The Patrician, January 2019

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The Patrician JANUARY 2019

The Victoria Flying Club ~ Aviation Excellence Since 1946

Happy New Year! • President's message

• Set your goals for 2019

• Winter flying pics


The Patrician

“To promote flying and aviation in general, and to teach and train persons in the art and science of flying and navigating and operating all manner of heavier-than-air aircraft.” (Victoria Flying Club Incorporation Bylaws, 1946)



News Around the Club


From the Editor


Notice of the AGM


Social Media Pics


President's Message



Plane Maintenance


First Solos and Member Achievements



Fly-Out Bug, COPA Quadrant


Cadet Familiarization Flying


Ground School Schedules


2018 Income Tax Procedure Form

VICE PRESIDENT Rob Shemilt SECRETARY Colin Williamson TREASURER Chris Peschke DIRECTORS Bill Kempthorne John Ainsworth John Ryan GENERAL MANAGER Marcel Poland

1852 Canso Road Sidney, BC V8L 5V5

P: 250-656-2833 F: 250-655-0910

Editor: Katy Earl The Patrician accepts unsolicited submissions.


This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, with prior permission of the publisher or author. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors.


PHOTO CREDITS Front cover photo credits: Felipe Gruber. Instagram: felipegruber81. "My tribute to the first aviation school of my life ! Love you @victoriaflyingclub"



We are still looking for photos of our successful (and good looking!) alumni to share at our Wings Banquet. So don’t be shy! Take a smiley photo of you living the dream, and email it to:

VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

News Around the Club

Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 26, 2019 and plan to attend the Wings Banquet, in celebration of 2018 accomplishments by VFC students and pilots. Join us at the Ward Room (1586 Esquimalt Rd) at 6:00 for cocktails before a delicious dinner and the awards ceremony. Dress is semi-formal. Tickets are $40 and are available to members and guests from the VFC office. PPL and CPL graduates receive one complimentary ticket. Please RSVP by January 15th. We do hope you will join us for a night of celebration, great food, and a chance to get to know other Club members. Along with recognizing our graduates, a number of flight training bursaries are awarded.

The Wings Banquet is a longstanding tradition at the Victoria Flying Club. Because our members are busy people who operate on different schedules, it is not often that we gather together as a group to celebrate what we have accomplished as individuals and as a club. That’s what makes the Wings Banquet special! Everyone is welcome to attend and graduates are encouraged to invite friends, family, and guests. VFC members are certainly encouraged to attend, even if they are not among this year’s graduates. It is an inspiring and encouraging evening for everyone!


Celebration time is just around the corner, and we would love to share YOUR good news as VFC alumni. Have you gone on to an

Join us to celebrate the achievements of our members during 2018! 26 JANUARY 2019 6 PM


aviation career since graduating with us? Share your 'before and after' photos with us, to be shared at the Wings Banquet! Email us at




If we experience freezing temperature, don't forget to plan to arrive early for your flight instruction appointments or plane rental to allow de-icing time, if needed.


It is time to renew your parking agreements and update your aircraft information at the Club. There are a few changes to the parking payment set up for the upcoming year, however. In order to keep everyone’s account current, there will be four options for payment: 1. By credit card, which will be billed automatically each month, please

PARKING If you’re interested in prime paved parking spaces for your aircraft, we want to hear from you! Secure, pull-in/pull-out, easy access. Please call Dispatch to arrange a spot, or get on the waitlist for hangar spaces at 250-656-2833


NEWS and EVENTS JAN 1 Limited staff, call ahead JAN 10 Next round of CPL Ground School starts NEWS and EVENTS

JAN 15 Deadline to get Wings Banquet tickets JAN 26 IFR/IMC Round Table Meetup JAN 26 Wings Banquet MAR 7 AGM

Is your aviation-related event not listed? Let us know at

CPL GROUND SCHOOL The next round is starting January 10. Reserve your seat with Dispatch today!

NEED ADVERTISING? Advertising in The Patrician is affordable! Contact us for more information.

