April / June 2022 Volume 2, No. 4
ent Departm of europe
BRONZE AWARD Magazine Category
E-News Edition Live links within
Angelo Aldridge Department of Europe Commander 2022-2023
ent Departm of europe
is the official E-news publication of the Department of Europe, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Published four times per year (Mar., June, Sep., Dec.) by the Department of Europe, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U. S. Edition: Jul / Sep Oct / Dec Jan / Mar Apr / June
Publish Date: Sep. 30, 2022 Dec. 30, 2022 Mar. 30, 2023 June 30, 2023
Info. due to Editor: Sep. 15, 2022 Dec. 15, 2022 Mar 15, 2023 June 15, 2023
The purpose of this magazine is to strengthen the efficiency of the Department of Europe, by getting information and decisions of National, the Department, Districts and Posts to the VFW members of Europe. We are not able to do it alone though. This is also your magazine. Your contributions can make it better. Articles are welcome from all members of the VFW. Articles should contribute positively to VFW members. Pictures are most welcome as they also help to tell the story of what is happening in your community, what your post has been doing or will be doing in the near future. They should include names, date, what the event is about and where the event took place. An article could also be about some place that you were stationed, a memory of downrange etc. Are there any artists out there? Send in your artwork for consideration. Disclaimer: The views and opinions are not necessarily those of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of Europe, or the National Organization. Articles for consideration should be sent electronically to: lee.wolvertonvfw27@gmail.com
Department of Europe Officers 2022-2023
Angelo Aldridge
Senior Vice Commander
Mark Primmer
Junior Vice Commander
Judson Rackley
Peter Mascetti
Norberto Millet
Chief of Staff
James Vergott
Stanley Richardson
Service Officer
Christopher Singletary
Judge Advocate
Bobby White
George Gilgore
Billy Sherd
National Council Member
Peter Mascetti
Norbert Isaak
Riders Group
Michael Konsavage
Public Relations
Lee R. Wolverton
District Commander’s District 1 Commander
John Casey III
Volume 2, Issue 4, © June 2022. All rights reserved. The European Gazette E-news is at: https://issuu.com/vfw-europe
District 3 Commander
Eddie Guevara
Lee R. Wolverton..............................Editor / Design / Layout
27 - Wiesbaden
If we work together, we can make things happen. If we do nothing, we have already failed. Lee R. Wolverton
VFW Department of Europe on Facebook: VFW Department of Europe
Post Commander’s 605 - Paris 2566 - Baumholder 3885 - Erlangen 8862 - Vicenza
All gave some Some gave all
William Walker Jessie Williamson Johnny Borden
9334 - Vilseck
Angelo Aldridge
9342 - Ansbach
Dwight Johnson
10312 - Augsburg https://issuu.com/vfw-europe
Mark Primmer
10436 - Kitzigen
Stanley W. Allgood Emilio Andujar
10506 - Berlin
Todd Lafleur
10557 - Hohenfels
Weston Lahr
10614 - Kaiserslautern 10692 - Grafenwoehr 10708 - Illesheim 10775 - Spangdahlem
Dennis Walton Williams D. Stronsnider Norbert Isaak Christopher Bowser
10810 - Stuttgart
Thomas Hooper
12139 - Sembach
Kristian Moore
12159 - Naples
Christopher Singletary
The European Gazette - IN THIS ISSUE
2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12-13
Department Commander‘s Word
14-15 16 17 19 21 23
Memorial Day
Depart. / Dist. Dates
Department VOD Winner
Army Heritage Month
1300 - District 1 Business meeting Wiesbaden
1300 - District 3 Business meeting Illesheim
1300 - DoE CoA - Kaiserslautern
Early Bird Contest
1300 - District 1 Business meeting Kaiserslautern
Benefits Concert, Erlangen
VFW Day of Service, Vicenza
1300 - District 3 Business meeting Grafenwoehr
1300 - DoE CoA - Wiesbaden
1300 - District 1 Business meeting Sembach
Paris Annual Banquet
ANZAC Day, Berlin Scout Camporee, Kaiserslautern
1300 - DoE CoA - Grafenwoehr
District 3 Convention - Grafenwoehr
10 Miler in Grafenwoehr
Sembach Donates Blood
1300 - District 1 Convention Wiesbaden
Veterans Family Picnic
Department of Europe Convention Garmisch Partenkirchen
The 124th Annual National Convention will be held in Phoenix, AZ - July 22-27, 2023.
45th Department of Europe Convention, Wiesbaden
Upcoming Dates - Events in July / September
Paying Last Respects
Independence Day
VFW Fact Sheet
Korean War Armistice Day (1953)
U.S. Coast Guard Established (1790)
Pact Act
Japan Surrendered, Ending WWII (1945)
National Navajo Code Talker’s Day
Patriot‘s Pen 2023
VJ Day (1945)
Labor Day
Patriot’s Day
VFW Auxiliary Founded (1914)
POW/MIA Recognition Day
U.S. Air Force Established (1947)
VFW Founded (1899)
Voice of Democracy 2023 THE COVER
VFW Quartermaster General, Marc Garduno, swore in Angelo Aldridge, Post 9334 Erlangen, as the newly elected Department of Europe Commander for 2022-2023.
