United Way of the CSRA 2014 Honor Roll
United Way of the CSRA CONTENTS HONOR ROLL Leaders in Giving Orders of Recognition ………………………………………………………………….……....4 Reflections on Tocqueville …………………………………………………………………….5 The Tocqueville Society …………………………………………………………………………6 The Quill Society …………………………………………………………………………….……12 The Horizon Club …………………………………………………………………………...…….14
Corporate Honor Roll All Companies ………………………………………………………………………………..……18 Top Corporate Gifts ………………………………………………………………………..……20 Top Overall Gifts …………………………………………………………………………………21 Campaign Breakdown by Sector Burke County Campaigns ……………………………………………………………………23 Top Grocery, Hospitality, and Retail Campaigns ……………………………….24 Top Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Campaigns ………………….……24 Top Industry Campaigns …………………………………………………………………….24 Top Manufacturing Campaigns ……………………………………………………..……25 Top Public Service Campaigns ……………………………………………………………25 Top Professional Campaigns ……………………………………………………………….26 Small Business Blitz …………………………………………………………………………….26
Our Partners ®
2014 Caring Club
Merchants …………………………………………………………….27
Your Gifts Help …………………………………………………………………………………….27 2
Leadership Giving Societies ORDERS OF RECOGNITION United Way of the CSRA’s Leadership Giving Societies were established to acknowledge those who have shown their personal commitment through their generosity. These donors have helped to ensure the Central Savannah River Area will be in the forefront of communities dedicated to the well being of its citizens as we continue this millennium. There are three levels of recognition in the Leadership Giving Societies:
The Tocqueville Society
$10,000 or more
La Table Ronde de Duex Millions de Dollars
Two Million Dollars
La Table Ronde d’Un Million de Dollars
One Million Dollars
Ordre de Prosperite
$750,000 - $999,999
Ordre de Connaissance
$500,000 - $749,999
Ordre de Independence
$250,000 - $499,999
La Societe Nationale
$100,000 - $249,999
Ordre de Fraternite
$75,000 - $99,999
Ordre de Egalite
$50,000 - $74,999
Ordre de Liberte
$25,000 - $49,999
Membres de la Societe
$10,000 - $24,999
The Quill Society Platinum Quill
$7,500 - $9,999
Gold Quill
$5,000 - $7,499
Silver Quill
$2,500 - $4,999
Bronze Quill
$1,000 - $2,499
The Horizon Club
$500 - $999
The Tocqueville Society
Alexis de Tocqueville “When an American asks for the cooperation of his fellow citizens, it is seldom refused; and I have often seen it afforded spontaneously and with great good will.”
REFLECTIONS ON TOCQUEVILLE French Aristocrat Alexis Charles-Henri Clerel de Tocqueville came to America in 1831. His travels took him all over the young nation where he was a keen observer of American society. His observations formed the basis of Democracy in America, a detailed study of American society and politics, published in two volumes in 1835 and 1840. Perhaps the most important observation was that American helped each other in times of need. He recognized, applauded, and immortalized the voluntary spirit that lives in American’s hearts.
THE TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY The Tocqueville Society was created by United Way of America in 1972 to recognize persons who have rendered outstanding volunteer service in their communities or on a national level through the presentation of a National Tocqueville Society award. It also exists to promote voluntary community service and to recognize the value of such service to our nation. The Society is directed by members of United Way Worldwide’s Board of Governors. The name Tocqueville Society was chosen because of Tocqueville’s admiration for the spirit of voluntary association and effort for the common good, a spirit he observed in America and wrote about enthusiastically. The Tocqueville Society is a prestigious and exciting division of United Way’s fund raising. When a community leader becomes a member, he or she becomes part of a nationally recognized leadership program. Its members are characterized by extraordinary leadership and commitment to their community. Tocqueville members join a select group of community leaders who have declared, through their action, that their community is worthy of significant personal investment.
THE TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY OF THE CENTRAL SAVANNAH RIVER AREA The Tocqueville Society of the Central Savannah River Area is a United Way leadership giving and recognition program. It exists to foster, promote, and recognize the vital importance of voluntary community service and personal giving at an exceptional level. United Way of the Central Savannah River Area joined The Tocqueville Society in 1996.
As The Tocqueville Society of the CSRA enters into its eighteenth year, United Way is provide to acknowledge The Tocqueville Society members who are recognized on the following pages. These investors are dedicated to our community’s strong tradition of caring. They have made a significant personal investment and are leading the way to a better community for us all.
LA TABLE RONDE DE DEUX MILLIONS DE DOLLARS Mrs. Boone A. Knox and Family, The Knox Foundation
LA TABLE RONDE D’UN MILLION DE DOLLARS Mr. and Mrs. William S. Morris III and Family
MEMBERS DE LA SOCIETE Mr. and Mrs. Barney Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Nick W. Evans Ms. Karen Fili Mr. Jeffrey T. Gasser Mr. and Mrs. W. Tennent Houston Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hull and Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kirby and Family Mr. Brian J. Marks and Ms. Carol Maione Mr. T. R. Reddy
United Way of the Central Savannah River Area is proud to recognize and gratefully acknowledge
Thank You!
The Quill Society THE QUILL SOCIETY OF THE CENTRAL SAVANNAH RIVER AREA Participation in United Way’s Leadership Giving Societies is an indication of a deeper involvement and a desire to do more to improve the quality of life in our community. The Quill Society was created to recognize individuals who contribute gifts of $1,000 to $9,999 each year to United Way. We look forward to additional ways to involve our leadership givers and the opportunity to say thank you for all they do to reach our goal of advancing the common good.