HIRING: FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS Come teach with us! Send your resume to

GRADS: Share YOUR good news! We would like to share your 'before and after' pics at the next Wings Banquet! Send to:



see Kathy to set this up; 2. By post-dated cheque for the entire year, again see Kathy to organize this; 3. Prepay for the entire year and save 10%; 4. New this year is prepaying for the entire year with debit or cheque and save 11%. The Club is also starting a waitlist for hangar parking and there is outside paved parking available immediately. Call Dispatch to make arrangments.


It is time to renew your membership with us. Please check your email or mail box for your membership invoice. Membership costs are still low, and we look forward to another great year flying with you! Temporary Membership (3 month) Social Membership Flying Membership Sustaining (Voting) Membership Life Membership

$40 $75 $125 $145 $1250

Have you considered becoming a Sustaining Member of the Club? Sustaining and Life Members receive a reduced price on fuel, a discount of 10% per hour off the hourly rental rate for aircraft, and are entitled to one vote at each meeting of the Corporation. They also receive all Club privileges. So how do you become a Sustaining Member? If you have been a Flying Member in good standing for not less than 24 consecutive months, ask for an application form from Dispatch. Applications must be sponsored in writing by two Sustaining or Life Members in good standing and are submitted to the Board for approval.


Are you looking for meeting space for your own Meetup, business meeting, or party? Contact Customer Service at the Club to book your spot or connect you with the Dakota Cafe.


Since March 2016, the IFR / IMC Round Table group have been working through simulator scenarios and accident reports together. The goals of the meetings are to have an open and relaxed forum to discuss and practice instrument flying and to have fun! If you would like to be on the mailing list or get involved in the group for their next meeting on January 26th at 2pm, contact John at in advance.


New rates for rentals and instructors are as follows, starting January 1: VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

172 Aircraft HDP STY/Float Instructor's in 172 Instructor for IFR/Multi Instructor for Float

$158.00 $315.00 $230.00 $68.00 $75.00 $75.00

Images below: Instagram: pilotguy_adam captures the Sea Kings about to go on their final farewell flight over Vancouver Island (December 17th). Instagram: jahnfennell. BoNmr17HoB3/ Facebook: Throwback to January 11, 2018 when members were asked about their goals for the year.


Have news or a story to tell? Email us at for a chance to have your news or story published in The Patrician.

What?! Half a 172 per year?


The 2018 Income Tax forms are available from the office or on the last page of this issue. Please return your completed forms to the office ASAP.

Although VFC’s management team has negotiated our credit card fees down considerably over the last year, did you know that VFC pays the equivalent of a half of an airplane per year in credit card company fees? We’d ask you to consider using cash, interact or e-transfer in paying your account to reduce unnecessary fees, yours and ours, because we’d like to spend that money on adding another plane to the fleet.


Editor's Note

From the Editor

Advice from the Conqueror Being a child of the '80s and having a brother into bodybuilding, I grew up aware of such things as "Mr. Universe," "Conan the Conqueror," "Terminator" and the international sensation that is Arnold Schwarzenegger. The man is a legend, a world-record setter, one of the most recognized modern-day movie stars of our time (or perhaps I am aging myself in saying that!). So my interest was piqued when I came across a video where he talked about his keys for success. As you plan to move forward on your goals for 2019, I hope you take as much inspiration from his words as I do. Here are some Arnie words I've found motivating: 1. "The first step is to create a vision, because when you see the vision – the beautiful vision – that creates the want power." "Think BIG." Arnold grew up in post-WWII, economically-depressed Austria and knew he wanted to get out. Seeing a bodybuilding magazine featuring how the latest Mr. Universe had become a movie star changed everything for Arnold. He developed a BIG vision of becoming an internationally recognized movie star and becoming Mr. Universe. We asked some of you what your flying visions were for 2019. Here's what some of you said: "Buy my own airplane." "Finish my CPL and ratings." "LAND MY FIRST PILOT JOB!!!"