Future VFW National Convention Sites
Department of Europe Calendar
Kansas City, MO - July 16-21, 2022 Phoenix, AZ - July 22-27, 2023 Louisville, KY - July 27 - Aug. 1, 2024 Columbus, OH - Aug. 9-14, 2025 Salt Lake City, UT - Aug. 15-20, 2026
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy 1
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER'S word James R. Joyce at the beginning of the year, was for ALL of us to get the word out to our communities, the story of the VFW and what we do here in Europe. Although seven posts still do not have a social media presence, as defined by National, the Department of Europe Members have been getting the word out. Our Facebook pages are active. I know some WhatsApp Groups never stop chatting. We have worked with other Organizations throughout Europe to hold some outstanding events, too numerous to mention here. And we have an award-winning magazine! The European Gazette won the Bronze in the 2022 National Publications Contest in our FIRST year of publication. Our Official VFW Department of Europe Magazine was topped only by two of the largest States – California and Texas (both with giant budgets and a huge staff of employees!) This is amazing to me, and I personally want to thank Comrade Lee Wolverton for his dedication and devotion to making that happen for us. Making 100% membership was not mentioned at the beginning as a goal. It was not a goal per se, because I, as did the National Commander in Chief and most other State Commanders, believed that the membership would fall into place once we achieved our top three goals. Of course, Europe would not have made 100% without the dedication of those individuals getting out there and signing new members to our rosters! But I believe that is made easier when our communities see and know what we are doing for them. When I talk with COL’s and CSM’s, and they do not know what the VFW does for them, I am dumbfounded. How can they make that rank without knowing what the VFW does for them and all their fellow soldiers, veterans, and their families? I realize that we, as the VFW Organization, have failed to get our word across. I do make certain that they know before we part. I also ask them how we can better inform our communities; how can we get the word out. Their answer is most often than not – “You must talk to them, tell them YOUR story. They listen when they know you are a combat soldier.”
Comrades, During our Convention last year, we all sat at computers to attend it. The 2021-2022 Officers received their swear-in via Zoom. COVID Commander Van Der Wyst, I had hoped that your Command was the last to deal with COVID. I was ecstatic that we were able to have this years Convention in person – and what a great job Comrade Mascetti, Jim Vergott and the entire team did in preparing and running the entire weekend. Thank you all! This year was still marred by COVID, it has been on and off and on and off again. We should all be happy, and we are fortunate that we were able to come together. I have heard from other State Commanders of many COVID positives that came from their Conventions – I have heard of zero from ours. That is terrific news. It is a direct result of everyone that was there doing the right thing. For me personally, this year was a strange and trying year. From knee surgery, having my gull bladder removed, catching COVID, and being hospitalized with a life-threatening Flu, I was just glad that I was able to make it to the Convention. When I was looking around, I saw many of you that also had some tough times during the year with your own health problems. I also looked around and noticed the absence of Comrades whom we have come to expect to see at our Conventions. We lost nearly 500 Comrades from our numbers here in Europe, and our Sunday event honored them, and I thank those of you that attended. We had very disappointing numbers, and I encourage you all to look deep into your conscience next year and ask yourself – “What could be more important than honoring our Fallen Comrades?” I do thank our DOE Chaplain Konsavage, and all the Post Chaplains out there, that had too many funerals to attend. Your being at those on behalf of the Department of Europe meant a lot to me. I wish I could have made each and every one myself. Comrades, at the beginning of my Command year, I had 3 goals that I shared with your – albeit via ZOOM. The first, to increase our Community Service at all Posts. This was a requirement from All State and All American. To date, the DOE is just short of 60% increase – that is huge! And I thank you. My second goal was to increase the VFW Action Corp Program. As of our Convention, only ten of our Posts have met that goal. That is pretty bad considering just how easy it is to sign up an individual to the Corps! My third goal, and the most important one to me
Off the soap box now. Thank you for your support this year. And I hope that you all give 120% support to our new in-coming officers. Congratulations Commander Aldridge and your entire Staff. I look forward to working more with you in the coming year. Sincerely, James R. Joyce Past Department of Europe Commander “Growing the VFW is Good - Making the VFW better is Best”
Abigail Marsters VOD Winner Abigail Marsters, from Wiesbaden High School, recieved the honor of winning the VOD contest at District 1 and Department of Europe. Below is a thank you letter that she wrote to Comrade Ashton. Printed here with her permission. Dear Sergeant Major Ashton, In the wake of the Voice of Democracy award ceremony, I would like to thank you for this opportunity to represent the VFW. I appreciate the effort it takes to organize this contest. Through this, I have been able to reflect on what makes the USA unique and practice my writing and critical thinking in a way that will serve me well in my future endeavors. The scholarship money will help me reach my dreams of going to college to study Experimental Psychology. This has been a fantastic experience. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. If you wouldn’t mind sir, I would appreciate if you would forward this gratitude to other local VFW members involved with making this happen. Sincerely, Abigail Marsters
Abigail Marsters, pictured here with her District 1 and Department of Europe Certificates.
Your New VFW Calendars
Veterans Creed I am an American Veteran I proudly served my country I live the values I learned in the military I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans I maintain my physical and mental discipline I continue to lead and improve I make a difference I honor and remember my fallen comrades
Our Gift to You! Your 2023 Special Edition VFW Calendars are a gift from the VFW in thanks for your dedication to your fellow veterans. Please send a gift in support of VFW programs that benefit veterans in your own Department.