Gifts of $5,000 - 7,499
Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999
Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499
Mr. Jonathan R. Letzler Mr. John London
Mr. John Aufdenkampe Ms. Patrena M. Barr Mr. R. Daniel Blanton Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Dansby Jr. Mr. Marc Dufour Mr. Nathan T. Ellis Mr. Jimmy Figueroa Mrs. La Verne H. Gold Mr. Stephen T. Gray Mrs. Sharon J. Herrod Mr. Lee A. Herrod Mr. Joseph H. Knick Mr. John P. Knox Jr. Mr. William S. Morris IV Mr. Ted A. Myers Mr. Robert C. Osborne Jr. Mr. Joel Wise Mr. Duane Woods
Mr. Adebayo Adebisi Mr. Sam Adkins Mr. Tony Aiken Mr. Andrew Anderson Dr. Walter Edward Anderson Mr. Darryl Anderson Mr. Austin C. Andrew Mr. William M. Baker Ms. Susan Barcus Ms. Melissa Barton Ms. Sarahy Beier Mr. Robert F. Beier Mrs. Judy L. Beltz Mr. Michael E. Binic Ms. Dianna L. Black Mr. Thomas M. Blanchard Jr. Mr. Derek Blankenship Mr. Randy Blankenship Ms. Ann C. B. Boardman Mr. William C. Bohling Ms. Sonja L. Boone Mrs. Faith Ann Borst Mr. Samuel L. Boulware Mr. Raymond B. Brady Mr. John M. Brennan Mr. Scott Briggs Mr. Phil Brigham Mr. Remer Y. Brinson III Ms. Phyllis Broadwater Mr. Travis Broome Mrs. Meredith S. Brown Mr. Steve Brown Mr. Patrick Burke Ms. Sally J. Burt Mr. Paul Burwinkel Mr. Kristopher Butler Mr. Lacario M. Campbell Ms. Linda Hope Carpenter Mr. Milton Terry Cartledge Mr. J. Douglas Cates
Mr. Andrew R. Cato III Antonius Chan Mr. Edmund A. Cichowicz Ms. Sherrie L. Cliett Mr. Josh Cline Mr. Aleck Colby Mr. Richard Connolly Mr. Jon David Cooper Ms. Geanne Cooper Mrs. Margaret Copenhaver Mr. Tim L. Cox Ms. Ashleigh Cranford Mr. Rick Crawford Ms. Jessica M. Crosby Mr. Thomas N. Crouse Mr. Michael Cunningham Mrs. Yvonne C. Davis Mr. David R. Davis Ms. Eboni Davis Mr. Mark Dicus Ms. Jennifer Doran Kelley L. Dube Mr. Kevin J. Durrwachter Mr. Rick L. Evans Mrs. Marjorie Ruthie Faircloth Mrs. Fran Forehand Mr. Julius L. Foreman Mr. Larry Frails Ms. Amanda L. Fry Ms. Joan F. Fulghum Mr. David B. Funk Mr. John M. Galanie Ms. Cora L. Gauthreaux Mr. Nicholas Gibson Mr. Brandon Gilliard Mr. Travis Gray Ms. Brenda L. Green Ms. Tamika Hall Mr. Howell Hanson Mr. Scott Hart Mr. John W. Hart Mr. Adam Hensley Mr. Timothy A. Hicks Ms. Tracy L. Higgins Ms. Meredith F. Holodak Mr. Donald Howard Mr. Glenn Hutcherson Mr. Emeka Igwilo Mrs. Adrienna C. Isaac Ms. Hattie Mae Jackson Ms. Regina B. Jenkins Mr. Scott D. Johnson Ms. Ramona U. Johnston Mr. David Jones Mr. David H. Jones Mrs. Cheryl H. Jones Mr. Joseph Jones Mr. Bruce Jones
Ms. Marian R. Jump Mr. Uwe Kalbas Mr. Dennis Key Ms. Cathy A. King Mr. Joseph Klecha Mr. Brenton C. Lake Mrs. Lindsey M. Land Mr. Mark Lane Ms. Donna J. Layton Ms. Collins B. Lee Mrs. Deanna L. Leonard Mr. David E. Lindsey Mr. Vince A. Louis Mr. Donald Lui Mr. Thomas I. Macafee Mr. Alan J. Makowsky Mr. Randy E. Margvardt Ms. Marshana Mathis Mr. Timothy R. McGill Mr. Murray Medlock Mr. Paul Curt Meggins II Mr. Paul T. Menk Mr. Steven Mentrup Mr. Douglas B. Millard Ms. Christine Mitchell Mr. Cornelius Mitchell Mr. Allen R. Moffitt Mr. Darin Myers Ms. Charlie Nesbitt Mr. Harden A. Oldfield III Mr. Marc L. Parker Mr. Ronald Bradford Patterson Mrs. Jennifer Pennington Ms. Katrina Michale Phoenix Mr. Larry D. Poole Mrs. Rina S. Powell Mr. Edwin S. Presnell Mr. Timothy M. Punch Ms. Tiffany Raley Mr. Mark Rauckhorst Mr. Michael A. Readdy Mr. Mike Reese Ms. Stephanie B. Reese Mr. Robert P. "Bob" Richards Jr. Mr. Sevi Roberson Mr. Charles Roberson Mr. James Rodgers Ms. Ivelisse Rodriquez-Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Russell Mr. Balakachetty Sampathkumar Mr. Melvin Sawyers Mr. Glen M. Saxon Mr. Robert Scaggs Mr. William T. Schafer Mr. Korey Schick Mr. Mark A. Schmitz Ms. Heather J. Seigler Ms. Debra K. Shaw 13
Mr. Kevin Smiley Major General Perry Smith Mr. William Craig Smith Mr. Stephen T. Smith Sr. Curtravious Smith Mr. Craig Speh Mr. Ronnie St. Clair Mr. Steven Stark Mr. Chad Steiner Ms. Gloria A. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. H. Allen Strickland Mr. Curtis Talley Mr. Edward Templeton Mr. George D. Thaxton IV Mr. Ronald L. Thigpen Mr. William R. Thompson Mr. Patrick Toohey Mr. Timothy Tracy Ms. Mary P. Tubb Ms. Carolyn Tynan Mr. Mark Verbeck Mr. Evan L. Vernon Mr. Paul J. Vizvary Mr. Phil Wahl Jr. Ms. Celina Wahl Mr. Charles Waldrup Mr. Thomas Washer Ms. Becky Waters Mr. Nathan Watson Ms. Allison R. Watts Mr. Lawrence W. Whaley Ms. Joy H. Wheeler Mr. Brent Whiteleather Mr. Steven Wayne Wilkerson Mr. James D. Williams Ms. Jennifer L. Williams Ms. Deanna Williams Dr. Clarence Williams Jr. Mr. Dave Willis Mr. Richard E. Willis Ms. Delda Wilson Ms. Carro Denise Wimberly Mrs. Jane E. Wray Mr. Ronald Young Mr. Michael Yox Ms. Valerie Zentz Ms. Mary T. Zollicoffer
The Horizon Club THE HORIZON CLUB OF THE CENTRAL SAVANNAH RIVER AREA United Way’s Horizon Club is a recognition club for individuals who give a significant amount each year at the level of $500 - $999. These donors are recognized because of their financial support and their impact as role models among peers and co-workers. United Way thanks the following Horizon Club donors for all they do to reach our goal of helping those most in need in the community.
