CityLife Issue 2

Page 1



Khmer wine Norry in Battambong Noodle House Lady golfer Behind the interior designer



9 Fine Khmer wine


9 16 76

12 68


Khmer wine Norry in Battambong Noodle House Lady golfer Be hide the design



10 It’s your snack day


16 Noodle House 18 Events 20 Battambang

24 Royal Ploughing Ceremony 25 Do & Don’t 26 Essentials

30 Restaurant Guide




Noodle House Noodle house , they do noodle how you like them-fast, fresh & tasty. Healthy and fun to eat,are the prefer at meal at any time of the day or night. Try famous noodle, La Mien Chinese noodle and watch the chef skill fully create a bowl of just for you fresh and handmade every customer order. Noodle house available not only Chinese noodle but also khmer noodles.


Behind the Designer The story of an interior design and a part time photographer

10 Places That Made The Decade We look back at the destinations and events that shaped the noughties.

35 Bar & Club Guide 37 Cafe & Bakery Guide GUIDE

Norry in Battambang There are lots of things to see and do. Here we present some ideas of what to do around Battambang. Lady Golfer The only professional Lady golfer in Cambodia.


12 Norry in Battambang

40 Hotel Guide 44 Shopping Guide 52 Hotel Siem Reap Guide





57 Hotel Kep & Kompot Guide 58 Restaurant Kep & Kompot Guide


May June 2010

66 Singapore 2010 69 Engage 72 Lady Golfer 74 Behind The Designer 76 Ask The Expert


64 10 Places That Made the Decade


60 Cambodia Adventure


59 Cocktails

9 76

83 Smart Home Helper 84 Simple Khmer 86 Phnom Penh map 88 Game 90 Horoscope


82 Paint Ball


78 100 Feel-Good tips 80 Street Talks

Vibol Phan Editor Partners Mfone SBC Bank SreyLeak Bun Designer SamSung Angkor Miracle Hotel Royal Empire Hotel Lalin Nhunn Head of Sales Naruto Comic Aritsan’s Collection Fortune Phở Sros Pich Marketing Executive & Sales Bistro La P’te France Kitchen Concepts & Solution Bayon Market SreyLeak Bun Photographer Chiva’s Shack Tharum Bun Writer Chicken Delivery Noodle House Jame Miller Proof Readers Saint Tropez Digital Advertising Printing Printer Supporter Advertising Enquiries Ms. Mi Hyeon An Lalin Nhunn Ms. Chan ThayChhoeun Telephone 093 666 919 Mr. Chin-Hsun “Ken” Tsai Pich Sros Mr. Luk Veth Telephone 093 98 3333 Mr. John Vannak Nut Mr. Vannda Telephone 093 666 989 Mr. Deth Mr. Thy Subscriptions Mr. O.J Telephone 023 30 50 70 Mr. Mar Channara Grab yourself a copy, please contact us Mr. Phal Chea Ms. Prak Chhay Rotana Cambodia Citylife is printed in Cambodia Ms. Dalin Noun Citylife, All right reserved. Copyright 2010 by Citylife Magazine. Ms. Monirath Sar No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner Ms. Eng Bun Kim without the permission of the publisher. Mr. Sum Sithen Mr. Kanata

22 64

CITYLIFE possibilities



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Fine Khmer Wines

Banan Red Wine

@ Beautiful Battambang By Tharum Bun When Chan Thay Chhoeuay began growing grapes a decade ago in a small town twenty minutes drive from Battambang province town, she didn’t expect the success she encounter today. Named after a mountain close to her three-hectare farm, Phnom Banan vineyard she setup in 2004 has been listed in the must-see section in most travel information. In Bot Sala village, people next door thought Chan Thay Chhoeuay and her husband Leng Chan Thol, both 44, were crazy when they ventured into this wine-making business. But the farmers-turned entrepreneurs were not discouraged by people’s negative comments at all. In a province much known for exporting rice and finest oranges, beautiful Battambang in the northwest of Cambodia, a tropical country in Southeast Asia, has much more to offer to domestic visitors and enthusiastic travelers. A visit to the province’s only vineyard for a bottle or two as a gift back home has become a new excitement for those who are their way to 10th-century Wat Banan, a mountainous Angkor ruin popular at weekends with local families out on picnics. The vine were first sourced from neighboring Thailand, and followed by some from France. Her locally-made wines have been certified by Ministry of Industry since March 2005. Of more than 4,500 plants growing across her farm, which include varietals like Black Queen, Shiraz and Kyoho, have been

proven as a success story in a nation of 14 million people who prefer rice wine. The family owned business also tried making a white wine from Chenin Blanc grapes but failed as the vines couldn’t sustain hot and humid weather. While the unique vineyard serves as an attractive point for tourists looking for wine tasting, the lady owner also has non-alcoholic sweet grape juice on sale. Chan Thay Chhoeuay, who rarely drinks wine, first thought of only planting grapes, which is rare in Cambodia, but possible in countries like Vietnam and Thailand. “At least there are 10 to 100 foreign tourists visit our vineyard every day, to see our plantation and taste our wine... They usually bring back home bottle of wines with excitement,” said Chan Thay Chhoeuay. Priced at $6 to $15 a bottle, the wines are on sale in Cambodia’s largest capital city, Phnom Penh, and Siem Reap, the top tourist spot and home to Angkor Wat. Another best seller is Banan Brandy. As the middle-aged couple pioneered in producing grape wine in an industry has long been dominated by Western imports, words spread across quickly that also attracted attention of none other than Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, and was followed by the provincial governor in granting tax exemption for 5 years to help the business to take off.



It’s your snack day

Num Chek Chian

Num Chak ka Chan

Num Korng

Num Kroch

Num Kor

Num Ple Ai

Num CheungChrouk

Num Po Pie

Num Domlongchheu



! ! ! w o N n e 33

Where you can shop easily ! No. 33-34, St. 114 Sangkat Monorom, Khan 7 Makara. Phnom Penh, Cambodia E-mail: Fax: 023 881266



Battambang is a pleasant enough small town, but the biggest attractions are in the countryside surrounding Battambang. Not only is the scenery beautiful with rice paddies and traditional villages, there are lots of things to see and do. Here we present some ideas of what to do around Battambang.

Norry in Batt ambang

ta ke in th e An ot he r go od wa y to tt am ba ng is co un tr ys id e ar ou nd Ba ai n (c al le d a ri de on th e ba mb oo tr ue an d cr ea ‘n or ry ’) . It is a un iq sp or ta ti on . ti ve fo rm of lo ca l tr an r tr an sp or tTh e lo ca ls us e th em fo ei r go od s to in g th em se lv es an d th us e th em fo r ma rk et , th e to ur is ts an d fo r fu n. a sl ic e of lo ca l li fe dr ov e ou t to We we re th e la tt er . We no rr ie s an d O Sr al au to ca tc h ou r x ki lo me tr es an ho ur la te r af te r si of f ag ai n at of bu mp y tr ac k we go t fo un d th e O Da mb on g, we ac tu al ly or ou gh ly en en ti re tr ip to be th bu mp y. Th e jo ya bl e if no t a li tt le in th e be st tr ac k it se lf is no t of th e tr ac k co nd it io n wi th pa rt s tw ee n so me wa rp ed an d ga ps in be so th e ad se ct io ns . Th er e ar e al ha vi ng to di ti on al pr ob le ms wi th ac ki ng in to av oi d th e od d br an ch sm in se ct s us e yo ur he ad an d ha vi ng en . De sp it e yo ur fa ce as a wi nd sc re gr ea t ex pe th e ne ga ti ve s, it ’s a od ia n co un ri en ce to se e th e Ca mb ab ov e th e tr ys id e si tt in g in ch es in g th ro ug h gr ou nd wi th th e wi nd ru sh w an d ex ci tyo ur ha ir . It wa s a ne lo ve d it . in g ex pe ri en ce an d we

Enjoy your trip on the Bamboo Train

14 1


rt -p ow er ed ba mb oo ca ne gi en le yc rc to mo al l pi ng of f It co ns is ts of a sm ck in g up an d dr op pi s il ra ad ro il on g th e wa y. th at ri de s th e ra an d mo to rc yc le s al s al im an o, rg ca di sa spa ss en ge rs , tr ai n, it ca n be oo mb ba g in om -c on al lo wi ng Wh en it me et s on in a mi nu te or tw o, s il ra e th f of n se mb le d an d ta ke th e ot he r to pa ss . ns on Ca my no ‘n or ma l’ tr ai ll ua rt vi e ar e gh t er Mi nd yo u, th ba d sh ap e. Th at mi in is k or tw ne e th gr ad e th e bo di a’ s ra il s as er e ar e pl an s to up th as s ar ye ng mi nd . ch an ge in th e co ne ig hb ou ri ng Th ai la to it t ec nn co d ne tw or k an

n io at rt o p s n ra t l ca lo e Th


VERO Media Design



Noodles are an essential ingredient and staple in Chinese cuisine. There is a great variety of Chinese noodles, which vary according to their region of production, ingredients, shape or width, and manner of preparation. They are an important part of most regional cuisines within China, as well as in Taiwan, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian nations with sizable overseas Chinese populations. Chinese-style noodles have also entered the native cuisines of neighboring East Asian countries such as Korea and Japan (dangmyeon and ramen, for example, are both of Chinese origin), as well as Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia.

Noodle House

Chinese noodles are generally made from either wheat flour, rice flour, or mung bean starch, with wheat noodles being more commonly produced and consumed in northern China and rice noodles being more typical of southern China. Egg, lye, cereal may also be added to noodles made from wheat flour in order to give the noodles a different colour or flavor.

Classic As


VERO Media Design

Arrowroot or tapioca starch are sometimes added to the flour mixture in low quantities to change the texture and tenderness of the noodles’ strands. The dough for noodles made from wheat flour is typically made from wheat flour, salt, and water, with the addition of eggs or lye depending on the desired texture and taste of the noodles.

Noodle house , they do noodle how you like them-fast, fresh & tasty. Healthy and fun to eat,are the prefer at meal at any time of the day or night. Try famous noodle, La Mien Chinese noodle and watch the chef

Rice- or other starch-based noodles are typically made with only the starch or rice flour and water. After the formation of a pliable dough mass, one of five types of mechanical processing may be applied to produce the noodles. Unlike ,Hand-made Chinese Mien noodles can be made thick or thinner to order as prefer.

skill fully create a bowl of just for you fresh and handmade every customer order. Noodle house available not only Chinese noodle but also khmer noodles.

ian Noodle

Famous foods at Noodle House . Fried Noodles . Kari Noodles . Cold Noodles . Noodle Soup *Lahng Pan Mien $2.50 * Jar Jan Mien $2.50 * Noodle Soup $2.50



MAY & JUNE May 1

May 2

May 3

May 4

May 5

May 6

Saturday May 1 19:00 - Lilya 4-Ever / Meta House (6 Street 264 (south of Wat Botum) Lilya 4-Ever or the nighmarish violation of innocence at the Meta-House. 20:00 - Alice in Wonderland / The Flicks (39B Street 95) Directed by Tim Burton, 2010, 108 Min. 19-year-old Alice returns to the whimsical world she first encountered as a young girl, reuniting with her childhood friends: the White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Dormouse, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, and of course, the Mad Hatter. 21:00 - “I’m Your Fan”, a tribute to Leonard Cohen / Chinese House (45 Sisowath Quay (in front of container port) Performed by Patrique Mercier For four decades, Leonard Cohen has been one of the most important and influential songwriters of our time, a figure whose body of work achieves greater depths of mystery and meaning as time goes on. His songs have set a virtually unmatched standard in their seriousness and range. Sex, spirituality, religion, power – he has relentlessly examined the largest issues in human lives, always with a full appreciation of how elusive answers can be to the vexing questions he raises. *Patrique Mercier is a Singer/guitarist and long time fan of Leonard Cohen. Established in Cambodia for more than 15 years, Patrique has played extensively in clubs and bars around the capital for the past 6 years, and he is now excited to share his passion for Mr. Cohen with fellow fans.* Sunday May 2 19:00 - Meet The Feebles / Meta House (6 Street 264 (south of Wat Botum) Peter Jackson’s MEET THE FEEBLES (1989, 93mins) is a gleefully rude, decidedly adult comedy about the backstage goings-on amongst an eccentric group of puppets. 20:00 - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo / The Flicks (39B Street 95) Directed by Niels Arden Oplev, 2009, 152 Min. Swedish thriller based on Millennium, the Stieg Larsson’s novel about a journalist and a young female hacker. 21:00 - Lost Highways / Chinese House (45 Sisowath Quay (in front of container port) Dynamic rock and blues band, with Smokin Kenny Smith on Guitar, Dan Ogren on Bass, and Tommy Nick on Drums. Monday May 3 18:00 - EU Film Festival: The role of women in society / Centre Culturel Français (218 Street 184) The EU Film Festival is presented by the Embassies of the EU Member States and the EU Delegation, in collaboration with the French Cultural Center. Tonight: Hilde (directed by Kai Wessel, Germany) Original version with English subtitles. 21:00 - Disgrace / The Flicks (39B Street 95) Directed by Steve Jacobs, 2008, 118 Min. After having an affair with a student, a Cape Town professor moves to the Eastern Cape, where he gets caught up in a mess of post-apartheid politics Tuesday May 4 18:30 - EU Film Festival: The role of women in society / Centre Culturel Français (218 Street 184) The EU Film Festival is presented by the Embassies of the EU Member States and the EU Delegation, in collaboration with the French Cultural Center. Tonight: **FC Venus** (directed by Joona Tena) and **La tête de maman** (directed by Carine Tardieu). For the full program, see [here] ( ). All movies are in original version with English subtitles. 19:00 - Ream Eyso Amd Moni Mekhala / Meta House (6 Street 264 (south of Wat Botum) REAM EYSO AND MONI MEKHALA (2009, 45 mins) introduces you to the ancient story of a greedy “giant” and the goddess of the seas, told through stunning classical dance and gorgeous costumes. Wednesday May 5 18:30 - EU Film Festival: The role of women in society / Centre Culturel Français (218 Street 184) The EU Film Festival is presented by the Embassies of the EU Member States and the EU Delegation, in collaboration with the French Cultural Center. Tonight: **Splinters** (directed by Maciej Pieprzyca, Poland) and **Un Viaggio chiamato amore** (directed by Michele Placido, Italy). All movies are in original version with English subtitles. 19:00 - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo / The Flicks (39B Street 95) Directed by Niels Arden Oplev, 2009, 152 Min. Swedish thriller based on Millennium, the Stieg Larsson’s novel about a journalist and a young female hacker. 19:00 - Kampuchea Death and Rebirth / Meta House (6 Street 264 (south of Wat Botum) Tonight we commemorate the 7th January 1979, when invading Vietnamese troops seized Phnom Penh and sent the Khmer Rouge fleeing to remote jungles. Thursday May 6 18:30 - EU Film Festival: The role of women in society / Centre Culturel Français (218 Street 184) The EU Film Festival is presented by the Embassies of the EU Member States and the EU Delegation, in collaboration with the French Cultural Center. Tonight: Hilde (directed by Kai Wessel, Germany) Khmer version with English subtitles.

2010 May 14 -15

May 20

May 27

June 16

June 17

June 24

Where they are celebrate!

Thursday - Frieday May 14 - 15 19:00 Dansez ! Roam ! Theater Chenla Belle Chumvan Sodhachivy will present her latest creation, in which she takes on the task of examining the ineluctable emotion felt by everyone: the feeling of being in love. Accompanied by six dancers and four musicians, she expresses in movement love, joy, suffering, anguish, all the various emotions that the Other can awaken in us. During the first part of the evening, “4 D” from Epic Arts Association will present the remarkable work of handicapped dancers, a hymn to respect, sharing, and support, words that are the foundation of their lives and of the creative process of their choreography.

Thursday 20 May Fragile Sopheap Pich 19:00 CCF A graduate of the University of Massachusetts, where he studied painting, and also f the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Sopheap Pich returned to Cambodia in 2002. After exhibiting his painting in numerous places, he decided in 2005 to devote himself solely to the creation of sculpture in rattan, an activity that allows him to take over a space and explore new meanings: the relationship between interior and exterior, fragility, weightlessness. In the last few years he has created new pieces for two exhibitions, in Australia at the Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, and in the United States at Tyler Rollins Fine Art. He will show a selection of his work from his beginning to today and will also exhibite his last work : a reflexion on the Khmer alphabet which is a source of debate and discussion. Thursday 27 May Currency and Sovereignty Jean Daniel Gardère 19:00 Cinema of CCF Former departmental adviser for economic affairs in Washington and director general of the French Foreigne Trade Board, Jean-Daniel Gardère recently published a book titled “Currency and Sovereignty.” In this lecture, he will outline the history of a country in pursuit of a currency that would be uniquely its own, and, as such, would serve as an instrument of autonomy in other domains.

Wednesday June 16 19:00 Fête de la Musique CCF This year, we offer you music by the Parisian group “Java” for the “Fête de la Musique” celebration. This band is difficult to label: its style subtly mixes a rap beat with the sounds of accordion bands, and adds a few funky rhythms. After five years of absence, “Java” came back onstage in 2009 with a third album titled “Maudits Francais.” Effective lyrics, solid instrumentation, and new songs to discover that promise to make you laugh and dance! In first part the group Khmarang, created during the last PhotoPhnomPenh, will invite us in a journey between Cambodian and western rhythms. Thursday June 17 19:00 Trash Fix Exhibition Hall Meas Sokhorn One morning, Meas Sokhorn has an unusual coffee-drinking experience. Lulled by the brouhaha of the city, he is suddenly startled by a cloud of dust that blows into his eyes. He turns around to see a mountain of garbage rising before him. And with the debris, bad odors, floating bacteria. Does all this exist, or not? Finally, between the mountain of garbage and the mountain of routine, which is the highest?

Thursday June 24 The Muslim communities in Cambodia 19:00 Emiko Stock Cinema “The Atlas of Muslim Minorities in Southeast and East Asia has just appeared in French, and Emiko Stock, co-author of the volume and a researcher in ethnology, will present Muslim Cambodia in all its variety. Beyond the historical, religious, and political affiliations, which are often linked, the Chams will be (re)discovered in all their pluralism.





BATTAMBANG that the entrance to the caves is so small you need to wriggle through on your belly.

Wat Banan

Colonial buildings

Just over 20km to the south of Battambang, Phnom Banan is the best kept of the remaining Khmer ruins in the area, though again, when compared to Angkor Wat it isn’t so impressive. Dating back to the 11th century, Phnom Banan has also been heavily looted but it remains mostly upright. What is impressive from here are the superb views of the surrounds in all directions. A large field gun kept at the site once has now been removed. It’s a rather steep climb from ground level up to the ruins. Luckily at the top a few industrious drink sellers emerge, who will also be happy to show you around the temple and then the caves below on the left (when looking at the ruins from the stairs). These are well worth exploring, though note the cave entrance is almost at the base of the hill, so be sure you are finished with the ruins before you agree to go down. Also note if it is a slow day -- very common here -- all the children here will offer to come with you, but they will all expect something for coming along. Be warned

These fine structures are dotted about the town and along the river, of which the grand French Era governor’s house is the most famous.

bludgeoned or had their throats cut. Children hang around the base of the temple and will walk up with you and act as your guides, some of them speak very good English. They will expect some money in return for showing you around. According to our guides, there was one cave for women, one for men and one for children, though other sources differ in this regard. There are two ways to the summit, one by stairs, the other by a sweeping trail with a far easier incline that runs around the hillock to the summit. Phnom Sampeau is best visited in early morning or late afternoon when the light and the spectacular views are at their best. We’ve encountered some problems with motodops who have expressed an unwillingness to drive out to Phnom Sampeau, claiming that it is a bad place that tourists shouldn’t see. If you want to visit here, don’t feel uncomfortable about insisting you visit. The road out is partially sealed. Ask your motodop to take the main road out, but come back via one of the many back dirt-routes that meander through the paddies. In the late afternoon light, it is beautiful.

Ek Phnom

Phnom Sampeu This hilltop temple on the road to Snong and Pailin is one of the main locations of Battambang’s “Killing Fields”, with a large cave where victims were thrown into the caves either to their death or after being

Dates back to the 11th century and is one of the most-visited attractions around Battambang. If you’ve already seen Angkor Wat you’ll probably find it to be a bit of a disappointment, but if you haven’t been there yet, it’s a fine taster. On weekdays, you’re likely to have the entire place to yourself, while on weekends, it is a popular excursion for those from Battambang. The ruins have been heavily looted and look to have partially been collapsed on purpose to get at some sections of it. Out the front of the ruins is a new temple known for its murals. Ek Phnom is best reached from Battambang by motodop along the river road and takes around 45 minutes, passing through some beautiful scenery.


Some of the finest imported beer in Hourganden


I cracked opened the beer, and pulled the mug out that came with it. Well, step one on the bottle was to rinse the glass. So I did. Then, I followed step two, which was to only pour half the beer into the glass. Then with the remaining half, I was to swirl it around, as to mix it up good in the bottle. I poured the rest, and it was as if I was pouring a beer in a beer commercial. The colour was perfect, and the head foamed up just enough to still take a first sip. The beer no longer looked gross in my glass, but delicious! I took a sip, and man, the flavor is amazing! I highly recommend this beer to anyone who enjoys the flavor of beer. Where is get it: CHOW restaurant by the riverside

Leffe We’ll start with what should be the lightest of the Leffe family, although still a respectable 6.2% ABV, as you can see Leffe Blond came out considerably paler than I remembered, but make no mistake, despite its pale amber coloration, this is a full bodied ale. It has a full mouth feel, and a substantial head that lasted well down the glass, leaving a distinctive lacing down the glass. The flavor is well rounded, slightly sweet, slightly spicy, but with all these brews there is something that is distinctively ‘Belgian’. Okay so not quite trappist, but once you’ve tasted a Belgian beer, you’ll spot that flavor whenever you are fortunate enough to encounter it. There are hints of vanilla and toffee in this flavor, it’s not too heavy, in fact, I was pleased to note that I had a large (75cl) bottle of Blond on my shelf for the weekend.? Where to get it: Bar along the riverside / also Red piano at Siem Reap.

SOL Sol is clean, crisp, no aftertaste, simply a fantastic beer Sol beer is the premier Mexican beer. It tastes amazing with a tiny sliver of lime perfectly slotted into the neck of the bottle. It is great ice cold straight out of the fridge. Mine was served in O’Neills and was the perfect temperature. The design on the bottle is retro classic and features a sun setting over the Mexican hills. It is 4.5% alcohol so not too strong. The flavor is sublime and slips down the throat easily making it a perfect tipple at bbq’s and summer parties. I really recommend buying Sol beer. Get loads of limes and away you go. Just make sure you have tacos to go with them. Even though they are shipped from Norway I love them. Where to get it: Bar along the riverside / also at Riverhouse club/Bar

Kirin Japanese restaurant, and it’s hard to resist a bottle of Japanese lager... This beer pours a clear medium yellow golden colour, with three fingers of foamy white head, which leaves lots of chunky white lace around the tall Kirin glass. It smells of sweet white rice, a bit sour, and weedy, mildly skunky hops. The taste is more gluttonous white rice grain, and floral, weedy hops. The carbonation is on the low side, the body a lightest medium weight, smooth, but a bit cloying, and it finishes fairly clean, with an actual bit of zinginess. Where to get it: most of Japanese restaurant in town.

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Royal Ploughing Ceremony The Royal Ploughing Ceremony is an ancient royal rite held in Cambodia to mark the traditional beginning of the rice-growing season. In the Khmer language, it is called “Preah Reach Pithi Chrot Preah Neangkol” (Wan Phra Ratcha Phithi Phuetcha Monkhon Lae Charot Phra Nangkhan Raek Na Khwan; also observed as Farmer’s Day.) In 2010, the ceremony will held on May 2 in Cambodia. The date is usually in May, but varies as it is determined by Hora (astrology). In the ceremony, two sacred oxen are hitched to a wooden plough and they plough a furrow in some ceremonial ground, while rice seed is sown by court Brahmins. After the ploughing, the oxen are offered plates of food, including rice, corn, green beans, sesame, fresh-cut grass, water and rice whisky. Depending on what the oxen eat, court soothsayers make a prediction on whether the coming growing season will be bountiful or not. The ceremony is rooted in Brahman belief, and is held to ensure a good harvest. According to the Tourism Cambodia website, last year the sacred animals ate mainly rice, corn and beans, while largely ignoring the contents of the other trays. This was taken to mean that farmers would see a moderate yield in the rice harvest but enjoy a strong output in their secondary crops, especially corn and beans. In Cambodia, the ceremony is typically presided over by the monarch, or an appointee. Sometimes the monarch himself has taken part in the ceremony and actually guided the plough behind the oxen.

Cambodia is not a planned country but it promises to give you the excitement of adventurous travel, the roads are rugged and almost nothing is for certain, but when you finally come into this country you will surely be enchanted by the warmth of the smiles being showered on you. It is not for nothing that Cambodia has been called the country of smiles! In this country of smiles, you will have to keep certain things in mind when you are travelling to ensure that you do not face any problem. Cambodia Do’s and Don’t will provide all the information you need to know about the Etiquette in Cambodia and Code of Conduct in Cambodia. The country has been trying to evolve out of a shattering past of war and violence, which is the main reason behind the sensitiveness of the people about their religious beliefs and social customs. What better way to pay respect to the traditions of the people than to be aware of Do’s and Don’t in Cambodia and follow them.

Don’t Don’t use your feet to point at someone. Feet are con- sidered the lowest form of the body. Don’t walk over a person’s feet. Don’t start to eat when you are a guest at the dinner table before your host has taken a bite. Don’t burp while eating.

In Cambodia

Do & Don’t Do’s Do respect Cambodian elders Do bow a little when you walk between two Cambodians talking Do greet your guest by a drink or place fruit or snacks for them if they are coming over to your home.

Don’t purchase historical artifacts in Cambodia.

Do sit knees bent and legs to the side ( for women ). Do ask for permission before taking photos of others.

Don’t take home pieces of stone from the temples and tourist sites no matter how small and undecorated they are.

Do bargain when buying things. Bargaining can be an enjoyable experience in interacting with the locals.

Don’t touch someone on the head. Head is considered holy.

Do take off hat and shoes before entering a Khmer home and pagodas.

Don’t give children vendors in the temples candies if you do not intend to buy their products.

Do “ sompeah ” when you speak or listen to the monks.

Don’t be foul-mouthed in middle of lake or jungle. It is considered bad omen.

Do take off your hat, or drive bicycle or mo- torcycle slowly when you get into Temple or pagoda.

Don’t pick your teeth while eating.

Don’t involve in narcotic drug consumption and sexual exploitation of children. Don’t hug and kiss in public. Don’t be critical of the conditions Don’t converse about anything related to politics Don’t take photographs of military sights

The best way to make your travel to Cambodia enjoyable is to shed off all remains of superiority from your behaviour and think like them. It is only when you show respect that you earn respect from others. This is the most important thing you need to know when you are travelling to any part of the world. Make your travel to Cambodia special by following the Cambodia Do’s and Don’t.



Essentials Visas Requirements A passport with at least six month validity is required. A visa is required for most nationalities. One month visas are available on arrival at the international airports in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, through Cambodian embassies and at most border crossings. Tourist visa $20 USD Business visa $$25 USD Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy and Special visas are issued free of charge. One 4x6 photo is required

Royal Rattanak Hospital #11, St 592 Tel: 023 991000 Somary Raffles Medical Centre #30, St 360 Tel: 023 223322

Pharmacy U-Care Tel: 023 222399 1. #26-28, Sothearos 2. Sihanouk, corner of st 55 3. Corner of Norodom Blvd St 136


Tourist visas can be extended for one month, but only one time. Business visas can be renewed indefinitely. Renew visas through a travel agent or the immigration office located opposite of Phnom Penh International Airport.

Agrovet #26, St 294 Tel: 023 216323

Tel: 012-581558. Also available via online E-visas @25 USD for a 30 day visa.

DHL Worldwide Express #353, St 110 Tel:023 427726

Courier Service

FedEx #701D, Monivong Blvd Tel:023 216712

Hospitals & Clinics Calmette Hospital #3, Monivong Tel: 023 426948 International SOS Medical & Dental Clinic #161, St 51 Tel: 023 216911 / 012 816911 Naga clinic #11, St 254 Tel: 023 211300

TNT #28, Monivong Blvd Tel:023 430923 UPS #30Eo, Sihanouk Blvd Tel:023 219213

Import / Export TNT #28, Monivong Blvd Tel:023 430923

Intra Co. #2-3, St 118 Tel:023 211811 N.H International #106, St 310 Tel: 012 842964

EMS/Post Office Post Office Letter and package delivery. Monday to Friday 7:30AM to 5PM Saturday 7:30AM to 11AM. Street 13 east of Wat Phnom.