Army Heritage Month Wiesbaden (Post 27) June 5, 2022 Hainerberg Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Germany. For the second year there was a Vintage Military Vehicle Static Display hosted by the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden. This was joined by Friends of the U.S. Military Vehicle Club (Germany), AAFES and the VFW. The Static Display was not as well attended as last year, this was proabably due to the weather prognosis, which was not good. There were again several different configuations of jeeps, a motorcycle and a ford from the 40's. As last year, all members of the U.S. Military Vehicle Club were in authentic WWII Uniforms. On June 6, 1944, also known as D-Day, Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy with the largest amphibious assault in the history of mankind. It had the codename ‘Overlord’. This was the start of a long and extremely costly campaign that would see Allied forces liberate north-west Europe from Nazi control and occupation. Ground troops landed on five beaches that had to be assaulted first in order to move inland, Gold, Juno, Omaha, Sword and Utah. 156,000 Allied troops landed across Normandy, with at least 10,000 casualties including over 4,400 killed. Many brave men perished that day. We should never forget their sacrifice. Joakim "JoJo" Steinweden, President of the USMVC e.V., “normally there would have been more vehicles today, but with Covid winding down many decided to attend Normandy with their vehicles", he said, " plus the weather prognosis turned a few other members away." The MP's were also in attendance with one of their HUMMV's showing actual equipment. There were many peoiple who wanted to crall around on this vehicle. Also in attendance were The Cosplay, German American Friendship Club, VFW Post 27, and members of the American Legion GR05 from Moerfelden.
Early Bird Contest Post 10436, Kitzigen Post 10436, Kitzigen, won the Early Bird Contest for membership, placing third in their Divison as of 31 December, 2021 with 96% membership. The Post Commander and Quartermaster each received a certificate and a coffee mug.
Annual Banquet Post 605, Paris Following a three-year interruption due to COVID, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 605 in Paris, France members gathered at the historic Palais du Luxembourg for its Annual Banquet. And this year, the VFW Department of Europe Commander James Joyce was able to attend and duly installed Post 605’s newly elected Officers. Also during the evening, awards were presented to attending Scout of the Year and Patriot’s Pen/Voice of Democracy Scholarships winners. We were also joined at the event by the Union Nationale des Combattants d‘Issy-les-Moulineaux / 46ème section, and we thank them for being with us on this important night, our Franco-American bonds have been further strengthened! Special thank you to Adrien Rmy and Nicolas for the wonderful photos!
District 3 Commander, David Morgan, presents the award to Commander Emilio Andujar, above, and Quatermaster Isaac Billie, below.
Benefits Concert Post 3885, Erlangen On May 14th VFW Post 3885 Erlangen hosted a benefits concert to raise money for our Post. We had 3 music bands play a total of 4 hours. Post 3885 reclaimed its All-American status this year by going over 100% in membership and leading the way in non-profit events. We do 2 benefits concerts a year and this year we’re planning a "Warrior Retreat Weekend" in Hamry, Czech Republic for our members to get away and sit by the campfire and tell ghost stories. We feel its going to be something we can build on in the future.
Pic 1 Pic 2
Pic 1: The first band was „Gentle Vibes“, a local acoustic TRIO, played their debut public showing the first hour. Pic 2: The second band was a Country-n-Western TRIO, „Boots N Pickups“. Pic 3: The third band was our very own Jimmy Ellis (Post Quartermaster) „Jimmy and the Comrades“. The last part we had an open stage hour where whoever wanted to play could jump up on the stage and give it a go. Pic 4-5: Outside, before and during the show, we also had a US Car Club show up and present around 10 cars from old-timers to the modern day muscle car.
Pic 4
Pic 3
Pic 6
Pic 5
On 14 May 2022, VFW (The Mediterranean) Post 8862, Vicenza, Italy along with DaPost 8862, Vicenza niel Cruz, (Voting Assistance Officer, SETAF-AF), conducted a ‘Day of Service’ program by providing Voter Registration Information and other information pertaining to the forthcoming Mid-Term Elections. The event was conducted in the Army and Air Force Exchange Service Entrance Lobby, Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy, from 1000-1600 hours. In addition, a recruiting initiative was conducted by Comrade Ronald Reynolds. One individual was recruited as a Life Member and three others as potentials members. This effort was considered a huge successful endeavor and contributed to the VFW initiative that VFW Members are ‘Still Serving’ and contribute to supporting the communities wherever they are located.
VFW Day of Service
VFW Podcast The VFW Podcast is a new show for veterans, by veterans. The VFW is in the midst of a paradigm shift and it’s an exciting time to be a part of this transformational change within our organization. The VFW Podcast is our newest communication platform that will highlight critical issues, challenges and legislation affecting veterans, service members and military families worldwide. Join us as we chat with congressional leadership, Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs senior officials, and everyday veterans as we tackle tough issues affecting our military veteran community. To listen to the VFW Podcast, visit one of these streaming services, or wherever you get your podcasts.
ANZAC DAY 10506, Berlin
Post 10506 Berlin laid a Wreath at the ANZAC DAY ceremony at the Berlin British War Cemetery on 25 April, In attendance were Col. Scott Maxwell, Senior Defense Official and Defense Attache at the US Embassy Berlin, Germany. There were also two retirees, Life members of the Berlin post, Chris McLarren and Ralph Van der Wyst. ANZAC = (Australia New Zealand Army Corps)
History of Anzac Day
Zaneb Ahmed
Veteran humor...