THE HORIZON CLUB Gifts of $500 -$999 Mr. John Steve Adams Ms. Bonny Adkins Mr. Marshall Allen Mrs. Shelly M. Allen Ms. Margaret Alligood Mr. Christopher Almon Mr. Christopher Anguilla Ms. Rhea K. Antoine Mr. Gary Archer Mr. Richard L. Arfman Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael & Lee R. Ash Mrs. Leslie A. Assaf Mr. Dana T. Atkins Dr. Miriam J. Atkins Mr. Joe H. Attaway Mrs. Sandra H. Attaway Mr. James August Ms. Theresa M. Austin Mr. Jason D. Autry Mr. Arthur E. Baber Mr. William R. Bachand Ms. Marilyn M. Bailey Mr. William H. Bailey Mr. Brian Baker Mr. Rick E. Baker Mr. Donell Banks Ms. Pamela J. Barbara Mr. Gary Barfield Mr. Keith I. Barton Ms. Susan Beasley Mr. Thomas J. Bebko Mr. Thomas J. Beckham Mr. Donald E. Bell Mr. Edward Bernhard Mr. Brian Bess Mr. Michael A. Bickel Mr. Thomas M. Bird Mr. Shawn W. Birong Mr. James Blount Mr. Frank Blow Mr. Blake Boatwright Mr. John Boland Mrs. Veronica W. Bolton Mr. Lennis Maurice Bonner Mr. Mike Borders
Mr Frank J. Borovsky Mrs. Marilyn A. Bowcutt Mr. Gerald T. Bowen Mrs. Kristen M. Bowers Mr. William Bowyer Mr. George H. Boyd Mr. Joshua L. Boykin Mr. George Bradham Mr. Scott Brady Mr. Christian Brander Mrs. Dorothy E. Brandon Mr. Michael Brazell Mr. Gary C. Brenenborg Mr. Marvin Kerry Bridges Reece & Annette Bridges Mr. Mike Brill Ms. Elizabeth A. Britt Ms. Phyllis Broach Ms. Maria J. Brockhaus Mr. Clem H. Brown Ms. Debbie C. Brown Mrs. Margaret Johnson Brown Ms. Regina Brown Ms. Vanessa S. Brown Mr. Walter B. Brown Ms. Wendy A. Brown Mr. Stephen Bureau Mrs. Meredith A. Burkett Ms. Mary Bush Mrs. Judith A. Butler Ms. Jeannie Bylinowski Mrs. Donna B. Byrdy Mrs. Tiffany H. Cannon Mr. Joel R. Cantrell Ms. Deborah D. Carn Mr. Edward P. Carr Mr. Canada Carrington Mrs. Adrienne L. Carter Mr. Adam Duane Cason Mr. Matthew D. Cason Mr. Joseph Castillo Mrs. Deborah B. Caver Mr. John D. Chambley Mr. Steve Chapman Mr. Phil Cheek 14
Mr. Craig S. Claiborne Ms. Michelle Cline Mr. Johnny C. Coates Mr. Nathan D. Cockram Mrs. Virginia R. Cody Ms. Jillian S. Cohen Mr. Brian Coker Mr. Michael Coker Mr. Thomas Coleman Mr. Joe L. Collins Mr. Reggie Collins Mr. Charles Neil Combs Ms. Elizabeth M. Connell Ms. Elizabeth Connolly Mr. Tim Coody Ms. Kathleen K. Cook Mrs. Pamela D. Cook Mr. Larry Allen Cooper Mr. Paul D. Cooper Mr. Christopher Cope Ms. Donna Cranford Ms. Mary J. Cranford Mr. George Creighton Mr. Ron C. Cross Mr. Thomas Crossan Mr. Robert D. Crumley Ms. Angel Cruz Mr. Joseph A. Culverhouse Mr. Phil Cupp Claudis Dalcour Mr. Bobby Dalton Mr. John P. Daly Mr. Fredric L. Danes Mr. James E. Darley Mr. George R. Davis Mr. James Davis Ms. Patricia A. Davis Mr. Howard H. Dees Mr. Shivaun Delisser Mrs. Jane H. DeLoach Mr. Donald H. Demore III Mr. Robert C. Dhom Mr. Christopher Dickey Mr. Keith B. Dickey Ms. Valarie Dicks
Mr. Richard O. Dillard Mr. Lester Dixon Mrs. Angela R. Dombrowski Mrs. Julia M. Doolittle Mr. Craig Doxey Ms. Elizabeth D. Doyle Mr. Gary E. Driesen Ms. Christine E. Dron Ms. Melinda Drylie Mr. Todd Dudley Ms. Gabriele C. Dukes Mr. Billy M. Duncan Ms. Myisha Dunn Ms. Tandy Duty Mr. Daniel R. Dykstra Mr. Jimmie Mike Edenfield Mr. Carl Edwards Mr. Jack Edwards Mr. Robert H. Edwards Mr. Guy D. Efird Jordan Eisner Mr. S. Herbert Elliott Jr. Mr. Charles Ellis Mr. James Edward Enoch Jr. Mrs. Kathleen J. Ernce Ms. Valerie H. Esbensen Mr. Allen J. Evans Mr. Andrew Jeffrey Ezell Mr. Scott K. Farlow Dr. William L. Farr Jr. Mr. Christopher A. Fauls Mr. Anthony B. Fielding Mr. Rick Fiest Mr. Tracey C. Fincher Mr. Johnny Flanders Mr. Thomas J. Flournoy Mrs. Sonya W. Fluellen Mr. Donnie Fordham Mr. Ben Forehand Mr. James Forestall Mr. Jay Forrester Ms. Glynda Frazier Mrs. Debra C. Freeman Mrs. Stefanie A. Frickey Mrs. Carla Ann Friel Dr. Alice Manley Frye Mr. Thomas M. Gaffney Mr. Bryant Garcia Ms. Mary Hill Gary Mr. James V. Gibbens Mr. Bradley Gilbert Mr. Prentice Gilbert Mr. Donald Gillahan Mr. Michael A. Gilliard Mrs. Nancy N. Ginn Mr. Calvin L. Givens Ms. Nancy Gleaton Mr. Matthew R. Glendon Ms. C. Godbee Ms. Sallie Godfrey Mr. Jason Goldberg Mr. Michael Gary Goodwin Mr. Scott A. Graci Mr. Timothy J. Graven
Ms. Jessica K. Gray Dr. Lowell M. Greenbaum Mr. Mark A. Gregory Mr. Robert Griffith Ms. Kim W. Grimes Mr. Christopher O. Grissett Mr. Thomas E. Guillebeau Mr. Jeremy Gustafson Ms. Adelle F. Haddon Mr. Bradley Hall Mr. Greg R. Haltiner Ms. Tami F. Hamlin Mr. Les Hammock Mr. Milburn L. Hamrick Mr. Paul C. Harper Ms. Laura A. Harrell Ms. Jennifer Harrelson Mr. Joshua Harrelson Dr. Dana R. Harris Mr. Stephen D. Harris Mr. Stephen Harris Mr. Tim Harris Mr. Brian D. Hartley Mr. Jonathan Hartman Mr. David V. Hatcher Mr. Jason Hayes Mrs. Lisa D. Hayes Ms. Sharon M. Heath Mr. Geraldine Hector Mr. Ryan Henderson Mr. Steven E. Henderson Mr. Michael Henry Mr. Tim Hester Mr. John Jeff Hickman Mr. Andrew J. Hill Mr. Troy Hinton Mr. Dean Hoffman Mr. Bobbie J. Hogan Mr. Bradley L. Hohneke Mr. Hugh E. Hollar Mr. Kevin W. Holley Mr. Jose Holmes Ms. Laura N. Holton-Highsman Mr. Greg Hooper Mr. Jerry Howard Mr. Robert L. Howard Jr. Mr. Kyle E. Howell Mr. Michael B. Hoyt Sgt. David W. Hudson Mrs. Tara C. Hudson Dr. Thomas A. Huff Ms. Anna L. Hughes Ms. Christine K. Hughes Mr. Peter J. Hughes Mr. Forrest Hundley Mr. Mark A. Hunter Ms. Katherine L. Inglett Mr. Jim Isbell Mr. Larry Jackson Mr. Thomas Jackson Ms. Trareva James Mr. Phillip Michael Jarnagin Mr. Jason A. Jenkins Ms. Angela B. Johnson 15
