Enews issue 15

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Australian Training Awards 2014 Conversation with Berwyn Clayton

2015: The year of professional learning

National Foundation Skills Strategy Project

Transitions to the New Standards in 2015

Catch up with the VET Blog

70:20:10 VET Leaders Lunch

CENTRE PROJECTS Funding opportunities in 2015 Teaching Fellowship

Mark in your 2015 diaries...

COMMENT International visitors

Specialist Scholarship

CEO MESSAGE Another year has flown by and as usual, the rate of change in VET is surprising! You are no doubt familiar with these issues but in summary - there has been considerable recent activity as part of the continuing VET Reform process as a consequence of concerns about a range of issues including the complexity of the system; unnecessary regulatory impost; the responsiveness of the system to student and industry requirements and inconsistent quality across providers and particular course areas. The VET Reform Taskforce was established to consider these issues and the Department of Industry sought submissions from key stakeholders and held nationwide consultations. The Vocational Education & Training Advisory Board was established by the Minister for Industry in August and chaired by John Hart. An Industry and Skills Council Advisory Committee will be established to provide a formal role for industry to policy directions and

decision making. The NSSC was dissolved and ongoing functions delegated to selected officials of this committee. The Unique Student Identifier (USI) usi.gov.au is effective from 1 January. The new standards for RTOs have finally been endorsed and effective in 2015 (refer to our professional learning program for 2015 dates regarding the new standards). What we are seeing and experiencing is a ‘perfect storm’ of a set of complex pedagogical, social, organisational and political challenges all converging - and at high speed! This convergence of organisational, labour market and competitive forces adds urgency to the focus on educational leadership: we are seeing leaner organisational structures, more dynamic and competitive markets, diversity amongst learners and this is compounded by an ageing and reduced VET workforce in many providers.

assisting providers to refocus their business operations to be outcomes focussed and to develop a ‘change capable culture’ – responding and adapting to this quick rate of change is critical for RTO success. Our programs continue to support providers to develop practitioner capability across the domains of professionalism, pedagogy, partnerships, products and process – our five ‘Ps’. Our Professional Learning Program for 2015 is out now and can be accessed here and events are open so you can register at any time. Through a variety of activity, over 5,000 practitioners have been supported in their professional development in 2014 and we look forward to supporting them again in 2015.

We see our role in VET workforce development as advising and

Denise Stevens

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AUSTRALIAN TRAINING AWARDS 2014 Friday 21 November 2014 The Centre congratulates all of the winners at this year’s stellar event and certainly celebrates the Lifetime Achievement Award to Berwyn Clayton – definitely a pioneer undertaking and promoting the value of VET research. The Centre congratulates the other Victorian winners including: Freya Merrick Dos Santos from the Yarraville Community Centre, one

of the Learn Local organisations – Excellence in LLN Practice Award Train 2 Learn, an ACPET Member – Disability Training Initiative Award Westpac Banking Corporation – Employer of the Year Award Chisholm Institute – Large Training Provider of the Year Melinda Lethbridge – Apprentice of the Year

Berwyn Clayton, 2014 Australian Training Awards, Lifetime Achievement Award

CONVERSATION WITH BERWYN CLAYTON Listen to Berwyn Clayton’s podcast with CEO, Denise Stevens, as they discuss how VET organisations can harness critical internal knowledge to sustain growth and skills and explore how we might change the way we work to open up opportunities to learn from each other. Listen here.

NATIONAL FOUNDATION SKILLS STRATEGY PROJECT COMPLETE THE SURVEY BY 19 DECEMBER The National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults was launched in 2011. The aims of the Strategy are to make substantial improvements by 2022 in the skills of working age Australians related to English language, literacy, numeracy and employability skills. The Strategy (34 pages) is available here. There are four priority action areas for the Strategy: 1. Raising awareness and commitment to action 2. Adult learners have high quality

learning opportunities and outcomes 3. Strengthening foundation skills in the workplace 4. Building the capacity of the education and training workforces to deliver foundation skills.

and their access to professional development. NCVER is conducting a survey of Foundation Skills practitioners – whether paid or voluntary. You can complete the survey here.