The Anzac tradition - the ideals of courage, endurance and mateship - was established on 25 April 1915 when the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula. It was the_start of a campaign that was to last eight months, resulting in over 130,000 casualties from both sides. Ofthese, the 11,410 Australian and New Zealand dead represented a huge lass for the two fledgling nations. The men who served on the Gallipoli Peninsula, however, created a legend, adding the ward ANZAC to the Australian and New Zealand vocabularies and creating the notion ofthe ANZAC spirit. Iri 1916, the first anniversary of the landing was observed in Australia, New Zealand and England and by troops serving in Egypt. That year, 25 April was officially named Anzac Day by the Acting Prime Minister of Australia, Geoirge Pearce. Anzac Day is now a day of national commemoration for New Zealand and Australia across all wars and conflicts.
District 1 Scout Camporee 10614, Kaiserslautern
Members from Post 10614, Kaiserslautern, and District 1 Commander Juson Rackley supported a 3 day event, May 13-15, for more than 100 Scouts at the Baumholder Campground.
Over the weekend of April 7th thru April 10th, the District 1 Commander, Judson Rackley, helped support over 3,000 Scouts from Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy and the United States at the Normandy 2022 Scout Camporee. Troop 12 at Normandy Memorial
Tents at Omaha Beach
Scout at Pont du Hoc memorial
10 Miler
Post 12139
Post 10692, Grafenwoehr On June 25th The VFW Tower Post 10692 in Grafenwoehr assisted the MWR in hosting the USAREUR 10 Miler Qualifications by leading the way with the Color Guard - led by JVC George Quick.
Comrade Casey donating blood at the Sembach blood drive.
Comrade Casey and Comrade Gibson presenting a check to one of our Patriot Pen winners.
Veterans Family Picnic 10614, Kaiserslautern Members of Post 10614 partnered with the American Legion and the USO on June 11th at Pulaski Park in Kaiserslautern for a Veterans Family Picnic. Post 10614 and the District 1 Commander provided free food, games and music to over 300 veterans and family members during the day long event. Buddy Poppies were handed out to members of the community and we talked to several veterans and active duty personnel about benefits.
Quote for the quarter “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Graciously allows hard copies of The European Gazette to be printed
Department of Europe Convention 2021-2022
Wiesbaden, Germany June 17 - 19
27 Post 27, Wiesbaden Top: Memorial Day Ceremony at Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Avold, France. Middle: Members of Post 27 at the Recruiting and Buddy Poppy Drive. Bottom: Comrade Ashton leading the JROTC at the USAG Wiesbaden Retreat Ceremony.
Post 10506 Berlin celebrated its Memorial Day with the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts at the Waldfriedhof Dahlem Berlin. In attendance was an Attaché Officer from the British Embassy and an Air Force Attaché Officer from the American Embassy Berlin. We had 20 members from the post in attendence and members from the Last Outpost Masonic Lodge Berlin. It was an honor to do the ceremony at the grave of one of our former Life members of the post, Robert Jumper. 14
Memorial Day 605 10506
Flanders Field
Post 605 members paid tribute to fallen comrades during official Memorial Day services and poppy drives throughout France and the United Kingdom. With its members spanning multiple European countries and North America, Post 605 comrades paid tribute wherever they were to remember those who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms of today.
Meuse Argonne Charles Diaz, Assistant Superintendent at Meuse Argonne, sent the following message. He is a lifelong member of both the VFW and American Legion. We had asked him to lay the wreaths on the graves of soldiers he had a special connection with. "The wreath for the Veterans of Foreign Wars was laid at the grave of Pvt. Kenneth Evans. I chose Pvt. Kenneth Evans because I met his family who came from the San Francisco area in California to visit their Great Uncle. It was the first time in 104 years since his death that anyone from the family had come to visit Pvt. Evans." (Right) 15
End of Watch... One of the most important things that we as Veterans can do is to pay our last respects to those Comrades who have departed from us. On the morning of June 19th, before the continuation of the Convention, members of the Department of Europe paid their last repects to the Department of Europe Comrades who departed us during the last year.
FACT SHEET As the nation’s oldest major war veterans’ organization, the VFW
has an impeccable and longstanding record of service and stewardship. More than 4.4 million patriotic Americans, both members and non-members, entrust the VFW with financial contributions and dedicate millions of volunteer hours.
Educate a separating service member about his or her well-earned VA benefits through a private benefits counseling session with a VFW Service Officer. Provide training to 4 VFW Service Officers on signs of
emotional suffering so they can better direct veterans to programs and services.
Help cover rent, utilities or groceries for a military family struggling with the hardships of war. Deliver 4 morale-boosting “welcome home” celebrations for service members who have returned from combat.
$10.65 million
Number of VA-accredited VFW representatives across America and abroad, helping veterans fight for the VA benefits they have earned.
Amount of scholarships awarded to more than 2,372 veterans and service members through VFW’s “Sport Clips Help A Hero Scholarship” since January 2014.
$10 billion
The total annual amount the VFW helped veterans recoup in VA disability compensation and pension benefits.
Number of VFW-SVA Fellows (student veterans) who have traveled to Washington, D.C., to advocate for veterans’ rights.
$3.2 million
Number of times the VFW has testified before Congress in the last 12 months alone. The VFW has been instrumental in virtually every major legislative victory for veterans in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Amount of scholarships, monetary awards and other incentives the VFW distributes annually to middle and high school students through two major patriotic essay competitions.
$12.5 million+
2.4 million+
Value of financial assistance awarded to military families since 2004 to help cover basic needs in times of crisis. 44% of the funds covered basic housing needs.
Number of service members and their family members hosted at VFW Military Assistance Program (MAP) events since 2005. Updated June 2022
Learn more about the VFW’s programs and services at vfw.org.
The VFW by the numbers
Helping struggling military families
1.5 million
Number of VFW and VFW Auxiliary members.