Mr. Charles T. Johnson Sr. Mr. Charles T. Johnson Mr. Mark L. Johnson Mr. Michael L. Johnson Mr. Jackie G. Jones Ms. Jacqueline Jones Mrs. Kenya Edwards Jones Ms. Lisa B. Jones Ms. Rudy A. Jones Mr. Ronald W. Jordan Mr. Ernest D. Junak Mr. Chris Kaiser Mr. Kevin M. Kaiser Mr. Ronald Kelly Mr. William James Kelly Mrs. Regina W. Kennedy Mr. David Kerlin Mr. Richard W. Kershner Mr. William Todd Kesler Mrs. Ashley Key Mr. Timothy V. Key Mr. Thomas W. Kiernan Mr. Randall King Ms. Lisa W. Kirby Mr. Sean Krawiecki Ms. Kimberley L. Kroger Ms. Linda R. LaMarr Mr. Terry Lamb Mr. Bill Lamkin Mr. Larry J. Laughlin Mr. David Leach Mr. John E. Leonard Ms. Suzanne Lentz Ms. Deirdre Lewis Mr. Paul A. Lillis Mr. Ryan Linebarger Mr. Stephen Lloyd Mr. Richard Loftin Mr. Christopher E. Long Mr. Charles Lord Ms. Tyechia V. Lowe Ms. Marcia B. Lowery Mr. Bob Lowrie Ms. Marshelly M. Lucero Mr. James Luckey Mr. Samuel Ross Lyons Ms. Stacey N. Mabray Ms. Juana Maddox Mr. William L. Madron Ms. Pamela M. Major Mr. Vic Mallard Ms. Amy Marshall Ms. Keisha Brown Martin Mr. William B. Mash Mr. Charles L. Mason Mrs. Leia M. Mattson Mr. Paul C. Maxwell Mr. William Penland Mayson III Mr. Michael McArdle Mrs. Kelly N. McCauley Mr. Danny D. McConnell Ms. Juanita S. McDaneil Mr. David McDaniel Mr. Scott D. McDaniel
Mr. Kenneth McKay Mr. Donald L. McWhorter Mrs. Yvonne Meeks Mr. Leslie Mendenhall Jr. Mr. Peter J. Michenfelder Mr. Daniel Mickinac Mr. Kenneth D. Middlebrooks Mr. David Midlik Mr. Ryan Milewski Mr. Eric J. Miller Mr. Mark Mills Mr. Sam Mitchell Ms. Rebecca Molloy Mr. Richard Moneypenny Mr. Mark Alexander Moody Mr. Michael J. Moore Mr. John W. Morgan Mr. Terry Morrison Mrs. Sarah A. Moss Mr. Brian J. Mulherin Mr. Jeffrey Murri Ms. Jenny J. Mutimer Ms. Roland E. Myers Mr. Ronald J. Mysona Mr. Johnny Nailor Jr. Mr. Andrew Nelson Mrs. Kelli P. Nelson Mr. William D. Newman Ms. Talithia F. Newsome Mr. John D. Nichols Ms. Kristina Nichols Mr. Mark A. Niklinski Mr. Richard Nix Mr. Curtis Noble Mr. Matthew Norris Mr. Kevin D. Oard Mr. Jacob Oglesby Dr. Kevin O'Kula Mr. Joshua Olson Mr. Bernard Padgett Mr. Fred Page Jr. Mr. Chris Paitsell Mr. Wallace Fred Palmer II Ms. Franciene Parham Ms. Cam Parker Mr. Charles O. Parker Mr. James F. Parinkson IV Mr. Thurman Pate Mr. Raymond Patterson Mr. Roberta Patterson Mrs. Karen L. Pemberton Ms. Pamela S. Peters Ms. Pamela Peterson Mr. Elmer L. Pickett Mr. Kevin M. Pinson Mr. Harold I. Pitchford Ms. Wanda M. Pittman Mrs. Mary Anne Plunkett Mr. Horace H. Pollock Jr. Mr. Jack C. Poole Ms. Charlene Pope Mr. William Pouncey II Mr. William Powers Ms. Amanda Pugh Ms. Lisa S. Quattlebaum
Mr. David Quester Mr. Christopher R. Rasmussen Mr. Joseph Michael Rawl Mr. Herman Richards Jr. Mr. Michael B. Richardson Mr. James H. Rigsby III Mr. James R. Riordan Ms. Anna-Maria Robinson Mr. Ronald Robinson Mr. Fidel Rocha Mr. Darrell S. Rodgers Mr. Steve Rodgers Mr. Juan A. Rodriguez Mr. Kevin T. Roney Mr. Billie Rooks Mrs. Jean W. Roper Mr. Alveno Ross Mr. Jason Griffin Ross Mr. Paul J. Rowan Jr. Mr. Richard A. Runnels Mr. Sean P. Ruth Mr. Ryan S. Sanders Mr. James Saul Ms. Barbara A. Scadding Mr. Robert Scaggs Mr. Alexander Schellekens Mr. Terrance Schenk Mr. John Matthew Schlachter Mr. Kevin Schneider Mr. Adam Schommer Mr. Steve L. Schoultz Ms. Natalie Schweers Mr. John P. Schwenker Jr. Ms. Sharon H. Scott Mr. Robert Scroggins Mr. David Selby Ms. Aria D. Sellers Mr. Hasmukh B. Shah Ms. Suzanne E. Sharkey Mr. T. Stan Shepherd Ms. Kathy C. Shultz Mr. Brandon Simmons Mrs. Rebecca M. Sizemore Mr. Brandon C. Smith Mr. Curtravious Smith Mr. Gary W. Smith Mr. R. Lee Smith Jr. Mr. Reginald Smith Mr. Rolando M. Smith Mr. Tyrun Smith Mr. Warner Smith Mr. George Sneed Mr. Randall Snipes Mr. Wayne R. Snyder Mr. Mark Sosebee Mr. Jeff P. Spears Mr. Timothy V. Spradley Mr. Bob St. John Mr. John Stanley III Ms. Sally Starling Mrs. Brooke Howell Steele Mr. Chad Steiner Mr. Gene I. Stever Mrs. Joan S. Stoddard Ms. Dyreka Thompson Stonom 16
Mr. James L. Stoops Ms. Leslie Streeter Mr. Zack H. Stroup Mrs. Shelia S. Stuberfield Mr. Charles E. Stuhaan Ms. Camille L. Sutton Mr. Damian Sutton Mr. Al Sweat Jr. Mr. Jason Swift Mr. William Baxley Syms Mr. Albert Robert Tanner III Mr. Rosolfo A Taylor, Jr. Kirby Teague Mrs. Ellen C. Tereshinski Mr. Ronald L. Thigpen Jr. Mr. Jesse Thomas Mr. Robert Thomas Mr. Charles B. Thompson III Mr. Douglas L. Thompson Mr. Edmond J. Thompson Ms. Tracy A. Thompson Mr. Devon Thomspon Mr. Keith B. Thompson Ms. Catherine S. Thurber Mr. Tom Tidwell Mr. James Timothee Mr. Jeffery Todd Mr. Alfred J. Tookes Mr. Bobby R. Toulson Mr. Jonathan Dodd Townsend Mrs. Corey E. Treacy Dr. & Mrs. T. Barrett Trotter Mr. Jeffrey L. Troy Mrs. Pamela P. Tucker Ms. Christine Tumm Mr. Samuel E. Tyson Jr. Mr. Jimmy Underwood Mr. Wesley Vaughn Mr. Harry Vaught Mr. Paul H. Vaught Jr. Mr. Will Vautrin Ms. Deborah Vermillion Ms. Lora A. Vestal Mr. Frederick A. Vick Mr. Craig J. Wacker Mr. Jim Wade Jr. Mr. Aaron Wahus Ms. Andrea P. Walden Ms. Rebecca Waldrup Mr. Jessie L. Walker Ms. Lillie M. Walker Mr. Bart A. Wallace Mr. Rodney D. Wallace Mr. Thomas Clint Waller Mr. William V. Walls Mr. Marvin Warren Ms. Debra L. Watson Mr. David E. Watwood Ms. Karen Way Ms. Laurie A. Welch Mr. Quinn Wenger Ms. Cynthia Werneke Mr. Chester A. Wheeler III Ms. Kristin Wheeler Ira White