"Win the Webster Competition." "Join the RCAF." "Buy the Martin Mars." What is your BIG vision for 2019? 2. "Ignore the naysayers." "Positive thinking can be contagious. Being surrounded by winners helps you develop into a winner." Sigh, yes, there will always be people in life that tell you, 'you can't do that.' Arnold faced this too, but in the end, what people told him were his liabilities (e.g. his thick Austrian accent and poor English ability, and being physically 'gigantic and monstrous') ended up being his greatest assets that helped propel him in his career. But before that became apparent, he didn't let anything hold him back. Hundreds of VFC grads over the decades have made flying their way of life, whether recreationally or for their career. VFC has even seen young ones under the age of 10 flying! If piloting aircraft is what you want to be doing, connect with and get inspired by the positive minded instructors or mentors at the Club (yes the Mentor Program is still going at the Club!) or others who frequent the Dakota Cafe that have lived the dream and will encourage you to do the same. Surround yourself with positive people who will encourage you to meet your dreams! 3. "Work your a__ off!" "There are no shortcuts—everything is reps, reps, reps." "If you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results."

Just as true in bodybuilding as in flying, you get progress from repetition, buliding muscle memory, teaching your muscles fibres to articulate automatically according to the different positions or environments barbell or aircraft are put in, building the experience. Many a student pilot has found that their skills and confidence have increased greatly when they are able to fly several times a week. VFC alumnus and pilot for Perimeter Aviation, Duncan Cochrane, said it well (August 2018 Patrician): "Taking a day or so between flights can help you to think things through about how things went and talk it over with your instructor, but if you wait a whole week, you may forget what you learned in the last flight, and the lesson is lost." So figure out what level of repetition is going to work for you to reach your goals, and stick to it! 4. "Don't just take. Give back." "It's not what you get out of life that counts. Break your mirrors! In our society that is so self-absorbed, begin to look less at yourself and more at each other. You'll get more satisfaction from having improved your neighbourhood, your town, your state, your country, and your fellow human beings than you'll ever get from your muscles, your figure, your automobile, your house, or your credit rating." Arnold took on a variety of leadership roles throughout his life, from mentorship, to volunteering, to Governorship for California. Through talking to the people you meet at the

VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

You can also give back at the Club. The Club frequently hires its students and alumni in line, dispatch, administration, instructor and other positions. As the global pilot shortage continues and people continue to move around, flight

instructors are always needed at the Club. Feel free to talk with the Manager or other instructors to plan out a winning career path that is going to work for you. We are here for you! Another area you might consider is volunteering as a board member of the Club. Nomination forms are being accepted and a vote will be held for positions in the next AGM (March). This could be your opportunity to really make a difference to our community! And as always, our community loves to hear your stories and what new adventures you have conquered with your passion for flying. Give

back by sharing the story with us, either in The Patrician or in one of our social media groups! We love to hear from you! Wherever your goals propel you for 2019, we wish you all power in conquering the next item on your list. Be as unstoppable and determined as Terminator as you keep moving forward. And when you succeed, be sure to stop by and share the happy news with us! Best of wishes and a happy new year! Katy Earl has been Editor of The Patrician since January 2016.


Angel Flight BC

VFC's Mentor Program

Do you pay particular attention to news stories about people missing in the wilderness and think, “I wish I could help?” Are you interested in helping out with search and rescue efforts? Check out these websites for who to contact to become volunteer spotters, navigators, or pilots to help out with emergency efforts:

As a registered non-profit organization, Angel Flight provides free air transportation to ambulatory cancer patients requiring travel to treatment at cancer clinics and hospitals in Vancouver, Victoria and other cancer centres within the approved Angel Flight areas of operation. If you have a MINIMUM of 300 hours as Pilot in Command and want to help out with providing flights, please check out their website:

If you are a new pilot, or a pilot looking for people to fly with, share the experience, share the fun, and share the cost, please do get in touch at:

BC Aviation Museum

COPA Flight 6


100% run by volunteers, help is needed for everything from administration, management and maintenance duties, exhibit construction, event help, aircraft restoration, and more! BCAM people are lovely people, you will have a good time there! You might even get to lay hands on their new soon-to-be-shiny Lancaster!

COPA works to support and improve personal aviation throughout Canada. COPA staff work the national issues, dealing with national government and industry officials to protect and promote our freedom to fly. COPA chapters (Flights) promote COPA and aviation in their local areas by conducting promotional, educational, social and other activites, such as the popular COPA 4 Kids and Fly-Outs. Get involved!

