eNews Issue 11
2013 Teaching Fellows
VET Leaders Lunch
Podcasts in 2014!
Thought Leaders
VET Blog
Professional Learning in 2014
New partnerships
Resource & Network Portal Customised Professional Learning
CENTRE PROJECTS LLN for Learn Local Teachers Workforce development projects ACFE Professional Learning Roadshow Teaching Fellowships
2014 Teaching & Learning Conference
MESSAGE FROM CEO In another busy year the Centre delivered over 200 targeted professional development workshops/seminars/webinars/ forums across the VET sector. Participation by all sectors continues to grow – from the public, private and community providers. We are heartened by the positive feedback that we receive for content, delivery and for our experienced facilitators. The recent Professional Learning survey has indicated that 96% of the respondents are either satisfied or very satisfied with our Professional Learning Program offerings. All of our Professional Learning Programs are influenced by our capability framework developed in 2010: this was independently reviewed and evaluated in late 2011. The report produced at that time indicated that the Framework is intended to serve two primary purposes:
1. To provide support to the VET workforce in planning their continuing professional learning. 2. To communicate clearly the Centre’s continuing professional learning offerings to prospective participants. The Centre believed that if the Framework achieved these two purposes, then it could serve a third: 3. To provide an organising Framework to support the Centre in planning its provision of continuing professional learning.
Comments from this evaluation process indicated that ‘the Framework is seen to recognise the breadth and complexity of VET practice. Despite the diversity of practice within VET, stakeholders see the Framework as a valuable tool because it enables VET practitioners to situate their continuing professional learning needs within it.’ Stakeholders also indicated that ‘the Framework sent a positive message to VET professionals and RTOs that
Professional Learning Framework
the Centre has put considerable thought into defining and responding to continuing professional learning needs. It suggests to them that the Centre is adopting a strategic approach to professional learning provision, and one which recognises that there is a diversity of professional learning needs’. In further research conducted this year, the Centre commissioned an independent evaluation of our professional development programs by Professor Stephen Billett from Griffith University’s School of Education and Professional Studies, along with his colleagues, Dr Sarojni Choy and Dr Raymond Smith. The objectives of the evaluation were to identify and provide evidence relating to the benefits to practitioners as a consequence of participating in the VET Development Centre’s Professional Learning Program. The research also sought to identify and provide evidence that there are improvements in their teaching and learning practice as a consequence of attending the Centre’s programs, and consideration of practitioner pathways from the Centre’s programs into further professional learning opportunities, whether accredited or non-accredited. It’s affirming for us that those who participated in the survey
MESSAGE FROM CEO and interviews reported that, in the words of the evaluation report: Overwhelmingly, both the survey respondents and the interviewees reported that the Centre’s programs were effective in meeting their particular needs and well-directed towards the kinds of professional issues participants were addressing. The programs were well-delivered and presented, and in venues and with catering that assisted the participants to believe they were respected. The programs also provided processes and outcomes that went beyond the specific focuses of their work, and subsequently met participants’ diverse professional development needs and some of their personal goals. The full report is available on the Centre’s website. The outcomes of this type of independent research, coupled with the evaluation of all our professional learning programs and the annual stakeholder survey, assist us to continually improve the services of the Centre and to ensure that we are addressing the sectors’ professional development needs. Our growth is reflected in a range of data sources: Graph 1: Highly satisfied and satisfied with the Professional Learning Program options available. 100%
Graph 2: Likely to attend a Professional Learning Program in the future.
0% 1 2011
2 2012
3 2013
0% 2011 2011
2012 2012
2013 2013
Denise Stevens, CEO
Network building and support The VET Development Centre continues to support a range of VET networks. Over the past couple of months the Centre has provided support to the following networks:
TAFE Training Providers Group, 2013 Conference eWorks, ConVerge13 Conference Victorian TAFE Association, Governance & Regulatory Issues Seminar Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV), 2013 Conference The Group of 5 (Go5) Network, Mixed Sector Symposium II Holmesglen, 2013 Teaching and Learning Conference Skills Tasmania, RTO Information Day on Transition to New Training Package standards
To discuss sponsorship opportunities for a VET network, info@vetcentre.vic.edu.au
THE CENTRE NEWS Podcasts in 2014! In another exciting initiative of the Centre a series of podcasts are being developed and will be available in early 2014. The podcasts will focus on specific areas of interest including industry engagement, change management, the VET sector and a range of blended learning and e-topics. The Centre will continue to develop and expand the topic range and the podcasts will complement the webinars currently offered by the Centre. Further details will be announced in 2014.