Number of VFW Posts worldwide.
Cutting red tape
Approximate number of veterans the VFW assisted in submitting new VA claims in fiscal year 2021.
Nearly 12,000
Number of VA claims filed by the VFW’s Pre-Discharge offices in fiscal year 2021 resulting in more than $152 million in disability compensation.
Number of VFW Pre-Discharge offices across the nation, including the military district of Washington, D.C., area.
Number of grants provided to military families facing financial hardship through VFW Unmet Needs since 2004.
Amount of grants provided through VFW Unmet Needs covering housing for struggling military families since 2004.
Number of military families who received assistance with housing needs since 2004.
Improving life in America
Year the VFW started to fight for veterans, service members and their families.
Honoring the fallen
3.3 million
Number of VFW “Buddy”® Poppies distributed by the VFW last year.
Amount raised through the VFW “Buddy”® Poppy program for needy veterans last year.
Inspiring patriotism in young people
4.8 million
$44.8 million
Number of volunteer hours contributed by VFW members annually.
Amount donated annually to local community service projects by VFW members.
Number of high school students who competed in the 2021–22 VFW Voice of Democracy competition.
Number of students who competed in the 2021–22 VFW Patriot’s Pen competition. Updated June 2022
Learn more about the VFW at vfw.org. 18
Veterans Organizations Comment on Halt to VA’s Asset and Infrastructure Review Process While the AIR process appears over, it shined much-needed light on the urgent need to prioritize VA facilities June 30, 2022
WASHINGTON — The Independent Budget Veterans Service Organizations (IBVSOs) — the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), DAV (Disabled American Veterans), and Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) —supported the VA MISSION Act of 2018, which established the Asset and Infrastructure Review (AIR) process, including an independent AIR Commission. We recognize the critical importance of VA’s infrastructure in ensuring veterans receive needed care and believe it has been underprioritized for years. Over the past several years, we have testified numerous times about our concerns with the AIR process, particularly VA’s market assessments, and the need for rigorous oversight. In order for it to succeed, there needed to be complete buy-in and full transparency among all stakeholders. This did not happen. The announcement that the AIR Commission will not move forward as intended is disheartening but not unexpected. The process was flawed from the beginning, in part due to a global pandemic, and did not have the necessary support from Congress or the Administration. For these reasons, and others, the IBVSOs believe the best course of action is to stand down the process rather than proceed with a half-measured attempt at a major overhaul of VA’s infrastructure. While the AIR process appears over, it shined much-needed light on the urgent need to prioritize VA facilities. This reenergized conversation cannot be allowed to crumble apart, like too many of the VA buildings this Commission was meant to address.
VFW Celebrates Victory for Veterans as ‘PACT Act’ Passes in Senate The landmark toxic exposure bill heads back to House of Representatives for final vote June 16, 2022
WASHINGTON — The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), members of Congress, other veterans service organizations, and veteran advocates celebrated a legislative victory as the bipartisan Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, known as the Honoring Our PACT Act, passed in the U.S. Senate by a vote of 84 to 14. “This is an enormous victory for veterans, service members, and their families,” said VFW National Commander Matthew “Fritz” Mihelcic, commander-in-chief of the 1.5 million-member VFW and its Auxiliary. “I commend every senator who voted in favor for those who have borne the burden of toxic exposure, for the military families struggling to care them, and for the military men and women who will face toxic exposure in the future.” The landmark toxic exposure bill will now head back to the U.S. House of Representatives for a re-vote before it gets to the White House for President Biden’s signature. “This was more than a vote for expanded health care and benefits,” said Mihelcic. “This was about honoring our promise to care for those who swore an oath to defend our nation and our way of life.”
GIVE MONTHLY TO HELP OUR HEROES Partners in Patriotism is a win-win monthly giving option to make things more convenient for you ... and allow us to do the best job we possibly can for America’s sons and daughters. Partners in Patriotism is the most effective way to help our proud veterans, service members and their families. When you sign up, you support life-changing programs every month of the year. It’s a great way to show you care!
Partners in Patriotism: • Keeps administrative costs down so more money goes to programs. • Guarantees your donations stay in your Department. • Allows for better budget planning and program funding to help more veterans, service members and their families. • Cuts down the amount of mail you receive. You will only receive the VFW Supporter Quarterly newsletters, and an annual receipt of your gifts for your records and tax purposes.
Sign Up Today! NAME _________________________________________________________________________ PHONE # _________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS _________________________________________________________ CITY ______________________________________________________________________________ STATE _____ZIP _______________________________________________
□ Option 1: Credit Card □ Visa □ MasterCard □ Discover
□ Option 2: Checking Account Deduction Please send us a voided check along with the completed information below and return it to:
□ American Express
VFW National Headquarters 406 West 34th Street, Suite 718 Kansas City, MO 64111
Amount to be charged: $ __________ □ monthly □ quarterly □ annually
Amount to be charged: $ __________ □ monthly □ quarterly □ annually
• Minimum amount is $10.00, processed on/or around the 20th of the month.
• Minimum amount is $10.00, processed on/or around the 20th of the month.
Return this completed form to VFW National Headquarters, 406 West 34th Street, Suite 718, Kansas City, MO 64111 or fax to 816.968.1129. Questions? Please call Donor Services toll-free at 833.VFW.GIVE (833.839.4483), or email vfwfundraising@vfw.org.
Thank you!