Departure Tax AIRPORT TAX Departure fee from Phnom Penh & Siem Reap International Airport $25 USD Departure fee for Domestic Airport $6 USD

Emergency Ambulance: 119 (from 023 phone only) Tel: 023 724891 Police Hot line: 117 (from 023 phone only) Tourist Police: Tel: 097 7780002 Child Abuse Hot line Tel: 023 720555 Fire Tel: 118 (from 023 phone only) Tel: 012 786693

AIRLINES Malaysia Airlines 172 Monivong Boulevard Tel: 023 218 923 Royal Khmer Airlines 36B Mao Tse Tung Boulevard Tel: 023 994 502 Shanghai Air 19 Street 106 Tel: 023 723 999 Siem Reap Airways 61 A Street 214 Tel: 023 722 545 Silk Air 313 Sisowath Quay Tel: 023 426 808 Thai Airways 294 Mao Tse Tung Boulevard Tel: 023 214 359 Vietnam Airlines 41 Steet 214 Tel: 023 363 396 Philippine Airlines 333B, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 219 161 Air Asia 66 Mao Tse Tung Boulevard Tel: 023 356 011 Angkor Airways 32 Norodom Boulevard Tel: 023 222 056 Bangkok Airways 61 A Street 214 Tel: 023 722 545 China Airlines 32 Norodom Boulevard Tel: 023 222 393 Dragon Air 168 Monireth Boulevard Tel: 023 424 300 Eva Air 298 Mao Tse Tung Boulevard Tel: 023 219 911 Jet Star Asia 333B Monivong Boulevard Tel: 023 220 909 Koran Air F3- RO3 254 Monivong Boulevard Tel: 023 224 047/8 Lao Airlines 58C Sihanouk Boulevard Tel: 023 216 563 Cambodia Angkor Air 206A, Norodom Tel: 023 6666 7868 Royal Khmer Airlinest 36B Mao Tse Tung Boulevard Tel: 023 994 502 Singapore Airlines 313, Sisowath, Himawari Hotel Tel: 023 426 807 Indochina Airlines 36B, Mao Tse Toung (St. 245) Tel: 023 994 502-3 Cambodia Online Travel Distributor for Amadeus CRS, providing free 2-3, Street 118, Phsar Thmei II Tel: 023 218 422 Cebu Pacific Airways PSA’s Office 333B, Monivong Boulevard Tel: 023 219 161 Jia Yi Airline Services P05, Yothapol Khemarak Phomin (St. 271) Tel: 023 210 097-8

ATM ANZ Royal ATM ANZ Royal Main Branch 20 Kramuon Sar (Corner of street 67) ANZRoyal Chbar Ampov Branch # 35, National Road #1 ATM - Lucky Burger Monivong No 219 BC, Monivong Blvd, ATM - Parkway Square #113, Mao Tse Tong Blvd, St 245 ATM - Lucky Bright Restaurant #H5 (Eo,E1,E2) Norodom Blvd ANZ Royal Teuk Thla Branch 1E0 & 1E1, Street 110A ATM - Total Phsar Thmey Corner of st. 217 & st. 316 ATM - Hagar Soy Milk Factory #1748, National Road 5 ATM - Angkor Thom Book Center #261, Kampuchea Krom Blvd. ATM - The Tamarind #31 Street 240 ATM - Lucky Seven Phnom Penh Centre Corner of Preah Sihanouk Blvd. ATM - Lucky Burger Sihanouk Blvd No 160, Preah Sihanouk Bld 274 ATM - Total Takhmao National Road #2, ATM - Lucky Super Market No 160, Preah Sihanouk Blvd 274 ATM - Pencil Supermarket-Riverside Sisowath Quay Phnom Penh, Cambodia ATM - Pencil Supermarket-Riverside Sisowath Quay ATM - Pencil Norodom No 15, Samdech Pan 214 ATM - Paragon Supermarket No 12, Street 214 ATM - Happy Market #268, St. 182, Sangkat Teuk Laak III ACLEDA Bank Tel: +855 (0)12 545 668, +855 (0)15 900 341 Email: Beung Trabek Branch Tel: +855 (0)12 274 999, +855 (0)15 900 241 Chom Chao Branch Tel: +855 (0)15 800 844 Dangkor Branch Tel: +855 (0)12 545 663, +855 (0)15 900 251 Daun Penh Branch Tel: +855 (0)12 545 664, +855 (0)15 900 253 Meanchey Branch Tel: +855 (0)12 473 999, +855 (0)15 900 314 Phsar Doem Thkauv Branch Tel: +855 (0)15 600 414 Russey Keo Branch Tel: +855 (0)12 545 661, +855 (0)15 900 369 Russey Keo II Branch Tel: +855 (0)15 800 679 Steung Meanchey Branch Tel: +855 (0)12 426 999, +855 (0)15 900 373 Steung Meanchey II Branch Tel: +855 (0)15 700 877 Tuol Kork Branch Tel: +855 (0)15 900 198 Cambodian Public Bank Nº. 23, Kramuon Sar (St. 114) Tel(855) 23 222 880-2 Phnom Penh Main Branch Ground & 1st Floor, Campu Bank Building Tel(855) 23 214 111 ATM Locations: Phnom Penh International Airport, US Embassy SBC Bank - Singapore Banking Corporation Ltd.Tel: 023 211 211 Nº. 68, Samdech Pan (St. 214)

EMBASSY AUSTRALIA Nº. 16B, Assembly Tel: 023 213 470 BELGIUM Phnom Penh Center, Sihanouk Blvd., Block F- Floor 7 Tel: 023-214024 BRUNEI Nº. 237, Street 51 Tel: 023 211 457-8 BRITISH Nº. 27-29, (St. 75) Tel: 023 427 124 BULGARIA Nº. 227-229, Norodom Tel: 023 217 504 CANADA Nº. 9, Senei Vinna Vaut Oum (St. 254) Tel: 023 213 470 Ext 417 CHINA Nº. 156, Mao Tse Toung (St. 245) Tel: 023 720 920-1 DENMARK #8, Street 352, Phnom Penh +(855) (0)23-987629 DANISH Nº. 8, Street 352 12302 Phnom Penh Tel: 023 211 484 FRANCE Nº. 1, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 430 020-2 GERMANY Nº. 76-78, Yougoslavie 214 Tel: 023 216 193 INDIA Nº. 5, Chakrey Nhek Tioulong (St. 466) Tel: 023 210 912-3 INDONESIA Nº. 1, Chakrey Nhek Tioulong (St. 466) Tel: 023 216 148 JAPAN Nº. 194, Norodom Tel: 023 217 161-4 LAOS Nº. 15-17, Mao Tse Toung (St. 245) Tel: 023 997 931 MALAYSIA Nº. 5, Oknha Peich (St. 242) Tel: 023 216 176-7 MALTA Nº. 10, Street 370 Tel: 023 368 184 MYANMA #181, Norodom, Phnom Penh +(855) (0)23-223761 N. KOREA Nº. 50-52, Samdech Pan (St. 214) Tel: 023 211 900-3 PHILIPPINES Nº. 15Z, Street 422 Tel: 023 222 303-4 POLAND #767, Monivong, Phnom Penh +(855) (0)23-217782 PASKITAN Nº. 45, Street 310 Tel: 023 996 890-1 RUSSIA Nº. 213, Sothearos (St. 3) Tel: 023 210 931



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Rest aurant Guide


Restaurant Guide

Phnom Penh

Amber Garden Terrace Restaurant: Khmer/International Breezy, comfortable terrace restaurant, café and bar offering reasonable prices of dining and accommodation. Khmer dishes are the speciality but there are lots of Western and International offerings as well. Big selection of Khmer and some western salads. Khmer vegetable soup, Thai Tom Yum Kung and lots of Khmer and western mains. Free wifi. [ WF – AC ] 
#1A, Street 57 Open: 6:00AM - 11:00PM Tel: 023-216303 Anise Terrace Restaurant: Southeast Asian 
The Anise Terrace in Boeung Keng Kang 1 offers a comfortably stylish, reasonably priced dining and accommodations. The restaurant offers terrace balcony and a/c seating, consistently excellent service and a good variety of Southeast Asians dishes such as Fish Cakes and Wok Fried Tiger Prawns. 
 [ WF-AC ] #2C, Street 278, Open: 6:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023-222522
 Aria D’Italia Pizzeria 
 Restaurant: Pizzeria/Italian 
Easily one of the best pizzas in Phnom Penh. Homey little pizzeria and Italian restaurant located on a quiet street near Boeng Keng Kang 1. A nice selection of authentic Italian pizzas and pastas. Indoor and garden patio seating. Full bar. Lunch and Dinner. Free delivery. Easy parking. Recommended.. [ WF- DEL ]
 #9, Street 254 
Tel: 012-840705
 Bai Thong Restaurant: Indochina and French Bai Thong offers white table cloth elegance and top-notch service in the traditions of Phnom Penh’s best restaurants, but with a comfortably refined, relaxed atmosphere suitable for family, business or a romantic dinner. Serving excellent French, Indochina and authentic Thai cuisine at surprisingly reasonable prices. New, expanded menu with more French, Khmer, Vietnamese and Lao choices. Full bar, wines and cocktail. Fully air-conditioned. Lunch and Dinner. [ WF-AC ] 
#100-102, Sothearos Tel: 023-211054

Bistro La P’tite France Fine French Cuisine, fully air-conditioned and offering a comfortable. Serving international dishes with the emphasis on French as well as several Asian selection. The restaurant is open at lunch and dinner. [ AC ] #8, Rue. 118 / face au Memphis Club Tel: 023 223 140 - 016 642 630 Billabong 
 Poolside Restaurant/Bar: International 
Aptly billing itself as a ‘Boutique Haven.’ Very relaxed, open air, poolside restaurant/bar at the Billabong Hotel, serving excellent western food at reasonable prices. Free form saltwater pool set in a private tropical garden. Great place for breakfast, lunch, dinner or to lounge away the afternoon poolside. Good western breakfasts. 
 [ AC ] #5, Street 158 Open: 
8:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023-223703 Bites Restaurant: Malaysian/International Brilliant little Malaysian restaurant serving very affordable priced Western and Asian dishes and lots of tasty Malaysian specialities. Very clean kitchen, food, hygienic preparation. Halal. Prompt friendly service. Comfortable surroundings. Indoor and curb side patio seating. Great value. Right up the street from the Capitol Guesthouse. Recommended.
 [ AC ] #240b, Street 107 Open; 7:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 012-858567

Bopha Phnom Penh Titanic 
 Restaurant: Cambodian/International 
Stylish, breezy riverside terrace provides a sweeping view of the peaceful river scenery, perfect to escape the city rush. Full bar, extensive cocktail menu and wine list. Also air-con seating and bar (see Bar listings.) . ‘Apsara Dance’ performances from 7pm-9pm. Sisowath Quay [ WF- AC ] Open: 6:00AM - Late 
 Tel: 012-524584 Cantina 
A “Mexican gringo bar,” a.k.a. ‘Hurley’s Place’. Friendly riverfront bar set amongst several bars and restaurants whose curbside seating blur into one another. Cold Beer. Full bar. Excellent Mexican food. Salsa and tortillas fresh made daily.

[ AC ] 
#347, Sisowath Quay Casa Lika Restaurant/Bar: Mexican/Khmer Unique Mexican/Khmer restaurant and bar on 136 just off the riverfront. Hardwood floors, fully air-conditioned, comfortable ambiance. Serving a good selection of authentic Mexican dishes including tacos, fish tacos, nachos, fajitas, burritos, quesadillas and more. Also lots of other western dishes - steaks, burgers, pastas, salads - and Khmer and Asian dishes as well. Full bar, cold beer, spirits. [ AC-WF ] happy hour 3PM-7:00PM. Closed on Mondays. Home delivery. #16, Street Open : 11:00AM - Midnight Tel: 012-429542 Chiang Mai Riverside 
 Restaurant: Fine Thai 
Long-established little riverside restaurant offering authentic Thai cuisine. Lots of good reviews from customers. The owner is justifiably proud of his home cooking. Good selection of veg dishes. “Thailand brand certified”. Helpful photo menu. Lots of tourist information. #227Eo, Sisowath Quay Open:10:00AM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 011-811456 Chiva’s Shack Restaurant, Questhouse and Bar Famous riverside meeting place, friendly family bar. Western local menu, special cocktail $1.75 everyday, night BBQ Pool Table. Room Range from $7 Included breakfast, Wi-fi , AC , Fan , Hot shower, TV. [ WF- AC ] #6-8, St 130 ( River side ) Tel: 023 986 837- 016 406 232 Comme a la Maison Restaurant: French 
Outdoor patio seating in garden setting. French food á la carte and weekly specials. Indoor shop, homemade goods, bakery and charcuterie. Great break- fast place. Catering, party planning. Delivery. French and English spoken. Good reviews . from customers. Loyal following
 [ DEL ] #13, Street 57 Open: 6AM - 3PM/6PM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 023-360801, 012-951869 On-line menu: Cyclo Café
 Restaurant/Bar: International Welcoming, pleasant little international restaurant/bistro in the Cyclo Hotel, fully air-conditioned and offering a comfortable, homey ambiance. Serving international dishes with the emphasis on French as well as several Asian

selections. The Cyclo-style Scallops are recommended. Full bar and a nice wine selection. The restaurant is open at lunch and dinner, the bar all day long. Pool table. Lunch and Dinner. [ AC ] Open: 7:00AM-Midnight. #50, Street 172 Tel: 023-992128 Dosa Corner Restaurant: South Indian/Malaysian As the name says, the specialty of the house are dosas - South Indian rice and bean crêpes stuffed with spiced vegetables or meat or served with a side dish such as chutney. The Dosa Corner serves more than fifteen varieties of dosas including the ever popular masala dosa and a large choice of accompaniments and sides. Home delivery and catering. [ DEL ] #5E, Street 51, Open: 7:30AM - 10:00PM Tel: 012-673276 East India Curry Company Restaurant: North and South India Serving authentic north and south Indian cuisine in a comfortable, refined, air-conditioned environment. East India Curry has garnered great reviews from patrons and a loyal following. The chef employs many imported ingredients. South Indian breakfasts. Catering. Lunch and dinner. [ DEL –AC ] 
#9, Street 114 Tel: 023-992007 

 Ebony Apsara 
 Late Night Restaurant: Khmer/International Unique combination restaurant, bar, tailor and gallery. Comfortable, stylish seating. Innovative Khmer/Asian food by Rina as well as a selection of western favorites. Lucky Stick game for free food and drinks. Bottomless cup of coffee. Nice café/cocktail bar atmosphere in the evening with the kitchen staying open very late, always till closing. 40% goes to charity. 
 [ AC ] #42, Street 178 Open:10:30AM - Late Tel: 010-581291 Foreign Correspondents Club (FCC)
 Bar/Restaurant: International 
This is the famous FCC - still as much a journalist’s meeting place as a popular tourist/expat bar and restaurant. Located on the second floor of a beautiful old colonialera building, the FCC’s open balcony provides a spectacular, sweeping view of the Tonle Sap and Mekong Rivers. The FCC kitchen offers a good selection of nicely prepared contemporary, modern, and traditional western dishes as well as some of the best wood-fired oven pizza in town. Photo shows and exhibitions. Bookshop. Fresco Delicatessen on the ground floor.

. Air-Conditioner= [AC] . Free Home Delivery= [Del]

. Free Internet Access= [WF] . Live Music/ Dj= [LM]

[ AC- DEL- WF ] #363, Sisowath Quay Open: 7:00AM - 12:00mid 
 Tel: 023-724014 Freebird Bar & Grill 
 Bar/Restaurant: American 
An extraordinarily comfortable air-conditioned bar and restaurant with a friendly neighbourhood bar ambiance. Nice wooden bar and comfortable seating, good conversation and a generally convivial place. Fully stocked bar and a good selection of American, Mexican and other western foods. Great pizzas, burgers, steaks and the best chili in town. Excellent service, always with a smile. Huge music selection. Efficient, reliable home delivery. Make sure to pick up a copy of the delivery menu. Listed in the exclusive Miele Guide 2009/2010 (to Asia’s finest restaurants,) “...for homesick Americans...Freebird is heaven on earth. [ AC – DEL ] 
 #69, Street 240 Open: 7:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023-224712
 Fortune Pho One of the best noodle soup in town. Restaurant noodle, Italian cuisine, and best cook spaghetti. Friendly welcome. #11, St. 178 near FCC Tel: 017 866 672 Open: Mon-Sun / 8am-9pm Friends (Mith Samlanh)
 Restaurant: International 
Cheerful tapas restaurant run as part of a program to teach street youth marketable skills. Khmer and western snacks, salads, weekly specials. Try the famous exotic fruit shake. Frozen margarita and daiquiris. Open 7 days a week. Kitchen closes at 9PM. 50m from the entrance to the National Museum.
 #215, Street 13 Open: 11:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 012-802072 frizz
 Restaurant: Cambodian The popular frizz restaurant has moved from the riverfront to Street 240. Offering the same excellent traditional Cambodian fare and more. The expanded menu includes more salads, desserts and signature Cambodian dishes as well as international dishes. Specialities include Cambodian Amok and Chhnang Phnom Pleung (Cambodian Volcano Pot.) Ask about Cambodian cooking classes. 
 [ DEL ] #67, Street 240 7:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 023-220953 Garden Center Café 2 
 Restaurant: International 
This is the Boeng Keng Kang 1 area annex of the very popular Garden Center Café, offering the same excellent western Meals... steaks, baked ham, baked salmon, burgers, sloppy joes, Asian dishes and a great selection of salad

and vegetarian dishes. Home cooking, generous portions. Relaxed, clean, family atmosphere. Indoor seating. Free delivery. Closed Tuesdays. [ DEL ] #48Eo, Street Open: 7:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 092-206582 Grant’s & KTV Delicious Noodle 60th Century Serve breakfast and lunch time Khmer popular cuisine like Noodle soup with beef , ball fish, Chicken rice, and soft drink, cuisine ordering, and buffet. #276, St. 430 Tel: 012 988 077 1st branch :#163, St. 173 2nd branch: #64, St. 430 Hagar Catering & Restaurant 
Restaurant: International 
Pleasant family restaurant in Boeung Keng Kang 1, offering a good selection of nicely prepared, reasonably priced western and Asian dishes. Lunch buffet $3.50. Evening salad bar $2. Comfortable a/c seating. Meeting facilities. Children’s play area with toys. Catering. [ WF- DEL ] #23, Street 288, just off Street 63 
7:00AM - 9:30PM Tel: 
012-306075 Happy Seven Good taste , and best service. BBQ Suki, BBQ, Oyster, Soups and Khmer-Chinese Foods Behind Sovanna Shopping Center, St. 199 Tel: 012 579 521 Kandal House 
 Restaurant: International 
Popular, riverfront restaurant offering a large selection reasonably priced western dishes including a variety of pizzas and pasta that is fresh-made daily. Full bar offering cocktails, cold beer and wine. Music. Comfortable indoor and side walk seating with a good view of the riverfront. Happy hour 3PM - 8PM. Home delivery. Free charging for phone, camera, iPod, laptop... Fast, [ WF – DEL ] #239, Sisowath Quay Open: 8:00AM - Late 
 Tel: 012-525612 Khmer Surin Delicious Khmer & Thai Cuisine in a comfortable atmosphere Thai Style balcony seating Catering- Vegetarian Menu Large Parties Welcome. [ WF – AC ] #9, Street 57, Phnom Penh Tel: 012 887 320 / 023 363 050 K’NYAY Restaurant: Khmer and Vegan Unique, smart little alley’s end café/restaurant just off Suramarit Blvd, serving a nice selection of mostly Khmer-inspired vegan cuisine as well as a selection of Khmer meat dishes - Soups, salads, traditional Khmer, modern and fusion dishes - Sweet potato, pepper and peanut stew, Banana curry, Tofu/

veg curry, Pomelo and chicken salad, Fish amok and much more. Delivery. Located across the Hun Sen Park from the Ministry of Environment. M-F, noon-9PM, Sat 7AM-9PM. Closed Sunday. 
 [ DEL ] #25K Noon - 9:00PM Tel: 023-225225 K-West Brasserie-Bar 
 Restaurant: International 
Trendy, stylish, comfortable riverfront restaurant and bar on the ground floor of the Amanjaya Hotel. Serving a wide range of contemporary Asian and European cuisine at moderate prices. Sporting a stylish, relaxed fusion décor with hardwood floors and modern art around the walls - perfect for all occasions, business, family or leisure. Full bar with Cocktails. Wine selection. Take away. Happy hour 6PM-8PM. #1, Street 154, Sisowath Quay 6:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023 214747 La Croisette
 Restaurant: International/Italian Stylish riverfront restaurant offering comfortable indoor air-conditioned seating and curb side seating with a riverfront view. A good choice of finely prepared Khmer, Italian, French and western dishes at moderate prices. The beef brochette is particularly good. Concise but varied wine selection with several choices available by the glass. Well-chosen house wines. Full bar. Nice place for a gathering of friends or a romantic dinner for two. [ AC ] #241, Sisowath Quay 7:00AM - 1:00AM **Happy Hour 3PM-6PM Tel: 023-220554

La Volpaia 
 Restaurant: Pizzeria/Italian 
Absolutely authentic, fine Italian cuisine served in a comfortably inviting, white table cloth atmosphere with an open kitchen, terra cottar floors, smart service and a pleasantly air-conditioned dining space overlooking the old colonial post office square Big selection of pizzas, pastas and imported steaks. Very good wine selection with several wines available by the glass. Just a block off the riverfront at the corner of Street 102 opposite the Post Office, around the corner from the Street 104 bar scene. Lunch and Dinner . [ DEL – AC ] Open noon - 10:30PM on the weekends.
 Corner of Street 102 and Street 13 Tel: 023-992739 Le Rit’s Restaurant & Boutique Garden Restaurant: Asian/Western Long-established, popular NGO-based (NYEMO) patio garden restaurant offering a large selection of nicely prepared Asian and European dishes. Lots of salads, fish and meat dishes, with several Thai and Cambodian choices. Catering. NGO-based handicrafts workshop and retail shop on site. [ WF – DEL ] #71 Street 240, just off of Monivong. Open: 7:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 023-213160 Brauhaus Restaurant & Club Singapore first German restaurant & Pub since 1998. For best Pork Knuckless, Great food, Huge Variety of Beer, Cosy pub, live Band. # 34 Street 130 ( Riverside ) Tel: 099 311 188 [ LM ]


Guide Lotus Blanc Restaurant Restaurant: Asian/Western Training restaurant at the NGO, Pour un Sourire d’Enfant’s (PSE) vocational training center. Serving very nicely prepared and presented Asian and western dishes. Friday buffet. Very good service. Your patronage assists the students in the learning process and helps support the humanitarian works of PSE and the vocational training center. Groups and special events bookings welcome. Breakfast and Lunch. Visa/MC/JCB/ANZ #402 Tra Village, Stueng Meanchey Tel: 017-602251 Le Cedre Authentic Lebanese Cuisine Tunisian Couscous in corporation with: Mohamed Moumni of “ La Goumandisc Bluer “ (available at our 1st branch / No. 1, St. 360 ) More than 5 persons and above must be reserved by phone in advance 1st Branch: No. 1, St. 360, ( 10:00AM2:00PM & 5:00PM Late) 2nd Branch: No. 383, Sisowath Quay, Open: 10:00M Late Malis 
 Restaurant: Khmer 
Malis is Phnom Penh’s superlative Cambodian dining experience. Artfully prepared contemporary and traditional Khmer cuisine from the kitchen of the renowned Cambodian chef Luu Meng, served in stylish, elegant surroundings of Angkorian- inspired pools, gardens and architecture. Full bar, cocktails, extensive wine cellar. Terrace garden, air-conditioned and private dining available. [ AC ] #136, Norodom Open: 6:00AM - 11:00PM
 Tel: 023-221022 Mother-In-Law House Our dishes are prepared with fresh and quality ingredients and we serve a different fresh fish disk everyday! Only $1.80, included desert and hot tea offer. Get pleasure with Cambodian live music every night. [ LM - AC ] Open: 6am-10pm #38, St. 240 corner 55 Tel: 011 522 052 Mazinga Thai Restaurant 
 Restaurant: Thai New, homey little Thai restaurant on the interesting street block of Sothearos Blvd between Street 178 and Wat Ounalom. Offering a very wide selection is of very nicely prepared, home-cooked Thai dishes. Some Khmer dishes available as well. All very reasonable priced. Downstairs street view seating and Thai style low table seating on the first floor. #6HEo, Sothearos Open: 6:00AM - 11:00PM Tel: 092-939078

Mr. Horng Restaurant & Sport Bar 
 Restaurant/Bar: Western/French/Cambodian Nice location on Street 51 in Boeung Keng Kang 1, right opposite Wat Lanka. Balcony seating with a view of the street an pagoda. Offering a selection of western and Cambodian fare, from burgers and fish & chips to curries and luc lak. Full bar, draft beer, cocktails. Very reasonable prices. Right around the corner from Street 278. 
 #9CEo, Street 51 Open: 6:00AM - Midnight **Happy Hour 4PM-7PM Tel: 012-666796
 Mt. Manaslu Restaurant & Café Experience the taste of Nepal with multi cuisine from Nepal. Tibet and India, sitting and air-con and hard drinks, coffee, tea and served in open air room. Chilled soft fruit shakes, lassis, cocktail available. Catering with special discount rate for group parties and free home delivery. [ DEL ] Sunday Buffet Open: 11:30 – 2:00pm ( $3.75) #IA, St. 282 Tel: 023 996 514 NagaWorld
 Restaurants, Bars and Casino The NagaWorld resort and casino complex has it all - luxury accommodation, fine dining restaurants, entertainment venues with bars, karaoke, a dance club lounge and sprawling casinos with extensive gaming facilities. It would be easy to plan the entire evening around NagaWorld - drink, dine and dance all night. [ LM ] Bistro Romano Italian Bistro style Italian restaurant offering festive Italian decor, a comfortably refined atmosphere and a wide selection - from family priced pizzas to upscale fine Italian mains and pastas. Several vegetarian selections on the menu. Suitable for friends, business or family dining. Banquet facilities. Catering. [ AC ] Open 11:00AM -11:00PM

 Korean Grill Korean Upscale Korean dining, one of several fine dining outlets at NagaWorld. Stylish, smart, upscale decor and ambiance with special BBQ-grill tables. A wide selection of meats and Korean dishes seasoned beef, sliced tenderloin, beef rib, spicy roast pork, cold soup, spicy cold noodles. All imported beef. [ AC ] Open 11:00AM - 11:00PM

 Le Gourmet French Fine upscale French dining in every aspect. Old World wine-glass-&white-table-cloth atmosphere, serving traditional French favourites as well as contemporary creations, capped by a deep wine cellar and excellent service. Live classical violin music. Perfect for a romantic evening. [ LM – AC ]

Open Noon-2:00PM and 11:00PM. Samdech Hun Sen Park Tel: 023-228822


Nordic House
 Restaurant/Bar/Guesthouse: Scandinavian/Asian/Western Guesthouse restaurant and bar in the heart of the very popular Street 136 bar scene just off the riverfront. Offering a good selection of reasonably priced meals and drinks - lots of western dishes and a few very nicely done home-made Scandinavian specialities including Pork Rib and Surkål, Salted Lamb Leg and Meatballs & Vegetables.. Full bar, draft beer, lots of spirits, all very affordable. Guesthouse rooms available. 
 #22, Street 136 Open: 7:00AM - Midnight Tel: 023-998676
 Ocean Restaurant 
 Restaurant: Mediterranean The emphasis is on seafood at this cozy little Mediterranean bistro tucked away on a quiet street in Boeung Keng Kang 1, Offering a tablecloth and wine glass atmosphere suitable to family, business or friends. Lots of seafood selections amongst the antipasto, pastas and seafood mains such as Tuna Steak and Fillet of Red Snapper, as well as good beef steaks and lamb. Big selection of pastas including excellent Mediterranean (shrimps, pin nuts, oil.) Concise wine selection, cocktails and a full bar. Boasting the best Chocolate Mousse in Phnom Penh. Lunch and Dinner. #11, Street 288 Tel: 012-1766690 Pickled Parrot Restaurant/Bar: International Popular, air-conditioned riverfront-area restaurant, bar and guesthouse. Large menu of Western, Indonesian, Thai, Chinese and international fare. Australian steaks. Burgers, soups, salads. Try the Oz Style Mixed Grill. Good bar with one of the best pool tables in Phnom Penh. 9-ball. Live satellite sports. Western management. On the ground floor of the Tonle Sap Hotel offering newly refurbished mid- range rooms. [ WF ] Spend $5, get free WiFi. 
 #4-7Eo, Street 104 Open 24 hours
 Tel: 023-986722 Popcafe 
 Restaurant: Italian 
 Charming little Italian-managed Italian café on the riverfront with a very welcoming atmosphere, great Italian food (including an absolutely wonderful homemade gnocchi) and excellent service. Pizzas, lasagna, salads, pastas all prepared with genuine Italian, quality ingredients. Beer, spirits and a nice selection of imported wine. Fully air-conditioned. Consistently impressive customer reviews. Eat in or take away. Recommended. 
Lunch and Dinner . [ DEL- AC ] 
#371, Sisowath Quay / Tel: 012-562892

 Restaurant: Cambodian Along with Friends the Restaurant, Romdeng is teaching former street youth the art of creative Cambodian cooking. Great place to sample modern Cambodian food in a stunning villa setting with garden and pool. While Romdeng is helping provide employment and education leading to a new life for street kids, these kids spearhead their own culture’s food revival. Together with the students find out what Cambodia’s breakthrough dish in the world’s food arena is. Catering. Private function rental. [ DEL –AC ] #74 street 174 Open: 11:00AM – 10:00PM Tel: 092-219565
 Royal India 
 Restaurant: Indian 
Good, reasonably priced Indian/Pakistani food. The Royal India has been around for several years and has a loyal following. Try the Chicken Korma. [ DEL ] #21, Street 111 Open: 10:00AM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 023-300008
 Sarika Garden Grill Restaurant , Business lunch special with daily light 3-course meal for only $7.00 per person [ WF ] Open daily 10: 30am-11pm Tel: 023 882 329 #69, St. 566, Corner St. 317 Setsara Thai restaurant Thai & French flavours Vegetarian menu, breakfast, lunch, dinner, take away, and free delivery . [ DEL ] Open Time: 7am-11pm Tel: 017 338 184 #3d, St. 278 Sharky Bar 
One of the most popular bars in Phnom Penh, serving up some of the best bar food on Phnom Penh. Great Tex/Mex, sandwiches, burgers, very good Thai food and daily specials. Hearty portions at reasonable prices. Consistently good food reviews from customer. Sharky’s offers a men’s pub atmosphere, a happening night scene with a full bar, pool tables, and big screen TV with all major sporting events. [ DEL ] 
#126, Street 130 Open:
6:00PM Tamarind Restaurant/Bar/Tapas: French/Mediterranean 
Excellent French and Mediterranean fare. Wonderful tapas. Sidewalk seating, bar seating, and pleasant indoor seating upstairs. Full bar and pool table of the ground floor. Long-time loyal following and very favourable reviews from customers. Good wine selection. Moderately priced. Delivery.

Catering. Billiards. 
[ DEL ] #31, Street 240 Open: 10:00AM - Late 
 Tel: 012-830139 Tell 
 Restaurant/Bar: International One of Phnom Penh’s longest running, most popular family restaurants boasts consistently great reviews from customers. Very popular with the local business community. Tell offers a wide variety of excellent international dishes, Asian dishes and excellent, authentic Swiss and German specialities, all at moderate prices. Tell’s massive Grilled Pork Leg dinner is legendary. Air-conditioned, chalet-style decor and ambience and all fresco beer garden seating as well. Excellent service. [ AC ] #13, Street 90 Open: 11:00AM - 10:30PM Tel: 023-430650
 The Kandal house Khmer and western foods. Happy hour from 3pm-8pm@Anchor Draft [ AC – DEL ] Open time: 9am till late night #239 BEo, Sisowath quay, Phnom Penh Tel: 012 525 612 Tom Yum Kung 
 Restaurant: Thai/Khmer Little thatch-roofed Thai/Khmer restaurant in the Street 278 area, popular with locals and visitors alike. Welcoming, family-restaurant atmosphere. Big selection of absolutely authentically prepared Thai and Khmer dishes. Beer (including Thai beer), wine and spirits. As one might expect, the tom yum kung is recommended.
 #10, Street 278 Open: 8:00AM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 023-359293
 T-BONE Restaurant : Steak house The first and only one steak house in Phnom Penh. Comfortable place at the corner the Monivong Blvd. Celebrate your every success by delighting in the finest steaks made from imported beef from some of the best regions in the worlds. Only in the refined, well-appointed setting of T-Bone Steak house. When was the last time to rewarded yourself? [ AC – WF ] #392 Monivong Blvd, corner St.360 Tel: 012 900 138 Open everyday 
 Restaurant: French 
First-class presentation, absolutely superb service and the good selection of contemporary French (and some Thai) dishes easily places Topaz amongst the finest dining venues in Phnom Penh. Including offerings such as Steak d’agneau aux hari cots and a choice of succulent steaks sure to please the meat lover. The excellent food is complemented by the refined atmosphere and Asian inspired decor. Topaz also harbour a deep wine

cellar of fine French wines and a walkin humidor stocked with the finest imported cigars. Upstairs piano bar with live music in the evenings. Free WiFi. live music Visa/MC/AMEX [ WF – AC – LM ] 
#100-102, Sothearos Open: 11:00AM - 2:00PM/6:00PM 10:30PM
 Tel: 023-211054 Touk Restaurant 
 Restaurant/Bar: International First floor riverside restaurant with a brilliant view of the river and riverfront area. Balcony seating as well as bar and indoor dining seating. Offering a very full menu of western and Cambodian dishes. Burgers and imported steaks, pizza, pastas, salads, seafood and several local dishes as well. Full bar, draft beer, cocktails, spirits. Considering the nice atmosphere, beautiful view and good food, the prices are surprisingly reasonable. Nice place to sit over a drink, enjoy the breeze and watch the passing boats and riverfront scene. Pool table. Happy hour 5:30PM - 7:30PM. Corner of Sisowath Quay and Street 178, Open: 7:00AM - Late Tel: 012-248694 Van’s Restaurant Restaurant: French One of the top dining experiences in Phnom Penh - serving up the very finest of traditional French cuisine and colonial ambiance. Set in a wonderfully restored French colonial-era building - the Banquet de l’Indochine building - and retaining every ounce of its former grand gentility. Van’s Restaurant offers excellent service and a full menu of beautifully prepared and presented French cuisine. Lunch and Dinner. #5, Street 102 Tel: 023-722067 Velkommen Inn Restaurant/Bar: Scandinavian/International Welcoming, comfortable hotel restaurant and bar at the Velkommen Inn on Street 104 just off the riverfront, offering a good selection of western dishes including all the favourites and several very nicely prepared Scandinavian specialities. Ask about off-menu Scandinavian dishes. Garnering good customer reviews. Full bar, draft beer, wine and spirits occasionally including imported Scandinavian treats such as Linier Aquavit. Tours of Phnom Penh can be arranged. [ LM – AC ] Live music every Friday! 
#23, Street 104 Open: 7:00AM - Late Tel: 092-177710 The Walkabout Pub 
 Restaurant/Bar: Intl 
Very popular, wellknown, reasonably priced bar/restaurant in a mid-range on the ground floor of the Walkabout Guesthouse. Full bar, full menu, pool table, all

major sporting events on TV. $80 pool competition every Tuesday. One of the few western restaurants open after 2:00AM. Very popular ‘Jokers Wild’ on Friday evenings. Giant screen TV and two more pool tables upstairs at the FC Walkabout. ATM in front of restaurant. Visa Streets 174 & 51 Open: 24 hours 
 Tel: 023-211715 The Lian Hau The lian Hau, with a maxima seating capacity of 50-60 seats, features A La Carte and set menu style service and a delightful of Chinese cuisine and Dim Sum ( Yam Cha ) with a modern touch. Indulge in our” Special in house promotion “ menus showcasing the uniqueness of the Chinese Cuisine. Whether its lunch or dinner in this stylish restaurant, you can enjoy having the option of dinning inside the cool air-conditioner ambiance or relaxing in the refreshing natural terrace overlooking the splendid pool views and tropical garden surroundings. The lian Hau local in the ground floor at the right hand side of the hotel main building with pool and villa view. [ AC ] Open: 11:am-22:30pm 7day/week Tel: 063 967 222 Yi Sang
 Restaurant: Dim Sum/Contemporary Cantonese/Live Seafood Fine Chinese dining in the Almond Hotel. Dim sum all day (including excellent Lo Bak Go and Cheong Fun) and a la carte only in the evenings. Offering a large selection of Cantonese dishes and several tanks of live fish, shrimp, crabs and other seafood from which to choose. Abalone, shark’s fin, Cantonese BBQ, wok fried, iron pan dishes, most at moderate prices. Western and Cambodian dishes also available. Atmosphere suitable for business, family or friends. #128E Sothearos Open: 6:30AM - 10:00PM Tel: 023-228822