VET Blog The Centre supports the development and maintenance of vocational and educational currency by ensuring that VET practitioners, managers and specialist staff have access to recent and relevant research, reports and articles of interest. To this end, the Centre commenced a free service to the sector in May this year whereby the key messages and outtakes in a range of relevant reports are summarised and posted the VET Blog. The uptake has been swift with over 24,000 hits recorded to date. The top 5 hits last month were: Reforming regulation in the VET sector – NSSC position paper released on 12 March Employer demand for STEM skills – AiG report Meeting tips A simple guide to four complex learning theories Instructional design – short videos on the ADDIE method To stay across the critical issues of the day via the VET Blog you can sign up via Twitter or email the Centre at info@vetcentre.vic.edu.au to ensure that you are notified as new entries are posted or regularly visit the webpage.
New partnerships The Centre recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Service Skills Australia (SSA) in support of the Right Way program. Several of the Centre’s Professional Learning Programs have been endorsed by SSA as contributing to Right Way professional points. Full information regarding the Right Way program is available on their website. The Centre also signed a MoU with the Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV) with the aim of collaborating on professional development programs to support career practitioners. CEAV will deliver programs in 2014 for the Centre on career education pathways. The Centre had an exhibition stand at the recent CEAV two day conference and we were heartened by the interest in our 2014 programs.
THE CENTRE PROJECTS ACE sector is ahead of teacher qualification requirements! LLN for Learn Local Teachers Program Throughout 2013, the Centre, supported by funding from the Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board worked to future-proof the Adult and Community Education (ACE) sector against changes to the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. In July 2014, the unit Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills will become a core unit and a requirement for all VET teachers. Taking advantage of an opportunity offered by the Centre, over eighty Learn Local teachers studied and successfully completed the unit in 2013. As part of the program, the Learn Local teachers attended two workshops, which were offered regionally and within the Melbourne CBD, participated in online delivery and submitted two assessment tasks. The delivery was led by the ACE provider Continuing Education Bendigo who issued statements of attainment for the unit. The Centre structured the delivery so completion of the course allowed Learn Local teachers to build their digital literacy and develop professional connections with other teachers in the sector.
Capability building in the private sector Workforce development Projects In 2013, the Centre supported private registered training organisations (RTOs) with funding for workforce development projects. The funding was designed to give RTOs the opportunity to work on a project that builds the capability of their workforce while supporting improved business practice. The projects selected had a clear focus on staff professional development and the potential benefits across the organisation. All project managers were asked to reflect on their work and share their reflections at a recent knowledge sharing meeting. The process, together with induction and midproject meetings, led to the establishment of professional connections between RTOs, which was reported as an added benefit. The funded projects varied from building capability of new leaders in the workforce, sustainability awareness to building e-delivery capability of teachers. The VET Development Centre has funded a range of private RTO projects since 2012 and will continue to provide funding in 2014. Applications for 2014 are currently being received. For more information please contact the VET Development Centre at info@vetcentre.vic.edu.au.
THE CENTRE PROJECTS Learn Locals get on board the Roadshow 2013 ACFE Professional Learning Roadshow As a result of high demand from Learn Local organisations and in consultation with the Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board, the Centre designed a fully funded ‘Roadshow’ of professional learning programs for Learn Local teachers and trainers, which were delivered throughout 2013. Over 60 Learn Local organisations participated in the Roadshow programs, which focussed on invigorating teaching practices, particularly in relation to diverse learners, career development and digital literacy. These programs were invaluable in addressing highly relatable and current topics within VET at the moment. The programs included:
Using digital technology to develop your e-course
Understanding student mental health issues
Career development conversations: Transforming futures
Engaging ‘at risk’ learners in the Cloud
Comments from Learn Local participants included: ‘The enthusiasm of presenters was infectious – very knowledgeable and great understanding – good direction and referral to resources and how we can implement’ ‘Gave me confidence to go ahead with Moodle’ ‘Lots of activities and information to use in career work. Very useful and enjoyable’
Teaching Fellowships Wrap Up The Teaching Fellowship Program is designed to support new VET teachers with one to four years experience, by providing a comprehensive development program, which builds on their teaching and educational leadership capability. The fellowship program provides teaching fellows with both financial support and direct engagement in professional development so that, over time, they can make a significant contribution to the growth of teaching professionalism in VET, improving outcomes for students, industry and the community. In 2013, 25 Fellows from across the VET sector including TAFE, adult community and further education providers and private RTOs, undertook study in Diploma in VET and participated in the Centre’s professional learning programs and also four knowledge sharing meetings. The feedback from the group about the opportunities provided by the program, the learning support and the great friendships made throughout the year has been overwhelming. The 2013 Fellows will have their graduation ceremony in February next year. Teaching Fellowships are again being offered in 2014.