Every summer there is a roster of amazing airshows near and far. Check out these websites early 2019 to volunteer at something less far: volunteers/ getinvolved/volunteer/

Editor's Note

Club, you will find that there are likewise many opportunities for you to take on leadership and give back to the community. Below are some volunteer examples. In addition, Hope Air, Paws'n'Pilots, the BC Aviation Council, Women in Aviation, and so many more organizations are looking for volunteers who can pitch in a hand. Have I missed a good organization? Let me know about it!


Notice of the NEWS and EVENTS

Annual General Meeting The Victoria Flying Club Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, March 7th, 2019 in the VFC pilot lounge. The meeting will begin, as it always does, at 6:00 pm with wine and cheese. The business portion of the evening gets under way at 7:00 pm.

What Happens at the AGM? As a not-for-profit organization in Canada, the Victoria Flying Club holds the Annual General Meeting to provide an opportunity for discussion and decision making among club members. The discussion will include a review of the previous year's results, plans for the current year, and the establishment of the Board of Directors for the upcoming year. The Board of Directors are selected by a process of election.

Who is Eligible to Vote at the AGM?

While attendance at the AGM is open to all members, voting privileges are extended to those with Sustaining Memberships and Life Memberships only. If you have been a member in good standing of the Victoria Flying Club for 24 consecutive months, then you are eligible to apply to become a Sustaining or Life Member. Sustaining Members and Life Members receive a discount on aircraft rentals, fuel, etc. If you have been a member for 24 consecutive months, please pick up a Sustaining Member or Life Member application from the VFC office and plan to attend the AGM.

How Can You Get Involved? The Board of Directors consists of a group of Victoria Flying Club members who use their collective knowledge and skills to conduct club business on behalf of all members. They are governed by a set of by-laws and make decisions

regarding aircraft and equipment, facilities, staffing, and various other areas of club business. Sustaining and Life Members are eligible to be nominated for a director position. Nomination forms are available at the VFC office and nominations. Directors must be nominated by two other Sustaining or Life Members. After completing your nomination form please send a short bio to the nomination committee via VFC President, Ramona Reynolds, at so that it can be published in advance of the AGM. Being involved with the VFC Board of Directors is a great opportunity to contribute to the future of the Victoria Flying Club, and to the local aviation community. For more information, please contact the VFC General Manager, Marcel Poland at marcelpoland@ or 250-656-2833.

CPL GROUND SCHOOL The next round starts on January 10! Call Dispatch to get on the list.



VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

Social Media Pics

We love your stories! We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube. Tag us, and we just may feature your story!

Check out Anthony Joh's experience below, or off our Facebook page!

FEBRUARY: Looking for a special way to say 'Be my Valentine' to your girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife, friend, life-long buddy, dog, or favorite airplane? Send your pics to us for our annual 'love and relationships' Patrician for a chance to be featured.

Social Media

#victoriaflyingclub #flyvfc



Feature Article

Message Message from the President, Ramona Reynolds My Dear Friends, Welcome to a New Year! 2018 was another significant year for the Victoria Flying Club. At the time of this writing (not exactly year-end) together we flew 12,519.2 hours! That is an all-time record for the Club and it will be exciting to see the final number as you’ve already flown 500 hours over the previous record set in 2016. These record setting hours directly reflect the focus, hard work and dedication of the VFC staff during a time of transformation in the Club and the aviation industry as a whole. The endeavours of everyone in the aviation community to bridge the gap between the pilot shortage and training exceptional pilots who can quickly move on to careers in commercial aviation has hit the fevered pitch that we have been talking about for years. Everyone in the industry is focused on expanding advanced flight training and instructor retention. We’ve been lucky and we know it. This past year we saw some of our best and brightest instructors move on to careers in commercial aviation. While we miss them and look forward to hearing stories of their own transformative experience, their movement created space for a group of new and gifted instructors who have stepped in with great attitudes and commitment to your success.