Noodle House Classic Asian Noodle restaurant, comfortable, open air . Offering a very full menu of Chinese noodle soup and Cambodian noodle. Soft drink, Juice, draft beer. Considering the nice atmosphere, beautiful view decoration and good food, the prices are surprisingly reasonable. Happy hour 5:30PM - 7:30PM. [ DEL ] Open: 6am-10pm 32AE, St. 130 Tel: 077 919 10 Sugar Palm Restaurant & bar Khmer food and nice terrace. #19, St. 240 Tel: 023 220 956 Open: 11am-10p Le Seoul Korean Cuisine Lunch and Dinner [ AC ] Open: 11am-10pm No. 62, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 427 000 Equinox Bar and Cocktails , Restaurant Art Gallery [ AC ] Tel: 012 665 076 Nº. 3A, Street 278 Angkear Vimean Delivery service for monthly Care your time and health, serve food reaches your home, your work place everyday, and we bring you a healthy food . [ DEL ] #13, St. 278 Tel: 012 434 630 VG Garden BBQ and soup, all you can eat buffet. Open: 16pm-21pm #108, St.55 Tel: 023 217 132 New Maharaja Serving the best of Indian, Chinese and Bangladeshi cuisine. #11, St. 278 Tel: 012 513 516

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it’s FREE!!! please call us: 093 666 919 / 023 30 50 70


Guide Tonle Bassac With excitement and hope that customers will not but enjoy our awesome monthly promotion with a lot of offer. We want to say, no matter where you maybe tonle bassac should be your next thought place to be. Vacation to our restaurant we be a very great delight and it will release you from anxiety, eating any kind of food you desire is never be our stress. Without you will can not exist your effort to come is our life span motivation. Tonle Bassac is very open to every body that needed best hospitality and relaxation solution. Promotion are meant for you, visit our restaurant and take up your right. Buffet lunch, buffet dinner, set menu, lunch box, coffee break, conference room, outside catering services. #177, St. Mao Tse Tong Tel: 023 210 019 Khmer Surin Delicious Khmer and Thai cuisine in a comfortable atmosphere, enjoy Thai style balcony seating, catering, vegetarian menu large parties welcome. #9, St. 57 Tel: 012 887 320

Where are the fast food at ? .Pizza Company ...Vimeantep provided by The Pizza Company Sorya Pizza, Pasta, Salad Tel: 023 222 142 Nยบ. 39, Oknha Nou Kan (St. 105), Behind Embassy of Germany ...EFG Co., Ltd. (The Pizza Company & Swensenโ s) Tel: 023 883 488-9 Nยบ. 27, Street 134 ...Old Stadium provided by The Pizza Company Sorya Pizza, Pasta, Salad Te: 023 864 248 Nยบ. 17-19, Oknha Khleang Moeung (St. 70) ...Sorya Pizza, Pasta, Salad Tel: 023 223 607 Nยบ. 13-61, Trasak Paem (St. 63) ...Kampuchea Krom provided by The Pizza Company Sorya Pizza. Pasta, Salad 023 881 762

Nยบ. 880-882, Kampuchea Krom Blvd Cnr Street 261 .KFC (Cambodia) Nยบ. 170, Monivong Blvd , Asia Hotel Phnom Penh Tel: 023 213 772 Delivery: 023 996 000 Nยบ. D13-15 opposite of Sovanna Shopping Center .Master Grill ...Sorya Shopping Center 5th floor Tel: 093 889919 ...Sovanna Shopping Center 3rd floor Tel: 093 889916 ...Sihanouk Blvd Tel: 093 889917 .Master Suki Soup Ice Cream Parlours ...Soup Bak Touk Tel: 023 888 889 Nยบ. 172, Tchecoslovaquie (St. 169) ...Sovanna Tel: 017 558 005 4th Floor , Sovanna Shopping Center

...Sorya Tel: 023 992 978 6th-8th Floor, Sorya Shopping Center ...Chroy Changva Tel: 023 982 069 National Road No 6A .Pizza World Pizzerias ...Kampuchea Krom Tel: 023 222 266 Nยบ. 525-527, Kampuchea Krom Blvd ..Sovanna Tel: 023 222 266 1st Floor, Sovanna Shopping Center ...Monivong Tel: 023 222 266 Nยบ. 322, Preah Monivong Blvd ...City Mall Tel: 023 222 266 Building A, St. Monireth .City Suki Soup Soup Tel: 023 228 686 Nยบ. 394-396, Preah Monivong

No 8, rue 118 / face au Memphis Club 023 223 140 / 016 642 630

B ar & C lub

Bopha Phnom Penh Titanic 
 Restaurant/Lounge: Cambodian/International 
Stylish, river’s edge, air-con bar and restaurant featuring the “Titanic Band.” Informal jam session every weekend. Riverside starlight terrace provides an relaxed escape from the dance floor. Full bar, extensive cocktail menu and wines list. Apsara Dancing from 7pm-9pm. 
 Sisowath Quay, opposite Street Open: 6:00AM - Late 
 Tel: 012-524584

Candy Bar
 24hr Bar/Restaurant: International Fully air-conditioned, totally comfortable 24-hour sports bar and restaurant on Street 136 just off the riverfront. Lots of hostesses, cushioned seating, relaxed atmosphere with good music at conversation volume. Pool table, live sports TV, games. Serving a nice selection of western, Khmer and Thai dishes - western breakfast, pizzas, burgers, Thai food and more. Guesthouse rooms available. Happy hour 9AM-9PM! 75 cent beers and $1.75 house spirits. Visa/MC/JCB/ANZ #24-26, Street 136 Open: 24 hours Tel: 015-691969 
 A “Mexican gringo bar,” a.k.a. ‘Hurley’s Place’. Friendly riverfront bar set amongst several bars and restaurants whose curbside seating blur into one another. Good company. Full bar, cold beer, spirits, the works often including a selection of premium tequilas. Great Mexican food. Fresh salsa and tortillas made daily.
 #347, Sisowath Quay Cyclo Bar 
 Bar/Restaurant: French, Western, International Welcoming corner bar at the Cyclo Hotel, Café and Bar. Comfortable, airy street front bar and air-conditioned café behind serving western, French and Khmer dishes. Full bar, cold beer, draft, spirits, cocktails and a wine selection. Pool table. #50, Street 172 Open: 7:00AM- Midnight Tel: 023-992128 Dream Bar 
 Bar A/c corner bar a block off the riverfront. Hostesses, music, pool table and drinks with a somewhat more relaxed, easy going feel than similar places. Chat with mates, play some Connect for with the girls, watch the game on TV, shoot some pool...up to you. Hungry? Just ask, they’ll order in for you.

#38Eo, Street 11 Open: 83:00PM - 3:00AM Tel: 023-991369

Flora Bar Bar Hostess bar on Street 136, just 20 meters off the riverfront in the heart of the riverfront dining and shopping area. Fully air-conditioned bar with lots of friendly ladies to keep you company. Full bar - beer, wines, spirits, cocktails, lad\y drinks. Lots of games. 
#5, Street 136 Open: 4:00PM - Late 
 Tel: 012-366610
 Foreign Correspondents Club of Cambodia
 Bar/Restaurant: Intl 
This is the famous FCC - still as much a journalist’s meeting place as a popular tourist/expat bar and restaurant. Located on the second floor of a beautiful old Colonial era building, the FCC’s open balcony provides a spectacular, sweeping view of the Tonle Sap and Mekong Rivers. The FCC kitchen offers a good selection of contemporary, modern, and mainstream western dishes as well as some of the best wood-fired over pizza in town. Photo shows and exhibitions. Delivery. Bookshop. Fresco Delicatessen on the ground floor. 
#363, Sisowath Quay Open: 7:00AM - 12:00 Tel: 023-724014
E-mail: fcc_pp@online.
Web Site: www.fcccambodia. com
Popular, extraordinarily comfortable a/c bar and restaurant with a friendly neighborhood bar ambiance. Nice wooden bar and comfortable seating, good conversation and a generally convivial place. Offering a good selection of American, Mexican and other western foods. Excellent service, always with a smile. Huge music selection. Hook ups and wifi. Efficient, reliable home delivery. #69, Street 240 Open: 7:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023-224712 Garage Bar 
 Bar/Restaurant: American Very comfortable, very welcoming aircon bar just off the riverfront. Great music. Velvet Underground, Orison and the like. More than a terabyte of music. Full bar, draft beer, spirits and cocktails, all at very reasonable prices. Flame grilled burgers and dogs. Free wifi. #9, Street 110 Open: 5:00PM - 1:00AM Tel: 012-754763

Heart of Darkness 
One of the most well-known bars in Cambodia, drawing a mix of tourists, locals and expats. Very stylish place, sporting a Khmer-baroque flare that’s now common in Phnom Penh but had its genesis here at the Heart. Feeling much more the club than a bar these days, there’s music, dancing, 

 cocktails, beer, pool table, continuing till near dawn. Busiest after midnight. Packed sardine-tight on Friday and Saturday evenings. 
#26, Street 51 Open: 7:00PM - Very Late

Mr. Horng Restaurant & Sport Bar 
Restaurant/Bar: Western/French/Cambodian Nice location on Street 51 in Boeung Keng Kang 1, right opposite Wat Lanka. Balcony bar seating with a view of the street scene as well as strategically placed TV with all the sports and news. Full bar, draft beer, cocktails at reasonable prices. Offering a selection of western and Cambodian fare. #9CEo, Street 51 Open: 6:00AM - Midnight **Happy Hour 4PM-7PM Tel: 012-666796

K-West Brasserie-Bar 
 Restaurant/Bar: International Trendy, stylish, comfortable riverfront restaurant and bar on the ground floor of the Amanjaya Hotel sporting a relaxed fusion décor with hard-wood floors and modern art around the walls. Long, comfortable bar with a picturewindow view of the riverfront. Fully air-conditioned. Full bar offering a good cocktail menu, draft beer, a wine selection and happy hour (6PM-8PM) specials. Also serving a wide range of contemporary Asian and European cuisine at moderate prices. Great place for all occasions - business, family or leisure. Take away. Visa/MC/AMEX #1, Sisowath Quay Open: 6:30AM - Midnight Tel: 023-214747

Nay Nay Star Bar 
Stylish, little hostess bar on Street 102 just off the riverfront. A/c bar, draft beer, full bar, cocktails, lots of friendly hostesses, sports TV and Western food including some Russian and French specialities. Guest house upstairs. 
 #5Eo, Street 102 Open: 3:00PM - 2:00AM

Lone Star Saloon
 Bar/Restaurant: American New bar and restaurant right around the corner from the Street 51 entertainment area, serving up a friendly Texas bar atmosphere and a selection down home good Tex/Mex and American bar food - Baja-style fish tacos, Chicken Fried Steaks, burgers, sandwiches and more. Happy, efficient service, cold beer and complete selection spirits including Jim, Jack, José... #16, Street 172 Open: 8:00AM - Midnight Love Orange Club & Coffee 
Street 240 club and café - coffeeshop/restaurant by day (Khmer and & Coffee Western food, kitchen closes at 10PM), Cambodian nightclub by night. Very welcoming to foreigners. One of the few Cambodian clubs in town serving a wide selection of cocktails and offering happy hours. DJ’d music, R&B, rap, hip-hop, the works. Dancing till very late. 
 #32, Street 240 Open: 8:00AM - 4:30PM 
 Tel: 012-717666 Martini Pub 
This is the famous Martini’s. A legend since the days of UNTAC. Their ad reads, ”Bored, lonely, hungry. We have everything you need!” and that just about sums it up. Lots and lots of bar girls. Generous drinks. Dancing inside the disco, open air restaurant with giant screen TV outdoors. 
 #45, Street 95 Open: 7:00PM - 3:00AM

* Restaurants, Bars and Casino The NagaWorld resort and casino complex has it all - luxury accommodation, fine dining restaurants, entertainment venues with bars, karaoke, a dance club lounge and sprawling casinos with extensive gaming facilities. It would be easy to plan the entire evening around NagaWorld - drink, dine and dance all night. Visa/MC Samdech Hun Sen Park Tel: 023-228822 

 The Aristocrat * Wine and Cigar Bar Sophisticated wine and cigar bar with a brilliant picture window view of the casino floor. Offering an impressive selection of fine spirits and wines and a cigar menu including Cubans and other fine imports. Excellent happy hour prices. Live classical violin music. Open noon till midnight. **Happy Hour 5PM-8PM Club 88 * Karaoke Upscale karaoke club at the luxurious Naga World Resort and Casino. Twenty spacious, stylishly decorated private karaoke rooms and a huge selection of music. Full services. Open 3:00PM - 5:00AM. Darlin Darlin * Bar, Live Music and Dancing Plush, upscale club/lounge serving up live music nightly, dancing, an extensive cocktail menu, imported beers and wines and a chic atmosphere. Open 8:00PM - 3:00AM
 Noatch’s Bar Bar Fully air-conditioned Street 104 hostess bar with pool table, karaoke rooms and a relaxed atmosphere. Full bar, draft beer, spirits and plenty of friendly females to keep you company. Wide selection of whiskeys. Bar games. Connect for and some of the best players in town. #11, Street 104 5:00PM - Late **Happy Hour 5PM-8PM Tel: 092-515725


Guide Nordic House
 Restaurant/Bar/Guest house: Scandinavian/Asian/Western Guest house, bar and restaurant in the heart of the very popular Street 136 bar scene just off the riverfront. Full bar, draft beer, lots of spirits (including Linie Aquavit,) all very affordable. Also offering a good selection of reasonably priced meals and drinks - lots of western dishes and a few very nicely done home-made Scandinavian specialities. Guest house rooms available. Visa/MC #22, Street 136 Open: 7:00AM - Midnight Tel: 023-998676 Oasis Bar
 Bar Fine little hostess bar on the strip of Street 136 hostess bars just off the riverfront. Reasonably priced drinks, draft beer and some pretty good music. Comfortable and fully air-conditioned. Stop in as you bar hop up the street. #3Eo, Street 136 Open: 4:00PM - 2:00AM Tel: 092-409177 
 136 Bar
 Bar Popular, laid-back hostess bar on the very popular Street 136 set amongst several bars and pubs and right next to the happening 69 Bar. Lots of friendly hostesses, good music, relaxed atmosphere, bar games and a good selection of beers, spirits and cocktails all make for a fun place to while away the evening. #17, Street 136 Open: 5:00PM - Late 
 Pickled Parrot 
 Restaurant/Bar: International 
Popular riverfront-area bar and restaurant on Street 104 offering a large menu of Western, Indonesian, Thai, Chinese and international fare. Imported Australian steaks. Burgers, soups, salads. Wellstocked bar, a/c and one of the best pool tables in Phnom Penh (slate). 9-ball is the game. 24hr live satellite sports. Serving food and drinks all night long. Western management. The mid-range Tonle Sap Guesthouse upstairs. Spend $5 and get free Wifi.
 #4-7Eo, Street 104 24 hours Tel: 023-986722

Sharky Bar 
One of the most popular bars in Phnom Penh. Men’s pub atmosphere. Happening night scene. Full bar, cocktails, shots, the works. Three pool tables, classic rock, lots and lots of friendly females. Big screen TV with all major sporting events. Balcony and indoor seating. Comfortable bar seating. Full kitchen. Great Tex/Mex, burgers, steaks and Thai food. Hearty portions at reasonable prices. 
 #126, Street 130 Open:
6:00PM - late 69 Bar
 Bar Happening little hostess bar nestled amongst a cluster of bars and pubs along Street 136 just off the riverfront. The priorities are girls, music, dancing, drink and girls, in that order. A place for fun. If sport and hostess bars are what you’re looking for, 69 Bar is recommended. #15, Street 136 Open: 5:00PM - Late 
 Topaz Piano Bar 
 Restaurant/Piano Bar 
Upscale piano bar and lounge at Topaz’s new location on Norodom. Fashionable but comfortable lounge atmosphere with nightly live entertainment. Good selection of cocktails and spirits, one of the deepest wine cellars in Phnom Penh and a walkin humidor stocking the finest imported cigars. 
 #182, Norodom Open:11:00AM - Midnight 
Tel: 023-221622
 Top Ten Bar
Bar Booming hostess bar on Street 104 with the emphasis on dancing, music. Bar and dancing on the ground floor, bar, dance floor. Fully air-conditioned. Reasonably priced drinks. #17, Street 104 Open: Noon - 5:00AM Tel: 012-249997 Queen Bar 
 Bar Fully air-conditioned pub and snack place just 50 meters off the riverfront. Full bar, draft beer and cocktails, free pool table and big screen projection sports TV and a friendly hostess staff. Snacks and pub grub shawarmas, roasted chicken and a variety of grills and savouries. Private room available for groups and parties. #32EO, Street 118 Open: 4:00PM - Late Tel: 012-870698

popular ‘Jokers Wild’ on Friday evenings. Giant screen TV and two more pool tables upstairs at the FC Walkabout. ATM in front of restaurant. Visa
 Streets 174 & 51 Open: 24 hours 
 Tel: 023-211715 Zeppelin Café Bar If classic rock is your thing, this is the place for you. Sporting the best collection of classic rock vinyls in Cambodia - over 1000 discs - a great sound system and Mr. Jun spinning a brilliant selection of classics and choice B-sides, the Zeppelin Café is a rock lover’s heaven. Full bar and pub grub (Chinese dumplings!) Occasional live music. Consistently open very late. Highly recommended. 
#109C, Street 51 Open: 5:00PM - 4:00AM 
 Tel: 012-881181 The Kandal House Café & Pub Khmer & Western Foods Happy hour from 3pm-8pm @ Angkor Draft Open: 9am till midnight #239 BEo, Sisowath Quay Free delivery Tel: 012 525 612 Equinox Bar, restaurant and gallery in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. regular cultural events, live music, painting exhibitions, photo exhibitions Tel: 012 665 076 Nº. 3A, Street 278 Velkommen Inn Restaurant/Bar: Western/Scandinavian Welcoming, comfortable hotel restaurant and bar on Street 104 just off the riverfront, set amongst a cluster of bars and pubs. Full bar, draft beer, spirits, friendly people and good conversation. Unique imported Scandinavian spirits such as Linie Aquavit on the top shelf. Good restaurant selection of western dishes including all the favourites and several very nicely prepared Scandinavian specialities. Live music every Friday! #23, Street 104 7:00AM - Late Tel: 092-177710

Memphis Pub Bar: Live Music The most consistent rock and roll venue in town, delivering up live blues and rock and roll Monday through Saturday. Music starts at 9:30 or so. Full bar.
 #3, Street 118 Open: 6:00PM - Late Chiva’s Shack, Questhouse , Restaurant and Bar The room make your feeling like in your home, acceptable price included breakfast , free WiFi, Air-conditioner , Hot shower, Fan, TV. Western and local menu are available, 75c draft beer. Special Cocktail $1.75 everyday enjoy. Night BBQ. Pool Table. Riverside. #6-8, St. 130 Tel: 023 986 837 Saint-Tropez Bar and lounge Fine French cuisine , full air-conditioner, french style decoration , comfortable lounge with nightly live entertainment. Good selection of cocktails. #31, St. 174 Open everyday for lunch and dinner Tel: 097 9000 401/ 077 212 100 Pontoon Bar and Club The only one original floating club #Diamond Island behind Naga World Studio 182 The art of Paris #182, Norodom Blvd Open: 9pm until late Tel: 077 777 182 Cadillac Bar and Grill Great southern cooking and plenty of good ol’ southern hospitality. Café Sentiment Contemporary coffee house on three floors with a relaxing lounge ... #219E, Ground Floor, Sisowath quay Open 8am-1am Happy hour 5-7pm. Tel: 011 713 567 The Walkabout Pub 
 24 hr Restaurant/Bar: International 
Very popular, well-known, reasonably priced bar/restaurant in a mid-range on the ground floor of the Walkabout Guest house. Full bar, full menu, pool table, all major sporting events on TV. $80 pool competition every Tuesday. One of the few western restaurants open after 2:00AM. Very

Café &B akery Phnom Penh

Café Sentiment 
 Café/Coffee shop Stylish , fully air-conditioned café and coffee shop located in the centre of town near Phsar Thmey (Central Market.) Snacks, salads, sandwiches, croissants and muffins, fresh squeezed fruit juices a selection of coffees (espresso, latté...,) Ice creams. [ WF – AC ] 1) #128, Monivong
 2) Sovanna Shopping Mall
 3) Street 278, corner of Street 63 Open: 7:00AM - 11:00PM Tel: 023-221922
 Café Yejj 
 Restaurant: Western 
Quiet, cozy bistro style cafe 20 meters from the Russian Market, serving western cuisine and an excellent selection of coffees. An great place to escape the dust and bustle of shopping at the Russian Market. Street side café seating and air-conditioned, cushioned comfort upstairs. Good pasta dishes, wide selection of panini, wraps and fabulous cheesecake, tantalizing pastas, crisp salads, choice of burritos, chilled lassis and more. Open everyday. 
 [ AC ] #170, Street 450 Open
7:30AM - 9:00PM 
 Tel: 012-543360
 Coffee Korner Restaurant/Café: Western/Asian Corner coffee shop and restaurant conveniently located near the Russian Market. A good place to take a break from shopping. Comfortable indoor and curbside seating with a good view. Good selection of coffees (espresso, latte, etc.), Frappes, smoothies and fresh juices. Serving snacks and main dishes with both western and Cambodian choices. Sandwiches, salads, luk lok , amok, green curry, hot dogs, chicken fingers and more. 
#174, Street 155 Open:7:30AM - 10:00PM Tel: 012-867667 Java Café and Gallery 
 Café/Restaurant: International 
Genial gallery ambiance. Brilliant selection of coffees, teas and muffins. Nice selections of salads, sandwiches made to order on homemade bread, fajitas, lots of veg dishes and all-day breakfasts including omelettes, pancakes, French toast, muesli and more. Indoor gallery seating and airy balcony seating overlooking the park. Changing art and photo exhibitions. WiFi HotSpot. Loyal expat following. [ WF – AC ] #56, Sihanouk Open: 7:00AM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 023-987420 /

E-mart Café Special selected hot drinks, cool drinks, milk shake, Italian Soda, asian coffee, float drinks, tea series, smoothie juice, snake foods, and desserts. Comfortable seating.

Chocolate by The Shop Chocolate shop/Confectionery A chocoholic’s dreams. A big selection of Belgian chocolates made in Cambodia - pralines, truffles, bars, bon bons and lots more. Also ice creams, cakes, coffee, teas, shakes and cocktails. Indoor and pleasant ale fresco seating. Great place to bring the kids for a treat. Closed at 4PM on Sundays. [AC] #35, Street 240 8:00AM - 7:00PM Tel: 023-998639 Cup Coffee Time Open : 7 am to 9 pm. Tel : 092 227 822 #24E0, Street 266 [AC]

Em Cafe Make your life tasty. Provide great homemade food at easy to find location in central in Phnom Penh. Choose from a great choice of dishes for breakfast, lunch or dinner. [ DEL - AC - WF ] # 262 ,Street: 262 Monivong Blvd Tel: 012 60 80 89 Open : 06:30am-10:30pm Le Jardin Café and Ice Cream Very family friendly place, wonderful for young children and parents. Large, enclosed outdoor cafe in the gardened front yard of a Boeung Keng Kang 1 villa. Lots of room for the kids to run and play - sand box, tree house and comfortable shaded seating areas for Mom and Dad. Serving western breakfasts, soups and sandwiches, dinner, tapas, fresh juices and a good choice of crepes and very popular homemade ice creams. Full bar with cocktails and a nice wine selection. Available for birthday parties. Sunday closed at 8:00PM. Closed Mondays. [ AC ] #16, Street 360 8:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 011-815525

K Coffee Coffee, and favourite Foods...Comfortable seats. [ DEL- AC ] Time Open : From 6 am to 8 pm Soft drink 6 glass free 1 glass Tel: 015 821 984 #Street 214

Sunset Café Espresso, Cappuccino, Cookies, Japanese food (kushiage,Curry rice,Zaru soba), Japanese Liqueur (Sake,Shouchu) Close: Thursday Tel: 016 781 361 Preah Sihanouk ,near Golden Lion roundabout, Opposite Fortune Hotel

Garden Center Café Time Open : 7am to 9:30pm. [ DEL - AC ] Tel : 092 42 99 68 # 4 Eo Street 57

Triple 8 Mart Time Open : From 8am to 12pm. [ AC ] Tel: 012 610 222 # 78, Street 108.

Fat Boy Submarine sandwich shop New submarine sandwich shop near Sharkey Bar on Street 130. Serving up the best American style subs in town, generously made-to-order on fresh baked just-like-home breads and rolls. Imported roast beef, turkey, ham, salami, Italian subs, tuna salad, cheeses and a big selection of sauces and add-ons. Check out the Fat Boy sub packing a full kilo of meat. Salads and side. [DEL] #124, Street 130 Tel: 012-704500 Promenade and Mini Mart Café Time Open : 24 hours [ WF ] Tel: 023 430 581, 023 430 580 # Sokimex Gas Station 24, Street National Road 5. PARK Café Time Open : 24 Hours Tel: 012 232 823 # 28, Street Monivong [ AC- WF - LM ] Company Details : Head Quar Park Café Sovanna.

Ben Café Serve Italian cafe & many kinds of special drink ,Special fast food, breakfast, lunch & dinner, Comfortable place with VIP rooms. [ WF ] Tel: 012 299 900 # 173, Street 132, Teuk Laak I, Toul Kork Lunch Box the Gourmet Sandwich Bar Cafes & Coffee Shop Asian Restaurant Western & International Restaurant Bar & Pub Tel: 092 553 743 #14, Lovieem St. 282 Amara Spa Oil Body Massage, Body Scrub, Body mud, Body day Khmer Traditional massage, package for him and her, Female and Mail Facial. Foot massage, Jacuzzi and stem [ AC- WF ] Time Open : 11:00 am to 11:00 pm Tel: 023 998 730 # Sisovath, Street : 110

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FINDING Vero Media Design Graphic Design / Website Design Indoor Shopping Advertising Scooter Mobile Advertising Media Production Advertising Russia Blvd. No. 128D Opposite of Royal University of Phnom Penh Tel: 023 30 50 70 Jolly Shoes, Clothes, Dresses, All accessories kids from new born to 15 years old Street Kampuchea krom No. 108-110 2nd floor Sovanna Shopping Center No. 175 A Mao Tse Tong Tel: 012 655 117

PHOTOGRAPHY Wedding, Ceremony, Commercial, Photo Printing. No. 689 Eo, Monivong Blvd Tel: 015 87 8888 ( Chhong ) Tel: 012 801 902 ( Heng ) Monument Extensive range of new English- language books in town including recent releases and section on Asia, Cambodia, travel, cuisine, design and management. Good Children’s section as well as a wide choice of magazines and newspapers. Open from: 7: 30am - 8: 00pm Tel: 023 217 617 Street 111 Norodom Blvd Wedding Planner [ Srey Oun Prasat Meas ] deal all your wedding plan, Khmer traditional style and beauty salon. Tel: 012



Chiva’s Shack,

In the Phnom Penh

Restaurant, Questhouse & Bar Famouse Riverside Meeting Place friendly family bar .Western & Local Menu, .75c draft beer .Specail Cocktail $1.75 everyday. .Night BBQ. Pool Table

#6-8, St 130. Phnom Penh (River Side)

Room Range From $7 Included .Breakfast . WiFi . AC, Fan, Hot shower . TV 023 986 837- 016 406 232


Phnom Penh


40 1

H otel Guide

Phnom Penh


Amanjaya Pancam Hotel
A luxury suite hotel offering the highest standards of western comfort combined with the style and elegance of traditional Khmer décor. All rooms with Cambodian rosewood furniture, silk fabrics and hardwood floors. All are spacious, with quality amenities and balconies overlooking the river. K-West café on the ground floor. 
 #1, Sisowath Quay Tel: +(855) (0)23-214747 Naga World 
 Offering more than 700 rooms and suite, all luxuriously appointed - a/c, LCD TV, IDD, etc. Entertainment complex including casino, karaoke lounges, disco, spas, restaurants, bars and more
 Samdech Hun Sen Park Tel: +(855) (023-228822 Sunway Hotel 
 138 rooms and suites. Popular international class, upscale hotel near Wat Phnom. Restaurants/bars. Lunch/dinner buffet. Spa and fitness facilities. Business centre. Conference and banquet facilities. #1, Street 92 Tel: +(855) (0)23-430333

Out Standing Almond Hotel 
 Stylishly well appointed rooms with all modern amenities including in-room WiFi. Suitable for business or holiday travellers. All services. Spa. Fine Chinese restaurant. #128F, Sothearos, corner of Russian Tel: +(855) (0)23-220822 Diamond Hotel 
 Modern deluxe hotel located in the heart of the city just 5 minutes walk from the Central Market. Rooms and suites with all modern amenities. Visa/ MC 
#172-184, Monivong Tel: +(855) (0)23-217221 Holiday Villa Hotel 
74 rooms. Superior three-star hotel, very conveniently located in the heart of the city near the Central Market. 
 #89. Monivong Tel: +(855) (0)23-990888

Apartment Questhouse

Juliana Hotel 
 One of Phnom Penh’s premier business and leisure resort hotels offering world class facilities near the heart of the city. Restaurant with a popular international buffet. Business centre. Spa. Hair salon. Gardens. Loyal business visitor following. 
 #16, Street 152 
Tel/Fax: +(855) (0)23-880530

Pretty Decent

Bougainvillier Hotel
 Located in the heart of a touristic and lively area, just a 3 minute walk to the Royal Palace, National Museum and Night Market. Set at Sisowath Quay right on the riverfront, all suites have a beautiful sight on the Mekong River. Stylish, well-appointed, fully outfitted rooms. Fine Royal Khmer and French cuisine by a Cambodian and French Chef, fine ambiance and 3 VIP rooms. 
 #277C, Quay Sisowath Tel: +(855) (0)23-220528 ‘ City Centre Hotel 
 Affordable, city centre, just a 100 meters from the riverfront. In-room WiFi, flat screen CTV and fridge. Elevator. #77-79, Street 130 Tel: +(855) (0)23-217745

Almond Hotel 
 Stylishly well appointed rooms with all modern amenities including in-room WiFi. Suitable for business or holiday travellers. All services. Spa. Fine Chinese restaurant. #128F, Sothearos, corner of Russian Embassy Tel: +(855) (0)23-220822

Feeling Home 
 Brand new, well appointed rooms, conveniently located in Boeung Keng Kang 1. Balconies. WiFi throughout. Two nice eateries. Lots of nearby shopping and dining. #156, Street 278, corner of Street 63 (BKK1) Tel: +(855) (0)23-221522

Amber Villa & Restaurant 
 Family run hotels near the Independence Monument, restaurants, shopping and NGO
offices. Rooms with Khmer style decor, balcony and amenities including in-room safe, DVD and Internet. #1A, Street 57 Tel/Fax: +(855) (0)23-216303

Frangipani Villa 60s 
 Newly renovated 1960s villa, offering a nicely restored example of modern Khmer architecture. Well-appointed rooms with all modern amenities. Pleasant café. 
#20R, Street 252 Tel: +(855) (0)23-212100

Anise Hotel & Restaurant 
 Aptly called “your home in Phnom Penh,” Anise is centrally located in the BKK1 area and 
offers comfortable, spotless, stylishly decorated rooms. Free breakfast, laundry and WiFi. #2C, Street 278 Tel: +(855) (0)23-222522

Frangipani Villa 90s Boutique hotel. Renovated 1990s copy of 1960s style villa feature well-appointed rooms, unique design and a nice little café serving Khmer and European cuisine. Well reviewed by gusts.
 #25, Street 71 Tel: +(855) (0)23-212100

Aram Boddhi Tree Boutique Hotel For the discerning traveller who appreciates quality inner-city accommodation and personalized service that comes with a small hotel. Free WiFi. Child Safe network partner. #70E0, Street 244 Tel:: +(855) (0)23-211376

Le Rit’s 
 Three spacious rooms filled with beautiful Khmer-style decoration. Each room is equipped with queen size bed, cable TV, private bathroom. WiFi
 #14, Street 310 Tel: +(855) (0)23-213160 sales@nyemo.comw w