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING VET Leaders Lunch Rod Camm, NCVER, Managing Director - Friday 8 November 2013 The new Managing Director of NCVER, Rod Camm addressed the VET Leaders Lunch in November. In his address Rod identified the current services of the NCVER – collecting and analysing national VET statistics and survey data; management of the national VET research competitive grants program and the analytical services of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY); disseminating the results of research and data, including through VOCED; plus undertaking commercial consultancies. He then provided an overview of the VET system via a series of statistics indicating participation, funding and satisfaction with training. Of particular interest was his information on the relevance of training to the occupations of vocational education and
L-R D Stevens, R Camm and A Hutson
training graduates. In summary, there is no neat match but there is a high match for technicians and trades, low match for other courses; some skills wastage (arts/media professionals and sports/personal services workers) and where graduates mostly report training as relevant. But potential students need to be realistic about whether a particular course will lead them to a likely occupation. In his summary, he indicated that the future work of the NCVER will focus on quality and efficiency in the VET sector; the links between skills and productivity (workforce skills and innovation; structural adjustment and labour mobility); workforce participation (in particular youth transitions and disadvantaged groups) and literacy and numeracy. Rod welcomes feedback and is in the process of a series of stakeholder engagement forums. Participant feedback from the lunch: ‘Great speaker, have much clearer understanding of role of NCVER and the challenges facing the VET system.’ ‘Very useful overview of the state of VET and the role of the NCVER in it.’ ‘Great lunch and presentation. Good networking too!’
The next VET Leaders Lunch will be held on Friday 30 May 2014, to register click here
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Thought Leaders Monday 11 November 2013 This forum was jointly hosted by the Centre and TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) and considered recent research activity and data relating to pathways – what makes for successful transition from secondary to tertiary and from VET to higher education. In an environment where a well informed student choice is critical to them accessing government subsidised post secondary education both of these reports identified critical constraints and enablers. Rachael Smith (from NSW Department of Education and Communities) presented on a recent report “Turning
L-R P Caven (TDA), Dr P McLaughlin (RMIT), R Smith (NSW DE&C) and D Stevens (the Centre)
aspirations into reality: how teachers can support student’s transition to university and VET” which draws on a survey about NSW senior secondary students’ expectations and destinations. Some of the key findings from this research indicate that teachers have more influence than careers advisors on student choices and that students’ post secondary aspirations and destinations are affected by their gender, socio-economic status and where they live. Tricia McLaughlin (from RMIT) presented the findings of the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) funded Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT) study that she led in partnership with University of Western Sydney, Curtin University, Holmesglen Institute, University of Technology Sydney and Deakin University. The study “Clearing the Pathways” was concerned with the very poor transition rate nationally of VET students into higher education, especially across key industry areas. The two year study examined evidence from a national survey and interviews with students to examine enablers of lifelong learning and transition between the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) levels. The findings have significant implications for all tertiary educators and industry participants across all sectors. Both presentations were well received by a lively audience that had braved a wet cold Melbourne evening!
Keep up to date with the upcoming Professional Learning programs by following us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn!
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Professional Learning in 2014 The Centre is pleased to announce that registrations for the Semester 1, 2014 Professional Learning Program are now open! As an Australian leader in developing the expertise of VET professionals, the Centre continues to provide a program of high quality learning experiences that extend the skills and the knowledge of VET teachers, trainers, workplace assessors, managers, quality assurance professionals and others. All programs can be customised and delivered in-house or at a location of choice. To register online and view the full Professional Learning Program, click here
Resource & Network Portal Access post-program learning resources, webinar recordings and download certificates of attendance by logging in to the Resource and Network Portal. The portal supports continuous professional development by allowing professional learning participants to manage their development online and create a professional development e-portfolio.
The way you like it! Customised Professional Learning Get ready for 2014 with customised Professional Learning! Talk with the VET Development Centre today about customising a professional learning program in-house, for a team or department, on 03 9250 6000 or info@vetcentre.vic.edu.au
2014 Teaching & Learning Conference Invigorating VET Practice Thursday 4 & Friday 5 September 2014 RACV Torquay Resort Vocational education and training is the link between skills and knowledge, between learning and doing and for transforming the futures and working lives of learners and workers. Yet with a paradigm shift currently experienced in VET, the role of the teacher and the importance of VET appear to be diminished. How can teachers and educators invigorate their practice to stay focused in a period of change and to ensure that learners and workers continue to be educated and supported?
At the Teaching and Learning Conference in 2014 our focus will be exactly on that topic: Invigorating VET practice. For more information and to register, click here