CityLife Issue 4

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SEP - OCT 2010 ISSUE 04








A Y R SO Shopping Center

Enjoy!!! Shopping

h n e P m o n h P f o t In the hear hild Apparel, C n a s e th lo C en’s ood pparel, Wom Shops, Fast F A ie d v n o a M s e d n th a ice Music ps, Men’s Clo op, and Serv onic Shops, h tr S c e le c E Jewelry Sho n l, a li re p a d Ap es and App ousehold an H , ts n dren’s Cloth ra u a st Court, Re Chains, Food r Sorya PLC. Center. Shopping Cente , Trasak Pho am # 13-61 Vithei ambodia Phnom Penh, C

Phnom Penh Nยบ. 164, Norodom Tel: 063 965 906 Siem Reap Nยบ. 598-600, Street Tep Vong Tel: 063 965 906




C ty ife tyLLife CAMBODIA

Sep-Oct 2010









16 Culture The Visible Symbol of Strength Magic Tattoo 19





Cambodian P’chum Ben Day Festvial or The Festvial For Ancestor

22 Travel

Top 10 Places To Shop In Tokyo



32 Free Time

The Ultimate 50CC Sport Moped The Popular & Trendy Surfaces


Food Lover’s


Latest Shopping



Fashion Trend For More Event and Money Saver Here!




Your Quick Recipe Finder

Pick Up Your Make Up Package

Beauty, Forever Young


Healthy & Beauty



LG Putting 9.7-Inch Color, 19-Inch Flexible E-paper Displays Into Production

50 GUIDE 51 Restaurant Phnom Penh 57 Bar & Club Phnom Penh 59 Cafe & Backery Phnom Penh 61 Hotel 66 Shopping Phnom Penh 73 Hotel SiemReap 79 HOTEL

80 81


Restaurant Kompot

Hotel & Restaurant


82 87







30 14






editor’s note Each Day The Joy of Discovery What a great feeling writing to this column, it’s a rewarding for me to share my opinions, ideas and a lot of my learning experience in different places with different people. It just come out to my thought that before, I spent most of my time in school sitting inside the classroom, listening attentively to the teacher and eager to learn for more in preparation for the future. And one thing I will never forget at my early age my parents always reminds me that, Son your future is in your hands be good to you life and soon you will share what you have learned and you will give better understanding, why do we need to be aware of what’s happening outside our shell. Now, sharing to our readers that life is full of wonderful things to enjoy. Let me be the way to guide and to bring you to live with your dreams. I know not everybody can enjoy the pleasure of life for so many reasons. But for sure if you will just look around we can meet each other by means of our way to make your life more interesting by picking up and explore by yourself what we have for you in the City Life Magazine. Yes come out of your shell there’s a lot of amazing adventures waiting for each one of us “FACE WITH YOUR FEAR” like Magic Tattoo for simple individual it can be the hardest decision to have it on their body but for those who are brave enough they face it in any circumstances because of important significant to their life. I think that’s the way to face life just be your self, do what your heart desire to do.

Facebook: @vibol77 E-mail:

Vibol Phan Deputy Editor

Also available! First & Business Class Center of: . Smart Mobile Center . PTM Travel & Tour . Triple 8 Mart . BS Department Store . Bayon Market . Telecommunication . Easy Mart . The Place . Korea Plaza Clothes . Addidas Shopping Center . My Kids Mart . Lucky Super Market . All Petrol Station Marts In the premise of: . Saint Tropez Restaurant & Lounge . Bistro La P’te France . River House Lounge . Memphis Pub . Fly Bar . FCC Phnom Penh . Green Vespa . Metro Cafe . Frizz Restaurant . Zapata . Taking to a Stranger . White House . Up Down Bar . Top Ten Bar . The Tree Bar . Noodle House Restaurant . 18 Restaurant . Lemon Grass Restaurant . Star Palace Club . Coca Restaurant . Gold Fish Restaurant . Platinum Club . The Wine Restaurant . Paris Bistro Restaurant . Gerd kuhley Restaurant . Candy Bar . Domino Bar . Park Cafe Restaurant . Sentiment Cafe . Java Cafe and more... In Business Centres, selected rooms and suites of: . Sokha Club Hotel . Cara Hotel . Chow Hotel . The Quay Hotel . Sunway Hotel . Phnom Penh Hotel . Amara Spa . Almond Hotel . Intercontiniontal Hotel . Naga World and more... In the Art Gallery of: . Meta House . SovannaPhum Art Association . Chinese House . Java Gallery . SaSa Gallery



CityLife! is realdily available at selected take out Hotels,clubs, Restaurant in Phnom Penh. It is also available in the Phnom Penh International Airport, Sokha Club, Sokha Resort & Hotel, K Coffee Restaurant, Star Asia Cambodia, Princess Diamond.


Deputy Editor Vibol Phan Designer SreyLeak Bun 093 666 788 Head of Sales Rosemarie V.LIT Marketing Executive & Sales Sros Pich Photographer SreyLeak Bun RoosterKool Kham Mainy Writer Tharum Bun Cheng Lita Koam Tivea Proof Readers Tharum Bun Khorn Chhun Dara Printer Digital Advertising Printing Advertising Enquiries Vibol Phan 093 78 2222 Rosemarie V.LIT 093 666 919 023 666 0359 Subscriptions Grap yourself a copy, contact us at: # P.G.C.T Center, Building B, Level 3. Tel: 023 30 50 70 Cambodia CityLife is printed in Cambodia CityLife, All right reserved. Copyright 2010 by CityLife Magazine. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. Our Partners VERO Media Design Sokha Hotels & Resorts| Angkor Miracle Hotel Royal Empire Hotel| Naruto Comic Smart Mobile| Sorya Shopping Center Bistro La P’te France | Princess Diamond epat| Syphon Apartment Ministry of Tourism | Digital Advertising K Coffee Restaurant| iOne adidas| Star Asia Cambodia |Choice Taxi


Local new taste! of Craving for a ular delicacies p o p st o m e ur Try one of th of Khmer, yo e k a c n w o y ver pleted Cambodia. A ill not be com w ia d o b m a C ods. adventure in icious street fo el d e th g in st without ta Markets the different it is v y rr u h y Food lover’s tastes at a ver re ra y tr d n a h in Phnom Pen . ce affordable pri

menu Food of the month





1. Food name: Num Koochhai 2. Food name: Num Pang Ktis Price: 1 cake = 1500 Riel Price: 1 cake= 2000 Riel 3. Food name: Num Krouk 4. Food name: Num Ahkoa Price: 2 cakes = 500 Riel Price: 10 cakes= 2500 Riel Where to eat/ buy: Outside Orussey Market


r a


d n e


September October 2010 What to do in Phnom Penh?

2 September 2010 Thu- 6:30pm Exhibition opening: “Phnom Penh Evolution” @ Bophana Center 2 September 2010 Thu-7pm My Own Love Song @ The Flicks

4 September 2010 Sat- 7pm The 100th performance ( Cocktail and special cake from our chef Alian Darc offered to the customers) @ Studio 182. 10 September 2010 Wed- 7pm Spanish evening with paella as main dish with Spainish wine. @ Bai Thong Restaurant.

2 September 2010 Thu-7pm Tehzeeb @ New Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center 2 September 2010 Thu- 6pm Exhibit Opening: Bollywood Lobby Cards from the 1960-1970 @ New Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center

10-11 September 2010 Fri & Sat-7:30pm-8:30pm “SOPHANAKA” Story @ Large shadow puppet theater “Sbek Thom” and classical dance based on an abstract of Ramayana with live Khmer traditional orchestra.

3 September 2010 Fri- 7pm Indie Night For Hippies And Vinyl Fans @ New Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center

10-17 September Fri & Sat-7pm Lakhaon @ Théâtre Chenla English and French subtitles Ticket dilivered at the Library of CCF

3 September 2010 Fri- 9pm DJ MARC HYPE (Berlin) & JIM DUNLOOP (Berlin), Dj DSK (UK) and TINY TOONES (Cambodia) @ Pontoon

14-16 October 2010 Thu & Sat-7pm Salon du livre et de l’édition @CCF Exhibition Hall.

03-04 September 2010 Fri & Sat-7:30pm-8:30pm “HAPPY WITH MUSIC DANCE AND SHADOW PUPPET” @ Sovannaphum Art Association. A mixed creation of large shadow puppet “Sbek Thom” Classical Dance based on Khmer folktale with live traditional orchestra. 4 September 2010 Sat- 7pm Route 181 , The fragments of a journey through Palestine @ New Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center

16 September 2010 Thu- 7pm Alsatian dish: Marinade sour cabbage with smoked ham and sausage @ Bai Thong Restaurant. 17-18 September Fri & Sat-7:30pm-8:30pm “ROSSEY DEK” Story @ Sovannaphum Art Association. A mixed creation of shadow puppetry, Dances, Circus Magic and live traditional orchestra. 17-18 September 2010 Fri & Sat- 7pm Live Music ,The boys are back in town@ Sharky Bar,don’t miss them

20-23 September 2010 Mon & Thu-7pm Cambodia International Film Festival @CCF-Cinema. Independent international films, documentaries, and films by Cambodians or shot in Cambodia. 23 September 2010 Thu- 7pm Architecture au Cambodge l’âge d’or des années 50 @CCF - Cinema Vann Molyvann architectural adventure in Cambodia. 24-25 September 2010 Fri & Sat- 7:30pm-8:30pm “CROCODILE” Story@ Sovannaphum Art Association Small shadow puppet theatre “Sbaek Touch” theater on based at Khmer folktale with live traditional orchestra. 24 September 2010 Thu- 7pm Alsatian dish: Marinade sour cabbage with smoked ham and sausage @ Bai Thong Restaurant. 30 September 2010 Thu-7pm L’habitat imaginaire @CCF Exhibition hall. 28 October 2010 Thu-7pm La terre ferme @CCF Gallery. 28 October 2010 Thu-7pm L’amour à mort @CCF Exhibition Hall. 27 October 2010 Wed- 7pm The China in Cambodia @ CCF Cinema

14 10 1



By: Cheng Lita

While drug abuse and sexual transmission deceases are common issues, the Kingdom’s first Hip Hop training center plays a vital role to help educate vulnerable, marginalized, and discriminated youth of Cambodian society. Founded by a Cambodian-American deportee, Tiny Toones opens its door in 2008 introducing hundreds of young adults to break-dance and Hip-Hop music. The center makes use of pop and contemporary culture and arts to raise awareness among those at high risk of HIV/AIDS and drug abuse, and it hopes to build and restore their selfconfidence and self-esteem. Deported from the United States in 2004, 33-yearold Tuy Sobil (also known as KK), learned about HIV prevention and drug abuse at Korsang, a local NGO that has employed about a quarter of the


Tiny Toones team was performed on indoor stage at r Chaktomuk Theate Photo: Sammy

Tiny Toones team was performed on indoor stage at r Chaktomuk Theate Photo: Sammy

Tiny Toones team was performed on outdoor stage at r Chaktomuk Theate Photo: SreyLeak Bun


Tach Piseth, 11, practiced spinning on his head at the Tiny Toones break dancing club

Tuy Sobil, or K.K., a former gang member from Long Beach, Calif., founded the club after being deported in 2004.

Cambodian-American deportees. Once jailed in California for armed robbery when he was 18, the lesson teaches him to help other people. The born-to-be-break-dancer is much loved by street kids, who mostly cannot afford formal education; they respect him as their dance master. According to American news magazine Time, in 2008 KK performed in Hong Kong in front of US President Bill Clinton.

Fund of Copenhagen, and Arts Network Asia provided support to Tiny Toones, and that the breakdancer master dedicates his full time to the center. Later this year the center will become an independent non-profit organization after registering as an international NGO in Cambodia, several years after it was run as a project of Bridges Across Borders - Southeast Asia (BABSEA), an international non-government organization.

With hundreds of people stay and learn computer literacy, art, HIV/AIDS prevention, and lessons in English and Khmer in its Phnom Penh center, it also targets thousands more through its outreach program in Ra Rote Pleung, Svay Pak, and Tuol Kok.

Romi Grossberg, a Program Manager at Tiny Toones Center, says “Well, we are not only teaching the kids, the break-dancing but also teaching them having responsibility, breaking them to be confident, making them strong enough to survive and work to have family and do what they want to be.�

It was until 2008 when Mcknight Foundation of Minneapoils, the East Asiatic Company Charitable



Do’s & Don’ts . Don't use your feet to point at someone. . Don't converse on subjects related to politic . Don't walk over a person's feet. . Don't take photographs of military sights . Don't start eating before your host if you are a guest. . Do respect Cambodian elders . Don't burp while eating. . Do bow a little if you are walking between two Cambodians . Don`t pick your teeth while eating. when they are talking . Don't purchase historical artifacts in Cambodia. . Do greet your guest by offering drinks, fruits or snacks if they . Don't take home stone pieces from the temples and tourist are visiting your house sites, regardless of how small or undecorated they are. . Do sit with your knees and legs bent to the side (for women) . Don't touch someone on the head. Head is considered holy. . Do ask for permission before taking photos of others. . Don't give candies to child to vendors in the temples if you do . Do bargain before making a purchase. Bargaining can be an not intend to buy their products. ejoyrable experience when interacting with the locals . Don't be a foul-mouth in the middle of a lake or jungle; it's . Do take off your hat and shoes before entering a Khmer house considered bad omen. or pagodas. . Don't get involve in narcotic drug consumption and sexual rela . Do ''Sampeah'' when you ar e speaking with or listening to the monks tions with children. . Do drive you're bicycle or motorcycle slowly when approaching . Don't hug or kiss in public. a temple pagoda.

Simple Khmer Instruction Vowels a as in bat ah as in father ai as in Thai ao as in Laos aw as in jaw ay as in play ee as in bee eh as in net

eu as in eh + uh ew as in new i as in it ia as in ee + ah oo as in zoo oa as in oh + ah oh as in Ohio oy as in toy uh as in rum

Consonants bp in between b and p sounds, but more like b ch as in chest dt in between d and t sounds, but more like t ng as in sing ( will appear at the beginning of a words also, so practice isolating the sound) ny as in canyon ( will also appear at beginning of a word, so practice isolating it) r rolled with the tongue at the top of the mouth

Food Small restaurant:...Hahng bai Fancy restaurant:...Poh-jab-nee-yab-than Beef:...Sai-koh Pork:...Ch’rook Chicken:...Moan Fish:...Dtrai Crab:... K’dahm Shrimp:...Bahng-gia Egg: Bohng moan Vegetables:...Bun-lai Fruit: Plai-cheu Oranges:...Grob-ib Bananas:...Jayk Coconut:...Dohng Mango:...Swai Mangosteen:...Mohng Koot Pineapple:...Mah-noh-ab Watermelon:...Oh-luhk

Apple:...Bowm Water/bottle:...Dtuhk soht/dahp Soft drinks:...dtuhk-ab-luhk Fruit shakes:...tuhk-ah-luhk Beer:...Bee-ah Ice:...Dtuhk kohk Coffee:....Kah-fay Ice coffee/with milk:....Kah-fay dtuhk kohk/dtuhk daw-koh Fried rice:...Bai chah Spicy:...Huhl Sweet:...Páim Salty:...Prai Sour:...Jew Bread:...Noom-bahng Curry:...Gah-ree BBQ:...ahng Salt:...Uhm-buhl







After many years indulging in Thai lifestyle, in particular in fashion trends, Phnom Penh teenagers have turned away from the neighboring nation and become more influenced by Korean pop culture. New Korean outfits are trendy here in the Cambodian capital. “In the past years, teenagers looked for Thai products, but today they are looking for all things Korean” said Lida, an owner of collection shops in both Pencil supermarket and Sovanna shopping mall. To fill their wardrobe, young Cambodians normally spend about US$ 20 or less on a new fashionable item like a shirt or a pair of pants or jeans. Phnom Penh markets have more choices to offer, especially local products; shoppers can easily find lower quality, less trendy items than those imported. “Local products are quite simple, and many young people with deep pockets aren’t asking for them; they like something stylish, prefer-


ably Korean.” Lida added. With a long pause, Lida hopes that local design will be a big hit, saying that “If we can do more in fashion design in the country, less Cambodian customers will ask for outfits from other countries.” Most of the new fashions come from South Korea, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Thailand. A 19-year-old student at Pannasastra University of Cambodia, Raksmey Socheat said “Anything Korean is my style. Young people are catching up with this new trend.” 1) Pencil Supermarket, #15, St. Samdech Pan A place where you can find ‘Made in South Korea’. A num ber of stores are on the ground floor. While shopping for new fashion items, you can easily have soft drinks in the air-conditioned supermarket.

2) City Mall Shopping Center, St. Monireth, next to the Olympic Stadium. Several floors are dedicated to fashion and shoes stores, and you can find any accessories, including rings, ear-rings, bag, and belt. 3) Golden Sorya Mall, #80, Pasteur (St. 51), Corner Street 154 A new shopping center near Sorya Shopping Mall. 4) Toul Tom Poung market (also known as Russia Market), #170A, St. 450 The market is very popular among foreign visitors to Phnom Penh. Despite it’s a gift shopping center for travelers, there are a number of items to keep local teenagers to visit at least once a month, if not a week. Most products, made in the Kingdom, are touted as not pricey.



TATTOO By Koam Tivea and Veng Rachana When it comes to boxing, E Phouthang and his younger brother Outh Phouthang pop up in the conversation. As Cambodia’s most successful boxers, largely known for their outstanding martial arts, they also bear many tattoo signs on various parts of their bodies. Outh Phouthang has 9 tattoos, six of which are claimed to be holy. He said he always believes in the magical power of his six holy tattoos which always makes him stronger to defeat his opponents. “A grand dragon on my back and a large eagle on my chest make me strong when fighting, while a


Eh Phuthorng showed his tattoo on his hand

A Protective Yantra of War tattooed onto the back of a devotee.

A monk working on a devotee as friends and relatives look on.

sword of monkey on my left fingers protects me from all dangers,” said the younger Phouthong, adding that “A buffalo on my right arm makes my elbow as sharp as its horn, so that I can strike my opponent easily when I elbow him, while Yantras [Sanskrit word for “instrument” or “machine”] on my back and my right fingers help me to overpower all of my opponents.” 47-year-old tattooist Chan Trea says in an interview that Cambodian people reckon the magical, ritual power of tattoos, which can ward off evil or harm; some others tend to believe that those magical tattoos could bounce off a bullet or frag

A protective Yantra being tattooed onto a devotee’s back. Picture by Olivier de Bernon, as published in the book entitled Yantra et Mantra.

ments from a hand grenade. These types of tattoos are Yantra and Tantras, (looms or weavings). Chan Trea added that the magical signs can be very powerful only when the devotees put faith in their tattooed symbol and adhered to the vow of abstinence from certain vices required by their holy masters. If they faithfully kept the abstinence, not even a gun would fire and neither would a knife could cut them. Some of the typical abstinences tattoo devotees usually have are holding religious ceremony every holy day, preventing from eating dog’s meat, and

18 keeping 5-holy Buddhist abstinences, which includes killing, stealing, cheating, drinking alcohol, and lusting for woman. Unlike tattooing simple signs, tattooing magical Yantra and Tantras require the masters to conduct a ceremony before inscribing the tattoos on the devotees’ body parts. “I have to put the incense sticks and pray in front my shrine to ask for holy magic to make the Yantras and Tantras magically effective before tattooing,” said Chan Tra, adding some masters even went on to recite the mantras while tattooing. When finishing spotting the tattoos, the masters also conduct another ceremony, mostly on the holy Buddhist day or full-moon day to make the Yantras and Tantras fully effective. As Cambodians witness technological development and scientific advancement, not so many people trust in ritual tattoo symbols. Soldiers at the battlefields as well as boxers, who are usually at danger, are more likely the great believers in this mysterious shield. However, for young Cambodians, tattooing, not Yantra or Tantra, means being stylish. “Young people want to beautify their body by having stylish tattoos on some hidden parts of their body, such their waists or necks,” said tatoost Chan Tra, adding that this kind of tattoos is the most sought after in recent years. Vong Noy, a professional boxer, said he has two tattoos on his body, one of which is a dragon and the other one is a stylish symbol, adding that he has them not because they were magical, but because they make him look attractive. At least ten thousand years ago, tattoos were found in Ancient Egypt, European tribes, and Japan. The first man who was found having tattoos was Ötzi the Iceman, whose tattoos consisted of

simple dots and lines on his lower spine, behind his left knee, and on his right ankle. These tattoos were thought to be a form of healing because of their placement which resembled acupuncture. Tattoos have existed in Cambodian society since Angkor era, according to the record of Chi Takwann, a Chinese author, who wrote in his book that Khmer soldiers as well as ordinary people wore Yantras tattoos on their bodies at that time. In the past, tattooing is a manual, laborious works with sketching and follow by padding the skin with the tattoo ink, and the tattooist moved swiftly on the skin with a sharp instrument like a sharppointed bayonet, piercing the skin in rhythm like a sewing machine until the symbol emerge. These days, tattooists use printing plate to duplicate the symbol, after which he uses tattoo needles fastened to a machine to get the job done. These modern instruments helped accelerate the process of tattooing, taking tattooists only a few minutes if it’s a small tattoo, which would otherwise take hours if he uses the traditional method. The tattoo artist said that the price of tattoo depended on its size. “If it is small, it costs about 1 or 2 dollars, but if it is large, price can be 100 or 200 dollars,” he said. As tattoos become also more stylish among Hollywood star such as Angelina Jolie, tattooing is a growing business for those looking shield and decorate their body with artistic symbols.

19 What Happen this month?




From 7th-9th October 2010

he fifteenth day, of the tenth month, of the Khmer calendar marks the Pchum Ben festival. This is a time when the spirits of the dead ancestors walk the Earth. And the living can ease their suffering by offering them food to eat. Pchum Ben is the most significant religious celebration in Cambodia. This is the day to commemorate their love ones who past away. The time to reunite the families stays together and pray together in the Pagoda. Feast of all souls, the day on which special prayers are offered for the souls. All Cambodian are preparing for these events, most of them go to their provinces for the reunion of the family, and others stay in the city. Every one in the city and provinces are busy for the preparation of their altar offering foods, fruits, flowers, Chinese incense and Material possession, in the form of paper-made “playhouse” “car” “money” are made available to the dead person intending prosperity for the departed souls. Another important practice during the festival is that as early as 4am in the morning, people walk around the pagoda and throw rice balls around the fence of the pagoda. Their ghost relatives are waiting to pick up the rice ball to eat. The Buddhist religion is such an integral part of the Khmer culture. Every Cambodian family-centered their way of life to managed their religious devotion. BY MARIELIT





By Koam Tivea and Veng Rachana


hile Siem Reap’s Angkor Wat temple attracts tourists from the around the world, Cambodia has much more to offer. Situated in the country’s center, Kampong Thom province has a number of historical tourism sites; a growing number of foreign tourists find pre-Angkorean Sambor Prei Kuk a temple to delve deeper into Cambodia’s ancient history. For those who take an overnight stay in the provincial town, Phnom Santuk, the most favorite picnic place of local residents, is worth as a visit. Arriving at the mountain, visitors usually shy away from reaching the summit of the mountain. In the past years, local laborers assist you to get to the top in a sling hammock. Climbing roughly about 800 steps upward, you must feel exhausted; however, you will forget all the tiredness when you


see the spectacular view of forest, rice field, and villagers’ house lying around the mountain. Under the clear blue sky and the smell of tropical air, you will enjoy spending time longer. Three large Buddha statues reaching Nirvana with more than 10-meter in length stay on the mountain top. The statues are at the center of worship for villages and visitors, while many other smaller Buddha sculptures were carved of stones. As visitors enjoy sightseeing and praying, some people drop small coins into a crevice between the large and boulders, which people believe that the sound of the coins brings good luck and happiness to them although it’s superstitious for some. Another incredible spot to see is a large tank of water where a magical pumice stone floats in the

water. The mountain is also home to hundreds of monkeys. Locals also serve meal, which includes fried chicken, roasted fish, Prohok, and several other Khmer cuisines at a reasonable price. The breathtaking view from the mountain top gives people a relaxing time, particularly to get away from busy, week-long work. Just like some other places, there is a fascinating tale about Phnom Santuk. Once upon a time, a frightened king arrested a former queen and her son and set adrift on a raft in open water. The raft ran ashore on a floating speck of land and the mother prayed to the full moon to protect her and her son since they were honest people. Immediately, the little speck of land transformed into a big, beautiful island paradise, which is now called Phnom Santuk.








Ginza Ginza is the affluent shopping district in Tokyo – one look around Mitsukoshi will testify to this. But tucked in between some of the more imposing façades are simpler pleasures like fine papers and shelves full of ingenious toys. Shopping options here truly reflect the breadth and depth of the city’s consumer culture, which is equal parts high fashion glitz and down-to-earth dedication to craft.



Asakusa Now decidedly relaxed, Asakusa was once the heart of Edo’s low city, home to artisans, merchants and prostitutes. Its small lanes and winding alleyways are still full of surprises, from venerable doll shops to virtuosic drum makers such as Taiko-kan. For straight gift shopping, Nakamise-dōri is not bad for souvenir trinkets – try the back streets for better-quality stuff. The long stretch of Kappabashi-dōri also yields uniquely Japanese curiosities in its little culinary-supply shops.

Roppongi Though Roppongi is best known for wild bars and pick-up joints, it’s Ebisu also home to a few of the Ebisu is often overlooked, though city’s most interesting and idiosyncratic its shops, like its restaurants, are shops and showrooms and its new shopping megamalls, Roppongi Hills and Tokyo some of the most forward-thinking and interesting in the city. Yebisu Garden Midtown. Of special interest in Place, an open-air mall connected Roppongi are the Axis showroom, to the Ebisu JR Station by moving showcasing contemporary design, walkways, is a good place to start. If and Japan Sword, which displays you’re more interested in one-of-aand sells the exquisite weaponry kind wares hotfoot it up the hill toward of the samurai. Daikanyama and Hachiman-dōri. Harajuku & Aoyama Home to the famed HaraShinjuku juku girls, Takeshita-dōri Shopping in Shinjuku and the alleys packed with small, can be a little overindependent designers’ shops whelming. From the moment and secondhand stores, Omoteyou step out of the train sandō is the most eclectic, experimental station (ringed by malls and department neighbourhood in Tokyo. High fashion stores), the lights and noise make the whole rules the Aoyama end of Omote-sandō, place seem like the interior of a bustling cawhere ‘fashionable’ has an entirely differ- sino. But there are some great shops amid all ent meaning than it has for the hipsters the chaos, and you can find just about anyof Harajuku layering haute couture with thing your heart desires here. Two branches second-hand finds. Creatively active but of the Kinokuniya bookstore are here, as is solidly established, Aoyama is grownup, stately Isetan, one of Tokyo’s most revered refined yet innovative. It’s no wonder ar- department stores, which caters to the tistic designers and high fashion flagship young set. It is also a great place to come to stores have made this section of Tokyo shop for electronics if you’re not motivated their creative home. to trek all the way to Akihabara.




You can shop ’til you drop in Tokyo – just watch the Japanese. Here, people shop as they work – long and hard – and while many of the items are taken home and eventually worn or indulged in by the buyer, an equal amount is used as gifts to impress those in complex social and business relationships. Above all, the craving for new products – shinhatsubai – is insatiable, enough to fuel a chain specialising in the most popular new goods. The central dispensers of most goods are depāto (department stores), many of which are owned by the companies that also operate the train lines – hence the sprawling retail clusters around the busiest train stations. Of course, Tokyo has an abundance of smaller, more eccentric shops. Many are found on the backstreets of Harajuku, Shibuya and Ebisu and display items that are lovingly designed and crafted. Trendy Shibuya, a haven for teenagers always surfing the latest trends, has innumerable original storefronts tucked between chain stores.


Shinjuku A few stops east of Shinjuku, the height of buildings descend to a more human scale. A stroll up the Kagurazaka slope from Iidabashi Station will turn up several shops selling geta (traditional wooden sandals) and drawstring purses made from lavish kimono fabric. Elsewhere in the area, wedged in unexpected places between pharmacies, groceries and pachinko (vertical pinballgame) parlours, are shops carrying goods like Czech puppets and hand-painted kites. Jimbōchō is the place to go for rare books, both Japanese and English.


Shibuya Shibuya is the fountain of teen trendiness in Japan. If you’re over 30 you might feel way too old, but just cruise and amuse yourself in the madness. Music shops and cheap, outrageous apparel are everywhere, as are the hip kids who come to primp and pose. At weekends, the street in front of the 109 Building closes to all but foot traffic.


Ikebukuro Prices on everyday commodities like eyeglasses may be slightly cheaper in Ikebukuro – come here to buy no-frills stuff, not Prada. Ikebukuro has big department stores, but it’s never quite taken off as a shopping destination. What it is good for is bargains on wares you’ll find in other parts of the city. If you’re an anime or manga fan, check out the shops along Otome Rd by the Sunshine City complex.


Odaiba Odaiba was designed as an entertainment and shopping mecca, so it should come as no surprise that two of its main attractions are malls with views over the water. You’ll find both big-name designers and small shops here. Venus Fort is worth a peek to take in its timed sunrise and sunset (artificial, of course).


Cherry blossom season Springtime in Japan is when the country watches and waits for the first sakura (cherry) trees to burst into bloom. Starting from Kyūshū in the south sometime in March, regular blossom forecasts keep the public updated as the sakura zensen (cherry tree blossom line) advances northward, usually passing the main cities of Honshū in early April. Once the fragile pink and white sakura start to bloom, their beauty is celebrated through the country. During this time, people flock to parks and squares for hanami (cherry blossom viewing). The romance is fleeting – lasting not much longer than a week. The cherry flower season usually falls in late March/early April, following the plum blossoms in February and peach blossoms in March.

Hot springs in Japan Hot water percolates up out of the ground from one end of Japan to the other. The Japanese word for a hot spring is onsen, and there are more than 3000 of them in the country, more than anywhere else on earth – it’s like Iceland on steroids. In Japan, it is not an unusual or even decadent way to pass time soaking in a tub of bubbling hot water.