 Well appointed rooms with all amenities. Breakfast included. Swimming pool, pool side bar, and deluxe rooms with private balconies overlooking the pool. Great Western and Asian food. Wireless Internet hot spot. #5, Street 158 Tel: +(855) (0)23-223703

Manor House
Stylish, nicely finished villa-style guesthouse. Continental breakfast. 
Australian/Khmer owned and managed. Gay and straight friendly accommodations. 
#21, Street 262 
Tel: +(855) (0)23-992566

Mini-Castello Sharp villa-style guesthouse on a quite stretch of Street 240, within easy walking distance of the Street 240 shopping area and the Boeung Keng Kang 1 (BKK1) shopping and dining district . Well-appointed a/c rooms with CTV, fridge, en suite, hot water and free inroom WiFi. Free laundry. Long term stay discount. #14, Street 240, Sangkat Chaktomok Khan Daun Penh Tel: +(855) (0)12-757246 Pacific Hotel
Nicely refurbished mid-range hotel in the heart of the city. A/c rooms with all amenities including large screen TV and in- room lock boxes. Small restaurant/ bar. #234, Monivong Tel: +(855) (0)23-218592 Royal Inn 
 Just up the road from the riverfront area. Smartly decorated, well-appointed rooms with all amenities, some with balcony. Free WiFi. Rooftop terrace. Restaurant. #128D8, Sothearos Blvd Tel: +(855) (0)23-214824 Scan Hotel
 Very popular, villa-style hotel on a quiet street. “Immaculately furnished with contemporary style,” very clean rooms with garden atmosphere, trendy bar and pool. Great restaurant. Consistently good reviews. Consistently good reviews. Home to Scan Gallery, a contemporary art gallery. WiFi.
 #4, Street 282 Tel: +(855) (0)23-214498 Tai Ming Plaza 
 Breakfast included in price. Superior mid-range hotel offering well-appointed rooms and suites with all modern amenities. Fine Chinese dining. #281, Norodom Tel: +(855) (0)23-219568 Walkabout Hotel All new boutique hotel next to the Walkabout Guesthouse. Clean, stylish, quite room with all amenities. In-room WiFi. Green-conscious construction and operation. Blue Tongue Café serving Thai food and western comfort food. Corner of Street 51 and 174 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211715

Mid Range Amber Villa & Restaurant 
 Family run hotels near the Independence Monument, restaurants, shopping and NGO
offices. Rooms with Khmer style decor, balcony and amenities including in-room safe, DVD and Internet. Visa/MC 
#1A, Street 57 Tel/Fax: +(855) (0)23-216303 Asia Hotel 
 Breakfast included ($20-$60). A/c, fridge, bathtub, cable TV. Conference room. Business centre. Laundry and airport pick up. Internet, Travel agent. Visa/MC
 #170, Monivong 
Tel: +(855) (0)23-427825 Candy Guesthouse 
 New guesthouse/bar/restaurant just off the riverfront. Clean a/c rooms with cable TV, mini-bar and hot water. Twofloor, 24 hour bar and restaurant. Visa/MC
 #24-#26, Street 136 Tel: +(855) (0)15-691969 Cyclo Hotel 
 Newly refurbished hotel offering clean fully equipped rooms including cable TV, mini-bar, in-room WiFi, en suite bathroom with hot water and more. Nice international restaurant on the ground floor. Centrally located. 
 #50 street 172, at the corner of Street 23 Tel: +(855) (0)23-992128 Del Gusto Boddhi Tree Guesthouse Del Gusto is a charming, sensitively restored 1930’s colonial house offering eight comfortable rooms and a shady, lively café / restaurant. Free WiFi. Child Safe network partner. Visa/MC 
#43, Street 95 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211396 Flamingos Hotel Centrally located mid-range hotel just off of the entertainment area of Street 51. Clean, new rooms. Good value. Free Internet/WiFi. 
 #30, Street 172 Tel: +(855) (0)23-221640 Goldy Boutique Guesthouse 
 New boutique guesthouse in the heart of BKK1. Stylishly decorated a/c rooms with all amenities. Some with balcony. Wifi internet access in room. Massage and spa. Restaurant. 
 6B, Street 57, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: +(855) (0)23-996670

Indochine 2 Hotel
Nicely refurbished fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Traveller’s transport, tours, traveller’s information. info. International restaurant/bar, open 6 AM - late. Located one block from the riverfront. 
 #28-30, Street 130 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211525 Le Rit’s Three spacious rooms filled with beautiful Khmer-style decoration. Each room is equipped with queen size bed, cable TV, private bathroom. WiFi
#14, Street 310 Tel: +(855) (023-213160 Mini-Castello Sharp villa-style guesthouse on a quite stretch of Street 240, within easy walking distance of the Street 240 shopping area and the Boeung Keng Kang 1 (BKK1) shopping and dining district. Well-appointed a/c rooms with CTV, fridge, en suite, hot water and free inroom wifi. Free laundry. Long term stay discount. #14, Street 240 Tel: +(855) (0)12-757246 Nan Jing Hotel 
 63 rooms. Clean, mid-range hotel. Air conditioning, cable TV, fridge. Conference room. Restaurant. Snooker. 
 #219, Kampuchea Krom, Tel: +(855) (0)23-882588 Nordic House 
 Located just half a block off the riverfront. Clean, affordable guesthouse rooms and apartments with all amenities above the Nordic House restaurant and bar. Visa/MC 
#22, Street 136 Tel: +(855) (0)23-998676 Power Boutique Guesthouse Centrally located guesthouse offering spacious a/c rooms with CTV, stocked mini-bar, in-room WiFi and en suite bathroom with hot/cold water. Massage available. #9Eo, Street 106 Tel: +(855) (0)23-428254 Sky Park Guesthouse 
 Clean fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, fridge and hot water. Internet access. Laundry service. Elevator. All tourist services. ATM/Visa/JCB/MC 
#78, Street 111 Tel: +(855) (0)23-992718

Tonle Sap Hotel
 15 rooms above the Picked Parrot Pub & Restaurant. Nicely refurbished rooms
with a/c, cable TV, fridge and en suite bathroom with hot water and tub. Good furniture. WiFi in room. Attention to detail. Popular 24hr restaurant/bar, live sat sports, good pool table. 
#4 & 6Eo, Street 104, Tel:+855) (0)23-986722
 reservations@tonlesapguesthouse. com

Coffee Korner 
 Nicely decorated and outfitted guesthouse rooms near the Russian Market (Phsar Toul Thom Pong.) Fan and a/c rooms with CTV, DVD, fridge, mini-bar, in-room wifi and en suite with hot water. Dorm beds available. Restaurant. Good value. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX/ANZ 
 #174, Street 155 Tel: +(855) (0)12-867667

Umma Boddhi Tree Guesthouse 
 Traditional style house renovated and furnished in contemporary décor. Beautiful rooms, individually decorated. Excellent, good value restaurant with healthy choices, all freshly made. Visa/MC 
#50, Street 113 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211396

Grandview Guesthouse 
Heart of the Boeung Kak Lake backpacker area. Fan and air-con rooms. Rooftop restaurant offering a fantastic sun- set view. Internet access. Lots of budget restaurant and bars nearby. Visa/MC
 On Boeung Kak Lake. Left at the mosque 
Tel: +(855) (0)23-430766

Velkommen Inn 
 Nice guesthouse just off the riverfront on the popular Street 104. Spotless, a/c rooms with
cable TV, mini-bar, safety box and en suite with hot water. 50m from the bus stations and ferry dock. Tours of Phnom Penh can be arranged. 
 #23, Street 104 Tel: +(855) (0)92-177710

We’ll pass Alibi Guesthouse 
 Clean, quiet, centrally located guesthouse in a garden setting and offering a family ambiance. A/c and fan rooms with CTV, mini-bar and en suite bathroom with hot water. Just off Sothearos Blvd. Tel: +(855) (0)16-901590 Bright Lotus Guesthouse 1 
Clean fan and a/c rooms with attached bath room with hot/cold water. Some rooms with fridge. Nice view of the National Museum area and riverfront area. Reasonably priced international restaurant. 
#22, Street 178 Tel: +(855) (0)23-990446 Capitol Guesthouse 
Well-known budget hotel/restaurant. Lots of travel info, tours, tickets, etc. Bus tickets to Sihanoukville, Siem Reap, Battambang, Poipet, Saigon. Restaurant. Traveller’s checks accepted. #14, Street 182 (150 meters west of Monivong Blvd Tel: +(855) (0)23-217627 Nay Nay Star Guesthouse Newly refurbished fan and a/c rooms with fridge and hot water, located above the Nay Nay Star Bar just off the riverfront. 
#5Eo, Street 102 Tel: +(855) (0)12-769536

Green Garden Guesthouse Centrally located, villa-style guesthouse offering affordable fan and a/c rooms with CTV, fridge, en suite with hot water and in-room WiFi. Restaurant. 
#40Eo, Street 222 Tel: +(855) (0)23-217576 Green Guesthouse 
 Brand new, centrally located hotel offering clean a/c rooms with all new amenities including cable TV, refrigerator, and an suite bathroom with hot/cold water. 
 #53, Street 125 Tel: +(855) (0)15-666655 The Green House
The Green House offers a range of simple, newly built and nicely furnished rooms and suites, designed to bring affordable comfort and convenience to business and leisure visitors. The Green House is conveniently located close to the Pshar Deom Thkov, Chamkarmorn district, close to tourist sites, business centers, shopping and restaurants.. 
#48FGH, Street 488 
Tel: +(855) (0)23-217998 Indochine 2 Hotel
Nicely refurbished fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Traveller’s transport, tours, traveller’s information. International restaurant/bar, open 6AM - late. Located one block from the riverfront. 
#28-30, Street 130 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211525 The King Angkor 
 Clean fan and a/c rooms with all amenities - cable TV, DVD, fridge, and en suite bathroom with hot water. Restaurant serving western and Khmer food. Visa/MC 
#74, Street 141 Tel: +(855) (0)11-930011


Guide Sky Park Guesthouse 
 Clean fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, fridge and hot water. Internet access. Laundry service. Elevator. All tourist services. ATM. Visa/JCB/MC 
#78, Street 111 Tel: +(855) (0)23-992718 Spring Guesthouse 
 50 rooms. Clean, inexpensive hotel in the centre of town. Fan and a/c rooms
with 60 channel cable TV, en suite bathroom with hot water. Visa/MC
 #34, Street 111 (next to the German Embassy Tel: +(855) (0)15-888777 Walkabout Guesthouse
Popular guesthouse near several bars and restaurants on St. 51. 24/7 restaurant/bar. Jacuzzi rooms available. Information. Tickets and visas. Good reviews. ATM.
Visa Corner of Street 51 and 174 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211715 The Winking Frog 
 Clean new air-conditioned rooms with cable TV, wood furniture and en suite bathroom with hot water. Good bar and restaurant serving western, Thai and Khmer dishes. Live music at the weekends. WiFi internet access. Good value.
 #128 Sothearos Blvd Tel: +(855) (0)99-801548 Chiva’s Shack, Questhouse , Restaurant and Bar The room make your feeling like in your home, acceptable price included breakfast , free WiFi, Air-conditioner , Hot shower, Fan, TV. Western and local menu are available, 75c draft beer. Special Cocktail $1.75 everyday enjoy. Night BBQ. Pool Table. Riverside. #6-8, St. 130 Tel: 023 986 837

Apartment Colonial Mansion Superior serviced apartments. Studio, one, two and three bedroom apartments - fully furnished
and appliances, full maid service, WiFi, 24 hour security, fitness room, back-up electrical supply.
 #1A, Street 102 Tel: 023-986810 Skyline Service apartments Gym, swimming pool on the top floor. Nº. 1B, Abdul Carime (St. 21) Tel: 023 221 326

Garden Mansion 
 Serviced apartments. Stylish, comfortable serviced city living. Well-appointed, fully furnished, serviced apartments with modern kitchen, stylish furniture and decor, modern amenities and complete facilities including swimming pool, exercise equipment and sauna. 
 1/#23, Street 47 Tel: 023-991445 2/#50, Street 294 Tel: 023-222594 3/ #17, Street 9 Tel: 023-221377 4/ #6, Street 178Tel: 013-582777 La Belle Villa Luxury Apartments at Reasonable Prices in the heart of the City Free: Internet, Laundry & maid service, Parkin, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, sauna & steam room, CTV and A/C, 24hour security. Large, fully furnished and kitchen. One & two bedroom apartment. One week minimum stay Nº. 57-61, Street 122 Tel: 023 724 119 City View Located in the Phnom Penh’s prime residential district while enjoys an easy access to the business district. It is close proximity to public buildings, hospitals, shopping centres, restaurants, universities and international schools, many of which are within walking distance. Daily housekeeping services, Daily laundry services, Daily car washing services, Valet services on-demand 24 hours security personnel .Air Conditioner (Personal climates control) Insulated windows, IDD Tel lines, Broadband Internet Connection, Cable TV (more than 60 channels in 13 languages), Private storage room, Secured and covered parking, Modern equipped kitchen and appliances, Huge balconies with high quality outdoor setting, Best Serviced Apartment in Phnom Penh! Modern Home, and Accommodation with Exceptional Value. Nº. 28Z, Street 592, Tel: 012 899 119 Elegant Elegant Apartment is the 8 storey apartment in Phnom Penh which is renowned for offering wonderful service and amazing facilities among other apartments in Phnom Penh in Cambodia. The Elegant apartment is the best place for leisure as well as for business. The location of Elegant apartment is in the middle of Phnom Penh city. Close to Many Local Attractions, Elegantly decorated, Best Quality Furniture. Nº. 178, Chakrey Ponn (St. 208) Tel: 023 217 712 Blue Green Office Space & Service Apartments South Central Market’s Business Area. Facilities & Accommodations. Contemporary Interior Design & Furniture. Support Services For Customers

Business. Nº. 13A, Wat Koh (St. 81) Tel: 023 222 562-3 Wonderland Villa Wonderland Villa is one of the Deluxe apartment complex in Phnom Penh managed by the international standard hotel industry management team. We apply our international hotel experience to provide Wonderland Villa guests the highest quality home away from home. And with the location in the middle of city, Wonderland Villa is near to all major interesting places for business and pleasure. You can enjoy shopping at Supermarket, going to Cinema, entertaining at Amusement Gardens, going for Pub or visit the scenic Riverside, Royal Palace, Independence Monument, and viewing antiques at National Museum etc... As an experience of a new standard of living combing comfort, convenience and safety. Wonderland Villa is created for your choice. Tropical Atmosphere Service Apartment Swimming pool, Business center, Internet access, 24 hours security guards, Plenty of car park lots Nº. 172, Trasak Paem St. 63 Tel: 016 282 858 / 994 981 City Villa Hotel Apartment The City Villa is an apartment-style hotel which caters for both short- & longterm visitors. A variety of apartments are available with between one & four bedrooms. Specially design to a modern and comfortable living family away from home, each apartment and penthouse is equipped with convenience amenities giving an overall impression of comfort and refinement. Fully equipped with in house safe for your personal effect, color cable television with 50 channels, refrigerator, cooking facility, laundry. Coffee Shop, Tennis Court, Badminton Court, Gymnasium, Conference / Function, Airport Transfer, Safe Deposit Box Doctor on call, Mini Mart, Tour Desk Ample Parking space 24 hours Security. Nº. 394-396Eo, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 218 123-6 Colonial Mansion Colonial Mansion Serviced Apartments building proudly presents its all suite apartment in Phnom Penh. It is specially designed and furnished to provide guests with the luxurious of a first class hotel plus the comfort and privacy of home & apartment. Our well-appointed spacious suites ranging from one to three bedrooms are available on a daily or monthly basis; prices differ depending on length of stay. Each suite comes with a modern kitchen, a lounge and a dining area. Fully Furnished & Serviced Apartments. Nº. 1A, Ang Non (St. 102), near Hotel Le Royal Tel: 023 986 810

La Parranda Hotel Apartment La Parranda is located in the south-west of the city, approximately 3km from the central business district of Phnom Penh. 69 Rooms, Cosy & Simply the best. Function Rooms, Restaurant & Elegant Rooms. Coffee Shop, Internet, Cable TV, Laundry, all day Dining Buffet, 24 hrs Security. Affordable serviced apartment. Nº. 207, Mao Tse Toung (St. 245) Tel:023 424 560-4 Grand Residence Grand Residence is beautifully inspired by a mixture of Khmer and French colonial architecture while impeccably appointed with modern high quality amenities that meet the westernized living standard. Elegant interior decorations are specifically chosen by professional designers to offer our guests an absolute comfort through a unique combination of luxury and practicality while providing a maximum of privacy for each residence. Serviced Apartments of rare distinction in Cambodia, Best accommodation in Phnom Penh. A truly residence of home-like atmosphere. Nº. 9 Bis, Street 604 Tel: 12 598 598 Embassy Place Apartments Embassy Place Apartments is one of the oldest service apartments in Cambodia, located in the heart of Phnom Penh within walking distance to the many tourist sites like the Independence Monument, the Riverside and within a 5 minute drive to major business, embassies, shopping and entertainment outlets. Residential serviced apartment units range from 1 bedroom with 90 sq.m in size to 3 bedroom units of between 130 – 160 sq.m in size. With 24 hour security, Embassy Place Apartments offer a secure private enclosed complex in a truly unique standard of living where you safety is also our priority. 50 rooms, Fitness, Internet Access, Cable TV, Swimming Pool, 24hr security, Garden. Nº. 147, Norodom Tel: 023 214 592 Les Jardins du Bassac Les Jardins du Bassac is a beautiful villa and apartment complex located in a residential district in southern Phnom Penh. Fine Sky Investments Cambodia 22 Villa House, 24 Apartments, Business. Centre, Fitness, Sauna, Internet Access, Swimming Pool, Cable TV. Nº. 212, Norodom Tel: 023 210 745-51

Frangipani Villa Frangipani Villa offers a unique and well-priced accommodation experience, combining friendly and comfortable villa accommodation with a unique café opportunity. The motivation behind Frangipani Villa inspired by travelers who expressed a gap in the accommodation options available in Phnom Penh, particularly pleasant establishments in which to relax and meet with friends. Free breakfast, ham/ jam sandwich—toast with jam and butter and instant coffee/ tea. Free laundry and ironing (one trouser/ skirt and shirt per day for each guest). Pick-up service from airport (Charge: US$12.00) Free Internet service at room. Free Wireless internet at Café is available Cable TV with more than 70 channels . Nº. 20R, Street 252 Tel:023 212 100 Amber Villa & Restaurant A new family-run hotel and restaurant with Khmer Stylish Decore Rooms and Open-air Restaurants, Cafe and Bar which provides warm hospitality, gentle smile and culinary delights for personalized accommodation and restaurant services to business and leisure travelers for comfort, privacy and relaxation to make you feel Just Like Your Home. Superior and Deluxe Rooms, Restaurant, Cafe and Bar (6am to 12pm). Room Services (6am to 12pm), 24 Hour Reception Desk and Security. Telephone and Internet, 24 Hour Doctor on Call. Same Day Laundry Service, Luggage Storage. Message, Mail & Postage, Airport Pick Up and Taxi, Tour Information. Nº. 1A, Street 57 Tel: 023 216 303 Palm Palace Villa & Apartment The Best Service Apartment in the Heart of PP. Fully Furnished, Spacious Living Area, 24-7. Security, Cable TV, Internet Access, Car Park & Beautiful Roof Garden Nº. 15, Botum Soriyavong (St. 75) Tel: 023 992 328 Royal Residence Royal Residence is beautifully inspired by a mixture of Khmer and French colonial architecture while impeccably appointed with modern high quality amenities that meet the westernized living standard.Elegant interior decorations are specifically chosen by professional designers to offer our guests an absolute comfort through a unique combination of luxury and practicality while providing a maximum of privacy for each residence. New serviced apartment in prime residential area Fully serviced & furnished with amenities of high quality. Broadband internet, gym & pool, 24h security. Nº. 34-35, Street 568 Tel: 012 598 598

Pasteur Villa Apartment unit rental, hair cut, hair styling, face & foot massage, skin whitening & other beauty care designing & training Nº. 120, Pasteur Rd(St. 51) Tel: 023 998 555 NCT Little Tokyo Building Perfect for your residence and/or office. 160 sq. Meters plus top floor garden terrace in 5 story building 6 rooms with kitchen, laundry, fully air-conditioned, daily housekeeping, DSL Internet connection, phones, cable television, 24hour security. Situated in the heart of close to Independence Monument & Lucky Market in Beung Keng Kang I. Our stunning 3 bed room master suites style will take your breath away. An uneatable luxurious and elegant 160 sq. meter master suite includes 1 master room, 1 deluxe twin, 1 superior single, 1 spacious living, 1 dinning room, 1 kitchen, 1 laundry room. Nº. 187C, Trasak Paem Tel: 023 224 111 Sky View Apartment Best serviced, comfortable & safe living Support Services for Customers Business. Modern Home & Accommodation with Exceptional Value. In rooms individual telephone line & Internet Nº. 50, Street 590, corner Street 313, Tel: 023 881 713


Long-running reception hall. Sisowath Blvd. No. 1 Street 94 Tel: 023 723


Several high-end ballrooms which can accommodate up to 700 guests. Hun Sen Park Tel: 023 228 822

.Hotel Cambodiana

Top-class wedding services at one of Phnom Penh’s premier hotels. 313 Sisowath Quay Tel:023 218 189

.Seng Try Catering

Full-service caterer with Khmer and Chinese dishes. Tel: 011 835 789 .Lak Hak Heng Wedding Functions Full-service caterer specialising in Cambodian cuisine. Tel: 012 352 766

.Phnom Penh Hotel

Comfortably and boast pleasant views and big rooms which can be accommodate up to hundred guests. No. 53, Monivong Blvd, Tel: 023 991 868 .The Tamarind Bar & Restaurant A three floor Bar, Restaurant and Terrace Building, Offering Oriental and French Cuisine. Street 240, No. 31 Tel: 012 830 139

Northbridge Communities of Cambodia International School, Villas for Rent,Apartment for Rent. Northbridge Road at International School Street, Tak Thla, Russei Keo Tel: 023 886 058

.Raffles Hotel Le Royal The premier hotel in Phnom Penh. Fulfil all the requirements of a modern world-class hotel, yet exudes an old-world charm through its distinctive style with an elegant yet comfortable, classic yet casual feel. Monivong Boulevard Tel: +855 23 981 888 Fax: +855 23 981 168

Royal Inn The new Royal Inn Phnom Penh hotel now offers a range of simple, newly built and elegantly furnished rooms and suites, designed to bring affordable comfort and convenience to business and leisure visitors. The Royal Inn is conveniently located close to the Phnom Penh Center and just minutes from the Royal Palace, close to tourist sites, business centres, shopping and restaurants. Perfect hotel & apartment for both business & leisure. Prime location, comfort, affordable, free WiFi Nº. 128D8, Sothearos (St. 3) Tel023 214 824

. Diamond Island ( Koh Pech )

Lotus Villa Serviced Apartment If you haven’t stayed at Lotus Villa Serviced apartments, you should try because I guarantee you won’t regret it. They provide great services, Free in-room Internet Unlimited usage and their staffs are friendly & helpful. In addition, the apartment is situated in downtown a quiet and safe neighbourhood with an access to supermarkets, restaurants. -Saw Nº. 5, Wat Koh (St. 81), near Wat Koh Tel: 023 214 733

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Shopping Sport Shop

Adidas Nº. 164, Norodom Tel: 023 726 906

City Mart Co Ltd Trasak Paem (St. 63), N. 4S-02, 4th Floor, Shopping Center Sorya Tel: 023 221 888 Fair Sport Nº. 222Eo, Preah Monivong Tel: 012 928 388 GSG-Global Sporting Goods Company Ltd Nº. 323, Sihanouk (st.274) Tel: 099 750 680 Heng Sport Nº. 214Eo, Preah Monivong Tel: 012 771 614 High Sport Nº. 291Eo, St. 217 Tel: 092 802 759 Hong Sport (Cambodia) Co Ltd Nº. 230, Preah Monivong Tel: 097 8978 888 /012 849 936 Korea Golf Department Inc Nº. 701AB, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 213 446 Sambo Sports Shop Nº. 484Eo, Sihanouk Tel: 012 977 711 Scuba Nation Diving Centre Nº. 18Eo, Sothearos Tel: 012 715 785 Super Sports Nº. 224Eo, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 6767 677 /012 888 489 VIP Sport Nº. 170Eo, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) Tel: 011 478 888 VIP Sport Club Nº. 227, Norodom, in front of Angkor Beer Store Tel: 023 993 535 ZN Sport Co Ltd Nº. 76Eo, Street 111 Tel: 011 934 899 AusFit Nº. 1B, St. 21 Tel: 012 810 432 Billabong Sharks Nº. 5, St. 158 Tel: 012 247 572 Cambodian Federation of Rugby Nº. 74, Sihanouk Tel: 012 976 384

King Kong Fitness Center Nº. 85, Street 253 Tel: 012 359 007 Narmada Sports Center Nº. 315, Sisowath, Imperial Garden Villa & Hotel Tel: 023 219 991 Phnom Penh Sports Club Nº. 245, St. 271 Tel: 023 217 223 Paddy’s Sports Centre Nº. 635, National Road No 5, Under Cambodia- Japanese Bridge Tel: 012 217 877

Souvenir Shop Angkor Souvenir Shop Nº. 88Eo, Pasteur (St. 51), between Street 172 & 174 12210 Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 817 474 / 012 801 608 Angkor Treasure Souvenir Shop Nº. 15Eo, Sothearos (St. 3) 12206 Phnom Penh. Tel:023 212 834 Apsara Art Gallery Nº. 170A, Street 450, Toul Tom Pong Market (Russian Market) 12310 Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 867 390 Asian Silk Souvenir Shop Nº. 136, Street 155, East of the Phsar Toul Pum Poung,12310, Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 979 629 Blue One Souvenir Shop Nº. 35-36, Trasak Paem (St. 63), Shopping Center Sorya 12208 Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 512 737 / 012 929 395 7 Care Cosmetic & Souvenir Shop Nº. 15Eo, Khemarak Phomin (St. 130) 12204 Phnom Penh. Tel: 016 760 707 / 097 9999 819

Heng Heng Souvenir Shop Nº. 22Eo, Confederation de la Russia 12155 Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 883 538 Honey Shop Nº. 1HEo, Street 628 Phnom Penh, Mobile: 012 646 964 Hong Kong Shop Souvenir Shop Nº. 1CEo, Street 152 Phnom Penh. Tel: 016 893 813 Jayana Arts of Living Nº. 4A, Street 57 12302 Phnom Penh. Tel: 011 818 990 / 011 878 990 Khmer Annussa Souvenir Supply Nº. C-63, Street 900, Sangkat Sraas Chak, Khan Daun Penh Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 522 244 Khmer Heart Souvenir Shop Nº. 26B, Street 184 12206 Phnom Penh Tel: 012 972 957 / 016 886 986 Khmer Princess Souvenir Shop Nº. 17AEo, Street 278, Golden Gate Hotel 12302 Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 505 904 Khmer Royal Souvenir Shop Nº. 6A, Street 57, in front of Khmer Sorin Restaurant Phnom Penh, Tel: 023 993 443 Lee Hong Huat Souvenir Nº. 37Eo, Khemarak Phomin (St. 130) 12204 Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 213 135 Le Rit’s Nº. 71, Ang Phanauvong (St. 240), Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 213 160 Lucky Souvenir Shop Nº. 2B1-2B2-2B3, Street 51 12208 Tel: 023 722 174 Master Excellent Shop Nº. 482, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) 12152 Phnom Penh . Tel: 012 989 036 /012 521 213

Central Souvenir Shops Nº. 139, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128), Sydney Shopping Center, 1st Floor 12252 Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 950 695 / 012 677 978

NCDP - National Centre of Disabled Persons Nº. 3, Norodom Blvd Tel: 023 210 140

FAA - Fine Arts Association Nº. 16BE2, Street 348, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamkarmon Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 359 666

New Sunday Souvenir Shop Nº. 147-153, Preah Monivong, 3rd floor, BS Department Store Mobile Tel: 012 892 829

Fiance Nº. 376, Preah Monivong, Korea Business Center Building 12302 Phnom Penh. Tel: 12 197 6664

NYEMO Shop at Russian Market Shop No.14, corner of Street 155 & 450 Tel: 023 213 160 / 023 216 944

Heng Hak Heng Souvenir Shop Nº. 41Eo, Khemarak Phomin (St. 130) 12204 Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 986 521

Sentosa Silk Boutique Nº. 33, Sothearos St. 3 Tel: 023 215 074

Sothea - Khmer Silver Crafts Nº. 401Eo, Sisowath, in front of Himawari Tel: 023 218 905 Ty Ty Souvenir Shop Nº. 611Eo, St. 128 Tel: 011 891 222 / 011 834 898 Vanna Souvenir Shop Nº. 8A, Street 93 Tel: 012 303 688 Pachata Souvenir Shop Nº. 202, St. 19 Tel: 011 989 011 Pailin Souvenir Nº. 36-38, Mao Tse Toung Tel: 023 213 327 / 023 307 878 PBC - Peace Book Center Nº. 435, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 222 299 / 023 222 922 PBC - Peace Book center Branch Street Assembly, in front of National Assembly Tel: 023 216 292 Peace Handicrafts & Silks Shop Nº. 39C, Street 155 Tel: 023 993 331 Reak Reay Souvenir & Wears Shop Nº. 100Eo,St. 128 Tel: 015 207 030 Roth Shop Nº. 18,St. 178 Tel: 012 603 484 Shopping Center Sarya Ltd Nº. 13-61, St. 63 Tel: 023 210 018 Sila Souvenir Shop Nº. 138AB, Street 450 Tel: 011 625 968 Sit Down Jeweler Nº. 277FEo, Sisowath Quay, Riverside Tel: 012 969 036 Sky Souvenir Shop Nº. 22H, Street 149 Tel: 011 883 386 Smile Techno-Arts Nº. 456Eo, St. 128 Tel: 023 355 155 Souvenir Shop Nº. 273A, St. 148. Tel: 012 277 882 Syna Souvenir Shop Nº. 90, Street 51 Tel: 012 819 010 / 011 551 567 Ta Prohm Souvenir Shop Nº. 49BEo, Street 178 Tel: 023 224 729


Guide White Lotus Restaurant Nº. 123, Sihanouk (St. 274) Tel: 012 695 508 Amatak Souvenir Shop Mondul 1,Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap City Siem Reap, Tel: 063 963 194 Tel: 012 314 924 Angkor Candles Nº. 565, 2 Thnou Street, opposite Old Market Siem Reap. Tel: 063 760 778 Apsormera Inspiration of Colors Road to Angkor, Room B 05, 1st floor, Cultural Mall, Angkor National Museum Siem Reap. Tel: 012 777 732 / 016 777 732

Tiger Lily FCC Complex, Pokambor Avenue Siem Reap. Tel: 063 761 446 Judy Souvenir Shop Street 109, Sangkat 2, Group 6 Preah Sihanouk. Tel: 012 380 280 / 015 380 280 Para Cocoon Souvenir Shop Nº. 002, National Road No 6, Sala Kamreuk Commune, Svay Dangkum District Siem Reap. Tel: 063 965 443 / 063 965 442 Sok Chhun Yi Souvenir Shop Nº. 12A, Street Sivatha, Kandal Market Siem Reap. Tel: 063 966 196

Asian Gemstone Souvenir Shop Nº. 0257, Charles De Gaulle Street Siem Reap. Tel: 063 767 879 / 063 767 779

Khourn Bunthy Nº. 90-92, Street 1, 20 Usaphea Village, Svay Por Commune Battambang. Tel: 053 953 862

Bayon Souvenir Shop - Watbo Nº. 0515, Group 12, Wat Bo Village, Sangkat Sala Kamroeuk, Siem Reap City Siem Reap. Tel: 063 963 573 / 063 761 560

Lovely Souvenir Shop Nº. 482Eo, Street 205, Takhmao Kandal. Tel: 016 505 503 / 017 747 478

KoKoon Boutique Old Market area, next to the Blue Pumpkin Siem Reap. Tel: 063 963 830

hique Centre Cultural Français Nº. 218, Keo Chea (St. 184) Tel: 023 721 383

Krorma Shop Group 8, Mondul 1, Svay Dangkom Siem Reap. Tel: 063 761 894 Lucky Angkor Shop Krous Village, Svay Dangkum Commune Siem Reap. Tel: 063 963 376

Book Shop

Bohr’s Books Nº. 5, Sothearos (St. 3) Tel: 012 929 148 Boston Book House Nº. 8, Street 240 Tel: 092 214 452 Cam - Active Ltd Nº. 23-25BE, Oknha Khleang Moeung (St. 70) Tel: 012 783 637

Mouy Ky Souvenirs Shop Mondul 1 Village, Svay Dongkom Commune Siem Reap. Tel: 012 249 224