PATRIOT’S PEN 2022-2023 Theme
“My Pledge to Our Veterans.” Student Entry Deadline: October 31, 2022
Patriotic Written Essay Competition Grand Prize: $5,000 Award
What is the Patriot’s Pen Program?
• Make sure that your essay is submitted to the VFW Post before the contest deadline of Oct. 31, 2022. You can submit your essay and entry form by email upon the Post’s approval. Entries sent to the VFW National Headquarters directly will be returned.
Conducted nationwide, this VFW-sponsored youth essay competition gives students an opportunity to write essays expressing their views on an annual patriotic theme. We invite you to join the more than 84,000 students who participated last year in this contest.
How Am I Judged?
Why Should I Enter?
Prizes and scholarships can be awarded at the Post, District, State and national level. Department (State) winners receive a portion of $55,000 in national awards. National Winners will receive at least $500. The first-place national award is currently $5,000. The Internal Revenue Service requires a recipient awarded more than $599 be given Form 1099 identifying the proceeds as taxable income. This may require the winner to provide their social security number.
Knowledge of the theme is worth 30 points: You must show a thorough knowledge of the theme in your work. Demonstrate you have researched the issue extensively. Theme development is worth 35 points: Answer all relevant facts about the theme such as the who, what, where, when and why. Relate the theme to your own experiences. Clarity of ideas is worth 35 points: Write your essay in an easy-to-understand format. Leave your reader with a clear understanding of your explanation of the theme.
How Does the Contest Work?
All entries begin at the VFW Post level. The only exception is where schools/classes/youth groups have large numbers of students and wish to conduct their own competition, submitting one winner for each 15 students to the VFW Post. Individual students may submit their entry directly to the Post.
What Is the Theme?
The contest consists of four levels. The first level (entry) is sponsored by VFW Posts. Post winners advance, one for every 15 entries, to the VFW District (regional) level where the one first-place winner is advanced to the VFW Department (state) level. The first-place winner at the Department level is then advanced into the VFW national competition.
Deadline Information.
VFW’s Commander-in-Chief annually chooses the year’s theme. The 2022-2023 theme is:
“My Pledge To Our Veterans.”
To qualify, all entries must be submitted to a sponsoring VFW Post by midnight October 31, 2022.
If you need help finding a participating VFW Post, follow these instructions:
Who Can Enter?
Patriot’s Pen is open to 6th, 7th and 8th-grade students enrolled by the Oct. 31 deadline in public, private or parochial schools in the U.S., its territories or its possessions. Home-schooled students also are eligible. Although U.S. citizenship is not required, students must be lawful U.S. permanent residents or have applied for permanent residence (the application which has not been denied) and intends to become a U.S. citizen at the earliest opportunity allowed by law. (Foreign exchange students or former winners that placed in the National contest are ineligible.)
How Do I Get Started?
First, visit vfw.org/FindaPost to “Find a VFW Post.” If you don’t have success in finding a Post, or if you have trouble contacting them, you can contact your VFW Department (state) headquarters office to see if they can offer any information or assistance. You can visit vfw.org/contactus to look for “Find a State Contact” to get your VFW state office’s phone number and Email.
For assistance contact the VFW National Headquarters at 816.756.3390 ext. 6155 Email: youthscholarships@vfw.org
• Ask a teacher or youth group/club adult leader to supervise the Patriot’s Pen writing contest. • Contact a participating VFW Post and indicate your interest in participating. • Establish a contact person who is a member of that VFW Post or its VFW Auxiliary.
2022-2023 Official Entry Form
To Be Completed by the VFW Post
I certify that this student has an authorized entry in our VFW Post level Voice of Competition.
Patriot’s Pen Competition Must Be Completed by All Contestants
Post Commander’s/Chairman’s Signature Name: First, M.I., Last
VFW Auxiliary President’s/Chairman’s Signature (If applicable)
Post Address
City, State, Zip ( ) Phone
City, State, Zip Email
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy)
VFW Post Email Grade in School
Essay Word Count
No. of participants
No. of winners
School Name, City, State
Amt. of Post/Aux. scholarships awards $
Teacher’s name and Email (if applicable)
Amt. of Post/Aux. additional expenses (Banquet, Pins, etc.) $
To Be Completed by Student’s Parent/Guardian
To Be Completed by the VFW District
(Required even if student is 18 or over)
I certify that the student named in the previous section is the duly selected winner of the Voice of Democracy Contest District Competition and is our sole entry into the Departments.
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) Parent/Guardian Signature
District Chairman’s Signature
( ) Parent/Guardian’s Daytime Phone
Dist. #
Parent/Guardian’s Email
City, State, Zip
What Are the Rules?
( ) Phone
• You must write your own essay. • All essays should be typed in English with no color or graphics. 300 - 400 words in length (+ or - 5 word max). Every word is counted regardless of length. The essay title (theme) or added footnotes do not contribute to the word count. • In no way may contestants identify themselves within their essay (including, but not limited to, your name, school, city, state, race or national origin.) Do not put your name on the essay. The entry form is your essays cover sheet. Secure the Official Student Entry Form with a staple or other fastener on top of your essay. Contestants are allowed to enter only once each year if otherwise eligible (one Post competition). • The essay must be contestant’s original work and a product of the contestant’s own thinking. The approach to the Patriot’s Pen theme should be positive and clearly focused. Poetry is not acceptable. Quotations may be used sparingly if plainly identified wherever used. A contestant’s teacher, counselor or parent may check the essay for punctuation, grammar and/or spelling, but the content must remain the contestant’s. Contestants will be judged on the basis of their essay alone and are not required to present the essay orally. All essays become the property of the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars. The VFW retains non-exclusive rights to the use of your essay and likeness in the promotion and execution of the organization’s programs and activities. • At any time during the contest additional participant personal information (i.e. SSN, photo, etc.) could be requested by the VFW.