Corporate Honor Roll ALL COMPANIES United Way of the CSRA is proud to recognize each company who ran a campaign for their commitment to United Way and our community. A & R Exterminating Co., Inc. A & W Oil Company, Inc. A.B. Beverage Company, Inc. ADP Advanced Technology Group American Red Cross, Augusta Chapter Associated Credit Union AT&T Atlanta Gas Light Company Augusta Chapter Savannah State College Alumni Augusta Area Pan-Hellenic Council The Augusta Chronicle Augusta Coca-Cola Bottling Company Augusta Developmental Specialists Augusta First Bank & Trust Augusta Housing Authority Augusta Land Surveying, LLC Augusta Metro Federal Credit Union Augusta National, Inc. Augusta Service Company Augusta Sportswear Augusta Technical College Augusta Technical College - Waynesboro Campus Augusta Training Shop, Inc. Augusta-Richmond County Government Austin Industrial Inc. Beacon Automotive Beasley Broadcasting Group Belk Best Buy Company, Inc. Store #507 Blakeney Elementary School Blanchard & Calhoun Bob Richards Auto Group Boy Scouts of America, Georgia-Carolina Council, Inc. Bradford Health Services Bridgestone/Firestone Burke County Board of Education Academy of Success Board of Commissioners High School Middle School SGA Elementary School Waynesboro Primary School Burke Medical Center Capital City Bank (Augusta) Capital City Bank (Waynesboro) Cartridge World CB&I Columbia County School System Baker Place Elementary School Blue Ridge Elementary School Brookwood Elementary School Cedar Ridge Elementary Columbia County School System Columbia Middle School Euchee Creek Elementary Evans Elementary School Evans High School Greenbrier High School
Greenbrier Middle School Grovetown High School Harlem High School Harlem Middle School Lakeside High School Lakeside Middle School Lewiston Elementary School North Columbia Elementary School North Harlem Elementary School Personnel Department River Ridge Elementary Riverside Middle School South Columbia Elementary School Special Services Stallings Island Middle School Stevens Creek Elementary School Student Support Admin Support Services Technology Westmont Elementary School Centerra - Savannah River Site Cherry Bekaert LLP Child Enrichment, Inc. Christ Community Health Services Club Car, LLC Columbia County Community Connections Columbia County Government Comcast Commercial Metals Company Costco Countersync Delta Air Lines Baggage Operations Control Center Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dillard's Doctors Hospital DSM Chemicals North America, Inc. Easter Seals East Georgia, Inc. Elanco Electrolux Major Appliances Elliott Davis Decosimo Emilio’s Italian Eatery, LLC Enterprise Holdings Family Counseling Center of the CSRA The Family Y Augusta South Branch Child Development Center Downtown Marshall Branch Metro Prime Time Office Steiner Branch Wilson Branch Wrens Federal Express Fifth Third Bank First Bank of Georgia First Citizens Bank First Command Financial Services, Inc. First Community Bank First National Bank Friendship Community Center 18
Fulcher & Hagler, LLP Fuller Frost & Associates, CPA General Dynamics Georgia Bank & Trust Company Georgia Pacific Georgia Power Company Georgia Regents Health System Georgia Theatre Company Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia GIW Industries, Inc. Gymnastics Gold Heath Telephone and Data, Inc. Hope House, Inc. Horizon Motor Coach IBM Corporation International Paper Company JCPenney Company, Inc. - Store #2258 Jim Hudson Lexus John Deere Commercial Products Johnson & Johnson Kellogg's Kimberly-Clark Corporation Kroger Kroger Store #237 Kroger Store #245 Kroger Store #294 Kroger Store #307 Kroger Store #414 Kroger Store #676 Landrum Supply Company Liberty Mutual Foundation Lowe's of Augusta #482 Macy's Mallie Bert Storey Foundation, Inc. MAU, Inc. MCBS, LLC Merrill & Stone LLC Merry Land Properties, Inc. MorganStanley SmithBarney Morris Communications Company, LLC Nationwide Insurance Co. Norfolk Southern Foundation O'Reilly Auto Parts OxyChem Palmetto GBA Pennington & Berry, CPA Pepsi Bottling Group PotashCorp Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company Publix Super Markets Charities Publix Super Markets #1286 Publix Super Markets #525 Publix Super Markets #526 Publix Super Markets #534 Purification Cellutions Quality Stormwater Solutions, LLC Queensborough National Bank & Trust Raymond James Richmond County Board of Education A. Brian Merry Elementary School A.R. Johnson Health Science and Engineering High School
ARC Comprehensive High School Athletic Department Barton Chapel Elementary School Bayvale Elementary School Blythe Elementary School C. T. Walker Magnet School Cabinet CTAE Curriculum Center Deer Chase Elementary School Diamond Lakes Elementary Educational Media & Technological Services Freedom Park Elementary Garrett Elementary School George P Butler High School Glenn Hills High School Goshen Elementary School Gracewood Elementary School Hains Elementary School Hephzibah Comp High School Hephzibah Elementary School Hephzibah Middle School Human Resources Information Technology Internal Auditing J. S. Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School Jamestown Elementary School Jenkins-White Charter School John Milledge Elementary School Lake Forest Hills Elementary School Langford Middle School Maintenance Department McBean Elementary School Meadowbrook Elementary School Monte Sano Elementary School Murphey Charter Middle School National Hills Elementary School Pine Hill Middle School Professional Learning Psychological Services Public Safety Purchasing & Inventory Control Richmond County Alternative School Sand Hills Psychoeducational Center School Food Service Department Sego Middle School Southside Elementary School Special Education Spirit Creek Middle School Student Services Sue Reynolds Elementary T. W. Josey Comp High School Technical Career Magnet School Terrace Manor Elementary School Title I Tobacco Road Elementary School Transportation Department Tubman Education Center Tutt Middle School W. S. Hornsby Elementary School Warren Road Elementary School Westside High School Wheeless Road Elementary School Wilkinson Gardens Elementary Willis Foreman Elementary School Windsor Spring Elementary School Regions Bank Reimer Law Firm Ricoh Business Solutions Roma's Pizza Inc.
