22nd ANnUAL
BEST BUCK IN THE BAY es e v e n t
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september 11-14, 2014 • bayarearodeo.org -------------------------------------------d u n cans m i l l s • g u e rn e v i l l e • mon t e ri o
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Welcome! The Bay Area Chapter of the Golden State Gay Rodeo Association has done it again! We are delighted to bring you not only another spectacular event, but we have weathered the winds of change and found a home for the Best Buck in the Bay. I welcome everyone to the tricommunities of Guerneville, Monte Rio and the rodeo host town of Duncans Mills, California! As the chapter dutifully pours their passion of rodeo and their love of a good time into one event, we have been welcomed with open arms into these communities. Please be sure to support our local businesses and experience the hospitality and warm embrace that we have all felt throughout this planning year! We have changed the face of the Best Buck in the Bay. You will notice many different aspects of entertainment added to our rodeo, both at the rodeo and in the neighboring townships as they are hosting our weekend event. Don’t miss out on the nightly parties and dances or the daytime excitement and local food. You are here to have a good time, whether it is in the stands or in the arena, this is your celebration! Join us and all our truly amazing rodeo family from all over the United States and Canada as we enjoy the love of the sport, the camaraderie of each other and the value of health, stock, honesty and integrity. It’s our Cowboy Code of Honor. Welcome this year and for many years to come to the Best Buck in the Bay!!!
Paul “Popper” Du Bray
President, Bay Area Chapter-GSGRA
Welcome rodeo fans, contestants, officials and staff to the 2014 Best Buck in the Bay Rodeo & Festival: Redwoods and Roses. It has been a dream of the Bay Area chapter to bring this event to the Russian River for many years. It has been an amazing and wonderful experience to work with the local businesses, shop owners and local townspeople. We have felt so welcomed by everyone in Guerneville, Monte Rio and Duncans Mills. As a group we went into this rodeo wanting to work with and include as many local businesses and non-profit groups as possible. I could not be more proud of the awesome group of men and women that have made up the production team this year, without each and every one of them this would not have happened. I can’t ever say enough about the great group that I get the chance to work with, fight with and at the end of it all call my family. I remember my first Best Buck in the Bay rodeo at Driscoll in 2006. It was then and there that I knew I had to get involved. I started out wanting to only compete in chute doggin’ and the camp events, but I quickly fell in love with the group that was putting on the events. In 2007, I got to see what it takes to put this rodeo on and I couldn’t help but jump in with both feet. In the past six years, I have been an Assistant Rodeo Director, Ms. Bay Area Rodeo and held many board positions. Though this all I have gotten to get to know so many great and amazing people, many of whom I proudly call family. I want to say a special “Thank You!” to the Russian River Rodeo Association, Justine and Darryl Anderson, Bill Lyle, Jane Silva and the Thrill of Morgan Hill, the Duncans Mills Merchants Association, the R3 Hotel, the Rio Theater and Cafe, the Rainbow Cattle Company, Buck’s River Mill Dinner Theater, all of our sponsors and to each and every one of you for coming out and joining this exciting new chapter in our history. To my team: “Thank you! Thank you!” You guys have been the best I could have hoped for. To Chad Monkey Paw, thank you for standing by me, all your support, always listening and your love. It’s been a crazy year with many ups and downs but together we can and always will get through anything. Let’s rodeo!!!!!!
Rosemary Tomasulo
2014 Rodeo Director, 2014 Best Buck in the Bay Rodeo & Festival
ScheDule THURSDAY • SEPTEMBER 11 “QUEENS AND COWBOYS: A STRAIGHT YEAR ON THE GAY RODEO” Rio Theater & Cafe • Monte Rio 6:00 PM - Dinner • 7:30 PM - Screening Matt Livadary’s award-winning documentary, plus live prescreening music and libations. Wear your country garb and get in the spirit! $25 Per Person - Dinner & Screening $13 Per Person - Screening Only
FRIDAY • SEPTEMBER 12 PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Russian River Rodeo Grounds • Duncans Mills 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM [Waiver Required]
POOL PARTY AT THE R3 WITH DJ ROTTEN ROBBIE The R3 Hotel • Guerneville 12:00 - 4:00 PM • $5 Per Person Hot cowboys and cowgirls cooling off, underwear models, great music and BBQ!