Chai Fong Book Shop Nº. 137AEo, Rue de l’union Européenne (St. 143) Tel: 012 991 572

Real Khmer Ability Pub Street, Mondul I Village, Svay Dangkum Commune Siem Reap. Tel: 063 966 362 / 063 966 151

Dhamma Bookshop Ounalom Sothearos (St. 3), in Ounalom Pagoda Tel: 011 672 529

Sam Ann Dany Souvenir Shop Group 3, Wat Bo Village, Sangkat Sala Kamroeuk, Siem Reap City, in front of Sydney Angkor Hotel Siem Reap. Tel: 012 854 665 / 012 430 427 Senteurs d’Angkor Shop Nº. 274-275, Old Market area Siem Reap. Tel: 063 964 801 / 063 964 860 Senteurs d’Angkor Workshop Co., Ltd Wat Damnak Village Siem Reap. Tel: 012 206 135

Hea Siev Kheng Stationery & Book Shop Nº. 71-73, Trasak Paem (St. 63), corner Street 154 Tel: 023 217 173 Heng Sokly Book Shop Nº. 86Eo, Street 107 Tel: 023 883 285 Idea News Nº. 294E1, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 222 837 IIC Book Center Nº. 650, National Road No 2 Tel: 011 340 626 Thngay Reah News Nº. 39Eo, National Road No 2 Tel: 012 972 188

International Book Centre Nº. 250Eo, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 221 788

Ann Srey Mom Garden Service Nº. 14, Street 598 Tel: 016 941 542

International Media Services & Consulting Group (IMS) Nº. 2AD, Street 29cc, Block 40, Village Toul Pangro, Sangkat Chomchav, Khan Dangkor Tel: 855(0)12 920 144

ATA Flower Shop Nº. 2D4, Street 53 Tel: 012 821 001

Long Learning Co Ltd Nº. 11C, Street 112, Sangkat Phsardepo III, Khan Toul Kork Tel: 012 489 297 Moha Nokor Book Shop Nº. 36E0, Street 139 Tel: 012 969 332 Monument Books & Toys Nº. 111, Norodom Tel: 023 217 617 Newsweek Nº. 24AEo, Street 446 Tel: 012 804 171 OCS Cambodia Co., Ltd. Nº. 313, Sisowath, Office 1B, Hotel Cambodiana Tel: 023 991 419 PBC - Peace Book Centre branch Street Assembly, in front of National Assembly Tel: 023 216 292 PBC - Peace Book Centre provided by PBC Nº. 759-761, Preah Monivong, corner Street 432 Tel: 023 727 121 Punleu Angkor Newspaper Nº. 12Eo, National Road No 5 Tel: 012 417 770 Religious Book Shop Nº. 136Eo, Khemarak Phomin (St. 130) Tel: 012 706 581 Royal Book Shop Nº. 609CEo, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) Tel: 012 869 262 Samros Reachny Magazine Nº. 10EEo, Yothapol Khemarak Phomin (St. 271) Tel: 016 777 714

Bopha Kiri Nº. 306, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 217 669 Chanthou Samros Thorm Cheat Street 1986, Sangkat Tel: 012 788 600 Chenda Garden Street 598, Lot. 2A, Sangkat Toul Sangke Tel: 012 676 399 CPS Flora & Handicraft Nº. 13-61, Trasak Paem (St. 63), Shopping Center Sorya, 3rd floor, room 3G03 Tel: 012 961 813 Eav Chanthorn Garden Service Nº. 29, Street 598 Tel: 011 719 072 Eav Chenda Lot 3, Street 1986, Phnom Penh Thmey Tel: 012 299 719 Lym Kunthea Garden Service Nº. 38, Street 598 Tel: 012 890 723 Ming Hong Decoration Shop Nº. 66DEo, Street 138 Tel: 012 616 068 Mom Vanny Flower Shop Nº. 181AE, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) Tel: 012 896 986 Mr Flower Shop Nº. 442B, Sihanouk (St. 274) Tel: 023 223 255 Om Chanthy Garden Service Nº. 32, Street 598 Tel: 012 456 080 Orchidée Farm Tel: 012 788 789 Phkasros Lekmuoy Nº. 88-90A, Street 360 Tel: 023 997 786

SDB Development Group Nº. 28-29A, National Road No 6A, International Tel: 023 430 740

Phnom Penh Rose Flower & Souvenir Shop Nº. 7A, St. 106 Tel: 012 791 702

The United Knowledge Co Ltd Nº. 21DE, Samdech Preah Sokun Mean Bonn (St. 178) Tel: 023 223 721

Sam Sinath Mlup Rokhacheat Store 2, Street 1986 Tel: 012 888 029 Sam Vanny Samros Rokhacheat Store 4, Street 1986 Tel: 092 800 274

Flower Shop A Srey Flower Shop Kampuchea Krom (St. 128), Store 7, Central Maket Tel: 012 960 425

Sok Leng Samros Thorm Cheat Nº. 26, Street 598 Tel: 012 995 365

Angkor Flora Nº. 748Eo, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) Tel: 012 895 217

Sopheakmangkol Floral Nº. 59, Chan Reachea (St. 15), Sangkat Phsar Chas, Khan Daun Penh Tel: 012 558 232

Soun Baitang Thorm Cheat Nº. 34, Street 598 Tel: 012 858 545 Soun Penh Chet National Road No 6A, from Chroy Changvar Bridge 200m Tel: 012 856 428 Soun Rong Roeung Nº. 15, Street 598 Tel: 012 969 517 Srey Neang Garden Service Nº. 33-34, Street 598 Tel: 011 688 869 The Garden Shop Nº. 12F, Street 614, corner Street 295, infront of Toul Kork Market Tel: 015 779 333 Try Sothavy Garden Service Nº. 21, Street 598 Tel: 011 683 536

Boutique Couleurs d’Asie
 Street 240 boutique. Now at its new location on Street 240 Couleurs d’Asie offers high quality silks, silk fashions, accessories, soft furnishings and unique creations. Custom orders welcome. Wide selection of high quality Cambodian products and handicrafts. 1) #33, Street 240 Tel: 023-221075
 2) Sofitel Royal Angkor Hotel and Lotus Hotel, Siem Reap CYK Handicrafts
 Silk shop. The Caring for Young Khmer (CYK) NGO retail outlet offers hand-woven Cambodian ikat silks, silk products and silks made to order in traditional or custom designs and colours. The silks are hand-loomed in Takeo and Kandal provinces and the patterns created using the traditional ikat method and all natural dyes.
 #67, Sothearos Blvd Tel: 023-210849 Jasmine Boutique 
Fashion Boutique Jasmine creates two collections a year using beautiful hand woven Cambodian silk. Each Collection includes standard pieces. Structured wrap shirts, A-line skirts, beautifully cut trousers and jackets. Perfect for office and corporate wear. Always a sophisticated look. Currently including a lace collection mixed back with silk. Winter collections use strong sophisticated shades with depth & character. Summer shades are soft neutral tones which appear clean and crisp. 
#73, Street 240 Tel: 023-223103

Kroma Clothes Shop
 Clothing shop and vocational centre. Housing the Phnom Penh Municipality Vocational Centre and the Cambodia Japan Friendship Training Centre and retail shop. The retail shop offers products of the vocational and training centre - Khmer silks and cotton clothes, bags, pillows, coverings and soft furnishings. Retail and wholesale. Special orders welcome. New product recently added at the retail shop: handcrafted wooden children’s toys. 
 Tel: 023-211886 Le Rit’s Boutique (NYEMO) Boutique associated with NYEMO a NGO working to improve the quality of life of vulnerable women and their children. Offering quality Cambodian handicrafts, silk bags, home decor, curtains, cushions, embroideries, toys, accessories, table wares. 
 #71, Street 240 Tel: 023-213160 Lotus Pond
 Boutique, silk and design shop. Lotus Pond enjoys an excellent reputation for quality products and professional services. Fine Cambodian silks, top quality carvings and statues, spirit houses, handicraft products and home accessories. Professional interior decoration, draperies/soft furnishings made to order, custom furniture. #245, Street 51 Tel: 012-348865 Mulberry Boutique
 Silk boutique and souvenir shop Mulberry carries a wide selection of silks and quality silk products - clothes, wall hangings, scarves, bags, cushion covers and more. Mulberry also offers silver jewellery, statues and other Cambodian souvenirs. Located on 51 right around the corner from Street 278 and the popular Boeung Keng Kang 1 restaurant area.
 #9, Street 51 Tel: 016-222750 NCDP Retail Outlet 
 Souvenir and handicraft shop. The National Centre for Disabled Persons is an NGO based retail out offering a large variety of Cambodian crafts and souvenirs including silks and silk products including handbags, pillows, hangings cards, carvings. The NCDP was formed in 1997 and operates under the auspices of the Cambodian Ministry of Social Affairs with the goal of assisting disabled persons to receive health and rehabilitation services, skills training and income generating opportunities. Located on Norodom Blvd. About 200 meters from Wat Phnom. Combine with your visit to Wat Phnom. 
#3, Norodom Blvd 
Tel: 023-210140

Pavillon d’Asie
 Boutique Nice boutique, spread over two floors. Offering a good variety of artwork, handicraft products, posters and postcards, hand-tinted B&W photographs, oil and water paintings by some of Cambodia’s most interesting contemporary artists (Chhim Sothy, Heng Mony Phal, Nhem Det) and an excellent selection of traditional furniture. Located near the Independence Monument.
 #24-#26, Sihanouk Blvd. Tel: 012-497217 PSE Boutique 
 A variety of Cambodian handcrafts, silk clothing and products sold at the Pour un Sourire d’Enfant’s boutique shop are made by the children’s mothers. Your purchases benefit the children and their mothers who previously worked at the Stung Mean Chey dump site in Phnom Penh. Open: Monday to Friday 8:00AM5:00PM. Saturday closed at 12:00PM. #402, Trea Village, Stung Meanchey Tel: 023-995660 Rajana
 NGO-based Souvenir and handicraft shop. The Rajana shop has a wide variety of items including silk products, silk paintings, silver jewellery, bamboo crafts, handicrafts, cards, drawings, iron works, hill tribe crafts and even local coffees, spices and condiments. “The Rajana Association is an income generation and skills training project that produces Fair Trade products using traditional Cambodian skills with contemporary designs.” Streets 450 & 155 Tel: 023-364795 Rehab Craft 
 Rehab Craft Cambodia is a nonprofit NGO that aims to create opportunities and enhance the living standard of people with disabilities through the production and marketing of quality handicrafts including silk, silver and wood products - silk bags, clothes, soft furnishings, silver jewellery, wood, statues. All our earnings are re-invested in our training and employment programs.
 #10A, Street 322 Tel: 023-726801 Sentosa Silk
 Silk Shop. Established in 2004, aiming to bring international buyers high quality Cambodian silk products produced by poor and disabled craftsmen and women from rural Cambodia who are experts in traditional forms of silk weaving. Luxury pieces made from pure Khmer silk available in a wide range of colours and sizes to suit your taste. For home or hotel, rich soft furnishings. Your purchase helps support disabled craftsmen in Cambodia. #33, Sothearos Tel: 023-222974

Sit Down Jeweler
 Jeweller The Sit Down Jeweller is a riverfront jewellery and silver shop specialising in Cambodian gems, jewellery and gold and also offer a very large selection of silver works - both art and jewellery - including a very nice collection of pounded, animal-shaped silver betel boxes. Located on the riverfront road between Streets 148 and 154.
 #277Eo, Sisowath Quay Tel: 012-969036 
 Sopor Khmer Silk Shop
 Silk Shop. The walls are piled from floor to ceiling with an amazing array of hand-loomed Khmer silks from Takeo province. The shops offers silks and silk fashion accessories, and home decor including pillows, bags, ties, coverings - off the rack and custom orders. Custom silk designs and quantities made to order. 
 #183, Norodom 
Tel: 023-223911 SWDC - Mekong Blue
 Silk boutique. NGO-based silks retail shop for Mekong Blue Silks, hand woven, high quality Cambodian silks produced by women from the Stung Treng Women’s Development Centre in Stung Treng province in northeastern Cambodia. Mekong Blue silk products earned an UNESCO awarded Seal of Excellence for scarves in both 2004 and 2005. Silks, bags, fashions, scarves, accessories, bedding and more. Just off Sisowath Quay, the riverfront road. 
#9Eo, Street 130 Tel: 023-218815 Tabitha Cambodia
 NGO-based silk shop. The Tabitha Cambodia retail shop offers Cambodian silk products of all sorts: purses, pillows, bed covers, clothes, shawls, toys, silver, cards. Tabitha Cambodia employs a unique community development model: Disadvantaged women undertake a six-week training course, at which point they have usually made enough money to purchase a sewing machine to take home. Tabitha then places orders handicrafts, and the workers receive a fair price, ultimately providing a regular income and employment. Corner of Streets 360 & 51 
 Tel: 023-721038 Ta Prohm Souvenir Shop
 Silk shop. Tiny, welcoming silk shop, absolutely stuffed with silks. Offering Khmer silk products of all sorts: purses, pillows, hangings, clothes, table cloths. Custom orders are welcome. Located on Street 178 near the National Museum. 
 #49BEo, Street 178 Tel: 023-224729


Guide Tendance Khmere-Phnom Penh
 Silks boutique The new Tendance Khmer boutique in Boeung Keng Kang 1 brings the Tendance Khmer Paris collection of fine Cambodian silk products to Phnom Penh. The shop displays a wide selection of beddings, covers, pillows, home decor, table cloths and runners, all produced with fine handwoven Khmer silks and textiles in original contemporary designs and styles of the Tendance Khmer collection. Custom orders welcome. 
#4A, Street 278 Tel: 012-584661 Tom & Alice Custom Tailors
 Well-established clothing tailor shop with lots of experience dealing with foreign (tourist and expatriate) customers. Men and women’s clothing. Men’s suits, shirts, ties and overcoats, Women’s dresses, skirts, jackets, lingerie, wedding dressing and designer clothes. 48 hour turnaround. Satisfaction guaranteed.
 #153, Street 278 Tel: 012-796286 Trois Continents
 Art Boutique and Café Thoughtful little souvenir boutique and café. Offering Cambodian and Southeast Asian handicrafts and art and an interesting selection of Southeast Asian coffees and teas, Cambodian cookies and other local speciality products. Also a very pleasant, fully air-conditioned café serving coffees, teas, juices, Asian snacks and sweets. #182E0, Street 63 Cambodia Tel: 089-475513 Up to You 
 Souvenir and silk shop. Up to You is an NGO based shop serving as an outlet for Cambodian silks and handicrafts sourced from a many different workshops and adhering to ‘fair trade’ practices. Up to You offers an array of Cambodian silks and products, scarves and fashion accessories, home decor and some handicrafts. Located amongst a cluster of interesting little silk and silver shops, boutiques and bookstores on Sothearos Blvd between the Royal Palace and Wat Ounalom just off the riverfront. Open 9AM-noon and 1PM-6:30PM. 
#3, Sothearos Tel: 092-720141 Yodicraft
 NGO based Cambodian handicrafts shop specialising in Cambodian silk products and wood carving and statues but also works in beads and coconut shell. Silk handbags. Comfortable shop also serving Khmer cake and soft drinks. “Yodicraft provides employment and training for young Cambodian with disabilities.” Yodicraft is part of the Yodifee group.
 #172Eo, Street 13 Tel: 012-324548

Art & Gallery Art gallery/framing shop Apsara Art Gallery offers a variety of contemporary Southeast and East Asian art (Cambodian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese) including paintings, oils, watercolours, creations, photographs, posters and cards. The gallery also offers matting and framing including bamboo framing. Located next to the Russian Market (Phsar Toul Tom Poung) near the Cafe Yejj and Rajana Crafts. 
 #170A, Street 450 Tel: 012-867390 Asasax Art Gallery
 Art gallery. In the words of Asasax, “Without color, “people die”” The Asasax Art Gallery exhibits the unique paintings and other works of art of the wellknown contemporary Cambodian artist, Asasax. Asasax’s works, much of it in oils and watercolours, offer a colourfully modern lens on traditional/historical images and icons. 
 #192, Street 178 
Tel: 012-363030 Ebony Apsara
 Street 178 Café Tailor, Photo Gallery. Unique combination restaurant, bar, tailor and photo gallery. Original framed photographs by Rina, on exhibit and for sale. Seamstress on site offering tailored clothing - unique designs, bring clothing to be duplicated or choose a design from the magazines and catalogues. At the café Rina offers an innovative Khmer/Asian food and a selection of western favourites. 40% goes to charity.
 #42, Street 178 Tel: 010-581291 Happy Painting Gallery
 Art Gallery. Open since 1995, the Happy Painting Galleries, located in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and at the airports, display the paintings of contemporary artist Stef Delaprée, aka Stef, a singular artist with a gentle insight into everyday Cambodia. All of the galleries offer original paintings, reproductions, postcards, cards, T-shirts. In the words of art critic Anne-Sylvie Charest, “Stef has tried to make us see, using free figuration, what is more typical and endearing in this part of Asia. Funny and colourful, his art is extremely popular and accessible to all. The universe he offers us in his work is happy and uncomplicated...”. Hotel Cambodiana, FCCC 
 Tel: 023-726100
 In Siem Reap at Carnets d’Asie, Angkor Century Hotel, and at the gallery near the Old Market I-Ching Decor
 I Ching Décor offers a range of high quality interior design and architectural solutions for home and commercial business needs. Services include expert advice on architectural work, interior design, custom made furniture, home accessories and Feng Shui. I Ching Dé-

cor works with Cambodian designers to create smart and unique pieces for the home. The showroom offers a range of interior products from window dressings to kitchen ware, dining, living and bedroom suites, glassware, soft furnishings, lighting and other home accessories. Products are sourced from suppliers in Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.
 #85, Sothearos Blvd. Tel: 023-220873 Ironworks
 Ironworks manufactures a wide range of consistently high quality, practical and decorative iron and steel goods suitable for the home or workplace. Unique works in iron, steel and copper fabricated to order per your design art, lamps, tables, racks, window bars, chairs. Individual, commercial, unique, wholesale orders are all welcome. Tel: 012-404110
 Java Café & Gallery
 Art gallery. The Java Cafe and Gallery is a café set in an art exhibition space. Regularly changing exhibitions, showcasing up and coming Cambodian artists and of cutting edge contemporary Cambodian art and photography. Also a good place to learn about other art exhibitions and events in Cambodia. The Café offers a selection of coffees, teas as well as salads, sandwiches, veg dishes and lots more. WiFi HotSpot. #56 E1, Sihanouk Blvd Tel: 023-987420 Meta House
 The Kingdom’s biggest art gallery in the heart of Phnom Penh: three floors with contemporary fine arts of Cambodian, Asian and Western origin. The open air rooftop in the perfect place to relax, enjoy some drinks, food and film screening. Rooftop cinema starts at 7:00 PM. Special events and appointment
enquiries welcome. Located next to Open Thursday-Sunday, 6:00 PM-midnight. Wat Botom. 
#6Eo, Street 246 Tel: 023-224140 Reyum Gallery
 Art Gallery. The Reyum Gallery is one of the most important art galleries in Phnom Penh, hosting regular exhibitions, lectures addressing topics related to art, architecture and archaeology and a offering a complete selection of Cambodian art and culture related books from the Reyum Publishing house. The gallery offers some of the best traditional and contemporary Cambodian art exhibitions in town. Retail art and book sales. Located next to the Royal University of Fine Arts. 
 #47, Street 178 Tel: 023-217149

Art of Khmer Angkor Gallery Nº. 29AEo, Preah Ang Makhak Vann (St. 178) Tel: 011 666 450 Cam Art Nº. 333D, Preah Monivong, opposite of Wat Koh Pagoda Tel: 012 800 203 Khmer Sculpture Nº. 30, St. 178 Tel: 012 865 611 Machha Tep Sculpture Nº. 21BEo, St. 148 Tel: 012 902 770 Marble Sculpture of Pursat Province Nº. 42A3,St. 178 Tel: 012 832 241 Ratanak Angkor Sculptors Nº. 105Eo, Charles de Gaulle Tel: 012 592 364 / 016 743 173 Sculpture Jayavarman VII Nº. 614, National Road No 1 Tel: 012 499 090 Taprom Sculpture Nº. 42E, St. 178 Tel: 012 252 636 Vy Ly Stone Shop Nº. 519, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) Tel: 099 425 844


Ebony Apsara Unique combination restaurant, bar, tailor and photo gallery. Seamstress on site offering tailored clothing - unique designs, bring clothing to be duplicated or choose a design from the magazines and catalogues. 
 #42, Street 178 Tel: 010-581291
 New World Specialising in custom made and tailored ladies fashions, as well as off-therack and men’s and children’s clothing. Evening gowns, party dresses, casual and formal wear. Khmer silks. 
#39, Street 432 Tel: 016-778882
Tom & Alice Tailor Well-established clothing tailor shop with lots of experience dealing with foreign (tourist and expatriate) customers. Men and women’s clothing. Men’s suits, shirts, ties and overcoats, Women’s dresses, skirts, jackets, lingerie, wedding dressing and designer clothes. Satisfaction guaranteed. 
#153, Street 278 Tel: 012-796286

Message & Spa Amara Spa
 Beautifully renovated at the former historic Soda Building, Amara Spa is Phnom Penh’s newest luxury spa facilities on the riverfront. Inside the luscious all white facade are four levels of therapeutic treatments ranging through foot massages, body scrubs, facial, jacuzzis and steam rooms - staff trained by experienced professionals. Amara Spa is the first spa in Cambodia to use [comfort zone] beauty and skin products. Spa Party and catering service available upon request. 
 Sisowath Quay and Street 110 Tel: 023-998730 Amret Spa
 International boutique spa in Boeung Keng Kang 1. Massage. Aromatherapy. Body scrubs, wraps, facials, treatments, jacuzzi, packages. #3, Street 57 Tel: 023-997994

 International spa. Aromatherapy, Indian and Egyptian massage. Body scrubs, wraps, facials, treatments, Jacuzzi. 
#16AB, Street 282 Tel: 023-996921 Blue 7 Massage Khmer 
 Offering a pleasant a/c surroundings and a full range of massage services: foot and full body massage in clean a/c rooms. Powder and oil massage both available. All are welcome. Locations in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.
 On Sisowath Quay, opposite the Hotel Cambodiana Tel: 011-955567 ChamPei Spa
 International boutique spa and hair salon. Traditional Khmer, herbal, aroma, Swedish and oil massage, reflexology and therapeutic massages. Facials, scrubs, spa, jacuzzi, packages. Fully airconditioned women and men’s hair salon offering hair treatments, manicure, pedicure, make-up and more. Open 9AM - 11PM. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX
 #38, Street 57 Tel: 023-217774 Coffee Korner 
 The Coffee Corner restaurant and guesthouse has recently added a small, offering massage (traditional Khmer and Thai, oil massage, foot massage, aromatherapy) as well as scrubs and wraps. 
 #174, Street 155 Tel: 012-867667
 Islands Massage
 One of the longest established massage shops in Phnom Penh - operating since 1998. Traditional Khmer massage and foot massage. Fully air-conditioned facilities. Reasonably priced. Several locations in Phnom Penh as well as Siem Reap and Sihanoukville.
 1) #43, Street 86 Tel: 023-991273
 2) #329, Sisowath Quay 3) North side of Wat Phnom

4) #189, Sothearos, Orange Massage
 24/7 massage and steam place on the Wat Phnom traffic circle. Reasonably priced foot massage, full body massage, steam room. Located on the north side of Wat Phnom. Open 24 hours a day. 
#13Eo, Street 94 Tel: 099-532415
 Experienced massage and beauty therapists. Thai and Balinese style massage. Oil, cream, hot stone, foot massage. Facials and body treatments. Jacuzzi. Steam room. Warm, relaxing, ‘aquatic’ environment of fish ponds, fountains and aquariums. Open 11:00AM - 9:00PM on weekdays and 10:00AM - 10:00PM on the weekends. #4b, Street 75 Tel: 023-992405, 012-852308
 Sawasdee Massage
 Fully air-conditioned massage shop and spa located in Boeung Keng Kang 1. Offering a wide selection of massage styles and types including Thai, French, Japanese, Khmer, Hong Kong, oil, powder, body, foot massage (reflexology,) health massages, aromatherapy. Spas services including wraps, scrubs facials and more. Jacuzzi. Manicure and pedicure. Open 9:00AM - 11:00PM. Located opposite the Khmer Surin Restaurant. 
#6B, Street 57, Phnom Penh
 Tel: 023-996670 The Spa at NagaWorld
 Elegant, full-service international spa offering a relaxing, pampered atmosphere, a variety of massages and massage styles, foot massage and reflexology, health and beauty treatments and packages. 23 private theme spa rooms. Floral baths and private saunas. 
 NagaWorld, Samdech Hun Sen Park Tel: 023-228822 Fitness Centers 
 Most of the fitness clubs and gyms are in the major hotels. They are not inexpensive but they do have relatively complete, modern facilities. Also worth a look, every morning at the crack of dawn dozens of people congregate in the park in front of the Royal Palace to jog, walk, stretch, do Tai Chi and calisthenics. 
Clark Hatch Fitness Centre
 Gym, sauna, massage, pool, aerobic classes
InterContinental Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom Penh Tel: 023-424888 
Amrita Spa 
Gym, sauna, steam, jacuzzi, massage, treatments, pools
Hotel Le Royal, Phnom Penh Tel: 023-981888 
Paddy’s Sports Center 
#635, Ntl. Rte 5 (near Japanese Bridge) Tel: 012-214940

Queen Spa . Massage, Spa, Dry milk Scrub . Massage, Spa with flowers . Oil massage . Khmer Thai Traditional massage . Traditional spa massage . Facial massage . Hands and feed spa . Foot, back, shoulder and head massage Enjoy with queen spa buy five get one free, all spa products are import from Australia. #38Go, St. 178 Tel: 012 767 858

Chicken Delivery Chicken and Duck farming to provide food. Full service delivery all ordering to be available on your event, your restaurant or your business. Please call Tel: 092 876 213 ( Vannak )

the Artisans‛ Collection Products for body & home Natural DYEd cotton Luxurious silks Carved wood, grass mats and many small gift items as well!

Open: 9am-7pm Monday-Saturday The wrong side of 240 is the new right side of 240 Tel: 023 213 904 / e-mail:



Siem Reap


H otel Siem Reap


Angkor Miracle Resort & Spa International luxury resort and spa property with full dining services, bar & lounges, outdoor salt-water swimming pool with Jacuzzi, fitness centre, events & conferences, complimentary WiFi hots pot high speed Internet, tennis court. Route #6 (‘Airport Road’), opposite the Cambodian Cultural Centre Tel: 063-969902 Angkor Village Resort and Spa
 Superior bungalow resort complex. Wooden duplex bungalows with superior furnishings, decor and amenities. Unique, river-style swimming pool. Fine restaurant. 
Tel: 063-963561 Apsara Angkor Hotel
 All around superior hotel. Finely appointed rooms with all amenities. Inroom safe. International restaurant. Lobby bar. Fitness centre. Internet. Swimming pool. Conference room for 350. 
 #6, ‘Airport Road,’ between the Siem Reap International Airport and town centre Tel: 063-964999 Royal Empire Royal Empire Hotel’s facilities and services are devoted to your happiness. Enjoy all these and more with your family and friends: Restaurant – serves Khmer, Asian, and Western cuisines. Lobby. bar Business center with high-speed Internet access. Spa and massage treatments. Swimming pool and gym. Ballroom. Room service. Other services – airport transfer, car rental, currency exchange, laundry/ dry cleaning, parking, and wake-up call Hotel de la Paix 
 A classic Siem Reap hotel created anew in stunning art decor style. 107 beautifully appointed rooms and suites with hardwood floors and all of the most modern amenities including wireless Internet and iPod music system. Luxury spa, fine restaurants, wine cellar, and pubs. Gymnasium, swimming pool, jacuzzi, conference room. Sivatha Blvd., Tel: +(855) (0)63-966000

Out Standing

Apartment Questhouse

La Résidence d’Angkor 
 55 rooms. Stylish, Khmer-inspired wood and laterite facade set amongst pools and gardens. Finely appointed rooms with all amenities. Restaurant serving French and Royal Khmer cuisine. Cocktail bar. Traditional dance performances. Swimming pool. WiFi Internet access.
On the east side of the river in the center of town Tel: 063-963390 Le Meridien 
 Rooms and suites. The closest hotel ever built to Angkor Wat. Khmer architecture tastefully blended with luxurious modern amenities creating a “world suffused with the echoes of Khmer culture” in the many carvings, stone statues, theme pool, spa and tranquil inner courtyard. 6 restaurants and bars, swimming pool, jacuzzi, gym, spa, reflexology, business centre, meeting room. 
 Vithei Charles de Gaulle, the nearest hotel to Angkor Wat 
 Tel: 063-963900 Raffles Grand Hotel D’Angkor
 The most elegant hotel in town. A fully restored 75 year old classic. Spa. Tennis. Swimming. Restaurants. Bars. A variety of restaurants, cafés and pubs. Business centre. Nightly traditional performances. 
 #1 Charles de Gaulle in the centre of town 
Tel: +(855) (0)63-963888 Victoria Angkor Resort & Spa 
 120 rooms/10 suites. Wooden floors, stylish furniture, fabrics and original decorative artifices, most with balcony facing the swimming pool. Jacuzzi and spa. Restaurants and bars. Boutique. Business centre. Route #6 Tel: +(855) (0)63-760428 Sofitel Royal Angkor Golf & Spa Resort 
 238 rooms. Modern and stylishly appointed rooms and suites with an elegant combination of French and Khmer style. The largest resort property in Cambodia boosting an impressive 60,000 square meters. International golf club (18 holes). Luxury spa, Swimming pool, Jacuzzi, A variety of restaurants, Bars. Business centre. Nightly traditional performances.
 Vithei Charles de Gaulle Tel: 063-964600

Empress Angkor
 Lavishly furnished rooms with a wide range of amenities; spacious restaurant serving a rich array of International and local cuisines; a well stocked bar; gymnasium and an alluring swimming pool equipped with jet massage for relaxation. Excellent service. 
 Route #6 (Airport Road) Tel: 063-963999 FCC Angkor 
 Siem Reap’s newest ‘contemporary chic hideaway.‘ Truly superior accommodations centrally located along the Siem Reap River and set amongst the mature trees and gardens of the quiet Old French Quarter. Smartly appointed rooms and suites outfitted with the finest amenities - flat screen TVs, broadband Internet connectivity and more. Saltwater pool and spa treatment center (Visaya Spa & Pool.) Next to the famous FCC Angkor restaurant and bar. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX 
 Old French Quarter 
 Tel: +(855) (0)63-760280 Pacific Hotel New luxury hotel on Airport Road. Spacious superior rooms and suites with hard wood floors, sophisticated Cambodian decor and all of the finest modern amenities. Visa/MC
 #6, ‘Airport Road,’ between the Siem Reap International Airport and town centre Tel: 063-761818 Prince D’Angkor Hotel and Spa 
 Luxurious rooms, all finely decorated with traditional Khmer style furnishings and wooden floor. Extensive spa facilities. Salt water swimming pool. Visa/AMEX
Sivatha Blvd Tel: 063-763888 Royal Bay Inn Angkor Resort 
 62 rooms. Superior, stylish accommodation located in the pleasant Old French Quarter in the centre of town. Garden setting, swimming pool, wifi, fine dining. Visa/MC/JCB Old French Quarter Tel: 063-760500 Shinta Mani
 Luxury accommodations in the heart of the quiet Old French Quarter. Truly superior room amenities, hotel facilities and service. Great attention to detail and the fineries of service and decor throughout the hotel. Award-winning garden patio restaurant and bar. The restaurant was listed in Gourmet magazine’s ‘Worlds Best Hotel Dining Rooms.‘ “As part of Shinta Mani’s ongoing com-

mitment to the local community, Especially those who are less fortunate, Shinta Mani operates an Institute of Hospitality. The Institute provides free hospitality industry training for young Cambodians at risk. It is funded by the hotel and private individuals. Old French Quarter 
Tel: 063-761998 Sojourn Boutique Villas 
 With only ten villa-style rooms Sojourn offers unique services, dedicated staff and beautiful rooms. All rooms have pool views and tropical gardens surround. Fine dining. South of Siem Reap town, near Wat Athwea Tel: 012-923437 Soria Moria Hotel 
 Boutique hotel offering deluxe rooms, fusion kitchen serving Asian, Scandinavian and Japanese food, rooftop bar, wifi, tours and more. Visa/MC/JCB/ANZ 
Wat Bo Road, Tel: 063-964768 Tara Angkor Hotel 
 Brand new hotel on the road to Angkor Wat. Well-appointed rooms with all modern amenities. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX Road to Angkor Wat Tel: 063-966661-2 Terrasse des Eléphants Hotel Wonderful location near the Old Market, beautiful colonial-style building with balconies, open terraces and a rooftop garden swimming pool. Extravagant design, stylishly decorated rooms with all amenities. Restaurant serving fine Khmer and international dishes. Visa/MC
 Sivatha Blvd., Old Market area Tel: 063-965570 
 Viroth’s Hotel 
 Boutique hotel offering seven styles of room. Saltwater swimming pool, rooftop jacuzzi and spa. Cafe serving fine Khmer cuisine. Visa/MC/JCB
 Wat Bo area Tel: 063-761720