SafeHomes, Inc. The Salvation Army, Augusta, GA Sam's Club #8115 Samsons Manufacturing Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Savannah River Remediation LLC SCANA Security Federal Bank Senior Citizens Council of Greater Augusta and the CSRA, Georgia, Inc. Serotta, Maddocks, Evans and Company Shepeard Community Blood Center Solvay Specialty Polymers Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant SRP Federal Credit Union SRS Retiree Association State Charitable Contributions Program Steinberg & Associates Accounting Success Staging International, LLC SunTrust Bank, Augusta Target Store # 1090 Target Store # 2027 TD Bank Textron Specialized Vehicles The Hargrove Group, Inc. The Helm Country Cooking & Lounge The Knox Foundation The Links, Incorporated Augusta, GA Chapter The Mobley-Gentry Firm The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Thermal Ceramics Thompson Lift Truck Company Toogood Enterprises Troy State University United Parcel Service United Way of the CSRA, Inc. University Health Care Foundation University Health Care System URS Corporation Virginia College W R Toole Engineers, Inc. Walker Chiropractic LLC Walmart Walmart #1658 Walmart Neighborhood Market #5813 Walmart Supercenter #1227 Walmart SuperCenter #1293 Walmart Supercenter #2754 Walmart Supercenter #3570 Walmart Supercenter #4144 Walmart Supercenter #5735 Wells Fargo Westinghouse William Mizell Ford, Inc. Windstream WJBF NewsChannel 6 World Acceptance Corporation
Corporate Honor Roll TOP CORPORATE GIFTS Club Car Publix Super Markets, Inc. Kellogg's Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Elanco International Paper Company DSM Chemicals North America, Inc. Georgia Power Company John Deere Commercial Products Potash Enterprise Holdings Georgia Bank & Trust Company The Knox Foundation Purification Cellutions University Health Care System First Bank of Georgia Electrolux Major Appliances Kimberly-Clark Corporation GIW Industries, Inc. AT&T Savannah River Remediation, LLC Comcast General Dynamics Norfolk Southern Foundation Augusta Sportswear Bob Richards Auto Group Morris Communications Company, LLC Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company Solvay Specialty Polymers Textron Specialized Vehicles United Parcel Service SRP Federal Credit Union Fifth Third Bank Palmetto GBA Costco The Augusta Chronicle Augusta Coca-Cola Bottling Company Queensborough National Bank & Trust Thermal Ceramics WJBF NewsChannel 6 Beasley Broadcasting Group Georgia Pacific JCPenney Company, Inc. - Store #2258 Walmart Supercenter #1227 Macy's A.B. Beverage Company, Inc. Associated Credit Union Blanchard & Calhoun OxyChem Samsons Manufacturing Pepsi Bottling Group 20
$132,450 $96,200 $68,201 $64,825 $60,000 $48,727 $45,973 $34,662 $30,000 $27,980 $27,222 $13,438 $12,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $9,000 $8,771 $8,196 $7,538 $7,000 $6,000 $5,281 $5,400 $5,250 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $4,916 $4,600 $4,000 $3,500 $3,048 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2,850 $2,500 $2,000 $1,941 $1,787 $1,750 $1,500 $1,500 $1,400 $1,200 $1,170 $1,040
TOP CORPORATE GIFTS (Cont.) Mallie Bert Storey Foundation, Inc. Target Store #1090 Target Store #2027 The Links, Incorporated – Augusta, GA Chapter W. R. Toole Engineers, Inc. Augusta First Bank & Trust Federal Express Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. A&W Oil Company, Inc. Augusta Development Specialists Capital City Bank Jim Hudson Lexus Reimer Law Firm Nationwide Insurance Co. Raymond James Thompson Lift Truck Company Horizon Motor Coach Landrum Supply Company The Mobley-Gentry Firm William Mizell Ford, Inc. Augusta Chapter Savannah State College Alum Commercial Metals Company Best Buy Company, Inc. Store #507 Lowe’s of Augusta #482 Toogood Enterprizes A & R Exterminating Co., Inc. Advanced Technology Group Augusta Area Pan-Hellenic Council Augusta Land Surveying, LLC Beacon Automotive Bradford Health Services Cartridge World Countersync First Command Financial Services, Inc. First Community Bank First National Bank Fulcher & Hagler, LLP Gymnastics Gold The Hargrove Group, Inc. Heath Telephone and Data, Inc. The Helm Country Cooking & Lounge Merrill & Stone, LLC Pennington & Berry, CPA Quality Stormwater Solutions, LLC Roma's Pizza Inc. Senior Citizens Council of Greater Augusta and the CSRA, Georgia, Inc. Troy State University Walker Chiropractic LLC The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
$1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $876 $600 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $412 $365 $354 $250 $250 $250 $250 $200 $200 $198 $169 $150 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $50
TOP OVERALL GIFTS Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Publix Super Markets, Inc. Club Car, Inc.