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) is undertaking work on the last of these four priority areas. Part of that work is to build a more detailed understanding of who is delivering Foundation Skills, in particular exploring their skills and expertise,

CATCH UP WITH THE VET BLOG Stay across the critical issues of the day via the Centre’s VET BLOG. The latest blogs to be uploaded online are: Professional Development for Teachers – What in the world? IBSA Training and Education Scan – 2014 Homeward Bound: Leadership and Strategic Program Set for Antarctica

FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES IN 2015 The Centre has designed a range of grant programs to support the ongoing development of the professional teaching and specialist staff workforce; the focus of the funding application is on the educator, with the aim of supporting Providers to address and meet learner needs. To apply for a grant visit the Centre’s website.

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TEACHING FELLOWSHIP The VET Development Centre’s Teaching Fellowship Program is designed to support new VET practitioners with 1 to 4 years teaching experience, by providing a comprehensive development program which builds on their teaching and educational leadership capability. The Fellowship program provides teachers with both financial support and direct engagement in professional development, so that over time they can make a significant contribution to the growth of teaching professionalism in VET and subsequently improving outcomes for students, industry and the community. In 2014, 25 Teaching Fellows from providers across the VET sector including TAFE, ACFE providers and private RTOs, undertook study in the Diploma in VET and participated in the Centre’s professional learning programs and knowledge sharing meetings and the Centre’s Teaching & Learning Conference. As in previous years the response and feedback from the Fellows about the program

has been both heartening and extremely positive. There is a great appreciation for the opportunities provided by the Centre, the learning, the great friendships and networks made throughout the year and the support gained by being part of the program. The 2014 Fellows will celebrate their graduation ceremony in February next year.

2014 Teaching Fellows enjoying the Teaching & Learning Conference, RACV Torquay

Teaching Fellowships will be offered in 2015. See Grant Applications on the Centre’s website for guidelines and nomination forms.


SPECIALIST SCHOLARSHIP Each year the VET Development Centre offers Scholarships to Specialist staff who are looking to develop their skills, capability and professional standing within the VET system. The program focuses on the professional development of nonteaching staff in the context of high level administrative and specialist tasks required of them by internal and external stakeholders. The 25 Specialist Scholars of 2014 are the largest number of Scholarships given out since the program began and as per previous years the range of projects and study being undertaken by each scholar is extremely diverse. The project/study that Scholars undertake is unique, and with their gained knowledge and skills has a lasting impact on the individual’s capability and future

career whilst making an invaluable contribution to their organisation’s potential. At the specialist scholars graduation ceremony on Friday December 12 we will have the opportunity to come together for one last time and formally acknowledge all their hard work and achievements throughout their scholarship year.

2014 Specialist Scholars

Specialist Scholarships will be offered in 2015. See Grant Applications on the Centre’s website for guidelines and nomination forms.

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2015: THE YEAR OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING The 2015 Professional Learning Program is here! The Centre now provides an annual Professional Learning Program to help you plan your professional development throughout the year. With a range of workshops, webinars and forums the new look calendar aims to help you choose a program that works for you. The workshops provide a hands-on opportunity for participants to develop skills and make action-orientated decisions in a full day or half day setting.

Webinars are a great way to learn, interact and communicate with presenters and fellow participants in an online environment. Forums are held to encourage discussion and networking around the issues faced within the VET sector. The program continues to be supported by the Professional Learning Framework. Use of the Framework targets skills gaps and indicates areas for continuous professional development. To download your copy of the 2015 Professional Learning Program, click here.

