March 2010

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The Patrician


MARCH 2010


Wings Banquet Graduates and Instructors

The Patrician Monthly newsletter of the Victoria Flying Club

MARCH 2010

In this issue:

The Victoria Flying Club est. 1946

3 Spring Cleaning: Annuals, Currency, and Recency

“To promote flying and aviation in general, and to teach and train persons in the art and science of flying and navigating and operating all manner of heavier-than-air aircraft.” (Victoria Flying Club Incorporation Bylaws, 1946)

5 Wings Banquet Report

Board of Directors

11 I Learned about Flying From That By: Scott Eichel

President………………………………….….Lloyd Toope Vice President…………………………..Colin Dormuth Treasurer……………………………………….Ellen Wood Secretary……………………………………….Rob Shemilt Directors………………………………………..Sean Steele Colin Williamson Don Devenney Dennis Arnsdorf General Manager………………………….Gerry Mants Chief Flying Instructor……………..Graham Palmer

14 GPS Seminar Info Editor/Publisher: Christie Hall

1852 Canso Road Sidney, BC V8L 5V5

Midnight Design and Communication

The Patrician accepts unsolicited submissions. This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, only with prior permission of the publisher or author. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors.

Phone: 250-656-2833 Fax: 250-655-0910 Email:


Notice of the

Annual General Meeting of the

Victoria Flying Club March 11th, 2010 6:00 - wine and cheese 7:00 - meeting meeting to take place in the vFc member’s lounge

If you have been a member in good standing of the Victoria Flying Club for 24 consecutive months, you are eligible to become a Sustaining Member. Sustaining Member Application letters are available from the Victoria Flying Club office. Sustaining and Life members will have voting privileges at the AGM. Sustaining and Life members are also eligible to be nominated for Director positions with the Board. Directors are nominated by two other Sustaining or Life Members. Nomination forms are available from the office, or at the meeting. There may also be nominations from the floor at the time of the meeting.

If you have any questions about becoming a Sustaining Member or club Director, please contact VFC Manager Gerry Mants at 250-656-2833.

MARCH 2010 2

an Annual Check-Ride in which the instructor is provided ‘free of charge’ to a maximum of 2 hours; aircraft rental rates apply.

Spring is definitely in the air, and with the Olympic Air Restrictions coming to an end on March 24th, it’s time to clear the cob webs and dust off the log book. Below are just a few notes about the Victoria Flying Club’s currency provisions. Staying current is one of the best ways to ensure safe and happy flying for everyone through the summer months, and year round.

Pilots who do not maintain a 12-hour per year validity in VFC aircraft must complete an Annual Check-Ride in which the instructor is provided ‘free of charge’ to a maximum of 2 hours; aircraft rental rates apply. Spring is a great time to book your Annual CheckRide, before the busy summer season creeps up on us. You can book online or call the VFC office at : 250-656-2833.

Currency: Pilots must fly a minimum of 1.0 hour within a 60-day period to remain current on VFC aircraft.


In addition to flying a minimum of 1.0 hours within a 60-day period, pilots must fly a minimum of 12 hours annually to remain current on VFC aircraft.

An Annual Check-Ride does not meet the 24-Month Recency Requirements as set forth by Transport Canada in CARS 401.05(2)(a). Meeting these requirements is the sole responsibility of every licensed pilot in Canada. Should a VFC pilot elect to conduct a “flight review” as specified in CARS 421.05, arrangements for this type of flight can be made, and a portion of a VFC Annual Check Ride can be credited towards this flight.

In short, currency cannot be maintained by flying 0.5 hours of circuits every 60 days. Your goal should be at least 1.0 hour every 60 days, in order to fulfill all the requirements of VFC currency. Flight time may be accepted from flights other than in VFC aircraft at the discretion of the CFI of ACFI.

Annual Check-Ride:

For further information on Recency, please see the following:

The Annual Check-Ride is one of the benefits of membership at VFC. A couple hours brushing up on your flying skills with an instructor is time well-spent!