Special Ticket From: Phnom Penh-Ho Chi Menh City To: Japan- Tokyo Time Period: 3months Price: $830 ( Depart & Return ) *Price may change


Catching a glimpse of a geisha scurrying to an appointment in the narrow streets of Kyoto’s Gion entertainment district is a moment of pure magic. With their startling white faces and brilliant kimono, they seem equal parts alien and apparition. If you’re like most travellers, you may find it hard to believe your own eyes when you see one of these exquisite beings. According to most estimates, there are about 1000 geisha in Japan, and many of them live and work in Kyoto, where they are properly known as geiko. Kyoto is also home to tomaiko (apprentice geiko), who are girls between the ages of 16 and 20 who are in the process of completing the four or five years of study it takes to become a fully fledged geiko. It’s easy to tell the difference between the two: Maiko wear elaborate hairpins in their own hair and elaborate kimono, while geiko wear wigs with only the simplest ornamentation (usually just a boxwood comb) and simpler kimono. A living tradition The origins of today’s geisha (geiko and maiko) can be traced back to the Edo Period (1600–1868), although they became most popular during the Taisho Period (1912–1926). To answer the most common question regarding geisha: they are most definitely not prostitutes. Rather, geisha are highly skilled entertainers, who entertain guests at private parties and dinners. In many ways, geisha are living embodiments of Japanese traditional culture: each one is well versed in traditional dancing, singing, musical instruments and occasionally other arts such as tea ceremony and ikebana (flower arrangement). An evening of geisha entertainment often begins with an exquisite meal of kaiseki (Japanese haute-cuisine). During the meal, the geisha will chat with guests, pour drinks and light cigarettes. Following dinner, the geisha may dance to music provided by a jikata, who plays the traditional, three-stringed shamisen. Geisha may also engage the guests in a variety of drinking games, at which they excel, almost always resulting in guests getting progressively sozzled. Geisha events Considering the cost of a geisha’s training and kimono, it’s hardly surprising that geisha entertainment is quite expensive: dinner for two guests with one geisha runs about US$700 and parties with a jikata and two or more geisha easily tops US$1000 (making geisha entertainment a better idea for groups of travellers than individuals). These days, some hotels and ryokan in Kyoto offer regular geisha events for guests. If you happen to be in Kyoto in the spring or fall, the geisha dances put on by the city’s five geisha districts should be considered must-sees. For those who want to arrange private geisha entertainment, it can be done through private tour companies and high-end ryokan and hotels. Finally, if you spot a woman who looks like a geisha wandering through the tourist districts of Kyoto during the daytime trailed by a photographer, you can be pretty sure she’s a tourist who’s paid to be made up as a geisha, and not a real maiko or geiko!




25 TOP FINDING Vero Media Design . Graphic Design . Web Design . Indoor | Ourdoor Advertising . Scooter Mobile Advertising . Media Production Advertising . Photography . Printing . Guide Magazine Russia Blvd. No. 128D Opposite of Royal University of Phnom Penh Tel: 023 30 50 70 / 093 78 2222 Jolly Shoes, Clothes, Dresses, All accessories kids from new born to 15 years old Street Kampuchea krom No. 108-110 2nd floor Sovanna Shopping Center No. 175 A Mao Tse Tong Tel: 012 655 117 Happy Dog Just want man’s best friend wanted. This shop specialises in dog food, toys, products and services, including veterinary, boading, grooming and shampoo. Open: 8am-8pm #233, Kampuchea Krom Tel: 012 321 333

The French Element French artistic Shop of Hair Salon / Beauty / Nails. Enjoy Home and Outcall Service, Product from France, fresh air-conditioner, hair and nails services, Available Now! Get Discount and Bonus: For the first visit, you might get a 20% percent off on the service you purchase. Moreover, you will get 50% percent off bonus when you get one customer to the shop; you get it directly at the next time you come. Get discount and bonus with a good service from French artistic and products. French Element Himawari Hotel – Phnom Penh Reservation on VIP room – Outcall Tel: 07728-3332 Monument Extensive range of new English- language books in town including recent releases and section on Asia, Cambodia, travel, cuisine, design and management. Good Children’s section as well as a wide choice of magazines and newspapers. Open from: 7: 30am - 8: 00pm Tel: 023 217 617 Street 111 Norodom Blvd Wedding Planner [ Srey Oun Prasat Meas ] deal all your wedding plan, Khmer traditional style and beauty salon. Tel: 012 809 735

Sa Sa Art Gallery Cambodia’s first artist-founded and operated gallery by a group of photogra phers and artists called Stiev Selapak. Opened in 2009, programming focuses on emerging Cambodian contemporary artists exhibiting new bodies of work. Located in central Phnom Penh, the Gallery hosts 5-6 exhibitions each year and encourages engagement with our community by hosting artist talks and welcoming student groups. #7, Street 360, Tel: 097 7320 555 Open: Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 12pm & 2 - 6pm Sovanna Phum An independent Khmer art association in Phnom Penh. T he association was created in order to give Khmer artists the opportunity to perform their art and to make a living. The aims are to revive, preserve and promote the treasures of Khmer culture to local and international audiences. >>Cultural Promotion Tel: 023 987 564 / 012 846 020 >>Art and Development Tel: 023 987 564 / 012 846 020 >>Public Relations Tel: 023 987 564 / 012 846 020

Yoga Center Asia garden yoga center lifestyle. Enjoy yoga in serene nature. Nourish you soul and mind by tranquillity. Use of our swimming pool is free when you take a yoga classes. # 466 A corner 456, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 721 766 / 011 896 286 Bodia Spa Cambodian Cocoon. Conceived as a sheltering cocoon and using organic products, Bodia Spa ia an absolute sensory experience dedicated to pampering both body and soul in the most natural way possible. Open everyday. Old market area above U-Care Tel: 063 761 593 SiemReap ( Heritage Suits Hotel ) behing Wat Polanka Tel: 063 762 428 Phnom Penh ( National Musuem above U-Care ) Tel: 023 226 199 PHOTOGRAPHY Wedding, Ceremony, Commercial, Photo Printing. No. 689 Eo, Monivong Blvd Tel: 015 87 8888 ( Chhong Bun ) Tel: 012 801 902 ( Heng Bun )




shown off plenty of display prototypes that may or may not ever wind up in actual products, but it looks like two of them are about to get real -- a recent SEC filing has revealed that LG is expecting to put both a 9.7-inch color e-paper display and a 19-inch flexible e-paper display into mass production by the end of the year. Details beyond that are expectedly light -- including any word on what type of products they’ll be used in -- but the 19-inch display is apparently the same one we first saw back in January (pictured above). That could conceivably be used for a newspaper-sized device, or possibly things like digital signage, which might be a tad more likely given the constraints in tacking a touchscreen layer and other components on top of the display.




State’s Buckeye Bullet 2 has just set a new battery-powered vehicle record after hitting a speed of 291 mph averaged over two separate runs done back-to-back in opposite directions. Yes, it’s technically slower than the two-way land speed record of 300.992 mph the original Bullet set back in 2009, but that car was powered by hydrogen fuel cells. This year’s model instead was developed in partnership with boutique Monaco-based electric car manufacturer Venturi and replaced the fuel cells with lithium-ion batteries from A123 Systems. It’s also apparently a testing prototype for a new car that’s coming in 2011. Will that car hit these kind of world record speeds? Probably not, but we’re not letting that dash our newly formed geek fantasy of seeing it drag against a Tesla.

Useful Links! | |





certainly managed to get plenty of photographers’ attention with its line of Foveon sensor-equipped digital cameras, but it hasn’t exactly always managed to meet expectations. According to Photography Blog, it looks like that’s also the case for the company’s latest: the SD15. While the camera is described as ‘less of an obvious odd fish than its forebears,” the site says that it’s still best suited for photographers looking for a “challenge,” and that you likely won’t want to have it as your only DSLR. In particularly, Photography Blog found that while images exhibited less of the odd color casts and white balance issues of previous models, they still left quite a bit to be desired, especially at higher ISOs. On the upside, that Foveon sensor does still offer some capabilities that can’t be found elsewhere, and the site says that the camera is unique enough that it can’t bring itself to actively dislike it.

NIKON COOLPIX S1100PJ PROJECTOR CAM ARRIVES WITH USB PROJECTION TOUCHSCREEN Looks TELESTRATOR CAPABILITIES like those German Coolpix leaks were right on the money -- Nikon’s just announced the Coolpix S1100pj and the S5100. The S1100pj is a seriously hot update to the original quirky and lovable Nikon Coolpix S1000pj projector-cam: not only is it thinner and sleeker, but the projector is brighter at 14 lumens and can now beam images off a laptop over USB. The control scheme also looks to have been simplified, with a new three-inch 460,000-dot touchscreen taking over most duties and enabling a wild telestrator-style paint mode which lets you draw right on top of projected images in real-time. Camera-wise, it’s an iterative bump over the previous model: 14 megapixel sensor with 720p movie mode and ISO 6400 sensitivity, 28-140mm 5x optical zoom with five-way stabilizer, and the ability to detect faces, smiles and blinks. Perhaps best of all, MSRP has dropped $100 to $349, which actually makes it a somewhat reasonable consideration if you’re shopping higherend cams. Yep, we definitely want to play with one -- it’ll hit in a bunch of colors next month sometime. The Coolpix S5100 is a bit less interesting, slotting in between the S6000 and S4000. Nothing too complicated here, just a 12.1 megapixel sensor with ISO 3200 sensitivity and a 720p movie mode, 5x optical zoom with four-way stabilization, and a nifty tripoddetection function that automatically tweaks shutter speed and exposure to produce blur-free images when the camera is handheld. It’ll be around $179+ in a bunch of colors when it hits in the end of the year.

CITYLIFE possibilities



sNΩaKar kaMbUDIyäaNa sUmsa√Kmn^

Welcome to Hotel Cambodiana



Live Band Bar

Relax by the River

238 rooms ranging from superior, deluxe, junior suites and executive suites with magnificent views sweeping over the Mekong River and the city. All rooms are air-conditioned, complete with amenities, equipped with satellite channels and wireless Internet.

The hotel offers a variety of International cuisines from French, Italian, Chinese, Western specialties in several of its outlets. An International buffet and an extensive a-la-carte menu make up a wonderful dining experience in-room or out.

Visit the Qba, the city’s best known live band bar. Enjoy and relax with fresh cocktails, international selection of beers and wines and a good range of live music from pop, rock and RnB, classics. Song requests are also available.

Enjoy the stunning views of the Mekong and Tonle Sap River by the pool, promenade or the river huts. The amazing sunrises and sunsets are perfect times to start or finish your day while relaxing.

Location Located in the heart of Phnom Penh, this historical hotel not only sits on the Mekong and the Tonle Sap Rivers but it is conveniently close to the night life, bars, markets and the business district. Area attractions include the Royal Palace, Wat Phnom and the Riverside. Phnom Penh international Airport is approx 20 minutes drive.

Dining Outlets The Mekong Restaurant L’Amboise La Brioche Bakery and Cafe The Lobby Bar The Mekong Poolside Qba

Facilities and Services Fitness Centre Tennis Courts Valet Shop (855-23 426-288 Ext:799) Business Centre Conference & Function Facilities 24 Hour room service Wi-Fi Internet Concierge & Bell Services Security

Contacts Travel and Tour Services Transportation Services Airport transfers Weddings Banquets Conferences & Exhibitions Outdoor Catering

Banquets & Conference Sales T: 855-12 939-534 E:

Transportation Services T: 855-77 218-808 E:

Travel and Tour Services T: 855-23 667-702-3 E:

Valet Shop

HOTEL CAMBODIANA 313 Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia Tel: 855-23 426-288/218-189 | Fax: 855-23 217-059 | E-mail:



Free Time



By Cheng Lita


itting in air-conditioned Himawari Hotel’s French Element, you can get your hair shampooed while taking a good view of the river side. With music in the background, beauty salon customers relax while getting their hair or skin treated in one of the most prestige parlor along Sisowath Quay.


ade in France Jerome Haurie, an artistic manager in the French Element, who has been working in the salon shop for more than 16 years in his home country France, says that the salon in Himawari Hotel by Tonle Sap River is special since all the products are from France and Germany; and


customers get services from French professionals. service available now French Element has expanded its service this month. You can shop for beauty products inside the salon and get excellent services which include hair and beauty care services. We also have VIP rooms available at your convenience.


et discount and bonus For the first visit, customers get a 20% off on the service you purchase. You will get 50% discount when you refer a customer


to our salon shop; you get this bonus the next time you visit the salon.

French Element Open: 10am - 8pm From: Tuesday - Sunday ( Monday Close ) Himawari Hotel – Phnom Penh Website: Reservation on VIP room – Outcall H/P: 07728-3332 Photo: SreyLeak Bun


Free Time

THE ULTIMATE 50cc SPORT MOPED paint, giving it a sharper look. The color of the seat and han- dle grips were also changed to Brown which further empha size the retro feel. Tafuappuchubu’s focus on reducing the occurrence of the popular punk has been adopted before continuing to the rear wheels. The simple and robust tradition of the T 4-stroke Honda engine is equipped with Bakkubonpuresufuremu OHC and Retoromodanbaiku that promises to continue the tradition of the Super Cub engine while delivering improved torque characteristics and ease of handling. Above all, this moped is durable and has excellent fuel economy that will perform superbly on the street and just about anywhere else you wish to take it.


Benryi is the sport moped with a 50cc engine displacement packed with an aircooled four-stroke single cylinder engine. The sleek design creates a retro feel, that have been highly supported by users of all ages since its launch in 1966. Today, it still continues to sell steadily among the young crowd. In 2007, the moped underwent an uprade that included the color change on the fuel tank and the front fender, while the backbone frame received a black

■ HONDA Benly 50S main dimensions Length ■ × height × width (each mm): 1805 × 645 × Seat Height ■ 950: 748mm center distance ■: 1170mm Dry weight ■: 73kg weight of the vehicle ■: 78kg Capacity ■: 49cc Engine type ■: 4-stroke air-cooled OHC single cylinder ■ Color: Shasutahowaito / Montsareddo

The telescopic front suspension combines two units into shock swing arm on top the excellent braking drum brakes that delivers a superb surface tracking performance. Put together with the reasonable cushion this moped has all the elements needed to balance the motorcycle stopped turning. The tires are fitted as standard with Tafuappuchubu tube type but has proven to be more difficult to puncture. With this bike, I can ride with confidence everywhere.


The Honda moped scooter has an excellent environmental performance engine that fully endorses the popular and trendy “Sukupi Claire” surface design that uses colors and equipments from stylish design components.


This Honda moped scooter has an excellent environmental performance that fully endorses the popular and trendy “Sukupi Claire” surface design that uses colors and equipments from stylish design components. The limited Gurosukamufurajupatan 22 is also available from the release date of March 6. Special “Claire Sukupi” Gurosukamufurajupatan is a camouflage pattern that uses eyecatching gray tones on on body’s conspicuously white classic. In addi- tion to the adoption of black and dark gray Tsutonshito, front and rear wheels * Beru-konkaba are filled with a sense of the black and wild style. Special “Claire Sukupi” hibiscus pattern carries contemptuous tones of pink hibiscus with bold bright white.

In addition, the adop tion of fashionable styling and light brown and dark brown Tsutonshito, the moped also includes two models with rear-view mirror plating growing textures. “Claire Sukupi” has a series of colors with four current standard type that is equipped with multifunction digital meter. “Sukupi Claire” is a one-color full of special equipments. We’ve added personality with the colors to meet the diverse needs of the users. “Claire Sukupi,” since its launch in January 2001, has been well received by young women in their teens and early 20s because of its fashionable style and good performances. Where to buy? Kirirum block and Oruesey Market.



@citylifep p


Free Time

FOLK ARTS Numerous traditional methods of fortune telling are considered as a legacy of old folk arts. Some of the divination techniques described in this section are written in history and dates back thousands of years... but others aren’t quite so ancient. THE RING The divination technique can be used to uncover your future spouse. It helps you determine the probabilities of the marriage between you and a selected person. To properly perform this method, you must have a photo of the person you love and a ring with a cotton string tied around the ring. With the photo in front of you, hold the string between your thumb and index finger and allow the ring to dangle above the photo. If the ring rotates in a circle, you will marry the person in the photo. If it swings back and forth, marriage will be unlikely. If the ring is still, then delays should be expected before any possible marriage. It’s also important to keep your mind clear while performing the technique to avoid the influence of wishful thinking. You can dowse the photograph of your beloved with a ring to determine if your relationship will lead to marriage.

Always use three identical candles when practicing lynchnomancy. The candles should be used.

CANDLES Telling the future from the behaviour of candle flames is known as lynchnomancy. This method is a simple and easy form of divination that was very conventional in the ancient times when candles were the only form of illumination in a house. However, when you practice lynchnomancy, you must be

careful not to leave the candles burning unattended. You will be required to pay attention to the way the candle flames move, so you must place the candles away from any possible draughts. For instance, you’ll get a distorted response if you place the candles near an open window. Ideally, you should practise lynchnomancy in a room in which the windows and doors are closed.

THE THREE-CANDLES METHOD Choose three identical candles, none of which has been lit before. Place them in identical candlesticks or light each one so it creates a little was, then use this hot wax to anchor the base of the candle to a saucer. Arrange the candles in the shape of a triangle in the centre of a table and light them. Then sit quietly and watch the flames to see what happen next, while thinking of your question. Remember to keep the candles away from draughts. . If one flame burns brighter than the others, you’ll have good luck. . If one flame gutters and flickers, there will be a minor loss. . If one flame goes out, there will be a serious loss or a major setback. . If two flames flicker, there will be a surprise in your life. . If two flames flare up, you’ll be offered new opportunities.

Photo: SreyLeak Bun

. If two flames go out, your life will go through a dramatic phase. . If all these flames flicker, your circumastances will change for the better. . If all three flames go out, you’ll experience lifechanging events. . If all three flames burn steadily, you’ll make good progress in all areas of your life. . If all three flames flare up, you’ll have an unexpected triumph. From Fortune Teller Book


Your quick

Food lovers!

Asian Coleslaw


The dressing on this salad is peanut-based. If you have a food allergy to peanuts, you can substitute tahini for the peanut butter (or leave it out all together), and toasted sesame seeds for the peanuts. Ingredients Ingredient * 1 Tbsp creamy peanut butter * 6 Tbsp vegetable oil * 1/2 teaspoon toasted (dark) sesame oil * 4 Tbsp seasoned rice vinegar (if seasoned rice vinegar is not available, add a teaspoon or two of sugar to regular rice vinegar) * 4 cups thinly sliced cabbage (Napa, green, purple, or a combination) * 1/2 cup grated carrots * 1/4 cup toasted, salted, shelled, peeled peanuts Optional * Chopped fresh cilantro * Thinly sliced green onions or chives Method 1 Prepare dressing. Place peanut butter in a medium bowl. Add the vegetable oil and the toasted sesame oil and whisk until nicely smooth. Whisk in the seasoned rice vinegar and do a taste test. Depending on how you like your dressing, how salty your peanut butter is, how seasoned your rice vinegar is, you may want to add a little more vinegar, a little more sugar, or a little salt. (Makes about 3/4 cup of dressing.) 2 Toast the peanuts. Although the roasted peanuts from the store may already be cooked, you’ll get even better flavor with just a little toasting. Heat a small skillet on medium high heat and add the nuts to the pan. Do not ignore or the nuts can easily burn. Stir a little with a wooden spoon until the peanuts begin to get browned in spots and you can smell the toasting aromas. Remove peanuts from pan to a dish. 3 In a large bowl, toss the sliced cabbage, grated carrots, and peanuts together, and any other optional ingredients you care to add (like a little chopped cilantro or green onions). Right before serving, mix in the dressing. Great with fish or burgers. Serves 4.

Apple Chicken Quesadilla

k lunch Make a quic eral kids rv se for your

Ingredients * 4 Flour tortillas (approximately 8-inches wide) * 1 cup cooked, shredded or chopped, chicken meat * 1/4 lb cheddar or Monterey jack cheese, sliced or grated * 1 apple, sliced * 1/4 cup salsa

Method 1 Heat a large skillet on medium high

heat. Place one tortilla in the skillet. Flip it a couple of times with a spatula, then let it sit in the pan heating up until air pockets form and parts of the tortilla begin to puff up. Flip it again. 2 Place cheese slices on half of the tortilla, at least 1/2-inch from the edge of the tortilla. Add chicken pieces on top of the cheese. Fold the tortilla over like an omelette, and press down on the folded tortilla with the spatula. Lower the heat to medium. At this point, if you have enough room in your skillet, you can add a second tortilla to the pan to begin to heat it up. 3 When the cheese inside the quesadilla has melted, remove the quesadilla to a cutting board. Open it wide and layer on apple slices and salsa. Fold the tortilla back again, and cut it into 3 triangles, as if you were cutting a pie. (You don’t have to cut the quesadilla into triangles, it just makes it easier for kids to eat.) 4 Repeat with the remaining tortillas. Makes 12 quesadilla triangles.


Free Time Latest shopping!

Pick Up Your Make Up Package 5



9 10

4 3







15 12












Bring your favorite color to your lips.. 1/ Color Appeal Star Secrets Crystals: $12.55, 2/ Open Eyes: $12.55, 3/ Double Extension Beauty Tubes: $15.45, 4/ Lash Architect Midnight Black: $10.70 5/ Contour Khol: $9.30, 6/ Renewal Lash Serum: $14.80, 7/ Ultra Volume Collagene: $14.15, 8/ Double Extensionn Waterproof Carbon Black: $13.55, 9/ Telescopic Clean: $9.75, 10/ Super liner Black Crystals: $9.30, 11/ Liner Resist Waterproof: $10.70, 12/ Super Liner 24h Waterproof Gel: $9.3, 13/ Super Liner 24h Waterproof Gel: $14.15, 14/ True Match mattifying minerals loose powder: $16.35, 15/ True Match super blendable foundation: $15.60, 16/ Revitalift Liquid Foundation: $16.35, 17/ White Perfect pearl long lasting foundation pearly radiance: $15.60, 18/ True Match super blendable powder: $12.90, 19/ True Match make up base Moist Up: $10.25 20/ Glam Shine 6h: $11.00, 21/ Glam Shine Diamant: $9.75, 22/ Color Riche Made for me Lip Blush: $11.00, 23/ Color Riche Star Secrets Crystal: $11.00, 24/ Color Riche: $11.00, 25/ Color Riche Made for me Intenses: $11.00, 26/ Color Riche Made for me Naturals Rose: $11.00 Where to buy?


Free Time Fashion

Work-wear black dress : $56 , from Kaprices Chocolate & Brown striped dress : $56, from Kaprices

V-neck blue texture dress : $69, from Kaprices


Casual short black dress : $4 from Russian Market

Blue V neck : $3, from Russian Market Prom red dress : $79 Necklace : $9 , from Kaprices

Casual short dress : $4 from Russian Market


1 4


3 Check List From Layer Shop 1/ Blue plaid shirt: $14.90, Brown trouser: $22.90, Shoes: $ $24.90 2/ Cyan striped shirt: $20.90, Jean: $22.90, Shoes: $24.90 3/Black Calvin Klein t-shirt: $12.90, Short Jean: $15.90, Shoes: $21.90 4/ Gray t-shirt: $12.90, Brown Trouser: $22.90, Shoes: $21.90 5/ Light Long-Sleeve Shirt: $20.90, Green Trouser: $22.90, Shoes: $24.90



Free Time Fashion

A stun nin a gorge g sterling sil ve ou @Kapr s ellipse $23 r necklace wit ices h Chunk yh @ Kap ammered eff rices ect ba ngle $9

Vintag eC @Kapr opper Cuff C ices hunky Bang

le $13

Blue squea strip shoes $24.90 @ Layer Shop

White an Earrin d Yellow Go ld Circ gs $9 le Han @Kapr ging ices

LEVI’S shoes $22.99 @ Layer Shop

Gray shoes $24.90 @ Layer Shop

Clear C r @Kapr ystal and Go ld Ban ice gle $23

LXKZ shoes $22.90 @ Layer Shop

Layer Shop #48Eo St 51-144, S/K Phsar Tmey III, Khan Daun Penh Tel: 023 219 789, 080 222 789 Open: Mon - Sun | 8:00 am - 8:30 pm, All shoes will be in store from 1st August Kaprices Shop #20B, Street 282-1220 Phnom Penh Tel: 023 993 52 / 012 229 889 E-mail:

41 Home Helper 1

How to get the

Home Look... 2


D E T N A W T S O M 1. White-wood make up desk: $258.30, from DECOSY 2. Bamboo leaf texture cushion: $ 48, Silk slim pillow: $ 12 ,from SAYON 3. Fruit holder: $35 from DECOSY 4. Blue silk foral texture pillow: $25, from SAYON 5. Cushion sleep: $ 45, silk pillow: $18, from SAYON 6. Lamp table: $34 ,from DECOSY

5 4


Available all kind of stuffs for home. # 219, Street 19, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: 023 219 276

SAYON Silk works Cambodia Exuberant Designs, Golden heart Available all kind of cushions for home, hotel and home decoration services. # 213 St. 19 | Tel: 023 990 894 / 017 540 878



Reader Beauty

forever Young

Want to enjoy optimal health and vitality now and in years to come?


any anti-ageing solutions on the market, from diet plans and supplements to skin creams and cosmetic procedures, promise to deliver fast –if not instant- results. This may sound appealing, but according to Kate Mare and Dr Christopher Thomas, authors of Fast Living Slow Ageing (mileage Media, $34.95), if you really want to look great, feel fantastic, live longer and ward off age-related disease, you have to make a long-term investment in your health. This means optimizing your nutrient intake and physical and mental activity levels, while avoiding things that accelerate ageing, such as stress, free radicals and inflammation. Here, we tap the authors’ advice on how to age slowly.


Is it true that longevity is ‘all in your genes ‘? While some genes may affect lifespan or predispose us to some disease, less than, one-third of variability in human lifespan is due to inherited differences in our DNA. Our lifestyle, diet, activity and stress levels have a greater impact on lifespan and how fast we age. For example, although identical twin have exactly the same DNA they become easier to tell apart as they get older. Ageing is really a from of memory, where our experiences and exposure are cemented in our chemistry.

What is the slow ageing philosophy? Slow ageing is about valuing your ageing and taking practical, sustainable and logical steps to look after it. Much of the discomfort and disease associated with ageing is due to choices we make, or fail to make, in earlier phases of our lives. Slow ageing mean taking a close look at what you eat and drink, your work, stress and activity, as your choices will have a significant bearing on your future. Awareness and being engaged in your choices is only one aspect, though it also takes commitment together with setting practical goals, covered in The Seven Ageless Principles.

What do I need to know about inflammation?

Inflammation is one of our body’s defense and healing mechanisms that we need to fight infection and heal wounds. However, left unchecked, it can lead to damage and disease. For example, chronic inflammation can accelerate loss of bone density and cognitive function, as well as destabilize the lining of blood vessels, contributing to heart attacks and strokes. It’s also a major producer of free radicals. The simplest way to reduce inflammation is not to fee the fire. Don’t overeat, quit smoking, get quality sleep and manage your stress. Also, avoid pro-inflammatory foods like fast food, junk

What are the best foods or a long life? A diet that’s high in fresh produce is associated with a healthier and longer life. A simple way to make the most of any produce is to remember the SLOW food

acronym: Seasonal, Local, Organic and Whole. Foods that are in season are more likely to be fresh and richer in nutrients, and local produce is normally subject to less storage and handling. If you’re switching to organic, start by substituting foods with the highest chemical residue, such as A diet that’s high in fresh produce is associated with a healthier and longer life. A simple way to make the most of any produce is to remember the SLOW food acronym: Seasonal, Local, Organic and Whole. Foods that are in season are more likely to be fresh and richer in nutrients, and local produce is normally subject to less storage and handling. If you’re switching to organic, start by substituting foods with the highest chemical residue, such as strawberries, capsicums, stone fruit, spinach and lettuce. food, high-fat animal protein, dairy dessert, biscuits and pasties.


Reader How can I keep my brain Sharp?

Can exercise slow ageing?

Do good relationships play a part in ongevity?

It’s never too late to build additional brain reserves. Even in ageing adults, the brain can adapt to form new connections and generate new cells. A longterm commitments to keeping active –both mentally and physically can delay the impact of ageing on the brain and give us a good excuse to have fun! Keep challenging your brain do crossword and puzzles; learn to play word association games. Whatever mental activities you choose, keep your brain working on a daily basis.

If we’re sedentary, the risk of premature death and disease increase to that of a smoker. On the flip side, regular activity not only improves fitness and health, but also increases our lifespan by about three to five years. The minimum activity levels is walking (or a similar activity) at a moderate pace for 30 minutes on most days. However, doing even more than this and including other types of exercise like strength training has extra health benefits. People with the highest levees of physical activity and fitness have the lowest risk of premature death and disease.

Social isolation can lead to mental stress, depression, decline and disease. Lonely heart suffers twice as many heart attacks and are four times, less likely to survive them. Cancer, stroke and other disease are also more common in people with fewer social and personal connections. Put aside sometimes energy to foster and maintain your key relationships. These connections offer health benefits that are at least as important are those that flow from adopting healthy diets. Better still, combine the two shares a slow meal with a loved one or take a long walk with a friend.

How much sleep do I need for optimal health? A common myth is that we all need eight hours of sleep every night. The amount of sleep we need to feel good varies among individuals, so there is no magic number. The most important determinant is simply how well you function during the day on the amount of sleep you get. See how you are performing by keeping a log or journal. Do you tend to feel better on Mondays? Are you making it through to the afternoon without flagging? If you’re having trouble sleeping, establish a pattern that suits your body and stick to it. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, and only go to bed when you’re sleepy.

45 Does Stress accelerate ageing? Stress can be a killer. Even single periods of stress in our past can cast long shadow and may be associated with shorter life expectancy. Identifying the source of stress in our lives is the first step in controlling it. Write a journal and jot down what stresses you and what make your feel good over a week or month. Take note and make changes to increase feel good activities and to reduce stressful activities.

Allocate time purely for relaxation, whether it be going for a walk or to they gym, salsa classes, gardening, or arranging a short getaways. Deep breathing, yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi and mediation also bolster stress resilience.

How can I keep my skin looking youthful? When we despair about the onset of lines, wrinkles and pigmentation, we need look no further than our time in the sun for its origins. Four out of five

wrinkles, and most of the freckles on our faces, are due to sun exposure. Preventing sun damage with the use of broad-spectrum, water-resistant SPF30+sunscreen, widebrimmed hats and protective clothing is the best way to slow skin ageing. Also, choose skin products high in antioxidants like coenzyme Q10 and polyphones that reduce sun damage. A low-GI diet that’s rich in vegetable, nuts, legumes and olive oil is also beneficial. From GoodHeatlh Magz.

