St. John Vianney High School is dedicated to forming young men for spiritual, academic and personal excellence in the Catholic, Marianist tradition.
Academic excellence. It is a vital link in the three pillars of our school’s mission and central to Vianney’s promise of providing a comprehensive, Catholic, Marianist education. Our dedication to academic excellence has propelled six decades of Vianney graduates to be counted among the most successful and accomplished men in our region, nation and world.
Complementing Vianney’s mission are the five Characteristics of Marianist Education, one of which stipulates a quality, integral education. Understanding how boys learn best leads to classroom innovations like Math 360 and courses that lean into active learning, inspiring a higher level of participation. Vianney’s accomplished faculty and staff establish a genuine connection with each student, while continually improving our curriculum and preparing our Griffins for college and beyond.
Whether pivoting to more intensive math and writing for freshmen impacted by the pandemic, to the 32 credit hours required for graduation (vs. 26-28 at most high schools), to the 27 college-credit courses available, to the wellness and support programs offered through our Student Services Department— Vianney is committed to maximizing each student’s academic potential. Our Griffins are encouraged to stretch their abilities and challenge themselves as their four-year journey includes courses and activities designed to foster leadership, personal relationships, character-building and faith formation.
And, just as important as what Vianney offers academically is the why and how. The inspiration for this four-year formation stems from Marianist founder Blessed William Joseph Chaminade’s guidance to “educate the whole person.” A young man’s spiritual and personal growth is as essential as his academic pursuits. Developing intelligent, faith-filled young men with the skill and desire to become tomorrow’s leaders is essential to bringing Christ’s mission to the world. That’s the why.
How we form our Griffins is something that’s uniquely Vianney. From the very beginning, members of our school community, past and present, are referred to as the “Vianney Family.” The root of “family” lies in the Latin word “famulus” or servant. The Vianney Family is called to serve our students by creating a compassionate yet spirited atmosphere, preparing them for life beyond our campus. More specifically, our faculty and staff meet each student where they are and walk with them through their four-year journey. In partnership with parents, we create an environment which demands a young man’s commitment, while providing the love and support to ensure his success. Today, more than ever, Vianney is committed to teaching our students how to think as opposed to
what to think. Engaging in lively debate, encouraging personal expression and forging critical-thinking and organizational skills are central to Vianney’s college-preparatory experience.
Spiritual, academic and personal excellence. Building the foundation for an abiding faith, life-long learning and a quest for achievement. Each pillar complementing the other and helping transform generations of boys into confident, caring and aspiring young men. Or, as we like to say, Men of Character and Accomplishment.
May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen.
President Rick Davis '79Vianney has received a makeover in recent months. President Rick Davis ’79 takes us behind the scenes from the updated Activity Center and Media Center and the new Griffins TV studio.
The biggest renovations at Vianney this year have been the Activity Center and Media Center. The Activity Center used to be the main gymnasium at Vianney in the 1960s and 1970s. “The Activity Center is really important, because it's a multi-functional space for our school, and we use it for lots of different things. And, I just felt like we needed to improve the look of it and the functionality of it,” said Mr. Davis. After the Field House was built, the Activity Center was used for a number of different things but never received a real update—until now.
The renovated Media Center and media production studio are among the changes as well. The Media Center has been updated with a cleaner feel and new dimensions; it also displays some of the artwork created by Bro. Mel Meyer, S.M. The world famous artist lived on Vianney's campus for more than 40 years.
There have been some issues that have come along with the renovations, including supply chain delays. “The doors for the storage room ended up being about six weeks late, and that held us up quite a bit."
Mr. Davis played a large role in these renovations as both the president of the school and the project coordinator.
Mr. Davis said his main intentions regarding the renovations were to give the campus a new feel where students are comfortable and productive, as well as improving the overall experience at Vianney for all students. Mr. Davis has even more plans for the future from
"putting sloped roofs on the school so it doesn't leak in the classrooms to getting a new HVAC system where the temperature in every classroom can be adjusted as needed.” He also said, “There may be a new soccer/lacrosse practice field in the future.”
