Do you every wonder what life will be like as a college student? Or, how it will be different than high school?

VHCC staff will be at your high school on the following dates to help you get enrolled in your Fall Semester classes:
HHS: April 4
PHHS: April 5 & April 25
NHS: April 12 & April 18
VHS: April 20 & May 2

CHS: April 26 & April 27
See the VHCC College Navigator at your school for an appointment!
We will have a lot of fun with this topic! Attend your April Weekly Meetings and earn your stipend!
Be sure to complete your VHCC Foundation Scholarship Application! Schedule a meeting with us and we will help you!
Mark your calendars!
April 15
We will travel to Johnson City, TN to participate in an Open House at East Tennessee State University. If you registered for this event, please check your email for more information!

April 3 is the deadline to complete the UB paperwork for this trip.
June 26-29
We will hosting an amazing in-person SAT Prep class this summer! If you want to improve your test score, or be really prepared for the first time you take need to register for this class! More information to come!

Sincehisyoungestyears,TimAndersonhasbeenpreparingtohelphisstudents withtheSAT Whenhewasinhighschool,anSATcompetitionwasformedinhis homestateofSouthCarolina,andTimwonthestatechampionship.Asa certifiedpublicschoolteacher,TimtaughttheSATelectiveclassathishigh school,whichgrewfromoneclassof15studentseachsemesterto4classes withoverahundredstudentseachsemesterandalengthywait-list(getting greatresultshasawayofdoingthat)
Asanindependentteacherforthepastfewyears,Tim hashelpedthousandsofstudentsatover70schools throughouttheUnitedStatesand15schoolsoutside oftheUSearntheSATscoretheywantforcollege admissionsandscholarships Tim’sphilosophyof teachingisthis:peoplelovetolearn,aslongasitis entertaining Inclass,TimshareshisSATexpertise withasenseofhumorandenergythatissimply unrivaled AnSATclasscanbebothenlighteningand entertaining itdoesn’thavetobeboring!Comejoin Timandseewhatallthebuzzisabout!
April 7
Deadline to register for May 6 SAT

April 25
SAT test day for Juniors at VHS
April 21
Be sure to have your goals completed!

summer academy 2023
JUNE 5 - JULY 12

It's time to register for Upward Bound Summer Academy 2023! This year we are going to learn so much about, and have so much fun in this place we call home - the Appalachian Mountains! As always, all students will participate in a language and culture class, life skills activities & SAT Prep. However, each student will get to choose an intensive class that will focus on one topic. We don't have names for these classes yet, but here is a little bit of information:
Appalachian Literature - this class will focus on the writings by authors from the Appalachian Mountains and some story telling (spin a yarn)
The Mathematics of Mining - this class will explore the mathematics and engineering involved in one of the largest industries in the Appalachian Mountains
April 3 - Registration will open!
Spaces are limited, so keep an eye on your email for your link to register!!
May 11 - Summer Information Meeting
6:00pm @ VHCC
Mandatory for all summer attendees & their parents/guardians. Dinner will be served.
Appalachian Ecology - this class will study the unique ecology of our Appalachian Mountains
Appalachian Flora - this class will identify plants native to our region of the Appalachian Mountains, learning about their usefulness in everyday life
Other exciting Appalachian Adventures:
A week of classes on the campus of Emory & Henry College, where rising 11th & 12th grade students have the opportunity to live in the dorms
Field trips, college tours, food, and music
An all-out summer camp adventure at ACE Adventure Resort in West Virginia

ACE Adventure Resort Options: Take a look at each adventure, make sure you meet requirements, and decide which one would be BEST for you. You will need to know this information when you register!
Option #1: Ziplining Adventure

Option #2: Ariel Park Adventure
Option #3: Climbing Adventure
Option #4: Hiking Adventure
We will schedule a full group white water rafting trip If you feel you would need an alternative activity, please indicate that on the Summer Academy registration form. These options


UB Tuned In
April 2: ScholarSHPE (for Hispanic students in the STEM field)
April 5: Ann Ford Scholarship https://www ncld org/what-we-do/scholarships/anne-fordscholarship/
April 5: Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarship
April 14: Legacy of Life Scholarship
April 15: College JumpStart Scholarship
April 21: Virginia's Soil & Water Conservation Scholarship

April 21: Justin Foundation Scholarship (for HHS & PHHS)
April 30: Let Grow's Think For Yourself Scholarship
May 21: B. Davis Scholarship
May 31: Ampronix College Scholarship Program
Rolling Deadline: Employment BOOST Scholarship https://employmentboost com/scholarship/
Juniors...scholarship drawings are still underway at for building your college list & practicing the SAT! Don’t forget to log into your College Board account and complete these tasks!