Stewart Grantham

Back Row Tylden Mosby Duke Capel Arthur Zablotski Zach DeBose Charlie Bynum Drew Norris David Park Cliff Chang Keegan Frazier Bill Brewer Tommy Fontana

Front Row Nick Dawson Trevor Garmey Jason Arbusto

Front Row Milner Fuller Will Anlyan

Front Row Tatum Bell Courtney Scruggs Sorrells Ellen Flowers Meghan Irey Holben



Front Row Amelia Poore Mackenzie Winston Katie Farrey Katie Davis Katherine McWane Morgan Oppenheimer

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Your Bishop Network Is Always Here for You

1 2 5

Find a New Job, Internship, Housing or Get to Know a New Hometown Leverage the VES alumni network! • Call or email Alumni Relations: 434.385.3707 | • Refer to the online Alumni Directory at • Join

Network with Other Bishops

3 4

Look for regional opportunities to join Bishops on the Road gatherings. Come back home for Reunion, Founders Day/Homecoming weekend, games and other fun events.

Keep in Touch Let us know when your phone, address or email change. Send news and photos about what you’re up to! Email us at and update your profile on

Help VES Thrive Help VES provide an exceptional experience to all students and faculty. With your financial gift of any size, you will continue to have a significant impact on the VES community!

Refer a Bishop You are our best resource for recruiting great students to VES! If you know 7th – 9th graders interested in boarding school, talk to them about VES. Send their contact information to and Refer a Bishop at Bishops Scholarships—VES’ prestigious merit awards­—are given annually to new boarding students entering 9th or 10th grade­. Recipients are chosen among a competitive pool of applicants based on their demonstrated record of academic achievement, strong sense of personal integrity and leadership, and promise of success at VES and beyond. Receiving the awards for the 2017-18 school year are Carlisle Watts of Lynchburg, Va., and Cody Carnes of Deltaville, Va.





VESCONNECT We are proud to bring you—our new web-based news, event and networking platform dedicated to serving our alumni. It’s a safe, secure online community to build your personal and professional networks.






online with former classmates, faculty and graduates.

and coach VES graduates throughout their careers.

career connections with VES alums. Post a job or look for one.

with VES news, social media feeds and event info all in one place.

your network, keeping them up to date on all that you’re doing.

JOINING IS EASY! Activate your account by syncing your LinkedIn or Facebook page or create a new sign in. Go to today. TOWARD FULL STATURE MAGAZINE


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Next time you are on campus, you will see Chris Button in his new role as Associate Head of School. Chris most recently served as Assistant Head of School for Student Life—overseeing the Student Life Curriculum, Residential Life, the Dean of Students and Athletics. With his deep talent and 25 years of experience in boarding schools, Chris was the natural choice to step into the role of Associate Head of School. If you’ve met him, you know that he embraces his work with tremendous energy and passion for the education of our students and support of our faculty. Chris will sustain momentum on critical strategic initiatives already underway and guide the team responsible for delivering a high-quality VES experience for faculty, staff and students. He continues to teach AP US History, coach mountain biking, and serve as an advisor and member of a dorm duty team. Check out these fascinating facts about Chris Button:

Hailing from Detroit, Chris learned hard work, grit and resilience in school, at work and in sports, especially on the ice, playing hockey.

He met his wife, Justine, VES Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, when they played men’s league hockey together. They live on campus with their son, Wyatt (7), daughter, Campbell (4), and various pets.

He’s driven across the USA 18 times and lived 11 summers out of, you guessed it, the VW van.

Sports-minded as he may seem, Chris has a strong appreciation for the arts. He has performed publicly in three productions: Tony and Tina’s Wedding, Guys and Dolls, and a dance production (wish we had that videotape!).

Chris learned the Czech language at age 31, while coaching hockey in the Czech Republic. He also played and coached hockey in Austria, Canada, Japan, Russia, Thailand and the U.S. At 48, he still plays in the A men’s division in Charlottesville, Va., and is a team member of the Rusty Blades in Lynchburg, Va.

Chris is all about health and wellness— among many activities, he promotes our understanding of the teenage brain, directs students to make a colorful lunch plate, drink lots of water, exercise and sleep well. He also coaches mountain biking, rides the Blue Ridge Parkway in the early mornings, and somehow finds time to meditate and renew.

He earned his MA degree in Educational Technology from Pepperdine, but found his calling as a teacher, coach and mentor. VIRGINIA EPISCOPAL SCHOOL




FACULTY & STAFF At VES, delivering an exceptional experience is part of our promise. At the heart of that commitment are our highly talented, creative and dedicated teachers and staff. We are excited to announce expanded positions for key leaders and introduce you to several new members of our team.


DEAN OF FACULTY AND DIRECTOR OF GLOBAL INITIATIVES In her role as Dean of Faculty, Jen is responsible for leading the faculty in creating and sustaining a highcaliber teaching and learning environment—fostering a professional culture that embraces best practices and supports faculty in their pursuit of professional growth. In addition, Jen is building a distinctive, multidisciplinary Global Initiatives program at VES. Together, Jen and Mimi oversee several academic departments—observing, evaluating and coaching faculty, fostering collaboration and interdisciplinary learning, and leading faculty hiring. In addition, they are strengthening the predictability and support to our faculty, promoting excellence in instruction, and advancing a culture of professionalism and growth.


ACADEMIC DEAN AND DIRECTOR OF COLLEGE COUNSELING As Academic Dean, Mimi is responsible for leading the design of a distinctive educational program. Working closely with the Academic Leadership Team, she is guiding the continuous development of our curriculum— one that is relevant in the world today and that engages and inspires curious, innovative thinkers and producers. Mimi continues to lead the outstanding work of our College Counseling department as well.


DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Henry returned to his alma mater in 2014 as Director of Major Gifts. Since then he led the $36 million Vision 2016 Campaign to a successful conclusion and established best practices for allocating and reporting on The VES Endowment & Trust. Prior to joining the school’s Advancement team, Henry attended the University of Virginia and the University of South Carolina School of Law. He taught high school Latin and English and volunteered in various fundraising capacities for the University of Virginia, Camps Sea Gull and Seafarer, and Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest. He lives on campus with his wife, Addie, and son, Henry (2).


DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Catherine has taken on an expanded role within the Advancement organization, as we add Advancement Operations under her leadership. A member of the VES senior leadership team, Catherine will continue to direct brand strategy and oversee Marketing & Communications and Special Events, and will now also lead services that support our Development and Admissions teams. Joining her team are Director of Stewardship Allison Ebert, Advancement Coordinator Tabitha Lang and archivist Sara Campbell. Catherine’s daughter, Julia, is a VES freshman this year.



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DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP AND ADVANCEMENT SERVICES Allison led the school’s Annual Giving efforts for the last 10 years, achieving 85% growth in building a successful Annual Giving program, with the latest school record surpassing $1.4 million in the 2016-17 session. Now, Allison has taken on a newly defined role that will ensure VES best stewards our alumni and other donors’ philanthropic gifts. She leads Advancement Services, including stewardship, school funding opportunities, endowment reporting, and analytics. Her son, Nick, joined the VES freshman class this fall.



SCIENCE FACULTY, SOCCER COACH AND SUSTAINABILITY COORDINATOR Jake graduated from Harvard University in May 2017 with a degree in Environmental Science and Public Policy, and a secondary field in English. While attending Harvard, Jake worked as a peer advisor to freshman and was a member of a steering committee to develop Harvard’s First-Year Outdoor Leadership program. He organized sustainability initiatives with dorms and hosted nearly a dozen campus-wide sustainability campaigns. Jake also worked as a co-host to create a live storytelling venue—“The Sloth”—for members of the Harvard community. Jake grew up on the campus of Holderness School in New Hampshire, where he was a member of the varsity soccer and cross country ski team and became the first day student elected as their school president. For the last two summers Jake has led adolescents on outdoor experiential learning expeditions to the Colorado Rockies and the backwoods of Alaska. Jake teaches Environmental Science, co-teaches Human Anatomy and Physiology, and coordinates our school’s sustainability program. Jake also assists in coaching boys and girls varsity soccer.


DIRECTOR OF THEATER TECH & THEATER ARTS TEACHER Joshua takes the new position of the Fine and Performing Arts Department, in which he will help our community realize the full potential of the William King Center for arts and leadership and Garmey Theater. Joshua earned his BFA in Musical Theater from Mars Hill University, and is pursuing his MFA. Joshua most recently lived in San Antonio, Texas, where he helped build a fledgling high school theater program into one that is recognized statewide. Not interested in theater arts alone, Joshua is a big sports fan with a love of football and basketball. He joins our VES community with his wife, Chelsea, his 9-month old daughter, Chloe, and their two dogs.


Meghan brings with her classroom and vast world experience from her prior role as an instructor at the Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis, a role she held through the Central Intelligence Agency, where she served 12 years as a Political Analyst. Meghan taught at Cranbrook Kingswood in Michigan, her high school alma mater. Meghan received her undergraduate degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, her master’s in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and her PhD in History from Cambridge University. Living on campus with Meghan are her husband, Kirke Martin, a ceramics artist, and her three sons: Dylan (8), Rowan (6) and Eamon (4).





WORLD LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT CHAIR & SPANISH TEACHER With a BA in Spanish from Lander University and an MA in Spanish from Middlebury College, Amanda spent seven years teaching Spanish, chairing the World Language Department, coaching and serving as a dorm parent at Kents Hill School, a boarding school in Maine. Most recently she taught at the O’Neal School in Southern Pines, NC. At VES, in addition to teaching Spanish and serving as department chair of World Languages, Amanda is a dorm parent and will assist with tennis in the spring. Amanda loves tennis, running, yoga, reading, traveling, and spending time with her husband, Will, their two young daughters, and their dogs.


SPANISH & ENGLISH TEACHER Previously, Will served as chair of the English Department at Kents Hill School, a boarding school in Maine, served as the Academic Dean for the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth summer program, and worked in administration at the O’Neal School in Southern Pines, NC. Will graduated with a BA in Religion and Spanish from Wofford College and holds an MA in English from Middlebury College and an M.Ed. in Education Leadership from The Klingenstein Center for Independent School Leadership at Columbia University. At VES, he teaches both Spanish and English and serves as assistant coach in soccer and basketball. Will loves spending time with his family, running, playing soccer, fly-fishing, traveling and reading.


DIRECTOR OF SERVICE LEARNING, STUDENT LIFE CURRICULUM GRADE LEVEL LEADER & CROSS COUNTRY COACH A 2012 graduate of Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., Jillian earned her degree in Psychology, and was named a member of the Patriot League All-Academic team and a Collegiate Rowing Coaches Association Scholar Athlete. A varsity athlete for the women’s rowing team all four years, she helped her boat to two consecutive third-place finishes at the Patriot League Championships (2010, 2011) and a second-place finish at the New England Championships (2012). She culminated her career competing internationally at the Women’s Henley Regatta in Henley-on-the-Thames, England. Jillian pursued her master’s degree in School Counseling at Lehigh University and worked as an assistant coach for Lehigh’s rowing program. She also coached high school-level soccer for the last five years. In her free time, Jillian enjoys running, watching movies and spending time outdoors with her two dogs (Rambo and Ricky) and her husband, Mao-Tong Wang.