Champagne Sorbet Ingredients * 1 1/2 cups sparkling wine or champagne * 1 cup white granulated sugar * 1 Tbsp light corn syrup * 1 teaspoon of lemon and or grapefruit zest * 1 1/2 cups fresh grapefruit juice * 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice (Meyer if you have access to them) Method 1/ Put champagne, sugar, corn syrup, and zest into a saucepan. Bring to a vigorous boil so that the sugar completely dissolves, remove from heat. 2/ Strain into a stainless steel bowl (will help cool down faster), add the grapefruit juice and lemon juice. Chill completely. To do this, either place bowl in a larger bowl half-filled with ice water, and stir until champagne solution is completely cold, refreshing the ice in the outer bowl if necessary. Or you can cover with plastic wrap and chill in your refrigerator over night. I put the bowl in the ice compartment of our freezer for a couple hours, because it fits, chills quickly, and is far enough away from the other food in the freezer. 3/ Process the mixture in your ice cream maker (Amazon sells a good one) according to the ice cream maker directions. Transfer mixture to a storage container and freezer in your freezer until firm, at least 6 hours. Makes about 1 quart.


Reader Healthy

Ask the Experts

good efficacy. The concern was that the last swine flu vaccine a number of years ago did cause a few rare cases of a condition called Guillain-Barre syndrome, but no cases to date have been shown to result in this condition with the most recent vaccine.


I rely heavily on my mobile phone because of work. I am confused about the mixed messages about risks. What are your thoughts?


I’m wondering whether I should have the flu vaccine. I’m in my late thirties and healthy, so do I now need the swine flu vaccination? and What about normal influenza?

A It’s important to note when the public health authorities suggest everyone in Australia are suggesting vaccination against swine flu. This is especially the case for people below the ages of 30 and those with chronic illnesses. But the reality is that as winter approaches, we are unsure whether swine flu will re-emerge in Australia as it has in the northern hemisphere during their recent winter. The real issue about swine flu is that it is caused by the H1N1 influenza virus, which has the same basic structure as the Spanish flu that killed about 50 million people at the end of World War I.

The Spanish flu came in two waves. The first wave was not so severe, but the second wave was a really lethal dose that caused incredible number of deaths (killing more people than WWI). Though no-one really knows whether this will be the case with swine flu, I don’t think we should be taking any chances. Therefore, even if you are healthy, I would suggest having the swine flu vaccine. Because you are not in the category typically affected badly by seasonal influenza, you probably do not need a double-dose vaccine- that choice is entirely up to you. If you are a health worker, it would be suggested that you have both. Are there any risks from the swine flu vaccine? The answer is that the preliminary testing to date has not shown any major issues at all and has shown very

A. I agree that the question relating to health risks hasn’t really been answered yet. A recent survey published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggested no evidence of an increase in brain tumors with mobile phone use. However, this clashes with two recent studies from Sweden showing acute problems such as headaches, asthma and concentration issues associated with the heavy use (more than one hour per day) of a mobile phone. The second study showed a 250 per cent increase in brain tumors on the side the phone is used, in people using a mobile more than one hour a day over 10 years. 1 My advice is straightforward in a world where mobile phones are a ‘necessary evil’. 2 Try to use a speaker phone. 3 Avoid ear pieces (of any description) as these concentrate the electromagnetic radiation. 4 Don’t regularly use your phone for more than an hour a day. 5 Keep conversation short. 6 Try-face-to-face communication-it actually improves relationships. Dr. Ross Walker is a cardiologist and the author of


Your questions answered by those in the know... A. First, remove the word ‘homework’ from your vocabulary and replace it with study time. This will eliminate the problem of your child saying, ‘I don’t have any homework.’ Study time is about studying, even if she/he doesn’t have homework. Next, establish a study routine. Make it the same time every day. Then keep it predictable and simple. For example, you could give a five-minute reminder that study time is approaching, bringing their current activity to an end. It’s your job to show your child how to get organized and teach time-management skills. Show them how to prioritize by importance and due date. Teach them how to create an agenda each time they sit down to study.

My boyfriend has female friends. It makes me feel insecure. Should I give him an ultimatum? Them or me?

You can’t force a person to change. It could be who you needs to deal with your own personal insecurities. Ask yourself, ‘Why do I feel threatened by this situation?’ If your boyfriend is spending a lot of time with his female friends and it’s impacting your relationship then you have a legitimate concern that needs to be discussed. Express your point of view in a calm and logical way. Talk to him about how the issue is affecting you and the relationship. Work out ways you can improve your relationship like focusing on the positives, rather than the negatives in your relationship.

My partner insults me and goes verbally ballistic for very little cause. I feel as if I’m walking on eggshells. What’s the best way to respond?

A. Let your partner know how hurtful his words are and that his behaviour is unacceptable. Set boundaries on what you will and will not accept from him. Do not engage your partner. If your partner becomes angry stay calm, walk away and don’t give him what he wants –a reaction. If the verbal abuse escalates and becomes physical abuse you need to leave. Your safety is far more important than this relationship. It’s advisable to seek counseling. Visit Relationship Australia at www.relationship. Jenifer Garth is a pshychologist and author. She began her training in 1994 and set up her private clinic in 2002.


How do I motivate my children to do their homework?


DIGITAL Photo CONTEST Wi na n am azi ng pri ce! enery Category 1: Sc t the beauty of

en Photos that repres therland or the your hometown/mo with after livr ilia fam are u area yo . ile wh a ing there for


itage Category 2: Her otions

em Photos that evoke ur past, especially yo the of s rie or memo rallyltu Cu . nd rla the hometown/mo ing, or just plain revealing & inspir eaking, it can be an sp dly oa striking. Br tivities connectac events, locales or y or their cultural ing to their histor heritage.

1. You must be a Cambodian Resident 2. Photos must be follow in any categories 3. Photo format files must be in digital original quality resolution 300dpi

4. The term of the application Digital Photo Contest for

2010-2011 is from 29th,September to 29th October 2010 5. Photo must be recieved at CityLife Magazine by sending to , by 29th October 2010, 5pm. 6. Participants can submit one photo only in any catogories. 7. Do not text on your photo, otherwise it will be invalid. *The winner will win a prize from Canon!

enture Category 3: Aendv t the essence

Photos that repres scape, cityscape, of the area (land dmark.) Photos architecture or lan nes sce r ula tac ec can be sp g holiday tours encountered durin

il: ore deta t for m Contac ity info@c

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Delighting You Always

50 28




Rest aurant


Restaurant Guide

Phnom Penh

Amber Garden Terrace Restaurant: Khmer/International Breezy, comfortable terrace restaurant, café and bar offering reasonable prices of dining and accommodation. Khmer dishes are the speciality but there are lots of Western and International offerings as well. Big selection of Khmer and some western salads. Khmer vegetable soup, Thai Tom Yum Kung and lots of Khmer and western mains. Free wifi. [ WF – AC ] #1A, Street 57 Open: 6:00AM - 11:00PM Tel: 023-216303 Anise Terrace Restaurant: Southeast Asian 
The Anise Terrace in Boeung Keng Kang 1 offers a comfortably stylish, reasonably priced dining and accommodations. The restaurant offers terrace balcony and a/c seating, consistently excellent service and a good variety of Southeast Asians dishes such as Fish Cakes and Wok Fried Tiger Prawns. 
[ WF-AC ] #2C, Street 278, Open: 6:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023-222522
 Aria D’Italia Pizzeria 
 Restaurant: Pizzeria/Italian 
Easily one of the best pizzas in Phnom Penh. Homey little pizzeria and Italian restaurant located on a quiet street near Boeng Keng Kang 1. A nice selection of authentic Italian pizzas and pastas. Indoor and garden patio seating. Full bar. Lunch and Dinner. Free delivery. Easy parking. Recommended.. [ WF- DEL ]
 #9, Street 254 
Tel: 012-840705
 Bai Thong Restaurant: Indochina and French Bai Thong offers white table cloth elegance and top-notch service in the traditions of Phnom Penh’s best restaurants, but with a comfortably refined, relaxed atmosphere suitable for family, business or a romantic dinner. Serving excellent French, Indochina and authentic Thai cuisine at surprisingly reasonable prices. New, expanded menu with more French, Khmer, Vietnamese and Lao choices. Full bar, wines and cocktail. Fully air-conditioned. Lunch and Dinner. [ WF-AC ] #100-102, Sothearos Tel: 023-211054 Billabong 
 Poolside Restaurant/Bar: International 
Aptly billing itself as a ‘Boutique

Haven.’ Very relaxed, open air, poolside restaurant/bar at the Billabong Hotel, serving excellent western food at reasonable prices. Free form saltwater pool set in a private tropical garden. Great place for breakfast, lunch, dinner or to lounge away the afternoon poolside. Good western breakfasts. [ AC ]
 #5, Street 158 Open: 
8:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023-223703

Bites Restaurant: Malaysian/International Brilliant little Malaysian restaurant serving very affordable priced Western and Asian dishes and lots of tasty Malaysian specialities. Very clean kitchen, food, hygienic preparation. Halal. Prompt friendly service. Comfortable surroundings. Indoor and curb side patio seating. Great value. Right up the street from the Capitol Guesthouse. Recommended.
 #240b, Street 107 Open; 7:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 012-858567
 [ AC ] Bopha Phnom Penh Titanic 
 Restaurant: Cambodian/International 
Stylish, breezy riverside terrace provides a sweeping view of the peaceful river scenery, perfect to escape the city rush. Full bar, extensive cocktail menu and wine list. Also air-con seating and bar (see Bar listings.) . ‘Apsara Dance’ performances from 7pm-9pm. Sisowath Quay [ WF- AC ] Open: 6:00AM - Late 
 Tel: 012-524584 Cantina 
A “Mexican gringo bar,” a.k.a. ‘Hurley’s Place’. Friendly riverfront bar set amongst several bars and restaurants whose curbside seating blur into one another. Cold Beer. Full bar. Excellent Mexican food. Salsa and tortillas fresh made daily. [ AC ] 
#347, Sisowath Quay Casa Lika Restaurant/Bar: Mexican/Khmer Unique Mexican/Khmer restaurant and bar on 136 just off the riverfront. Hardwood floors, fully air-conditioned, comfortable ambiance. Serving a good selection of authentic Mexican dishes including tacos, fish tacos, nachos, fajitas, burritos, quesadillas and more. Also lots of other western dishes - steaks, burgers, pastas, salads - and Khmer and Asian dishes as well. Full bar, cold beer, spirits. [ AC-WF ] Happy hour 3PM-7:00PM. Closed on Mondays. Home delivery. #16, Street Open : 11:00AM - Midnight Tel: 012-429542

. Air-Conditioner= [AC] . Free Home Delivery= [Del]

Chiang Mai Riverside 
 Restaurant: Fine Thai 
Long-established little riverside restaurant offering authentic Thai cuisine. Lots of good reviews from customers. The owner is justifiably proud of his home cooking. Good selection of veg dishes. “Thailand brand certified”. Helpful photo menu. Lots of tourist information. #227Eo, Sisowath Quay Open:10:00AM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 011-811456

Bistro La P’tite France Fine French Cuisine, fully air-conditioned and offering a comfortable. Serving international dishes with the emphasis on French as well as several Asian selection. The restaurant is open at lunch and dinner. [ AC ] #8, Rue. 118 / face au Memphis Club Tel: 023 223 140 - 016 642 630

Chiva’s Shack Restaurant, Questhouse and Bar Famous riverside meeting place, friendly family bar. Western local menu, special cocktail $1.75 everyday, night BBQ Pool Table. Room Range from $7 Included breakfast, Wi-fi , AC , Fan , Hot shower, TV. #6-8, St 130 ( River side ) Tel: 023 986 837- 016 406 232 [ WF- AC ]

Dosa Corner Restaurant: South Indian/Malaysian As the name says, the specialty of the house are dosas - South Indian rice and bean crêpes stuffed with spiced vegetables or meat or served with a side dish such as chutney. The Dosa Corner serves more than fifteen varieties of dosas including the ever popular masala dosa and a large choice of accompaniments and sides. Home delivery and catering. [ DEL ] #5E, Street 51, Open: 7:30AM - 10:00PM Tel: 012-673276

Comme a la Maison Restaurant: French 
Outdoor patio seating in garden setting. French food á la carte and weekly specials. Indoor shop, homemade goods, bakery and charcuterie. Great break- fast place. Catering, party planning. Delivery. French and English spoken. Good reviews . from customers. Loyal following
[ DEL ] #13, Street 57 Open: 6AM - 3PM/6PM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 023-360801, 012-951869 On-line menu: Cyclo Café
 Restaurant/Bar: International Welcoming, pleasant little international restaurant/bistro in the Cyclo Hotel, fully air-conditioned and offering a comfortable, homey ambiance. Serving international dishes with the emphasis on French as well as several Asian selections. The Cyclo-style Scallops are recommended. Full bar and a nice wine selection. The restaurant is open at lunch and dinner, the bar all day long. Pool table. Lunch and Dinner.[ AC ] Open: 7:00AM-Midnight. #50, Street 172 Tel: 023-992128 frizz
 Restaurant: Cambodian The popular frizz restaurant has moved from the riverfront to Street 240. Offering the same excellent traditional Cambodian fare and more. The expanded menu includes more salads, desserts and signature Cambodian dishes as well as international dishes. Specialities include Cambodian Amok and Chhnang Phnom Pleung (Cambodian Volcano Pot.) Ask about Cambodian cooking classes. 
[ DEL ] #67, Street 240 7:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 023-220953

East India Curry Company Restaurant: North and South India Serving authentic north and south Indian cuisine in a comfortable, refined, air-conditioned environment. East India Curry has garnered great reviews from patrons and a loyal following. The chef employs many imported ingredients. South Indian breakfasts. Catering. Lunch and dinner.[ DEL –AC ] #9, Street 114 Tel: 023-992007 

 Ebony Apsara 
 Late Night Restaurant: Khmer/International Unique combination restaurant, bar, tailor and gallery. Comfortable, stylish seating. Innovative Khmer/Asian food by Rina as well as a selection of western favorites. Lucky Stick game for free food and drinks. Bottomless cup of coffee. Nice café/cocktail bar atmosphere in the evening with the kitchen staying open very late, always till closing. 40% goes to charity. 
[ WF – AC ] #42, Street 178 Open:10:30AM - Late Tel: 010-581291 Foreign Correspondents Club (FCC)
 Bar/Restaurant: International 
This is the famous FCC - still as much a journalist’s meeting place as a popular tourist/expat bar and restaurant. Located on the second floor of a beautiful old colonialera building, the FCC’s open balcony provides a spectacular, sweeping view of the Tonle Sap and Mekong Rivers. The FCC kitchen offers a good selection of nicely prepared contemporary, modern, and traditional western dishes as well as some of the best wood-fired oven pizza in town. Photo shows and exhibitions. Bookshop. Fresco Delicatessen on the ground floor. [ AC- DEL- WF ] #363, Sisowath Quay Open: 7:00AM - 12:00mid

. Free Internet Access= [WF] . Live Music/ Dj= [LM]

53 Freebird Bar & Grill 
 Bar/Restaurant: American 
An extraordinarily comfortable air-conditioned bar and restaurant with a friendly neighbourhood bar ambiance. Nice wooden bar and comfortable seating, good conversation and a generally convivial place. Fully stocked bar and a good selection of American, Mexican and other western foods. Great pizzas, burgers, steaks and the best chili in town. Excellent service, always with a smile. Huge music selection. Efficient, reliable home delivery. Make sure to pick up a copy of the delivery menu. Listed in the exclusive Miele Guide 2009/2010 (to Asia’s finest restaurants,) “...for homesick Americans...Freebird is heaven on earth. #69, Street 240 [ AC – DEL ] 
 Open: 7:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023-224712
 Fortune Pho One of the best noodle soup in town. Restaurant noodle, Italian cuisine, and best cook spaghetti. Friendly welcome. Tel: 017 866 672 Open: Mon-Sun / 8am-9pm Friends (Mith Samlanh)
 Restaurant: International 
Cheerful tapas restaurant run as part of a program to teach street youth marketable skills. Khmer and western snacks, salads, weekly specials. Try the famous exotic fruit shake. Frozen margarita and daiquiris. Open 7 days a week. Kitchen closes at 9PM. 50m from the entrance to the National Museum.
 #215, Street 13 Open: 11:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 012-802072 Garden Center Café 2 
 Restaurant: International 
This is the Boeng Keng Kang 1 area annex of the very popular Garden Center Café, offering the same excellent western Meals... steaks, baked ham, baked salmon, burgers, sloppy joes, Asian dishes and a great selection of salad and vegetarian dishes. Home cooking, generous portions. Relaxed, clean, family atmosphere. Indoor seating. Free delivery. Closed Tuesdays. #48Eo, Street [ DEL ] Open: 7:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 092-206582 Brauhaus Restaurant & Club Singapore first German restaurant & Pub since 1998. For best Pork Knuckless, Great food, Huge Variety of Beer, Cosy pub, live Band. # 34 Street 130 ( Riverside ) Tel: 099 311 188 [ LM ] Setsara Thai restaurant Thai & French flavours Vegetarian menu, breakfast, lunch, dinner, take away, and free delivery . Open Time: 7am-11pm Tel: 017 338 184 [ DEL ] #3d, St. 278

Grant’s & KTV Delicious Noodle 60th Century Serve breakfast and lunch time Khmer popular cuisine like Noodle soup with beef , ball fish, Chicken rice, and soft drink, cuisine ordering, and buffet. #276, St. 430 Tel: 012 988 077 1st branch :#163, St. 173 2nd branch: #64, St. 430 Hagar Catering & Restaurant Restaurant: International 
Pleasant family restaurant in Boeung Keng Kang 1, offering a good selection of nicely prepared, reasonably priced western and Asian dishes. Lunch buffet . Evening salad bar . Comfortable a/c seating. Meeting facilities. Children’s play area with toys. Catering. #23, Street 288, just off Street 63 
7:00AM - 9:30PM Tel: 
012-306075 [ WF- DEL ] Kandal House 
 Restaurant: International 
Popular, riverfront restaurant offering a large selection reasonably priced western dishes including a variety of pizzas and pasta that is fresh-made daily. Full bar offering cocktails, cold beer and wine. Music. Comfortable indoor and side walk seating with a good view of the riverfront. Happy hour 3PM - 8PM. Home delivery. Free charging for phone, camera, iPod, laptop... Fast. [ WF – DEL ] #239, Sisowath Quay Open: 8:00AM - Late 
 Tel: 012-525612 Khmer Surin Delicious Khmer & Thai Cuisine in a comfortable atmosphere Thai Style balcony seating Catering- Vegetarian Menu Large Parties Welcome.[ WF – AC ] #9, Street 57, Phnom Penh Tel: 012 887 320 / 023 363 050 K’NYAY Restaurant: Khmer and Vegan Unique, smart little alley’s end café/restaurant just off Suramarit Blvd, serving a nice selection of mostly Khmer-inspired vegan cuisine as well as a selection of Khmer meat dishes - Soups, salads, traditional Khmer, modern and fusion dishes - Sweet potato, pepper and peanut stew, Banana curry, Tofuveg curry, Pomelo and chicken salad, Fish amok and much more. Delivery. Located across the Hun Sen Park from the Ministry of Environment. M-F, noon-9PM, Sat 7AM-9PM. Closed Sunday. 
[ DEL ] #25K Noon - 9:00PM Tel: 023-225225 Sarika Garden Grill Restaurant , Business lunch special with daily light 3-course meal . [ WF ] Open daily 10: 30am-11pm Tel: 023 882 329 #69, St. 566, Corner St. 317

K-West Brasserie-Bar 
 Restaurant: International 
Trendy, stylish, comfortable riverfront restaurant and bar on the ground floor of the Amanjaya Hotel. Serving a wide range of contemporary Asian and European cuisine at moderate prices. Sporting a stylish, relaxed fusion décor with hardwood floors and modern art around the walls - perfect for all occasions, business, family or leisure. Full bar with Cocktails. Wine selection. Take away. Happy hour 6PM-8PM. #1, Street 154, Sisowath Quay 6:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023 214747 La Croisette
 Restaurant: International/Italian Stylish riverfront restaurant offering comfortable indoor air-conditioned seating and curb side seating with a riverfront view. A good choice of finely prepared Khmer, Italian, French and western dishes at moderate prices. The beef brochette is particularly good. Concise but varied wine selection with several choices available by the glass. Well-chosen house wines. Full bar. Nice place for a gathering of friends or a romantic dinner for two. [ AC ] #241, Sisowath Quay 7:00AM - 1:00AM **Happy Hour 3PM-6PM Tel: 023-220554 VG Garden BBQ and soup, all you can eat buffet. Open: 16pm-21pm #108, St.55 Tel: 023 217 132 New Maharaja Serving the best of Indian, Chinese and Bangladeshi cuisine. #11, St. 278 Tel: 012 513 516 Lemongrass Regional seafood specialise, impeccably source ingredients, and an infusion of local flavors turn to culinary sensations in the hands of our chefs. Guests enjoy a multi-dining experience including teppan-yaki, sushi, yakitori and live seafood with creative menus designed to tantalize, savor and thrill. [ AC ] # 14, St. 130 Tel: 012-996707 Candy Bar
 24hr Bar/Restaurant: International Fully air-conditioned, totally comfortable 24-hour sports bar and restaurant on Street 136 just off the riverfront. Lots of hostesses, cushioned seating, relaxed atmosphere with good music at conversation volume. Pool table, live sports TV, games. Serving a nice selection of western, Khmer and Thai dishes - western breakfast, pizzas, burgers, Thai food and more. Guesthouse rooms available. Happy hour 9AM-9PM! #24-26, Street 136 Open: 24 hours Tel: 015-691969

La Volpaia 
 Restaurant: Pizzeria/Italian 
Absolutely authentic, fine Italian cuisine served in a comfortably inviting, white table cloth atmosphere with an open kitchen, terra cottar floors, smart service and a pleasantly air-conditioned dining space overlooking the old colonial post office square Big selection of pizzas, pastas and imported steaks. Very good wine selection with several wines available by the glass. Just a block off the riverfront at the corner of Street 102 opposite the Post Office, around the corner from the Street 104 bar scene. Lunch and Dinner . [ DEL – AC ] Open noon - 10:30PM on the weekends.
 Corner of Street 102 and Street 13 Tel: 023-992739 Le Rit’s Restaurant & Boutique Garden Restaurant: Asian/Western Long-established, popular NGO-based (NYEMO) patio garden restaurant offering a large selection of nicely prepared Asian and European dishes. Lots of salads, fish and meat dishes, with several Thai and Cambodian choices. Catering. NGO-based handicrafts workshop and retail shop on site. [ WF – DEL ] #71 Street 240, just off of Monivong. Open: 7:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 023-213160 Tamarind Restaurant/Bar/Tapas: French/Mediterranean 
Excellent French and Mediterranean fare. Wonderful tapas. Sidewalk seating, bar seating, and pleasant indoor seating upstairs. Full bar and pool table of the ground floor. Long-time loyal following and very favourable reviews from customers. Good wine selection. Moderately priced. Delivery. Catering. Billiards. 
[ DEL ] #31, Street 240 Open: 10:00AM - Late 
 Tel: 012-830139 Ariba Grill Chicken grill, delicous spare rib recipe from Ariba #490, Kampuchea Krom Tel: 099 987 566

Quick listing? Quick highlight? Make a Quick phone call ! CityLife: 023 30 50 70 093 98 3333 H e ll o C

it y li fe



Guide Lotus Blanc Restaurant Restaurant: Asian/Western Training restaurant at the NGO, Pour un Sourire d’Enfant’s (PSE) vocational training center. Serving very nicely prepared and presented Asian and western dishes. Friday buffet. Very good service. Your patronage assists the students in the learning process and helps support the humanitarian works of PSE and the vocational training center. Groups and special events bookings welcome. Breakfast and Lunch. #402 Tra Village, Stueng Meanchey Tel: 017-602251 Le Cedre Authentic Lebanese Cuisine Tunisian Couscous in corporation with: Mohamed Moumni of “ La Goumandisc Bluer “ (available at our 1st branch / No. 1, St. 360 ) More than 5 persons and above must be reserved by phone in advance 1st Branch: No. 1, St. 360, ( 10:00AM2:00PM & 5:00PM Late) 2nd Branch: No. 383, Sisowath Quay, Open: 10:00M Late Malis 
 Restaurant: Khmer 
 Malis is Phnom Penh’s superlative Cambodian dining experience. Artfully prepared contemporary and traditional Khmer cuisine from the kitchen of the renowned Cambodian chef Luu Meng, served in stylish, elegant surroundings of Angkorian- inspired pools, gardens and architecture. Full bar, cocktails, extensive wine cellar. Terrace garden, air-conditioned and private dining available. [ AC ] #136, Norodom Open: 6:00AM - 11:00PM
 Tel: 023-221022 Mother-In-Law House Our dishes are prepared with fresh and quality ingredients and we serve a different fresh fish disk everyday! Get pleasure with Cambodian live music every night. [ LM - AC ] Open: 6am-10pm #38, St. 240 corner 55 Tel: 011 522 052 Le Seoul Korean Cuisine, Lunch and Dinner Open: 11am-10pm [ AC ] No. 62, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 427 000 Equinox Delivery, Free WiFi, Pool Table, Football table, Salsa dancing Wednesday, Swing dancing Thursday. Tel: 092 791 958 Nº. 3A, Street 278

Mr. Horng Restaurant & Sport Bar 
 Restaurant/Bar: Western/French/Cambodian, Nice location on Street 51 in Boeung Keng Kang 1, right opposite Wat Lanka. Balcony seating with a view of the street an pagoda. Offering a selection of western and Cambodian fare, from burgers and fish & chips to curries and luc lak. Full bar, draft beer, cocktails. Very reasonable prices. Right around the corner from Street 278. 
 #9CEo, Street 51 Open: 6:00AM - Midnight **Happy Hour 4PM-7PM Tel: 012-666796
 Mt. Manaslu Restaurant & Café Experience the taste of Nepal with multi cuisine from Nepal. Tibet and India, sitting and air-con and hard drinks, coffee, tea and served in open air room. Chilled soft fruit shakes, lassis, cocktail available. Catering with special discount rate for group parties and free home delivery. [ DEL ] Sunday Buffet Open: 11:30 – 2:00pm #IA, St. 282 Tel: 023 996 514 NagaWorld
* Restaurants, Bars and Casino The NagaWorld resort and casino complex has it all - luxury accommodation, fine dining restaurants, entertainment venues with bars, karaoke, a dance club lounge and sprawling casinos with extensive gaming facilities. It would be easy to plan the entire evening around NagaWorld - drink, dine and dance all night. [ LM ] Bistro Romano * Italian Bistro style Italian restaurant offering festive Italian decor, a comfortably refined atmosphere and a wide selection - from family priced pizzas to upscale fine Italian mains and pastas. Several vegetarian selections on the menu. Suitable for friends, business or family dining. Banquet facilities. Catering. [ AC ] Open 11:00AM -11:00PM

 Korean Grill Korean * Upscale Korean dining, one of several fine dining outlets at NagaWorld. Stylish, smart, upscale decor and ambiance with special BBQ-grill tables. A wide selection of meats and Korean dishes seasoned beef, sliced tenderloin, beef rib, spicy roast pork, cold soup, spicy cold noodles. All imported beef. Open 11:00AM - 11:00PM

 [ AC ] Sugar Palm Restaurant & bar Khmer food and nice terrace. #19, St. 240 Tel: 023 220 956 Open: 11am-10p

Le Gourmet French Fine upscale French dining in every aspect. Old World wine-glass-&white-table-cloth atmosphere, serving traditional French favourites as well as contemporary creations, capped by a deep wine cellar and excellent service. Live classical violin music. Perfect for a romantic evening. [ LM – AC ] Open Noon-2:00PM and 6:00PM11:00PM. Samdech Hun Sen Park Tel: 023-228822 Nordic House
 Restaurant/Bar/Guesthouse: Scandinavian/Asian/Western Guesthouse restaurant and bar in the heart of the very popular Street 136 bar scene just off the riverfront. Offering a good selection of reasonably priced meals and drinks - lots of western dishes and a few very nicely done home-made Scandinavian specialities including Pork Rib and Surkål, Salted Lamb Leg and Meatballs & Vegetables.. Full bar, draft beer, lots of spirits, all very affordable. Guesthouse rooms available. 
 #22, Street 136 Open: 7:00AM - Midnight Tel: 023-998676
 Ocean Restaurant 
 Restaurant: Mediterranean The emphasis is on seafood at this cozy little Mediterranean bistro tucked away on a quiet street in Boeung Keng Kang 1, Offering a tablecloth and wine glass atmosphere suitable to family, business or friends. Lots of seafood selections amongst the antipasto, pastas and seafood mains such as Tuna Steak and Fillet of Red Snapper, as well as good beef steaks and lamb. Big selection of pastas including excellent Mediterranean (shrimps, pin nuts, oil.) Concise wine selection, cocktails and a full bar. Boasting the best Chocolate Mousse in Phnom Penh. Lunch and Dinner. #11, Street 288 Tel: 012-1766690 Pickled Parrot Restaurant/Bar: International Popular, air-conditioned riverfront-area restaurant, bar and guesthouse. Large menu of Western, Indonesian, Thai, Chinese and international fare. Australian steaks. Burgers, soups, salads. Try the Oz Style Mixed Grill. Good bar with one of the best pool tables in Phnom Penh. 9-ball. Live satellite sports. Western management. On the ground floor of the Tonle Sap Hotel offering newly refurbished mid- range rooms. Get free WiFi. 
[ WF ] #4-7Eo, Street 104 Open 24 hours
 Tel: 023-986722

 Restaurant: Cambodian Along with Friends the Restaurant, Romdeng is teaching former street youth the art of creative Cambodian cooking. Great place to sample modern Cambodian food in a stunning villa setting with garden and pool. While Romdeng is helping provide employment and education leading to a new life for street kids, these kids spearhead their own culture’s food revival. Together with the students find out what Cambodia’s breakthrough dish in the world’s food arena is. Catering. Private function rental.[ DEL –AC ] #74 street 174 Open: 11:00AM – 10:00PM Tel: 092-219565
 Royal India 
 Restaurant: Indian 
Good, reasonably priced Indian/Pakistani food. The Royal India has been around for several years and has a loyal following. Try the Chicken Korma. [ DEL ] #21, Street 111 Open: 10:00AM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 023-300008
 Sharky Bar 
One of the most popular bars in Phnom Penh, serving up some of the best bar food on Phnom Penh. Great Tex/Mex, sandwiches, burgers, very good Thai food and daily specials. Hearty portions at reasonable prices. Consistently good food reviews from customer. Sharky’s offers a men’s pub atmosphere, a happening night scene with a full bar, pool tables, and big screen TV with all major sporting events. [ DEL ] #126, Street 130 Open:
6:00PM Popcafe 
 Restaurant: Italian 
 Charming little Italian-managed Italian café on the riverfront with a very welcoming atmosphere, great Italian food (including an absolutely wonderful homemade gnocchi) and excellent service. Pizzas, lasagna, salads, pastas all prepared with genuine Italian, quality ingredients. Beer, spirits and a nice selection of imported wine. Fully air-conditioned. Consistently impressive customer reviews. Eat in or take away. Recommended. 
Lunch and Dinner . [ DEL- AC ] #371, Sisowath Quay / Tel: 012-562892 Mr. Sushi & Kokoro 25th of every month all food 25% off Salmon roll $2.00 Tuna sushi $2.00 tempura $2.00 65 dishes for $2.00 each. # Eo 18 Shihanouk Blvd, Tel: 012 601 095

