Leadership by the americas in social responsability apparel sourcing show 2013

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Leadership by the Americas in Social Responsibility May 22, 2013 Apparel Sourcing Show Guatemala City, Guatemala Presented by: Rick Horwitch Vice President, Strategy & Solutions Business Development

Consequences& of Objective Non-Compliance The Challenge

Apparel Sourcing, Guatemala – May 22, 2013


Consequences of Non-Compliance The Perfect Storm

Margin pressure is greater than ever Cost are raising faster then retail prices Speed is King Federal, state and country specific regulations are adding complexity and cost to doing business Apparel Sourcing, Guatemala – May 22, 2013


What We’ve Heard Growth Growth ••International International expansion expansion ••New New products products and and ideas ideas

Cost Cost Control Control ••Cheap Cheap price price doesn’t doesn’t equal equal low low cost. cost. ••Addressing Addressing the the “Perfect “Perfect Storm” Storm”

Brand Brand Development Development & & Protection Protection ••Navigating Navigating the the “maze” “maze” ••Sustainability Sustainability Programs Programs

Customer Customer Engagement Engagement & & Value Value Creation Creation ••Right Right products, products, at at the the Right Right Time Time to to deliver deliver aa great great Customer Customer Experience Experience ••The The Customer Customer Cares Cares Apparel Sourcing, Guatemala – May 22, 2013


Sustainability - Overview ► What is Sustainability? 

“To keep up or keep going, as an action or process”

It is about doing the right thing that affects Social, Economic and Environmental issues. Design, sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, shipping, selling products and overall managing your business

Comes from economic, environmental and social developments • These are known as the ‘triple bottom line”

Sustainability is about embracing opportunities and managing risks

Apparel Sourcing, Guatemala – May 22, 2013


Sustainability – Market Response ► US based retailers and brands are looking at their business

holistically at their opportunities and risks 

From an economic, social and environmental perspective.

The outcome is sustainability strategies and efforts. • Greater efficiencies • Reduced waste • Improved image • Improved profits

Apparel Sourcing, Guatemala – May 22, 2013



This session will cover compliance, quality, sustainability and global movements to manage improvement of each. You will learn that a major advantage of sourcing in the Americas is the safety it brings customers and stability it allows in the region.

Apparel Sourcing, Guatemala – May 22, 2013


The Panel

► Scott Vaughn – President, Rocedes ► Jeannamarie Cox – President JCox Apparel Services

Moderator ► Rick Horwitch – Vice President, Strategy & Solutions Business

Development - Bureau Veritas

Apparel Sourcing, Guatemala – May 22, 2013


© - Copyright Bureau Veritas

Apparel Sourcing, Guatemala – May 22, 2013


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