RODEO REGISTRATION Buck’s River Mill Dinner Theater • Guerneville 6:00 - 9:00 PM
HOMORODEO MEET AND GREET & ‘90S VIDEO REQUEST PARTY Rainbow Cattle Company • Guerneville 7:00 PM - Midnight Meet the Models of the 2014 HomoRodeo Calendar. Drink specials and calendars on sale.
OF EVENTS SATURDAY • SEPTEMBER 13 22ND ANNUAL BEST BUCK IN THE BAY RODEO & FESTIVAL Russian River Rodeo Grounds • Duncans Mills 9:00 AM - New Contestant Meeting 9:30 AM - Rodeo Begins * 3:00 - 6:00 PM - Rodeo Happy Hour 5:00 PM - Rodeo Conclusion * $12 Per Person • Children Under 12 - Free! $5 • Parking
HOMORODEO BEER GAMES & CALENDAR SALE/SIGNING Rainbow Cattle Company • Guerneville 7:00 PM - Midnight
BEST BUCKIN’ BALL WITH DJ INGU Buck’s River Mill Dinner Theater • Guerneville 8:00 PM • $10 Per Person **
16248 Main Street Guerneville, CA
SUNDAY • SEPTEMBER 14 MCC PANCAKE BREAKFAST Russian River Rodeo Grounds • Duncans Mills 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM $7 Adults • $5 Children Under 12 Sponsored by Cape Fear Café
22ND ANNUAL BEST BUCK IN THE BAY RODEO & FESTIVAL Russian River Rodeo Grounds • Duncans Mills 9:30 AM - Rodeo Begins (Day Two) * 3:00 - 6:00 PM - Rodeo Happy Hour 5:00 PM - Rodeo Conclusion * $12 Per Person • Children Under 12 - Free! $5 • Parking
BEST BUCKIN’ AWARDS DINNER Buck’s River Mill Dinner Theater • Guerneville 7:00 PM • $10 Per Person ** * Subject to the number of contestants. ** Free to contestants and officials.
2014 Community GranD Marshal
DaviD Lawson
Every year the Best Buck in the Bay production team has a tremendous task of choosing a Community Grand Marshal. In years past the recipient has hailed from outside the rodeo community, often a person that has dedicated their efforts toward the LGBT community at large, but always a person worthy of recognition. This year we have decided to keep the same criteria however, turning our attention to some of those within the rodeo family and to one that has aided us in turning the corner to the new generation of rodeo entertainment for you, our fans and for his fellow rodeo family. This person has demonstrated both amongst his peers and within his professional community to be a dedicated and tireless pioneer of encouragement and enthusiasm for all that come in his path. This year’s recipient of the Community Grand Marshal Award is David Lawson. David came to the Best Buck in the Bay with a solution to the problem we faced. Where was the next generation of the Best Buck in the Bay going to be held, if at all, or was this the end of an era? As many might know we had our last rodeo at Driscoll Ranches in 2013. The property sold and displaced many events. It is because of David Lawson that we found a new home here at the Russian River Rodeo grounds. Born in Fort Madison, Iowa, now residing in Santa Rosa, David is a horse trainer and a school teacher. His students, young and old alike are inspired by his coaching and encouragement. His fellow rodeo family reveres him as a tough competitor and a supportive friend. As a colleague in the professional horseman’s world he is a quality producer of fine horses and a fine horseman. From the Best Buck in the Bay production team, he has been the guiding light to providing our community with continued years of rodeo entertainment here at the Russian River Rodeo grounds. Thank you, David!!