55 Tell 
 Restaurant/Bar: International One of Phnom Penh’s longest running, most popular family restaurants boasts consistently great reviews from customers. Very popular with the local business community. Tell offers a wide variety of excellent international dishes, Asian dishes and excellent, authentic Swiss and German specialities, all at moderate prices. Tell’s massive Grilled Pork Leg dinner is legendary. Air-conditioned, chalet-style decor and ambience and all fresco beer garden seating as well. Excellent service. [ AC ] #13, Street 90 Open: 11:00AM - 10:30PM Tel: 023-430650
 The Kandal house Khmer and western foods. Happy hour from 3pm-8pm@Anchor Draft. [ AC – DEL ] Open: 9am till late night #239 BEo, Sisowath quay, Phnom Penh Tel: 012 525 612 Tom Yum Kung 
 Restaurant: Thai/Khmer Little thatch-roofed Thai/Khmer restaurant in the Street 278 area, popular with locals and visitors alike. Welcoming, family-restaurant atmosphere. Big selection of absolutely authentically prepared Thai and Khmer dishes. Beer (including Thai beer), wine and spirits. As one might expect, the tom yum kung is recommended.
 #10, Street 278 Open: 8:00AM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 023-359293
 T-BONE Restaurant : Steak house The first and only one steak house in Phnom Penh. Comfortable place at the corner the Monivong Blvd. Celebrate your every success by delighting in the finest steaks made from imported beef from some of the best regions in the worlds. Only in the refined, well-appointed setting of T-Bone Steak house. When was the last time to rewarded yourself? [ AC – WF ] #392 Monivong Blvd, corner St.360 Tel: 012 900 138 Open everyday Angkear Vimean Delivery service for monthly Care your time and health, serve food reaches your home, your work place everyday, and we bring you a healthy food . [ DEL ] #13, St. 278 Tel: 012 434 630 Khmer Surin Delicious Khmer and Thai cuisine in a comfortable atmosphere, enjoy Thai style balcony seating, catering, vegetarian menu large parties welcome. #9, St. 57 Tel: 012 887 320 Lunnad autunno Italian Restaurant, Wood fired Pizzaouen. # 6c St, 29 Tel: 023 220 895

 Restaurant: French 
First-class presentation, absolutely superb service and the good selection of contemporary French (and some Thai) dishes easily places Topaz amongst the finest dining venues in Phnom Penh. Including offerings such as Steak d’agneau aux hari cots and a choice of succulent steaks sure to please the meat lover. The excellent food is complemented by the refined atmosphere and Asian inspired decor. Topaz also harbour a deep wine cellar of fine French wines and a walkin humidor stocked with the finest imported cigars. Upstairs piano bar with live music in the evenings. Free WiFi. live music. [ WF – AC – LM ] 
#100-102, Sothearos Open: 11:00AM - 2:00PM/6:00PM 10:30PM
 Tel: 023-211054 Touk Restaurant 
 Restaurant/Bar: International First floor riverside restaurant with a brilliant view of the river and riverfront area. Balcony seating as well as bar and indoor dining seating. Offering a very full menu of western and Cambodian dishes. Burgers and imported steaks, pizza, pastas, salads, seafood and several local dishes as well. Full bar, draft beer, cocktails, spirits. Considering the nice atmosphere, beautiful view and good food, the prices are surprisingly reasonable. Nice place to sit over a drink, enjoy the breeze and watch the passing boats and riverfront scene. Pool table. Happy hour 5:30PM - 7:30PM. Corner of Sisowath Quay and Street 178, Open: 7:00AM - Late Tel: 012-248694 Van’s Restaurant Restaurant: French One of the top dining experiences in Phnom Penh - serving up the very finest of traditional French cuisine and colonial ambiance. Set in a wonderfully restored French colonial-era building - the Banquet de l’Indochine building - and retaining every ounce of its former grand gentility. Van’s Restaurant offers excellent service and a full menu of beautifully prepared and presented French cuisine. Lunch and Dinner. #5, Street 102 Tel: 023-722067 Velkommen Inn Restaurant/Bar: Scandinavian/International Welcoming, comfortable hotel restaurant and bar at the Velkommen Inn on Street 104 just off the riverfront, offering a good selection of western dishes including all the favourites and several very nicely prepared Scandinavian specialities. d. [ LM – AC ] 
#23, Street 104 Open: 7:00AM - Late Tel: 092-177710

The Walkabout Pub 
 Restaurant/Bar: Intl 
Very popular, wellknown, reasonably priced bar/restaurant in a mid-range on the ground floor of the Walkabout Guesthouse. Full bar, full menu, pool table, all major sporting events on TV. $80 pool competition every Tuesday. One of the few western restaurants open after 2:00AM. Very popular ‘Jokers Wild’ on Friday evenings. Giant screen TV and two more pool tables upstairs at the FC Walkabout. Streets 174 & 51/ Open: 24 hours 
 Tel: 023-211715 The Lian Hau The lian Hau, with a maxima seating capacity of 50-60 seats, features A La Carte and set menu style service and a delightful of Chinese cuisine and Dim Sum ( Yam Cha ) with a modern touch. Whether its lunch or dinner in this stylish restaurant. The lian Hau local in the ground floor at the right hand side of the hotel main building with pool and villa view. [ AC ] Open: 11:am-22:30pm 7day/week Tel: 063 967 222 Yi Sang
 Fine Chinese dining in the Almond Hotel. Dim sum all day (including excellent Lo Bak Go and Cheong Fun) and a la carte only in the evenings. Offering a large selection of Cantonese dishes and several tanks of live fish, shrimp, crabs and other seafood. Abalone, shark’s fin, Cantonese BBQ, wok fried, iron pan dishes, most at moderate prices. Atmosphere suitable for business, family or friends. #128E Sothearos Open: 6:30AM - 10:00PM Tel: 023-228822 Saint-Tropez Bar and lounge Fine French cuisine , full air-conditioner, french style decoration , comfortable lounge with nightly live entertainment. Good selection of cocktails. #31, St. 174 Open everyday for lunch and dinner Tel: 097 9000 401/ 077 212 100 Anjali Located on the ground floor of a colonial building along Phnom Penh’s vibrant riverside Anjali offers traditional Khmer cuisine, Western classics and Indian spicy delights. A wide range of drinks are on offer which are great value during the two ‘Happy Hours’. All in all a perfect place to relax and watch the world go by whilst sampling probably the best value meals and drinks along the riverside. Recommended by the Lonely Planet. Happy Hours: 5pm to 8pm & 11pm to Midnight Open: 7am til late 273 Sisowath Quay Tel: 012 457901

Noodle House Noodle House Restaurant: Located on the ground floor of a restored 1830’s colonial shop‐house, Noodle House is a small but cozy al‐fresco Asian café featuring an array of noodles prepared as a variety of quick and delicious meals. Open daily from 10am till 10pm. [ DEL ] #32AE, St. 130, corner Sisowat Quay Tel: 077 919 110 Mazinga Thai Restaurant 
 Restaurant: Thai New, homey little Thai restaurant on the interesting street block of Sothearos Blvd between Street 178 and Wat Ounalom. Offering a very wide selection is of very nicely prepared, home-cooked Thai dishes. Some Khmer dishes available as well. All very reasonable priced. Downstairs street view seating and Thai style low table seating on the first floor. #6HEo, Sothearos Open: 6:00AM - 11:00PM Tel: 092-939078 Tonle Bassac Buffet lunch, buffet dinner, set menu, lunch box, coffee break, conference room, outside catering services. #177, St. Mao Tse Tong Tel: 023 210 019 Lemongrass Authentic classical Khmer‐Thai cuisine at very reasonable prices, including a delicious selection of vegetarian dishes. Home delivery too. Open daily from 10am till 10pm. #14, St. 130, corner Sisowat Quay Tel: 012 996 707 Sarika Garden Grill Fine Asian cuisine including seafood and sizzling steaks set in a beautiful, traditional wooden Khmer villa. Enjoy a BBQ in the spacious gardens. Private dining rooms and children’s play ground. Open daily from 10am till 10pm. #69, St. 566, corner St. 317 Tel: 017 456 116 The Palm Leaves Palm Leaves, with a maximum seating capacity of 120 150 seats, features buffet style service and delightful blend of Cambodian and promotion menus showcasing the international cuisine. Whether its breakfast, lunch or dinner in this stylish restaurant, you can enjoy having the option of dining inside the cool air-conditioned ambiance or relaxing in the natural splendid pool views surrounded by tropical garden. Palm leaves located in first floor at the right hand side of hotel main building. HOURS OF OPERATION A La Carte Menu: 11:00am-22:30pm 7 day a week Tel: 063 967 222/ 063 967 808



No 8, rue 118 / face au Memphis Club 023 223 140 / 016 642 630

Where are the fast food at ? .Pizza Company ...Vimeantep provided by The Pizza Company Sorya Pizza, Pasta, Salad Tel: 023 222 142 Nยบ. 39, Oknha Nou Kan (St. 105), Behind Embassy of Germany ...EFG Co., Ltd. (The Pizza Company & Swensenโ s) Tel: 023 883 488-9 Nยบ. 27, Street 134 ...Old Stadium provided by The Pizza Company Sorya Pizza, Pasta, Salad Te: 023 864 248 Nยบ. 17-19, Oknha Khleang Moeung (St. 70) ...Sorya Pizza, Pasta, Salad Tel: 023 223 607 Nยบ. 13-61, Trasak Paem (St. 63) ...Kampuchea Krom provided by The Pizza Company Sorya Pizza. Pasta, Salad 023 881 762

Nยบ. 880-882, Kampuchea Krom Blvd Cnr Street 261 .KFC (Cambodia) Nยบ. 170, Monivong Blvd , Asia Hotel Phnom Penh Tel: 023 213 772 Delivery: 023 996 000 Nยบ. D13-15 opposite of Sovanna Shopping Center .Master Grill ...Sorya Shopping Center 5th floor Tel: 093 889919 ...Sovanna Shopping Center 3rd floor Tel: 093 889916 ...Sihanouk Blvd Tel: 093 889917 .Master Suki Soup Ice Cream Parlours ...Soup Bak Touk Tel: 023 888 889 Nยบ. 172, Tchecoslovaquie (St. 169) ...Sovanna Tel: 017 558 005 4th Floor , Sovanna Shopping Center

...Sorya Tel: 023 992 978 6th-8th Floor, Sorya Shopping Center ...Chroy Changva Tel: 023 982 069 National Road No 6A .Pizza World Pizzerias ...Kampuchea Krom Tel: 023 222 266 Nยบ. 525-527, Kampuchea Krom Blvd ..Sovanna Tel: 023 222 266 1st Floor, Sovanna Shopping Center ...Monivong Tel: 023 222 266 Nยบ. 322, Preah Monivong Blvd ...City Mall Tel: 023 222 266 Building A, St. Monireth .City Suki Soup Soup Tel: 023 228 686 Nยบ. 394-396, Preah Monivong

B ar & C lub Phnom Penh

Frog and Shamrock Bar/Guesthouse Best fish n chips/ calamari/seafood tomyam in town. Traditional Brit grub and local asian/ Khmer favourites. Cider/Bundy and Cocktails over looking the Mekong Delta as you watch the temple elephant walk home. Down load Music and D.V.D.s. Rooms from $8. P.S, looking for Business partner. Tel 012 1909685 175 Sisowat Quay Cyclo Bar 
 Bar/Restaurant: French, Western, International Welcoming corner bar at the Cyclo Hotel, Café and Bar. Comfortable, airy street front bar and air-conditioned café behind serving western, French and Khmer dishes. Full bar, cold beer, draft, spirits, cocktails and a wine selection. Pool table. #50, Street 172 Open: 7:00AM- Midnight Tel: 023-992128 Dream Bar 
 Bar Corner bar a block off the riverfront. Hostesses, music, pool table and drinks with a somewhat more relaxed, easy going feel than similar places. Chat with mates, play some Connect for with the girls, watch the game on TV, shoot some pool...up to you. Hungry? Just ask, they’ll order in for you. #38Eo, Street 11 Tel: 023-991369 Open: 83:00PM - 3:00AM Riverhouse Lounge Most popular club in Phnom Penh offering the coolest and hippest music by the best DJ’s in town. Known for its theme parties and creative events that feature international DJ’s and entertainment. For the young, the cool, the hip with live DJ music every night. Thursday is ladies night of the week, monthly theme parties and events, the Riverhouse Lounge is THE Khmer Party Place of the city. Offers the coolest and hippest music by the best DJ’s in town. Known for its monthly theme parties and creative events that feature international DJ’s and entertainment. Open daily from 4pm till late. #6E1, St. 110, Sisowat Quay Tel: 023 220 180 party@lounge.riverhousecambodia. com

Flora Bar Hostess bar on Street 136, just 20 meters off the riverfront in the heart of the riverfront dining and shopping area. Fully air-conditioned bar with lots of friendly ladies to keep you company. Full bar - beer, wines, spirits, cocktails, lad\y drinks. Lots of games. 
#5, Street 136 Open: 4:00PM - Late 
 Tel: 012-366610
 Foreign Correspondents Club of Cambodia
 Bar/Restaurant: Intl 
This is the famous FCC - still as much a journalist’s meeting place as a popular tourist/expat bar and restaurant. Located on the second floor of a beautiful old Colonial era building, the FCC’s open balcony provides a spectacular, sweeping view of the Tonle Sap and Mekong Rivers. The FCC kitchen offers a good selection of contemporary, modern, and mainstream western dishes as well as some of the best wood-fired over pizza in town. Photo shows and exhibitions. Delivery. Bookshop. Fresco Delicatessen on the ground floor. #363, Sisowath Quay Open: 7:00AM - 12:00 Tel: 023-724014
E-mail: fcc_pp@online.
 Web Site: www.fcccambodia. com
Popular, extraordinarily comfortable a/c bar and restaurant with a friendly neighborhood bar ambiance. Nice wooden bar and comfortable seating, good conversation and a generally convivial place. Offering a good selection of American, Mexican and other western foods. Excellent service, always with a smile. Huge music selection. Hook ups and wifi. Efficient, reliable home delivery. #69, Street 240 Open: 7:00AM - 11:00PM 
 Tel: 023-224712 Garage Bar 
 Bar/Restaurant: American Very comfortable, very welcoming aircon bar just off the riverfront. Great music. Velvet Underground, Orison and the like. More than a terabyte of music. Full bar, draft beer, spirits and cocktails, all at very reasonable prices. Flame grilled burgers and dogs. Free wifi. #9, Street 110 Open: 5:00PM - 1:00AM Tel: 012-754763 Equinox Delivery, Free WiFi, Pool Table, Football table, Salsa dancing Wednesday, Swing dancing Thursday. Tel: 092 791 958 Nº. 3A, Street 278

57 Heart of Darkness 
One of the most well-known bars in Cambodia, drawing a mix of tourists, locals and expats. Very stylish place, sporting a Khmer-baroque flare that’s now common in Phnom Penh but had its genesis here at the Heart. Feeling much more the club than a bar these days, there’s music, dancing, 

 cocktails, beer, pool table, continuing till near dawn. Busiest after midnight. Packed sardine-tight on Friday and Saturday evenings. 
#26, Street 51 Open: 7:00PM - Very Late

Mr. Horng Restaurant & Sport Bar 
 Western/ French/Cambodian Nice location on Street 51 in Boeung Keng Kang 1, right opposite Wat Lanka. Balcony bar seating with a view of the street scene as well as strategically placed TV with all the sports and news. Full bar, draft beer, cocktails at reasonable prices. Offering a selection of western and Cambodian fare. #9CEo, Street 51 Open: 6:00AM - Midnight Happy Hour 4PM-7PM Tel: 012-666796

K-West Brasserie-Bar 
 Restaurant/Bar: International Trendy, stylish, comfortable riverfront restaurant and bar on the ground floor of the Amanjaya Hotel sporting a relaxed fusion décor with hard-wood floors and modern art around the walls. Long, comfortable bar with a picturewindow view of the riverfront. Fully air-conditioned. Full bar offering a good cocktail menu, draft beer, a wine selection and happy hour (6PM-8PM) specials. Also serving a wide range of contemporary Asian and European cuisine at moderate prices. Great place for all occasions - business, family or leisure. Take away. Visa/MC/AMEX #1, Sisowath Quay Open: 6:30AM - Midnight Tel: 023-214747

Nay Nay Star Bar 
Stylish, little hostess bar on Street 102 just off the riverfront. A/c bar, draft beer, full bar, cocktails, lots of friendly hostesses, sports TV and Western food including some Russian and French specialities. Guest house upstairs. 
 #5Eo, Street 102 Open: 3:00PM - 2:00AM

Lone Star Saloon
 Bar/Restaurant: American New bar and restaurant right around the corner from the Street 51 entertainment area, serving up a friendly Texas bar atmosphere and a selection down home good Tex/Mex and American bar food - Baja-style fish tacos, Chicken Fried Steaks, burgers, sandwiches and more. Happy, efficient service, cold beer and complete selection spirits including Jim, Jack, José... #16, Street 172 Open: 8:00AM - Midnight Riverhouse Asian Bistro Stylish riverfront Bistro & Bar featuring Asian‐themed cuisine with a large cocktail and tapas menu and specialty ‘Sizzler’ imported steak grill platters. “Drink & dine in relaxed elegance on the river”. Open daily from 10am till 10pm. #6E, St. 110, Sisowat Quay Tel: 023 212 302 Harem Shisha Lounge Riverfront lounge‐style “Shisha” bar with a unique and creative cocktail menu and oriental tapas. The mezzanine pillow‐lounge area provides a relaxing and intimate ambiance. Harem also functions as the riverfront VIP entrance to the Riverhouse Lounge with a connecting stairway leading to the upstairs VIP area. Open daily from 4pm till late. #157E2, St. 110, Sisowath Quay Tel: 023 990 244

* Restaurants, Bars and Casino The NagaWorld resort and casino complex has it all - luxury accommodation, fine dining restaurants, entertainment venues with bars, karaoke, a dance club lounge and sprawling casinos with extensive gaming facilities. It would be easy to plan the entire evening around NagaWorld - drink, dine and dance all night. Samdech Hun Sen Park Tel: 023-228822 

 The Aristocrat * Wine and Cigar Bar Sophisticated wine and cigar bar with a brilliant picture window view of the casino floor. Offering an impressive selection of fine spirits and wines and a cigar menu including Cubans and other fine imports. Excellent happy hour prices. Live classical violin music. Open noon till midnight. **Happy Hour 5PM-8PM Club 88 * Karaoke Upscale karaoke club at the luxurious Naga World Resort and Casino. Twenty spacious, stylishly decorated private karaoke rooms and a huge selection of music. Full services. Open 3:00PM - 5:00AM. Darlin Darlin * Bar, Live Music and Dancing Plush, upscale club/lounge serving up live music nightly, dancing, an extensive cocktail menu, imported beers and wines and a chic atmosphere. Open 8:00PM - 3:00AM
 Noatch’s Bar Bar Fully air-conditioned Street 104 hostess bar with pool table, karaoke rooms and a relaxed atmosphere. Full bar, draft beer, spirits and plenty of friendly females to keep you company. Wide selection of whiskeys. Bar games. Connect for and some of the best players in town. #11, Street 104 5:00PM - Late **Happy Hour 5PM-8PM Tel: 092-515725


Guide Nordic House
 Restaurant/Bar/Guest house: Scandinavian/Asian/Western Guest house, bar and restaurant in the heart of the very popular Street 136 bar scene just off the riverfront. Full bar, draft beer, lots of spirits (including Linie Aquavit,) all very affordable. Also offering a good selection of reasonably priced meals and drinks - lots of western dishes and a few very nicely done home-made Scandinavian specialities. Guest house rooms available. Visa/MC #22, Street 136 Open: 7:00AM - Midnight Tel: 023-998676 Oasis Bar
 Bar Fine little hostess bar on the strip of Street 136 hostess bars just off the riverfront. Reasonably priced drinks, draft beer and some pretty good music. Comfortable and fully air-conditioned. Stop in as you bar hop up the street. #3Eo, Street 136 Open: 4:00PM - 2:00AM Tel: 092-409177 
 136 Bar
 Bar Popular, laid-back hostess bar on the very popular Street 136 set amongst several bars and pubs and right next to the happening 69 Bar. Lots of friendly hostesses, good music, relaxed atmosphere, bar games and a good selection of beers, spirits and cocktails all make for a fun place to while away the evening. #17, Street 136 Open: 5:00PM - Late 
 Pickled Parrot 
 Restaurant/Bar: International 
 Popular riverfront-area bar and restaurant on Street 104 offering a large menu of Western, Indonesian, Thai, Chinese and international fare. Imported Australian steaks. Burgers, soups, salads. Wellstocked bar, a/c and one of the best pool tables in Phnom Penh (slate). 9-ball is the game. 24hr live satellite sports. Serving food and drinks all night long. Western management. The mid-range Tonle Sap Guesthouse upstairs. Spend $5 and get free Wifi.
 #4-7Eo, Street 104 24 hours Tel: 023-986722 Pontoon Bar and Club The only one original floating club #Diamond Island behind Naga World

Sharky Bar 
One of the most popular bars in Phnom Penh. Men’s pub atmosphere. Happening night scene. Full bar, cocktails, shots, the works. Three pool tables, classic rock, lots and lots of friendly females. Big screen TV with all major sporting events. Balcony and indoor seating. Comfortable bar seating. Full kitchen. Great Tex/Mex, burgers, steaks and Thai food. Hearty portions at reasonable prices. 
 #126, Street 130 Open:
6:00PM - late 69 Bar
 Bar Happening little hostess bar nestled amongst a cluster of bars and pubs along Street 136 just off the riverfront. The priorities are girls, music, dancing, drink and girls, in that order. A place for fun. If sport and hostess bars are what you’re looking for, 69 Bar is recommended. #15, Street 136 Open: 5:00PM - Late 
 Topaz Piano Bar 
 Restaurant/Piano Bar 
Upscale piano bar and lounge at Topaz’s new location on Norodom. Fashionable but comfortable lounge atmosphere with nightly live entertainment. Good selection of cocktails and spirits, one of the deepest wine cellars in Phnom Penh and a walkin humidor stocking the finest imported cigars. 
 #182, Norodom Open:11:00AM - Midnight 
Tel: 023-221622
 Top Ten Bar
Bar Booming hostess bar on Street 104 with the emphasis on dancing, music. Bar and dancing on the ground floor, bar, dance floor. Fully air-conditioned. Reasonably priced drinks. #17, Street 104 Open: Noon - 5:00AM Tel: 012-249997 Queen Bar 
 Bar Fully air-conditioned pub and snack place just 50 meters off the riverfront. Full bar, draft beer and cocktails, free pool table and big screen projection sports TV and a friendly hostess staff. Snacks and pub grub shawarmas, roasted chicken and a variety of grills and savouries. Private room available for groups and parties. #32EO, Street 118 Open: 4:00PM - Late Tel: 012-870698 
 Zeppelin Café If classic rock is your thing, this is the place for you. Sporting the best collec

tion of classic rock vinyls in Cambodia over 1000 discs - a great sound system and Mr. Jun spinning a brilliant selection of classics and choice B-sides, the Zeppelin Café is a rock lover’s heaven. Full bar and pub grub (Chinese dumplings!) Occasional live music. Consistently open very late. Highly recommended. 
#109C, Street 51 Open: 5:00PM - 4:00AM 
 Tel: 012-881181 The Kandal House Café & Pub Khmer & Western Foods Happy hour from 3pm-8pm @ Angkor Draft Open: 9am till midnight #239 BEo, Sisowath Quay Free delivery Tel: 012 525 612 Velkommen Inn Restaurant/Bar: Western/Scandinavian Welcoming, comfortable hotel restaurant and bar on Street 104 just off the riverfront, set amongst a cluster of bars and pubs. Full bar, draft beer, spirits, friendly people and good conversation. Unique imported Scandinavian spirits such as Linie Aquavit on the top shelf. Good restaurant selection of western dishes including all the favourites and several very nicely prepared Scandinavian specialities. Live music every Friday! #23, Street 104 7:00AM - Late Tel: 092-177710 Memphis Pub Bar: Live Music The most consistent rock and roll venue in town, delivering up live blues and rock and roll Monday through Saturday. Music starts at 9:30 or so. Full bar.
 #3, Street 118 Open: 6:00PM - Late Cadillac Bar and Grill Great southern cooking and plenty of good ol’ southern hospitality. Café Sentiment Contemporary coffee house on three floors with a relaxing lounge ... #219E, Ground Floor, Sisowath quay Open 8am-1am Happy hour 5-7pm. Tel: 011 713 567 Love Orange Club & Coffee 
Street 240 club and café - coffeeshop/restaurant by day (Khmer and & Coffee Western food, kitchen closes at 10PM), Cambodian nightclub by night. Very welcoming to foreigners.

One of the few Cambodian clubs in town serving a wide selection of cocktails and offering happy hours. DJ’d music, R&B, rap, hip-hop, the works. Dancing till very late. 
 #32, Street 240 Open: 8:00AM - 4:30PM 
 Tel: 012-717666 The Walkabout Pub 
 24 hr Restaurant/Bar: International 
Very popular, well-known, reasonably priced bar/restaurant in a mid-range on the ground floor of the Walkabout Guest house. Full bar, full menu, pool table, all major sporting events on TV. $80 pool competition every Tuesday. One of the few western restaurants open after 2:00AM. Very Martini Pub 
This is the famous Martini’s. A legend since the days of UNTAC. Their ad reads, ”Bored, lonely, hungry. We have everything you need!” and that just about sums it up. Lots and lots of bar girls. Generous drinks. Dancing inside the disco, open air restaurant with giant screen TV outdoors. 
 #45, Street 95 Open: 7:00PM - 3:00AM Studio 182 On the first floor of Topaz Restaurant. With around a 150 guests capacity, Studio 182 ensures both intimacy and proximity to the stage. Reservations are available anytime during opening hours. With full table service, Studio 182 guarantees everyone. The lounge can be flexible following private events demands. The terrace and the astonishing Roof Top, as well as the Topaz VIP rooms, can also be booked for special night. Delicous dishes from Topaz only $1/pl Beer start at $2, all coctails $4.50, Moctails $3.50, Spirits start at $3, Spirits bottles start at $50. Free Wi-Fi & Live music #182, Norodom Blvl Open: 6 pm till late / Mon-Sat Happy Hours: 6 pm - 8 pm ( 50% discount on all drinks ) Tel: 077 777 182 The Cavernt Restaurant/Bar: Rock & Roll themed pub. Regular live band performances. Video rock concerts. Computer “jukebox” with over 35,000 classic and contemporary rock tracks. We do requests! Full bar. Western menu. Daily specials. American chef. [WF/ AC ] #19 Street 104 Open: 11:30AM - Late Bar DV8 First high class bar with friendly staff, great cocktail menu and large music selectionOpen daily 5pm till late #17, St. 148 / 012 776 885

Café &B akery Phnom Penh

Café Sentiment 
 Café/Coffee shop Stylish , fully air-conditioned café and coffee shop located in the centre of town near Phsar Thmey (Central Market.) Snacks, salads, sandwiches, croissants and muffins, fresh squeezed fruit juices a selection of coffees (espresso, latté...,) Ice creams. [ WF – AC ] 1) #128, Monivong
 2) Sovanna Shopping Mall
 3) Street 278, corner of Street 63 Open: 7:00AM - 11:00PM Tel: 023-221922
 Café Yejj 
 Restaurant: Western 
Quiet, cozy bistro style cafe 20 meters from the Russian Market, serving western cuisine and an excellent selection of coffees. An great place to escape the dust and bustle of shopping at the Russian Market. Street side café seating and air-conditioned, cushioned comfort upstairs. Good pasta dishes, wide selection of panini, wraps and fabulous cheesecake, tantalizing pastas, crisp salads, choice of burritos, chilled lassis and more. Open everyday. 
[ AC ] #170, Street 450 Open
7:30AM - 9:00PM 
 Tel: 012-543360
 Coffee Korner Restaurant/Café: Western/Asian Corner coffee shop and restaurant conveniently located near the Russian Market. A good place to take a break from shopping. Comfortable indoor and curbside seating with a good view. Good selection of coffees (espresso, latte, etc.), Frappes, smoothies and fresh juices. Serving snacks and main dishes with both western and Cambodian choices. Sandwiches, salads, luk lok , amok, green curry, hot dogs, chicken fingers and more. 
#174, Street 155 Open:7:30AM - 10:00PM Tel: 012-867667 K Coffee Coffee, and favourite Foods...Comfortable seats. [ DEL- AC ] Time Open : From 6 am to 8 pm Soft drink 6 glass free 1 glass Tel: 015 821 984 #Street 214

Chocolate by The Shop Chocolate shop/Confectionery A chocoholic’s dreams. A big selection of Belgian chocolates made in Cambodia - pralines, truffles, bars, bon bons and lots more. Also ice creams, cakes, coffee, teas, shakes and cocktails. Indoor and pleasant ale fresco seating. Great place to bring the kids for a treat. Closed at 4PM on Sundays. [AC] #35, Street 240 8:00AM - 7:00PM Tel: 023-998639 Dosa Corner Specialised in shoutle indian dishes at affortable price 15 Varieties of dosa to choose from . Party ordering. [ DEL - AC ] Tel : 012 673 276 # 5E, Street 51 Wat Lanka Fat Boy Submarine sandwich shop New submarine sandwich shop near Sharkey Bar on Street 130. Serving up the best American style subs in town, generously made-to-order on fresh baked just-like-home breads and rolls. Imported roast beef, turkey, ham, salami, Italian subs, tuna salad, cheeses and a big selection of sauces and add-ons. Check out the Fat Boy sub packing a full kilo of meat. Salads and side. [DEL] #124, Street 130 Tel: 012-704500 Java Café and Gallery 
 Café/Restaurant: International 
Genial gallery ambiance. Brilliant selection of coffees, teas and muffins. Nice selections of salads, sandwiches made to order on homemade bread, fajitas, lots of veg dishes and all-day breakfasts including omelettes, pancakes, French toast, muesli and more. Indoor gallery seating and airy balcony seating overlooking the park. Changing art and photo exhibitions. WiFi HotSpot. Loyal expat following. [ WF – AC ] #56, Sihanouk Open: 7:00AM - 10:00PM 
 Tel: 023-987420 / Cafe Fresco Made-to-order, deli-fresh sandwiches from Cafe Fresco are perfect any time. Smoothies, frappes, lassies, fresh juicesrecharge with a nutritious dose of fruit and vitamins, the perfect thirst-quencher. Enjoy free high-speed wireless Internet access with every coffee. # 361 Sisowath Quay