ASSISTANT DEAN OF STUDENTS, DIRECTOR OF RESIDENTIAL LIFE & HISTORY TEACHER Mao joins us from West Nottingham Academy (his alma mater), where he taught history, coached soccer and cross-country, and lived on dorm. He also taught history for three years at Oxford Academy. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland and his Masters in Teaching from Towson University. He is very excited to continue all aspects of boarding school work at VES, while adding the role of Assistant Dean of Students. Mao serves as an advisor, dorm parent and assistant coach.


A recent graduate from Sewanee: The University of the South with a BA in Spanish and a minor in Education, Christian teaches Spanish, serves as a dorm parent, assists with volleyball in the fall, and will lend coaching support during the spring term. Most recently, she served as Head Volleyball Coach for the St. Andrew’s Sewanee Middle School and High School programs and has been a Residential Life Staff Member at both Sewanee and multiple summer programs for teenagers.



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ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR Sara joined the VES Admissions Office in June of 2017 and serves as the assistant coach to the JV girls tennis team. She is a recent graduate of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she earned her BA in Political Science. During her time at UNC-Chapel Hill, Sara raised over $22,000 for the University of North Carolina’s Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders. She is a daughter of a United States Marine and loved moving around the country during her childhood.


Chelsea joined the VES team in the summer of 2017. She graduated from Stephens College with her BFA in Theatre Arts. Previously, Chelsea worked as the Executive Assistant to the Managing Partner at a prestigious school law firm and the Auxiliary Programs Coordinator for BTX Schools. Chelsea lives on campus with her husband, Joshua, and their daughter, Chloe. She also serves as a dorm parent for Perkins Dorm.





for These Special Campus Events

Get and stay involved with VES.

September 29 - 30 (Friday and Saturday)

October 9 (Monday)

October 20-21

(Friday and Saturday)

October 29 - 30 (Sunday and Monday)

December 9 (Saturday)





January 14 - 15


April 27-29


(Sunday and Monday)

(Friday through Sunday)

May 25 - 26

(Friday and Saturday)

June 1-3

(Friday through Sunday)




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ollowing the Centennial celebration and

The result is a nod to the original design, blending

a two-year tribute to our century-long

tradition with a contemporary styling that will serve

leadership in education, it is time to

launch the next phase of our VES mark. Before putting pen to paper (or mouse to Illustrator as it

us well for decades to come. We have chosen to retain the two-part identity: the traditional seal with the sword and shield for use on official materials, and the simplified shield used independently on a

is today), we reviewed the history of the logo and

wide range of school communications and marketing

its iterations over time, contemplating the intent,

materials. We added the school’s founding year

meaning, symbolism and each design element.

1916 into the shield, recognizing our long-term commitment to educating young men and women and guiding them to strive Toward Full Stature.

Our First 100 Years




Speaking of our mission—Toward Full Stature—we

are taking an unconventional approach. We will use

had lengthy and healthy debate about the words

the Greek version as our traditional seal. You will see

in the ribbon across the formal seal. Our choices:

this primarily on alumni communication and in formal

1 2

applications. We will use the English version with Return to the original Greek, which

prospective family communications, where we

translates as “The Fullness of Mankind”—a

want the audience to readily understand our

sentiment derived from St. Paul’s Letter

school’s distinctive mission.

to the Ephesians in the New Testament, in which Paul suggests that the more we

In addition to the traditional

strive to become like Christ, the more we

seal and updated shield,

will realize our own full stature.

you will see our athletic font with a sportier vibe, when

Transition to Toward Full Stature in English.

appropriate. And, of course,

This clearly states our school’s mission

our school colors remain

of guiding students to strive Toward Full

garnet and white.

Stature in an accessible way for all to understand and embrace, whether you are

Thanks to all for expressing your thoughts and

closely affiliated with the school or just

engaging in the creation of the school’s next-

seeing the VES mark for the first time.

generation identity!

With input from voices across the faculty and staff, students, alumni and current and former parents, the vote ever so slightly tipped to Greek. So, we

Looking Forward







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Class Notes 1928 Dr. John Risher was featured last fall on ESPN College Game Day before the UVA / VT football game. His entertaining personality, love of keeping game stats and long involvement with the University created a terrific story.


James ”Ronnie” Marshall and wife, Louise, attended the Centennial RV Tour Stop in Asheville, NC, at Luella’s Bar-B-Que in September 2016.


Jim Barber, Erskine

Bowles, Bill Leach (pictured), Lanny Harer, Schooner Nowell and Bill Poe attended their 50th class reunion at UNC-Chapel Hill in May. The highlight of their weekend was marching into Kenan Stadium (by way of the tunnel where the football team enters for games) and being recognized by the Class of 2017.



Sandy McKenna is pictured hiking on Lava Butte during a visit to Oregon as he and a finally retired BK Mundy ‘67, toured the region prior to attending the UVA / Oregon football game.

in Eugene this past September. Alex Floyd and wife, Jan, are proud grandparents of Lilla Graham Myers, born January 9, 2017 to daughter Christina Myers and her husband, Timothy. The family resides in Raleigh when not traveling in support of Timothy’s role as Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the North Carolina Opera.

Ed Liipfert sends greetings and this picture of an aged street sign proudly hanging near his home on Wadmalaw Island, SC. The sign was a gift from the Dean of Students at Salem Academy to wife, Susan, in 1967. The savvy Dean had collected it some 15 years earlier from a boarding student, considering it




“improper room decoration.” Tony and Amey Lewis now use the sign as welcome (and guidance) to their home on the island for Ellen May Maybank and grandchildren Holt ’14, Monte ’17, and Douglas ’17 Hogan.