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2014 GranD Marshal
Bruce “Grumpy” Roby Bruce Roby started out life as a country boy. Born in rural Missouri in the Ozarks, then moving to rural Idaho as a young boy, his family farmed potatoes. He went from college in Idaho, to being a crosscountry truck driver, to working for United Airlines in reservations and operations and even working making custom draperies for the Hollywood elite. He moved from Idaho to Los Angeles to Japan to San Francisco. He has worked the last 16 years in business operations and as a travel agent in San Francisco. This August he will have been in the travel industry for 25 years. Bruce Roby began his rodeo involvement in Los Angeles in 1998
when he attended his first rodeo. He called in sick to work and spent the weekend at the rodeo. He loved the camaraderie he found in the rodeo community and immediately was hooked. After volunteering at Bay Area Rodeo in 1998 working security, he then followed with working in the chutes, in the arena pulling chute gates, and doing whatever else needed to be done at rodeos. Bruce started out as a timer at the Albuquerque rodeo in 2001. From there he started working at rodeos as a timer and eventually moved up to be certified as a rodeo scorekeeper. You knew if you invited Bruce as a scorekeeper you were going to have a very efficient, accurate and fun rodeo (the running commentary in the announcers booth between Bruce and the timers and announcer are always fun to eavesdrop on), and a rodeo where you would not go hungry (providing snacks for the staff). After nine years as a scorekeeper, he became certified as a rodeo secretary and then a certified rodeo auditor. His high level of commitment and dedication to doing the job right (some call it being ‘retentive’, but we like to think of it as just being overly efficient) has put him very much in demand over the years in any of these positions at rodeos. This same level of dedication to doing the job right has also earned him the nickname of Grumpy. While he can be Grumpy, it is in the desire to ensure a rodeo is the best possible production. On the flip side, we have also seen him break down in tears and get very emotional when talking about his love for this sport.
At the 2008 IGRA Convention in New Orleans, Bruce was awarded the IGRA International Award for his commitment to IGRA and gay rodeo. The Alberta Rockies Gay Rodeo Association has also presented awards to Bruce for his continued support over the years of their rodeo in Calgary.
when you mention you are fan of BEST BUCK IN THE BAY!
Being active and working at 90% of the rodeos per year was not enough to keep him busy, so he became active in the local rodeo community helping with fundraising. This year, Bruce will be attending every rodeo and IGRA event being held across North America. In 2009, Bruce was elected State Treasurer, then State President, and is now GSGRA’s trustee (their representation on the IGRA Board of Directors) as well as yet another term as the current State Treasurer. Bruce has also served as the chair of the President’s Committee for IGRA.
With this, we wish to thank Bruce for his many years of hard work and dedication to GSGRA, the Bay Area chapter, and the IGRA rodeo community as a whole with the honor of being our Best Buck in the Bay Grand Marshal for 2014.
image: troy dean photography
Bruce’s active involvement in the Bay Area chapter at our many fundraising events and meetings over the years’ has meant the world to all of us. His relentless pursuit to find ways to get more people involved at his own personal time and expense is inspiring to us all. As a chapter we have looked to Bruce for guidance and mentoring – he is a part of our rodeo family and we appreciate everything he has done for us.