10 JANUARY 2019

We have also seen some of our best and brightest students move on to careers in commercial aviation and the military, so we know you also have infinite opportunities before you. We are certain of this because the airlines have absorbed so many new pilots and the demand for flight training is so high that we have had to start a waitlist for new students. How to address a growing waitlist is a problem, but it’s a good problem to have. And in order to address that need, our flight training unit has produced another cohort of hard working instructors that are focused on you attaining your goals this year.

"You also have infinite opportunities before you." As we all know, some aspects of organizational transformation are difficult. The challenges for us this year have been changes in management, staff, board members and technology, as well as improving our relationship with Transport Canada. We have talked for a few years about setting new standards, and we have pressed each other to meet those standards. The hard part notwithstanding, the good news is that our whole team has a long list of accomplishments from this past year that they can all be proud of, that is in addition to record setting flight hours and having the privilege to train some exceptional new pilots. We rolled out a revamped commercial

ground school with both in-house and online options, and all of our members will now have more opportunities to learn directly from leaders in the aviation industry. We have continued with the strategy we had set out for implementing a series of operational advances that are aimed to facilitate our present and future growth. We have completed a new and comprehensive Human Resources Policy Manual. Our staff have attended training and information sessions with respect to sexual and workplace harassment, and this year they will complete training in accordance with the federally mandated workplace violence policy. We have finally finished a thorough review and overhaul of VFC policies for every department and the organization as a whole. This has taken two years to complete but will provide a solid foundation for the Club moving forward with a view to keeping everyone at VFC safe. The complete policy document will be available on our website and hard copies will be provided to the staff. We have completed a comprehensive analysis of Canadawide rental rates for both for-profit and not-for-profit flight training units and flying clubs. The resulting rate changes that roll out here on January 1, 2019, continue to be under the low end of the national average while still providing an opportunity for the Club to put some money away for fleet renewal and long-term stability.

VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

The management team has gone through a new-to-us detailed process of cost analysis, budgeting and forecasting that has been very helpful. This on-going audit process will assist with identifying and addressing issues over time.

While some of us have been focused on the federal regulators, others on the team have been focused on the provincial regulators from the Ministry of Advanced Education and other provincial governing bodies. Ensuring that we are continuing to meet all of the requirements of all of these regulatory bodies has been undertaken with firm determination by our Management Team. As a Club, we have a long list of transformative developments on the slate for 2019. From a Board perspective, we are working on a Board Conduct Manual and will, again, be refining the VFC Bylaws to reflect a modern environment. We will focus on updating director

We are so proud of all of you so please accept our invitation to join in celebrating the accomplishments of our new and advancing pilots at the Wings Banquet on Saturday, January 26. We look forward to hearing your stories of transformation in 2019!


FLYING HOURS over previous record


art & framing book printing Victoria: 905 Fort St., Victoria BC V8V 3K3 Tel: 250-385-9786 Sidney: 2411 Beacon Ave., Sidney BC V8L 2X2 Tel: 250-656-1233



Thank you.

print & imaging


Feature Article

Our maintenance team completely overhauled and reissued a new Maintenance Control Manual and Maintenance Policy Manual just in time for the Process Investigation (formerly PVI Audit) by Transport Canada early this year.

positions (for example the Treasurer no longer writes cheques), revising the committee structure to remove antiquated committees and add audit and governance committees. We are looking at moving regulatory accountability from the Board to the leadership who are employed by the Club. This will achieve two aims: remove positions of conflict by board members; and put responsibility and accountability to the regulators on the people who get paid as professionals to run the Club. The proposed bylaw changes will be outlined and provided well in advance of the AGM that is scheduled for Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Your feedback is necessary and appreciated.

VFC SMILE CARDS Pick up your smile card today at the VFC oďŹƒce, and 5% of your grocery purchase will go towards creating scholarships and awards for VFC members. Since the autumn of 2005, the Victoria Flying Club has received over $18,600 from the Thrifty Foods Smile Card program. These funds have been appreciated by all members of the club. Thank you Thrifty Foods!