Verso l'alto means to the highest in Italian. It's the story of Blessed Pier Giorgio. He gathered people to climb a mountain, because he wanted to challenge them to be closer to God. The new Director of Campus Ministry, Grace Burnworth, chose Verso l'alto as the theme for Campus Ministry, because it challenges students to seek new heights with their faith.
How can Campus Ministry help students grow closer to God?
A lot of it is offering our students opportunities to think about faith—think about faith in a way that makes sense to them. The Marianists wrote about finding aspects of the faith that resonate with you—and every person is unique in finding that aspect.
Campus Ministry is for everyone. Even if you're not comfortable being a leader, you can find ways to get involved.
What effect does Verso l’alto have on Vianney students?
It should make students want to grow closer to God, take their faith to the highest. Everyone can grow in their faith; everyone take the time to be with God. Students can also grow closer to each other, uniting to grow together in their faith life.
The banner in the school chapel is made of yellow and white paper on which students wrote their hopes for this school year.
The structure has changed a little and some of the student opportunities are different, but overall—same Jesus, same Catholic, same Marianists.
We invite you to visit vianney.com/faith/prayer-request if you would like to submit a prayer request.
What has changed with your leadership of Campus Ministry this school year?
Vianney United has reimagined student council for the 2022-2023 school year. It is building a brotherhood by connecting students from every grade level. However, many in the school community, including students, still have questions about the new program. Brendan Ash '23, a member of Vianney United, had a few words to say about the subject.
Why was Vianney United created? “The whole goal of Vianney United was to make sure that our student council is being more student led. So, the first idea was obviously to get more students involved.
Instead of just having four representatives per class, we have somewhere around 25 volunteers; it then trickles through the classes."
How is Vianney United different from a traditional student council?
There are now more things being represented. For instance, Campus Ministry, Letterman’s Club and other clubs and activities. We wanted to make sure Vianney United actually had an impact, a big one. Looking at a former Student Council meeting, a Vianney United meeting is totally different, much more organization, and much more input from all sides.
We can say for certain that Vianney United has definitely impacted the school in a big way. Every group seems to have a voice now, and Student Council has never had such a big involvement with our day-today student lives. With things as big as our once-a-month class games, where each grade goes head to head in certain competitions, or as little as small gettogethers formulated outside of school.
The goals of Vianney United are to continue strong after Homecoming and support all other clubs. Traditionally, after Homecoming, Student Council was less involved, and a big goal was to keep the energy and excitement going through the entire school year. So, we keep pushing, First Friday class competitions are going wonderfully. We are trying to maintain this excitement all throughout the year, and so far we’ve exceeded expectations.
“I really think Vianney saved my life.” This is the sentiment that newly appointed Vianney football head coach Chris Starkey ‘09 holds regarding the school that he considers his second home.
“When I got here, it was really easy to see that family atmosphere, and how much everybody loved each other and appreciated each other. And, that was very valuable to me,” he said. “That was one of the reasons it was so enticing to come back home.”
Coach Starkey views Vianney as a safe haven for him in his younger years, describing how the community and brotherhood of the students and faculty kept him from making serious mistakes.
“I grew up in Jefferson County, Missouri where, you know, a lot of kids struggled to find their way. At the time when I chose to come to Vianney, I was kind of hanging out with the wrong group of kids, the wrong people,” he said. “It was a good transition for me to get into an environment where people had the same goals, the same mindsets.”
Coach Starkey had no shortage of reasons why Vianney was important to him, sharing how he carried with him the lessons he learned in high school. “When I moved to Arizona, it really caused me to grow up…I didn't have, you know, to really pay rent, do things like that.”
home was valuable to his career as a head football coach, he says. Growing up included learning to branch out to other people, as well as gain an idea of how to lead different groups of players—a trait he uses daily in his life as a coach at Vianney.
from players and colleagues, including Vianney Athletic Director, Michael Potsou. “It was very clear that Coach Starkey was the right person for this job,” Potsou said. “His knowledge, passion, and connection to Vianney help us not only increase our participation numbers but sets a new standard for the way the football program will operate moving forward.”