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COMPETITIVE RODEO Events BULL RIDING: Historically the most dangerous event in rodeo. The contestant uses an approved rigging with flat braided rope with a braided hand grip, a loop and a bell. This is wrapped around the chest of the bull, and the rider’s hand is tied into the hand grip. The rope can be worked with rosin and saddle soap to provide a very sticky grip to assist with their hold. Stock contractor flanks the bull with a soft cotton rope around the back end that signals the bull to buck when released from the chute. When the contestant is tied in and ready, they signal for the chute to be open. Rider must stay mounted and in control for six seconds, may only use one hand to hold on, and the other must not touch the animal or themselves. Rider is scored 50% on their ability and skill, and 50% on the skill of the bull. STEER RIDING: An entry level event for new cowboys and cowgirls. Contestant uses an approved rigging that has a braided flat rope with a flat braided hand grip, and a loop with a bell. This rigging is looped around the chest area of the animal. A steer is a less aggressive animal and skill set. The stock contractor flanks his animals with a soft cotton rope around the back end of the bull that signals the animal to buck. When contestant is tied in and ready, they signal for the chute to be opened. They must stay mounted and in control for six seconds. They can only ride one handed, and the free hand cannot touch themselves or the animal. Rider is scored 50% on their ability and skill, and 50% on the skill of the animals. Spurs can be used to enhance the performance of the bull, but they must not be sharp and must be locked rowels. Our judges verify these on each contestant prior to their ride. CHUTE DOGGING: A fast and skillful event of a steer versus a cowboy or cowgirl. Contestant must lead the steer from the chute across the white line, giving the steer the advantage. Once the judge has whistled the steer is across, the contestant must use their skill and strength to “dog the steer.” This is a traditional, safe method to wrestle the steer to the ground, on its side with all four legs clear from beneath it. A timed event, the fastest time will win. ROPING EVENTS: Gay rodeo presents three roping events with one designed for beginners. The other two can be costly, because your success depends on a very good horse. Many roping horses sell for $10,000 and up. These events always begin with the contestant in a “roping box.” An imaginary start line runs across the front of the roping box and the chute where the calf or steer is held. Should the contestant cross this line, called the “barrier”, before the calf or steer clears the chute, a 10-second penalty shall be assessed and added on to the time MOUNTED BREAK-AWAY ROPING: Cowboys and cowgirls compete in this event with their trained horse, and a calf. They tie the end of their rope to their saddle horn with a piece of string. Contestant rides horse out of the roping box, and must throw their loop over the calf head and catch any part of the body, slack is pulled from the rope, breaking the string and releasing the rope. When the flagged end of the rope breaks away from the saddle, time is stopped.
TEAM ROPING: A traditional event composed of a team of two (cowboys and/or cowgirls) and a roping steer. A roping steer is extensively trained in this event. One contestant begins from the “header box” and the other from the “heeler box.” Contestants ride their horses out of the roping boxes as the steer is released, the header will throw their rope’s loop at the horns of the steer, and once caught will “dally” their rope to their saddle horn. They will turn their horse and the steer in a counterclockwise motion, causing the steer’s hind end to swing out, so the heeler can throw their loop at the hind legs of the steer. Once the heeler has the loop set, and the steer steps into the loop, they pull slack, “dally” their rope to their saddle horn, back up to contain the steer, and face the steer to stop time. SPEED EVENTS: Speed and agility are two highly prized qualities in these contestant’s horses. These three speed events pit the horse, under the skillful hand of its rider, against the clock. Negotiating the prescribed pattern is a test of the rider’s skill and the horse’s speed and agility. A running start is permitted in these events and the fastest time wins. BARREL RACING: Horse and rider compete for fastest time running a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels. A running start is allowed. A five second penalty is assessed for knocking over a barrel. Disqualification will take place if the horse and rider break the required pattern. POLE BENDING: Horse and rider compete for fastest time working a zigzag pattern through six equally spaced poles. A running start is allowed. A five second penalty will be assessed for knocking a pole down. Disqualification will take place if the horse and rider break the required pattern. FLAG RACE: Horse and rider compete for fastest time running a pattern similar to the barrel race. A pole is exchanged for barrel number three. A flag is placed in a bucket on the first barrel. A running start is allowed. Horse and rider must run the pattern, pick up the flag and stick it in the second bucket. A five second penalty is assessed for knocking over the first bucket or the pole. Disqualification will take place if the horse and rider break the required pattern, miss the flag, miss sticking the flag in the second bucket, or knock over the second bucket or barrel. CAMP EVENTS: Whenever a group of cowhands get together for a good time, hell is going to be raised! Cowhands generally have their own definition of fun and challenge. After a few beers and some serious ego pumping, it is amazing what a group of hands can come up with! Prerequisites for participation are a willingness to eat dirt and the ability to hold your own with an ornery steer or goat. Sixty percent of gay contestants get their start in these four events and the old-timers stay in because the payoffs (or winnings) are the best of all events. STEER DECORATING: A fast event composed of a team of two (cowboys and/or cowgirls) and one steer. First contestant brings the steer across the line, second contestant ties a ribbon on the tail, first contestant removes the rope loop from the horns, as second contestant runs to tag the timer behind the chute. WILD DRAG RACE: An exciting, yet dangerous event composed of a team of three (cowboys and/or cowgirls) and a steer with a halter and lead rope. One team member leads the haltered steer to the “finish line”, one member assists, and the contestant dressed in drag readies to mount the steer. Once the steer is across the line, the drag must mount the steer and ride it back across the finish line. GOAT DRESSING: An athletic event, composed of a team of two (cowboys and/or cowgirls), a goat, and a pair of briefs-style underwear. They must run to the goat (one carries the underwear), catch the goat, put the underwear on the goat (over the tail), and run back to the finish line. CALF ROPING ON FOOT: Contestant ropes a young calf from the roping box. The loop must go over the calf head and then catch any part of the body, slack is then pulled, and rope is released.
