There will be an online assignment that you can complete toward your stipend the week of January 13.
In-person meetings will start the week of January 20!
Once school starts, watch your email for assignment information, dates, and times!
Gabe Frye 12/11
Gabe Soto 12/20
Haydin Nesbitt 12/29
Mara Plummer 1/13
Mady Heath 1/14
Zoey Schein 1/22
Ezekiel Postell 1/24
Be sure to attend one of the VHCC FAFSA Workshops at your school! Add VHCC to your FAFSA list of colleges so we can help if you have questions.
In order to receive Financial Aid, you will fill out the FAFSA every year of college. Keep your FSA ID login information somewhere safe because you will use it each year!
To access the online FAFSA form, use this QR code or go to https://studentaid.gov/
If you want to visit a college before you make a decision, let us know! We can get it scheduled & take you there (within a day’s drive).
If you are applying to a 4 year university, be sure to check all of your deadlines.
Apply for scholarships.
Schedule an individual meeting with us!
If you want to be eligible for the Senior Award, don't forget to log your progress by using this QR code.
Enjoy your senior year!!
FYI: Stipends for September, October, November, & December will be processed before holiday break. Be watching for your check toward the end of January!
If you haven't already, this semester is a great time to take your first SAT or ACT test. This will give you time to practice and improve before taking it again during your Senior year. As an Upward Bound Student, you are eligible to take each test up to 2 times for free. Please let Traci or Stacey know if you need a voucher. Want to know which test is best for you? Take a short quiz here www.kaptest.com/sat/sat-vsact to find out! Be sure to study and practice using your www.khanacademy.org account!! Also, see the information to the right about an upcoming SAT Prep Class.
Juniors & Seniors, if you are interested in our job shadowing program called SCORE, be sure to fill out the application!
Join clubs and take on some leadership roles.
Consider applying for the Upward Bound Junior Leadership program. We have an exciting leadership project planned! Information & applications will be available in January!
Traci Mitchell Director tmitchell@vhcc.edu
Preparing for and taking the SAT is not considered fun. However, it is an admissions requirement for some colleges and it is usually tied to scholarship dollars at most colleges. We want to help you maximize those scholarship dollars and get the best possible score on your SAT. We will be sending out an interest form with class options and possible dates very soon. Watch for the form in your email or remind text and be thinking about your SAT plans!
Stacey Dorton Academic Coordinator sdorton@vhcc.edu
Ella Ratcliffe-Sutherland Office Manager eratcliffe@vhcc.edu