$392,996 $260,971 $225,398 $224,380
TOP OVERALL GIFTS (Cont.) Kellogg's International Paper Company Savannah River Remediation LLC DSM Chemicals North America, Inc. Elanco University Health Care System Georgia Power Company Richmond County Board of Education Georgia Bank & Trust Company John Deere Commercial Products Austin Industrial Inc. PotashCorp Kimberly-Clark Corporation Enterprise Holdings General Dynamics United Parcel Service Bridgestone/Firestone Augusta-Richmond County Government Palmetto GBA SRP Federal Credit Union Solvay Specialty Polymers First Bank of Georgia Wells Fargo Centerra—Savannah River Site Electrolux Major Appliances Augusta Sportswear Comcast SunTrust Bank, Augusta Kroger Atlanta Gas Light Company Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company AT&T Augusta Housing Authority Columbia County Board of Education Textron Specialized Vehicles Bob Richards Auto Group Columbia County Government Delta Air Lines Baggage Operations Control Center Augusta Service Company Purification Cellutions Queensborough National Bank & Trust Morris Communications Company, LLC Augusta Coca-Cola Bottling Company United Way of the CSRA, Inc. The Augusta Chronicle Thermal Ceramics Merry Land, Properties, Inc. The Knox Foundations A.B. Beverage Company, Inc. MorganStanley SmithBarney The Family Y Costco Federal Express Macy's GIW Industries, Inc. Blanchard & Calhoun Bank of America Walmart
$139,942 $122,114 $109,644 $107,171 $98,941 $71,773 $71,635 $70,7551 $62,884 $60,124 $55,295 $54,381 $46,403 $42,969 $39,834 $38,039 $35,403 $35,361 $34,905 $34,893 $33,094 $29,828 $29,002 $27,721 $26,320 $23,401 $22,583 $22,335 $21,310 $20,954 $20,199 $20,191 $20,160 $18,871 $18,532 $18,247 $17,672 $14,650 $14,465 $13,210 $12,829 $12,816 $11,944 $11,816 $10,777 $10,711 $10,000 $10,000 $9,976 $9,429 $9,161 $9,143 $8,309 $8,053 $8,053 $7,740 $7,598 $7,534 22
TOP OVERALL GIFTS (Cont.) URS Corporation State Charitable Contributions Program Burke County Board of Education Samsons Manufacturing Georgia Theatre Company Norfolk Southern Foundation Doctors Hospital Beasley Broadcasting Group Associated Credit Union Augusta Metro Federal Credit Union The Salvation Army of Augusta Elliott Davis Decosimo Serotta, Maddocks, Evans and Company Target Store #1090 Fifth Third Bank Augusta First Bank & Trust First Community Bank WJBF NewsChannel 6 Georgia Regents Health System Westinghouse Target Store #2027 SCANA Security Federal Bank Dillard's JCPenney Company, Inc. - Store #2258 Cherry Bekaert LLP CB&I Senior Citizens Council of Greater Augusta and the CSRA, Georgia, Inc. Pepsi Bottling Group OxyChem Georgia Pacific Virginia College O'Reilly Auto Parts American Red Cross, Augusta Chapter Child Enrichment Success Staging International, LLC IBM Corporation Burke Medical Department MCBS, LLC Thompson Lift Truck Company Regions Bank Hope House, Inc. Mallie Bert Storey Foundation, Inc. The Links, Incorporated Augusta, GA W. R. Toole Engineers, Inc.
$6,710 $6,490 $6,467 $5,996 $5,471 $5,250 $4,930 $4,900 $4,820 $4,784 $4,549 $4,436 $4,282 $4,006 $4,000 $3,764 $3,633 $3,538 $3,523 $3,474 $3,112 $3,067 $2,780 $2,779 $2,649 $2,613 $2,343 $2,280 $2,080 $2,002 $2,000 $1,806 $1,693 $1,664 $1,586 $1,442 $1,398 $1,379 $1,320 $1,194 $1,034 $1,014 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
BURKE COUNTY CAMPAIGNS Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Purification Cellutions Burke County Board of Education Samsons Manufacturing CB&I Burke County Medical Center Walmart Supercenter #2754 Capital City Bank A & W Oil Company, Inc. 23
$260,971 $13,210 $6,467 $5,996 $2,343 $1,379 $1,216 $789 $760
BURKE COUNTY CAMPAIGNS (Cont.) The Mobley-Gentry Firm William Mizell Ford, Inc.