2014 Russian River RoDeo Association Queen Cecelia Curlee would like to send a warm welcome out to all of our rodeo fans here with us in Duncans Mills today! She is currently the Russian River Rodeo Association’s 2014 Queen, of this very arena she is riding in now! Cecelia is 19 years old and, was born in Santa Rosa but raised in the small town of Annapolis by her parents Todd and Jami Curlee, alongside her younger sister Lauren. Cecelia was taught to ride horses at the age of four by her father. She is honored to say that she is a third generation Northern California cowgirl! This cowgirl got her start competing at the Russian River Rodeo Play Days back in 2006 at the age of 10. When she was 13 Cecelia went on to become the RRR Sweetheart of 2008 . From age 13 to 18, Cecelia rode as a member of the California High School Rodeo Association’s District 2 Division! Cecelia and her long time boyfriend Jesus reside in the small coastal town of Gualala, California. Cecelia is an employee of The Office Source, where she is an office assistant, and also is becoming a Notary Public for the small town of Gualala. Last but not least, she was the Russian River Rodeo Queen First RunnerUp in 2013, and proud to say she dusted off her britches, got back on that horse, and kept fighting for her dreams until they became a reality! She would like to remind everyone, ”When you feel like quitting, think about why you started!”
A tribute to BAC RoDeo Royalty For the first time in five years the Bay Area Chapter of GSGRA is proud to acknowledge a full BAC Royalty team. All four titles were filled this year and the choices could not have been any better. We would also like to thank past and present royalty representatives here this weekend from around the country and Canada. This year’s team consists of: • • • •
Miss Bay Area Chapter - DivaD MsTer Bay Area Chapter - Kit Tapata Mr. Bay Area Chapter - Cody Elkin Ms. Bay Area Chapter - Judy “Hoots” James
None of these royalty team members are strangers to fundraising and bringing the spirit of fun and entertainment to all events. Their goal this year is to raise much needed funds for local community charities and to provide a strong ambassador presence to all events they attend. Reaching out to new audiences and sharing the country western lifestyle and gay rodeo is first and foremost and they look forward to meeting you all this weekend. They will put the Fun in “Fundraising.”
RiDerless Horse Ceremony A special bond exists between horse and rider, which in today’s technical world cannot be replaced by any motor vehicle. This ceremony symbolizes the end of the relationship between a horse and its rider. Originally a tradition in the U.S. Calvary, it is a farewell to fallen comrades and friends. The Golden State Gay Rodeo Association has adopted this ceremony to honor all those members of GSGRA, IGRA, our family, and our friends taken from us before their time. In 1990, GSGRA permanently retired the number “1” from gay rodeo competition in the State of California. It is now the number for those who have been taken, that they may always have their place in our rodeos—still loved, honored and missed. During this ceremony, thoughts of remembrance go out to those family members, friends, and contestants who now have a place of honor at our rodeo. Over the past few years we have lost many of our rodeo family. Today and always, you will be remembered.