While his time coaching football in Arizona taught him much, after hearing about Vianney’s football program, he was eager
Setting a new standard is something Coach Starkey is very keen on, hoping to bring back the atmosphere he felt during his time as a player. “I had a great experience as a student and as a player at Vianney. And, I want to make sure that everybody I come in contact with experiences the same thing.”
"At the time when I chose to come to Vianney, I was kind of hanging out with the wrong group of kids, the wrong people.”Coach Starkey prays with his team before each football game.
The Roseman family believes that St. John Vianney High School set each of their sons on the path to success. It is a journey that Steve Roseman—a graduate of CBC— is proud to share as the father of three Vianney alumni.
Please tell us about each of your sons. Matthew is in Vianney's Class of 2009. He graduated from Missouri S&T with a Mechanical Engineering degree. Today, he is an engineer and inventor with a successful career in the gas and petroleum industry; he holds several patents.
Christopher was Salutatorian for the Class of 2013. He graduated from Bradley University in Peoria with a Mechanical Engineering degree.
Zachary was Salutatorian the Class of 2014. He played college football at Westminster before graduating in 2017.
Why did you ultimately choose to send your sons to Vianney despite the fact that you are a CBC alumnus?
The decision about where to go to high school was entirely up to them. For me, when Matthew was searching, once I
learned that Larry Keller was the Vianney Principal, it was infinitely easier to accept Vianney as an option. Mr. Keller was integral to my education and overall experience at CBC.
First, the education they received. Vianney doesn't get enough credit for its academic excellence in my opinion. Any Griffin who wants it and is willing to put in the effort can leave Vianney academically prepared to succeed anywhere, and with enough college credit to be well on the way to accelerated academic progress.
Second, the character development that is central to Vianney's mission. Every Griffin learns the vital importance of controlling himself, serving others, and building himself into a man whom others can count on. Vianney helped reinforce what our sons heard at home—it is your job to build yourself into a man of strength, character, discipline and faith; to serve others; and to be a provider of security and protection to your family.
Finally, the 3 O'Clock Prayer. It is beautiful and is a reminder that faith should form an integral part of daily life, that our Savior was born of a wonderful woman, and that both Mother and Son stood, and stand, ready to intercede on our behalf. I hope that you and your classmates genuinely pray it every day, and that the entire Vianney experience helps strengthen your faith, as it has for Matthew, Christopher and Zachary.
A place where faith and prayer are woven into the daily routine is something that you are likely to appreciate more and more as you get older. One thing that impressed our entire family was that the students were always prominent in the Vianney presentations. It was clear that the school's leaders were confident in its students, and proud to have them do much of the talking.
Did you ever regret going to CBC after you learned about the Vianney experience?
I never regretted going to CBC. I'm a loyal Brother's Boy. It was a terrific experience, and I've never regretted it. Frankly, I think all of us who are fortunate enough to have been educated at a Catholic high school in St. Louis have a rivalry that stops at the state line, but enjoy a special bond anywhere else in the world that we encounter each other. There are no bad choices.
Any Griffin who wants it and is willing to put in the effort can leave Vianney academically prepared to succeed anywhere...”
Commitment. Perseverance. Dedication to the service of others. All of these things are staples of the model Vianney student. These values also apply to the life of Carla Valenti. While not a Vianney student, Mrs. Valenti is a current member of Vianney's Board of Directors and active in the Vianney community. Her involvement with the Vianney community began with her husband, Tom Valenti. Tom graduated from Vianney in 1979 and also served on the Board of Directors. Mrs. Valenti noted that her husband had a “big passion for Vianney.”
Before their marriage, she knew very little about Vianney but soon realized the impact that it made on her husband. When they had children, Mrs. Valenti remembers, “The first song our kids learned was the Vianney fight song.”
The Valenti family continued the Vianney tradition when their son, Michael, entered Vianney in 2009. Unfortunately, after years of service and dedication to Vianney, Tom passed away Michael's freshman year.
This devastating loss struck a major blow to the Valenti family, but throughout their grief, they were consoled by their second family, Vianney.
After her husband’s passing, Mrs. Valenti and her family established the Tom Valenti Memorial Scholarship at Vianney in memory of her husband.