Parker Lee and wife, Barbara, join BK Mundy, Anne and Sandy McKenna, Theresa and Charlie Burton, and Susan and Eames Powers for their annual Christmas dinner at Shoemakers in Lynchburg.

Parker Lee and Barbara traveled to Naples, Fla., for the holidays, meeting faculty member Will Greene while there to enjoy dinner together.


campus with classmate Ron Hood during the Centennial Celebration. Jim and his wife, Chris, who also attended the weekend’s festivities, live in Burlington, NC.

terms, 2015-2017. He is also Vice Chairman of the Lynchburg Planning Commission.

1972 Jim Rudolph recently retired from POWER Engineers, Inc., where he was the senior archaeologist handling environmental compliance for transmission lines and solar and wind energy projects around the western U.S. So what’s keeping him busy now? He recently competed in the USA Powerlifting Raw Ruckus, held in Meridian, Idaho. He holds the Idaho State Powerlifting records for his age (65-70) and 105 kg weight class (205-231 lbs) for the bench press (175 lbs), back squat (225 lbs) and deadlift (342 lbs). Jim and his wife, Terry, have lived in Boise for the last 24 years.

1971 Cham Light has been reappointed for a third term on the Board of the Library of Virginia by Governor McAuliffe. Cham served as Chairman for two

The Honorable Jerrauld C. Jones served as master of ceremonies for his mother’s 90th birthday, an affair attended by dignitaries from around the state. The Jones family, unquestionably led by “Mother Jones” has been actively involved in the political and social arena in the Hampton Roads area for years.

Tay Louden married Jan Wieringa on April 22, 2017, in Los Angeles, Calif. Retired Senior Master Jim Hopkins is pictured with Henry Clarke ’03, Jan, Tay and Garland Harper ’71 following the ceremony.

Spencer Morten, former VES Board Chair and proud grandfather, with grandson Charles Anderson McCombs, Jr., born July 13, 2017, to daughter Devon and her husband, Charles. The family lives in New York.


Dr. Bill Cook was featured in the July/ August 2017 edition of Lynchburg Living’s Faces of Lynchburg for his excellent work in women’s health.

Jim Smith enjoyed some time back on



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David Hagan has launched a website for his organization, Life Brothers®—a unique life coaching program aimed at promoting personal excellence in high school and college-aged young men. David presents his program to our VES young men as part of our Student Life programming. He also served as the SIOR Foundation president in the 2016-2017 term.

1975 Paul Gerhardt has been elected to serve on the executive committee of Kaufman & Canoles, a Virginiabased law firm with

eight offices across the state. Gerhardt also was among the firm’s attorneys selected for inclusion in both Virginia Business Magazine’s 2016 Legal Elite and Best Lawyers in America® 2016.

1988 Jim “Jimbo” Parrott is often quoted in The Real Deal, a New York real estate publication, on topics including the low-income housing tax credit in New York City and the government’s role in mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Bill Lanford visits with BK Mundy ’67 during the Centennial Tour stop in Spartanburg, SC, at RJ Rockers Brewery, owned by trustee and host John Bauknight ’85.

Andy Spencer and Mary have moved to Baton Rouge, LA, where Andy has begun his job as Director of Advancement at the Episcopal School of Baton Rouge. Mary serves as Dean of Students for the school.



Jim is a former Obama White House housing advisor and is currently a senior fellow at Washington’s Urban Institute. Jim’s mom, Suzanne Brooks, served as a VES Trustee from 1991-95.

memory of Dick, and encourage others in our VES family to do the same. Thank you!” Give at supportbilly.

Congratulations to Alan E. Pinado, Jr., appointed General Manager of the new European inspired design boutique-style AC Hotel Miami Aventura by Marriott®.

“To honor friend and VES brother, Dick Carrington ’76 who died in 1997 of ALS, Billy Flint will be running in the 2017 TCS New York City Marathon on November 5. “I have set an ambitious but achievable goal to raise $40,000 for research into a cure and help for those suffering with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. If you feel inspired, please make a donation by November 5 of any amount in





Dill Battle was inducted as a Fellow of the College of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers. Dill is chair of Spilman’s Workers’ Compensation Practice Group. He has assisted clients in this area of law for more than 20 years. Dill also is a board member of the National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network and serves on workers’ compensation committees or subcommittees for the American Bar Association, West Virginia State Bar and West Virginia Defense Trial Counsel. He also has been recognized by Best Lawyers in America® 2016.

The LaneSplitters—played their first gig in spring 2016, opened for Dwight Yoakam in fall 2016, released an album of Keys’ songs in early 2017, and in August played the Travelers’ Rest Festival in Missoula, Montana.

1993 Missoula, Montana-based Caroline Keys has been working in rural Montana on the upcoming western film “The Ballad of Lefty Brown,” starring Bill Pullman and Peter Fonda. Caroline’s band—

According to writeups about the band, “Featuring pedal steel, upright bass, drums, banjo, b-bender, towering vocal harmonies, and a Martin D-35 from the year she was born, Caroline Keys and The LaneSplitters hang a little to the left of country. With influences from Mickey Newbury and Pink Floyd to Lana Rebel and Richmond Fontaine, CK + The LaneSplitters put on a dynamic show that is as driving as it is


Jared Dawson noted: “Great to be back on Virginia’s edge of the world—the Northern Neck. Even greater to catch up with Rick Garrett ’86! Just a coupla ol’ VES alums hydrating over some great local salty’s on the 1/2.”