59 Em Cafe Make your life tasty. Provide great homemade food at easy to find location in central in Phnom Penh. Choose from a great choice of dishes for breakfast, lunch or dinner. [ DEL - AC - WF ] # 262 ,Street: 262 Monivong Blvd Tel: 012 60 80 89 Open : 06:30am-10:30pm Le Jardin Café and Ice Cream Very family friendly place, wonderful for young children and parents. Large, enclosed outdoor cafe in the gardened front yard of a Boeung Keng Kang 1 villa. Lots of room for the kids to run and play - sand box, tree house and comfortable shaded seating areas for Mom and Dad. Serving western breakfasts, soups and sandwiches, dinner, tapas, fresh juices and a good choice of crepes and very popular homemade ice creams. Full bar with cocktails and a nice wine selection. Available for birthday parties. Sunday closed at 8:00PM. Closed Mondays. [ AC ] #16, Street 360 8:00AM - 10:00PM Tel: 011-815525 Flying Elephant Eclectic and fun, the Flying Elephant is what a restaurant might look like if a bunch of uni students turned their living room into a diner. The lounges are comfortable, the staff are energetic and free beer comes with every delicious pizza or burger ordered. [ AC ] 3A Ph 93, Central Phnom Penh Tel: 012 263332 GloriaJeans Are dedicated to providing a comfortable atmosphere for our Gloria Jean’s family. Whether it’s your morning coffee, after-work pick-me-up, or meeting friends in the evening we want you to come in, relax in our comfy chairs, and enjoy every sip of your Gloria Jean’s coffee! #Street 51 & 310 [ WF – AC ] Tel: 089491145 The Shop Café & Bakery One of our favorite places to pop in for lunch. a delightfully cozy café on one of Cambodia’s leafy little shopping streets. Its combination modern yet rustic décor makes it the prefect place to retreat from the hustle and bustle of Phnom Penh. Popularity…the quality and fresh, clean flavors transform visitors into dining regulars. # 39 Street 240 [ WF – AC ] Tel: 023 986964

Ben Café Serve Italian cafe & many kinds of special drink ,Special fast food, breakfast, lunch & dinner, Comfortable place with VIP rooms. [ WF ] Tel: 012 299 900 # 173, Street 132, Teuk Laak I, Toul Kork Lunch Box the Gourmet Sandwich Bar Cafes & Coffee Shop, Asian Restaurant, Western & International Restaurant,Bar & Pub Tel: 092 553 743 #14, Lovieem St. 282 Amara Spa Oil Body Massage, Body Scrub, Body mud, Body day Khmer Traditional massage, package for him and her, Female and Mail Facial. Foot massage, Jacuzzi and stem Time Open : 11:00 am to 11:00 pm Tel: 023 998 730 # Sisovath, Street : 110 [ AC- WF ] PARK Café A beautiful cafe with great cakes and coffees, comfortable seating, air-conditioning and even wi-fi! Highly recommended! Time Open : 24 Hours Tel: 012 232 823 # 28, Street Monivong [ AC- WF - LM ] Penny Lane Cafe Best coffee in Phnom Penh. Bean are roasted daily. Internet service available. Highly recomended to those coffee lover and looking for great coffee. Cafe decor simple and nice with Italian feel. Great food & excellent services. English Big Breakfast Set, Sandwiches, Authenti Italian Pizza, Pasta, Tapas, and Desserts. Located on the corner lot in a quiet atmosphere. Hotel & guest houses nearby 23AE0, Street 111 off Street 242, Tel: 023-218970 Boddhi Tree Del Gusto Fragrant bougainvillea and jasmine combine with contemporary elegance to create a unique culinary experience. Enjoy fine Asian and continental cuisine at this centrally located café. #43, Street 95. [ WF – AC ] Tel: (0)23 211 396 ARIA D’ITALIA Italian pizza, salad, pasta, and more... Garden atmosphere & easy parking #9, Street 254 Open: 10:30-14:00 & 17:30-22:00 Tel: 012 840 705 [ DEL ]

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Phnom Penh


H otel Guide

Phnom Penh


Sokha Angkor Resort Sokha Angkor Resort is a high quality full service resort. The waterfall behind the swimming pool is a center piece of the resort that many balconies of the deluxe rooms are facing. The Caribbean like atmosphere throughout the resort is designed with sophisticated relaxation in mind. There is everything you would expect from an upscale resort including WiFi or broadband internet access in all rooms and public areas; a buffet restaurant; a fine dining room; a Japanese restaurant with Sushi bar and Teppan-yaki; an Irish Sports Bar with activities from 4 pm onwards; a luxurious spa with sauna; steam; hot and cold whirlpool; business center; gym and beauty salon. This is also a conference hotel that has one of the largest ballrooms in Siem Reap with numerous smaller function rooms catering to events of 8 to 400 people. SOKHA ANGKOR RESORT National Road No. 6 and Sivatha Street Junction, Siem Reap, Cambodia Tel: +855 63 969 999 Fax: +855 63 969 998 Sokha Beach Resort Sokha Beach Resort, in Sihanouk Ville, is set on landscaped beachfront gardens adjoining its own private 1.5 km white pristine sandy beach. The lowrise Khmer style architecture, crafted in wood and stone to create a warm rustic ambience, blends in perfectly with its natural surroundings. Ideal for families, the hotel has a comprehensive selection of water sports, recreational facilities, and daily organized adult and child activities, whilst Jasmine Spa offers a holistic treatment approach. Several restaurants offer Asian and international cuisine, specializing in fresh seafood. Street 2 Thnou, Sihanouk Ville, Cambodia Tel: +855 34 935 999 Fax: +855 34 935 888 Sokha Club Hotel Just 20 minutes from the international airport, the hotel is walking distance to the Phsar Thmey Market, Independence Monument, Riverfront and Wat Phnom. Guests can enjoy Khmer, Chinese, Japanese and Mediterranean dishes at the restaurants, or for a little privacy can order in-room dining. Relax after a long day of sightseeing at Jasmine Spa, where you’ll find Jacuzzi, sauna, steam bath and a beauty salon. Sokha on Norodom is a boutique hotel worth the stay!

Apartment Questhouse

No. 63, Preah Norodom Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: +855 23 990 123 Fax: +855 23 990 151 Sunway Hotel 
 138 rooms and suites. Popular international class, upscale hotel near Wat Phnom. Restaurants/bars. Lunch/dinner buffet. Spa and fitness facilities. Business centre. Conference and banquet facilities. #1, Street 92 Tel: +(855) (0)23-430333 Raffles Hotel Le Royal Raffles Hotel Le Royal is the premier hotel in Phnom Penh, a Hotel with those rare attributes of history and style. It was first established in 1927 and in its early heyday, enjoyed an international clientele comprising globetrotters adventurers, writers and journalists, royalty and dignitaries. # 92 Rukhak Vithei Daun Penh, Tel: +855 23 981 888 Fax: +855 23 981 168 Local Time: 10:49 AM Amanjaya Pancam Hotel As Phnom Penh’s premier luxury Suite Hotel, is stratergically set in an old converted reverside building next to the beautiful Wat Ounalom. Built in an unrivalled location and furnished in the local stlye, the addiction of modern comforts and luxurious touches reflect a contemporary interior influenced by the harmony and heritage of Cambodian architechture. #1 Sisovath Quay, Conrner Street 154 Tel: 023 219 579 Fax: 023 219 545 reservation@amanjaya-pancam-hotel. com Himawari The 115 spacious suites are aglow with the warmth of soft timbers burnished by the sheen of fine fabrics. Panoramic views of the Tonle Sap or Mekong River are a delightful feature of most of the suites, whilst the remainder provides sweeping views of the Royal Palace or the city skyline. Each suite comes with a comfortable sitting room and dining area that is ideal for both meetings and get together with friends. Together with our well-equipped kitchen and sparking cooking utensils, you can take advantage to display your culinary skills and have a small cookout. #313 Sisowath Quay Tel: 023 214 555 Fax: 023 217 111 / 213 071

Cambodiana Situated on the banks of the Mekong River and in the very centre of Phnom Penh,we proudly provide our guests an unrivalled combination of comfort and convenience. With ready access to both touristand business landmarks along with sweeping views of one of the world’s great rivers, Hotel Cambodiana balances a proud senseof tradition with a commitment to maintaining its reputation for excellence. The opening of Hotel Cambodiana in 1962 was of great cultural signifigance to Cambodia,reflecting the bold sense of optimism and vision that has revived international interest in Phnom Penh and Cambodia. Inspired to continue this legacy, the team at Hotel Cambodiana will ensure you experience the famous Khmer hospitality thatinspires so many visitors to return time and again. # 313, Sisowath Tel: 023 426 288 Fax: 023 426 290 Naga World 
 Offering more than 700 rooms and suite, all luxuriously appointed - a/c, LCD TV, IDD, etc. Entertainment complex including casino, karaoke lounges, disco, spas, restaurants, bars and more
 Samdech Hun Sen Park Tel: +(855) (023-228822 InterContinental Phnom Penh As the first 5-star international hotel to open in Phnom Penh, the InterContinental Phnom Penh marks a renaissance in the city’s fortune. Ideally situated in the city centre, the hotel overlooks the grand view of the city. Nº. 296, Mao Tse Toung (St. 245) Tel: 023 424 888 Fax: 023 424 920

Out Standing Almond Hotel 
 Stylishly well appointed rooms with all modern amenities including in-room WiFi. Suitable for business or holiday travellers. All services. Spa. Fine Chinese restaurant. #128F, Sothearos, corner of Russian Tel: +(855) (0)23-220822 Juliana Hotel 
 One of Phnom Penh’s premier business and leisure resort hotels offering world class facilities near the heart of the city. Restaurant with a popular international buffet. Business centre. Spa. Hair salon. Gardens. Loyal business visitor following. 
 #16, Street 152 Tel/Fax: +(855) (0)23-880530

Diamond Hotel 
 Modern deluxe hotel located in the heart of the city just 5 minutes walk from the Central Market. Rooms and suites with all modern amenities. #172-184, Monivong Tel: +(855) (0)23-217221 Holiday Villa Hotel 
74 rooms. Superior three-star hotel, very conveniently located in the heart of the city near the Central Market. 
 #89. Monivong Tel: +(855) (0)23-990888

Pretty Decent Almond Hotel 
 Stylishly well appointed rooms with all modern amenities including in-room WiFi. Suitable for business or holiday travellers. All services. Spa. Fine Chinese restaurant. #128F, Sothearos, corner of Russian Embassy Tel: +(855) (0)23-220822 Amber Villa & Restaurant 
 Family run hotels near the Independence Monument, restaurants, shopping and NGO
offices. Rooms with Khmer style decor, balcony and amenities including in-room safe, DVD and Internet. #1A, Street 57 Tel/Fax: +(855) (0)23-216303 Anise Hotel & Restaurant 
 Aptly called “your home in Phnom Penh,” Anise is centrally located in the BKK1 area and 
 offers comfortable, spotless, stylishly decorated rooms. Free breakfast, laundry and WiFi. #2C, Street 278 Tel: +(855) (0)23-222522 Feeling Home 
 Brand new, well appointed rooms, conveniently located in Boeung Keng Kang 1. Balconies. WiFi throughout. Two nice eateries. Lots of nearby shopping and dining. #156, Street 278, corner of Street 63 (BKK1) Tel: +(855) (0)23-221522

Frangipani Villa 60s 
 Newly renovated 1960s villa, offering a nicely restored example of modern Khmer architecture. Well-appointed rooms with all modern amenities. Pleasant café. 
#20R, Street 252 Tel: +(855) (0)23-212100

63 Frangipani Villa 90s Boutique hotel. Renovated 1990s copy of 1960s style villa feature well-appointed rooms, unique design and a nice little café serving Khmer and European cuisine. Well reviewed by gusts.
 #25, Street 71 Tel: +(855) (0)23-212100 Le Rit’s 
 Three spacious rooms filled with beautiful Khmer-style decoration. Each room is equipped with queen size bed, cable TV, private bathroom. WiFi
 #14, Street 310 Tel: +(855) (0)23-213160 Manor House
Stylish, nicely finished villa-style guesthouse. Continental breakfast. 
Australian/Khmer owned and managed. Gay and straight friendly accommodations. 
#21, Street 262 
Tel: +(855) (0)23-992566 Royal Inn 
 Just up the road from the riverfront area. Smartly decorated, well-appointed rooms with all amenities, some with balcony. Free WiFi. Rooftop terrace. Restaurant. #128D8, Sothearos Blvd Tel: +(855) (0)23-214824 Mini-Castello Sharp villa-style guesthouse on a quite stretch of Street 240, within easy walking distance of the Street 240 shopping area and the Boeung Keng Kang 1 (BKK1) shopping and dining district . Well-appointed a/c rooms with CTV, fridge, en suite, hot water and free inroom WiFi. Free laundry. Long term stay discount. #14, Street 240, Sangkat Chaktomok Khan Daun Penh Tel: +(855) (0)12-757246 Pacific Hotel
Nicely refurbished mid-range hotel in the heart of the city. A/c rooms with all amenities including large screen TV and in- room lock boxes. Small restaurant/ bar. #234, Monivong Tel: +(855) (0)23-218592 Scan Hotel
 Very popular, villa-style hotel on a quiet street. “Immaculately furnished with contemporary style,” very clean rooms with garden atmosphere, trendy bar and pool. Great restaurant. Consistently good reviews. Consistently good reviews. Home to Scan Gallery, a contemporary art gallery. WiFi.
 #4, Street 282 Tel: +(855) (0)23-214498

Tai Ming Plaza 
 Breakfast included in price. Superior mid-range hotel offering well-appointed rooms and suites with all modern amenities. Fine Chinese dining. #281, Norodom Tel: +(855) (0)23-219568

Flamingos Hotel Centrally located mid-range hotel just off of the entertainment area of Street 51. Clean, new rooms. Good value. Free Internet/WiFi. 
 #30, Street 172 Tel: +(855) (0)23-221640

Walkabout Hotel All new boutique hotel next to the Walkabout Guesthouse. Clean, stylish, quite room with all amenities. In-room WiFi. Green-conscious construction and operation. Blue Tongue Café serving Thai food and western comfort food. Corner of Street 51 and 174 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211715

Goldy Boutique Guesthouse 
 New boutique guesthouse in the heart of BKK1. Stylishly decorated a/c rooms with all amenities. Some with balcony. Wifi internet access in room. Massage and spa. Restaurant. 
 6B, Street 57, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: +(855) (0)23-996670

Mid Range Amber Villa & Restaurant 
 Family run hotels near the Independence Monument, restaurants, shopping and NGO
offices. Rooms with Khmer style decor, balcony and amenities including in-room safe, DVD and Internet. 
#1A, Street 57 Tel/Fax: +(855) (0)23-216303 Asia Hotel 
 Breakfast included ($20-$60). A/c, fridge, bathtub, cable TV. Conference room. Business centre. Laundry and airport pick up. Internet, Travel agent. #170, Monivong Tel: +(855) (0)23-427825 Candy Guesthouse 
 New guesthouse/bar/restaurant just off the riverfront. Clean a/c rooms with cable TV, mini-bar and hot water. Twofloor, 24 hour bar and restaurant. #24-#26, Street 136 Tel: +(855) (0)15-691969 Cyclo Hotel 
 Newly refurbished hotel offering clean fully equipped rooms including cable TV, mini-bar, in-room WiFi, en suite bathroom with hot water and more. Nice international restaurant on the ground floor. Centrally located. 
 #50 street 172, at the corner of Street 23 Tel: +(855) (0)23-992128 Del Gusto Boddhi Tree Guesthouse Del Gusto is a charming, sensitively restored 1930’s colonial house offering eight comfortable rooms and a shady, lively café / restaurant. Free WiFi. Child Safe network partner. #43, Street 95 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211396

Mini-Castello Sharp villa-style guesthouse on a quite stretch of Street 240, within easy walking distance of the Street 240 shopping area and the Boeung Keng Kang 1 (BKK1) shopping and dining district. Well-appointed a/c rooms with CTV, fridge, en suite, hot water and free inroom wifi. Free laundry. Long term stay discount. #14, Street 240 Tel: +(855) (0)12-757246 Nan Jing Hotel 
 63 rooms. Clean, mid-range hotel. Air conditioning, cable TV, fridge. Conference room. Restaurant. Snooker. 
 #219, Kampuchea Krom, Tel: +(855) (0)23-882588 Nordic House 
 Located just half a block off the riverfront. Clean, affordable guesthouse rooms and apartments with all amenities above the Nordic House restaurant and bar. 
#22, Street 136 Tel: +(855) (0)23-998676 Power Boutique Guesthouse Centrally located guesthouse offering spacious a/c rooms with CTV, stocked mini-bar, in-room WiFi and en suite bathroom with hot/cold water. Massage available. #9Eo, Street 106 Tel: +(855) (0)23-428254 Sky Park Guesthouse 
 Clean fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, fridge and hot water. Internet access. Laundry service. Elevator. All tourist services. #78, Street 111 Tel: +(855) (0)23-992718 
 Indochine 2 Hotel
Nicely refurbished fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Traveller’s transport, tours, traveller’s information. info. International restaurant/bar, open 6 AM - late. Located one block from the riverfront. 
#28-30, Street 130 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211525

Tonle Sap Hotel
 15 rooms above the Picked Parrot Pub & Restaurant. Nicely refurbished rooms
with a/c, cable TV, fridge and en suite bathroom with hot water and tub. Good furniture. WiFi in room. Attention to detail. Popular 24hr restaurant/bar, live sat sports, good pool table. 
#4 & 6Eo, Street 104, Tel:+855) (0)23-986722
 reservations@tonlesapguesthouse. com Umma Boddhi Tree Guesthouse 
 Traditional style house renovated and furnished in contemporary décor. Beautiful rooms, individually decorated. Excellent, good value restaurant with healthy choices, all freshly made. Visa/MC 
#50, Street 113 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211396 Velkommen Inn 
 Nice guesthouse just off the riverfront on the popular Street 104. Spotless, a/c rooms with
cable TV, mini-bar, safety box and en suite with hot water. 50m from the bus stations and ferry dock. Tours of Phnom Penh can be arranged. 
 #23, Street 104 Tel: +(855) (0)92-177710 Le Rit’s Three spacious rooms filled with beautiful Khmer-style decoration. Each room is equipped with queen size bed, cable TV, private bathroom. WiFi
 #14, Street 310 Tel: +(855) (023-213160

We’ll pass Alibi Guesthouse 
 Clean, quiet, centrally located guesthouse in a garden setting and offering a family ambiance. A/c and fan rooms with CTV, mini-bar and en suite bathroom with hot water. Just off Sothearos Blvd. Tel: +(855) (0)16-901590 Bright Lotus Guesthouse 1 
Clean fan and a/c rooms with attached bath room with hot/cold water. Some rooms with fridge. Nice view of the National Museum area and riverfront area. Reasonably priced international restaurant. 
#22, Street 178 Tel: +(855) (0)23-990446 Capitol Guesthouse 
Well-known budget hotel/restaurant. Lots of travel info, tours, tickets, etc. Bus tickets to Sihanoukville, Siem Reap, Battambang, Poipet, Saigon. Restaurant. Traveller’s checks accepted. #14, Street 182 / Tel: 023-217627


Guide Nay Nay Star Guesthouse Newly refurbished fan and a/c rooms with fridge and hot water, located above the Nay Nay Star Bar just off the riverfront. #5Eo, Street 102 Tel: +(855) (0)12-769536 Coffee Korner 
Nicely decorated and outfitted guesthouse rooms near the Russian Market (Phsar Toul Thom Pong.) Fan and a/c rooms with CTV, DVD, fridge, mini-bar, in-room wifi and en suite with hot water. Dorm beds available. Restaurant. Good value. #174, Street 155 Tel: +(855) (0)12-867667 Grandview Guesthouse 
Heart of the Boeung Kak Lake backpacker area. Fan and air-con rooms. Rooftop restaurant offering a fantastic sun- set view. Internet access. Lots of budget restaurant and bars nearby. On Boeung Kak Lake. Left at the mosque Tel: +(855) (0)23-430766 Green Garden Guesthouse Centrally located, villa-style guesthouse offering affordable fan and a/c rooms with CTV, fridge, en suite with hot water and in-room WiFi. Restaurant. 
#40Eo, Street 222 Tel: +(855) (0)23-217576 The Green House
The Green House offers a range of simple, newly built and nicely furnished rooms and suites, designed to bring affordable comfort and convenience to business and leisure visitors. The Green House is conveniently located close to the Pshar Deom Thkov, Chamkarmorn district, close to tourist sites, business centers, shopping and restaurants.. 
 #48FGH, Street 488 Tel: +(855) (0)23-217998 Green Guesthouse 
 Brand new, centrally located hotel offering clean a/c rooms with all new amenities including cable TV, refrigerator, and an suite bathroom with hot/cold water. 
 #53, Street 125 Tel: +(855) (0)15-666655 Indochine 2 Hotel
Nicely refurbished fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Traveller’s transport, tours, traveller’s information. International restaurant/bar, open 6AM - late. Located one block from the riverfront. 
 #28-30, Street 130 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211525 The King Angkor 
 Clean fan and a/c rooms with all amenities - cable TV, DVD, fridge, and en suite bathroom with hot water. Restaurant serving western and Khmer food. #74, Street 141

Tel: +(855) (0)11-930011 Sky Park Guesthouse 
 Clean fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, fridge and hot water. Internet access. Laundry service. Elevator. All tourist services. ATM. Visa/JCB/MC 
#78, Street 111 Tel: +(855) (0)23-992718 Spring Guesthouse 
 50 rooms. Clean, inexpensive hotel in the centre of town. Fan and a/c rooms
with 60 channel cable TV, en suite bathroom with hot water. Visa/MC
 #34, Street 111 (next to the German Embassy Tel: +(855) (0)15-888777 Walkabout Guesthouse
Popular guesthouse near several bars and restaurants on St. 51. 24/7 restaurant/bar. Jacuzzi rooms available. Information. Tickets and visas. Good reviews. ATM.
Visa Corner of Street 51 and 174 Tel: +(855) (0)23-211715 The Winking Frog 
 Clean new air-conditioned rooms with cable TV, wood furniture and en suite bathroom with hot water. Good bar and restaurant serving western, Thai and Khmer dishes. Live music at the weekends. WiFi internet access. Good value.
 #128 Sothearos Blvd Tel: +(855) (0)99-801548 Chiva’s Shack, Questhouse , Restaurant and Bar The room make your feeling like in your home, acceptable price included breakfast , free WiFi, Air-conditioner , Hot shower, Fan, TV. Western and local menu are available, 75c draft beer. Special Cocktail $1.75 everyday enjoy. Night BBQ. Pool Table. Riverside. #6-8, St. 130 Tel: 023 986 837 Palm Palace Villa & Apartment The Best Service Apartment in the Heart of PP. Fully Furnished, Spacious Living Area, 24-7. Security, Cable TV, Internet Access, Car Park & Beautiful Roof Garden Nº. 15, Botum Soriyavong (St. 75) Tel: 023 992 328 Pasteur Villa Apartment unit rental, hair cut, hair styling, face & foot massage, skin whitening & other beauty care designing & training. Nº. 120, Pasteur Rd(St. 51) Tel: 023 998 555

Colonial Mansion Superior serviced apartments. Studio, one, two and three bedroom apartments - fully furnished
and appliances, full maid service, WiFi, 24 hour security, fitness room, back-up electrical supply.
 #1A, Street 102 Tel: 023-986810 Skyline Service apartments Gym, swimming pool on the top floor. Nº. 1B, Abdul Carime (St. 21) Tel: 023 221 326 Garden Mansion 
 Serviced apartments. Stylish, comfortable serviced city living. Well-appointed, fully furnished, serviced apartments with modern kitchen, stylish furniture and decor, modern amenities and complete facilities including swimming pool, exercise equipment and sauna. 
 1/#23, Street 47 Tel: 023-991445 2/#50, Street 294 Tel: 023-222594 3/ #17, Street 9 Tel: 023-221377 4/ #6, Street 178Tel: 013-582777 City View Located in the Phnom Penh’s prime residential district while enjoys an easy access to the business district. It is close proximity to public buildings, hospitals, shopping centres, restaurants, universities and international schools, many of which are within walking distance. Daily housekeeping services, Daily laundry services, Daily car washing services, Valet services on-demand 24 hours security personnel .Air Conditioner (Personal climates control) Insulated windows, IDD Tel lines, Broadband Internet Connection, Cable TV (more than 60 channels in 13 languages), Private storage room, Secured and covered parking, Modern equipped kitchen and appliances, Huge balconies with high quality outdoor setting, Best Serviced Apartment in Phnom Penh! Modern Home, and Accommodation with Exceptional Value. Nº. 28Z, Street 592, Tel: 012 899 119 Elegant Elegant Apartment is the 8 storey apartment in Phnom Penh which is renowned for offering wonderful service and amazing facilities among other apartments in Phnom Penh in Cambodia. The Elegant apartment is the best place for leisure as well as for business. The location of Elegant apartment is in the middle of Phnom Penh city. Close to Many Local Attractions, Elegantly decorated, Best Quality Furniture. Nº. 178, Chakrey Ponn (St. 208) Tel: 023 217 712

Wonderland Villa Wonderland Villa is one of the Deluxe apartment complex in Phnom Penh managed by the international standard hotel industry management team. We apply our international hotel experience to provide Wonderland Villa guests the highest quality home away from home. And with the location in the middle of city, Wonderland Villa is near to all major interesting places for business and pleasure. You can enjoy shopping at Supermarket, going to Cinema, entertaining at Amusement Gardens, going for Pub or visit the scenic Riverside, Royal Palace, Independence Monument, and viewing antiques at National Museum etc... As an experience of a new standard of living combing comfort, convenience and safety. Wonderland Villa is created for your choice. Tropical Atmosphere Service Apartment Swimming pool, Business center, Internet access, 24 hours security guards, Plenty of car park lots Nº. 172, Trasak Paem St. 63 Tel: 016 282 858 / 994 981 City Villa Hotel Apartment The City Villa is an apartment-style hotel which caters for both short- & longterm visitors. A variety of apartments are available with between one & four bedrooms. Specially design to a modern and comfortable living family away from home, each apartment and penthouse is equipped with convenience amenities giving an overall impression of comfort and refinement. Fully equipped with in house safe for your personal effect, color cable television with 50 channels, refrigerator, cooking facility, laundry. Coffee Shop, Tennis Court, Badminton Court, Gymnasium, Conference / Function, Airport Transfer, Safe Deposit Box Doctor on call, Mini Mart, Tour Desk Ample Parking space 24 hours Security. Nº. 394-396Eo, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 218 123-6 Colonial Mansion Colonial Mansion Serviced Apartments building proudly presents its all suite apartment in Phnom Penh. It is specially designed and furnished to provide guests with the luxurious of a first class hotel plus the comfort and privacy of home & apartment. Our well-appointed spacious suites ranging from one to three bedrooms are available on a daily or monthly basis; prices differ depending on length of stay. Each suite comes with a modern kitchen, a lounge and a dining area. Fully Furnished & Serviced Apartments. Nº. 1A, Ang Non (St. 102), near Hotel Le Royal Tel: 023 986 810 Blue Green Office Space & Service Apartments South Central Market’s Business Area. Facilities & Accommodations. Contemporary Interior Design & Furniture. Support Services For Customers Business. Nº. 13A, Wat Koh (St. 81) Tel: 023 222 562-3

65 Grand Residence Grand Residence is beautifully inspired by a mixture of Khmer and French colonial architecture while impeccably appointed with modern high quality amenities that meet the westernized living standard. Elegant interior decorations are specifically chosen by professional designers to offer our guests an absolute comfort through a unique combination of luxury and practicality while providing a maximum of privacy for each residence. Serviced Apartments of rare distinction in Cambodia, Best accommodation in Phnom Penh. A truly residence of home-like atmosphere. Nº. 9 Bis, Street 604 Tel: 12 598 598 Embassy Place Apartments Embassy Place Apartments is one of the oldest service apartments in Cambodia, located in the heart of Phnom Penh within walking distance to the many tourist sites like the Independence Monument, the Riverside and within a 5 minute drive to major business, embassies, shopping and entertainment outlets. Residential serviced apartment units range from 1 bedroom with 90 sq.m in size to 3 bedroom units of between 130 – 160 sq.m in size. With 24 hour security, Embassy Place Apartments offer a secure private enclosed complex in a truly unique standard of living where you safety is also our priority. 50 rooms, Fitness, Internet Access, Cable TV, Swimming Pool, 24hr security, Garden. Nº. 147, Norodom Tel: 023 214 592 Les Jardins du Bassac Les Jardins du Bassac is a beautiful villa and apartment complex located in a residential district in southern Phnom Penh. Fine Sky Investments Cambodia 22 Villa House, 24 Apartments, Business. Centre, Fitness, Sauna, Internet Access, Swimming Pool, Cable TV. Nº. 212, Norodom Tel: 023 210 745-51 Sky View Apartment Best serviced, comfortable & safe living Support Services for Customers Business. Modern Home & Accommodation with Exceptional Value. In rooms individual telephone line & Internet Nº. 50, Street 590, corner Street 313, Tel: 023 881 713 La Belle Villa Luxury Apartments at Reasonable Prices in the heart of the City Free: Internet, Laundry & maid service, Parkin, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, sauna & steam room, CTV and A/C, 24-hour security. Large, fully furnished and kitchen. One & two bedroom apartment. One week or minimum stay . Nº. 57-61, Street 122 Tel: 023 724 119