Duncans Mills General Store
Gold Coast Coffee Digital and Gallery
Jim and Willies Antiques
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A Brief History Gay rodeo. It is a huge surprise to many that the gay community is involved with rodeo, but this being America, and the fact that many are intrigued with our Western heritage, it only adds to the reality that “We are everywhere!” It all started with Emperor I of Reno, Phil Ragsdale. The year was 1975 and Ragsdale wanted to help out the local senior citizens annual Thanksgiving Day feed. An amateur gay rodeo would be fun, raise money and even erase a lot of gay stereotyping. Ragsdale did not find it easy to pull off this event. It wasn’t until 1976 that he landed the Washoe County Fairgrounds for October 2, 1976. Finding local ranchers to allow gays the use of their animals was touch and go. Finally, on October 1, 1976, he was able to locate five “wild” range cows, ten “wild” range calves, one pig and a Shetland pony. The next day it was rodeo time! In 1985, after ten years of gay rodeos in Nevada, Colorado, Texas and California, the International Gay Rodeo Association was formed. This convention approved a new framework for the IGRA bylaws to foster future growth. This first convention also accepted a bid from California to host the first IGRA Finals Rodeo in Hayward in 1987. The International Gay Rodeo Association now has 27 member associations throughout North America and the IGRA Rodeo Series this year comprises 14 rodeos plus a finals rodeo. The Best Buck in the Bay is produced annually here in the San Francisco Bay Area by members of the Golden State Gay Rodeo Association – Bay Area Chapter. Visit www.igra.com to get more information on gay rodeo throughout North America.
We Care About Animal Welfare Specific rules, which are strictly enforced, are imposed by the International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA). We penalize any contestant found to be guilty of inhumane treatment of animals, the least of which is their immediate disqualification from further competition. Although consisting of traditional rodeo events such as bull riding and bronc riding, gay rodeo activities purposefully have been tailored to provide the animal and human participants with the safest environment possible, while still demonstration the skill of the contestant. IGRA bylaws are public record and include numerous rules which strongly protect animals from abuse, including passages that prohibit the use of lame, sore, sick, or undersized stock; mandate the availability of on-site veterinary care; prohibit the beating or cruel prodding of animals; direct the release of any animal from competition that appears in danger of injuring itself; and forbid the use of metal or fiberglass rigging, any equipment judged to be too tight, or the concealed use of caustic ointments or burrs. There are, however, groups who do not agree with the utilization of animals in any capacity. These animal rights groups oppose the keeping of animals as pets, the presence of animals in zoos and circuses, and the use of animals in the development of life-saving drugs. Members of these groups should be able to voice their views and disseminate any information they feel is pertinent to their beliefs - that is, so much that it is factual, well-researched, and based on first-hand observation. Most of the exaggerated accusations of abuse made by animal rights groups toward gay rodeo are based on erroneous information. Patrons of gay rodeo support animal welfare, and the humane, responsible treatment of animals in their housing, feeding and exercising, and in their hygienic and medical needs. These men and women further believe that the raising of animals in a humane manner to be pets or recreational companions is rewarding for both the animals and humans involved. Visit www.igra.com for more information and a complete copy of the rules governing gay rodeo.
2014 ProDuction Team, Officials & Staff
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Rodeo Director............................................................... Rosemary Tomasulo Assistant Rodeo Director...............................................Judy “Hoots” James Event & Entertainment Coordinator.......................................Popper DuBray Assistant Event Coordinator......................................................Alain Lecloux Announcer......................................................................................Doug Graff Assistant Announcer............................................................... Adam Johnson Arena Director.......................................................................Heather Murray Assistant Arena Director........................................................... Scotty Shadix Arena Coordinator......................................................................Rob Matsyka Chute Coordinator...........................................................................Tim Miller Assistant Chute Coordinator...................................................Travis Gardner Head Judge............................................................................... Jack Morgan Judges........................................................................Clint Coil, Dee Zuspan Treasurer..................................................................... Geoff van den Brande Scorekeeper..................................................................................Guy Puglisi Secretary..................................................................... Bruce “Grumpy” Roby Barn Manager.........................................................................Popper DuBray Bar