To Be Completed by the VFW Department Chairman
I certify that the student named in the previous section is the duly selected first-place winner of the Voice of Democracy Department Competition, is our sole entry into the National Judging.
Department Chairman’s Signature ( ) Daytime Phone
The winner has been will be (check one) notified that they are the first-place Department winner on _____________ .
Local VFW Post Information: Contact: Phone:
Best Time To Call:
Alternate Contact: Phone:
Best Time To Call:
I Have Read and Understand the Contest Rules Signature of Student Participant
Revised 03/2022
VOICE OF DEMOCRACY 2022-2023 Theme
“Why Is The Veteran Important?” Student Entry Deadline: October 31, 2022
Patriotic Audio Essay Competition Grand Prize: $30,000 Award
What is the Voice of Democracy Program?
Where Do I Submit My Entry?
Since 1947, the Voice of Democracy has been the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ (VFW’s) premier scholarship program. Each year, nearly 80,000 high school students compete for more than $2 million in scholarships and incentives. Students compete by writing and recording an audio essay on an annual patriotic theme. This year’s theme is, “Why Is The Veteran Important?”
All entries begin at the VFW Post level. The only exception is where schools/classes/youth groups have large numbers of students and wish to conduct their own competition, submitting one winner for each 15 students to the VFW Post. Individual students may submit their entry directly to the Post. Entries sent to VFW National will be returned. One winner for every 15 entries from each Post advances to District and one District winner advances to the state (Department) competition. If you need help finding a participating VFW Post, follow these instructions: First, visit this website vfw.org/FindaPost to “Find A VFW Post.” If you do not have success in finding a Post, or if you have trouble getting in touch with them, you can contact your VFW Department (state) office to see if they can offer any information or assistance. You can visit this link https://www.vfw.org/ ContactUs/ and look for “Find a State Contact” to get your VFW state office’s phone number and email. If you still need assistance, please email us at VFW National Headquarters at youthscholarships@vfw.org
Why Should I Enter? Prizes and scholarships can be awarded at the Post, District, state and national level. Department (State) winners receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington DC, to tour the city, be honored by the VFW and its Auxiliary and receive their portion of $156,000 in national awards, the top scholarship being $30,000.
The Rules Who can enter? The Voice of Democracy is open to students in grades 9-12 by the Oct. 31 deadline who are enrolled in a public private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States, its territories and possessions; or dependents of U.S. military or civilian personnel in overseas schools. Although U.S. citizenship is not required, students must be lawful U.S. permanent residents or have applied for permanent residence (the application for which has not been denied) and intends to become a U.S. citizen at the earliest opportunity allowed by law. Foreign exchange students, students age 20 or over, previous Voice of Democracy first place state winners, GED or Adult Education Students are ineligible. What do I need to enter? Record your original 3-5 minute (+ or – 5 second max.) audio essay on a flash drive, or other electronic device. You will submit the recording, typed essay and this completed entry form. Provide these items to your school/group competition or VFW Post for judging. In addition you can submit your emailed entry form, essay, and audio file to the VFW Post upon approval. You must be the sole author of your essay. The recording must be in your own voice and in English. Hearing/speech impaired students should email the Voice of Democracy National Office at youthscholarships@vfw.org for special instructions. No music, singing, poetry or sound effects are allowed. The body of the essay must not identify you in any way, (including, but not limited to your name, school, city, state, race, or national origin) although the recording & typed essay should be labeled with your name, to show ownership.
What Is the Deadline for My Entry? All entries competing at the Post level must be in the hands of that VFW Post by midnight, Oct. 31, 2022. It is the responsibility of the student to meet this deadline by submitting their entry to the proper location by ensuring it is a participating Post.
What Are the Judging Criteria? Originality is worth 30 points: Treatment of the theme should show imagination and human interest. Content is worth 35 points: Clearly express your ideas in an organized manner. Fully develop your theme and use transitions to move smoothly from one idea to another. Delivery is worth 35 points: Speak in a clear and credible manner.
To Be Completed by the VFW Post
2022-2023 Official Entry Form
I certify that this student has an authorized entry in our VFW Post Level Voice of Democracy Competition.
Voice of Democracy Competition Must Be Completed by All Contestants
Post Commander’s/Chairman’s Signature
Post #
Name: First, M.I., Last
VFW Auxiliary President’s/Chairman’s Signature (if applicable)
Post Address
City, State, Zip
City, State, Zip
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy)
Grade in School
VFW Post Email Age
No. of students participating
Jacket Size
No. of winners advanced to District School Name, City, State
Amt. of Post/Aux. scholarship awards $
Teacher’s name and Email (if applicable)
Amt. of Post/Aux. additional expenses (banquet, pins, etc.) $
To Be Completed by Student’s Parent/Guardian
To Be Completed by the VFW District
(required even if student is 18 or over)
I certify that the student named in the previous section is the duly selected winner of the Voice of Democracy Contest District Competition and is our sole entry into the Departments.
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) Parent/Guardian Signature (
Dist. #
District Chairman’s Signature
Parent/Guardian’s Daytime Phone
Parent/Guardian’s Email
City, State, Zip (
Participant Agreement for Students Advancing to National Level
If selected as a first-place state winner, I have the consent of my
I certify that I am the sole author of the enclosed audio/essay entry and that I have only entered the competition once yearly if otherwise eligible. I understand that if it is found that I have entered any other Post’s competition or used this essay for another VFW competition, I face elimination from the competition and will return any and all prizes or incentives awarded.
Signature of Student Participant
To Be Completed by the VFW Department Chairman
parent/guardian and school to attend the Voice of Democracy National Finals in Washington, D.C, as a guest of the VFW National Organization. In consideration for permission to participate in the National Voice of Democracy Competition (“Competition”) I do hereby, for myself, for my heirs, executors, administrators and assignees, waive, release and discharge all rights and claims which I have or which may hereafter accrue against the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) and/or the Departments (state organizations) of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their respective officers, agents, successors and assigns from any damages which may be sustained by me in connection with my participation in or association with the Competition and/or arising out of any travel related to the Competition. In the event of sickness, accident or injury in connection with the Competition, I consent to and accept the services of a duly licensed medical, surgical or dental specialist selected on my behalf and for such treatments, as they may deem necessary. I understand that VFW will not be liable for such treatment. I further understand that the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States retains non-exclusive rights to use my audio file, essay, name and likeness in the promotion and execution of the organization’s programs and activities.
I Have Read and Understand the Rules and Participant Agreement
I certify that the student named in the previous section is the duly selected first-place winner of the Voice of Democracy Department Competition, is our sole entry into the National Judging. Department Chairman’s Signature (
Daytime Phone
The winner has been will be (check one) notified that they are the first-place Department winner on .
For assistance contact: 816.756.3390 ext. 6155 Email: youthscholarships@vfw.org
Local VFW Post Information: Contact: Phone:
Best Time To Call:
Alternate Contact: Phone:
Best Time To Call:
Revised 03/2022
Department of Europe Legacy members Post
Legacy Level
Legacy Level
Legacy Level
Aldridge, Angelo D.
Howard, Lance W.
Andrew, Glenna M
Isaak, Norbert
Andujar, Emilio
Joyce, James R.
Bankston, Thomas J.
Keenan, Kristina J.
Barber, Billy D.
Kennedy, Jonathan
Barton, Clyde A.
Kennedy, Richard F. *
Bateman, Gary M.
Kistner, Mark C.
Beatty, James M.
Konsavage, Michael F.
Shelton, Christopher L.
Benard, Thomas R.
Kuehn, Michael A.
Smith, Nay
Bobbe Sr, Shawn J.
Kuntz, Daniel J.
Spohr, Gladwin K.
Bodily, Cecil L.
Lally, William E. *
St Hilaire, Shaun M.
Borden, Johnny R.
Lawery, Donald F. *
Steiner, Charles J.
Bostic, Mark C.
Leffler, John L.
Strickland Jr, Jack L.
Boynton, Pierre Y.
Leffler, Robert J.
Strosnider, William D.
Brooks, Robert P.
Leonard, James L.
Thomas Sr, David J.
Buechner, Brian L.
Lorenzo, James R.
Van Der Wyst, Ralph H.
Campanas, James P.
Lovmo, Russell D.
Vergott, James D.
Cannon, Donald
Luste, Peter H. *
Wagaman, Jeffrey H.
Case, John C.
Lytle, Victor S. *
Wallent, Anthony
Casey, John J.
Marable, Devon A.
Webken, Jacob T.
Clark, Tom A.
Miller, Anthony E.
Williamson, Jessie L.
Classe Jr, Anthony V.
Minsky, Robert R.
Winslow, James R.
Coleman III, Willie A.
Mishkin, Marc B.
Wolverton, Lee R.
Corea, Juanita C.
Miyamoto, Daniel K.
Worm, Kenneth S.
Davenport, Terry D.
Moore, Andrew J.
Young, Anthony L.
Digilio Jr, John T.
Moore, Thomas R.
Young, Joel O.
Ehnes, Scott G.
Morgan, David L.
Zaiz, Richard A.
Flick, Brian H.
Mormino, Joe A.
* Indicates deceased member
Flick Sr, Bob R. *
Murley, Myron H. *
as of June 30, 2022
Foist, Gabriel T.
Nagan, Dale R.
Fuentes, Pierre J.
Neilson, John C.
Funk, Steven L.
Nelson, Walter A.
Furnish, Caroll E.
Northen, Alice
Gehring, Gregory J.
Northen, Matthew B.
Gibson, Lon M.
Ota, Todd H.
Gilgore, George J.
Otto, Matthew J.
Gillott, Bert A.
Palos, Jasson G.
Gish, Blane E.
Peiffer, Robert R.
Hadley, Benjamin F.
Pfaff, Michael D.
Hall, Herbert
Preston, Lee B.
Hawley, Philip M.
Primmer, Mark D.
Hayman Collins, Lisa
Proctor, Ryan A.
Heaton, Alex O.
Purham, Randy
Heffernan, Michael G.
Quick, George
Helie, Robert A.
Quinn, Patrick I. *
Hendrickson, Richard B.
Reid, Ulysses T.
Hicks, David E.
Rewis, Thomas
Hirschman, Norman J.
Reynolds, Ronald
Hooper, Carl
Richardson, Stanley
Hoskin, Lawrence K.
Ridenbaugh, Rudy L.
Robbins, Leo V. *
Rohr, Kenneth J.
Schaaf, Mark A. *
Schreiber, Mark A.
Schreiber, Thomas K.
Schwartz, Robert N.
Shanahan Jr, John H.
Bronze Gold Bronze