Jared also writes, “While in Sarasota, Florida, I had a great catch up with Ben Cannon ’87! Just a coupla ol’ alums ringing in the New Year!

atmospheric, as twangy as it is moody.” A talented singer, composer and guitar/banjo player, Caroline has been a key member of several bands over the years, including among them countrybluegrass band Broken Valley Roadshow; The Shiveries, a chamber-folk group; Glass Spiders, a David Bowie tribute band; Joey Running Crane and the Dirty Birds, a punk-informed country act; The Best Westerns, a shambling country-rock group, and Stellarondo, the funky art folk band she founded and for which she does the writing, singing and playing a small luthier banjo.



Loretta Würtenberger (Pieper) is living in Berlin with husband Daniel Tumpel and their three children. Loretta, a former attorney and Germany’s youngest judge, and Daniel, a former Morgan Stanley executive, founded Fine Art Partners in 2009. The firm finances acquisitions of dealers on the secondary art market and has carved out a unique niche in a complex and competitive business arena.

Last spring, Ben Coleman and niece, Alison Coleman Angelini ’08, hosted VES AP French students to their Mountain Run Farm in Sedalia, Va. Madame Frazier’s class studied organic food in their health and nutrition unit, and benefited from talking with Ben and Alison about their experience working with both chemical products and the transition to organic farming.



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Addison Lineberry ’92 and his family purchased the VES Centennial RV. With three sons, both in travel lacrosse and soccer, and a daughter close on their heels, the “bus” will serve beautifully as both transport and an onsite locker room/ tailgate venue for years to come. Pictured are BK Mundy ’67 and trusty companion Belle with Nathan, Jackson, Addison, Parker, wife, Ashleigh, and Aubrey.

Henry Heil was appointed new Head of the Upper School at the Episcopal School of Dallas starting on July 1, 2017. Henry says, “I am thrilled to return to my roots in an Episcopal school where I spent the formative years of my life.”


Jack Gray with BK Mundy ’67 during a visit to the Pacific Northwest. Jack, wife, Emily, and daughter, Louisa, live in Portland where he continues his career with adidas, now serving as Senior Director of adidas Basketball.

1999 Lara Hanes Pierce, her husband, Nicholas, daughter, Stella Jane, and son, Thomas, welcomed Winifred “Charlotte” Pierce to the family on January 30, 2017.

Adrien Maught and wife, Rebecca, announce the birth of their daughter, Evelyn Grace Gibbons Maught, born November 16, 2016. The family resides in New Orleans, LA.

Douglas Dalton and wife, Rachel, welcomed a son, Aubrey Douglas Dalton IV, born July 28, 2016. The family lives in Lynchburg, Va.

Langdon Zimmer’s son, Henry Zimmer, graduated from Episcopal School of Jacksonville. Stepfather and former VES headmaster Charley Zimmer recently retired from the school.

2000 Will Jester joined NBC 5 in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas as Supervisor of Acquisitions and Media Management. Will spent the past four years at KXAS in Dallas helping to build their Acquisitions and Media Management group from the ground up. Prior to KXAS, he also worked at CBS 42 in Birmingham, Ala., in the capacity of Media Management and as Newscast Director. Will’s skills continue to enhance and grow our support of the Newsroom. VIRGINIA EPISCOPAL SCHOOL



Pictured are Langdon Smiley Zimmer ’89, Lane Jackson Lenzi ’89, Knight Smiley ’64, Gail and Charley Zimmer.

The proud parents are delighted to report that their son already sleeps through the night! Scott and Laura live in Myrtle Beach, SC.

January 25, 2017. The family lives in Atlanta where Brad is with CNN.


Phillip Ray and son Flip, with Henry Clarke ’03 and son Henry in West Palm Peach.

Scott Close and wife, Laura, welcomed their first child, Everett Furman, born February 28, 2017.

Sheldon Woolard ’06 married Alex Peebles on December 3, 2016, in Isla Mujeres, Mexico. Max Licht and his wife Jenna Patricia are proud parents of son Carter Cash, born April 18, 2017.

John Hanna and wife, Carter, welcomed son Robert Walker Hanna on June 1, 2017. The family lives in Roanoke, Va.


Celebrating Two Woolard Weddings

Meghann King Ritcheson and husband, Dr. Andrew Ritcheson, welcomed a daughter, Sloane Nelson Ritcheson on November 17, 2016. The family resides in Washington, DC. Proud grandparents Betsy and Chris King remarked: “The most beautiful baby ever born in the entire world! We’re just a tiny bit biased....”

Brad Bettencourt and wife, Caroline, welcomed a son, Bradford Fogers Bettencourt, Jr., on

L to R: John Woolard III ’03, Sue Woolard, Helen Woolard ’09, Sheldon Woolard Peebles ’06, Alex Peebles and John Woolard ’76

Stephanie Calohan Jamerson wed Chris Jamerson in New York City on June 9, 2017. The couple lives in Lynchburg, Va.

Julia Kerr Peterson and husband, Matthew, welcomed their second child, Ella Rose, born June 16, 2017.

John Woolard ’03 and Laura Palimeno wed on May 6, 2017, in Manteo, NC, surrounded by VES friends and family.

Back Row (L to R): Jay Saunders ’83, John Woolard ’76, Ed Craighill ’76, Stuart Grantham ’07, Jake Dunaway ’05, Sheldon Woolard ’06, Wooty Peebles ’69, Katerina Dema ’09, Wood Beasley ’75, John Woolard III ’03, Front Row (L to R): Raggs Rascoe ’05, Addie Crouch ’05, Mary Margaret Reynolds ’06, Helen Woolard ’09

2003 Dolly Brantley Myrick and husband, Jason, welcomed son William Bradford Myrick (Ford) on June 29, 2017. The family lives in Raleigh, NC.

Harrison Okin, wife, Margie, and son, Linus, welcome Penelope Eliza as the newest member of the family! The Okins live in Waynesboro, Va.