Plane Maintenance

Feature Article

Interior Resolutions

Contributed by Leslie at Sea and Sky Eco Detailing 2019 brings new resolutions; make the interior of your plane one of them. The benefits of maintaining your interior will provide you with pleasure and also save the need to replace some of the big ticket items like seating, headliner, or carpet. We would like to take you through a step by step process to assist an excellent interior detail of your plane. To begin, use a vacuum with attachments that include one for the floor and under seats and hard to reach places. On the seats, use an attachment that is soft enough to ensure no damage is done while you clean out the folds, then a very soft vacuum brush to vacuum the cockpit instruments. Make sure you don't change any switches accidentally! This step is done after the main part of the plane has been detailed. Use a fresh additional brush for the cleaning of the headliner and walls so no dirt moves from one area to the next. Once the plane has been vacuumed, go on to cleaning the headliner, walls and any storage area. If the headliner is leather, use a leather cleaner and conditioner. Any marks should be taken care of first and all areas should be sealed with a UV protectant. If the headliner is a soft cloth material, any stains or marks



should be dealt with one at a time (ensure you have tested your choice of product on an area that is not noticeable, to ensure there is no bleaching of the fabric). Clean all storage areas with a product that will best suit the material it is made of. A dry-wash product is a competent cleaner for some industrial or hard surface areas. If I am dealing with a painted surface, I prefer to use a dry-wash with a little polish so I can enjoy the extra shine. Once the headliner is completed, turn to the floor. If it is carpet we use a dry extraction method to ensure a deep clean without the use of water, therefore reducing any issue with excessive moisture in the plane. Any stains should be seen to one at a time, again ensuring you try your choice of product out in any area that in not easily noticeable. Once the carpet is cleaned use only clean shoes or shoe covers to continue your work. Now I turn to the seats, all should be vacuumed and all storage areas cleaned and vacuumed as well. Then using an appropriate product clean the entire seat and remove any stains or marks. Be sure to clean the sides, storage areas and under the headrest as well as the armrests. Once the seat is completely clean, each seat should be conditioned and UV proctor applied. Each seat will take between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. Once the seats are done, turn to any handles or wood inlays as these can be polished at this time.'

Still focusing on the main body of the plane complete the interior windows, use an aviation window product. We use Prist and it seems to be the leader in aviation window cleaning. When cleaning the windows maintain a clean soft cloth, changing it as soon as it becomes dirty. Another important thing to remember is to wipe from the top of the window down. Do not clean in circles! The focus on the top to bottom movement will ensure any possible marks on the window will not irritate vision. Once the storage areas and the main body of the plane have been detailed, we suggest moving into the cockpit. With the floor, headliners, walls and seating completed, your focus will be on the doors, cockpit screens, interments and windows. The doors are dealt with as you would the walls of the planes; ensure you open them and clean around the door, polish any wood and hardware. Now attach the soft cockpit brush to the vacuum screen and instruments. Once this is completed, you can use an aviation screen cleaner to clean the screens. (We use Visial two step wipes for this.) The rest of the instruments can be cleaned with a soft microfibre, cotton swabs and a steady hand. Once the cockpit has been cleaned, we complete the job with cleaning the cockpit windows. Because we do not want any moisture in or on the cockpit instruments, I spray Prist on a clean microfibre cloth away

VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

from the cockpit, then use it on the windows, repeating the movement from top to bottom of the window screen and drying with a second clean microfibre.

A diligent detail of your planes interior will take you anywhere from 4 up to 10 hours depending on the size and the complexity of the interior. However, the hours spent will be well worth your efforts as you enjoy your resolution fulfilled.


Feature Article

As with all products you use on your plane, please ensure they were developed to be used in aviation. Items such as cleaners and polishers that are not for aviation may cause static build up which can effect your instruments.

courtesy of

To take advantage of this offer you must: Provide proof of enrollment from a Canadian Flight Training Unit or Provide an instructor’s endorsement stating current training being undertaken and Have not previously held a COPA membership

Unlock the benefits of your membership: SIGN UP TODAY! visit our website HTTPS://WWW.COPANATIONAL.ORG

@COPAnational TO ADVANCE, PROMOTE, AND PRESERVE THE CANADIAN FREEDOM TO FLY Canadian Owners and Pilots Association 75 Albert St. Suite 903 Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7 613-236-4901 | |

VFC CHARTER SERVICE Be there in minutes!

