T RO UBLESHOOTING Before remov ing yo ur am plifier ,refer to the list be low an d follow the su ggest ed pro cedures. Always te st the speak ers an d the ir wire s first. AMPLIFI ER W ILL N OT PO WER UP. Check for goo d grou nd con nectio n. Check that rem ote D C term inal has at le ast 7V DC. Check that the re is b attery power on the + term inal. Check a ll FUS ES. Check that Pro tectio n LED is not lit. If it is lit, s hut of f amplifier briefly a nd the n re power it. HIG H HI SS O R EN GINE NOI SE(A LTER NATO R W HINE ) IN S PEA KERS . Disconn ect all RCA i nputs to the amplifier , if hiss/ n oise d isapp ears , then pl ug in the co mponent driving t he am plifier and u nplug its inpu ts . If hiss/ no ise dis appe ars, g o on until the faulty /noisy comp onent is fou nd. It is bes t to se t the a mplif ier inp ut leve l as in sensit ive as possib le. Th e bes t su bjecti ve S/N ratio is obta inable this way . Try to drive as high a signa l leve l fro m the head unit a s poss ible. PR OTEC TION LED COMES ON WHEN TH E AM PLIF IER I S POW ERE D UP. Check for sho rts on speak er lead s. Check that vo lume c ontrol on the head unit is turne d dow n low. Remov e spea ker leads ,an d rese t the a mplifi er. If t he Pro tection LED still co mes o n , then the ampl ifier is faulty. T he am plifier will sh ut dow n auto matic ally wh en the units ` tempe rature goes up to 80 C T his will prote ct the units f rom da mage . AM PLIF IER ` S GET S V ERY HOT. Check that th e mini mum s peake r imp edanc e for that m odel is corre ct. Check for spe aker s horts . Check that th ere is good a irflow aroun d the ampli fier . I n som e app licatio ns, a n exte rnal c ooling fan m ay be requir ed. DIS TOR TED SOUN D. Check that th e Leve l cont rol`s i s set t o matc h the signal level of the head u nit. Check that al l cross over f reque ncies have b een p roperly set . Check for sho rts on the sp eake r leads . HIG H SQ UEA L NO ISE F ROM SPEA KER S. T his is always caus ed by a poor ly gro unded RCA patch cord.
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SPECIFICATIONS Model RMS Power @ 13.8vDC Sub-woofer @ 2 Ohms Speaker Impedance THD Distortion IMD Distortion Frequency Response Input Sensitivity Input Sensitivity Input Impedance Signal-to-Noise Ratio Crossover Network Sub-woofer Filter Protection( Short, Temperature) Fuse Rating Size L x W x H
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BB2 430W 2 Ohm <0.08% <0.08% 40Hz~200Hz 200mV~2V 2V~20V 15K 90dB 40Hz~200Hz yes 2x30A 349 x 195 x 53mm