Frangipani Villa Frangipani Villa offers a unique and well-priced accommodation experience, combining friendly and comfortable villa accommodation with a unique café opportunity. The motivation behind Frangipani Villa inspired by travelers who expressed a gap in the accommodation options available in Phnom Penh, particularly pleasant establishments in which to relax and meet with friends. Free breakfast, ham/ jam sandwich—toast with jam and butter and instant coffee/ tea. Free laundry and ironing (one trouser/ skirt and shirt per day for each guest). Pick-up service from airport. Free Internet service at room. Free Wireless internet at Café is available Cable TV with more than 70 channels . Nº. 20R, Street 252 Tel:023 212 100 Amber Villa & Restaurant A new family-run hotel and restaurant with Khmer Stylish Decore Rooms and Open-air Restaurants, Cafe and Bar which provides warm hospitality, gentle smile and culinary delights for personalized accommodation and restaurant services to business and leisure travelers for comfort, privacy and relaxation to make you feel Just Like Your Home. Superior and Deluxe Rooms, Restaurant, Cafe and Bar (6am to 12pm). Room Services (6am to 12pm), 24 Hour Reception Desk and Security. Telephone and Internet, 24 Hour Doctor on Call. Same Day Laundry Service, Luggage Storage. Message, Mail & Postage, Airport Pick Up and Taxi, Tour Information. Nº. 1A, Street 57 Tel: 023 216 303 Royal Residence Royal Residence is beautifully inspired by a mixture of Khmer and French colonial architecture while impeccably appointed with modern high quality amenities that meet the westernized living standard.Elegant interior decorations are specifically chosen by professional designers to offer our guests an absolute comfort through a unique combination of luxury and practicality while providing a maximum of privacy for each residence. New serviced apartment in prime residential area Fully serviced & furnished with amenities of high quality. Broadband internet, gym & pool, 24h security. Nº. 34-35, Street 568 Tel: 012 598 598 La Parranda Hotel Apartment La Parranda is located in the south-west of the city, approximately 3km from the central business district of Phnom Penh. 69 Rooms, Cosy & Simply the best. Function Rooms, Restaurant & Elegant Rooms. Coffee Shop, Internet, Cable TV, Laundry, all day Dining Buffet, 24 hrs Security. Affordable serviced apartment. Nº. 207, Mao Tse Toung (St. 245) Tel:023 424 560-4


Long-running reception hall. Sisowath Blvd. No. 1 Street 94 Tel: 023 723


Several high-end ballrooms which can accommodate up to 700 guests. Hun Sen Park Tel: 023 228 822


Top-class wedding services at one of Phnom Penh’s premier hotels. 313 Sisowath Quay Tel:023 218 189

.Seng Try Catering

Full-service caterer with Khmer and Chinese dishes. Tel: 011 835 789

.Lak Hak Heng Wedding Functions

Full-service caterer specialising in Cambodian cuisine. Tel: 012 352 766

.Phnom Penh Hotel

Comfortably and boast pleasant views and big rooms which can be accommodate up to hundred guests. No. 53, Monivong Blvd, Tel: 023 991 868

.Raffles Hotel Le Royal

The premier hotel in Phnom Penh. Fulfil all the requirements of a modern world-class hotel, yet exudes an old-world charm through its distinctive style with an elegant yet comfortable, classic yet casual feel. Monivong Boulevard Tel: +855 23 981 888 / Fax: +855 23 981 168

.InterContinental Phnom Penh

There’s always something special happening at an InterContinental hotel. Whether you are looking for a fun-filled getaway or a place to host your next business event we have a package to meet your needs. Click to experience all that InterContinental has to offer. Nº. 296, Mao Tse Toung Tel: 023 424 888 / Fax: 023 424 920

.Sokha Angkor Resort

Just 20 minutes from the international airport, the hotel is walking distance to the Phsar Thmey Market, Independence Monument, Riverfront and Wat Phnom. Guests can enjoy Khmer, Chinese, Japanese and Mediterranean dishes at the restaurants, or for a little privacy can order in-room dining. Relax after a long day of sightseeing at Jasmine Spa, where you’ll find Jacuzzi, sauna, steam bath and a beauty salon. Sokha on Norodom is a boutique hotel worth the stay! No. 63, Preah Norodom Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: +855 23 990 123 / Fax: +855 23 990 151 /

. Diamond Island Convention & Exhibitio Center ( Koh Pich )

The perfect place for your wedding ceremory, conference, event, exhibition... Contact:


Shopping Sport Shop

Souvenir Shop

Adidas Nº. 164, Norodom Tel: 023 726 906

Angkor Souvenir Shop Nº. 88Eo, Pasteur (St. 51), between Street 172 & 174 12210 Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 817 474 / 012 801 608

City Mart Co Ltd Trasak Paem (St. 63), N. 4S-02, 4th Floor, Shopping Center Sorya Tel: 023 221 888

Angkor Treasure Souvenir Shop Nº. 15Eo, Sothearos (St. 3) 12206 Phnom Penh. Tel:023 212 834

Fair Sport Nº. 222Eo, Preah Monivong Tel: 012 928 388

Apsara Art Gallery Nº. 170A, Street 450, Toul Tom Pong Market (Russian Market) 12310 Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 867 390

GSG-Global Sporting Goods Company Ltd Nº. 323, Sihanouk (st.274) Tel: 099 750 680 Heng Sport Nº. 214Eo, Preah Monivong Tel: 012 771 614 High Sport Nº. 291Eo, St. 217 Tel: 092 802 759 Hong Sport (Cambodia) Co Ltd Nº. 230, Preah Monivong Tel: 097 8978 888 /012 849 936 Korea Golf Department Inc Nº. 701AB, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 213 446 Sambo Sports Shop Nº. 484Eo, Sihanouk Tel: 012 977 711 Scuba Nation Diving Centre Nº. 18Eo, Sothearos Tel: 012 715 785 Super Sports Nº. 224Eo, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 6767 677 /012 888 489 VIP Sport Nº. 170Eo, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) Tel: 011 478 888 VIP Sport Club Nº. 227, Norodom, in front of Angkor Beer Store Tel: 023 993 535 We stock lingerie for every body Maternity to Sports / Strapless to Sexy just for Teenagers A cup to J cup / S to XL We’ve got you covered! #46, St 322, BKK1 (between 51 & 57) Open 10am-7pm Closed Mondays Tel: 023 996 664/ 092 574 342

Asian Silk Souvenir Shop Nº. 136, Street 155, East of the Phsar Toul Pum Poung,12310, Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 979 629 Blue One Souvenir Shop Nº. 35-36, Trasak Paem (St. 63), Shopping Center Sorya 12208 Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 512 737 / 012 929 395 7 Care Cosmetic & Souvenir Shop Nº. 15Eo, Khemarak Phomin (St. 130) 12204 Phnom Penh. Tel: 016 760 707 / 097 9999 819 Central Souvenir Shops Nº. 139, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128), Sydney Shopping Center, 1st Floor 12252 Phnom Penh. Tel: 012 950 695 / 012 677 978 FAA - Fine Arts Association Nº. 16BE2, Street 348, Boeung Keng Kang III, Chamkarmon Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 359 666 Fiance Nº. 376, Preah Monivong, Korea Business Center Building 12302 Phnom Penh. Tel: 12 197 6664 Heng Hak Heng Souvenir Shop Nº. 41Eo, Khemarak Phomin (St. 130) 12204 Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 986 521 Tiger Lily FCC Complex, Pokambor Avenue Siem Reap. Tel: 063 761 446 Judy Souvenir Shop Street 109, Sangkat 2, Group 6 Preah Sihanouk. Tel: 012 380 280 / 015 380 280 Para Cocoon Souvenir Shop Nº. 002, National Road No 6, Sala Kamreuk Commune, Svay Dangkum District Siem Reap. Tel: 063 965 443 / 063 965 442




Phnom Penh


Guide White Lotus Restaurant Nº. 123, Sihanouk (St. 274) Tel: 012 695 508 Amatak Souvenir Shop Mondul 1,Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap City Siem Reap, Tel: 063 963 194 Tel: 012 314 924 Angkor Candles Nº. 565, 2 Thnou Street, opposite Old Market Siem Reap. Tel: 063 760 778 Apsormera Inspiration of Colors Road to Angkor, Room B 05, 1st floor, Cultural Mall, Angkor National Museum Siem Reap. Tel: 012 777 732 / 016 777 732 Asian Gemstone Souvenir Shop Nº. 0257, Charles De Gaulle Street Siem Reap. Tel: 063 767 879 / 063 767 779 Bayon Souvenir Shop - Watbo Nº. 0515, Group 12, Wat Bo Village, Sangkat Sala Kamroeuk, Siem Reap City Siem Reap. Tel: 063 963 573 / 063 761 560 KoKoon Boutique Old Market area, next to the Blue Pumpkin Siem Reap. Tel: 063 963 830 Krorma Shop Group 8, Mondul 1, Svay Dangkom Siem Reap. Tel: 063 761 894 Lucky Angkor Shop Krous Village, Svay Dangkum Commune Siem Reap. Tel: 063 963 376 Real Khmer Ability Pub Street, Mondul I Village, Svay Dangkum Commune Siem Reap. Tel: 063 966 362 / 063 966 151 Senteurs d’Angkor Shop Nº. 274-275, Old Market area Siem Reap. Tel: 063 964 801 / 063 964 860 Senteurs d’Angkor Workshop Co., Ltd Wat Damnak Village Siem Reap. Tel: 012 206 135

Book Shop hique Centre Cultural Français Nº. 218, Keo Chea (St. 184) Tel: 023 721 383 Bohr’s Books Nº. 5, Sothearos (St. 3) Tel: 012 929 148 Boston Book House Nº. 8, Street 240 Tel: 092 214 452 Dhamma Bookshop Ounalom Sothearos (St. 3), in Ounalom Pagoda Tel: 011 672 529 Idea News Nº. 294E1, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 222 837 IIC Book Center Nº. 650, National Road No 2 Tel: 011 340 626 Thngay Reah News Nº. 39Eo, National Road No 2 Tel: 012 972 188 Samros Reachny Magazine Nº. 10EEo, Yothapol Khemarak Phomin (St. 271) Tel: 016 777 714 SDB Development Group Nº. 28-29A, National Road No 6A, International Tel: 023 430 740 The United Knowledge Co Ltd Nº. 21DE, Samdech Preah Sokun Mean Bonn (St. 178) Tel: 023 223 721

International Book Centre Nº. 250Eo, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 221 788 International Media Services & Consulting Group (IMS) Nº. 2AD, Street 29cc, Block 40, Village Toul Pangro, Sangkat Chomchav, Khan Dangkor Tel: 855(0)12 920 144 Monument Books & Toys Nº. 111, Norodom Tel: 023 217 617 Newsweek Nº. 24AEo, Street 446 Tel: 012 804 171

Flower Shop A Srey Flower Shop Kampuchea Krom (St. 128), Store 7, Central Maket Tel: 012 960 425 Angkor Flora Nº. 748Eo, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) Tel: 012 895 217 Ann Srey Mom Garden Service Nº. 14, Street 598 Tel: 016 941 542 ATA Flower Shop Nº. 2D4, Street 53 Tel: 012 821 001 Bopha Kiri Nº. 306, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 217 669

CPS Flora & Handicraft Nº. 13-61, Trasak Paem (St. 63), Shopping Center Sorya, 3rd floor, room 3G03 Tel: 012 961 813 Eav Chanthorn Garden Service Nº. 29, Street 598 Tel: 011 719 072 Eav Chenda Lot 3, Street 1986, Phnom Penh Thmey Tel: 012 299 719 Lym Kunthea Garden Service Nº. 38, Street 598 Tel: 012 890 723 Ming Hong Decoration Shop Nº. 66DEo, Street 138 Tel: 012 616 068 Mom Vanny Flower Shop Nº. 181AE, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) Tel: 012 896 986 Mr Flower Shop Nº. 442B, Sihanouk (St. 274) Tel: 023 223 255 Om Chanthy Garden Service Nº. 32, Street 598 Tel: 012 456 080 Orchidée Farm Tel: 012 788 789


Chenda Garden Street 598, Lot. 2A, Sangkat Toul Sangke Tel: 012 676 399

PBC - Peace Book Centre branch Street Assembly, in front of National Assembly Tel: 023 216 292

Phnom Penh Rose Flower & Souvenir Shop Nº. 7A, St. 106 Tel: 012 791 702

PBC - Peace Book Centre Nº. 759-761, Preah Monivong, corner Street 432 Tel: 023 727 121

Sopheakmangkol Floral Nº. 59, Chan Reachea (St. 15), Sangkat Phsar Chas, Khan Daun Penh Tel: 012 558 232

Religious Book Shop Nº. 136Eo, Khemarak Phomin (St. 130) Tel: 012 706 581

Soun Baitang Thorm Cheat Nº. 34, Street 598 Tel: 012 858 545

Royal Book Shop Nº. 609CEo, Kampuchea Krom (St. 128) Tel: 012 869 262

Srey Neang Garden Service Nº. 33-34, Street 598 Tel: 011 688 869

OCS Cambodia Co., Ltd. Nº. 313, Sisowath, Office 1B, Hotel Cambodiana Tel: 023 991 419

The Garden Shop Nº. 12F, Street 614, corner Street 295, infront of Toul Kork Market Tel: 015 779 333 Try Sothavy Garden Service Nº. 21, Street 598 Tel: 011 683 536

The French Element French artistic Shop of Hair Salon / Beauty / Nails. Enjoy Home and Outcall Service, Product from France, fresh air-conditioner, hair and nails services, Available Now! Get Discount and Bonus: For the first visit, you might get a 20% percent off on the service you purchase. Moreover, you will get 50% percent off bonus when you get one customer to the shop; you get it directly at the next time you come. Get discount and bonus with a good service from French artistic and products. French Element Himawari Hotel – Phnom Penh Reservation on VIP room – Outcall Tel: 07728-3332

69 Boutique Couleurs d’Asie
 Street 240 boutique. Now at its new location on Street 240 Couleurs d’Asie offers high quality silks, silk fashions, accessories, soft furnishings and unique creations. Custom orders welcome. Wide selection of high quality Cambodian products and handicrafts. 1) #33, Street 240 Tel: 023-221075
 2) Sofitel Royal Angkor Hotel and Lotus Hotel, Siem Reap CYK Handicrafts
 Silk shop. The Caring for Young Khmer (CYK) NGO retail outlet offers hand-woven Cambodian ikat silks, silk products and silks made to order in traditional or custom designs and colours. The silks are hand-loomed in Takeo and Kandal provinces and the patterns created using the traditional ikat method and all natural dyes.
 #67, Sothearos Blvd Tel: 023-210849 Jasmine Boutique 
Fashion Boutique Jasmine creates two collections a year using beautiful hand woven Cambodian silk. Each Collection includes standard pieces. Structured wrap shirts, A-line skirts, beautifully cut trousers and jackets. Perfect for office and corporate wear. Always a sophisticated look. Currently including a lace collection mixed back with silk. Winter collections use strong sophisticated shades with depth & character. Summer shades are soft neutral tones which appear clean and crisp. 
#73, Street 240 Tel: 023-223103 Ta Prohm Souvenir Shop
 Silk shop. Tiny, welcoming silk shop, absolutely stuffed with silks. Offering Khmer silk products of all sorts: purses, pillows, hangings, clothes, table cloths. Custom orders are welcome. Located on Street 178 near the National Museum. 
 #49BEo, Street 178 Tel: 023-224729 Tabitha Cambodia
 NGO-based silk shop. The Tabitha Cambodia retail shop offers Cambodian silk products of all sorts: purses, pillows, bed covers, clothes, shawls, toys, silver, cards. Tabitha Cambodia employs a unique community development model: Disadvantaged women undertake a six-week training course, at which point they have usually made enough money to purchase a sewing machine to take home. Tabitha then places orders handicrafts, and the workers receive a fair price, ultimately providing a regular income and employment. Corner of Streets 360 & 51 
 Tel: 023-721038

Kroma Clothes Shop
 Clothing shop and vocational centre. Housing the Phnom Penh Municipality Vocational Centre and the Cambodia Japan Friendship Training Centre and retail shop. The retail shop offers products of the vocational and training centre - Khmer silks and cotton clothes, bags, pillows, coverings and soft furnishings. Retail and wholesale. Special orders welcome. New product recently added at the retail shop: handcrafted wooden children’s toys. 
 Tel: 023-211886 Le Rit’s Boutique (NYEMO) Boutique associated with NYEMO a NGO working to improve the quality of life of vulnerable women and their children. Offering quality Cambodian handicrafts, silk bags, home decor, curtains, cushions, embroideries, toys, accessories, table wares. 
 #71, Street 240 Tel: 023-213160 Lotus Pond
 Boutique, silk and design shop. Lotus Pond enjoys an excellent reputation for quality products and professional services. Fine Cambodian silks, top quality carvings and statues, spirit houses, handicraft products and home accessories. Professional interior decoration, draperies/soft furnishings made to order, custom furniture. #245, Street 51 Tel: 012-348865 Mulberry Boutique
 Silk boutique and souvenir shop Mulberry carries a wide selection of silks and quality silk products - clothes, wall hangings, scarves, bags, cushion covers and more. Mulberry also offers silver jewellery, statues and other Cambodian souvenirs. Located on 51 right around the corner from Street 278 and the popular Boeung Keng Kang 1 restaurant area.
 #9, Street 51 Tel: 016-222750 NCDP Retail Outlet 
 Souvenir and handicraft shop. The National Centre for Disabled Persons is an NGO based retail out offering a large variety of Cambodian crafts and souvenirs including silks and silk products including handbags, pillows, hangings cards, carvings. The NCDP was formed in 1997 and operates under the auspices of the Cambodian Ministry of Social Affairs with the goal of assisting disabled persons to receive health and rehabilitation services, skills training and income generating opportunities. Located on Norodom Blvd. About 200 meters from Wat Phnom. Combine with your visit to Wat Phnom. 
#3, Norodom Blvd 
Tel: 023-210140

Pavillon d’Asie
 Boutique Nice boutique, spread over two floors. Offering a good variety of artwork, handicraft products, posters and postcards, hand-tinted B&W photographs, oil and water paintings by some of Cambodia’s most interesting contemporary artists (Chhim Sothy, Heng Mony Phal, Nhem Det) and an excellent selection of traditional furniture. Located near the Independence Monument.
 #24-#26, Sihanouk Blvd. Tel: 012-497217 PSE Boutique 
 A variety of Cambodian handcrafts, silk clothing and products sold at the Pour un Sourire d’Enfant’s boutique shop are made by the children’s mothers. Your purchases benefit the children and their mothers who previously worked at the Stung Mean Chey dump site in Phnom Penh. Open: Monday to Friday 8:00AM5:00PM. Saturday closed at 12:00PM. #402, Trea Village, Stung Meanchey Tel: 023-995660 Rajana
 NGO-based Souvenir and handicraft shop. The Rajana shop has a wide variety of items including silk products, silk paintings, silver jewellery, bamboo crafts, handicrafts, cards, drawings, iron works, hill tribe crafts and even local coffees, spices and condiments. “The Rajana Association is an income generation and skills training project that produces Fair Trade products using traditional Cambodian skills with contemporary designs.” Streets 450 & 155 Tel: 023-364795 Rehab Craft 
 Rehab Craft Cambodia is a nonprofit NGO that aims to create opportunities and enhance the living standard of people with disabilities through the production and marketing of quality handicrafts including silk, silver and wood products - silk bags, clothes, soft furnishings, silver jewellery, wood, statues. All our earnings are re-invested in our training and employment programs.
 #10A, Street 322 Tel: 023-726801 Sentosa Silk
 Silk Shop. Established in 2004, aiming to bring international buyers high quality Cambodian silk products produced by poor and disabled craftsmen and women from rural Cambodia who are experts in traditional forms of silk weaving. Luxury pieces made from pure Khmer silk available in a wide range of colours and sizes to suit your taste. For home or hotel, rich soft furnishings. Your purchase helps support disabled craftsmen in Cambodia. #33, Sothearos Tel: 023-222974

Sit Down Jeweler
 Jeweller The Sit Down Jeweller is a riverfront jewellery and silver shop specialising in Cambodian gems, jewellery and gold and also offer a very large selection of silver works - both art and jewellery - including a very nice collection of pounded, animal-shaped silver betel boxes. Located on the riverfront road between Streets 148 and 154.
 #277Eo, Sisowath Quay Tel: 012-969036 
 Sopor Khmer Silk Shop
 Silk Shop. The walls are piled from floor to ceiling with an amazing array of hand-loomed Khmer silks from Takeo province. The shops offers silks and silk fashion accessories, and home decor including pillows, bags, ties, coverings - off the rack and custom orders. Custom silk designs and quantities made to order. 
 #183, Norodom 
Tel: 023-223911 SWDC - Mekong Blue
 Silk boutique. NGO-based silks retail shop for Mekong Blue Silks, hand woven, high quality Cambodian silks produced by women from the Stung Treng Women’s Development Centre in Stung Treng province in northeastern Cambodia. Mekong Blue silk products earned an UNESCO awarded Seal of Excellence for scarves in both 2004 and 2005. Silks, bags, fashions, scarves, accessories, bedding and more. Just off Sisowath Quay, the riverfront road. 
#9Eo, Street 130 Tel: 023-218815 Trois Continents
 Art Boutique and Café Thoughtful little souvenir boutique and café. Offering Cambodian and Southeast Asian handicrafts and art and an interesting selection of Southeast Asian coffees and teas, Cambodian cookies and other local speciality products. Also a very pleasant, fully air-conditioned café serving coffees, teas, juices, Asian snacks and sweets. #182E0, Street 63 Cambodia Tel: 089-475513 Up to You 
 Souvenir and silk shop. Up to You is an NGO based shop serving as an outlet for Cambodian silks and handicrafts sourced from a many different workshops and adhering to ‘fair trade’ practices. Up to You offers an array of Cambodian silks and products, scarves and fashion accessories, home decor and some handicrafts. Located amongst a cluster of interesting little silk and silver shops, boutiques and bookstores on Sothearos Blvd between the Royal Palace and Wat Ounalom just off the riverfront. Open 9AM-noon and 1PM-6:30PM. 
#3, Sothearos Tel: 092-720141


Guide Yodicraft
 NGO based Cambodian handicrafts shop specialising in Cambodian silk products and wood carving and statues but also works in beads and coconut shell. Silk handbags. Comfortable shop also serving Khmer cake and soft drinks. “Yodicraft provides employment and training for young Cambodian with disabilities.” Yodicraft is part of the Yodifee group.
 #172Eo, Street 13 Tel: 012-324548

Art & Gallery Art gallery/framing shop Apsara Art Gallery offers a variety of contemporary Southeast and East Asian art (Cambodian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese) including paintings, oils, watercolours, creations, photographs, posters and cards. The gallery also offers matting and framing including bamboo framing. Located next to the Russian Market (Phsar Toul Tom Poung) near the Cafe Yejj and Rajana Crafts. 
 #170A, Street 450 Tel: 012-867390 
 Asasax Art Gallery
 Art gallery. In the words of Asasax, “Without color, “people die”” The Asasax Art Gallery exhibits the unique paintings and other works of art of the wellknown contemporary Cambodian artist, Asasax. Asasax’s works, much of it in oils and watercolours, offer a colourfully modern lens on traditional/historical images and icons. 
 #192, Street 178 
Tel: 012-363030 I-Ching Decor
 I Ching Décor offers a range of high quality interior design and architectural solutions for home and commercial business needs. Services include expert advice on architectural work, interior design, custom made furniture, home accessories and Feng Shui. I Ching Décor works with Cambodian designers to create smart and unique pieces for the home. The showroom offers a range of interior products from window dressings to kitchen ware, dining, living and bedroom suites, glassware, soft furnishings, lighting and other home accessories. Products are sourced from suppliers in Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.
 #85, Sothearos Blvd. Tel: 023-220873

Happy Painting Gallery
 Art Gallery. Open since 1995, the Happy Painting Galleries, located in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and at the airports, display the paintings of contemporary artist Stef Delaprée, aka Stef, a singular artist with a gentle insight into everyday Cambodia. All of the galleries offer original paintings, reproductions, postcards, cards, T-shirts. In the words of art critic Anne-Sylvie Charest, “Stef has tried to make us see, using free figuration, what is more typical and endearing in this part of Asia. Funny and colourful, his art is extremely popular and accessible to all. The universe he offers us in his work is happy and uncomplicated...”. Hotel Cambodiana, FCCC 
 Tel: 023-726100
 In Siem Reap at Carnets d’Asie, Angkor Century Hotel, and at the gallery near the Old Market Ebony Apsara
 Street 178 Café Tailor, Photo Gallery. Unique combination restaurant, bar, tailor and photo gallery. Original framed photographs by Rina, on exhibit and for sale. Seamstress on site offering tailored clothing - unique designs, bring clothing to be duplicated or choose a design from the magazines and catalogues. At the café Rina offers an innovative Khmer/Asian food and a selection of western favourites. 40% goes to charity.
 #42, Street 178 Tel: 010-581291 Ironworks
 Ironworks manufactures a wide range of consistently high quality, practical and decorative iron and steel goods suitable for the home or workplace. Unique works in iron, steel and copper fabricated to order per your design art, lamps, tables, racks, window bars, chairs. Individual, commercial, unique, wholesale orders are all welcome. Tel: 012-404110
 Java Café & Gallery
 Art gallery. The Java Cafe and Gallery is a café set in an art exhibition space. Regularly changing exhibitions, showcasing up and coming Cambodian artists and of cutting edge contemporary Cambodian art and photography. Also a good place to learn about other art exhibitions and events in Cambodia. The Café offers a selection of coffees, teas as well as salads, sandwiches, veg dishes and lots more. WiFi HotSpot. #56 E1, Sihanouk Blvd Tel: 023-987420

Meta House
 The Kingdom’s biggest art gallery in the heart of Phnom Penh: three floors with contemporary fine arts of Cambodian, Asian and Western origin. The open air rooftop in the perfect place to relax, enjoy some drinks, food and film screening. Rooftop cinema starts at 7:00 PM. Special events and appointment
enquiries welcome. Located next to Open Thursday-Sunday, 6:00 PM-midnight. Wat Botom. 
#6Eo, Street 246 Tel: 023-224140 Reyum Gallery
 Art Gallery. The Reyum Gallery is one of the most important art galleries in Phnom Penh, hosting regular exhibitions, lectures addressing topics related to art, architecture and archaeology and a offering a complete selection of Cambodian art and culture related books from the Reyum Publishing house. The gallery offers some of the best traditional and contemporary Cambodian art exhibitions in town. Retail art and book sales. Located next to the Royal University of Fine Arts. 
 #47, Street 178 Tel: 023-217149

Tailor Ebony Apsara Unique combination restaurant, bar, tailor and photo gallery. Seamstress on site offering tailored clothing - unique designs, bring clothing to be duplicated or choose a design from the magazines and catalogues. 
 #42, Street 178 Tel: 010-581291
 New World Specialising in custom made and tailored ladies fashions, as well as off-therack and men’s and children’s clothing. Evening gowns, party dresses, casual and formal wear. Khmer silks. 
#39, Street 432 Tel: 016-778882
Tom & Alice Tailor Well-established clothing tailor shop with lots of experience dealing with foreign (tourist and expatriate) customers. Men and women’s clothing. Men’s suits, shirts, ties and overcoats, Women’s dresses, skirts, jackets, lingerie, wedding dressing and designer clothes. Satisfaction guaranteed. 
#153, Street 278 Tel: 012-796286

Message & Spa Queen Spa . Massage, Spa, Dry milk Scrub . Massage, Spa with flowers . Oil massage . Khmer Thai Traditional massage . Traditional spa massage . Facial massage . Hands and feed spa . Foot, back, shoulder and head massage Enjoy with queen spa buy five get one free, all spa products are import from Australia. #38Go, St. 178 Tel: 012 767 858 Amara Spa
 Beautifully renovated at the former historic Soda Building, Amara Spa is Phnom Penh’s newest luxury spa facilities on the riverfront. Inside the luscious all white facade are four levels of therapeutic treatments ranging through foot massages, body scrubs, facial, jacuzzis and steam rooms - staff trained by experienced professionals. Amara Spa is the first spa in Cambodia to use [comfort zone] beauty and skin products. Spa Party and catering service available upon request. 
 Sisowath Quay and Street 110 Tel: 023-998730 Amret Spa
 International boutique spa in Boeung Keng Kang 1. Massage. Aromatherapy. Body scrubs, wraps, facials, treatments, jacuzzi, packages. #3, Street 57 Tel: 023-997994

 International spa. Aromatherapy, Indian and Egyptian massage. Body scrubs, wraps, facials, treatments, Jacuzzi. 
#16AB, Street 282 Tel: 023-996921 Blue 7 Massage Khmer 
 Offering a pleasant a/c surroundings and a full range of massage services: foot and full body massage in clean a/c rooms. Powder and oil massage both available. All are welcome. Locations in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.
 On Sisowath Quay, opposite the Hotel Cambodiana Tel: 011-955567 ChamPei Spa
 International boutique spa and hair salon. Traditional Khmer, herbal, aroma, Swedish and oil massage, reflexology and therapeutic massages. Facials, scrubs, spa, jacuzzi, packages. Fully airconditioned women and men’s hair salon offering hair treatments, manicure, pedicure, make-up and more. Open 9AM - 11PM. #38, Street 57 Tel: 023-217774

71 Coffee Korner 
 The Coffee Corner restaurant and guesthouse has recently added a small, offering massage (traditional Khmer and Thai, oil massage, foot massage, aromatherapy) as well as scrubs and wraps. 
 #174, Street 155 Tel: 012-867667

Orange Massage
 24/7 massage and steam place on the Wat Phnom traffic circle. Reasonably priced foot massage, full body massage, steam room. Located on the north side of Wat Phnom. Open 24 hours a day. 
#13Eo, Street 94 Tel: 099-532415

Islands Massage
 One of the longest established massage shops in Phnom Penh - operating since 1998. Traditional Khmer massage and foot massage. Fully air-conditioned facilities. Reasonably priced. Several locations in Phnom Penh as well as Siem Reap and Sihanoukville.
 1) #43, Street 86 Tel: 023-991273
 2) #329, Sisowath Quay 3) North side of Wat Phnom 4) #189, Sothearos

 Experienced massage and beauty therapists. Thai and Balinese style massage. Oil, cream, hot stone, foot massage. Facials and body treatments. Jacuzzi. Steam room. Warm, relaxing, ‘aquatic’ environment of fish ponds, fountains and aquariums. Open 11:00AM - 9:00PM on weekdays and 10:00AM - 10:00PM on the weekends. #4b, Street 75 Tel: 023-992405, 012-852308 Sawasdee Massage
 Fully air-conditioned massage shop and spa located in Boeung Keng Kang 1. Offering a wide selection of massage styles and types including Thai, French, Japanese, Khmer, Hong Kong, oil, powder, body, foot massage (reflexology,) health massages, aromatherapy. Spas services including wraps, scrubs facials and more. Jacuzzi. Manicure and pedicure. Open 9:00AM - 11:00PM. Located opposite the Khmer Surin Restaurant. 
#6B, Street 57, Phnom Penh
 Tel: 023-996670

Amrita Spa 
 Gym, sauna, steam, jacuzzi, massage, treatments, pools
Hotel Le Royal, Phnom Penh Tel: 023-981888 Paddy’s Sports Center Gym
#635, Ntl. Rte 5 (near Japanese Bridge) Tel: 012-214940 Villa Spa Aromatherapy in private boutique VIP room (villa and bungalow style) Selected professional Chinese and Khmer therapists from Master Kang. Exclusive service, skills, and ambience. Women only. (Beauty, manicure & pedicure coming soon). # 456 Monivong Blvd corner 466 Tel: 023 721 765 , 012 357 561 Garden Yoga Room Yoga classes everyday. Free swimming. Check website for schedule, price and service. # 456 Monivong Blvd corner 466 Tel: 023 721 765 , 012 357 561 EL Skin & Wellness Center Authorized Distributor of: Dermalogica, Jane Iredale,O.P.I Open Daily: 10am-7pm, Tel: 023 884 390/ 012 619 948 Manicure, Pedicure, Hair Spa Hair Treatment, make-up,Facial Care & treatment Spa Body _ Body Shaping,Hot Rock Massage _ Oil massage, Waxing _ Steam & Sauna, Consul/ treatment by facial specialist of Cosmetology from USA, staff professionally trained by OPI & International Dermal Institute. #115, Street 109

The Spa at NagaWorld
 Elegant, full-service international spa offering a relaxing, pampered atmosphere, a variety of massages and massage styles, foot massage and reflexology, health and beauty treatments and packages. 23 private theme spa rooms. Floral baths and private saunas. 
 NagaWorld, Samdech Hun Sen Park Tel: 023-228822 Fitness Centers 
 Most of the fitness clubs and gyms are in the major hotels. They are not inexpensive but they do have relatively complete, modern facilities. Also worth a look, every morning at the crack of dawn dozens of people congregate in the park in front of the Royal Palace to jog, walk, stretch, do Tai Chi and calisthenics. 
Clark Hatch Fitness Centre
 Gym, sauna, massage, pool, aerobic classes
InterContinental Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom Penh Tel: 023-424888

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the Artisans‛ Collection Products for body & home Natural DYEd cotton Luxurious silks Carved wood, grass mats and many small gift items as well!

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Siem Reap


H otel Siem Reap


Angkor Miracle Resort & Spa International luxury resort and spa property with full dining services, bar & lounges, outdoor salt-water swimming pool with Jacuzzi, fitness centre, events & conferences, complimentary WiFi hots pot high speed Internet, tennis court. Route #6 (‘Airport Road’) Tel: 063-969902 Angkor Village Resort and Spa
 Superior bungalow resort complex. Wooden duplex bungalows with superior furnishings, decor and amenities. Unique, river-style swimming pool. Fine restaurant. Tel: 063-963561 Apsara Angkor Hotel
 All around superior hotel. Finely appointed rooms with all amenities. Inroom safe. International restaurant. Lobby bar. Fitness centre. Internet. Swimming pool. Conference room for 350. 
 #6, ‘Airport Road,’ between the Siem Reap International Airport and town centre Tel: 063-964999 Royal Empire The Royal Empire Hotel lobby is adorned with dark wood furniture, subtly incorporating traditional Khmer motifs, and calming, pale-colored walls. The gentle, natural colors inside and floor-to-ceiling windows looking onto abundant, leafy sugar and coconut palms are a soothing respite amidst the Cambodian sun.A restaurant offering a menu of Khmer, Asian and Western fare is located off the main lobby. Additionally, The hotel foyer features a lobby bar and a business centre with high speed Internet connection. The business centre offers a comprehensive range of services including state of the art multi-media workstations and can accommodate discreet private meetings and large conferences, banquets and events. With its extensive selection of cardio and training equipment, massage treatments, and spa services, Royal Empire has everything to promote a healthy lifestyle. National Route 6, Airport Road, Siem Reap / Angkor. Kingdom of Cambodia. Tel: 063 969 599 ,

75 Apartment Questhouse La Résidence d’Angkor 
 55 rooms. Stylish, Khmer-inspired wood and laterite facade set amongst pools and gardens. Finely appointed rooms with all amenities. Restaurant serving French and Royal Khmer cuisine. Cocktail bar. Traditional dance performances. Swimming pool. WiFi Internet access.
On the east side of the river in the center of town Tel: 063-963390 Le Meridien 
 Rooms and suites. The closest hotel ever built to Angkor Wat. Khmer architecture tastefully blended with luxurious modern amenities creating a “world suffused with the echoes of Khmer culture” in the many carvings, stone statues, theme pool, spa and tranquil inner courtyard. 6 restaurants and bars, swimming pool, jacuzzi, gym, spa, reflexology, business centre, meeting room. 
 Vithei Charles de Gaulle, the nearest hotel to Angkor Wat 
 Tel:063 963900 Raffles Grand Hotel D’Angkor
 The most elegant hotel in town. A fully restored 75 year old classic. Spa. Tennis. Swimming. Restaurants. Bars. A variety of restaurants, cafés and pubs. Business centre. Nightly traditional performances. 
 #1 Charles de Gaulle in the centre of town 
Tel: 063 963888 Victoria Angkor Resort & Spa 
 120 rooms/10 suites. Wooden floors, stylish furniture, fabrics and original decorative artifices, most with balcony facing the swimming pool. Jacuzzi and spa. Restaurants and bars. Boutique. Business centre. Route #6 Tel: 063 760428 Sofitel Royal Angkor Golf & Spa Resort 
 238 rooms. Modern and stylishly appointed rooms and suites with an elegant combination of French and Khmer style. The largest resort property in Cambodia boosting an impressive 60,000 square meters. International golf club (18 holes). Luxury spa, Swimming pool, Jacuzzi, A variety of restaurants, Bars. Business centre. Nightly traditional performances.
 Vithei Charles de Gaulle Tel: 063-964600

Sokha Angkor Resort Sokha Angkor Resort is a high quality full service resort. The waterfall behind the swimming pool is a center piece of the resort that many balconies of the deluxe rooms are facing. The Caribbean like atmosphere throughout the resort is designed with sophisticated relaxation in mind. There is everything you would expect from an upscale resort including WiFi or broadband internet access in all rooms and public areas; a buffet restaurant; a fine dining room; a Japanese restaurant with Sushi bar and Teppan-yaki; an Irish Sports Bar with activities from 4 pm onwards; a luxurious spa with sauna; steam; hot and cold whirlpool; business center; gym and beauty salon. This is also a conference hotel that has one of the largest ballrooms in Siem Reap with numerous smaller function rooms catering to events of 8 to 400 people. SOKHA ANGKOR RESORT National Road No. 6 and Sivatha Street Junction, Siem Reap, Cambodia Tel: +855 63 969 999 Fax: +855 63 969 998 Sokha Beach Resort Sokha Beach Resort, in Sihanouk Ville, is set on landscaped beachfront gardens adjoining its own private 1.5 km white pristine sandy beach. The lowrise Khmer style architecture, crafted in wood and stone to create a warm rustic ambience, blends in perfectly with its natural surroundings. Ideal for families, the hotel has a comprehensive selection of water sports, recreational facilities, and daily organized adult and child activities, whilst Jasmine Spa offers a holistic treatment approach. Several restaurants offer Asian and international cuisine, specializing in fresh seafood. Street 2 Thnou, Sihanouk Ville, Cambodia Tel: +855 34 935 999 Fax: +855 34 935 888 Sokha Club Hotel Just 20 minutes from the international airport, the hotel is walking distance to the Phsar Thmey Market, Independence Monument, Riverfront and Wat Phnom. Guests can enjoy Khmer, Chinese, Japanese and Mediterranean dishes at the restaurants, or for a little privacy can order in-room dining. Relax after a long day of sightseeing at Jasmine Spa, where you’ll find Jacuzzi, sauna, steam bath and a beauty salon. Sokha on Norodom is a boutique hotel worth the stay! No. 63, Preah Norodom Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: +855 23 990 123 Fax: +855 23 990 151

Hotel de la Paix 
 A classic Siem Reap hotel created anew in stunning art decor style. 107 beautifully appointed rooms and suites with hardwood floors and all of the most modern amenities including wireless Internet and iPod music system. Luxury spa, fine restaurants, wine cellar, and pubs. Gymnasium, swimming pool, jacuzzi, conference room. Sivatha Blvd., Tel: 063 966000

Out Standing Empress Angkor
 Lavishly furnished rooms with a wide range of amenities; spacious restaurant serving a rich array of International and local cuisines; a well stocked bar; gymnasium and an alluring swimming pool equipped with jet massage for relaxation. Excellent service. 
 Route #6 (Airport Road) Tel: 063-963999 FCC Angkor 
 Siem Reap’s newest ‘contemporary chic hideaway.‘ Truly superior accommodations centrally located along the Siem Reap River and set amongst the mature trees and gardens of the quiet Old French Quarter. Smartly appointed rooms and suites outfitted with the finest amenities - flat screen TVs, broadband Internet connectivity and more. Saltwater pool and spa treatment center (Visaya Spa & Pool.) Next to the famous FCC Angkor restaurant and bar. Old French Quarter 
 Tel: 063 760280 Pacific Hotel New luxury hotel on Airport Road. Spacious superior rooms and suites with hard wood floors, sophisticated Cambodian decor and all of the finest modern amenities. #6, ‘Airport Road,’ between the Siem Reap International Airport and town centre Tel: 063-761818 Prince D’Angkor Hotel and Spa 
 Luxurious rooms, all finely decorated with traditional Khmer style furnishings and wooden floor. Extensive spa facilities. Salt water swimming pool. Sivatha Blvd Tel: 063-763888 Royal Bay Inn Angkor Resort 
 62 rooms. Superior, stylish accommodation located in the pleasant Old French Quarter in the centre of town. Garden setting, swimming pool, wifi, fine dining. Old French Quarter Tel: 063-760500


Guide Soria Moria Hotel 
 Boutique hotel offering deluxe rooms, fusion kitchen serving Asian, Scandinavian and Japanese food, rooftop bar, wifi, tours and more. 
Wat Bo Road, Tel: 063-964768 Tara Angkor Hotel 
 Brand new hotel on the road to Angkor Wat. Well-appointed rooms with all modern amenities. Road to Angkor Wat Tel: 063-966661-2 Terrasse des Eléphants Hotel Wonderful location near the Old Market, beautiful colonial-style building with balconies, open terraces and a rooftop garden swimming pool. Extravagant design, stylishly decorated rooms with all amenities. Restaurant serving fine Khmer and international dishes. Sivatha Blvd., Old Market area Tel: 063-965570 
 Viroth’s Hotel 
 Boutique hotel offering seven styles of room. Saltwater swimming pool, rooftop jacuzzi and spa. Cafe serving fine Khmer cuisine. Wat Bo area Tel: 063-761720

Pretty Decent Angkor Discover Inn 
 Cozy wooden rooms with private balcony overlooking a garden. Centrally located in a quiet area. A/c rooms with CTV, mini-bar and hot/cold water. Garden restaurant. Phum Slorkrame, just North of Route #6 Tel: 063-762727 Angkor Spirit Palace 
 Designed in classic Khmer style, constructed in wood and laterite. Clean, fully outfitted rooms with a/c, CTV, mini-bar, in-room safe and wifi. Swimming pool. 2km south of town Tel: 017-908007 Angkoriana Hotel 53 well-appointed rooms and suites and superior hotel facilities. Reservations discount. All tour/travel services. Museum Restaurant serving Khmer/ Thai/Chinese/Western cuisine. Road to Angkor Wat Tel: 063 760274 The Bong Thom’s Homestay Rural home-stay well out in the countryside in Banteay Srey district

north of Siem Reap town. Newly constructed Khmer style traditional house set on a Cambodian fruit farm. Fruit trees abound - mangos, papaya, dragon fruit and more - and all the fresh fruit you can eat for free. Fishing pond and fishing tackle available free of change. Ox cart and ox for use around the farm area. Experience a bit of real Cambodia. Fan rooms, guest services, restaurant. Kandal Village, Banteay Srey district Tel: 012 520092 Bopha Angkor 
 Stylishly decorated rooms, some rooms with private balcony. Fine Cambodian/ international restaurant. Swimming pool. Receiving very good reviews. 
 East side of Siem Reap River Tel:063 964928 Soria Moria Hotel 
 Boutique hotel offering deluxe rooms, fusion kitchen serving Asian, Scandinavian and Japanese food, rooftop bar, wifi, tours and more. Wat Bo Road Tel: 063 964768 Borann, l’Auberge 
20 rooms. Nice rooms with veranda, set in a lush garden in a quiet area. Swimming pool. Restaurant. French and English spoken. 
 Behind Sawasdee Restaurant Tel063 964740 Central Boutique Angkor Hotel 
 Bungalow style rooms situated around a swimming pool with all rooms facing the pool. Restaurant and western food. Pool side and bar. Tour services. Taphul Village area Tel: 063 764028 City River Hotel 
 Well-appointed rooms with all modern amenities. Centrally located, picturesque location along the river in town. Elevator, Internet, rooftop swimming pool, gym, restaurant. WIFI in restaurant and poolside bar on the 6th Floor. #0511, Stung Siem Reap St., Wat Bo Tel: 063 763000 Golden Banana Boutique and B&B 
 Quiet garden setting on the east side of the river just a 5mn walk from the Old Market. Friendly, welcoming staff. Gay friendly place. Swimming pool. Wat Damnak area Tel: 012 885366 Golden Banana Boutique Resort 
 Newly opened small resort, 5 minute’s walk from the Old Market area.

Stylish villas and suites around a salt water pool in a lush garden. Every room has outdoor private bath. Wat Damnak area Tel: 012 654638 Kazna Hotel 
 Clean, comfortable, centrally located mid-range hotel offer all-none-smoking a/c rooms with all modern amenities. Restaurant serving Khmer, Chinese and western cuisine. Taphul Road Tel: 063 969313 The King Angkor Villa 
 Villa style hotel offering fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Centrally located, within a couple of minutes of the Old Market. All tourist services. Ta Phul Village area Tel: 063 964896 The Kool Hotel 
 Immaculately clean, chic decor, good value for money. A/c rooms with all modern facilities. Khmer, Thai, and International fusion restaurant. Pool, jacuzzi, massage. Tours services. #018, Route #6 (Airport Rd.) Tel: 063 969690-93 La Noria Hotel
 Nice, quiet bungalows with private veranda in a luxurious tropical garden. All wooden French/Khmer restaurant. Traditional shadow puppet show every Wednesday evening. Swimming pool. Massage. Popular. Good reviews and friendly staff (French and English spoken.) On the east side of the river 50 meters north of Rte. #6, Siem Reap
 Tel: 063 964242 La Villa Mona d’Angkor 
 Breakfast included. Stylish rooms with private balcony/terrace set in a lush garden setting in a quiet area. Lovely little garden restaurant. Free wifi. Free pick-up. Near Wat Thmei Tel: 063 965202 Les Orientalistes 
 Comfortable a/c with wonderfully stylish Indo-Chinese decor in a traditional Khmer wooden house. Balconies. Excellent French/Cambodian restaurant on the ground floor. Quiet area. 
South end of ‘Wat Bo Road’ Tel: 012 894207 Men’s Resort & Spa Located in the heart of Siem Reap and near the Angkor Temples, MEN’s is

77 a new “exclusively for men” resort. Guests can relax in the friendly, cosy, stylish atmosphere. The MEN’s complex is designed to provide a wide range of services for gay men. Ten rooms, each offering a specific atmosphere through original and sensitive design. Saltwater swimming pool. Men’s spa, sauna and massage. Pool bar and restaurant. Wat Po Lanka area Tel: 063 963053 Angie’s Villa 
 Guest villa located in a pleasantly quiet are off wat Bo Road. Thoughtfully decorated and furnished a/c rooms with the emphasis on art and photography. All amenities. 
 100 meters off Wat Bo Road Tel: 0-772029 Mystères d’ Angkor 
 Welcoming, family-atmosphere. Stylish, a/c, pavilion- style accommodations in a garden setting. Pleasantly quiet area. Guest house restaurant and bar serving a set menu of Cambodian dishes. Pool table and terrace seating. Souvenirs. Swimming pool. 
 Near Wat Po Lanka Tel: 063 963639 Ombrelle & Kimono Hotel Near city center. Five rooms in a stylish 1950s residence: a/c, private terrace, en suite bath and free Internet. Garden setting with pool. Genuine Cambodian cuisine. Wat Bo Rd Tel: 012 365501 Passaggio Boutique Hotel 
Large rooms and suites, all with full amenities: a/c, cable TV, fridge, nice furnishings and decor. Rooftop restaurant. Travel agent (Lolei Travel). Good reviews. Swiss management. 
 East side of the river near the Old Market bridge Tel: 063 760324 Salina Hotel rooms. Well off the main road in a quiet area. Properly decorated rooms with all amenities including a/c, cable TV, fridge, and en suite toilet with hot water and bathtub. Restaurant. Bar. Airport pick up. Souvenirs. Swimming pool. Large parking area. 
 1 km south of Rte #6, Taphul Village area Tel: 063 760487 Shining Angkor Boutique 
 Superior a/c rooms in a villa style boutique hotel. Wood furniture and floors, Khmer style decor, top quality linins, mattresses and pillows. Restaurant. Good value.

Between town and the Angkor Park, near Wat Thmei Tel: 063 963096

restaurant. Quiet area, in town. Wat Bo area Tel: 012 582237

Shinta Mani
Luxury accommodations in the heart of the quiet Old French Quarter. Truly superior room amenities, hotel facilities and service. Great attention to detail and the fineries of service and decor throughout the hotel. Award-winning garden patio restaurant and bar. The restaurant was listed in Gourmet magazine’s ‘Worlds Best Hotel Dining Rooms.‘ “As part of Shinta Mani’s ongoing commitment to the local community, especially those who are less fortunate, Shinta Mani operates an Institute of Hospitality. The Institute provides free hospitality industry training for young Cambodians at risk. It is funded by the hotel and private individuals. Old French Quarter Tel: 063 761998

Golden Orange 
 Brand new, reasonably priced a/c rooms in the quiet Wat Po Lanka. Flat screen TVs, jacuzzi-style bathtubs, WiFi access. Community balcony with a view. 
Wat Po Lanka area Tel: 063 965389

Mid Range Ancient Angkor Guesthouse 
 Clean, villa-style guesthouse located well off the main road but still only a 5 minute walk to the Old Market. Friendly, helpful staff. Swimming pool. Free Internet. Neighborhood off Sivatha Rd. Opposite the Old Market area Tel:012 772862 Borei Spean Neak Inn 
 Brand new affordable hotel just off Angkor Wat road about half way between town and the temples. Fan and a/c rooms with high ceilings, CTV, hot water. Some with tub.
‘60 Meter Road’ about 80 m off of Angkor Wat road Tel: 016 816868 Earthwalkers’ 
 Western Managed. Relaxed atmosphere. Friendly staff. Clean. Garden with swimming pool. Lush garden with hammocks. Cosy bar and restaurant. Pool table. Travellers information. All rooms with en suite bathroom and hot water. Breakfast included. Off Route #6 (Airport Road) in a quiet area Tel: 012 967901 Encore Angkor Guesthouse 
 Guest house offering a stylish yet affordable ambiance. A/c rooms breakfast included, with cable TV, fridge, safety box and en suite with hot water.
West of Sivatha Blvd., Old Market area Tel: 063 969400, European Guesthouse 
 Swedish family managed. Relaxed atmosphere. Friendly staff. Clean rooms. Gar- den with hammocks, fish pond. Crocodile farm. Copy bar and

Golden Mango Inn Guest house offering fan and a/c rooms with all amenities - cable TV, fridge and en suite bathroom with hot water. Free pick up. All tourist services.
 Near Phsar Leu, just off Route #6 Tel: 063 761857 Golden Temple Villa
Villa-style guest house/hotel in a quiet area. Spotless, spacious rooms with 21 inch TVs, a/c (or fan), mini-bar, hot water wood furniture and some decor. International restaurant. Free Internet tea and coffee. Visa/MC/JCB/AMEX
 West of Old Market area 
 Tel: 012 943459 Green Garden Home Guest house and Restaurant 
 Villa-style guest house in a lush garden setting. Fan Guest house and a/c rooms fridge, cable TV, and attached bathroom with hot water. Ask about the traditional wooden house available. Consistently good reviews. On a quiet street just off Sivatha. Breakfast in a garden setting. On Oum Khun St. off Sivatha, 100m south of Rte #6 Tel: 012 890363 Green Village Palace 
 Guest house, bar, restaurant and gym. Rooms with a/c, cable TV, fridge, en suite with hot water. Swimming pool. Free pick-up. Gym. Hammocks. Wat Damnak area Tel: 063 760623 Home Sweet Home 
 Friendly, very clean hotel. Upstairs rooms with hardwood floors. Good little restaurant. Internet access. Good value.
 Wat Bo area Tel: 012 824626 reservation@homesweethomeangkor. com WatsUp Guesthouse 
 Family guesthouse in a quiet area within easy walking distance of the Old Market and Pub Street. Fan and a/c rooms. All fan rooms with cable TV and hot water. Wat Damnak area Tel: 012 675881

The King Angkor Villa 
 Villa style hotel offering fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Centrally located, within a couple of minutes of the Old Market. All tourist services. Visa/MC
Ta Phul Village area Tel: 063 964896 Mandalay Inn 
 Friendly management, family atmosphere. Commission-free, hassle-free. Free Wifi. Tour agent desk. Home cooked Burmese and Khmer food. Psar Kroung Road (200 m from Old Market), Viheachan Village, Svaydangkum
commune Tel: 063 761662 Mekong Angkor Palace Clean, new fan and ac/c rooms in a villastyle guesthouse in the center of town. Swimming pool. Restaurant serving Khmer and Western food. Visa
Sivatha Blvd, behind MekongBank Tel: 063 963636 Molly Malone’s 
 7 rooms. Nicely refurbished, very clean rooms with a/c, cable TV, hot water, fridge. Nice decor, wood furniture. All rooms with attached bathroom with hot water, some with tub. ‘Family room’ available. Good bar/restaurant on the ground floor. 
 Old Market area
 Tel: 063 963533 Mom’s Guesthouse 
 30 rooms. Well-known, long-established guest house on Wat Bo Road. Clean, fan and a/c rooms with all amenities (cable TV, fridge, hot water) and en suite bathroom. Internet, international telephone/fax. Tours, transportation, ticketing, etc. Small restaurant. Wat Bo Road Tel: 012 32088 MotherHome Guesthouse 
 Clean, new, very affordable fan and a/c rooms with CTV, fridge, en suite bathroom with hot/cold water. Quiet, shaded street in Wat Bo area. 10 minute walk to the Old Market.
Wat Bo area, Tel: 012 963438 reservation@motherhomeguesthouse. com Freedom Hotel
Wide range of rooms. Very helpful staff. Very good reviews and comments from guests. Good restaurant. Silks on sale. Fitness room.. 
 #6 just west of Phsar Leu Tel: 063 963473


Guide Palm Garden Lodge 
 Family run budget hotel in the downtown area. Restaurant, bar, movies, friendly staff, quiet garden, terrace, fresh atmosphere, balcony, a/c, hot water, cable TV, 24h service. 
West of Sivatha Blvd., Old Market area, Tel: 012 687372 Passaggio Boutique Hotel 
 Large rooms and suites, all with full amenities: a/c, cable TV, fridge, nice furnishings and decor. Rooftop restaurant. Travel agent (Lolei Travel). Good reviews. Swiss management. 
 East side of the river near the Old Market bridge Tel: 063 760324 Paul Dubrule Hotel and Tourism Training hotel and restaurant in a very quiet area. Four comfortable rooms besides a charming garden. Your contribution goes to help the educational project of the NGO. Route #6, ‘Airport Road,’ between the Siem Reap International Airport and town centre Tel: 063 963673 Red Piano
 Clean, thoughtfully finished rooms. A/c and wooden furniture. family rooms available. Quiet. Rooftop terrace with a view of Phnom Krom. Receiving very good reviews from guests. 
 Old Market area, just west of Sivatha Tel: 012 854150 River Village Manor
 Quality, Australian managed accommodation, set in an authentic Cambodian community. Deluxe and luxury rooms all with air conditioning, multi- channel cable TV, mini bar & hot showers. Restaurant headed by qualified Australian chef. Tour desk and concierge services. Internet access and business centre. 
#171, Triang Village, Slorkram Commune Siem Reap City Tel: 063 760425 Shadow of Angkor 
Budget guesthouse in a French colonial period building on the riverside with a river view. Clean fan and a/c rooms, some with balcony. On the riverside near the Old Market Tel: 063 964774 Khmer Inn Angkor Nicely refurbished, family-operated, villa style guest house set back from the road in the Ta Phul village area. Restaurant. All tourist services.
 #232, Ta Phul Road Tel: 012 682576

Two Dragons Guesthouse 14 immaculately clean rooms, a/c, hot water, cable TV. Free Wifi Internet. Thai restaurant. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Cold beer. Excellent source of information, owned by the same person who runs the web site. Offers pick-up service from Poipet border (A/C Toyota Camry), Tonle Sap tours, and more. Wat Bo area Tel: 063 965107 SiemReapRooms Guesthouse Western managed. 300m from the Old Market area. Fan and a/c rooms with private bathroom. Free in-room wifi and Internet in reception. Big screen TV in bar/restaurant and free pool table. Free pick up. 
 #421 Sivatha Blvd., Road to Tonle Sap Tel: 012 208472 guesthouse Tanei Guesthouse Villa-style guesthouse offer large, clean fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, fridge and en suite bathroom with hot water. All tourist services. Restaurant. 
Neighbourhood off Sivatha Rd. Opposite the Old Market area Tel: 092 865150 Tara Angkor Hotel 
 Brand new hotel on the road to Angkor Wat. Well-appointed rooms with all modern amenities. Road to Angkor Wat Tel: 063 966661-2 Ta Som Guesthouse 
 31 rooms. Well-established, family-run guesthouse on airport road in town. Clean fan and a/c rooms with amenities. Khmer/International restaurant. All tourist/traveller services. 
#268 Nat. Route 6, (Airport Road,) Taphul Village Tel: 063 964970

Shadow of Angkor II 
 New mid-range hotel on Wat Bo road offering clean a/c rooms with all modern amenities including CTV, mini-bar, hot water and in-room wifi. Swimming pool. Wat Bo Road, near Shadow of Angkor I Tel: 063 966774

We’ll pass Angkor Friendship Inn 
 (Breakfast included) Friendly guesthouse offering clean, large rooms with a/c, CTV, fridge, inroom safe, wifi and private bathroom with hot water. Swimming pool, massage, restaurant. Secured parking. Visa/MC
 Just off Sivatha Blvd., 300m south of the Old Market Tel: 063 965197 Angkor Park Guesthouse 
 Clean, new, family run guesthouse joust 100 meters south of the Old Market. Quiet rooms with color TV, nice wood desk and en suite bathroom with hot water. Free wifi.
 Just south of the Old Market area Tel: 063 761663 Bou Savy Guesthouse 
 Price includes breakfast. Family run guesthouse a bit off Route #6 in a quiet, green area. Big rooms. Restaurant. Internet service. Just off Route #6 down a small road next to Wat Kesararam Tel: 063 964967 European Guesthouse 
 Swedish family managed. Relaxed atmosphere. Friendly staff. Clean rooms. Gar- den with hammocks, fish pond. Crocodile farm. Cosy bar and restaurant. Quiet area, in town.
 Wat Bo area Tel: 012 582237

The Villa Siem Reap (Garden bungalows $50) 
Villa-style, offering large, immaculately clean, nicely decorated and furnished deluxe and superior rooms. Patio restaurant. Responsible travel/eco -tours to outlying temples/villages.
 Taphul road Tel: 063 761036

Golden Temple Villa Villa-style guesthouse/hotel in a quiet area. Spotless, spacious rooms with 21 inch TVs, a/c (or fan), mini-bar, hot water wood furniture and some decor. International restaurant. Free internet, tea and coffee. West of Old Market area Tel: 012 943459

Siem Reap Riverside 
 Riverside hotel just past the end of Sivatha Blvd (Phnom Krom Road), south of the Old Market. Fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, and attached bathroom with hot water. Rooftop restaurant and bar. Internet, Tour and travel services. 10% reservation discount.
 Phnom Krom Road, just south of the Old

Home Sweet Home 
 Friendly, very clean hotel. Upstairs rooms with hardwood floors. Good little restaurant. Internet access. Good value.
 Wat Bo area Tel: 012 824626 reservation@homesweethomeangkor. com

Prohm Roth Guesthouse 
 Clean & comfortable twin, double and triple rooms equipped with Cable TV, A/C, fan and en-suite bathroom, toiletries and some with hot shower. Centrally and conveniently located on the Pub Street extension in the Old Market area, 50 yards from the scenic Siem Reap River walk, the Independence Garden, 15 minutes ride from the airport and to Angkor Wat temples. Your ‘confirmed’ booking entitles you FREE pick up from airport, bus and ferry. 
 Pub Street extension, Old Market area Tel: 012 466495 Palm Garden Lodge 
 Family run budget hotel in the downtown area. Restaurant, bar, movies, friendly staff, quiet garden, terrace, fresh atmosphere, balcony, a/c, hot water, cable TV, 24h service. 
 West of Sivatha Blvd., Old Market area Tel: 012 687372 Tanei Guesthouse 
 Villa-style guesthouse offer large, clean fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, fridge and en suite bathroom with hot water. All tourist services. Restaurant. 
Neighbourhood off Sivatha Rd. Opposite the Old Market area Tel: 092 865150 Jasmine Lodge 
 Family-run guesthouse. Fan and a/c rooms with cable TV and hot shower. Very reasonably priced rooftop restaurant, with a nice night-time breeze. Pool table. DVDs, CDs, VCD music. Route #6, ‘Airport Road,’ near town Tel:012 784980 The King Angkor Villa 
 Villa style hotel offering fan and a/c rooms with all amenities. Centrally located, within a couple of minutes of the Old Market. All tourist services. Ta Phul Village area Tel: 063 964896 Mandalay Inn Friendly management, family atmosphere. Commission-free, hassle-free. Free Wifi. Tour agent desk. Home cooked Burmese and Khmer food. Psar Kroung Road (200 m from Old Market), Viheachan Village, Svaydangkum
commune Tel: 063 761662 Ivy Guesthouse Charming budget and a/c rooms, in a chilled garden setting with great Ivy food, all in the heart of Siem Reap town.
Just off the riverfront road near Phsar Kandal Tel: 012 602930 /

H otel Kom Pot

Heaven The Beach House On the hillside overlooking Kep Beach. Nicely decorated rooms with a/c, satellite TV, hot water, fridge, en suite bathroom and balconies with picturesque ocean views. Swimming pool. Restaurant/bar serving Asian and western food. Meeting room. Internet. Tel: 012 240090 Le Flamboyant Stylish, very well appointed bungalows in a garden setting. Fully air-conditioned, large flat screen TV with satellite, DVD, en suite bathroom with hot water and sun shower. Veranda and roof top patio. Good restaurant. Tel: 012 230357 Le Bout du Monde Individual and separate bungalows/ residences/suite in traditional Khmer architecture, built on piles and made of wood and stones. Located in landscaped gardens at the top of a breezy hill with view on the Gulf of Thailand French and Khmer cuisine with fresh ingredients. Hot water, mini-bar, fan and safe in room (Khmer villa and residences/suite). Tel: 011 964181