VFC Charter offers inexpensive, on-demand, and direct transportation to places not serviced by other commercial carriers in the lower BC area. The charter service is operational in day VFR conditions. Please contact us for more information on destinations and costs.

For more information or to book a flight Email: Call: 1-778-350-3213


Member Achievements

First Solos and Member Achievements Instagram: adventuretofreedom. December 2018. Discovery Island

"Without disruption of air traffic, these fearless, forthright, indomitable and courageous individuals did venture into the wild blue yonder in flying machines. Furthermore, these skillful individuals did safely land said flying machines at Victoria International Airport, incurring no significant damage to self or machine, thus completing first solo flights."

New Members

PPL Flight Test

Private Pilot Licence

Hans Strumberger Harrison Breeze Robert McIntyre Stephen Allan William Lafontane

Andrew Johnson

Adam Johnston

First Solo Denys Jubinville Matthew Isenor Patrick Lehman Ryan Postle Stephan Sitka (Pictures of some will appear in the February Patrician)

14 JANUARY 2019

PPL Written Albena Ivanova Andrew Johnson Cameron Devlin Cameron Feary

VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

Member Achievements

Patrick Lehman Instructor: Trevor Hulme

Ryan Postle Instructor: Brenda McPhail

Instagram: John Fennell. September 2018.


Fly-Out Bug COPA Quadrant

COPA Flight 6 Would you like to volunteer as a board member? COPA Flight 6 would love to hear from you! From Allan Rempel, Co-Captain, COPA Flight 6: The next COPA Flight 6 meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, and the topic will be... you, if you like. Many of us have made decisions about which airplanes to buy, rent, and fly, so lets share some of those decisions. Would you like to share your experience in this area? Send Allan an email (copaight6@gmail. com) with topic ideas by January 7th. Topics could include a plane that you've bought or rented or want to buy. Every plane has tradeoffs, so why did/do/will you make that choice? Factors may include speed, useful load, cost, ease of maintenance, operational

AviAtion cAreer + scHolArsHiP Guide

Picture Yourself Here Do You Have WHat it takes? Top Aviation Companies Outline Opportunities FunDing available More than 100 Scholarships Listed aviation is not Just For Pilots Pursue Your Dream in Maintenance, Operations, ATC

complexity, style (e.g. canard, twin tail, T-tail, etc.), certificated or not, floats or not, single or multi, bush performance, aerobatics, taildragger or tricycle, or whatever factors you consider important. What missions or fun flights do you do, and how does the plane help with those? There are also a few developments on the COPA National front for which COPA is looking for interested individuals in local COPA Flights.

GA Safety Seminars. Ideally these people would be instructors or ATPs and enjoy teaching. - Nav Canada is conducting Area Operations Consultation Meetings (AOCM) and COPA is looking for individuals to attend and represent GA. The next local one in Vancouver is tentatively schedule for May 13. If anybody is interested in working on any of those, let me know. Thanks.

- TCCA is wanting to meet with local stakeholders including COPA Flights about various issues, which could include topics like ADS-B, 10year prop overhauls, TCCA service delays, etc.

As always you neither need to be a member of COPA National to attend. As your voice for the Freedom to Fly in Canada your participation is appreciated.

- TCCA is working on a General Aviation Safety Campaign, and as part of that is looking for local individuals who could conduct local

Email: Blog:

The Aviation Career + Scholarship Guide en/aviation-career-andscholarship-guide/ Get prepped for a forwardmoving 2019!

COPA FLIGHT 6 Flight Captain (President) Rob Shemilt Co-Captain (Vice President) Allan Rempel Navigator (Treasurer) Art Reitsma

16 JANUARY 2019

VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

Cadet Familiarization Flying Feature Article

Editor: We caught up with Matthew Mosveen (VFC Member, Glider Flight Instructor, 89 (Pacific) Squadron Power Familiarization Pilot) on a beautiful November day. Thank you for sharing the story of the day! Matthew: "Fall and winter flying might best be summarized as elusive, but rewarding. Most often, the rewarding component must be painstakingly earned. You may find yourself cancelling flights for a period of weeks before realizing a workable weather window. Though an outflow of arctic air might not be found on most people’s Christmas list - it’s likely near the top of a pilot’s. When the right day comes along, you’ll be handsomely compensated for your patience. Sunny blue skies, stratusgarnished mountain valleys, and dramatic sunsets await."