TRANSITION TO THE NEW NATIONAL STANDARDS In preparation for the new National Standards which will come into effect from 1 January 2015 for new RTOs and 1 April 2015 for existing RTOs, the VET Development Centre has run sold out workshops ‘Transition to new standards workshop for RTOs’ in 2014. The workshops have been designed to give participants

a close up look at the Standards for RTOs in 2015 and support organisations in making the changes to be put in place for the transition to the new standards. A range of Victorian private and public training providers attended the workshops in December to gain confidence and to have an understanding of their RTOs

preparedness to transition to the new standards. If you missed out on attending the workshops in 2014, the Centre will be running further sessions in early 2015. To register click here.

70:20:10 VET LEADERS LUNCH Another successful VET Leaders Lunch was held on Friday 24 October with Andrew Gerkens from the 70:20:10 Forum. Andrew’s presentation, based on the globally established 70:20:10 model for learning and development, explained how change is impacting the way people learn and work and the value of the 70:20:10 model as a strategic response to this change. In unpacking the model Andrew included examples of how VET organisations have used it to build

workforce capability. A lively question and answer session rounded off the luncheon activity. These lunches prove popular with senior staff within the sector. The next lunch which will be held on Friday 13 March 2015 will feature Professor Peter Noonan from the Mitchell Institute for Health & Education at Victoria University. To register, click here.

Denise Stevens with Andrew Gerkens

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MARK IN YOUR 2015 DIARIES... Learning Lab DATE: Thursday 5 March 2015 TIME: 9.00 – 3.30pm LOCATION: Melbourne Convention Centre REGISTRATION FEE: $50 Inc GST for a fully funded place The Learning Lab is an interactive day to give VET practitioners the opportunity to explore a range of digital educational technology in action. With a focus on the VET sector, the Learning Lab will showcase, demonstrate and share innovative ways to improve pedagogic practice using digital technologies in teaching practices. For further information, click here.

Transition to the New Standards for RTOs DATE: Tuesday 17 February 2015 TIME: 9.00 – 12.30pm LOCATION: Victoria University City Conference Centre COST: $220 inc GST For further information, click here.

AVETRA 2015 “Walking the Tightrope: the implication of markets for VET research, policy and practice” DATES: Wednesday 8 April – Friday 10 April 2015 LOCATION: The Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Melbourne, Victoria For further information, click here.



CHANGING GEARS Shifting to new ways of doing things

DATES: Thursday 3 September - Friday 4 September 2015 LOCATION: RACV Torquay Resort, Victoria COST: $490 inc GST (Accommodation not included; to be booked separately) The VET sector continues to respond to change which puts pressure on practitioners and providers to remain resilient and adaptive to learner needs. Staff at the Centre are already planning the 2015 conference to ensure that you are informed, ready and supported to engage fully, so it’s time to save the date for the 2015 Teaching and Learning Conference! The 2015 Conference will focus on change to ensure that when dealing with ongoing change you are supported in shifting to new ways of doing things. A range of keynote speakers and a series of workshops will address issues such as educational design, pedagogy and developing personal learning networks. For further information, click here.

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INTERNATIONAL VISITORS The Centre regularly has visitors from interstate or overseas interested in finding out more about the Centre’s workforce development activities. Recent delegations have been from Timor-Leste, Tanzania, Indonesia, Samoa, China as well as Austrade educational officers from Singapore and Argentina. In particular they have a focus on the issues around quality teaching and learning practices and methodology to ensure that the VET workforce maintains educational and vocational standards to meet industry requirements. It is interesting to note that the issues are essentially the same, the difference is scalability; but the challenges facing practitioners include: 1. Facilitating learning in a variety of environments: •


In the workplace with industry

Virtual - using technology to support learning

3. Delivering to a diverse student population 4. Recognising policy impacts on their teaching practice 5. Maintaining educational & vocational currency

Visitors from Indonesia

Visitors from Tanzania

2. Ensuring assessment meets training needs and provides confidence to learners and industry Visitors from Samoa

CONNECT WITH THE CENTRE Stay connected with news and events in the vocational education and training sector through the Centre’s social media pages and the VET Store.



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