Mary-Allison Allen and husband, Chester, welcomed their second child on January 31, 2016. Chester “Fisher” Allen, Jr., weighed 7 pounds and 1 ounce and measured 19 inches long. The family lives in Raleigh, NC.

Claibourne Brown Edwards and her husband, Michael, welcomed daughter Anne Roberts (Anne Beau) to the family on March 23, 2017.

Helen VanMeter Tweed and her husband, Devin, welcomed a son, Burton Hale Tweed, on June 28, 2017. The family lives in Lexington, KY.

2004 Olivia Brumfield and wife, Kasandra Griffin, welcomed a son, Arthur Orion Griffin Brumfield, born on October 29, 2016. In a note to the school, Olivia says: “Baby is happy, healthy and turning into a ‘real goofball!’”

Dylan Davis and wife, Melissa, are proud parents of a son, James Phillip Davis, born February 22, 2016. The family lives in Dallas.

Matt Klein and wife, Lindsay, welcomed son Xander Eckert Klein, on November 20, 2016. The family lives in Lynchburg, Va. Mary Bruce (MB) Celella and husband, Chris, welcomed a daughter, Norah Grace,




Will Pully has joined Battle Winslow in 2017 after beginning his legal career as an associate attorney with the law firm of Chesnutt, Clemmons, & Peacock in New Bern, NC. He attended college at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington before earning his J.D. from Campbell Law School. In addition to his BA in History, Will holds certificates in marine propulsion systems and marine electrical systems from Carteret Community College in Morehead City. Will has served as a commissioner on the U.S.S. North Carolina Battleship Commission since 2012. He is a cradle Episcopalian, a serving brother in the Most Venerable Order of St. John, and a member of the St. Andrews Society of North Carolina, the Sons of the Revolution, the Order of First Families of North Carolina, Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, and the Roanoke & Tar River Gun Club. Outside of the practice of law, Will enjoys hunting, fishing, sailing, and watching the Tar Heels play basketball and football.

on November 21, 2015. While we are tardy with news of their first born, we are happy to congratulate the couple as they recently celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary and welcomed their son, Nelson Holmes Celella to the family, on July 15, 2017.

The family resides in Alexandria, Va.

Sutton Tinsley and wife, Emma, are the proud parents of William “Witt” Sutton Tinsley, born on March 12, 2017. The Tinsleys live in Lynchburg, VA. Adam Wright was hired at Delta Air Lines in September 2016 and has finished his initial pilot training on the McDonnell Douglas MD-88. His wife, Helen, and son, Finn James, joined him on a recent flight to Raleigh-Durham. Adam is based in New York City with Delta.

John Moore is engaged to Kathryn Rutledge. Katy is a graduate of the University of Georgia. She is employed as a project manager for Wells Fargo Securities. John is a graduate of the University of Tennessee. He is employed as a

Financial Advisor with the Private Client Group of BB&T Scott and Stringfellow. A September wedding is being planned in Charlotte.

Andrew Mitchell and Lindsay Lockhart were engaged July 24, 2017 in Flippen Park, Dallas, TX, where the couple lives. Andrew is a Vice President with JP Morgan Chase and pursuing his MBA at the Cox School of Business at SMU.


Ryan Alexander assumes a new post at Woodberry Forest School as Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residential Life. He takes over for Henry Heil ’92, who moved to Dallas as the Head of the Upper School at the Episcopal School of Dallas.

2006 Tray Light was appointed Minister of Youth at St. Johns Episcopal Church in Roanoke, VA.

Friends, It is a joy to announce that St. John’s has hired Tray Light as our Minister to Youth. He will begin his ministry on May 1. In long conversations with Tray, we talked about St. John’s need for stability in this position. Tray’s maturity, accompanied with his deep love for the Episcopal Church, our diocese, and the youth ministries of our church, will go a long way to offer not only that stability, but also what is needed to build our youth community into what we know God wants it to be. I recruited Tray for this position because I believe him to be the right choice for St. John’s. Blessings, The Reverend Eric Long, Rector



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Mimi Sykes Hopkins married John Hopkins on May 13, 2017. In attendance were Annie Gordon Vordemark ’04, Mary Ashton Burgh ’03, Elle Demitrios Simmons ’04, and Mary Ellen Moomaw Lafrienere ’04.

Emily Sydnor Short and her husband, Ronnie, welcome a son, Ronald Sydnor Short on July 15, 2017. The family lives in Montgomery, Ala.

Penn Clarke and his wife, Amy, welcomed a son, Louis “Louie” Penn Clarke, Jr., on August 17, 2016. The family lives in Raleigh, NC where Penn is a real estate attorney with the law firm of K&L Gates LLP.

Whitney Munden Cast and husband, Tim, announce the birth of their daughter, Teagan Starr Cast, on March 11, 2016. The family lives in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Dr. Susannah Obenchain Lichtenstein, D.O. and husband, Jonathan, welcomed daughter, Lillian Stuart, on August 6, 2017. The family lives in Winston Salem, NC.

Raggs Rascoe and his wife Briley welcomed daughter Ella Charles Stone Rascoe to the family August 12, 2016.



Bruce Bentley and wife, Kelsay, welcome their second son, Henry Arthur Bentley, born October 29, 2016.

Meris Shuwarger D’Anza and Tim welcomed daughter, Ren Olsen D’Anza, on August 16, 2016. The family lives in Columbus, Ohio.

Cortney Sorrells has recently joined her husband, Medford, at Red Hat, an open source software company in Raleigh, NC. As Federal Tax Manager, she is charged with financial reporting and compliance for the company’s domestic group. Medford is an Associate Project Manager for the organization.

Will Farley and his wife, Catherine, welcomed their firstborn, Evelyn Clark Farley, on March 25, 2017, much to the delight of grandparents Diane and Clark Smith ’65 and Bill Farley ’67.