In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, Mrs. Valenti decided to further support Vianney by joining its board of directors— just as her husband once had. Mrs. Valenti now helps facilitate financial decisions such as budgeting and investments for the school. When speaking about her fellow board members, she states, “You don’t see this kind of passion commonly.”
Mrs. Valenti has now cemented her own legacy at Vianney by her arduous service and passionate commitment to the school community.
"The first song our kids learned was the Vianney fight song.”
Few women can say they grew up on the campus of St. John Vianney High School. Lisa Ruzicka Hackett has been a part of the Vianney com munity for more than 50 years. Four of her five brothers attended the school: Tom '73, Rick '75, Mark '78 and Matt '87 Ruzicka. "Vianney has just always been a part of my life," she said.
Mrs. Hackett married Chris Hackett, a 1985 graduate of Vianney. They had two sons and two daughters with both boys graduating from Vianney, Jason in 2013 and Drew in 2014. For the past decade, Mrs. Hackett is the first person to greet you when you arrive on campus.
Mrs. Hackett started volunteering at Vianney when her sons were attending. Today, you will still find her at games, plays, and concerts on campus. And, she now brings her sons to the annual Night of the Griffin auction. "We give, because Vianney has given us so much, not only a great education and continued faith formation for our sons but many other blessings as well." Mrs. Hackett and her husband also donate to the Griffin Fund each year.
Mrs. Hackett actively supports groups on campus, including Campus Ministry and Pro-Life Club. She has shared her life story at Kairos and traveled to Washington, DC with students for March for Life. Her favorite part about Vianney is seeing all of
the students walking past her desk each day and watching them grow—from the moment they step on campus as freshmen to the day they graduate.
"I love the incredible family spirit at Vianney, and the opportunity to be so connected to Mary, Our Mother," said Mrs. Hackett. "Vianney means a lot to me and my family, and we are very grateful for all the people who make Vianney feel like home."
"Vianney has just always been a part of my life.”
Want the latest news from Vianney, including class reunions and other alumni events?
Have you recently moved or changed your contact information? Let us know how to find you! Submit your new address, phone number, email, and preferred method of contact along with your class year at vianney.com.
We invite you to share the names of those in your family who have passed away since September 2022, specifying their relationship to you and any other Vianney alumni. The names of your dearly departed may be shared in future communications so that we may pray for them as a school community.
• James Woodward '64
• Mike Leach '68
• Lance Thibault '69
• Robert Maret '70
• Brian Smith '76
• Matthew Zahn '78
We want to share your successes with your classmates and the rest of the school community. Please send us career highlights like receiving a promotion or earning an award and personal highlights like getting married or growing your family.
Email us your name and class year along with any high-resolution photos. Class notes may be featured in future issues of Black and Gold, E-Griffin, and on our school website. Your news may be edited for style and content with marriages and births shared only after the blessed event.
• John Willett '80
• Mike Agne '80
• Michael Yochim '85
• Donald Pearson '87
• Ryan Nelson '15
• Marcy Buckley, wife of Mike Buckley '68
• Barbara Fiala, mother of Niel '74, Chris '77, Jim '80
• William Eppy, father of Tom '77, Jim '78, Joe '80, grandfather of Jack Eppy '16, Nick Eppy '21, Tim Lumsden '22, Jacob Rule '11, Teddy Rule '12, Ben Rule '17
• Jean Kuczka, wife of Steve Kuczka '80
• Marge Meyer, mother of Vianney staff Bob Meyer, grandmother of Sean '14, Matt '16 and Will Meyer '21
• Robert Hoffman, former Vianney Faculty
• Louise Exler, former Vianney Staff
The school bookstore has always been a favorite place for our Griffins to shop.
Today, the Griffin Gear Store offers the latest in Vianney hoodies, polos, hats, socks, drinkware, home decor, jewelry and ornaments.
Don't know what to get your favorite Griffin?
Visit us on campus to shop during school hours or online at vianney.com/store! Gift certificates are available.
1311 South Kirkwood Road St. Louis, MO 63122
St. John Vianney High School is dedicated to forming young men for spiritual, academic, and personal excellence in the Catholic, Marianist tradition.