The Trading & Investing Mastery Course

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Trading Is Simple™

Professional Investment & Trading Courses

Who Should Attend : * * * * *

Anyone who wants to Trading For Living Investors + Traders Proffesionals Managers Sales people

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Trainers Educators Students Praktisi Pasar Modal Perusahaan Sekuritas

Trading For Living Trading For Living ? We'll provide much better !! we will re-installing your traders & investors mind with Trading is Business concepts.. that's why it's call MASTERY Course.. not only know how, but mastering yourself to be millionare from stocks market in a $imple way.

Day 1 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Module Trading Tools - Session 1 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Module Basic Time : 08.30 - 12.30 (4 hours) Syllabus : The Basic Foundations # Basics of Technical Analysis # Basic Chart # Dow Theory - Concept of Trend # Continuation, Consolidation, Reversal # Understanding Trends - Uptrend, Sideways, Downtrend # Understanding Trends 2 - Major, Medium, Minor # Initial Trend Line # Trust the Trend Line # Support/Resistance - Channeling # Drawing Support & Resistance Lines # Support & Resistance # Break Out and Recognise them # Reversal Patterns # How to Use Volume # Trading Styles Professional Investment # Finding Stocks to Trade & Trading Courses # Breakouts : Breakouts – Breakdowns Criteria # Stock Picking Criteria - Top Down Approaches

Session 2 : TRADING TOOLS -Amibroker Time Syllabus

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13.30 - 17.30 (4 hours) Bagaimana menerapkan secara praktek secara langsung di program komputer mengenai Support, Resisten, Volume, dan keseluruhan Indikator yang di pelajari sebelumnya di sesi 1 Private Class

Peserta akan dapat mampu secara langsung dan mempraktekkan materi yang dipelajari dari Sesi 1 dengan latihan bagaimana membuat garis Support dan Resisten, menambahkan Moving Average, MACD, Fibonacci dan berbagai indikator lainnya. Peserta akan mampu memanfaatkan Amibroker untuk melakukan Top Down Approach untuk memilih saham-saham dalam sektoral yang akan bergerak demi mendapatkan profits. Peserta akan mengerti penggunaan Trading Tools Amibroker untuk secara mudah dan efisien digunakan untuk mencari stock pick.

Day 2 Session 1 Time Syllabus

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TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Module Intermediate 08.30 - 12.30 (4 hours) Trading For Living Concept and Simple tools

1st. Trading For Living is very SIMPLE, this is the secrets !! 2nd. Candlestick Warriors - Proven Methods Profitable Making Money Strategies * * * * * * *

Bar Charts Vs Candlestick Charts Candlestick Patterns Basic Candlestick Forms 3 Rahasia Utama When To Buy and Sell Trailing Stop Risk And Rewards

3rd. Dasar Penentuan Arah, Sebuah kunci rahasia * * * * *

Market Cycles Kesalahan-kesalahan Traders Strategies on cycles Pullback Retracement dan Reversal Memanfaatkan koreksi untuk make money

4th. Technical Indicators * * * * * *

L ONIA M I T TES his IMC, t ey T y n f Alum nded, mon one o e h t , back ecome I'm ghly r is program i H m t is progra nvest for th er, and tha i k aft that I a wee g 4 me. n i y l n lesson on amazi nly gives u . ot o ntor n y heart also e m e e Th but th e. m zon o d e e r f me to Welco no Ratmo Dedy

Moving Averages + Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) MACD RSI Stochastics Bollinger Bands Positive and Negative Divergence The simple secret of when to buy and sell using indicators

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Module Intermediate - Session 2 Time : 13.30 - 17.30 (4 hours) Syllabus : Technical Indicators 5th. Gaps – What are they? * * * * * * * * * *

Common Gaps Breakaway Gaps Breakaway – Intraday Behavior Runaway Gaps Exhaustion Gaps? Island Reversal Pattern Upside Opening Gaps Trading the Opening Gap Fade Opening Gap Fade Trading the Gap

6th. Swing Trading in Traders Zone * * * * * * *

Indicators Combination Basic Reversal Patterns East meet West Swing Points Short Level Stop Loss Trailing Stop 5 + 5 Powerfull Candle to Buy and Sell.

Day 3 TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Module Advanced - Session 1 Time : 08.30 - 12.30 (4 hours) 1st. Chart Patterns * The Stupid Mistakes of people think about chart patterns * Why and What is the secrets behind chart patterns targets * 7 powerfull patterns & How to trade Chart Patterns 2nd. Fibonacci * * * * * * * * *

Fibonacci Retracement Levels More Ratios 3 Major Ways of Looking at Fib Retracements & Fibonacci Extensions Clusters or Confluence Fibonacci Time Zones Fibonacci Fans Projections Fibonacci Profit Objectives


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3rd. Elliott Wave Theory * *

Basic Element of Elliot Wave Theory Assumptions Of Elliots Wave, Concepts Of Waves, Classification Of Waves, Motive And Corrective Waves

Professional Investment & Trading Courses

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Module Advanced - Session 2 Time :

13.30 - 17.30 (4 hours)

1st. Money Management * * * *

Mendeteksi pullback Menerapkan strategi Pullback Money Management efektif untuk memaksimalkan profit Pyramiding

2nd. Treat Your Trading as Bussiness & Penutup * Business Plan * Trading as an investor * Trading as trader * Entity Combinations of Traders & Investors * Reasons to Trade as a Business * Penutup

Duration : 3 x Pertemuan kelas @ 8 Jam An Effective Private Sessions with Experts

& n o i t c A e Tak ! ! w o N t a e S r u o Y k o o B

Private Class : Max 25 students Lokasi :

V-Traders Academy

Professional Investment & Trading Courses

Gading Bukit Indah Q No. 33 Suite : 301 Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara Phone : 021 – 5698 5529 ext 107 dgn Mia Fax : 5698 5530

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