Pretty Decent Angie’s Villa 
 Guest villa located in a pleasantly quiet are off wat Bo Road. Thoughtfully decorated and furnished a/c rooms with the emphasis on art and photography. All amenities. 
 100 meters off Wat Bo Road Tel: 0-772029


Guide Angkor Discover Inn 
 Cozy wooden rooms with private balcony overlooking a garden. Centrally located in a quiet area. A/c rooms with CTV, mini-bar and hot/cold water. Garden restaurant. Visa/MC
 Phum Slorkrame, just North of Route #6 Tel: 063-762727 Angkor Spirit Palace 
 Designed in classic Khmer style, constructed in wood and laterite. Clean, fully outfitted rooms with a/c, CTV, mini-bar, in-room safe and wifi. Swimming pool. Visa/MC
 2km south of town Tel: 017-908007 Angkoriana Hotel 53 well-appointed rooms and suites and superior hotel facilities. Reservations discount. All tour/travel services. Museum Restaurant serving Khmer/ Thai/Chinese/Western cuisine. Visa/MC
 Road to Angkor Wat Tel: +(855) (0)63-760274 The Bong Thom’s Homestay Rural home-stay well out in the countryside in Banteay Srey district north of Siem Reap town. Newly constructed Khmer style traditional house set on a Cambodian fruit farm. Fruit trees abound - mangos, papaya, dragon fruit and more - and all the fresh fruit you can eat for free. Fishing pond and fishing tackle available free of change. Ox cart and ox for use around the farm area. Experience a bit of real Cambodia. Fan rooms, guest services, restaurant. Kandal Village, Banteay Srey district Tel: +(855)(0)12-520092 Bopha Angkor 
Stylishly decorated rooms, some rooms with private balcony. Fine Cambodian/ international restaurant. Swimming pool. Receiving very good reviews. 
 East side of Siem Reap River Tel: +(855) (0)63-964928 Restaurant Tel: +(855) (0)63-964740 Soria Moria Hotel 
 Boutique hotel offering deluxe rooms, fusion kitchen serving Asian, Scandinavian and Japanese food, rooftop bar, wifi, tours and more. Visa/MC/JCB/ANZ
 Wat Bo Road Tel: +(855) (0)63-964768

Borann, l’Auberge 
20 rooms. Nice rooms with veranda, set in a lush garden in a quiet area. Swimming pool. Restaurant. French and English spoken. 
 Behind Sawasdee Restaurant Tel: +(855) (0)63-964740 Central Boutique Angkor Hotel 
 Bungalow style rooms situated around a swimming pool with all rooms facing the pool. Restaurant and western food. Pool side and bar. Tour services. Visa/MC/JCB Taphul Village area Tel: +(855) (0)63-764028, City River Hotel 
 Well-appointed rooms with all modern amenities. Centrally located, picturesque location along the river in town. Elevator, Internet, rooftop swimming pool, gym, restaurant. WIFI in restaurant and poolside bar on the 6th Floor. Visa/MC/JCB 
#0511, Stung Siem Reap St., Wat Bo Tel: +(855) (0)63-763000 Golden Banana Boutique and B&B 
 Boutique $35-$75 
Quiet garden setting on the east side of the river just a 5mn walk from the Old Market. Friendly, welcoming staff. Gay friendly place. Swimming pool. Visa/MC/JCB/ANZ 
 Wat Damnak area Tel: +(855) (0)12-885366 Golden Banana Boutique Resort 
 Newly opened small resort, 5 minute’s walk from the Old Market area. Stylish villas and suites around a salt water pool in a lush garden. Every room has outdoor private bath. Visa/MC/JCB/ANZ/TC
 Wat Damnak area Tel: +(855) (0)12-654638 Kazna Hotel 
 Clean, comfortable, centrally located mid-range hotel offer all-none-smoking a/c rooms with all modern amenities. Restaurant serving Khmer, Chinese and western cuisine. Visa/MC/JCB
 Taphul Road Tel: +(855) (0)63-969313 The King Angkor Villa 
 Villa style hotel offering fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Centrally located, within a couple of minutes of the Old Market. All tourist services. Visa/MC
 Ta Phul Village area Tel: (855) (0)63-964896

The Kool Hotel 
 Immaculately clean, chic decor, good value for money. A/c rooms with all modern facilities. Khmer, Thai, and International fusion restaurant. Pool, jacuzzi, massage. Tours services. Visa/MC 
#018, Route #6 (Airport Rd.) Tel: +(855) (0)63-969690-93 La Noria Hotel
 Nice, quiet bungalows with private veranda in a luxurious tropical garden. All wooden French/Khmer restaurant. Traditional shadow puppet show every Wednesday evening. Swimming pool. Massage. Popular. Good reviews and friendly staff (French and English spoken.) Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX
 On the east side of the river 50 meters north of Rte. #6, Siem Reap
 Tel: +(855) (0)63-964242 La Villa Mona d’Angkor 
 Breakfast included. Stylish rooms with private balcony/terrace set in a lush garden setting in a quiet area. Lovely little garden restaurant. Free wifi. Free pick-up. Visa/JCB/AMEX Near Wat Thmei Tel: +(855) (0)63-965202 Les Orientalistes 
 Comfortable a/c with wonderfully stylish Indo-Chinese decor in a traditional Khmer wooden house. Balconies. Suite for $80. Excellent French/Cambodian restaurant on the ground floor. Quiet area. 
South end of ‘Wat Bo Road’ Tel: +855 (0)12-894207 Men’s Resort & Spa (breakfast included) Located in the heart of Siem Reap and near the Angkor Temples, MEN’s is a new “exclusively for men” resort. Guests can relax in the friendly, cosy, stylish atmosphere. The MEN’s complex is designed to provide a wide range of services for gay men. Ten rooms, each offering a specific atmosphere through original and sensitive design. Saltwater swimming pool. Men’s spa, sauna and massage. Pool bar and restaurant. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX Wat Po Lanka area Tel: +(855) (0)63-963053 Mystères d’ Angkor 
 Welcoming, family-atmosphere. Stylish, a/c, pavilion- style accommodations in a garden setting. Pleasantly quiet area. Guest house restaurant and bar serving a set menu of Cambodian dishes. Pool table and terrace seating. Souvenirs. Swimming pool.

 Near Wat Po Lanka Tel/Fax: +(855) (0)63-963639 Ombrelle & Kimono Hotel Near city center. Five rooms in a stylish 1950s residence: a/c, private terrace, en suite bath and free Internet. Garden setting with pool. Genuine Cambodian cuisine. Visa/MC 
Wat Bo Rd Tel: +(855) (0)92-365501 Passaggio Boutique Hotel 
Large rooms and suites, all with full amenities: a/c, cable TV, fridge, nice furnishings and decor. Rooftop restaurant. Travel agent (Lolei Travel). Good reviews. Swiss management. 
 East side of the river near the Old Market bridge Tel: +(855) (0)63-760324 Salina Hotel rooms. Well off the main road in a quiet area. Properly decorated rooms with all amenities including a/c, cable TV, fridge, and en suite toilet with hot water and bathtub. Restaurant. Bar. Airport pick up. Souvenirs. Swimming pool. Large parking area. 
 1 km south of Rte #6, Taphul Village area Tel: +(855) (0)063-760487 Shining Angkor Boutique 
 Superior a/c rooms in a villa style boutique hotel. Wood furniture and floors, Khmer style decor, top quality linins, mattresses and pillows. Restaurant. Good value. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX/ANZ 
Between town and the Angkor Park, near Wat Thmei Tel: +(855) (0)63-963096 Shinta Mani
Luxury accommodations in the heart of the quiet Old French Quarter. Truly superior room amenities, hotel facilities and service. Great attention to detail and the fineries of service and decor throughout the hotel. Award-winning garden patio restaurant and bar. The restaurant was listed in Gourmet magazine’s ‘Worlds Best Hotel Dining Rooms.‘ “As part of Shinta Mani’s ongoing commitment to the local community, especially those who are less fortunate, Shinta Mani operates an Institute of Hospitality. The Institute provides free hospitality industry training for young Cambodians at risk. It is funded by the hotel and private individuals. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX
 Old French Quarter 
Tel: +(855) (0)63-761998

Mid Range Ancient Angkor Guesthouse 
 Clean, villa-style guesthouse located well off the main road but still only a 5 minute walk to the Old Market. Friendly, helpful staff. Swimming pool. Free Internet. Visa/MC
 Neighborhood off Sivatha Rd. Opposite the Old Market area Tel: +(855) (0)12-772862 Borei Spean Neak Inn 
 Brand new affordable hotel just off Angkor Wat road about half way between town and the temples. Fan and a/c rooms with high ceilings, CTV, hot water. Some with tub.
‘60 Meter Road’ about 80 m off of Angkor Wat road Tel: +(855) (0)16-816868 Earthwalkers’ 
 Western Managed. Relaxed atmosphere. Friendly staff. Clean. Garden with swimming pool. Lush garden with hammocks. Cosy bar and restaurant. Pool table. Travellers information. All rooms with en suite bathroom and hot water. Breakfast included. Visa/AMEX/MC/JCB
Off Route #6 (Airport Road) in a quiet area Tel: +(855) (0)12-967901 Encore Angkor Guesthouse 
 Guest house offering a stylish yet affordable ambiance. A/c rooms breakfast included, with cable TV, fridge, safety box and en suite with hot water.
West of Sivatha Blvd., Old Market area Tel: +(855) (0)63-969400, European Guesthouse 
 Swedish family managed. Relaxed atmosphere. Friendly staff. Clean rooms. Gar- den with hammocks, fish pond. Crocodile farm. Copy bar and restaurant. Quiet area, in town. Wat Bo area Tel: +(855) (0)12-582237 Freedom Hotel
Wide range of rooms. Very helpful staff. Very good reviews and comments from guests. Good restaurant. Silks on sale. Fitness room.. 
On #6 just west of Phsar Leu Tel: +(855) (0)63-963473 WatsUp Guesthouse 
 Family guesthouse in a quiet area within easy walking distance of the Old Market and Pub Street. Fan and a/c rooms. All fan rooms with cable TV and hot water. Wat Damnak area Tel: +(855) (0)12-675881

Golden Orange 
 Brand new, reasonably priced a/c rooms in the quiet Wat Po Lanka. Flat screen TVs, jacuzzi-style bathtubs, WiFi access. Community balcony with a view. 
Wat Po Lanka area Tel: +(855) (0)63-965389

Khmer Inn Angkor Nicely refurbished, family-operated, villa style guest house set back from the road in the Ta Phul village area. Restaurant. All tourist services.
 #232, Ta Phul Road Tel: (855) (0)12-682576

Golden Mango Inn Guest house offering fan and a/c rooms with all amenities - cable TV, fridge and en suite bathroom with hot water. Free pick up. All tourist services.
 Near Phsar Leu, just off Route #6 Tel: +(855) (0)63-761857

The King Angkor Villa 
 Villa style hotel offering fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Centrally located, within a couple of minutes of the Old Market. All tourist services. Visa/MC
Ta Phul Village area Tel: (855) (0)63-964896

Golden Temple Villa
Villa-style guest house/hotel in a quiet area. Spotless, spacious rooms with 21 inch TVs, a/c (or fan), mini-bar, hot water wood furniture and some decor. International restaurant. Free Internet tea and coffee. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX
 West of Old Market area 
 Tel: +(855) (0)12-943459 Green Garden Home Guest house and Restaurant 
 Villa-style guest house in a lush garden setting. Fan Guest house and a/c rooms fridge, cable TV, and attached bathroom with hot water. Ask about the traditional wooden house available for $40 - $55/night (w/ breakfast). Consistently good reviews. On a quiet street just off Sivatha. Breakfast in a garden setting. On Oum Khun St. off Sivatha, 100m south of Rte #6 Tel: +(855) (0)12-890363 Green Village Palace 
 Guest house, bar, restaurant and gym. Rooms with a/c, cable TV, fridge, en suite with hot water. Swimming pool. Free pick-up. Gym. Hammocks. Wat Damnak area Tel: +(855) (0)63-760623 Home Sweet Home 
 Friendly, very clean hotel. Upstairs rooms with hardwood floors. Good little restaurant. Internet access. Good value.
 Wat Bo area Tel: +(855) (0)12-824626 reservation@homesweethomeangkor. com Jasmine Lodge Family-run guest house. Fan and a/c rooms with cable TV and hot shower. Very reasonably priced rooftop restaurant, with a nice nighttime breeze. Pool table. DVDs, CDs, VCD music. Route #6, ‘Airport Road,’ near town Tel: +(855) (0)12-784980

Mandalay Inn 
 Friendly management, family atmosphere. Commission-free, hassle-free. Free Wifi. Tour agent desk. Home cooked Burmese and Khmer food. Visa/MC
 Psar Kroung Road (200 m from Old Market), Viheachan Village, Svaydangkum
commune Tel: +(855) (0)63-761662 Mekong Angkor Palace Clean, new fan and ac/c rooms in a villastyle guesthouse in the center of town. Swimming pool. Restaurant serving Khmer and Western food. Visa
Sivatha Blvd, behind MekongBank Tel: +(855) (0)63-963636 Molly Malone’s 
 7 rooms. Nicely refurbished, very clean rooms with a/c, cable TV, hot water, fridge. Nice decor, wood furniture. All rooms with attached bathroom with hot water, some with tub. ‘Family room’ available. Good bar/restaurant on the ground floor. 
 Old Market area
 Tel: +(855) (0)63-963533 Mom’s Guesthouse 
 30 rooms. Well-known, long-established guest house on Wat Bo Road. Clean, fan and a/c rooms with all amenities (cable TV, fridge, hot water) and en suite bathroom. Internet, international telephone/fax. Tours, transportation, ticketing, etc. Small restaurant. Visa/MC 
Wat Bo Road Tel: +(855) (0)12-32088 MotherHome Guesthouse 
 Clean, new, very affordable fan and a/c rooms with CTV, fridge, en suite bathroom with hot/cold water. Quiet, shaded street in Wat Bo area. 10 minute walk to the Old Market.
Wat Bo area, Tel: +(855) (0)12-963438 reservation@motherhomeguesthouse. com

Palm Garden Lodge 
 Family run budget hotel in the downtown area. Restaurant, bar, movies, friendly staff, quiet garden, terrace, fresh atmosphere, balcony, a/c, hot water, cable TV, 24h service. 
West of Sivatha Blvd., Old Market area, Tel: +(855) (0)12-687372 Passaggio Boutique Hotel 
 Large rooms and suites, all with full amenities: a/c, cable TV, fridge, nice furnishings and decor. Rooftop restaurant. Travel agent (Lolei Travel). Good reviews. Swiss management. 
East side of the river near the Old Market bridge Tel: +(855) (0)63-760324 Paul Dubrule Hotel and Tourism Training hotel and restaurant in a very quiet area. Four comfortable rooms besides a charming garden. Your contribution goes to help the educational project of the NGO. Route #6, ‘Airport Road,’ between the Siem Reap International Airport and town centre Tel: +(855) (0)63-963673 Red Piano
 Clean, thoughtfully finished rooms. A/c and wooden furniture. family rooms available. Quiet. Rooftop terrace with a view of Phnom Krom. Receiving very good reviews from guests. 
 Old Market area, just west of Sivatha Tel: +(855) (0)12-854150 River Village Manor
 Quality, Australian managed accommodation, set in an authentic Cambodian community. Deluxe and luxury rooms all with air conditioning, multi- channel cable TV, mini bar & hot showers. Restaurant headed by qualified Australian chef. Tour desk and concierge services. Internet access and business centre. 24hr on site security. 
#171, Triang Village, Slorkram Commune Siem Reap City Tel: +(855) (0)63-760425 Shadow of Angkor (Rasmei Angkor) 
 Budget guesthouse in a French colonial period building on the riverside with a river view. Clean fan and a/c rooms, some with balcony. Good value. Internet. Restaurant. Visa/MC/JCB 
 On the riverside near the Old Market Tel: +(855) (0)63-964774


Guide Shadow of Angkor II 
 New mid-range hotel on Wat Bo road offering clean a/c rooms with all modern amenities including CTV, mini-bar, hot water and in-room wifi. Swimming pool. Wat Bo Road, near Shadow of Angkor I Tel: +(855) (0)63-966774 Siem Reap Riverside 
 Riverside hotel just past the end of Sivatha Blvd (Phnom Krom Road), south of the Old Market. Fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, and attached bathroom with hot water. Rooftop restaurant and bar. Internet, Tour and travel services. 10% reservation discount.
 Phnom Krom Road, just south of the Old Market Tel: +(855) (0)63-760177 SiemReapRooms Guesthouse Western managed. 300m from the Old Market area. Fan and a/c rooms with private bathroom. Free in-room wifi and Internet in reception. Big screen TV in bar/restaurant and free pool table. Free pick up. 
 #421 Sivatha Blvd., Road to Tonle Sap Tel: +(855) (0)12-208472 guesthouse Tanei Guesthouse Villa-style guesthouse offer large, clean fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, fridge and en suite bathroom with hot water. All tourist services. Restaurant. 
Neighbourhood off Sivatha Rd. Opposite the Old Market area Tel: +(855) (0)92-865150 Tara Angkor Hotel 
 Brand new hotel on the road to Angkor Wat. Well-appointed rooms with all modern amenities. Road to Angkor Wat Tel: +(855) (0)63-966661-2 Ta Som Guesthouse 
 31 rooms. Well-established, family-run guesthouse on airport road in town. Clean fan and a/c rooms with amenities. Khmer/International restaurant. All tourist/traveller services. 
#268 Nat. Route 6, (Airport Road,) Taphul Village Tel: +(855) (0)63-964970 The Villa Siem Reap (Garden bungalows $50) 
Villa-style, offering large, immaculately clean, nicely decorated and furnished deluxe and superior rooms. Patio restaurant. Responsible travel/eco -tours to outlying temples/villages.
 Taphul road Tel: +(855) (0)63-761036

Two Dragons Guesthouse 14 immaculately clean rooms, a/c, hot water, cable TV. Free Wifi Internet. Thai restaurant. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Cold beer. Excellent source of information, owned by the same person who runs the web site. Offers pick-up service from Poipet border (A/C Toyota Camry), Tonle Sap tours, and more. Visa/MC Wat Bo area Tel: +(855) (0)63-965107

We’ll pass Angkor Friendship Inn 
 (Breakfast included) Friendly guesthouse offering clean, large rooms with a/c, CTV, fridge, inroom safe, wifi and private bathroom with hot water. Swimming pool, massage, restaurant. Secured parking. Visa/MC
 Just off Sivatha Blvd., 300m south of the Old Market Tel: +(855) (0)63-965197 Angkor Park Guesthouse 
 Clean, new, family run guesthouse joust 100 meters south of the Old Market. Quiet rooms with color TV, nice wood desk and en suite bathroom with hot water. Free wifi.
 Just south of the Old Market area Tel: +(855) (0)63-761663 Bou Savy Guesthouse 
 Price includes breakfast. Family run guesthouse a bit off Route #6 in a quiet, green area. Big rooms. Restaurant. Internet service. Just off Route #6 down a small road next to Wat Kesararam Tel: +(855) (0)63-964967 European Guesthouse 
 Swedish family managed. Relaxed atmosphere. Friendly staff. Clean rooms. Gar- den with hammocks, fish pond. Crocodile farm. Cosy bar and restaurant. Quiet area, in town.
 Wat Bo area Tel: +(855) (0)12-582237 www.europeanguesthouse-siemreap. com Golden Temple Villa Villa-style guesthouse/hotel in a quiet area. Spotless, spacious rooms with 21 inch TVs, a/c (or fan), mini-bar, hot water wood furniture and some decor. International restaurant. Free internet, tea and coffee. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX 
West of Old Market area Tel: +(855) (0)12-943459

Home Sweet Home 
 Friendly, very clean hotel. Upstairs rooms with hardwood floors. Good little restaurant. Internet access. Good value.
 Wat Bo area Tel: +(855) (0)12-824626 reservation@homesweethomeangkor. com Ivy Guesthouse Charming budget and a/c rooms, in a chilled garden setting with great Ivy food, all in the heart of Siem Reap town.
Just off the riverfront road near Phsar Kandal Tel: +(855) (0)12-602930 Jasmine Lodge 
 Family-run guesthouse. Fan and a/c rooms with cable TV and hot shower. Very reasonably priced rooftop restaurant, with a nice night-time breeze. Pool table. DVDs, CDs, VCD music. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX
 Route #6, ‘Airport Road,’ near town Tel: +(855) (0)12-784980 The King Angkor Villa 
 Villa style hotel offering fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Centrally located, within a couple of minutes of the Old Market. All tourist services. Visa/MC
 Ta Phul Village area Tel: (855) (0)63-964896 Mandalay Inn Friendly management, family atmosphere. Commission-free, hassle-free. Free Wifi. Tour agent desk. Home cooked Burmese and Khmer food. Visa/MC
 Psar Kroung Road (200 m from Old Market), Viheachan Village, Svaydangkum
Tel: +(855) (0)63-761662 Mom’s Guesthouse 30 rooms. Well-known, long-established guest house on Wat Bo Road. Clean, fan and a/c rooms with all amenities (cable TV, fridge, hot water) and en suite bathroom. Internet, international telephone/fax. Tours, transportation, ticketing, etc. Small restaurant. Wat Bo Road Tel: +(855) (0)12-32088 MotherHome Guesthouse 
 Clean, new, very affordable fan and a/c rooms with CTV, fridge, en suite bathroom with hot/cold water. Quiet, shaded street in Wat Bo area. 10 minute walk to the Old Market.
Wat Bo area Tel: +(855) (0)12-963438 reservation@motherhomeguesthouse. com

Prohm Roth Guesthouse 
 “Highly Recommended” by Wikitravel. A small but smart brand new budget guesthouse managed my local Khmer brothers. Clean & comfortable twin, double and triple rooms equipped with Cable TV, A/C, fan and en-suite bathroom, toiletries and some with hot shower. Centrally and conveniently located on the Pub Street extension in the Old Market area, 50 yards from the scenic Siem Reap River walk, the Independence Garden, 15 minutes ride from the airport and to Angkor Wat temples. You’ll be served by attentive and trustworthy team who also arranges temple tours and transportation for you. Your ‘confirmed’ booking entitles you FREE pick up from airport, bus and ferry. 
 Pub Street extension, Old Market area Tel: +(855) (0)12-466495 Palm Garden Lodge 
 Family run budget hotel in the downtown area. Restaurant, bar, movies, friendly staff, quiet garden, terrace, fresh atmosphere, balcony, a/c, hot water, cable TV, 24h service. 
 West of Sivatha Blvd., Old Market area Tel: +(855) (0)12-687372 Tanei Guesthouse 
 Villa-style guesthouse offer large, clean fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, fridge and en suite bathroom with hot water. All tourist services. Restaurant. 
Neighbourhood off Sivatha Rd. Opposite the Old Market area Tel: +(855) (0)92-865150 Ta Som Guesthouse 
 31 rooms. Well-established, family-run guesthouse on airport road in town. Clean fan and a/c rooms with amenities. Khmer/international restaurant. All tourist/traveller services. 
 #268 Nat. Route 6, (Airport Road,) Taphul Village Tel: +(855) (0)63-964970

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H otel Kep


The Beach House On the hillside overlooking Kep Beach. Nicely decorated rooms with a/c, satellite TV, hot water, fridge, en suite bathroom and balconies with picturesque ocean views. Swimming pool. Restaurant/bar serving Asian and western food. Meeting room. Internet. Tel: +(855) (0)12-240090 Le Flamboyant Stylish, very well appointed bungalows in a garden setting. Fully air-conditioned, large flat screen TV with satellite, DVD, en suite bathroom with hot water and sun shower. Veranda and roof top patio. Good restaurant. Tel: +(855) (0)16-713823, +(855) (0)12230357 Le Bout du Monde Individual and separate bungalows/ residences/suite in traditional Khmer architecture, built on piles and made of wood and stones. Located in landscaped gardens at the top of a breezy hill with view on the Gulf of Thailand French and Khmer cuisine with fresh ingredients. Hot water, mini-bar, fan and safe in room (Khmer villa and residences/suite). Tel: +(855) (0)11-964181

Out Standing Veranda Bungalows and Resort Stylish fan and air-conditioned bungalows with veranda on the hillside. En suite bathroom with hot water. Family bungalows available. Receiving very good reviews. 24 hour security. 24 hour electricity. Wifi. The unique Jungle Bar serves wide variety of Cambodian and international cuisine including Bong Karem gelato ice cream. First bakery in Kep. Full bar and a terrace with comfortable seating and a spectacular sunset view of the ocean and islands. Traveler’s check exchange. Tel: +(855) (0)12-888619 Malibu Estates Bungalows Lovely new bungalow cottages set in lush garden a quite area near the base of the mountains about a kilometer from Kep Beach. Stylishly decorated and furnished fan and a/c bungalows with CTV, mini-bar and en suite bath with hot water. Swimming pool. Restaurant/bar. Camping available. Tel: +(855) (0)16-770277

Kep & Kompot Questhouse Pretty Decent

Kep Lodge (Breakfast included) New swimming pool. Fan and sea breeze-cooled thatched bungalows with big terrace. Six nicely decorated, spacious wooden or concrete bungalows surrounded by a garden and fruit trees. Rooms equipped with comfortable 1.6m mattresses, bathroom with hot water, mini bar. Free Wifi access throughout the lodge. Restaurant serving outstanding Khmer and Western food. Comfortable bar with pool table. Western-managed, very friendly staff.

Mid Range Ponleu Chhner Tra Cheak Chit Guesthouse Brand new guesthouse overlooking Kep Beach offering clean fan and a/c rooms with CTV and en suite bathroom. Seafood restaurant serving Khmer and western dishes. Motorcycle rental. Island tours $12. Tel: +(855) (0)12-894684 Vanna Bungalows Quality-constructed fan and a/c bungalows with en suite and hot water. On the hillside with a fantastic view overlooking the ocean. A real ‘feel at home’ atmosphere. Restaurant with home cooked Cambodian food. (Try the Amok.) Western also available. Dining area large enough for functions/meetings. Tel: +(855) (0)12-755038 Lida Khmer Guesthouse

We’ll pass Beach Town Guesthouse Oceanfront guesthouse overlooking Kep Beach. Clean, affordable fan and a/c rooms with en suite bathroom. The beach and seafood restaurants 20 meters from the front door. Located at the Kep Beach intersection. Tel: +(855) (0)12-763763 Ponleu Chhner Tra Cheak Chit Guesthouse Brand new guesthouse overlooking Kep Beach offering clean fan and a/c rooms with CTV and en suite bathroom. Seafood restaurant serving Khmer and western dishes. Motorcycle rental. Island tours $12. Tel: +(855) (0)12-894684

Kom Pot


Bokor Mountain Lodge Lovely old French Colonial-era building in a perfect sunset location on the riverfront road. Air-conditioned rooms with CTV and en-suite bathroom. Some rooms with a river view. Free wifi. Picturesque breakfast balcony and a popular restaurant and bar on the ground floor. Visa/MC Tel: +(855) (0)33-932314 +(855) (0)17-712062 The Marchbank Suite Absolutely lovely, unique, single-suite guesthouse on the riverside above the Jasmine Café. Large, air-conditioned, two-room suite with a wonderful sunset view overlooking the river and Elephant Mountains. Nice decor and furniture. Living room with cable TV, DVD player and selection of DVDs, stocked mini-bar. Wifi. The large suite is perfect size for a family. Breakfast included and served in your room. Reservations are recommended. Tel: +(855) (0)92-963264 marknorris@maccom

Out Standing Vanna Bungalows Quality-constructed fan and a/c bungalows with en suite and hot water. On the hillside with a fantastic view overlooking the ocean. A real ‘feel at home’ atmosphere. Restaurant with home cooked Cambodian food. (Try the Amok.) Western also available. Dining area large enough for functions/meetings. Sampov Pram Guesthouse Newly refurbished villa style guesthouse on a quite street amongst a cluster of guesthouses. Fan and a/c rooms with cable TV and en suite bathroom with hot water. Restaurant and bar. All tourist services. Dorm beds for $3. 30 meters fromACLEDA Bank. Tel: +(855) (0)17-822626 Rikitikitavi Charming little western-managed guesthouse on the river road in town. Very well-appointed, stylishly finished air-conditioned rooms with all amenities including cable TV, DVD, mini-bar, wifi, spring mattresses and high-pressure showers. Free wifi internet access in room. Excellent rooftop restaurant and bar with a brilliant view overlooking the river. Tel: +(855) (0)12-235102

Mid Range Utopia Beautiful, secluded riverside location on the Kampong Bay River near Tekchhou about 8 kilometers outside of town. Nicely finished riverside bungalows with en suite bathroom and private balcony for $25, basic rooms for $8-$10 and dorm beds for $3. Free wifi in all rooms and bungalows.