$250 $250
TOP GROCERY, HOSPITALITY, AND RETAIL CAMPAIGNS Publix Super Markets, Inc. Costco Walmart Super Center and Sam's Club Macy's Kroger Target Store #1090 Target Store #2027 Dillard's JCPenney Company, Inc. - Store #2258 Best Buy Company, Inc. Store #507 Lowe’s
$225,398 $9,143 $8,389 $8,053 $5,289 $4,006 $3,112 $2,779 $2,649 $692 $507
TOP FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL ESTATE CAMPAIGNS Georgia Bank & Trust Company Palmetto GBA SRP Federal Credit Union First Bank of Georgia Wells Fargo SunTrust Bank, Augusta Queensborough National Bank & Trust Merry Land Properties MorganStanley SmithBarney Blanchard & Calhoun Bank of America Associated Credit Union Augusta Metro Federal Credit Union Fifth Third Bank Augusta First Bank & Trust First Community Bank Security Federal Bank Regions Bank Nationwide Insurance Company Raymond James Capital City Bank TD Bank First Citizens Bank The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Liberty Mutual Foundation
$62,884 $34,905 $34,893 $29,828 $29,002 $22,335 $12,829 $10,000 $9,429 $7,740 $7,598 $4,820 $4,784 $4,000 $3,764 $3,633 $3,633 $1,034 $824 $730 $500 $260 $66 $50 $10
TOP INDUSTRY CAMPAIGNS Georgia Power Company Enterprise Holdings General Dynamics United Parcel Service Bridgestone/Firestone Electrolux Major Appliances Comcast Atlanta Gas Light Company AT&T Bob Richards Auto Group Delta Air Lines Baggage Operations Control Center
$71,635 $42,969 $39,834 $38,039 $35,403 $26,320 $22,583 $20,954 $20,954 $18,247 $14,650
Morris Communications Company, LLC The Augusta Chronicle A.B. Beverage Company, Inc. Federal Express Norfolk Southern Foundation Beasley Broadcasting Group WJBF NewsChannel 6 O'Reilly Auto Parts Success Staging International, LLC Thompson Lift Truck Company Automatic Data Processing Ricoh Business SOlutions Jim Hudson Lexus Landrum Supply Company
$12,816 $10,777 $9,976 $8,309 $5,250 $4,900 $3,538 $1,693 $1,442 $1,194 $865 $678 $500 $250
TOP MANUFACTURING CAMPAIGNS Club Car, Inc. Kellogg's International Paper Company DSM Chemicals North America, Inc. Elanco John Deere Commercial Products Austin Industrial, Inc. PotashCorp Kimberly-Clark Corporation Solvay Specialty Polymers Augusta Sportswear Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company Textron Specialized Vehicles Augusta Service Company Augusta Coca-Cola Bottling Company Thermal Ceramics GIW Industries, Inc. Pepsi Bottling Group OxyChem Georgia Pacific
$223,814 $139,942 $122,114 $107,171 $98,941 $60,124 $55,295 $54,381 $46,403 $33,094 $23,401 $20,199 $18,532 $14,465 $11,944 $10,711 $8,035 $2,080 $2,002 $2,000
TOP PUBLIC SERVICE CAMPAIGNS University Health Care System Richmond County Board of Education Augusta-Richmond County Government Augusta Housing Authority Columbia County Board of Education Columbia County Government United Way of the CSRA The Family Y State Charitable Contribution Program Doctors Hospital The Salvation Army of Augusta Georgia Regents Health System Senior Citizens Council of Greater Augusta and the CSRA, Georgia, Inc. Virginia College American Red Cross, Augusta Chapter Child Enrichment, Inc. Medical Computer Business Services, LLC Hope House, Inc. Columbia County Community Connections
$71,773 $70,551 $35,361 $20,160 $18,871 $17,672 $11,816 $9,161 $6,490 $4,930 $4,549 $3,523 $2,280 $1,806 $1,664 $1,586 $1,320 $1,014 $974
TOP PUBLIC SERVICE CAMPAIGNS (Cont.) Family Counseling Center of the CSRA Augusta Tech—Waynesboro Campus Augusta Training Shop, Inc. Boy Scouts of America, Georgia-Carolina Council, Inc. Friendship Community Center Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia Shepeard Community Blood Center Christ Community Health Services Easter Seals of East Georgia, Inc. SafeHomes, Inc. Troy State University Augusta Technical College
$840 $680 $500 $350 $315 $285 $250 $240 $175 $132 $100 $75
TOP PROFESSIONAL CAMPAIGNS Elliott Davis, LLC Serotta, Maddocks, Evans and Company Cherry Bekaert LLP W. R. Toole Engineers, Inc. Fuller Frost & Associates, CPA Reimer Law Firm Fulcher & Hagler, LLP The Hargrove Group, Inc. Merrill & Stone LLC Steinberg & Associates Accounting
$4,436 $4,282 $2,613 $1,000 $590 $500 $100 $100 $100 $100
Small Business Blitz 2014 PARTICIPATING COMPANIES United Way of the CSRA is gratefully acknowledges the generous A&R Exterminating Co.
First National Bank
Stone & Merrill, LLC
Advanced Technology Group
Fulcher Hagler, LLP
The Hargrove Group
Augusta Developmental
Gymnastics Gold
The Helm County
Specialists Augusta Land Surveying, LLC
Heath Telephone and Data Inc.
Cooking and Lounge Toogood Enterprises
Beacon Automotive
Horizon MotorCoach
Troy University
Bradford Health Services
The Mobley Gentry Firm
Walker Chiropractic, LLC
Cartridge World, DBA
Pennignton & Berry, LLC
William Mizell Ford
Commercial Metals Company
Quality Stormwater Solutions
Roma's Pizza
Senior Citizens Council
First Command Fin. Planning
Steinburg and Associates
Our Partners 2014 CARING CLUB® MERCHANTS The Caring Club program, currently in its sixth year, has seen a considerable increase in the number of Participating Merchants. Members who give a minimum of $150 annually to United Way’s Community Investment Fund can enjoy discounts at the following merchant locations:
1 Hour Optical, PC
Fosters Restaurant
Roly Poly Sandwiches
Adventure Crossing
French Market Grille
Salon West
Amelia’s Buds & Blooms
Georgia Aquarium
Shaffer Computer Services
Anderson Photography, Inc.
Good Day Cafe
Sixth at Watkins
Anew Salon
HoneyBaked Ham Co. & Café
Augusta Canal
J. Edward Enoch, P.C.
Symphony Orchestra Augusta
Augusta Training Shop, Inc.
Jiffy Lube
Thrifty Car Rental
Café 209 Music Lounge & Restaurant
Waynesboro Emporium
La Dolce Vita Salon
California Dreaming
Wedges & Woods
Maryland Fried Chicken
Coleman Lake Restaurant
William Mizell Ford, Inc.
M.R.T. Muscle Restore Therapy
DJ Productions
MTL Automotive
Murphy & Robinson Opticians
Eye Care One Laser Vision Center
Papa John’s Pizza
The Family Y
Pipeline Work Clothes
Fehrman Investment Group
Poblano’s Mexican Grill
Fireside Outdoor Kitchens & Grills
Riverbanks Zoo & Garden
As of July 28, 2014
Girl Scouts of Historic Augusta
Augusta Training Shop, Inc.
Hope House, Inc.
Boys & Girls Clubs of the CSRA
Rape Crisis & Sexual Assault Services
Boy Scouts of America, Georgia-Carolina Council, Inc.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Augusta
Child Enrichment, Inc.
SafeHomes, Inc.
Christ Community Health Services
The Salvation Army
Columbia County Community Connections Communities in Schools of Burke County, Inc.
The Senior Citizens Council of Greater Augusta and the CSRA, Georgia, Inc.
Easter Seals East Georgia, Inc.
Shiloh Comprehensive Community Center, Inc.*
Family Counseling Center of the CSRA, Inc.
The Speech & Hearing Center
The Family Y
St. Stephen’s Ministry of Augusta, Inc.*
Fireside Ministries *Currently under review
Friendship Community Center
United Way of the CSRA would like to thank all our donors, including those who wish to remain anonymous and those whose names were received after April 30, 2015. We applaud your support to the community and your dedication to strengthening and improving the Central Savannah River Area. While every effort was made to ensure accuracy, we sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.