Managers..............................................Steve Larranaga, Curtis Murray Branding & Marketing....................... Popper DuBray, Judy “Hoots” James Buckles, Banners & Ribbons................................................... Scott Johnson Contestant Registration...................... Jason Strand, Geoff van den Brande Security Coordinator........................................................Chad Monkey Paw Vendors & Permitting..................................................... Rosemary Tomasulo Rodeo Medics.............................................................Monte Rio Fire District Veterinarian................................................................................. Steve Wood Stock Contractors...................Bill & Jane Lyle, The Thrill From Morgan Hill Marketing & Outreach............................................................Popper DuBray Judy “Hoots” James, D. Trujillo-James Volunteer Coordinators................................................. Rosemary Tomasulo Jell-O Shot Technician......................................................... D. Trujillo-James Grand Entry Coordinators................. Popper DuBray, Judy “Hoots” James Grand Marshal............................................................ Bruce “Grumpy” Roby Community Grand Marshal......................................................David Lawson DJ - Pool Party/Rodeo........................................................DJ Rotten Robbie DJ - Saturday Night Dance................................Ingu Yun, Sundance Saloon National Anthem (Saturday & Sunday).........................................Ed Morgan Canadian Anthem (Saturday).................................................. Rodeo Johnny Canadian Anthem (Sunday)........................................................Kevin Roche Riderless Horse (Saturday)............................................... Phil “Chika” Evans Riderless Horse (Sunday)..............................................Judy “Hoots” James Webmaster.....................................................................Judy “Hoots” James 2014 Miss BAC....................................................................................... DivaD 2014 MsTer BAC...............................................................................Kit Tapata 2014 Mr. BAC.................................................................................Cody Elkins 2014 Ms. BAC.................................................................Judy “Hoots” James For making our Rodeo dream a reality, the Best Buck in the Bay would like to thank:
Duncans Mills General Store The Russian River Rodeo Association Program + Poster Designed & Published By
VIA MEDIA | 415.552.8040 | advertise@viamedia.net © Copyright 2014 Caselli Partners LLC • All Rights Reserved
Our Sponsors Presenting Sponsor
Bud Light Silver Sponsor 9x6 Pure Silicone Lubricant
Mr. Trombly’s Tea
Bronze Sponsors Cape Fear Café
Pendleton Whiskey
Friends of the Rodeo Russian River Rodeo Association Duncans Mills General Store Mr. Trombly’s Tea Cape Fear Café Pig Alley R3 Hotel Buck’s River Mill Dinner Theater Rainbow Cattle Company Rio Theater and Café
Sweet Inspirations Ingu Yun DJ Rotten Robbie Daft-nee Gesuntheit! Lance Knight Jack Daniels Chase Bank Does Your Mother Know Dore Alley
Folsom Street Fair Golden Gate Fields HomoRodeo.com Monte Rio Fire Department Rock Hard San Francisco Pride Sundance Saloon & Stompede 2014 VIA MEDIA
To Our Volunteers Without you we’d be nothing! We certainly hope you enjoy the fun this weekend and we look forward to seeing you again next year. Please remember that events like this are the result of many hours of volunteer effort. Take a moment to thank the volunteers you interact with all weekend. Without their efforts and commitment, we’d be nothing. If you would like to become involved with the planning and production of next year’s rodeo, drop us a line at president@bayarearodeo.com or ask to be our friend on facebook on the GSGRA-Bay Area Chapter page. Ask any of our production team members and they’ll tell you that they have made friendships here that will last a lifetime. We also have a whole lot of fun as group all year long. When we’re not focused on producing great events like this rodeo, we’re spending time dancing, participating in community events, attending other rodeos, learning how to ride a horse or a steer, or just hanging out together as friends. We encourage everyone to join us.
GolDen State Gay RoDeo Association - Bay Area Chapter The Bay Area Chapter is one of two gay rodeo chapters which are organized under the Golden State Gay Rodeo Association (GSGRA). The other chapter is the GSGRA Greater Palm Springs Association. Our sister association, Sacramento’s Capital Crossroads Gay Rodeo Association (SCCGRA), is the only other independent gay rodeo association in the state of California. GSGRA and SCCGRA are in turn governed by the International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA). The GSGRA - Bay Area Chapter is a non-profit, charitable, and social organization that actively supports the LGBT community through the hosting of fundraising events to benefit local charities and educates others on the country western lifestyle through rodeo, dance events, and royalty. If you are interested in learning how to rodeo, come to our rodeo schools each year. We can teach all individuals with nothing more than a desire to learn how to rope a calf, dog a steer or ride a bull. Those individuals with a desire to compete may do so at any of the various IGRA rodeos. So whatever your level of experience, we’d love to talk with you. If you have any questions just grab one of us and ask. We all look forward to meeting you.