Simms Brockman and Matt Deacon were engaged on April 14, 2017. Their wedding date is set for January 6, 2018, in Langhorne Memorial Chapel on the VES campus.

2008 Holly Frances Crist and Thomas Clark Capps, Jr. were married on October 15, 2016 at Figure Eight Island in Wilmington, NC. The wedding party included groomsman Gray

2013 Caleb White graduates from East Carolina University following a stellar basketball career, summarized here: Four-year letterman who completed his eligibility as the fourth-leading scorer in school history with 1,578 points ... Graduated as the program’s all-time leader in games played (129), games started (116), minutes played (4,083) and 3-point field goal attempts (676) ... Finished his career ranked second alltime at ECU with 256 3-point field goals made ... Compiled career averages of 12.2 points and 3.1 rebounds per game ... Shot 37.9 percent (256-676) outside the 3-point arc and 77.0 percent (244-317) at the free throw line ... Competed in the American Athletic Conference for three seasons, scoring 1,139 points (seventh-most all-time) and burying 205 3-pointers (second-most all-time) ... Eight-time American Athletic Conference Weekly Conference Honor Roll selection ... Signed his National Letter-of-Intent with East Carolina University during the 2012 fall signing period.

Nexsen ’06 and lector William Cook ’04. Several other VES alumni were in attendance. After traveling to San Francisco and Maui, Holly and Tom now reside in Lynchburg, Va. Tom works in sales for Moore & Giles Inc. Holly is a graduate of North Carolina State University and is a Doctor of Pharmacy candidate in the VCU School of Pharmacy Class of 2017.

Lily Voth Daniel was featured in the article “The Student Doctor Will See You Now” in Lynchburg Living magazine. She is particularly interested in pediatric medicine

and loves the “purposeful treatment of the ‘whole patient.’”

Kim JeffersonSandidge and husband Lucas welcomed their first child, Raelynn, in November 2016.


Mary Weissinger married Andrew Biesemier ’08 in Greenville, MS, on June 18, 2016. The wedding party included Kevin Midkiff ’08, Kyle Mundy ’08, Michael Biesemier ’14, Nick Biesemier ’15, Michael Graney ’09 and Sarah Patterson ’09.

Barrett Mohrmann married Eleanor Kennedy on July 16, 2016. The couple lives in Nashville, TN.



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Virginia Isabelle Ruane married Stephen Jennings White, Jr. of Charleston, SC, a graduate of Woodberry Forest. The wedding took place July 15, 2017 at Myers Park Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC. A graduate of Wake Forest University, Isabelle works in the Office of University Advancement at Wake Forest. Stephen is a graduate of the Wake Forest University School of Law and is an associate attorney at Ott Cone & Redpath in Greensboro, NC.


Ifeanyi Onyekaba and wife and proud mom

honor society Phi Beta Kappa.

Ashlin Gillis welcomed a son, Jeremy, born October 9, 2016.



Julie Clark made the Spring 2016 Dean’s List at Loyola University.

Lelia Milner and husband Joseph welcomed daughter Samantha Ashlee on August 4, 2016. The family lives in Spartanburg, SC.

Emeline Thorpe has moved to Charleston, SC, and welcomes her VES roomate Allie Winstead as her “new” roommate there! “Funny how those ties stick!”


2016 Katherine McWane finished her first half marathon at the Wrightsville Beach Marathon in March. She enjoyed catching up with her classmate Lawre Doughton ‘12.

Duke Capel graduated from NC State in December with a Bachelor of Science degree in Wood Products and Sustainable Materials.

2013 Upon graduation from Sweet Briar College Noell Cosby received The Sprague-Belcher Award in Biology and was inducted into the the national

George Battle is enrolled in Auburn University’s Harbert College of Business. He is a member of the Freshman Focus Committee that recently partnered with the nonprofit BigHouse Foundation to collect and solicit items for children’s needs.

Paddy Cotter, currently attending Penn State, has a column in the Daily Collegian, writing as a sports journalist.

Retiring from VES in 2015 after 24 years as the assistant to the Headmaster, Leah Weiss is getting rave reviews for her first book, If the Creek Don’t Rise, out this summer. Her debut novel tells the story of Sadie Blue, set in a 1970s Appalachia town in North Carolina. Leah learned her craft writing short stories that have appeared in literary magazines such as Deep South, The Simple Life, Blue Lake Review, and Writers Journal. Leah, who lives in Lynchburg, Va., is the mother of acclaimed artist Paul Clements ’95.

THE FUTURE OF CLASS NOTES We want you to be able to share and read alumni news in a more timely manner. Beginning with the next issue of Toward Full Stature magazine, we will highlight a few from the Class Notes that we receive. But, to stay up-to-theminute with all that is happening in each other’s lives, we will post Class Notes as they arrive on VES Connect—our new web-based news, event and networking platform. Read more about it on page 29 and sign up today!


Simply email us at with your news. Digital photos should be 300 dpi JPEGs.





Jean Tandy Cook of Lynchburg passed away January 4, 2017. Jean was mother to VES graduates Bill ’74, John ’75, Robert ’79, and George ’84, and daughter Ruth Cook Rowe. Her extensive family includes these grandchildren who are VES graduates and current students William ’04, Sarah Cook Cummings ’05, Andrew ’11, Marcey ’09, Mary ’17, John ’18, Thomas ’20, Woods ’18 ,James ’19 and Harry ’21. Kathryn Beasley McKenna passed away October 27, 2016. Mrs. McKenna was mother to Bobby ’71, John ’68, and former trustee Sandy ’67. Frank “Skip” Roddey of Lynchburg, father to Frank ’76, Alex ’78, and former trustee Stuart ’82, passed away on September 25, 2016.

