Glimpses (2006) for Prepared Piano by Vivian Fung List of Materials 1. Kotekan 4 popsicle wooden sticks Scotch tape 5 small metal binder clips 2 plastic mini hair clips 1 metal bar or ruler to cover length of space between notes specified (approx. 10cm or 4 inches)
2. Snow 6 plastic clothes pins 7 small metal binder clips metal bar(s) or ruler(s) to cover length of space between notes specified (approx. 35cm or 14 inches) 11”X17” adhesive (Sticky) paper
3. Chant butcher’s twine rosin (double bass preferred) metal bar(s) or ruler(s) to cover length of space between notes specified (approx. 25cm or 10 inches) small porcelain cup felt or rubber wedge (to hold sost. pedal for the lowest E throughout piece) rubber wedge or guitar pick (for sections that require plucking or strumming strings inside piano)