Vetapprovedrx recipes

Page 1

PeanutBut t erDogBoneTreat

Vet approvedrx. com

Yourf avori t eDog Veggi eoi lcooki ngspray

Preheatovent o375degrees

2cupswhol ewheatf l our

Sprayveggi eoi lonat rayandsetasi de

1/ 2cupol df ashi onedOat s

I nal argebowlcombi ne( Fl our ,Oat s&Baki ngpowder)

1t bspbaki ngpowder 1cupl owsodi um chi ckenbrot h 1cupcreamypeanutbut t er 1/ 4cupgrat edparmesan

St i ri nchi ckenbrot handpeanutbut t erunt i lmi xt uref ormsacrumbl ydough Onal i ght l yf l oweredsurf ace,kneadt hedoughf or50secondsunt i li tbecomes smoot h Rol loutt hedoughi nt oa10i nchci rcl eabout1/ 2i ncht hi ck Usi ngaboneshapecooki ecut t er ,cutoutbonesandpl acet hem ont hesheet Spri nkl ewi t hparmesancheese Bakeunt i ll i ghtgol den( 20mi nut es)

Organi cChi ckenCatTreat

Vet approvedrx. com

Yourf avori t eCat 1/ 2l b.organi cbonel ess,ski nl ess St eam chi ckenf or20t o25mi nut es&t henl eti tcoolf or20mi nut es chi cken

Preheatovent o350degrees

1cupf reshorgani cspi nach

Pl acechi cken,oat s,spi nachl eaves,eggandcat ni pi nabl enderunt i lmi xed

l eaves

wel l .I twi l lbechunkywi t hsmoot hconsi st ency

icuporgani cqui ckcooki ngoat s Pl acemi xt urei nabowlandaddf l ower ,dashofsal torsugarbasedon 1t bsporgani ccat ni p pref erence 1/ 4cupf l our

Usehandst okneadt hedoughunt i li t snol ongerst i cky


Pl acei tonaf l ourdust edworksurf ace Usearol l i ngpi nt ocreat earect angl eofdougharound1/ 2i ncht hi ck Usi ngapi zzacut t eroracooki ecut t er ,creat esmal lshapesf ort hef i ni shed t reat s Covert raywi t haparchmentsheet ,pl acet he t reat sont het ray,bakef or20 mi nut es.Coolunt i lroom t emperat ureandhaveyourcatenj oyt het reat .

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