Friendly, relaxed balcony bar and restaurant over the rivers edge, serving good western and Khmer dishes. Absolutely fantastic sunrise view. Located just off the Tekchhou Road, 8km north of Route #3. Look for the sign on the road. Tel: +(855) (0)12-407305 Hang Guesthouse Riverside restaurant, pretty rooms in a beautiful garden with mango and coconut trees, lots of flowers. and a nice view of the river, mountains and the rice fields. 2 minutes outside town. Internet facilities. TV. A/c rooms. Hot water. Free bicycle rental. Free transport to city. Tour service. French, English and Khmer spoken. Tel: +(855) (0)16-389170 , hang.guesthouse@ Little Garden Bar Villa-style guesthouse with view overlooking the river and Bokor Mountain. Nicely furnished a/c or fan rooms with attached bathroom. Restaurant in colonial garden setting. Good selection of Khmer and western food, famous for its delicious pizza. Daily specials Information on various volunteer projects around Kampot. Tel: +(855) (0)12-427572, +(855) (0)33932396 E-mail: littlegardenguesthouse@gmail. com Mea Culpa Guesthouse New guesthouse and restaurant in a nice garden setting, located in a quiet part of the old French quarter of town. Clean, new nicely decorated fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, DVD player and en suite bathroom with hot water. Balcony. Complimentary tea and coffee. Patio restaurant and bar serving Khmer and international fare including pizzas from a wood-fired oven. Both the guesthouse and the restaurant are receiving excellent reviews from customers. Tel: +(855) (0)12-504769

We’ll pass Long Villa Unique wooden ‘long villa.’ Fan and a/c rooms with attached bathroom. Dormitory beds available. Restaurant with seafood dishes, Cambodian and western food, and pizza. Reasonably priced. Pool table. Information. Lots of tour services and guides. Near the market on the north side of town. Tel: +(855) (0)92-251418, +(855) (0)12731400 Moon’s Guesthouse A chill-out rooftop with a great view over Kampot City! Clean and Comfortable AC and van rooms en suite. Very relaxing and most beautiful garden bar and restaurant. Information, tours and for the guest free bicycles. Located behind the Vietnam Cambodian friendship monument, next to Amret bank


Guide witch is only a five minutes walk from the bus station. Tel: +(855) (0)89-963122 Orchid Guesthouse Fan and a/c rooms and bungalows. Cable TV and hot water. Khmer decor. Intl/ Khmer restaurant. Lots of seafood. Full bar. Motorcycles, bicycles, boat for rent. Quiet area. Secure parking. Contact for Wild Orchid Tours offering trips to Bokor, Kep, jungle treks, and lots more. Tel: +(855) (0)92-226996 E-mail: Popok Vel Guesthouse Affordable, all newly refurbished hotel near the market with large clean rooms with all the usual amenities: cable TV, fridge, en suite with hot water. Located on the market side of town on the new bridge road. Tel: +(855) (0)17-456861 Coco House Breakfast included in price. Basic, airconditioned rooms above the Coco House Restaurant on the riverfront road. Tel: +(855) (0)33-932198 Kampot Guesthouse Villa-style guesthouse in a garden setting. Clean, en suite bathrooms. Reasonably priced restaurant serving Khmer and western food and seafood. Boat trips, countryside tours, Bokor and other Kampot destinations. Bicycles. Internet access. Located on a quiet street. Tel: +(855) (0)12-512931, +(855) (0)12878279 Kampot Riverview Guesthouse Located at the river’s edge. Fan and a/c rooms with cable TV and en suite bathroom with hot water. Riverside veranda restaurant with a nice sunset view of the mountains. Serving reasonably priced western and Khmer dishes. can arrange mini-bus to Sihanouk Ville, and boat trips to Phnom Daung. Tel: +(855) (0)12-857897

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Restaurant Kep

Botanica Inspirational world kitchen with an eye for presentation. Indonesian ‘Coconut Tumeric,’ Belgian ‘Vol-auvent,’ Indian ‘Madras,’ Peruvian ‘Bistik a la pobre,’ other foods from around the world. Selection of Belgian beers (Leffe, Hoegaarden, Stella, Verboden Vrucht). Inventive shakes, mixes and cocktails. “Botanica Restaurant, bringing the taste of the world closer to you!” Wifi. Tel: +(855) (0)16-562775 El Dorado Restaurant & Bar Tasty stews, woodfired pizzas, roasts, cappuccino, espresso, full bar, cold beer. Tel: +(855) (0)16-562775 Kep Lodge Comfortable restaurant with great views over the gulf of Thailand with a variety of Röstis (Swiss style potatoes), tasty sausages and serving some of the best pizzas in town. Homemade ice cream. Salads. Happy hour from 5.30 till 7.00 pm with great cocktails and cheap beers (13 different kinds.) Visa/MC Tel: +(855) (0)92-435330 Long Villa Restaurant Seaside restaurant situated right at the Koh Tunsay (Rabbit Island) Boat Dock. Like most places in Kep, the emphasis is on fresh seafood prepared both western and Asian style. Book a boat trip to Koh Tunsay at the restaurant. Tel: +(855) (0)92-788364 Le Flamboyant Stylish restaurant and bar in a lovely garden setting at Le Flamboyant bungalows. Daily specials with an emphasis on Khmer and Mediterranean fare prepared using all organic ingredients, most grown right there at Le Flamboyant. Located on Road 33a a couple of hundred meters north of the traffic circle. Tel: +(855) (0)16-713825 Led Zep Café Friendly little roadside café just off Kep Beach near the roundabout. Serving pizzas, burritos, fresh juices, cold beer and more. Lots of good touring local information. Ratanak Kongkea Restaurant Opening in May 2009. Beachside restaurant promising freshfrom-the-ocean seafood and Cambodian dishes. Motorcycle and bicycle rental. Tel: +(855) (0)99-791679

Riel Bar Restaurant & Bakery Regular concerts, exhibitions, performances, dance events and ‘be your own DJ - evenings’ can turn a visit to Riel Bar into an exciting experience. Full bar, reasonable prices, one of the only places in town open into the late night. Free pool table. Offering homemade pastries, ice cream and whole wheat bread products. Movies Sun, Tue and Thurs. Khmer cooking classes on request. In case you are a traveler with artistic talents, the Riel is pleased to have you perform or exhibit. Located in between crab market and the hillside guesthouses. Customers that leave their dollars at home and pay in Riels receive a discount on their bill. Tel: +(855) (0)17-902771 (English), +(855) (0)17-739336 (Khmer.) Salt & Pepper Bakery New western style bakery and coffee shop on Road #33 right next to the White Horse Monument. Fresh baked cakes, cookies and breads. Unique designer breads. Great place to stop for a coffee and snack on your way between Kampot and Kep. Wholesale enquiries welcome. Tel: +(855) (0)99-219004 Veranda Bungalows and Resort Hillside restaurant with a beautiful ocean view. Serving a wide variety of Cambodian and international cuisine with a focus on seafood. Good wine selection. Bakery with homemade danishes, breads and cakes from chocolate tarts to blueberry turnovers. More than 7 varieties of 100% natural Gelato ice cream. Full bar and a terrace with comfortable seating and a spectacular sunset view. Tel: +(855) (0)12-888619

Kom Pot

Akashi Café Distinctive purple house near the new Bridge. Offering simple yet tasty and unique home-cooked food. The bread, yogurt, cakes and cookies, ice creams are all home-made. Good coffees, soups, sandwiches, quiche, muffins and daily pasta specials. Open for 11:00AM to 5:00PM. Closed on Wed. The gates are often closed but the doors are open. Just walk on in. Open for 9:30AM to 5:00PM. Closed on Wed. Tel: 092-775900. Massage for specific ailments also available by appointment only. Tel. 012423180. Bokor Mountain Lodge Lovely old French Colonial-era building in a perfect sunset location on the riverfront road. Serving a variety of Khmer and some western dishes. Italian, Thai, burgers, specializing in fresh crab dishes. Pizzas. Full bar, cold beer, wine and

cocktails. Indoor and wonderful curbside seating overlooking the river. Western managed. Wifi internet. 7AMLate Tel: 033-932314 Website: Coco House The spacious corner curbside seating at this riverfront restaurant and bar offers a great sunset view of the river and mountains. Large selection of reasonably priced western and some Asian dishes. Soups, salads, lots of sandwiches and pastas. Full bar with a selection of several different imported wines. Tel: 012-973727 Jasmine Popular, stylish, welcoming riverfront cafe serving a good selection of western and Khmer dishes. Indoor and curbside seating with a very nice river view. Great place to enjoy sunset over a glass of wine and have a good, reasonably price western meal. Lots of books and magazines. Wifi internet access. Open 10AM-10PM. Tel: 012-927313, 092-963264 Little Garden Bar Well-established, popular, western managed restaurant/bar on the riverfront. Open air garden seating with a river breeze and a sunset view. Good selection of Khmer and western and food. Known for its delicious pizzas. Daily specials. Information on local volunteer opportunities. Daily river cruises leave from here at 3PM. Open 7:00AM10:00PM. Open 7:00AM-10:00PM. Tel: 012-256901 Rheaj’s Friendly riverfront restaurant serving a variety of nicely done western and Khmer dishes at very reasonable prices. Western breakfasts, burgers, sandwiches, salads, BBQ, seafood, a big selection of good pizzas and calzones, vegetarian/vegan sandwiches and dishes, several traditional Khmer dishes, desserts, fruit juices and shakes. Beer, wine and some spirits. Curbside seating with a sunset view. Open 7AM - Late Tel: 033-932122, 012-333361 Rikitikitavi Charming rooftop balcony restaurant and bar with a spectacular view overlooking the river and mountains. A great place to enjoy sunset. Offering a wide selection of western and exclusive Khmer dishes prepared by a professional chef. Very generous portions. Full bar with cocktails, cold beer, a selection of wines and of fine spirits including a nice collection of whiskeys and single-malts. Two for one happy hour 5-7PM. Open 6:30AM - 10:00PM. Open 6:30AM - 10:00PM. Tel: 012-235102

Gin & It This simple cocktail is standard woman cocktail as specify many authors. Equal parts of gin and sweet vermouth (It) and some interesting for garnish. My favourite Salvatore “Maestro� Calabrese garnish own Gin & It with a maraschino cherry and orange peel. I think is it optimal choice for this cocktail Sweet vermouth 35 ml Gin 35 ml Stir. Cocktail glass. Garnish with a red maraschino cherry and orange peel. The Gin & It Cocktail has good-balanced sweet and dry herbal taste. It is good evening cocktail and not for woman only. Some mixologist (like Dale DeGroff ) reccomend to add some drops of Angostura bitter in the Gin & It Cocktail. Gin & It (Dale DeGroff ) 35 ml sweet vermouth 35 ml gin 1 dash Angostura bitter Stir. Cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange peel.


This version has more complex palate with wide herbal bitterness of Angostura. It is good cocktail for any romantic evening.


ecia p S r e k c o kerb


This cocktail has very interesting composition - rum and raspberry syrup. The classic version of this cocktail specifies five main ingredients - raspberry syrup (Hogg and Jackson, but Cocktail DB specified grenadine), lime or lemon juice, orange juice, curacao liqueur and rum. There at Cocktail DB and Jackson prescribed light rum, but Hogg and DeGroff - dark. I use one of my gold (actually aged) rum Bacardi Reserva. Gold rum 60 ml Raspberry syrup (berry grenadine) 8 ml Fresh lemon juice 8 ml Orange juice 8 ml Orange curacao 8 ml Some pineapple chunks Muddle the pineapple spear with juices. Add the rest of ingredients and shake. Serve in a cocktail glass. The Knickerbocker Special Cocktail has very interesting taste. It has rich berry-fruit sweet-and-sour taste with bright rum palate. The Bacardi Reserva Rum work extremely well in this cocktail. It is amazing cocktail.



Go off the beaten path on your way to lost jungle temples, explore the villages and beaches of Cambodia’s rural coast or go off road into the mountains and jungles of Cambodia’s most remote regions, whatever your skill level, Cambodia is a dirtbiker’s paradise. Experience the ultimate Cambodia adventure is an offroad dirt bike tour of this exciting country.

Dancing Roads Dirt Bike Tours There are a number of tours that Dancing Roads Dirt Bike provide.

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Your can have your own personalised tours to suit your ride, or you can follow one of the amazing tour package they offer you. Price start from $125 USD

Quad Adventure Cambodia With Quad Adventure Cambodia and see how much more there is to Siem Reap than Angkor Wat and the Bayon. Take a ride through the villages, rice paddies and temples of Siem Reap Province and get a real insight into this beautiful country and its friendly people. Whether you want a relaxing sunset tour with the family or an extreme adventure 2 day ride to the remote temple of Koh Ker, we have a package to suit everyone. Take a Sunset, Easy ride, Discovery, Half and full day tours or Angkor adventure tour ride. Price start from 25 USD

Hidden Cambodia Adventure Tours, Siem Reap Provides day and multi-day cultural (Angkor and throughout Cambodia), Adventure (4WD, dirt bike, camping, trekking/walking), eco- tourism , humanitarian and incentive holiday packages & tailor made tours catering for individuals, families, groups and corporations. Price start from $125 USD

Rock Climbing in Cambodia Rock climbing exists in Cambodia! - Kampot - Kampong Cham - Siem Reap - Battambang - Sisopon - Takeo Cambodia is featured in the Alpinist! Southern Cambodia’s granite slabs and boulder fields get some recognition.Siem Reap and Phnom Penh now have climbing gyms!

Rock Climbing in Cambodia© is the original guide book

for climbing in Cambodia. The book features detailed site maps, directions to all the existing sites in Cambodia, considerations for travelers, and suggestions of things to see and do near the areas.

New Climbing Wall in Siem Reap

Location: In Krorma Yamato Guest House National Rd No.6 Siem Reap Near Caltex and Tasom GH Contact: Seishiro Nishimura at or 012893001 Learn Rock Climbing, Price start from $30 USD.


Powered paragliding is one of the world’s fastest growing aerial sports. Now it is possible to get involved in Cambodia. This sport is fun, safe, and the Cambodian countryside and coastline offer the ultimate flying playground. Para Cambodia, the first and only powered paragliding business in the country offers a range of services from training, equipment sales and PPG tours to aerial photography and flying events. The magic of flight is now within your reach! $50 — half day

$75 — full day Phone: (855) 12 709 096, (855) 12 478 537, (855) 15 850 802 Sihanoukville, Cambodia


Travel Scuba Scuba Nation is Cambodia’s first PADI 5 Star National Geographic Dive Centre and a dynamic dive company with the highest qualified and most experienced male and female Instructors in Cambodia. Join us on Cambodia’s only liveaboard dive boat or take a comfortable day trip with full on-board facilities.

Scuba Nation Sihanoukville Serendipity Beach Office Mohachai Guesthouse Serendipity Beach Road Sihanoukville, Cambodia Mobile: +855 (0)12 604680 Phone: +855 (0) 34 933700

Phnom Penh Head Office Address: #18E0, Sothearos Boulevard Phnom Penh, Cambodia Mobile: +855 (0)12 715785 Phone/Fax: +855 (0) 23 211850 Website:

Diving And More Address: Sopheak Meangul Road, corner of St. 108, Group 13 Mundul 1, Sangkat 2, Khan Mittapheap, Sihanoukvill, Cambodia. Tel/Fax: +855 34 934 220 Mobile: +855 12 96 06 25 E-mail:

Biking Cambodia A cycling tour is the ideal way to discover Cambodia and get in touch with it’s charming people and offers you the opportunity to stay in good physical conditions. We suggest several circuits around the countryside of Siem Reap up to the heart of the temples of Angkor.


Adventure cambodia, Hup Guan Street #668 Street behind ANZ bank - POBOX18- Siem Reap - Cambodia Phone : +855 (0)92 476682 / (0)12 843401 / (0)63 964557 Fax: +855 (0)63 964557

Hup Guan

Street #668 Street behind ANZ bank - P.O. BOX 18 - Siem Reap - Cambodia Phone: +855 92 476682, +855 12 843401, +855 63 964557 Fax: +855 63 964557


Imagine what you can experience in 5 days ia’s most s A t s a e h t Sou nmen. o r i v n e e n pristi AWAY E T A G T X NE

DAY 1-2








10 PLACES T H AT M A D E T H E D E C A D E We look back at the destinations and events that shaped the noughties KARAKOW, POLAND



Twenty years ago, krakow was still a specialist holiday destination as far as British visitors were concerned. Today, its John Paul II international receives flights from 11 UK airports. The demand is fuelled by two-way traffic: Britons discovering more of the relatively unfamiliar eastern half of the continent, and Poles living and working in the UK. The facilitating factor was the accession on 1 May 2004 of Poland to the Eruopean Union - by 2008, the Poland-born population of Britain stood at nearly half a millon. Contrary to popular myth, not all of the new arrivals were plumbers. This popluation has fluctuated and will probably continue to do so but, in the meantime, Brits already acquainted with Krakow can explore Polish cities with even more unfathomable names, such as Wroclaw (pronounced ‘vrot-swahf’), or Bydgoszcz (oh, never mide).



At 8pm on 8 Auguest 2008, a lucky day in Chinese numerology, the Olympic Games opened to the sound of 2,008 drummers beating a countdown inside Beijing’s National Stadium - dubbed the Bied’s Nest after its intricate design. At least two bilion people watched the ceremony, which came after a worldwide Olympic torch relay that was accomanied by noisy protests in many countries. the games took place in a decade when China’s GDP growth reached into the double digits, and cities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen witnessed a commercial and construction boom. China is the only economy predicted to overtake the US by 2050

The image of skyscrapers in flames against the Manhattan skyline on the morning of 11 September 2001 seems just as shocking now, more then eight years after the event, as it did then. the immediate consequences were new anti-terrorist measures, stock-market panics and two months later, the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. At the end of decade, soldiers from the US, Britain and at least 30 other countries are still in Afghanistan, while Iraq, which the US invaded in 2003, entered and effective civil war. While Obama deals with the continuing consequences of the September 11 attacks, a memorial is being buit at the site of the fallen twin towers. The names of the victims (nearly 3,000 peropke) will be inscribed around two reflecting pool marking where the towers stood.



As the decade ends, the Golden State is feeling distinctly impecunious, as its beefy Austrian/US governor tries to plug a budget deficit of $16bn. But the state is home to nearly all the big internet names of the past decade. Based at the ‘Googleplex’ in Santa Clara County, Google’s deceptively simple homepage is the most visited site on the net and in 2004 it raised $1.67 billion when it floated. its neighbours include Apple, eBay, Facebook and Yahoo!, While YouTube, MySpace, Twitter and Wikipedia are also in the state.

PLUS: 2001...Dennis Tito becomes first space tourist...New Zealand becomes Middle Earth...2002...Launch of the Euro... 2007...Anti-goverment protests in Burma...2008...Barack Obama elected president in the US...Icelandic financial



Until this decade, the only peculiarity of the small French town of Ferney-Voltaire was the second half of its name, commemorating the philosopher who once lived there. But underneath this one-time centre of radical thought, as new age of enlightenmnet may sub-atomic pericles together in the hope of answering the most fundamental questions about the architecture of the universe. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the project of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research. In this circular tunnel, 17 miles in circumference, protons manage 11,000 laps a scond, travelling at 99.9997828 per cent of the speed of light. The project may be the most ambitious scientific experiment ever undertaken, with the possibility - if you belive the tabloid headlines - that it might annihilate the universe in the process. The guys with the physics degrees deny there claims in the most Anglo-Saxon of terms. And if you’re asking what applocations this science is likely to have in your life, just remember that a previous project of theirs produced a spin-off called the World Wide Web.



Britain’s 30-year effort to lose its reputation as the worst place to eat in Europe outside the former Soviet bloc has almost been achieved. The momentum grew in the 1990s as more ‘exotic’ restaurant choices appeared on UK high streets, preparing us for a decade of celeb chefs, locally sourced ingredients, campaigns to improve school food and a revival of classic British cooking. London’s Boroug Market is a fitting symbol of our changing attitude. During the 1980s and 1990s, the historic food market was losing money. Today, it is bursting with people buying British fruit ‘n’ veg, Spanish meats, Italian olivers, Mexican chocolate and Punjabi sweets.



On a Pacific atoll 53 miles northeast of the Papua New Guinean island of Bougainville, increasing numbers of storm surges and king tides have poisoned the water supply and staple crops of the 2,500 inhabitants. The highest point on the Carteret Island is 1.5m - less than the height of an average adult. although geological processes may be causing the island to sink, rising sea levels have been blamed for forcing may of the islanders to evacuate to Bougainville in 2009. This could be the first instance of a mass relocation of people as a result of man-made climate change.





In the mid-1990s, a common reaction to sushi in Britain went something like: ‘Raw fish? W on’t that make you ill?’ Today, you can pick up boxes of fish, vinegary rice, seaweed and pickled ginger in most major supermarkets. And Japanese culinary influence is apparent beyond traditional Japanese restaurants too, as upscale menus feature ingredients like wasabi and yuzu. In 2007, Michelin brought out its first guide to Tokyo, which deposed Paris as the city with the most stars to its name. A guide to Kyoto and Osaka followed in October 2009. As with Tokyo, it doesn’t list restaurants with no stars - there isn’t room.



In 2002, Iran became a founder member of the Axis of Evil, as defined by the then US president George W Bush, at a time when a reform-inclined Iranian president was being checked by religious conservatives. The mercury rose sharply after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became president in 2005 and made comments that were widely interpreted as being a call for the destruction of Israel. At the UN Security Ciuncil, the US, Britain and France pushed for sanctions over fears that Iran was trying to build nuclear weapons, but Russia and China were mostly opposed to these moves. In 2009, following disputedelections in which Ahmadinejad was declared the victor, protestors came onto the streets of Tehran and used sites like Twitter and Facebook to keep their movement alive.

For centuries, Mali was known in Europe for its remoteness - a place of legendary riches at the end of the caravan train across the Sahara from the Mediterranean to Timbuktu. Today, its greatest export is music - recognised worldwide in awards like the Grammy won by the late Ali Farka Toure in 2006. Other successful artists in the last decade include Salif Keita, Tinariwen, Mory Kante, Oumou Sangare abd Amadou et Marian (right). How has a landlocked country of just 13 million people on the edge of the desert built such a musical reputation? It could be in the blood - Mali has an ancient caste of hereditary musicians and poets called griots. Toumani Diabate, for example, is the 71st generation player of the 21-string kora harp in his family.

2003... Concorde makes its last flight...2004...Indian Ocean Tsunami...2006...North Korea tests nuclear weapon... system collapses as does Lehman Brothers...2009...Swedish Priate Party wins European Parliament seat...




From exploring the the country’s history to living it up in the city; learning about Singaporean culture to sampling Singapore finest foods you can plan your perfect adventure with our step by step guide. Singapore Flyer



Climate (Singpore)


Average high °C (°F) 31.7 (89) Average low °C (°F) 23.9 (75)


Getting there

SilkAir (, Thai Airways (, Jet Star ( Fly from Phnom Penh from $118 USD. Flights go via Siem Reap if prefer. GR Getting around

If you have limited time, make the most of a wide network of MRT or Bus travel is easy if slower. The best way to explore in depth is to hire a car - try ( or Avis (

THE FINAL WORD A prince from Palembang was shipwrecked and washed ashore to an island. There he saw a creature which he believed was a lion. So he named the island “Singa Pura” (in Tamil language Singa puram) which means “Lion City” in Malay, from which the name Singapore was derived.


Raffles Hotel This is one of the oldest hotel in Singapore. Just go and soak in the atmosphere! Don’t be too casually dressed and just walk into the hotel Visit the shops there & don’t miss out the toilets! They are gorgeous!


Esplanade Theatres on the Bay One of the newest places for the arts, Esplanade has an unique appearance and is the place to go for any performing arts performances! You can also go and browse through the shops and even the library. You can also admire the arts on display !

Merlion Park Not to be confused with the Merlion in Sentosa, this Merlion has been watching over Singapore River since 1972! Recently relocated to an area which is adjacent to One Fullerton, the Merlion now sits proudly in a newly constructed 2,500 square metre park. There is also a Merlion cub and both Merlions sprout out water day and night! Also, it offers an excellent view of the Esplanade Theatres on the Bay. Excellent for photo taking during the day or night!


National Library Singapore aka Lee Kong Chian Reference Library The flagship library, this newly completed building boost a collection of 530,000 print and non-print materials and is over 7 storeys tall! Free talks are also organised regularly. If not, just walk in and browse!

Singapore Botanic Garden One of the green places in Singapore, it is located near the US embassy in town and is a haven away from the bustling Orchard Road. There are also performances on weekend! Pack some sandwiches and have a picnic there!

Little India People watch in Little India. Immerse yourself in the exotic scents and just browse in Little India. You will make lots of wonderful discovery!




Queenstown in Singapore Want to know how typical Singaporean live in? The oldest self contained town in Singapore, Queenstown has lots of old flats and old flavour of Singapore! Just take the MRT, alight and absorb the atmosphere there!


The last stop of the MRT North Line, Marina Bay will be undergoing massive renovation soon! In the meantime, this reclaimed area boost to be the home to many steamboat restaurants that offer very cheap seafood! There is also a bowling alley. Lots of open space for kite flying, it is indeed an escape from the bustling city area. It is almost like another world all together. Enjoy it before major building works begin.



Singapore City Gallery The place to go to know about Singapore! Best thing about it? Catch a bird’s eye view of Singapore without climbing up a sky scraper. Enjoy and test yourself with the interactive games! Best of all, entry is free! Visit the website for the address and how to get there!


East Coast Park Go there to enjoy the breeze. Walk along the sea. Ogle at the impressive oil tankers. If you have your own skates, bring it along!

MORE WAYS TO SEE SINGAPORE ON 2010 If you’re going to spend your time in the other part of the world, you may as well give yourself enough time to appreciate the rest of the country - get more out of your trip with there incredible experiences

Singapore Flyer WHY GO? Singapore Flyer offers a breathtaking panorama of the shimmering Marina Bay waterfront and historical landmarks dotting the city skyline. Find details of our facilities, sights and sounds to explore, dining and shopping – everything you need to know to make your trip to the Flyer a successful and memorable one. Standing at stunning 165m, the Flyer is the height of a 42-storey building – that’s some 30 metres taller than the famed London Eye. Taking a flight on this S$240 million dollar wheel is a one-of-a-kind experience you wouldn’t want to miss. GETTING THERE Stop at the City Hall MRT Station, about 10 - 15 minutes away from Singapore Flyer. Catch a public bus or shuttle bus to the Flyer. Public Bus: From City Hall MRT, cross the road to Raffles Hotel. Take bus 111, 106 or 133 from the bus stop in front of the hotel, alight at Temasek Avenue and cross the road to the Flyer. Shuttle Bus: From City Hall MRT, cross the road to Coleman Street. There is a bus stop next to St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Board the shuttle bus which swings by every half hour from 10.00am - 10.00pm. The shuttle bus takes you directly to the Flyer.

ION Orchard WHY GO? Focused on creating a charmed shopping experience, ION Orchard Concierge sets the standard on impeccable customer care, tailored to the needs of every visitor who sets foot in our premises. Over 335 food and retail outlets GETTING THERE Orchard MRT NS 22 Take a bus number from 124, 143, 162, 162M, 502, 700

Clarke Quay WHY GO? Clarke Quay is an entertainment, dining and nightlife focal point in Singapore. It is on the river, and you can do a Bumboat river tour, which is an interesting and inexpensive way to see the sights in a leisurely fashion. There are a large number of restaurants and bars. I recommend Brewerkz, which is a microbrewery and steak place. You can sit outside (shaded) and watch the world go by, while munching on the largest hamburger you’ve seen! No mattter what your taste, you’re likely to find somewhere which will cater to your taste in food! In the evening, Clarke Quay transforms into a vibrant area bustling with people- there’s a great atmosphere. GETTING THERE By River Taxi From Raffles Place MRT Station(Standard Chartered Bank Exit), By Bus No. 54 from Scotts Road or 32 and 195 from City Hall MRT Station, By MRT• Clarke Quay MRT (about 5 mins walk) • City Hall MRT(about 10 mins walk) Raffles Place MRT (about 10 mins walk)

Sentosa WHY GO? Sentosa is Singapore’s premier island resort getaway with multi-faceted appeal, teeming with events all year round. Just 15 minutes from the city, it home to monitor lizards, monkeys, peacocks, parrots as well as other native fauna and flora. Sentosa has a 3.2-kilometre stretch of white sand beach, and is the only location in Singapore to offer beachfront accommodation and over 670 hotel rooms with full facilities. Offering a variety of experiences for all ages, Sentosa is a mustvisit destination for tourists and a popular recreational playground for local residents. GETTING THERE Take the North-East Line and alight at the HarbourFront MRT Station. From there, you may either go to the 3rd level of VivoCity shopping mall, transfer onto our Sentosa Express or you may follow the signs to the HarbourFront Bus interchange. Hop onto the orange Sentosa bus and you’ll be on your way to Sentosa. Train fares vary. Take a bus and alight along Telok Blangah Road. Make your way to the HarbourFront Bus interchange and hop onto the orange Sentosa bus. You may seek assistance from the friendly bus captain to find out where to alight. Bus fares vary. Bus numbers: 65, 80, 93, 188, 855, 10, 30, 97, 100, 131, 143, 145, 166







KARVT wooden MacBook skins -- because sometimes aluminum just isn’t enough

JVC intros HD Everio GZ-HM1 video camera

64GB Zune HD launching April 12th for $350, current models reduced $20

Is the Apple logo on your MacBook not brash enough for everyone in the coffee shop to see? Is that streamlined aluminum appearance too Pro for you? Time to enter the newly opened KARVT online store, where unabashed Apple fans can finally add the sophistication of “100% real authentic wood” to their beloved machines. Most popular tastes can be accommodated, with different shades of cherry, bamboo, pine, and walnut on offer, and there’s even an artists’ section where some design flair is added to your timberrific purchase. The skins will fit on any recent Apple laptops, and prices are $35 for the wood grain or $50 for the artsy ones, with deliveries starting on May 1. Bargain or what?

JVC’s already rolled out a handful of new Everio camcorders this year, and it’s just now refreshed the top of the line with its new HD Everio GZ-HM1 video camera. This one will naturally give you full 1080p video recording (along with 10-megapixel still images), and you’ll get some reasonably high-end features all around, including a Konica Minolta lens with a 10x optical zoom, optical image stabilization, 64GB of internal storage, an SDHC card slot for further expansion, a mic input and headphone output, and a full range of manual controls. Head on past the break for a video overview courtesy of JVC, and look for the camera itself to be availability immediately for $1,199.95.

Let’s just be nice and feign surprise, okay? Good. With that out of the way, Microsoft has announced a 64GB version of Zune HD, due out April 12th via the Zune online store (and later via other retailers) with a handful of color options and a strapping $349.99 price tag. Not to be outdone, the 16GB and 32GB will each receive a $20 cut on the MSRP, to $200 and $270, respectively -- whatever Amazon and Newegg slash beyond that is up to them. It seems “as soon as possible” is the motto for when the price drop is taking place, so if your favorite online / brick-and-mortar retailer isn’t yet honoring the extra Andrew Jackson in your pocket, have patience. So now we’re left with a v4.5 firmware release date as the remaining piece in this puzzle, but Microsoft promises to solve that riddle wrapped in an enigma “in the coming days.”




Apple sells 1,000,000 iPads in revolution’s first month

Cameras With Sony’s bedazzling DSCW350D camera, the W is for Woman

iPhone OS 4 unveiled, adds multitasking, shipping this summer

CUPERTINO, California-May 3, 2010-Apple today announced that it sold its one millionth iPad™ on Friday, just 28 days after its introduction on April 3. iPad users have already downloaded over 12 million apps from the App Store and over 1.5 million ebooks from the new iBookstore. “One million iPads in 28 days-that’s less than half of the 74 days it took to achieve this milestone with iPhone,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “Demand continues to exceed supply and we’re working hard to get this magical product into the hands of even more customers.” iPad allows users to connect with their apps and content in a more intimate, intuitive and fun way than ever before. Users can browse the web, read and send email, enjoy and share photos, watch HD videos, listen to music, play games, read ebooks and much more, all using iPad’s revolutionary Multi-Touch™ user interface. iPad is 0.5 inches thin and weighs just 1.5 pounds-thinner and lighter than any laptop or netbook-and delivers up to 10 hours of battery life.

Sometimes you tire of the rat race, the feature fight, the megapixel war. When that happens this is the result: the DSC-W350D, a 14-megapixel, 4x (optically stabilized) zoom camera set to shatter the compact shooter glass ceiling. The pink model has a swirly flower print and a cute beveled edge around the lens and, though the pearly white looks a bit more sophisticated, embedded rhinestones ensure that neither gets taken too seriously. Both offer 720p recording and each has an optional matching case, meaning this is one perfect accessory that can itself be accessorized.

Just a bit more than a year after we first laid eyes on iPhone OS 3.0, Apple is back with the latest big revision of the OS that powers the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. iPhone OS 4 is shipping this summer (iPad in the fall), and the developer preview will be out today. iPhone 3GS and newgen iPod touch will get all the features, but some features won’t make it to the iPhone 3G, original iPhone, and older iPod touches. The biggest new feature is multitasking, which Apple says is going to be the “best” implementation in the smartphone space, though it’s obviously not the first. App switching is activated by double tapping the home button, which pulls up a “dock” of currently running apps, and Apple claims it can do this without hurting battery life or performance for the front app. Unfortunately, this multitasking won’t be available for devices older than the 3GS and new iPod touch. Multitasking is just one of seven different new “tentpole” features, including Game Center, enhanced Mail, and more...




VERO Media Design


The Korean lady bring love of golf to Cambodia

When Mi Hyeon An arrived Phnom Penh three years ago, the South Korean golf professional wants to do more than just to settle down and enjoy Cambodia’s tropical weather. An has trained a number of government officials to learn playing golf. The member of Professional Teaching Association also has a privilege to play with some senior political leaders and businesspeople. An can talk endlessly about her passion. She even dares to declare the world in sport to the reality of life. “In real life, there are judges. But on the golf pitch, there is no single judge; there are only players and you have to be who you’re. And more importantly, you have to be on your own,” explained the passionate golfer, whose news columns about importance of playing golf been published in Koh Santepheap, a Khmer-language daily newspaper. She added that “golfers are adaptable to weather as a matter of life.” It’s not surprising, however, her family members and her husband play golf. “My husband is crazy with golf.

He’s even better than me,” told An. She added that “in South Korea, if you want to do business, you have to know how to play golf. It’s not only just a game, but you’ve got about five hours of chance for a friendly talk with your business partners. And it’s where your business deal can take place. “ In 2008, An, who became a golf professional at the age of 20, started Family Golf, a golf club at Parkway Center on Mao Tse Tung Boulevard, in hope of spreading the love of the sport among Phnom Penh residents. Despite many of her guests are native Koreans, An will open another larger golf club at Grand Phnom Penh in a June this year to renew her prospect of having more Cambodians to learn playing golf. But An doesn’t want to stop here. Her next thing to achieve is to setup Cambodian Professional Golf Association (CPGA). “Playing golf is to fight with myself,” professional golfer An said in an interview last week at Family Golf, where a dozen of Koreans were hitting one ball after another against the wall.