CARS 401.05(2)(a) CARS 421.05

Pilots who maintain a 12-hour per year validity in VFC aircraft are entitled to, but not required to complete


Mystery Aircraft

Hi there! I've got this one! It's a HFB 320 Hansa Jet made in Germany in the early 70s. If memory had very noisy GE CJ610 jet engines. Later on it was used by various overnight parcel carriers. Take care, Derek Clarke

Manufacturer: Hamburger-Flugzeugbau Model: HFB-320 Hansa First flown in 1964, the HFB-320 Hansa was an unsuccessful German attempt to break into the exec-jet market. Just over 60 were made and one is known to have been operated by Millardair of Toronto in the early 1970s. Accident rate was not good, possibly because they were unwanted and therefore cheap, making them vulnerable to the inept. The example shown survived until 2004 when it crashed after t/o in Missouri. Cause: elevator trim cables reversed during maintenance.

March Mystery Your mission: Identify the aircraft. Contact:

MARCH 2010 4








Saturday, January 30th 2010 some 90 pilots, family, and friends joined together at the Wardroom, CFB Esquimalt to celebrate the accomplishments of VFC’s student pilots during the 2009 training year. It was an evening of excellent food, great conversation, awards, and camaraderie.

2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8.

certificates which were awarded, a number of scholarships and bursaries were also granted. Congratulations to all our Wings and Certificate recipients, as well as the following award winners:

The Betty Wadsworth Award Laura Van Buskirk

Photos: 1.

In addition to the PPL, CPL, and Instructor Rating

VFC Instructor Jessica McLaggan presents May Loo with her PPL Certificate and Wings VFC Instructor Brad Fraser presents Sean Brenton with his CPL Certificate VFC Instructor receives her Instructor Rating Certificate from VFC CFI Graham Palmer Laura Van Buskirk receives her PPL Certificate and Wings from Graham Palmer and VFC Instructor Simon Dennis. Laura was also the recipient of the Betty Wadsworth Memorial Scholarship. Graham Palmer presents Chad Goobie with the Top Pilot Award for 2009. Chad also received the award for the Top Written Exam Mark, a Thrifty Foods Flight Training Bursary, as well as his PPL Certificate and Wings. ACFI Marcel Poland and General Manager Gerry Mants hand out a selection of door prizes. The crowd enjoys a phenomenal buffet dinner. Guest speaker Angus Forsyth, a former VFC student and Instructor, shared stories and photos from his flying career. He is currently employed by the province of Manitoba, flying a CL-215 water bomber.

The Claude Butler Award Dirk Pritchard Spitfire on take off

The Mike Cooper-Slipper Award Jared Reid

Top Private Pilot Written Exam Mark Chad Goobie Top Private Pilot Flight Test Mark Jeff Pennington Top Pilot Award Chad Goobie Thrifty Foods Flight Training Bursary Chad Goobie Ryan Smith Nick Oakley 8



MARCH 2010 6

Congratulations and thanks to Walt Salmaniw for this month’s winning photo. Below are descriptions of the winning photo (plus one extra) in Walt’s own words. I was reading a hard copy of the Patrician tonight, and noticed a new feature, namely, Photo of the Month. Over the years, I've collected 1000s of aviation related photos (mostly slides). Here are two interesting ones from my own life. The first (below) is of a very young flight surgeon of 434 Bluenose squadron, before heading on a training flight aboard a CF-5D out of Chatham, NB in early 1987. The second (left) is a self-portrait taken at 35,000' using my trusty Nikon FE with a 24 mm wideangle lens. Ahhh, those were the days! Hope they'll be of interest to you and the readership! Great going, by the way, with the Patrician. It continues to be a very fine read! Walt Salmaniw, MD and CAME

Each photo entry will be eligible for a monthly prize from the pilot shop. Also, every photo submitted through the year will be entered into a draw for a $100 gift certificate from VFC. One entry per month, per person please. Send your favourite aviation related photos to: by the 15th of each month .



New Members

First Solo Paul Millar Ajay Singh Matthew Cumming

Ben Yonge Christopher Hartigan Ronald Parish Quintin Hergt

PPL Written Ash Knightley Brady Tucker

Ashley Kirk Curt Kimber Richard Buscholl

CPL Flight Test Vikas Sahrawat

Meredith Ball Mark Andreassen Claude Kennedy


Kara White Ashley Abraham Dieter Gerhard Elise Gomez-Poulin Philip Nielsen Robert Nielsen

The Victoria Flying Club is very excited to partner with Thrifty Foods in their successful Smile Card program. Pick up your smile card today at the VFC office, and 5% of your grocery purchases will go towards creating scholarships and awards for VFC members.