Buckles, Banners & Ribbons We could never produce an event like the Best Buck in the Bay without the support of a large number of companies, organizations and individuals in our community. Here are this year’s sponsors of our contestant buckles, recognition buckles, arena banners, award ribbons and more. We encourage you to support those that support us! Event Cowboy Buckle Sponsor | Cowgirl Buckle Sponsor Bull Riding Worn out West – 2nd Generation | Jabby Lowe Steer Riding Does Your Mother Know | Rock Hard Chute Dogging Bill Chapman | Tomas Calf Roping on Foot Steve Larranaga & Curtis Murray | Bia’ Cafe Mounted Breakaway Roping Betty Spaghetti | Winnie Baygo Barrel Racing GSGRA Greater Palm Springs Chapter - Hot Rodeo 2015 | Marjorie R. Johnson Memorial Charitable Fund Pole Bending Edward Morgan | David Lawson Performance Horses Flag Race In loving memory of Joel Castillo and Curtiss Lewis, NGRA Sponsored by the Bay Area Chapter | Marjorie R. Johnson Memorial Charitable Fund Team Roping #1................................................. Walker Family Ranches LLC Team Roping #2................................................................................Jug Shop Goat Dressing #1.....................................................League of Evil Geniuses Goat Dressing #2................................................................ Mr. Trombly’s Tea Community Goat Dressing #1............................................. Mr. Trombly’s Tea Community Goat Dressing #2............................................... Cape Fear Cafe Steer Decorating #1.................................................League of Evil Geniuses Steer Decorating #2.....................................Russian River Realty Company Wild Drag Race #1...................................................League of Evil Geniuses Wild Drag Race #2.............................................................................Pig Alley Wild Drag Race #3...................................................League of Evil Geniuses All Around Cowboy............................................................. Mr. Trombly’s Tea All Around Cowgirl.................................................................................... KOA All Around Volunteer ........................................................................ Ingu Yun All Around Volunteer................................................................... Ken McCulla Erin Eaton Sportsmanship............................................. Rosemary Tomasulo Rodeo Director.................................................... Jason Strand and Bubba C Grand Marshal........................................................... Scott Johnson, Realtor Community Grand Marshal.......................................... Daft-nee Gesuntheit! Ribbons...............................................................................Sundance Saloon Bucking Chute #1................................................................... Cape Fear Cafe Bucking Chute #2.................................................................. Cape Fear Cafe Bucking Chute #3...............................................................HomoRodeo.com Bucking Chute #4............................................................... Mr. Trombly’s Tea Bucking Chute #5.........................................Russian River Realty Company Bucking Chute #6............................................ 9 x 6 Pure Silicone Lubricant
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POST 44 ON 8 T L • I M
The Nation’s ONLY predominately LGBT Veterans Post! Veterans serving Veterans and the San Francisco Community since 1985
WANTED: Vibrant veterans who wish to continue serving their country! We succeeded in helping to repeal “Don’t Ask. Don't Tell.” but our work is far from done. We still have to insure that our LGBTQ active duty service members and veterans achieve equity with all members of the service. Remember, as long as our country sends service members in harm’s way, we must work to insure that our wounded warriors get what they have earned and are integrated back into civilian life. We serve all veterans without reservation. For more information on memberships and services visit post448.org or write to the Post Commander at commander@post448.org. SUPPORT OUR GLBT ACTIVE DUTY SERVICEMEMBERS AND GLBT CALIFORNIA MILITARY RESERVISTS
Alexander Hamilton Post 448 meets every 3rd Sun-day of each month at Castro Community Meeting Room, 501 Castro Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco DROP-INS WELCOMED