Ground School Ground School


Private Pilot Classes run Mon. and Wed. from 19:00 to 22:00. DATE



January 7

Canadian Aviation Regulations & Licencing I


January 9

Canadian Aviation Regulations & Licencing II


January 14

Aerodynamics & Theory of Flight


January 16

Airframes & Engines


January 21

Systems & Flight Instruments


January 23

Human Factors & Pilot Decision Making


January 28

Meteorology I


January 30

Meteorology II


February 4

Meteorology III


Ground School Course: $350

Ground School Kit: $275

Call Customer Service at 250 656 2833 to register for Ground School today!

Commercial Pilot Classes run on the following dates from 19:00 to 21:30. DATE


January 10

Introduction to the program

January 24


February 7


February 21


Individual Speaker Sessions: $30 Ground School with textbooks: $750 Ground School without textbooks: $650 * Students who have pre-enrolled in the online program only pay $495

18 JANUARY 2019


VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

2018 Income Tax Procedure Form

Victoria Flying Club 2018 Income Tax Procedure

Please Note: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) has recently been requiring proof of enrollment in the Commercial Pilot Program before allowing a deduction for the hours under the Private Pilot Licence. A letter from the Club confirming enrollment in the CPL is available to students actively pursuing a CPL (i.e., a Category 1 Medical, enrollment in Commercial Ground School, working towards a Night Rating or actively completing the dual requirements of the CPL). Members are reminded that all deductions taken are the responsibility of the person claiming the deduction on their tax return. Instructions: Complete all areas of this form. There is no need to complete the form if you reached the maximum deductible hours per course in 2018. Mail/fax/or drop off this form to Dispatch. Allowable deductions:

Licence or Endorsement:

As outlined by Revenue Canada Taxation 875 Heron Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L8 Private Pilot Licence Commercial Pilot Licence Instructor Rating Night Rating

Allowable Tuition Fees (Please read carefully): Private Pilot Course Any number of dual flying hours. Solo hours to the extent that dual and solo hours do not exceed a total of forty-five hours. Revenue Canada has been requiring proof of enrollment in the Commercial Pilot Licence program prior to allowing a deduction for the PPL. (See above) Commercial Pilot Course Any number of dual flying hours and solo hours to the extent that dual and solo hours do not exceed a total of sixty-five hours (Commercial Licence).




________hours dual Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2018 ________hours solo Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2018 ________hours dual and solo claimed in 2018 and earlier re private license ________TOTAL CLAIM in hours (CANNOT EXCEED 45 HOURS) www.


Commercial Pilot Course Ground school Jan 1 to December 31, 2018 Ground school Retread

$495.00 $ 50.00

$___________ $___________

________hours dual Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2018 ________hours solo Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2018 ________hours dual and solo claimed in 2018 and earlier re commercial license ________TOTAL CLAIM in hours (CANNOT EXCEED 65 HOURS)

Other Ratings Rating: _______________________________

Hours: Dual____________ Solo___________

To Be Completed By The Student I, _________________________ certify that: I intend to work in the occupation of _________________________________and that I was enrolled in the course entitled _________________________in order to furnish me with skills in that occupation OR I am qualified as a ___________________________ and that I was enrolled in the course entitled ___________________________ ________in order to improve my skills in that occupation. My hours claimed for 2018, when combined with hours claimed in 2018 and earlier does not exceed the maximums outlined of 45 hours for private and 65 hours for commercial course. __________________________ Signature of Student

____________________________ Date

Do you wish your tax form mailed or picked up?______________________________ Tax Forms received by Victoria Flying Club prior to February 1, 2019 will be completed by February 28, 2019.

For Office Use Only Date received ____________________ Course _____________________________ Hours:


Dual $______________



Ground Briefing: Ground school:


$______________ Dual $______________ $______________

Total Hours Claimed: ____________Private _____________

20 JANUARY 2019

VFC | Aviation Excellence Since 1946

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