MARCH 2010 8

Wouldn’t you rather be flying? Tax and financial planning Rapid refunds (electronic filing) Personal, corporate and estate tax

Open 8am4pm daily


in the Victoria Flying Club

Evelyn J. Andrews-Greene, CA VFC Sustaining Member since 1983


Join us for breakfast or lunch...inside & patio seating 101—1852 Canso Rd

#202-31 Bastion Square



Monday and Wednesday Evenings 1900—2200 Upstairs at the Victoria Flying Club Date



Mar 01 03 08 10 15 17 22 24 29 31

Meteorology Meteorology Human Factors and Pilot Decision Making Flight Operations Flight Operations Navigation Navigation Navigation Radio and Electronic Theory Review (Tower Tour and Written Exam Seminar)

Simon Dennis Simon Dennis Brad Fraser Yasuhiro Koide Yasuhiro Koide Jeff Lightheart Jeff Lightheart Jeff Lightheart TBA John McConnachie

Apr 07


Brad Fraser

Mar 5 6

1700-2100 830-1230 1300-1700 830-1700

Airframes and Engines Systems and Flight Instruments Human Factors/Pilot Decision Making Crew Resource Management

Mike Chow Mike Chow Brad Fraser Brad Fraser


1700-2100 830-1230 1300-1700 830-1700

GPS Flight Operations Navigation Navigation

Graham Palmer Jeff Lightheart Jeff Lightheart Jeff Lightheart

Mar 19 20 21

1700-2100 830-1700 830-1700

Meteorology Meteorology Meteorology

Simon Dennis Simon Dennis Simon Dennis

7 Mar 12 13

MARCH 2010 10

A Canadian Airforce veteran, and current instructor with ProIFR, Scott Eichel has quite a collection of flying tales. He submitted this article, along with the suggestion that other pilots might have similar stories of lessons learned in the air and on the ground. To submit yours, contact:

16 April 1971

Having departed Greenwood, we climbed to our initial

The weather briefing was for fairly clear flying with

transit altitude of 5000 ft. and leveled off until we crossed the coast outbound and went “operational”. Once in that regime we were radio silent with ATC and free to roam, changing altitude at will until approaching Bermuda Control a few hours later. Our flight following was through encrypted contact with the operational authority in Halifax.

was a less than perfect day for our transit from Greenwood, Nova Scotia to Bermuda in a Canadian Forces CP-107 Argus.

some cloud of no particular consequence. As a co-pilot on this trip I was looking forward to a pleasant day or two in Bermuda, enlivened by an operational trip in search of a Soviet “Yankee” class ballistic missile launching nuclear submarine. We usually had a pretty good idea where these subs lurked as they were targeted on American east coast cities. The trick was to actually locate and track them.

No sooner had we gone operational than we entered cloud and stayed there for hours. The stuff seemed fairly benign … stratiform, mostly, with some nimbostratus here and there but no warning that we would soon take a sizeable lighting strike which knocked out one of our two HF radios and generally disrupted some on-board electronic systems. We weren’t quite sure what had been affected but our radar went unserviceable which led to later problems. Things settled down however and we carried on to Bermuda where we were dismayed to find several static discharge holes in the aircraft skin as well as our HF antenna in the tail knocked out of its mount and dangling on its wiring.

The Argus was a large aircraft for those days. Powered by four eighteen-cylinder R3350 Turbo-Compound Cyclone engines, it was as powerful and rugged as it was cavernous. Filled with all kinds of detection equipment, which was quite sophisticated for its day, the Argus was manned by a crew of about ten. This grew to around fifteen during deployments, as we had to carry our own technicians. We had bunks and a galley to get us through 15 to 20 hour missions. I was one of two First Officers and our Captain was an experienced pilot of the same age.


Being young enough to set aside the caution these

Of course, a huge line of thunderstorms blocked our

circumstances warranted, the crew collectively agreed that we would spend a day on the ground before carrying on with our assigned mission. We would, on the other hand have been fully justified in waiting for a clear day and returning home since without our radar we were truly blind once we were in the weather.

way. Our options now were to head south to Puerto Rico, west to Norfolk Virginia, try to skirt the line to the east for who knew how far or try to pick our way through the weather. We contacted Bermuda control who said they believed there were holes in the line of storms which we could navigate through. Had we had our radar this could have been likely but we chose to rely instead on well intentioned folks on the ground who could not paint us on their radar but had a rough idea where we were, as well as a PIREP from a much faster US Navy high flyer who had end run the weather. We decided to punch through.


duly set off south of Bermuda, (leaving the technicians behind) went operational, and effectively disappeared for about 10 hours or so maintaining encrypted contact with the Bermuda United States Navy operational authority. Having completed our job we turned for Bermuda, in mixed weather, at night, without radar and in an area excitable romantics choose to call the Bermuda Triangle.