First Prize Winner from CJCC



Channara Mar



How would you describe your life in Singarpore so far? It was so hard to live where I never belong when I first moved to Singapore. I had faced many problems that I never expect. I had arrived 2 days before the school started. I had to catch everything such as how to take bus, subway and get lost in 1st time. I had to learnt most of thing in short time. There was no friend or relative, started from school life and everything. People seem look down when they heard I am from Cambodia. In 1st term at school (Raffles Design Institute) I joined the local company’s competition for new layout of shopping mall with other two classmates. We won 3rd prize. After few months I got used with life over here. I love the multiply culture also the food. I have more friends. There was only one Khmer at Interior Design department. Mostly I have spoken English unless I meet any Khmer. I love to explore new places to get to know them such as shopping mall, Park, new buildings or anything new in Singapore, I’d love to try. I love the Cinema in here, I watch lots of movies at weekend. Being at arts school I got more chances to see those artist, photographers. I have grown up my photography skill in here. I started from shooting landscape photography seriously in early 2008 and also involve with portrait and fashion photography in 2009. By end of 2009 I got a friend who become my photography lecturer later, Dara Lork who live in USA. He has guided me the

correct way to take photo, give comment and also my consultant for photography. During November, 2009. I have been shot in film my chance. I got contacted from Cambodian friend at other school. She needed any Cambodian who could help in acting. There was a group of Final year student from Film school, New York University. They wanted to make a short film about Cambodia and they need actor or actress who speak Khmer. I denied at 1st as I never have such as an experience. I went to see the director and I was taken photo. I went for Audio later on and met other Cambodian. The teamwork got no time to train any new actor or actress they decided to hire other 2 actresses from TV. They kept only me who is Cambodian. I have been shot for 3 days in Singapore. I was a volunteer actor, but I gained knowledge related with photography and filming. The director has taught me how connect with other actor or actress that we never know each other before and also how to act. What have you been working on recently that has got you most excited ? Working with the teamwork from New York University is a priceless experience I can’t find anywhere in my life. It was by chance that I never expect. I was so excited to visit their studios. They got over 400 studios, Many edition rooms, Cinema and so on. Even though it was a short film but they use all expensive stuff to produce

the movie. Everyone worked so hard even the rain has stopped us sometime. What is your inspiration of your photography? Where did you get it from? And who is the most your inspiration? I want to see people smile, when they see my photos is my inspiration. I got inspiration from That web site contains lots of travelling photos around the world and got strict rules that all register member have to follow. Gary McParland from UK and Xavier JAMONET from France. They both are landscape photographer from How do you feel when you shot the picture? And How much researched did you do for photo shot? I feel exciting to see my result after shooting. I did lots of research for new shot that I never shot before. I note down the photo’s property if it’s available online. It’s can be few days on Internet or magazine. I like to read photography magazine at library. When did you find out that, you interesting in photo shooing? In 2001 I needed a digital camera for my studying when I was at Royal Fine Art University, Cambodia. I got my 1st Canon IXUS from France. My sister sent directly from over there. It was just point and shot photo during that time. In 2003 at Fine Art University we got pho

tography class. It’s was film photography that take 3 hours per week.

Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro HSM Sigma 70-300mm APO f/4-5.6

What are you working on now and what would you like to do next?

-Filter: C-PL Filter ND8 Filter Infared Filter

I am freelance photographer and also Interior designer freelance as well. After graduated in early 2010 I have taken a break to release myself from stress. I’m going to find a job in Cambodia after my vacation. I prefer working as Interior Designer also photographer part time. How many kind of tool to make you adapt with photo shooting? -Camera: Nikon D90. -Lenses: AF NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8 D, AF-S DX VR NIKKOR 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED

AF NIKKOR 70-300 f/4-5.6 G

-Softbox -5 in 1 Reflector -Wireless Trigger -Speed light: Sigma EF-530 DG ST What is your new exhibition all about? For exhibition it’s just a plan that need time and budget. I would love to do it in Phnom Penh or Siem Reap. It will be landscape photography and my travelling. What medium do you most like working in? I would love to work as Interior Designer.

Info Name: Mar ChannNara Occupation: Interior Designer Freelancer : Photographer Education and Work


Colleges: Raffles Design Institute ‘06 National Institute of Management ‘00 Royal Fine Arts of University ‘99 High School: Sisowat High school ‘99 Contact Information Current City: Singapore Website:



Ask the Expert Q Chutneys and pickles

Chutneys and pickles add great flavours as condiments, but do they have any nutritional benefits? “Are there any chutneys and pickles better than others? I would like to use these occasionally but am not sure whether they are any good for me.”


Cathy Essentially, chutneys, relishes and pickles are preserves made from vegetables and /or fruit, vinegar and sugar. While the fruit, vegetables, spices added and ingredients may vary, chutneys depend on a certain level of vinegar, sugar (and salt) to enable them to be kept at room temperature without going off. It is because of their sugar content that restraint around them is frequently advised, but this does not mean you cannot use and enjoy them! Rather than thinking of them as something you can only use occasionally, think about them as you would jam, peanut butter or honey; something you can use daily but in small quantities with other healthy foods. A thin spread of chutney, particularly if you have it instead of butter, is a delicious start to a sandwich, and something you should not worry about. As to some varieties being better than others, since they are all relatively high in sugar, I would make my decision based on flavour and whether it complements the food you are serving it with, rather than any nutritional criteria.


Sports drinks Sports drinks come in fancy bottles and a range of different colours - but are they any good? I go to the gym. Do I need a sports drink during and/or after my workout? Probably not. If your workout is less than an hour long, or longer but at a low intensity, there’s little to be gained from drinking a sports drink over plain water from the tap. Four to eight per cent carbohydrate in a sports drink helps water absorption in the gut, and the sodium improves flavour and water absorption, as well as stimulating thirst so you drink more. Sports drinks are great for endurance sports or high intensity workouts, but can add unnecessary kilojoules and expense for shorter or less intense workouts. Losing body water can cause headaches and affect concentration, so it’s important to get enough water (from various drinks as well as foods) to get the best out of your workout and working day. If you’re not sure how much fluid you need, there are two ways to monitor this. One is to check the colour of your urine: if it’s pale or almost clear, you’re getting enough fluid. However, if your urine is darker, you need more fluid. You can also weigh yourself before and after a workout. Losing one kilo during exercise is equivalent to losing nearly one litre of fluid through sweating which has not been replaced by drinking. (Note that a weight gain indicates over-hydration which is also not advised and potentially harmful). Remember that your fluid needs will vary depending on the intensity and length of your exercise and will change from winter to summer.

Q Sushi

Is sushi safe to keep for later, and if so, for how long?

“Can you tell me how long store-bought sushi lasts? For example, if I buy a pack for lunch one day, can it be saved for lunch the next day?” Deborah Julia Clark, a dietitian at New Zealand Food Safety Authority responds:

“How long store-bought sushi lasts for or whether it’s safe to eat the next day depends on three things: the food safety practices of the retailer, how long the sushi is displayed for, and what you do with it next.


Sushi is at particular risk of being contaminated with bacteria during the preparation proccess. Bacillus cereus and staphylococcus aureus can grow on rice that hasn’t been cooled quickly after cooking. If ingredients are contaminated through poor hand hygiene and unclean utensils, you might be at risk of salmonella, campylobacter and listeria. The difficulty is that you can’t see this bacteria and looking closely or even smelling the sushi will not help you to know whether it is contaminated or not. It’s common to display sushi for sale at room temperature as this maintains the quality, texture and taste of the product. But this is also the ideal temperature for those harmful bacteria to grow. Some stores may display sushi in a chilled unit (2-4°C) which will prevent any further bacteria growth. Because of the way most sushi is prepared and stored, there is no guarantee it will be safe or even of good quality a day or two after buying it. If you do buy sushi to eat at a later time, follow these four tips to minimise your risk of getting sick. Buy sushi first thing in the morning and store in your fridge at work to eat for lunch that day or the next. Buy your sushi from an outlet that prepares the sushi fresh in front of you. If ready prepared, buy sushi that is displayed in a chiller (between 2-4°C) – and check the use-by date if it has one. If in doubt, ask the retailer when it was made, how long it has been on display, and how they prepare sushi to make sure it is safe to eat.”

Noodles How can you tell the good from the bad noodles? “My preschoolers love 2-minute noodles. There is such a range of noodles on offer. It would be helpful to know the good from the bad.” Suzanne Nutritionist Bronwen King responds:



“The nutritional content of instant noodles can vary hugely. Traditional quick-cook noodles are fried during processing. This means that although they do not seem fatty, most have a fat content of over 15g per single serving pack, which is high for an everyday food. Given that instant noodles are also high in sodium and artificial flavours, they are not a nutritious choice for children and can contribute to weight gain. There are, however, low-fat versions on the market. Maggi has just relaunched their 2-minute noodles with a much reduced fat content (from 15.9g fat per serve to just 2.2g). They are now made with less sodium and all natural flavours. This is clearly a better choice among instant noodles. Remember, instant noodles served on their own should be an occasional food only. They do not have significant quantities of the nutrients kids need to grow and stay healthy. A better habit to encourage is having noodles or pasta as part of a meal with meat (or other protein) and good quantities of vegetables.”




35 [ Winter Sleek] Don’t let bulky coats detract from your look. Find a coat that compliments your body. For example, fake curves with a belted coat or a cinched waist. 36 [Two- Ply] When you’re buying cashmere, look for two-ply. Put your hand behide one layer of the fabric and hold it up to the light. If you can see the color of your skin, the material is too thin and won’t hold up. 37 [High Heels] Heels can add a bounce to your step. You only need two pairs: A black and a brown, which will match everything. Heel height of an inch to and a half is ideal. 38 [Zipper Zone] Rub a bar of soap of the teeth of a stuck zipper to help it glide. 39 [A Woman’s Best Friend] a great pair of jeans. Make sure you find cuts that compliment your shape. 40 [It’s Raining, It’s Pouring] Spice things up with fabulous rain boots. Try a fun pattern or a bright color to personalize this classic footwear.


41 [Suit Yourself] A suit can make you sleekerbut only if the jacket is slightly fitted and the pants are straight-legged. 42 [Hide and Sleek] Camouflage your middle with a tunic top. Designed to be worn untucked, they give the illusion of a trimmer waistline. 43 [Dynamic Duo] Dressing up? Skip the gown and buy separates. You’ll get a better fit on top and bottom. 44 Distract with Details An interesting neckline draws the eye away from your hips and tummy. 45 [Pop Art] A colourful or print bag can make your black ensemble pop. 46 [Go Big] A big, slouchy leather bag combines Boho chic with practicality-look for lots of pockets so you can quickly find your phone, keys esand other sentials. 47 [Emphasize] Your Assets A kneelength,Aline skirt made of a structured fabric minimizes thighs and shows off shapely calves. 48 [Baby Got Bag] Make sure your bag is large enough. One that’s too small will make you look bigger.


49 [It’s a Wrap] Wrinkle- free jersey top and skirt combine ease with luxe style. The wrap top ties at the waist for quick and simple cinching.

add details to an otherwise boring outfit,help hide figure flaws and make you look slimmer.

50 [Roar] When you’re wearing an animal print, always choose neutral colors and keep the rest of your outfit tame.

57 [Deodorant Disaster] Remove fresh deodorant marks by rubbing them with a damp, well-wrung-out washcloth or towel.

51 [Undo Your Belt] Aflirty alternative to a belt is a lightweight scart. Plus,it will add flair to your outfit. 52 [Don’t fall apart] Fix a last-minute fallen hem by using masking tape to hold up the fold temporary. 53 [Static Stopper] Fight static by running your hands over a new dryer sheet and then lightly patting down the charged-up fabric. 54 [Turn Heads] No matter what your figure flaws are, the best way to dress for your body type is to focus on the positive. Pick one body part you love to show off and design your outfit around that. 55 [LBD] The little black dress is a musthave. Choose 56 [Accessories] Your outfit Adding a belts is one of the easiest ways to update an outfit. Belts can help make a dress or top that is shapeless have a shape on your body Belts can

58 [Stain Sting] Blot out a stain on your collar with a wet sponge or terrycloth towel, or cover it up with a pretty scarf. 59 [Lush Leather] Touch up worn sports and scuffs on leather shoes and bags with a matching permanent market. Buff well with a paper towel to remove excess that might rub off. 60 [Button Bonanza] Reattach a loose button with the metal wire from a twist tie. Peel away the paper;insert the wire through the button and fabric, and twist to secure. 61 [Don’t Pull] Push in a sweater pull with a fine needle or pin through the fabric to the back. 62 [Burst of hot Air] Blast away water spots on silk and wool with a gentle steam burst from your iron. Hold it above, not directly on, the fabric.

62 [Burst of Hot Air] Blast away water sports on silk and wool with a gentle steam burst from your iron. Hold it above, not directly on, the fabric. 70 [Zzzz...] Getting to sleep can seem like a dream when a cough keeps you awake. For 12 hours of cough relief, try DELSYM, America’s only 12 hour cough liquid” Use as directed. 71 [Say Si to a Siesta] Take a power nap. An afternoon nap can help relieve stress and in crease productivity. 72 [Go with H2 O] A regular dose of fresh air is important, especially in cold weather. Central heating can dry you out and make you more vulnerable to cold and flu viruses. 73 [Get fresh Air] A regular dose of fresh air is important, especially in cold weather. Central heating can dry you out and make you more vulnerable to cold and flu viruses. 74 [Grab a Partner] Work out with a friend or in an exercise class in stead of on your own, and you’ll have more accountability motivation and structure. 75 [Don’t Fail to plan] Write down your master plan for how you’ll fit in fitness and eat healthier, and factor it in as you plan schedules for the new year

76 [Go the Distance] Park at the far end of the lot and take the stairs instead of the elevator. By altering these routines, you’ll increase your physical activity by adding steps to your day! 77 [Share Your Secret] Support is key to dropping pounds and keeping them off. 78 [Back] On the Saddle You took a break from exercising. The layoff can seriously interfere with weightloss efforts-beyond just the unspent calories. Get back to it. 79 [Fido] is calling take your dog for a walk; you will enjoy time together and get some exercise. 80 [Don’t Assume] Low-Fat Means Healthy The label trumpets “Low-fat”. But this doesn’t tell you about calories-which is what you need to pay attention to in order to lose weight and keep if off. 81 [Flick On the lights] The dimmer the room, the more you’ll eat. Why? Research suggests that the brighter your dining area, the less food you’ll likely consume. 82 [Get Some Sun] Your body needs sunlight to use an essential feel-good hormone called serotonin, Which may lessen your cravings for sugar and other carbs. 83 Help alleviate dry winter skin Try LEVER 2000* bar since it is specially formulated with more skin hydrator than

the leading dial bar soap* for skin that feels smooth &refreshed. 84 [Don’t Push it] Research has shown that the best way to stick with an exercise program is to build confidence by throwing yourself in to it. 85 [Peace and Quiet] The act of lighting a candle by itself can often be soothing. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, try lighting a candle. 86 [Om] Try meditating once in awhile. It may help lower stress. 87 [Avocado Advantage] Avocados are a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids, Including oleic acid, which has recently been shown to offer significant protection against breast cancer. 88 [What’s Up, Doc?] Which promotes healthy skin and eyesight. You’d be wise to include carrots as a topping on your salad. 89 [Walk like an Egyptian] The pharaohs prized mushrooms as a delicacy. Today, we treasure them as a health food. Mushrooms provide an excellent source of potassium, which helps lower elevated blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke. 90 [An Apple a Day] Drink a glass of water and eat an apple before each meal to help you feel full.

91 Cup of Joe Plenty of health benefits are brewing in coffee. A study released from the University of Scranton revealed that coffee is America’s No. 1 source of antioxidants, important compounds that protect your body from disease. Sweeten up your cup of joe with SWEET’S LOW Zero Calorie Sweetener. 92 [Good Old favourite] Peanut butter is a good source of dietary fiber, which helps regulate blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. 93 [Egg-cetera] Eggs are not only delicious but also one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D. 94 [Candy Land] If it will lift your spirits-grab a piece of candy once in a while. 95 [Oh, Honey Honey] The benefits of honey go beyond its great taste. It’s a natural source of carbohydrates, which provide strength and energy to our bodies. 96 [Super Boost] The natural chemicals in plants give the vitamins in food a supercharged boost. Eat dark green, red and yellow vegetables and fruits. 97 [Enjoin your Meal] Take the time to saver your food when you eat; chew thoroughly, put your fork down between bites and only go for a second helping after you’ve waited about 20 minutes. 81



Street Talks FUN INTERVIEW From our fans in Facebook What do you think about your appearance ? Do you think that you look pretty or handsome?

Name: Dalin Noun Age: 21 ( kmeng heuy saart ) Nationality: Khmer sot (Cambodian ) Occupation: Student (smart), model I think that my appearance is, Nice , the real me , I’m thankful of what I’ve got from the nature . And I don really care if people sees me as pretty or not, as long as I have the confident to walk around wit a smile on my face :) ... because that just so ME. I think I look pretty both in and out ... pretty in a way that is charming, attractive and smart, simple but nice, but not too overrated and never too proud ... I’m a confident person , I love myself and I love My pretty face and personality. Sorry might sound too proud. But that how I describe myself

Name: Rotana PC, Age: 23 Nationality will be decided. Occupation: Cambodian Product Development Consultant,

Name: Eng Bun Kim Age: 19 Nationality: Cambodian Occupation: manager assistant & coordinator of a company. I’m not good-looking and having nice body shape. But I’m friendly to people. Would like to help people and share people feeling. It’s experience and we can learn about each other.

Name: Sar Monyrath Age: 25 Nationality: Khmer Occupation: Biology teacher and Sale executive of course, I have a good looking body shape (guitar shape). I don’t look pretty neither charming nor sexy but beautiful.

Toward myself I am interested being so simple and easy walking, when people started to tell me I graduated with beauty with no make up. That’s the reason why every time I talked about make up products or skin care, Mr.Lane will tell me: Baby you don’t need anything just be natural because you’re beautiful. Inclusion I will not assume myself as pretty because I am not deserving it.

Name: SUM Sithen Age: 29 Nationality: Khmer-Cambodian Occupation: Business Owner (Translation Services) (as you may know!) My appearance? How do you want me to look?! Of course, I can’t beat Tom Cruise or Tep Rindaro. But I know I challenge myself every second of my life. Of course, not to be handsome. This will fade away over time. But my accomplishments will remain eternal (in some way)... Just happy to be alive and really living!

Name: Rattanak (aka Green Firefly) Age: 27 Nationality: Khmer Occupation: Photographer I look fit, casually smart and professional I wouldn’t disagree that I’m handsome.



98 [Take a Bite] A nutritious and calcium-enriched diet ensures the heath of your teeth and bones. 99 [Go for it] Craving chocolate? Dark chocolate is loaded with heart-healthy flavonoid. Indulge with bite-size prices.

To help prevent the spread of colds and flu, encourage children to : . Cover their mouth when sneezing or coughing.

100 [Breakfast for Champions] Begin each day with breakfast. It gets your engine started during those critical morning hours when you are busy.

. Keep their hands away from their eyes, nose and mouth. . Use paper tissues to blow their nose, dispose of tissues after use. . Wash their hand with soap, particularly before preparing and eating food and after blowing their nose. . Avoid sharing cups, glasses and cutely.

WHEN TO SEE THE DOCTOR There are certain general symptoms which could indicate an illness of a more serious nature and which should prompt you to see a doctor more urgently. These include: Alertness and irritability Breathing Skin color and appearance Fluids in and out – how much your child is drinking and urinating. Seek help urgently if symptoms develop rapidly, occur together or if the child is very young.


As your child becomes unwell, he or she may become less active, more drowsy and sleep more. More serious symptoms include floppiness, a weak cry,

irritabilityor poor response to things –see a doctor urgently if these occur.


If your child is breathing rapidly, noisily or seem to be having difficulty breathing, you should see a doctor urgently. You may see a dusky color around your child’s lips or there may be pause when they stop breathing. You should call an ambulance if these occur.

Skin Colour and


If your child has unusual paleness or a purple mottling of the skin on the extremities, you should see a doctor.

Fluids in and out

If your child is drinking less than half the normal amount or not passing some urine every six hours, they should be seen by a doctor. Sings of serious problems are vomiting with blood or green fluid ( bile ), or bowel motion containing blood. You should see a doctor urgently if these occur.

Free Time

L L A B INT penh m o n in Ph

Paintball is a game, first played in 1981 in New Hampshire, in which players compete, in teams or individually, to eliminate opponents by hitting them with capsules containing paint (referred to as a paintball) from a special gun called a paintball marker. The game is regularly played at a sporting level with worldwide leagues, tournaments, professional teams and players, but is also used by armies to supplement military training. Yet in Cambodia, now in Phnom Penh, Paintball studio is available . Price start from $8.00 per person, you can enjoy your day off with your mate.

Game on !

The paintball equipment used depends on the game type, for example: woodsball, speedball, or scenarioball, and how much money someone is willing to spend on equipment. Every player however, is required to have three basic pieces of equipment: • Paintball marker: also known as a paintball gun, this is the primary piece of equipment, used to tag an opposing player with paintballs. The paintball marker must have attached a loader or “hopper” for keeping the marker fed with ammunition, and a compressed air bottle for propellant. • Paintballs: The ammunition used in the marker, paintballs are spherical gelatin capsules containing primarily polyethylene glycol, other nontoxic and water-soluble substances, and dye. • Mask or goggles: Masks are safety devices players are required to wear at all times on the field, to protect from paintballs. They completely cover the eyes, mouth, ears and nostrils of the wearer, and some masks can also feature throat guards.

Northbridge St. 1019 MEZZANINE PAINTBALL Open: 8am-late night Tel: 023 86 55 66

Sorla St. 2004


Northbridge school


Smart Home Helper Seeking a simple health fix? Fling open your cupboards for a little domestic assistance, writes Helen Fosters.

Get minor health niggles? Check out our cupboard cures. After all, did you know tennis balls may lower blood pressure, and a pencil might prevent headaches? Here are some household health helpers you need to know about…

r Your hair dr ye : do t igh m it What ptoms Reduce cold sym LPER #3 HOUSEHOLD HE

A tennis ball : What it might do sure es pr od blo Lower your #1 LPER HOUSEHOLD HE

Canadian researchers have found that doing simple handgrip exercises like squeezing a tennis ball lowered blood pressure by 15 points over eight weeks in high blood pressure sufferers. Hypertension is associated with hardening of the arteries and squeezing seemed to increase artery flexibility. Try spending five minutes squeezing then releasing a slightly punctured tennis ball three times a week.

A pencil : What it might do ache Prevent a head LPER #4 HOUSEHOLD HE If you regularly get headaches at the end of the day, jaw tension caused by clenching your teeth while stressed or concentrating could be a cause. The trick is to tackle this habit, which will prevent headaches from developing. Once or twice an hour make a conscious effort to relax your jaw and release tension buildup. To do it, “ put a pencil between your teeth but don’t bite,” explains headache expert Dr. Fred Shelftell.

s Knitting needle : do t igh m it t Wha Bust stress LPER #2 HOUSEHOLD HE

Researchers at Harvard Medical School of Mind Body Institute have found the average person’s heart rate drops 11 beats per minute while knitting and you get a sense of calm similar to that associated with mediation. Of course, you’re only going to chill with your needles if you’re not making mistakes, so we asked Marilyn Bensted of yarn store Wondeoflex for some tips. Her first never knit over knots. “ Never ignore knots in wool or they will unravel when you wash the garment leaving a hole.” Her second: Know how to measure how much wool you need to finish a row. “ It’s generally four times the width of the piece on your needles,” she says.

A study in the UK found people who inhaled heated air when they felt a cold coming on had half the cold symptoms of people who inhaled air at room temperature. “ Inhaling heated air may help kill a virus working its way up your nose, ” say the 1801 Home Remedies team. “ Set your hair dryer on warm ( not hot ) , hold it at least 18 inches [46cm ] from your face and inhale the air through your nose for as long as you can –at least two or three minutes, but preferably 20 minutes.”

Digital camera : What it might do ncer risk Reduce your ca LPER #5



A study published in the journal, the Archives of Dermatology, found that photographing your skin –and comparing it to past snaps –increase the chance of you spotting any changes in moles by 12 per cent. “ It’s particularly a good idea if you live alone or have a lot of moles that are heard to keep track of,” say Dr. Cathy Reid from the Australian College of Dermatologists. Take pictures about every three months, not forgetting areas likes your scalp, and remember the ABCDs to pinpoint changes: Asymmetry healthy moles are symmetrical, Border –should be smooth, Colour –it should be the same throughout, and Diameter –growing moles, or anything over 7m ( the size of a pencil eraser ) should be checked.

84 1

Free Time

Simple Khmer 1 Mouy


i n r a e L


b m u gn

2 Pi

3 Bei

4 Boun

5 Bram

6 Bram Mouy (5 + 1) 7 Bram Pi

8 Bram Bei

9 Bram Boun 10 Dob

11 Dob Mouy

Primary Lesson

12 Dob Pi

13 Dob Bei

14 Dob Boun

15 Dob Bram

16 Dob Bram Mouy 17 Dob Bram Pi

18 Dob Bram Bei

19 Dob Bram Boun 20 Moh Phei

Will move on !



Free Time
























35 38






44 48


















1. Def Leppard’s genre 6. Sail holder 10. Flexible blackjack cards 14. Muscat resident 15. City in Czechoslo -vakia? 16. Alternative to a wipe 17. Free from 18. Space 19. Org. cofounded by Babe Didrikson Zaharias 20. What 2001 simian movie remake inspired the Boston Globe head line: “When Hairy Met Silly”? 23. Sly chuckle 24. Have 25. When the ghost of Hamlet’s father appears 26. Painter’s deg. 27. What James Bond novel was based on the pilot for a neverto-be-seen TV adventure series titled Commander Jamaica? 29. Adage 32. Awaken






1. Change, via CGI 2. Novelist Zola 3. Announcement of success? 4. Soon 5. 2002 Booker Prize winner 6. What did the American Association for the Study of the Feeble Minded invent in 1910 as a kinder term for the mentally disabled? 7. Dating from 8. Word with machine or car 9. What future Oscar-winning actor played Alex Keaton’s alcoholic uncle on Family Ties? 0. Note in an F minor chord 11. Prop for playing cowboys and Indians 12. Lip 13. Seven ______ 21. Onetime Pan Am rival 22. Author Umberto 26. Sound often heard at a kegger










26 32


35. Hunt for 36. ____A Sketch 37. What yuletide file features Flick accepting a triple-dog dare to stick his tongue on a frozen flagpole? 40. Send via FedEx 41. Part of QED 42. What skin imperfections does a practitioner of meliomancy use to predict the future? 43. “Un momento, ______ faovor” 44. Director Trevor 45. Racket 46. Cuisine that uses a lot of galangal 48. Sound a burglar doesn’t want to hear 49. “Take On Me” band 52. What two characters from Chasing Amy and Dogma struck back at theatergoers in 2001? 57. Cupid’s counterpart 58. Playwright Andre 59. Democratic up-andcomer Barack 60. First baseman Martinez 61. ___ Stanley Gardner 62. Mythological threesome 63. Prelapsarian location 64. Smell to high heaven 65. Forward

127. Hell Helper 28. Peruse 30. One of 843 in Central Park 31. ___ and wherefores 32. “Egad!” 33. Repeat 34. How old was Rudolph Valentino when a perforated ulcer killed him in 1926? 35. Leave amazed 36. Lord Peter Wimsey’s school 38. What do you flip the winks with when playing Tiddlywinks? 39. What brand of vodka left you “breathless”? 44. Indian bread 45. Rap’s Dr. _____ 47. Sports 48. Zan and Jayna’s monkey, on Super Friends 49. Let up 50. Great Lakes mnemonic 51. Embarrass 52. Swan Lake leap 53. Dry 54. Father 55. Not working 56. Way up the slope



8 5 2

4 3

2 9




4 3


3 8 7

Sudoku Difficulty: Level 3


1 2

8 3

1 5 6


Lalin & Vibol @ Fly [Citylife launh party]

Vero Team @ Noodle House

Lalin & Nak @ Fly [Citylife launh party]

Leak @ Noodle House

Sros & Leak @ Battambang [Norry]

Noch-Rum-Jing & Kheang @ Fly

Sros @ Noodle House

Vero team @ Phnom Banan

Vero team @ Phnom Banan

Jhon @ Fly [ Citylife Launh Party ]

Shin JiHwan@Fly [Citylife Launh Party]

Citylife 3D @ Fly [ Citylife Launh Party ]

Vibol @ Grand Phnom Penh

Vero team @ Phnom Banan

Shin JiHwan @ Grand Phnom Penh

VERO Banners @ Diamond Island

Vero team @ Phnom Banan

Vero team @ Paintball

Horoscope Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Saturn, the taskmaster planet that has been responsible for many of your trials and tribulations of the past two years, is moving back into Virgo this month for a brief 14-week stay, from May 7 to June 21. During this phase you will do one more challenge. After that, you will be done with Saturn in Virgo for the coming nearly three decades.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

This month holds the potential for lots of interesting developments - in career, love, travel, and fitness - but Mercury is about to retrograde, so as much as you’d like to dive into activities and make decisions in a flash, you won’t be able to move quickly. In May, patience will bring benefits don’t rush to announce or seal plans, even if others pressure you to do so. To make the most of May, you will need to know where the potholes in your path lie. You will be able to sidestep problems, but you’ll need to stay alert to do so.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)

You may be mulling over your home circumstances and wondering how you got into this situation in the first place. It’s very likely unforeseen conditions put you where you are, and that you are doing the very best you can. The full moon that arrived on May 29 highlighted your frustrations, for that moon fell very close to Saturn, reminding you of how tightly controlled conditions have become for you. Saturn has been limiting your movements and choices, and you may be frustrated by what has transpired since the last quarter of 2009.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Libra ( Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Scorpio ( Oct 23 - Nov 21)

This will be a good, solid month that may include quite a bit of travel. The full moon that occurred on May 29 may have sent you packing a short distance, and if so, you seem to have had a goal to complete at that time. In fact, that trip might have been arduous in some way. No matter what you experienced, things will improve this month, as April seems perfect to send you further afield, to points very far from home, possibly even abroad. Spin your compass, dear Leo - it looks like you’ll be heading to the airport.

This will be a slower, less pressurefilled month, and you will get a chance to take a deep breath and collect your thoughts. You are coming off a rather depressing full moon in Libra, May 29 plus or minus four days. That full moon made certain realities very clear in a kind of matter-of-fact way, which is never easy. Saturn fell very close to that full moon, giving everyone, of every sign, a sobering view of life, but because it appears in your constellation, you may have felt it more than most. As you begin May, you may still be thinking about what came up.

Last month brought some heightened emotions to bear at the full moon, May 29, and you may have felt physically drained as a result of what was going on at the office. The moon was close to Saturn, and Pluto was in tough angle to the Sun, so no doubt you felt at the point where you were ready to crack if you didn’t get more support from higher ups around you. Happily, as you begin May, you will feel calmer and happier. VIPs are finally waking up to your need for support, and you suddenly find yourself in a prime position.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

A work-related project seems to have come to a conclusion, and as you enter April, you may feel relieved that it is over. Take the first few days of April slow and easy. April will not be as busy as March turned out to be, so you can coast a little and enjoy life more. Saturn in Libra (a placement that Saturn took on October 29 last year) has added work to your shoulders, most likely because of cutbacks in personnel where you work.

As you begin May, you will be coming off a particularly stressful full moon in your relationship sector. That moon put the control in the hands of a partner or competitor, not you. If you felt at a disadvantage, you probably were not dreaming. A relationship may have upset or disappointed you, and it may have left you wondering what to do next. Those born in March were most affected by this full moon that appeared March 29 (but that is still strong for the first days of May). If you are an April-born Aries, you may have had an easier time.

As you enter April, you seem a bit frantic about money. You may have found that when bills came due, you didn’t quite have enough cash to pay them all, or a business deal that you depended on did not go as planned. Whatever happened seems to have unnerved you in the last week of March. Not to worry. You have some really fine financial aspects this month to help you make up for any shortfall, and you may do better than you ever expected.

Carpricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

As a Capricorn, your career and reputation are of paramount importance. Few signs are as willing as you are to put in the long hours of work necessary to see the outstanding results you expect of yourself. Lately the pressure has been on you, due to a rare, once in three-decade position of Saturn in your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. Responsibilities have been mounting and you seem to be in a phase where the nature of your job is about to change, and you will be asked to learn new skills and to aim toward higher standards.

This month, Mercury, the planet of logical, rational thinking and communication, will shut down for a rest on May 18 and will resume normal functioning June 11. Before you even get to May 18 - as soon as May 8 - you will start to feel the slowdowns, cancellations, and random difficulties in travel and shipping that Mercury in retrograde brings, so you will have to be very organized this month. If you cannot complete things quite that fast, then you would benefit by tabling all important agreements - even verbal ones - for May 13 and beyond.

Whenever there is a full moon at the end of the previous month, as we had May 29, emotions tend to run strong. So as the new month begins, you will likely still be thinking about what occurred. This full moon focused on your personal life - the person you love, or even a child - and brought a conclusion, ending, or major new development. That new moon helped you make a decision and move forward with greater certainty. If a cloud passed overhead at the end of March (possible, due to the presence of Saturn, which was so close to that full moon), you should find May to be a better month.

A P e v o es

u t u r a N > > > y I h e ; k l n ma TM KBA Team


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