June 1971. He passed away December 7, 2016.

Sherry Herbert of Lynchburg, wife of long serving trustee Lee Herbert ’74, passed away June 23, 2016.


Herbert M. Harper began his work at VES in November 1950 and became the secondlongest tenured employee in school history (53 years) upon his retirement in 2002. Herbert passed away in May 2017.

Joe B Linker, Jr., of Chapel Hill, NC, was a former VES faculty member from 1970 1975 and the father of Dr. Joe Linker III ‘67 (deceased). He passed away July 21, 2016.


Basil C. “Pete” Burke III served on the VES Fine Arts faculty from 1981 to 2005. He also coached track. After his tenure at VES, he went on to become a recognized, awardwinning artist on the East Coast. Pete passed away in May 2017.

Carita King Sydnor was a former VES music accompanist. She passed away on February 15, 2017.

Rev. Gordon Allen of Maine was a former VES faculty member from July 1968 until



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Susan Landis passed away on July 14, 2017. Susan was a doer, sitting on the boards— often holding leadership positions— of nearly every organization she encountered. She championed the arts—chairing the West Virginia Commission on the Arts—and grew the Beckley Area Foundation from 100 named funds worth

$5.7 million in 1994 to 450 funds totaling just under $40 million today. With her passing—as her life and all of her many activities and accomplishments have been laid out for all to see—the Beckley community and even those farther away are left to mourn, remember, admire and determine how best to honor her memory.

R. W. “Buzzy” Wilkinson, former trustee and father to Rick ’79 and Frank ’80 of Bluefield, Va., passed away January 15, 2016. In 2007, Wilkinson was honored at the 54th annual Atlantic Coast Conference


Graham Tull passed away March 22, 2016.

1945 William T. Joyner, Jr. passed away January 22, 2016.



Bruce Chandler passed away December 28, 2016.



Francis “Gwynn” Townes of Seattle passed away July 19, 2016.

Jack Parrott passed away January 18, 2017.

1947 John Reed passed away March 3, 2017.

Robert Calder, Jr. passed away November 4, 2016.


Graham Koch of Dallas passed away January 29, 2016.

James Herrick passed away December 26, 2016.

1949 James “Ronnie” Marshall passed away December 17, 2016.




Shannon Shirley passed away on August 6, 2017.

1952 George Lupton, Jr., of Lynchburg, died October 28, 2016. He was the husband of Betty Phillips Lupton, who survives him. He is survived by George M. Lupton, III ’80 and his wife, Karen, of Lynchburg; a daughter, Berkeley Lupton Teston and her husband, Kevin, of Augusta, Ga.; a sister, Nancy Lupton Dirom, of Lynchburg; five grandchildren, George Morgan Lupton, IV, Charles Clarkson Lupton ’13, William Berkley Lupton ’16, Ivie Frost Teston, and Katherine Berkeley Teston; and nephews, Jacques Maurice Botton ’84 and his wife, Rachel Daniell of Brooklyn, NY, and Charles Frost Botton of Burbank, Calif. He was predeceased by

his first wife, Leland Berkley Lupton.


1963 Daingerfield Ashton, Jr. passed away May 8, 2015.

1965 Fritz Schilling passed away on July 20, 2017.


Stephen Royal passed away January 25, 2017.


Robert Sutton “Bob” Bradsher Jr., of Oxford, died at his home February 25, 2017, at age 82.


Oscar “Bootie” Cranz passed away on February 3, 2017 at his home in Charlotte, NC.

John Gregory, of Richmond, Va., passed away October 11, 2016.

Charles Hensell passed away January 6, 2017.

Hargrove “Skipper” Bowles passed away April 12, 2017.

James Denoon passed away June 30, 2017. Known as “Spoon” to his close friends and “Jim” to those he met in the tennis business, he was a well-known and well-loved tennis player, teaching professional, official and promoter of the game. After attending Virginia Episcopal School, Jim went on to graduate from Thomas Jefferson High School in 1964. Following high school graduation, he attended the University of South Carolina on a full-ride tennis scholarship. During his tennis career, Jim was the director of tennis at Coldstream Country Club in Irmo, South Carolina (1976-1984), Hope Valley Country Club in Durham, North Carolina (19841990) and finally at the Country Club of Petersburg in Virginia (1990-2005). Jim’s accomplishments in tennis were numerous. He held state titles as a player in Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, sectional titles in the USTA Southern and Mid-Atlantic



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Sections and national titles as well. In addition, Jim received numerous awards for his service to the game of tennis. Jim felt that his greatest accomplishment in life was meeting and marrying Delanie, his partner of 38 years and having two wonderful sons, Sam and Syd. As Jim got older, family meant everything to him. He had learned life’s most important lesson; hold close the ones you love.


Dr. Thomas “Spots” Glazebrook, Jr., father of Virginia Glazebrook ’08, passed away in Columbia, SC, on July 27, 2016.

1970 Frank Cline passed away May 6, 2017.




Carroll “Cac� Watkins Hoyle Jr. of Morganton, NC, passed away July 21, 2016.

James McCombs passed away March 25, 2017.

Julie Zimmerman passed away on May 1, 2017 in Richmond, Va. She is survived by her father, Richard Zimmerman; two sons, Ian and Yates Zimmerman; and brother, Scott Zimmerman. She received an undergraduate degree from Mary Washington College and a degree from Georgetown University as a registered dietician. She was a loving mother to Ian and Yates and was an advocate for advancements in the treatment of autism.


Bill Ed Kidd of Raleigh, NC, passed away April 18, 2017.


Taylor Johnson passed away March 26, 2017.


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William Adam Rice III, of Charleston, WV, passed away September 14, 2016.

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