I was flying in the Co-Pilot’s seat when we caught it. We were suddenly in the clutches of a most violent turbulence that simply tossed our aircraft about like a

In a scene that was repeated thousands of times, artist Captain Geoff Bennett of 404 Squadron, Greenwood NS captures an Argus just at the moment prior to the start of engines. Depicted are the fire extinguisher man, the ground man fiddling with his intercom cord and the sergeant standing in a supervisory pose. (From Sentinel Magazine, May 1968)

MARCH 2010 12

giant ping-pong ball. One minute shooting up as we felt ourselves pushed into our seats, the VSI pegged at the top and the altimeter showing rapid descent … a confusing image; and then plummeting downwards with, again, the VSI pegged at the bottom while we floated in our harness and the pitot-static instruments danced about more or less randomly.

We were lucky. And I think everyone on the crew

The blackness of the night was pierced intermittently

suspect there isn’t one of them who doesn’t think of that experience when they contemplate a weather briefing and equipment serviceability. And from such experience we learn about flying, sometimes the hard way.

with brilliant lightning. And since we were clearly along for the ride by now and had run out of ideas, I fished out my sunglasses and put them on to guard against the lightning flashes. This apparently desperate act was later seen by some as either a display of calm decision making in a time of peril or else as an example of inappropriate behavior in the heat of the moment!

In the event, we recovered safely in Bermuda; clarified the situation with Bermuda Control, so to speak; got our stories straight; and… went right to the bar.


reflected deeply on his part in the episode. Some of us were more responsible than others but we were all in it together. (‘Sheep to slaughter’ comes to mind)

Many of the crew went on to careers in aviation but I

Note: The photo below was taken at Greenwood Aviation Museum and just happens to be 717, the very aircraft in which Scott had the above experience.

GPS SEMINAR Learn GPS theory, and become familiar with the Garmin 430

Sunday March 28th 1300-1700 Victoria Flying Club Cost: $100 Instructor: Graham Palmer Call 250-656-2833 to register

Lindair Services Ltd Specializing in Cessna, Piper, Beaver float and wheel-equipped aircraft. A high-quality Service Department that is ready to complete any inspection or repair requirement you may have. 5180 Airport Road South, Richmond, BC Tel: 1-800-663-5829 Fax: 1-800-667-5643

MARCH 2010 14

Aircraft - Accommodation - Aviation Books and Gear - Help Wanted - Miscellaneous To meet the deadline for next month’s issue, email your FREE ad by the 15th of each month to:

CH Products Flight Sim Yoke Like New $100 Jeremy 250-477-7481 Or Email Great flight sim yoke for training at home or just having fun. Put yourself behind a set of real controls with the CH Flight Sim Yoke complete with an authentic 3 lever throttle quadrant and numerous cockpit functions at your fingertips. The CH Flight Sim Yoke USB gives you a flight yoke that's as close as you can get to the real thing without spending the many hundreds of dollars that you would on high end yokes. Now you can control your aircraft like a real pilot would with left hand on the yoke and right hand controlling your throttle, prop and mixture and managing the rest of your cockpit.

Sporty's COMPLETE Instrument Rating Course on DVD Like New $200 Jeremy 250-477-7481 or Email FULL DVD SET + BOOKS The integrated Training Course Outline offers an FAA-approved training syllabus, including all flight and ground lessons. It includes specific lesson objectives, completion standards, required study materials and room for lesson critique and notes. y_fsyusb.html

Did you know? Some of our newer members may not be aware that you can book flight training times and recreational flights online. Using Internet Explorer (NOT Firefox!) go to: and then select “Online Aircraft Bookings.” You will need your Account ID and Password. If you don't have those pieces of information, or have misplaced yours, please call Dispatch at 250-656-2833 and we will be happy to get you set up.


MARCH 2010 15

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