Bokor Mountain Lodge Lovely old French Colonial-era building in a perfect sunset location on the riverfront road. Air-conditioned rooms with CTV and en-suite bathroom. Some rooms with a river view. Free wifi. Picturesque breakfast balcony and a popular restaurant and bar on the ground floor. Tel: 033 932314 / 017 712062 The Marchbank Suite Absolutely lovely, unique, single-suite guesthouse on the riverside above the Jasmine Café. Large, air-conditioned, two-room suite with a wonderful sunset view overlooking the river and Elephant Mountains. Nice decor and furniture. Living room with cable TV, DVD player and selection of DVDs, stocked mini-bar. Wifi. The large suite is perfect size for a family. Breakfast included and served in your room. Reservations are recommended. Tel: 092 963264 marknorris@maccom

79 Pretty Decent

Kep & Kompot Questhouse Out Standing

Veranda Bungalows and Resort Stylish fan and air-conditioned bungalows with veranda on the hillside. En suite bathroom with hot water. Family bungalows available. Receiving very good reviews. 24 hour security. 24 hour electricity. Wifi. The unique Jungle Bar serves wide variety of Cambodian and international cuisine including Bong Karem gelato ice cream. First bakery in Kep. Full bar and a terrace with comfortable seating and a spectacular sunset view of the ocean and islands. Traveler’s check exchange. Tel:012 888619 Malibu Estates Bungalows Lovely new bungalow cottages set in lush garden a quite area near the base of the mountains about a kilometer from Kep Beach. Stylishly decorated and furnished fan and a/c bungalows with CTV, mini-bar and en suite bath with hot water. Swimming pool. Restaurant/bar. Camping available. Tel: 016 770277 Vanna Bungalows Quality-constructed fan and a/c bungalows with en suite and hot water. On the hillside with a fantastic view overlooking the ocean. A real ‘feel at home’ atmosphere. Restaurant with home cooked Cambodian food. (Try the Amok.) Western also available. Dining area large enough for functions/meetings. Sampov Pram Guesthouse Newly refurbished villa style guesthouse on a quite street amongst a cluster of guesthouses. Fan and a/c rooms with cable TV and en suite bathroom with hot water. Restaurant and bar. All tourist services. Dorm beds. 30 meters from ACLEDA Bank. Tel: 017 822626 Rikitikitavi Charming little western-managed guesthouse on the river road in town. Very well-appointed, stylishly finished air-conditioned rooms with all amenities including cable TV, DVD, mini-bar, wifi, spring mattresses and high-pressure showers. Free wifi internet access in room. Excellent rooftop restaurant and bar with a brilliant view overlooking the river. Tel: 012 235102

Kep Lodge (Breakfast included) New swimming pool. Fan and sea breeze-cooled thatched bungalows with big terrace. Six nicely decorated, spacious wooden or concrete bungalows surrounded by a garden and fruit trees. Rooms equipped with comfortable 1.6m mattresses, bathroom with hot water, mini bar. Free Wifi access throughout the lodge. Restaurant serving outstanding Khmer and Western food. Comfortable bar with pool table. Western-managed, very friendly staff. Tel:092 435330

Mid Range Utopia Beautiful, secluded riverside location on the Kampong Bay River near Tekchhou about 8 kilometers outside of town. Nicely finished riverside bungalows with en suite bathroom and private balcony , basic rooms and dorm beds. Free wifi in all rooms and bungalows. Friendly, relaxed balcony bar and restaurant over the rivers edge, serving good western and Khmer dishes. Absolutely fantastic sunrise view. Located just off the Tekchhou Road, 8km north of Route #3. Look for the sign on the road. Tel: 012 407305 Hang Guesthouse Riverside restaurant, pretty rooms in a beautiful garden with mango and coconut trees, lots of flowers. and a nice view of the river, mountains and the rice fields. 2 minutes outside town. Internet facilities. TV. A/c rooms. Hot water. Free bicycle rental. Free transport to city. Tour service. French, English and Khmer spoken. Tel: 016 389170 Little Garden Bar Villa-style guesthouse with view overlooking the river and Bokor Mountain. Nicely furnished a/c or fan rooms with attached bathroom. Restaurant in colonial garden setting. Good selection of Khmer and western food, famous for its delicious pizza. Daily specials Information on various volunteer projects around Kampot. Tel: 012 427572 Mea Culpa Guesthouse New guesthouse and restaurant in a nice garden setting, located in a quiet part of the old French quarter of town. Clean, new nicely decorated fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, DVD player and en suite bathroom with hot water. Balcony. Complimentary tea and coffee. Patio restaurant and bar serving Khmer and international fare including pizzas from a wood-fired oven. Both the guesthouse and the restaurant are receiving excellent reviews from customers. Tel: 012504769

We’ll pass

Beach Town Guesthouse Oceanfront guesthouse overlooking Kep Beach. Clean, affordable fan and a/c rooms with en suite bathroom. The beach and seafood restaurants 20 meters from the front door. Located at the Kep Beach intersection. Tel: 012 763763 Ponleu Chhner Tra Cheak Chit Guesthouse Brand new guesthouse overlooking Kep Beach offering clean fan and a/c rooms with CTV and en suite bathroom. Seafood restaurant serving Khmer and western dishes. Motorcycle rental. Island tours $12. Tel: 012 894684 Long Villa Unique wooden ‘long villa.’ Fan and a/c rooms with attached bathroom. Dormitory beds available. Restaurant with seafood dishes, Cambodian and western food, and pizza. Reasonably priced. Pool table. Information. Lots of tour services and guides. Near the market on the north side of town. Tel: 092 251418 Moon’s Guesthouse A chill-out rooftop with a great view over Kampot City! Clean and Comfortable AC and van rooms en suite. Very relaxing and most beautiful garden bar and restaurant. Information, tours and for the guest free bicycles. Located behind the Vietnam Cambodian friendship monument, next to Amret bank witch is only a five minutes walk from the bus station. Tel: 089 963122 Ponleu Chhner Tra Cheak Chit Guesthouse Brand new guesthouse overlooking Kep Beach offering clean fan and a/c rooms with CTV and en suite bathroom. Seafood restaurant serving Khmer and western dishes. Motorcycle rental. Tel: 012 894684 Vanna Bungalows Quality-constructed fan and a/c bungalows with en suite and hot water. On the hillside with a fantastic view overlooking the ocean. A real ‘feel at home’ atmosphere. Restaurant with home cooked Cambodian food. (Try the Amok.) Western also available. Dining area large enough for functions/meetings. Tel: 012 755038 Orchid Guesthouse Fan and a/c rooms and bungalows. Cable TV and hot water. Khmer decor. Intl/ Khmer restaurant. Lots of seafood. Full bar. Motorcycles, bicycles, boat for rent. Quiet area. Secure parking. Contact for Wild Orchid Tours offering trips to Bokor, Kep, jungle treks, and lots more. Tel: 092 226996


Guide Popok Vel Guesthouse Affordable, all newly refurbished hotel near the market with large clean rooms with all the usual amenities: cable TV, fridge, en suite with hot water. Located on the market side of town on the new bridge road. Tel: 017 456861 Coco House Breakfast included in price. Basic, airconditioned rooms above the Coco House Restaurant on the riverfront road. Tel: 033 932198 Kampot Guesthouse Villa-style guesthouse in a garden setting. Clean, en suite bathrooms. Reasonably priced restaurant serving Khmer and western food and seafood. Boat trips, countryside tours, Bokor and other Kampot destinations. Bicycles. Internet access. Located on a quiet street. Tel: 012 512931 Kampot Riverview Guesthouse Located at the river’s edge. Fan and a/c rooms with cable TV and en suite bathroom with hot water. Riverside veranda restaurant with a nice sunset view of the mountains. Serving reasonably priced western and Khmer dishes. can arrange mini-bus to Sihanouk Ville, and boat trips to Phnom Daung. Tel: 012 857897

Quick listing? Quick highlight? Make a Quick phone call ! CityLife: 023 30 50 70 093 98 3333

H e ll o C

it y li fe


Restaurant Kom Pot

Botanica Inspirational world kitchen with an eye for presentation. Indonesian ‘Coconut Tumeric,’ Belgian ‘Vol-auvent,’ Indian ‘Madras,’ Peruvian ‘Bistik a la pobre,’ other foods from around the world. Selection of Belgian beers (Leffe, Hoegaarden, Stella, Verboden Vrucht). Inventive shakes, mixes and cocktails. “Botanica Restaurant, bringing the taste of the world closer to you!” Wifi. Tel: 016 562775 El Dorado Restaurant & Bar Tasty stews, woodfired pizzas, roasts, cappuccino, espresso, full bar, cold beer. Tel: 016 562775 Kep Lodge Comfortable restaurant with great views over the gulf of Thailand with a variety of Röstis (Swiss style potatoes), tasty sausages and serving some of the best pizzas in town. Homemade ice cream. Salads. Happy hour from 5.30 till 7.00 pm with great cocktails and cheap beers (13 different kinds.) Tel:092 435330 Long Villa Restaurant Seaside restaurant situated right at the Koh Tunsay (Rabbit Island) Boat Dock. Like most places in Kep, the emphasis is on fresh seafood prepared both western and Asian style. Book a boat trip to Koh Tunsay at the restaurant. Tel: 092 788364 Le Flamboyant Stylish restaurant and bar in a lovely garden setting at Le Flamboyant bungalows. Daily specials with an emphasis on Khmer and Mediterranean fare prepared using all organic ingredients, most grown right there at Le Flamboyant. Located on Road 33a a couple of hundred meters north of the traffic circle. Tel: 016 713825 Led Zep Café Friendly little roadside café just off Kep Beach near the roundabout. Serving pizzas, burritos, fresh juices, cold beer and more. Lots of good touring local information. Ratanak Kongkea Restaurant Opening in May 2009. Beachside restaurant promising freshfrom-the-ocean seafood and Cambodian dishes. Motorcycle and bicycle rental. Tel: 099 791679

Riel Bar Restaurant & Bakery Regular concerts, exhibitions, performances, dance events and ‘be your own DJ - evenings’ can turn a visit to Riel Bar into an exciting experience. Full bar, reasonable prices, one of the only places in town open into the late night. Free pool table. Offering homemade pastries, ice cream and whole wheat bread products. Movies Sun, Tue and Thurs. Khmer cooking classes on request. In case you are a traveler with artistic talents, the Riel is pleased to have you perform or exhibit. Located in between crab market and the hillside guesthouses. Customers that leave their dollars at home and pay in Riels receive a discount on their bill. Tel: 017 902771 (English), 017 739336 (Khmer.) Salt & Pepper Bakery New western style bakery and coffee shop on Road #33 right next to the White Horse Monument. Fresh baked cakes, cookies and breads. Unique designer breads. Great place to stop for a coffee and snack on your way between Kampot and Kep. Wholesale enquiries welcome. Tel: 099 219004 Veranda Bungalows and Resort Hillside restaurant with a beautiful ocean view. Serving a wide variety of Cambodian and international cuisine with a focus on seafood. Good wine selection. Bakery with homemade danishes, breads and cakes from chocolate tarts to blueberry turnovers. More than 7 varieties of 100% natural Gelato ice cream. Full bar and a terrace with comfortable seating and a spectacular sunset view. Tel:012 888619 Akashi Café Distinctive purple house near the new Bridge. Offering simple yet tasty and unique home-cooked food. The bread, yogurt, cakes and cookies, ice creams are all home-made. Good coffees, soups, sandwiches, quiche, muffins and daily pasta specials. Open for 11:00AM to 5:00PM. Closed on Wed. The gates are often closed but the doors are open. Just walk on in. Open for 9:30AM to 5:00PM. Closed on Wed. Tel: 092 775900. Massage for specific ailments also available by appointment only. Tel. 012 423180. Bokor Mountain Lodge Lovely old French Colonial-era building in a perfect sunset location on the riverfront road. Serving a variety of Khmer and some western dishes. Italian, Thai, burgers, specializing in fresh crab dishes. Pizzas. Full bar, cold beer, wine and

cocktails. Indoor and wonderful curbside seating overlooking the river. Western managed. Wifi internet. 7AM-Late Tel: 033932314 Coco House The spacious corner curbside seating at this riverfront restaurant and bar offers a great sunset view of the river and mountains. Large selection of reasonably priced western and some Asian dishes. Soups, salads, lots of sandwiches and pastas. Full bar with a selection of several different imported wines. Tel: 012-973727 Jasmine Popular, stylish, welcoming riverfront cafe serving a good selection of western and Khmer dishes. Indoor and curbside seating with a very nice river view. Great place to enjoy sunset over a glass of wine and have a good, reasonably price western meal. Lots of books and magazines. Wifi internet access. Open 10AM-10PM. Tel: 012 927313, 092 963264 Little Garden Bar Well-established, popular, western managed restaurant/bar on the riverfront. Open air garden seating with a river breeze and a sunset view. Good selection of Khmer and western and food. Known for its delicious pizzas. Daily specials. Information on local volunteer opportunities. Daily river cruises leave from here at 3PM. Open 7:00AM-10:00PM. Tel:012 256901 Rheaj’s Friendly riverfront restaurant serving a variety of nicely done western and Khmer dishes at very reasonable prices. Western breakfasts, burgers, sandwiches, salads, BBQ, seafood, a big selection of good pizzas and calzones, vegetarian/vegan sandwiches and dishes, several traditional Khmer dishes, desserts, fruit juices and shakes. Beer, wine and some spirits. Curbside seating with a sunset view. Open 7AM - Late Tel: 033 932122, 012 333361 Rikitikitavi Charming rooftop balcony restaurant and bar with a spectacular view overlooking the river and mountains. A great place to enjoy sunset. Offering a wide selection of western and exclusive Khmer dishes prepared by a professional chef. Very generous portions. Full bar with cocktails, cold beer, a selection of wines and of fine spirits including a nice collection of whiskeys and single-malts. Two for one happy hour 5-7PM. Open 6:30AM - 10:00PM. Tel: 012 235102

H otel Battambang

Heaven Khemara Battambang Hotel 92 rooms. A/c rooms and suites with all amenities: cable TV, fridge, en suite with hot water. Swimming pool. Located in a quiet area. Large parking area. Karaoke rooms. Conference rooms and banquet facilities. Gym, sauna, spa, steam. Free Wifi in rooms. Restaurant. Tel: 053 737878 / 017 612168 Stung Sangke A leading hotel in Battambang with 130 rooms and suites. Walk only 5 minutes from ferry dock and a 10-15 minute walk to visit colonial architecture, the provincial hall, Phsar Nat and historic pagodas. Tel:053 953495

Out Standing Bambu Hotel (breakfast included) New, fully outfitted and equipped hotel/resort complex sporting wellappointed, traditionally inspired rooms. All rooms with a/c/ CTV, DVD, stocked mini-bar, wifi, en suite bathroom with hot/ water. Swimming pool and full restaurant and bar serving Cambodian and international fare. Located in a quiet area on the east side of the river only 2 minutes from town center. Tel: 071 331368 La Villa Nicely restored 1930s colonial house. Seven rooms with a/c and fan, stylishly decorated with antiques and Art Deco furniture. Western and Asian food and a wide selection of cocktails served in the a/c restaurant or garden. Swimming pool. Tel: 053730751 Rottanak Resort (Breakfast included) Secluded garden oasis of poolside bungalows in a quiet corner of the main town area. All modern amenities including a/c, CTV and en suite with hot water. Swimming pool. Restaurant/cafe serving traditional Khmer food. Full bar. Wifi. Tel: 053 953255

Battambang Questhouse Pretty Decent

The Bungalow Guesthouse and Restaurant Clean, new guesthouse and bungalows on a quiet street. Unique stone bungalows, and very large guesthouse rooms with fan or a/c, CTV, hot water. Good restaurant serving Khmer, Thai and Western food. Free bicycle use for guests. Cultural, village and NGO tours can be arranged. Tel: 012 916123

Mid Range Teo Hotel Long-running, exceptionally clean, well-managed hotel offering reasonably priced a/c rooms with cable TV and en suite bathroom with hot water. Meeting room. Restaurant. Tel: 012 857048 Bus Stop Guesthouse Clean, Australian managed guesthouse in the center of town offering fan and a/c rooms with cable TV, en suite bathroom. Lightning fast wifi internet access in the restaurant and rooms. Western food. Tour services and expert travel advice. Motorcycle rental. Free pick up service and free wifi. Tel: 053 730544

We’ll pass Spring Park Hotel Located near the New Iron Bridge at the south end of town. A/c and fan rooms with all amenities including IDD and Internet port. En suite bathroom. Conference room. Elevator. Free Pick up. Boat, bus tickets available. Tel: 012 849999 Park Hotel Overlooking a nice little park near the entrance to town. Reasonably priced a/c and fan rooms with attached bathroom, cable TV, hot water and fridge. Free pick up. Tel: 053 953773 Khmer Delight Restaurant Popular city center restaurant offering Asian/European traditional and fusion cuisines – an interesting array of choices, including such Khmer favorites as Lok Lak as well as dishes from Indonesia, Italy, Australia and France. Excellent lasagna. Very generous portions at very reasonable prices. Great value. Delicious Battambang fruit shakes. Beer and wine.



The Bamboo Train Café and Bar Welcoming local restaurant a wide selection of Cambodian dishes as well as several western selections. Very nice Cambodian curries and local salads such as Green Mango Salad and Banana Flower Salad. Western breakfasts, burgers, pizzas and more. Full bar and pool table. Open 7:00AM - 9:30PM. Tel: 012-517125 Bus Stop Guesthouse The home of the 2010 World Cup in Battambang. Crazy drink promotions during the World Cup. All Games Live on the 42” Mega Screen! Australian run sports bar and pub offering quality pub food with all your favorites, from schnitzels to hamburgers, even bangers and mash. Full English breakfasts a specialty. Icy cold beer and full spirit menu. Rock n Roll music from the 50’s to the 90’s. No hip hop! Expert travel advice. Open 6:30AM - Late. Scoop Late night bar and cafe at the Rottanak Resort specializing in cocktails. Sports bar with big screen TV. Snacks and meals. One of the last place in town to close for the night, often open till 2AM or later. The Bungalow Guesthouse Restaurant Guesthouse restaurant and bar with an photo extensive menu of Khmer and Thai dishes as well as some western food including burgers and pizzas. Comfortable place. Good food. Some of the best coffee in town. La Villa The finest western dining in Battambang. Excellent western and Asian food and a wide range of cocktails served in an a/c restaurant or the garden patio of a nicely restored 1930s colonial villa. Wine selection. Western managed. Located on the river road on the east side of the river. www.lavilla-battambang. com White Rose Long popular with the NGO crowd, this small, corner shop Cambodian restaurant offers an extensive menu, good Cambodian food, ice cream, reasonable prices and ponderous service. Street 2.. 6:30AM - 10PM.




Essentials Visas Requirements A passport with at least six month validity is required. A visa is required for most nationalities. One month visas are available on arrival at the international airports in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, through Cambodian embassies and at most border crossings. Tourist visa $20 USD Business visa $$25 USD Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy and Special visas are issued free of charge. One 4x6 photo is required

Royal Rattanak Hospital #11, St 592 Tel: 023 991000 Somary Raffles Medical Centre #30, St 360 Tel: 023 223322

Pharmacy U-Care Tel: 023 222399 1. #26-28, Sothearos 2. Sihanouk, corner of st 55 3. Corner of Norodom Blvd St 136


Tourist visas can be extended for one month, but only one time. Business visas can be renewed indefinitely. Renew visas through a travel agent or the immigration office located opposite of Phnom Penh International Airport.

Agrovet #26, St 294 Tel: 023 216323

Tel: 012-581558. Also available via online E-visas @25 USD for a 30 day visa.

DHL Worldwide Express #353, St 110 Tel:023 427726

Courier Service

FedEx #701D, Monivong Blvd Tel:023 216712

Hospitals & Clinics Calmette Hospital #3, Monivong Tel: 023 426948 International SOS Medical & Dental Clinic #161, St 51 Tel: 023 216911 / 012 816911 Naga clinic #11, St 254 Tel: 023 211300

TNT #28, Monivong Blvd Tel:023 430923 UPS #30Eo, Sihanouk Blvd Tel:023 219213

Import / Export TNT #28, Monivong Blvd Tel:023 430923

Intra Co. #2-3, St 118 Tel:023 211811 N.H International #106, St 310 Tel: 012 842964

EMS/Post Office Post Office Letter and package delivery. Monday to Friday 7:30AM to 5PM Saturday 7:30AM to 11AM. Street 13 east of Wat Phnom.

Departure Tax AIRPORT TAX Departure fee from Phnom Penh & Siem Reap International Airport $25 USD Departure fee for Domestic Airport $6 USD

Emergency Ambulance: 119 (from 023 phone only) Tel: 023 724891 Police Hot line: 117 (from 023 phone only) Tourist Police: Tel: 097 7780002 Child Abuse Hot line Tel: 023 720555 Fire Tel: 118 (from 023 phone only) Tel: 012 786693





Passenger Service Charge


Value Added Tax

Total Charge

Foreigner Adult

USD $20

USD $ 2.73

USD $ 2.27

USD $ 25

Children under 12 years old

USD $ 9.09

USD $ 2.73

USD $1.18

USD $ 13

Infrant under 2 years old






USD $ 13.63

USD $ 2.73

USD $ 1.64

USD $ 18

Children under 12 year old

USD $ 6.36

USD $ 2.73

USD $ 0.91

USD $ 10




Flight Enquiries

+855 (0)23 890 890


Lost and Found

+855 (0)23 890 529


+855 (0)23 890 520


Direct Lines to Operators

+855 (0)23 890 022

Taxi CHOICE Taxi Time=24 hours 2000 Riels for first 1.2km Tel: 010 888 010, 069 888 069 Boat Excursions-Rental Seng Hour .Boat Rental Size: 4mx22m, .Boat two floors & . Time Open: from 5.00 PM .For Cambodia $1/h .For Foreigner $ 5/h Tel: 023 723 476

Tuk Tuk Take you everywhere in town! Mr. Bun Leang Tel: 011 36 37 80 Mr. Deth Tel: 017 619 386 Mr. Bou Sokun Tel: 012 50 34 69

1. Taxi Association . Fare: USD 9.00 . President: Mr. PHAV Sothon Mobile Phone: 012 846 507 . Deputy: Mr. ONG Yutheary Mobile: 012 853 176 2. Three-wheel Vehicle (Tuk Tuk) Fare: USD 7.00 . President: Mr. KET Khly Mobile Phone: 017 568 922 . Deputy: Mr. LIM Mab Mobile Phone: 011 652 274


Terminal facilities, including Business Lounge



Car Rental . LYNA-CARRENTAL.COM .Price $250-1,1500/month or $15-40/day .Airport Taxi service OW=$9.00 & RT=$15 Tel: 012 924517 (English) Tel: 012 554 247 (Khmer) Larryta trading All kind of verhical for rent Tel: 023 994 748

Motor Rental . Vannak Bikes Shop # 40Eo, Khemarak Phoumin (St. 130) Tel: 012 220 970 .Sean Ly Motor Repairing Shop Kampot # 27, Seong Ngok Minh Street, 1 Usaphea Village Tel: 012 944 687 Phnom Penh Motor #645, Oknha Khleang Moeung (St. 70) Tel: 023 991 535

85 EMBASSY INFOMATION AUSTRALIA #. 16B, Assembly Tel: 023 213 470

JAPAN #. 194, Norodom Tel: 023 217 161-4

BELGIUM Phnom Penh Center, Sihanouk Blvd., Block F- Floor 7 Tel: 023-214024

LAOS #. 15-17, Mao Tse Toung Tel: 023 997 931 MALAYSIA #. 5, Oknha Peich Tel: 023 216 176-7

BRUNEI #. 237, Street 51 Tel: 023 211 457-8 BRITISH #. 27-29, (St. 75) Tel: 023 427 124 BULGARIA #. 227-229, Norodom Tel: 023 217 504 CANADA #. 9, Senei Vinna Vaut Oum Tel: 023 213 470 Ext 417

MALTA #. 10, Street 370 Tel: 023 368 184 MYANMA #181, Norodom, Phnom Penh Tel: 023 223761 FRANCE #1, Preah Monivong Tel: 023 430 020-2

CHINA #156, Mao Tse Toung Tel: 023 720 920-1

GERMANY # 76-78, Yougoslavie Tel: 023 216 193

DENMARK #8, Street 352 Tel: 023 987629

INDIA # 5, Chakrey Nhek Tioulong Tel: 023 210 912-3

N. KOREA #50-52, Samdech Pan Tel: 023 211 900-3

INDONESIA #1, Chakrey Nhek Tioulong Tel: 023 216 148

PHILIPPINES #15Z, Street 422 Tel: 023 222 303-4 POLAND #767, Monivong

PASKITAN # 45, Street 310 Tel: 023 996 890-1 RUSSIA # 213, Sothearos Tel: 023 210 931

AIRLINE INFOMATION Air Asia Lao Airlines # Cambodia International Airport #111, Sihanouk Blvd Tel: 023 890 035 Tel: 023 424 300 Angkor Airways Corp # 32, Norodom, 12205 Tel: 023 222 056-8

Leisure Cargo Ltd #171-173 E0-E3, St. 110 Tel: 023 890 980

Angkor Asian Air Co. Ltd # Phnom Penh International Airp Tel: 023 726 672

Pacific Crown Air Limited # 254, Monivong Boulevard Tel: 023 723 244

Bangkok Airways # 61A. Samdech Pan (St. 214) Tel: 023 426 624

Philippine Airlines #333B, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 291 161

Cambodia Angkor Air # Mao Tse Toung, 12306 Tel: 023 023 666 786-8

Qatar Airways #333B, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 218 040

Cebu Parcific Airways #333B, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 219 161

Shang Hai Airlines #19, St. 106 Tel: 023 723 999

China Southern Airline Co.Ltd #53, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 430 877

Silk Air #313, Sisowath, Himawari Hotel Tel: 023 426 806

Eva Airway Coroporation #11-14B, St. 217 Tel: 023 210 303

Singapore Airlines #313, Sisowath, Himawari Hotel Tel: 023 426 807

Hong Kong Dragon Airline #168, Monireth Tel: 023 424 300

Thai Airways International Pub-l #International Airport Tel: 023 890 292

Indochina Airlines #36B, Mao Tse Tung Boulevard Tel: 023 994 502-3

Thai Airways International Pub-l #294, Mao Tse Toung Tel: 023 214 359

Jetstar Airways #333B, Monivong Blvd Tel: 023 220 909

Vietnam Airlines #41, Samdech Pan Tel: 023 215 998

Korean Air #254, Monivong Blvd, RoomF3 Tel: 023 224 047-9

Lufthansa Co.Ltd #171-173 E0, Stt. 110 Tel: 023 213 325-6v

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City Vibe: Magic Tattoo

The world is divided into two kinds of people: those who have tattoos, and those who are afraid of people with tattoos.

Name: Ky Chea Age: 29 Nationality: Khmer Occupation: Community Development Worker Current City: Sydney

1. What do you know about magic tattoo in Cambodia? I guess it is like a normal Tatoo, which is perminently picture on the skin. 2. Which style of tattoo would you like best for yourself ? I like a bit of unique picture which may reflect to the meaning of energetic, young and sexy. lol. Maybe razor around the bicep muscle...

Name: Dara Ea Age: 22 Nationality: Khmer Occupation: NGO Employee Current City: Phnom Penh

1. What do you know about magic tattoo in Cambodia? Khmer people who believe in mixed religions think those tattoos bring great power or energy i.e A man with this all-I-see-is-aspiral “magic tattoo” on his arm, believes it makes his punches would deal great damage/power to the target. I wonder why he wouldn’t use it in a boxing tournament. 2. Which style of tattoo would you like best for yourself ? If I ever get a tattoo on my body (which I think it looks cool by the way), it would be of some text/script on my inner-forearm. Or I can take it to another level by filling my whole back with a picture of a wolf howling to the red shining moon with its front feet on a rock, and to its side, stand some dark-greenish bamboos. And the sky is also in dark red.

Name: Sopheak Chheng Age: 24 Occupation: Photographer, Webmaster and College Student in Philosophy Current City: Sisophon 1. What do you know about magic tattoo in Cambodia? I think they mark it on their body for protection and asking for the spirit of their ancestor to protect everywhere they go. Having the tattoo on their body means they feels safe and more confident to do anything they want. 2. Which style of tattoo would you like best for yourself ? I would love to have the word “Khmer” written in Khmer script on my left chest or my arm.

Name: Bunheng Lim Age: 24 Nationality: Cambodian Occupation: Student Current City: Clemson

1. What do you know about magic tattoo in Cambodia? I think most military or army and old fork at countryside they believed that magic is like a charm that can protect them from harm. And they are old ancient letter of Khmer ( Bali Sangsakrith) in blue ink. I believed a lot high class commander have it. 2. Which style of tattoo would you like best for yourself ? If I prefer would be Tiger it represent power and strong, but I prefer none. Look better without it.



Embassy FCC Cafe Fresco

Recommended place Bar / Club / Restaurant

K West Chow Riverside Bistro

Hospital / Pharmacist

La Croisette Riverhouse

Rising Sun




Amara Spa Fly Lounge Bistro La P’tite France Chiva’s Shack


R The Gym Bar

Red Apron Tamarind Freebird

Noodle House Brauhaus Monument Books Sharky’s


R Cafe Fresco

Green Vespa






Fever Club


Talking to a Stranger

Almond Hotel

One More Pub

Coffe Maker Java Cafe & Gallery Meta House




Steve’s Steakhouse

The Place





Cafe Fresco



The Pie Shop


Liquid Kurata Pepper


Feeling Home





Singapore Kitchen






THE STUDIO: Where it All Comes Together Lo c ated i n the te ch-savvy P h n o m Pen h ar ea, w he re you ca n ’ t wa lk o u t the d oor w ithout kn o c k i n g e l bo w s wi th som e of the wo r ld’ s t op desi gne r ge e ks, the Ver o M ed i a Desi gn studio could n ’ t b e b e t te r p osi tione d to se rve a ll o f yo u r d esi gn ne e ds. Wha t’s n ew? W h at’s wor king? Wha t’s c o mi n g d o w n th e p i ke ? Tha nks to loc a t i o n a n d the tale nt, Ve ro Me dia D es i g n k n o w s .

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