Not sure what you want to study? The General Studies pathway is designed to help you earn education credits that should be applicable to many different programs of future study. Ideal for undecided transfer students or those students who are in transition between colleges.
Program Length 2 years (4 semesters)
Transfer Objectives civic engagement, communication, critical thinking, professional readiness, quantitative literacy, and scientific literacy
Is this degree for you? Yes, if you plan to transfer to a four-year institution or if you are still undecided about your major.
Tuition & Fees At only $162.11 per credit hour, you’ll save $10K to $22K, in tuition costs alone, by starting at VHCC! Out-of-state students living within a 30-mile radius qualify for in-state tuition.
Judy Miller graduated from VHCC and earned a master of arts from ETSU in English and a master of education from Arizona State University. With more than 25 years at VHCC encouraging students through their studies and curricular decisions, Judy tells her students: “I am here to help you succeed.”
LRC 220
jmiller@vhcc.edu | 276-739-2551
For more than 50 years, VHCC has been committed to making our region a better place to live, work, and learn!
campus in Abingdon
Complete an Associate of Arts & Science at VHCC and you may be eligible to receive up to $2K annually for tuition expenses. Ask us about Transfer Grants.
Start at VHCC and meet specified transfer agreement requirements and you’ll enjoy guaranteed admission to Virginia Tech, Radford, King University, Emory & Henry College, ETSU and more.
17:1 Student to Faculty Ratio
80+ Programs of Study
84% of Students Get Financial Aid
Virginia Highlands Community College was recently voted the #1 College in the Region through the Best of Bristol Awards program – from a group of two and four year colleges and universities in southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee.